#i dont like most things with nuts in them the main exception being i Will eat nutella
thatone-highlighter · 2 years
I like peanut butter but I can see how somebody wouldn’t like it, but also I like joke fighting with you so fuck you again peanut butter good
Joke fighting with the besties my beloved
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trinkerichi · 1 year
rambling silliness about cartoons (but the not fun kind of silly)
hgfhjghk forgive me for speaking of this nonsense but my sphere of twitter is exploding with discourse over that hazbin hotel hell boss show and how bad it apparently sucks and it's making me soooo much more glad i didn't stake my career on my interest in cartoons cuz god. imagine having to keep up with all that for the sake of keeping connections for the most competitive career ever. you cant say a WORD bad about that show without fifty billion superfans acting like you're calling for the downfall of independent animation, and then a bunch of randos threatening to blacklist you from one of the 3 animation jobs that exist in the world. i dont have time for that wth. taking 4 years worth of high level math classes wasnt that painful.
AND DONT GET ME WRONG. i have NO room to talk being the resident "still an osomatsu fan in 2023" lady. if you like the show i am not judging you in the slightest. i dont think a person's choices in funny cartoons is indicative of their character. but it took me about 2 minutes of watching it to know it was very very VERY much not my thing. its the type of show i would have loved for exactly 2 months in 9th grade when I thought I was cool and rebellious for watching panty&stocking even though I didn't even understand most of the raunchier jokes. which im positive is the target audience, and the main reason the show is so popular, since there's not much content out there clamoring for that demographic's attention lol.
is anyone here old enough to remember when adding the caption "Raep face!!" to a smirking anime character screencap was a big le funney meme? all that awful stuff about France from Hetalia being a funny scamp for sexually harassing everyone? it reminds me of that. newly rebranded edge. every joke that people post clips of is "HAHA THEY'RE GAY! they're gay men who have sex and are gay isnt it FUNNY? and the invader zim guy said a swear!" except this one also has sad backstories so they can get ANGST too! it's the full package!
and see like. I DO understand the appeal! It's unashamed dumb 14 year old's fanfic level fun. (without getting into the harmful stereotypes.) but you've gotta have a LITTLE self awareness of that, right? i love a lot of shows that have massive problems but im not gonna just blow up at everyone who points them out! but i can only even say this freely because im not trying to build industry connections cuz that sphere is SO tight knit. woosh.
im glad for all it did for indie animation! ...i dont have a point here it just made me have thoughts. i wish for peace for all of my animator friends cuz public relations on the internet is nuts.
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imma do as much of the veleveteen rabbit as ican from memory while in pf class and also sleeb depribed wsih me lucj
here was a velveteen rabiit and int he beginning he was really splended. he was fat and bunchy as a rabbit should be, his coat was spotted brown ans whute, he had real thread whiskers, and his ears were lined with ppink satin. on christmsa morning whe he sat wedgned in the top of the boys stocking with a sprig of holly between his paw, the effect was charming. there were ohter things in the stocking; nuts and ornages and a toy enigine and chocolate almonds and a clockwrk mouse. but the rabbit was quite the best of all. for at aleast two hours the boy loved him and then aunts and uncles came to dinner and there was a great rustling of tissue paper and unwrapping of parcels and in the exccitedment of looking at all the new presents the veleveteen rabbit was forgottin. christmas morning. for a long time, the rabbit slept in the cupboards or on the nursery floor and noone thought very much about him. he was naturally shy, and being only made of velveteen, soem of the other toys quite snubbedhim.the mechanical toys were very superior, and looked down upn everyone else. they were full of modern ideas and pretended they were real. the model boat, who had lived through two seasons, caught the tone from them and never mised an opportunity to refer to his rigging in technical terms. the rabbit couldnt claim to be a model of anything, for he didnt know that real rabbots existed. he thought they were all made of sawdust like himself, and he understood that sawdust waas very out of date and should never be mentioned in modern circles. even timothy, the jointed wooden lion who was made by the disabled soldieres and should have had broader views, put on airs and preteneded to be connected to government. between them all, the rabbit was made to feel very insignificant and commonplace. the only personn that was nice to him at all was the skin horse. the skin horse had lived longer in the nursery than any of hte otehrs. he was so old that is brown coat was bald in patches and showed teh seams underneath, and most of the hairs in his tail had been pulled out to string bead necklaces. he was wise, for e had seen a long succession of toys arrive to boast and swagger, and by and by break their main springs and pass away, and he knew they were only toys, and would never turn into anything else, for nursery magic is very strange and wonderful, and only those playthings that are old and wise and experienced like the skin horse understand all about it. "what is real" asked the rabbit one day whiel they were laying side by side near the nursery fender befoe nana came to tidy the room. "does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stickout handle" "real isnt how you are made" said the skin horse. "its a thing that happens to you. when a child loves you for a long time, not just to play with, but really loves you, then you become real." "does it hurt" asked the rabbit "sometimes" replied the skin horse, for he was always truthful. "when you are real, you don't mind being hurt." "does it happen all at once, like being wound up," asked the rabbit, "or bit by bit?" "it doesnt happen all at once" said the skin horse. "you become. it takes a long time. thats why it doesnt happen often to toys who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. but these things dont matter at all, because once you are real, you cant be ugly, except to those who dont understand"
okokok that;s all i can do from memory but can you tell that i love ove lvoe the velveteen rabbit akdhalsk
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betterdonutgalaxy · 2 months
I feel like listing headcanons for some of my f/os for funsies
It may be a lot so im putting it under a cut
Captain Spaceboy/Space Boyfriend
I see his gender as just transmasc (which is canon!) And his sexuality is prob smth like ace and panromantic
He is an absolute fucking gamer, which I see him as being a nintendo fan for the most part, and is probably addicted to monster (which just comes from how others portray him tbh djfkfke)
He is partially a bird-like alien (because his dad is but for some reason canonically he's basically just a blue human) and has a bunch of scars on his body from battles but also ofc top surgery scars
He has freckles in the shape of constellations
He is so beautiful istg
Sour Belt Cookie
I see her as transfem and bisexual (probably prefering fems)
Our relationship is purely romantic however
She actually still looks masculine and is absolutely not ashamed by it, shes fine with being flat and having a bit of body hair (which I dont think ive drawn damnnnn)
She is fine with showing a lot of her body which is pretty much canon I think but I feel the need to specify that, she loves wearing comfy stuff <3
Shes in a poly with me and choco bar (and maybe schneeball cookie but idk if shes an f/o yet)
She keeps trying to encourage choco bar to wear comfier clothes
I don't have as much to say about her I'm so so sorry but shes so pretty omg djdjsksk
Choco Bar Cookie
Shes a cis lesbian, and usually I like to depict her as having darker skin (mostly just because. chocolate)
I've been meaning to depict her with a bunch of scars on her body because she's a stunt double after all, but I keep forgetting
At least ive drawn her with a lost tooth and a bandaid on her nose <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Usually she likes wearing things that cover her entire body, wearing a full blown body suit most of the time and wearing pajamas inside only sometimes, shes very shy about showing any skin, how is she not sweating her ass off
She has freckles all over her body that are sorta like nuts or whatever is on granola bars usually and it looks cool
I should mention that the way I usually portray cookie run characters is that they are much more humanoid, but are still completely made of dough and sweets
You could theoretically eat her but dont fucking do that
I love my wivesfjfdidkdjj
Auglur seems like the type to not really care about gender and sexuality labels too much, and would be fine with any pronouns (I usually use they/them) and could be fine dating anyone
I see Auglur as having a soft and serious persona, while occasionally being super snarky if in a bad mood
My self insert is made out of slime that they can't control well which causes a lot of monsters (really just any that aren't made of slime) to be uncomfortable with them-
but Auglur is an exception, they like the feel of it a lot and would probably play with me a bit as if I was a kid's slime toy djfisosojfj
On rare off-chances, Auglur would play little video games on, uh, theirself??? Auglur is sort of weird with how they work with digital stuff, being able to manifest hands and panels that create sound canonically, Auglur could probably have social media idk
This is all I can think of for nowbcjdossowo this is just my main f/os admittedly
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- spam away lads (i see u and i love that we have similar interests, tis doesn’t bother me at all)
- send asks (i have no advanced knowledge or anything but if you’d like to hear me thoughts and express yours feel free to do so!)
i see lots making these so hey here’s mine
introduction: (no one asked but i want to comeout to everyone cuz i can’t irl <3)
- nicknames: Hoodie, Beez (short for ‘bee deez nuts’ dont judge me ;-;)
- non-binary, asexual
- pronouns: any pronouns except for “it” (he/they/any neopronouns/she -listed from most preferred to least preferred)
- can use whatever to call be tbh i love being a girlboss, bossman, etc… :)
- I’m Am in other words when you slam the keys A C E (haha sorry i had to)
- also btw when i use gurlies, men, dudes, kings, queens, etc…. tis meant for everyone & anyone
- me like emojis 💅🏻👀🌝😎🐝🧍🐮✨🌈💀
- be comfy
whats this blog’s about:
- mcyt stuff (mostly dsmp, mostly sbi and benchtrio, mostly tommy related)
- updates on streams, youtube videos (well when i myself caught them)
- gender stuff (cuz im rolling with the lgbt)
- sometimes random shit that i think about, life updates (that no one asked for but heh)
- sometimes doodles and drawings (with paper cuz i haven’t figured out wacom and drawing apps yet) —> tagged as #hoodie’s art
- streamers’ memes :D
- reblogs of arts that i find nice (digital arts, videos, edits, poems, texts, etc… anything that i find nice really) —> tagged as #nice arts
- reblogs of dream smp & origins smp tommy lore analysis —> tagged as #c!tommy analysis
- ao3 fics recommendations (all with tommy as the protagonist or one of the main characters)
—> tagged as #tommyinnit fics or #fics recs
- a lil thing i do is take funny quotes from streams/vids out of context —> tagged as #correct mcyt quotes
- i discovered thinking —> tagged as #thinking random thoughts
- my thoughts are hot? —> tagged as #hot takes(?)
- i will always try my best to provide contexts, tone indicators, sources of the clips, images, etc… that i post/reblog but i might forget sometimes (if u wanna ask sth just ask tis totally okay :D/gen)
- use of profanity might be prominent in certain posts 👉👈 just casual swearin’ (i mean this is a tommyinnit main so…..👁👄👁.. when im sleep deprived or rushing deadlines there will be cussin’ 👀, usually i don’t swear too much tho dw)
what this blog’s not about:
- any twitter’s drama stuff (stresses me out n’ shit so i blissfully live in ignorance, i will still be healthily informed but i won’t post about them on this specific blog)
- any morally, legally wrong stuff (eg: discriminative stuff)
this is my side blog that’s all for fun so I’m just here, thanks for following, liking, reblogs <3
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duhragonball · 3 years
A bit of a weird one for the ask game as there's little content, but...Bojack?
Give me a character and I will answer:
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Why I like them: I’m not a big fan of Movie 9, but I think that’s mainly because they do so little with their main villain.   I think Bojack has a lot of potential, but the problem is that potential is all he has.
In a sense, Bojack is sort of the quintessential movie villain, because he just shows up for one appearance and dies without leaving any further impact on the franchise.   And I think there’s a fascination with the movie villains for that reason.   It’s why they always show up in video games.   Dragon Ball Heroes will do a trailer and then suddenly Bojack and Wheelo show up and you’re supposed to think “What are they doing here?   Business has just picked up!” 
You want to believe that this guy means something.   I want to know what the deal is with those earrings and amulets he wears.    All we know is that his species are “the people of Hera”, and I guess that’s been mentioned in Xenoverse 2, so that’s sort of official, right?   So there’s a whole culture and history there to be explored.  No one ever seems to do it, but it’s there, which is pretty cool.
Why I don’t: I just think it’s dumb to do a movie about a mysterious new villain showing up, and then wait until the very end to introduce him and kill him off before we learn anything about him.   Speaking realistically, the fact that they haven’t explored Bojack’s lore is a tacit admission that they never bothered to make any, and the guy is little more than a character design with a voice actor cast for the role. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Well, Movie 9 by default.  Wait, he’s in Movie 12 for like a split second, and Movie 12 fucking rules, so I’m going with that.    Good job, Bojack.
Favorite season/movie: See above.
Favorite line: Bojack has lines?   Yeah I remember him saying some stuff, but all of it was forgettable.   The image I posted at the top of this has subtitles and I’m not even going to bother scrolling up to read what it says.  
