#fc3 fanfiction
thirstyshipper · 2 years
Chapter two of this cursed fic just dropped.
Please be careful, triggerwarnings for pretty much everything apply here.
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megraen · 10 months
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Chapter 12 - Drafted Chapter 13 - Drafted Chapter 14 - Drafted Chapter 15 - Drafted
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Chapter 11 - Completed and Posted
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Chapter 10 - Completed and Posted
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Chapter 04 - Drafted
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Chapter 01 - Drafted Chapter 02 - Drafted Chapter 03 - Drafted Chapter 04 - Drafted Chapter 05 - Drafted
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Chapter 01 - Drafted
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Chapter 01 - Drafted
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Chapter 01 - Completed Chapter 02 - Drafted
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Planning in Progress
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Planning in Progress
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Planning in Progress
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Planning in Progress
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@socially-awkward-skeleton @photo1030 @ladykatie512 @glitchinginthegarden @miss-jennifer-cormier @tomiesdiet @peaches-n-screem @voidika @cassietrn @arrthurpendragon
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swearingcactus · 2 months
psppspsps far cry 3 fans, here's some new bio for the FC3 cast as seen in the rulebook for the Far Cry: Escape from Rook Islands board game.
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Additionally, some of the mission objectives have little snippets of narratives but because Citra and Hoyt isn't in the picture here, it makes it look like some fanfiction levels of an AU where Vaas does BOTH of their jobs and also kept Grant captive while you're forced to do his biddings. couple of screenshots so u get an idea below:
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teronsrickman · 1 year
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Happy fifth anniversary congratulations to the fifth part of #FarCry! 
I can’t find words for how much this game is significant and loved by many! I am incredibly grateful to it for all that it gave me, my friends and all it fans!
I myself came to the FC5 fandom fully only in the spring of 2021:D It so happened that when watching FC5 in 2018, I was already tired of sects after Outlast 2 and The Evil Within 2, and then even Detroit with God of War pulled my attention. But later, as you can see from my art, I am ripe for FC5 and I only regret that AS ALWAYS I came into fandoms 3 years after their hype :D
#FarCry5 brought me back to the FC series fandom, thanks to which I replayed FC3 and completed FC4 and 6 for the first time, and filmed a bunch of content, finally setting up my equipment and programs adequately! And then I finally became more confident in drawing people in fanart!!
I really love this game, I read so many fanfictions, I wrote so many texts myself, I tried to draw fanarts, leaving my comfort zone. And of course, I love headcanons with me and my friends in the game immensely. Without close people in the fandom, the game would not seem as cozy and familiar as it is now! The only pity is that at the time of our passage of the game with Rudy, I did not film the let's play due to the lack of an adequate computer. Otherwise, believe me, there would be more content from me on Far Cry 5 than now on Far Cry 6 !!
FC5 gave us a lot of interesting thoughts and words that still resonate in our heads, a lot of favorite characters, favorite music and a really cozy Hope County ⛪🌾
Congratulations and love!
...we'll meet again! △
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vaas · 1 year
lone wanderer fanfiction is really hard. i didnt think it would be this hard but its the most self conches ive been about ze fanned fiction since like the first time i posted something. actually i dont think i was thay self conscious about that one anyway that was liza fc3 dykefic i was very self righteous about that one anyway. lone wanderer fic is basically self insert content and it makes me so embarrassed. how do i get over this i want to crawl into a hole.
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@meemeeblueberry777 ASKED: Are you currently doing requests? If so, what Grand Theft Auto games will you be willing to do?
// Howdy! I presume this is about fanfiction requests and not roleplay requests, but I'm gonna answer both anyways.
// In short, I do write fanfics in general. It’s pretty rare that I do so though, and the ones I do post tend to be one-offs on my AO3 because the last time I had the motivation and energy to write a multipart fic was literally 7 years ago so-
// As far as requests go, I do take requests for fanfics! It's not something I really advertise here since this is more of a roleplay-centered blog. (Fanfics and any other creative writing I do tend to get advertised on my personal blog… which just got restarted so there me nothing on there either, oops-) But the short of it is, yes, I take fanfic requests. That's not a guarantee that I'll always write out the requests though.
