#fuck vigrid
thegothicviking · 2 years
Looking at silver rune pendants at etsy (not gonna buy just yet...just looking) and a seller/shop added this note at the bottom of the "about item" section;
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Tusen takk/a thousand times thank you!
My Norwegian heart just wept a little from joy and grattitude!🥺❤
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Thinking specifically how Americanized dmc reimagined Eva as an angel with her own weapon she hands down to Dante (and Dante and Vergil are now "Nephilim"/the spawn of angels and demons...) and also all the demons you fight call her "Eva the Whore"
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the-phantom-otaku · 1 year
So my blog is pretty much entirely ben 10 but please allow me to momentarily turn into a Bayonetta blog. There is not enough Bayo/BNHA content and it’s criminal. So I present to you: a Bayonetta BNHA AU, wherein everything still happens, she’s sealed away and all, but she wakes up to find a world full of superpowers and superheroes. The events of the first and second game still happen, just set at a later date. Not sure when BNHA takes place, but it obviously isn’t our current time, so we’ll just say she woke up like 600-700 years after being sealed and Jubileus’ awakening was also going to occur in 600-700 years rather than 500. The events of 1 happen before any of the main events of BNHA. 2’s events occurred during the year Izuku was training with All Might.
I’m just gonna lay out a list of headcanons I have for the AU. Be prepared bc it's pretty long lmao
Bayonetta wakes up to find a world full of people with crazy abilities called Quirks. Rodin helps bring her up to speed since he’s been watching all this shit unfold. 
Rodin also thinks the development of Quirks is somehow related the to Trinity since most denizens of the world of Chaos are powerless when faced with demons and angels. Basically, he thinks it might be the World of Chaos evolving to match Paradiso and Inferno.
Jeanne is a pro hero working at a high school teaching in a heroics course, specifically she teaches the History of Heroes/Quirks. Her alias is still Cutie J, but I imagine her hero costume is something like her motorcycle outfit from 2 complete with a cat-like mask. Jeanne has been a pro for a few decades at this point, so she’s settled into a slightly more quiet teaching role, which involves less action. She’ll still take up her costume and kick ass when need be.
Bayonetta still works as a nun with Enzo, but she gains an interest in becoming a pro hero sometime before the first game’s events, pretty much only bc she thinks it would be fun to be allowed to legally kick the shit out of someone if they commit a crime. Plus, she’s begun to get bored with the low-level angels Paradiso throws at her most of the time and facing villains who can have any kind of power seems interesting. She still does act part time as a nun for Enzo and he acts as her manager at her agency. If someone’s handling paper work, it’s him. The nun business started to do better once she gained popularity as a pro. After the events of the first game, her being a hero becomes a little more about helping people.
She hadn’t really started her hero career before the first game’s events, but she was finishing up the requirements to get her license. Since she wasn’t going back to school, she went through a process similar to getting a GED except she gets a hero license instead.
The events of 2 also happen. Only game events that don’t happen are 3’s bc (I’m pretty sure) that wasn’t main Bayo and also bc I’m not tackling that confusing mess (also even if it is OG Bayo, she fucking dies in the end so-). So for the purposes of this AU, 3 didn’t happen, but elements from it (such as weaponry, demons masuerades, demon salves, and the sin ritual) are all available to Bayonetta and Jeanne.
In both games’ events, the pros weren’t very helpful bc they didn’t know what the hell was going on. Vigrid, Isla del Sol, and Noatun all lack a significant amount of pro heroes due to them being so secluded. The few who do inhabit the town couldn’t figure out what was going on to stop it. All they could do was try desperately to save people from the disasters that kept happening out of no where. The destruction and chaos in both cities were national news and concerned heroes for months afterward. Eventually, the curious cases of the holy cities died down and heroes stopped worrying if these were connected attacks by the same group of villains.
As a pro, Bayonetta gained popularity fast for her quick and stylish way of dealing with villains. Her sex appeal also helped. She just uses her Umbran Battle Uniform for her costume and used Bayonetta as her hero name. She still has her guns as well, but they don’t really get used a lot when she’s working as a pro unless she’s using suppression fire. She also has her weapons from the games to use, but they’re less frequently seen since she prefers her guns.
Bayonetta quickly rose to the top ten in a short amount of time in the States, making many draw parallels between her and the Japanese hero, Hawks. Her insane power also has people draw comparisons between her and All Might.
Tho she’s popular and in the top ten, what holds her back from being number one in the states is largely her raunchy nature. While many love it, there are plenty of parents who completely disapprove of her style and the flirtatious remarks she aims at villains when taunting. There are also religious groups who don’t like her for the witch/demonic motif. She gets more than enough support to keep her well into the top five, tho.
In this AU, she has Demon Masquerade and Demon Slave. She doesn’t use Demon Slave or even summons much when dealing with villains unless the opponent warrants a summon. Her summoning is a huge deal as a result, and it usually dominates the news. Fans of her are always dying to see what demon she’ll summon next.
When she does summon against a villain, she almost always uses Demon Slave so she can hold the demon back from outright killing them.
The media has no idea what her Quirk is. It’s a huge mystery much like All Might’s Quirk. She only ever teases what it is but never actually answers. Some people speculate she’s got multiple Quirks. Many of her abilities relate to her hair, but then there are outliers, like her ability to walk on walls under moonlight, Demon Masquerade, her incredible speed/strength that rivals heroes with power-up Quirks, and her ability to fall from incredible heights without injury.
People have noted the similarities between Cutie J and Bayonetta, but no one knows what the similarities mean. After all, Cutie J had been around for decades before Bayonetta came around, so they couldn’t possibly be siblings. Again, many have speculated about this mystery, but none have gotten the correct answer (besides Luka of course).
Luka is still a thing and he’s still deadset on finding out more about the Umbra and Lumen, but he does stories on heroes as well. On top of the Umbra and Lumen, he likes to investigate the origin of Quirks even tho most journalists consider it an unsolvable mystery. 
Luka has tried to reveal the truth about Bayonetta and Cutie J, but no one believes that they’re the surviving witches of a long-lost clan that most people don’t even know about. The two ladies always write the theory off when asked about it. I don’t think they really care much about keeping the Umbran Witches a secret, but they mainly do this bc they think it would cause a panic that they really don’t want to deal with. 
Both Bayonetta and Cutie J claim that their Quirks offer a form of longevity to explain why they haven’t aged a day.
There’s a TON of mysteries surrounding these two, many of which Midoriya would be very interested in if either were to visit UA despite being American heroes.
I like to think Mina is also a huge fan of Bayonetta. She loves how she incorporates her dancing into her fighting style.
Neither Bayonetta or Jeanne participated in the first two movies. (They technically could’ve in the first, but they’d break the plot, so-). They were involved in World Heroes Mission tho. Jeanne was in New York with Hawks and Tokomyami while Bayonetta went to Otheon. I like to think she went to the slums during the chaos and found Rody’s siblings. She kept them safe and looked out for them during the whole ordeal.
Mysterious Destiny is a real song made by a group of fans who wanted to make a musical tribute for one of their favorite heroes. 
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clouds-of-wings · 3 years
What the Hel did you just fucking say about me, you little niðing? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Vigrid Einherjar Training, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Francia, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top archer in the entire Varangian guard. You are nothing to me but just another Christian. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Midgard, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me on a wooden stick that gets carried from farm to farm? Think again, niðing. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Heathens across Scandinavia and your life thread is being inspected by my local Völva right now so you better prepare for the holmgang, maggot. The holmgang that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. My ship can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my battle axe.
Not only am I extensively trained in shield wall combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Varangian Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Midgard, you little niðing. If only you could have known what ghastly retribution your little “clever” flyting was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, niðing.
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theunstablejester · 2 years
I think one of the funniest thing about Bayonetta is that we are shown that the characters that are from Vigrid such as Bayonetta, Jeanne, Balder, Cereza and Rosa all have English accents but all the fuckers are fucking Italian! Girlies, what are you doing talking like that?
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piermanwalter · 3 years
Thinking about the Bayonetta MGR crossover and it’s basically console wars and Mac vs PC with actual human bodies.
It’s the year 2085 and LumenOS by Lighthouse Biotechnology is the most popular engine for coding brain-machine interfaces. It’s biggest competitor, UmbraOS by Left Hand Cybernetics, became free and open source after the Lighthouse and Left Hand CEOs married each other, causing a stock market panic and both of them getting voted off their board of directors for conflict of interest and insider trading reasons. This loss of good leadership eventually led to both companies going bankrupt. To stay open, Lighthouse was purchased by Ithavoll Group. Meanwhile, Left Hand chose to go out of business and posted its source code on the internet as a final goodbye. 
