#full-service ad agency
apcseo · 2 months
All You Need To Know About Full Service Agency
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What is a full-service agency?
A full-service agency is a company that provide the services of a creative team, digital marketing team, and PR team all under one roof.
The term "full service" refers to the idea that a single agency can provide all of the services needed to create and execute a marketing plan for a client in one place. This is different from traditional advertising agencies which often have specialization in just one area (such as creative or digital).
Full-service agencies are not only used by large companies who need multiple services handled at once but by smaller companies as well who want an all-in-one solution for their marketing needs.
The advantages of a full-service agency
One of the biggest advantages of a full service agency is that you don't have to deal with multiple vendors for different aspects of your marketing by yourself. This means that you don't have to spend time going back and forth between different companies, making sure that they're on the same page. You can get all your marketing needs taken care of in one place, which saves your time, money, and headaches.
The advantages of a full-service agency are:
1. Full-service agencies have complete knowledge of all aspects of the media, including advertising, marketing and public relations. They can even help you develop an integrated communication strategy that will work well for your business.
2. Full-service agencies also have access to a wider range of channels as well as more creative talent than most of the traditional PR firms. This means they can offer greater versatility when it comes to developing ideas for your brand and its promotion.
3. By having access to multiple channel, full-service agencies can help you achieve greater reach than most traditional PR firms would be able to do on their own or in combination with other businesses. This helps increase visibility and awareness of your brand or product among potential customers or clients in a cost-effective manner, that’s effective too!
How to choose a full-service agency
A full-service agency is the one that offers a wide range of services, from creative to technical. It is supposed to have experts in all areas, including design, development and digital marketing. But before you hire one, you should be aware of what you're looking for and what your budgets are.
Make sure to ask the following questions before hiring:
-What is the agency's process for working with clients? Do they have a formal project management system or do they work more informally?
-For how long the agency has been in the business? How many projects have they worked on in the past year?
-Do they offer custom web design or native mobile app development as well? If so, are there any minimum requirements for these type of projects? (For example: if you want a custom website designed, do they require that it be built on Word Press?)
-How long does it take them to finish a project once they begin working on it? What kind of deadlines do they set for themselves?
When you're looking for a full-service agency, make sure you're getting more than just someone who can make pretty pictures. You want someone who understand the needs of your business and already have experience working with businesses like yours. If you don't know what those needs are yet then don't hesitate to ask questions!
Apppl Combine is a full-service marketing and branding agency based in Delhi, India. Under the apt leadership of MD Ranjan Das and Business Director Rashi Das who work with variety of businesses to build and execute their performance marketing strategies specifically designed to generate new customers, drive sales and increase brand awareness.
We are a unique fusion of strategy consulting, experience and engineering with a culture of problem-solving creativity. Apppl Combine strives to go beyond traditional advertising methods to help companies achieve their goals by building a targeted performance marketing strategy that will help you achieve your goals—be it lead generation, sales or brand awareness.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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digitalwaymarketing1 · 16 hours
Unlock your online potential with comprehensive SEO services from Digitalway Marketing. Elevate your brand's visibility and drive traffic with our expert strategies.
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liveblackinc · 21 days
Liveblack Inc. is a full-stack digital agency offering design, development, branding, and more solutions. We are a team of people driven by creativity and a hunger for growth, with a desire to develop beyond imagination with our talented and experienced team. Every new perspective can change the world for the better.
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zeytun-media · 7 months
Maximizing ROI: Google Ads Strategies By Digital Marketing Agency
In the fiercely competitive landscape of digital marketing, achieving a high return on investment (ROI) from Google Ads is pivotal for businesses. It's not just about running ads; it's about employing the right strategies to ensure a significant return. This challenge is where full-service digital marketing agencies step in. These agencies, such as Zeytun-Media, specialize in comprehensive solutions, offering PPC campaign management services and particularly excelling in Google Ads strategies to help businesses maximize their online presence and profitability.
Google Ads, being one of the most powerful platforms for online advertising, requires strategic expertise to stand out and yield the desired results. With ever-evolving algorithms and competition, a cookie-cutter approach no longer suffices. Zeytun-Media, as a leading full-service digital marketing agency, understands this dynamic landscape and employs tailored strategies for each client.
Leveraging PPC campaign management services, the agency delves into the intricacies of Google Ads. The team at Zeytun-Media recognizes the significance of a well-crafted ad that not only attracts clicks but also converts those clicks into tangible leads or sales. This includes ad copy optimization, keyword targeting, and ad extensions, among other crucial factors.