// As far as character roleplay requests? It honestly depends on the character and how familiar I am with their source material. I generally go very deep into the lore of content my muses come from so I have a pretty solid understanding of all the characters that appear in the source material. But understanding them doesn’t mean I have a solid grasp on their character- at least, not enough to write them. For example, if someone asked me to write Hoyt from FC3, I feel like I could probably pull it off. But if someone asked me to write Willis? Nah, that fruitcake’s an enigma even to me. (Sorry, Boojay, no offense-)
// Tbh, I have thought of the idea of asking writing partners if they'd be cool with me writing little fics of ships and general dynamics we have going on.) If any of my mutuals get around to reading this, let me know your thoughts on that. Would you be cool with me writing fics about our muses?
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broken-balance-baby · 3 years
broken boy, perfect view (snippet)
a long time ago, i wrote probably the only vaas/ajay fic to ever exist, and forgot to finish. i decided to show some of ya’ll what i was writing, the story is about maybe 6 chapters but definitely expected to be less than 10 if i ever continue this. anyway, please enjoy: the first chapter of broken boy, perfect view!
I. no u-turn! 
The year is 2005. July. The number isn’t important, just the place it happened to be.
California is weird: Up north is cold, foggy, even, a bit hard for sunshine to come around but it doesn’t snow. Down south is what everybody talks about all the time: where it’s hot, where Hollywood stalks by, and it’s just a little bit hotter than what Ajay is used to. 
It’s fine. The neighborhood his mother had put them in is fine too. He’s only been here for about a week and nothing had been out the ordinary yet, not really (not that he was expecting to). Their town is close to the pier and it’s a good walk from a carnival front and back, and the beach is practically open. 
The place is fine, and Ishwari isn’t really around as often, so he gets the house to himself but could probably wander elsewhere anyway, so he picks the better idea and steps out. 
The town is small, peaceful, even. Ajay’s not sure about a social environment, but they’ve been minding their own business, and there’s far more people that he could feel familiar with rather than up north. The houses are small, the streets are clean, but because it’s quiet he doesn’t really get to know if it really is dangerous or not, but he supposes if there isn’t any gunshots  (yet) then it’s okay from there. 
But the town is also strange, because on the opposite side, closer to the sea now, it gets older. Older as in, less populated. Older as in, a bit more run down. Older as in, it’s been a bit neglected. It’s creepier because there’s a chain link fence that had attempted to work as a barrier between this part of town and over there, obviously failing to do so with age and defects, and a sign dangles, old and worn out, but even more ruined with the spray paint.
None of the text can be picked out except for “come to miko” and a yell from the other side is heard with a few- very welcoming- gunshots are heard. 
For a second, Ajay thinks he doesn’t need to mind it, it’s not his business, anyway- you’d get yourself into trouble again that way, he tells himself- but then there’s a loud laugh as soon as someone hits the fence and he stumbles back in shock. 
A boy in a torn orange hoodie, someone who literally couldn’t be older than he is, possibly even younger, practically cackles even as he’s out of breath. 
“They’ll see you,” He says when he (unfortunately) turns to Ajay. 
“They’ll see you, hermano, boys’ll get you fucking killed, man!” 
“I’m pretty sure you’ll be the one to-“ 
His hand is suddenly grabbed. 
He’s not sure how he didn’t notice the gap that was nearby for the boy to do that, but he’s grabbed immediately because they both heard the unmistakable click of a gun to the side and he yanks him and sprints away fast.
With the angry men calling his name, and the way he laughs as a loud boom echoes in the town, Ajay learns that his name is Vaas.
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pagan-mint · 6 years
the kids are not alright - ch 3
bonjour nerds I have updated my magnum opus
the kids are not alright
FANDOM: Far Cry 4/Far Cry 3
RATING: T for Tene
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ajay-gayle · 6 years
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Jason Brody as he appears in my fic From Nothing, To Nowhere
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swimmingferret · 7 years
5 favorite bands, movies, TV shows, books and video games go!
Uh, don’t really have fave bands? Like...there are songs I like, but no bands really.
Movies: The Book of Life, Spirited Away, Mad Max Fury Road, The Incredibles, the School of Rock. like...the only ones I can name rn lmfao
Tv shows: I don’t own a tv.