Both engines are coded on the intricate but infuriating fuzzy-logic focused programming language Enochian and are very similar in function if not in construction. Most of their differences come from distribution policies.
LumenOS is suited for bringing injured and incapacitated people to working condition as quickly as possible. To avoid trauma, most commercially available Lumen software is built with emotion inhibition and memory suppression. It can be argued that Lumen uses the human brain as hardware to run its own processes instead of preserving the original person, but it can also be argued that people don’t want to remember getting hit by a truck, or being trapped in a burning house, or years of failed cancer treatments.
Regardless of moral implications, because full body cyborgs running on Lumen can walk and talk within days or surgery, while other BMI engines take years of physical therapy to regain normal function, many medical providers and individuals choose Lumen. 
Lumen is mostly used by Ithavoll and its subsidiaries, since licensing fees for outsiders has been raised to 80 million dollars a year. This insane entry price ensures Lumen-running products are consistently high quality, but are also becoming increasingly inaccessible. 
UmbraOS was originally suited for accurately simulating and enhancing all human senses, but after 30 years of being open source, it’s now used for whatever fuck shit you can get away with. Countless Umbra scripts can be found for free, but there’s no guarantee any of them will be useable. For every treasure like the flight skills and reaction time of a dragonfly or the ability to toggle the taste of hot nachos on and off, there are a thousand scripts that give you diabetes and force you to email your credit card information to make it stop. Lord help you if your UmbraOS implant is connected to WiFi. 
Because the engine is open source, many BMI programmers get their start on Umbra, which has indirect benefits for other Enochian-based engines. Even for skilled programmers, it’s considered best practice to carefully curate your own custom pile of scripts other people made to run your body with, because no single person can do it all alone. It’s also considered dishonorable to charge money for Umbra scripts if you aren’t custom-making it for a single person.
Although Umbra is sketchy and often dangerous, many people unable to afford more legit procedures rely on secondhand implants running Umbra to survive.
Following a period of extended global peace and stability, many cyborg paramilitary organisations, and the various other companies supporting that industry, have gone out of business. 
Cardinal Ventures LLC, once famous for actually affording a legal Lumen license and building bespoke bodies for its enforcers, was barely able to limp along using clout gained from eradicating other mercenaries during the United States Civil War II, but tensions in upper management reached a breaking point when one cofounder, Lucifer, fought the other cofounder, Jubileus, sent her into a coma, and went into hiding. 
Now the de facto leader, Fortitudo tried to keep Cardinal together. He isn’t exactly stupid, but his expertise lies more with melting enemy cyborgs into slag and less in running a business. To avoid falling into inescapable debt, and also tempted by promises to revive Jubileus, and also because vintage cyborgs are vulnerable to parts trafficking gangs, Fortitudo sold Cardinal to Ithavoll Group.
 Initially, the deal was very good since it was made in Vigrid, whose European laws of cyborg personhood were a lot more generous than American laws, which were written in response to repeated ninja and metal gear crises, and also that one time a US senator’s medical nanomachines went haywire and tragically caused him to go insane. 
The deal worsened when it was revealed that the deal was technically made in Isla del Sol, an autonomous region in Vigrid that’s basically a corporate dictatorship. The laws changed and now all Lumen-running cyborgs involved with the deal are legally not human and belong to Ithavoll. With constant Lumen software updates, Fortitudo is literally incapable of feeling too bad about it, but his panic and betrayal come out in more indirect ways. To be fair to Ithavoll, Fortitudo is now in charge of the largest private cyborg army in the world, composed of other companies Ithavoll purchased and dissolved, including Laguna Homefront Solutions, Paradiso Augmetics, and the aforementioned Lighthouse Biotechnology.
At the center of Isla del Sol, the Ithavoll Building is at constant risk of terrorist attack. An individual of unclear origins was converted into a cyborg based off one of Cardinal’s prototypes and tasked to patrol the upper levels. Temperantia’s primary purpose is to do post-disaster search and rescue, aid building evacuation by making his own exits, but can also fight off attackers if needed. Since he has to be in the upper levels anyway, Temperantia argued that might as well get a regular job there. Ithavoll’s CEO Balder gave him an office job as a joke, but Temperantia did well and eventually worked his way up to Ithavoll Building Assistant HR Manager. 
Built after the acquisition, Temperantia has no memories of Cardinal while it was independent, and doesn’t really get the rest of Cardinal’s devotion to Jubileus, but goes along with it to make his coworkers happy. Fortitudo initially saw him as a bastardisation of the Temperantia he once worked with, who ruins Cardinal’s military legacy by being a clueless civilian. They become work friends after Temperantia rips a gatling gun off a UG helicopter and shoots the entire convoy down with it from the Ithavoll Building roof.
Despite his horrifying strength and enormous uncanny mechanical body, Temperantia would prefer to be known as the guy who loves enamel pins and stringently enforces office dress code.
What could drive trained and made killers to sell their rights to a corporation for protection? Inferno is a black market criminal organisation that hunts cyborgs for parts. Catering both to filthy rich collectors and those too poor to afford legit implants, Inferno traps people in insidious contracts by converting the desperately injured into cyborgs whether they truly want it or not, then foisting debts so huge upon them that it can only be paid by acting as spies and informants to find rare and expensive cyborgs. If the debt grows too large or goes unpaid for too long, Inferno recoups their costs.
Typically, once a contractor finds a rare cyborg, they call a local Inferno agent to do the dirty work. Even worse, the contractor has to pay for all the expenses Inferno sustained to kill their target, meaning if the target escapes before the agent gets there, raises law enforcement attention, or is extremely dangerous, the debt may end up even greater.
Experienced contractors eventually learn to corner and incapacitate their targets themselves before calling Inferno. Some of them are so skilled at balancing on the knife’s edge of debt and respect that they leverage their contract into having their own private cyborg hit squad for life. 
After many cyborg PMCs went bankrupt, Inferno gorged on newly weakened victims and flooded the black market with cyborg parts. However, to sustain the same profits now that the easy prey is gone, Inferno contractors now have to go after even rarer and more protected cyborgs to avoid debt murder.
Bayonetta was dredged from the bottom of a lake and restored by Inferno, incurring huge debts. Combined with Inferno debts she apparently sustained before she drowned and lost her memory, Bayonetta is forced to infiltrate Vigrid to go after the most expensive targets, Cardinals, or else Inferno will tear her apart.
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spiteweaver · 3 years
Feldspar Couples and My Impressions of Them--
Banrai and Dreamweaver: soft, warm, safe; the old married couple down the street who have been together for 50+ years and are still madly in love with one another; rarely ever fight unless there’s some serious drama going down (like Dreamweaver’s enormous hero complex)
Ozymandias and Thalassinus: Big Calm + Little Chaos, except Thal is actually really tall, Ozy is just taller; opposites attract to such an extreme that no one is entirely certain how they’ve managed to make it work; lots of complicated history to unpack
Mergo and Argus: PDA Kings; there is not a second of the day in which they are not flirting; extremely passionate, their romance burns hotter than the sun; both suckers for sweet-talking, so they try to out-sweet-talk each other; also a complicated history, but they’ve already unpacked it
Solaire and Hollyhock: Somehow even more of an old married couple than Banrai and Dreamweaver; literally two gays in an idyllic woodland cottage surrounded by flower gardens; so in awe of one another it almost hurts to look at them when they’re together
Abaddon and Shard the Radiant: The domestic couple that no one expected to be so domestic; spent most of their time together lounging around doing nothing, just enjoying each other’s company; poetically tragic, yet heartwarmingly eternal
Zo and Shard Junior: Took a book out of Abaddon and The Radiant’s handbook, became the clan’s new domestic daddies; very good at getting into trouble, but their love for each other and their children always sees them through; absolute anime protagonists
Tau and Copernicus: Most tragic couple second only to Abaddon and The Radiant; still adjusting to the loss of Tau’s wings, lots of guilt shared between the both of them (even though it wasn’t their fault); achingly tender; favorite dates are walks through the territories, hand-in-hand
Juneau and Penitence: Another delightful instance of opposites attracting in just the right way; quiet, thoughtful, can communicate without words; perhaps a bit awkward, but that only makes the clan root harder for them; both learning how to behave like normal fucking dragons, with varied results
Jasmine and Hyacinth: Clan Dad Energy; absolutely disgustingly in love, excel at professing this love publicly in increasingly embarrassing ways; too pretty to live, too powerful to die; insatiable flirts who are always interested in adding to their beautiful family
Wilcox and Wayland: Don’t really act like they’re in love, but are actually ride or die for each other; low-key lovey-doviest couple in the clan; too pretty to live, too powerful to die: chaos cult edition; partners in romance and in crime
Halcyon and Aurelius: Flawless individuals; legitimately a relationship out of a fairytale, but not, like, a fucked up fairytale; the gentlest, most sickeningly sweet couple who will take you in and become your new dads if your old dad is mean to you; radiant
Ash and Bryn: I love when the opposites attract; tender green bean + wild-hearted ranger = a crazy love story that I won’t get into because that would be spoilers; lots of cheek-cupping, face-holding, forehead-touching action; definitely one of the strongest bonds in the clan
Atsushi and Carnelian: Bastard Power Couple; they’ve been well-behaved up until now, but I anticipate antics from them now that they’ve gotten comfortable as b o y f r i e n d s; a fucking disaster of a relationship that somehow resulted in an unshakeable bond, and still my absolute faves
Branwen and Calcifer: Two grownass men discovering love for the first time and trying not to burn down the capital like a couple of teenagers; lots of teasing, communicate through loving sarcasm; the kind of boyfriends who see something in a shop window and buy it without any regard for the price because, “Oh he’d like this.”
