#i bought these socks like ??? 3 years ago? bc i thought they were super cute
semercury · 4 months
Silly little thing, but I put on the fishy socks today.
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yuhaosturtle · 4 years
50 questions tag!
I got tagged by @gunsatthaphan thank you 🌼💕
this is very long and nobody cares asdfghjkl but it's fun so I'm still doing this ✌
what color is your hairbrush?: black and turquoise
name a food you never eat: peppers
are you typically too warm or too cold?: too hot in summer, too cold any other time of the year
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?: watching tv
what’s your favorite candy bar?: kinder riegel? does that count?
have you ever been to a professional sports game?: I've been to a soccer game once and quite a few ice hockey games!
what’s the last thing you said out loud?: tschüss aka bye
what’s your favorite ice cream?: vanilla and cookies, also that one soft serve place I go to since my childhood
what was the last thing you had to drink?: coffee, the loml
do you like your wallet?: I do! It's from a show I don't even watch lol but it's cute!
what’s the last thing you ate?: croissant and pineapple
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: I think I haven't bought any since last year tbh
what’s the last sporting event you watched?: ice hockey, like a week before quarantine
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: sweet AND salty. mixed together. you never know what the next piece of popcorn's gonna taste like. heaven.
who’s the last person you sent a text to?: my bestie and it was abt acnh
ever go camping?: I went a few times when I was young but it's not for me
do you take vitamins?: nope
do you go to church every sunday?: no I'm not religious
do you have a tan?: I don't get tanned. I get red
do you prefer chinese or pizza?: ...oh how to choose one... pizza? pizza.
do you drink soda through a straw?: sometimes
what color socks do you usually wear?: I love wearing colourful printed socks but I also have plain colours
do you ever drive above the speed limit?: I can't drive so no
what terrifies you?: heights. also spiders and ants.
look to your left, what do you see?: sofa pillows, the manga I'm reading rn, earphones
what chore do you hate the most?: cleaning
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?: chris hemsworth
what’s your favorite soda?: coke
do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: again I can't drive so yeah
what’s your favorite number?: 3 bc there is a German saying "all good things come in threes"
who’s the last person you talked to?: my mum probably
favorite cut of beef?: honestly I've never thought abt this before
last song you listened to?: Hard Candy by Lady Gaga and Blackpink
last book you read?: probably sth for class I don't know which one
can you say the alphabet backwards?: nö
favorite day of the week?: idk tbh... weekends?
how do you like your coffee?: I'm not picky. hot, cold, room-temperature, black, with milk, super sweet or bitter - all of it! depends on my mood
favorite pair of shoes?: my white vans
time you normally get up?: If I don't have to be anywhere like 10am
sunrise or sunsets?: oh that's hard. sunrise I think
how many blankets on your bed?: one.
describe your kitchen plates?: ...white?
describe your kitchen at the moment?: it's a pretty tidy kitchen atm
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?: impossible to choose, there's a lot I like
do you play cards?: I LOVE Uno. I like card games in general
what color is your car?: transparents bc I don't have one
can you change a tire?: nope
your favorite state/province/county/etc.?: in my country? ngl I'm a fan of my city (which is also a state) but I also like the ones further north
favorite job you’ve had?: none so far
how did you get your biggest scar?: I have no idea... it's just always been there
tagging! @purnotas @bl-archer @lcveislove @m34ns @chanagun @yihwas @kxrn7knxck @ashontheoffbeat @watttine @romanceismycallingcard 🖤🌌
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Heyyyyy, I think you guys are so cuteee. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45
Aww thank you
3; Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?K: I don’t wear scarves much, but I probably should. My mom makes me sometimes.J: I live in a tropical country. I don’t have a use for scarves. I’d probably die of heatstroke and my girlfriend wouldn’t like that. 
4; How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?J: One, two days. K: Depending on if I have somewhere to be, maybe 20-30 minutes or even a few hours. 
6; What does your umbrella look like?J: It’s blue. I don’t really use it.K: I don’t even think I have one. 
7; Do you listen to ASMR?K: No, I’m not weird. I mean, I’m weird but not like that bad. J: I don’t listen to it because I don’t have a problem or a fetish. 
8; Rain storms or a light drizzle? J: Both.K: Rain storm, but not at night.
10; Favorite color aesthetic? J: Pastel pink. Jk, black and white. K: I really like the pale blue ones and the really light pink ones, like, rose gold I think? 
14; Have you ever rode a horse? K: OHHHH YEEEEE BOIIIIIIIIII I GREW UP ON HORSESJ: Nope.
15; Do you have glasses? K: I do. I’ve had them since kindergarten actually. I’m legally blind.J: Yes, I have, I’m blind af.
18; Do you have a favorite pair of socks?K: I have these puma ones that are really nice and I like them. J: Yeah, the new ones I bought. The black ones with the rainbows on them bc it’s gay. 
26; What would you do if someone gave you flowers? K: Depending on who they’re from, I’d still say ‘aww’ and thank them profusely. But if it were my girlfriend I’d hug her really tight and not let go. J: I don’t really like flowers because they die and that’s not really a good metaphor for love. But if my girlfriend gave me some I’d probably cry. 
