#fandom bicycles I guess
detectivelokis · 1 year
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gender-trash · 8 months
i like how everyone in the tech industry decided the standard calendar event name format for 1:1 meetings is Firstname1 / Firstname2 like it's a fucking ship name
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dontheckinswear · 2 months
i feel like every day in the svsss fandom is just seeing a new character pairing that i would have never conceived of in a million years, taking a moment to process this information and then going “yk what this isn’t for me but i respect the sheer levels of creativity”
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bylightofdawn · 2 months
I got to the Gold Saucer date in FF7: Rebirth.
Who did I end up with? Not Tifa or Aerith but fucking BARRETT?!
I think I might have fucked myself because I reset Cloud/Barrett/Yuffie's core skills a little while back and so I think the only synergy I have on Cloud is for Barrett and Yuffie at the moment and I guess that's a thing? The whole relationship thing is so confusing cause all I have are colored faces to go off of.
Also? I am dying over how Barrett was very much giving off tsundare vibes when he was asking Cloud to go on this date with him.
NGL? I never considered this would be an option. I might have been reading a ridiculous amount of Barrett/Reeve fanfic the last day and a half because I found a writer on AO3 that writes some very nice fic for this pairing so sure, let's explore Barrett's lowkey bisexual side. Pffffft.
I'll admit, a part of me is a TINY bit sad I didn't end up with Tifa. I definitely prefer her out of Cloud's canon options. Actually, I LOVE Zack/Aerith and don't want to see anyone come between those two so Cloud and Tifa are kind second choice for me.
Whelp this is going to be fun and ridiculous.
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dumbkiwi · 2 years
i think we should bring back early fandom izzy. we've defanged him too much and now he's become a leather-clad middle-aged sad sack whos like. sometimes bitchy. give him rage again!! make him weird and possessive!! put him back in the terrarium and stop giving him treats!!
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norel-ravenclaw · 1 year
21st Century Time Travel Headcanons
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Fandom: Ikemen Prince (otome game)
Featured characters: All
Genre: Shenanigans and Chaos
Rating: sfw
Word count: 555
Description: These are my thoughts and opinions on what they might do, what are your thoughts?
WARNINGS: | none? | mxw |
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Clavis - He walks around writing down all the amazing tech and medicine to research and take back to recreate in Rhodolite. Bicycles? Bicycles. (Also up all night watching prank videos)
Chevalier - SOMEONE TAKE THIS MAN TO A BARNES & NOBLE. The Kindle app is a must.
Nokto, Licht, Gilbert, Clavis, Yves, (and one time) Sariel - Mistaken as cosplayers. Varying responses ensue.
Keith, Sariel, Licht, Yves, Rio, Luke, Chev - Love quiet hours traveling by train in the countryside. Reading, watching you sleep on their shoulder…
Clavis, Gilbert, Jin, Leon, Silvio, Nokto - Enjoy the chaos, energy, and challenge of traveling densely packed cities. It feels like an adventure.
The Bros - modern sports? sports cars? motorcycles? music and dancing? Enthralled.
Licht & Yves - Go to a concert hall and are astounded by the grandeur and new feeling of modern orchestral music (and both cry throughout.)
Gilbert & Chev - Would figure out technology (including Google Scholar) in an hour and spend the rest of the time researching 10000 topics.
Luke - Joins a save the bees rally. He buys everyone t-shirts that he forces them to wear.
Rio and Silvio - Spend half the time watching telenovelas
Yves - Modern recipes and cake/pastry designs would probably be fascinating to him. He cries when you sign him up for a cooking class with a professional baker.
Leon, Jin, Nokto, Clavis, Gilbert, Luke - love rollercoasters
Nice!Keith, Rio, Yves, Licht - hate them
Chev, Sariel, Alter!Keith, Silvio - might be persuaded to go if you wanted to, entirely to watch your reactions (Although Silvio is secretly terrified)
Jin, Silvio, & Sariel - Go to every winery they find. They single-handedly save one small vineyard from going under with a huge purchase and some excellent business advice.