Faust and Holloway: THE ULTIMATE CHAOTIC POWER COUPLE; have developed morals since settling in Feldspar, but would probably still sell you to their Dark Lord for one corn chip; fucking lawyers, they know exactly how far they can push; surprisingly decent parents???
Elk and Howl: Feral, Howl will lose all domestication at the drop of a hat and Elk never had any to begin with; fiercely protective of one another; co-dependency issues due to a harsh life in the wilderness, but they’re working on it; gender? they hardly know ‘er
Xerxes and Lamium: Extreme slow-burn because Xerxes is a wuss; lots of quiet nights of reading and discussing topics that would fly over most dragons’ heads; deep bond forged through shared “otherness”, simply more comfortable together than among “normal” dragons
Hyde and Juniper: Science Husbands; their love is as explosive as their machinery; rushed into their relationship, but only because they both knew they were well-suited to one another in the way only an engineer can; you know how a mechanism’s parts all fit together in extremely specific ways? that’s their relationship and they saw that shit coming from a mile off
Risen and June: Had an awkward beginning, but now everyone wishes they could have the kind of chill relationship these two have; have known each other for years, so are completely comfortable with one another; very touchy-feely, express a lot of their love through physical contact; beach dates every night
Boggart and Vigrid: We’ve reached the Old Married Couple Final Bosses; swamp gays and their swamp ways; always teetering on the edge of tragic, but I refuse to push them over; unrecognized comedy geniuses
Strasky and Akers: Sexual tension in the workplace, which just so happens to be 153m below sea level; so many sly glances from across crowded rooms; Akers is a bully and Strasky lets him get away with it because he’s kind of into it; “WE CANNOT MAKE OUT IN COMMS, MR. AKERS”
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geeky-introvert · 4 years
I’m Here III . Ivar X OC
Summary: Gertrud and Ivar have been plotting to overthrow Oleg but they had to continue to be very careful. With Hvitserk back with Ivar, working with Dir in secret and the war coming to invade back into Scandinavia, it was only a matter of time....Third and final part.
Word count: 2010
Warning: Death, language and fluff.
Tag list: @lisinfleur​ @mdlady​ @didiintheblog​ @alicedopey​ @rekdreams247​​ @mblaqgi​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @aphnxrising​ @happydaysandersen​ @therealcalicali​ @naaladareia​ @inforapound​ @captstefanbrandt​ @waiting4inspiration​ @tabalugax​ @p8tn0lish​ @igetcarriedawaywithyou​ @laketaj24​ @darlingp​ @tephi101​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @lordsexmachine​ @wonderlandofsu​ @alwaysbenhardysgirl​ @sparklemichele​ @ivaraddict​
If anyone else wants to be added to the tag list let me know please.
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Gif credit to me.
It felt so long that they both had to continue to play along, to stay on Oleg’s good side just until the war was won before they made their move. Gertrud felt so anxious to drive a blade in the back of Oleg’s back, twisting it and letting him feel the same pain she felt in her heart for all he’s done not just to her but to Ivar and their twins.
It was a bit surprising to have Hvitserk joining his brother again, after finding him in such a bad way and being banished from Kattegat, for killing Lagertha. She had no sympathy, in fact she was proud of him for finally dealing with that murderer.
She had missed him though, he was always a favourite of Ivar’s brothers. To see him meeting his niece and nephew for the first time brought joy to her heart, seeing both him and the twins having fun together brought a smile to her.
Then there was Igor, a child who turned out to be the empire, a whole title but she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the boy. The poor thing has been through a lot, forced into things and being taken by Oleg to raise and manipulate to become the perfect ruler in his image. What was good though was Igor enjoyed spending time with them, and grew a fond bond with Ivar, almost like a father. He even liked to spend time with her and she embraced the boy like a mother would. All he needed was just parents to love him, to live as a child and enjoy as much of it as he could. In a way they have helped him too and tried to keep Oleg’s twisted words away from his young ears.
It wasn’t long after they helped Oleg’s brother, Dir, escape from such a cruel imprisonment that Oleg started to become a little more paranoid about who to trust but seemed to continue to trust Ivar, but not her. He was smart to not trust her and she wasn’t surprised. But being married to Ivar his hands were tied as he needed to get Ivar as king again in Kattegat.
After winter has passed it was spring, and also time to set out to invade Scandinavia. Gertrud wanted to join, to fight, but of course much more she wanted to keep the twins safe and that wasn’t the only thing keeping her from not going.
“Be safe, my love.” She kissed Ivar and pressed her forehead against his own just as they were all about to leave. Once she got word they’ll make their way to join them for their celebration, and for the rest of their plan to take place as well.
“I will, my darling wife.” Ivar whispered kissing her a second time before embracing the twins. “You both be good for your mother now, keep her happy and safe, won’t you?”
“We will, papa.” Yrsa and Ulf answer at the same time before standing around my legs.
Once Ivar had stood back up again she smiled and caressed his face. “We’ll be together again, I promise. We need you.” She then moved his hand down to her flat belly, silently telling him of the news through her eyes with a warm smile.
“You’re with child?” Ivar was shocked as his eyes swelled suddenly.
“I am, and this time you won’t miss out on anything for our third child, I promise.”
Ivar let out a beaming smile and kissed her passionately. He was so happy, and hated to be leaving her and his children like this but it won’t be for long.
No matter what they’ll always be together, as a family.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
Once word was given that the battle was won Gertrud took the twins and made their way towards Kattegat with a few of Oleg’s guards. Of course, she expected nothing else, which is why there was a plan unknown by them.
Once they were halfway the ambush was given. Each of Oleg’s men were taken out. She could’ve done it, sure, but she had the kids to worry about and made sure they didn’t see what happened. Dir’s men then came and she went with them so hse could speak to Dir and let him know about what was happening.
He had healed well, scarred for life but least he was alive and strong.
Gertrud and Dir spoke for a while before some of his warriors changed uniforms and led her back to Kattegat. Everything was planned, it was only a matter of time.
By the time we got there everyone was still celebrating their victory. Entering the hall I smiled seeing Ivar and both Ulf and Yrsa ran up to him and Hvitserk.
“I’m so happy to see you both well.” I say coming closer and kissing Ivar. “Everything is in place, just as we planned.” I say about Dir, but still carrying on as if it was meant about all of this happening around us.
“Just as we planned.” He says back smiling  before hugging the twins.
Sitting down together for the feast I kept a close eye on the twins as they played with Igor. This was indeed a time to celebrate, but my mind was too focused on what was to happen soon at the right signal.
While Oleg had his back turned I whispered to a thrall, one I had learned to trust and promised her freedom if she kept the children safe. She nodded and headed over to them, staying close at their side.
“My friends! This is a glorious moment for us!” Oleg shouted, spilling his mead everywhere. “We won the war! They fear us! They flee from us! We conquered!”
The room erupted with more cheers and she joined, blending in before Oleg looked at her, a blank stare, as he’s done before while she smiled in return, showing everything was fine.
“Glad you could join us for this victory, Gertrud.” He says sitting down with them in front of her. He never liked her, she knew this, and she never liked him.
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss it.” She answers before taking a drink from her mead.
“Tell me, how is my brother?”
She held his stare as Ivar and Hvitserk looked at him as well. Looks like the moment was about to happen. Of course they couldn’t keep this away from him, he had ears and eyes everywhere, they weren’t even surprised that he knew something was up.
“Whatever do you mean? How should I know?” She asked, still playing along.
“You know exactly what I mean, you sneaky bitch.”
