#everyone knows the story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf
ogdegenerate · 1 year
Ok so i have seen some confusion and i’m here to clear some things up for everyone in the fandom
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THIS is the big bad wolf from the red riding hood story
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THIS is the big bad wolf from the three little pigs story
Know the difference
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rockybloo · 5 months
Hi, feel free to ignore this ask, or point me wearily to the FAQ if i missed it, but can I asked what inspired the world of Lore? Specifically the holistic nature of it, where different tales live side by side. I am a…hopeful, one-day fairy and folk tale scholar, and in my studies I’ve seen this concept pop up in a lot of more modern retellings/reimaginings, and one of my projects has been to see if i could find a source. When i say inspiration/source, I don’t mean singular piece(s) of media that gave you the idea (if you have one id love to know it though!) i more mean sorta your own internal source, the emotional trigger that led you to grouping separate fairy tales into one larger world. I know theres a lot to be said for the simple concept of “because it fucks, thats why” (some of my favorite interpretations of tales spawn from similar concepts) but if you have the time or energy, id love it if you’d be willing to ponder deeper motivations.
Sorry for the long ask, im absolutely obsessed with your characters and the worlds you create by taking archetypical settings and twisting them into something new and intriguing. Thank you for sharing your art (in all senses of the word) with us!
Thank you! And I very much love overthinking fairy tales and their existence SO I SHALL DO EXACTLY THAT!
For me, the reason I just plopped down every fairy tale into the same world, aside from a simple "Because everyone else does it and it's my favorite type of fantasy world" is because it makes so much sense to me.
There's a ton of repeated themes and characters in fairy tales to the point they have a classification system to make folklorist's lives easier when categorizing them. There are so many different Cinderellas, and I don't mean just the European one, as it's a fable that has been found all around the world. There are very much big differences in each story but the literal age old tale is still noticeable.
I took a mythology and fairy tale class in high school where we talked about "The Hero's Journey" which is like a template nearly every story falls into regardless of where a story is from. And for me, it was wild seeing just how many shared tropes humanity has as a whole in our storytelling.
A character that pops multiple times, aside from Prince Charming, is the Big Bad Wolf. OF COURSE it's because wolves were (and still are somewhat) dangerous animals and so that is how they are characterized in fables such as Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs. But it's still noticeable that these stories overlap with each other so fitting them into a single world just makes a lot of sense.
Another gigantic reason is that we all live in reality. There's a general understanding of what can and cannot occur on Earth. We know we can't fly without some machine to aid us or talk to animals and have them speak our language back to us. And many mythical beings can potentially be traced back to specific interactions early humans had with rare instances in nature and a need to have a reason "why?".
In fairy tales, reality is fantastical. Numerous tales have talking animals, super natural beings, shapeshifting, characters defying death and recovering from "should have been" fatal injuries, and being able to live happily ever after with never ending love.
We humans don't really get that. Especially that last part with happy endings and love. Sure, we can live a peaceful life or try to but there's this level of joy in some tales that only exists in fairy tales. And love so so much more complicated than the typical "love at first sight that lasts forever without problems".
With all these elements that land fairy tales in a different realm of reality than us, I thought it made sense to actually make a realm (or rather a planet) that explains why things in the world of fairy tales are so much more different than us and even somewhat explain why our reality doesn't have magic in it.
It basically traces back to that age old human urge to explain the unexplainable with some story.
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spnmusicalbang · 1 year
SPN Musical Theater Bang Masterlist
As the curtain falls on this year's Musical Theater Bang, let's have one more ovation for the amazing writers and artists who contributed! You can revisit their original cast recordings below.
Truth, Beauty, Free Will, Love by @Tossukka with art by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes Summary: Dean is a courtesan and the star of a nightclub longing for a normal life and a chance to find his brother again. Castiel is an angel living in the shadow of his siblings, wanting a chance to make his own choices for once. One night their paths cross. This story is about truth, beauty, freedom but above all things, this story is about love.
Phantom of Midsommer's Nightmare by @Kyra_Kiara_Elizabeth_Mai with art by @zybynarx Summary: During some downtime at the bunker: Cas is worried about Dean it has only been a few months since Dean was cured, the mark is draining him everyone can see it, and desperation leads him to a long shot. Sam is using this time for research, his own personal interest. Until Donna calls him with a conundrum. Dean is trying to lay low, relax, and not let everyones worry get to him.
Sugar, Butter, Flour by @raimykeller with art by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes Summary: Dean works in a diner in a small North Carolina town and is a genius at creating unique pie recipes. Without any family of his own, he has carved a space for himself in a little group of loving misfits who work with him at the diner. When fellow waitress – and Dean’s best friend – Kelly finds out she is pregnant by her deadbeat husband, and their diner loses one of their line cooks, Dean’s quiet, but boring life is changed instantly. Join Dean as he falls in love, protects his found family, and bakes a lot of pie.
As One In Love of Chess by @Raven_Fuchs with art by @lotrspnfangirl Summary: Drama student Dean Winchester has a lot riding on the university’s annual big musical. Not only is his graduate thesis tied up in the production but if he’s cast as one of the leads it will be his graduate showcase as well. The choice to produce selections from the musical “Chess” means that there really are only two male lead roles up for grabs. He never could have imagined how his life could change when he meets a blue-eyed music grad student. While the characters on stage are unlucky in love, can the actors avoid a similar fate?
Oh He's a Curious Cat by @preetkiran1016 with art by @hexentaenzerin Summary: It’s Dean’s last year at Juilliard’s school for the performing arts. He’s almost done, ready to jump into the acting world- when Professor Balthazar takes a year sabbatical. Castiel Novak filling in as his substitute makes surviving the year a hell of a lot more difficult, Dean’ll tell you that much. Between learning to dance in a lycra cat suit, dealing with his friends and their constant teasing, and Novak staring daggers at him every second- Dean’s not sure he’ll make it.
Three Little Pigs by @hectatess with art by @lotrspnfangirl Summary: What happens when the fairytale ends? When the curtains are closed, what becomes of the characters? Well, those that survive lead their lives. And sometimes those lives collide again. Like with one little pig and a big, well, only slightly larger than average, but still bad wolf. And their offspring…
Oh, Lover (I'll Cover You) by @lotrspnfangirl with art by @deancodedcastielenby Summary: Nearing Christmas, when the city was frozen, a group of friends found the warmth they were missing. 
My Unfortunate Protuberance by @whaddyameanno with art by @aleriya-darling Summary: Dean and Cas have been in a long-distance relationship for two years, and Cas always goes to Dean’s opening nights, knowing just how important it is to his boyfriend. When plans fall through and he isn’t able to go anymore, Dean gets upset. Will this spell the end of their relationship? Or will Cas find a way to make it to the show and make it up to Dean?
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 51
Bedtime Stories/Fear Her
"Bedtime Stories"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: omg stoppp, they’re doing a three little pigs thing for the opening??? And the one hiding behind cinderblocks gets to live?? Maybe?? No. Turns out I would also just die. Anyway, think we’re getting more hellhounds stuff
Fun fact: thought this was the one I was watching last night for about half the episode and couldn’t figure out how the episode title fit…it makes sense NOW
I mean…he’s NOT gonna let it go, Dean, but sure.
Oh!! He DID live! As he should have because…that’s how the story goes, but it really didn’t look like it. Also it’s not…it’s not hellhounds
Love it when the victims give the brothers an excuse to actually say what they feel without saying (or yelling) it to each other
Oooo, now Hansel and Gretel (you can see why I originally loved OUAT when it came out)
Omg omg omg this is such a fucking fun yet…gory episode. Watching this sweet as pie looking old lady ruthlessly stab a guy is admittedly funny. I can’t wait to see what’s causing it
Fellas, is it gay to have a working knowledge of extremely popular mainstream fairytales?? I’m sorry you didn’t get to have a childhood, Dean, but this in no way determines Sam’s sexuality
Making…a weird half prediction now. Since we’ve spent a decent amount of time in this episode at the city’s hospital, maybe the little girl is in a coma there? Being read to? Making her a sleeping beauty or Snow White figure. Still don’t know what’s actually CAUSING the fairytales to come to life, but I’d be willing to put a little money on this
Snow White it is.
Are…are they gonna somehow convince this doctor to…let…his daughter…die? because of their (completely right) theory of what’s happening in this town? It just seems a little far fetched.
BITCH ARE YOU FOR REAL??? This fucking doctor. I cannot. He KNOWS his daughter is some kind of spirit and just played it off like he didn’t????
Omg of COURSE. The huntsman(/hunter/DEAN) is going into Little Red Ridinghood’s grandma’s home to go take out the big bad wolf…this shows so dumb. I love it.
HELLO??? Sammy? Where are you going?? Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. No…come on. NO.
Well, at least we know everything they did to modify the colt was a bust and useless. Well…not completely useless. I guess Sam did find out that killing the crossroads demon doesn’t release Dean from his contract. So that’s something, I guess
"Been On My Mind...": Nope...
"Fear Her"
This is one I remember as being properly scary the first time I watched it. Like not "quaking in fear" scary but just...there was an unease. This isn't "Blink" we're talking about.
Ah yes, the 2012 Olympics. Another fun fact: I went to a convention in the summer of 2012 and Hank Green, dressed as the Doctor, ran in during the opening ceremony with a (probably fake, right? like we were in a hotel in Chicago) torch as one of the big moments. (Unless he did that at the 2011 one, but the 2012 one makes so much more sense). That was very fun.
I can't remember why this girl is always indoors.
This goof with landing the TARDIS with the door facing the wrong way is fun.
Man, why can't my side ponytails ever look as cool and effortless as Rose's here??
I'm glad the super old lady is the one with sense. Does she know HOW this is happening? NO. But fucking hell if she's gonna just let everyone turn on each other and point fingers at the innocent road construction crew. She wants the REAL answers.
WHY IS THIS LITTLE GIRL ALL ALOOOOOONE??? I can't tell if she's being COMPELLED to draw or if it's at all of her own free will.
Ah yes, a box is an easy place to disappear a cat without having to use any CGI
Because they blew the whole CGI budget on the scribble come to life
Ohhhhh, she thinks the drawing in her closet is her dad...and I know there's some sort of alien ship in the spot where cars keep stalling, but I can't remember any of the motivations.
Seeing this little girl cry from the loneliness of HER life and the alien's life is...heartbreaking
OMG I forgot that she starts drawing the stadium and temporarily empties it. Amazing...
Genuinely love how seriously this guy takes his job. He truly loves laying tarmac and is proud of the work he does, and good for him.
Also, I'm so sad that this guy's hard work went to waste and the moment they're filming the torch on this street is when that pothole is wide open. Poor thing.
"They keep trying to split us up, but they never ever will" I am DISTRAUGHT. Doomsday is so close...