Clavis - From the moment I was introduced to this gremlin, I have been cursed to judge every single meme I come across: Would Clavis like this? Imagine this loser’s glee spamming incomprehensible nonsense to everyone (and airdropping them to strangers to watch their reactions).
Licht, Sariel, & Keith - Have never been so at peace after discovering relaxing instrumental playlists on Spotify.
Jin & Nokto - Discover they love modern music and let you take them to a rave. Life changing.
Chevalier & Sariel - Are far too happy to use the silent mode on their phones. Everyone curses them when there’s emergencies (Clavis purposely got on the wrong train again).
Jin wanders into a martial-arts class. Walks out three hours later beloved by the kids and the teachers.
Rio & Luke - Goes to animal shelters and names all of them. Tries to smuggle out a puppy. Does not succeed. There may be tears.
Silvio - Loves NYC. In a different life he would have been born there.
Clavis - Comes across a street caricature artist and spends a gleeful two hours having them draw everyone from pictures off his phone.
Nokto, Jin, Leon, Silvio - Inflict their ignorant selves on helpless clubs every chance they get. Imagine them trying to learn how to dance???
Gilbert, Silvio, Sariel, Nice!Keith - Love museums. Gilbert asks the employees disturbing and inappropriate questions. Clavis is obsessed with the science museum. Begs to go back several times.
Who would be the best dressed? My guesses? Silvio, Yves, Chev, and Sariel would turn heads for sure.
IMPORTANT ADDITION: Who would love 80’s music the most?
Virtually all of them - Enjoy your efforts and excitement in explaining everything to them as much or even more than they are fascinated by it all themselves.
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orangepanic · 6 days
What are your thoughts on the 'problematic' ships in atla/tlok? You know, incest, big age gap, etc
I'm very firmly ship and let ship, don't like don't read. Are there things that personally squick me out? Absolutely! Are there ships that make me wonder what's wrong with someone that they could want to write that, let alone share it, or why anyone would possibly want to read it, either? Of course. Do I have blocked tags, muted authors, and stuff I deliberately exclude from searches because I hate it so much I don't even want to see it, even just to scroll past? Totally do. I'd go nuts if I didn't.
And yet - and this is the important part - all of that is about ME. I don't like it. I don't want it. I sometimes hate that someone made it. But I firmly believe that in the totality of human history very little, if anything, has come from the censorship of fiction. What is "problematic" changes over time, and is a feature of one's individual absorption of culture and moral beliefs and preferences. There was a time in history where incest was fine - look at most European royal families, or the common marriage of first cousins in the U.S. until very recently. There was a time in history where a lord raping every woman in the area on her wedding night was also fine, or when male guests coming to the house were routinely provided one of the unmarried daughters to sleep with. There was a time when women riding bicycles was considered a disease. There was a time not all that long ago when depicting a same sex relationship was illegal - see the Hays Code in film. Also, someone told me we can't like The Time Traveler's Wife - a book that was a bestseller only 20 years ago - because it's now problematic to have an older man time travel back to his younger wife. I even hear kids these days think showing your bare feet is enabling an apparently huge population of foot fetish pedophiles to get off on all the feet of children? 10,000 years of human beings wearing sandals but now we're at risk it seems. And there are people in this fandom right now who argue Irosami is disgusting age gap ship even though it was originally supposed to be canon, was fairly popular when the show came out, and Pema and Tenzin are 15 years apart (which nobody seems to mind).
I guess what I'm trying to say is, who died and made me or anyone else the moral arbiter of fiction? Because once you go down that road you have to start making decisions on what it means for something to be "problematic." How big an age gap is too big? How close a relation is too close? Can my characters wear sandals? And then you get stuff like "sibling-coded" and three-year age gaps being problematic and fandom police as you open the door to more and more restrictions on fake people in fake worlds doing fake things with each other to the point that, if you're not careful, the only thing a transformative work is allowed to do is regurgitate canon in a way that defeats the entire point of creative writing, fandom, and fanworks. Even if I don't like a specific ship or piece, I do believe society is better in aggregate for having fewer restrictions on creativity, not more.
