#he gives mikey and donnie a free pass to slap him too why not
mariusroyale · 10 months
rewatching himym and realising how funny it would be if leo and raph had a slap bet
with, their bros as slap bet commissioners ofc
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novasintheroom · 4 years
Hey its ray-jaykub! I saw that you did requests and i was wondering if i could get head-cannons on the turtles and what they like to do with their respective s/os
OMG I love you!!! Okay I gotta calm down hooo
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·         Love love loves to carry you over rooftops and sit on high points to look over the city with you. This is one of his ways to calm down and think about things without his brothers’ around to stress him out, and having you there some nights, looking at the glitter of the lights – poetry for his heart
·         Speaking of poetry – you guys will have contests for who can make the worst poems. Just something to pass off to each other between visits, something you find in your bag or in his bed sheets. Cheesy, unrhythmic, stupid, whatever. You guys have cried laughing before b/c of this. However, every once in a while he’ll slap you with a real intimate and loving poem that just makes you melt.
·         You’ve started trying to sneak up on him. It doesn’t work. He still lets you do it, just so he can turn around and grab you at the last second. Sometimes he throws you on the nearest soft surface, sometimes he gives you a big kiss, sometimes he just starts carrying you around like a sack of potatoes – depends on his mood honestly. Your determination to spook him is cute.
·         Watching or listening to True Crime stuff becomes a quick couple’s hobby for you guys. Usually it’s playing in the background as you each do chores or work on some project, but you’ll each talk about the case throughout. You’ve hit him more than once for giving away what happened or who killed who. He’s too good at figuring this kind of stuff out!
·         He loves when you sit with him when he meditates. Even if you aren’t the meditating type, if you just sit quietly by him or read, he already feels much calmer. If he’s practicing balancing moves, he’ll sometimes grab you to hoist you up in the air, “to practice strength” at the same time. You’ve learned it’s a very bad idea to squirm when he’s got you planking above his head; he will start tickling you if you don’t keep still.
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·         Once he gets a good enough disguise, he loves to ride around on his newly built motorcycle with you on the city streets. It’s fun to zip through cars and people and drive out to the sparser points of the city to watch ships come in and out of the bay or go to a park outside the city to watch the lights as they all turn on at dusk.
·         Loooovvess having movie nights with you. Seriously asks for it every week. You two get comfy on the couch with like 3 blankets thrown over your laps and watch something like Jurassic Park or Mad Max and gorge on buttery popcorn and chocolate. Sometimes you’ll slip in a chick flick like Pride and Prejudice. He acts like he doesn’t like it, but you’ve caught a goofy, happy smile on him more than once at the end of the movie, and then he starts lifting your hand like Mr. Darcy and adopting more “romantic” actions and it’s just *chef’s kiss*
·         You guys will spar together. It’s kinda required once you date him; he wants you to be able to kick butt if he can’t get to you fast enough. But these sessions usually end up with you and him wrestling/tickling each other and him holding you down with a foot while he lifts weights. Get comfy princess, he ain’t moving that foot ‘til he get 100 reps.
·         He has a really good eye for fashion and makeup. He’s actually the one that sews together all of his family’s clothes, as much as possible with the scraps they find around. It’s calming to make something instead of the stigma he has of destroying stuff. He’s the first person you SnapChat with an outfit just to make sure it looks good, and he sends back honest feedback, like “why do you still have that scarf, you know it doesn’t match anything in your closet,” or “try the red sweater with that long gold necklace you have.” Everyone compliments your outfits so much because of his input
·         Likes to go swimming with you. There’s a few clear, clean pools in the sewers (Donnie approved) where you guys go just to have a good swim. There’s usually some candles lit and music playing. More often than not, you’ll end up laying on his chest while he floats on the surface and just enjoy each other’s company. At least until he gets the idea to dunk you.
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·         Sneaking into the rafters of Broadway is a regular event for you guys. He manages to disable any security they have up around your “spot,” and you get a free show with your favorite person. He’ll be quoting his favorite lines for days after, all the while talking about the next show to see. He’d so be a theater kid if he had the chance.
·         One of the main things that got you guys together in the first place was you helping him put together tech he’s working on. It still continues now, since you have a steady hand and a willing ear to listen to his theories and ideas. You’ve even inspired him a few times with your comments! It’s a casual bonding activity for you both, and he values your thoughts.
·         Spontaneous dances are a must. Sometimes he’ll grab you and dance around the room – especially if an experiment of his goes well – sometimes it’ll be goofy dances to see how badly you two can embarrass anyone looking, and other times, you guys will just slow dance before you leave, just as a way to be close before having to part.
·         You guys form your own little potted plant collection in the lair. It’s both a hobby, and a way for you to check on how he’s doing. If he’s doing well, the plants are watered and taken care of. If he’s getting sucked into things and forgetting to care for himself, the plants suffer. He tries to get an auto-watering system for them, but you shut that down quick. It’s good to do some things yourself rather than rely on technology!
·         Cupcake Saturdays are a thing. He’ll take you to a bakery, where you’ll go in and get a box of cupcakes (extra frosting). You guys will then just chow down on them on the rooftop, often with him licking a lot of the frosting off the cupcakes before eating the actual “cake” part.
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·         Such a fan of trying every new restaurant you can find in NYC. It’s become a date-night tradition every Thursday to either order or pick up some hole-in-the-wall place’s food, meet up somewhere, and Gordon Ramsay the crap out of the food. He does a mean Ramsay impression, and you’ve snorted more than one ramen noodle out of your nose from laughing so hard.
·         If you aren’t a fan of video games, you will be once you date this guy. It’s not even just watching or playing video games with him, he’s just funny when he plays! He’ll make the most stupid comments about something going on in the storyline, or mess around, even glitch out a game. He’s managed to get out of the maps of Among Us more than once. You’re convinced if he started his own YouTube gaming channel, he’d be a quick star.
·         Game nights are a must for you guys. It usually turns into a family game night with you, the turtles, Splinter, April and Casey, which Mikey just adores because he gets to see everyone he loves having fun. You two will usually team up against the others, or turn on each other to stab the other in the back. Uno and Cover Your Assets have made you guys question your loyalty to each other more than once. That Uno Reverse card, man…
·         Arts and crafts are his favorite. Anytime a holiday is coming up, Mikey gets hyped ‘cause he knows you guys are gonna start making decorations for it. You guys will usually make decorations for each other. Mikey loves this, just because he feels like a normal person by having actual Halloween decorations around the lair instead of stuff he and his bros scraped together off the streets.
·         Loves to stargaze with you in the summer time. He’ll convince Donnie to let him drive the truck out of the city to the countryside of New York, bring you with him, and set up on the roof of the truck in the middle of a field (that he totally didn’t crash through a wood fence to get to). Fireflies will fly over your faces, and he’ll joke that they’re shooting stars and make a thousand and one wishes on each of them. He won’t tell you that all of those wishes are for you and him to be together forever, but it’s not hard to guess with how mushy he gets after each one.
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janna-the-breaker · 4 years
Sunscreen 🌅👙
I'm in a mood for jealous turtles today. Hope you like it!^^
It was summer, and Casey have planned a trip for a Beach house that his family owed since he was younger. It was almost in the middle of nothing, so it was safe for the turtles to go. They were all very excited, afterall, they've never left New York City before. After a four long hour car ride, you were all finaly there. The house was increribly beautiful. It has five rooms. Two for couples and the other three for inviters. And, let's not forget, the pool! That pool was wonderful! It has a waterfall and neon lights.
You decided to took a day to sun bath. You have picked your best bikini and laid down on your belly onto a beach chair at the edge of the pool.
You were so relaxed that you felt like you're gonna fly. But, after a while, the sun started burning your back a little too much, and you were too sleepy to get the sunscreen by yourself.
However, by a misterious miracle, you heard the hard and heavy steps that could only belong to the turtle you loved.
"Hey, fearless" You called him with a sleepy voice. He have stoped nearby you. "Would you please pass some sunscreen on my back??" You pleaded.
What you did not know was that that wasn't your boyfriend, Leonardo, but acctualy his brother in a red mask.
He smirked greatly. Of course he didn't say anything or it could ruin this opportunity. He just grabbed the product and squished the white goo (😏😏) on his hand. He reached his three fingered hand onto your back and started spreading the sunscreen over your skin. You shrivered a little with his touch, bitting your lip as the heat of his hand spread through your body.
"Hmmmm just like that, love" You moaned a little. The big brute enjoying the sensation he was giving to you. And how smoothly your skin felt on his hand. He tried to reach to your higher back, but the strings of your bikini wouldn't let him. "Untie these, handsome. Please?"
His fingers grasped the cords and pulled the knot off until it was out of you. Now, he had the liberty to massage your back and shoulders. His pants got more thigher as he could peep your boob coming out from your bikini.
"What the fuck is goin'on here?!" Leo's voice ecooed furiously from far behind you.
You jumped in scare and sat up quickly on the chair, looking confusedly to your side. And how surprised you were when you saw Raphael instead of Leo. "Raph?!" You yelled while hidding your free breasts from his sight.
"I'm gonna kill you!!!" The turtle in blue yelled and ran towards his brother with a killer look on his face. The big brute manage to jump off and ran into the woods to escape his older brother's rage.
"Leo, i swear that i did not knew that it was him! I thought it was you!" You hold him by his arm and tried to explain yourself. He looked so angry just like the time the Shredder threated to kill Splinter.
"Yeah, you really mistook my smooth and well trained hands by those big and rough green sausages." He says with a deep angry voice. Your eyes started droping some tears.
"I didn't mean to! I was asleep. Please, forgive me!" You begged for his forgiveness.
"And you let him undress you! Do you have any idea about how this make me feel??" He was clearly hurt. But it wasn't your fault at all!
"You're the only one that i love, Leonardo! And nothing will ever change it." You grabbed his face and looked deep in his blue eyes. You leaned onto him and kissed him passionantly. It seemed to ease his anger.
"You're right. I'm sorry for being too rarsh on you. I love you so much, honey." He said hugging you and wrapping his arms along your waist. "Now, i'll go on a hunt for Raph's. And when i'm done, i'll make sure that it'll be clear for everyone to see that you belong to me, and me alone!"
Raph ❤️:
"Hello, my cuddly teddy bear." You said with a cute voice as you heard your boyfriend come to your side. "Look, the sun is kinda hurting my back. Do you mind brushing some sunscreen on it??"
Michelangelo froze there for a moment. Did you really thought that he were Raph?! He felt quite honored, but did not know what to do.
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"Please, Boo, just a little. I may give you a treat later." You teased a little.
The turtle in orange gave a look around to check if there was anyone else around. There was no one near. He took the product and squished it on your back. You laughed as you felt that goo all over you. He soon used his hand to spread it over your back. "Hmmm it feels so good, babe." You moan.
Mikey tried not to giggle as you moaned to his touch. This was definetly the best day of his life. He lowered his hands on your back and stoped up on your butt. "Wanna get these off?" You suggested. He bit his lip and noded. Benching the string and pulling it slythly as he tried to reveal your ass.
"What the hell are ya doin', ya punk?!" Raphael yelled as he saw Mikey massaging you. He jumped off you and you sat on the chair in total shock. "Get yer hands off my girl, right now!"
"Sorry, bruh! Oh, y//n, you owe me that treat!" He said before running off the senario.
"I what?!" You said in counfusion.
"What treat?! Were you flirting with him?!" He asked roughly to you.
"No, Raph! I would never flirt with him or any of your brothers! He just came by and in my sleep i thought he was you. Please, forgive me!" You hugged him by his plastron trying to calm him down.
"Ya seemed to like what he was giving to ya. Am i not enough for ya??" He asked sadly. You've seen him this sad defeated before.
"Of course you are, Raph! You're more than enough for me, you are the best! I love you." You said and kissed him deeply. He accepted and lift you up on the kiss.
"Alright, bird. I got it. And you know what?" He gave your ass a slap with a full hand. You yelp loudly. "We're goin' to revenge on Mikey fucking at his bed. Come on!" He said taking you in a bridal way to the house.
"Hey, my sweet pizza lover." You said sweetly as you felt the presence of your boyfriend next to you. "You know, this was a very long ride to here and my shoulders are still sore from the car seat. Can you please massage them for me??"
Donnie's mind buged for a moment. You thought he was Mikey?! Should he warn you that he wasn't him??
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But, he felt so needy for the touch of your skin. Besides, it was just a massage. It wouldn't hurt. He put a little of sunscreen on his hand and spread it on your shoulders gently. You hummed a little with his skilled movements.
"Wow! Mikey, you are really good at this." You said hapily with the sensation he was giving to you.
Donnie smiled as he made you feel good with his caress. You were so relaxed on his hands and he was so foucused on his task that he didn't noitice Mikey standing there watching them with sadness in his baby blue eyes.
"Donnie, you traitor! What do you think you're doing?!" He yelled at his brother, who immediately took his hands off you.
"Mikey! This isn't what you think it is! I just gave her a friendly massage." He tried to explain himself.
You sat on the chair and gave a strange look at the purple masked turtle. "Donnie?! What are you doing here?!" You asked
"I'm sorry! I just wanted to be nice. I'm out of here!" He got up and jumped off the pool to the rooftop.
"Yeah! Go get your own, brah! This one here belongs to Mc Mikey!" He said as he pulled you to a hug. "You're mine! Only mine! You know that, right, angelcakes?"
"Yes, Mikey, i know. I'm yours! I'm sorry about Donnie. If i have knowm that it was him i you never let him touch me." You said wrapping your arms around his neck.