27; Do you like nicknames? K: I love any nickname she gives me, which are a lot btw.J: No, except for hers. 
28; Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?K: Not anymore, but only bc most of the TV I watch is on Netflix and stuff. I’d still watch Spongebob and any of the things she watches tho. J: I watch Adventure Time, The Amazing World of Gumball, and Victorious (bc I ship the two main characters). 
30; Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) K: Either alice in wonderland or the mannequin head meme thing. Fight me. J: Hell girl, it’s an anime. 
33; Cookies or brownies? J: Brownies.K: She’s forcing me to only pick one. I pick cookies. (I almost picked brownies). 
35; Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? K: Not really, unless it’s not too loud. J: No, I want them to burn in hell. It’s annoying. 
38; When was the last time you blew bubbles?K: Maybe three or four months ago? J: Freshman year of college, I think. 
40; Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?K: I usually clip them pretty often, but sometimes I bite them. J: I clip them now but I used to bite them until it bled and stuff. 
42; Thoughts on freckles?K: They’re nice I guess? I don’t have like, groups of freckles, just random singular ones all over. I love my girlfriend’s freckles tho. J: I don’t like mine, I don’t think they’re nice to look at and stuff. But I like hers. 
43; First video game you ever played?K: Uhhh???? I don’t know? It was on the Wii and it was probably like, Wii sports or smth. Or Smash bros. J: Super Mario Brothers. 
45; Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?K: Boioioioi that’s all I use. J: No. But she does. She’s crashed her phone sending so many gifs before.
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deardudley · 7 years
dream come true (sirius x reader); 1/3
you & sirius go to hogsmeade together bc remus is a mess and james/peter are just. really sleepy. sirius ends up being a total nerd, and a sap for a bit. it’s cute. stuff gets awkward. the usual.
Word Count: 4775
Genre: fluff
Warnings: cussing, sirius black being a total and utter nerd, talking about drowning people in hot chocolate?
A/N: honestly this is just me living out my deepest sirius black fantasies but for the entire internet to have access to so yes please enjoy the first installment of this super lame fluff. i didnt even proofread this so its probably trash but im trying to avoid doing my summer homework so here y’all go anyways.
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Your nickname: submit What is this?
The first Hogsmeade visit of the year was always a cause for celebration at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Even first and second year students felt the excitement fluttering through the school, and for good reason; they’d get the common rooms to themselves for the majority of the day and likely would spend it huddled in front of the fireplace, playing games of Exploding Snap and Wizard’s Chess. And of course, the older students would be able to splurge on Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Cauldrons, and Dr. Filibuster’s Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks.
Much to your happiness, said Hogsmeade weekend was soon approaching. You were running low on ink and some other basic supplies — Marlene’s cat had a habit of getting into your bag and chewing on your quills.
Every year, Hogsmeade visits tended to be both the most hectic and the most enjoyable days you spent with your best friends. It was always the five of you: yourself, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Even though the boys had the tendency to be massive idiots and always got you in an endless amount of trouble, they were your best friends. You did almost everything together, from attending classes to causing mischief across the castle (much to the chagrin of the general Hogwarts population). But that’s why Hogsmeade visits were your favourite. It was you and your mates, goofing off and spending an unnecessary amount of money on sweets and Zonko’s products.
On the long-anticipated morning of the visit, you woke up to the sound of Lily and Alice chatting and changing out of their pajamas. It was 7:00 AM, and you got dressed as quickly as you could while joining their conversation about Flitwick’s weekend homework. You elected to wear a simple ensemble of hiking boots, jeans, and a Gryffindor Quidditch shirt (a Christmas present from James you’d received a year prior). Before leaving, you stopped for your daily obligatory petting of Marlene’s cat.
With almost childish energy, you bounded down the dormitory staircase. The Common Room was empty — breakfast didn’t start for another 15 minutes — and the fireplace crackled in the background. You briskly made your way up the boys dormitory stairs and arrived at the door in record time. Your smile had already been wide in anticipation, but it widened even more when you knocked and heard the groggy call of “Come in!”
You opened the wooden door with renewed gusto. All four boys were still snug, wrapped under the heavy sheets, and Remus and Peter still seemed to be asleep. Their chests rose and fell with their heavy breaths, and Peter was snoring. Sirius, on the other hand, was staring at the ceiling with his eyes open, and James’ head was turned towards you.
Remus had already decided that he wasn’t planning on going to Hogsmeade. The latest full moon had taken its toll on him, and he was still recovering from the combination of his transformation and loads of homework. The stress was quite visibly apparent, too. He was jumpy, falling asleep in class, and the bags under his eyes were pronounced like never before.
He planned on spending the day catching up on schoolwork and getting some well-deserved sleep. You didn’t blame him, either — running around as Animagi during the full moon was exhausting for you and the boys. You could only imagine how difficult it was for Remus.