So I choose to reject the entire principle that I have any right to consider anyone else's ship or work wrong. If I don't like it, I have the tools to curate my own experience.
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whispering-woodlands · 2 months
tronzler or able for blorbo bingo 👁👁
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I want to shake him like a snow globe, put him in a blender, shove him in a microwave, and then swaddle him in blankets. My biggest comfort character ever honestly I’m obsessed with him.
Fandom bicycle because he’s in a poly relationship with Able and Yori, Yori and Flynn, Flynn and Ram, exes with Dyson and whatever the hell he and Clu are. Also I know more about them than the creator because we were given nothing and he belongs to the people now. He’s my silly little guy that I can put through the horrors.
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(Yes that’s the baton for the Ecom cycle he has that Tron definitely gave him)
Able beloved. I think he had so much more potential both as a character himself and his relationships with other characters like Beck and Tron. Would have also loved to see an Able and Cyrus face to face interaction past or present. The whole sacrifice thing could still have worked I guess but I feel like it would have been better in future seasons (if we had got any).
Also wish we had gotten more flashbacks pre coup I would have loved to see young Able. Getting to see the reason why he was on thin ice with Tron and then getting to see that dynamic play out further even after he supported Beck being with Tron would have been interesting. I think it would have been cool to see an Able challenge Tron’s ideas instead of just Beck as the uprising/revolution grew.
Able and Tronzler are my biggest I would save them from the narrative characters for sure.
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ohblackdiamond · 2 months
Hi there!
I am getting into the Kiss fandom and I was wondering if you answer some questions.
No.1 What are the biggest memes of this fandom?
No.2 What are some things that are universally known to the kiss fandom but to anyone outside the fandom is complete bs
No.3 What are some things about the people in the fandom. From what I gather yall are horny af
No pressure btw :)
hello! i'd be glad to!
i don't know that there are really big memes if only because kissblr is relatively small, but here are some of my favorite funny posts: the random fanfic, why kiss will never get along, losing it, virgin paul vs. chad ace, virgin gene vs. chad peter,
i don't know about the complete bs part, but as close as kiss fandom gets to universal truths that outside of our sphere, no one knows much about, i guess, would be: eric carr is a good boy who deserved better, the only things anyone that was ever in kiss can agree on is that they were in kiss, and gene has herpes. well, i guess his thousands of women are probably aware there, too.
i'd say the age range on kissblr is broader than what you'll see on tumblr in general with a fair amount of people skewing 30+, although i'd estimate the average person on kisslbr is probably closer to 20ish. it is a pretty horny fandom! the dominating ships are OGs-- you'll see more ace/paul, gene/paul, etc. (paul is the fandom bicycle, followed, probably, by ace), but there's a pretty fair smattering of non-OG ship content around, too, which is nice. you get outside of kissblr and there's ao3, which, honestly, has a huge amount of overlap with kissblr (it's basically the same people on both sites). get outside of kissblr/ao3 and you find, well, youtube, kissfaq, reddit, etc., which veer much, much more critical. people definitely have their favorites on kissblr and while there's analysis, it tends to be more to do with relationships and sexy pictures than with guitars or what-was-the-band-doing-here or is-gene's-hair-real or anything like that. to this day, no one's done a serious thesis on paul's pants-stuffing and whether it's like skirt hemlines and rises and falls with the economy, which saddens me.
i hope that was at least a bit helpful! let me know if you have any other questions, i love to talk about kiss.
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he110sweet13 · 4 months
Created by myself an @msmhari this morning. Neither of us have time to flesh out this fic right now, but wanted to share the dopamine.
Casting the OFMD Pride and Prejudice AU. (spoilers I guess? The book is 200 years old, if I spoil it, then I spoil it)
Starting with the major pairings:
Mr. Bingley and Jane- hopelessly in love, of course, Stede and Ed.