"It's okay, babycakes. You can continue to apolagize when we're on the bed." He took you on his shoulder and walked in the house with you.
"You there, my nerd? I'm in the need for a little foot massage. Are you up for this mission?" You plead for your boyfriend who sat before you at the pool.
Unfurtunatly, it wasn't the turtle you thought it may be. Leonardo only sat on there because he was on the need for some meditation. And the pool seemed to be the perfect and calm place for it. Even with you there it didn't bother him, afterall, you were just quietly taking a sun bath.
But, he did not expect at all that you would mistook him by his smart brother.
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"Come on, D! I'm so tired, and only you can make me feel good." You begged for him to touch you.
He fetl awfull. At the same time he didn't want to interview in your relashionship with Donnie, but he also couldn't handle seeing you so needy for care. He grabbed the oil on a table nearby and used it to massage your feet.
"Hummm that's right, love! A little more to my ankles, please." You pleaded a little, loving the sensation you were recieving.
All Leo could do was smile. Even though you weren't his girlfriend he enjoyed giving some joy to you. But, it didn't last long as his ninja sight spot Donatello watching him from far away. The fire on his eyes as he saw his brother touching his girl could almost burn Leo. The leader in blue felt threated with his brother's falcon eyes and slowly got up, leaving the pool without saying a word.
You asked yourself what happened to your massage. You sat up and looked behind you, and there was Donnie smilling at you. "Why did you stoped?? You were doing great."
His heart hurt a little. He undertood that you didn't knew that Leo was the one massaging you. But he never imagined that he would suffer such a betrayal from his own brother. "Sorry, Dove. Lay there, i'll send you to heaven."
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dumbdotcomm · 4 years
how to fall in love with your best friends
(a/n) i had this queued up in my old blog and totally didn’t repost it here so! here’s the commission i did for @fanfic-inator795‘s wonderful ocs!
Now if Mikey got to thinking about it hard he guess it all really started off like this: a nice beautiful morning- sun shining birds singing over the bustling clamor and the sweet caress of the wafting scent of oil and gasoline making him feel like everything was just right. It ought to have been- he’ll be with his friends soon, and they’ll all be extently laxed, a simultaneous, collective easygoingness to them that's undeniably the best part of working down at Hueso’s in the first place.
And sure things would get messy and, sure, it may not have been ideal for the back, a little hard on the muscles lugging trays out and garbage out and dealing with less than cooperative customers but it paid nice.
Yeah, Mikey thinks it all started there, really, if he got to thinking about it. At that little pizza joint and a water gun fight. 
And as he stood, ready to punch out of work and collect his red metal lunchbox from the side in the little cubby,  Michi pops up just in time, an eager grin creating little lines on her face. It catches Mikey a little off guard, though he should be used to her sneaking up on him by now. 
“Sorry! ” she says, slapping him hard on the shoulder (oh, and in the process she nearly knocks the life out of him and the little pointless badge with his name so nicely inscribed on that customers never actually read when they’d ask “um so what’s your name again, kid?” only to call him ‘waiter’ in five minutes). 
“You’re a ninja, shoulda- like- felt me coming in the wind or whatever it is you guys do,” Michi snorts, tugging Mikey along out the back door to Hueso’s. 
And Mikey doesn’t even stick around to see if someone had already stolen his lunch from inside his box- Frankie liked to do stupid stuff like that- and, with something a little less than dignity- because he totally should’ve sensed her coming, Mikey saunters out behind Michi as she excitedly pounds down the sidewalk and up the avenues.
“We do not ‘feel people sneakin’ up on us in the wind’,” he says around a chuckle, and lumbers up the creaky wooden steps to Junior’s apartment, kicking the compiling stack of mail to the side of the hall and smiles as they both round the corner to see Junior helping his neighbor into her apartment, lugging her bags in.
She’s blind and still thinks she can go grocery shopping; and she pinches Junior’s sweatshirt and calls his face hard when she tries to pinch his cheek.
“I’ll be right out guys,” Junior calls, before disappearing inside the apartment for just a couple minutes, “Just head inside, I’ll be there in a sec!”
It, of course, takes a bit longer than a second, which Mikey and Michi don’t complain about, but as the few minutes turn into close to twenty they almost wonder if they should go rescue their friend from his untimely demise of listening to ‘elderly stories’, Junior texts them.
Psst look out the window
And there he is, tossing a tiny rock up at his living room window from the street two stories below, with a floaty around his waist and swimming trunks and no shirt with a dopey grin flippers on his feet and oh my….this has to be some kind of joke. 
Michi barely suppresses what might just be a pure blend of a giggle, a snort and a groan- but it's funny nonetheless, and theatrical. Mikey stands at the window, grinning wildly down at his friend. 
“Okay, I’ll bite. What’re you doing man?”
“Oh Mikey…” Junior calls from the doorway, raising his arms high above his head in some glorious exaltation, “I’m embracing my adventurous side. You guys aren’t the only ones with crazy ideas.”
���Where are we even gonna go swimming.…” Michi shouts, folding her arms around a pillow as she goes into Junior’s kitchen to grab a bag of chips, “Plus, I don't own a bathing suit. My last one fit like when we were like fourteen.” 
And she turns around on her heels, sauntering casually back to the window, smirking slyly as she hears Junior scamper up to the front door of the apartment building, shouting her name in a breathless laugh. 
“Michi! Mich, c’mon guys! Jus’...just go with me, aight? I found a cool spot, I promise it’s legit.” 
And she didn't mean to make him desperate, really...but Michi could not understand why Junior had wanted to spend so much of his free time with her; it perplexed her almost as much as it amused her. Almost five years of friendship didn’t really change her self doubts. 
And somehow he's already bursting into the apartment, and Mikey’s doubled over laughing. Junior’s always been so ridiculously hopeful for her, his arms raised like a plea and a desperate smile, breathless and begging. 
“So…? What’cha guys think?”
Michi isn't all about doing things right, or the right thing at all. Sometimes she can be dumb and make bad calls. 
This, she figures, looking down at her toes that curl around the loose fringes of that rug, that this is no different. 
They don’t know where they’re headed; there’s about a thousand ways to go now and Junior, feeling suddenly so spontaneous, didn’t think any of it through. 
And, somehow that’s more comforting than the thought of knowing as they race down 135 and 95, letting the breeze whip into the open windows, sending Michi’s hair into a whirl and Mikey sighs in tranquility. 
They finally come to a stop, the light up ahead transitioning from yellow to red.
Mikey looks over Junior’s way, eyes flickering between his softly closed eyes and the open road ahead of them. And it was something so kindred and so delicate- gazing at his gentle quiescence like that. It makes something like a reckless stillness, a certain way his heart flutters under the white cotton of his t-shirt and it makes Mikey want to do more- for Junior, for Michi. And he’s afraid to tell them, they deserve a whole lot more than what he can give.
The words won’t work, anyway, though. The moment passes, the light turns green and Junior makes a left on the ramp. 
The highway roars with the careless rumbles of motorcycles and endangerment like that; still, in spite of the anxiousness he feels,  it makes Mikey crack a smile, leaning back against his leather-torn seat, glancing over at Michi in the rearview mirror as she lifts her head from the window, staring a hole in him or something with her overbright eyes, turning them back, again, out to the highway.
“They really shouldn’t go so fast….” she says with a breathlike whisper that Mikey almost misses with all the noise; and she pops a sunflower seed into her mouth.
They stopped at a gas station somewhere along the lines between New York and Jersey, stashed the back seat with packs of sunflower seeds, coca cola, and hit the road again. Humans are kinda oblivious, or they’re just too desensitized that the surprise of a Kappa, a mutant turtle and a bone-skeleton guy undisguised is pretty much nonexistent. 
And it’s almost like they could just keep going if they wanted- and never stop.
“But…” Mikey stops and chuckles, resting his forehead on the back of Junior’s seat, and Michi who now takes up the passenger’s seat looks back at Mikey, with a cocky grin that’s always insightful like she’s pulling words out of him without a preamble to.
“But....” he stops again in thought, looking out into the highway, “I couldn’t leave my family…”
Michi thinks about it, her eyes never entirely leaving Mikey’s, and he catches her stare, clearing his throat in the most obnoxious cough. “And I...well, I don’t know if you guys knew this, but um...I’m actually makin’ a motorcycle’a my own!” he brags, voice strained in an awkward way that almost reminded him of Donnie. 
“Really…?” Junior queries with the corners of his lips curling up in slight disbelieving and taunting superiority, his brows rutting where they stay risen, “...you’re making...a motorcycle.” 
Mikey sputters, nodding profusely to that, “Psh..yeah. I am...an’ ya’ll really shouldn’t be actin’ all smug like that ‘cause ya know what?” he nudges Michi.
“What.” her face, unamused, tilts. 
“If I finish it….when I finish it-” he takes a happy breath, a deep sigh that dreams just about a thousand things- too much for his friends to ever know, he thinks, “-I’m gonna take you guys ‘cross the world with it.” It’s a vow that seems intended to be kept and unbroken by all odds. 
Even if Mikey knows it’s probably impossible. He’s got responsibilities here. A city both above and below ground to protect. A...destiny or something, to fulfill. 
And Michi doesn’t know to laugh or just sigh like she’s inclined to when things and concepts and promises and people don’t make sense at all; because why...why would he go...wasting time like that- on her.
“Motorcycles can’t go across the ocean, Orange Spice,” she says instead-
-and laughs raw and raspy, her laughs intertwining with her best friends.
Cape May, New Jersey
Michi feels she’s spent a lifetime in Junior’s truck, all hot and sweaty and smelling like pickles. 
(“No...guys, look- look, look, see? Ya ain’t gotta eat the pickles- just smear ‘em right on the sandwich- there ya go-!” Junior tossed his head back as Mikey dropped the pickle, slipping right out of his hands as he rubbed it over his sandwich with a frustrated growl. It was completely pointless and pickles were absolutely gross by taste and texture-
-but it wound up being, he won’t ever admit, the best sandwich he ever made.)
And they pulled up on a beach- a beach they didn’t know. In the middle of the night.
They threw a blanket and sat.
Just sat. 
Junior watches, though, as Michi looks out into the ocean, the bright moon- bright and golden yellow- it's light engulfing her almost, it seems. And she keeps watching the waves’ recessions and their ebbing, with a hollowness again. 
Still, there was something mesmerizing about her empty stare, a far off glance into a distant unknown and he wanted- Junior just wants to get any piece of that...understanding. 
“It's beautiful…” Michi says, her voice as broken and shattered as glass left to reflect the grand luminescent rays of something magnificent. She always sounds so joyful, but Junior’s known her long enough to know there’s a hurt buried deep in there. 
It catches him, and a particular ineptitude of speech gets a hold of him, too; he can only blink a few times, ogle a little at her face, too awkward still to say anything.  
Mikey’s unloading the truck, juggling fifty things and making Junior laugh softly at it. 
Still, Michi watches the water. “The waves- it’s they're...in a prison. It’s like every time they come in closer, they get pulled back further, a-and...and then, well’um…” in an instant her voice trails and her eyes glaze over to somewhere else. 
Junior just watches them go. He knows her attachment to water. They’ll stay here as long as she needs. 
And they just sit for a moment. So unique in this quietude that he almost feels half of himself. Smaller and more shy. 
He's about to...to pull her up and drag her into the water and forget this because he wants to give her so much more than hurt and watching her sit and think of the water, and probably, with that, her parents- both Junior and Mikey know it’s her own kind of hurt. 
But Michi’s breath hitches and the eyes fall back to here, back down to something less painful in so many odd ways. 
And Michi releases herself, in the most apportioned way that she gives, her eyes flickering for a moment to Junior, and back down to the cool sand, the quilted blanket, and beach toys with the loose, fringed strings of it.
“I...hate to be a bother….” Mikey says in a posh, pretentious accent, tottering on the rocks and shells, the shirt he wears drying in the blowing breeze.
Out here, they've found a grove, or a cave far off and secluded, dark and damp and glistening with a thing with a semblance of enigmas. 
She slips back and catches herself, finding footing below and, also, finding his quizzically amused stare. 
“Junior, how are we...when are we getting back?” he asks, eyes lost on the walls of the cave, his fingers lightly grazing them.
Michi snaps her head over to him when there's no noise- none of his muttered curses under his breath or the dumb laugh- Junior just sits, studying the array of seashells they've found and the compiled piles of sand, pressing his knuckles to his lips. 
“Uh, never.” he quips back without lifting his pondering stare at the assortment. 
Michi scoffs, her shoulders dropping, “Skull-cap...” 
I’m thinking of...somethin’...somethin’, somethin’ somethin’,” he starts a melody, mostly in his head probably; Michi doesn’t think it fits to a tune just right, but Mikey joins in on it too, and she just starts laughing.
It’s the worst best idea ever to be thought of and maybe, perhaps- it makes them all forget their worries for a little bit.
They learn to surf. Try to surf. Fail at surfing. 
Mikey winds up falling over and pulling a joint. 
“Oh...man- I’m definitely not gettin’ up for weeks after all this,” he exclaims through a pained laugh, as they walk side by side, gas station, cotton candy between them. Junior and Michi supporting most of his weight.
They have enough seashells to fill three bags, and six stuffed animals Michi nabbed from a boardwalk game.
The rising sun cascades as reddish hue over the sand, making them shine in a dull kind of light that they lay on, looking up at the flying kites and the puffing clouds with pleasant simpers- the kind that mean, yeah, okay, I’m happy with this and even now, after all of it (after making sandwiches and sandcastles and surfing and getting lost in a cave looking for exotic shells and the longest drive and everything) they still can’t make sense of it, of the feeling. 
