#how did i get into homestuck in 2024
h0-nk · 1 month
First post in like a bit bc ive been going thru! A really odd art block
And durring that art block i got into homestuck im actually so cooked
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Shout out to this stupid creature i am very scared of his sober arc um
Also bonus doodle [its shaded + colored like how i did in 2021 . cuz it was fun]
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Because I had the urge, I wanted to draw OC God tiers. Emma is new for this blog, as I have yet to post stuff about her here yet. I will probably post stuff with her soon?
God Tier designs are by @coffeecats900 (hope you don't mind the at). I tried my best to get the right. And I am happy with how they came out. May do more in the future, do not know yet. But yee
That is all :D //throws my girls into the tumblr ether lol
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
I always see people who have never been antis, talking about/questioning how some antis even ARE antis when you look at their taste in media - ie the ever famous joke of "Hannigram is #problematique" "but it's a show where he eats people" or whatever.
I thought I'd weigh in as someone who could, hypothetically, be called an ex-anti (which, thankfully, nothing ever really came out of it - it was just very 2014 keyboardwarrior-esque behavior of me being a chronically online young adult who would share posts in a group chat making fun of certain shippers, or reblog posts about how 50shades is The Most Problematic Media Ever to exist -- basically I was an anti with anti-lines of thoughts, but i never, like, a ran a Shipping Discourse Blog or whatever)
For me, personally, it was a few different things. I can now see how it's incredibly hypocritical that teenaged me shipped Light/L, while still thinking that Dramione was Bad And Abusive. It ultimately boiled down to a) being pretentious, and b) just not understanding media or what proshippers REALLY believed, with a side of c) not realizing that nuance exists. like i was pretty late to join tumblr, I think I immigrated here during PEAK "yourfaveisproblematic" era which definitely did have an impact on my opinions and my tastes.
to elaborate, a.) being pretentious. i mean this one just kinda goes without saying. "I engage in media in a way more intellectual way than you do, don't you know that? You're a filthy and disgusting person who writes Snape/Hermione because you're an actually disgusting pedophile IRL who would probably date your own student that you're abusing if you could. Meanwhile, I'm a very smart, good, and pure person. When I read Uncle Vernon/Harry, I'm doing it in a G-d honoring whump way that clearly condemns abuse, incest, and rape. Unlike YOU who only writes harmful stuff as a way to get people off :/"
(as an aside, i think this line of thinking will ALWAYS be present in fandom and popculture in some way, sadly. ie the recent trend of people hating on booktok bc the books are 'trashy' and how these porn addicts should read real classic literature instead.)
as for b.), not understanding media - i cannot emphasize enough that i was GENUINELY stupid and disconnected enough to think that proshippers REALLY WERE pro-All Of The Degenerate Dead Doves That They Wrote.
why did i feel this way? why did i understand that Lolita clearly isnt pro-pedophilia, but for some reason i thought that someone shipping weecest was? well, first of all, i think that fanfiction is (generally) seen as Less Serious than classic literature, and fandom is a fun place, so i guess i somehow thought that every fanfic/fanartist who wrote Problematic Things, especially Problematic Things that they portrayed as Sexy, really DID enjoy the thought of that Actually Happening To Real People.
and i think THIS is the bulk of why antis ARE antis. i'm not calling them all stupid - i do think BEING an anti is stupid, but at the same time, there are people who are truly smart and good-intended people who just have some really off color opinions about, like, homestuck ships or whatever. Lawlight is okay because notebooks that kill people don't exist so it's IMPOSSIBLE for the Harmful Aspects of Light/L to be romanticized! but schoolyard prejudiced bullies DO exist and are a REAL problem so Drarry is BAD (*truly completely unaware of the fact that there's 'realistic' aspects of the Light/L dynamic and 'unrealistic' aspects of Drarry - such as, for example, Hogwarts arguably being even MORE of a fantasy setting than DN is.*) I know that media literacy is the hot buzzword of the year to throw around in 2024, but, like, i really did not have media literacy.
as for c.), not realizing nuance exists - ok "nuance" might not be the best word here, but i dont know how else to describe it. like, each time ive typed the word "problematic" out in this ask, i've done so in a very tongue in cheek/ironic/retroactive way, but, like, those posts about how Everything Is Problematic, Including Your Fave ARE true. and i didn't like the fact that my favorite media or favorite person might've Made A Mistake! i need to Talk About Its Issues Because I'm So Betrayed That My Dear Sweet Comfort Media Would Do This To Me. I Need To Prove I Clearly Condemn It.
like, i legit morally could not justify reblogging a twilight post without adding in the tags '#this is my guilty pleasure it sucks that the books were so racist though' or whatever. Most people were lucky enough to avoid that line of thinking, but there was an actual group of people who felt a genuine need to virtue signal all the time, partly bc, hey, they WERE passionate about talking abt #issues in media, but also bc of a subconscious fear of If You Reblog A Singular Piece Of Hetalia Fanart, You're Literally A Nazi And Will Get A Callout Post Written About You.
and during all of this i was at the tail end of my high school experience (yes i know im younger than most of your audience, ha). i was going through A Lot emotionally, going through a lot of life changes, and lived in a very . . . interesting household/place where i couldn't do ACTUAL good in the world that i was passionate about. so to make up for the fact that i was genuinely in no place to do legit activism, clearly i had to save the gay community by arguing about johnlock queerbaiting or whatever.
^ and honestly i do think that is the position of most antis. theyre isolated and cant seem to do Enough in the Real Scary World so they have to resort to talking about how bad of a person someone is for "shipping abuse", bc theyre not in a situation where they could, for example, ACTUALLY fight the good fight to end abuse or raise awareness for it.
There was way more to it and way more that I could say, if I wanted to, but this post is long enough as it is and probably doesn't make much sense.
I feel bad for antis, honestly, or at least the ones who are antis in the way I used to be.
Oh yes, passionate young fools who think they can at least fix the internet if not their lives make up most of the cannon fodder. Some of the ringleaders are just mini dictators and wannabe cult leaders, but most anti-leaning types are just traumatized or clueless, even a lot of the ones who do serious damage and don't just mock shit in private with their friends.
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divineerdrick · 1 month
Homestuck: Beyond Canon Upd8 for March 8, 2024
Alright! Not expecting this to be as hard hitting as last time, but who knows what the gang has planned.
