#his was... actual fun to list
goldenpinof · 4 months
this is terrifying
Dan reciting "My humps" on February 15, 2018 and February 16, 2024.
February 15, 2018 is the "press the button" video. the same game was recently played in a video they uploaded on January 24, 2024. February 16, 2024 is the WikiHow video. their first WikiHow video was uploaded on January 31, 2018.
dnp's universe is fucked up. we're literally reliving 2018.
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harbingersecho · 2 months
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grif's surgery but just a little more... obvious?
I actually rly rly ADORE frankengrif but I don't have an in-show reason why he'd have extensive long-term allogeneic skingrafts on his face 😔
#rvb#red vs blue#dexter grif#grif#*24#mine#art#cw wounds#Look I love biology stuff like this so I like researching what would be at least semi-plausible even if it's just for a dumb halo show that#makes 0 sense where CPR cures a headshot but i cant help it!!! and like the 'lazy' reason for it would be sarge is just crazy like that but#its not a good reason imo. and like the things he lists needing replacement are mostly internal and body parts which makes sense#considering how grif got injured by sheila like I could 100% see that rupturing organs and crushing his hand and there being burns etc#but like nothing points to grif needing any surgery above the neck and i dont think anyone mentions his face being different? i could#make up injuries for him but nothing in the show actually supports that he'd need grafts for anything but his body..#I'm SOO ready to be convinced otherwise btw like I said I want an obvious frankengrif to be true so bad !!#AGH would it be too insane of me to make like a surgery/injury overview thing for grif just so i can convince myself abt this idea...#i can bend to some fun stuff tho im not a total joykill u know! thats why i give his body the mismatched donor skin look despite allogeneic#grafts not being permanent w/ current tech. like it really doesn't matter if it's realistic or whatever but also Yes It Does.#and like during/after chorus would grey offer to 'fix' it? i imagine the feds could mesh a skin so they could use grif's own skin..#or like during rats nest when they got reassigned?
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
on this episode of "amazing DE moments you may have missed" here's savoir faire getting into the shipping container
SAVOIR FAIRE - Step aside, rank and file, Savvy's at the top of the VIP list here. That's right -- out of the way!
[Fc] *11.RHETORIC - Whoa! Watch it!
[Fc] *60.PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT - How'd he get in front? Little slimeball...
[Fc] *129.SAVOIR FAIRE - Thank you, thank you. Now, are you ready? It's time to *make our entrance*.
[Fc] *31.YOU - "Khm-khm..." (Clear your throat, knock on the door.) "Hi, it's Savvy here, Savvy with two v's, I'm on the list. The guest list."
[Fc] *81.CARGO CONTAINER DOOR - At first your knock rings hollow on the door -- and then...
[Og] *57.CARGO CONTAINER DOOR - Just like that, you hear a click. Then a rattle. Some mechanism unlocks itself inside the door.
[Og] *61.MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY - From deep within the container, a voice: "Ahoy! Come on in!"
[Og] *43.KIM KITSURAGI - The smile disappears. "You can't be serious."