And Mikey tells Michi, with just how open they are now, he figures it is as good as any time to- that she should leave it, leave her hurt here and forget it. 
Forget and start...somewhere else. 
“With us!” he petitions, turning his head in the sand over to her, the grains stuck in her hair, long out of the bun she twisted into place earlier. “You...you could come and...an’ stay or...or, Michi I dunno but’cha gotta get out sometime soon…”
His words break like the desperation his face carries; the silence falls over them again and Michi watches one of those pointless blimps fly overhead, ready for another day at the beach, her eyes empty shimmer in the rising sun. 
“I know….” she starts in a deep breath, “Mikey, I know you...you and your brothers- they...you guys do so much. And you save, you’re...you saved a whole ton of people but…” she turns her eyes into his, and he sees every nightmare through hers, through her eyes, “You can’t save everyone. I think...I think you know that.” she says.
So why do you keep trying with me? she doesn’t. 
But Mikey grabs her hand and she can tell when his heart flutters and his face flushes without at all having to spare him her eyes. And, now, she gets it.
“‘S ‘cause...well, I dunno…” he smiles sheepishly. 
“Yes...you do,” Michi offers one back, wishing Junior would wake up already and tell them it’s time to go, “But you shouldn’t.”
And they drop the mystery for now and all the unconventionally odd and terribly obscure feelings that went in tow, Michi breaking off a chunk of Junior’s unfinished and kinda stale cotton candy she snagged, sliding it into her mouth while they look up at the blimps and clouds and setting sun.
“Ya gonna pay for that?” Junior asks, standing over his two friends, his smile brighter and just as beautiful as the sun. 
“Nah, I’m good, Bone-boy,” she says, staring still at the morning sky, spawning a laugh, genuine and, all the very same, brittle. 
In about ten days she gets a bill of two dollars in her mailbox and a seashell necklace, her best friend’s initials carved into a shell. 
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defectivemecha · 6 years
TMNC(at)- A TMNT OC insert Part 1.01
Okay, I stand corrected. Each episode may have to be split into three parts? Please bear with me.
S01E02- A Better Mousetrap 2/3
Of course, it couldn’t have been more than an hour or two before I could hear Leo and Raf starting to argue downstairs. ‘Is it too much to hope that they’ll knock each other out before too long?’ I groaned and scrunched up tighter as the argument escalated. ‘How in the world does Splinter sleep through this?’ “Fine, I’ll deal with it.” I growled to the ceiling before rolling out of my comfortable nest to go separate the two idiots before something regrettable was said. When I got downstairs, the scene was pretty much as expected, Mikey was passed out in front of the still-running TV and Donnie was working on a mouser that looked to be whole again, while Leo and Raf were grappling in the tunnel leading into the lair. ‘So… What, one of them tried to leave the Lair?’ I leapt down to the bottom floor just as Don exclaimed triumphantly, “Ha! I got it working again!” Mikey suddenly shot into wakefulness again as Don began typing up a storm on his computer.
“Hey, awesome! But, uh, what are you doing now?” Mikey asked, still obviously half asleep. “I’m looking for some kind of return code, something I can use to track it back to the source.” Donnie explained, waving at me as I examined the little tin terror uneasily. “Maybe if we can figure out where it came into the sewer, we can block the door and at least stem the tide until I can devise a way to keep these mousers out of the lair.” “Sounds good,” I responded absently as the arguing in the tunnel became a fight, “in the meantime, I’ll see what I can do about shutting up the testosterone twins so that relative peace may be restored.” Donnie shrugged as Mikey snickered, they were used to the conflicts, I was still new enough to the idea of sibling rivalry that it bugged me.
In the way of things, though, I didn’t get farther than halfway before- “Oh for-” Donnie smothered a curse as the mouser sprung to life and cleared his desk for him as it trotted in the direction of the tunnels. For being so stout, it was an agile little thing, dodging tackles from both Mikey and Donnie on its merry way around the main chamber. “Donnie, I swear,” I vowed, snagging my knives and weapons belt from the rack. “If you can’t learn to control your toys!” I flung a shuriken, but the little monster turned before it could hit! “Hey, it wasn’t my fault!” Donnie claimed indignantly as he grabbed his bo-staff. “Um, yeah, that would be my bad. Actually.” Mikey grinned sheepishly as I glared at him. “No time! It’s getting away!” Donnie cried.
What ensued was a five mutant race to keep up with one overpowered toaster as it led us into the tunnels closer to the subway system. “Whoa,” I skidded to a stop as the mouser continued clattering it’s merry way out of the tunnel and along a pipe that spanned the length of a massive septic-tank-thing? “Watch your step here guys,” Leo warned, “don’t wanna end up as mutant soup.” I shuddered as I regarded the drop, and the smell, thankfully I had to pay too much attention to my footing to worry about other things, like what I was stepping in. Of course, things only got better, because the mouser began climbing the wall!
Of course, we all had a pair of shuko spikes on us, metal spikes on substantial “gloves” used for climbing when anything else is too clumsy, it’s not easy to climb with them, but it’s doable. “Uhg. Next time, let’s leave the wall crawling to the dude in the blue and red tights!” Mikey complained. “You read way too many comic books.” Leo retorted. “Hey Tami, why not just use your claws?” Mikey wondered. “Because I’m not Wolverine.” I panted, glaring at the robot that was dragging me ever farther from my warm bed. “Meaning,” I continued, “that my claws are barely stronger than normal fingernails, so trying to climb with just my claws would only end in a very messy declawing. Answer your question well enough?” Mikey thought it over for a second, “Yeah, I think so.” he conceded. “Hallelujah.” I muttered, the bot had finally climbed into a tunnel. A few moments later, and we were back to running down dark and smelly tunnels.
“Just curious, Don.” Mikey started apprehensively, “What’s to stop Old Turbo Jaws from munching up another 6.2 on the Richter scale?” ‘Good question. This thing surprised Donnie once.’ “I shut down its jaw servos.” Donnie stated, a quick glance showed that he was pretty confident. “It couldn’t even chew through a stick of gum!” Which was the universe’s cue to hand it’s beer over to a half-conscious karma, the mouser skidded to a stop and proceeded to daintily chomp a hole through to wall of the tunnel. “You were saying?” Rafael snarked as we slid to a stop. “But I-” Donatello faltered, “I’m sure I shut it down.” I looked the mouser over curiously as it started in on the wall itself, for Stockman to one up Donnie like this is a fair testament to the former’s skill as a techie. “Oh,” Mikey sighed jokingly, “Don’s finally lost his techno mojo. Sad, really.” Donnie made a face as he regarded the tiny terminator. “It must have some kind of… Security override routine.” He mused, “Come on!” ‘Why would a PR project like a rat-catcher have advanced security measures?’ I wondered as we rushed the freshly made tunnel. ‘Heck, why would a rat-catcher need the ability to burst through walls like the Kool-Aid man?’
“Oh no.” Donnie groaned. “What is it Don?” Leo asked. “If I’m not mistaken,” Donnie began, “that’s a serious water main hanging right over heads!” ‘No-no-no-no, please tell me he’s not about to say-’ “So?” Raf prompted, just as leaks began to sprout ominously from the pipe. “So!” Donnie yelped. “Our little mouser friend just ate through the pipe’s support!” Cluuunk! ‘Fudge-’ I scrambled for the tunnel just as Leo cried, “Incoming!” and the old pipe burst, before any of us could get out of the way! ‘Faced-’ I grabbed the pipes along the wall and the back of Mikey’s belt just as the water hit. ‘Fools-’ Thankfully, they all had good reflexes and survival instincts, so he managed to grab Leo and Raf, who in turn had Donnie. ‘Frolicking with-’ Unfortunately, mutant or not, trying to anchor a 5 person daisy chain against the full fury of a bursting water main is not feasible without extra gear. ‘Frivolous-’ I slipped, and we got washed out the tunnel, the initial surge had enough power to send us tumbling into the yawning chasm of sewage. ‘Frogs!’
What followed was nothing short of a miracle of training and luck, Donnie was able to catch himself on a sturdy pipe with his bo-staff. “Grab on!” He shouted desperately. Somehow, Leo, Raf, Mikey, and I were able to grab hold in yet another daisy chain. “Ouch!” Yelped Mikey. “Watch the claws, Tami!” I grimaced. “Sorry,” I snarled, “I just gained 15 pounds of water weight in 5 seconds and lost a year of life to unmitigated terror, so bear with me for a moment while I ATTEMPT TO THINK CALMING THOUGHTS WHILE HANGING ON FOR DEAR LIFE TO A FLOGGING CHAIN OF TURTLES ABOVE AN UNREASONABLY LARGE SEWAGE SYSTEM!” My volume had built to full on tirade before I could even register the building hysteria. “Ow!” Barked Raf, cutting me off before I could start berating people. “Watch your own claws, Mike!” Mikey writhed a bit. “Aw, keep your shell on Raf!” Mikey teased as he began to swing his feet, and me, like a pendulum. ‘WHAT DOES HE THINK-’ “I got an idea!” My stomach clenched again as he got the whole chain swaying. “MICHELANGELO DON’T-” The threat was cut off by a shriek of pure terror as the momentum caused Donnie to lose his grip and send us sailing through space, and water again.
“Huff!” I wheezed, slamming into the wall face first and shortly followed by one, two, three, four similar impacts all around me. “Guys,” Donnie panted, somewhere above and to the right of me. “Is everyone okay?” Someone spat down and to my left, “Peachy.” Raf growled. ‘Speak for yourself!’ I was having issues hanging onto my dinner, and my breath. Glad as I was to feel solidly anchored again, even if into a wall, there was no way I was thanking Mikey for this stunt. “Yo, Tam.” Raf nudged me slightly, “You alright?” I couldn’t move, the adrenaline had my heart pumping so hard I could barely hear them, but my muscles felt frozen. I couldn’t even move my tail! “No, she isn’t.” Leo snapped from above, and I could nearly hear the glare he shot Mikey. “Quickly, Don, give Raf and Mikey your bo-staff.” “Gotcha, bro.” I heard wood scrape against brick, and the slap of wood against flesh as Mikey caught it. “Now, Mikey, carefully slide it between Tami and the wall. Raf, grab the end. The two of you are gonna have to work the one shuko with your foot to free your hand. Now the two of you need to move so your staff-hand is level with her stomach.” Shuffling and scraping as Mikey and Raf moved to be parallel with me and I could hear Don’s bo staff scrape against the wall just above my belly button.
“Tamara, can you hear me?” I eased an eye open and looked up at Leo. “I need you to trust us. Drop and grab the staff, Mikey and Raf can carry you up until we reach a tunnel.” ‘Drop? Again?!’ I gave an involuntary whimper as my arms trembled ominously. “Get ready,” Donnie warned. My fingers released the shuko spikes just as Raf and Mikey moved the staff farther from the wall, causing the staff to hit me dead in the chest and helping me wrap my arms around the strong wood. Though I had faith in the brothers’ strength and dexterity, breathing was a trial until Leo grabbed me by the waist and set my feet on solid ground, well away from the edge. Unfortunately, my legs were considerably less solid and I slumped against the wall as my knees gave out. ‘Breathe. In for 5… Out for 10… Focus on the stability of the earth around you.’ I focused on this as Michelangelo and Rafael climbed into the tunnel. “Hey,” Mikey knelt down beside me. “Tim-Tam, you going to be okay?” It was petty, and he certainly sounded apologetic, but that doesn’t change the fact that-
“YOU OVERGROWN, SOFT-SHELLED, NITWIT!!” I screamed, launching myself at him as the residual adrenaline sparked a bout of short-lived fury. “WARN US NEXT TIME!!!” I landed a perfect punch on his chin before Raf managed to grab my shoulders and drag me off of him. “Easy,” Raf cautioned, keeping a firm grip on my shoulders as I tried to get my breathing under control again. After a minute or so, the rush faded and exhaustion began to set in, and Mikey was staring into the tank while Donnie and Leo discussed what to do from here. “Mikey,” I sighed, stumbling over to rest a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have blown up on you like that.” Mikey shook his head, frustrated. “No, you were right, I should’ve warned you guys before I did that. If you were warned…” I shook my head, social interactions weren’t my strong suit, especially when emotions came into play. “It was the fastest way to get down,” I shrugged, trying to cover my unease with indifference. “I probably would’ve freaked out even if you had warned me and if we had stayed on that pipe for too much longer, it may well have broken under our weight and then where would we be?” I looked down at my hands as Mikey thought it over, my claws were still extended, so I tucked them into my pockets. “You gonna be okay?” He inquired apprehensively. I thought it over for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, I think so.” I assured him, a bit surprised at the truth of it. I grinned, “Or, at least, I will be once I dry off. I really was not planning on playing extreme urban water sports today.” Mikey slowly smiled back, still a bit unsure, but maybe this wouldn’t loom over him so much now that we’ve talked it out, sorta.
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
a solo act is good, too.
a Humanverse general TMNT universe fic, mostly using 2012 versions and borrowing from IDW here and there. i’ve always headcanoned 2012 Mikey as an aro/ace, so on the free day of the lgbtmntweek i decided to finally write a fic up for the hc. 
(not @ them bc of a slight NSFW situation involved. nothing graphic,  it barely lasts more than five sentences.)
“So Mikey, when’d you and Angel start dating?”
Mikey, age nine and a half, hits pause on his current model building project to give a blank stare to his friend across the table. Mondo keeps staring back, expectant.
“What??” Mikey asks.
