#fae tactics
tavi-plays · 1 month
The worst part about playing mostly indie games is that you can be frothing-at-the-mouth in love with a game, and you can't talk about it because all you'll get is blank stares by people who have never heard of it.
Entirely too many underrated gems out there :/
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dukedyke · 1 year
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he's helping
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syrupspinner · 1 month
i defeated Fae Tactics
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i love how many tactics games need to put "tactics" in their title. imagine that with any other genre.
so theres a genre of indie game i like to call "that ratatouille gif". i have attached it for your convenience
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you know what i mean. Bloodstained, Yooka-Laylee, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Palworld, its a whole thing. this is a dangerous genre to classify things into, because theres a very thin line between "taking heavy inspiration" and "being a sequel". like, its easy to say that Paradise Killer is a Kill The Past game with that got sent to the wrong address in the morphogenetic field. theres the moon symbolism, the assassins, theres literally a silver case for gods sake. but i cant call it a ripoff because it brings so much unique to the table with the worldbuilding, presentation, and gameplay.
thats how i feel about Fae Tactics. when it first lit that spark, inspiring me to play it for as many hours as i could as many days as i could until i finished it, i felt my childhood. i remember one of the first video games i ever owned: final fantasy tactics a2 grimoire of the rift. i played the ass off of that game, expiring everthing you could do multiple times over. it inspired a lifelong respect for the tactical rpg in my bones, and Fae Tactics scratched an itch ive been feeling for a while
i dont want to give the impression that im nostalgia blind, thats not the case at all. comparing a trpg to final fantasy tactics (even what i consider the worst game in retrospect - man the law mechanic was a pain) is like comparing a fighing game to street fighter. remember that time capcom tried to sue someone who made a fighting game that stole too many mechanics and design elements from street fighter 2. the court said, paraphrased, "sf2 was so influential on the genre that MOST games have street fighter mechanics now. like, platformers with powerups arent ripping off mario, that just how platformers work now." yeah thats what fft did too.
what im saying is, the game takes the fundamentals of the genre as estalished by its best examples, and builds on them in unique and engaging ways. monsters have a random chance of dropping cards, which lets you equip them as summons for the next battle. its great to have more experimental low-stakes party members. instead of focusing all your valuable main character slots on healers if youre going into a heavy damage fight, you can just bring a bunch of water summons to power through it and support your glass cannons until they end the fight pronto. or, you can have a lot of ranged summons that suppliment your tankier party members; or expendable summons to distract enemies while you buff your party. this is a huge strength of any tactical game - letting you stratagize in a way that is functional to your playstyle.
something id like to note is that there are tons of mechanics, but i only felt overwhelmed at the very beginning. by fight, like, three? i was totally in sync with the games tools and how to use em. this is tough. i remember by playthrough of zanki zero, where i got so overwhelmed by shikabane and character relationship gene splicing and the crafting mechanic and the cloning and the aging and the attack windup and those stupid tentacle attacks that i just fizzled out and gave up trying to comprehend stuff (until chapter six, but im getting distracted). i never saw a new mechanic in Fae Tactics that made me think "whats the point? im not doing this". instead, i was always interested in how i can use this new element to enhance my gameplay. its that classic theory of Get To vs. Have to. i never had to do the cooking minigame every time i slept - i got to play a game where i boosted my partys stats.
