horrorgay · 10 months
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ecle-c-tic · 11 months
Middle Earth Asks
🥔 po-tay-toes: one of the hobbits invited you for a meal; who are dining with? Which of the seven meals are you enjoying?
🍞 lembas bread: what's the best road trip snack?
🌾farmer maggot's field: what is your favourite plant? Do you enjoying gardening?
🌼 simbelmynë: You've got the opportunity to bring one character back to life, who is it?
🍃 leaves of lórien: what gift would you most like to receive?
📽 action!: rank all six of the films (or three if you're a hater)
🚲 bicycle basket: what is your favourite middle earth meme?
🌟starlight: you're allowed to live in one of the Elf Kingdoms of Middle Earth, which one are you picking?
💀 Hey, did you know-: What is your favourite piece of behind the scenes trivia?
🌙 moon runes: which of Tolkien's languages would you most like to speak?
🧂 best salt in all the shire: which small joys do you most look forward to? (particular tea, using a perfume, rereading a book, etc.)
✂ cutting room floor: of all of the things that didn't quite make it into the movies, what would you have most liked to see?
☕ may I tempt you with a cup of chamomile?: What is your favourite hot beverage?
🐎 bill the pony: who is the best mount in all of middle earth?
🌳 fangorn forest: Which of Tolkien's creechurs is your favourite?
🔮 palantír: you've found a palantir! Who are you hitting up in middle earth? What are you telling them?
⏳ time and age: which poorly aged scene from LOTR is your favourite?
✨ evenstar: Who is your favourite middle earth couple?
🎆 fireworks: you're invited to Bilbo's 111th, what present do you think you'd receive?
🕷 creepy crawlies: which of tolkien's creatures do you think is the most frightening?
💍 my precious: what role do you think you'd play in the fate of the ring?
📜the company of Throin II Oakenshield: who is your favourite dwarf from the company?
🕶 i care not: what common complaint about the movies or novels doesn't bother you?
📢 motivational speech: which film speech do you find most invigorating?
🔥 barbecue: who is the worst antagonist?
🍿 popcorn: list your top 5 supporting characters
🎇 firefly: which (known) deleted scene would you most like to see?
⛏ expedition to Moria: which side character's adventures would you watch a spin-off movie about?
🎞 extra film: is there an extended scene that should have absolutely made it into the theatrical cut? which one and why?
🎵 can you sing, master hobbit?: Which song (from books or movies) is your favourite?
🖋 quill and ink: which of tolkien's themes resonates most strongly with you?
🗝 lost heirloom: which heirloom/object in the films or novels would you like to learn more about?
💿 leitmotifs and orchestras: which of the films songs (Howard Shore or singer) is your favourite?
🍲eowyn's home cooking: which other way could the ring be destroyed? (funny answers only)
🧙‍♂️precisely when he means to: what is your favourite gandalf moment?
⚔ you have my sword: what is your favourite aragorn moment?
🏹 and my bow: what is your favourite legolas moment?
🪓and my axe: what is your favourite gimli moment?
🍄 MUSHROOMS!: what is your favourite moment from the hobbits?
💎 the arkenstone: favourite Thorin and/or company moment?
🧵 spool: list your top five favourite costumes from any of the films.
📕 the red book of westmarch : what is your favourite quote(s)?
💛 family: what is your favourite family moment throughout the novels/films?
👀 the eye of sauron: who are you looking at disrespectfully?
🗺 arda: if you could travel anywhere in middle earth, where would you go?
👑the silver crown: the war is won, the world is saved, the king has been crowned. Who are you partying with at the coronation?
✏ rewrites: here's a pencil, which ONE thing in the novels/films are you changing?
🐺 GROND GROND GROND: which of the battles is your favourite to watch? is there a combat scene in particular that you enjoy?
⚠ fucking buckleberry ferry: from the clip of Dom and Billy discussing the one swear word they could theoretically get by censors, which line would you change?
📚 boxset: how were you first introduced to Middle Earth?
🏔 the misty mountains: the pass is treacherous, which two characters are you taking with you to make it over the mountains?
🌄 the rolling hills of the shire: what is your favourite outdoor activity?