Their expertise lies in optimizing ad campaigns to suit various business goals. Whether it's enhancing brand visibility, increasing website traffic, or boosting conversions, the strategies are personalized to meet the specific needs of each client. Through meticulous analysis and constant fine-tuning, Zeytun-Media ensures that the budget allocated for Google Ads generates maximum impact.
Furthermore, the agency’s proficiency as a Google Ads marketing agency extends beyond mere ad creation. They focus on comprehensive analytics, tracking the performance of ads in real-time. This data-driven approach allows for immediate adjustments, ensuring that the campaigns remain aligned with evolving market trends and audience behavior.
Zeytun-Media's commitment to maximizing ROI through Google Ads strategies is not solely about short-term gains. It's about forging a long-term relationship with clients, aiming for sustainable growth and continued success. The agency's strategies are adaptable, allowing businesses to pivot and scale their advertising efforts as needed.
In conclusion, full-service digital marketing agencies like Zeytun-Media offer businesses a competitive edge in the complex realm of Google Ads. With their tailored, data-driven strategies and PPC campaign management services, these agencies play a pivotal role in ensuring that every ad spend translates into a substantial return on investment. For more specific details, visit the website: https://zeytun-media.eu/
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hubofinfluencers · 9 months
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What is Podcast Marketing?
Podcasts are basically audio content- listening and conversing styles are back in town! Podcasts are general conversations on a specific topic, where you can clearly talk about your goals, objectives and plans to come. Different brands use social media platforms like Spotify, Audible and Apple podcasts these days to push their agenda of podcasting and revealing details on their brand. 
Simply put, podcast marketing is explaining and marketing your services through audio content. Share free content with your listeners and engage them in such a way that the listeners are keen to try on the service or experience that people are sharing with them. Social media marketing these days has many verticals to work upon, and podcast marketing is an emerging field.
What do the numbers say?
As a brand, the focus is on numbers when it comes to seeing growth and ROI of any social media advertisement or campaign.  Let’s see why marketers are keen on creating and investing in podcast marketing! According to podcast insights-
The number of frequent podcast listeners in the US is about 16 million.
When it comes to familiarity to podcasts, 55% percent of the population is familiar with the concept of podcasts.
Half of the US population are fans of podcast culture (Nrilsen,2017)
Looking at these numbers, it sure is an easy way to understand that social media marketing campaigns on podcasting platforms will be a huge success.
Read more:
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farhadmalegam · 11 months
About Us | Sydney Digital Agency (Australia)
With a tech-savvy team, we foster the digital presence of businesses Australia-wide. We have incorporated high-tech infrastructure to deliver excellence in our services. Whether you are looking for custom website design, digital ad campaigns, SEO service, or eCommerce website, we have a team to give you top-notch quality service.
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workersolidarity · 1 month
[ 📹 Scenes from renewed airstrikes by the Israeli occupation army targeting the town of Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip, where a huge tower of smoke and dust rises over the city. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 209th day of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 3 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 28 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 51 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to reach countless hundreds, even thousands of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind while considering the scale of the mass murder.
As a result of the genocide of Palestinians by the Israel occupation army, Colombia's President, Gustavo Petro, has announced his administration will sever diplomatic ties with the Israeli entity.
The Colombian President made the announcement as part of the country's annual Labor Day celebrations, during which President Petro said that the Republic of Colombia would sever all diplomatic ties with the Israeli occupation on Thursday, due to the Netanyahu administration's tendency for genocide. President Petro further called the Israeli Prime Minister himself a "perpetrator of genocide".
In other news, the Israeli occupation's Security Service may be considering alternatives to the Rafah operation, an Israeli plan to invade Gaza's southern city of Rafah, where over a million Palestinian civilians have taken shelter in tent cities under the direction of the Israeli occupation army, in order to complete the supposed defeat of Hamas.
According to a report in the Palestinian news outlet, SAMA News Agency, the Israeli occupation's Security Services are deliberating on alternatives to a full-scale invasion of Rafah due to intense international pressure and outcry over a potential operation in the last city standing in the Palestinian enclave.
More than 1.4 million Palestinians have gathered in Rafah's tent cities, most having left their homes in northern Gaza following the start of the genocide, under the direction of the Israeli occupation army who told civilians the city was to be a "safe zone".
Since then, the Israeli occupation forces have repeatedly bombed and shelled the city, including, at times, the tents of civilians.
The report states that the Israeli Security Services considers that, "“in all cases, a focused military operation must be carried out on the Philadelphia axis” on the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, under the supposed claim of “preventing smuggling routes for Hamas.”
The report added that the Security Services were also monitoring a "completely unusual" deployment of the Egyptian army near the border with Gaza, attributing the deployment to Egyptian fears that large numbers of Palestinians could stream across the border in the case of an Israeli assault on Rafah.
