#i am bad at editing the text so pardon the ugliness
jahe · 3 years
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Does he think we edit with our looks? That’s just stupid.
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riverleyk · 3 years
French vs English: MK: 12 Signatures
Part 3! Read part 1 and part 2  The translation differences, a more general look.  First of all, we need to discuss actually speech bubbles. Not all bubbles were changed to fit the French text, but some were. 
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Changed.  These changes were kind of rare and only happened if the text was important and really couldn’t fit inside no matter how hard I tried. And trust me, I tried a lot. Changing sentences so it would have the same meaning but still be smaller of fit different. I came on clutch. Often. 
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This translates to the same thing, but here’s a good example of Stella using more Quebec slang and speaking with a joual accent.  Some characters who spoke with English slang had to have it removed or changed. 
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“OMG! Really!” Instead of:
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All chapters have the same names. Certain names are in English, and others are in French. The thank you note at the beginning of the book, and the origin of the comic pages at the end are both bilingual, as organizing and setting things in different folders is just a hassle. Certain characters had a name change, except for Burgundy who ironically had the name of a color as her name and so it would have translated kind of easily... except...I thought “Bourgogne” sounded ugly.  Andrew became André, a much more traditional French name.  Edwin became Edward. ‘Édouard’ would have been the better French spelling, but in in this context, Edwin is actually anglophone, so have it be spelled the English way, but be more pronounceable to French speakers is the ideal here. Sure, Edwin might be a bit iffy on pronunciation but try Riverley K in French. My own name sounds hideous. I should have changed my own name instead! Dimitri is a pretty name in French, but unfortunately, DIMITRIUS is just a terrible sound in French. Luckily, it’s long and nobody calls him by his full name.
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Speaking of Edwin being an anglophone tho, his ENTIRE CHAPTER is different and much funnier.  In the English version, Edwin was a hard ass. Respectful, super Canadian, and polite, but still firm in not wanting to sign the contract, all until... ya know the plot twist. (Read my comic!!!)  But if French, he’s all that and extremely bad at talking in French. Added dialog of him saying as much and apologizing is the icing on top. 
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“ I’m happy that you came, but she has passed away. I worry that nobody can sign these papers. pardon my French.”  Notice how he says ‘je worry’. worry is an English word, he’s not saying it right. he should be saying ‘Je suis inquiet’ (I am worried) but even that isn’t right. I payed a lot of attention to my own French mistakes, and my biggest errors were using English grammar structure or sayings and applying them into French, which would create broken syntaxe and bad grammar. Language is complex, but I’ll keep it simple for the sake of this post not taking ages.  Other types of errors/fun details: 
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Clearly, he just said an entire sentence in English. That's not French!
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“That’s illegal. we are met now. You know me not.” He fails spectacularly to the point of this phrase barely making sense. 
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More anglicismes (using English words in another Language). Using ‘caller’ instead of ‘téléphoner’ (the verb, to call) and of course, using smart instead of intelligent or rusé. 
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“The money was (was?) - has been stolen.” I know this translation is wrong in English. Saying has is right for the context, but in French, Edwin questioned his own grammar and got it right! There are so many other mistakes he makes, but most of it is grammar related. He only used masculine ‘déterminant’ like Le and Un. In French, nouns have gender, and so there’s La and Une he’s not using. He also gets conjugation mixd up, using ‘est’ and ‘a’ incorrectly. This is basic stuff that’s very hard for new learners, but even then, Edwin is from Ontario, where English is still taught in school. Edwin is a himbo tho.  Other small edits: ..or lack there of. 
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In chapter 8, Donovan’s hotel room is the name in either language. Mainly because I edited these directly on the image file itself. The hotel was actually my grand parent’s old folks home hallway. Their hotel room was the basement at my aunt’s house. I needed to edit out their address and names. 
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In French, Stella references her ‘info-man’, which is a popular comedy in Québec.
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Certain sounds, like a gasp is not translated. Mainly cause I don’t know what a French gasp is...
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Dimitri’s slang for ‘get high’ was translated to ‘défoncer’ but actually that means  something much more intense. Basically Dimitri said “I’m gonna go get shitfaced.” 
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Beatrice also speaks in slight joual. Also, that’s my bedroom. 
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I don’t know why her swearing in French was censored....
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“But Dimitri, it’s us the victims. he has abandoned us and our mothers too. Most of these kids don’t have dads and never received a #@$! black cent!”  The world that would named the most sense in her sentence would have been “maudite”. thank you for reading about the translation process for the comic! I’m working on writing more articles. 
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Tell me I’m "nightmareing”...
Ugh, I am so mad right now. So I was watching Bend it Like Beckham, and somehow, I dunno how (I clicked random posts, whatever), I ended up on an article on floh.in about “7 reasons not to marry and Indian woman” (don’t ask). The linked text leads to the article.
Now upon first glance, the article seems rather beautifully worded. It’s like they’re mocking any reason that people would have to not get into a relationship with them. Here are the 7 reasons they gave to “not marry an Indian woman”:
1. She’s gorgeous 2. She’s too colorful 3. She loves her family 4. She’s probably stronger than you 5. She’s independent 6. She’s busy building a career 7. She’s passionate
Now again, the article is worded as though it’s listing bad qualities, but when you look at the actual content, it seems like really positive aspects are put on display! So naturally, I’d assumed it to be a sarcastically written article trying to emphasize that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being in a relationship with them. I was smiling as I read the article. Too bad the smile slipped the moment I reached the comments.
I swear to God, either people are completely stupid or they’re just oblivious to everything and anything around them. Take your pick, but whatever it was, the comments made me mad.