Mr. Darcy and Lizzy- Darcy is smart, competent, but generally perceived as an asshole. I give you, Mr. Izzy Hands. But as we all know, Izzy is the fandom bicycle. So who is our clever, cheeky, and a little bit mouthy Lizzy Bennet? Lucius it is.
Lydia and Mr Wickham- This one’s a bit cheeky, but it’s my tumblr and I do what I want. And I fully blame @msmhari for Wickham. Lydia is Archie. Don’t worry- we’ll get back to her. She’ll be just fine. Wickham is Ricky. He dies of natural causes. Murder is a natural cause right?
Now let’s round out our families. First, the Bennet Sisters: Kitty and Mary will be played by Frenchie and Wee John. They share a room.
Lady Catherine is Auntie. Terrifying and knows it. Unless you’re Lizzy.
If Lucius is Lizzy, where’s Pete? Pete is Mr. Collins. I’m sorry Black Pete fans, please don’t come for us.
Spanish Jackie and the Swede are the Gardiners. They love love and just want to see everybody happy. Bonus points if they don’t have to clean up after their family of muppets anymore.
Jim and Olu are Mr. Bingley’s (Stede) “Siblings”. Archie runs off with them. See? She’s fine. No one gives a fuck about Ricky/Wickham. Olu is married to Zheng. #garlicsoup
Fang is Darcy’s cousin Fitzwilliam. A sweet gentleman who softens Lizzy (Lucius) towards Darcy (Izzy)
Mary is the woman that Mr. Bingley (Stede) was rumoured to be courting when he fucked off to London for a bit. Meanwhile Jane (Ed) is moping to Lizzy in her pillow fort.
Not entirely sure what to do with Buttons, but hey, that’s nothing new.
There are two very important characters left. Mr and Mrs Bennet. And personally, my favorite of our little fan cast.
Mr Bennet is the leader of this little mess. He created it. Brought it into the world. This is his circus and these are his monkeys. Thus I give you, the Daddy of our little crew, David Jenkins.
So who is the counterpoint to our producer and creator? The organizer who steers the ship? Mrs Bennet loves pairing up her daughters, and clowns just as hard as any of the fans. Silly and a bit chaotic, and really just wants to see Jane get all Mooney over her husband?
Javid Denkins, aka David Jenkins in a bonnet.
You’re welcome.
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crestfallercanyon · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesdayyyyyyy ✨
This week’s tag game is a hodgepodge of questions from the group, which is such a cute idea!! Thanks for tagging me @jrooc — let’s hop to it
🔠 Name: crest
🌀How do you pronounce your own Tumblr handle in your head? I pronounce it how it sounds — I’m shit at phonetics, here’s my best attempt lol: ck-rest fall-ur
🪟 When you look out the window right now what do you see? Gray skies, a few government buildings, and a very pretty garden actually.
💼 What is the most unusual profession someone in your family was in? An entire side of my family races motor vehicles like motorcycles and funny cars for a living (as well as worked in shops to fix those vehicles) I spent many of my summers at racetracks and in RVs watching them.
🎨 What hobby were you really into as a kid? Reading. Theater. Chalk drawing as a young child.
🔍 First autofill google result when you type ‘How can I…?’
“How can I watch ‘Quiet on Set’” which I don’t know what that means because as far as I know, Quiet on Set is a (great) song by Remi Wolf
🎶 If you were the main character in a sitcom, what song would be playing during the opening credits? Trying to keep with like sort of sitcom-y vibes of having like a consistently “active” song (most sitcoms don’t have parts to their songs where the instruments aren’t consistently playing — i.e. they don’t back off for things like choruses or bridges) I would say either Australia by The Shins or Shuffle by Bombay Bicycle Club
🎬 What’s the last movie you watched? Did you enjoy it? What genre is it? Rogue One, I did! And it was Sci Fi (Star Wars Universe)
🎥 What is your favourite movie genre?
Mines also not a genre — I love like 80s-90s movies, they’re so fun. I like most movies if I’m honest — bad or good can be fun. I tend not to delve into horror that often unless it’s coupled with something else (like Alien is a sci fi horror and Sigourney Weaver as Ripley will be my forever crush)
What movie would you recommend? (I still need to see Garden State, Ive heard good things!!). Mine are Life as a House and Little Miss Sunshine (and so many more but we’ll stick to those!)