The Israeli Security Services said Egyptian army had deployed to areas where they previously had only Egyptian Police forces, which added army forces widely deployed with armored vehicles near the border.
The Security Services went on to say that Israeli army officers were preparing for a scenario similar to the 2012 operation, in which Palestinian mujahideen left Gaza for the Egyptian Sinai, seizing an armored vehicle before storming the Israeli border.
The report added that Israeli Security Services were considering a complete withdrawal from the Netzarim axis, seperating the northern and southern halves of Gaza, which constitutes a "heavy price" that the Israeli occupation was willing to pay as part of a hostage exchange deal with the Hamas Resistance movement. This despite continued Israeli calls for the "complete destruction" of the Hamas movement.
In further news, a number of American congressional Democrats signed a letter to US President Joe Biden, calling on the President to influence the Israeli occupation into not conducting an operation to invade the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.
57 out of 212 Congressional Democrats signed the letter, asking the Biden administration to take all necessary measures to dissuade the Israeli entity's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, from launching a full-scale invasion of Rafah.
"We urge you to invoke existing law and policy to immediately withhold certain offensive military aid to the Israeli government, including aid sourced from legislation already signed into law, in order to preempt a full-scale assault on Rafah," Democrats said in the letter.
The letter continued by saying, "an Israeli offensive in Rafah risks the start of yet another escalatory spiral, immediately putting the region back on the brink of a broader war that neither Israel nor the United States can afford."
"If the Israeli government will not uphold international law and protect civilians, then the United States must act to protect innocent life. We urge you to continue your work toward achieving a lasting ceasefire that will bring hostages home and build a path toward safety and security for all."
Meanwhile, the occupation's slaughter in Gaza slowed during negotiations for a hostage exchange deal, but did not stop, as several bombings targeted various sectors of the Gaza Strip, including the north, south and central axis.
In one example, Israeli occupation warplanes bombed a residential home in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip on Wednesday evening, martyring a civilian and wounding at least 5 others.
Video published by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) showed the recovery of the dead and wounded, including women and children, while massive destruction was evident resulting from the strike.
In the video, PRCS crew members can be seen filling black plastic body bags, including at least one with a very small body, likely a young child.
At the same time, Zionist artillery shelling targeted a residential house in the Al-Fukhari area, killing a woman, while occupation fighter jets bombed a residential building in the "Six-Martyrs" neighborhood of the central Jabalia Refugee Camp, in Gaza's north.
Occupation jets also bombarded the town of Al-Mughraqa, while also shelling the headquarters for an electricity distribution company in Al-Zawaida, both in the central Gaza Strip.
The Barracks at the entrance of Al-Zawaida were also targeted in a bombing, resulting in a number of casualties.
By dawn, the bombing and shelling was renewed when occupation warplanes bombed the city of Al-Zahra'a, north of the Nuseirat Camp, in central Gaza, killing at least 6 civilians, while yet another bombing targeted the northwest of the Nuseirat Camp, after which, paramedic and civil defense crews removed the bodies of three civilians killed in the strike.
IOF warplanes further bombed agricultural lands near the Ard al-Mufti police station in the Nuseirat Camp, wounding 9 civilians and damaging several homes.
Elsewhere, Zionist air forces bombarded the Qaa al-Qurain area, southeast of Khan Yunis, in Gaza's south, murdering yet another civilian and wounding several others.
Occupation aircraft also bombarded the Bani Suhaila, Abasan, and al-Kuzha'a neighborhoods, east of Khan Yunis.
Local civil defense crews in the Khan Yunis Governate announced that they had recovered the bodies of 6 civilians of various ages, killed in bombings targeting the Camp area of Khan Yunis .
In yet another atrocity, occupation warplanes bombed a residential building belonging to the Ishteiwi family, in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of two Palestinians and wounding a number of others, while several other Palestinians remain missing under the rubble.
IOF fighter jets also targeted a residential home in the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, while another bombing of the Wadi Al-Arayes area, east of the Shuja'iyya neighborhood, resulted in the deaths of two civilians who were taken to the Baptist Hospital.
A group of civilians were also targeted in an airstrike in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
Occupation forces also continued to bomb the Sheikh Ajlin, Tal al-Hawa, and Al-Zaytoun neighborhoods of Gaza City.
The Israeli occupation additionally targeted the tents of displaced civilian families in the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, while also bombing the town of Al-Shoka and the Al-Tanour neighborhood, east of Rafah City, resulting in the death of one civilian and the wounding of many others.