🌋 mount doom: what middle earth take are you throwing into the fire?
⚙ technology: everything is exactly the same but you can give one character a modern invention. Who is it and what are you giving them?
⛵valinor: we're approaching the end of this game, is there a take/opinion you absolutely want to share?
🦅 the eagles: What thing or thought saves the day when it's not going so well?
🦗 weta: you're allowed to take one prop (or the canon useful version) home with you from the set, what are you taking?
☀ when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer: either share a piece of good news or something you're looking forward to.
📖 final chapter: what unanswered questions do you have middle earth?
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Heyyyy I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog! I actually never realised how much there is to know about Rohan until I stumbled across your blog and it's super interesting! (I'll most likely always be an elf-girl, but you never know and it never hurts to know more about other parts of Tolkien's stories)
So I wanted to ask you something: since I'm still very new to this part of the fandom but I'm very interested in it, I was wondering if you could give me a general overview of the most important people from Rohan and their function/jobs, maybe also your headcanons about them, because I'm honestly still a bit lost and overwhelmed by all the new names that I've never really noticed before. (Fun fact btw,😅 Éowyn was actually always one of my absolute favourite characters, so its funny to me how I never dived into the Rohan side of the fandom before)
And if you don't want to do that, that's okay too, just let me compliment your blog, because it's wonderful!
Aw, thanks!!! ♥️ Like you, I also enjoy learning more about characters from outside of my primary interest area, so I hope you find this helpful! I love your ask, but it could be a VERY long response and I fear that you’ll still find it to be kind of an overwhelming list of names. So I’m gonna limit it by focusing on the canonical characters that are in that sweet spot between “most people know who this is already” (e.g., Éowyn, Éomer, Théoden and Gríma) and “this is a person who is more or less just a name” (e.g., Herubrand or Horn). So I’ll give you a little canonical Who’s Who of the rest of them, with links for the ones where I’ve got HCs if there are any you’re particularly interested in.
Also, you inspired me to finally write out my HC for Grimbold, the Rohirrim who was allergic to horses, which I’ll post separately in a day or two, so thank you for that! 🐎
So, ready? *cracks knuckles* Here we go with the Who’s Who below the cut:
Royal Family:
Théoden’s father was Thengel, who had mixed feelings about Rohan and lived a long time in Gondor, where he met his wife Morwen.
Théoden had 4 sisters, but we only know about the youngest, Théodwyn, who was Éomer/Éowyn’s mom and died of sickness soon after her husband Éomund was killed in a poorly planned orc hunt.
Théoden’s wife was Elfhild, who died giving birth to their son, Théodred. He never remarried.
Théodred was killed by Saruman’s forces and had no wife or child, so his beloved cousin Éomer became heir in his stead.
Non-Royal Notables of Edoras, the Capital City:
Háma was the captain of the king’s guard and died at Helm’s Deep after aiding in the healing of Théoden by breaking some rules on Gandalf’s behalf. (I would die for Háma.)
Elfhelm was acting as the Marshal (the top military office) of Edoras at the time of LOTR and was involved in ALL KINDS of stuff but is most notable for not ratting out Éowyn when he found that she was riding in his éored (unit) to the war in Gondor.
There’s a whole gaggle of members of the king’s éored, most of whom die in Gondor with no backstory or detail. No one else would likely put them on this list, but they’re dear to me (and frequently discussed on my blog) so we’re including Guthláf, Théoden’s banner bearer, and Wídfara, who rode with the king’s company and scouted conditions at Minas Tirith.
Notables of the West-mark:
Erkenbrand was in charge of Helm’s Deep at the time of the war and helped save the day there before being left to rule Rohan while everyone else went to war in Gondor.
Gamling served under Erkenbrand and was an elderly man who was still a dope warrior and fought alongside his own grandson at Helm's Deep!
Grimbold was a military captain who, with Elfhelm, saw Théodred’s death and fought to keep orcs from taking his body before going to war in Gondor. Unlike Elfhelm, Grimbold died.
Dúnhere was Erkenbrand's nephew and served under Grimbold. He organized the muster of the Rohirrim to go to Gondor, where he also died.