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perfectoffering · 1 year
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╰     cis man , he/him/his     ☆     𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 …   we’re introduced to MARCUS PRINCE , the 35 year old OWNER at THE ROYAL SIP from enchanted falls who bears a striking resemblance to BILLY MAGNUSSEN. the whispers in the wind tells us of their CHARMING and DECEPTIVE reputation, that’s why the townsfolk often are reminded of chasing a new face every night, champagne service until even your own face is foreign in the mirror; one may smile and smile and be a villain; a lovely young girl lies on a bed in the dark listening to a fairy tale, but the storyteller’s hands are all over her; happily ever after doesn't have to be the end of the story, you just need to find a new beginning.  they are often haunted by dreams of a life lived as PRINCE CHARMING and THE BIG BAD WOLF ( CINDERELLA, LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, THE THREE LITTLE PIGS ) .
i. it started innocently enough. at least, that's what he'd have you believe. the ball was held because he had reached an age where a man should be married, particularly a man of status who needed to produce heirs. but settling down meant settling. he and ella were happy at first. in the beginning, they were both so happy. the prince swore that being married was exactly what his life was missing, and was the most perfect husband ella could have asked for. he showered her with affection, with gifts. with poems, even. but he quickly found that you can only write so many poems about the same subject. and his eye began to wander. ella learned of the affair in the same moment she found out she was stripped of her royal title -- the prince's new bride had use of it. on the day of the wedding, ella's godmother turned the prince into a fearsome beast at the altar, announcing to the guests that now the wolf in sheep's clothing could no longer hide behind his deceitful tongue. now everyone would know his true nature. exiled to the woods, his title fell to his younger brother.
ii. in this world, he's a man again. ella is still his ex-wife. his brother is still his brother, but their royal status in enchanted falls is changed somewhat. sons of a developer who is said to have moved to the town some years ago with the hopes of monetizing the falls, whether marcus wanted the company or not, this title also fell to his brother. marcus instead owns the royal sip. while many in town wonder how it's such a successful business under seemingly inept ownership, there's more to marcus than meets the eye. he looks just like everyone else again. and he knows all too well that the easiest way to avoid suspicion is to appear harmless.
iii. marcus is really good at deceiving people. if anyone in town actually suspects him of being as devious and power-hungry as he really is, it would be only a handful of people at most and marcus would almost certainly be blackmailing or otherwise threatening them to ensure his secret is safe. the main thing people would think negatively of him for is his family, and their kind of enchanted falls backstory. he's naturally under a lot of suspicion because of this, so he really plays up the kind of clueless himbo thing as much as he can to throw people off.
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animebookworm16 · 1 year
I was thinking about Puss and Boots 2: The Wishing Star recently and how Death was portrayed as a wolf. That got me thinking about other fairy tales that include a wolf. I coud think of three: Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, and The Boy Who Cried Wolf. And before anyone says it, I know that (if I’m remembering correctly) these were originally word of mouth stories told in heavily forrested areas where wolves were a real issue and it wasn’t a metaphore for anything, but I want to try and add a layer to it.
So what if The Big Bad Wolf you hear about in fairy tales is literally Death?
Little Red Riding Hood: She has to go through the forrest to her grandmothers cottage. On her way there she meets a ‘wolf’ maybe she trips on a tree root and falls down a steep hill (something that can kill a person if they fall or land incorrectly). Now in most itterations of this story, the ‘wolf’ rushes ahead, eats the grandma, and disguises itself as Red’s grandmother. This is roughly in the dark ages, disease was rampant, and usually the story goes that she has to go visit her grandmother because the grandmother is sick. So in this instance the ‘wolf disguising itself as grandma’ would be the grandmother dying (or goming into a semi comatose state right before her death) before Red gets there. And Red is usually depicted as a young child or young-ish child, it is very possible she wouldn’t imeadiately recognize a dead body, hence the ‘questions’ she has for the ‘wolf’. The wolf, usually, then proceeds to eat Red, aka the body spreading the disease to Red. And from what I’ve seen the ending is where it flucuates the most, with them both dying and a woodsman killing the wolf, a woodsman coming and saving them, or them managing to somehow kill the wolf from the inside. This theory works for most endings. In the first ending described, they both die, and the woodsman who ‘kills’ the wolf, could be a third person discovering their bodies and burning them, thus preventing the spreading of the disease. The second ending could be something like a traveling doctor (in this one the grandmother isn’t quiet dead yet) discovers them and is able to treat them, thus ‘killing’ the wolf and saving them. Finally in the third ending (again assuming the grandmother isn’t dead yet), Red would have been coming to care for her grandma, so she probably would have been caring some medicine, thus ‘killing’ the wolf from the inside out.
But, I have more! In the Three Little Pigs, it depicts three brothers building their houses out of three very different materials, a wolf showing up blowing two of the houses down and failing to destroy the third, yes? Yes. Now, imagine the ‘wolf’ is a storm. The first brother builds his house out of straw (or the real world flimsy equivalant) a bad storm comes in and the winds knock it down, and it really doesn’t matter if you go with the version of the brothers living or getting gobbled up by the ‘wolf’. The second brother builds his house out of sticks, still something that goes down easily to the high winds of a storm. Finally, the third brother built his house out of brick, something that won’t get knocked down easily in a storm and manages to last until the storm blows itself out.
And Finally, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. This one is easy. A kid keeps screaming that he needs help and everybody rushes to help him until he actually does need help, but by that point everyone is fed up and ignores it thinking it’s another prank and he ends up getting eaten by they wolf/dying.
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god-whispers · 1 year
jan 5
shaken, not stirred
"He has promised, saying, 'yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.'  now this, 'yet once more,' indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain." heb 12:26-27
what have you settled strong enough that it can't be shaken?  He is going to shake everything loose your flesh refuses to willingly lay down.  He does not do this out of anger, but from love.  He does it because He desires to fellowship, to mingle with us again.  that being said, this still remains true: "You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness." hab 1:13
how o Lord, we cry; how do we overcome?  by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.  by "taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." 2 cor 10:5 nasb  we do it by meditating on "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." phil 4:8  "set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." col 3:2  all these scriptures were written to aid us in our walk of faith.
the crowd was stirred up at the judgement to crucify Jesus.  are you letting the things of the world stir you up?  are your emotions getting stirred up?  how about your anger?  perhaps you have children or relatives that too often stir your feelings negatively.  anything that separates you from the peace you have in Christ leaves you vulnerable to worse things.  it opens a door to let other things come in; other spirits.
one of my pastors commented the other day about this scripture: "unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it." psa 127:1  well-built houses must always be built on a solid foundation.  we who believe, know Jesus is the foundation (rock) on which our house must be built.  otherwise, "the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell.  and great was its fall." matt 7:27
it may seem trite, but i believe everyone knows the story about the three little pigs and the big bad wolf.  a big bad wolf blows down the first two pigs' houses which made of straw and sticks respectively, but is unable to destroy the third pig's house that made of bricks.  it was a strong house built on a firm foundation.  and yes, there is a big bad wolf seeking to tear down what we have built; seeking to stir us up; to shake whatever he can, wherever he can.
"hold fast what you have till I come." rev 2:25  there's a shaking coming and only what can't be shaken will remain.  confusion, deception, lies, lawlessness and more will try to shake your faith in the One who is coming.  the closer His coming gets, the more determinedly the enemy tries distractions and all tricks he may.  will your faith withstand all the shaking and still have this witness: "for this reason i also suffer these things; nevertheless i am not ashamed, for i know whom i have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what i have committed to Him until that Day." 2 tim 1:12  He's God on the mountain and still God in the valley; even the valley of the shadow of death.
when the apostle paul had the Holy Spirit prophesy that bonds and afflictions lay ahead, what was his response?  "but none of these things move me, neither count i my life dear unto myself, so that i might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which i have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." acts 20:24  paul was not stirred by what was prophesied.  his life had crumbled before while seeking to serve God.  now he was standing on the Rock that couldn't be shaken.
we have all received the ministry of paul, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.  will our response be the same as his?  will we all be able to testify to our lives as he did at the end?  "i have fought a good fight, i have finished my course, i have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." 2 tim 4:7-8
when it finally gets to the point He is all we have, maybe then we will realize He's all we need.
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~~~ Not By The Hair On My Chinny-Chin-Chin ~~~ OMG! I fell into a deep sleep while meditating around 10pm last night. I was awakened at 1:30am with, "Not By The Hair On My Chinny-Chin-Chin," echoing in my mind. My soul leaped of joy and my heart laughed at the humor. I began writing not knowing where this phrase would take me. I simply wrote word for word what came through. I laughed with joy at the ending of this piece. I had not heard this term since childhood. The Three Little Pigs is a children's story rhyme. It's about fear, vulnerability and building strength and courage. In the end, the pig's are brilliant in gaining their ability to remain calm. By this, they can think clearly and plan accordingly. This helps them outwit the big bad wolf. They knew to be calm, fearless and courageous. Above all, they found their cleverness in gaining knowledge on out thinking the enemy. Note: I am honored, happy and grateful to The Galactic Confederation. They are majestic, humorous and full of superior knowledge of God. They reminded me that every soul is a beacon of light and to love everything in joy, compassion and peace. For humanity and all life forms have their appointed time when they shall awaken to the essence of beauty and truth inside. However, everyone's golden and silver cord is now being nudged simultaneously because of the urgency of ascension and can choose to awaken at any given moment. It's beautiful that everyone is being signaled simultaneously. Years earlier, I wrote a poem titled , "Simultaneously." The Lord had told me that humanity would be called to awaken simultaneously. And so the poem was born. Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 #notbythehaironmychinnychinchin #thegalacticconfederation #thearcturians #thepleidians #archangelmichael #archangelgabriel #archangeldaniel #judasiscariot #kryon #spaceships #decloaking #awakenyoursenses #eyechakra #heartchakra #boquetoflight #crownofyourhead #donotpanic #donotfear #staycalm #bestrong #becourageous #awakennow #youareabeaconoflight #belovedsouls #lovedones #weloveyousomuch #donotbeafraid #wearewithyou #belovedones❤️ #goldenandsilvercord https://www.instagram.com/p/CikVwNirhot/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
Three little wolves
@post-itpenny I didn’t know if you were requesting something for Magpie with an Elder or both of them separately. So I did them separate. There are also mentions of an elder or two of yours in here.
This is a story about The Mad One and his two children and how he gained...a third child~
whom we all know and love dearly~
He was not around when it happened. As he was tending to the needs of his own. The two mischievous little ones he had created.
But news traveled fast to his domain. Little whispers among the mushpeople, picked up along the breeze and carried to his ear. Nothing ever went unnoticed or unknown to him. How this information got to his domain it’s unknown only to him. The Mad One worked in mysterious ways. With just a look the two little ones knew and hurried over to their father. Climbing up his long legs and onto his back, holding on tightly so as not to fall. With a giggle The Mad One set off to their next destination.
It didn’t take long for the three of them to get to the domain of Adeline. This is where a new patient was being taken care of as of recently. The Mad One stopped to let the two little ones climb down. They did so and ran ahead of the tall man. As he didn’t need to run as a few steps and he was already bending down and knocking upon the other Elders door.
Angry screams could be heard coming from inside, and got louder as the door opened. Adeline seemed a bit surprised to see him and the two children. “oh hello!” She looked down at the two little ones, “Do you two mind playing outside for a bit while I borrow your father” The twins nodded and hurried off with a giggle. Adeline beckoned The Mad One in hurriedly, “You have more arms than me, you can help with..”
“The boy~”  he replied looking in the direction of the angry screams. The sound of things being broken and slammed could be heard in the mix.
“Yes, he’s having another fit. I don’t want him hurting himself more than he already is. Are you alright with this?” she asked as she hurried down the halls. The Mad One still bent down so as not to hit his head basically crawling on the floor giggling, “of course~” The further into the home they moved the louder it got. It seemed to rattle the other patients within as well. Adeline took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. The Mad One poked his head in and Adeline heard a crashing sound. Glass shattering as it flew into The Mad Ones face. She gasped, “Are you alright?!” As he slipped his head out the room giggling some more, “yes, yes, quite alright. This is him then? The Shadows kid~” “Yes this is him. His name is Alex. He...wait, what are you doing?” Adeline said a bit startled. “Stay here~” she felt the Mad One place her a little farther from the door as he slipped in through the crack and shut it. The room was quite large and the Mad One felt he could finally stand.
In the middle of the room stood a very angry little beast. Teeth bared, red faced, and little balled up fists.
“Well hello there Alex~” The Mad One lifted a hand up to grab his hat and remove it. In the process removing his head, “How do you do?~”
Alex was unfazed and growled, “GO AWAY!”