As a result of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among the local population has risen further still, now exceeding 34'596 Palestinians killed, including over 14'690 children and 9'680 women, while another 77'816 others were wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
May 2nd, 2024.
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Top 5 Innovative OOH Advertising that will Blow Your Mind!
Innovation and creativity are the only things that take advertising forward. Advertisement that is constantly evolved, creative & innovative are the ones that catch the attention of consumers. Brands have gone to great lengths to catch that precious attention with great campaigns. And what better way to do it than putting it out there in the open for all to see! Don’t get us? We are talking about Billboard advertising or also known as OOH Advertising (Out-of-Home). Let’s see the top innovative OOH advertising that stood out from the rest!
Life Comes at You Fast! - Nationwide Insurance (USA)
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At first glance, you might think that this is a paint ad. But it isn’t! It’s a part of Nationwide Insurance’s “Life Comes at Your Fast” campaign where they showcase the uncertainty of life with paint accidents like this. This is a great example of making people think about having securities at right time and be worry-free in any turns of life.   
1.Portable Water Generator - UTEC (Peru)
The best advertising is the one which solves real life problems with the perfect solution. And UTEC did just that with the perfect blend of creativity and science. With 98% humidity, villages around Lima received less than 1% rain every year. This causes a huge scarcity of drinkable water in the region. 
To tackle this water scarcity problem, UTEC created a scientific billboard that could legit produce water from vapours from the humid air! The billboard ended up creating 9,450 liters of drinkable water in in just the first 3 months. Necessity is the mother of invention. Creativity is the father of innovation! 
2. #LookUp Campaign - British Airways (UK)
British Airways owns the title of the most creative as well as the cutest billboard in the UK! At Piccadilly Circus in London, British Airways put a billboard of a small kid that got up every time a plane passed in the vicinity and gave out all the info about it! This had a great wow factor attached to it and was perhaps the most outstanding OOH advertisement for British Airways. 
3. 4D Protection - Orphea (Italy)
Orphea, an insect repellant company in Italy, wanted to show all of its prowess in the industry. But how to show efficiency of application in advertisement? Orphea came up with perfect execution where they changed a normal billboard to a giant insect trap with adhesives. They put the adhesive in the spray angle so it could show how strong it was by capturing actual insects on the billboard! The result after a few hours looks horrifying but works very well!
4. Make Your Hair Come Alive - Apolo (UK)
Apolosphy is a cosmetic company that wanted to launch its new line of hair products. It chooses the crowded place of the London Tube as the battleground. They installed an electronic billboard with sonic sensors of a woman with gorgeous hair in it. Very static. But once a train arrived at the platform, the woman’s voluptuous hair came into action! The OOH campaign perfectly showed the best benefits of Apolosphy’s hair products in the most innovative way. 
Are you looking for innovative advertising for your brand? Then, you have come to the right blog! Choose the perfect advertising agency with OOH campaign experience that has done similar experience. Check the portfolio of Sanket Communications, a full-service advertising agency functional since more than 3 decades. Contact us here or give us a call on 7008165707.
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apcseo · 23 days
Unveiling the Significance of Advertising Agencies in Delhi, NCR
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Uncover the crucial role advertising agencies play in shaping brand communication and driving success in Delhi NCR.
In the bustling metropolis of Delhi National Capital Region (NCR), the role of advertising agencies stands as a pivotal force shaping the landscape of marketing and brand communication. These agencies serve as the creative nucleus, strategically driving campaigns, and executing ideas to catapult brands into the spotlight.
Advertising agencies are the powerhouse behind the successful promotion of products and services. They function as specialized entities, equipped with a diverse team comprising copywriters, graphic designers, marketing strategists, media planners, and creative directors. Their primary objective is to craft compelling campaigns that resonate with the target audience.
The importance of advertising agencies in Delhi NCR cannot be overstated. Here's why:
1. Strategic Planning: A key strength lies in their ability to strategize. Advertising agencies in Delhi NCR meticulously analyze client needs, market competition, and audience demographics to tailor campaigns that yield optimal results.
2. Expertise and Creativity: These agencies house individuals with a deep understanding of market trends, consumer behavior, and innovative techniques. They fuse creativity with market insights to develop unique campaigns that capture attention and drive engagement.
3. Multi-Channel Approach: With the dynamic nature of advertising platforms, agencies adapt swiftly. They leverage various mediums such as digital, print, television, radio, and social media to ensure comprehensive brand visibility.
4. Brand Development: These agencies aid in shaping and reinforcing brand identities. They create cohesive narratives that establish brand recall and foster consumer loyalty, ultimately contributing to long-term success.