Notables of the East-mark:
Éothain is really the only one here. He was a soldier under Éomer, and he was very suspicious of both outsiders and rule breakers.
Bonus Notable Ancestors of pre-LOTR Times:
Eorl was the founder and first king of Rohan who sealed the oath of friendship between his people and Gondor and tamed the first of the mearas (the ancestors of Shadowfax!).
Helm Hammerhand was king during the war/famine of the Long Winter. He’s famous for killing a dude with 1 punch and scaring the bejeezus out of enemies by stalking them in the night.
Freca was a lord of mixed Rohan/Dunland ancestry whom Helm punched to death b/c Helm was a hothead who felt threatened by Freca’s influence. Freca’s family later led an army against Rohan b/c they were pissed!
Whew! That’s not everyone, but I think it’s everyone whose name you’d be likely to come across outside of the big 4 (Théoden, Éomer, Éowyn and Gríma). It’s really striking when you write it all out and realize that you have to end so many with “but he/she died”! But the fact that they’re a little tragic and made so many sacrifices is a big part of why I love them.
I hope this was in ANY way helpful, even if it’s just a little cheat sheet that you consult when needed!
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ratsarecute4 · 27 days
🖼 artsy-arodeth Follow
If you're attracted to halflings you're literally a p3do. I don't care if they're fifty years old or whatever excuse you freaks wanna make. Why are you as an adult attracted to people who look like children?
🎆 furryfeetandbigmeat Follow
Of fucking course its an elf saying this. Also h@lfling is a slur. We're called hobbits you racist shithead
🖼 artsy-arodeth Follow
I'm not a "racist shithead". You realise you're the one who sounds racist, right? What does me being an elf have anything to do with this?
🎆 furryfeetandbigmeat Follow
You just gonna ignore the fact you used a slur? You know what fuck this and fuck you. Hobbits are not children just because we are short. We experience discrimination from big folk all the time who mistake us for children. Every time I leave the Shire I have people like you telling me I can't smoke or drink or have sex. I am 47 years old and I'm tired of being infantilised. I am an adult and I deserve the right to be treated like one. Let hobbits have autonomy
🐎 rohirrimming Follow
🌅 ficwriterfaolin Follow
Hobbits are literally minor coded, but go off
🐎 rohirrimming Follow
Aren't you the guy who writes incest rpf about the stewards of Gondor?
🌋 cock-and-balrog Follow
🏞 t4tree Follow
OP is a kinslayer btw
🛠 thornlingoldhammer Follow
Anybody in this thread smoke pipe weed?
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friesian · 28 days
🌵🌵 howdy! i'm elf! 🌵🌵
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i'm 25, nb transmasc (he/they). neurodivergent, queer, disabled, and a cowboy. you can find my pronouns.page here if you need any more details.
this is my personal blog. i just post whatever here. cowboy stuff, horses, cows, paintings, ocs and stuff i think is funny or important!! i post elder scrolls stuff exclusively on my side blog @voryn-dagoth. my oc tags are marwyd, wakeland, tiyrnan, tsujio, luis veracruz, penbrooke, and snowgore! (more to be added, probably.)
my BEAUTIFUL, wonderful and talented boyfriend is @kamiporterbridges 💜💜💜!! if you see posts tagged as johnny, henry harker, archie, jin, gyro, isolde, and many more, they're his ocs! not mine!! i'll be tagging them with 'bfs oc' as well. GO FOLLOW HIM IF YOU LIKE THEM!!
i'm not much of a talker otherwise! i'm not good at replying to asks or messages, but if you have something urgent or want to say, please feel free to reach out! i don't bite!
i don't post my art anymore. sorry if you followed originally for art. you can find most of it archived on my toyhouse though.
check out me and my boyfriend's project, the haunters! a group of paranormal investigators who are trying to make it to the top via the internet, but maybe not without some hitches, demons, and curses along the way! i mostly illustrate some scenes and come up with some plot points, but kami does all of the writing! otherwise! thanks for reading!! 🐎🐎🐎 <- my cool horses btw. if you even care.