“Everyone’s saying you’re girlfriend and boyfriend!” Mondo exclaims. He shoves aside his own Lego to lean forwards, whispering fervently, “You know girls have cooties, right?”
“Uh, yeah? Duh,” Mikey says, then remembers that his cousin Karai and friend April will beat him up for saying that, and diverts the subject. “But we’re not dating! Angel just likes Bionicle, that’s all. She’s fun, and we live really close.”
“Girls don’t like Bionicle,” Mondo says. “My sister hates it. She’s gotta be faking it so you guys can date.”
Mikey feels confused. He thought they were just friends who liked the same toys and TV show. And Angel never said so, so they aren’t dating. “But we’re not-!”
“You totally are!”
“Are not!”
“Are too!”
“Boys, settle down,” A passing TA says, and both boys quiet down.
There’s a moment of silence, and Mondo whispers, “Totally dating.”
And Mikey sticks out his tongue, not listening to another word his friend says all through free time. He’ll just ask Angel later, when they walk home from school together.
“My friends were saying the same thing, actually,” Angel says later, when they’re weaving through the streets back to their shared neighborhood.
Mikey scrunches his nose. “What? Why?”
Angel shrugs, reaching up and twisting one of her long dark strands around her finger. “They said we hang out a lot, so we gotta be dating.”
“That’s dumb. Donnie and April hang out a lot and they’re not dating.”
“I said that too, but everyone else thinks they’re dating anyways.”
Mikey groans. “So dumb.”
Angel shrugs again. “It’s not super dumb. I think dating sounds kinda fun.”
“Ew, no.”
“What, you wouldn’t date me?”
“You’re my friend.”
“Friends don’t date, they do- friend stuff!”
“My big brother says that dating starts with friendship, though.”
Mikey thinks about that for a moment. “Really? People on TV just kiss a bunch, though.”
“Keno doesn’t kiss his girlfriend too much, they mostly just sit around and talk a lot,” Angel explains. “Or play music in his room, sometimes. So kinda what we do, but I guess big kid stuff instead.”
“So… are we dating, then?” Mikey asks tentatively.
Angel looks at him, contemplative as she examines Mikey’s baggy orange shirt, his cargo shorts, and wildly tangled brown hair. “Maybe? Do you wanna be dating?”
“Uh, we’d still do friend stuff, right?” Mikey doesn’t think kissing part sounds too bad. But only if it’s in little amounts.
“Well duh, we gotta finish Bionicle, right?”
“Oh totally.”
They keep walking for a minute, and Mikey remembers something that people who date are supposed to do. “I think we hold hands now.”
“Oh, right.”
Angel sticks out her hand, and Mikey takes it. They keep walking, go to his house where his brothers are already hanging around in, and they watch Bionicle season 2’s fifth episode together.
They end up kissing possibly three times over the course of the rest of the week, barely pecks on the lips, before Angel says they should probably break up.
“There’s no spark,” She says very seriously. “It’s not you, Mikey, it’s the spark.”
Mikey is hurt for about two seconds, and then shrugs. He’d only really been doing it because people said he’s supposed to. “Okay. You still wanna sleep over?”
It makes a lot more sense, around fourteen, why Angel hadn’t felt any spark for the brief relationship or Mikey. Mostly having to do with her dyeing her hair purple, getting a pink shaded button for her bag, and going steady with Alopex from her apartment building. Mikey isn’t really surprised- Karai had had the same kind of look Angel grew into at the exact same age, and his cousin had been dating girls since she figured out how to bleach her hair.
Mikey, by fourteen, has had exactly one relationship, three first kisses, and lacks motivation to seek out another situation to build those counts. He’s moved on from his Bioncle years- though he keeps some toys, for the sake of nostalgia- and dived headfirst into the Marvel comic’s universe.
The school library has an excellent selection, and at the beginning of his fourteenth year he meets a girl buried up to her ears in that section. Renet and Mikey hit it off immediately, swapping knowledge and recommendations and favorites and strong opinions about individual universes.
“Who’s your friend?” Leo asks after one evening, when Mikey had spent about an hour and a half debating heatedly on the phone. Guardians of the Galaxy verses the Avengers- who did more on the grand scale of things for the earth and its wellbeing? Mikey voted the Guardians, but Renet had fought back valiantly that ground troops frequently made more differences than long-range artillery support.
“Renet! She just moved here like, three weeks ago or something,” Mikey says, hanging up the phone. The debate would have to be continued at school, next lunchtime. He turns to his sixteen year old brother, grinning. “Can she come over for dinner sometime? You guys’ll love her, I swear.”
“Her?” Raph asks loudly from the living room. “Holy shit, did you finally get a girlfriend?”
Mikey frowns. “Uh. No? She’s just my comics buddy.”
“Who you’re inviting for dinner,” Leo says pointedly. “Who you just spent like, two whole hours talking to, instead of texting.”
“Hey Donnie, Mike’s finally got a crush on someone!” Raph hollers. Crashing follows and Donnie skids down the steps of their second story in all his fifteen year old lanky glory. He nearly wipes out on the pile of laundry by the steps.
“Did we get blackmail yet?” Donnie asks immediately, hardly taking the time to steady himself.
“Working on it,” Leo replies.
Mikey slaps his hands over his eyes, groaning. “Guyyys! Shut up! That’s not how this is! She’s just- really cool, okay? And knows about superhero shit!”
He hears his older brothers make disbelieving sounds, and Mikey ignores them all. Maybe he deserves a little teasing- he’d done so to all of them about their crushes- but it’s! Not! Like that!
And then the first school dance of the year rolls around, and Mikey is faced yet again by social pressure to be dating someone. He has limited options for a dance date: his cousin, who scares everyone and is probably too busy to come. His best friend, who has two dates already (Mikey doesn’t know how Mondo managed that or how he’s going to keep that a secret from both dates, but he promises his friend the funeral will be a nice one). His other best friend, but LH is twenty-something and would really scare everybody, even though he’s just a big softie who likes leather too much. None of those dates are acceptable, in hindsight.
Or there’s Renet.
Mikey wants to go to the dance, because dancing is great and he loves social events in general, so he agonizes a bit and finally asks Renet to go with him.
She turns bright pink when he does, and fumbles her hold on issue four of Wolverine and the X-men. “O-oh, Mikey. I didn’t know you, um, felt that way about me?”
Mikey rushes to abolish that idea. “No! I mean- I like you, but not like that! It’s just a stupid dance, okay? I just want to dress up nice and go dancing, I swear.”
Renet sighs in relief. “Okay, good. I’m not really supposed to date until I’m older anyways. I’m glad we don’t have to have such a totally uncomfortable convo.”
Mikey slumps in his chair, huffing. “You and me both. So will you?”
“Be your date?”
“Sure! I love dances, they’re totally bodacious,” Renet giggles, and Mikey grins in return. His friend’s outdated slang has to be one of his favorite things about her. He kind of wonders why isn’t crushing on her- Renet is curvy and cute and knows a ton about comics- but she’s just his friend.
Mikey puts that thought aside, and asks Renet what the hell a corsage is.
When the night rolls around, she shows up in a dress and hijab that’s color coordinated and he puts on actual dress pants for once. He wears his favorite flannel and a bowtie borrowed off Donnie- and grins and bears it as his father, brothers, and their friends all snap pictures of him and Renet.
“You two are so cute,” April comments, taking a picture as Mikey sticks his tongue out at her.
“I hate all of you,” He grouches, but smiles again so Renet’s parents will have good photos. At least he gets to have revenge, snatching up a camera and getting all the angles possible of Leo, Donnie, April, Casey, and Raph in their outfits. The five of them are going stag together- for reasons Mikey is Highly Suspicious of, regarding Donnie, Casey, April, and Leo in particular- and he’s only a little mad they didn’t tell him going stag was an option.
The dance itself goes great- good music, good mood, mediocre refreshments and minimal buzzkill from teachers supervising. Mikey sees and meets his family throughout the evening, throwing down on the dancefloor with Renet and their classmates. He sees Leo making his Nervous But Trying Not To Be face as he talks to a couple of his classmates, mostly towards one Asian guy with dyed white hair. Mikey also sees Raph drifting from the group with his friends and twin, towards the punch table and snacks, which leaves Donnie, Casey, and April shimmying in a circle and looking really awkward, and why can’t they just figure themselves out already, jeeze.
Mikey focuses mostly on twirling Renet around, and having fun with that. Mondo, who is soaked in punch from his dates dumping him and going off together, gives Mikey meaningful looks directed towards Renet.
Mikey ignores his friend and highly awkward family members, and just enjoys dancing with his comics buddy. Renet, at the end of the night, is flushed and grinning and Mikey really does wonder why he doesn’t feel the need to kiss her. She is awfully cute.
When the drop her off at home, all they say to each other is a reminder that comic swap is this Thursday and to remember to bring the ones they’d borrow from one another. And then Renet leaves, shutting the door and shutting Mikey inside a van with his stupid nosy family.
“So,” Leo says, and Mikey doesn’t have to look towards the driver seat to hear that grin.
“You two crazy kids kiss tonight?” Casey finishes, poking the back of Mikey’s head. Mikey swats the hand and tells them all to piss off. His family does not in fact piss off and pokes for juicy details for at least another few blocks.
There’s no ‘juicy details’ to tell, even after he and Renet meet up the rest of the week and keep meeting up. They swap comics and have debates and just hang out, still just friends and unchanged from the dance date. Mikey wonders on and off why he doesn’t have a crush on Renet- or anyone, really- but brushes it off in favor of the new Superior Ironman series coming out soon.
It stays that way, through years fifteen and sixteen- while Leo finally works up the courage to admit out loud he likes guys and ask Usagi out, Donnie and Casey and April keep making circles around each other and the elephant in the room, and Raph starts making eyes at a cadet in training he’s met at the gym. Even Renet starts going steady with a boy her family approves of, and she approves of even more so, and Mondo goes through about five more relationships, all ending in various states of chaotic mutuality.
Mikey watches his family and friends all be in love or at least interested in other people, and Mikey just keeps feeling more interested in his comics and skating.
“Maybe you’re gay, like me,” Angel suggests at one point, while they’re sitting at her kitchen table and cramming for a bio test.
“I dunno, maybe?” Mikey answers, and doesn’t feel against dating a guy, but feels about as enthused as he would dating a girl. Or anyone in between, honestly.
“You already tried girls, give some guys a shot. More for me.”
“You thinking of cheating on Alo?”
Angel flicks an eraser at Mikey. It lodges in his coils and he doesn’t even bother getting it out.
“Hell no, and if you say anything like that to her I’ll bust your kneecaps.”
Mikey actually gives it a shot, dating guys. Dating in general. Keno introduces Mikey to a delivery boy his age at a local pizzeria, and Woody’s not bad to hang out with. He’s got curly hair to Mikey’s coily, freckles except in red, and skates most weekends. And he likes comics, albeit indie ones, and they find a bit of common ground by breaking in each other for new fields of reading.
It goes great, chaste kisses and holding hands and having coffee dates to skate parks- up until Woody asks to take it a step further. And Mikey doesn’t… want to.
“Is it your first time or something?” His boyfriend asks, and Mikey nods. “Then we’ll… wait, I guess. Until you’re comfortable.”
“Thanks,” Mikey says, and tries to not feel guilty for not being ready right now. He knows for a fact Mondo lost his virginity ages ago, described in detail that Mikey had to make his friend shut up about, that Angel lost hers a while ago, told in much less detail, and that most of their classmates have. He also knows that his brothers had at least tried things at this point, and Mikey hasn’t.
He feels a little left behind and frustrated about it.
He tells his buddy, Linnorm Hirutarum, named after a dragon because his parents had been awesome, all about it as LH tends to the vegetable patch behind his tiny house. Mikey flops all over the grass by it, grumbling and sighing, and snitching lettuce when he pretends LH isn’t looking.
“If you are not ready, then you are not ready,” LH says sensibly in his usual growling tone. Which is default for him and basically his version of a warm-fuzzy tone anyways.
“But I should be!” Mikey exclaims. “Everyone else was. Is. Augh.”
“Have you talked about this with Woody?”
“I… I don’t want him thinking it’s about him. Because it’s not! It’s just stupid whatever stuff for me and I need to get over it.”
LH’s shadow falls over him, and Mikey waits for his huge friend to gently lower himself onto the grass. LH’s wide scars move with him as he does, displayed by a sleeveless shirt only in the safety of the hedge protected backyard. His hand comes down on Mikey’s veritable afro, and pats Mikey’s head as he keeps talking.
“I know people who have made rash decisions about these sorts of things,” LH says seriously. “If you are not ready, then do not force yourself to. Respect your own boundaries.”
Mikey sighs, but agrees to respect himself. It’s easy to agree in that moment, with only LH’s non-judgemental presence near him, but it’s harder when he’s with Woody again and trying to explain himself without being rude.
He gives it a try, the whole sex thing. LH said to respect his boundaries, but Mikey thinks he can do it if he just figures out how it goes. Everyone else likes it, so shouldn’t he?
They talk about it, set up a date, and Mikey gets ready to experience the… experience.
It ends up being an unexciting, uncomfortable half hour of sloppy kisses and bumping parts. Mikey tries his best, but can’t figure out why anyone works so hard to experience this.
When it’s all over, Mikey hasn’t felt anything remotely close to pleasure, and actually feels a little over touched. Woody is a bit flushed, breathing fast by Mikey’s ear, but doesn’t seem super pleased either.
“…you didn’t enjoy it, did you?” He asks.
Mikey covers his eyes, and sighs. “No. Sorry.”
“Yeah, I thought you didn’t. Sorry, Mikey.”