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cant scribble it out bc its too Involved but here's a Laughingstock thought that just feels Right:
im imagining them sitting down and going through a list of pet names to use for each other. like Howdy has a clipboard, Barnaby's sitting across the counter, they're going through the list and striking out the ones that don't work. playfully teasing each other about certain suggestions, losing it over a Bit where they try to call each other the names in the most sickeningly sweet lovey-dovey voices and see who cracks first, mutually making fun of some options, getting flustered when they find one they like. yeah <3
#also for some reason my brain is latching onto howdy calling barnaby 'dove' i dont know why#it just feels right that they'd actually make a List and go through it#in my mind they got julie to whip up the list for them since i feel like she'd have Ideas and Knowledge on the subject#maybe she goes around the neighborhood and asks everyone for suggestions#its a very casual yet domestic scene in my mind...#chatting over the counter As They Do (their love language <3). howdy with his clipboard & barnaby with his soda#every once in a while Howdy has to step away to tend to (scam) a customer and barnaby watches with no small amount of fondness#at some point wally comes by and asks what theyre doing & Learns Something New#an exchange i have in my mind is:#howdy - making a suggestion: Darling?#wally: yes?#howdy: ...#barnaby: ....#howdy: *scratches out endearment* that'd be a no#laughingstock#maybe... maybe barn calls howdy 'lovebug'#other ones i think fit are like... 'steady' (mutually used) & 'doll/angelface' (howdy @ barn) & 'handsome/gorgeous' & pal (romantic)#i also feel like they'd have fun making up stuff on the spot#absolutely random words. its a running bit they have#they call each other literally the first thing they can think of - cereal. jam jar. sponge. freshly squeezed lemonade. lawnmower#im not very funny but They Would Be about it#another running joke i think they'd have#would be using more 'traditional' pet names around others just to get the Exasperated Sighs and Annoyed Groans#but then as soon as they're being serious about its the most random weirdest endearments you've ever heard#and its rarely the same one twice#OUGH I HAVE SO MANY EMOTIONS ABOUT THEMMMMM
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stinkybrowndogs · 2 months
Yeah sorry no I’m busy. Yeah it’s gonna be all day (speculating about what future dog breeds I might get)
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mattodore · 4 months
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pose making they could never make me hate you
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uukipi · 27 days
no new art just posting my propaganda of the week
i think everyone in the acotar series should fight over lucien bc hes so cool hot sexy cute and deserves all the love in the world and ik everone wants him!!!!!! *mwuah* <- das him getting a big fat wet kiss!!!!!!!!
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
realizing very suddenly that it’s implied Nico was just carrying loose pomegranate seeds in his pocket. a.) gross, b.) how did he not crush them? c.) gross.
those pomegranate seeds are totally covered in pocket lint and tartarus dirt and random grit. he probably lost one at some point. he wakes up in the jar and reaches into his (soggy) pocket and there’s just wet mush cause they all got squished cause he kept them LOOSE IN HIS FUCKING POCKET.
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zeravmeta · 2 years
my one whole post contributing to the fgo attractive male discourse is that the actual appeal comes less from basic ideas of what makes someone attractive and rather the actual use of aesthetic and presentation using said characters traits. its not enough to have convenionally attractive traits but rather the characters traits combined with the aesthetic that theyre trying to achieve.
take limbo for example. limbo shows some tit and is buff sure but most of his appeal actually comes from his characterization and presentation with his buffed out look complementing those traits. the best examples of this are actually in his final ascension and his cbc ce
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so itd be easy to just say that limbo flaunting what hes got is what makes him sexy here, but its actually the opposite: its what he isnt showing you. limbo isnt showing any more skin than he usually is in his regular ascensions (just his upper body and knee), but the framing and the implications of him naked and staring down at you, the licking of his lips and the juxtaposition between him standing out from the rest of the bleak colors and skeletons, especially with his contorted look are what actually make it sensual and sexy because your focus is immediately drawn to him and the implications. then in his cbc it goes the entire opposite direction, putting him in a rather standard outfit that isnt really all that different from just sticking a male servant in a suit HOWEVER the use of the clothes to show creases and movement in the actual ce lets you actually feel how much weight and muscle limbo is throwing around here. his final ascension uses everything but limbos bare physical body to make him look sexy, but in his cbc where hes fully clothed its his body shape and the use of the clothing to convey that where it makes him sexy.
now compare this to kintoki
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yes laughing at raita is hip these days whatever but the genuine appeal with kintoki doesnt come fully from his buff body but instead the aesthetic surrounding it. in his final ascension hes full on manspreading sure but the most appealing thing here is his face, the way hes pulling his hair back and looking at you. its a confident and calm look, hes appealing here because of the aesthetic of him being in a club and the shirtless full on muscle bod actually enhances that because it makes him look powerful. the same thing happens in his costume as well: hes in battle, covered in blood and wounds, a storm of sakura petals surrounding him as he stands imposing, its a look that radiates cool factor in spades and the hyper muscle design actually looks more attractive because of it. again, a design that has conventional attractive features used to enhance an aesthetic and then in reverse. say what you will about raitas anatomy but his design philosophy is well thought out and his style does fit with these characters because kintoki himself (along with many other of his characters) is a half oni half god monster, and despite looking fully human the actual raita style adds that extra flavor that makes him feel inhuman.