First, we've got a news post from James saying they're playing around a bit with the upd8 schedule this month. I'm glad they're not doing a page a day, though there were times when that happened during the old upd8 culture. As he says, the big thing was that we never knew when one would drop, or how big of an upd8 it would be. But at the end of the day, that required a ton of output that only a madman, or someone in the deep throws of their creative passion (same thing really) can produce. This team is taking a much more thought out route to their outcome than Andrew did, planning things out with outlines and storyboards well ahead of time. Not a lot of room for pages to drop multiple times in a day with that kind work involved.
This won't exactly have me mashing my f5 key until the next upd8, but my ear will definitely be to the ground.
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Of course Meenah is the Big Kahuna. But the BIGGEST KAHUNA? I'm going to be so glad to see our favorite shouty boy again.
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Damn! This art! That is most definitely no longer a shouty "boy". Karkat has been through some shit!
And yes! You did keep us waiting!
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He's been called so much worse. I honestly love this exchange.
LOBsTErs? Why do I feel like I don't want to know, even though I'm very much about to know.
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Now that's the kind of seizure inducing, artifact filled GIF we've all come to know and love!
Despite the all caps, this is a very different Karkat. This is the kind of moment where the Karkat we watched grow up would have gone on some kind of epic rant. If this is him "PRETTY FUCKING STRESSED!" now, he's definitely gotten a hell of a lot more steady keel.
But then, he probably had to even more so than when he was trying to wrangle two bloodthirsty teams together.
Oh wow . . . We're talking about Dave and Jade. This is definitely more of a rant, though still kind of tame. I mean, god! I can't even imagine what this would be like, though I probably have friends who know this pain. Civilization was literally sliding into fascism, and when it was go time Dave couldn't commit. Even with the whole Candy "will they/won't they" they were still best bros. And yet Dave dragged his heels on helping Karkat when he needed it.
And from Karkat's perspective, they had no sooner gotten past all that, including the awkward apologies, and Dave just mysteriously dies. I wonder if anyone has figured out why Dave died?
Actually, this might be why we haven't heard about it from Jade yet. From the perspective of the war, this appears to be old news. It doesn't feel like it's been that long, but things happen fast in a conflict like this. And you don't really get time to truly process and move on until it's all over.
And yet, when it comes to Sollux!
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Alright the players are taking the stage. Things are about to get into motion. And we end our upd8 on . . .
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This glorious piece of crap!
By the Goddess . . . just look at it . . .
I'm no poet like Dave is. I can't elaborate on how gloriously shitty this incredible tour de force is. So I'm just going to leave it here for you to drink it all in.
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lockea · 4 months
10 Fanfiction Recs
In honor of IFD 2024 and @ao3org organizing the feedback fest, here are 10 fanfiction from my bookmarks (all complete, lots of oldies) spread across as many fandoms as I read.
Scylla and Charybdis by Mithrigil, puella_nerdii Fandom: The Hunger Games "Finnick decides that, come hell or high water, he is bringing his tribute home from the seventieth Hunger Games. That tribute is Annie Cresta. But Finnick never thought that he would have to choose between bringing her home and keeping her safe, and he wants both. How Annie Cresta crept up on Finnick Odair."
I heard Hunger Games was back in fashion, so have this fic from 2011 that's just so good.
Primary Colors by RobotSquid Fandom: Homestuck (no, I am not apologizing!) "As a young troll living in the desert with the Dolorosa, the Signless comes across an unconscious psionic wriggler. Over the next few nights, they come to understand and care for each other. Although seemingly destined to be apart, they make a promise to be together again. But the destructive ways of the highbloods are becoming more widespread, and as the Signless begins to dream, he dedicates himself to regaining the peaceful world Alternia once was. But troll society as it stands now holds no sympathy for a candy red mutant, a psionic slave, or the matespritship they have."
A canon-compliant (I think, I stopped reading Homestuck around this time) story about the Signless that's full of great world building and honestly I don't remember much but I have it on my bookmarks list for a reason, I'm sure.
A Long Road to Destiny by Miko Fandom: Final Fantasy VII (set in Final Fantasy X verse) "The summoner's journey is a long, hard path to walk. Having guardians you trust makes all the difference in the world."
The story follows Cloud, who is half Al-Behd, as he makes his pilgrimage to be a summoner. Early on, he's joined by Sephiroth, a former Summoner, and Zack, who wants to be Sepiroth's guardian, and the three begin quite the epic adventure to save Spira.
Immovable, unbreakable by Cards_Slash Fandom: Assassin's Creed "Altair has known since he was thirteen years old, the year he realized he was an omega, that his body was never going to be his own. He thought he had overcome his own fate when Al Mualim agreed to allow him to stay on as an Assassin but even becoming the youngest Master Assassin ever did not save him. Following the semi-failed mission at Solomon's Temple, Altair is gifted to Malik as a reward for his service. Malik doesn't want Altair but he does not turn down the chance to show him his place."
A retelling of the first game if Altair was an omega, lost his assassin status, was summarily married off to Malik, and had to work around all that to still solve the mystery and save the day. Altair is truly the biggest badass in this story, and the historical perspective on an Omegaverse is truly neat.
Teach Me How to Fight (I'll Show You How to Win) by Skalidra Fandom: Batman (DCU) "Dick is taken by the Court after his parents' death to be trained as a Talon. He becomes loyal, deadly, and the Court's primary Talon. At least until he meets a boy from the Court's secondary, darker kind of servant who gets assigned to be his partner, and makes him start to care about things other than serving the Court. Tim, a boy-genius member of the Court, could have told anyone who listened that pairing Talon with the other boy - Jason - was a poor decision, and the fact that the Grandmaster of the Court doesn't listen, at all, is something he's finding less and less tolerable."
I love this fic so much that it was my first attempt at fanfiction binding.
Oh, You Wondrous Creature by Ginia Fandom: Final Fantasy XV "Ignis Scientia had learned at a young age to perform his duties quietly and flawlessly. He learned not to draw undue attention to himself, as attention had often lead to pain and humiliation at the hands of those who considered themselves to be his betters.
He has no idea what to do when the attentions of one Gladiolus Amicitia are directed at him. He expects harshness and cruelty, but is met with something quite the opposite."
This is classic frenemies to lovers scenario. Ignis and Gladio start off disliking each other, but as Gladio uncovers more about the discrimination Ignis endures, he shapes up to be a friend, ally, and eventual lover for the steward.
Someone You Have To Let In by Arsenic Fandom: Batman (DCU) "Basically a horribly sideways BDSM-AU where Talia actually raises Jason from the dead to use him to get Damian to safety. If you're looking for super indulgent h/c, I got your back. If you're not, this is probably not the fic for you."