Favorite outfit: I think his transformed state looks pretty cool, except it tears up his nice pirate jacket.   It’d be nice if he could turn Mountain Dew color and still wear his clothes.   
OTP: This is asking me to put way more thought into Bojack than anyone else ever has.   I guess I’m supposed to say Zangya, since she’s the only female Heran in his gang.   Well, nuts to that.    Bojack had a thing for Kogu, which explains why he sucker punched Trunks after Kogu’s death.   So there you go.  
Brotp: Who the hell cares?
Head Canon: I made a Heran OC in my damn weinerfic, because I needed a villain strong enough to take on a Super Saiyan and didn’t have a lot of options.    That’s the main appeal to the Herans, for my money.    They’re this near-extinct species of beings who can rival Super Saiyan power levels.   Maybe not all of them are that strong, but at least some of them can be.    So I came up with Hamey, a Heran wizard who sealed himself away and tried to stage a big comeback later, only to run smack dab into the one person who could stop him.   
The only trouble was that there was no way for me to directly communicate to the reader that Hamey was a Movie 9 reference.     I could have him say he was a Heran, but most people aren’t familiar with the term.   And I couldn’t have him talk about Bojack because no one in the story knew Bojack.   So all I had was his color scheme and pointy ears.   And I kind of screwed the pooch with that, because I had already made other OCs in the same work who had blue skin and red hair, so readers thought maybe they were related to Bojack in some way.      
Unpopular opinion: I’m pretty sure any opinion on Bojack is unpopular by default, since he himself is quite unpopular.   I don’t want to disrespect Bojack fans.  I’m sure there are a few out there, but I’ve always assumed that they were more along the lines of “my husbando” type fans, or super-hardcore fans who have like this whole Bojack mythology mapped out in their heads, and they’d admit that it doesn’t really have that much to do with the actual on-screen character.  I can respect that, but it doesn’t change anything.
A wish: The thing I noticed about his appearance in Super Dragon Ball Heroes is that classic movie villains really don’t have the same “WTF?” appeal that they used to.    Used to be, you could throw Lord Slug, Garlic Junior, and Bojack into some side story and it would be pretty wild, but today we have all the new characters introduced in Dragon Ball Super to play with.    Not to mention all the original characters introduced in SDBH itself, like the Tuffle siblings, Hearts, etc.    Why should a guy like Bojack matter anymore, especially when Goku and Vegeta have gotten so much stronger? 
So if they want to use Bojack again in such a role, they really need to develop the character to make it worth the trouble.   They added him as DLC in Xenoverse 2, and it was this whole deal where you had to buy all his clothes to unlock him as a mentor, and I honestly didn’t see why it was worth the effort.  
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Something else, if you made a team of movie villains, I’m pretty sure he’d be the one in charge of it, right?   I mean, they wouldn’t make Android 13 the leader, and Bojack’s a lot stronger than Turles.   I say this because I never cared much for the implication that Frieza was in charge of all the dead bad guys in Movie 12, including Bojack, who’s much stronger than Frieza and probably wouldn’t listen to him.   And maybe he just played along in that movie, but my point is they should respect the guy if they want to use him.   Otherwise just make another android.  
5 words to best describe them:  Bojack: the Man of Teal.
My nickname for them: “I don’t mean the horse guy, I mean the DBZ guy.”
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
hey rosy! i wanted to ask your opinion on something: I feel like clarke out of every other character of the main cast has had the least development, specifically s1-4. She started as a great leader and rarely made bad decisions and pretty much has been the same throughout. yes, she became more ruthless but other than that I dont see her being different. Maybe her development is not as dramatic as Bellamy's or Kane's and thats why I dont see it. I'd love to know what you think.
Clarke has had SO MUCH character development. 
Clarke started out as the golden girl, who rarely made bad decisions, this is true, but her character development went through SO MUCH.
So here’s the thing. Bellamy started out as a supposed selfish ass villain, who was actually loving and caretaking, and learned how to make wise decisions and take control and be a leader not just bully people. DEFINITELY. He had great character development as he made terrible mistakes and learned from them and transformed and became a great hero.
CLARKE had an opposite character arc. She started out knowing everything, the golden girl, like we spoke of, and when face with the betrayals and darkness of the world, lost her faith in goodness, in humanity and in herself, she broke and she fell. She hasn’t been the golden girl since season 2. In season 3, after breaking against MW and Lxa’s betrayal, she struggled with fear, loss of faith, and solitude. She became dark and ruthless and even cold, separating herself from everyone to save herself from more loss and pain. She was lost. To herself.
Imagine their character development as two rollercoaster tracks. She started out high and fell fast, experienced some loop-de-loops and reversals, went up, went down even farther and now is rising up again. While BELLAMY started out low and rose in a series of dips, higher and higher all the time, going upside down some of the time, for a lot of the time Clarke and Bellamy’s character development spirals around each other, especially after s5, even though Clarke had a swift drop, only to rise back up to join with bellamy. Now they’re both near the top, Clarke going through a dark tunnel for a while as Bellamy continued on, spiraling around her, going off on twin solo journeys as they took care of business. Now they’re together again, at the same height of the rollercoaster, both heroes again who know what it means to do the right thing and the pain of it. 
The only one she kept contact with through most of he development was Bellamy. He remained her touchstone even when he wasn’t there. That’s kind of what the spiraling movement is about. So that means, she was the MOST lost in season 5, when she thought he’d betrayed her after giving Madi the flame. Which follows, because not only did she sacrifice him to the fighting pit, but she also sided with McCreary and was ready to bomb all of the remaining humans, grounders, sky people and delinquents alike. Her entire world shrank down to Madi.
And that’s when she started coming back to herself. When Echo and she had their little talk and she found out that Bellamy wasn’t dead, and Echo called her to task for sacrificing him and all the people, and THEN FlameLxa apologized for her own betrayal and told her she was wrong to begin with, that love was NOT a weakness, Clarke sorted through all the lessons she learned and recovery she’d made and snapped back into place as the hero. The destructive weight of treating love like a weakness, which had caused such a terrible schism within herself since season 2 was resolved. 
Clarke’s character development isn’t as much about forward motion as it is about going in and going deep and resolving issues of the past like forgiving her mother, recognizing her enemy is her greatest ally, not running away, recognizing that love is not a weakness, committing to loving someone, making peace with herself and what she’s done, learning to connect with people, depending upon others, remembering who she is and who her people are, learning what it means to go too far and how to hold back, finding her faith in the world and in humanity and in love again, recommitting to being the good guy, doing the right thing.
If she started as the golden girl who believed in humanity and had hope, she lost it all, lost EVERYTHING, and then had to come back recommit to what she really believes and who she really is and who she really loves.
This is a story of trauma and recovery. This is the over-arching theme of post apocalyptic fiction. Clarke was destroyed the way the world was destroyed, and her journey is the journey of the world, back to life, back to hope, back to love. 
No character development? Lord no. 
Her character development is the entire story.
It’s possible that you feel she doesn’t have that development because she has never reached the end of her development, it’s always left hanging, it’s always missing something. For instance, she is only now just getting NEAR the end of her hero’s journey. It’s not a new hero’s journey for her every season. It’s ONE. Season 1-7. I spent a couple seasons going... ‘but why haven’t they finished their hero’s journeys,’ wondering if the story was just FAILING at the archetypal journey... but no. It isn’t a badly written journey, it’s an unfinished journey. We’re in the middle of it. We’ve always been in the middle of it, just like we’re in the middle of the love story of Bellarke and the redemption of humanity (and maybe the earth if we ever get back there which i hope we do.)
I can’t WAIT to see how they wrap up the story, Clarke’s journey, Bellarke, and how the heck they save humanity. Season 7 is going to be amazing. And it’s driving me nuts that we’re not even getting BTS or costumes or settings for season 7. a couple of casting announcements and that’s it.
What, is it your last season to torture us JR? except i like radio silence better than previous seasons full of spoilers and leaks and journalists and reviewers and podcasters who have not a BIT of ethical integrity. so fine. go ahead. stay silent JR. give us a good one.
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ahgaseda · 5 years
the NSFW alphabet | Jaebum (Got7)
{ this post contains graphic descriptions and explicit content : please read at your own risk! }
A = aroused (how he acts when he's in the mood)
he is not very subtle when he wants some action. he will come up behind you, wrap his arms around your waist, and start whispering in your ear the things he wants to do with you and to you. he has a lot of patience and self-control though so if you plan on teasing him just know he can outlast you.
B = body (favorite body part of their partner)
he loves your ass. it belongs to him. he loves to spank it. he loves to bite it. he loves how it bounces when he takes you from behind. when you’re out in public he has a habit of letting his hand rest on the lowest curve of your back just shy of your butt because he’s possessive of that ass.
C = climax (what he's like when he orgasms)
he guards his masculinity with an iron fist so don’t expect him to lose his shit any time soon unfortunately. he will grit his teeth and stifle the sounds he wants to make when he comes. you’ll feel him shiver and shake while he tries to catch his breath. he might let out a swear word or two. despite this he may be a little more noisy when getting head especially if he is overstimulated. his preference is to come inside you, but he also likes coming on your stomach or ass.
D = dominance (is he dominant, submissive or a switch)
dominant to the tenth degree. you will never get an ounce of submission out of this man. he gets his pleasure from power and gets off from seeing you indulge him. in and out of the bedroom he is the king of the palace. there will be times he will be a bit too overbearing and when you call him out on it he will sulk but will eventually get over it. in bed he will prefer a dom-sub dynamic with his partner though not to an extreme. hes surprisingly more on the vanilla side and wont be into hard bdsm.
E = experience (how experienced is he in the bedroom)
he knows what he’s doing and he’s not much of a risk taker. he has been at this long enough to know what he likes and how to get it done. that being said hes not one for casual sex. Capricorns rarely jump into bed with someone they dont have a connection with. it doesnt have to be love but there has to be a degree of trust or mutual respect.
F = fortitude (does he have a lot of stamina and energy)
he is in great shape and is extremely flexible. but he is more the type to wanna sleep after a nut. sex with multiple rounds and orgasms will be reserved for special occasions. when it comes to sex he can last for quite a while since he prides himself on his self control and he can maintain hard and rough paces without breaking a sweat. the stroke game is strong and he likes to mix between intense and merciless to sensual and slow.
G = gratification (what really gets him off)
being in control. he’s a Capricorn and he’s a natural born leader. this man needs control and if he’s not getting a hundred percent of it he won’t be satisfied until he has it. there will be times he will let you top and have your way with him but he will be a power bottom. outside the bedroom hes much more lenient if you wanna be a brat but in the bedroom do so at your own risk. he will assert the pecking order whenever he needs to and that really gets him off.
H = habitat (preferred place to get busy)
the bedroom. he’s not one for public sex though he will gladly tease you and get you riled up but anything more intimate is reserved for the bedroom. he knows what he likes and what he wants and he likes the privacy and security of his comfortable space. this doesn’t mean he restricts all sex to the bed. he will take you on any available surface as long as its his. now if you surprise him at the studio for some loving you may get fussed at. if its his own private studio that can be included in his safe spaces. but dont try the same stunt at the company studio dear lord he will not be happy.
I = intimacy (how emotional is he when it comes to sex)
though he is dominant and sex is primarily about power to him, intimacy is very important as well. he feels nothing affirms intimacy quite like sex. and pleasing you is his utmost priority. though he guards himself very well, there will be times he will allow himself to be vulnerable with you especially after sex and such a connection has been felt between you. sex viscerally reminds him how much he loves and needs you.
J = joke (how much does he play around)
during sex, not at all. during foreplay or the teasing phase, he will be more light-hearted and playful. he will trail kisses up your neck or tickle you to hear you laugh. but when it comes to sexy time he is all business. joking around is for getting you in the mood. once he has you where he wants you, his focus is on getting you both off.
K = kink (toys or kinks)
he is kinky but he is not readily willing to show it. he will gradually open up about his kinks over time and he won’t give you a hard time if there are any kinks of his that you don’t want to indulge in. his biggest kink is marking. he wants you to be marked up for him (but not others) to see. he also likes to choke you. this taps into his ultimate control kink. he will use toys if you ask for them but he won’t introduce them. he’s more of a hands-on guy. he also likes to spank you. he will bend you over his lap, hold your hands behind your back, and give you some long drawn out spanks if you’ve been misbehaving.
