#horizon bound
dopescissorscashwagon · 5 months
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Horizon Bound - Golden Hour turning into Blue.
📸 by Anna Sereno
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ceriashward · 2 months
Moving back to WordPress.
After using Blogger, I realized that I missed more of WordPress’s functionality. This platform is much more thought out, has more clean and clutter-free themes, and the widget system is better for what I want to do. If you don’t know who I am, let me re-introduce myself. I am Ceri Ashward. I consider myself a fantasy-centric author, who enjoys her family, gaming, and reading while not working on…
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han-ban-bam · 6 months
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greetings 🥰
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robo-dino-puppy · 1 month
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night in the royal maizelands
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husband-all · 8 days
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economy-walk · 10 days
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acid-rainclouds · 7 months
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ceriashward · 9 months
A View of the World...
In the middle of an open and barren battlefield under a darkened sky, worn with the damage of spells and weapons, and above storm clouds thundering, in the middle of two armies brought down to dwindling numbers stands a single female elf, beaten, bloody, and at the end of it all fading from life. Shadows emanate from her body, as she starts to fall over, collapsing to the ground with a soft thud. As her body lay there, the shadows kept growing, overcoming her body, and slowly reaching to the storm clouds above. As the shadows reach the bottom of the clouds, the elven woman’s body begins to change, shrinking, and becoming more childlike. Members of the army behind her start to swarm the body, each hoping to protect their leader and be the ones to help with her goals.
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ayaitch · 3 months
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 months
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winter journeys
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meg-noel-art · 2 years
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Domestic Elisabet x Tilda for @melikochan
Scene inspired by Prometheus Bound, fic by @mehoymalloy 
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pikapeppa · 9 months
Me, absolutely loving your bisexual Drakka in hardiest desert blooms and conditions of training:
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HAHAHAH I'm so glad you're enjoying him!! Let's pretend he had a conversation with Aloy at some point that went something like this:
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Aloy, running back to the base: this better not awaken anything in me
It did
If anyone else wants to enjoy some bi Drakka, you can find him in many places in my AO3 I have fever and the only cure is more Drakka:
Even The Hardiest Desert Blooms Need To Get Wet Sometimes (Aloy/Drakka)
Conditions of Training (Aloy/Drakka/Kotallo)
Finding Something In Common (Aloy/Drakka/Nil)
-- love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika! xoxo
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h0riz0nstuff · 8 months
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… Tremortusk Shiny Poop
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lavenoon · 1 year
Okay okay, so this ask is completely self-indulgent and also for New Horizons writing...
But I need to know, when Eclipse eventually introduces Neon to his brothers... How would the two of them react to meeting Neon? I can only imagine this would be a planned meeting too, and hopefully done during a time Eclipse's relationship with them is a *bit* better.
So... If you don't mind... May I has details? How might they react/get on? Do you think the boys would like Neon? What's their feelings on them?
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i am nervous, good morning
I think by that point they'll have heard enough about Neon to already feel like they know them (at least somewhat). There would be some polite awkwardness - let's imagine it's Sun and Moon coming to visit!
Arriving late in the evening and Moon is trying very hard to not frown at seeing Neon still up and going, not even close to getting to bed. But it's fine, it's fine, he doesn't know their schedule and he's supposed to get to know them now! Would have an easier time slipping into a more comfortable lighthearted conversation, sneaking in little teases and hoping to make Neon laugh by telling embarrassing stories about Eclipse. Just the nice ones! Like how right after getting his body, both Sun and Moon had to often drag him along after he wandered off to follow a butterfly or another insect, late night (low battery) talks of "Why can't we see shrimp colors. We're already animatronics, why did we have to be limited to human adjacent vision?" "The humans haven't figured out how to access shrimp colors yet, Eclipse." "Why?" "???", or how he once got a piece of plastic from a fidget toy stuck in his face plate and unfortunately got stuck with it upside down - wait, he still has the photos somewhere, give him a second -
Will accept embarrassing stories about himself with some grace before just deciding to rag on Sun together, because there are simply so many and Sun isn't here to defend himself and also Moon is a menace. Surprised perhaps by how many stories Neon already knows, but loves to counter them with even funnier bits!
Sun is a little more awkward, simply because he thinks (once again) that things have to be proper, he's meeting his little brother's partner for the first time and has to leave a good impression! Internally screeching at Moon (who dips right back into rest mode) when he learns that his "good first impression" has been ruined by humiliating stories! Gives off slight kicked puppy vibes as he assures Neon he's really not always like that - not even usually! Slightly relieved when Neon doesn't seem too put off, maybe even reassures him that they like him better as a dork. His pride complains a little, but he would accept it on account of "at least they like me". Would help Eclipse with cooking for Neon without being asked, asking about their preferences in passing and if they've tried certain meals - if any answer is "no", he immediately offers to make it for them. He's good at that, and it's a good way to earn brownie points! Will show Eclipse, too, and the screeching of "NOT THAT HOT!!!" or "THAT'S NOT HOW OVENS WORK" is an entertainment show in and of itself
Would also (somewhat petulantly) agree that the perfect revenge on Moon would be to share equally as embarrassing stories, and Neon can rub their little pizza hands together and earn even more blackmail material for their future family <3
Both of them have that nervousness - once they get along better with Eclipse and Neon isn't as defensive about how they treated him (which, while justified, would not be nice bonding) they'd only worry about being liked because they already know Neon from what Eclipse told them, and they like them but what if they don't like the boys?
Neither of them would do well with having their mistakes pointed out to them - they know they messed up with Eclipse, they're trying to do better, but any mention of that would probably make them feel bad and withdraw. Best to leave that off the table during that first visit, even if there'll be some awkward stumbles trying to avoid it - they'll appreciate that, actually. Them not being the only ones fumbling, and not getting reprimanded for something they're already working to fix
There's really no need for Neon to worry - they're good for Eclipse, and Eclipse loves them to bits, so Sun and Moon have already adopted them into the family before they ever meet <3
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hyaciiintho · 7 months
🌸。*゚+. @guideoftime | starter call
He wished he would have known sooner, maybe then, things would have been DIFFERENT. It was nearly ten years too late, but the moment he had gotten word, it was hard to let the thought go. The most foolish of thoughts among them had been that it would be as easy as walking into the Shadow Temple and seeking Sheik out, but Link had always been just a bit foolish in his hopes-- a bit naïve in his beliefs.
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It was a little unsettling, but then again, returning to the Shadow Temple always did make him feel a little UNEASY. There were still the nightmares in regards to his memories of the place, but the green-garbed hero pressed on all the same, searching for... some form of sign of the familiar Sheikah within. Rarely did he ever allow himself to enter the very bowls of the temple, but knowing the other was somewhere within gave him COURAGE.
Would the other even wish to see him? Did a REMINDER of the past that no longer was serve as anything but a painful memory? The thought caused Link to pause in his steps, uncertainty suddenly overwhelming him.
Could he handle the rejection, if such thoughts were true?
Perhaps... he should turn back...?
"... Sheik?" Tentatively, he called out, effectively CRUSHING prior fears. Link needed to see this through, lest he spend forever wondering on the what if's.
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