“My my my~ such a temper” The Mad Ones smile stayed put. He placed his head back onto his neck. “Seems you are giving Adie a hard time dear boy.” He took a step forward only causing Alex to growl again. “Stay back or I’ll eat you!”
The Mad One stopped and wheezed a bit, “eat me..?” He bit his lip trying not to laugh but could not help himself. The Mad One let out a roacous laughter. Alex didn’t like that and picked up the nearest object and threw it, “FUCK YOU!!”
The Mad One dodged it quickly and grinned, “Oooh naughty naughty, I know what that means! huehue quite the arm you got there too. You know you are going to tire yourself out eventually, why not just relax~. Let Adie heal you, she’s only trying to help.”
Alex growled at him and crawled away and quickly made his way up the wall and to the ceiling. The Mad One watched thoroughly impressed, “oh come now, if you behave she’ll give you a cookie. You know like grannys do.”
Alex hurried along the ceiling and lept onto the Mad Ones Face clawing and biting.
“Now now none of that~” The Mad One grabbed Alex by the collar of his shirt. The little one was like a wild animal still trying to claw and bite at him. The wounds Alex gave him cleared up in no time. “Lets find something to calm you right. Do you like music?”
Alex just screamed angrily.
“hmmm......must be a fan of death metal.” The Mad One mused to himself with a chuckle.
A radio was one of the undamaged things left in the large room. The Mad One with a snap of his fingers caused it to play music. Though instead of anything heavy or loud. It played something strange, yet soothing. A tune all too familiar to the Mad One and anyone who has ever been in his domain. Alex hissed, clawed and bit at The Mad One who was unfazed. He carried Alex closer to the radio playing the song. A Giant mushroom started to grow near by and The Mad One took a seat underneath it, “Much better” He said to himself. Alex was still at it but seemed to be less. The Mad One started to bring Alex closer to him as Alex’s movements lessened. He started to move into a cradle pulling Alex into his arms in a way restraining him but keeping him bundled. Alex tried to scratch at him while in his arms but he was getting more and more worn out as the music played.
More mushrooms sprouted in the room all varying in color and size. The music never ceasing. A gentle knock could be heard at the door and The Mad One was a nod of his head caused it to open slowly and quietly. Adeline looked in and sighed in relief before smiling. She walked in quietly and peeked over at The Mad One before whispering “He’s asleep?” “Yes~ a deep sleep I’d say” The Mad One replied quietly
“Do you mind uncovering his back for me?” Adeline asked, “I need to work on the wound.”
“Of course~” He did so just enough to show the wound but to make sure he didn’t let the little Alex go. Alex was indeed in a very deep sleep. One of his little hands was gripped onto the jacket of The Mad One. “How did you do it?” she asked while healing. “Simple dear Adie, my music. Plus it’s clear to see he’s not used to being touched.” He said ever so quietly. “hmmm, well thank you for your help. I appreciate it.” She said with a smile. “Alright well I will have to work on it some more, but for now let him rest.”
“How long has he been here?”
Adeline frowned, “Well it happened a while ago, he’s been here for a week. And for most of the week I haven’t been able to get to his wound. Though I suppose it makes sense he wouldn’t want to be touched if he’s not used to it.  I’ve only been able to heal it when he’s asleep but he usually doesn’t sleep for long.” The Mad One hummed in thought as he smiled down at the little one in his arms, “perhaps I can take him off your hands.” “I don’t know...” She said uncertainly.
“I could take care of him, and I have my little Acca and Accius to help him as well. I’m sure they’d enjoy the company and it’ll help him learn. You can come heal him too as you are the best at healing.”  He explained, his smile never leaving. Adeline thought about it, “hmmm....Alright. But he can’t be too rough otherwise the wound will start to get worse again. Zerneboh did quite a bit of damage to him.” The Mad One nodded, “of course, I’ll make sure no harm comes to this little one.”
The next day, Alex was still deep asleep in the arms of the Mad One. Adeline had given him instructions to come back if anything bad should happen or to call her if need be. Acca and Accius climbed up their fathers legs and onto his back looking down at the curled up eldritch in his arms. “Papa who is that?” asked Acca curiously. “This is Alex~ and he’s going to be your brother.” he replied happily. Accius tilted his head, “Our brother? Why?” “Because he needs a nice family, and we’re a nice family aren’t we?” questioned the Mad One though he knew the answer to this already. The twins nodded happily.
It didn’t take long for them to return to their home domain.
Upon this return Alex started to wake up. Though a bit grumpy from having slept so long, as he was not used to this. “wha....Where....” Alex’s eyes shot open, “Where am I? Put me down! I’ll kill you!” He tried to struggle but found he could not within The Mad Ones hold. The Mad One giggled, “Theres no need to struggle Alex, you are safe. Would you like to be put down?” Alex growled and snapped at him. “That’s not an answer. I will wait till you are ready to answer.” chuckled the Mad One. Accius climbed off his fathers back and ran off to play. Acca stayed behind instead curious about the angry little boy. “Papa why doesn’t he use his words?” she asked. “He’s not used to using them my little rose” Acca stared at Alex only for him to glare and growl at her. “If you want down you have to say so. Like this... Please let me down.” She said as an example.
“Fine...Let me down!” He barked. The Mad One giggled, “alright.” And set him down. run along and enjoy yourself.” Alex ran off hoping to leave. Unbeknownst to him he wouldn’t be able too. “If you get lost follow the mushrooms!~” called The Mad One with a laugh.
Alex ran through the foliage as fast as he could. It didn’t take him long to realize he was lost. And when he tried to leave The Mad Ones domain, he found he could not and kicked up dirt and yelled. When he calmed down he plopped onto the ground with a huff. It was at this moment he noticed the pain in his back that he had been feeling for the past week seemed to have dwindled by a lot. Guess the Lady who was a Granny did that, he thought to himself.
‘What was it the weirdo said...’ he couldn’t help but think.
“Follow the mushrooms?” Alex tsked, “What the hell does that mean...” A couple feet away from him he saw movement. He stood up and growled. The movement seemed to pick up as tiny little mushrooms scattered about the place squeaking in fear. Many of them tripping over themselves as they tried to get away from Alex.
Alex watched them a bit confused by their antics as they kept running, some at him as they really seemed scatterbrained. “Follow the mushrooms...” Alex said to himself. He started to walk after them, and they continued to run away.
It wasn’t long till he came upon a clearing with a large dining table full of tea sets and treats. All the little mushroom people ran back into the greenery leaving him there. “Welcome back, you’re just in time for tea~” Laughed the Mad One. “Do you take sugar with yours?” Alex glared at the Mad One. “I’ll take you enjoy sugar at least. You are welcome to join us after all this is your home as much as it is our home~” he poured another cup of tea and placed it by an empty chair a few seats away from anyone. Alex seemed to like his personal space. The Mad One turned to his other two children who was seated next to each other and near by their father enjoying their snacks and tea. Giving Alex time to think about joining them and letting him make a choice on his own, instead of forcing him.
It was a solid five minutes before they all heard movement by the chair he placed the tea by. Alex sat a couple seats away to keep his distance. He sniffed the drink, it didn’t seem poisoned. He sipped it and spit it out, wiping his mouth. “s’gross” gagged Alex. The Mad One chuckled, “Tea is an aquired taste my boy~ Perhaps you’d prefer something else.” The tea vanished and was replaced with a juice box. Now this is something Alex could get behind. He snatched it up and started to suck it down.
The Mad One was delighted by this, his two children had their own opinions of Alex as well. Though they differed from each other.
Time went on, Adeline visited The Mad One and Alex to heal him. Every time she visited something new would be learned. Alex liked his space, he wasn’t used to people touching him and often didn’t like it unless it was on his terms. He was also growing closer with The Mad One slowly but surely and it seemed a friendship was forming between Acca and Alex. She viewed him as a new brother right from the start, though it was clear Accius still needed convincing.
Another new fact was that Alex didn’t know how to regulate his own emotions or what to do when he felt them. When he was happy he was a delight to have around, when he was angry that was another story.
But despite this, within another weeks time. Alex’s wound was fully healed. All that remained was a scar as a reminder of that day. Adeline was walking with The Mad One. “I must say you have done exceptionally well taking care of him. He seems like a very different person from the first day I had him in my care.” “Why thank you Adie~, hehehe. The boy just needed someone who was like him I think.” The Mad One looked over to see Alex and the twins, now all getting along better than the first day he came. “My little wolves are all friends now~” Adeline looked over and smiled, “indeed they are, well I must be going if you ever need anything or just want to visit you know where to find me.” He gave a nod and his usual smile, “Til then Adie~”
WIth that Adeline was gone.
“little wolves, little wolves~” The Mad One called. Acca, Accius, and Alex all looked up. “It’s time to take a trip~” They all smiled and hurried over. Acca and Accius climbed up The Mad ones legs and back. Alex did the same but clung to The Mad Ones chest. With a cackle the Mad One was gone with the three little wolves, off to their trip.
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👴 PAPA 👴
Prompt: I’ve found this prompt online: “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m NAME, Y/N’s boyfriend” and decided to used it to come up with this little story
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: + 18, Jealousy, mentions of smut and violence, cursing and a very chaotic Papa
Tag: @ziasaph , @jibbles26 , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @lustyromantic , @nicolewoo
Notes: I miss my man people! So I needed to write something with him in it 😍 and this is what I came up with. It is completely written on Roman’s POV. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
I engage a very serious conversation about beer with Paul, my brother in law, when I see someone approaching Y/N. He engulfed her in a hug that was too tight for my liking, hands roaming her hips, smirking while whispering something in her ear making her laugh.
“Ugh, that asshole” Paul bitterly said
“Who’s that?”
“Nathan, Y/N’s fling from back in the days” He sips his beer
“Yeah, they were never an official thing, let’s thank grandpa for that! But she did sneaked out to meet him sometimes”
Y/N was very close to her grandpa, her dad could may not like a potential boyfriend and she didn’t give a damn. But grandpa Emir had to approve him, if not, you’re out son!
Thank God he had a soft spot for me.
“So they weren’t anything serious?” I ask
“Nope! But I must say, the guy is pretty insistent. I honestly don’t know how she has never succumbed to his not so subtle advances”
As I watched them, I understood why Papa Emir never liked the guy, he’s a fucking jerk! So pretentious, acting like he owns the place and owns Y/N. Not letting anyone get close or talk to her, he doesn’t even thank the waiter for his drink! He just behaves like everyone else in this backyard is below him.
“The wolf has tracked down the little pig, I see” Grandpa Emir says in his thick accent as he grabbed a plate with some appetizers from the table “Hello son” He pat my shoulder and I lean down to give him a hug and two kisses on the cheek
“Hey Papa, how are you?” I smiled
“I was good, until I saw that prick” His accent getting thicker with rage
“Papa, be careful with your heart” Paul said
“Ah shut up boy! Are you gonna teach me how to live now? Worry about your own damn heart! The audacity that this boy has, trying to mind my business. I’m 89 years old kid not 15 and you’re not my father so don’t tell me what to do” He opens a beer bottle, show it to Paul and give it a big gulp as Paul and I just chuckled
“What is he doing here anyways” Paul asked Papa
“He came here in the name of his family’s company” He huffed “Of course he has! We all believe that the bastard has no second intentions AT ALL, it’s all for business sake” Grandpa showed his middle finger towards Nathan’s direction
“If you’ll excuse me” I said to Papa and Paul
“Go on son” Papa hushed me with his hand
I approach Y/N and Nathan, hearing him asking her if she was seeing someone.
I walked up to her, grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to me and pecked her lips a little too long.