now lets rock the boat a little bit
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obviously people like to meme on hajime enjoyers because he isnt bishe/conventionally attractive, but this is the one exception that proves the rule where a suit/basic look actually compliments the character. hajime looks like a scruffy overworked goblin whose lived off cigarette butts and beer for the past year, and it works because its actually part of his character that hes always tired. obviously hajime has so much more character to him that actually makes him more attractive but ill be bold and fully say the same appeal for hajime is the exact same appeal that izo has
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izo in all his ascensions is a full on messy unwashed murderous hobo who is consistently one of the most popular male characters as well as one of if not the most popular 3* around and its fully because of his hobo look and personality. hes one of the only servants where a suit look actually works because he looks out of place in it, izo here looks so damn proud of himself like hes made his first paycheck and is about to lose all of it on gambling, and much like hajime the appeal comes from the factors surrounding him.
now lets look at siegfried and talk about most cbc designs
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this is where a suit ultimately fails, because its taking a basic presentable 'attractive' look and putting it on a character who was already attractive where it doesnt enhance his look whatsoever. sure siegfried has his tits out but siegfried always has his tits out, however there isnt the appeal that limbo has with a full on outfit because its entirely uncreative. they just stuck him in a suit, gave him glasses and called it a day. his suit could have so easily been improved too by making it backless to conform with his legend, but it doesnt even have that and just feels lazy overall. this costume fails because it rides entirely on siegfriend looking good to make the outfit look good, so the outfit is functionally worthless in making him look attractive, because siegfried is already attractive. and the same trend follows with many of the cbc ces, theyre just uncreative.
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these are all incredibly homogeneous: they always have a ce where the round table is just hanging out, a ce where gil and ozy and maybe sometimes iskander or qsh are just stuck together on basic premise, a ce with the kids, some type of office setting, a male idol, maybe a bakery sometimes, so many cbcs fail because of simple uncreativity in using their characters and giving them a costume to enhance the character, so instead its the character that enhances the costume, and most times, this is done by just sticking them in a suit and calling it a day.
so yeah fgo men are fine and well and attractive, the devs are just so unsure of how to make them look attractive with costumes.
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constantvariations · 26 days
Been listening to the rwby books. After the Fall wasn't too terrible, but jesus fuck Before the Dawn is a lesson in frustration. What is Myers' beef with Sun and why was it allowed to assassinate his character?
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for requests perhaps hivemind again? or charlie?
I'm sorry this took so long I was fighting so hard to work out a Charlie design BUT!! First, Hivemind doodles...I got FAR too into it with him..
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Text: Looks at you with my big round wet eyes.
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Text: Full of Joy & Whimsy VS The Horrors
I think Hivemind would wear a lot of flannel outside of work. I like him being a little like a stereotypical lumberjack maybe? I think he'd like wood working, yk like bug hotels and little wooden carvings
Alas for Charlie I had to search up PPE for welders...
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It took me days to get to a point where I liked his design but I'm really happy with it :3
+ 2 pages in my sketchbook filled! Turns out I miscounted and I only had 28 pages left!! So far we're at 8/28, or just over 1/4!!
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toki-toro · 2 months
The last thing I expected to happen when I posted my first Cats oc post was for people to immediately ask about his lore lolol. So! That’s what this post is about :-) Ty to everyone who was genuinely interested in him
If anybody wants to use my ask box to ask anything pertaining to Chaumet then please feel free to do so. I think it’d be fun to mould this character into something cohesive by answering silly questions :o)
I get that everyone and their mom has an oc that has some involvement with Macavity but erm I came up with most of this before I realized it was a common trope so I’m keeping some aspects of it lol.
Plus he just has that vibe about him.. . I can’t see him being anything other than a little devious
He isn’t a Jellicle, for he used to do work for a certain Cavity man, similar to Mungojerrie. Altho instead of petty theft, Chaumet specialized in stalking and getting any information about whoever Macavity tells him to target, which def included the Jellicle tribe during their annual balls. Chaumet assumes it’s because it’s the only time Old Deut is in an area he can easily be spotted from. But he was never told any details.
The ball obv takes place at night, so he blends in well with the background from the blue in his coat, kinda giving him a natural camouflage. The only cats that’ve managed to spot him from afar is Coricopat and Tantomile, and they make it very clear that they’re aware of his presence by their constant staring.