“Don’t call my wife that.” Ivar said back defending her.
“I’ll call her whatever I please.” Oleg looked like he had her cornered, that he had the upper hand, the king, but he was wrong about that. “Your wife here has betrayed us both by coming here with my brother’s warriors. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”
So that was all he knew, he thought only she was behind it all, not Ivar.
“You’re crazy and paranoid.” Gertrud smirks at him. “And drunk.”
Suddenly Oleg throws everything off the table and everyone goes quiet, his men getting ready to take her prisoner and to stop Ivar and Hvitserk from getting in their way. However she didn’t even flinch and held her stare at him, unaffected by his actions.
“I knew you were trouble the second I saw you.” He snarls down resting his hands against the table. “You women are all the same, snakes, vipers, just fucking cunts! Take her to the cells, I’ll deal with her later.”
In the moment, before Ivar could defend her further, shouts and blades hitting together were heard coming from outside, confusing Oleg and making Gertrud smirk more.
Looking at her children she watched as they were taken in the back by the thrall before the front doors burst open, and Dir’s men charged in, slashing their way through. Ivar and Hvitserk joined in against Oleg’s men, attacking them now while Oleg stood there staring at the scene unfolding, confused and baffled. Silently she came up behind him, blade him hand and suddenly drove the dagger into his neck, holding him there and bringing her lips against his ear while he choked on his blood.
“Not only did you kill Hilja, but Vigrid as well, and many other people you simply didn’t like. You won’t hurt anyone anymore, you foul monster. No one is going to miss you.”
Turning him around she pulled the blade out them, blood splattering against her face while he stumbled backwards trying to stop the blood, but it was useless. She watched, satisfied as he fell to the ground with blood spilled everywhere, bleeding out before becoming lifeless.
The remaining of Oleg’s men were killed and some surrendered, taken as prisoners. It was all over then, so fast. Ivar came up beside her, helping clean some of the blood from her face and giving her a warm smile.
“I’m proud of you, my love.” His words made her smile before she kissed him.
“Thank you. I’m proud of you as well. You no longer need to be his puppet, you’re free and we’re home again. Kattegat is yours, my love.”
“Ours. Kattegat is ours.” He repeated and pressed his forehead against her own.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
As the months passed by Ivar and Gertrud became king and queen together. He finally decided to not go after those who followed Bjorn, now that he was dead, as was Lagertha, he saw no need to send fear throughout the lands more.
Dir returned to Kiev with Igor, to teach him to become a better emperor as trades were agreed to as well. They missed them, and held faith that he will indeed become a good leader for his people and lands.
Gertrud was heavily pregnant, just like she was with the twins which made her question about this pregnancy but she stayed silent about it not wanting to get excited over nothing.
When the time came it was a struggle like the first, but she had a lot of support from everyone including Ivar right at her side while Hvitserk took care of Ulf and Yrsa.
It was a painful and anxious wait, fear only growing more the longer it went on. Then finally the midwife saw the head and helped deliver the baby, within moments the second baby followed, two crying infants and giving Gertrud a moment to rest as they were cleaned and wrapped after Ivar cut their cords, still in shock.
“We have twins again…” He whispered looking down at his wife, proud of her.
“Yes…” She panted softly. “Twins….another two mouths to feed.” She joked lightly, already loving the two of them so much.
The midwife and a thrall finally brought them both over and letting them settle against their mothers chest, cooing and looking around curiously, bright blue eyes and blonde hair. “Another boy and girl.” Gertrud was so proud of what the gods have given them. “They’re so beautiful. Can we name them both what we agreed on?” They already knew.
“Yes, of course, it only fits them both well.” Ivar says tracing his finger over one of their chubby cheeks with a smile.
“I had hoped you would say that.” Looking back down at them, she kissed each of their heads. “They live on in both of you, our sweet children. Hilja and Vigrid.”
At that moment Yrsa and Ulf came running in not able to wait any longer to meet the surprise that waited for them. Hvitserk stood by the door, smiling proudly at his little brother and his family. They were indeed a whole family, together, never parted again.
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incneet · 6 years
It's Cuhrayzee (A Requiem for /cgg/)
Run (DMC) [Both]
You see me on combo vids, pulling off the pro shit Weapon (switches), juggle (bitches), The style is smoking sick, [here we go]
[It's Crazy when I must die, to perfect guard and switch that style] [It's Crazy]... it's Crazy (Crazy) Crazy (Crazy) [It's Crazy to cancel right with no witch time pure plat that fight] [It's Crazy]... Cr-cr-cr-crazy (Crazy) Crrrrrrrrrrrazy
(I met this little Lady, she said don't call me baby, Temen-ni-gru with demons too, this party just got CRAZY) And then I fought my brother, for amulets from mother, I said, "No way you've got your own," he said, "I want another."
[It's Crazy when I must die, to perfect guard and switch that style] [It's Crazy]... (It's Crazy) Crazy (Crazy) Crrrrrrazy [It's Crazy to cancel right with no witch time pure plat that fight] [It's Crazy]... Crazy (Crazy) Crazy
(Up in Vigrid there are witches and sages making war, They want the [EYES] the left and [RIGHT] now Jubileus is born,) And the city's looking shitty as it falls to the ground, So I'm making all the angels pay for burning it down,
[It's Crazy when I must die, to perfect guard and switch that style] [It's Crazy]... (Crazy) Crazy (Crazy) Crazy [It's Crazy to cancel right with no witch time pure plat that fight] [It's Crazy]... Crazy (Crazy) Crazy (Crazy) huh!
[Not of Murai's concern interlude]
Shannon spanking, button mashing, so her life goes down hard, Skull card roulette, special movin' with the hand of the god, (Spin kick pelvis, punching Elvis, make him drop his cigar, Summoned demons, Azel scheming, betting on chihuahuas,) A girl named Freesia's gonna beat you to protect her tree, Then Plum dissed her and dismissed her, now she's all lonely, (Suzuka dyin', Misa cryin' as it's raining blood, Before you bother the poor modders learn to just git gud,)
[It's Crazy when I must die, to perfect guard and switch that style] [It's Crazy]... Crazy (Crazy) Crazy (Crazy) [It's Crazy to cancel right with no witch time pure plat that fight] [It's Crazy]... Cr-cr-cr-cr-cr-crazy (Cr-cr-cr-crazy) Cr-cr-cr...
(We are not slack) we don't use hacks (we follow rules) of nature (This is the way) it has to be [now I am motivated] We're wonderful ya'll, (yo), each individual, (Red sun) FUCK (ING) [INVINCIBLE]
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The Tall Gray’s Last Hope -
Place's 100% infected and 100% invaded by the Creature -
Fensale valhall idasletten folhvang asgard glitner Ydale bilskirne trundvang sokkvabexx sreidablik alrheim Vigrid Vanaheim !!! Mupelheim - Home of the indigo CHildren the Place Called Svartalvheim Nivlheim Jotunheim Helheim - Seriuosly !!! 100% Domonated by the fucking thing Noatun ============================================================= thr only Place that the god dam fog has NOT bin able to fully invade but had Breached it is Mid-Gard - 
Hear yee, Hear yee - these place are so infected that it is Pure suicide to get any where near them let alone go into them - if you do the fog 
these place are full of A.O.F that many will confuse for a demon - the A.O.F’s will attack you the moment thay ... sense you or the fog direct’s them to you as a omni present attack - but, The fog doesn't need to use them becuz going into the of is like a dementor Kiss but as a  Tornado - and at that it’s El Reno on fucking steroid’s - 
it will infected you 100% and take your soul - not even a Deity can’t stand against, The infection and Possession of the fake fog - 
i was able to get the data after you suffer them - i don’t want any one to Suffer so there for i when i suffered i made sure i got the data and figured it out to a extent of a degree -  
i Made sure, i Saved the data, And Broadcasted the information - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
There ability's are as follow :
 There …
nigh-omniscient ( Kinda all knowing ) - ( but are oddly extremely fucking stupid, i.q. 10 - 25 )
nigh-omnipresent ( mean’s there everywhere at once simultaneously ) - ( becuz there spirit’s )
omnifarious ( the power to shape shift without limit )
nigh-omniarch ( try to be, ruler’s of everything ) - ( seriously )
omnireplication ( to duplicate anything without limit )
Psi Vampirism ( The power to use the abilities of a psychic vampire ) - thay can vamp your life force simply by looking at you, feeling you from a distance and then a odd psychic sucking kinda like there drinking a cloud of your life force and that you will never get back, thay can see all energy’s and life force’s in a person with there 3rd eye it’s far stronger then a homo-sapien’s, all thay got to do is glance over you and thay can see into the very depth’s of your very soul, this is not a joke    
Astral Vampire ( the power to feed off of people ’s energy from a distant place )
Elemental Vampire ( the power to feed off of an element ) - [ Never give them Fire, you’ve bin Warned !!!]