L = lust (how often does he want it)
his sex drive is normal and average. music is his main focus in life at the moment. hes the type that will absolutely prioritize work over sex in most cases. though when he gets stressed from work he will either want extra sleep or some stress-relieving sex. other than that he will settle for sex a few times a week, maybe less. if his partner has a high sex drive he will mimic it. feeling needed and desired by his s/o will get him going rather quickly. he always wants to be the only source of your arousal and satisfaction.
M = masturbation (mutual and solo)
he the type to love giving you orders while you pleasure yourself. the first time you tried to initiate phone sex with him while you masturbated he came across as annoyed but then he really got into it. something stirs up his dominant side when he can make you come just by the power of his voice. he also the type to tell you not to pleasure yourself. and if you get caught you will be punished. the thought of you getting off without him aggravates his dom side. phone sex is the one exception since he is still technically involved.
N = never (what he will not do)
you will rarely tie him up. he will almost never allow himself to be restrained in the bedroom. he doesn’t want to be powerless. it does nothing for him and it taps into his insecurities. and he will never let you do anything that involves his ass. once again he’s very protective of his masculinity and he will not enjoy anything ass-related. except for smacking his butt. he likes that. or when you grab his ass while hes thrusting into you. he really likes that.
O = oral (giving and receiving)
he loves when you give him head. though he will always prefer to be between your legs, there’s something about looking down at you on your knees while you choke on his cock that does it for him. he especially loves fucking your face though he is careful to not go too hard on you. and boy does he love eating you out. he gets off on how much he wrecks you, how he can make you writhe when he’s making you come on his tongue. he doesnt do it too often. he likes to use it as a reward in most cases.
P = position (favorite position)
from behind. whether you are on hands and knees or bent over the nearest surface or flat on your stomach on the mattress he loves fucking you from behind. its possessive and primal and domineering. he loves pulling your hair and smacking your ass. this position lets him have all the control and a damn good view.
Q = quickie (what is a quickie like with him)
he likes quickies but they are never a first choice. they are a last resort. there will be times that he needs to nut but he’s short on time or patience. if the situation is right and you want it as badly as he does he will pin you down and fuck you hard. however this will still be restricted to his safe spaces. he’s not going to fuck you in a public place.
R = roleplay (favorite routines and tropes)
master and daddy. he really isn’t big into roleplay since he always acts like his dominant self in bed anyway. he may let you play around a little bit but he will always settle back into what he’s comfortable with and what he knows will work. he likes when you play the damsel and submissive, but he also enjoys when you tease him to rile him up.
S = seduction (how he gets you in the mood)
he is an expert at reading people and it won’t take long for him to memorize exactly what buttons of yours he has to push to activate the launch sequence. if dirty talk does it for you then that’s what you’ll get. if neck kisses are your weakness he’s going to melt you. when he’s needy and trying to get you amped up he will be handsy and assertive but if you’re not in the mood he will throw in the towel and go jack himself off. he will never pressure you into anything. remember he needs to be needed.
T = teasing (what is the best way to arouse him)
challenge him. oh yes make him put you back in your place. he will go nuts for that shit. he is a dom that loves to be antagonized. if you were to be unconditionally submissive to him at all times, things would obviously get rather boring. he knows that and he likes when you keep the bedroom fiery. giving him the chances to assert himself does wonders for his sex drive.
U = underwear (lingerie and costumes)
lingerie fucks him up real good. if you wear a schoolgirl ensemble all bets are off. but he will also like anything sexy or racy, innocent or coy. he’s not restrictive to one kind of theme. sending him lingerie pics while hes working will earn you a one-way express ticket to some rough sex when he gets home.
V = verdict (what do you think of your sex life with him)
all of your friends are jealous of your sex life. your only complaints involve his unwillingness to switch things up. he likes what he likes and doesn’t like to experiment or deviate from what works. nevertheless you have very passionate and hot sex with him which is never dull or boring because he is very intense and always makes sure you are sated and wrecked to soothe his own ego.
W = words (how vocal is he and dirty talk)
getting you in the mood he is a professional at turning you on. but during sex he’s not very vocal. he’s a heavy breather and a grunter. he may let out a moan on occasion especially when you swallow his cock down your throat. his dirty talk is blunt and nasty. dont put it past him not to go into detail about what he plans to do to you. he loves making you blush with how explicit he can be. and he will do it in the calmest lowest most sultry voice youve ever heard.
X = x-rated (how does he feel about porn or sextapes)
he will watch it when he needs to get himself off but dont expect him to put it on to get you in the mood. he knows how to arouse you and he takes great pride in being the one to get you horny for him. he would be willing to make a sextape with you but you would have to remind him. it’s not going to come to mind when he’s in the heat of the moment. he would opt for photos rather than any home videos tbh. if you had him take lingerie photos of you and then put them in an album for him as a gift he would be the happiest boy alive.
Y = yawn (what is he like after sex)
he wants sleep. seriously once he finishes the countdown to him passing out has begun. but he also needs you struggling to catch your breath from what he’s done to you when he takes you in his arms and settles comfortably for bed. he will make sure you’re okay, because even though he fucks the living shit out of you he is a respectful guy and needs to know you are taken care of. he will also be sure to open the bedroom door so the cats can come in and take their rightful places for bedtime snuggling lol
Z = zodiac (what his sign says about him in bed)
a Capricorn needs satisfaction because they are perfectionists. to be honest, their desire to please you is almost entirely selfish. a Capricorn that can’t give their partner a mind-blowing sex life would hide in shame. having you satisfied and happy reflects well on them and they crave that on an insanely high level. on the downside Cappys can be set in their ways meaning they tend to stick with what they know and are comfortable with. getting them to be a little more spontaneous and diverse in the bedroom will take suggestion or insistence on your part.
{ copyright 2018-2020 © ahgaseda // masterlist }
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gaypril · 6 years
Kashimashi: Girl meets girl au
I wanted to write some stuff about this anime because I dont really know, when I was younger I really related to the main character Hazumu, if you don’t know about the show it’s a gender-bending yuri manga thingamajig that begins with the main character Hazumu getting hit by an alien space ship and them reviving her as a girl. Now there is a case for Hazumu was a trans girl before she got hit by aliens (how shes acts is very similar to how I was before realising oh frick and the character that CANT SEE MEN CAN SEE HER) So i kinda wanted to write an AU where instead of her being hit by aliens and being magically transformed, she gets hit by aliens and it wakes her up to the fact that shes trans. So Enjoy! I’m not the best writer so forgive me.
Basically instead of her body being turned into a completely female one, when shes hit by the spaceship it sends her body back to before puberty hit. 
Her body is still like the same age but its like shed been on hormone blockers as the ship couldn't replicate the changes puberty brought on. So basically shes at square 1 of transition and she tells her parents she is a trans girl. It was something that had been in the back of her head for a while but she didn’t think it was possible however after being hit by aliens possible didn’t really seem like an obstacle anymore. 
Her parents, who in the show are fucking nuts, but also really supportive. They buy Hazumu a girl uniform and the aliens who have decided to watch over supply her with hormones because shes understands the consequences and begs them, they comply because they  are curious about how relationships would work in such a situation. Because of that most things in the show play out very similarly. 
People still hound Hazumu but this time its because shes trans rather than magical transformation, because at the time when this is set it is a big deal and because she was still you know killed by aliens. As Hazumu begins going through transition: Yasuna realises why she was able to see Hazumu, she wasn't an exception to her male blindness but was just a girl, but she still loves Hazumu and continues to pursue her. 
Tamori gets those conflicting feeling because she still likes Hazumu and wants her to be happy, but she just doesn’t understand why she chose to go through all of this. She begins to remember when they were little and Hazumu said she wanted to be Tamori’s bride and a bunch of other smaller things that began clicking into place. Shes very protective of Hazumu as always but she still has those initial feelings of why did he become a girl. The bra fitting scene would take place later in the show and it would be the final straw for Tamori. Hazumu isn’t going to go back to being a boy and she explodes because of this Hazumu gets upset and begins crying. The two talk it out because Tamori despite being the cause of Hazumu’s distress just can’t let Hazumu be alone when she’s crying.
Asuta begins to realise that he has a crush on Hazumu and is like “but thats my best bro, but shes a girl now and is uhhhh really cute, oh shit i think i really like Hazumu”. And when those dickheads begin hitting on Hazumu at the beach he does that protective friend thing and pretends to be her boyfriend. He likes Hazumu as his best friend her being trans doesn’t change that, but he wishes that Hazumu wasn’t so god damn cute 
Hazumu wouldn’t change much she'd still be pretty clueless about how to act. But because instead of this thing being thrust on to her, she has time to adapt and go back to mannerisms she had previously tried to hide because “they aren’t manly”. She is still the same crybaby green thumb she is in the original she just chose it this time. She still goes shopping with Yasuna and buys her dresses and she still asks Tamari to help her get a bra since she has no idea whats shes doing. But she does these thing with the biggest smile on her face, she has her best-friends by her side and loves them both a lot and the fact that they are helping her overcome the discomfort they had been feeling for all that time helps deepen the bonds between the three of them.
The only scene i think would need to change is the locker room scene where everyone's like eh shes a girl now. It’s not as realistic as most of the show is in it portrayal of this stuff. And I doubt Hazumu would be comfortable changing in front of the girls and since she still has that thing she chooses to change in the stalls or something, but due to how her body is changing she does you know work with the girls and run with them and all that.
I’m just gonna say for the sake of this the town shes living in is super supportive.
The aliens would have a hard time understanding whats going on in ters of you  know gender. Maybe they scan her brain or something and figure out what dysphoria is or something IDK, they want to understand how this affects her relationships so they observe her. 
I’d say at the end she probably ends up like Hazumu of the original with a completely cis body because after a while she asks the aliens if it’s a possibility 
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deadmanzp · 4 years
aftg asks; questions by triquetrine
these are so interesting so i did all of them.. i want to come back after a year and see if id still answer the same! 
op is the post before this or also tagged “misc” 
neil josten: favorite/most iconic line?
first one that comes to mind I’m not sure is a favorite or iconic line? but it’s a line i think about a lot and it always hurts to read. it’s when they're at the cabin in TKM. 
“He didn’t care how much it hurt so long as he could pull Andrew closer, and he let Andrew take him apart until he couldn’t think anymore.”
that comes at the very end of Chapter 14 and gosh just the paragraph that line comes from and the paragraph before…. the fact neil thinks andrew doesnt care about him the way he cares/feels about andrew is like….. CMON MAN but also i just love the pining angst of it. i like this line especially because the line right before it mentions neil working his “bandaged fingers into Andrew’s hair”. so the “he didnt care how much it hurt” to me always carried a double meaning of 1. the physical pain he felt bc of his injuries but also 2. the pain of unfamiliarity abt his feelings towards andrew and thinking it was unreciprocal AND THAT HED HAVE TO “WARN” ANDREW like the implication.. of neil thinking abt their “relationship” possibly ending bc andrew doesnt feel the same and maybe wouldnt want to be entangled in whatever neil was feeling …… IM LIKE neil knows andrew so well and him being so sure abt this but hes like …. WRONG …. e
nathaniel wesninski: one thing you would change about the books? (plot, characters, etc)
there is very little id change about the books if at all. mainly bc while i know there are upsetting things that happen/the charas do, i think all of those things make the series really interesting to analyze and talk about. i will say a moment i hated was when neil touches andrews scars when andrew makes it clear he doesn't want neil to pry about them. i know neil offers his scars in turn when he's trying to convince andrew to let neil look over kevin but that was controlled. he let andrew touch them and find out about them of his own volition. neil touches something directly related to the trauma andrew had just experienced again when he had 0 permission to do so. while i always get mad at neil for this when i read it i still dont think id change it or get rid of it. im not really sure how id change it anyways and i think andrews relationship with his scars (and himself in general) is probably what allows him to brush it off(?)/never bring this up (plus maybe neil offering his scars was enough for andrew) but i havent thought too hard about this. but ya i remember i got rlly angry w neil the first time i read this scene and i still get mad abt it when i reread.
andrew minyard: if you could be friends with one of the characters, who would you pick?
i mean realistically i wouldnt be friends w jocks ILL BE REAL LOL and i think as much as i love the monsters, theres no way id be friends w them haha uhm but prob dan would be most realistic! maybe even katelyn tbh.. 
kevin day: if you played exy, what would your position be?
oh i think dealer! in sports i liked being able to do both defense and offense bc it made me feel i had more control over the field, like i could always do something if there were any holes
dan wilds: favorite moment/scene?
definitely the hotel reunion scene. theres so much to it; it drives me nuts!!!!! but honestly there are probably a lot of really good moments im forgetting. to me the whole series is really enjoyable and every scene has something i could say about it haha
matt boyd: song you would love to see in a live-action adaptation?