so how about the story? i think it was pretty good! each continent that you can explore has its own little isolated plot, and while it all connects in the end, i was worried it would fall into the same trap that i felt saints row 2 did. it didnt feel like you had a gang, it felt like you had 3 friends who all did their own thing and you helped. i think this is managed in the most effective yet realistic way - have peony as the center of the communication because its just her personality. shes doing the talking because shes just a friendly person with leadership skills. also like 1/3 of her party cant talk. the only hurdle then is making everyone feel too isolated - i wont lie, there are shades of that, but i think letting the characters relax in the background if they arent immediately relevant to a scene is a good compromise of this. like, your dog chico doesnt always show up in cutscenes unless they have a weapon upgrade or something. thats fine, cuz like, theyre a dog. itd waste everyones time if everyone chimed in every time anything happened. so its not like gat is inexplicably uninterested in the non-ronin gangs, its just that characters are allowed to be offstage if they dont have any lines. it really helps the group feel more cohesive and friendly, and in general it feels less like oure going on mission sidequests waiting for the area to clean and instead youre going on a real ass adventure
also, if i can be candid, matilda is one of the most badass characters ive ever seen. i love how her intro quest brings so much validity to the scrap youve been collecting so far as more than just "upgrade points". it really builds up peonys compassion and heroism when she puts in that much work to save the life of a stranger, and the time limit adds so much urgency while still being very generous, at least to my collectathon playstyle. finally i just love her character conceptually. shes a fairy that esentially rides her own iron lung like a mecha. the fact that shes lowkey the best ranged fighter in the game doesnt hurt.
closing thoughts. i was insane about this game when i first played it. like, i cannot bring myself to play anything else because im so enraptured about this game. im talking "oh yeah i guess i havent had a meal today" at midnight. thats how you know that youve got a very special game. also that i am very autistic.
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tonyfinale · 1 month
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no way fae tactics was playtested
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splashink-games · 5 months
5 Strategy RPGs I Think You Should Play
Turn-based tactics, my love.
I play a lot of games, but some of my favourites include games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem. As a kid, those games gave me a lot of freedom in creating my fictional team of supernatural-power-wielding friends. And enough strategic importance that big number isn't always better (though it does plays a part).
Here are 5 strategy RPGs (I don't know how else to categorize them. Tactical RPG? Turn-based tactics?) that I played in the last year that I think y'all should play.
this one's a long one, folks.
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Played exactly a year ago today, I had a blast playing Battletech. enough to almost make it into my top 5 of 2023.
This game was my first interaction with lore from this universe and it felt like a pretty good jumping on point. It certainly helped when I played MechWarrior 5 at the end of last year. Narratively, this game kinda rocks. You've got a well-introduced main character and their nemesis and a long hill to push your rock up until you fulfill your goals.
strategically, the game is great. the main campaign quests it throws at you are pretty rad and sometimes does require knowing exactly what to do and with which units (and making sure you've got those units with you on drop).
What I really love about Battletech, and subsequently MechWarrior as a whole, is the mech customization. Unit optimization? Whatever you wanna call it. I liked scavenging for parts to make a mech, then equipping it with my most deadly weapons only to lose those weapons in combat. great times.
Wasteland 3
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I didn't know what to think when I started played Wasteland 3. For me (I'm heavy into fantasy than sci-fi), it was pretty out of genre, setting-wise. it's post-apocalyptic modern and set in America (I really think it's important to point out that it's set in America). and it's not typically what I'm out to read.
what I did read was an incredibly written experience and really awesome narrative decision making along with solid mechanics. it was kinda cool to see my actions have consequences (which I looked up constantly because I knew what kind of game I was playing), like helping out a guy in Act 1 only for them to come back in halfway through Act 2.
and the skill tree was most impressive. for most of the game, it gives your team members well-defined roles, which I appreciated. and having narrative options tied to those, while I think is standard, was pretty nice considering I had to talk to NPCs with multiple characters to get what I wanted.
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos
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If you're more into Dungeons and Dragons rather than guns and mechs (like I am), here be the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk.
This one is more a classic one-to-one to Dungeons and Dragons and functions as a big dungeon crawl with an inn in it. meaning the combat mechanics were fleshed out and familiar for me! so it was pretty simple but the rooms do a bit to keep players on their toes with environmental hazards.
the story is straightfoward: get to the Dungeon Master so they can leave. oh but wait! the stairs aren't working! guess we'll take the long way around~! overall, the dialogue was pretty hit-or-miss (more misses with the comedy for me though).
