#i fucking hate this. Just let me stay here. Let me sit here and rot away in the classroom until the end of time.
phoe-ix · 27 days
“are you okay?” “You alright?” “Do you need a break?”
Tf you think?
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): sad that the dannies and the anti-dans can't reach peace during the holidays.
aw it’s ok anon i’m sure we can find other things in common. like hey! covid sucks huh? i’m pretty sure i have covid right now and i just took a test so we’ll see. hope you’re well. hope you had a good day and you’re healthy. good will to all dannies, dantis, phillies, phantis, and phannies galore. this is just like the end of a christmas carole. life imitates art.
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hqbaby · 27 days
four — just a little
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.8k content. profanity, alcohol consumption, a lil bit of tension???
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booger: r u up?
It’s 4 AM and you should not, in fact, be up. But you are. And apparently so is Sukuna.
You contemplate ignoring him. You can get back to him in the morning and act all high and mighty like, “I’m a proper human being with a life, so no, I don’t stay up until 4 AM like you, loser.” It’s not like anything good has ever come from you replying to his late-night/early-morning texts. You recall another time you replied to him at this hour; the two of you ended up almost getting arrested after sneaking into a reservoir.
Alas, you’re still up and you’ve been rotting your brain on your phone for hours, so your better judgment has gone the way of your last few brain cells.
you: what do u want
You watch as he types something. “Damn, so hostile,” probably. He deletes it. Then, he types again. “Why are you up?” maybe. Deletes it. Then, “Wanna fuck?” before he remembers who you are. He types again and actually sends the message this time.
booger: be there in 5
Part of you wants to prank him. Go to sleep and let the poor guy pound on your door until one of your neighbors—probably the grumpy old lady who lives beside you—scolds him and threatens to call security. It’s a good prank. You go as far as thinking about it.
When gets there, he’s got his hood pulled over his head. He’s wearing a pair of sweatpants, black sunglasses, and a serious expression on his face.
“Damn, you look so cool,” you say. He cracks a grin and you crack up. “What the fuck are you doing? You look ridiculous.”
His face falls into a frown as he steps into your apartment, closing the door behind him. You’ve already left him behind, crashing onto your couch as he changes his shoes into one of the slippers you keep for him by your door.
“You’re a real bitch, you know,” he says. He sheds the sunglasses and pulls his hood away. You’ve ruined the whole vibe he was going for. “Aren’t you gonna offer me a drink or something?”
You lift your head and point at the console table by the door. “There’s a bottle of Cuervo there,” you tell him. “Get it for me.”
He huffs but does as you say anyway. He picks the bottle up and walks over to you, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. “You’re a shitty host,” he says as he opens the bottle.
“You’re an intruder,” you say, snatching the bottle away from him before he takes a sip. You raise it to your lips to take a swig. “Why are you here?”
“Am I not allowed to see my girlfriend?”
You choke on the tequila. “What?” You cough as he laughs and pats your back. “Don’t say shit like that.”
He grabs the bottle from you and chugs a good amount. “I love teasing you,” he says, pinching your cheek. “It’s so easy.”
You slap his hand away and sit up. “I hate you.”
He just grins and passes you the bottle. “You love me,” he chirps. “Wouldn’t put up with me otherwise.”
“Haven’t you heard? Everyone’s saying I’m incapable of love.”
You don’t know why you say that. It’s not part of the script, the usual back and forth between the two of you. For a moment, you worry that you’ve said something wrong.
“Who says that?” He looks serious now. Like he’s about to beat someone up. You know, the usual. What were you even worried about? “You got a gun for me to use on them?”
You laugh at his dour expression. It’s true, of course, that people have been spreading this new rumor that you’re a cold, ruthless bitch who doesn’t have room in her heart for someone, let alone a boyfriend. It’s why you broke up with Satoru apparently. You know it’s stupid and people don’t really know what they’re talking about, that they’re bored and just making shit up, but for some reason, you can’t shake the thought.
What if they’re right?
You put the Cuervo on the floor beside Sukuna and hug a throw pillow to your chest. “I had a dream.”
“Is this where you break into song?”
You roll your eyes at him. “I’m not talking to you anymore.”
He doesn’t take the challenge lightly, immediately hopping onto the couch beside you and dropping his head onto your lap to stare up at you. He bats his lashes at you and says, “What did you dream about?”
You place your hand on his face. Then, you feel something wet on your palm. 
His fucking tongue.
“You’re so gross,” you whine, wiping your hand on his hoodie. “What do girls even see in you?”
He smirks. You’ve just given him an opportunity and you wholly regret it now. “It’s not so much what they see, but how big it is,” he says, amused by the disgusted face you make. He pokes your cheek with his finger now. “Tell me about your dream.”
He pouts, his lower lip jutting out as he looks at you with big eyes, practically getting teary-eyed now. He’s a great actor, you’ll give him that. He’d probably get better grades if he was a theater major.
“I wanna know,” he says softly. “Tell me.”