5. Measurable Results: Through data analytics and performance tracking, agencies provide clients with measurable results. This transparency enables adjustments and fine-tuning of strategies for maximum efficiency.
6. Local Insights and Global Reach: Operating in the diverse market of Delhi NCR, these agencies comprehend the local nuances while also having the expertise to extend campaigns globally, ensuring a wider reach.
In the bustling corporate landscape of Delhi NCR, the competition is fierce. Thus, having a proficient advertising agency by one's side becomes indispensable. These agencies act as partners, steering brands through the maze of marketing challenges, guiding them towards success.
For businesses in Delhi NCR aiming to establish a strong market presence and connect deeply with their audience, collaborating with an adept advertising agency serves as a catalyst. It not only amplifies brand visibility but also establishes an emotional connection, leading to brand loyalty and sustained growth.
In conclusion, advertising agencies in Delhi NCR are not just facilitators of marketing campaigns; they are architects of brand stories, orchestrators of creative endeavors, and catalysts for business growth in an ever-evolving market. Their significance remains pivotal, acting as the cornerstone for brands aiming to thrive amidst fierce competition and changing consumer landscapes.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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Discover our story, mission, and values. Learn more about our journey, team, and dedication to delivering excellence at [Your Company Name].
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
Princess Yue - Netflix Edition
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Yue's character concept is so cool, but in the animated series, like Suki, she was a cool concept that really just became a plot device rather than a full character.
The live-action fleshes her out as a young woman put in a position of authority over a tribe not just as a princess, but as someone with a part of the moon spirit within her, so she chooses to use that to be a spiritual leader of her people as well. She shares how she serves them, not just as a bride to be married off like in the animated series, but as someone who helps make desserts and councils them on spiritual matters. Yue has stuff going on outside getting married to Hahn and it makes her feel like a real person rather than a plot device. She has likes and hobbies and struggles like a whole character - ya know, stuff she can also talk to Sokka about to create a connection rather than just…thinking he's cute, I guess?
I love the additions the live-action gave her due to her having a part of the moon spirit within her! Being able to pop over into the Spirit Realm in her dreams was a wonderful touch and having her meet Sokka there added to their connection - she saw him as he was, not as someone trying to impress a princess. It also makes total sense that she's a waterbender - she has a piece of the moon spirit in her, the first waterbender - why would she not also have that ability? It was a great way also, to show subtly in the finale that her giving her life back to the moon would bring back waterbending as she bends even when the moon is 'gone'.
Her and Sokka's relationship, though still rushed, feels a lot more organic and understandable in the live-action. They bond over being in positions of authority and sometimes wishing they could just be 'regular people' so they both understand at least partially what the other is going through. It's beautiful that Yue falls for Sokka not because of his battle prowess or status as the warrior of his village, but because of his heart - his first words when she meets him are of concern for his friends.
In the battle, Yue takes an active role with Sokka - not to fight, but to help get people to safety - showing that there are many ways to help during a crisis other than being a master in combat. She shows Sokka the hidden oasis not to stand by while Aang meditates, but to heal someone who'd been hurt - even if that someone was 'just a pet'.
Finally, I love giving her the agency to realize that she is the one who can bring back the moon spirit. In the animated series, Iroh is the one who prompts her, but in the live-action, she comes to that conclusion herself. It's just her and Sokka in the end and she makes her sacrifice. 
I couldn't tell you what animated Yue enjoys doing, what she values in a person, or what she did in service to her people. But I could tell you all those things and more about the live-action Yue. Even though she's only in 2 episodes, she's a full person and you know exactly how her loss will affect her people: the Grans will miss the princess coming in to the kitchens and helping with dessert, the people will miss getting advice from her, but hopefully, a silver fox will still be able to roam the Spirit Realm.
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
That one post about great domestic policy and HORRIFIC foreign policy just does not stop being true
Domestic Policy Win: The American Museum of Natural History in NYC is closing down two entire exhibits of Native American belongings in order to comply with a federal order that requires museums to obtain the consent of indigenous nations in order to display artifacts of native origin. The linked ProPublica article specifies that the exhibits in question are the Eastern Woodlands and Great Plains Halls. To quote:
The new federal regulations, which went into effect this month, prohibit the display of items subject to NAGPRA without tribal consent and ban all research done without tribal consent. In addition, the regulations closed a loophole that had allowed museums such as the American Museum of Natural History to keep ancestral remains and burial items by claiming that they are “culturally unidentifiable” — meaning in their view they could not be connected to present-day Indigenous communities based on available evidence — and therefore could not readily be returned to tribes.