👯‍♂️ Do your IRL humans know about your fandom life? If you’re a creator, do they know you create?
One does. She knows I read and write, and knows I have written at least one fic for most of my fandoms. And I guess my brother knows I write one particular fanfic but that’s it.
🚣🏼‍♀️If you could do one activity with your pocket/fandom friends what would it be?
I also vote game night I think that’d be a lot of fun. Or like a bonfire night where we make s’mores and hang out. That’d be lovely.
Here are some no pressure tags! @mmmichyyy , @darlingian , @michellemisfit , @callivich , @mybrainismelted
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attackmybutt · 7 months
Looking for an RP partner
So... lately I have been having an itch to write/RP... it's been years since I last wrote anything substantial... but I want to hop back onto the "bicycle" so to speak, so here's to some self advertising and info about myself.
Before you proceed, keep in mind I'm 29NB and any future partners willing to RP with me MUST be 21+. I would prefer it if they were 25+ as it would mean they are closer to my age, but I'm not going to be nit picky about the age range as long as they are 21 years old.
I have some RP experience both in tumblr and discord, but as I previously stated, it's been years. I also written a fic here and there, years ago.
My replies tend to vary from one liner sentences to multiple paragraphs in one go or in-between depending on my creative juices. You don't need to match my length (if I get crazy and reply you in one too many multiple paragraphs) if the creative juices aren't flowing.
I am looking for a casual partner, someone who feels comfortable with me and vice versa. Someone who wants to have fin with me and making up stories for our favorite characters/ships.
Also very important for me, communication is key. Specially before starting a RP and during. We have to know each other's squicks, hard no's and anything that could be potentially triggering to either one of us.
I am very open minded and I am willing to RP almost anything for example: smut, GL, BL, HET, dark stuff, violence, gore, bdsm, a/b/o, mpreg/fpreg....etc. Thinking about it, I might just RP about anything as long as it's talked to beforehand, there might be some instances where I might say no, depending on the characters and the story being written. (I'm saying like if the situations call for it I might bre willing to write vore, which I personally don't like)
I shall only RP in discord and discord only. It's easier and cleaner. I ain't going back to tumbr RPing, unless I get begged to go back to that mess. I don't wan't create a character tumblr blog ever again, or do I?
I am an ever loving multi-shipper and love many ships, however I do have my OTPs.
I don't mind doing RP with OCs, whether they be OC x OC, or MC x OC. I do have some OCs that live mostly in my head. (I might share them one day to the world, maybe, maybe not.)
And now... it is time to put down the list of some of the fandoms I am willing to RP and the characters (muses) I am comfortable to RP as and some of the ships that go with it. (Bold means I feel way more comfortable than usual writing for the character, don't know why, some characters just sing to my soul I guess?) Regardless, I'll RP as anyone and I'll do any ships, unless they are a NOTP. This is just a sample list, if you decide to RP with me, we can talk more in depth about it.
Jujutsu Kaisen -I am all caught up with the manga- (muses: Gojo Satoru, Itadori Yuuji, Nanami Kento, Zenin Maki, Todo Aoi) (Ships: Any/Yuuji, Maki/Nobara, Satoru/Suguru, Nanami/Vacation, etc...)
Chainsaw Man -I am all caught up with the manga- (muses: Denji, Power) (ships: any/any)
Gintama -I am feeling nostalgic- (muses: Shimura Shinpachi, Sakata Gintoki, Kondo Isao, Okita Sougo) (ships: ginshin, kondo/okita, hijikata/okita...etc)
Dragon Ball (muses: Son Goku, Vegeta, Bulma..etc) (ships: any)
Demon Slayer (muses: Kamado Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Rengoku Kyojuro, Uzui Tengen) (ships: any)
Uh... those are the ones that are coming up with some character preference... Here's another list of other fandoms I am in and are willing to RP. It is mixed media, not only anime like the above list.