The rest of you had all offered to stay behind and spend the day with him, but he declined. Thoughtful as ever, Remus had reasoned that he didn’t want to ruin your day. Though, you had all rebutted saying that you’d prefer to make sure he was healthy, rather than meander around the grounds in the cold of November.
Though James had already been looking at you, Sirius turned to face you as well, and they both grinned.
“Hey, (Y/N/N),” James said through a yawn. “What’s up?”
“Not you guys, that’s for sure,” you replied, earning you a chuckle from Sirius and a glare from James. You crossed your arms over your chest and continued, “Why are none of you out of bed?”
“Peter and I are staying behind with Remus. We shall be personally catering to his every need,” James spoke with a wiggle of his eyebrows. You felt a strong urge to hit him with a pillow.
“In other words, they’re going on kitchen and library runs,” Sirius joked. This earned him a halfhearted glare and a middle finger from James. “We can still go to Hogsmeade if you’d like, (Y/N/N), but it would just be us…?”
You could tell that James was hiding a smirk, and he sent you a knowing look with his hazel eyes.
The boys had been your best friends since you’d met them on the Hogwarts Express in your first year  — but if there was one thing that you wished they didn’t know about… it would be your gigantic and embarrassing crush on Sirius Orion Black. They had only found out because of a game of veritaserum-induced Truth or Dare. You’d played when Sirius was serving a detention for McGonagall, luckily. You’d made them swear not to tell, but that didn’t stop the relentless teasing you’d endured for the greater part of two years. They kept their word and never told the black-haired idiot, but they still made fun of you whenever possible.
“I’m sure our lovely (Y/N/N) would love to go,” James replied for you, not missing a beat.
You made a mental note to proceed and hit James with a pillow whenever possible.
“Yeah, sounds fun,” you chirped. “As long as we go to Honeydukes first, and we buy some stuff for Remus while we’re there.”
“But of course, m’lady,” Sirius joked with a thumb’s up directed towards you. “Allow me to get ready and we can be on our merry way!”
He flipped his covers off and stood whilst rubbing his eyes in tiredness. Lazy as always, he took his wand from his nightstand and flicked it at his trunk seated at the foot of his bed. It flipped open and Sirius went over, picked out a jumper and jeans, and went for the bathroom.
As soon as he closed the door, you stomped to his bed and took one of his pillows. You then turned around and whacked James with it. Hard.
“Serves you right, you wanker.”
You moved to have a seat on Sirius’ bed, bringing the pillow back with you and setting it in its rightful spot.
With a sigh, you pulled your wand from your back pocket and twirled it between your fingers. It was a nervous habit you’d picked up from your parents several years ago. James turned to the other side (likely to try and fall back asleep) and you continued with your fidgeting and tiny sighs.
Sirius soon left from the bathroom, eyes bright and hair disheveled in a somewhat pretentious manner. Your heart practically skipped a beat at the way he smiled at you. God, that smile was just infectious — you were certain that the boy would never have to learn a defensive spell. He would only have to smile at someone and they’d be disarmed from the sheer beauty. Bloody hell.
He walked to his trunk again and pulled a pair of socks and his trainers. Soon enough, he was adorning his signature black shoes and socks. He looked back at you after pulling them on, but he frowned at you instead of flashing you his normal grin.
“Something wrong?” You asked, tilting your head to the side and scrunching your eyebrows. The boy seemed to be lost in thought, his eyes raking up and down your figure in a way that made your (already uneasy) stomach churn.
“Well, love,” Sirius said while crossing his arms over his chest, “it is the middle of November, after all. Don’t you think that shirt is a little thin? We don’t want you getting sick.”
You frowned, looking down at yourself. The material of the shirt was quite flimsy, and the sleeves were rather short… Perhaps he was right.
“Maybe,” you acquiesced with a pout. “But I don’t want to go all the way back to my dorm and change…”
The laziness was overwhelming.
Your declaration had Sirius rolling his eyes in a dramatic, Sirius-like fashion. He grumbled something under his breath and opened his trunk again, rummaging through it until he had found what he was looking for.
Before you had time to react, he threw something at you and it smacked you right across the face, then fell into your lap.
You gave Sirius a malice-filled glare, to which he replied with a sheepish grin and a thumb’s up. When you looked at the object in your lap, though, all anger disappeared immediately.
It was a jumper.
If you wanted to borrow a jumper from someone, Remus was always the first to offer. He had taken up a habit of keeping an extra one in his bag during winter for you, and they were quite possibly the warmest, fluffiest jumpers ever . They also smelled of him — of chocolate, old books, and the cologne you’d bought for him as a birthday present in your third year (he had begun regularly buying it ever since). While sometimes Peter and James lent you some as well, Sirius never seemed to wear them.
Seeing him in one was rather new, but the fact that he had at least two… bloody hell, it was time you started borrowing his instead.
“You’re lazy, but you should be glad I’m such a good friend!” Sirius declared. You grabbed the pillow from next to you and threw it at him in response.
“Wankers. The whole lot of you are ruddy wankers, honestly.”
Sirius pouted in response, but then ushered you into the bathroom to change.