“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Roman, Y/N’s boyfriend” I offered my hand
“Nathan” He took my hand for a handshake and I may or may not have squeezed his hand a little too harshly.
“Boyfriend?” Nathan asks Y/N
“Yeah, boyfriend. Soon to be fiancé, then husband, followed by baby daddy” I smiled at him answering the question myself
“I see...I thought you were single” He says to her
“Meh, try again” I answer again
“Sorry, Roman right? No offense but I’m in the middle of something here with Y/N and-“
“Not taken” I interrupt him “But you see Nate” I spitefully said “You’re in the middle of ‘something’ with MY girlfriend for quite a while now and you see...I’m starting to wonder, what is so important that you can’t seem to get it solved?”
“Look man, we’re just talking-“
“Oh, I’m a man too Nate, so believe me when I say this: I KNOW the type of talking that you wanna do and I also know that it’s not gonna happen! So why don’t you roam around, have some laughs and stop trying to get inside MY woman’s pants. How about that?” I gave him a cold smile
“I’m not trying to-“
“You listen to me and listen very closely ‘Nate’, I would like to prevent us from causing a scene by my wrist connecting to your jaw, but trust me, I’ll have no problem to do so if you keep up with this little punk ass charm you’re trying to throw at MY woman. She’s taken! And if you have a problem understanding that I have no objections to make it clearer for you” I close the distance between us
“Roman, please” Y/N whispered “You’re gonna give Papa a heart attack!”
“Nathan, I think you should go now” She said
“Yeah” He mumbled and left to the front door
“What was that?” She said
“What?” I look at her expecting a furious look but found a turned on one
“Someone needs to show him his place Y/N”
“I would be lying if I said that you didn’t looked hot as fuck with this new ‘don’t piss in my yard’ attitude” She licked her lips
I smirked “Oh, I see you like it then?” I pull her closer to me
“Like it? That’s an understatement, I fucking love it” She giggles softly and kisses me
“You’ll gonna love it even more when we get home” I whispered in her ear
“Son, what the hell did you just do?” Papa Emir angrily said as he approached us followed by Paul
“Papa” Y/N warned
“What’s wrong Papa?” I ask
“Did you just let that prick leave?”
I shrugged
“Now that I had found the laxative to put it on his drink? Damn it son! I thought you were supposed to be on my team”
I laugh “Papa, if you had told me your plan I would had definitely distracted him for you”
“Did you at least punched him?” Papa eagerly asks
“Papa! You shouldn’t incite violence” Y/N reprehend him
“Violence my ass! If I punch you freely is violence, that jerk? He deserves it! Hell, I would punch him myself if my jab was as strong as it used to be”
Papa was a boxe champion, he gained a lot of medals (and trouble) in his younger boy years. The first thing he did when he met me was to threaten me with his jab if I ever hurt Y/N.
“I know you would Papa” I laugh
Two hours and three cans of beer later. Y/N leans on my shoulder and asks
“Are you ready to go home, big dog?”
“Yeah, Papa is already out” I laughed as I looked at him sitting in one of the chairs near the pool, snoring.
“He’s absurd!” She giggles “Thank you, for understanding him” She kissed my cheek
“Y/N, you don’t have to thank me baby girl. Your family is my family and Papa is quite a character. There’s no way I could not love him” I chuckled
“That’s why I love you, so much” She says leaning in for a kiss
“Eww, get a room you two” Paul states as he passed through us
“Shut up!” Y/N yelled “Although it’s not a bad idea, you know” She whispered
“No it isn’t” I get up from the chair and offer my hand to her “C’mon baby, let’s go home so I can fuck your brains out and show you who you belong to” I smirked
She chuckled lightly, eagerly intertwining our fingers as we make our way to the car
Please leave me some feedback? If you’re comfortable with it ❤️🥰😘
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@eliliyah @klarolinefallbingo
Prompt: Dias De Muertos
Honestly the relevancy of the prompt comes far to late in the story but it’s there, kinda. But hey it’s there.
Sometimes all she needed was to take a breather. A single moment. One pause.
Breathe in.
To collect her thoughts and emotions. To steady her bearings.
To state in a repetitive loop all the reasons why punching one Niklaus Mikaelson in the balls would be a marginally bad idea.
And breathe out.
Forgive her, but The man was infuriating. Okay?
And unashamedly so. Not a whit of genuine compunction behind that facade of ‘Inescapable Charisma and Unadulterated Allure.’
Definitely not her words.
Nope. No sir.
These were the words of a certain Greta Martin, editor-in-chief for the first October issue of People Magazine.
With one Mega-frustrating arrogant blonde blue-eyed dimpled asshat demon going by the name Klaus slapped to the front of said issue.
And Nope if anyone asks,
No, she did not literally just shred -In a shredding machine no less, because efficiency, thank you very much- the first copy of the magazine she bought, after reading the beginning eight lines on his exclusive, recounting what a ‘delightfully satisfying and marvellous experience the entire three months of shooting turned out to be.’
Ok one Black-hole sized pause right there please.
Thank you.
A single beat.
The Absolute Fuck?!
She’s sorry. Marvellous experience?
Excuse her, but say what?
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Beg pardon but What?
Excuse her.
But Marvellous experience, as in, aggressive quotation marks scratching the air “Marvellous experience” is NOT how she remembers it.
The slap in the face obvious discrepancy to both their stories is definitely not blind to her.
He called 84 re-takes that lasted four whole hours for one eight minute long single-shot single-angle scene, Marvellous.
He called having ice-cold Whiteclaw thrown square on his face by a Absolutely-done-with-wild-gust-of-agitated-Blonde-Fury on the eighth day of set, Marvellous.
He called having two separate make-up artists downright quit after being unable to touch up her makeup every thirteen seconds because she ran her hand down her face in unbridled aggravation every time her eyes landed on him, Marvellous.
He called the same experience where, she had to literally rush out of a set, under the ruse of a bathroom break, Twice in the course of three months, so that she can peacefully go through the motions of a rage-fueled emotional meltdown, complete with angry frustrated tears and a relentlessly colourful diatribe, cursing every man in her life who bore even a sliver of resemblance to the stormy-blue-eyed spawn of satan that was her co-actor, Marvellous.
God. How the hell did he possibly think he could get away with this,
How did he think he was going to smooth over the transparent inconsistencies between her interviews and his, without raising at least a few confused questions from bloodthirsty intuitive fans and the Press in general.
Given how her talk-show interviews and magazine exclusives gave the steady image, that
1. Klaus Mikaelson is a dick and a half, with an overgrown ego so ginormous that even the entirety of Tinseltown is ‘plainly restricting of his nonpareil talent in histrionic execution.’
2. Klaus Mikaelson is an arrogant narcissistic asshole that Hast pronounc'd upon his brethren yond this day f'rth that gent shalt with ev'ry smidgen of purpose in his life striveth to be the Unrivalled Bane of Caroline Forbes’ Existence.
3. The process of Creating the undeniable tour de force Masterpiece that was ‘100 years of solitude.’ The newest Christopher Nolan Direction and Production in theatres right now, that already has definite Academy Awards Nomination in the talks, was anything but Marvellous. She admits, It was so so gratifying and made her heart full with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, that left her giddy with such lighthearted contentment for days, after the phenomenal response it garnered post-premiering, Yes. But that does not capsulate how frustratingly tiresome and emotionally debilitating the entire creation process was. Hell it was downright painful at times.
4. Would she voluntarily take another movie with Klaus Mikaelson as a Co-star alongside her? You can get back to her when the sun starts to rise from the west and the answer would still be a definitive NO.
Now of course she wasn’t this brazen with her claims she knows how to be cute and classy and concise.
But she definitely did not mitigate the truth of her statement, she’s had enough training with her PR department to know what to say and how to say it but she’s sure that nobody had been able to overlook her less than companionable remarks about Klaus.
For example
The Stephen Colbert Show:
Stephen: “So Caroline tell us about the process, the Making of it, how everything fell into place like tiny puzzle pieces to reveal at last this grand, Grand Picture.”
“The process? Well the process was certainly not...pretty...but after every time we finished a scene, however small or inconsequential it may have seemed to the plot, there was this immense sense of ‘there-Done it. And done it well.’ ”
Jimmy Kimmel Live:
“Klaus Mikaelson, well my Co-star is um....eccentric at best.....”
Jimmy: “and at worst?”
“Well..... I guess” -hellish, heinously intolerable, a cruel mean bastard- “....Unyielding...?”
The Ellen Show:
“Well Klaus was a..... demanding partner and it took Herculean efforts to meet his exacting standards, but I can understand how that paid off so well on screen. The end result when I saw it for the first time, it damn well paid off.”
Ellen: “so he is absolved of his admittedly ‘uphill’ personality then?”
She laughs awkwardly,
followed by more laughter dissolving the painstaking grimace she’s trying to tamper down.
Oh and the worst.
The Late Late show with James Cordon:
During the ‘Fill Your Guts or Spill Your Guts’ segment
James: “So....I’m going to give you, let’s see, Ah there, the Bird Saliva.”
Caroline: “James!.... Damn it, you are so not making it into my good books, and....God. That’s just disconcerting I mean, How do they even, I don’t know... collect it?”
James: “Well there’s a whole process of harvesting it from the salivary glands and—“
Caroline: “Never mind! Nope. No need for the details, please, James, a lady’s delicate sensibilities are at stake. And unless the question is ‘what is your social security number?’ I’m not drinking this poison.”
James: “Now Caroline you wound me, I can assure you everything on this table is edible albeit being marginally unpalatable—“
Caroline: “Marginally?!”
James: “You should try the Cow’s tongue. It’s delectable.” Followed by a sagely nod.
Caroline: “Now I’m just intensely bothered. You’ve definitely lost all claim for a spot in my good books.”
James: “Ah well, speaking of staying in your good graces, here’s a question that will have you downing that Saliva in seconds.”
Caroline: “Hit me.”
James: “Well then, ‘Name Any one CO-star with whom you have worked with in the past that you would never volunteer to work with again.’”
And the audience descended.
“Like I said, speaking about staying in your good books.”
Amidst the raucous screams, whistles and laughter, it didn’t even bother Caroline, the clarity and speed with which the name
‘Klaus Mikaelson’ flashed in the front of her mind, like a large Neon LED sign from a typical Vegas Nightlife scene.
It took her a total of three seconds to know that she was going to answer with his name because, well just look at that drink in front of her,
Sure if you bend over real low and squint in the right light it may look like a harmless Daiquiri, but a Daiquiri it was not.
No. This was Bird Freaking Saliva,
Come on, you can’t possibly ask her to put that in her goddamn mouth.
Like NO.
Just no.
So sue her for protecting her taste buds that are yet to experience many more exotic flavours and textures of food from all around the world.
But then again she can’t possibly outright just say “Oh that’s easy, Klaus Mikaelson.”
That’s exactly the kinda PR trouble she wants to stay above and definitely didn’t need to be wrung out dry by her Spitfire Mistress-of-Hell Publicist Katherine Pierce for.
(Who also alternates as her BFF, occasionally, mind you.)
So she puts on a good show, dropped her head in her hands, gave a healthy long groan, looked up and gave James her best wounded Puppy Dog eyes, to which he was clearly not immune to, judging by how he looked a touch chagrined, but the game was just as much as beyond his hands as it were hers,
She looked to the audience “You guys are so mean, it’s not even funny.”
And grumbled a bit more till everyone was laughing and pitching forward and back on their seat amused by the poor Blonde’s Dilemma.
So she looked up to the heavens as if to ask for some unknown deity for deliverance and guidance, and poised herself to drink,
Only to put the glass back down in the last second in a begrudgingly weak show of caving in, and blurted out reluctantly,
(She’s a glorious actor, she’s aware.)
“You know what, Nope. He’s just gotta deal with it, okay?.”