Apparently, either I was the only one who sensed the sarcasm behind the message, or there was no sarcasm at all! But I mean, come on, there is no way that you can turn those seven points into actually negative points, regardless of what description you write. 
So I continued reading the comments. Bad mistake. Shouldn’t have done that. I should’ve just crossed out the tab. But noo, my curiosity left me taking in comment after comment. It left me seething in anger, momentarily forgetting the sarcasm I’d originally thought the article to contain. So then I wrote this comment (I’ve edited out some typos here):
I beg your pardon... which one of these points were negative?? Basically what you're saying is that women should be docile, weak little creatures with no family life and nothing better to do than stay at home and abide to your wishes. Frankly speaking, if that's what you want, you're better off not marrying.
I don't know whether this article is more insulting to women in general or Indians or specifically Indian women, because everything written is so superficial, it's ridiculous. And to be honest, majority of the comments here anger me more than the article itself.
The first thing I want to say to all of you pathetically racist and chauvinistic idiots: Learn English. Honestly, I don't know where you studied, but you'll have to go for linguistic classes again. Your grammar gives me a headache. Sure, Indian women may not be particularly *submissive* (please note that I spat out that word), but at least they know how to spell.
Now, coming to the actual content of the said comments, first, allow me to quote (and perhaps on-the-spot-reply to) some of them:
"te race and accent are creapy and not understandable" - Okay, first of all, what? Everyone else is entitled to their own opinions and you may not be able to understand their accent, but frankly, I can't understand your comment. As for the race being "creapy", I fail to understand how you're generalizing an ENTIRE RACE of people--over one *billion* persons--based off what little, if any, experience you have with them. I could go on blasting you, but there are other comments to get to.
"the mango mussilini says ug 2 Indian Women--UG UG" (by the same person as the previous comment) - Again, what? I've actually never heard this (incorrectly spelt) term (yes, perhaps I do live under a rock), but after googling it, I found out you meant Trump. Now Trump may not be someone who wouldn't be considered racist, but at least he has more tact than this. Thank you for showing everyone how bloody racist you are.
"I am about to marry Indian beautiful girl. But after finding all this in google I start to hesitate...." - WHY TF ARE YOU MARRYING HER IF THIS KIND OF CRAP INFLUENCES YOUR OPINION ON HER?? Honestly, I kinda pity the girl.
"indian women is suck" - Fuck you.
This next one is a bit long, but all of it pisses me off so much:
"Indian women wants money, car, dowry, and a lot of amoutant. Mostly the going strange in European in releationship and in merriages and it doesnt matter how and what money money rules. The are act cheap that the are like big and proud the are not attrative but the think they are.They wants money and dowry and luxe life we need to merried like in the bollywood indian tradition expensive wedding, whaha DJ and included catering with food and strangers family from the girl will benefit from your money, even her friend and farr farr family that you dont even now will benfit from your money
Biggest whores are among India women.
Fuck the milkman, grocer. If DNA testing is among them 80% of the children false.
Indian women drinking most of all women.
This nation is about corpses.
I mind a lot with them and know what I'm talking about.
They come into your home and fuck your husband but you will never notice it.
They are dangerous.
I've only met one who has children with a forest creole, when you see those kids? Beautiful.
She and husband ugly kids but very beautiful.
Indian women are perfect for white guys and for blackguys."
Honestly, I'm speechless. I just don't know what to say, I dunno where to begin. If you "mind a lot with them" why is it that you've only met one? Unfortunately, I have no idea what you mean by "forest creole", but assuming that that's some other derogatory term, that's four races you've insulted in this comment alone. There's (obviously) Indians. Then there's the forest one, "white guys" and "blackguys". Congrats on sending yourself to Tartarus, you prick. Honestly, I'm still stunned, so I won't waste my time pointing out every wrong thing you said in this--which is pretty much everything you said.
At this point, I'm upset enough to not even want to scroll down and copy paste more comments, but let me assure you, there are more.
I'm stunned. To be honest, I thought that humanity was better than this, but the sheer amount of comments here proves me wrong.
You can't generalise an entire society based on the actions of an individual! And all humans are exactly the same, save our sexual preferences, skin colour, and beliefs. Honestly, how can you even think of discriminating someone just because they were born to a particular family?? That's just wrong on so many levels!
And the amount of people who are this narrow minded is astounding. How can you claim to be better than everyone else when you're not even willing to give them a chance? How can you make judgements on people without knowing them?
And I say this, not only for Indians, and not only for women. I say this for everyone. Each and every person in this world deserves to be given a fair and equal chance. They have the right to be treated just the same as everyone else. And you have the duty to treat them that way.
Clearly, my comment is now longer than the original post, so I'll stop here. But please, to all of you visiting this page, I request you to rethink what you say before speaking it. All you’re doing is unnecessarily hurting and discriminating others who wouldn't dream of doing the same to you.
I was just so hopping mad. But honestly, what would you do? Am I the only one who’s slowly losing faith in humanity? I mean, I can’t be. But I thought we were better than this. I hadn’t realised that so many of us failed to understand the simple truth that at the end of the day, we’re all only human. 
We don’t choose who we’re born to, nor do we decide where we’re born, how our skin colour looks, or even who we’re attracted to (if anyone). 
And honestly, even if we could choose, people shouldn’t feel like what they are is wrong. If they were given a choice, they should be perfectly content with picking things which go against society’s expectations. But today, there’s so much discrimination that people actually wish that they’d been born differently. 
What is wrong with us? Is it really that hard to get that everyone is equal??
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