Emotional Vampire ( the power to feed off of over other’s emotions )
memory vampire ( The power to feed off of the memory’s of other’s ) - ( as I said above thay also love to vamp your memory, a lot this is also a way thay control you if your possessed thay attack the memory at all time’s and keep giving you false memory’s  )
Tantric Vampire ( the power to feed off of sexual energy )
Soul Absorption ( the power to devour the soul’s of other’s ) - [ Thay butcher your soul like cut’s of different meat just like a butcher )Cruse inducement ( The ability to lay a negative effect upon whatever you apply the energy ) - [ also knowed as enforcing bad karma, or the hex effect upon some one or a area or a object ]
Behavior manipulation ( the power to manipulate the behaviors of someone ) - [ soul control ]
Brain manipulation ( The power to manipulate the brain of oneself and/or other )
Emotion manipulation ( The ability to control the emotions of others ) - [ like making you betray some one and then make you laugh at them then spike your anger to kill them, your there little puppet ]
Mental manipulation ( The power to modify and control the thoughts, Mindsets, and upper brain Functions of others )
Psychic Energy Manipulation ( The ability to manipulate psychic energy )
Psionic inundation ( The ability to overload another mind, causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness, vegetative state and/or death )
Sound Manipulate ( the ability to manipulate sound and sound wave’s, and create any sound )
Audible inundation ( the power to create voice sounds in other's head’s. )
Soul manipulation ( the power to manipulate soul’s ) - ( only if thay have a deep enough connection with the host ) - ( or there many more then one in the same host, willing or unwilling it dose not matter )
Hallucination solidification ( The ability to solidify any illusions or hallucination )
Illusion Manipulation ( the power to create and manipulate illusions )
Mental Hallucination ( The power to create mental hallucinations on high levels) - ( thay spam this shit back to back in order to keep you under there control ) - ( it’s hell trust me ) - ( thay can do it’s weather you awake or asleep, dead or alive )
Maddness Manipulation ( the power to absorb, create and manipulate maddness/Insanity with one self, others or the maddness energy around )
( if your possessed thay will play on your reality and keep you in a 1000 dream’s with in a 1000 dream’s more all looping into a endless amount of false reality’s, it’s worst then your worst nightmare - also LSD and other form’s of acid got nothing on this and the shit dose not end when your dead it only get’s stronger, far stronger )
butterfly effect ( thay got this power to a very high extreme )
obsolescemce ( the power to make everything and anything, uesless wothrless and broken, even magic or also know as energy’s )
omnilock ( The power to exist outside of everything )
omnipresential attack ( can attack regardless of there of their location ) - ( if thay have a psychic lock on your life force or essence )
nigh-unimind ( to be connected to all living and non-living being’s ) this is more like mage possession but still you get the point you cant run and you can’t hide and NO ! there not god, but sure act like it, i mean there power’s are there power’s, i hope you get what i mean.
Enhanced Speed - ( there extremely fast, thay could out run the flash, and 25 second’s later the flash might get there, there extremely fast, but then again thay are ethereal so. )  
Meta - possession
Psionic Energy Siphoning
Psionic Energy Manipulation
Dynamokinesis  - ( also called Ergokinesis  or Autokinesis  )
Hatred Empowerment
there Poltergeist …
Tele-Transportation - ( also called flash step or Teleportation )
Psionic Inundation
Mentalism - ( also called Magic-Psionic Unification  or just Psionic Magic )
Psychic Affinity/Augmentation/Empowerment
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I think perhaps someday I will revisit Bayo 3 once the sting of disappointment leaves because I think it had serviceable gameplay that I just wasn't too interested in learning.
But also I think. Like even the worlds and environments were disappointing? Like there's no...ambience or lore. I think about walking around Vigrid and the witch training grounds and stuff and how there's so much thought put into the details and characters that it doesn't matter that the plot is barely comprehensible.
Bayo 3 has generic mountain area, generic destroyed city-scape, ancient China which is generic and boring everything looks the same, Egypt which DID honestly have some fantastic locations, puzzles, and an actual plot arc for Jeanne and Bayo for once, and an actually interesting final boss, I can't believe it's part of the same game...and then we go to another generic city that doesn't look particularly French.
Like it's just nothing. We could've been time traveling or globe-trotting rather than multiverse hopping. There's a Rosa boss fight and it's meaningless. We go from killing Rosa to a campy boss fight with another Bayo (that isn't as good as previous game stuff) and it's like. Huh? Mommy issues are supposed to be *the* thing that gets under Bayo's skin, I wanted that other Bayo to be furious and dangerous feeling, I wanted to see pain that Bayonetta couldn't help but understand and relate to and for her to barely be able to hold her ground in the face of it, not necessarily power-wise but emotionally.
But we also barely get anything from Jeanne fucking dying so. Like it's an absolute waste of her death.
It's a waste of everyone's deaths.
Ugh. I hate this game. Nevermind the first paragraph.
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wingkink · 6 years
after a fucking long ass time of winnowing vigrid roughlands over and over again I FINALLY found the polar bearacuda and i was like yes! this is the fucking time! and it got AWAY im so fucking salty im never playing this game again. fuck you kingsisle im sick of this shit. this game is meant to be for children throw me a goddamn bone and let me catch the fish. assholes
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wolfieonatypewriter · 7 years
Bayojeanne Week 5 - Alternate Universe
Word count: 4200
Summary: AU where Rosa and the former Elder die during the Clan Wars and the Jeanne and Bayo inherit the throne and the Left Eye. Set 30 years after the Clan Wars, at the onset of the Witch Hunts.
A/N: Boy oh boy did this one run the heck away from me! Clocking in at 4.2 k words, its kinda a behemoth. Enjoy!
The heavy wooden doors to her office slammed open and a harried young witch skid past the antechamber and almost into her meticulously messy desk.
Jeanne did not bother to look up from her parchment, knowing full well that Tzipora needed at least a minute to catch her breath. She was their fastest courier by a long stretch and while Jeanne fully appreciated her service, the young girl sounded and moved like a stampede of draft horses.
She had heard her climbing up the stairs a long while before she barreled through the doors in a flurry of huffing breaths and sweat.
“Elder, el-” Her heavy intakes of air kept cutting off what seemed to be an important message she wanted to hear in full, all at once.
“Take your time, Tzipora, I doubt the message will expire in the time it takes for you to catch your breath.”
Nodding, the girl bent down and leaned on her thighs with a heave that left her somewhat concerned she was going to throw up on her nice rug.
“The Left Eye has returned, mistress, and she requests you meet her without delay.” Jeanne’s eyes turned hard and the courier straightened her back in response. If she was asking her to meet up when she hadn’t even crossed the valley into Vigrid proper then she could only bring grave news.
“Tell my wife to meet me by the waterfall grove, I’ll be waiting.” Tzipora looked at her with a measure of uncertainty, unsure if that was all the information she was required to carry.
Jeanne, with a long practiced patience she had acquired through her decades of teaching and ruling, leveled a smooth reply towards her even though her anxiety was twisting itself into harsh knots. “Go, Cereza will know what to do with that information worry not.”
She bobbed her head up and down with vigor, her black hair shaking about and she spun around like Jubileus herself was on her heels. In the antechamber, a purple and golden leopard materialized into existence that knocked the priceless coat hanger her sisters across the Atlantic had gifted to her on her last trip.
Rubbing her forehead in frustration, the esteemed Elder of the Umbra Witches sat down her report on the relief efforts coming from the imperial centers in Ubinu. The witches hailing from Edo were among their most affluent members but they had been quick to coordinate and assist in a large part of the rebuilding efforts post Clan Wars.
Much was still to be done and now, she was sure to be on the cusp of receiving news that she would not like to hear.
With a resolute sigh, she fished Angel Slayer from its lofty perch on the wall and walked out of her inner sanctum.
“Impeccably late as always, Cereza” She commented when she heard the rustle of foliage from behind her comfortable seat on the sandy bank of the waterfall.
“I’ve heard it called fashionably late, dearest, I much prefer that.”
Cereza sat down next to her and offered her a small smile that didn’t quite reach the expressive blue eyes with bags Jeanne hadn’t seen so dark or so pronounced since the wars.
Since the fateful day the previous Left Eye of Darkness had sacrificed herself to stop a storm of summoned Auditio from crashing into the youth halls. Rosa had died to protect the future of those who had denied her a present and the Umbra hadn’t deserved her. And most of all, Cereza hadn't deserved to see it.