Not long afterwards, you stepped out of the room with your Quidditch shirt in hand, Sirius’ jumper now in its place. The wool was soft against your skin, and you were very pleased to notice it smelled of him: a strange but comforting concoction of vanilla, sandalwood, and myrrh.
“Lovely!” he said as soon as you’d emerged from the bathroom. You could’ve sworn his cheeks had tinged pink, but you assumed it was just your imagination.
He took the Quidditch shirt and tossed it onto his bed so that you could grab it upon your return.
“Bye, Prongs,” you spoke in unison. James grunted in response as you headed for the door. You left the 3 sleeping boys alone in their dorm.
“Bloody hell, Sirius, let go of my arm!”
Breakfast had been uneventful; Sirius had shamelessly flirted with Marlene, much to your disappointment, but Marlene had fired back with her trademark sarcasm and snark. Lily had gotten into an argument with Dorcas over whether a half-mangled Cornish pixie or James Potter was more attractive (they unanimously decided the Cornish pixie won). You made fun of Sirius for grabbing a glass of pumpkin juice while ranting about how disgusting pumpkin juice was. So, all in all, a regular day at the Gryffindor table.
You all stayed at the table for a while longer, and only left once students from the other tables started filtering out of the hall.
Excitement renewed, you all but grabbed Sirius’ arm and dragged him out of the Hall. He had laughed and tried to keep up with your rapid maneuvers through the corridor. Though he’d never admit it, you saw him stumble a few times over his own feet.
“Merlin, (Y/N/N),” he whined as soon as the village was within your field of vision. You’d returned to a walking pace, and Sirius was just slightly out of breath. Slightly. You let go of his arm before you stopped talking, a tinge of embarrassment settling in your brain like the fresh, crisp snow that had begun to coat the grounds of the castle.
“You could at least warn me before you take off like a bloody startled hippogriff!”
“But that’s boring,” you complained in response. Sirius nudged you with his elbow but said nothing back.
However, as soon as you saw Zonko’s in the distance with a few third year students already gathering near the entrance of the esteemed joke shop, you knew you were in deep, deep trouble.
Sirius turned to face you with a wicked grin, the excitement obvious on his boyish face.
Without another word, he grabbed your arm the same way you’d grabbed his back in the Great Hall and starting dragging you towards the shop, running even faster than you’d been running earlier.
You screeched in a combination of fear, surprise, and irritation. Of course, you made a note to smack him with a pillow as soon as you could.
“What in the name of Merlin’s beard happened to warning people!?” you barked at him. You could barely even able to keep up with his ridiculous pace.
“What’s the fun in that?” he yelled back over his shoulder, eyes bright and grin wide.
“Bloody hell, Sirius, let go of my arm!” You scolded the boy, but that seemed to only spur him on, if anything. He ran a smidge faster and it took all your willpower to not stop him in his tracks and hit him in the arm. Hard.
Soon enough, you’d reached the store, and your idiot of a crush best friend slowed to a stop with a chuckle and a gentle squeeze of your arm. He let go of you, and you took the opportunity to kick him in the leg and scowl.
“You, Sirius Black, are a wanker,” you deadpanned, opening the door and walking in without another word. Of course, you weren’t actually angry with the boy, but you had to at least give him the impression that you wouldn’t forgive him immediately… right?
You went straight for the explosives aisle, as you knew James would want some more of his beloved fireworks. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that Sirius was trailing behind you with a pout. You just rolled your eyes and kept walking.
As you meandered through the store, he kept following you, not even looking at the various products on the shelves. You’d bought fireworks and a variety of other explosives, Sugar Quills, Hiccough Sweets, Frog Spawn Soap, and other items you and the boys used for pranks. Sirius hadn’t picked any of them up. Instead, he resigned to following you around with a small frown on his lips.
When you stepped up to the cashier with your basket of items, you were surprised when Sirius stepped forward and wordlessly paid for your items before you had a chance to even reach for your coin purse. He took the bagged items when the cashier was done, holding them in his calloused hands.
A little stunned, you exited the shop and stopped walking about 15 steps from the door. Sirius walked into your back on accident, and you stifled a giggle.
You turned to face the downtrodden boy with an eyebrow raised.
“Sirius, why are you following me like a lost puppy?”
His pout deepened and he brought a hand up, scratching the back of his neck and diverting his eyes.
“Did… did I make you angry, love?”
Your heart almost broke at his meek question.
With a smile, you shuffled forwards, resting your head on his chest. He set down the bags and his arms tentatively came up and wrapped around your waist.
“Oh, you bloody idiot,” you sighed. “I could never be angry at you, Sirius. I just like pretending to be angry with you. It’s a lot of fun.”
He pinched your side, and you shrieked and jumped away, swatting at his arm.
“Oh, bloody hell!”
He snickered and picked up his bags, back to his usual self.
You gave him time to pick the bags back up, then dragged him off towards Honeydukes.
“Oh, bloody hell, there is no way James is prettier than a Cornish pixie!”
“Half-mangled Cornish pixie, (Y/N/N).”