There’s something about the way he looks at you that feels unnervingly familiar. You’re used to his antics, you’ve had to deal with them since the two of you were in high school, but it’s moments like this that you remember just how much you know each other. It’s a constant thing, always lurking beneath your banter and jokes—it just surprises you when it’s in your face.
You place your hand on his shoulder and sigh. “It’s stupid,” you say. “I just keep having these dreams where I’m running from something. Different things every time. Zombies, ghosts, clowns—”
“You run away from clowns?”
“Clowns with murderous intentions.”
“Okay. Valid.”
You shake your head, smiling now as the teasing reminds you of who you’re talking to. It’s just Sukuna.
 “Anyway,” you say as you stare off into your empty living room. “I just… run. And I get to a point where I feel safe until I realize that I’ve actually been cornered. I wake up before anything happens.”
When you look at him again, his brows are furrowed, already in deep thought. He considers your dream carefully. You wonder if he’ll crack another joke, change the tone of the conversation, but of course he doesn’t.
“What do you think it means?”
You squeeze the throw pillow beside you. “I don’t know,” you say. “I should probably ask Nobara. Psych majors know all about that shit, right?”
He nods. “Yeah, they got that Freud dude.”
“I’m not sure that Freud dude is necessarily accurate about dreams.”
“You never know until you try.”
The two of you are quiet for a moment. You can hear the air conditioner buzz, the fridge rumble. You’ve gotten used to these sounds of silence, what with you being more alone than you’ve been in a while. This time though, you can hear Sukuna’s breathing. Quiet, but steady, a reminder that you’re not completely alone this time.
“Is that why you’re still up?” he asks eventually. “You can’t sleep?”
“You’re making fun of me.”
“I’m not.” Earnest. Sincere. “I just wanted to know.”
You look at him skeptically, but he just stares up at you from his place on your lap, blinking in the light of your living room.
“I mean, it’s not just the dreams,” you tell him. “I’ve been feeling a little lonely, you know. Since… Satoru.”
He cringes at the name but schools his expression before it turns into a full on snarl. “Still don’t know what you saw in that guy.”
“He was good to me,” you say. “He didn’t do anything wrong.”
“He must’ve if you broke up with him.”
You hesitate, but you find it in yourself to insist, “He didn’t do anything wrong.”
Sukuna stands up. “If you say so,” he says. He reaches his hand out in front of you. “Come on. You gotta sleep.”
You stare at his hand. “You don’t think you’re taking me to bed, do you?”
“I am taking you to bed.”
He stays there for a moment, watching you watch his hand, unmoving. “I’m not getting in bed with you. Chill, bro.”
A beat.
“It’s not that,” you say, taking his hand and letting him pull you up. “It’s just…”
He raises a brow. “What?”
Yeah. What?
“Nothing,” you whisper. This is stupid. “You can sleep beside me. It’s fine.”
It’s his turn to be taken aback. Suddenly, he thinks that your hand being in his feels terribly comfortable. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you say, pulling your hand away. You pad over to your bedroom, walking straight ahead without looking back. Pretending like you don’t care if he follows. “We’ve slept in the same bed before. It’s no big deal.”
But it is. Somehow, you feel like it is.
You’re already under your blanket when he follows you into the room. He stands at the foot of the bed a little awkwardly. Like a lost puppy.
“When was the last time you slept in the same bed as a girl you didn’t fuck?”
He’s sheepish now, stripped of all his usual brazen demeanor. “A long time.”
His hand reaches for the hem of his hoodie.
“What are you doing?” you ask, eyes wide. “This isn’t—”
“Relax,” he says, pulling the hoodie off his head. He’s wearing a t-shirt underneath. Plain red, one you’ve probably seen more times than you can count. “I just run warm is all.”
You feel your face heat up. What did you think he was doing?
Your best friend slides into bed beside you. This isn’t anything strange for the two of you. You used to sleep over at each other’s houses back when you were in high school and one of you wanted to avoid the chaos of your home. You’ve slept beside each other before. It was never a thing.
But it’s been a while since then. You’re no longer the kids you were, all playful and shameless.
It feels different this time. Somehow.
He’s keeping his distance and you can feel it. Your body is turned away from him, but you can feel his eyes on you. He wants to be closer to you.
You want to be closer to him too.
“You can—”
His chest hits your back as he rolls over to lie directly behind you. “Is this okay?” he asks quietly. You can feel his breath on your neck.
You swallow. “Yeah, it’s okay.”
You feel his hand carefully move around your waist. He doesn’t touch you, his arm hovering just above the thin fabric of your top. “Is this—”
He rests his arm on your waist and you feel yourself relax into his touch. He wasn’t lying when he said he runs hot, it feels like you’re melting against a furnace. Still, somehow, you can’t find it in yourself to mind.
If anything, you might just admit that you like it. Maybe. Just a little.
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notes. soooo the besties are doing a thing 👀 how do we feel about reader and sukuna so far 👀 we also haven't seen much of gojo yet but next chapter is gonna be interesting ;)
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grippingbeskar · 1 year
two is hardly a crowd
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— john price x fem!reader
— warnings: explicit content minors dni (age gap, mxf, dirty talk) swearing, mention of death and injury
— a/n: i’m so in love with this man. oh my god.
