#filth pics
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Happy tummy tuesday from ur fave tboy tumblr microceleb /j
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jhuzen · 11 months
work for it [m.reader]
THIRD ONE FOR MY COMPENSATION GOOD GOD. anyway this one ain’t genshin as you can see. this is in celebration of imbibitor lunae, as your numero uno whore, i oFFER ANOTHER QUICKIE, really this took me 30 minutes because i’m so horny after kazuha and neuvillette. loosely based on this brainrot this anon and i fucking convulsed over. you’re also getting a full fic one day IL anon *kissy kiss*,
𖦹 nsfw, dan heng has two cocks, needy dan heng/feng, he’s a little pillow princess and i hate it, desperation, top male reader (tho switch implied)
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“So needy…”
Your words were sending him into overdrive, his mind could barely comprehend a single thought that went through him. At this point the only thing Dan Heng could ever make out, though faintly, was the fact that it feels good, and that you were doing him so well.
You took the backseat momentarily. You had greatly underestimated what it meant for your majestic stoic lover to suddenly transform into what seems to be a very… ancient race of draconic humans. A Vidya— whatever.
And to even say that you had greatly underestimated him, would be an understatement in of itself. Because suddenly, your standoffish Dan Heng, whom you’ve clung onto relentlessly (bothering him to no ends that it even frightened Welt, the most patient man in the Express, about how well you’re truly testing Dan Heng’s patience), was suddenly the one clinging to you.
Though it wasn’t overt, but everyone in the Express sees it. Whenever March would pass by with Caelus, whenever Himeko looked up from her possibly fifth coffee for the day, whenever Welt would come to ask something — they could all see how tightly wrapped that long tail of his around your body.
It started off with the familiar subtlety, akin to his very ghostly kisses whenever he’d accidentally dip his head to grab a book from behind you. His tail would wrap around your leg. And as days go by, that very tail would increasingly become much higher, first around your shin, then to your knee, then to your thigh. Until it reached its rightful place, with a tail constantly curled around your waist like a persistent snake.
Don’t even get started on the nights.
Either way — the bottom line in the Express, is that dragons will remain relatively protective across all worlds. The premise is the same. They are the same creatures that look after what they own, protective — even jealous to a fault. Though, to his credit, Dan Heng was able to keep everything within the lines of sheer subtlety. He knew how and when to tone it down, courtesy of his relatively calm life before… his revelation as the high elder of his very… majestic species.
Though, as it stands, it seems that his looming presence and consistent insinuation that you were his wasn’t the only thing that amped up.
And tonight, you’ve truly admitted defeat to the stamina monster that was your draconic lover.
Dan Heng as the Imbibitor Lunae was someone you can only call an insatiable first timer.
He was meek as he relished in your kisses, whimpering and shaking like a frightened prey as he continued to indulge in such affections that you openly showed him. He was helpless in your grasp, only letting out the neediest whines as he continued to try and cover himself despite the fact your hand was already on his fascinating cocks, protruding and standing proud under your sensual touches. Your fingers covered in his previous release as you continued to pump your hand, easily engulfing his shafts that twitched under your grip.
Dan Heng could only writhe as pleasure racked through every inch of his quivering body. And oh, the way you mouth at his sensitive nipples, sucking on them as if your life depended on it, it was enough to leave his mind in complete shambles.
His cries echoed through the room and if anyone could listen, they’d be certain to hear the intimate bliss within the tone of his sweet moans and gasps.
And even you had to share the sheer pleasure as you sunk into him, you watched yourself get swallowed whole by his entrance, and little by little you could feel just how warm his tight walls were, soft and tender, absolutely drenched just from your ministrations.
Within the lusty haze your mind drowned in, you promised yourself to get in a couple of rounds until Dan Heng pleads for no more.
You were the first to tap out.
It could have been the sixth or fifth, but you were done, your body ached for some rest and yet your pretty pillow prince absolutely refused to let you go, with his possessive tail cuffing you into him, letting you continue on with your plans to fucking him into oblivion.
It’s not that you can’t cum anymore, the erotic sight of your lover can keep you going. But the rest of your body that is somehow not your dick cannot keep up with the endless demands. So you figured you’d withdraw the spoiling for now and let Dan Heng work for his next few orgasms while you sit back and relax.
Which leads to the present — you watching in genuine fascination as your poor dragon sobbed and pleaded for you to switch places for him.
“Oh, you do not know how to ride at all.” Your admonishing came out in a purr and you could feel him clench around your cock as he continued to sloppily ride you with the gusto of an inexperienced virgin. And you loved it. There was a certain charm to Dan Heng’s neediness crossing with his absolute ineptness in even finding the right place to hit even with your own throbbing length under his mercy.
Dan Heng was an inexplicable mess, his long hair completely sprawled out through his creamy skin that was laced with a sheen of sweat. Pitiful tears adorned his luminescent eyes that glowed with so much desperation for you. His bottom lip bled with how many times he chewed on it every time he thought he’d reach his climax, only to completely fall flat when he would freeze up and lose the momentum and friction.