“Yeah, but he isn’t prettier than a regular Cornish pixie, either.”
You sat with Sirius in The Three Broomsticks. Your several bags of sweets, pranks, and stationery were under the table of your booth, and you sipped on butterbeer in the midst of your conversation. Out of boredom, you’d restarted Lily and Dorcas’ debate from breakfast; Sirius had taken Dorcas’ original side, and you were on Lily’s.
“They’re… they’re just short blue house-elves with wings!” Sirius declared, gesturing wildly to demonstrate his point
“House elves are cute, though,” you rebutted. “Like, with their cute ears and everything… Every girl loves house-elves, Sirius. Not all girls love James. Therefore, house-elves are objectively better.”
“But we’re arguing about pixies, love, not house-elves!”
“You’re the one who said they were practically the same!”
“I said no such thing! I said that they look the same. Cornish pixies are bringers of evil and they’re just full of bloody spite, (Y/N/N). House-elves are nice! They make hot chocolate! Cornish pixies drown people in hot chocolate!”
“Are you claiming that Cornish pixies are drowning people in hot cocoa, Sirius?”
“Well, I mean — it’s not like they’re doing that now, but if they had enough hot chocolate, they’d definitely be drowning people in it.”
“Where in the bloody hell are they even going to get the hot chocolate? This plan is downright awful, Sirius.”
“This is all hypothetical! If they could drown people in hot chocolate, then they would! They’re evil, ugly little buggers.”
“Then why aren’t they just going to the house-elves and asking for a bunch of hot chocolate? Then they could drown people in it.”
“That’s an idiotic plan, (Y/N/N).”
“You’re the one who suggested pixies drowning people in hot chocolate, Sirius. I’m just explaining the logistics. I’m not sure why you want to drown people in hot chocolate, though. That’s rather sadistic, you know.”
“I’m not going to drown people in hot chocolate, love.”
“I never said you were going to. I said you want to.”
“I don’t want to!”
“Then why’d you suggest it?”
“I didn’t! I just said that pixies would do it, not me! I’m not a pixie!”
“Oh, you’re not? Huh. Could’ve fooled me.”
“Well, you say that James is prettier than a pixie… that means you’re probably a pixie or something, yeah?”
Sirius glared at you for a brief moment with a scowl.
You both dissolved into a fit of giggles not even ten seconds later. Your butterbeer sat forgotten on the table.
You’d returned to the castle not long after your ‘debate’, still giggling and joking about the logistics of drowning people in hot chocolate. It earned you several judging stares in the corridors, but you were both too involved in the conversation to really care. Or notice.
Upon returning to the Gryffindor Common Room, you agreed to go up and visit Remus, James, and Peter in their dorm. Sirius carried half of your bags and you carried the rest, lugging them up the stairs to the dormitory they all shared.
Sirius opened the door, stepping inside with a smile.
He greeted them with a pleasant “Hello, lads~!”
“Hey, Pads,” Remus greeted with his groggy voice, smile weak but genuine. His eyes were a lovely and deep shade of brown, and able to comfort you as soon as you looked in them. They had an immense calming effect unique to none other than Remus John Lupin.
“Hello there, boys,” you said, following Sirius into the room. “Remus, are you feeling better? Did you get enough sleep?”
“Yeah, (Y/N/N), I’m okay,” he chuckled. “I took a nap for a while and got all of my homework done. You don’t have to worry about me, y’know.”
You frowned at Remus, and he raised an eyebrow at you in response.
“Of course I have to worry about you, Rem. You’re my friend, after all.”
You didn’t give him time to argue — instead, you trudged to Sirius’ bed, dropped your bags at the foot, and flopped down onto his mattress. You buried your face into the covers with a muffled sigh. Sirius, unbeknownst to you, froze in his place for a moment. His face turned a soft shade of pink as he stared at your exhausted form sprawled out on his bed, but he soon shook his head out of his short trance and made his way to the bed after you.
“Comfortable?” He joked, placing the bags he held next to the ones you’d set down already.
You grunted in response.
Careful not to disturb you, Sirius snuck his way onto the bed as well, leaning against the headboard and pillows.
He nudged you with his foot and raised an eyebrow.
“You can move closer to me, love. I won’t bite you. Probably.”
Even though he couldn’t see you, you rolled your eyes and scooched closer to him. Your head found a place in his lap, and his hand — as if on impulse — moved to play with your hair.
At first, you tried to fight off the overwhelming desire to sleep, but when Sirius murmured “I know you’re tired, (Y/N/N). Take a nap,” you couldn’t help yourself, and you let the sleep cradle you away.
Sirius had let you sleep on his lap for about two hours, and you’d only moved because you woke up (just in time for dinner, much to your happiness). The entire way to the Great Hall, you scolded him for allowing you to just sleep for two hours straight. James, Peter, and Remus followed close behind, inevitably making fun of your insignificant argument.
You trailed off in the middle of your sentence when you pushed open the doors to the Great Hall. After all, who wouldn’t rather eat than carry on a meaningless conversation?