“I’m not going to like this, am I?”
She set her mouth in a grim line and shook her head, stretching her left hand towards Jeanne.
The other witch quickly entwined her hand with Cereza’s and even after all of these years, the glimpse of the simple gold band made her heart lighter. They had fought harder than most for the right to be together, to be accepted as the Elder and as the Left Eye of Darkness and to be able to ride off together into the sunset.
However, in joy forever after resided in children’s tales and reality rarely matched up with such a fanciful notion.
“There’s something brewing that’s bigger than the Clan Wars ever were. I’ve chased after reports and local leaders, they are all saying the same thing and they all stand by it.”
Witches missing, smaller compounds raided and attacks too deliberate to be random. It wasn’t the first time such things had crossed her desk and Jeanne had sent the person best suited to find out what was happening.
Now she had. Fuck.
“What is your take on it?” She demanded, immediately regretting the bite in her words but to her luck her wife took it in stride, a routine honed by nearly half a century of companionship.
“I’ve not a singular doubt about it, there is a disturbance so large looming on the horizon the treasured left eye feels like it’s going to burn right out of my skull.” Said eye obliged their conversation by pulsing with a near blinding intensity and Cereza flinched like she’d been stabbed. “There it is, if you had any doubts.”
Banging her hand over her eye socket like she was trying to keep no more than an ornery headache at bay, she continued.
“Beyond that, the scope is massive. Humans have been spurred into a frenzy, nothing has gone dark yet but we’ve suffered loses.” She had received those reports with a heavy heart as well. Two girls had gone missing in the kingdom of Joseon and at least five torture devices had been found scattered around Mu'a. Enough for concerns but not enough for certainty, their relationship with mortals had always been respectful coldness at best but things were changing. “Small, for now. But I know, deep in my bones it's a giant wave travelling towards the coast.”
It was certainly not the Lumen working against them but then the question remained. Why now and how were humans all over the world getting the same idea?
Cereza's impressions were more or less always spot on and if she was worried like this, then it meant they could not afford to stand idle.
“We have to call the Umbra to the ancient grounds and ready ourselves to go to war”
Cereza frowned and twisted her torso to look at her wife straight on. “You cannot go to war with all of the world, Jeanne, it’s folly.”
She punched the sand in frustration and growled, primal and loud. Her beast within was a thin breadth away from her skin and for a moment she entertained the thought of freeing herself into the mindlessness of her beast form. “All of the world has already gone to war on us! What do you want me to do? Continue with diplomatic overtures that have been consistently failing for the 30 years I’ve been the Elder?”
She glared right back with righteous fury, teeth bared in a show of frustrated, spinless aggression. “To delay action is to let our sisters be murdered and I will not stand for that as long as I draw breath.”
They stared at each other, gazes hard and closed off. It wasn’t usual that they disagreed on diplomatic matters, they were a terrifyingly united and powerful front and, as such, were routinely accused of less than savory political associations. If Cereza was being honest, she didn’t disagree with Jeanne, at least not entirely.
There was something wrong, something utterly and unstoppably vicious was looming on the horizon and Cereza had every singular feeling attuned to wrong about this. This wasn’t just a temporary hiccup, there was a balance shifting that was akin to the rumble of snow before a deadly avalanche.
She bit her lower lip in worry and yielded to Jeanne, looking away for a moment. The Left Eye bit like a bolt of thunder and lit her iris with an otherworldly red glow, making Jeanne’s easily provoked temper melt away in caring concern.
“Be careful, please. The Clan Wars were too close, for all of us. How many times did you evade death by sheer, dumb luck?”
Too many times to count. “I can’t lose you Jeanne. To either war, politics or just to your own bull-headed protective instinct. Tread lightly and treat this as if Jubileus themself is trying to come down for a not so friendly conversation.”
Silence descended like an oppressive blanket, cloying all other feelings in a haze of fear. The sun was starting to set on their little meeting spot, the secluded beach at the base of a small waterfall. It was an ancient haunt of theirs when they could not been seen with each other and running away to kiss was still a vital requirement.
In the grand span of an Umbran lifetime, it had been yesterday but Jeanne felt their wedding, an event so extravagant and elaborate it had installed a party that had lasted half of a month, had been an insurmountable time ago.
Were the years of strife taking such a toll on her? They had inherited a broken world and it was up to them to patch it as best as they could but did that really mean all good things were eroding away and she was powerless to stop them?
Cereza was staring off into the streaming water with a slightly pinched face, most likely trying to fight off the lancing pain in her head or digesting what had to be done.
Getting up, she settled herself behind Cereza, entwining their legs and letting her lean back into her front.
She poked the side of her neck which caused her to look back a bit before removing the neck and shoulder portion of her Umbran formal. Jeanne yanked her gloves off and rolled the dense muscles in her hands with precise yet soothing motions, causing her to draw out a long, low moan.
“Cereza, can I ask you something?” At this point, she was essentially letting the weight of her upper body rest on Jeanne's strong hands and she managed a nod.
“If it's for my hand in matrimony, you are quite late. I fear I am taken, darling.” she replied, wiggling her left hand and the nondescript gold band with it. Jeanne chuckled, exhausted and high strung still but just getting something out of her put a smile on her face.
“Do you regret”, she paused, taken with a sudden hesitation her public and political persona never, ever showed. “Do you regret not having any daughters?”
Cereza stilled, suddenly going back to supporting her own weight with her torso and she nearly backtracked all of her words.
It wasn't as if they hadn't, Sheba willing, centuries to have a whole legion of kids to dote on but there was something inside her chest that triggered an uncomfortable sense of finality. And she knew Cereza had to be feeling that times a hundred, her tuning to the finer workings of the Trinity was unparalleled.
“I don't know… there was never a right time for it, was there? I suppose that people find ways to make time but our situation has been so uncertain. A little girl would most likely grow up with us lurking on the edges of her life.”
They had discussed children, of course, several times over the years and they had both agreed that the number one condition was that she would grow up with both of them there, present and accounted for. Such a time had never quite come to pass.
“Though I think that some version of us, out there in the great existence of things, has managed such a thing and they are probably very happy about it.”
To anyone else and from anyone else, it would have sounded like an empty comfort. However, Jeanne found herself smiling at those unlikely words. If Cereza, the powerful Left Eye Of Creation, thought so, then she would entertain the notion.
“Though, we did get close a couple of times.” Jeanne remarked, kissing along her broad shoulders with the occasional stop for a teasing bite. Cereza leaned back again, melting into her caresses.
Not due to any will on their part, mind, but such things were bound to happen with two magical powerhouses. All that was needed was a strong full moon, physiological processes that bypassed magic control and a pinch of the literal dark powers of the god of their realm made Umbra.
For something that usually needed a concerted effort and a more or less complex ritual, they had accidentally started (and more than started…) it enough times to know it was easier than it looked.
Cereza moved her head to the side to give her better access, moaning softly at the nips that were turning harder. “It's the new moon now, I think we are more or less in the clear.”
She got up and turned to Jeanne, hips cocking with a swagger she often used to great effect. “I think we could have some fun, before the sky crashes on our heads.”
Jeanne blinked and looked around at the thick forest around them, stopping to look back at her wife. She was staring at her like she was good enough to eat and there they were.
Responsibilities, chores, work were leagues away on Luna.
She laughed, clear and loud like she was still a young, unworried princess and Cereza winked at her. “How about you join me?”
She started walking backwards into the water, her formal disappearing with each step.
Jeanne got up, intent on stopping her from pulling one of her usual stunts like getting buck naked and swimming where certainly other young witches were lurking about. “This isn't nearly as secluded as you think it is!”
Cereza reached forward and pulled her close, continuing her walk towards the crystalline pond. “Pretend we are twenty.” She kissed her, long and unhurriedly and Jeanne had not realized how starving she was for this, for a break. “And that for tonight, it's just you and me.”
The water was warm like the encroaching Iberian night around them and they had progressed far enough it was level with their ribs.
Cereza's formal was long gone, instead she exposed her tan skin and well defined muscles to the relative darkness of the new moon. Jeanne found herself slowly calling her own robe out of existence as her breaths grew heavier at the sight before her.
“I think...I think there are still Umbran matters you haven't been taught, Cereza.”
The witch in question grinned at her successful gambit and at the returning shine in Jeanne's beautiful eyes, letting her mouth be taken with an intensity she too had been longing for far longer than she had realized.
If any other Umbra was watching, well they’d show them how it was done.
Jeanne had never believed she’d see the day where an Auditio flew directly from Laguna not encased in shimmering peacock feathers but in their full, unchained and monstrous glory.