Oggghh this is so hard… esp since it takes place in 2007???? Idk.. iconic artists then i suppose ghfgkjhf BUT i think general vibes i think itd be so cool if paramore (time relevant), ptv (also time relevant), and mitski were on the soundtrack……. Ya…….. 
nicky hemmick: which made you more emotional, neil at evermore or neil in baltimore?
neil in baltimore for sure… neil at evermore i can't remember what i felt the first time i read it (maybe pain LOL bc he was doing it for andrew and i felt like riko wouldnt keep his promise) but in my latest reread i was unimpressed by it (mostly bc i think riko is boring and unimpressive). i think i mightve said evermore in the past though….. maybe... neil in baltimore is like … GOD neils emotions are so strong during all of that its really juicy haha. i think like him being angry bc he was on the cusp of having everything he couldve ever dreamed of; the desperation of wanting to fight back and get away; even just the fear of being in the same room as his father for the first time in so long... all really juicy 
aaron minyard: a character you will defend to your death?
defend…. im not sure is the word i would use and i dont think i really believe in defending any of these charas “to death” bc of how flawed and complex they are; id like to acknowledge when they did wrong. i think id “defend” any of the characters if i saw anyone misinterpreting or misunderstanding them.. theyre all really interesting even if they didnt get too much spotlight. except maybe riko. hes incredibly boring to me. and also nathan ig and any of his crew just bc there is Nothing abt them rlly...
katelyn: which minor character do you wish you could see more of?
uhhhmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm….. idk maybe… jeremy…. gjfjgkdngmdghs just bc him and kevin r so funny.. i was thinking maybe jean too but…… idk a diff kind of kevin relationship lol (yikes) (pain) but really im satisfied w jeans screen time. i think ichirou is interesting but again i think he didn't rlly need more. maybe erik actually. im interested to know what nicky is like with him :0
allison reynolds: favorite headcanon about the foxes?
actually something i recently thought abt was neil and photography. iirc? andrew gives neil a camera in the ec and i also imagine kevin eventually gets another camera too (i loved that detail when we saw his room at the nest) so i thought abt neil and kevin sharing/trading pics they take of (mainly) scenery. i imagine neil takes pics of anything he wants to remember/keep while kevin is more prone to taking pics of subjects related to some nerd history stuff (lol) so thats why they trade scenery pics mainly. but i like this small connection bc i want more to their relationship than their exy obsession and i imagine they have room for more now that riko is gone and i just like this other commonality btwn them. i think maybe they mail the developed pics to each other maybe w small descripts/notes but thats it. and i also imagine it kind of just is something that started happening.. neil and andrew r on a roadtrip and some building reminds neil of kevin so he snaps a pic and eventually sends it to kevin w some note. kevin replies 1. either a text being like that is nothing. > neil: shrugs brushes it off but figures he is welcome to send more when kevin sends his own picture back or 2. kevin simply replies back similarly w his own photo. i dont know.. maybe this goes beyond what their actual relationship would be like but i do like the idea of them just bein like… dude friends u know so i want them to have more than just exy and a traumatizing experience between them. 
as for common headcanons within the fanbase…. i do like the allison + neil haircuts thing.. although im not sure if i imagine it the same as most haha i feel neil would know how to cut his own hair from his life on the run (though theyre not Good or bad just like ok u know like passable generic w/e) i think hed definitely be tense the first couple times but he has experience w allison being close from needing to be covered up w make up after winter break so i think she would be allowed. 
renee walker: favorite non-canonical ship? (renison, jerejean, etc)
uhmm to be honest none really… im way too attached to canon to be able to dismiss any established relationships. i think kevemy (??? is that the name) is rlly amusing but i dont want them together necessarily haha i used to rlly like renison mainly bc im a lesbian and i want “main” chara wlw relationships lol but i recently read something abt how bi allison doesnt rlly sit well w some bc she outs andrew and neil during the hotel scene.. i also agree this is kinda :/ if she was bi Mainly bc i feel a lot of ppl (or at least this is what i gather from renison stuff ive seen) portray allison already being established bi? if this makes sense. i think if renison/allison realizing shes bi is a later development id feel better abt it but usually renison is already established so ya her outing them does bother me…. BUT aside from this, thinking about them as characters and what their partners (would) look like… im not sure if theyd rlly choose each other.. but i still enjoy seeing them together in art and in fic bc in the end…. im a sucker for women lol….
seth gordon: most underrated dynamic? (matt & neil, wymack & andrew, etc)
my first thought was wymack and andrew bc i rlllllyy like their dynamic especially after reading their ec stuff. i loved their first meeting (andrews terrible sandwich??!?fhdhfjd) and when andrew breaks into wymacks apartment BUT i think ppl mention them enough its not underrated. i Actually think renee and andrews dynamic/friendship is rlly underrated/overlooked!!! especially after reading the son nefes ec i love their dynamic a lot… 
some son nefes moments of them i liked:  tw // rape
renee convincing andrew to go with her to see matt after his trip to edens
how many knives do u carry / one more than u IS SO FUNNY and just andrews persistence abt fighting renee is also rlly funny to me
tw // rape : the moment when andrew asks renee if she killed her rapist/abuser that whole convo was good… 
their convo in the rain w their tea
i cant remember when this happens or rlly exaclty what was said but renee offers andrew something (some help??) and he says i dont need (w/e it was) and she says something along the lines of  i know but it wouldnt do any harm or SOMETHING like that.. i like this bc she acknowledges their abilities while showing shed still like to offer some help. im p sure she does this another time too (w neil???? or someone i cant remember maybe it was andrew again) and i remember liking it too. she has a way w words and talking (also seen in her convincing andrew to see matt)
BUT regardless of ec stuff i think their relationship/dynamic seen in the books is rlly good too. theres def enough to be intrigued by them and i always have been? so i'm reeeaallly happy son nefes exists i loved reading it..
david wymack: which ncaa team would you play for?
oh to be honest i dont rlly remember many of them but of the Three (ravens, foxes, trojans) prob trojans. i remember i even got them in a uquiz once… 
abby winfield: which character was the most realistically written?
first that came to mind was aaron actually.. i remember before when i didnt rlly like him or care abt him it was actually bc he was too “boring” to me. i always thought he had the most realistic reactions to things which is what made him boring to me amidst the ridiculousness of, well, everything in aftg lol… i still think he is really realistically written but now i dont think hes boring haha
besty dobson: how many times have you read the series?
fully i think…. only 3 times… i wish this were a higher count but i actually feel guilty everytime i try to reread it.
riko moriyama: coolest exy moment? (kevin’s last-minute point against the ravens, andrew shutting down the goal, etc)
uhhmm uhmm i def think kevin during the final game against the ravens…. hes so cool haha but i KNOW there were a lot of game moments that i thought were really cool so i cant rlly say…. oh also i love neil being defense in that game too rlly juicy wish i could pull up obscure moments bc i know i rlly enjoyed reading the games but terrible memory...
jeremy knox: which do you like reading more, domestic!foxes or chaotic!foxes?
uh i guess chaotic? not rlly sure exactly what that could entail but i do like… their chaos.. when they have fights and squabbles and stuff… this includes the high tension moments. ALTHOUGH i do like the tiny lines in the books when we see the monsters just doing like random basic everyday life stuff like playing video games or whatever. i like…. imagining them... fhdjfjshfjs… as for fic def chaos. i feel domestic is usually too softened….. 
jean moreau: favorite friendship?
oh i think this goes back to andrew and renee. but other than them… i do like neil and matts friendship.. though probably not the same as its typically portrayed 
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earthghoul-mp4 · 4 years
Idk what am doing(Also Trigger warning !!Abuse, Self-harm mentions, Drug use and Self starvation!!)
Alright so context: These characters are the Alternate versions of two other characters which is why there reffered to as “Alter Siri, Alter Subaru, Alter Kou, Alter Rina, Alter Melon’ and ‘Alter Akai” Subaru, Kou and Melon are all vampires in theyre universe and all of the (except Alter Siri) are part of the Crimson rose’s mafia (I didnt come up with most of this stuff, This happened a while back when I had discord) Alter M(Melon) has been shown to have a crush on Alter R(Rina), Alter S and K(Subaru and Kou) are dating. No one really knows about Alter Siri. Alter A(Akai), Is a dick-head brother. He and Alter M are twins with her being the younger of the two. Alter A has always been abusive, physically and mentally. So Alter M’s trust issues and low esteem, stem from him. Alter M and Alter S, intentionally chose, not to bite Alter R or Alter K. (Even though both have been very adamant about them doing so-) Alter R is in fact a Demon- (Not really sure what kind though-) UHM- Oh yeah, Alter M and Alter A’s parents were murdered when they were very young and Alter A was thought to be dead as well. (WHICH HE WASNT) Alter R’s mother was killed by Alter R’s hand and Alter R’s sister also died. Alter S and Alter K have been trying to set up Alter M and Alter R because its painfully obvious they like each other. THE MAIN THINGS TO REMEMBER: Alter A is a dick, Alter M is SUPPOSED to feed off Alter R but refuses to do so, Alter S and Alter K are the chaotic duo of the four, and Alter Siri stays out of their bullshit at all costs. Alter M and Alter K both have ADHD
Alter R lay awake on her bed staring up the ceiling. The storm outside was making it pretty hard to sleep, so there wasn’t any point in trying. There was a quiet knock on her door and Alter R looks up to see Alter M  standing half-asleep in the doorway. “Cant sleep either, huh?” Alter M shook her head and walked over to Alter R. “Storms are always so pretty but they make too much noise..” Alter M  whines as she flops onto Alter R’s bed. “Sounds like you-” Alter R realized how that sounded, but apparently Alter M didn’t. “Nuh uh, I dont make nearly as much noise as Kou-chan, and Baru-chan” Alter R laughed a bit “I’ve always found that family dynamic you three have very interesting.” Alter M sits up “Whats that s’posed to mean?” Alter R smiled “It just means that you three never cease to confuse me, Especially you” Alter M folds her arms across her chest “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Alter R sighs “I just mean, Ive never understood you, Or any of you for that matter. I’m not good with people, and probably never will be” The storm outside seeed to die down some to the point where it was just rain and Alter M smiles. “What’s got you all smiley?” Alter M’s hands ball up into fists and shake a little “Hehe! The rain! Do you hear it?” The gentle pitter-patter of the rain on the roof had Alter M’s brain go nuts, and Alter R found it adorable “Yeah, I do. It is a nice sound, huh?” Alter M smiled widely and nodded happily. Alter R laughed “You find the strangest things amazing, Alter M” Alter M drew her face into an angry pout “Nuh-uh I dont.” Alter R looked at her skeptically “How many people do you know can go from crying to almost perfectly fine when given a frog plush?” Alter M didnt respond “Thats not fair! Buttons is the best comfort plushie!” Alter R laughed. Alter flopped backwards onto Alter R bed and turned over to face the wall. “Aw c’mon-” Alter shook her head “Nu!” Alter R took a minute to decide what to do. “Hmm...Hehe...” Alter R decided to pick up Alter M. It wasnt hard with how small Alter M is. “Put me dooown, meanie” Alter R sat Alter M in her lap “Better?” Alter M was not prepared for that “HHHHHH-” Alter R was kinda oblivious to Alter M’s crush on her since she felt like she didnt deserve to be loved so she hid her feelings for Alter M, and hoped they’d just go away. Alter M hid her face in the collar of her sweater “Thats not fair...” Alter R laughed a little “How?” Alter M turned away “Cuz!” “Pfft- “cuz” how?” Alter M flapped her arms quickly “Cuz because!” Alter R realized how tired Alter M looked “Hey...When’s the last time you slept?” Alter M didnt respond “Alter M...” Alter M shrugged “I dunno...two..three days ago?” Alter R sighed “Its not my fault! Trying to sleep is hard” Alter R knew how that was. There were countless nights where she couldn’t sleep at all even if she tried. “When’s the ast time you had any water?” Alter M drew a black once again “Alter M!” Alter  pulled her collar further over her face “I’m sorry!” Alter R sighs “Stay here, alright?” Alter M nodded. Alter R got up and walked down to the kitchen. “I shouldn’t be so hard on her, Its not her fault...But she’ll keep doing if someone doesn’t tell her other wise” Alter R sweared under her breath and folded her arms on the counter “Ri-chan...?” Alter R forgot Subarus and Kou’s room was down the hall from the kitchen “Hey Subaru..” Alter S walked over to her “You okay?” Alter R nodded “Yeah I’m fine, its super early though. You should get back to sleep.” Alter S just looked at her. “Yo hear yourself right? I should sleep? Whens the last time you had a full 8 hours of sleep, huh?” There wasnt an answer “Thats what I thought. Now what been keeping you up at night? Somethings bound to be wrong if you’re the one distraught” Alter R walked over to the fridge to get some waters “No ones distraught, alright?” Alter S knew better than that. “Then why is it that every night this week, without fail, You’ve been up in the middle of the night....For what?” Alter clenched her fist around one of the waters “For the last time...Its nothing!” Alter S let it go this time. “Just take of yourself, alright?” Alter R nodded and headed back upstairs. Alter S sighed and got a cup of ramen “She’s the one who worries me...She stretches herself thin for everyone else and just acts like she’s fine. I just wish she didnt keep everything bottled up. Both of them! Her and Mel-chan” 