Foreign Policy Fail: The United States, the UK, and several other nations, in response to claims that several members of UNRWA were involved in the Oct. 7th attacks, have cut funding to the relief agency in question. The Al Jazeera article profiles the Palestinian response, and also specifies that this funding was pulled after the UNRWA launched an investigation in response to Israel's allegations that 12 members of the relief agency were involved.
Australia, Canada, Italy and the United States said they would halt funding to the agency, while European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the 27-member bloc would “assess further steps and draw lessons based on the result of the full and comprehensive investigation”. Germany, Finland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom then also joined the list of countries pausing financial aid to the UN agency, whose facilities where displaced Palestinians sought shelter have been repeatedly attacked in Israeli air raids. Ireland and Norway, however, expressed continued support for UNRWA, saying the agency does crucial work to help Palestinians displaced and in desperate need of assistance in Gaza. - Al Jazeera
"One million displaced people are currently taking refuge in and around UNRWA buildings. They are the ones who will suffer as a result of this decision," said Mr Gunness, adding: "The curtailing of UNRWA services will also destabilise the region at a time when Western governments are trying to contain a regional conflagration." [...] The US, Germany and the EU are among some of UNRWA's biggest donors. - BBC
Unfortunately, the WSJ article is paywalled, so I can't access the full thing for a quote.
Anyway. Call your reps. I'm not even talking to just the Americans this time, call your fucking reps. If they aren't donating to UNRWA, then make them do something. Is the organization possibly a security risk, and the concerns legitimate? Maybe! But you cannot cut the funding that is keeping 2.3mill people alive on an already shoestring budget and not immediately put a backup security net in place.
Until then, pick a charity with a good rating, donate and signal boost it, and politely harass your politicians.
Politely as in "don't shout at or cuss out the staffers that man the phone lines," because they are not your reps, but also because your number is going to get blocked and then you won't be able to pressure them in the future. Do be firm, though.
I'm personally picking the PCRF this time, since one of the three remaining hospitals in south Gaza has been evacuated and shut down, and the evacuees reportedly include women who just got C-sections, which means the evacuees also include newborns, and medical care is in high demand. They're also currently focused on providing clean drinking water to the people of Palestine. That said, so is food, and shelter, and winter clothing. Pick a need, find a charity, and toss them some money.
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sapphicstacks · 2 years
You ever make a shitpost that turns into a full character meta? Anyways: Imogen’s relationship with Pâté De Rolo.
When Laudna first introduces Pâté to the group, Imogen tells Orym that she “never gets used to it.” At first it felt like, this is The Thing. Imogen had already shown that she was down for Laudna’s whole Laudna-ness but it seemed Pâté was the first time Imogen showed a little recognition that something was a little funky. Imogen is down for all of Laudna’s quirks, she doesn’t even bat an eyelash at most of them but Pâté is kind of the one thing Imogen is still tentative about. However, with the added context of later episodes, it seems that Imogen’s relationship to this horny dead rat with a bird skull is actually a reflection of Imogen’s respect for Laudna’s agency.
There’s a blink-and-you-miss-it way that Imogen shows her love to Laudna. You could notice it in small moments but it was hard to put into words until very recently when Laudna’s resurrection ritual made it glaringly obvious. Imogen deeply respects Laudna’s personhood and cares for her agency. Any part of Laudna that she has little to no control over, Imogen won’t be caught dead trepidatious or weirded out by— especially in front of Laudna.
The fact that, of all of Laudna’s Things, Pâté was the only one Imogen gives pause to is important because it’s explicitly not an intrinsic aspect of Laudna. Yes, Laudna created and is controlling him but it’s distinctly Not Laudna. It’s not her body or her spookiness or her ichor or anything else that she can’t control. Pâté is a something Laudna can fully control and that’s why it is okay for Imogen to be hesitant. Her trepidation only is allowed to exist because it doesn’t conflict with her respect for Laudna’s personhood.
And over the span of 30+ episodes, it doesn’t get better. Imogen giggles and engages with Pâté sure, but she is still hesitating, still acknowledging that it’s weird. When Laudna dies and the puppet that gave her pause is tied to Imogen’s belt without a second thought, Imogen protects that horny rat just as Laudna would for a week— its an act of service to Laudna but it doesn’t mean that Imogen doesn’t have hesitation. In fact, it’s still there when Laudna returns and tells Percy about Pâté.
But that changes the moment that Pâté comes to life. There is no more hesitation for Imogen, no side comments or grimaced looks about how weird Pâté is. One minute it is there and then it is gone with one casting of Find Familiar later. She treats the independent Pâté just as she treats Laudna: with a deep and full respect for his personhood.
Under the sun tree? While the entire group is showing even greater confusion about Pâté now that he isn’t puppeted by Laudna, Imogen is giggling and telling Laudna “it’s good, it’s good!”