As Fortitudo ripped the clocktower to pieces, taking one of the most precious symbols of Umbran power with it, she desperately wished she had remained ignorant.
It had been like an earthquake, a terrible stillness that had given way to an upset so large they hadn't even managed to scramble a counter-offensive.
And now came the insurmountable wave that would wash away the remains of the Umbran.
72 hours since the first report landed on her desk. First Mēxihco-Tenōchtitlan, then Marka, Samarkand, Vijayanagara, followed by all of their other compounds, enclaves and communities far and wide.
In less than a week, the ancient and powerful network of the Umbra Witches had been reduced to nothing. Jeanne didn't know if there was anyone left alive outside of Crescent Valley but having read the news of swift calamity that the reports had transmitted...
She didn't hold much faith.
Angels poured from every corner of Luna, a defile so great she hardly believed she was bearing witness to it and she knew the humans were just barely being held at bay by their fortifications. Every single battle had been lost and now the axe was about to swing one final time.
The chaos was unsalvageable and her sisters had since decided unilaterally, as was expected by a Clan of strong willed and independent individuals, that Luna was their home and all but ordered her to let them choose to defend it.
“So be it.” She had declared to a forum of bedraggled witches all trying  to talk over each  other. “Then we fight to write in the annals of history that when Paradiso descended on us.” It had probably been her last rousing speech, all things considered.
“The Umbra Witches fought to the last for their home!” She had pulled her sabre from its sheath, raising it as high as she could and the crowd had erupted in cheers and gunshots.
She would have usually considered it hollow populism, barren of solutions and nothing more than empty words but this was their last stand. The least she could do was given them all a poetic ending.
The density of Laguna was becoming impossible to navigate the further she progressed into the compound but she, herself, was now on a single minded mission to find Cereza in the middle of all the chaos.
The children and those who could not fight had left Luna at the first sign of trouble but Sheba knew what their fate had been. Had she sent them all like lambs to slaughter or had she afforded them the chance to hide.
An Affinity jumped up from the growing mass of flames and angels and had nearly torn off her head and she forced herself to focus on the now rather then her mounting regrets. She had to get to Cereza, nothing else mattered.
After all was said and done, the Elder lived to protect her Clan and that meant being the highest protector of the Left Eye. She had done all she could for her sisters, for her friends and acolytes and students. Now it was time to undertake her ultimate responsibility.
Where could she be...they had separated after the clock exploded but Cereza had to be in the compound proper still. Wrangling away from fights, she kept to the edges of the hallowed grounds and ghosted through long forgotten passages she and Cereza had explored in their youth.
Jeanne managed to drag her way near the throne room with no new clues as to where she could be when a bright light shone through the heavy doors. She kicked them open with a bang and her heart sighed in flooding relief.
Cereza looked like a vengeful demon as a mass of bullets and summons accosted the two pairs of Gracious and Glorious that had clearly been sent after her.
The ground was littered with corpses and the commotion beyond the gate of rabid humans was nearly deafening but Jeanne pressed on.
No doubt that she was keeping them at bay but they were wearing her down enough her exertion was noticed. Before they had time to realize she had entered, she summoned Madama Styx right into the fray.
Cereza looked at her in clear surprise but also renewed purpose as she joined up with Jeanne in a deadly battle formation perfected through decades of fights.
Her most beloved was tired and hurt and Jeanne was as well but they soon strangled the First Sphere Angels back to Paradiso.
Panting harshly, Cereza looked at her with worried eyes. “Jeanne...Jeanne! Are you ok, why are you here?!”
“I'm here for you, I'm here to keep you safe.” Jeanne responded and she opened her mouth to protest but she grabbed her face and kissed her, tasting the soot and sweat on her lips but effectively cutting her off. “ Don't argue, it's my duty as the Elder and as your wife to keep you safe.”
Cereza chafed under the protection, under her immense importance, under the need for every Umbra from here to the literal moon to keep her safe. “And as your wife, it's my duty to keep you safe!”
Jeanne shook her head and opened her mouth to disagree right back but she was forced to swallow some of her own medicine when Cereza planted a searing kissing on her lips. “Besides that, I know why they are here now and what the moon’s blessing they want.”
She frowned despite the tangible relief at having found Cereza more or less safe and sound. And then it hit her like a ton of rocks.
“They want the Left Eye! They want you…”
Cereza nodded, grinding her teeth together. Her sisters were dead because of her, because the feathered fucks wanted to use her for something.
“Those people out there are collaterals! They are fodder for Laguna to throw at-”
The crowd outside roared louder than ever before and a loud bang sounded against the sturdy outer door. Jeanne cursed loudly and steeled herself. Their time was running out and running out fast.
“Cereza, I l-”
“Jeanne, listen to me! They want the Left Eye to resurrect Jubileus! We have to stop them, stop this madness, do something!”
At her words, she halted and stared at Cereza with abject surprise.
The Festival of Resurrection, that's what the angels wanted and consequently why they seemed bent on retrieving her beloved Cereza.
Frenzied humans would be inside within the day and she was sure they’d never leave anyone alive. Mankind was a feeble rod but even weak sticks could be unbreakable given enough numbers.
“Yes, we do.” She accepted what she needed to do with an uncharacteristic calm, like the world had been blanketed in silence and only the correct path remained dead ahead.
Cereza cocked her head at her and frowned. “What has gotten into you?”
She was still for a long moment, trying to commit to memory her truest friend, her lover, her wife, her Umbran gem. Fate hadn't been kind to them, right from the start but they had managed their place in the grand scheme of things.
“Jeanne? You’re worrying me, we’re running out of time. We need to do something.”
Jeanne approached her slowly, steps reverent and deliberate. Cereza stayed in place, worry increasing with each clack of the gun heels on the ancient stone floor and, finally, a gloved hand cupped her face softly.
“Cereza, there is nothing to be done but make sure they won’t find you.” It sounded sensible, reasonable.
And utterly fucking wrong.
“What?! If you think you’re going to squirrel me away in some...what, some far off hole somewhere or shove me in stasis while all of my sisters, all of my world collapses again”, she roared at Jeanne’s calm demeanour and small, resigned smile. “You are dead wrong!”
The crashing of a battering ram intensified for a moment and they both looked in it’s direction. How long did they still have?
“Our treasured Left Eye…” She broke her placid composure, her voice laden with regret and a bitter finality that was impossible to hide as she got close enough to touch their foreheads.“My treasured Left eye shall never fall into the hands of another.”
The gem in the middle of Cereza’s watch glowed like fire in the faint light of the room, a symbol of commitment among their people, as good as any modern ring. It was a powerful charm, a rare stone that became more powerful the longer it was in contact with the witch.
It was sacrosanct and to taint it, a sacrilege.
“Jeanne n-”
The dagger was upon the charm with the strength of a bullet and her world turned to black.
The feathered flock was dealt with, leaving a mess of gore behind that mingled with the remains of whoever had woken her up and had swiftly been torn to pieces by her previous attackers.
A young child was knocked out nearby, she picked him up and was relieved to not see any injuries.
She looked around but there were no clues to be found, to her location, identity or even purpose. A sort of structure peeked from behind the trees.Well, that direction was as good as any.
She walked.
“Someone left something for your here, Bayonetta.”
The small plastic bag clinked on the counter and she picked it up, curiosity getting the better of her. After all, who would find Rodin and leave something for her to fetch?
“A couple of years topside and you’ve already admirers asking for your hand.” The sound of the ice slushing inside the shaker accompanied his joke as she inspected the small parcel closer.
A ring. Gold and worn, it looked positively ancient in Rodin’s shitty overhead lights. She frowned and turned her gaze to the mysterious proprietor, whose only response was a nearly imperceptible smirk.
Whoever had put the band on her left hand, had just handed her its pair.
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korreks · 7 years
PK020: Alt-right – et antisemittisk og nasjonalistisk alternativ for hvite mennesker
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Knud Pedersen gir oss et innblikk i den såkalte “alt-right”-bevegelsen som har blusset opp i vesten i den siste tiden. Velkommen til nok en opplysende og rivende kontroversiell episode om den politiske underskogen.
Innholdsfortegnelse til episodenotatene
Som Senterpartiet uten ulv
Om å tørre å ta samtalen
En nymaskulin retning
Alt-rights motpol – alt-left?
Revolusjonær tankefrihet
Kund forklarer at alt-right er grunnleggende antisemittisk, og at den i hovedsak har sitt opphav i USA, eller Weimerika – et nyord som sammensmelter Amerika med Weimarrepublikken som var grobunnen for Hitlers politiske opprør. Også her er jødisk innflytelse et nøkkelord, og de nazistiske undertonene er ikke til å unngå. Målet er altså å gå fra Weimerika til et Trumpenreich.