Fae Tactics
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Fae Tactics was a pretty big surprise in a lot of ways.
as another one of my honourable mentions for games I played last year, Fae Tactics has solid gameplay and story.
I actually really liked how the story plays itself out. you get bits of non-linear progression with every main quest you complete, meaning you can do most of the game in any order you want. I did do everything in my first playthrough, so it was cool to see different parts of the story connect, and the epilogues that I got in the end. and how the story evolves from one goal to another and how it resolves conflicts is pretty interesting!
moreover, I thought the dialogue for this game was pretty aight. it matched the mood of the game as well as the characters. it knew when to be serious and when to try to be funny.
mechanically, this game is less about customizing your team and more about completing combat with what you have, until you reach maximum upgrades (where you've got pretty obvious choices). capturing your own fae during battle is actually really important since it gives you more options moving forward.
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
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This was one I've wanted to play but only recently got the chance! One of this year's first games for me, Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga felt pretty good to play.
outright, the narrative I think needs some work. it's not the best, but it gets the job done. it's easy enough to follow and enough characters to like to get you through the game. surprisingly, or maybe unsurprisingly, I didn't like the main character's arc, though it does make a little sense in hindsight.
the best part about this game was the gameplay, for sure. creating an army and commanding it was so fun. there's so much you can do because of the freedom the game allows you in your units. there are items to change affinities, upgrade stats, give your squads more capacity (that's a big one), and so on. additionally, having a maximum 9 units (on average it's more like 6-8 units) per squad was creatively engaging.
one of the biggest things is the fact you can class promote/demote at will. the resources are only allocated and never go away, and you really notice it when you get the tech upgrades that reduces resource costs. and I think the game made the right choice in setting the strongest unit type (dragons) aside for in-combat stores only.
in battle, the strategy was pretty straightforward. the game often relies on sending reinforcements for increased difficulty. but otherwise, the maps provided pretty interesting problems for players to solve. and by the end game, you're commanding up to 20 squads per turn, which is kind of insane.
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to recap!
Battletech is a great starting point into MechWarrior lore while being an awesome tactical game.
with a wildly different setting from the rest, Wasteland 3 provides the most dynamic narrative of the bunch with solid strategic gameplay to pair along with it!
for D&D lovers, The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos is pretty aight, especially if you don't have the funds for newer titles.
Fae Tactics was a surprise hit that strategy/tactical RPG fans will love!
and lastly, Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga is robust in tactics and will get you thinking about the best army composition.
Here's to more tactical games in the future! in fact I already have more lined up-
As always,
Enjoy gaming!
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limayde · 8 months
68. Fae Tactics
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Imagine if Pokémon was like FF Tactics...wait- Pokémon Conquest already exists.
That comparison still works tho, it is a combination that works very well. Collecting creatures that you can swap around for different combat scenarios is very engaging. They just really nailed the core gameplay on every level. All the different buffs, positioning, spells, elements, chaining attacks together, it just works really really well. I never felt lost, or confused about why a thing happened. Normally there's a pretty simple reason for each situation that can occur, and that makes gameplay glide along smoothly.
Hell, it took me five months of playing this game off and on before I beat it—something that I never do. If I stop playing a game for whatever reason, it usually goes unfinished. Not this one though. I kept coming back, because it's just so damn fun. And every time I did, the core mechanics were never lost on me. It was like I had never even stopped playing. I think that goes to show how well-crafted this game's mechanics are.
I really enjoy the smaller, shorter maps—compared to something like Fire Emblem, you can play through several chapters without feeling tired or burnt-out. I don't think it's necessarily better than how FE does it, it's just different, but I like that approach. I will say I wasn't exactly engaged with the story. It wasn't bad, but because of the game's nature, every plotline feels like a sidequest. Which is...very strange? Although I'm not against the idea, I kinda like it. You're constantly jumping between different plot points at your discretion and skill level—it was like I was trying to piece together a puzzle that was slowly deconstructing itself as I built it. There were some standout moments I really enjoyed, like Payachin's storyline, or that moment with Peony and Claudia near the end. Although I will mention there was a surprising amount of burying gays, or queer people just flat-out being villains. Definitely a strike against the game for sure.