Imogen doesn’t show any apprehension on her face when Pâté is doing an interpretive dance by the fire. Why? Because Pâté is suddenly an aspect of Laudna that is beyond Laudna’s control. Pâté’s weird comments and mannerisms are no longer active choices made by Laudna and therefore, Imogen’s previous trepidation is no longer allowed to exist. Imogen’s treatment of Pâté is a reflection of the subtle, yet deeply important, ways Imogen cares for Laudna.
It doesn’t really matter whether Imogen’s love for Laudna is platonic or romantic in these moments. Imogen shows Laudna that she deeply loves Laudna by proving with her actions that she deeply respects her personhood. Sure, it is definitely funny that Imogen shows it through her treatment of a horny dead rat with a cockney accent but its also so distinctly them. Those small, silly, almost throwaway moments that have so much more meaning baked in.
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hubofinfluencers · 10 months
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What is Podcast Marketing?
Podcasts are basically audio content- listening and conversing styles are back in town! Podcasts are general conversations on a specific topic, where you can clearly talk about your goals, objectives and plans to come. Different brands use social media platforms like Spotify, Audible and Apple podcasts these days to push their agenda of podcasting and revealing details on their brand. 
Simply put, podcast marketing is explaining and marketing your services through audio content. Share free content with your listeners and engage them in such a way that the listeners are keen to try on the service or experience that people are sharing with them. Social media marketing these days has many verticals to work upon, and podcast marketing is an emerging field.
What do the numbers say?
As a brand, the focus is on numbers when it comes to seeing growth and ROI of any social media advertisement or campaign.  Let’s see why marketers are keen on creating and investing in podcast marketing! According to podcast insights-
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mariacallous · 6 months
Over nearly a decade, the hacker group within Russia's GRU military intelligence agency known as Sandworm has launched some of the most disruptive cyberattacks in history against Ukraine's power grids, financial system, media, and government agencies. Signs now point to that same usual suspect being responsible for sabotaging a major mobile provider for the country, cutting off communications for millions and even temporarily sabotaging the air raid warning system in the capital of Kyiv.
On Tuesday, a cyberattack hit Kyivstar, one of Ukraine's largest mobile and internet providers. The details of how that attack was carried out remain far from clear. But it “resulted in essential services of the company’s technology network being blocked,” according to a statement posted by Ukraine’s Computer Emergency Response Team, or CERT-UA.
Kyivstar's CEO, Oleksandr Komarov, told Ukrainian national television on Tuesday, according to Reuters, that the hacking incident “significantly damaged [Kyivstar's] infrastructure [and] limited access.”
“We could not counter it at the virtual level, so we shut down Kyivstar physically to limit the enemy's access,” he continued. “War is also happening in cyberspace. Unfortunately, we have been hit as a result of this war.”
The Ukrainian government hasn't yet publicly attributed the cyberattack to any known hacker group—nor have any cybersecurity companies or researchers. But on Tuesday, a Ukrainian official within its SSSCIP computer security agency, which oversees CERT-UA, pointed out in a message to reporters that a group known as Solntsepek had claimed credit for the attack in a Telegram post, and noted that the group has been linked to the notorious Sandworm unit of Russia's GRU.
“We, the Solntsepek hackers, take full responsibility for the cyber attack on Kyivstar. We destroyed 10 computers, more than 4 thousand servers, all cloud storage and backup systems,” reads the message in Russian, addressed to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy and posted to the group's Telegram account. The message also includes screenshots that appear to show access to Kyivstar's network, though this could not be verified. “We attacked Kyivstar because the company provides communications to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as government agencies and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. The rest of the offices helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine, get ready!”
Solntsepek has previously been used as a front for the hacker group Sandworm, the Moscow-based Unit 74455 of Russia's GRU, says John Hultquist, the head of threat intelligence at Google-owned cybersecurity firm Mandiant and a longtime tracker of the group. He declined, however, to say which of Solntsepek’s network intrusions have been linked to Sandworm in the past, suggesting that some of those intrusions may not yet be public. “It's a group that has claimed credit for incidents we know were carried out by Sandworm,” Hultquist says, adding that Solntsepek's Telegram post bolsters his previous suspicions that Sandworm was responsible. "Given their consistent focus on this type of activity, it's hard to be surprised that another major disruption is linked to them.”
If Solntsepek is a front for Sandworm, it would be far from the first. Over its years of targeting Ukrainian infrastructure, the GRU unit has used a wide variety of covers, hiding behind false flags such as independent hacktivist groups and cybercriminal ransomware gangs. It even attempted to frame North Korea for its attack on the 2018 Winter Olympics.