This was my introduction to the BDSM-AU, also called the Dom/sub AU, where people have biological imperatives towards either dominance or submission. The world building here is especially great, as there's parts that talk about how you raise kids in this kind of dynamic. Also I love me some Dick/Jason so there.
Holding Cell by red-catmander Fandom: Guild Wars 2 "Rytlock Brimstone is trapped in a human jail with a hairless mouse, a talking plant intent on infuriating him and a headache the size of the Black Citadel. Now he's stuck fighting in the arena, buying his freedom one slog at a time, and the only thing awaiting him when he gets out is scrapper duty.
He hates these people. He's sure of it. Especially Thackeray.
He really, really wants to hate these people."
Listen, this fic is hilarious. Like funnier than anything Snargle Goldclaw could write (if you know you know). It's Rytlock/Logan in like the crackiest way possible and while I unironically love this fic to pieces, it's main use in my life is to deal 1d6 of psychic damage to members of my GW2 guild.
Maan'alor - The Prime by papermachine Fandom: Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy Era) "Jango Vhett was Mand’alor only briefly to the Mandalorian Empire before he was captured by the Jetii and Republic forces on Galidraan.
Now an unwilling guest on Kamino, he is buir to Boba and he fears his protection can only stretch so far for the rest of the children made in his image. Jango doesn’t know if he can save all of the clones from the Kaminoans or the Republic, but he does know this: Verde sa akaan nau tracyn kad. Warriors are forged in the fires of war.
These children are made for war, and they have been fighting to stay alive since their creation.
He will do what he must to save them."
The series is ongoing, and this is technically the third installment in the series, but it's a great place to start reading. The series follows various characters in this AU where the Sith Empire, the Mandalorian Empire, and the Republic are all at war with each other. Meanwhile, an unwilling Jango is template to the clones, and he is NOT happy about is. But rebellions are built in secret, and Jango never was a very good spy.
hope has bloody knuckles by independent_variables Fandom: Star Wars (Clone Wars Era) "Davijaan discovers mountains, thinks about the war, and maybe falls in love."
I think some people are turned off from this fic because it's a relationship between Davijaan (Odd Ball) and an OC, but the main focus is on Davijaan and Cody's relationship with each other as clones, as having survived the Clone Wars with no Order 66. There's also some lovely word building around Pantora which is the real appeal of the fic, imo. And of course Loren herself is easy to like, with a strong personality and well developed character. You really want to root for her and Davi as the story goes on. Like, come on you two idiots! Figure it out! I do love this fic very much.
Oh my gosh picking only 10 fics was hard. Here's my bookmarks page if you want to see what else I'm reading.
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nutzworth · 5 months
DAY 4: JANUARY 17, 2024 (i um. was a little busy. oops.)
STATS: read for ~2 hrs pages read: 860-1052. 192 pgs. reached pg 1000! wooo!!! slur count: 6 + 2 = 8 (rose narration, john. both r slur) silly count: 10 + 1 = 11 (john about roses building) piss count: 1/3
THOUGHTS: today started with jade's freshjamz!!!!!!!!! I LOVE!!! i mean dave kind of sucks at making music but jade doesnt! i love how homestuck shows the works of the characters. jades music daves blogs caliborns deviantart whatever. it makes them feel so REAL.
figured out the time differences! if we're staying at johns timezone, dave is 2 hrs ahead and rose is 3 hrs ahead. and jade is 4 hrs ahead!!!! when we were dave pov a convo with jade was at 6:30pm but at jade pov it was 12:30pm so you know.
the exiles are FINALLY MEETING UP!!!! PM!!!!!!!!! i looove pm shes what makes me want to be a mailman. what the hell are the snake worm things in pm's like structure? whats it called? with the terminal. theyre awful silly but theyre kind of freaky and i dont know what they are.
john faq i always read the faqs theyre so fun. john try not to mention your friends by irl name on public forum challenge (even if he assumes everyone else is dead lol). i do NOT understand alchemizing mostly cus i dont get binary. but whatever. maybe i will someday
KARKAT VANTAS! i think the first mentions of the trolls are here! yaaay!
dave strife theyre still strifing i didnt get to the end yet. s beatdown or whatever. always interesting to me that dave never gets sliced or anythign even though theyre fighting with ultra sharp swords. how much restraint is bro (strider) showing? the fights ARE intended to be strengthening dave. but they dont. cus hes a kid and hes passive. im a sucker for bro strider i know he sucks but ugh i love dirk too much
mom lalondes lab drives me coocoo crazy. pov youre rose you go under your dead cats big ass mausoleum and find a laboratory your mother uses. theres 1 battery unlocked just for you. theres a giant ass monitor showing sburb sessions and meteors. did your mother know? did your mother know what was going to happen? youre thirteen years old. do you know? theres bright pink kiddy furniture. did your mother use it? when did she get it? it looks pristine. did she sleep in this when she was little? did she sleep in it as an adult? why would she buy herself such a thing at an adult age? youre rose lalonde. youre thirteen and full of hatred. you dont understand anything. you wear your mothers scarf and you pick up a stray mutant cat and name it after a drink your alcoholic mother loves. youre thirteen and full of hatred and you dont understand anything and you want to, so badly. so so badly.
jade is awesome her scampering through the house rocks. i wonder if she actually believes pa harley is talking to her, or if he actually is, or if shes just pretending. it has to be because of trauma, right? is she genuine? she has to be genuine. right? fosmf if you know anything about this let me know
jack noir... midnight crew.... oh how i cant wait for the intermission.
johns various mental breakdowns (over the discovery of his dads room; over betty crocker gushers; over the drawings over his posters) are insane. he lashes out so weirdly. dave said like john never gets mad or frustrated over real big stuff and he instead funnels it into tiny meaningless problems. i wonder what that means. im not into john enough to read into it or know
jade (and dirk by extension) waking up on prospit (or derse) early makes me thiiiink. i wonder if theyd get freaked by regular normal dreams. they god tier and sleep and wake up in a cold sweat Hello? Where am i. Hello? I just slept and nothing was there. Where am i
thinking about rose + jade a lot these first few acts. i looove rose and i looove jade. i focused on jade a lot the first time i read so im trying to focus on rose more because shes AWESOME! and i want to get to know her better. she deserves it. but anyway thats enough for today sorry for taking like a 12 day break lol
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 23/03/2024
Balcony Cruise
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume D
Ripped by Helpful Salad
Requested by an anonymous reader! (Request Form)
Hey, remember yesterday's post on Viva La LOWAS: the rip of a track quite prominently paying tribute to Cave Story? Well, the Cave Story love isn't ending quite yet, and if ripper Helpful Salad has anything to say about it, the game is going to continue showing up on the channel no matter what. Though today the focus is indeed specifically on Balcony Cruise, the guy's made a bevvy of Cave Story rips just as good as this one - 39 out of his 63 contributions, to be precise! - that I think are all well worth checking out.