“It’s not your fault,” Mikey says, taking his arms away and staring at the ceiling of Woody’s room. “I’m pretty sure this one’s all on me.”
They sit in stiff silence for a moment, before Woody asks if Mikey wants to stay for dinner. Mikey declines as gracefully as he can, and goes home instead. Slogging upstairs and heading into the shower to wash off.
He’s pretty sure he shouldn’t feel so much better, alone in his bedroom and freshly cleaned of the lingering smell of body fluids. His brothers find him there later, in a bathrobe and watching the original Twin Peaks on his laptop, and they ask him why he washed so early.
Mikey debates for a moment, and decides they’ll find out somehow anyways. “I had sex.” He’s unsurprised to hear Leo choke on his own spit, and Raph and Donnie make twin sounds of shock and disbelief. “Yup. Popped the cherry but good. You guys can stop teasing me about it, now.”
Does he sound a little bitter? Mikey thinks he does. From the way his brothers hover awkwardly in the doorway, they heard the bitterness, too.
“…you okay, Mikey?” Leo asks, genuinely concerned.
Mikey shrugs. “I’m fine. It just went awful, that’s all.”
Raph pats Leo on the shoulder, simultaneous with Donnie, as they both silently nominate the eldest to deal with the situation. Leo shoots them both an abandoned look, but steps into Mikey’s room to come sit on his bed. Mikey doesn’t pause his video, using it as a distraction from his prickling shame.
Leo watches him for a moment, before asking, “You used protection, right?” and Mikey groans, covering his face.
“It wasn’t that kind of sex, okay?”
“Oh. Um. Good?”
“Smooth,” Raph comments from the doorway, audibly swatted at by Donnie.
“Anyways,” Leo recovers. “You were both… you talked about it beforehand, right? You both wanted it?”
“Yeah,” Mikey says miserably into his sleeve.
“…you know first times are always bad, right, Mikey? It takes- um- practice-”
“It wasn’t because of that, Leo. You can stop.”
“Thank you,” Leo says gratefully. Donnie and Raph snicker from the doorway. “So… what was it because?”
“I can’t believe this is a conversation we’re having.”
“If it’s somethin’ that kid did-”
“Raph we talked about that contingency already: only if Mikey says so-”
“It wasn’t Woody,” Mikey says, before death threats start getting thrown around. “It was me, okay? I made it suck.” He takes his arms off his face, shooting a look at all three of his siblings. “And before you say it- no it wasn’t just because it was my first time. It sucked ‘cause I suck and I couldn’t figure out how to enjoy sex, okay?”
A beat of silence, all three of his brothers staring at him, and then Leo breaks the lull.
“Mikey… you don’t ‘figure out’ how to enjoy sex. You just- enjoy it. It happens naturally.”
Mikey’s cheeks burn and he scowls. “Well apparently not with me.”
“Maybe you just haven’t met the right person yet?” Raph suggests. “I mean, you know me and how things go with that.”
Mikey shakes his head. “I kinda doubt it; I’ve tried to get crushes on like, ten different kids at school and nada. Zip.”
Donnie tilts his head, long hair following the movement. “Maybe when you’re older you’ll be more interested?”
Mikey sighs. “I don’t know. Maybe. I hope so. But it’s been like- never a thing, okay? I should’ve had feelings or whatever at some point, at least once, right?”
A collective “uhhhh” from his brothers and Mikey turns over into his pillow to suffocate himself. Leo pats his back comfortingly, saying Mikey should just give himself more time, keep an open mind to chances in the future- and Mikey makes a wordless complaining sound into his pillow for it.
He and Woody break it off a few weeks later. His friend tried, and Mikey recognizes that, but Woody needs a relationship that involves stuff Mikey just… can’t figure out how to give. He tries only two more times before they just call it quits. It’s not working, and trying to make it work is just frustrating for them both.
They keep being friends afterwards, and that’s actually better in the long run. It’s everything Mikey really wanted out of the relationship anyways, so he doesn’t feel like he’s lost anything.
He feels shitty for not being able to put out like he wanted to, though. And that drives him nuts for the rest of the year, until he’s seventeen and graduating finally, and gearing up to follow his siblings to local universities. Donnie graduated ages ago, but stayed local because of their family and he, April, and Casey’s really obvious secret relationship. Casey is in mechanics, and April in general sciences; Donnie is in both and more, because he’s insane. Leo is already a few years into his share of university courses, a hopeful nurse in the future, and Raph is neck deep in his art courses.
Mikey doesn’t know what he’s going to go for, and signs up for a random collection of electives to start with. Social sciences and psychology looks sort of fun, and so do dance courses. But those are months away, and before then is summer, family time, and June’s Pride Parade.
They’ve gone a couple times, when everyone has the day off from work or classes, and this year Mikey doesn’t have a shift at his outreach program scheduled on the parade’s date. So he, his family and friends, all end up watching the parade go by in a loosely connected group.
The standard drag queens, sponsor programs, and generally proud and loud folks roll by, music and cheer its usual levels of boisterousness. Mikey snags a couple plastic necklaces that are being given out, and just enjoys hanging out with his family. He waves to Angel and Alopex as they march by, part of the local lesbian representatives, watching the familiar pink and red flags flutter as they do, but pauses as the next group follows them.
It’s just a handful of people, walking with grey, white, purple, and black flags, mixed with ones very similar but instead of purple, they have green. There’s some polite clapping as they go past, and Mikey nudges Donnie beside him. “Hey, Donnie, what’re those flags for?”
“I… don’t actually know?” His phone is out within seconds, reflexes of a true technology addict. “Let’s see what our almighty lord and savior google has to say about it.” Mikey pushes close, reading as much as he can as Donnie flicks through the search faster than he can take it. “They’re- huh. They’re for ‘asexuality’ and... ‘aromantics’? I don’t even know what the second one is, and I’ve never heard about that first one being applied to anything other than asexual reproduction.”
“More explanation, please?” Mikey asks impatiently.
“It’s says- don’t push, I’m trying to scroll- it says it’s for individuals with little or no sexual drive, or little to no interest in romance. Actually that sounds contradictive, why are they listed together…”
Mikey’s eyebrows shoot up. “Really?”
“Well, that’s a gross oversimplification of everything here. There’s a spectrum for it, and apparently different categories? This is actually pretty interesting. I wonder why I’ve never read about it before.”
Mikey snags the phone from his brother, scrolling back to the top and rereading the first few paragraphs. He ignores Donnie’s grabby hands and keeps reading, feeling a twisty hopeful emotion build in his chest.
“Here,” He says, tossing the phone back at his brother. “hold my spot.” And he takes off at a jog to catch up with the parade members. They’re not too far ahead, and Mikey just has to avoid slipping on stray necklaces as he runs over to them.
“Hey- hey!” He shouts, catching up with the first person he can. The woman turns questioningly towards him, and Mikey blurts, “When did you- did you first know?”
She blinks at him, adjusting her hold on the big flag pole on her shoulder. “Excuse me?”
“That you’re asexual,” Mikey asks, heart tempo speeding up. “How’d you know?”
She stares at him a second longer, and then grins. “Around the time I had my first girlfriend, and I looked back at the times with my other partners and figured out I was always more interested in watching the movie than I was in making out.”
Mikey grins back. “Yo- same hat!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Totally! My ex always wanted to make out during Luke Cage and I was always like- dude no there’s good stuff happening. That’s. Wow.” Mikey feels a little breathless. “So that’s what it is? It’s not like- just a me thing?”
He barely hears the crowd around them, his focus tunneled around the conversation and the woman holding the flag. Mikey waits for a denial or an okay, a little scared while he’s so excited.
The woman smiles kindly. “No, that’s not just a you thing. We’re not a huge community, but there’s aces out there. Do you think you’re one of us?”
“I don’t know, I’m- I’m hoping so?” Mikey’s heart does a little twist. “I mean. My bro just pulled up the google explanation, and it sounds really, really. Um. Like me?”
The woman reaches up to the front of her jean jacket, and reaches into a pocket. When she pulls out her hand, she holds something out to Mikey.
“Look into it a little more, but if you think asexuality fits you- then welcome to the club, kid.”
Mikey takes the little button, grinning ear to ear. He thinks he’s shaking he’s so ecstatic. “Hey, would it be cool if I hugged you right now? I think you just solved like half my life problems.”
The woman laughs, and holds her arm out. It’s an awkward hug, because they’re both still walking and she’s carrying a flag, but Mikey appreciates it wholly.
When he comes back to his family, he’s got a new pin stuck to his shirt and an elated, hopeful feeling in his chest behind it.
“Hey guys, guess what?”
Turns out, not really feeling like dating people is fine all on its own.
So while Leo and Usagi go through the ups and downs of long-standing relationships, Donnie, Casey, and April all share their usual collective awkwardness and romantic overtures, Raph finally lands a date with the cadet Y’Gythgba he’s been following around for ages, and Karai and Shinigami disappear over the eastern horizon to share their seventh anniversary-
Mikey cracks a fresh pile of comics in his bedroom, turns up his music, and calls Renet on Skype to have a comparison hangout of their latest picks. He hangs out with Mondo and Woody around the skate park before that, and rolls by Angel’s place to say hi to his friend and her family on the way back. He pops in at LH’s place, trading half the casserole Angel’s mom gave to him for fresh veggies, chatting about his day so far and plans for a comic binge later. He sees his friends, does what he always does with them, and departs from them all one after another.
When he goes home, enjoying the summer heat all on his own and excited to video call his best girl who-is-his-friend and nothing more- he doesn’t feel even the slightest bit lonely as he walks. Like he always has.
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bleachanimefan1 · 5 years
Turtles Forever Part 51
The Big Brawl Part Two
The three brothers, Mona, Splinter, Venus and the Ultimate Ninja were down in the arena waiting for the tournament to begin.
"Warriors who seek to become Battle Nexus champion prepare yourselves!" The Daimyo announces and the crowd cheers.
"Hey guys, it is Traximus," "That gladiator from the Triceraton home worlds."
"Imagine Traximus being here," Mikey speaks. "This place just gets wilder and wilder."
"Where is Leonardo and Yuuki?" Splinter questions as he searches through the crowd. "The tournament will start soon."
"Do not worry Splinter sensei," The Ultimate Ninja reassures. "I'm sure they will be along any moment now."
Back in the Hall of Fame, Leonardo and Yuuki were still arguing.
"Yuuki, you're not acting like yourself." Leo tells her.
Yuuki scoffs. "I'm fine. You're just jealous, Leo." She said. "Just admit it that there's a guy actually better than you, not to mention handsome." She sighs with a dreamy look on her face.
"Yuuki," Leo said. "Give me that bracelet. Ever since you've been wearing it, you've been acting really strange. It's got to be one of the Ultimate Ninja's tricks." He reaches for her bracelet.
Yuuki slapped his hand away. "No!" She growls. "There you go accusing him again! Don't even think about taking it!"
"Will you listen to yourself!"
One of the assassins aims the crossbow at Leo.
It fires.
Leo quickly turns around and deflects it, sending the arrow flying into Yoshi's statue.
"Sorry, Master Yoshi," Leo apologies.
The assassin climbs down from the statue facing the two of them, the others reveal themselves as well. He lunges towards Leo to strike. Leo pushes Yuuki away, shoving her aside as the assassins blade came down between them. The assassin charges at Leo, swinging his sword at him. But Leo kicks the assassin away. Another assassin fires arrows at Leo and he rolls out of the way.
Leo sees Yuuki was just standing and watching. She had a spaced out look on her face, void of any emotion.
"Kill him..." A voice entered in her mind. Yuuki groans, holding her head.
"I could use a little help if you don't mind!" Leo calls out.
Leo blocks an assassin's blade with his hands then pushes him away.
Yuuki groans shaking her head. She pulls out her tessen and charges towards Leo to assist him. Yuuki throws her weapon. Seeing the tessen coming towards him, Leo quickly moves out of the way and her weapon hits an assassin.
The other assassin got up and threw ninja stars at Leo. Leo, dodges out of the way but an assassin kicks him from behind knocking him back towards a wall of weapons. As Leo stood up then got into a fighting stance, he noticed the assassins had vanished.
"Ok, where did everybody go?" Leo questioned as he reaches behind him to grab a spear off the wall, to defend himself.
"They disappeared?" Yuuki groans, holding her head in pain.
Leo bends down and picks up Yuuki's weapon. He looks over at Yuuki suspiciously. He walks over to her with his senses still on alert eyeing everywhere in the room for the intruders.
"You okay?" Leo asked, concerned.
"My head is throbbing." She groans.
"I need you to pull yourself together." Leo tells her. "We're not alone."
He hands Yuuki backs her tessen and she takes it, holding it in front of her.
Minutes ticked by and the room was deadly quiet. Leo and Yuuki searched around, looking for the intruders. Suddenly, a chain shot out and grabbed Yuuki's arm, pulling her away from Leo. Leo tried to reach out to grab her but an assassin came up from behind and kicks him.
Another assassin throws a chain and it wraps around Leo's wrist, pulling him towards two assassins. He twists himself and knocks one of them down and tries to attack the other , but he blocks it. When Leo pushes the assassin back, another assassin comes in and kicks the bottom half of Leo's spear out of Leo's hands, breaking it, then jumps at him.
Leo kicks him in the chest, knocking the assassin back while he fights against another one. The other assassin jumps back and kicks Leo back into the wall. Leo struggles to get up, now defenseless. Yuuki struggles against the assassin holding her, but couldn't break free as the chain was wrapped around her, tightly. Leo struggled to stand up. An assassin jumped onto a statue then aimed his crossbow at Leo, ready to finish him off.
