#forget mike
katdramadream · 2 years
1- ROSS X PHOEBE: Opposites attract trope; I just love how much they could have changed each other. Ross has traditional views and phoebe is the only person that can counter him on them. Phoebe would receive the stability that she needs in a partner. I overall believe they could grow to be what each other needs. It would take a lot of work but I feel it would be well worth it in the end. I can’t get over how obsessed I am with the thought of these two. (I still believe Rachel is Ross’ soulmate but I find him in Phoebe more interesting)
2- JOEY X MÓNICA: I would have loved if that night in London Monica would have hooked up with Joey. Monica is a centered, independent, and nurturing women. She would a great match to help Joey be the baby he wants to be. 😂 (However, chandler and Monica are so adorable and they have great chemistry that I know Joey x Monica can’t beat)
3- CHANDLER X RACHEL: Now first of all they would look sexy together, but also they would be so chill. I feel they are so alike and would just be so comfortable. I can’t really explain well why I feel they would be good together but this ship is so enticing.
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The best thing about this show is that all the friends are so close you could make so many ships 🥰
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jay-wasstuff · 7 months
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Five nights at Freddy's (2023)
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Have you made anything about how game Michael has a British accent and movie Mike doesn't?
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YES I HAVE.. (here’s the og post)
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i-wanna-hug · 3 months
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royalarchivist · 4 days
Mike: I think I know you from somewhere very distant…
Amzet: Yeah, you know who I am? I do know who you are.
Mike: Bobby! Bobby!!! How are you, how are you Bobby? How long has it been?
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Mike reunites with an old friend (in another universe)! :')
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thai-09 · 3 months
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quillsinkwell · 1 year
do you ever think about how Michael probably hated being compared to his father, yet in both Watsonian and Doylist terms, that's all he ever was
like in watsonian ways, all the animatronics targeted him and attacked him because he looked so similar to his father that they were the same people to the children.
and in doylist ways, the only thing that defined him was his quest to defeat his father.
like, what in canon has clued us in about Mike's personality? That has nothing to do with his family or animatronics? it's that he likes a show called the immortal and the restless.
that's it.
everything else we have given him in fanon.
he spent his whole life trying to deal with his father to prove he wasn't him, yet he's entirely defined by his father.
and without him, he's barely a character.
it adds a sort of horror to his death in pizza sim. like when he attempted to lay his father to rest permanently, the universe laid him as well, because it had no purpose for him outside of his father.
it also kinda makes glammike a little fucked up if you think about it this way, even if he either moved on or his spirit lingered in the pizzeria. his father rose again and the universe either dragged him out of the afterlife or kept him in the basement because what else is he if not his father's watcher
do you ever think about that despite his best efforts to not be his father, he's entirely defined by the man
do you ever think about that
or are you normal.
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fivemonsturzzzwowz · 7 months
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call mike schmidt nightmare foxy the way hes in that closet
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athiestpaladin · 24 days
I NEED another scene like this, not just for the sake of Mike's character but Finn Wolfhard. holy shit. he DELIVERED
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kaiminluu · 1 year
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no wonder his calls to cali never went through
happy late birthday to my favorite character in the world michael wheeler
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natjennie · 3 months
there is something so fucked up about the prospect of memory for the ghosts like. their physical state can't change right, their clothes right themselves and cap's lap isn't getting any faster. but they can learn. robin picks up french, mary learns to read. so their brains can change. how scary it must be then, to forget. the thomas thorne affair proves that everyone's memories are slightly different, and they can misremember things. so even events that happened before they died aren't set in stone. does robin remember his children's names? does kitty picture alison as her sister at first because it takes a minute to conjure up her face? does humphrey remember sophie's voice? can fanny picture petting dante or is it a blur? as someone with adhd, my memory is an absolute sieve. I can't remember what I ate for dinner two days ago. imagine that compounding for decades. centuries. and you can't write anything down, you can't save trinkets to remind you, you can't ask someone else what you're forgetting. imagine the grief and the weight of not being able to take those memories with you. having to leave pieces of your life behind as the days march on. the sadness and the loss. it's horrible.
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loneeevee · 4 months
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Some Ace Attorney Valentine's day pickup lines 💖💘
Don't forget to send these to someone you love :D
Credits under cut
Pickup line credits:
Edgeworth: @aceattorneypickuplines
Maya: @aceattorneypickuplines
Phoenix: _funndude_ on Instagram
Meekins my beloved mi amor my love: numb_holdy on Instagram
Ron: nial_vessal on Instagram
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gmaybe666 · 9 months
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this summer has been a lot of loneliness for me, what better way to channel it into a drawing of will in that scene yanno …
[ fun fact: drew this from memory on an app on my phone :3]
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royalarchivist · 20 days
Thank you Egg admins!
I wish Richarlyson's admin and all the other QSMP admins well in their future endeavors! Here's my silly little tribute to the Favela Five family, who I absolutely fell in love with thanks to this server. 💕 (Sorry I couldn't fit everyone! OTL)
Richarlyson is the second Egg who's make me bawl my eyes out until I have a headache, but I forgive him. He's given me more than enough laughs over the last few months to make up for it. :')
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cleradinel · 1 year
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Favorite S4 Mike parallel -> Mr. Bingham.
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henrysglock · 2 months
mike has been a leader in every season regardless of whether the focus is will or el let’s be real
he was just allowed to take charge more in s1/2 by virtue of the situations. in st3 everyone talked over him and dismissed him. doesn’t mean he wasn’t the guy behind the sauna test, or the one trying to step up and protect el when he was concerned about her overextending herself. he was a leader in st4 too, he was the one at the helm when it came to finding NINA.
mike doesn’t just step down and drop the ball as soon as it stops being about will. leadership is part of his character. shipping goggles off for a second please.
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