Anyway yeah, Fae tactics was pretty good. Give it a shot if you're in the mood for a tactics game with monster taming.
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zoishi · 1 year
Curioso juego de Estrategia por turnos pixelado | FAE TACTICS
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ghouljams · 11 months
Hey Ghoul I hope your doing well!
I had a question about Fae!Soap.... What did you mean when you said he 'eats' his darlings?
Like did you mean he physically eats them whole and leaves nothing behind as in they're dead?
Or do you mean it in the sense that he devours their very being, their essence, their soul leaving them an empty shell once the dept is repaid.
Because I thought Fae Ghost and Konig were scary but I'm more afraid of soap now thinking he's done this to multiple ex darlings.
I got literal shivers when you said he eats them
Hi! Hello! I'm doing well, back in the states and eagerly typing away as I am meant to be. I had a lot of fun but it's nice to be home again!
Soap is a Leannán Sídhe, he is made to consume your very essence and being. He's made to be a muse, to inspire fits of mania and inspiration that will eventually drain their artist dry down to their very soul. His Darlings live very brief but very productive lives, and in those lives his only desire is making them produce more faster for him with little care the toll it takes on them. I'm gonna write some fae!Soap horror with a previous darling now.
Your shoulders are stiff, your mind sluggish, you haven't been sleeping well. Every time your head hits the pillow you're struck by another idea that you have to write down. You're too worried about losing it, inspiration has always been so fleeting for you, and your memory isn't what it was a few months ago. You rub at your eyes, scratching the corners with the edge of your nail. You hiss when the skin drags too harshly, pressing your finger against the sting that stops your work.
Soap's fingers grip your chin, pulling you to let him look in at your eye. His gaze is electric green, it's mesmerizing as his eyes flick over your face. Electric green, that's good, you should write that down. He doesn't let you go, his attention pulling you away from your work long enough to remind you of your rapidly approaching migraine. Have you eaten anything today? When is the last time you even touched food?
When is the last time you got up from your desk?
Soap smiles at you, a warm but pitying thing. When did he start staying with you? Why can't you remember the last time you saw your friends? The last time your phone buzzed with a new message from anyone but your editor? Had you even sent your last draft to anyone?
Soap nods, nods your head with his firm fingers. Is he doing this?
He opens his mouth when you do, the words catching in your throat at the way his teeth shine. The second set of molars that he has catching your eyes as you look up at him. That would be good, you think, for an unassuming monster. A nice detail.
You're breathing with your stomach, a conscious, forceful movement to keep air circulating. Soap leans down and kisses you so terribly gently, his tongue swiping through the blood that's started to drip from your nose.
"Think you're almost cooked Bonnie," he murmurs turning you back to your desk, "dinnae want you knocking it before you finish this draft though, I quite like this one."
You raise shaking hands to your keyboard, reading through the last lines of what you'd been working on to find your place again. Soap kisses your temple, easy as can be.
You don't know what you're so nervous about. Soap's fingers massage your shoulders, thumbs pressing on either side of your spine, dragging the ache from your neck. You almost feel bad that you haven't been paying much attention to him recently, not very good partner behavior on your part. You'll do better once you finish this draft, you think he'll like it. It's inspire by him after all.
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minibunz · 9 months
hey do you wanna dress up in military gear and call each other faggot while aggressively pushing each other around until someone gets turned on?
Listen I’m already turned on thinking about that so why don’t we just go ahead, dress up in gear, and push each other around aggressively until you ultimately shove me on the ground and abuse the fact that you’re bigger than me and can push me around so easily
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neige-leblanche · 20 days
i'm a fire emblem fan, of course i can draw armo—
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faedecay · 1 year
Okay so now that I’ve spoke my mind on spicy messages I’ll throw this out there,,,, now’s your chance to send some spicy anons or messages while I get off 🖤 check tags for kinks I’m into/currently really fixated on
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striving-artist · 2 years
there are three categories of response on my post where I was just flailing in frustration about empty accounts which is now getting an irritating quantity of notes.