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lynaferns · 8 months
I think I'm going to stop drawing the DCA for a minute and go back to drawing my OCs again
1stly because I miss them
2ndly because I think I'm really burned out from drawing sun and moon and I need a break from that
The OC I drew the other day was like a breath of fresh air and it was so easy to put in the canvas. The human/elf version of the dca I'm doing it's taking me ages to finish and it's in the same artstyle (with my stress-relief-easy-fast-and-fun-to-use brush aka fine black lineart 1)
So you'll be seeing more of my personal OCs non DCA related for now
It actually makes me a little sad because I have a lot of things I want to draw of Sun, Moon and Eclipse but they aren't coming out as easily
I feel sorry for people who followed recently for my DCA art.
If you don't like my OC content or got tired of my art no one is holding you here
✨Be free🐎🪽🦋
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ginkasei · 1 year
i've been informed that my cryptids poll was missing fairytale folks so:
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13 / 01 / 2024
ORLANDO BLOOM (British actor)
Today's Man of the Day is ORLANDO BLOOM as he celebrates his 47th birthday! Happy birthday ! I really like this actor. First for his roles in films that I have watched since my childhood and adolescence. I'm young, as you know, so it wasn't that long ago. So I still remember the effect it had on me when I discovered it.
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Orlando Bloom has always been sublime, his face is perfect as are his eyes, his nose, his mouth although a little too thin. I prefer him with hair with a mustache and a slight beard and medium-length hair, which reaches almost to the shoulders.
Don't you think that the actor Jonathan Bailey looks a bit like him?
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My first memory of Orlando Bloom is in PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN ☠️, and I immediately loved his character, his iconic couple with Elizabeth Swann, his charisma on screen, his virile and gentle beauty. Even if his character development is not without flaws, I love the character of William "Will" Turner.
Then there was his role of Prince Paris in TROY 👑, in which I was especially attracted by BRAD PITT in Achilles, as I had said and as the handsome actor JACOB ELORDI recently admitted.
Here is my article about Brad Pitt as Achilles
In reality I liked the personality of Prince Paris, the physique of King Achilles, but the one who pleased me both physically and in terms of personality was Prince Hector, played by Eric Bana.
I've talked about Eric Bana in this article:
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I didn't really watch or like the LORD OF THE RINGS and THE HOBBIT trilogies so his role as the elf Legolas didn't stand out to me.
On the other hand, I will never forget him in the role of Balian d'Ibelin, hero of the film KINGDOM OF HEAVEN 🏰. This film, of which I recently discovered the long version, is excellent. Balian of Ibelin is a real hero with great values ​​and real motivations, he is endearing and we admire him, and Orlando Bloom is super sexy in it, because he is sometimes sexualized but always in a pleasant and not vulgar way.
Perhaps his most unexpected role was that of the Duke of Buckingham in THE THREE MUSKETEERS (2011) ⚔️. I plan to ask you soon what is your favorite version of the Duke of Buckingham in cinema and television in a game which will be dedicated to him, but I can already tell you that I love the interpretation given to this effeminate and elegant man and at the same time hyper virile, dominant, arrogant and proud.
I enjoyed his role in the series CARNIVAL ROW 🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🧚🏼‍♀️ but he was too dark in it and I like Orlando Bloom's smile too much to find him attractive when he's not smiling. 😁
Don't hesitate to tell me what your favorite role of this actor is, if there is one or more that stood out to you, or if you don't like it, say that too. 😅 I like the diversity of the actor's roles.
I'm happy that Orlando Bloom is in couple with Katy Perry, one of my favorite singers. 🎤
Needless to say, I find Orlando Bloom very attractive, would love to sniff his hair, lick his feet would be a privilege, and having his ass in my face would be an honor. And you, what is your relationship with Orlando Bloom?
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ORLANDO BLOOM (Acteur britannique)
Aujourd'hui l'Homme du Jour est ORLANDO BLOOM car il fête ses 47 ans ! Joyeux Anniversaire !
Orlando Bloom a toujours été sublime, son visage est parfait ainsi que ses yeux, son nez, sa bouche quoique un peu trop fine. Je le préfère avec les cheveux avec une moustache et une légère barbe et les cheveux mi-longs, qui arrivent presque aux épaules. Vous ne trouvez pas que l'acteur Jonathan Bailey lui ressemble un peu ?
