#gachiakuta enjin
space-tastic · 2 months
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manga with the most depressed protagonist award
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aurelaac · 2 months
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katsukikitten · 3 months
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just a little soft shared moment with Enjin I wrote it straight into Tumblr drafts. God speed.
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Today was not your fucking day, the worst luck you'd experienced in a long time. Coin purse stolen, the last of your food expired and your 'friend' that owed you a favor bailed tonight.
Leaving you outside in a dank alley that smells a bit like piss and old frying oil right next to the best bar and grill in the damn city.
"Fuck today." You grumble, grabbing for your half crushed pack of cigarettes, eagerly opening the box only to be met with disappointment.
Your last fucking one.
Thankfully it wasn't crushed, placing it between your black lipstick clad lips before lighting it and taking a deep inhale.
Today fucking sucked.
A burst of sound pulls your attention as you see a broad shouldered man with a furrowed brow and snarl on his lips as moved more into the shroud of the dark alley.
"Shit. The hells my light?"
You look over to see the tall blonde patting down his jacket, cigarette dangling from his mouth as he searches his person, "God damn."
But he enunciates a little too roughly and his cigarette, his only cigarette, falls right into a pile of shit.
Guess his luck was worse.
Not just a trash pile, no his luck was so poor that it landed in a literal pile of shit, nestled into an old used plunger that got tossed into the trash outside. Funny how the entire city, your entire world, was made of trash and yet there were still things still too dirty to touch in the Abyss.
"Fuuuuck." He groans long and low, hand running through his blonde hair before his eyes meet yours. Bright yellow like the moon in the torn picture books your mother used to read to you as a kid.
"Got a smoke?" He gives a half smile, one that's a little too friendly for your liking but some cleaners were like that. Overly friendly, 'cleaning up' the abberant beasts just outside the city even if no one fucking asked them too. For a moment your cynical side thinks he expects it, that you dig around for a rare cigarette that took you ages to fucking scavenge for.
Then he sighs, running his broad tattooed hand through his hair, gripping at the back of his tattooed neck.
"Dumb question I know but I'll trade ya for it." He starts looking in his pockets for his free meal ticket he won off a bet with Riyo, tongue salivating over the thought of the fresh meal from his favorite watering hole but he needed the nicotine after his shit day.
"This is my last one." He looks at you bewildered, watches you take a drag and the ember burn the paper down.
"What?" He gawks incredulously.
"This is my last one." You repeat letting the smoke trindle around your damning statement.
He visibly deflates with the sound of his heavy exhale, eyes fluttering shut, tic in his jaw and fists clenched tight.
"I can share." You pull til the ember is half way.
"What?" He asks again, it makes you scoff but your pretty lips still turn up into a cat smile.
"All you can do is squawk? I said I'd share." You extend your hand to him, the burning stick between two delicate fingers with sharp claws, he studied it for a moment.
"Take it before I change my mind." Quickly his tattooed fingers brush yours as he applies the perfect amount of pressure to secure the stick as you let go. Bringing it to his lips right over where your black lipstick stained the unfiltered paper. He takes in a deep breath, holds it and lets it burn his lungs to make sure it sticks and exhales it as if it'd take away all his bad luck.
And maybe it did.
"Fuuuuuuuck." He groans again and the sound has you shifting from one foot to the other, made your stomach flip and you look away before you imagine him overtop of you groaning like that.
"Well, hope your night turns around. Seems pretty shit." Giggling at your own joke as you turn on your combat boot clad heel.
"Wait!" He has the stick dangerously dangling between his lips again, thick digits wrapping around your wrist, "I didn't get to pay ya."
"It was only half." You scoff but he's already producing a meal ticket from his pocket, holding it between two fingers, you can just barely read the details. Free three course meal, app entree and dessert.
"Then we can split this." He brandishes it some more, waving it around like it would entice you to sit across from this stranger with an easy smile that squeezes your heart like a vice. That smile made him dangerous. You avoided danger, people, more than anything your entire life, it was doubtful you'd be sharing a meal with a rowdy ass janitor.
"It's only faaaair. Don't wanna owe ya one." He chuckles, taking a short drag as he tries to get the most out of it before the ember can burn his lips. He gives a wolfish grin as if he can tell he's wearing you down, waving around that damn meal ticket again. It makes your stomach growl as you think of the mouth watering lava cake they were infamous for.
Your eyes snap up to his, there it is, that golden moon gaze that looks at you with a softness that no one has before. Makes you grit your teeth.
"Fine." You snatch the ticket from him, "But I get to pick the dessert."