“Come on now, love, you’ve done so much~ surely this is a walk in the park for you,” you jested with a teasing grin, a hand interlocked with his and he squeezed yours tight as he started over again — another agonizing round that he cannot cum over.
“P-Please, switch… switch w-with me, I-I need you…” he begged, sobbed even with crocodile tears and all. He placed his hands on your chest, propping himself up, trembling. His nails dug into your flesh as he continued to plead for you while he bobbed his hips up and down in such a sloppy manner.
A smirk graced your lips as you took his hand, pressing the softest and sweetest kisses on his palm and on his knuckles, looking at his eyes that brimmed with more tears with your half-lidded ones.
“But I’m all tuckered out, baby,” you murmured into the palm of his hands, lips trailing into his fingertips with more kisses. “Think after this, we can call it a day?” You prodded with a teasing tone and in an instant, you could feel his walls clench tighter around your cock, an act of defiance, a complete refusal to your tiny suggestion.
“N-No—! W-Want more… I need more…” Dan Heng’s pleas reached your ears like an angel’s cry and you indulged in it.
Your hand found his shafts quick, expertly rubbing through his cocks that throbbed within your ministrations, “Surely this is enough then? You just need to cum, right?” You taunted with a sly grin as you lazily pumped your hand around him.
It would’ve been enough, for anybody.
But not your pillow prince. Dan Heng’s hand quickly grabbed your wrist, stopping your movement. He softly groaned as he fully sat on your lap, your cock buried to the hilt inside him. He shook his head with a vehement rejection, he looked at you with aching need, his hips squirming on yours from feeling so stuffed up.
“No? But I thought—”
A sob tore from his throat as Dan Heng leaned down, his nose on the crook of your neck, “No,” he parroted with a pitiful yet so very adorable sniffle. “‘S not enough.”
“Not enough?” You parroted with a fake frown.
“Not enough…” He whined. While the tempting bliss of cumming just with your skillful hands was all the more inviting, it didn’t feel right.
It could never feel right if he came without you balls deep inside him. He wanted to feel more of the warmth that you offered every time you painted his walls white, he craved the very sensation of you flooding him with little to no regard for anything else — just breeding him until he somehow magically bends the biological process of a Vidyadhara and gets to carry your children.
You cooed softly, placing a hand on his head and bringing it down to plant a sweet kiss on his forehead. He preened at the soft affection as he melted in your touch.
“Such a needy dragon you are,” you laughed before pulling out and swiftly switching positions.
Dan Heng laid on his back, shivering in anticipation while you positioned yourself in between his quivering thighs. Your lips couldn’t help but curl up in smug satisfaction as he looked at you with a feral need to be bred by you, and yet, he only laid there with the expectation that you’ll do most of the work again.
Of course, that wouldn’t do.
You crawled up to him, length brushing against his clenching rim with such demand. You caged him in your arms as you tilted your head with the ever-so present smirk on your pretty face.
“I’m still all too tired, love,” your words caught him off guard, “You gotta help me out a little here.”
His wide-eyed innocence was torturously delectable. Your hand slid down to grip onto the meat of his thighs, raising it up, “Hold yourself up for me, pretty please?” You pleaded with a charming smile, earning yourself an all too eager nod from your draconic lover.
You could only pull back with a satisfied smile as Dan Heng held his legs spread open for you, his fingers digging into his own flesh with such visceral need and he could only look up at you pleadingly.
Lining yourself up, you watched your own cock sink into Dan Heng’s quivering hole with such ease, a soft sigh escapes your lips contrasting a rather deep cry from him. He jolted as you bottomed out and magically managed to hit that sweet, sweet spot of his with so much ease.
His hands that held up his legs almost gave out, his back arching with the raw pleasure that you brought.
Before he could even beg you to move, your hips drew back and snapped back into him. Your thrusts were merciless, leaving no room for your spoiled beloved to complain. You could only indulge in his soft cries that reverberated through the room and the sinful sounds of your skin slapping against each other with every decisive thrust that you made.
Dan Heng was sure to reach the high heavens with the very feeling that you brought inside him, his walls tightening up against you with so much need.
A strangled gasp weaseled out of Dan Heng’s drying throat as you leaned down to mouth at his already sensitive buds, your teeth and tongue in pursuit of relentlessly assaulting his poor chest with every suckle and bite until they were too sensitive for anything.
“H-Hah—! N-No more—!” He whimpered, as his hands left his thighs, clutching onto your hands that sunk into the dip of his narrow waist. “T-Too fast…!”
His complaints only spurred you further to keep doing so, sounding more like an encouragement as your hips continued to move and push into him, with the carnal need to just make him feel every inch of your cock. Tears spilled from Dan Heng’s eyes, and he could only gasp out your name as the highest pleasure engulfed his body.
Thin ropes of cum spurts out of his cocks as you pushed out another orgasm from him, you following closely as you filled him up with so much of yours.
An exhausted sigh leaves you, groaning as you fell into Dan Heng, “Next time, you’re doing all the work.”
Dan Heng only blinked, “What do y—gck…!” He jolted as your hand grasped on his cocks with a lazy smile.
“It’s two for one, at least let me experience a good bargain for once in my life.”