Daimond no Acce
A Song of Ice and Fire (that includes the shitshow that GoT became)
House of the Dragon
SuperBat (yes, just the ship. I am familiar with DC to some degree, movies, some cartoons -Justice League-)
Marvel (I'm stuck in stucky, but I am more comfortable with Marvel than I am with DC)
Naruto (No Boruto anything.)
Fate Series
...and more... just ask and I shall let you know. If you decide we would be a good RP, just sent me a message here in tumblr or an ask. (and pray I actually see it cause I'm bad with that kind of stuff)
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dracomort · 1 year
For brutally honest ship thoughts!!!! I dare not ask anyone about my OTP lest I get my feelings hurt 😂 So I've been trying to think of a good one to ask about 🤔 Let's sayyyy...Draco (my beloved fandom bicycle) aaaand....[spins wheel of characters] Ron?
Also Taco, even though it might seem obvious. I'd love to hear you talk about them, if you like! 😄
So Dron and Taco, if you please!
Dron - yess I ship it. I don't really seek it out or spend much time thinking about them, but if I see a fic I will read it. I find them a fun dynamic, but sometimes I struggle to differentiate them enough from the Drarry dynamic to find them compelling.
Taco - time to expose myself as a hater:
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I went on to claim that harmony and dramione were superior too. I guess this was my denial era.
Taco was a ship that crept up on me (my first year in the fandom, I only referred to Tom as mouldy voldy), but after Tom was elevated to equal fave territory it was inevitable. I always ship my favourite characters with each other and nothing will stop me from bending the universe to make them work.
Not only is it a great aesthetic ship (IMO the most aesthetic HP ship), it is also a great writing exercise ship. Like, the challenges I face to actually get them to click together are next level 🤣. Under normal circumstances, I think Draco would give Tom the ick.
In most ways, he's just another entitled pureblood (and a coward too rip). Situating them in a way that Tom gets to appreciate Draco's strengths, and Draco gets to like and trust Tom enough to develop loyalty toward him, is the struggle. I think that's half the fun of it.
I also think Tom is more compatible with morally grey characters than morally righteous ones. There are a lot of characters that Tom is shipped with who I straight up do not believe would accept anything less than a full redemption from him. Draco is not one of those people.
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Is Duster x Kumatora actually canon? What's your opnion about it?
I've already spoken on Kumadust on my main, but tl;dr, I don't like it; I'll answer your questions in the order received.
As far as I am aware, Kumadust has little to no basis in canon. Now, mind you, I have only played Mother 3 up to Chapter 2, almost Chapter 3 (old PC, suck at combos, I'll get there eventually but TOTK has been very distracting), but as you can tell, I am very involved in the fandom for it and would have likely found out if the ship was intentional. This was the best thread I could remember on the matter in case you're curious.
Now, on my part, the best "support" I can think of are post-release art like this:
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[Id: Two images of Kumatora and Duster next to each other. In the first, Kumatora is smirking while holding an ice cream while Duster is wearing a black cap and looking at her with his arm behind his head. In the second, both of them are on a two-person bicycle with Kumatora driving and Duster sitting sideways with his arm up.]
However, these never appeared in-game and seem to a particular quirk of one of Mother 3's staff members, Nobuhiro Imagawa, long after the release of the game. You know about "official fan art"? That's basically what this is at this point. It's just one person and not Itoi who actually has a say in stuff. Plus, they're just standing there? Like?
Anyway, I'll get to the point: the real bread and butter.
I don't like it because of the the pretty clear age gap implied here.
Duster and Kumatora have a familiar relationship to me as does the entire main cast where Duster is like the uncle to borderline siblings at this point Lucas and Kumatora. And it's not just an age gap. I have very substantial reason to believe Kumatora is a minor. Exhibit A, your honor:
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[Id: A comparison of Kumatora labeled "before time skip" on the left and "after time skip" on the right. A green line shows that the Kumatora on the right is one pixel taller.]