"You should include more information and communicate better so people understand the nuance of the situation" : No. This was me screaming into the void, stop trying to find meaning in it
People stepping up to scream into the void with me
"Show us your teeth that we may count them"
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ocpdzim · 1 year
always happy to field asks about my ocs btw. if there’s more than 3 total posts about any given OC on my blog you can be reasonably sure that i have essays locked and loaded for anything you may be wondering about
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etheries1015 · 11 months
You were standing in the kitchen, your shirt exposing your shoulders whilst leaving a majority of your back uncovered. You were cutting up veggies for dinner, swaying back and forth as you hummed a tune that was stuck in your head, not realizing he was standing behind you and gazing at your figure lovingly, admiring your fluid movements...
He smiles gently. He loves moments like this, walking in on you doing something so mundane made the rhythm of his heart even out with tranquility. Next thing he knew he was behind you, bending over to allow hands to wrap around your waist. You let out a startled gasp, halting your movements. Malleus then pressed his lips gently against your shoulder, planting a gentle yet warm kiss. You blushed and leaned your head towards his, chuckling at his sudden affection.
"You're skin looks soft right now...if you're not careful, I believe you may be eaten by a dragon," He joked. You chuckled and rolled your eyes, your hands continuing to work on the meal at hand.
"Would you like to help me?" You asked with affection in your tone, turning your head enough to give him a kiss upon his cheek. He smiled at this before standing up straight, heading towards his apron hanging up.
"I'd love to, dearest."
The short Fae hovered over to you eagerly as you worked the veggies you cut into the pan, however you already knew his tactics. You turned around swiftly spatula in hand, quickly knocking whatever monstrosity was in his hand. You were successful and causing him to drop the strange shaker of spices he had attempted to sneak into your dish. He raised an eyebrow as you turned back around with the roll of your eyes before sneaking his arms around your waist and his lips heading towards the crook of your neck.
"You're getting better at that," He chuckled, "Although I'm feeling a little rejected! This meal could of course use some more ingredients...that dried lizard skin spice I acquired is supposed to be incredibly good for you. I was rather excited to try it..." You huffed in exasperation, not replying to his antics. You hadn't much of a reaction until you felt his teeth grazing your shoulder , biting down. You hissed slightly, giving him a side glare.
"What a glare! I couldn't help myself my little bat. You look far more appetizing than food right now..."
"Are you making dinner?" The voice of your loving boyfriend called out, walking over to you before putting on an apron and taking out various amount of ingredients. You glanced over at him before grimacing slightly.
"Trey..." You said hesitantly, "if you keep insisting on making dessert every night, I'm going to inevitably gain a lot more weight than I want to..." Trey looked startled at this, turning to you with eyes wide open with shock. He immediately rushed to your side, giving you a brisk embrace. His hands held you around your sides as he caressed your hips lovingly, planting a kiss on your forehead.
"Don't worry about that," Trey said, pushing his glasses up and onto his head , staring into your eyes with nothing short of affection, "What matters is you enjoy what you're eating. I won't force you of course, but if gaining weight is what you're worried about, get that out of your head right now." He used his strong arms to hold you tightly to his chest, his lips trailing kisses down your jaw. You smiled and hugged him back, taking in his warmth. He always knew how to make you feel loved as he whispered into your ear, "you're perfect..."
He spent a few moments simply basking in your beauty, staring at you with his hands folded leaning against the frame of the kitchen door. He could honestly stare at you like this all day, he never was bored of you in any way shape or form. He finally took a few steps forward into the kitchen, arms widening as if ready to give you a hug.