Deep breath
Or was it the audience taking a deep breath and holding it in,
Pause again.
And the auditorium transcended.
she handled that, pretty well, if she does say so herself you know.
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Apparently Kat Disagrees.
Apparently She Blew It.
She blew it so hard she could’ve knocked down the third little pig’s brick house.
Ironic since she always envisioned Klaus as the Big Bad Wolf who huffs and puffs and just generally blows.
Apparently her little admission was a PR disaster.
And Kat was furious.
The two minute edited clip that encompassed the question, the reluctant grumbling and finally the confession was apparently now a viral video on all social networking platforms.
They were trending on twitter under the hashtag
But her admission to being generally averted on taking up Klaus as a colleague again was apparently only one half of the video,
The other half....
Well the other other half was Klaus with his personal confession.
God, it wasn’t even a confession,
it was a—a Mockery, yes that’s it, a Mockery,
Of Her, no less
Basically Here’s the run down of the second insidious half of the video,
Klaus sitting in front of Graham Norton, in all their British glory, going live on The Graham Norton Show,
when asked about Caroline Forbes, his “partner” on scene has the audacity to let out this evil little amused huff and say:
“Caroline?” Another amused huff. “Well Caroline, Christ, where do I start? She’s an absolutely glorious presence on set. Her energy....it’s infectious, She hits you like a blonde hurricane of sunshine and snark and you’re just left staring up at the sun thinking, ‘you need to catch up mate, if you want to be half as bright and burning as her.’”
And Caroline thinks maybe this is the feeling of your brain imploding within the confines of the skull.
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thecastingcircle · 4 years
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We ship Thorn with Drak Jr from “Drak Pack”.  
What’s “Drak Pack”?
It was a Hanna Barbera cartoon from 1980 that aired on CBS.
Three teenage descendants of some of the world’s most notorious monsters — namely Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster and the Wolf Man — joined forces as the Drak Pack to reverse the the evil image of their forefathers by fighting on the side of mankind. Drak Jr., Frankie and Howler were unaffected by the things that had power over their predecessors — such as a full moon, daylight, garlic, etc. — and remained human unless they chose to change form, which they could only do by performing the Drak Whack, which involved a three way high-five while yelling “Whacko!”. Drak, who led the group, had the ability to shapeshift from a vampire into the form of a bat or a patch of fog and could levitate. Frankie, in addition to being a bit *slow* in the head, inherited the exceptional size and strength associated with his lineage. In place of the savage nature normally ascribed to werewolves, Howler created gale force winds with his breath, akin to the Big Bad Wolf huffing and puffing in the story of the Three Little Pigs.
How would they meet?  
Thorn and Drak Jr meet cute in their civies and don’t know one’s a famous musician and the other is Dracula’s great-great-great nephew.
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Drak Jr (going by Junior) wants to have a girlfriend and thinks Thorn (or maybe Sally) would be perfect.  But doesn’t want to scare her off with his being a vampire.  Frankie and Howler urge him to tell her he’s one of the good guys.  
He says, ”You don’t just drop that you’re Dracula’s nephew on people.  Everyone thinks you’re going to bite them.”  
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Thorn admits she has a type.  She thought Steve Fortescu in “The Vampire Strikes Back” was cute.  And she thinks “Junior” is cute too.  She’s surprised that he doesn’t recognize her.  She’s excited but wants to keep it casual.  Luna and Dusk say they’re too busy touring and recording to date.
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Dr Dred and O.G.R.E. try to sabotage The Hex Girls concert.
For the Evulz!!!!
The Drak Pack swoops in to save the day
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But they end up needing assistance from The Hex Girls.
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The show must go on and then....
Thorn finally meets vampire Drak Jr.
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And he realizes she’s THE Thorn of The Hex Girls.
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And they both realize they’ve got more in common than they thought. 
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daylightsun · 3 years
What I Learn from Years of Reading and Collecting Books and Letting Some of Them Go
These past few days, I "KonMari" my room and decided to rearrange my bookshelves. While sorting out all of my belongings, I discovered a box filled with books I manically collected during my college years sitting underneath my bed. After opening it, the books seem to be staring at me while I stare back at them like we are having a confrontation of sorts. For a moment, it made me reflect on my life as a reader and book collector, and this sense of nostalgia hit me.
After snapping out of this nostalgic state, the fact remains that my shelf space and room space are precious and limited, and I only want to fill my life with things that “spark joy” within me. I need to decide which books would stay and which would eventually go to the bin. So in honor of literature month and the books I am about to throw away, I would like to write some piece to honor my journey as a reader and book collector.
Starting Years as a Reader and Book Collector
My fascination with books started early in my childhood. I remember holding my small hardbound fairytale books, a book set with stories like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Three Little Pigs. But it was the illustrations at first that engrossed me. It's like my eyes can't get enough of the colors and drawings. I look at them again and again, committing them in my memory. Then there was my childhood best friend Grimm's book of fairytales. The book was enormous and heavy. It contained more words and the occasional one to two pages of illustrations, like the naked butt of the king in The Emperor's New Clothes, the candy house of the witch in Hansel, and Gretel other beautiful illustrations inside that book.
However, it is in my teenage years that I started to enjoy reading literature, and book reports ignite my interest in book collecting. Books like Ella Enchanted, The Little Prince, and Thieves of Ostia were carried inside our classroom boxes after boxes. A sheer excitement overcame me, forgetting the fear I felt days before asking for extra money to buy something outside the average family expenses, even if it is for school requirements.
I did not grow up in an environment that encourages me to read books outside the typical academic obligations. It is usual for Southeast Asian households to be thrifty, so buying books for leisure is a luxury. Moreover, since it does not involve cleaning and moving around the house, reading for my parents is a lazy activity. Not to mention what damage it can do to your eyesight, they would add. However, I continued to read in secret and went against the general expectations.
I have read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince while holding a flashlight while everyone in the house is sleeping at night so no one could scold me. I read with my friends at school. We exchanged novels, particularly stories about young adults. I bought my first novel, L. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables, in a book fair inside my school using my savings. And even after my childhood best friend, who was four years older than me, went away to college, I marched to their house and borrowed books from her mother like Louisa Alcott's Little Women.
Reading helped me to cope with my deep-seated feeling of isolation and loneliness because of being an adopted child. I found out pieces of the truth through indirect hints and silent whispers between adults and childish banter between cousins. So I was left alone on my own devices to understand and stitch the truth. But in reading, I started to find solace and identity with the people I meet in stories. Books became for me houses I visit to explore and get to know the people living inside. And sometimes, I leave too early out of boredom or just out of an inability to comprehend the house. But sometimes, even after the visit, a piece of my heart stayed inside those pages. When I read, I have companions, and when I buy a book, I have something of my own.
Moreover, in books, I found girls like me, like Anne in Anne of Green Gables or Mary in The Secret Garden. Orphaned and neglected at a very young age and adopted, they were able to find acceptance and love. In those stories, they eventually mattered and belonged to the people around them. And in my heart, I wanted the same assurance these characters have that I am going to be OK despite my "oddness."
Not encouraged to read, buy books for my leisure, and being an adopted child in her young adolescent years made me want to form a personal path of rebellion. I decided to be a bookworm and persist in reading and building my book collection even if I am discouraged! Talk about being brave and revolutionary. Though I developed a deep affection for reading and books by this time, this "rebellious" way serves another personal purpose, and that is instead of being single out because ofbeing an adopted child, I can be single out because of my "bookish-ness." This identity gave me a powerful feeling of being significantly different from the crowd. I am somehow special but without the burden and constantly feeling the need to fight the pity of the people around me.
College Years
When I went to college, I develop an unhealthy impulse of excessively buying booksbut not reading them. There is a Japanese term for this impulsive behavior called "tsundoku." My obsession with buying books can be attributed to two main culprits. First, I started to attend and participate actively in church, and second, the store Book Sale.
In our church, we have a statement I wrote in the tablet of my heart with great faithfulness and love. It goes this way "Great leaders read books," which is a remarkable statement unless someone went overboard with trying to read books by purchasing them. This someone is, of course, is me. Ooops.
On multiple days within a week, I would visit and sit on the SM Baguio's Book Salefloor, hunting and obsessing over books. I would gladly move stacks upon stacks of books desperately looking for a purchase treasure. And most of us know, books are sold at Book Sale at a meager price. It became a standard for me to go home to my boarding house with three to five books. And oh boy, the stacks of books in my room just grew and grew. By the end of my seven years in college, the heaviest of my baggage is the one enormous box where I managed to fit all the books I have acquired.
Even though my college years were a time of my compulsive and unhealthy behaviors in reading and book buying, these were also the years I familiarized myself with what types of storytelling I would enjoy and who are my favorite authors. Neil Gaiman and Haruki Murakami cast their spell on me, and I would read again and again stories like The Little Prince, Memoirs of A Geisha, and The Last Time I Saw Mother.
But what I am most thankful for reading around this time is the opportunity it gave me to connect to other people through knowledge sharing. When I read an excellent book that gave me a lot of insight, there is an internal urge to pass it to someone else or talk about it with a friend. So I either talk about it or give the book. Giving that well-written book will sting a bit. Still, the disappointment of not having someone to undergo the experience of reading it is more painful than letting it go because I've discovered that there are types of books that cannot stay only in one pair of hands but have to travel to the next pair to be held and read. Some stories and books are personal to me, and they will stay on my shelves as long as they can, but there is another type of book that the knowledge they contain needs to be passed on and shared.
Working Years
Buying books using the allowance from your parents are far easier than using your own hard-earned money. Being a young professional and just started to manage my finances made the reality of my unhealthy addiction hit hard. I can not longer afford to go to book shops without thoroughly thinking if the book I am picking is something I should buy. "Adulting" has forced maturity in me.
Putting some healthy breaks on my general attitude towards reading and book collecting is just one part of the exciting times ahead of me as a bibliophile. Going back to my hometown and having more personal freedom have opened the doors to uncharted territories. As a reader and book collector, I've been officially and finally introduced to book fairs and Philippine Literature.
When I talk about book fairs that I participate in this time, these are the mega fairs that involve many publishing houses. Book fairs with book launching, book signing, live-reading, and writers' meet and greet events. The Manila International Book Fair (MIBF) and Big Bad Wolf are an example of these fairs. The experience was exhilarating and magical, and I would like to think that every reader and book collector would agree that book fairs are sort of heaven or nirvana on earth.
But so far, the greatest book fair I get to experience must also be the most challenging endeavor I undertook professionally, the Frankfurt Book Fair 2019. Imanaged to be a part of the team that organized the delegation that represented the Philippines in the largest international book fair. FBF is annually held during October in Frankfurt, Germany, with participants worldwide and boost to be the most extensive platform for digital and printed content. So even though I did not personally go to Frankfurt, being part of this massive event as a production assistant and being part of the early planning stages to post-prod was a dream come true. Seeing over 500 books published by the leading publishing houses in the country and written by Filipino authors showcased in the entire world in a beautifully designed stand made me very happy and proud.
Working in a government agency that primarily serves the Philippine publishing industry also gave me a closer look into the local literature. Unfortunately, I did not grow up reading books written by Filipino writers. Aside from the usual piece of local literature my Filipino textbooks in high school and college courses offered, Philippine literature did not become part of my early reading and book collection. But my ignorance of Filipino authors and literature ended when  I worked at NBDB and when a friend lent me Philippine literature books. As I started to read the literary works of Eliza Victoria, Nick Joaquin, Luis Joaquin M. Katigbak, and other amazing Filipino authors, I felt both shame and relief. I finally got to experience my national consciousness and Filipino identity through literature by Filipino authors for Filipinos.