She grows taller over the time skip! You know what this means? She's still going through or only recently underwent puberty! More before and after, top to bottom:
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[Id: Ten sprites of Kumatora. The top five are before the time skip and the bottom five are after it.]
Note the three-quarters pose where she seems to be curvier after the time skip judging by the hoodie's collar. That's a youngun if you're still growing like this over a three year span!
Now you could say, "Oh, but she works at Club Titiboo, that's clearly a bar! She has to be older than twenty then! Delayed puberty!" Okay, right off the bat, legal drinking age is highly dependent on where you're at. In some places, it's even sixteen! Secondly, take one look at the Pigmasks and the fact that their leader is Porky to ask if they give one hoot about child labor laws? In fact, I think Porky would love to make a law to allow minors everywhere; you cannot trust this one bit.
Meanwhile, I don't really have to say much to say for Duster that isn't obvious. He's clearly an adult. He's got a pretty common balding pattern, facial hair, doesn't grow one inch or pixel over the time skip: Duster's a grown man.
Shipping a minor and a clear adult is an automatic no from me. I guess you could still argue somehow that Kumatora is an adult, but I think you're just grasping at straws at that point.
That is all I will say on the matter for now. This isn't a shipping blog. Go ask a shipping blog. Goodbye.
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
no but I truly think the reason vettonso works so well is bc both seb and nando are fandom bicycles... they've both fucked everyone else but they'll always come back to eachother afterwards etc etc
Like before getting into f1 rpf, I was never really a multishipper, but with Seb and Fernando particularly, I just want to see them with literally everyone 😭 And it's just interesting because as you said they're fandom bicycles, you could make literally either of them the focal point of a shipping chart and it would work out better than the typical circle imo
"They've both fucked everyone else but they'll always come back to eachother" exactly this 🥺🥺 I guess my vettonso narrative is they've spent so long dancing around each other, being in the same circles, but never really connecting with each other, but then realize the one for them has been the one who's always been there, in the background, if that makes sense? Realizing the one for you has been there the entire time, you were just too blind and bitter to realize AAAAGHHHH
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FFS-Can’t we just give SH a break and enjoy the View?
I’ve seen more PSA’s about drinking and driving in the past week than in my entire time in this fandom. Unfortunately I think I do have to declare that drinking and driving should never happen. There is no excuse to drive your car, motorcycle, or bicycle after even one drink. If you can afford a cocktail you can afford a cab. That said for some reason SH has been charged, tried and convicted of somehow encouraging drinking his whiskey while riding a motorcycle. It has even been implied that he has already done so and any charges, accidents or god forbid deaths can somehow be attributed to his posing with a whiskey bottle while sitting on his new motorcycle behind a rope at a bike show. He didn’t start the bike, he didn’t open the bottle and pour it into a glass and take a sip. Don’t get it twisted-any and all discussion and awareness of this selfish, careless and totally preventable cause of injury or death is always a good thing. And yes the posting of any and all statistics associated with this crime are eye opening and horrifying. But please let us not conflate this crime with a celebrity advertising his SS whiskey while sitting in his SS new bike. Personally I think it may have been a very preventable self inflicted error. But he in no way is condoning or encouraging people to drink snd drive. That people are using this episode as yet another way of shitting all over SH is predictable, especially in this fandom. Any post that brings attention to the horror of those that still drink and drive is a good thing. It can never be posted enough. But to associate SH and drinking and driving is unfair and in some of the posts a cheap shot at a person they already dislike. Again the posting and discussion of drinking and driving anywhere anytime should be encouraged. But I also think for some it is less about the issue snd more about the man. To my knowledge he has never been charged or used his social media to encourage any of this. The fact is that he owns a company that sells alcohol. But how does that have anything to do with the price, quality and taste of the product?How do the fans, grannies and older women who support the actor and buy and support his products become associated with this issue. And again for those who dislike SH and use this as a way to complain about his acting, pushing of products and private life- really? They are separate issues and tying a man’s acting ability with this is no cause for all the thumbs up, bullseye and some kind of righteous indignation posted. You only dilute the message. But for some I guess it doesn’t really matter.
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