Alter M had fallen asleep on the end of Alter R’s bed “I didn’t tell her she had to stay awake..” Alter R picked up her phone to check the time “Damn...Its already three- thirty..” Alter R threw one her extra blankets over Alter M. Alter just curled up underneath of it, “pfft- That’s not how you use a blanket” Alter M picked up her head “Hm...?” Alter M sat up sleepily and looked at her. “Nothing, Nothing. I didnt say anything” Alter M hugged Alter R “Oh- ok...?” Alter R was never really one for physical affection, shes only ever really let Alter M hug her, any physical contact really. “Hey...You can let go now..” Alter M only hugged her tighter and Alter R realized she had fallen asleep. “Ah...Jeez...” Alter R was too tired at this point to care, so  she just laid own with Alter M still hugging her. Around seven or so Kou came around to check on Alter R since she’s usually up by then. “Awww!” Alter R had held onto Alter M the whole night. Its not uncommon for Alter M to e hugging something especially when she’s asleep. Its more uncommon to see Alter R hugging anyone for long periods of time. “I dont think either of them have actually, slept, in a while” Kou walked off leaving Alter R and Alter M to sleep. Kou went to go get Subaru who had ultimately fallen alseep on the couch “Oiiii! Subaru.” Subaru rolled over off the couch “AGH- Shit!” Kou kicked him “SHHH- Ri-chan and Mel-chan are still sleeping” Subaru punched him “B!tch” Kou gasped dramatically “Ooo Ouch what a burn” Subaru just looked at him. Alter R stared down at them from the top of the stairs. They both knew they fucked up, Alter M appeared behind her looking half dead. “Im going back to bed...” Alter M turned on her heel and walked down to her room.  “Wait yall two was in the same room???” Alter R walked down the stairs “Uhm...Yeah?” Alter S nodded “Mhm...” Alter R just gave him a confused look and went to get a coffee “And your still sure you dont have feelings for her?” Not many things can catch Rina off guard...This however, Caught her very off-guard “Yes I’m sure!” Alter S and Alter K gave her a look like “Uh huh” “Yeah well your face just about as red as your eyes” Rina threw a spoon at him “You shut your mouth!” They both started laughing and Rina just sipped her coffee “I’m gonna kill you both in your sleep...” Alter M stomped out of room “If y’all don’t shut the fuck up, I will burn all of your clothes” Everyone just looked at her “Let this be a godammned warning” Rina just kinda looked at her “Uhm- Okay then...” “Kinda saw that oe coming she’s always pissed off about something- Its just easier to piss hernoff if shes tired” Alter M threw her shoe at him “Ya damn right” Rina laughed and so did Kou “Thats not funny that hurt!” Melon went to grab a redbull but Rina stopped her. “Eh?” Rina looked her dead in the eyes and just told her “No” Melon just kinda looked at her “Fine” and went to go sit down. Rina grabbed her wrist “Subaru, Kou...Out. Now” Subaru and Kou knew something was boutta happen but when Rina said something ya best listen. Both of them left the room. “What?” Rina leaned back against the counter “....” Melon was throughly confused “What did I do??” Rina looked up from her mug “Whens the last time you ate anything?” Melon looked away “That requires an answer...” Melon refused to meet Rina’s eyes “Alter M...” Melon simply walked outside and into the woods Rina followed her but from a distance. “Maybe she just need some air...?” Melon sat down in the middle of a clearing and just stayed there
                        (End of part one cuz Im Lazy \(030)/)
What should happen next???
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lilietsblog · 7 years
my mirai nikki liveblog notes from last night
yandere is a gross and creepy fandom trope beloved by gross and creepy fandom dudes but I really like Mirai Nikki and personally Gasai Yuno, and I hope she finds some stability in her mind orrr she could kill either herself or Yukki to get the other to be the god of time and space and I'm honestly not sure which of those would be a healthier decision or more fascinating to watch. but i dont want this ending bc of the cop )= (my taste in anime is impeccable)
I like how Yukki is still majorly creeped out by Yuno, even if making out with her is no longer even a Big Thing for him
WHY DID THIS THING JUST HAPPEN THIS IS LIKE THE WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO HONESTLY WHAT THE FUCK I like the girl just snapping photos of everything I aspire to be this chill
Yuno if you fuck up Yukki's friendships because you are jealous I'm going to be very cross with you that's exactly what you're going to do isn't it I mean you've been 100% right about Tsubasa and you've been actually very charismatic with Yukki's mom but I can just feel the trainwreck coming
huh, they all end up just hanging out together, that's surprisingly nice I'm glad things other than blood and carnage are allowed to happen in this anime it won't last long will it
shine shine shine wow Yuno maybe chill
Mao and Hinata, I swear I'm going to remember this
okay what followed was teeth snapping not blood from a bitten throat so maybe she won't die after all thank god
guys you are discussing it with them walking right behind you how well have you thought this through I guess they were further behind?
Akise is another Diary owner isn't he
I feel Yukki on his Definite Overload With Everything
I sure hope those are not Akise's dogs that Akise deliberately set on them to engineer this situation
hm well at least this is not personally Akise, doesn't mean he's not affiliated with this guy at the very least they seem to share hair color
I love Mary tho
hmmm this might actually not be the guy with the flesh eating dogs, these look different okay I'm holding off on further speculation right now and giving it a tentative 50/50, as well as to Akise turning out to have been behind the attack
okay what the FUCK that looks like Hinata
fuuuck i am SO tempted to like Akise but that would also come with a sore wish to have him Join The Team and I hoped that for Tsubasa too >_> my heart can't take it
...that feeling when Yuno is being the Voice of Reason
aaand it's gone
please Yukki don't tell them about your diary there's nothing about that that's not a bad idea don't drag them into this aaand of course that's what you're doing and once again, Yuno is me
aaand there's Mao isn't there fuck not the one I was expecting at least thank you Akase for it not being you
okay Hinata is alive that's fair enough except she won't be for long will she why must you take away Pure things from me anime why ugggghhhh
a Breeder's diary??? oh right dogs whew
oh my god Akise too????? okay this is kind of hilarious now I hope they go for a reverse of the temple thing and he actually gets to join the squad I guess the girls were doomed because of Yuno anyway but he has a chance
so I think Deus rigged this whole game specifically for Yukki his random observations diary made the future diary a very interesting idea and a very powerful tool but then Deus threw a bunch of various... interesting characters into it, and I imagine physical proximity (or ability and willingness to get around fast) and, ah, interestingness of character were the main criteria, and he went for ANY kind of diary at all, which made most of theirs much less potent
another thing I'm thinking is I've been noticing the small child holding hands with ?parents? in the end credits for a while, and it looks like Hinata, and she might be an important character
maybe this anime just burned through a few expendable characters at the beginning to set up the situation and create the athmosphere, and the main plot is going to be about a bunch of high schoolers after all, because that's just how anime rolls - high schoolers would be the major characters out of the whole bunch of diary owners
so maybe they're not all dying next episode is what i'm trying to say
Murmur is amazing btw
hum so Akise got his diary late? or does he not have one after all oh my god I love Akise so much already his expression here like 'i can't believe i'm going along with this' and yet he's going along with this like sure ok
aaand SUDDEN DORK MODE oh no I have a new favorite character please don't turn out to secretly be a mass murderer that's all I ask ;~; hum might he not actually have a diary after all dammit these are supposed to be post credit scenes not revealing plot twists I'm just confusing myself at this point aren't I
lol oh my god they thought Akise was a diary owner but he's just a guy who's good at investigation isn't he
or is he??? godfuckingdammit I need to stop doing this to myself theorizing is a bad habit that I get way too into I don't like bumpy rides of plot twists I like being able to follow what the fuck is going on )=
yeah he does not have a diary nor any idea what's going on does he lol I called it seconds before Yuno caught on it's kind of interesting how it seems her job is to be the genre savvy one, whose usefulness is however kind of fucked up by her brain cockroaches
I guess she caught on that he was bluffing but??? ??? ???
and Akise's just going nuts and laughing because what else is left to do honestly
Akise why are you so fucking likable how dare you I'm actually angry at this development HAVE A FLAW DAMN YOU I CANNOT RELAX BECAUSE OF THIS SHIT I CANNOT TRUST WHAT I AM SEEING THIS FUCKING ANIME
oh man I thought they were lesbians when Mao first brought up that she's taken, but this is V Cute
oh my fucking god Akise have you MISSED Yuno's thing in your investigation or are you doing this ON PURPOSE
wait what just happened was that yandere on yandere combat or what
Mao what the fuck were you doing
Yuno you are an ASSHOLE I hope everyone other than Yukki keeps just ignoring everything you say and do
I love this one normal guy who's kind of a dick and just reacts normally to things and his contrast to Akise whom I love
honestly Yukki I agree I think I DON'T WANT TO is the only argument Yuno can be receptive to
oooor that only makes things worse huh Yuno honey please settle down believe in Yukki a little more than that
oh hey good solution even if it's just getting yourself deeper in I guess in a BLOOD DEATH situation it's kind of the best available option
"You don't want me to hate you, do you?" A+ game Yukki hit her where it hurts aka explain basic facts of human relationships >_>
aaand yep he's freaking out because he doesn't even like her that way and he's getting deeper and deeper in )=
uuunless that was a lie huh can't deny that possibility
lol Akise also has voice of reason tendencies <3
hum okay dammit I liked the cop a lot then again Akise is like him+ as far as having an Awesome detective character goes and Yukki has a Squad his age now I'm surprised by how well this went actually
another episode and I'm going to sleep (yes i'm aware these are Cursed Words but what if I'm lucky)
Yuno? Uh, are you okay?...
see the thing is I really can't find a way to apply to this anime the standards of 'healthy relationship with a mentally ill person' because PEOPLE ARE DYING AND EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE LET'S PUT THAT OFF UNTIL THE FUCKING GAME IS OVER like Yukki can't just ditch Yuno because she keeps fucking saving his life??? and Yuno can't just resolve to Not Murder because that keeps fucking saving both of their lives??? they can't do what would have been the Reasonable Thing To Do under normal circumstances because these SURE AS FUCK AREN'T NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES
oh please girl are you sure anyone's MAKING you do anything
wait what the fuck is going on here oh it's Murmur fucking around isn't it yep there it is
okay I'm not sure what's happening like, what? seriously? what the fuck
okay so that's what happened huh that still leaves a lot of holes but okay
uh Akise why what makes you think this is a good idea I mean I've noticed you don't exactly have conventional emotional responses to fucked up stuff either but like seriously
oh Yukki you're starting to become more OK with murder that's just the world you live in huh
awww he cares about her when they are one on one as much as he cares about EVERYONE which he does because he is wonderful and I love him it's just in mixed company that Yuno's stalkerish shit gets lower priority to everyone else's normal shit and Yukki is 100% right in that
aha I'd been wondering whose last name I forgot
ahhh so that's what he was doing that makes more sense than him being a shipper on deck -_- just throwing Yukki under the bus for the sake of investigation that's p much normal... by this anime's standards...