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J'aime beaucoup cet acteur. D'abord pour ses rôles dans des films que je regarde depuis mon enfance et mon adolescence. Je suis jeune, comme vous le savez, donc ce n'était pas il y a si longtemps. Donc je me rappelle encore l'effet qu'il m'a fait lorsque je l'ai découvert.
Mon premier souvenir de lui est dans PIRATES DES CARAÏBES ☠️, et j'ai immédiatement adoré son personnage, son couple iconique avec Elizabeth Swann, son charisme à l'écran, sa beauté virile et douce. Même si l'évolution de son personnage n'est pas sans défaut, j'adore le personnage de William "Will" Turner.
Ensuite il y a eu son rôle du Prince Pâris dans TROIE 👑 dans lequel j'ai surtout été attiré par Brad Pitt en Achilles, comme je l'avais dit et comme l'a récemment avoué le bel acteur Jacob Elordi.
Voici mon article sur Brad Pitt en Roi Achilles
En réalité j'aimais la personnalité du Prince Pâris, le physique du Roi Achilles, mais celui qui m'a plu autant physiquement qu'en terme de personnalité est le Prince Hector, incarné par Eric Bana, dont je parle dans cet article:
Je n'ai pas vraiment regardé ni aimé les trilogies LE SEIGNEUR DES ANNEAUX et LE HOBBIT donc son rôle de l'elfe Legolas ne m'a pas marqué.
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Par contre je ne l'oublierais jamais dans le rôle de Balian d'Ibelin, héros du film KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Ce film, dont j'ai récemment découvert la version longue, est excellent. Balian est un véritable héros avec de belles valeurs et des vrais motivations, il est attachant et on l'admire, et Orlando Bloom est hyper sexy dedans, car il est parfois sexualisé mais toujours de manière agréable et pas vulgaire.
Son rôle le plus inattendu est peut-être celui du Duc de Buckingham dans LES TROIS MOUSQUETAIRES (2011) ⚔️. Je compte prochainement vous demander quel est votre version du Duc de Buckingham préféré au cinéma et à la télévision dans un jeu qui lui sera consacré, mais je peux déjà vous dire que j'adore l'interprétation qui est faite de cet homme efféminé et élégant et en même temps hyper viril, dominateur, arrogant et orgueilleux.
J'ai apprécié son rôle dans la série CARNIVAL ROW 🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏻🧚🏼‍♂️mais il était trop sombre dedans et j'aime beaucoup trop le sourire de Orlando Bloom pour le trouver attirant quand il ne sourit pas. 😁
N'hésitez pas à me dire quel est votre rôle préféré de cet acteur, s'il y en a un ou plusieurs qui vous ont marqué, ou si vous ne l'aimez pas, dites le aussi. 😅
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J'aime la diversité des rôles de l'acteur, et je suis content qu'il soit en couple avec Katy Perry, une de mes chanteuses préférées. 🎤
Inutile de dire que je trouve Orlando Bloom très attirant, que j'adorerais renifler ses cheveux, que lécher ses pieds serait un privilège et qu'avoir son cul sur mon visage serait un honneur.
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Et vous, quel est votre rapport à Orlando Bloom ?
@orlandobloomdaily @orlandobloomsource @orlandobloomlord-blog @orlandobloopers-blog @orlandobloomer-blog @orlandobloomfacts @orlandobloomfanpage-blog @orlandobloomisabeautifulcre-blog
@leftprogrammingroadtripdean @tidodore2 @rainykpoptravelcreator @hotfamousmen @alphamalesuperiority @gayhopefullove @hotfamousguys-blog @malebeauty90 @innerpiratefun @lovefanfiction01
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chorus-the-mutate · 1 year
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vanessachrisley1 · 1 year
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2022 Christmas parade 🎄🎄🎄 pretty elf horse 🐎 #christmas #vlogmas #christmasparade #christmastime #weihnachten #homedecor #fashion #holidayseason #shoplocal #christmasgift #photooftheday #newyear #christmasmood #christmascountdown #instagram #natal #christmasspirit #christmaseve #shopsmall #happyholidays #etsy #happy #festive #follow #like #supportsmallbusiness #l #beautiful #picoftheday #christmasvibes (at Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmMeoTYONTm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omoghouls · 2 years
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shout out to @omocute-wobble 's tags we now know the reason; elf man was just try to take a peaceful wizz but, the most horrific thing known to man wandered in; a horse 🐎
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of-sanguine-eyes · 7 years
🐎 [I know I owe you things, but I often wonder about how my swamp children learning to ride horses must have gone so this is perfect]
Badly. Badly is how he’d learned to ride.