Funny enough, there's unintentionally been a sort of running theme with the posts as of late starting with Poké Village. That theme being that, these are all rips I love despite them paying tribute to sources that I'm far too unfamiliar with, be that Monster Hunter, Homestuck, or in this case - FTL: Faster Than Light. And I'm able to love these rips because, as I've said many a time before, SiIvaGunner is as much about appreciating the things you already love as it is about being introduced to media that someone else loves far more. I know myself already that Cave Story's music is incredible, yet despite my endless playthroughs of the game I'm never going to grow tired of hearing all the many ways SiIvaGunner's rippers share their own affection for the soundtrack, not just in the Balcony Fusion Collab, but in the continued amount of rips the game receives to this day. There's emotion packed into efforts like Balcony Cruise, emotion that shows how Helpful Salad truly understands the Cave Story sound, that makes me thoroughly enjoy his rips with or without the needed context for whatever joke he's attaching to it.
And well, after hearing Balcony Cruise, I did feel the need to go listen to FTL's music as well - and indeed, it's just as incredible as I'd suspected! The solemn yet beautiful atmosphere of Balcony can be felt in much of FTL's whole soundtrack, befitting a game about surviving a cruise through space, and so Balcony Cruise being a melodyswap to the game's main theme feels like a natural fit. Yet...I can't shake the feeling that there's also more theming relevant to the rip beyond the shared atmosphere of the two games. Though FTL isn't exactly an "old" indie game in the same vein that Cave Story is, 2012 was still only two years removed from the release of Super Meat Boy, it was still quite early on in the indie game resurgence of Xbox Live. Cave Story is a landmark game for the indie world as a fully self-made release all the way back in 2004, made by one Daisuke Amaya in his free time out of a desire to express his love for games like Metroid and Castlevania into something playable. Eight years later, the spirit of indie gaming in the Independent Games Festival, the legacy shaped in large part by Amaya, was what directly inspired Matthew Davis and Justin Ma to pursue independent development full-on to create FTL.
What I'm saying is - mixing the two games together as Balcony Cruise does, two games that are on the surface completely disconnected, yet feel ever so connected at the same time...feels all too right. And if we REALLY want to go the extra mile: a rip as solemn and atmospheric as this, feels truly befitting of Quote's journey in the King for Another Day tournament from the year prior. Losing before truly getting to do anything, outdone by the big dogs, yet providing an unforgettable experience and giving us incredible arrangements like Lifelike Waterway. Months after the tournament finally ended, after so many SiIvaGunner viewers had grown yet more attached to Quote, and many were reminded of just how impactful Cave Story in general was...Balcony Cruise feels like the perfect tribute to the game. And more Cave Story is never something I'm going to turn down.
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davekat-sucks · 2 months
Its disgusting how Sarah Zedig still seems to think Tavros is a chaser and will defend Vriska at all costs and victim blame Tavros and somhow is still considered a "popular" respected figure in the community. I have even seen one person once say that constantly and when they finally got called out they started to say it was a "joke" even if they kept getting into arguments over it and constantly defending Vriska and people like Zedig go around and spread this fucked up interpretation and try to defend it and to this day, she still claims that Tavros is a "chaser" and she doesnt seem to realized how wrong and possibly even harmful going around claiming that stuff (and how in the past she posted tweets that sounded aggressive about
"some folks think homestuck did tavros and gamzee dirty and that this is a fatal flaw in the text; when i countenance these people, i am convinced we read two very different comics. who’s right and who’s wrong? there are degrees. i can pull out any number of quotes from andrew hussie about the importance of vriska and the weenieness of tavros, but then, authors love to say things, and there’s plenty of stories i love in ways that directly oppose to the authors’ stated intent." - Sarah Zedig on hms-no-fun, march 6th 2024
"tavros and aradia sprites looking good, but damn the boy likers out there really gotta chill the fuck out and remember what comic they're a fan of"
2. "how do you read all eight thousand pages of homestuck and come away thinking "actually men are the real victims" "
3. "i cannot imagine it has anything to do with misogyny or transphobia, internalized or otherwise. that would be ridiculous"
-Three tweets from Sarah Zedig from thirty november 2019 (remember that shes the one who wrote Terezi pesterquest route)
Im sorry if I sound mad or heated up this blog is one of the few places where it seems that people have common sense and also people on the community tend to usually not talk about the other people that are just as responsible as Kate is for the awful things that post canon brought to Homestuck and how tiring it is to hear people trying to make Vriska into an angel and try to make Tavros looks like hes an horrible person who doesnt deserve sympathy and deserves to be blamed and harassed.
This bitch would unironically agree with Kate Mitchell. Ever since Pesterquest, people have taken it too seriously as canon despite it's similar to HS2/Beyond Canon that it is dubious or locked out from the main story. Most of the members in the WhatPumpkin team are full of bad influencers. Some worse than others. I want more to acknowledge that there are some shitty people within the group.
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p-pamda · 5 months
2023 I start, 2024 slowly, but steady, hopefully.🐌 (long)
Muy buenas, im not sure how these year's reviews are done but I wanted to give it a go. I'll try to make it brief at least.
This year's been pretty big for a lot of reasons. Mostly personal reasons, but ill start with art cause the personal ones are moppy and bland as a sponge and we're here for art huehue >:')!!!
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I did talksprites for Maples Maid Service! Its a very cute cozy game i was very fortunate to lend a hand on. Peti and Bleak-Creep did and are still doing an amazing job with it. Always updating. Did you know that you can play it now on CoolMathGames? I thought that was cool
I did Manon's talksprites for Loveweb (i love loveweb and doing talksprites hehe) I loved the series since the beginning so i was pretty happy when knowing i was able to help @shadokwastaken a little, since this 2 part video was a lot of work!
Check all Loveweb!
I did my first long comic (dont check it! its messy to understand and im embarrased, im proud of finishing it tho!)
I learned a lot, and i hope i can still make comics.