Your words only left him breathless and eager.
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gardenofskeletons · 7 months
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alloutshirt · 1 year
i understand why h behaved like That during no control
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muzzleroars · 5 months
Lucifer holding those husk is so cute! How would he feel about actually becoming a father aka. Having his own kids? Or how does he feel about the topic of him having an actual familial bond and not just a mentor/Student relationship with someone?
(see this!)
there is something in lucifer that i certainly believe would embrace being a parent - he was made from god's own fire, his very love, but he contrasts with god in that his want for a child would stem from wishing to show them love, not take it from them. in him somewhere is still the joy of creation and like god he wishes to make, but at this point, in where he is now, i doubt he could fathom it. lucifer, in fact, would do everything he could to not produce any life from himself because he thoroughly believes now that anything he might make would suffer for his sins. everything he touches corrupts, rots, dies, it grows wronged and sickens...especially something he might delight in, might try to give love to. as much as he still has left to give, he would never now dare as he brings all to ruin and the thought alone makes his heart wither. as much as he would, in a perfect world, one away from the anger and hatred of god so heavy on him, have children of his own to love, to nurture, to grow into their very own, he knows they must remain a dream for their own safety.
(the antichrist is not given serious consideration, as revelation never states they will be the child of the devil in a direct sense. if they are so on the off chance, however, lucifer would smuggle that little lamb-dragon out of there and never allow them to be used as a pawn in god's fucked up cosmic game where they were never meant to stand a chance. he would know he couldn't protect them, that all he does is bring a different evil on them, but he would want them to know, in whatever little time they have, they are loved. they are accepted. more than anything, he would want any child of his to know those two things and that they could never lose them. when he thinks like this, he knows he would be imperfect in his own pain, in the cruelty he's suffered that has transformed him, but for his child, he would be his best and all the love he still has would always be theirs.)
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hotrail · 9 days
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slapthebass · 1 year
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glimmerbolan · 2 years
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hello last night i threw a birthday party for my friend and the theme was “dress as one of gerard’s outfits from the swarm tour.” gay people love a theme
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i didn't get rocco's character i just made a delusional young version of him that i like
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blacktofade · 9 months
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how-to-jerk-off-101 · 1 month
you may see this and say "wtf why is the plushie facing the wall" its cause i dont want him judging me. i can be a whore in peace.
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
Why did I look over at the crab tank and find Gurkle sitting in the corner, absolutely FILTHY with substate 😭😭😭 baby boy go bathe!!!
He HATES taking baths it's so funny. He puts his legs in and then turns around and puts his other legs in. Then he turns again and washes his claws and painstakingly scoops water into his shell 😭
Scupa on the other hand will happily jump into the water bowl and sit for 10 min scaring the shit out of me
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heyitslapis · 1 year
Here's a potentially fun, hypothetical way to describe your OC's personality/moral alignment; Does your OC wear a mask when they're in public? When/where? Why/why not? What do they feel/think about it?
#it isnt actually related but my last post made me think about my oc realizing shes been unknowingly masking for over 7000 years#which through word association made me think of masking for illness/disease prevention which made me think of this#emma (5vr) would mask in public bc its the right thing to do & she thinks humans are pretty fragile as it is#apatite masks bc having lived with humans over time she respects them enough to care abt their health & she thinks its a Cool Guy Look#touri would cause she cares about living creatures/its the right thing to do & humans are fun so she doesnt want to risk hurting them#jay only does bc the others do/tell her to. she doesnt think gems can pass germs bc their bodys are made of light. she doesnt mask if solo#amber thinks gems masking is silly & maybe a bit pointless but she does if asked to/in busy areas#also bc she knows apatite will make fun of her if she doesnt#citrine does bc its the right thing to do. being a quartz he's naturally protective & humans are delicate & he doesnt want to get them sick#emerald q refuses to mask. being a gem she sees no point in it & she'd get defensive/offended if someone asked her to#axinite wouldnt bc shes too good for it & is above the rules. thinks humans should just let nature take its course. only the strong survive#obsidian & goshenite think its dumb & believe that if humans get sick/die its cause theyre weak#the only time goshenite would is if it was more a fashion statement than functional. takes a few cute pics & then discards it#moonstone does bc she makes it look cute & she doesnt want to breath in the humans' germs. she likes the mystery behind it#heliodor will if its required/asked of them but is indignant the whole time. only positive is that they dont have to breath in human filth#oc prompts#tag your oc#my oc tag#my gemsona tag#heyitslapis ocs#steven universe ocs#imagine your oc#controversial topics / masking
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sophiaphile · 6 months
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my weekend in pictures
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east-germany · 2 years
In other news I probably selfship with Minarchist a little as a treat although I figure Nazi would be even clingier at this prospect but like I want two boyfriends goddamn it. Also, unrelated, tumblr's website crashes just about every time I try to reblog something, no internet for me today I reckon.
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you seem like the type of person to set aside a few hours to go to a coffeeshop to get work done but you get distracted for a majority of the time and eventually realize you only have like half an hour left of study time but that half an hour is the most productive you've ever been in your life
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