You all found your usual seats near the girls from your dorm, and Sirius almost immediately resumed his teasing flirting with Marlene. The rest of you were used to this, and you began interrogating Remus on what he’d done that day, and making sure James and Peter weren’t being total doofuses like you had expected them to be. Remus assured you that he’d completed all of his classwork and slept for a few hours — not to mention that James and Peter managed to find a book he’d asked for with only a minor setback.
You turned to ask Sirius a question, but you didn’t even get a syllable out when he let out his loud bark of a laugh at something Marlene had said. Biting your lip, you looked back at James (of whom was sitting across from you) and ignored the sympathetic look he and Peter had given you.
Lily was seated next to James (much to her disappointment, it was the only seat left when she’d entered the hall after you guys), and she noticed the looks you all exchanged. She sent you a concerned look, but you just shrugged and hoped that she wasn’t suspicious of anything.
Next thing you knew, she leaned in to Marlene and whispered something to her while Sirius was talking. You watched as Marlene looked at you with wide eyes, and an uneasy feeling settled deep in your gut.
She looked back to Sirius, giggled at something he said, and bid you all adieu. All of you watched as she got up and moved down the table to sit near a boy in your year. You couldn’t quite remember his name, but he was in the same Ancient Runes class as both you and Remus, and he always sat a few tables away from the two of you.
Sirius frowned at her sudden disappearance but turned to face the rest of you anyways, joining you in making sure Remus was okay.
You didn’t know if you were thankful or upset towards Lily.
Dinner ended soon, and you all retreated back to the Common Room. The seats regularly shared between the five of you were unoccupied when you arrived, so you all huddled around the fireplace on your usual 3-seater couch and a loveseat.  Embarrassment creeped up your neck like a spider when you realized you were still wearing Sirius’ fluffy jumper.
Your conversation was casual and uncharacteristically quiet. Either way, you were all exhausted; Remus was still tired from the full moon, James and Peter had been running around all day, and you and Sirius spent hours of your day in Hogsmeade. You were about ready to fall asleep right on Remus’ shoulder.
“Hey, (Y/N/N),” he murmured to you, shaking you awake. “James and Peter went upstairs, and I’m about ready to head to bed too. You should probably go up and get some sleep, kiddo.”
You smiled, weak, and sat up with a groan. You stopped to rub your eyes before you stood, and Remus followed suit.
“Night, Rem,” you said in the midst of a yawn. He gave you your usual hug goodnight, and you smiled into the fabric of his jumper.
“Goodnight, (Y/N/N).”
He left you standing there. Sirius was still on the couch and seemed to be lost in thought as he stared at the fireplace.
You shuffled over, poked him in the shoulder, let out a loud yawn.
“Sirius? Pads, you okay?”
He jumped, eyes wide, and stared at you for a second before relaxing.
“O-oh, yeah. Sorry, love, I was just thinking.”
“Don’t hurt yourself,” you joked. He just laughed at your joke, smiling when you extended your hand out to help him up. His calloused fingers laced around your smaller ones, and he stood; the thing that made your stomach churn, though, was that he didn’t let go. As you walked towards the two dormitory staircases, he held on. His grip was loose but it made your heart pump out of your chest.
When you reached the point where you went your separate ways, you let go at the same time, and turned to face each other. His face was again tinged pink, but you assumed it was just from the red decorations littering the room that made everything seem a bit redder. It was a stretch, and you recognized that fact, but there wasn’t any good reason for him to blush. He could probably date any girl in Hogwarts if he wanted to, and you were just a friend he made on the Hogwarts Express on his first day of school.
“I had fun today, y’know,” you said, smiling notwithstanding your tiredness. “Even though you’re a right moron, it was fun.”
“Good!” Sirius said. You could hear the exhaustion in his voice.
He stepped forward to hug you, his arms finding their natural place around your waist with a quiet sigh. Your forehead settled on his chest, near his shoulder, and your arms came up to wrap around his neck. When his chin settled on the top of your head, you had to hold back a laugh.
“G’night, (Y/N/N),” he mumbled, and you smiled.
“Night, Pads.”
The next moment, almost in the blink of an eye, turned into a moment you knew you’d regret. As soon as you carried out the seemingly insignificant action, the remorse crashed over you like a wave; you felt it in your bones before you fully even thought it through. Oh, you’d regret it for sure. For days. Weeks. Months.
You said the words.
You said “I love you.”
Even if the boys would always and forever be your best friends, that was one thing you’d never said. It was a sort of line — a boundary none of you had ever thought to cross because you were friends, and considering how bloody close you all were, it didn’t need to be said. You reserved it. Had the three-word phrase tucked away for any potential relationship you might find yourself in. Hell, you didn’t even think you meant it in a romantic way when you said it; it was just a small schoolgirl crush, after all! You didn’t love Sirius Black any more than Peter did, James did, Remus did. You just had a little… extra set of feelings for him. But your idiotic ass said it anyways.
You could feel his stare on you like lasers on the back of your neck. You mumbled something incoherent and turned away, walking up the dormitory staircase without another word.