Apart from these... I honestly haven't done something real GRAND or MIRACULOUS this year related to art.
i promised myself to draw for myself and draw what i want at the moment, or what makes me happy. So I've been drawing a lot of my characters or comics only for meee, or practicing anatomy-skulls, or gifts for people.
Im gonna keep it that way, thanks a lot for the people who hangs in there with me even if i do this. BUT IM SORRY!!! ill make something cool one day.
I'm focusing on working on comic stuff, i wanna do my own one day. And a year resolution i have its to finish this year the history things to start this year or the next one. I hope everyone is still here to walk with me that bumpy road haha
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And the sponge stuff
I'm not going to get much into it, but this year I started being like, a normal person my age. I mean. I'm still not fully there. and still have a long road there. But I've done some stuff I was terrified all my life of because of -things-
I got my first job, and I had to interact with people. Now a 1 year one with coworkers even. And they laugh with me and treat me nicely, even if im just being awkward. Its pretty mindblowing and still can't believe it sometimes.
Its kinda embarrassing, but it gives me a little hope that i can be out there and it'll be ok. And that i can be me and people will tolerate it.
I've been trapped scared, so much that i haven't been living at all. I got to one of those, things when people invite you to go somewhere? just because? ive never done that! i hate going outside but it was so cool aaa we went to watch a movie!!! i still have the tickets!!!
Maybe its because i haven't done anything never, and im really, not the brightest. But ive learned a lot this year. Ive been feeling very hopeful and happy.
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Hope you all have a smooth new year. Wishing the best
Lets keep walking, Slowly but steady 🐌
Thanks for reading and for everything 💚
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fanonical · 4 months
Weird question, but “how” exactly would you recommend someone gets into Homestuck? I know it’s very long with a lot of characters and timelines, is there anything in particular I should take careful note of? I also know there’s a lot of additional content outside of the comic on the actual website. Do you recommend that too? Should I start with the comic and read that and finish it, and then move on to the supplemental stuff, assuming that’s good?
I know that I’m overthinking it but the 1mil+ word count intimidates me a little! I should add that I read the first act or so years ago and know enough about the “main” kids/trolls to be able to keep track of them, but that’s it, I’m very entry level.
(Also, just wanted to say that I saw the link to your story on ao3 when I went to send this ask and that I really love it. It’s genuinely so beautiful and I’ll look forward to every update. 🩷 I’m not too good at articulating my thoughts into the proper review that you deserve, but I did want to let you know just how much I absolutely adore Laika and her story.)
hi! thanks for the kind words about Laika, this totally made my day. this, and the request to teach you how to read homestuck. i hope im up to the task.
so first off, you want the Unofficial Homestuck Collection if at all possible. For this, ideally you need a computer/laptop and around ~4gb of storage space; buy a USB stick if you need to. That’s actually not a lot of storage space at all but apparently a lot of young people these days don’t have computers, so if you are absolutely 100% bound to using a mobile device, there’s an experimental browser branch of the Unofficial Homestuck Collection that does a pretty good job, too.
The reason you’ll want to read it on the UHC is because 1. as of January 2024, the official Homestuck website is pretty broken (a lot of it relied on the now retired Shockwave Flash) but the UHC is basically a perfect “as-it-was-back-then” version of Homestuck made to archive the true experience. It’s recommended by the author even!
The Unofficial Homestuck Collection also collects much of the additional content you allude to, and very conveniently, provides a “New Reader Mode” that “unlocks” new additional content as/when you reach the page closest to when it was released, which really streamlines a bunch of the stuff you’re anxious about — not only does the collection provide it for you, it very graciously curates it to reflect Homestuck as it happened.
As for if you should read anything else before Homestuck, that’s up to you. Homestuck was the fourth piece of fiction under a collection of works called “MS Paint Adventures” — the other three aren’t necessarily canon to Homestuck, but they’re referenced pretty frequently. In the opinion of author Andrew Hussie & a lot of the classic fan base, it’s easiest to start with Problem Sleuth and progress on to Homestuck if you want to “get” how the world/structure functions (Homestuck is not a traditional webcomic — the audience would submit commands for the characters to perform as their next action. This is a little more apparent in the earlier MSPAs). Personally, I think Jailbreak, the first MSPA, is also unmissable but it wouldn’t be wrong to go back and read it later either. And most people (myself included) just started on Homestuck itself.
The biggest piece of advice I would give you is to take notes, and also, that every “piece” of the comic is just as important as every other piece — the dialogues don’t supplement the narration, the narration doesn’t supplement the images, etc, they are all equally important & a lot of Homestuck is told through unreliable chat log discussions, a straight up manipulative authorial voice & quick paced visual storytelling, so it can be a bit hectic and opaque first time around.
The second biggest piece of advice I would give is to read it with a group of friends if possible, and if not possible, consider reading the dialogue aloud to yourself sometimes (or at least give the characters voices in your head) because I think hearing the different characters vocally interact can really help one to “get” the dialogue & complex concepts being put down
Finally, my biggest piece of advice is that I have been running a Homestuck workshop in my discord server where I’ve been guiding a group of around seven new Homestuck readers in “how” to read the comic because it’s quite a hands on experience; right now our live read is almost half way through but we can provide you with resources & help & guidance if you need anything, so if you want a link for that just send an ask off anon and we can do that 🥰
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terraco-07 · 4 months
I'm gonna start this off by being self aware. Vriscourse in 2024 is so funny and kind of silly in a way so take as little or as much of this as you want. I think I should lead in with Vriska is divisive on purpose. Her entire story is rife with places where you can either hate her, love her, or find shades of grey. I love Vriska as a character, but I want to be perfectly clear. Vriska Serket is NOT a good person, but imo very few people are. Narratively speaking Vriska grows up on a hostile planet where she's forced to kill for her Lusus. She also has the influence of Mindfang's journal to contend with. Vriska never knows who she is, she's always living in someone else's shadow and constantly hating it. Yet at the same time she's trying to live her life by some grand formula. Let's take Tavros for example. By virtue of Karkat and the descriptions we get of Alternia we see the word pity used several times when describing Flushed feelings. Can we take it with a grain of salt and assume that Karkat a known romance over enjoyer is being an unreliable narrator? Sure, we can. That said I think that wording is relevant here. In Vriska's head she feels bad for this guy and thinks that she's the only one who can fix him. On top of that you add in that her hero was flush with a powerful bronzeblood and you've put massive blinders on yourself. She becomes so self absorbed with this idea that she ends up going way too far in her efforts to bring him around and pushes heavily past his consent and boundaries. (Looking at that kiss scene). Even after his death she says maybe 2-3 things about ahh man maybe I shouldn't say bad things about that guy anymore or am I bad for killing (another) friend. She's young but I think the lack of remorse is something that matters here when looking at her in adulthood which is what we're really trying to get to here. As for the previous murder it's barely even touched. There's an air of well Aradia killed me back so we're all good. Even though she ascended to God tier and initially Aradia was just a ghost who had to deal with it while Sollux had to cope with the fact that physically it was his body that killed his matesprit. General other beats are the arrogance, easy to anger, and lack of empathy. Which we actually get to see some development on those from pre retcon Vriska! More on that here in a second.