Today, Kyivstar countered some of Solntsepek's claims in a post on X, writing that “we assure you that the rumors about the destruction of our ‘computers and servers’ are simply fake.” The company had also written on the platform that it hoped to restore its network's operations by Wednesday, adding that it's working with the Ukrainian government and law enforcement agencies to investigate the attack. Kyivstar's parent company, Veon, headquartered in Amsterdam, didn't respond to WIRED's request for more information.
While the fog of war continues to obscure the exact scale of the Kyivstar incident, it already appears to be one of the most disruptive cyberattacks to have hit Ukraine since Russia's full-scale invasion began in February 2022. In the year that followed, Russia launched more data-destroying wiper attacks on Ukrainian networks than have been seen anywhere else in the world in the history of computing, though most have had far smaller effects than the Kyivstar intrusion. Other major Russian cyberattacks to hit Ukraine over the past 20 months include a cyberattack that crippled thousands of Viasat satellite modems across the country and other parts of Europe, now believed to have been carried out by the GRU. Another incident of cybersabotage, which Mandiant attributes to Sandworm specifically, caused a blackout in a Ukrainian city just as it was being hit by missile strikes, potentially hampering defensive efforts.
It's not yet clear if the Kyivstar attack—if it was indeed carried out by a Russian state-sponsored hacker group—was merely intended to sow chaos and confusion among the company's customers, or if it had a more specific tactical intention, such as disguising intelligence-gathering within Kyivstar's network, hampering Ukrainian military communications, or silencing its alerts to civilians about air raids.
“Telecoms offer intelligence opportunities, but they're also very effective targets for disruption," says Mandiant's Hultquist. “You can cause significant disruption to people's lives. And you can even have military impacts.”
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odinsblog · 3 months
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“How about, for balance, encouraging Putin to have the courage to withdraw his army from Ukraine?” Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski wrote on X. “Peace would immediately ensue without the need for negotiations.”
Leaders in Ukraine vehemently rejected Pope Francis’s suggestion of negotiations with Russia to bring an end to the war — his use of the words “white flag” drawing particular scorn — reiterating that the country would never surrender.
In a recent interview, Francis used the term “white flag,” repeating the words of a journalist, which some read as a call to surrender.
President Volodymyr Zelensky responded to the pope without naming him in his nightly address Sunday.
Praising Ukrainian chaplains on the front line, Zelensky said: “This is what the church is — it is together with people, not two and a half thousand kilometers away somewhere, virtually mediating between someone who wants to live and someone who wants to destroy you.”
Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba urged the Vatican to support the Ukrainian people “in their just struggle for their lives,” writing: “Our flag is blue and yellow. Under it, we live, die, and triumph. We will not raise any other flags.” He thanked Francis for his prayers for peace and urged him to visit Ukraine.
The pope’s remarks were made in an interview with Swiss broadcaster Radio Télévision Suisse, recorded in February, part of which was released Saturday. The full interview is set to air March 20.
According to a transcript translated and shared by the Vatican news agency, interviewer Lorenzo Buccella asked Francis: “In Ukraine, some call for the courage of surrender, of the white flag. But others say that this would legitimize the stronger party. What do you think?”
Francis responded by saying that, in his opinion, the stronger side is the one “who has the courage of the white flag, to negotiate.”
The controversy prompted a clarification from the Vatican.
“The Pope uses the term white flag, and responds by picking up the image proposed by the interviewer, to indicate a cessation of hostilities, a truce reached with the courage of negotiation,” spokesman Matteo Bruni said in a statement, adding that the Pope stated that negotiations are never a “surrender.”
Though he has often condemned the war in Ukraine, Francis has provoked debate within the church over whether his messaging on the conflict has been too cautious and too focused on maintaining ties with the Russian Orthodox Church. His supporters argue that maintaining neutrality has long been at the center of Holy See diplomacy.
In May 2023, after his first private meeting with Francis following the outbreak of war, Zelensky said any peace formula “must be Ukrainian” and any role of the Vatican must be in service to Ukraine’s peace formula.
Ukrainian church leaders and Ukraine’s allies, too, pushed back against the pope’s latest remarks.
Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church, told a prayer gathering in New York that no one in Ukraine “even thinks of surrendering,” the same day that part of the interview was released. A later statement by church leaders said they would not “dwell” on the pope’s remarks and instead emphasized that Ukraine is a victim of Russia’s aggression.
“How about, for balance, encouraging Putin to have the courage to withdraw his army from Ukraine?” Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski wrote on X. “Peace would immediately ensue without the need for negotiations.”
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