A sword comes down and slices the crossbow, destroying it.
"You fight without honor, assassin!" a voice calls out.
Leo and Yuuki look to see a humanoid rabbit samurai standing above the statue, above the assassin. He jumps down and fights the assassin then turns his attention towards the other assassin holding Yuuki then jumps and kicks him down then slices the chain, freeing Yuuki.
The three assassins backed away from the samurai then climbed on the wall, and disappear. The rabbit samurai puts his sword away then walks over to Leo, helping him up.
"Are you alright, warrior?" The samurai asked.
"Thanks for saving our shells," Leo replied.
"You are welcome, kappa,"
"I am Leonardo and this is Yuuki. We are in your debt."
"I am Miyamoto Usagi, a Ronin and a competitor in the Battle Nexus Tournament. I was just passing by when I saw you two set upon by those dishonorable assassins."
"Lucky for us," Leo said.
"Luck has very little to do with it, it is about skill and control of your energies. Your mind and weapon must be as one or you will certainly perish."
"Ya I know, our sensei is always telling us the same thing. Any other advice?"
Usagi smiles then speaks. "Yes, duck."
Leo's and Yuuki's eyes widen and they do as their told and Usagi draws his weapon as he jumps over them. He blocks a ninja star that was aimed at the two. The assassins were back for another round. More ninja stars were thrown and Usagi charges at them while Leo grabs a shield on the wall to block the flying projectiles. Then he throws it at an assassin standing on the beams, knocking him down.
"Who are these guys?" Leo questioned.
Usagi fights against two of the assassins, with ease then knocks them down. Leo grabs a pair of wooden batons. The three fight against the assassins. Leo blocks one and was about to attack him, but he catches Leo's wrist and knocks him down. The assassin kicks him back into a display stand.
The assassin grabs a sword and walks over to Leo, standing over him, holding the sword above his head, ready to strike. Leo quickly grabbed whatever was in the display case and blocked the attack. He quickly disarmed the assassin and knocked him back.
As Leo stood up, he looks in shock to see that he was holding an helmet that looked exactly like the Shredder's. He tosses it away and walked over Usagi and Yuuki.
Usagi knocks two assassins down and they climb up the wall, retreating. "They are gone," Usagi said as he puts his weapon away. "Vanished."
"Again, we thank you for your help, samurai," Leo replied.
"Yes, thank you." Yuuki said, gratefully.
"Do not thank me yet warriors," Usagi answered. "Fate may pit one of us against each other in the tournament."
"I have to tell you Usagi-san, the way you fight, I'd rather not go up against you, if I can help it," Leo said.
Usagi laughs a bit. "The feeling is mutual."
The Gyoji appears with Leo swords in his hands. "Master Leonardo. Your swords have been repaired, I trust you find them worthy."
Leo smiles and he happily takes them from him and bows to the Gyoji. "Thank you," He said, gratefully.
"You three must hurry, the next stage of the Battle Nexus Tournament is about to begin."
The three of them left the hall. As they were walking, Leo glanced over at Yuuki, concerned.
They soon walk to the battle arena.
"Good luck, Leonardo-san, Yuuki-san," Usagi tells and bows.
"And to you, samurai," Leo answered and bows back. As they walked away from each other, Usagi walks past an rhino, with a broken horn, wearing a gi, eating something. He recognizes him and stops.
"Ah, Gennosuke," Usagi bows to the rhino. "I am surprised to see you here."
"Hmm, why is that?" The rhino asked in amusement.
Usagi places his hand on his head. "I did not think you went in for contests of honor."
"Honor?" Gen laughs. "No, I'm not in it for honor. I'm in it for the money. Just between you and me, I placed a huge wager on myself to win. I can let you in on the action if you want. It's a sweet deal, you could clean up."
Usagi smiles and shakes his head. "No, thank you, but good luck. Or should I say, good fortune with your wager. You will never change Gen-chan."
" Why would I? You cant change perfection. By the way, were's your little protege?"
Usagi looks around and sees that the white fox wasn't anywhere to be found. He frowns and shakes his head. She was probably off scamming people again. Then his vision went black as a pair of hands cover his eyes.
"Guess who?" A female voice teases.
"A pest," Usagi answered.
The hands pulls away from Usagi and he turns around to see the white fox, standing in front of him, smiling innocently.
Usagi frowns. "What's with the look?" The fox asked.
"Drop the act. And give whoever you conned out of their money back."
"Hey, I won this fair and square. I can't help it if they were suckers," The white fox replied.
"Alopex, now," Usagi said.
Alopex lips turned into a pout. "Fine," She said. "You're only acting this way because I did the same to you many years ago."
"You're lucky I didn't turn you over to the authorities," Usagi replied.
"Yo Leo, Yuuki, I thought you two weren't gonna show." Raph said as he sees the two.
"What took you?" Donnie asked.
"We got attacked." Leo explained.
"Attacked?" The Ultimate Ninja said, surprised. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, now that you're here." Yuuki smiles.
"I'll survive," Leo said, frowning, giving him an wary look then towards Yuuki, seeing her clinging a little too close to the Ultimate Ninja. Venus and Mona noticed how strange she was acting as well.
"This is terrible, I will look into the matter at once." The Ultimate Ninja replied. He turns to Yuuki and smiles then kisses her hand. Yuuki looked at him a little uncomfortable by it then back towards Leo. Leo glared at him.
"Until we meet again." The Ultimate Ninja walks away.
A horn sounds out, starting the tournament and everyone gathers in a circle.
"The time has come," Splinter speaks. "Be brave my children, and more importantly, be careful."
The Daimyo uses his staff to ring the gong next to him. "Let the contest begin!"
He raises his staff and it begins to glow brightly and sparks as he aims it to the arena. The spark hits the middle of the arena. The battle arena begins to lower before walls began to rise from the ground, separating everyone into two fighters.
Yuuki turned to see Mona, who cracked her hands and punched her hand with a fist.
"I don't suppose you can go easy on me would you?" Yuuki asked, nervously.
Mona charges at her and Yuuki screamed as a punch was thrown at her. She quickly moves out of the way.
Mikey turns to a tall man and laughs sheepishly. "Looks like it's just you and me."
"Warriors!" The Daimyo calls out. "First tier, begin!"
Mikey screams as his opponent charges at him. He jumps over the alien and lands, pulling out his nunchucks. Splinter was fighting against an alien wielding a mallet. When the alien charges at him, Splinter rolls out of the way and dodges. Raph circles with an alien that has rings in his hands. He clashes with the alien before he jumps away pulling out four rings. Venus was struggling with Alopex, as the fox quickly darted around her, knocking Venus back with a couple of blows.
Yuuki threw a punch at Mona and she quickly dodged out of the way. Mona charged at her and managed to land a punch right in the face, knocking her back. Yuuki fell on her knees. The bracelet began to glow. She clenched her fists tightly and bit her bottom lip.
You are holding yourself back, making yourself weak. You have the potential so use it. Let the anger flow.
Yuuki shakes her head of the thoughts. No, I promised Leo. I never want to be that person again.
He is the reason why you are weak.
She clenched her fists and growled in anger.
Yuuki looked up at Mona who was staring at her confused. She stood up and got into a fighting stance, glaring at Mona.
Yes. He is holding me back.
For a split second, Mona could've sworn she saw Yuuki's eyes glow red. Then, next thing she saw was a fist strike out and connected with her face, hard. Mona was knocked back and she tumbled on the floor. Mona sat up and hissed in pain as she rubbed her cheek.
Mona saw Yuuki leap into the air up and was about to deliver a kick but Mona quickly rolled out of the way in time before Yuuki slammed her foot in the ground.
Mona stared at her in shock.
Usagi was facing an large alien with arms for legs. He bows before clashing the the alien. Gennosuke was against an alien with a spiked gauntlet and a butterfly knife. Donnie blocks with his staff before he gets knocked back a bit. He growls and charges at the alien.
Leo was fighting with an alien that had horns attached to his hands. Leo jumps and kicks him down, winning the battle. Splinter kicks away the mallet. The alien growls and Splinter kicks the alien in the stomach repeatedly before the alien falls down. Traximus won his match as well. More aliens began to disappear, and Gennosuke wins his battle. Raph knocks out his opponent and raises his sai. "Say goodnight, ring boy," The alien disappears just as the final blow was delivered.
Usagi jumps and makes the final blow to his opponent.
"Hey, fuzzy, what do you say we call this a draw? And I'll spring for the other half of that hair cut," Mikey calls out and the alien charges at him. "Where's you sense of humor?" The alien kicks him back and tries to slice Mikey. But, he jumps over the alien and knocks him out with his nunchucks. Mikey smiles and blows kisses to the crowd.
Donnie was knocked down and he looks up to see the alien was about to strike him. "Aw shell," Donnie disappears. He opens his eyes to see that he was unharmed and looked around confused wandering where he was. "What happened?" He saw that he was in a resting area.
"You have been defeated in the great tournament," One of the attendants informed as he checks Donnie for any injuries.
"I don't believe it. I'm the first turtle eliminated? The guys won't ever let me live this down," Donnie said. Suddenly, Venus was teleported near him. "You too, huh?"
"That fox cheated! She was so fast! I couldn't keep up with her!"
"Well, nothing we can do about it now," Donnie replied.
Then the two of them see Mona appeared.
"Mona? You too?" Venus asked.
Mona frowned shooting a look at Venus, who immediately went silent. Then Venus noticed something, she saw a bruise was beginning to form on the lizard girl's cheek. She walked over to her and was about to heal it but Mona slapped her hand away.
"Please, let me heal it." Venus insisted. Mona looked at her for a minute then let the alien to her work.
"Who hit you this hard?" Venus asked. "They nearly knocked your tooth out."
Mona pointed at the arena and Venus looked to see that she was pointing at Yuuki.
"Are you sure?" Venus asked. "I think you might have an concussion from being hit too hard. There is no way Yuuki would do that to you."
Mona frowned at her. Venus continued her work until she was finished and Mona's cheek was clear.
"If what you say is true, then we'll need to keep an eye on her." Venus said.
Then a horn sounded off, the two of them rushed over to the edge, where Donnie was watching, to see that everyone has defeated their opponents.
"Champions," The Daimyo calls out. "I commend you on your victories thus far. And now, prepare yourselves, the next round, tier two!"
A water bubble rises from the ground and expands and engulfed everyone in the battle arena, causing them to disappear.
The Ultimate Ninja was watching from his water mirror. The assassins that attacked Leo, Usagi, and Yuuki, appear from the ceiling and dropped down to bow. "You have failed me. Leonardo is still alive and you have failed to capture my bride."
"Forgive us, young lord. We will not fail you again."
"Good," The Ultimate Ninja turns to them. "Because next time, the price for failure will be your lives! The task ahead is very grave. I can afford no further blunders. Prepare yourselves and your brothers. Now begone." They crawl away before jumping up onto the ceiling, disappearing.
"Perhaps the destruction of Leonardo is premature, my lord. Should you not first secure the throne?" A voice calls out. A robed person walks over to the Ultimate Ninja.
"You dare question me? Do not forget your place, councilor."
"Yes, my lord," The councilor bows to him.
"The bracelet you gave me doesn't work. Yuuki's still with Leonardo." The Ultimate Ninja growls.
"You know I only try to serve you. And as your councilor, I must advise patience. The girl's mind is weakening. Soon, you will be able to do with her as you please."
"More patience?" The Ultimate Ninja hits the water in anger, destroying the mirror causing it to fall back into the cauldron.
"I have suffered enough in the name of patience. I have bowed before them. I have begged for their forgiveness as my father wished. But now, my time has come. I will take the throne from my father and I will become the supreme Daimyo of the Battle Nexus, with Yuuki as my queen. And I will make the turtles, their mates, and their rat master pay for their insolence to me with their lives!"
"Tier two, begin!" The Daimyo calls out.
A spark lights the arena and the floor begins to sink as the walls are brought up, placing two contestants with each other. Leo was faced against Usagi, Yuuki was faced against Alopex, Mikey was faced against Splinter, and Raph was faced against Traximus. The Daimyo rings the gong and the fights begin.
One alien was knocked out and the crowd cheers. Mikey turns to Splinter nervously. "Um, Master Splinter, are you gonna kick my shell now?"
Splinter looks up at the audience. "Do you hear the crowd, my son?"
"Do I? It's been pretty cool fighting like this out in the open, having everybody love us for it."
"Yes, this year it is your competition, not mine." Splinter sits down. "When my children fight with honor, they honor their master."
The Gyoji appears between them and turns to Mikey. "You must deliver a finishing blow to end the match," He informs.
Mikey pulls out a nunchuck and walks up to the rat. "Master Splinter,I...I," He slowly brings down his weapon on Splinter's shoulder. "Thanks, sensei." Splinter disappears and was teleported next to the Daimyo.
"Ah, Splinter-san, I see the master of ninjitsu lost to the father in you."
"Yes, I suppose so. It is just that...if my children can win, I do not wish to stand in their way."
Raph spins his sais in his hands. "I'm kinda sad to have to be the one to knock you out of the tournament, Traximus."
"I think perhaps you're mistaken, Raphael. I feel sorry to have to be the one to knock YOU out of the tournament!" Traximus swings at him, but Raph jumps over and swings at him, but misses. Traximus punches him to the floor and Raph groans.
"Stay down, little one. Or you may get hurt."
Raph jumps back up. "Thanks for the advice, Trax, but you better take it for yourself."
"You should be proud to have raised such fine warriors and children," The Daimyo said to Splinter as they watched.