Holy shit Gil, you're rambling so God Damn much why do we care? I don't know, don't ask me, but here's why all that foundation matters. If we're thinking about the theoretical for any Homestuck character as a whole I feel like we have to consider who they are in adulthood. Tons of discussion and debate all circles around "well they were kids!" Okay, well lets talk about what they could be as adults. So with everything we've already brought up about Vriska, how does she act in her 20s? Personally I think she struggles post game. She has no mental purpose for a while and she's in a place where she doesn't have to fight just to live so that means tons of time to sit around and think. We've seen from pre retcon Vriska that when the stress is off she does actually consider what she's done to a degree. Do I think she thinks about Tavros or Alternian sins all that much? No. I think she doesn't like her younger self (like most people) and does what she can to avoid being like that anymore. That comes with painfully slow growth and still a lot of bridges in need of mending. Those same traits of being self centered and needing attention are there but they're a little more tempered. She can at least listen now and has the emotional intelligence to realize when she's hurt someone and actually care about that. In summary: Vriska is a complicated and flawed character and saying that she did nothing wrong but also saying she did everything wrong are both incorrect. There is nothing defensible about her acts (She fucked up bad) but we can understand why she may have done them without condoning them. As an adult she is still kind of an asshole but she's not to that same level and she gets to grow into a somewhat reasonable adult that is still a dick at times. Also if you got this far then enjoy my shameless Vrisrose propaganda. They get in fights all the time and want to beat the shit out of each other nonstop. Both of them suck and it's so funny.
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real-oddity · 5 months
Real Oddity's 2023 Art
Hello hello, gay people in my computer, it's that time again! Time to look at my art over this year! Feel free to look at 12 pieces that I did throughout the year. Enjoy :D!!
January- Fluffybird hyperfixation was in FULL SWING, WOW! I was in a really good groove early in the year, and was getting a lot of nice work done, including these idiots! I've changed how I draw these boys, but I still really like the shading for the most part! Generally holds up well. The background is pretty cool, too! I drew it myself :]
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February- Luz Noceda my beloved! The Owl House was my favorite show for a while and still means a lot to me, so I felt like drawing Luz! Overall not very happy with this piece, like the shading, and also the nose, but I love the tears and eyes :D! Also hey those weird funky angular hands I used to draw, what ever happened to those-
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March- BALDI!!!!! I was such an indie horror kid, man, so when I found out I had like. 12 hours to get a drawing done for Baldi's anniversary, I fucking jumped at the chance. I'm proud of that fact, but yeesh that shading is a little gross color wise. Also I could not draw lips, ears, or noses. I still can't, but I'm better at it!
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April- oh god not them- So I was into Homestuck for a bit lol. I haven't finished it, and don't know if I will, but that's beside the point! Honestly this piece still holds up! For a colored sketch, I still like it a lot, especially Whimsy's hands. Dieonn's chin though... god you can tell I'm ass at perspective-
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May- Oh my goodness, it's Wally Darling! He's just the most~ This was a practice in perspective, which as mentioned before I'm not great at!. I think it came out well, and while the shading isn't realistic for a felt body, I still like it :]
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June- Oh my goodness he's multiplying!!! Run, run! This was me still trying to wiggle into the Welcome Home fandom (and failing lol) This was also a practice in both just drawing Wally, and composition! I didn't do great, but hey, it was good practice.
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July- Oh my gosh it's him... the birthday boy- So the Daycare Attendant stole my heart a few years back when I was really ill and recovering from some trauma, so I of course had to make something for Eclipse! I wanted to test painting, and honestly? I like it a lot, at least dirt wise. He looks so grimy, I love it, ah!! Still needs more work on the lighting, though.
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August- God dammit he came back again >:[ I was getting excited for all the new fnaf stuff, so I decided to draw Springtrap, the animatronic that scarred me so much as a kid. I'm actually still pretty happy with the general lighting. Like, there are a few things I have notes on, but overall I still like it :] Also the wires were fun, hehe
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September- Mr. Darling is back again! I decided to try my hand at digital painting again and!!! I am still really pleased with the results. Pretty man!
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October- Oh god its The Horse Show- For Cringetober, I drew a rarepair of Rarity and Sassy Saddles from MLP:FIM. I'm still super super happy with the horse anatomy, they're so cute! This was also a test in cell shading.
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November- Circus time! I thought the pairing of Jax and Kaufmo was kinda funny, so I drew them. This was another test in composition and such, and general interactions. I still think it's alright :]
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December- JANUARY EVERLY MY BELOVED SON!!! God it's been a hot minute sense I've done any illustrations with Jan. This was me just dicking around tbh, but hey! The results are fun! I love my son <3
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2023 was so much better than 2022 in many ways. I'm looking forward to an even better 2024, and I hope you'll join me!
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Akumakon 2024 Photos
Warning there are pictures and big load of text after this
So that was my Natasha Kerenksy cosplay, yeah it's pretty meh, the jumpsuit is baggy and the Wolf Mask is just because of my terrible camera shyness. But it was still the best Battletech Cosplay I saw that day, cause it was the only one I saw, but maybe there were others. It could've been like An American Tail where some other Battletech cosplayer was right around the corner from me to only be distracted right as I walk past. (Did that happen in that movie or did I imagine it idk) I'm rambling cause my brain is cooked from sweating in this jumpsuit all day.
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Also I had a little count thing where I kept note of how many times I saw certain cosplays, I didn't really keep concrete count
4-5 Homestucks
2 Sanses Undertales??? (could've just be guys wearing blue hoodies)
Infinite Hatsune Mikus
At least 2 Pomnis from Digital Circus
Homestucks are eternal and will be around until the sun swallows the earth whole, possibly even afterwards. But unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the digital circus cosplayers cause their costumes were really good, like this is a franchise that has existed for like 4 months and you have already nailed how to cosplay this character it was amazing. It actually inspired me to watch the pilot and now I know who I'm cosplaying next.