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@wingroad​ asked for AoMomo, and after much delay, here it is:
1. Who liked the other first?
Aomine is denser than a wall of bricks when it comes to feelings, and always has been. He started like-liking Momoi way back in the mists of time when they were like, six or something, but didn’t realize that’s what it was.
Back then, his crush mostly manifested in trying to be all badass and trying to impress her with dumb little-boy feats like “I CAN CATCH FISH WITH MY BARE HANDS” *plunges bodily into creek to demonstrate* or “I SCALED THIS GIANT TREE STU–AAAAAAH!” and then Momoi has to get him to stop crying long enough to go grab an adult and/or the first aid kit.
(friendly psa that crybaby!Aomine is canon)
It didn’t really hit him until around the start of middle school when puberty first started rearing its messy, hormone-addled head, but by then he’s become a master of putting his foot in his mouth thanks to all the macho bullshit he’s absorbed from god knows where.
So instead of trying to win her heart, he sets out to demonstrate that he is Too Manly For Feels and keeps trying to get her to pay attention to him by pulling dumb stunts like claiming he can see her panties, trying to show off to her in increasingly stupid ways (backflipping onto roofs? seriously???), and having absolutely no filter when it comes to sex things (in his case, the virtues of boobies).
Amazingly, Momoi has yet to swoon into his arms.
(In all seriousness she probably was starting to kinda sorta maybe like him back before he started being a dumb teenage boy, and he will eventually realize some ten years later that yes, he has indeed been cockblocking himself for most of his young life.)
2. Where is their ‘special spot’?
I’m honestly not sure I could top your tree house headcanon, @wingroad​, so I won’t try. XD
3. How do they cheer one another up?
In Aomine’s case? Very badly. XD He just sort of sits next to her and kinda tries to figure out what to do with himself. Awkwardly pats her back and mumbles about how she shouldn’t cry bc that makes her face look all weird and puffy and hey, um, do you need a tissue? *digs around pockets and only comes up with lint* should I beat someone up?
It just keeps going like this until Momoi either laughs at his ridiculous suggestions or just flops against his side for comfort, and then Aomine has a whole new problem because they don’t hold “How to Hug The Girl I Like” classes and um. shit.
In Momoi’s case, she usually tries to get him to talk it out because lord knows Aomine is not the most emotionally savvy person even on a good day, and he’s kind of eaten up a lot of macho bullshit like candy over the years, like how Real Men Don’t Cry and Real Men Don’t Talk about Their Feelings and Real Men Don’t Ask for Hugs Even Though a Hug Would Be Really Nice Right Now. Hell, half the time he can’t even untangle why he’s mad or upset or sad unless he has some help putting it in perspective.
So yeah, depending on what he needs, she’ll either kick his ass, get him to talk, Dai-chan, with actual words, or just come over and offer one of those hugs that Real Men Don’t Ask for Even Though They Would Be Really Nice.
4. What is their favourite movie to watch together?
Basketball matches on TV? XD
They may have grown up together, but their tastes in entertainment are pretty different. I mean, come on, Aomine’s favorite movie is Godzilla. (Doesn’t matter which one, all of them have giant lizards fighting and stuff exploding a LOT)
Momoi loves plot-heavy movies with lots of social drama and Western period movies (think Jane Austen) which Aomine falls asleep to because oh my god they are so talky, Satsu, wake me up when someone finally does something.
He makes a bit more of an effort to stay awake when he realizes that Momoi will simply go find other people to watch these movies with, and two of these people happen to be named Kise and Tetsu, and. *twitch* *twitch twitch*
5. When did they know that they are each other’s soul mate?
XD Oh hell no. Aomine will have to work for this girl. She deserves nothing less.
6. Where do they primarily kiss one another out in public? Examples forehead, cheek, hand etc.
For all of Aomine’s crude comments and boobie obsession, ask him to hold the hand of the girl he likes and watch as all 1.90 meters of him turn into a flustered, fidgety mess.
Just. Not an ounce of smoothness anywhere. He’s the guy who spends ten minutes performing “surreptitious” stretches meant to lead up to suavely putting an arm around her shoulders, only he ends up banging his elbow against the wall so hard that the resultant swearing gets them kicked out of the theater.
Seriously. Momoi is the one who initiates like 90 percent of the PDA, and then quietly delights in the utterly stunned wonderment lighting up his stupid face like he can’t believe she’s decided she wants to kiss him.
7. Who goes all out for the other person’s birthday?
Sometime after the birthday where Aomine tried to gift her a stag beetle in a jar (he caught it himself, and it’s the biggest most awesomest beetle ever, so why is stupid Satsu tearing up all of a sudden?!?!?), Momoi begged him not to try to give her any more gifts. And Aomine acts all offended but he’s quietly relieved because even he’s starting to realize he’s absolute shit at figuring out what to give other people as presents.