"Yes, I am proud." Splinter answered.
The Daimyo glances to the side, thinking about his own son. "If only fathers could make their children understand we're only trying to protect them, from their own inexperience."
Splinter sighs. "I know exactly what you mean, old friend. But tell me, there is something familiar about this samurai that Leonardo is fighting," He looks at Usagi.
"He should look very familiar to you. He is the same young samurai in training that came to your aid when Drako ambushed you some years ago. He is already a Ronin at such a tender age," An armored man approaches him from behind. "But his sword arm is skilled far beyond his years." The assistant hands him a note and leaves, letting the Daimyo read it.
"Excuse me, I must attend to a small matter. When you join me later when this bout is over?"
"It would be my honor, Daimyo," Splinter said, bowing.
Then he glanced over at Yuuki watching her fight Alopex. He frowned in concern. He noticed that there was something off by the way Yuuki was fighting. She was more aggressive.
He did not like this. Something is very wrong here.
Three more aliens were knocked out. Traximus lunges at Raph, but he jumps back. "You're gonna have to be quicker than that, dino boy." Traximus lands a hit on Raph, knocking him to the wall. Raph growls and charges at him, ducking a hit. He is knocked back again, but throws his sai. The sai deflects off the Triceraton's armor. Raph jumps up and knocks Traximus down and lands on his shell. Traximus gets Raph in a headlock.
"You have been a worthy opponent, Raphael. This is a battle I won't soon forget."
"Yeah, I guarantee you won't," Raph throws him to the floor and jumps to deliver the finishing blow. Traximus disappears and the crowd cheers.
Donnie, Venus, and Mona watched the matches until Yuuki appeared appeared.
"I can't believe I lost!" Yuuki shouted.
"Welcome to the club," Donnie said.
The Ultimate Ninja watches the match between Leo and Usagi from above. "My lord, I must advise against this rash course of action," His councilor said as he approached him.
"Your counsel has been heard and overruled. Now keep silent, I command it."
The councilor's eyes glow green. "Yes, my Daimyo."
"And so, it is time for Leonardo to suffer for his past effrontery," The Ultimate Ninja lifts his mask and blows into a blow dart. A dart shoots out and hits Leo on the back of his neck.
"Usagi, I...I" Leo struggles as he tries to walk over the the samurai. The world was spinning wildly around him. Leo felt his heart began to beat faster as he struggled to breathe. His vision went dark and the leader collapsed near Usagi's feet. Usagi watched in horror and confusion as the turtle fell in front of him.
"Leo?!" Donnie called out. He and Venus watched in shock.
Mona glanced over at Yuuki, noticing that she was quiet. Her eyes widen when she saw her smirk.
"Leonardo, no!" Splinter calls out and the audience gasps.
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 3 years
The Forgotten - Part Two
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Looks like Tumblr ate Part two of this story. 
Unannounced Visit
Whole story
The sound of zipper unhinging was deafening. Each tooth that clicked opened was a step closer to their goal, to end this war and remove Bishops control from the masses. Aurora felt April edge a little closer running her fingers along hers for mutual support. The anticipation was killing them, and the two women were pretty sure Casey was takin his sweet time to show them what they had found. Melodramatic jerk.
With the bag finally open, Casey locked eyes with the two women swallowing hard, his eyes were bright with hope and his lips spread wide in a playful grin. He pushed up his sleeve and lowered his hand into the satchel.
Aurora could hear the slick squelch as her friend’s fingers wrapped around the apparently wet object and then the coppery scent of blood filtered into her senses. Her eyes trained in the opening and the kunoichi’s eyes widened at the first sight of crimson mangled flesh.
A severed arm rose into view and a few of the lower ranking man gurgled their disgust stepping back. But Aurora and April had seen this carnage up close before so unfazed they closed in eager to see why he had brought back a bloody limb.
“Casey why did you bring that back to the compound? Are you planning on smacking some bitches? Cause you know I’m always up for smackin’ some bitches.”
The long-haired hockey player shot Aurora an annoyed look and pointed the stiff fingers of his new toy at the blonde. “Come here sunshine and let me test the first slap out on you.”
“Hard pass Cas, haaard fucking pass. You ain’t touching me with that fuckin thing.”
“Ok you two that’s enough.” April huffed in frustration pinching the bridge of her nose. “Casey an explanation would be good right about now.”
“How about a demonstration?” Casey turned to one of the men who had followed him into the war room. “Ling, go get me a glass container with an airtight lid.”
As the man nodded and disappeared out into the halls with his task Casey adjusted the dead limb in his hands and began to look it over. Aurora was about to give him more shit, but his eyes lit up and his hand clamped down around the circumference of the arm just a few inches from the wrist. In his excitement Casey turned the arm and that’s when Aurora saw the movement under the graying tissue just before Casey’s hand and the oozing end of the arm. It was subtle but she was able to pick up on it.
“We weren’t able to locate Bishop’s main headquarters with those coordinates we got. That’s why it took us so long. Hell, we weren’t even planning on coming back yet, I had a few more leads I wanted to check up on. Suddenly we were found and attacked, after the fun was done Evans found this little guy near some much needed ammunition. As he was bending down to retrieve it he saw the skin fuckin move. Screamed like a little girl.”
“You’d freak out too seeing movement in an arm no longer attached to a body. No one is expecting that….no one.” The handsome blonde intercepted Jones’s jab from the back of the room.
Aurora watched Casey’s new right-hand man Evans come up behind him punching her friend in the arm. His blue eyes found hers and nodded with a smile which Aurora reciprocated.
Just then the door swung open interrupting Casey’s story and the man Casey had sent out for a jar came back with his request. Casey hurried him forward and held the severed section over the open container. “Watch this.” His finger moved forward, and the unidentified object squirmed behind the pressure and began to move. To everyone’s horror as it neared the open flesh two tiny tentacles the size of strands of hair emerged through the dead tissue into the air wiggling and searching. After a few seconds the metal feelers retracted and tried to burrow back into the limb but found Casey’s hand blocking its way.
Casey used his hand like a squeegee and urged the thing forward again and with a sloppy wet sound the thing along with blood and dead tissue slipped from the opening and dropped into the open jar with a clink. The lid was quickly secured over the jar locking the thing inside.
Aurora and April closed in eyeing the now six flailing arms moving about in its glass prison carrying around an equally small round body.  It slinked around the mess inside, the tips of its arms moving it around like it was looking for something. Casey gave the jar a few gentle shakes sending the tiny metal object clinking around inside the container. “Creepy little fucker isn’t it?”
After the jostling stopped the object gave up and the arms retracted back into its body and stopped moving seemingly going dormant.  
Aurora cautiously took the glass from Casey and lifted it to eye level swirling its inactive contents around a bit, “It was like it was searching for something…like..”
“Flesh.” Casey finished her sentence for her. “These are the things that are controlling them. They are constantly moving to avoid detection, but we need to know how they are controlling it’s hosts without attaching to the brain stem. This needs to get to R & D right away. If we can figure out how to turn them off or make them exit the body we can get them all back……..we can get them back.”
The last part of that statement was directed to April and Aurora no doubt an innuendo to the three brothers still alive. Aurora felt her heart clench at the thought and handed the jar back to the lieutenant who had fetched it. “R & D now, this is priority.” The man nodded and took off without a word. “Without Donnie it could take a while but it’s a start……there’s hope again.”
April moved around Casey to grip her friend’s shoulders, “We’ll get them back, we have too.”
“We have to.” Aurora repeated pulling April into a tight hug.
“Aww I want in on this!” Casey whined lunging for the two women with two open arms.
“Don’t you touch me with that hand Jones!” April squealed quickly separating from Aurora to avoid the bloody mess on her husband’s hand. Casey began laughing manically chasing after April until they both exiting the war room in a giggling fit leaving the rest of the occupancy smiling and lighthearted.
Aurora had no idea what she would have done if she didn’t have April and Casey through this god damn shit storm. Loosing Donnie was hard enough but to lose the final three left Aurora inconsolable. She barely slept the first few months with uncharacteristic moods swings. She hated to think what foolish things she would have done if they hadn’t been there to talk her through her manic episodes. Those were dark times indeed and she thanked the gods for their love and friendship and the distraction of the resistance to keep her busy.
As the room emptied Aurora found herself yearning for some fresh air and gathered a few supplies to head out into the night.
Perched in her favorite spot above Time Square Aurora dangled her feet over the rooftop watching the mindless New York inhabitance trudge home after a long day’s work. It was nearly time for all good little boys and girls to be shut up in their homes. There had been a 9pm curfew placed over the United States to keep ‘the peace’ but it was mostly for the resistance. The mindless sheep did what was told of them never questioning the authority that held them captive. So, it was an easy way to spot someone who hadn’t been reprogramed yet. Disobedience meant free will.
With a heavy sigh Aurora uncapped her thermos and poured herself a steaming cup tea and drifted into a warm memory that transpired on that very rooftop. A memory that warmed more than her soul.
“Come on Rora, you look a little cold. Let us warm ya up.” Raphael’s rough voice drifted through her subconscious. His sounds always seemed to heat her up even when he wasn’t trying. That man had a knack for getting her motor running for the simplest things.
It was a chilly evening that night and Raphael and Michelangelo had followed her out onto the rooftops for a quick run and a breath of fresh air before bed. She was enjoying the hustle and bustle of the evening below when two large green hands encircled her waist and two warm lips mouthed her shoulder.  Raphael’s tongue wormed around on the exposed skin of her shoulder before his teeth sunk down into the muscle. Aurora moaned at the pressure and Raph groaned in kind gently pulling her from the ledge. As she was removed from her precarious roost Mikey came into view with a mischievous look spread across his handsome face.
“Looks like you could cut glass with those things.” Mikey growled palming her breasts with his large hands. “Here let me warm them up for you.” The youngest bent down and opened his wide mouth over her clothed right breast sucking at the fabric and mound hidden beneath. The heat from his mouth and saliva spread across her sweater making a different kind of heat bloom between her clenching thighs.
She arched at the mouth at her front and leaned back into the mouth at her back sucking in labored breaths, “You two are incorrigible….hmmhh. We’re too exposed to do-uh—this up here.”
Raphael growled into her neck and rocked his hips forward, “We’re fine, no one is looking to the rooftops for crime. Besides, it’s your fault we’re cold, you should help us get warm. I know of a few places on ya that a part of me could get really hot.”  
“You tw-woo followed me out here and it’s not that cold you big babies.”
Mikey’s wondering hands slipped up her shirt and under her bra to grab hold of the breast he wasn’t latched onto. He moaned happily rolling the brown peak between his fingers getting another moan from their quarry.
Within a few moments and no resistance Aurora found herself naked straddling Mikey while he lowered the mewling kunoichi onto his thick pulsating cock. Every inch that slipped up into her seizing walls stretched her open. His mouth ran over her throat leaving wets trails behind chilling her bare flesh. Mikey hissed with each thrust of his hips burying himself deeper into her heat.
“Mik…uh..ey Jesus Christ. Fuck…” Mikey wasn’t the biggest of the four brothers, but he had a nice curve to his shaft which allowed him to nestle that spot at the roof of her cunt ever so nicely.
With the overwhelming sensation of being stuffed full of Michelangelo Aurora almost forgot about the impatient brute behind her waiting for his turn to ‘get warm’. As Aurora was finally fully seated on Mikey cock Raphael rumbled behind them palming her cheeks spreading them with two keen thumbs.
As his thumb inched inwards Aurora was lucid enough to remember she always came prepared. “My b-bag Raph..ohh…Mike…..”
One massive mitt left her backside and rummaged through her bag lying at their feet. When the large mutant chuckled, she knew he had found when they needed. The snap of a cap and the wet sound of lube being expelled filled her ears making her hips rock making the younger turtle groan and press up into her heat. Then she felt the pad of Raphael’s moistened finger press against the tight ring of muscle and slip inside.
Aurora whimpered at the slight discomfort but quickly adjusted to the intrusion and rocked back onto the large digit allowing it further into her body.
“Easy little ninja. I don’t wanna hurt ya.” Raph cooed against the shell of her ear as he sunk his lubed finger deeper.
“Raph you gotta hurry bro. “Mikey pained voice cut through the night. “I need to move. I’m dying….h-here…”
“Nah, I think I’m gonna take this slow. There’s nothing sexier than Aurora beggin for my dick.” His finger began to move with a sweet rhythm in and out stretching and prepping the hot passage. The brute hoped the kunoichi was just as impatient as he was, there was no way he would last long. Just the pull her body on his finger alone was making him painfully hard. Raphael leaned down again pushing her head to the side to gain access her Aurora’s throat. Up and down his mouth worked across her pulse point leaving red marks from his teeth marking her.
Aurora could already feel the heat and pressure coil in her abdomen and Raphael wasn’t even inside her and Mikey stationary. She was panting now with slow little moans rolling off her tongue as Raphael’s large finger started to move faster working deeper and deeper. Her whole body began to vibrate with need making the impulse to fuck herself on Michelangelo’s sheath cock become excruciating. She needed her release, it was starting to hurt from the pressure building in her belly.
“Raph please..ugh…fu….”
“What was that Rora?”
“Please I need it, I need you, I need both of you to fu..u…cking finish what you started.” Aurora growled out her sexual frustration clenching around Mikey’s embedded cock and Raph’s finger.
Raphael grunted at the tightening muscles around his finger and snapped his teeth on her neck while pulling his finger free. “You want my cock?” he hissed into her trapped flesh as his hand coated his aching cock liberally with lube.