also holy damn Yuno you can work when you try hum self-induced amnesia or something? that's almost a sensible coping mechanism I'm glad the anime is actually paying attention to that
augh what the fuck Kurusu why do you gotta hum and there's that other detective uuugh this anime has way too much going on I guess it IS 11 pm and I HAD decided to go to sleep after this
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 7 years
(My home girl’s region! :D)
1. Which starter would I pick?-This is like Sinnoh but instead of me adoring them all my reaction is more,‘eh, alright.’ Out of them all I always end up going with Cyndaquil no matter how many times I tell myself Im gonna choose someone else. Idk, maybe it’s the eyes and the part of me that cosplays Italy can’t get over them. X3
2. Favorite Evolutionary line/pokemon?Ok when it comes to Johto there are alot of pokemon in it that I forget are from Johto. It’s partially due to there being few complete lines in this region, which is something that can’t be fixed now. However houndoom and houndour hold a special place in my heart. They most closely resemble my own dog, and it combines my two favorite types. Idc if it’s a mainstream choice, this is one line that is amazing. 👌
3. Least favorite evolution/pokemon?-Sunflora. Hands down because it ever so greatly triggers me. See my favorite flower is a sunflower. When I heard there was a sunflower pokemon I flipped in joy. I saw sunkern’s adorableness and gushed. When it evolved I adored the happy attitude. Then I found out how much it sucks in battle and felt my heart get crushed. When I say bad it has one of the worst stats in the whole series, and I know my muse is Karen, so yes I know her quote about fighting with your favorites, but when your favorite looses to a top percentage rattata it’s time to get a new favorite. Also they missed the chance to make a fire grass type. ;_;
4. Favorite gym leader/elite four?-Alot of the gym leaders in this region left an impression, and really interacted with the player. However Jasmine, and her precious pure self always makes me smile. I mean c'mon she’s one of the only people we’ve seen nickname their pokemon. Plus she calls it Amphy, like how a kid calls a teddy bear ‘teddy’. Then at the same time she also commands a giant metal snake that can snap you in half with one good hit. Bless this girl. Ok this next one I maybe a lil bias but um, Karen, duh. X3 Dark type was my favorite long before Karen came along, and btw I never played the original gold and silver so it took me awhile to meet her. When I saw her in the game and heard her quote I was like,“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? WHY DIDN’T I GET TO INTERACT WITH YOU AT ALL IN THIS GAME!? HOLY FUDGE! You’re like…woah…” It was that same sense of awe I got when first meeting Cynthia though this chick had more edge. Then I found out about her crimminal side and I am sold on her as my favorite for eternity.
5. Favorite town/city?-Blackthorn, and half of the reason is due to that name. When I played HGSS I was going through my warrior cats phase and so this nake was everything. Tbh it still sounds like such an amazing name for a town. I mean it’s intense, causes emotion, and makes the place seem intense. Which it is. I mean it’s in the mountains, you have to scale a cliff to leave, and there is a cave called the den of dragons that has dragons. Can you imagine telling people that’s where you grew up!? Just introduce yourself as the person from Blackthorn and watch people awe over it, you win life bud.
6. Favorite non-town/city location?-Hint it’s a tower. No not the bell one, I’m talking the burned one. Idk why but exploring abandoned or grungy places is so much fun to me! It’s like an adventure, and you never know what could be in there! (Lol like legendary doggos x3) Plus this place is like falling apart and has all of this history! I would go nuts researching and taking in the details of the place! Finally I know some people hate the smell of campfires but it’s my favorite thing ever, so any burned wood smell would be like a bonus.
7. Side mechanic that distracted me from the main game.-The pokewalker was up until I accidentally washed it a week after getting the game. Yeah, lost an eevee that day. Anyway by far the pokeathalon sucked my attention away more than any other side mechanic in any other game. I loved that place cause it could make my wimpy pokemon (like Sunflora) great, and my already strong pokemon stronger. Also I believe it was the flag capture that I struggled the most with. Took me literal hours but I finally beat the record there and felt such victory getting to the final room.
8. Would I punch the main antagonist in the face?-I’m not gonna count Giovanni cause he wasn’t really a part of this except being someone they were trying to get back in the crew. As far as the antagonists go there’s four of them which makes it a bit harder. Also like I said they were just trying to get the band back together, it wasnt like they were going to destroy the world like alot of the other villians. So like the last one, if it was in the moment yeah I’d try to apprehend them, and punch if necessary. Though I wouldn’t say too much was at steak for anything too extreme. Also post game I think just talking to them all individually would be good. Not in a therapist way just a casual convo might go a long way.
9. Would I punch my rival in the face?-I probably would of tried to multiple times. Sorry Silver but stranger or not you stole a pokemon and broke a wall of someone’s prolerty. That’s kinda illegal. After kicking your butt in battle I’d try to arrest you. I mean if Elm later said it was chill, said you were free to keep the pokemon, and you two worked out some deal for the wall then I’d be cool with it. However knowing myself I would be focused on righting said wrong until it was handled. I mean maybe we’d befriend each other somehow while I’m nailing his face, but even then I’d encourage him to go handle the situation.
10. Rating of the game 1-10?….I am sorry Sinnoh fans but 8. Look, this isn’t nostalgia talking. I never played the original games so if anything I ought to have more nostalgia with Sinnoh. However I don’t because when it comes to games I look for story. Johto just felt as though it had a more complete story. The characters were engaging, and I could relate with them. There were so many quirks and twists that made it feel unique. Yeah ok the pokemon designs lack in evolutions, and style, but I prefer story to design. No the whole world wasn’t at steak. In all honesty the villians were more brutish than they were intimidating. Though I could follow their reasoning, and in some ways rooted that things did work out somehow for them. Plus the ties of different families with Clair & Lance, Janine & Koga, Silver & Giovanni, were all elements I enjoyed seeing. (Then there’s all the ones in the manga that I found out about later). It made the region seem more personal and tied together. Plus who didn’t love the calls from your mom, trainers, and yes even Joey. Though slightly repetitive it all helped bring the player into the world, and I love seeing that.
(Dont get me wrong though, we need another Sinnoh game first, then maybe a Unova or Kanto would be good.)
(And @evolutionexpert , tbh Elm is my favorite prof so nice. 👌 )
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survivor-rotuma · 5 years
Ep. 10: “when you do clownery... the clown comes back to bite.“ - Lysandre
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WELL THAT TRIBAL SUCKED ASS!!! But at least a bunch of powers are out now!!! Also I got a brand new ride or die ally with Joey of all people!! We are the best friends 4eva. Anyways. I feel the complete opposite of safe. Kind of hate it. At least I’m still here tho. I still got a chance. 
Messiest tribal ever. And I never even had to lift a finger lol. I still think Joey and Brianna are goats. They'll be my new FTC now. I'll surely win with them there.
joey g
brianna and i went from never speaking to being f2 #bestfriends4ev #missuflint
I was really able to start a fight between Apollo and Felix yay. And Joey and Boris are fighting. Yay!! 
I should be able to win this writing competition. I feel like I am a very competent writer, so hopefully it all works out in the end. My literary prose will surely earn me the win. I do not feel particularly safe. Especially considering all the craziness that just went down at this tribal council. No one can be trusted besides Lysandre in my opinion, but, at the end of the day, I need him to go soon as well. I need to have people with weaker games than me. Otherwise, I don't know if I could win with powerhouses like Apollo and Lys here. I would need to impress the jury a lot, but I don't know if I could do that with the game I've played.
that was by FAR the messiest most cracked tribal and rock draw I've ever been a part of in a game. And I'm so shook that it was almost solely because of what I did. Is my game royally fucked? yes. I don't think there's any way I make it to the end. But if I do make it to the end? I think I have a really decent shot just because the jury will appreciate how insane I am. Felix doesn't trust me at ALL. Lys is PISSED at me. Apollo says he has my back but is acting like he doesn't because he's trying to get on everyone's good side. Joey is PISSED AT ME. and brianna is Brianna. So yeah idk I think I'm screwed! And I have no idea how to create stories so we'll see how this all pans out! 
I literally took a sledge hammer to my game tonight I'm so fucked
Boris when you do clownery... the clown comes back to bite.
I'm glad that Boris and Lys stan me to win. I just need them in the jury to have any affect. My preferred order now would be Apollo > Lys > Boris. These people need to go in order for me to win in this game. I will be the Sole Survivor. I am in the best position. And I will win my first ever game! Mark my words!
I have to rely on Boris at the moment because we need his number to take down Apollo. Apollo is my main target because he is the biggest threat in this game next to Lysandre. They both need to go in oder for me to win. Plus, Lys and Boris admitted he would vote for me in the end so we need to get them into the jury. I know that Boris is a rat and is therefore untrustworthy, but it's a risk that is needed in order to take out arguably the biggest threat to my game. I'm in most FTC trios except Apollo's and Brianna's, but one half of that is irrelevant (guess which one). I hope this goes well and I didn't just terminate my own game.
I cannot believe that Boris has one half of a super idol. This is ridicuolous. Now I am sort of forced to work with him in this scenario. Let's hope I can find the other half to keep it from him. I want this immunity so fucking bad,
So I really spent the entire day working on the challenge in hopes that I win. I also tried to idol search so that I could find the other half of the super idol and keep it from Boris or use it to bargain with him. It resulted in me finding a disadvantage that would not allow me to participate in the next challenge.
I told Boris to go to an idol spot where I know he won't be able to participate. If Lys and Boris both cannot participate in the next comp, it'll be easier for me to get that immunity. Especially if we eliminate Apollo from this game with this round. I'm praying he does not have an idol because I do not need that right now. Though I think he'd go for Lys which would eliminate a big threat to win at the end of the day. God I hope I win immunity
At the very least, Lysandre did not win immunity which means that's a bigger target is there to take care of rather than me. But I really want Apollo gone from this game. At this point, it's ridiculous if he doesn't leave. Ugh. Please Boris. Please me loyal and vote with me. Not even Lys. Just me. I need to make it to the end of this game. 
God I hope Boris is telling me the truth and is willing to vote out Apollo. I lied to him that I would be comfortable voting out Joey at the next tribal council to sweeten the deal of voting out Apollo. Since Apollo and Boris were closely aligned since the beginning, it'd make sense if we got rid of Joey at the next tribal council in order to "return the favor." But that is not the game I am playing. I am trying to get to the end without Lys and without Apollo. I feel that I can win against everyone else, but it's those two that scare me at the end. The order has to be Apollo then Lys because Lys cannot participate in the next immunity so it'd be the prime time to get rid of him. At F4, any of them can go. I don't care who it has to be. I just have to be at FTC.
Omg, omfg. Lysandre is Tim. Gotta be.
Apollo is so...self righteous. It’s kind of annoying. Talking about how everyone lied to him and betrayed him at the zest vote like...he wasn’t lying to other people at that vote. Get over yourselffffffffffff
Okay so last round was wild and I think my last confessional accidentally got erased before I sent it or o just never did so oops my bad. So Boris is fucking nuts and not only idols me to safety but goes to rocks and ends up surviving! Wtf!? I think that’s crazy. Everyone that told me that they were going to vote Lysandre last round, actually did the damn thing. Even Flint!? Who had 0 reason to keep me, went for Lysandre. It made me feel really good to know that I was able to wrangle up all those people after being on the bottom just the vote before. I’m starting to get a little fuzzy about whether I can win or not anymore, but maybe that’s a good thing. I’d rather underestimate myself than overestimate myself. I think I want to be at the end with Brianna and Joey since I think I could beat either of them at the end of the day. As for the other 3? Idc who goes when but they have to get the fuck out of here. I think lysandre is more likable than me but Felix will have too many people on jury rooting for him if he’s at the end. So as much as it pains me to say that I want Lysandre out, under the circumstances, I want Felix out now. I think Lysandre might have another idol up his sleeve perhaps, I guess we’ll have to see. I may or may not play my idol depending on how I feel about people talking to me later. If I can survive this tribal without using my idol it means I’m guaranteed f4. The burning question is. Do I go for Lys or Felix?
I think my time in this game is going to be up soon. I don't know if my relationships are strong enough to get out Apollo. And if we do Brianna then everything has to go perfectly at this next tribal council. It has to be Apollo/Lys next, otherwise there's no way we can win. I hate not knowing what is going on. I hate having to rely on Boris of all people. Ugh.