Iswen bit her tongue to keep from sighing as she nudged her borrowed palfrey and trotted to intercept Arizan’s mount before it could frolic too far into the fields surrounding the weather-beaten half-ruin of a Keep. She’d thought, for about a minute, about putting him up on her young destrier, Menzo. But while Menzo heeded her, he’d made it viciously clear that his tolerance of a rider was a privilege and not a right, and would be deliberately trying to get Arizan off his back.
As opposed to the current falls, which were because the aged, steady gelding she’d found for his lessons was, in fact, still a horse, and Arizan was still not a natural-born rider. He was an elf; he had good balance. But he’d never learned how to balance on the back of a large animal with a mind of its own, and a mind that spooked at imagined foes in shadows and was remarkably good at changing directions. The young drow could cling to the horse’s back like a tick, but merely staying on wasn’t the point of riding.
Problem was, having spent much of her forty years in the saddle, she was a natural rider; even before she’d been called as a paladin, before she could even walk, she’d been placed up on a carthorse of the caravan. True, it hadn’t gone very fast, but she’d still learned to read the animal beneath her and shift her weight accordingly, until she did it now without conscious thought.
It made her an excellent rider, but a poor teacher as she struggled to explain what was deep in her bones.
At least the spring ground was soft, she told herself as she brought the now-contrite gelding back to the erstwhile Captain of the keep. Relatively, anyways. It did mean there was mud right along with the bruises. “Perhaps we’re going about this the wrong way,” she said as she drew up to a halt in front of Arizan, horse in tow. She just wasn’t sure what the right way was.
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered (a additional attempt to paste items that the devil keeps removing)
9. 1,392,233 views chrishemsworthReckon I would’ve had her if it wasn’t for the illegal overtake and dangerous angle that @elsapatakyconfidential took on this little sprint #recklessriding @australiaLoad more commentsdmfnewjerseysurfGuys should try the soloshot3 robotic camera to film your riding!!! Great for filming this kind of stuff robotic camera auto follows you by wearing gps tag!!@chrishemsworthdauphinaveugle@24mzgbrookemichellephoto@harpo28 this could be us if you didn’t hate horses 🤷🏼‍♀️😍ruralpropertynswTotally legitimate! 😂valeeeee_Mírala 😂 alborotada @ginarozo1f2celticMakes me want to watch The man from snowy river!!!andry_fly_@chrishemsworth@elsapatakyconfidential I love this, beautiful😍😍🐴🐎pablo_medii@mariacalventes más quisieras tu ganarme a miii!! Y después de eso una peleilla en la hierba, te superamoojessmesss@chrishemsworth the uptime honeymoon dream. Running thru fields on horseback #onedayburakksariozkann😃😉🐎sandyviewtheartShe Rocks...!!wendyayayM8 can we do this ok cool thnx@_withalexash_libeshe is greatcamargo22arandayou´re amazingl_cherie_larkinLooks like so much fun!!miss_bovill@whereismowgli this is my dream with youfedericoxavierlopezYep : let's fly !jordaeiiMaybe cuz she has 80 less. Ur horse needs water and rest Chris.conorfogarty@charlotte_chimes this is the front yardbeauty_as_u_kno_itAre they yallsmcaspara@liine_sofie ej nej nej, han rider også. Seriøst den perfekte mandhichamtchikYeyy @korditelolibernals👏🎶👏iaminlovewiththecakeHEHE RIDING HORESES JANUARY 27 8. https://www.instagram.com/p/BeeVi3wl8bg/ 7. LikeComment 1,419,914 likes chrishemsworthWhat an amazing night, 10 years of marvel movies, 19 films later, countless people and hours involved in the journey and now we’ve arrived here, @Avengers: Infinity War, world