Undertegnede blir introdusert for kodeordet 1488, som er en referanse til de fjorten ordene i en slags nazisitisk trosbekjennelse, og 8 referer til bokstaven H – den åttende i alfabetet – med implikasjonen HH, eller Heil H… du vet.
Knud mener at det er få antisemitter i Norge – “Dette er ikke en greie her”. Bortsett fra Vigrid, kanskje? Hva skjedde med dem? De ble nevnt i nyhetene senest i mars. Kjernebudskapet i antisemittisme ligger altså i ideen om jødisk innflytelse er matrixen, det dominerende narrativet som kontrollerer tankene våre. I dette kontrollerte verdensbildet er holocaust den definerende ondskapen og jødene er lytefrie – forklarer Knud.
Så til dagens tema – Alt-right. Dette er nasjonalisme for hvite mennesker. Det er et alternativ til main-stream konservativisme, med global geopolitikk som et sentralt tema. De sier blot und boden — blod og jord — igjen et et vink til nasjonalsosialistisk propaganda under andre verdenskrig. Dette er nok en Hitler-catch phrase, og understreker at alt-right’ere bryr seg om sitt og sine.
Som Senterpartiet uten ulv
De er som Senterpartiet – som riktig nok bytter jøder med ulv, men som også er for lokalt selvstyre. Ideologien handler om at man ikke skal toppstyre, men snarere bunnstyre. Begynn på det laveste nivået, og gi folk friheten til å velge å henge i hvite nabolag. Alt-right legger ikke skjul på at de støtter denne tanken.
Knud kommenterer at progressivitet er en rar form for fascisme. Antifa — en gruppebetegnelse for såkalte anti-fascister og Social Justice Warriors – er motpolen til alt-right. Og alt-right digger å trigge dem. De liker Hitler, og skammer seg ikke over det. Ifølge Knud handler dette om at man aldri skal beklage, aldri vise nåde, aldri inngå kompromisser. Man skal bare kjøre på – beinhardt, målrettet.
Colleger i USA er tankesmie for progressivitet, feminisme, rape culture, white privilege, etc. Alt-right mener at det er jødene som finner på disse teoriene, og viser til Frankfurterskolen, opphavet til kulturmarxisme. Og siden vi er inne på jøder, igjen – (((Jews))) – med trippelparenteser – er en betegnelse subpopulasjon av jødene med en agenda. Hva er denne agendaen? Det er mysteriet. Jødene beskrives som en slags illuminati og frimurerbevegelse. Hvem er det som vil ha en hive-mind som kan kontrolleres? Hvem er det som tjener på dette? Det høres fort ut som konspirasjonsteorier, men hva hvis…? Hollywood har også jødisk innflytelse, og alt-right er kritiske til dette.
Så hvorfor slår denne åpenbart provokative bevegelsen an akkurat nå? Knud viser til tidens kvern, Kali Yuga, som vi snakket om i en egen episode. En annen – delvis uforståelig – komponent i “alt-right”-bevegelsen, er såkalte Shitlords. Dette er selverklærte troll, som bruker memes om Hitler og holocaust tilsynelatende utelukkende for å provosere. En annen komponent er ideen om at man ikke kan skape et politisk paradigmeskifte uten revolusjon.
Knud nevner også The Overton Window, som beskriver teorien om at diskursvinduet – hva du har lov til å snakke om – har skiftet. Les gjerne også problematiseringen av denne teorien når du først er i siget.
Alt-right er en amerikansk greie, men ideene kan man se over hele Europa, men ikke så mye i Norge, for vi er i en sweetspot, hevder Knud. Vi har noen ekstremister, noen IS-krigere (og den infamøse Fredrikstad-gata), Larvik-mannen som var med på Westgate-massakren i Kenya. Det går ganske bra i Oslo, og hvite ligger an til å bli en minoritet om 20-30 år – innen 2029, i følge HRS.
Alt-right er et opprør mot de liberale idealer, og blotter samtidig progressivitetens kontrollerende paradoks – at man ønsker å kontrollere det som oppleves som støtende. Løsningen må, i følge Knud, være at det skal være lov å snakke om alt hele tiden – Vi må være ærlige! Med mindre du oppfordrer til vold, må alt være lov – i seg selv et liberalt ideal med gjenklang i John Stuart Mill.
Om å tørre å ta samtalen
Knud mener at man ikke kan arrestere folk med «skumle meninger» gjennom hatytringsregulering. — noe undertegnede også har argumentert for i episoden om å anerkjenne meningsmotstandere. Han mener videre at det å snakke om Breivik (fortsatt ofte kun omtalt som “terroristen”) fortsatt er betent – men at det kan hende at det hadde vært bedre om også han følte at han kunne debattere åpent for sine meninger. Knud kommenterer at man har ikke monopol på lidelse.
Og så, et lite sidespor – flyktningdebatten. Hva er suksesskriteriene? Man må tørre å ta de kontroversielle verdidebattene! Knud mener at det ikke kan være urimelig å forutsette at man må ville bo i Oslo, ikke Islamabad. Så siden vi tar dette til lokale forhold – kan man snakke om en norsk alt-right? Nei… det kan man visst ikke.
Alt-right snakker visstnok om Americaners, på samme måte som man snakker om hvite afrikaners i Sør-Afrika under apartheid. Dette er den hvite populasjonen i USA – og ideen er altså å søke tilbake til en apartheid-liknende samfunnsmodell.
Aslak Nores Ekstremistan-bok er et relevant referanse i denne forbindelse, og når vi snakker om norsk alt-right kan vi nevne Kokohøyre, som Morgenbladet skrev om i november.
En nymaskulin retning
Alt-right lever visst i grenselandet mellom holocaust denial og det som kalles holocaust revisionism. Men det er et annet begrep som står mer sentralt i bevegelsen – eller rettere sagt, sentralt i det de er i opposisjon til. Såkalte cuckservatives – konservative “cucks” – er det alt-right vil være et alternativ til. “Cucks” er en forkortelse for “cuckold” som er et uttrykk som stammer fra “cuckoo” – gjøken. Gjøken legger egg i andres reder og får dem til å oppdra eggene som sine egne, og Knud forklarer at en cuckold altså “oppdrar andres barn, mens kona puler andre”.
“Alpha fucks, beta bucks,” forklarer han, og viser at alt-right også har en kobling til den såkalte “new masculinity”-bevegelsen. På et politisk plan er pekefingeren åpenbar. “Cuckservatives” importerer andres barn gjennom globalisme og gir bort familiejuvelene.
Alt-rights motpol – alt-left?
Så hva er motpolen? Antifa og Social Justice Warriors – men dette er kun en annen form for fascisme, i følge Knud. Han viser til “Three Laws of Social Justice Warriors” –
De lyver alltid
De vil alltid «double down» (gir seg aldri)
De projiserer alltid
– og denne lista kommer visstnok opprinnelig fra alt-right-forfatteren Vox Day. Han kommenterer at kvinner og menn er komplementære men ikke likeverdige – noe vi vel også var innom i episode 16. Knud understreker syns det er merkelig at noen skal bry seg om hva han mener, for alle må jo ikke mene det samme. Alt må ikke være det samme. “A er A, A er ikke B,” kommenterer han, og kritiserer det han mener er New Speak (en referanse fra Orwell-boka 1984) — slik også Huxley-romanen Brave New World illustrerer hvordan myk kontroll skaper en skremmende konformitet.
Han viser til at Jens Bjørneboe var skeptisk og oppfordret til å alltid spørre hvorfor – noe som også minner meg om 5 Why-modellen.
Revolusjonær tankefrihet
Knud mener at alt-right er de virkelig revolusjonære. Progressivisme, antirasisme, multikulturalisme, egalitarianisme er det rådende dogmet (paradigmet), og det er alt-right som utfordrer disse.
Noen konspirasjoner kan være reelle – og folk kan også være passive konspiratorer ved at de aksepterer premissene uten å tenke. De færreste tror selv at de er onde, men ondskap oppstår når alle lyver litt (for seg selv og andre) og ikke er nysgjerrige. Men er alt-right mer ærlige?
Samtalen inspirerer til en egen episode der Knud kan gå dypere inn i temaer om feminisme og ny maskulinitet, så får vi se om den kommer etterhvert. I mellomtiden kan vi oppsummere “alt-right”-bevegelsen som et opprør mot det moderne.
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thegothicviking · 2 years
Happy bi(oobs) ! 💜
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