"Chéri," He called out. You gasped and dropped your spoon, turning around before your face lighting up at the sight of your loving boyfriend. You eagerly jumped into his arms, Rook catching you with ease and his lips pressing a firm kiss against your forehead. "Is that chicken fricassée I smell? My dear you know my heart~" You chuckled and looked up at the (rather dirty) male.
"How was hunting? Successful I presume?"He gave you a nod and hummed peacefully, leaning over to give you a kiss before your hands interupted him, your finger held up to prevent him from planting that kiss. "Great!" You said, "Which means you get to shower and clean up. You smell like rode kill." Rook dramatically tilted his head back and placed his hands over his heart, acting as if he were in pain.
"Oh you wound me!" He cried out, before chuckling and turning on his heel, "then I shall be quick! I wish to claim that kiss as soon as I can~"
Check out my masterlist!
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hanafubukki · 20 days
Imagining YN’s role in the war.
They might not have knight training nor magic but they have dealt with Overblots, and with that came certain skills and expertise.
Such as learning how to bandage and treat wounds, learning advantage of terrains, hiding when needed, helping with supplies, cooking, and at times even tactical input.
Of course, at first, they wouldn’t be trusted just like Silver and Sebek.
Grim’s voracious appetite and attitude another factor, but everyone helped in their own ways.
You included.
What surprised the fae army, to an extent, even your dream companions was the way you handled General Vanrouge.
His surly attitude was different from the Lilia you knew and loved, but his subtle actions gave way to the fae he will become.
Besides, you knew how to handle stubborn men. You spent enough time at NRC to get some handle on it.
The fae army and co watched as you pulled their surly General to the main campfire.
You two bantering at each other all the while. A few of them choked on their meals as you stuffed a spoon laden with a healing potion into his mouth before taking his arm and slowly unclasping the bands of his armor.
You told Silver to get you the needed supplies, who then scrambled to quickly retrieve them.
The soldiers under General Lilia Vanrouge knew him well, knew he was more than capable of breaking free of your hold and running off if he wished to.
You? A measly human? Had no power to one of the strongest in their land.
And yet.
He didn’t.
In fact, it seemed like a part of him enjoyed it.
No one would tell it to his face for fear of repercussion.
But they knew their General, he could be…oblivious at times, especially when it comes to the matters of the heart.
So they watched this game that played out in front of them, it was rather entertaining.
Some even started a betting pool for when he would realize his feelings, even Sir Baul Zigvolt joined.
You might not have magic nor were you a knight, but you were able to handle their General Vanrouge when only a few could before.
That was enough to earn their respect.
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mysumeow · 1 month
. . . ꒰ TEMPTING
Warnings: afab body and breasts, reader is referred to with you/your only. PIV unprotected sex, edging, prone bone position, thigh job, pwp (plot what plot). This is sort of a continuation of another smut i posted but you can read this without reading the first one.
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: uhg. lilia. i love him. i love general lilia. thats it that all i have to say.
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Whenever a window of opportunity to rest presents itself, you’ll sit on the nearest tree stump or log available, idly watching what happens around you.
You see soldiers' training, sparring, fixing tents, and the general dividing tasks among his subordinates with a stern voice. Lilia’s an example of what being a leader means—not limiting himself to delegating labor, but also lending a hand.
He grabbed the handle of his lithic weapon as he sparred with one soldier; with practiced ease, Lilia unarmed the soldier. The general reprimanded the other fae for losing his footing over a basic movement.
Lilia plans tactics for ambushes furtively, aiming to attack the enemy’s weakness first. Deft and sharp.
Soon, you’d understand that the general isn’t used to docility of any kind. Neither giving nor receiving. A war general shouldn’t allow a margin of error, steps should be given with precision and intent on subduing your adversary.
You recalled your first intimate night with Lilia. You remembered the sensation of him holding back, and even then, he still did a number on your body. You’ve spent enough time with the fae to know that the moment you try to point out any attempt at tenderness on his part, he would deny it.