So last round was... interesting. It proved everything I feared. Boris lied to me and I was right in playing my extra vote. In hindsight I should have just voted for Brianna twice but I didnt because I had faith in both Joey and Boris. Joey fucking voted for me which is surprising because the goat that he is... he grew braincells and decided to play the game and he actually thinks his gameplay is enough to get my vote or anyone else's. This round is a whole bunch of playing makeup and  everyone pushing their own agenda.  My agenda is to get out brianna. Once she's gone my path to the f3 gets easier.
Lys wants me to commit to a F3 with them and Boris. However, I do not want to go to FTC with Lys. This will keep me safe for the time being, but who's to say that I will not betray Lys next round or the round after that. He is the biggest jury threat still in the game, and I cannot have him here robbing me of my win. I just need this for the time being to survive. Hopefully then will I make it to FTC.
So last round was... interesting. It proved everything I feared. Boris lied to me and I was right in playing my extra vote. In hindsight I should have just voted for Brianna twice but I didnt because I had faith in both Joey and Boris. Joey fucking voted for me which is surprising because the goat that he is... he grew braincells and decided to play the game and he actually thinks his gameplay is enough to get my vote or anyone else's. This round is a whole bunch of playing makeup and  everyone pushing their own agenda.  My agenda is to get out brianna. Once she's gone my path to the f3 gets easier.
Trying to come back from last round is so HARD. I want Joey gone. Lysandre wants Brianna gone. Joey wants me gone. Apollo wants Felix gone. Felix wants Apollo gone. I bet production put crack in the water to get up those views 
I made ANOTHER F3 deal with Felix and Lysandre and honestly? I think it might be the one I'm actually loyal to? But I dont even know guess we'll see! I think Brianna is going tonight 
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. One. I found the second half to the superidol. I knew where the half was because it was the only uncharted area left. I sent Boris to a disadvantage. Two. I'm definitely utilizing it in order to get out Lys. PHEW. My wig! My social game is just THAT strong. I am literally getting to the end of this game and I cannot believe it. I love this for me.
My streak of taking a nap the day of tribal has continued but. Nothing explosive seems to have happened. Probably just gonna vote for lysandre. If I get blindsided whatever. 
I don't think this confessional would do the social game I've been playing any justice but I have been working my ASS off. I've been trying my best to get everyone to vote my way. Originally Felix and joey wanted to aim for Apollo, Apollo wanted to aim for Felix, Boris wanted Joey, idk what Brianna was thinking but it was probably me. I first tried to convince Felix and Joey to do Brianna then I tried to get Apollo to do the same but he didn't budge. I finally got Boris to fold and then later Felix afterwards when I basically told him it was him or Brianna and he managed to get it together. 
GAME BREAKING NEWS Y'ALL. I sent Boris a big ole message after learning that be would be the deciding vote in tonight's and tried to convince him to stick with me and not Apollo. One thing led to another and Boris said the only way he'd do Brianna is if me, him, and felix were the final 3. So I made that alliance happen by talking to Felix and getting his consent. A FEW MOMENTS LATER. Felix found the other half of the super idol and we had to figure out who should hold it. We were literally the spider men pointing at one another when pointing out the times we have lied to one another and trying to find the most trustworthy in the bunch. We narrowed it down to Boris or felix since they have the halves. I voted for Felix to keep it since Boris has proved himself unreliable.
My superidol is an opal idol that allows me to vote two people and people can only vote between those two people. My plan is to use it next round between Apollo and Lysandre in order to ensure that one of them goes. Hopefully it will be Lys. I'll take out the last remaining one at F4 with the help of Joey and, hopefully, Boris. Even though I just made an alliance with them, I am going to betray them. I guess I am the villain of the season.
I'm really fucking trying it this round, I either just secured my spot in the f4 or got myself a one way ticket to ponderosa. I think if it's time to go, thats okay too because I leave for Disney World tomorrow and idk if I"ll be the best at juggling the game and my vacation at the same time. If its my time to go, I want to Thank you Jay for bringing my crack't ass back into the world of orgs even if it was just for a little bit. I genuinely had a lot of fun this season, even if i get voted out tonight. <3 
I don’t know if...the jury supports me or they’re just being dramatic but like...COULD THEY TONE IT DOWN AKSNSKSNEJ!!! I don’t want people thinking im a threat to win
Hey look another tie! Oh no I'm in the tie.
These people are crazy if they think I'm not flipping on Lys. I am guaranteed a spot in F4 which my opal idol. I have come so far. If I stick with Lys, it will go to rocks. Apollo has only this one shot to take if he wants to win. I am not putting myself at risk. It only shows that Lys has power over me. It only shows that I am a follower to Lys and Boris. With this move, I can break away from all that and mark my own path. I'll be the villain, and I'll be the only worthy player standing at FTC. I have to ensure that this move takes place. I have to take out Lys now. It breaks my heart that I have to do this, but I know it must be done. 
Loyalty has no place in Survivor. While it is true that loyalty gets you far, you must think logically and strategically if you ever hope to win. I have played so many ORGs where I was in Lysandre's shoes or my allies turned on me. But, at the end of the day, I got over it and voted the person who was strongest. I hope this jury doesn't turn bitter. After all, one bad apple ruins the bunch. But I have to do what's right for my game
Well, I don’t know if I can say everything went according to plan? Joey kind of fucked everything up. Had he voted Lysandre, lysandre would be out, I wouldn’t have to deal with aftermath, and it would be challenge time. Honestly? I guess I am indeed the fucking villain of the season. I feel like Naomi smalls holding Manila Luzon’s lipstick in her titty. But you know what? IM PLAYING TO WIN, NOT TO APPEASE BORRIS AND LYSANDRE. Boris literally had the option to vote off Felix with me and Lysandre and I and Boris could walk to f3 but Boris showed his hand and proved that he couldn’t be trusted. Felix told me, while we’re waiting for this revote, that Boris leaked everything about me trying g to get him out. I’m so pissed off at Boris, he was using me this entire game, but I’m done being somebody’s pawn. So I went to Brianna and Joey and managed to get them to stick with me. I’m so pissed off at Boris, like fucking playing me since the merge. Like go choke honestly, it’s a game so I’m not that mad, but game was he can heck off. I’m safe next week because I have my idol so all I really have left is this final immunity challenge. Now I’m going to be in Disney world when it’s happening so it’s bound to be interesting. I’ll probably be the final juror since I won’t win it but at least I can say I put up one hell of a fight this season. I’m damn proud of my game. Lusandre told  me about Felix’s advantage going into f5 which seems wild and way over powering tbh but we’ll see I suppose. He says Felix gets to pick two people to vote between in f5 to vote out. And he says that I’ll follow him right out the door if I don’t win immunity. Too bad I won’t need to, I’ll be immune with my idol next tribal. So I may not know if I’ll make FTC but I know I’ll b making f4 at least. If I trip and fall at the last lap of this marathon then call me Wentworth I guess.
Late time to say it now but I love my horrendous hand writing on the votes when everyone else uses actually text. It’s really difficult to do it with my finger okay 
It seems Boris is accepting the reality of Lys going. Now it looks like he wants to work with me again, but I see that as just a facade to convince me to keep him next round with my opal idol. But it'll be good because it means I can do whatever I want next round. I have to ensure, however, that Apollo does not win this immunity challenge. I need to keep it out of his hands. I want to vote him out sooner rather than later. Let's see how this all plays out. I think this is the farthest I've ever been playing a Survivor ORG. My mind is so fucking powerful.
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tabrisfam · 7 years
Mercy or Lucio :D
oh man thanks!!!im gonna answer both since this is the only ask i got (still more than i expected tbh)
- i actually play her less often than i originally expected, if not at all. she was the first hero i tried to play as since shes more of a healer than anyone else and thats the kind of a hero i usually play, just full on healing kind. but idk for some reason i sucked ass and never really tried again 😅
- since shes hardly ever a hero I pick then i dont really have a map preference
- WINGED VICTORYthe thing is that shes so pretty i bought emotes and highlight animations for her despite never picking her in game. none of her skins really appealed to me as much tho until this summer update, thats when i went nuts trying to level up and get as many loot boxes as possible. and i did it!!!! i got it!!!!! and its fuckkgn gorgeous!!!!!!! plus she finally has feather wings, more or less 👼
- im not big into any ow ships but if i had to ship her with someone itd be pharah for sure 👌
- since i couldnt play as mercy i had to find some other healer and lucio was my next pick and actually became my main hero in general, perfect for attack and defense on payload maps and most of all = contesting. and with his booping u dont really need to aim, which suits me and my laggy laptop lelso yeah, i play him pretty much all the time except when i play junk, my other main. especially on mayhem, with his infinite boops and sound barriers whenever an enemy uses their ult i can get really goddamn annoying hehe
- route 66particularly the beginning with the deep ass canyon. nobody is too careful there so i can easily boop them off of the edge. i get most of my potgs exactly for this 💪
- seleçãoimho aside from jazzy, lucio doesnt have many good skins. since im not a fan of football or hockey and actually like to see his face, then except for jazzy all the other legendary skins were kinda unappealing. so i just used one rare one the entire time. but then i actually got the football skin with brazilian colors in a summer loot box and after that a football themed highlight so ofc i had to use it lolits actually cute and i love him and support him even if he loves a sport i dislike
- i know a lot of ppl ship him with dva but that never appealed to me much tbh. i get where theyre coming from (and his VA ships it too i think)on the other hand i really dont know who else i could ship him with since everyone else that could be more or less his age is “taken” already (in another ship). and yeah i kinda want to ship him with a guy (bcs i dont like to see black characters being immediately labeled as straight even if i KNOW this isnt the situation) so that narrows the list even more.well most definitely get more characters in the future so maybe then someone compatible will appear idk
so therei talk a lot
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inawickedlittletown · 5 years
Walking The Wire (107/?)
Summary: Tony Stark always knew about Peter Parker. He didn’t know that Peter was going to get superpowers and become Spider-Man, but he always knew about Peter because Peter was his son.
This will span from pre-Iron Man up through the rest of the MCU (eventually including Infinity War) and will be for the most part canon compliant except where I’ve taken some liberties and interpreted canon a certain way.
Pairings: Pepper/Tony, Tony/Steve (endgame), Tony/Mary (past)
A/N: If you want me to tag you when I post new chapters let me know. This fic is also on AO3
I used Collider’s MCU timeline to stay canon and the title of this fic is an Imagine Dragons song that is just so fitting for Peter and Tony
Chapter One Hundred Six
It wasn’t until it was almost summer that Tony actually had to speak out in Barnes’ defense. Pepper was the one to make the call on the timing and Tony agreed that it was the right time. It was mostly to do with how the public viewed Barnes and Ross. Since clearing the air in Wakanda, Tony had started to take more interest in the man that was Steve’s best friend. He’d gone as far as to offer Barnes a new arm even if the process would entail Tony returning to Wakanda to make it happen. Barnes hadn’t seemed too interested and Tony realized fairly quickly that it was because for the time being he preferred not having the arm and either way Shuri assured him she had something in the works for him.
Speaking to Barnes had made things a little easier for Tony. He didn’t blame the man anymore and he didn’t dream about him or Siberia all the time not that it stopped Tony from having nightmares all together about his mom dying but they weren’t about Barnes. Not really. Some things were never going to stop and for Tony there would always be nightmares.
In the end, Tony’s statements about how much he didn’t blame Barnes and how he didn’t personally hold Barnes accountable for the deaths of his parents had the effect of making people aware of how much Hydra had had to do with everything The Winter Soldier had done. But it wasn’t just Tony’s word but all the proof they had to show what Hydra had been up to.
It didn’t stop Ross from continuing to try to get his way and make it near impossible for Barnes to ever get out of hiding without being arrested if he did. But the arrest would only lead to a trial and Tony was confident that it was a trial that Barnes would win. Ross seemed to have figured that out too, because he wasn’t as pushy with the stuff about Barnes which just made Tony worry and he’d have something else up his sleeve. Either way, with Barnes not planning on leaving Wakanda any time soon the whole matter was put the rest and Tony had his lawyers ready for when anything changed. He was hopeful that his name would be cleared when the time came.
Tony had a million other things going on too like the planning of a wedding. The thing of it was that flashy wasn’t what they wanted or needed. In all actuality, the whole marriage thing was a bit unnecessary in and of itself. Still, they wanted to have it happen and make it official.