Books: The Rhapsody trilogy, that book about a literal highway to hell that I can never remember the name of but I liked it. Does manga and comics count as books? Because for that I have the new 52 Batwoman comics (honestly the art is gorgeous and they remember that Kate is a jewish lesbian!) also I like Jojos (lol duh) and uh...other stuff but my memory is shit. (Oh, but I do like Full Metal Alchemist, tho I read it ages ago- it was so good even if I have a few issues with it.) Can I also count fanfiction? Because that should count. I read a lot of that and so much of it is so good.
Video Games: Fallout New Vegas (honestly fallout 4 was so goddamn lame and such a disappointment???) Dark souls (all three ‘cause i git the gud), Overwatch (tho I don’t play as often as I should) Banished (’you were doing well until everyone died’ and I’ve wasted like a 100 hrs already on it) and Far Cry 3. I haven’t played FC3 in ages but goddamn did it leave an impression on me- it was so beautiful and great??
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vaas · 1 year
i should write fc3 fanfiction again but i dont know what to write. vaas and jason hit each other with hammers. vaas and citra go to ikea. jason and citra are in the same religious philosophy class.
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ajay-gayle · 6 years
From Nothing, To Nowhere
Ajay left Kyrat as soon as Pagan Min departed. Sabal was the leader of the Golden Path and Amita was exiled. Ajay never bothered to check in with Sabal afterwards, which in hindsight was a mistake. He heads back to the states to become a journalist (you know, one of the ones who jumps into danger at every given opportunity) and meets fellow journalist, and adrenaline junkie, Jason Brody. Four years after the events of Far Cry 4, Ajay returns to Kyrat with Jason in tow to do a report on the progress of Kyrat's recovery. Things aren't how he expected them to be.
Part one: Blood-Red Sunrise
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence
They arrived in Kyrat at dawn. The sun rose slowly over the mountains, dusting everything with a beautiful shade of gold.  A lone bus rattles along a dirt road.
“Are you sure about this?” One of the two passengers on the bus looks up from his phone at his companion. The sun warms the back of his neck and he glances over his shoulder to get a good look at the view. A grin breaks out across his face and he raises his phone to snap a photo. Obviously, his Twitter followers will love this shot. Besides, they’d want to know they made it to the country alright, anyways. He sits back down and prepares the tweet to send. The morning light radiates off of him, almost giving him a bit of a glow.
His companion, Ajay, raises a hand to shield his eyes from the bright sun and grimaces. He furrows his dark brows and just looks down at the floor of the bus to try and avoid it. A sigh escapes his lips. He really isn’t sure, but he’s not about to admit it to Jason of all people. They had been working together as journalists for almost three years now, but there was just something about Jason that he couldn’t quite place. Something hidden under that spoiled rich kid hide of his. It doesn’t make Ajay uneasy. He has things he hides as well. He just doesn’t trust Jason enough to be vulnerable. He idly plucks at a bit of loose stitching on one of his leather gloves.
"Jason, I was here a while ago and helped sort out an... incident, but things should be fine now... or at least better. My good friend Sabal is in charge, and I have complete faith that he-" The bus hits a rough bump and Ajay raises his head. Directly in his sight is the divine Kyra statue, so coveted by Sabal, now covered head to toe in the blood of what appears to be citizens of Kyrat. The smell of burning flesh hits his nose, making him aware of the burning bodies next to the tarnished form of Kyra. The flames burn brighter in the distance as a faint figure in blue and yellow throws something else onto the pile. The rest of the words turn to ash in Ajay's mouth.
Jason fumbles for his phone, having almost dropped it in the motion from the bus. He breathes out a sigh of relief and looks at Ajay again. A familiar smell reaches him, but he can’t quite place it... He quirks an eyebrow at his fellow journalist’s expression. Huh. Not a lot could make Ajay react like that… He snaps his fingers in front of his friend’s face, only to have his hand batted away. “Hey, Ajay, buddy what are you….” Jason trails off as he looks over his shoulder, then quickly turns his whole body. “Oh shit!” A pulse of something white hot burns through to the core of his very being... The sight of the blood, the sweet smell of burning flesh… It brings back so much he thought he had buried… Old Rakyat drums beat in the corners of his mind.
The bus has stopped.