But my bad habits in college still are present and had managed to erode my psyche. Surrounded by so many book-related things, I got back to the same dangerous pattern. I acquired more books but have no diligence and genuine interest in reading. In the process, I become a hoarder like the Businessman from The Little Prince, who cannot stop owning and counting every star he sees in the sky but never understood its value. After all, what is a book without its reader?
And as a result, something bad happened. The words in the pages started to leave me, I slowly lost the ability to build worlds in my head, and my insatiable thirst for knowledge had dwindled. Then one day, I lost all of my interest in books. For one and a half years, I would not touch any books on my bookshelves and stop actively reading and looking for books to buy. I had enough.
                                                           *** Going back to the present time and Marie Kondo, she mentioned in her best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (and yes, I have the book), that the KonMari method encourages only to keep around thirty books. Thirty books seem to be awfully few, and how can a person who loves reading and collecting books find the courage to let go.
But as the book explained, you need to ask oneself the fundamental question of the KonMari method, "does this spark joy?". Does this book spark joy? Have I read this, and if I happened to have, does it aroused my intellect? And I have asked these hard questions to every book in my belongings.
It is almost four years after my time at the university. I am currently in a work-from-home setup which is a very fortunate situation while in the middle of a global pandemic. And yes, I am about to throw books, a lot of them, which you might think is a waste, but deep down, I know I will never reread these, nor will I ever start to read them again.
Honestly, I cannot remember the exact day I pick up a book on my shelf and read again, nor the reason behind it. But having the courage to declutter and purge my book collection, I realized a few months ago that I started again to read and purchase books, but this time there is an effort to be mindful with every reading and purchase made. This subtle change in behavior gave my reading and collecting a better sense of purpose and direction.
My life is composed of limited time, meaning I can only read books that much. But I've been in a relationship with books for many years now. Collecting books became a form of personal art, and reading stories helped me become a better person. It healed me, became a catalyst to learn a couple of life lessons, and taught me to give. And I do not see myself stopping at any point in my life. So might as well keep and read books that only truly capture my spirit, challenges me, and, if I was lucky, changes me. Because that is the thing about it, books are powerful.
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everfaraway · 4 years
So I literally don't know anyone on eah Tumblr and idk how to put myself forward so instead imma introduce the eah ocs I made! One of them is almost a self-insert, and the other three are inspired by my friends (for the third friend one, I wanted to make a visual design for him but I used the Doll Divine eah character maker for these since I can't draw and I couldn't make a guy)
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Dama Jaida Sailor (DJ Sailor for short) is the daughter of Sinbad the Sailor. She is a rebel that is very excited to follow her destiny. Her only love is sailing and exploring, so she doesn't really like Ever After High that much: she's already explored all she wants there. Nothing could really set her off her path except for the threat of people not signing their names into the Storybook of Legends. She has a pet cockatoo she named Ghoti (pronounced fish), and is close friends with Melody Piper and Rhian Knight.
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Rhian Knight is the child of Peredur. She is a royal, though she follows in the steps of most rebels that don't want to follow their destinies because, despite the positive destiny in store for her, she just doesn't care enough about being a knight to want it. She's also close with Dama Sailor who, even though she has nothing to do with her story, is a magical person herself, and the idea of hurting magical people like her just doesn't sit well for Rhian. She has a pet dragon dog called Gelert (not a dog that becomes a dragon, straight up a dragon dog)!
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Frauke stiltskin is the oldest daughter of Rumpelstiltskin, a rebel that is destined to follow in her father's footsteps. Her fairytale ends up with her shoving her foot into the ground so hard she opens a chasm she falls through, leaving her trapped in an endless fall. While Frauke doesn't want to face such a fate, she would rather go through with it than not follow her legacy and threaten the lives of her friends. She cherishes her younger brother and the path he chose as a jeweller.
The fourth person's description:
Lupin Badwolf is the oldest son of the Big Bad Wolf, and and third oldest sibling of six. Both of Lupin's older siblings were supposed to be the big bad wolf. However, when only Ramona accepted her destiny as the Big Bad Wolf in the Three Little Pigs, Lupin was the only one left to take the role in Little Red Riding Hood: his younger siblings were all possible Little Red Riding Hoods. To not mess up the story of one of his siblings, he took on the role of Big Bad Wolf with pride.
A couple things
I'm 100% basing all the "canon" things on the show because I never got the opportunity to read the books, which sucks but oh well.
In making the characters I asked everyone what fairytale they wanted to be part of. In some alternate universe, I made Frauke a whole other character that was the child of the Pied Piper, but I liked the idea of a child of Rumpelstiltskin more, which is why Frauke exists.
Peredur is another name for Percival, a knight of the round table but Percival has multiple names and for some reason the different names have different stories??? When Rhian's inspo showed me Peredur's story, I didn't know it was Percival until I searched it up. Read the story though, it's a good one. Also Peredur is Welsh, fun fact.
Yes I know Rumpelstiltskin is a real character in the show but we're gonna pretend that there's more than one Rumpelstiltskin and Frauke is the child of the Rumpelstiltskin. I'm not letting anyone be related to that gremlin of a character.
The show never really specified who the big bad wolf of the three little pigs story was so to give Lupin some spice I let him have the riding hood story while I made Ramona take the three little pigs.
So... yeah that's it! If anyone wants to ask more about the characters, send me asks in my ask box!
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Chapter Thirteen + Fourteen
The Selection AU - ACOTAR
Tagged:  @justgiu12 @blxckbeaks @justabunchoffandoms @swagbookmaster @my-fan-side @heyitsrhysand @acourtofmarauders
Happy Reading! :) 
Chapter Thirteen: Nesta 
While Nesta got changed and Beatrice did a beautiful braided crown in her hair, Hanna sat on Nesta’s bed reading through the fairytale books. “You sound wonderful, like a natural,” Beatrice comments after Hanna finishes reading a story about three little pigs and a big bad wolf. “A lot better than me.” 
Nesta glances at Beatrice in the mirror, “Oh Beatrice, I didn’t even think to ask if you needed help. I know I am not the best teacher, but I can try and get some books for you too or you can take the ones I already have,” Nesta says quickly once Beatrice has placed the last pin in her hair. 
She turns to look at Beatrice who shakes her head. “I am beyond that, I am fine here, I know Hanna dreams of more,” she replies, smiling at Nesta, comfortingly, Beatrice wasn’t even thirty yet but was so content with her life. 
After finishing one more story with Hanna, Nesta made her way to the women’s room to join the rest of the selected. It felt weird that so many of them were already sent home, she glanced around the room and realized that five of them weren’t there anymore. She didn’t really know their names, one of them was Demetria who was a three and barely said anything to anyone. 
Sage, a four, was sitting across from her and clears her throat. “I have a confession,” she says loud enough that all the girls around the room came rushing over but the Queen and Ianthe couldn’t hear her form across the room. “So, you were all there yesterday when Rhysand came and asked me to go on a horse ride with him.” 
The girls nod excitedly and Nesta feels bad, she hadn’t been there, these girls were spending time together and she was hiding out in her room every chance she got.
“Well, we went on this beautiful trail that leads to a waterfall, and-,” she pauses, and Nesta notices how all the girls lean forward holding onto her next words. “I was the first kiss. I wasn’t sure I should tell you guys, I didn’t want to appear as if I was bragging but I wanted to be honest.” 
If it had come from any other girl here, Nesta would have assumed that they were just trying to show off how far they had gone but the little she knew of Sage she knew that Sage wasn’t the type to brag. She was a kind hearted girl. 
The girls gasped, some congratulating her while others turned to their friends and whispered jealousy. Nesta glances around the room for Rita but doesn’t spot her, was she one of the ones sent home yesterday? 
“I was beginning to think he wasn’t going to kiss anyone,” Penny says, she was seated next to Sage and had a sour look on her face. “I went off with my flirting on our movie date, I thought he just didn’t get the hint.” 
“He probably didn’t want to kiss two girls in one day, he is a prince after all,” Caroline replies sympathetically, reaching forward to squeeze Penny’s hand comfortingly. 
As the girls chat Nesta realizes that she had forgotten this was a competition, that she should be jealous that he kissed someone other than her or that other girls were progressing faster than she and him were. She was glad for their already set boundaries; she couldn’t imagine how the girls who hadn’t been asked on a date or hadn’t held his hand or been kissed felt in this moment. 
The door opens slightly and Nesta glances over to see Rita walking in. Nesta smiles, relief flooding through her as she lifts a hand to wave at her but Rita doesn’t see her as she moves to the outside of the circle and sits by the window. 
There’s a knock on the door and then the King’s voice booms, “Can we have permission to enter?” 
The Queen glances around the room at the girls who were eagerly waiting to hear the news the King brought. She turns to give Ianthe a nod, who immediately rushed to the door to open it for Rhysand and the King. The King looks at the girls, his eyes lingering on Nesta, it was short enough that no one would have noticed but it felt like an eternity for her. She felt his judgement from across the room. 
She remembered the anger on his face when he walked in on them the day before, perhaps he didn’t like her because of her status or maybe she was somewhere she wasn’t supposed to be. Maybe he heard what she had said about Rhysand being a people’s king, if he had she probably would be on her way back home already. 
She shakes her shoulder as if to shake away the thoughts. All the girls were silent as they watched them enter and walk up the few steps towards where the Queen sat. It was quiet enough that you could hear a pin drop. He reaches for the Queen’s hand, giving it a squeeze before letting in drop back into her lap as he turns towards the girls. 
Nesta brow furrow, she remembered how her father was with her mother before she had passed, he acted like she was the sun. Nesta would catch them dancing in the kitchen while cooking dinner or curled up on the couch next to one another reading with only a candle next to them when Nesta would sneak down for extra dessert. 
She remembers noticing the small smiles between one another or the hushed whispers and faint laughter. She wondered if the King and Queen were like that, if they were ever like that, just truly in love with one another? She didn’t know if she should wish that they had because that would have meant something happened to make them lose it but it felt wrong for someone to spend the rest of their lives with someone who wouldn’t look at them like they were the sun. 
The King gestures for all of them to sit and Nesta hadn’t even realized she stood with the rest of the girls, her mind lingering elsewhere. Once the girls were seated again the King began his announcement. “As most of you should know the prince’s birthday is in a few days.” 
Rhysand gives a small bashful smile to the girls as the King continues, “He will be turning twenty-three, which was the age I was when I became King. I hope to pass the title down to my son as soon as he has a supportive princess by his side,” he pauses allowing the girls to swoon at the thought. “You will all be excited to know that we will be holding a ball for this monumental occasion.” 
While excited whispers filled the room as the girls began to discuss dress designs and accessories to match, Nesta can’t help but remember the Feyre’s eighteenth birthday was tomorrow. She couldn’t believe  that she had let the days blend together to the point she would have forgotten. She wondered what they had planned. 
The King held up his hand to shush the chatter and bring Nesta’s attention back to the subject at hand. “This will be an important moment for all of you, this will be the first time the world will see you as proper ladies through the television and in person, many influential people will be invited. I expect you to behave properly.” His eyes find Nesta’s once again and she wonders why he singles her out, she hadn’t caused a scene yet. He was judging her by her caste alone. 
Ianthe was beaming with excitment, probably thinking of a million ways to torture them. “You will be working closely with Ianthe to sharpen your manners and etiquette as well as dancing,” the King announces. 
Nesta wants to groan, the one dancing class Ianthe had already put them through was tortuous, she couldn’t imagine being broadcasted, she would be deemed as the worst dancer in the selection as she stumbled through the movements. She would have to pretend to sprain an ankle, they wouldn’t make her dance with an injury would they? 
“And with that, I will leave you all to enjoy the rest of your day,” The King says as he swiftly leaves while Rhysand trails behind him. She thought back to Rhysand’s excitement yesterday talking about change but seeing him now, he looked suppressed. 