"Fine by me sweetheart." Stubbing the last little bit of the smoke out before he gently guides you into the rowdy bar by the small of your back. You don't recoil away encouraging his feather soft touch to become a little more firm, a little more real. It causes you to turn your head up at him as he holds up the noren to duck under before he smiles down at you in reassurance with that deadly, dangerous smile of his. For once you smile back, wiping away the smudge of lipstick that transferred from your shared cigarette.
Maybe just maybe the two of you would turn your luck around.
At least for tonight.
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gothbobas · 5 months
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fav panels of enjin from ch 71
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sterbb · 3 months
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Dad called Enjin
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iluvluvnutella · 4 months
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Enjin ☔️ coloring commission
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flosarbor · 15 days
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Rudo and his 'older brother' (it's how I see their found family dynamic)
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fish-from-space · 5 months
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thinking about how zanka trusts enjin so much he leaves his jinki right next to him with seemingly no worry,,,,
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orngbanana · 4 months
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might make a part 2....
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lovelycureaestetic · 1 month
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Gachiakuta Wednesday - ch 90
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gachiakutamatatas · 2 months
I traced Engine's body because I'm curious (and thirsty)
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I did a none super defined abs too and he is still very much hot (of course he is. He's Engine)
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Then I did slight shade because why not..
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In conclusion: fuck ye
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bet-h · 12 days
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No one prepare me on how absolutely shetty it was trying to draw his hair
Who decided that
Anywya i got free time maybe ill draw some of the sketches in my sketchbook finally lmao 💀
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aurelaac · 3 months
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the gachiakuta brainrot continues :)))))
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katsukikitten · 2 months
Imagine being a healer-giver and Enjin always goes to you whenever he gets hurt because he trusts you more than anyone.
And he's too fucking stubborn for his own good.
He's bleeding out Jo but insists he'll be able to make it, conscious or not, to the further city that has a healer, which of course was you.
Enjin brought everyone to you for their routine checkups or if they had a none dire ailment to your next city over from his but when it came to himself he refuses to let another healer touch him!
It's a normal day for you, maybe even a little slower than normal as you finish placing the fresh sheets and linens on one of the beds in the infirmary. Smoothing out the soft comforter when your assistant calls your name frantically to the examination room.
And there you find the blonde with his moon eyes half lidded in a haze as he waves tattooed fingers in your direction.
"Enjin!" Rushing to him, digging in your apron for your jinki. A small scalpel that could turn into any tool you needed. Today it turns into stitches, flashing red and each flash tells you how many cups of blood he's lost. A solid three red flashes has you in hyper drive. Shoving everyone else out of the room as Enjin finally passes you.
Working as if you had multiple hands as you place a tourniquet just above his nearly fatal wound. A wound becoming fatal from his own stubbornness but you won't find that out until Boss Korvus carries him into the long term stay bed for you later.
For now you do everything in your power to stop the bleeding, patch him up and give him a blood transfusion as you wait on baited breath for his usual sunkissed complex to return instead on this sheet white that clings to his cheeks and the tips of his fingers.
It's hours later, you still in your cute nurse uniform, a black dress with a wide skirt, white apron stained with his blood, when he finally comes to. He watches you check over the fresh blood bag with sharp eyes.
"M starting to feel better." He half croaks fingers flipping up your skirt to see your lacy underwear earning a heavy handed swat to his inky wrist, "Much better."
"Not only are you a perverted pig I've come to find out you're a dumb ass too!" Anger first always anger, Enjin was used to your lectures and belittling because he always chooses to see you even if you're the furthest option. He rolls his eyes as he waits for the berating to start but it doesn't come.
Eyes flicking up to yours and when he sees you covering your face and hears you sob his weak heart becomes weaker.
"Hey." He tries to clear his voice, leaning up with a grunt to grab you and attempt to pull you into the bed, "Hey, hey. What's wrong?"
"You could have died Enjin. You were dying on my table. I almost couldn't save you and you waited!!! Korvus told me you refused medical help closer to you, that you made them bypass aid so you could see me. You could have seen me after they fixed you up." You weakly push away from him but he pulls you closer, smoothes his palm over the curve of your skull, "Enjin I can't-"
It's stupid, so stupid to be in love with a man who you see a handful of days out of the month and probably unethical too considering he was your patient. Still you look up into his golden yellow eyes and sigh, you can't hold it in anymore.
"Enjin. I can't lose you."
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gothbobas · 3 months
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i want him so bad it makes me look stupid
(gachiakuta / ch 82)
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hypnophone · 21 days
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