You couldn’t help but find it endearing. And your curiosity increased the more you wondered about to what extent you could tease him and make him lose his constraints. Lilia’s libido was pretty responsive to what you did or said, so it wouldn’t be difficult to push him in that direction.
The moment the soldiers were already in their tents, you sneaked into the general’s.
“I’m heading to the lake to wash off the dirt,” you said as you entered the tent. You found your fae writing something down on the map splayed across the table.
Lilia acknowledged you with a hum.
You sighed. “I don’t wanna go alone. The woods become frightening the moment there’s no more sunlight, you know.”
Lilia dropped the pencil and looked at you. “A little dirt on your body’s not going to kill you,” he teased.
“You know I can’t sleep like that. I sweated a lot today, too. Baur made me accompany that expedition group to the mountain’s skirt in the morning,” you complained. “I promise it won’t be long.”
You sensed that he was about to give up.
“And someone could sneak up on me and see me naked.”
That was enough argument for the fae to stand up from his chair and rush to tag along with you.
This was your favorite moment of the day, when you could not just finally go to bed but also freshen up with clean water. Even if the temperature might be a bit chilly during the night, the fresh water was welcomed to clean you up from the dirt and sweat that clinged to your skin.
You began undressing in front of him, as you have done many times before. Even with your back turned towards him, you could feel his stare roaming around your flesh.
“The water feels nice,” You hummed as you dipped your toes into it. Lilia was more concerned about making sure no one was near, though, his ears flicked at the slightest suspicious sound.
“Lilia,” You called out to him again. His gaze returned to you. “Why don’t you join? You look like you need this, too.”
You carefully entered into the serene lake until the water covered your chest.
“You said you wouldn’t take long. I still have work to finish.” He crossed his arms, gripping his lithic.
“Just this once,” You almost pouted. “You’ve been busy these past few days. I miss you already. I’ll even help you wash your back.”
You held Lilia’s stare before he, for the second time today, humored you. Soon, his clothes were untidily placed next to yours.
Beaming with joy, you hugged Lilia the instant he was within reach.
“General, your hair’s getting wet,” You hurried to help him fix his hairstyle in a way that the inconvenience would be resolved. “There. All done.”
Lilia grumbled about something meaningless as he allowed you to scrub his back, washing off both dirt and dried blood and uncovering new lacerations he had gained from recent ambushes. You traced them with your fingers, leaning closer to kiss those scars.
You couldn’t see Lilia’s expression, but you did sense his body’s temperature going up.
“Mm, you’re so warm,” You relished the warmth from the fae’s body. Your tits pressed flush against his back, and your hands roamed around his front—feather-like touches teasing his chest and abdomen. You were aware that your words and actions were leading in a certain direction, so before Lilia beat you to it and followed through with it, you pulled away from him. “It’s getting chilly, though. Let’s head back already.”
In the blink of an eye, Lilia gripped your wrist and pulled you towards his chest. Your backside making contact with something hard and hot, nudging in between your thighs.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Hm? I thought the general had work to finish,” You feigned innocence.
“That can wait. Right now, I need to have you.”
“But we’re in a lake! Someone could walk in on us. Let’s head back to the tent,” Ignoring the evident ache in your body, you did your best to deter him. For fun. To test how far you could make him wait. If not for your determination to uncover the fae’s strength, you would’ve conceded.
Under the promise, the general’s complaint had died for the moment.
Once in the tent, you were preparing to go to sleep, until a sudden force pinned you against the bed. A small squeak left you, and the familiar arms squeezing your waist made you understand that your little teasing reaped an interesting reaction from him.
“Lilia—” You tried to gain some balance by trying to prop your torso up with your hands, but the general immobilized you by further pinning your legs against the mattress with his.
“You little tease, you think I wouldn’t notice what you were trying to do?” He brushed away the hair covering your nape to nip at the sensitive skin there. “If you wanted me to rough your body up, you should’ve just asked for it,”
This was what you wanted, although you didn’t imagine it would be this soon. If this little teasing got you to this point, you couldn’t imagine how he would be if you had done more...