She wasn’t sure how she could enjoy the rest of her day now that Ianthe was rushing around pulling out magazines and rambling wildly about all the work she has to do to prepare us all. She mutters something about gathering a group of guards for an impromptu dance lesson because “only stars know that these girls need help.” 
Nesta knows it’s mostly directed at her, she stepped on her own hem and her partners feet more than anyone else, she barely had time to look how the others were doing but Ianthe was hard to please and she only heard a few compliments called out. 
Nesta glances over at Ianthe chatting with the Queen as Nesta moves to the window where Rita ahd curled up staring out the window. Nesta looks out as well, leaning against the windowsill, a few gardeners were working on the rose bushes and next to it Tamlin was entertaining a few maids and guards with a story, his hands moving wildly. 
“How are you?” Nesta asks, looking over at Rita who barely looks at her. She looks stressed, perhaps this competition was getting to her more than she let on. 
She shrugs letting out a long sigh. “Of course,” Rita says and Nesta can hear a lot of emotion in her voice. Nesta realized that there was a lot to Rita that she didn’t know, they had only talked a few times and Nesta had begun to think of her as a close friend but she hardly knew anything about her. She was a six, she knew as much heartache as Nesta did, she carried her own damage. 
“I am here if you ever need me,” Nesta says hoping the small gesture was enough. She doesn’t have time to say more because Ianthe claps her hand to get everyone’s attention. 
“We have decided to have lunch here with proper etiquette, it will be a test to see how much you already know. After that, I will ask some off-duty guards and maids to join us to make this a makeshift ball. From there I will determine what we need to focus on. I expect your best behavior.” 
“Here we go again,” Rita says with an eye roll and Nesta hears the spunk she heard the first night back in her voice. 
Nesta was full of cucumber finger sandwiches and macaroons, she couldn’t imagine dancing. She hopes the Ianthe forgets or has mercy on them, letting them sleep off the good food, but sure enough as soon as the tea is finished a band walks through the room followed by some guards and maids. 
They looked different out of their uniforms, she realized how young some of them actually were, some of the girls looked younger than her sister Feyre. “Here are your partners for the night, it’ll be good to fill up the space so you know what it will be like to have multiple people around you. You wouldn’t want to run into the Queen of Italy!” Ianthe laughs loudly at her joke but the girls just look at each other. “What are you waiting for, pair up!” 
The girls all line up on one side while the guards line up on the other. Nesta glances at her partner, he was a little taller than her with black hair and grey eyes, but he barely looked at her. She wondered if that was due to her being selected or him hearing rumors about her being the worst dancer out of the bunch. 
 Nesta hadn’t even noticed the Prince and his personal guard, Cassian, waltz in until they joined the line. “Are we too late to join?” the prince asks more enthusiastically than Cassian looks. Rhysand squeezes in so he’s with Penny, who beams with joy, he glances back at Cassian. “Come on, you can’t let me dance alone, Nesta’s a great dancer.” 
Nesta makes a face at that, even though he had to know that she was horrible, he’s the one that tried to teach her. Cassian looks at the prince suspiciously before stepping in front of her causing her original partner to shift down. 
She opens her mouth to greet him, but nothing comes out, she didn’t know what to say to him. The last time they spoke he was abrasive and then the last time she saw him she spilled his secret. After talking with Rhysand and seeing Cassian’s reaction it was easy to piece together that he really sent her the books. 
 “Alright, let’s see if you all remember anything,” Ianthe says and the music begins to play. 
Cassian steps forward and grabs her hand, placing his other on her waist, he pulls her close as he begins the basic box step. “I apologize in advance for any toe crushing I do, I still haven’t gotten this down,” she says as she looks down, watching the placement of her feet. 
He chuckles as he begins to speed up the pace with the beat of the music. “I don’t think the cameras will want to film the top of your head,” he says. 
She glances up briefly, but quickly puts her attention back on their feet. “I don’t think I want anyone to see my face if I am tripping on my hem,” Nesta replies, gripping his shoulder as she almost trips, she looks up and gives him a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” 
He stops and she glances around the room as the rest of the couples keep going. “Was I that bad?” she asks, but she can’t help the heat that burns her cheeks. 
“No,” he says quickly to reassure her, “You just lack faith, we will take it slow.” 
He begins again, taking the steps slow, she can tell that the other girls are looking at her. She looks back down at her feet, his hand moving from her waist to her chin in a second, he gently pushes her chin forward so she’s looking up at him again. 
“Stop watching your feet, you’re overthinking,” Cassian says. There’s a pause and she tries really hard not to look at her feet. “How did you maid, Hanna, enjoy the books?” 
Nesta beams, “Oh she loves them, just finished the fairytale one this morning! She’s a quick learner, I am sure if she continues she will be able to read all those brainiac scholar textbooks in old english covered in dust,” she says proudly. 
“I am glad,” he says. 
“I hope I didn’t get you in trouble, the note was right next to the box, Beatrice thought it fell off so I just assumed. I hope me saying something didn’t cause anything,” she replies, thinking about what they had told her the first night. She didn’t want to get him caught up in treason when it was just a nice thing he was doing for her and her maid. 
He shakes his head with an easy smile that makes her want to smile back. “You didn’t, Rhysand didn’t mind at all especially when I told him that you were teaching your maid to read. You just keep earning yourself brownie points.” 
She rolls her eyes and says, “I doubt that, I am just waiting until he realizes I am not anyone and sends me home.” He looks like he wants to ask more but the door slams open and a guard rushes in followed by the King. The music halts and everyone watches as the King whispers something to Ianthe. 
She pales slightly glancing around the room until her eyes find Nesta’s when she does her facial expression softens. She turns to the King nodding her head before he makes his exit. “Nesta, would you mind following me outside?” Ianthe says. 
There's a hush whispers as she follows Ianthe out into the hallway, Cassian and Rhysand trailing behind her. Ianthe closes the door turning to face Nesta, she gives her a tight smile, “Your sisters called.” 
Nesta brow furrow, why would he sisters call? They hadn’t said anything weird in their last letters. “It's your father,” Ianthe says biting her lip as her eyes glance behind Nesta to where Rhysand and Cassian stood. “He passed away in his sleep right now.” 
He passed away. He passed away. Angry tears threatened to fall, she was furious with her father, he didn’t die in his sleep he probably overdosed or suffered from liver failure due to the alcohol pumping through him. He had abandoned her sisters when they needed him most, how was she going to protect them now? Elain with nineteen and Feyre was barely eighteen. 
“We will make preparations for you right away,” Rhysand says and she can only nod numbly. She would have to give this all up just when she was beginning to think she could make a change. It's just fate telling her this wasn’t for her. 
TW: mentions past abuse, mental and physical. 
Chapter Fourteen: Cassian
Cassian moved in the seat, uncomfortable with the cramped plane seating and the silence, he had volunteered to leave with Nesta as soon as possible. Rhysand would leave the next morning to pay his respects, unfortunately he had to finish some business with his father first. 
“I am sorry,” he finally says and Nesta glances up at him. “It must be hard on you. I know you already lost one parent.”
 She scoffs and he’s a little taken back. “After my mother died he gambled all our money away, he’s lucky they only made us sevens. After the move he turned to drinking, leaving me to work three jobs to put food on the table for my sisters, in the beginning it was worse. After my sisters fell asleep, he became abusive, would throw bottles at me or call me worthless.” 
Cassian swallowed the lump in his throat, she was so much stronger than he had originally thought. “I am not sad to see him go, he was no longer the man I called my father, just someone that lived in my house and drank the day away. I am angry more than anything, he was so selfish,” she retorts almost a whisper. She looks away from him and back out the window. 
“That’s why you were so worried about being here, away from your family,” Cassian concludes aloud. 
She nods, pulling her hair back into a low bun at the base of her neck and turning back towards him. “I am more heartbroken that my sisters won’t know the love my parents had once, they won’t get to have those good memories of him. Only the ones of shouting and locking himself away,”
Silences fall between them again, Cassian wasn’t sure what to say. His father wasn’t in the picture and his mother died when he was young. He only had a few memories of her and he didn’t have any siblings to consider. 
“Sorry, you don’t need to hear all of this,” Nesta says and Cassian notices how exhausted she looks. It was probably a vacation to be at the palace without having the constant worry of providing for her family. She rubs her eyes, before propping her head on her elbow, she stares out the window. “I just don’t think I’ll be able to come back.” 
“You get a stipend for being here, and your sisters will most likely be moved to caste three now that you are considered their guardian. You’ll still be able to compete-,” he pauses, and adds softly, “If you want, of course.” 
He watches her eyebrows knit as he loses her to her thoughts. “Its food for thought, but I think you would make an excellent teacher,” he adds, “I heard that Hanna was teaching some of the kitchen aids how to read on their break.”
He’s glad when he sees her smile and looks at him with those bright ideas, as if she could change the world just by helping one person. “Really?” she asks, and he nods, “Good. Thank you for telling me.” 
A voice on the intercom announces that they would be landing shortly and to buckle up. As soon as they pull into the airport, there can be screams heard from inside, she looks at him wide eyed. “Are those people here for us?” she asks. 
He laughs, “Not us, you. They are your supporters,” he replies, glancing out the window towards the group of people. “They already have security, they shouldn’t bother you if you don’t want to talk to them.” 
She stiffens as she gives him a short nod, he opens the door and the crowd yells loudly in excitement. He’s surprised how quick she puts on a smile, another good quality to have in a queen. She talks to a few people along the way, mostly young girls, but as soon as she’s away from the crowd her smile falls. 
The car ride was silent, her leg bouncing as she bites her nails, he understood her nerves especially with the new knowledge of her upbringing. He glances around to the houses that were mismatched, they tried to fix them up as best they could, 
The car jerked as it hit the gravel road, he had been in the palace for so long he forgot the hardship. He feels her straighten and he glances out the window to see two girls standing in a yard waving wildly at the car. Before the car had fully stopped she was out and running towards them. 
“Tell us everything,” one of them says excitedly, pulling her into the house. Cassian waves the driver away and follows them in feeling as if he was intruding on a personal moment but her safety came first. “Elain wasn’t sure if they would let you come. I can’t believe you’ve made it to the final fifteen.” 
“That’s still a lot, Feyre,” Nesta says with an eye roll. “How has everything been here?” 
Feyre disappears into another room while Elain sits down next to Nesta. “How has everything been here?” 
“Do you remember Liz? Her parents have been helping a lot, especially with the burial yesterday. They thought it would be best to bury him as fast as possible.” Elain explains. Cassian looks around the room as they discuss, not wanting to intrude anymore than he already was. The front door led to a small sitting area, the TV that was mandatory in all houses sat in the corner, there was a small entryway that must lead to the kitch and two doors. 
Feyre comes back through the entryway with a pie in her hand, “We made it to celebrate you coming home, it’s probably not as good as the food in the palace. Is the food in the palace good?” Feyre asks, kneeling on the floor in front of her sisters. 
“Actually, speaking of food from the palace-,” she turns to look for her bag that Cassian had set by the front door. “Oh! This is Cassian, he is Captain of the guard!” 
“What’d you do to make the Captain of the guard assigned to you?” Feyre asks suspicious eyeing Nesta. “I knew you would get into trouble, what’d you do? Start a rebellion?” 
Nesta rolls her eyes at ther sisters. “That’s Feyre and this is Elain,” she points to the sisters as she moves towards her bag. 
“So since she won’t answer, how is the food?” Feyre asks, eyeing Cassian stubbornly. 
He chuckles when he sees the resemblance between her and Nesta. “I have no complaints,” he replies, glancing down at Nesta who was grabbing a box from her suitcase. She shuts her suitcase again before turning towards her sisters and opening the box. 