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Anyways I have a sword now.
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Homestuck Daily - Week 4/End of Month 1 - 5/11/2024
Today marks the end of the first month of my real time Homestuck reread. If my math is correct (and that is a big if), I have 83 months of reading Homestuck left. Based on some more math, I first read Homestuck roughly 50 months ago. I don't know what point I am making with this, except for the fact that time is long and strange.
If I am being honest, I am finding it a hard time to write this update, because it feels like basically nothing happened this entire week. It probably doesn't help that I've been playing Hades 2, an extremely fun and good game, all week. So everything I have to say about this week of Homestuck is colored by an implicit "And I read this instead of playing Hades 2 in that exact moment." Hell, I could be playing Hades 2 right now, but I am writing this instead.
In case you haven't noticed, dear reader that definitely exists, I don't exactly know what I'm doing with this one here. I know, after I worked so hard on developing a strict and rewarding format these past few weeks, I'm throwing it all away to ramble here and now. The thing you need to know about me, though, is that I make terrible decisions. Always have, always will. I promise I'll get to a point, but we'll get there on my own time.
Where was I. Oh right. 50 months ago. Valentines Day 2020. That was the day I began my first Homestuck read through. My girlfriend at the time- she would break up with me a few months later for non-Homestuck related reasons- was a Homestuck fan, and had tried and failed to convince me to read the comic before. We even spent a date night playing friend sim, which I tried my best not to be confused by. Well, Valentines day came, and I decided I would finally relent to my girlfriend's recommendation, and I spent the day reading Homestuck in my college dorm room. And when I started, I did not stop. Not for a long time. You see, it was a Friday, a Friday very early in the semester, in fact. I had nothing I needed to do and 3 whole days where I did not need to treat myself as a human being. I denied myself food, water, sleep, and human dignity as I read Homestuck, all the while texting my girlfriend my reactions. I think the only time I took a break that weekend was on Saturday, to play in a Vampire the Requiem game I had recently joined. I don't know exactly how far through Homestuck I had gotten when I attended the game- but it was further than a person should be less than 24 hours after starting the webcomic.
Which brings me to my point. How quickly into my binge did I get to the parts of this comic that has now taken me a month to reach? An hour? Less than that? I don't know and am unwilling to do the work to find that out. I don't think I had gone all-in on Homestuck at this point, but I do remember being entertained by the Sylladex fuckery that was going on. I found it intriguing, this little puzzle of mechanics, the audience and John struggling against an unintuitive game mechanic that refused to make things easy. That was 50 months ago. So far on my read through, all I really feel as I get to each new gag about Sylladexes is "Oh, today is just this, huh." A part of me is sad and disappointed these gags aren't landing for me in the way they once had. A part of me is worried what else in this comic will suffer with the addition of time. But then I got to the last page of this week's updates, page 137, a loading animation for SBURB set to Sburban Jungle by Michael Guy Bowman, and that worry melts away.
Sburban Jungle is a song that lights my imagination ablaze with visions of epic machinations. I am the kind of person who listens to music not just because I like a song, but because that song puts images in my head that I can't tear myself from exploring as fully as I can. Even back when I was a kid in highschool, I would spend my bus rides home listing to my ipod, imagining grand adventures and fantastic scenes set to whatever music I was listening to. Sburban Jungle brings me back to those days, I think. That feeling that I find so hard to describe right now is part of why I love Homestuck, I think. It is a story about 4 kids, friends, playing a game together. A game where anything can be possible. A game where music brings actions scenes of epic and mythical scale- like the kind I would think about on the bus ride home- to life. That game hasn't started yet, we are still playing a game I'd like to call "Inventory Management if the Inventory Management hated you". But we'll get there eventually.
I have read Homestuck in realtime for 1 month. I will continue this for 83 more months. There'll be many months where I read nothing, and I'll need to think up something to post during those weeks. There'll be months where I'll struggle to keep everything I want to discuss in individual coherent posts. Homestuck is a land of contrasts, and I am going to experience those contrasts in the fullness of time's length. This is a terrible idea, but those are my favorite kinds.
Now that this is written and done with, time to play some more Hades 2.
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missingrache · 4 months
10 fandoms 10 blorbos, very belatedly responding to a tag from lovely @windsweptinred:
1. Bioshock: Mark Meltzer
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This man is the subject of my very first post on tumblr, he must be included here, I adore this sad fuck.
2. Homestuck: Diamonds Droog
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A toss up between him and Slick. I was and am a Homestuck Intermission girlie and this must be acknowledged.
3. Dragon Age: Justice
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I have many many Dragon Age faves and DAO and also Awakening is so so important to me, but Jorstin here is the fellow I have the most distinct and personal opinions about and is, aside from OCs like my Brosca Warden, Avi, the only one I have a strong rp/fic voice for. He’s such a weird and cool dude!
4. DC Comics/Animated Universe: Martian Manhunter/ J’onn J’onzz
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My BOY. I love him most in the VERY specific comic pictured above (1988 miniseries that establishes the Martian gods as being flaming horrorterrors, as we see in Sandman w/L’zoril Dream, it’s GOOD SHIT)—but also in general. Criminally under rated and under represented. A sad fuck, a shape shifting horror, a stranger in a strange land, a bereaved parent, Doing His Goddamn Best. AND sometimes a noir detective send up.
Anyway, speaking of comics.
5. Sandman: Dream of the Endless
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I am thrilled to be here in the year of our lord 2024 enthusing about and making friends over this scrunkly wet cat that I first encountered and dearly loved in high school. (I am more than halfway through my 30’s now, so it has been A WHILE). I’m counting Sandman and DC as separate affairs, sorry not sorry.
6. Our Flag Means Death: Izzy Hands
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Loved him even before S2, fascinated, I want to put him in a jar and shake him but also keep him safe forever. I am a little soured on the show after s2, but I have dressed up as Izzy and would gladly do so again so he belongs here.
7. Supergiant Hades: Achilles
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This SPECIFIC version of Achilles, who has died and continued growing through his pain and regrets and who is a surrogate parent to my BOI Zagreus, is. Fascinating. To me. I was so angry at first to find myself liking him as much as I did! It’s masterful how much characterization Supergiant implies with relatively little. He’s coming after Izzy on the list bc I came to them both in similar ways, looking at myself falling in love and going oh my god HIM? Seriously? And being like yup that war criminal there is my son now!!! (And now of course I’m fond of him all across the mythological/classical board, oh my god Hadesgame what have you done.)