It was Peter that seemed to want to make a big deal out of it which Tony thought was him trying to really make it clear how okay he was with him getting married which was sweet. Ever since they’d had that discussion over apple crostini, Tony had realized that he really needed to make sure Peter never felt left out of any of it. It helped that Steve adored Peter and loved his input and probably welcomed Peter in more than even Tony did.. If it was up to Steve, he probably would just let Peter have his way with all of it.
“But you have to have a big wedding,” Peter said one morning. “Just think about all the good it will do to all the gay teens out there who look up to you. You’re Iron Man and Captain America. You’re both public figures.”
Rhodey thought the whole thing was hilarious, but somehow Peter got him on his side. Mostly, Tony suspected that Rhodey just wanted to watch him suffer.
“No one even knows we’re together, Pete,” Tony had tried to argue one afternoon while Peter did some maintenance on K-9.
“But they should. I don’t really get why you’re keeping it a secret in the first place. You’re not going to hide it forever. It’s like -- I know I have a secret identity, but one day everyone’s going to know who I am. And they’re also going to know that I’m your son. I’m not ashamed of being Spider-Man or the son of Tony Stark even if it’s easier to keep that quiet at the moment. ”
It took a few weeks of convincing and since Peter was eventually out of school for the summer he had plenty of time to harp on the subject which was a bit amusing mostly because he even had Karen and Friday piping in on how much they needed to make a big deal about the wedding. In the end, Tony figured that Peter was right. Secrets weren’t a good thing and as horrible as the media coverage could get, Peter was right in saying that they might help young LGBTQ kids and teens and adults too probably by being open about it. That was what finally truly convinced Tony -- but also, it was sort of nice to share with the world that he and and Steve were going to be husbands.
But then, another reason reared its head when Tony got a call from Ross. The calls had stopped a while back, but Friday still put Ross on hold for a while before Tony picked up.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize there was a call,” Tony said. “What can I do for you?”
“Stark, you’ve done an amazing job at stonewalling me time and time again.”
“Getting the right information to the people is stonewalling you? Getting our heroes back and under house arrest as punishment for their actions? General, I have followed every letter of the law and every clause within the amended Sokovia Accords. So unless you want something, I don’t understand the nature of this phone call. I’m a very busy man.”
Which was when Ross said the last thing that Tony expected him to say: “I know you have a son. Swings around New York City as Spider-Man, right? I bet the people would love to know about him -- after all, everyone seems to be wondering who he is.”
Tony went cold. It didn’t seem like Ross actually knew who was under the Spider-Man suit, but he knew that it was Tony’s son. He knew that Tony had a son at all.
“Ah, I see I found something to keep you quiet,” Ross chuckled.
The question was how did he know?
“Did you know that The Accords and who signed them are public. Even if they weren’t I would have been able to take a look and Spider-Man is a minor who needed a mentor of sorts to take responsibility for him. And you did that for him which was enough to make me interested.”
It still begged the question how he had figured it out and how he wasn’t mentioning Peter which worried him. Did he know it was Peter or not? Peter had signed as Spider-Man not as Peter Parker so maybe--
“Everyone’s been speculating,” Ross said, “I may as well give them some sort of answer. Tony Stark allowing a teenager to run around as a hero -- that would make the front pages.”
But not if Tony had a bigger story to sell.
The pictures were taken in the tower because of the house arrest and they were absolutely ridiculous. Steve didn’t know how Tony had managed to convince him to pose that way. They were both on chairs and Tony’s was balancing on two legs. Steve’s leg was resting on Tony’s shoulder and Tony was actually holding on to it. Steve actually couldn’t believe that they hadn’t fallen while taking the picture. There had been a bunch of other ridiculous poses made that day and it was lucky that not all of the pictures were used in the article. Only a few of them were of a serious nature. The one where Tony had just kissed his cheek, or the one where they had gotten a bit caught up in staring at each other and the photographer had just taken a few shots of them. There were also individual ones. Vanity Fair was running a whole issue mostly devoted to them, it was kind of insane.
The interview had been almost nice though, mostly because he’d gotten to talk about Tony a bit and because it was the first time that Steve was getting to really be public about The Accords and the house arrest. He’d even gotten to mention Bucky for a bit of it.
The one area where Steve had been surprised was when Tony decided to disclose that he had a son. Peter wasn’t mentioned by name, but he casually mentioned that his son and Steve got along really well. Steve had been sitting next to him when the topic came up and he had frozen in place out of surprise until Tony reached for his hand and griped it before he said:
“I know it’s a bit of a surprise to everyone to learn that I have a son, but since we’re announcing this other important life event I figured everyone should know that I am a very proud father to a teenager. He hasn’t always been in my life, but he’s made a difference in it in the time he has been. I am unwilling to talk about who he is for privacy concerns, but I guess it was time to be a little more open with the world.”
When the final version of the whole article and pictures arrived for their approval, Steve was a little floored by how good they both looked. How happy, too. The main picture was the chair one but it was followed by a picture of Tony fixing a strand of Steve’s hair and Steve looking down at him. Steve wanted that picture framed. Vanity Fair didn’t go out of their way to highlight the mention of Tony having a son, but everyone knew that the media was going to pick up on it and run with it.
Steve skimmed the article and it really was perfect. The writer captured them and really weaved in the narrative of their story from how they labeled their sexualities to how their relationship had come about to why they had decided to come forward with the truth. It was actually kind of nice and Steve didn’t regret doing it.
“Tony Stark is dating Captain America?”
“Wait — they’re engaged.”
“Did you hear?”
“I didn’t know that HE was Gay? Did you?”
“This is nuts.”
“Wait, and is it true that Tony Stark has a son?”
“Do you think they’ve been together this entire time?”
“But didn’t Stark date his assistant for forever? I thought they were still together.”
“They’re getting married, though.”
“I wonder how long they’ve been together…”
The questions and comments were endless and Peter was sort of amused every time he heard something. He tried to stay away from actually discussing anything with anyone unlike Ned who was absolutely keen on getting his two cents in, but then Peter had expected that from Ned. Ned was also trying to get Peter to talk to him about how he felt about Tony mentioning that he had a son. Peter didn’t want to discuss it.
The timing of the article was perfect, though, because it came out just a day before the last day of school and Peter knew he wouldn’t get a chance to actually get tired of hearing about the article. It wasn’t just that everyone was talking about it, either, but that some of them just went up to Peter to ask him about it since he had the Stark Internship and everyone wanted to know if he’d known beforehand and if he’d met Steve. In one case someone asked if Peter had met Tony’s son. Peter tended to just give those people a shrug and a, “I’m just an intern.”
Ned’s reaction had still been the best after he’d had a chance to process the whole thing. “This -- this means that freaking Captain America is going to be your step-father.”
“Yup, Ned. That’s how that works,” Peter said.
Ned had laughed nervously for a while. “How are you not freaking out?”
“Because I’ve had plenty of time to get used to it.”
The media coverage was kind of insane after the article was released, though. Mostly it was a rehashing of what the article said but there were segments on the news, talk shows, and those celebrity news shows. A lot of them highlighted the mention of Tony having a son and everyone seemed to be questioning who it might be. Only one article mentioned the possibility of Tony’s son being Spider-Man and it was almost said in jest which was funny because everyone seemed opposed to the idea because of how secretive Tony had been about having a son in the first place.
Since the publishing of the article, Friday had also started to deal with a high volume of calls for interviews that were all declined. Peter hadn’t expected it to be so crazy, but his dad and Steve were handling it.
“But we’re talking about Iron Man and Captain America getting married. Two Avengers marrying each other. It’s crazy.”
Peter sighed. “I’m aware. They’re also normal people. You’ve met them.”
“It’s still crazy, though.”
Michelle’s response had been to shrug. “It’s nice that they’re making a difference by making their romance public. Doesn’t really concern me though.” He really should have expected nothing less from her except that then she had turned and stared right at him and said, “Peter Stark.” And promptly walked away.
“I’m kind of glad I’m on house arrest now,” Steve said. He was playing with K-9 and Dum-E with a ball and Tony was in the middle of not watching some snapshots of the media coverage of their engagement. It had been created by Friday for them just so that they were on top of everything being said about them, but Tony had it on while he worked on something or other.
“Hmm, yes, they would be following you everywhere,” Tony said.
Tony for his part hadn’t really left the tower. They’d announced their engagement over Twitter the morning the article came out and it had been kind of funny how many people thought that Tony was joking. They thought so even when Steve tweeted about it. There had even been some that were convinced it was a misdirect from Tony and Pepper getting engaged or even full on married. Then, everyone got wind of the article and the messages changed to surprise. A lot were pleased and congratulatory but then there were the homophobes who were obviously completely offended by it but Tony didn’t care about engaging with people like that. There were fewer at first that mentioned Tony’s announcement of also being a father.
“Why, um, you haven’t explained why you mentioned having a son.”
He hadn’t mentioned the call from Ross. At first because he had so much to set up to screw up Ross’ plans, but also because he knew that Steve would feel guilty about it somehow.
“Ross knows my son is Spider-Man. I’m not -- I don’t know if he knows it’s Peter but he knows something so it made sense to announce it myself in a way.”
“Which is why everything was rushed,” Steve said.
The funny part was that after the article had come out and other coverage of it by the media got all of the information right there were still a bunch of rumors and stories to deal with. It was just so much information and no one really knew what to focus on. It was sort of brilliant to mix in Tony having a son in the middle of all of it.  
“Are they really saying that you made this a condition to have me back in the states?” Steve asked with a grin, looking at the screen.
“Apparently so. You know how they are — they want to paint me as the bad guy and in a lot of those people’s eyes I’m not good enough for you.”
“Those people have no idea how amazing you are,” Steve said
K-9 barked to get attention. The dog really was a great addition to the tower. Peter loved him of course, but so did Steve who was the first to just drop to the ground and roll around with the dog when he had time.  
“Get rid of all that, Fri, it’s useless.” The screen went dark. “Is there anything else that needs my attention? Otherwise I’ll get back to figuring out the housing unit for the nanotech.”
Friday seemed to take a moment to search and then, “I have surveillance footage of Thor and Loki in the city. There are also Instragram pictures of Thor.”
Steve dropped the ball at his feet and he straightened up, joining Tony to look at what Friday had been able to pull up. The video wasn’t all that grainy but it didn’t show much since it was them facing some sort of demolition. The video wasn’t even centered on them but they stood there for a while and it was definitely Thor and Loki even if they were both in regular human clothing and not their usual Asgardian gettup. It was also not enough to hide them from people on the street who seemed to stare at them from afar.
“What got demolished there?” Steve asked.
“Shady Acres Care Home,” Friday said.
“The real questions is why they are there and why Thor hasn’t thought to contact us if he’s back on Earth,” Tony said and it was worrisome because it meant that Thor wasn’t just back for leisure but that he was after something. That Loki was with him -- that might mean more problems for everyone.
They watched as Thor was approached by a bunch of girls -- which explained the origin of the pictures on Instagram and Twitter. And then just moments later Loki disappeared. Probably one of his tricks. Even Thor seemed surprised that his brother was gone -- and wasn’t it just even more worrisome to have Loki disappear like that? They watched as Thor picked something up off the ground and then he walked off.
“He’s here for a reason,” Tony said. “Have there been any more sightings?” Tony asked.
“I’m afraid not,” Friday said.
“So what do we do? There’s still no way to contact him so…”
“We wait,” Tony said. “And we can only hope that Loki isn’t up to something. Friday be on alert for any sighting of either.”
“Sure thing, boss.”
Tony just hoped that nothing would come of Thor’s return to Earth.
Tony looked back at the unit for the nanotech. He hadn’t told anyone yet that it was probably going to mean that he was putting something back in his chest -- that this housing unit would have to be on him somehow and it’d be better for it to be in him. Thor showing up made him even more positive that he needed to do it.
“I’m sure it’s nothing bad,” Steve said. “He would have come to us if it was.”
Tony sighed. Loki had been with him and after the last time they had encountered the God of Mischief, Tony wouldn’t discount that he wasn’t up to anything. Although, it was a bit of a surprise to see him when Thor had been adamant that Loki was dead the last time they spoke about him. It made Tony wonder about what might have happened for Loki to be alive and for Loki and Thor to be together and not showing signs of not being on the same side. Tony understood that they were family, but he also knew that there was a lot of contention there. He just hoped that none of that would affect the people of Earth.
Chapter One Hundred Seven
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