The lewd sounds of him lubing his shaft for entry made Aurora’s core throb and clench to the point of pain. Grabbing a hold of Mikey shoulders, she lifted her body up dragging the tip of Mikey length across the roof of her dripping canal. It eased the ache for a second but Mikey’s hands tightened on her hips at the friction rolling his hips up sheathing himself again.
“Baby girl.” Mikey hissed pulling her down, so the tip of his cock pressed against the opening of her cervix. “Always so fucking tight.”    
Raphael bit down harder on the meat of her shoulder to exert his dominance and hold her in place while he lined up with his reward. Grabbing the base of his shaft the brute ran the helm of himself over the puckered entrance smearing both his pre-come and lube across the prepped hole. He pressed forward just slightly to tease her barely breaking the barrier. Her body was shaking, and he knew it was time to give her and them the relief they needed.
Aurora’s lips parted as the large head slipped past the first ring and sunk in with no resistance. His hands moved to Aurora’s hips and pushed forward gliding into the tight heat until the large terrapin bottomed out with a grunt. With all of his restraint Raphael stilled unwilling to hurt her as Aurora got used to the massive intrusion. He could already hear her taking in large uneven breaths; he didn’t want her to pass out from being over stimulated. The first time it happened scared all of them to death.
Slowly Aurora felt her body relax excepting the feeling of being stuffed to the brim with two enormous mutant cocks. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes as Aurora moaned feeling the front of Raph’s plastron press against her backside indicating he was given her every inch of him. “Mmmm Raph…Mike so fucking big…. So fucking good.” She had been with them like this before, so the pain was barely noticeable anymore at the first penetration it was just the overpowering feeling of being possessed by these enormous mutants. The high of being theirs never seemed to fade and always heightened when they were intimate. Fuck it felt like they were in her stomach.
The first tentative thrust from Raphael brought Aurora out of her euphoric daze and back to reality. This time Mikey followed suit snapping up into her body and the combined inner stimulation was an eruption of blissful ecstasy. The air in her lungs caught and she gripped the rim of Mikey’s shell as they both began to fuck her in tandem. Each one moved at a different pace and buried deep at different times, she felt like laughing and crying at the same time.
Each drive of their hips sent the momentum up and into her body making her practically slam back down on their cocks each time gravity brought her back down to earth. She had to hold onto Mike to ground herself otherwise she felt she’d float away. Even through the haze of her turtle induced heaven she could feel them around her, touching her, holding her, making sure she was enjoying the experience, attentive, safe. They poured themselves into the act making it seem there was only one soul not three. Never, she would never tire of them, all of them. She would die without them, existence without its meaning.
Every cell in her body was set a light, throbbing and screaming as the crest of her climax bloomed quickly. It raced from her toes filling her blood with fire coursing up into her belly boiling over.  
Mikey gripped her chin pulling her face down to his so he could kiss her, a breath stealing kiss that made the world stop turning. Then Raphael nuzzled her neck puffing out heavy warm air against her heated skin and he whimpered three words that sent her toppling over her earth-shattering peak. Three words she loved to hear from each and every one of them. Three words that broke the damn and sent her spiraling out of control and up and over the crest of her orgasm.
“I love you.”
Aurora’s body seized as the climax that had been building snapped with such intensity she blacked out for a few seconds. Both mutants rumbled deep in their chest as Aurora clamped down on their frantic lengths sending them both into oblivion.  
Their roars of climax echoed across the rooftops making a few lights flicker on in the distance.
She could feel them both as they expanded inside of her and set forth the tidal wave of thick warm semen coating her insides with each pulse. The heat, the rush of sweet heat of their orgasms flooded Aurora’s body until it spilled out around them and onto the ground below. Raphael and Michelangelo’s hips staggered to uneven drives until they poured ever ounce with their release into her body affectively marketing her on the inside.
Still hazy from her release Aurora became aware of Mikey peppering her lips with kisses repeating those three words over and over. His breathing was erratic, and his chest heaved gasping for much needed oxygen. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you.” Raphael repeated, both still unwilling to uncouple from her body.
“I love you both so much.” Aurora cried grasping wildly at the two mutants.
The tepid splash of tears made Aurora jump; hot thick tears cascading down her cheeks hitting her hands and spilling into her mug of cooling tea.  That daydream took her deep. She was back on the rooftop, alone and cold yet again. What she wouldn’t give to really have them here again.
Slowing her breathing back to normal Aurora wiped the moister from her face and took a long pull of her tea.
Aurora turned her body looking at the unit they had been perched on so close together. It was so long ago, but yet so vivid in her memory. Her body was still hot from the daydream and she didn’t want the feeling to go away just yet. Damn, she needed to get a hold of herself. These types of moments could leave her vulnerable, she had lost herself in it and that was dangerous. Out in the open after curfew, she was asking to be picked up and infested with those little metal demons.
She wondered if she was taken would Bishop post her with them? Would he reunite her with the three brothers? She was just as useful.
Suddenly movement from a few roofs over made Aurora disappear into the shadows. Her hand dipped into her hip satchel and pulled forth the night goggles Donnie had made for her. She had to wait a few moments, but the large body hurtled itself from one rooftop to another concealing itself into the darkness as it landed.
She saw the massive body for only a few seconds but there was no mistaking the shape and size. It was of the mutant turtle variety, too bulky to be Leo but too tall for Mikey that left her brute. His name slipped past her lips in an unsteady whisper. “Raphael.” It had been six months since their last appearance, since they had done enough damage to confine her to the infirmary for two weeks.  
Her hand hovered over the earpiece contemplating calling Casey, he would want to know what was going on, but he had just gotten home, and April had missed him terribly. It would be rude to interrupt their alone time.
She would handle this on her own, it was only one of them and she wouldn’t make contact. Just observe, see what he was up too. Closing up her thermo Aurora left it on the roof top to retrieve later and headed towards Raphael keeping to the shadows.
It didn’t take her long to catch up to the cumbersome terrapin keeping to the opposite side of the building to conceal her presence. With her line of sight she could see him slip from the shadows and lean over the side of the building peering down at something below.
Slowly and without a sound the kunoichi moved across the rooftop until she was sitting above the unsuspecting turtle on an overhang.
He was surveying the street below, paying very close attention to every face that passed by. He was looking for someone…but whom and why was he alone?
True to Raphael’s nature after about an hour he got impatient and backed up launching himself to another rooftop for further recognizance.  He did this several times throughout the night getting more and more agitated as the night wore on. Aurora would stay close watching her brute carefully rememorizing every line of his body.
Three years was a long time to not be able to admire one of your lover’s bodies. There would be nights where she would lie in bed just to watch them sleep. Watch the plates of their plastrons rise and fall with the even breathing of their slumber. Gently touch their scaled skin and enjoy the soft sounds they would make at the soothing contact. Now she had one right in front of her, within reach but still so very far away.
Even though most of his lustrous green skin was covered by black fabric and some sort of hard alloy armor Aurora could still admire the muscles flex and shift below its covering. It was such a shame, their bodies were amazing, god like if you will and to cover such a work of art with clothing was cruel. It was one of the reasons she disliked winter, in the brutal frigid months the turtles would put on clothes to help retain their heat. She’d pout and shuffle her hands under their clothes making them chuckle with amusement.  
After a while the red banded behemoth began fidgeting with his sai, balancing the tip of the forked blade on his finger and lodging it into the rooftop for target practice.
She had been with Raphael several hours when the wind began to pick up, a storm was rolling in. The breeze whipped around the trash left behind by vagabonds giving the brute new moving targets. Then the breeze changed directions. Aurora watched as the wind flipped through her blonde locks and travel from her hiding spot to ruffle the tails of Raphael’s mask.
All at once his sai stopped moving and his nostrils flared scenting the air. The hard line set on his lips loosened widening until she saw the whites of his teeth. She had been made.
“There you are.” He cooed darkly getting to his massive feet slowly. Holstering his weapon the terrapin turned to the darkness of the rooftop staring at nothing. He knew she was there but had yet to locate her. “I’ve been looking for you blondie but it looks like you found me first.” Taking a few steps Raphael scented the air once again but was unable to catch her smell. “That’s not an easy feet either, no one has been able to sneak up on my brothers and I.”
Aurora remained silent as Raphael began strolling around the rooftop in search for his prey. She kept a safe distance at all times making sure not to lose sight of the turtle, he didn’t know where she was at the moment but her luck was sure to run out if she wasn’t diligent.
He had been looking for her this whole time, how long had he been looking for her? Longer than today’s search, days, weeks, months? And so close to home base too. That was an unsettling thought. If this became physical she needed to lead him away. The safety of their home was priority.
“You know you did a number on Fearless when we first met ya? Kept telling Mike and I how you smelt familiar. Couldn’t sleep for a few days after that, no amount of meditation could bring him peace. Even tried finding you a few times but let’s be honest we had no idea where to even start lookin’. He still talks about ya but it’s become less frequent now. I finally figured I needed to see what he was talking about. I mean I got a small taste but Leo got a face full of that blonde hair of yours. I wanna see what the hubbub is all about.  Maybe sample the goods.”
With each break in words Raph would stop walking and listen, turning his head to observe the silence trying to find notion of her whereabouts. She gave him no clue, not yet at least. But it was intriguing to know she had affected Leo to some extent and peeked Raph’s enough for him to become successful in narrowing down her location.
“Why don’t you come out?” He continued, his voice dropping an active taking a seductive tone. But she wasn’t naive, as much as she loved that god damn voice he used to seduce her in the past, this Raphael had no intention on being a good turtle. Deceit was his game and Aurora wasn’t going to play.
Raphael started to get more aggravated as he continued to search for her. “Come on beautiful, come say hi to Raphie.”
Just then her luck ran out, another gust of wind brew past Aurora directing her scent right to the brute’s beak.
As soon as his face turned to her position she moved and with the inhuman speed they all possessed it didn’t take long for the brute to catch up. The only silver lining was he wasn’t trying to be quite so the heavy footfalls that came from behind were the warning she needed to avoid his giant mitts.
When he swung for her Aurora turned abruptly and swung up on top of an abandoned water tower evading his clutches. Thankfully and unlike Raph he didn’t follow but kept his eyes on her.
“Hello my love, why don’t you come down here for a kiss?” those honeyed eyes sparkled and those lips turned into that wicked smile that drove her mad. He moved closer to the tower and slowly began to climb the rotting wood braces as if he didn’t want to spook her.
Her hand rested on the hilt of a katana at her hip as she moved across the top of the tower away from the ascending terrapin, “Tempting Raphael, so very tempting but I think distance is the best for you and I right now….a lot of distance.”
His eyes abruptly grew sad as he reached the top quicker then she anticipated, “I thought you loved me? Don’t’ you want me to hold you? Kiss you? Love you?” He took a step closer and the sorrowful look darkened, those honey eyes swirling with a new emotion, one she hadn’t seen in years…lust. “Or maybe you want something else? Something no human could give you….” His three fingered hand lowered to the now apparent bulge forming under his pants. The palm of his hand rubbed from base to tip rumbling at the friction of his actions. “It’s weird ya know.” He husked gripping the hardening appendage firmly over his clothing. “We’ve had more women then I can count throwin themselves at us. Trying to get us into bed but none, not a fuckin one stirred anything in any of us. Even Mike who tugs it at least once a day had no interest. But the moment your violet eyes and blonde hair came around you’re all we can think about. I didn’t tell fearless about my fascination cause I didn’t want him to lose focus on our mission more then he already has. And Mike has only told me about his dreams, that kinky little fucker. You’ve become a bit of a big deal for us. Fuck, I’ve had so many dreams about fuckin ya raw. Balls deep marking you in so many god damn ways I’d lose count.” She could see him panting now. He was losing a bit of himself in this. “Leo hasn’t told me but I know he’s been dreamin too. Mr. Always in Control of My Body has woken up with morning wood so many times in these past six months.”  
Aurora tried so fucking hard not to watch him palm himself, the memory she had relived a few hours ago only made her arousal bloom faster. She didn’t know what to do with this information. Swallowing the nonexistent saliva in her mouth the kunoichi tried to regulate her breathing and the heat pooling between her thighs. She needed to get herself under control, this was dangerous, he was dangerous.
As her feet came to the end of the old barrel Aurora took a deep breath and leaned back doing a backward swam dive off the water tower. She tucked and rolled, hitting the rooftop coming to her feet in one solid move. She turned to run she needed the space and the time to collect her thoughts but Raphael followed right behind her colliding with solid ground right in front of her.
“Nuh uh beautiful.” He rose to his full height looming over Aurora backing his prey up until her backside hit the side of a small maintenance shed. One hand hit the side of the shed next to her head and the other returned to its previous task. But this time his hand sank below the barrier going straight for the engorged length.
His scent hit her now, heady and thick dulling her senses. She was in trouble; she should have called Casey for back up. Fight, run, get away but her body refused to move. Her traitorous body would surely be the end of her.
Raphael leaned down pushing her head to the side to gain access to the slender column of her throat nuzzling through the blonde locks of her hair. His hot breath cascaded over the heated flesh causing a rush of Goosebumps to erupt across her skin.
Then she heard him take in a long pull of her scent and the sound that came from the depths of his chest nearly made her knees give out. The sound sent vibrations through the air and into her chest rocketing straight down to her dripping core. Fuck this was so wrong; she needed to get out of here but her body screamed for him. She wanted to drink his scent in, to taste him again. It was taking all of her self control not to reach out for him but this wasn’t her Raphael. It was in body but not in sprit.
“You do smell familiar.” He rumbled deep and low. “You smell like home, you smell like you’re mine.”
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