“My maid, Beatrice, had it packed up for me. She knew you guys would want to try it. We have macaroons, every cookie you could imagine, and so many pastries,” Nesta says, setting down the box, Feyre immediately reaches forward and grabs a strawberry pastry while Elain takes her time determining which one she wants. 
“So what's with the prince? Is he as snobby as he comes across on the television?” Feyre asks, glancing up at Cassian apologetically, “No offense.” 
Cassian shrugs, he knew how his friend had to be in the public especially in front of his father, he looks over at Nesta wondering why he cared so much about what she was going to say. “He’s not as snobby,” she replies, pausing as if she had to think about her next words carefully. “He’s been surprising.”
Cassian glances away from her, what did that mean? He’s been surprising? It could be a good surprising or a bad surprising. He shook it off, he shouldn’t care so much about how she thought about the prince. That was their business. 
“You’ll meet him tomorrow, he was hoping to come out to pay respect,” Nesta says. 
“He’s coming here?” Elain says hurriedly glancing around the room as if she could somehow make it more presentable. “I wish we had more notice. I would have put some flowers around to brighten the place up.” 
Nesta waves her hand, “He’s a prince, I doubt he will stay long. He probably won’t even stay long enough to notice,” she replies with a yawn. 
“Oh, you’re probably tired from your travels, we have a long day tomorrow. You should get some rest,” Elain says, grabbing Nesta's hand and pulling her towards the door to the right. He glances over to the left door, that must have been their father’s bedroom. 
“We cleaned out his room if you would like to stay there or you can sleep out here. You can also help yourself to anything in the kitchen,” Feyre says, standing up and looking around. “Do you need anything? Sorry, I don’t think we’ve ever had any guests.” 
He noticed how she wasn’t embarrassed as Nesta sometimes came across, perhaps it was because she was the youngest and this is all she knew or maybe she didn’t feel the need to impress him or the prince, another quality she shared with Nesta. 
“I'll be alright out here, thank you,” Cassian replies, “My job is to keep you guys protected so I won’t be sleeping much.” 
“Protected, is there a chance someone will attack us?” Feyre asks curiously leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen. “I heard about the rebel attacks, would they come here to hurt Nes?” 
He notices how she doesn’t seem scared, but more curious than anything. “It’s unlikely but always possible. We just want to be on the safe side,” he replies. 
She nods, “Well, I am going to bed, there’s coffee under the sink if you need some. Nesta hoards the stuff, it's the only pleasure she gives herself besides all her books,” she says, going to the same door her sisters disappeared into minutes before. 
During his morning jog he ran into a farmers market where he picked up some produce for breakfast. He walked into the kitchen, the girls either still in their room or still asleep. He moved around the kitchen, glancing in the pantry and refrigerator, it was practically bare. 
He understood why Nesta felt guilty, just thinking about her and her neighbors kitchens looking like this when he could ring a bell and have whatever he wanted prepared for him. He began cooking what he hoped would feel like a palace breakfast for them. 
Bacon, sausage, eggs, and even his signature french toast. He even put a pot of water on the stove for coffee. “You really didn’t have to do this,” he turns to see Nesta standing in the doorframe looking around the kitchen. “It all smells amazing, I am sure once the others are awake they’ll be in here devouring it, especially Feyre.” 
“She’s a character for sure,” Cassian says, finishing the eggs and putting them on a plate turning to see her sitting down on a stool in front of the island. “She reminds me of you.” 
“Oh really?” Nesta hums, still half asleep as he leans on her elbow. “She’s definitely spunky, she’ll change the world if it’ll let her. She’s worried I’ll start a rebellion? I am surprised she hasn’t.” 
It was weird for Cassian to see her in this element, without the added stress of the competition, she was just a girl and he was just a guy. He shakes his head turning away from her. He really couldn’t let these thoughts get the best of him. 
“Are you okay?” she asks concern laced in her voice as he glances over at her. 
“Of course,” he replies, and she doesn’t look like she believes him but her sisters walk in seconds later. 
Feyre moves towards the counter, “I am moving to the palace if I get a feast like this every morning,” she exclaims reaching forward to grab a piece of bacon with her hands. 
Nesta rolls her eyes and chuckles as she says, “Don’t mind my heathen of a sister, apparently she forgot what silverware is in my absence.” Feyre moves to grab another piece and Nesta pushes her hand away. Feyre puts up her hands in surrender and moves towards the cabinets holding the plates. 
There’s a knock on the door and Cassian can feel the anxiousness fill the room from each of her sisters. “He could have at least called, I am still in my pajamas,” Feyre retorts with a mouth full of french toast. Elain shoves her sister lightly in the side, “I think the pajamas are the least of his concern, he’ll be more focused on the food coming out of your mouth as you speak,” Elain retorts, scolding her sister. 
“This is going to be such a disaster,” Nesta announces standing up from her spot and towards the door. 
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chxoticmuses · 4 years
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Status: Accepting
@streetsofsecrets​ said: our ships?? 🥺 ( Leah & Munroe )
How did they first meet?: When they both snuck into a club when they were teenagers and Leah ended up bumping into him and the rest is history.
What was their first impression of each other?: He honestly doesn’t remember much since he was high out of his mind, but he remembers himself thinking that she was a pretty unique and cool person to hang out with. 100/10 hasn’t had a life experience like that since.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?: heh, yes! He would tell his friends the story of their nightclub bender all the time and they encouraged him to try and look for her. And for a while, he did! But he kept getting sidetracked by things and thought he would never see her again. Later when they reunited later on in life at his interview, Bella slipped him Leah’s number before they left and I’m pretty sure June and Ben are #TeamMunroe.
Who felt romantic feelings first?: Munroe, it was something like love at first sight the night they met! A pretty girl who was ready to so drugs with him and wasn’t scared of his wacky personality? Yeah, it was a match made in Heaven.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?: Because of the whole aquarium number thing, I feel like Leah tried to force herself to stop liking him, but those feelings came back and hit her like a sledgehammer once they reconnected later on in life.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?: “Really? Them?” But not in a bad way kinda ish? It would just be shocking to the both of them because even though their careers are very similar, they’re two completely different people who were, and still kind are, on two different paths.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?: Munroe, but it wasn’t like he asked her to be his girlfriend or anything like that. He just started referring to her as his girlfriend and began calling her pet names one day and I guess she got used to it.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?: Very cheesy and very much Munroe-ish. He took her through one of those tunnel of love attractions along with those fake Venice boat ride things. Instead of being his usual foolish self that night, he was a lovey dovey fool instead. He was reciting rom coms like The Notebook, pulling out his phone every five minutes to read Pinterest quotes, and reciting whatever Shakespeare he knew the whole night.
What was their first kiss like?: It happened the night of their little club bender. It wasn’t really a sweet cold night kiss in New York that I usually write for our ships. Munroe just felt the urge to kiss her so he leaned in and did it while she was in the middle of a tangent about something.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?: To be honest, Munroe had all the experience he could possibly get by the time they reconnected.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?: Munroe is a very tall beefy dude, so I’m sure he hovers over her quite a few inches. As for age, shame on you for making me do math again, but I’m pretty sure he’s like a year or two older than her. Maybe more idk.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?: Munroe and June have matching friendship bracelets that say ‘BFFs for life’ on them and he’s always spewing his nonsense at Ben, so I think it’s safe to say that he’s pretty close with her side of the family. As for his side of the family, they love Leah!! She’s the most sane and normal one out of them, so they appreciate having someone around like her who can ground them from time to time. They like to poke at her and make fun of how serious she is from time to time, but it’s all love.
Who takes the lead in social situations?: Leah. They don’t need him embarrassing them and scaring people off with more ridiculous life mottos.
Who gets jealous easier?: Heh, Munroe and he gets a passive aggressive type jealous when it comes to her. But he doesn’t trip too hard because he knows she’ll never find anyone with hair as luscious as his.
Who said “I love you” first?: Munroe. He’s very vocal about how he feels, so he had no problem expressing to her that he loved her after like their fifth date.
What are their primary love languages?: It’s hard to say because both of their love languages are so different from each other, but I’d say it’s a mix between physical affection and acts of kindness.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?: Munroe is PDA monster, but even then he doesn’t cross Leah’s boundaries. He prefers to be extra and do a lot, but when it comes to her he dials it down a little bit. He’ll sneak up behind her and give her a big bear hug, greet her with a kiss in front of others, and hold her hand every time they’re walking side by side.
What are their favorite things to do together?: He really likes to watch her while she works and see everything come together for her. He sits by her side or close to her the whole time so he can give his opinions, help her word things, and all that Jazz. Besides that why do I feel like they still like getting high with each other? Maybe not smoking or anything hardcore like they were doing in the club, but they might split an edible together every now and then.
Who’s better at comforting the other?: The both of them. They really understand and get each other on like a spiritual level every since that night at the club since they spilled a lot about themselves.
Who’s more protective?: I’m going to give this one to Munroe again. He’s especially protective over her since she’s a journalist and he knows from being a criminal himself that journalists have a big target on their backs. He’d go crazy if anything ever happened to her.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?: A mix of both. Munroe adds in the verbal aspect of their affection, always complimenting her and telling her how amazing she is. While Leah, on the other hand, is more physically affectionate with him and does little things like give him kisses, rub him like he’s a dog (at his request of course), and cuddle him.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?: Any cheesy romantic song from the late 80s.
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?: Leahroni. It has no meaning to it whatsoever. He just came up with it one day while brainstorming and decided to add roni to the end of her name. When he’s not calling her that, he calls her cringy pet names like snookums, sweat peas, and anything that sounds like a nickname your grandma would give you
If they get married, who proposes?: Munroe proposed to her with a ring pop in front of everyone. She probably thought he was joking at first, but he was dead serious. Later on when they went home he ended up giving her the real ring he bought her.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?: They had two weddings actually! One was a big outside wedding that was decorated very nicely, had everyone from family to drug dealer buddies, they did traditional wedding routines, and all that good stuff. BUTTT, after a lot of convincing he got her to have a more private wedding with just close family and friends at one of those Vegas chapels. It was very epic; Elvis officiated their marriage, he sang karaoke to her instead of vowels, and he wore just a suit top and his spongebob underwear. He liked the second one much more.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?: I used a baby generator and it said that they’re going to have a girl, so imma stick with that! It’s what Munroe was hoping for anyways so he can use the old Hollywood names he’s piled up over the years. Her name is Veronica, named after the great Veronica Lake of course, in hopes that she would be
Do they have any pets?: Munroe has 4 birds, a bearded dragon, a dog, and two guinea pigs. They’re littered around the headquarters, but his dog and one of his birds are located at his house. It’s like a tiny farm he loves it,
Who’s the stricter parent?: Definitely Leah! Munroe is the type of parent to let his kids do whatever and face the consequences on their own to teach them a lesson so he can rub it in their face later like “I told you so, but you never listen to me. See what not listening to me does for you?” Yeah.
Who kills the bugs in the house?: Munroe carefully places them back outside. They have a life too and their own civilization to get back to! He genuinely thinks that life for them is like A Bug’s Life or The Bee movie.
How do they celebrate holidays?: Besides spending time with family, Munroe likes to throw these epic parties at his headquarters. They’re like The Wolf of Wallstreet type office parties; super epic, almost have no real holiday theme to them, and result in a lot of bad decision making.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?: Munroe’s a pretty lazy guy. He hates waking up early and you can catch him showing up to work like three hours late. He’s going to force his bad habits on Leah too smh.
Who’s the better cook?: You’d be surprised at how much Munroe knows about cooking and how many foods he knows how to infuse with weed. I hope no one ate the sides he brought to Thanksgiving 😔
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