But! Chaumet is acquainted with Mungojerrie from their similar work backgrounds and Mungo is, too, aware with whatever his coworker is up to involving the whole stalking thing. And Jerrie had somehow managed to convince Coricopat, and by extension Tantomile, not to snitch since he isn’t ‘causin no trouble.’ Chaumet and Mungo knew each other and Macavity well enough to know that there wouldn’t be any good in telling the tribe about these types of shenanigans, as chaos can ensue.
Him and Mungo get along well, even if their personalities are drastically different. Chaumet is seemingly much more blunt, rigid, aloof. Though most of those traits could only be for show. During interactions he’s very, very expressive with his brows when speaking and nonchalantly cracks jokes out of nowhere with either a dead straight poker face, or a fighting grin when he’s accidentally amused himself.
Through Mungo, he’s been able to properly meet a few of the stray Jellicles, such as George, Quaxo, Peter (based off one of the Broadway swings), and ofc Coricopat/Tantomile. Out of the few, he personally prefers talking with George since he’s similar enough to Jerrie but far less extravagant.
After a while, Chaumet faded from Macavity’s grasp and stopped responding to his work callings. All work and no play makes Chau a very dull boy. Or whatever that quote is idk it’s been a while
So. He’d slowly been getting introduced to more Jelly cats that are guaranteed to not freak out if and when they find out his background. Maybe they’d just pity him instead and be like ‘it must’ve been SO hard being employed under someone so cruel…’ and Chaumet just has to sit and nod his head in order to get along with them even tho he’s extremely indifferent about Macavity. That guy switches his attitude up on a dime so Chaumet prob saw a different side to him than most others did, hence why he didn’t necessarily hate the guy.
For now, he’s retired to being a stray street cat, hiding out in alleys and lounging on window ledges or balconies high up from the ground. Which reminds me, if he’s gotten anything out of his time in his specific line of work, it’s that he can’t go long periods of time standing on the ground in a well lit area. He’d much rather be elevated off the floor, being behind others, or just hanging out behind objects that cast a strong shadow as an instinctual mean of ensuring he’s able to watch over those surrounding him and that he isn’t the one being watched.
He’s not self conscious, bestie only has a hint of paranoia. But all that means is he can effortlessly sneak behind others and give them a big spook, of which he thinks is quite amusing. His sense of humour is all wacked out if you couldn’t tell. He’s an odd fellow but is also completely harmless
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markedprey · 3 months
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             I'm normal thinking about the fact that Johnny could probably and has probably based off his scars just been shot and still managed to take people down. How scary he is seeing the kind of scars he has and has managed to come out on top even at the worst of times. How he loves and gets riled up when his victims fight back- he's totally normal. Definitely not horrifying to see how casual and even playful he can be at times with the way he talks to his victims. Something so scary about your killer sounding so silly while he's about to spill your guts all over the floor.
             Also thinking about how scary he is when a victim barely escapes through a crack and he's just, watching, laughing on the other side, and thankfully too big to get through, but I know he will reach through and probably break away chunks of the crawl space to try and grab someone before they slip away. Once the man has a grasp there's no getting away from that. He'd definitely be one to grab hair and just drag someone. Also to know he's laughing because he knows his way around and will know exactly where a person is going and predict it. So to imagine someone thinking they are free, only to run into him immediately after. Probably there ready to grab hold of them and hear them scream out from being taken off guard. He's just a silly dude.
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genshinlesbian · 7 days
Y’all don’t even understand I love Neuvillette sooo so much
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soosoosoup · 1 month
Bonding between Branch and his brothers is a good thing but you know what will be even better? Bonding between Poppy and Branch's brothers and bonding between Branch and Viva😊
Yeeeessss!!! What a big brained idea!
Poppy and brozone would get along like a house on fire! I mean poppy and John Dory already hit it off in the movie lol. Each bro would love poppy and get along. They could tell each other their combined stories about branch.
Viva and branch, I feel like could also get along great! They probs would already have a head start on how to handle each other. Branch, thanks to his ‘poppy experience’ knows how to keep up with hyperactive Viva. And maybe Viva would have a good idea from clay! But more importantly, I think they have some pretty important similarities and could relate with each other. He’d also get to tell viva all about poppy and how she was growing up.
Thanks for the ask and the ideas ☺️ <3
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soliusss · 1 year
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I've connected the dots.
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