So instead Momoi’s birthday becomes the day where they do whatever she wants, from morning to evening. This mostly requires Aomine to stand around fidgeting in front of the changing stalls in a Cecil McBee (while the petite salesgirls by the cash register eye him like he’s some sort of pervert, urgh), or trying to fit into an absurdly tiny ornamental chair at a cake shop so ludicrously fancy it has a waiting list, and trying to grumble not so much that Satsu will believe he doesn’t want to spend time with her, but just enough so she can never know how many beats his heart is skipping whenever she smiles and waves one of the stupidly expensive cake pops in his face.
8. Whose clothes are too big for the other, but they wear them anyway?
Oh god, no. Momoi has grown up with this boy. She has seen his room. She has been around when his mom makes him clean his room and he’s stuck under the bed unearthing stray socks and boxers from three months ago, Dai-chan, you gross human being.
(Aomine absolutely does have dumb fantasies about her in his jersey though, which he keeps locked in a mental strongbox with three heavy chains around it and he’s still not sure she can’t somehow tell, because girls are weirdly psychic when it comes to pervy thoughts.
He doesn’t yet realize some of those dreams are only a dry-cleaning bill away.)
9. Who is the one who stays up late baking brownies and dancing in their underwear wearing a baggy shirt, and who is the one who comes down to see the other being all cute?
No. God no. And Momoi has seen entirely too much of Aomine just randomly walking around in his undies because he’s out of stuff to wear but too lazy to do laundry, and there is nothing cute about stopping by only to walk in on Aomine Daiki doing a general inventory on his junk.
10. Would they cuddle even though it is super hot outside?
This presupposes that they cuddle at normal temperatures.
(Srsly, Aomine is just really awkward at all those normal tender gestures because he’s bought into way too much macho bullshit and it takes time to untangle all that. Doesn’t mean Momoi won’t sometimes plop down on him like he’s a chair and start eating tub ice cream until he complains about not getting his share)
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myloveholtzy · 7 years
Yes really! You're not trash and to answer the why, it's because I want to get to know you more but if that's uncomfortable for you then you don't have to
Wow! Okay, I’ll do it bc I refuse to get out of bed, so this is a good excuse
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?Sometimes when I question my own existence
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?3 ½? Depends on where I am
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?“Your hair gross…very gross.”
7. What shirt are you wearing?Power to the girls sweater I bought bc I saw Supergirl wear it (im trash)
8. What do you label yourself as?Tired asian lesbian trying to move forward
9. Bright room or dark room?Dark room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?Watching the Great British Bake Off
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?Idk this one? 17?
12. Who told you they loved you last?Best friend of 11 years :)
13. Your worst enemy?Idk like I guess I’m my worst enemy but that’s too real so I’ll say theatre kids at my school
14. What is your current desktop picture?I have 4, Kate McKinnon, SNL cast, Parks & Rec cast, and 30 Rock cast (im trash)
15. Do you like someone?No, no point in getting into a relationship when I’m getting ready to move
16. The last song you listened to?Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monae
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?Angry Orange.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?Angry Orange.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?Wtf weird question. Um I guess Angry Orange? I’d only make him like stop fucking the country and donate his money.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)My long legs lol
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?Idk I’d probably just look the same and I’d go out and see if people treat me differently
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?Not really? I mean most people don’t know that I can draw
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?Like unique thing about me? Idk I feel like I’m always trying to hide something about me.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.Turkey, swiss cheese, spinach, cucumber, and light mayo. Yup, that’s basically my subway order.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?I should save it, but I’m probably not going to. Um clothes/food I guess
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?NYC, it’s basically home
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be???? I don’t drink, but I’ll just pick some random brand of beer that my friends like. They can have my lifetime supply
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? No homophobia
29. What is your favorite expletive?“Fuck”
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?LAPTOP.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?I guess all of 8th grade lol
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!I guess England?
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?Um is it weird to say Carrie Fisher? I don’t have a family member/friend that has died, but Carrie Fisher did a lot of good. It would be amazing if she came back and continued to bring people joy
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?Yup, car crash last summer. Had to go to the ER
37. Have you ever built a snowman?NO. There’s no snow here I hate it
38. What is the color of your socks?Light blue
39. What type of music do you like?Musial theatre, movie soundtracks, and I guess pop? My music taste is trash
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?Sunsets
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?CHOCOLATE
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)I don’t follow sports
43. Do you have any scars?Ya, a lot on my thighs, but they’re fading!
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?Graphic designer
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?Wish I didn’t hold so many grudges…
46. Are you reliable?Yea definitely
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?Do you have a stable job?
48. Do you hold grudges?YES it’s kinda bad, I hold too many grudges
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?Horse and a bird, I want a pegasus
51. Are you a good liar?I think I am
52. How long could you go without talking?Probably pretty long. Few days?
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?This one maybe lol idk people are telling me it looks good but I don’t like it anymore
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?Yup yup, made a cheesecake a few days ago
56. What do you like on your toast?Nutella!!
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?Toriel from Undertale lol
58. What would be you dream car?Uhh idk I’ll just say convertible
60. Do you believe in aliens?Yup yup
61. Do you often read your horoscope?Nope, I don’t really remember to
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?X
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?DRAGONS
64. What do you think about babies?Um sometimes cute? Please don’t ask me to take care of them
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