premiere. The film is beyond incredible, blew my mind beyond repair!!! Thank you to every single person involved and every single fan who’s stuck with us and supported to movies and allowed us to live out this dream 🙏🙏🙏⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️👍👍#avengersinfinitywar#thor #premiereLoad more commentssola_xiiMy heart😩♥️!!mahgodoyyHis my dadjr_filgueirasBora @alissonbecker com tudofutura_volzTeu boy @diana_vallerypatricia_pereirasilvaLindoalisonmarisa_@madelin.vargas.758leticiaacxHOMÃO DA PORRAAmaau2603Looking very handsomegeisa_cantora@DanielaSouz4lishika_sharma27@jainpratibha2000jainpratibha2000@lishika_sharma27 kro kro😂😂fares.maryLooking very Handsome in that suitlohmarquesAmazingkyra_mccurtainWhy are you so Handsome its not even fair!nndaseptariI LOVE YOU THOR❤❤❤❤❤❤danielasouz4@geisa_cantora é lindo eim 😍nandaamaral_100Jesus amado 😍😍😍🙌🙌teammy_tuwlak😍😍😍😍farhaniys@elssamhrni muda dia dari oppa [email protected]_cantora@danielasouz4 Demais kkkk mais prefiro Loki @twhiddleston meu futuro marido kkkk ☝❤danielasouz4@geisa_cantora ata kkkkkkkkkk fé em Deus kkkkkj.auzaa@ranggaady_ ko aku Ra?ranggaady_Makasii APRIL 24 More options Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTBLOGPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTORYPROFILES 6. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh9ujpUlcgD/ 5. “Oh no. He’s in this before her n i don’t know what that does but it means I can’t be,” the devil said of Chris Hemsworth being in the Marvel movies playing Thor for ten years now. Hes been (staged by the devil as) married to that Elsa figure (a devil nymph n evil elf for the devil) since 2010, that’s about seven n a half years ago w them supposedly marrying sometime in late December that year. But it’s not so true they were really married as is asserted or said or assumed here in the reality of devil land where it’s not supposed to really matter they don’t really have any wedding pics hardly n also there is not a really firm date the apparently impromptu wedding occurred (over a Christmas vacation in 2010, according to official reports in devil land like in publications n etc here), according to what Chris Hemsworth has surfaced here as saying in devil land to this point. The devil could I guess, try to alter that. “He can’t. Bye,” the devil said. 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bi0VvkKByOr/ 3. puthtopiaYou guys deserve everything!lizalolhah💘avenger__iron_manYour welcomerociogomez@maquestaaybaramaquestaaybara@rociogomez 💖edishh_Hareketler bile aynı sen @legolasbody💋💋angelamrkManda beijo para BrasilangelamrkEstou no Acre conhece.angelamrkManda 💋 para o Acre? MAY 15 More options Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTBLO 2. 1,010,361 likes bellahadid@bulgariofficial Roma 💛Load more commentse_ho14😍😍😍😍😍😍😍crystaltaylorrWow my favourite look all aroundbae.triz_Zoom into her toes I dare youkei_sxxStunning Beautiful👏👏👏👏👏aspasia_theanoLovely 🔥 🔥💣 💣😁 😁😎 😋aleksandr.alexs.denisovhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4h690KdgA4an_evite@ved_ika59 liquid gold drippinjuveriyarockzz💛marisolforeveryoungSlay Queenminty.luluWOWnihaal_rizaak👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽❤zenagazela@dinokekicnathan___10@xrebeccaandersonx 👌hobbimayy❤️❤️❤️❤️bellahshotsEU TE AMO MULHERvanezauggI need that dress 😍imsohannieDammnsalma_desoro💘💘anandandh11LBanandandh11LFLalina_alexaaaPerfect 🔥😍⚡vanessa_beljuli🧜🏼‍♀️yenaxzBeautiful 😍kimiiia_deadGolden 💋💋💋 JUNE 28 More options Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTBLOGPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACY 1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BklQs94HBit/?taken-by=bellahadid
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