One hand slipped under your underwear while his other hand covered your mouth in time before a moan escaped you. With his index and middle fingers, he began rubbing your clit in circular motions.
“I’ve been treating you with so much leniency you’ve forgotten who you’re dealing with,” His breath against your ear made you shiver, and a renewed sense of pleasure overtook your body. “I’ll have to remind you,”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” You managed to whisper, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible but failing with how he played with your sex. Lilia really did know you inside out.
“You were already wet when I slid my hand under your clothes. Don’t try to act coy now,” He seemed to be amused, above all.
You clutched the sheets as you lost yourself in pleasure, your head falling against the pillow and using it to muffle your voice. You barely register Lilia pulling your pajama pants down and off your legs.
The fae grew eager, having a sliver of enough composure left to discard your underwear, but your uncoordinated and trembling body made the task more complicated than needed. Instead, he pushed it to the side, his fingers not once faltering in stimulating you.
A muffled whimper of his name. Not even a second later, Lilia stopped his movements.
“Noo, what’re you doing,” You protested, not expecting him to halt. “I was about to…”
“Aw, you were about to. What a pity,” He mocked you, momentarily freeing your body from his antsy hands to remove his own garments. Once done, you felt him spread your slicked pussy lips with his thumbs, eyeing you up with a satisfied, complacent grin. “You like being treated like this. You have no salvation, do you?”
Despite not being able to deny it, your face burned from embarrassment. Even if Lilia tended to put your pleasure first and holds back from going all out, the change in that tactful demeanor into a meaner one still excited you.
While holding you open still, he grinded his cock between your folds, using both his pre-cum and your arousal to lubricate it. You were growing impatient, and thus, tried to grind back against him to incite him into already giving in.
Lilia rested his weight against your back, his chest flush against it, weighing you down. Lilia dug his fingernails into your flesh, while demanding that you stay still. His fingers went back to playing with your clit, using your sticky inner thighs to pleasure himself.  
After what felt like forever, the tip prodded inside, taking his time to stuff you with more of his dick. He pulled back until the just head was in and thrust with more strength. The feeling of Lilia’s warm body embracing yours and his thickness stretching you almost made you forget about holding back your voice.
From the very moment you conceived the idea of teasing him, to Lilia not allowing you to touch yourself or him, the buildup to your orgasm approached faster than what you expected. As if both factors weren’t enough, you were still sensitive over the climax you were robbed of prior moments ago.
You mewled, trying to reach behind you and hold his hand to ground yourself.
Instead, the fae grabbed your arms and pinned them against your back, his pace not stuttering for even a minute.
This was what you wanted—for him to be rougher…and within a couple more smacks of his hips against yours, you came hard around him, broken moans of his name escaping from your bitten lips. Lilia quieted himself by kissing your shoulder the moment he released his cum inside. He leaned down and busied your lips with an open-mouthed kiss.
Sore and spent, your head collapsed forward against the pillow again. You heard Lilia’s amused chuckle, resting next to you while keeping an arm wrapped around you.
“I wasn’t too rough, right?” He muttered after a while in silence, his eyes inspecting your body. “Does it hurt somewhere?”
“My arms, you gripped me too hard,” You mumbled. “I didn’t notice it at the moment because…it felt nice…”
At your confession, he looked taken back by it before his expression shifted into a relieved one and he chuckled. “I should’ve known you like being treated like that. You are quite keen about my fangs, and I’ve noticed how your body melts when I bite you,”
Before you could fawn over the demure visage that took over his eyes for a split second, it faded away with the same ease it appeared as he turned his head to the other side.
“I love it when you’re trying to be gentle, even if you’re not that great at it,” You teased, your fingers brushing his hair. Lilia grunted, suddenly grumpy about you pointing that out. “But I also enjoy it when you’re rough,”
He humphed, still avoiding facing you. You smiled at him, despite it not being visible to him. You closed your eyes, feeling exhaustion getting to you.
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