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ajay-gayle · 6 years
From Nothing, To Nowhere
Ajay left Kyrat as soon as Pagan Min departed. Sabal was the leader of the Golden Path and Amita was exiled. Ajay never bothered to check in with Sabal afterwards, which in hindsight was a mistake. He heads back to the states to become a journalist (you know, one of the ones who jumps into danger at every given opportunity) and meets fellow journalist, and adrenaline junkie, Jason Brody. Four years after the events of Far Cry 4, Ajay returns to Kyrat with Jason in tow to do a report on the progress of Kyrat’s recovery. Things aren’t how he expected them to be.
Part 2: Expectations
Warnings: canon-typical violence
The smoke rising from the pile makes the air feel oppressive. It stings Jason’s eyes. The excited pounding in his chest refuses to go away as he stares at the carnage. He thought he had escaped all this. He’s seen war before. He’s been to dangerous places since the Rook Islands and hadn’t had this reaction. There’s just something about Kyrat. Kyrat and how far removed it is from everything. You could drag a man along one of these remote dirt roads, and there would be no one around to hear him scream… It sparks a fire that Jason had tried so hard to put out.
Ajay is on his feet in a heartbeat. He grabs Jason’s shoulder and spins him around. The tone of his voice is low as he speaks. “Jason. This could get messy, knowing Kyrat. Stay here. Wait for me. If, somehow, there’s no way I’m making it back, I need you to run. Get back to the airport, and get out.” His words are cool and calculated.
“That’s a stupid idea. Besides, you know me better than that,” Jason scoffs. He brushes Ajay’s hand off his shoulder and pushes past him to grab his overpriced duffle bag from the storage compartment on the bus.
Ajay opens his mouth to argue, then just scowls and shakes his head. He unzips his teal leather jacket and pauses. It’s not the same as the last time he went to Kyrat, but it’s similar enough to send a bolt of familiarity through him. Ajay opens the jacket and takes out a long blade that was stashed in a hidden pocket. He runs his thumb along the side of the blade and sighs. He hopes that the man’s knife is doing it’s previous owner justice, but he feels as if that isn’t the case. He remembers when he first got the blade… staring down at the dead driver. Seeing the body crushed under the tree… the knife… Sabal’s voice crackling over the radio... Sabal. It’s going to be the same old song and dance, isn’t it? Ajay’s shoulders sag with anxious dread.
The driver gets up as well and exits the bus. He’s immediately stopped by two soldiers in blue and yellow. They begin engaging in a heated conversation with the driver. They must be Golden Path... if they still call themselves that. Ajay corrects his own thought. Of course they still call themselves that. It was the name Mohan gave them, and Sabal would do anything for Mohan. He surprises himself with the bitterness of his own thoughts. Is this really all Sabal’s doing? He has a hard time believing it. He’s not sure what he’s going to do if he finds out that Sabal was killed or something. A part of him, as horrible as it seems, hopes that is the case. The other part hopes this is all some horrible mistake, and that things aren’t what they seem.
A shot rings out. The driver screams.
Jason jumps back in surprise and draws a rust stained machete from his bag. He crouches beside where Ajay took cover. “What the hell is going on?” Jason hisses. “Seriously. What the hell happened to ‘fine or better’?” He keeps an eye on that knife Ajay has. As Ajay moves to stand up, Jason grabs his jacket to keep him down. “No, seriously. What the fuck are we doing? Game plan. Fucking talk to me.”
There’s no time to talk as the soldiers board the bus and Ajay rips away from Jason’s grasp.
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ajay-gayle · 6 years
Should I keep posting From Nothing, To Nowhere here? There isn't much... reception on this website (mostly because tumblr is a bad platform for sharing fanfic). I have it up on AO3, but does anyone want/care about future chapters up here?
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vaas · 4 years
its really easy to be horny about mma and i think fc3 fanfiction would be a good outlet. theres a lot of rly good martial arts originating in that specific area of se asia like silat. but i do think Wrasslin is the most conducive to being horny. do u guys know what a triangle is. guillotine? omo plata. pls google
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vaas · 4 years
i think that we (people who write fc3 fanfiction and also hatebother people who write fc3 Fanfiction) shud stop invoking stabbings as primary murder mode and instead lean into bludgeoning. id like to see sum good bludgeonings.
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