8. Star Wars: Alexsandr Kallus
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The only space nazi redemption arc I will accept. (Although I am watching Andor with friends right now and three double agent gingers across the begins to suggest a pattern which is very entertaining to me.)
Anyway A+ arc, love this bastard man, love his giant cat husband, single-handedly keeping me invested in Star Wars, hope his gay happy ending never gets messed with.
9. Les Miserables: Inspector Javert
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Another character that I went oh my god REALLY??? That Guy??? About. But he’s so /funny/ in the Brick and Stars is lovely enough that I learned how to play barre chords on my guitar Just For That and look. Look. He is a bastard but he is MY bastard and I will read every redeemed!Javert fic that crosses my path forever the end. (Also a side note: Kallus was originally sold to me by @lokivangelist as “space Javert”)
10. The Witcher: Dandelion/Jaskier (all versions, but repping Hexer below because that’s my favorite!!!)
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Throwing a curveball for the last slot! I’ve got a sad dad/monochrome aesthetic/loyal right hand/shapeshifting nonhuman/rigid worldview kinda pattern happening above, and my boi here slip slides away from almost all of those. Except for the loyalty. This man is an absolute ride or die for Geralt and I love that about him. He is also an obnoxious fuckboi but I love that too, especially in a story as heavy as the Witcher frequently can be. (My runner up for this fandom was gonna be book!Lambert, who is similarly narratively savvy and good at puncturing the heaviness of a scene without being straight up comic relief.)
There they are! Ten blorbos, I climbed that whole mountain and now I’m heading to bed. (Will tag folks tomorrow perhaps? But also feel free to invite yourself in and do this and say I tagged you if you like, because I am curious what my mutuals and etc . might choose!)
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blessphemy · 5 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
thanks for the tag @non-plutonian-druid!
the actual format of this game is this post but i rearranged it a bit so that i could hide my extremely long list of fics under a cut
Fandom fic events 2023
Murderbot Diaries New Year Gift Exchange
Yuletide Draft Dodgers
Murderbot AUpril Collection (open and accepts submissions)
2023 Aspec Murderbot Diaries
2023 PresAugust
We Were It // It Will Be Us: A TMBD Art Exhibition (open and accepts submissions)
Botober 2023
Upcoming 2024
i'm doing the Murderbot Diaries New Year Gift Exchange (2024) :3
Perhaps i'll post something for the annual 3/3 for Three collection idk (this collection is open and accepts submissions, and it spikes on March 3rd of each year)
Gift exchange fic
Absolute monster of a nullverse!network effect AU fic. i'm trying so hard to get draft 1 of this beast finished it's been beating my ass for over a year but i'm gonna Get It
Continue Via Solitude updates.
a 5+1 ASR bad ends fic that explores some meta shit. namely trust, forgiveness, and sci-fi horror genre vs canon.
Words and fics 2023
let's find out just how cringe (fun) i've been on ao3. i'm like. jeebus creebus i've posted a lot this year huh.
105,486 words of fan fiction. all of it murderbot. let's look at them going right down the statistics page (default sorted by hits, tho it gets kind of messy at the end with and i got lazy):
30,336 words of Via Solitude, an All Systems Red AU where murderbot has to do wilderness survival.
~5k words that's just a repost of Threat As Greeting, except with fresh interactive CSS effects.
3,346 words top 3 SURPRISING things you didn't know about the SECUNIT who pulled you out of an INCINERATOR (2023 gift exchange) outsider POV from the characters featured in Wells' pre-canon short story
1,502 words Aspec Drabbles (for the Aspec Murderbot Diaries event) it lot of fun to work with strict 100-word drabbles.
13,837 words References NULL: Logs From Project Murderbot [nullverse] the most purely concentrated angst/whump from the nullverse series yet. handle with care or skip it.
6,552 words How To Go On A Camping Trip - a guide for anxious SecUnits who are bad at vacationing (2023 gift exchange) i really liked this one tbh. fun standalone.
2,488 words Improve Your Baby AI With This One Weird Trick! (2023 gift exchange) my personal fic-titling theme for the gift exchange was "clickbait."
7,875 Alien Refuge (AUpril inspired) This is a Homestuck crossover, and reportedly the first time multiple people willingly interacted with homestuck-affiliated content, and they liked it. gottem. it's also pretty good, i did a nice job injecting homestuckism tone into the murderbot narrative style If I Do Say So Myself.
911 words No Comment: Shut Up And Dance [nullverse] fluff and humor. tfw your secunit friend (murderbot) is crashing in your living room and you (dr. ratthi) have insomnia.
2,922 words MetaMorphoSys (AUpril inspired) listen i NEED the next big fandom trend to be an AU world where people metamorphose inside cocoons. hear me out. HEAR ME OUT. in this fic we take the fridge horror of canon murderbot diaries and make it visceral, wet, biological, and ethically Even Worse. get yr Amena emotions also.
0 words SecUnit Technician Bingo Card it's funny. idk.
3,438 words nullverse reference sheet [nullverse bonus content] self indulgent AU notes
2,290 words Systems: Splorch [nullverse bonus content] a friend of mine said "how long until we get a fic with #oviposition in the murderbot diaries ao3?" i took the answer to that question into my own two capable hands at 7.5 hours. you're welcome.
2,562 words Artifacts NULL: Fire Festival [nullverse] slice-of-life friend times with nostalgia vibes. how far we've come.jpg.
388 words Entries shared by the Society for Conservation of Feed Artifacts (SCFA) (created for TMBD in-universe robot art gallery, which is an open collection that accepts any submissions!) wait this reminds me i have one more to post. i'll get to it.
9,314 words in 31 fics written for (Botober 2023) daily prompts. turned out to be a fun exercise and exploration of bot culture tho it took me longer than the month of october to finish.
4 fanarts of fics that i liked.
26 fanbindings where i printed out and made booklets out of fics that i liked.
2 translations.
3,080 words Refrain [nullverse bonus content] if you're unfamiliar with my Brand this will sound unhinged. if you are familiar with my Brand you know by now that i have a knack for taking literally Anything and treating it with tender loving care and unexpected deft so this doesn't even surprise you. tl;dr it's porn of two bots having a deeply OSHA-unapproved Fuck Session, there's no genitals involved, and it's tagged #Vivisection. it's pretty good if you're into robots and perhaps mild gore.
Rules & Tags for this game
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass, just keep on scrolling.
@fishdetective @beatrice-otter @snugglyeldritchjellyfish @ilovedthestars and anyone who feels like it
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