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“You wanted to see me, Captain?” You say through the door, knocking a few times.
“Come in.” He calls back, and you try to still your hand as it reaches for the doorknob. Every time he calls for you, you can’t predict what will happen. Some times he’s all work no play, giving you assignments like he does the rest of the 141 with a straight face and serious look in his eyes.
Other times, it’s… less business, more pleasure. He smiles more, offers you a drink. Jokes with you. Flirts… you think, but you weren’t entirely sure Price meant it. You don’t have the most experience with this kind of thing, but he certainly isn’t having those kinds of meetings with Soap or Ghost. He doesn’t compliment them at all, let alone sweet talk them like he does to you. It’s only really when you’re between missions, and almost always when everyone else has gone out for the night or gone off base. He knows you don’t leave even on off days— Price is observant, and the only other one who stays, too.
Swallowing, you push the door open. You know everyone’s gone home this break— Gaz just left last night, and he was only here this long because he couldn’t get a flight out. Now, you knew it was just you and the Captain. It made you as nervous as it did excited, considering the embarrassing crush you were nursing for him.
“I really hope you aren’t telling me I have to spend the year locked up in the cockpit of a jet.” Taking a seat in front of him, you watch the curl of his mouth form around a lit cigar. He leans back, and your eyes are drawn to the stark lack of papers or files open on his desk. All of them are stacked in piles. All closed cases.
“Nothin’ like that, don’t worry.” You watch him closely as he pours himself a glass of scotch. Then, he pushes the full one towards you. “How you holdin’ up?”
“Fine.” You reply, trying not to think too hard about the last few weeks. It was rough— all your missions are, but the burn of the scotch now going down your throat and the undivided attention from Price makes it a bit easier to forget. “Starting to understand why you all drink so much, though.”
“You did well out there, not that you need me tellin’ you.” He looks at you under the brim of his hat, still sandy from the return. You wonder if he ever washes that thing, or if he’s superstitious, like it’ll wash the luck off or something. “All the boys were impressed. So was I.”
“Thank you, Captain.” You try to hide the obvious heat that spreads to your body, nearly making you squint. Of course it was good to be recognised, but hearing it from him. ‘So was I’. You impressed him. “Is— was there something you needed me to do?”
“Just hate to think of you wastin’ your off time in the barracks. I’m not takin’ the jet, so I was gonna offer it to you. Get out of here for a bit, see your family.” The sentiment was sweet, and the idea that he was thinking of you nearly overshadowed his offer.
“I appreciate it, but I don’t… see my family. Besides, I’m not a big fan of flying. I like to avoid it, when I can.” The fact you’d just spent almost a month flying between bases and never said a thing makes Price lean forward, eyebrows raised. It was a stupid fear to have, but it was there nonetheless.
“Take a car, then. Go see— something. Anything.” His forearms were on the table, leaning toward you. His shoulders are slumped slightly, about as relaxed as he gets.
“You trying to get rid of me, Captain?” He laughs dryly, taking the cigar out of his mouth again to finish off his drink. You follow him, needing the liquid courage.
“Course not, love. You just shouldn’t be hangin’ around here at your age. Let us old guys sit and rot, but you— go live a little.” Almost choking on your drink, you bite down on your bottom lip as you swallow. Love. Love. Fucking hell, you’ve been less tense while staring at the barrel of a shotgun.
“You aren’t that old.” You say meekly, dropping your gaze from his intense one.
“Don’t change the subject.” His voice is dripping with authority, one that simultaneously drops you into line and makes you need to shift on your seat. “Why are you still here?”
“I don’t have anywhere else to go.” That shuts him up for a second. Your family probably thinks you’re dead— if they know you’re alive, they don’t care enough to check in. Any friends you had drifted away when you became too hard to reach, missing birthdays and never coming home for holidays— always working. Once you joined the 141, they stopped trying completely. You didn’t mind. You only wanted to focus on your job. The next mission. Keeping people safe. These guys were all the family you needed. Plus, Price was here.
It was hard to find a good enough reason to leave him, and the kindness he always showed you was ten times more than you’d get if you really went home. It was more than enough to feed your ridiculous crush on him, too, which you couldn’t figure out if it was a good or a bad thing.
“Ah.” He says after a while, and then fills up your glass. The action mixed with the subtle uncomfortable look on his face, like he’s not sure what to do, makes you laugh out loud. The sound seems to relax him again. “Can’t argue with that.”
“Well, why are you still hanging around base?” You take another sip, the honey flavour of the liquor easing the burning taste. “You’re not afraid of flying too, are you?”
“I think I’ve seen enough of the world by now. Happy where I am.” Before your heartbeat can catch up, he keeps talking. “Besides, the company’s not all bad.”
Your face gets so hot you think you might break out into a sweat. It was definitely one of those kinds of meetings. Your favourite. These kinds of talks with him, where you get to see the man under the title and pressure of the job. Price, as you’ve discovered, is smooth. A gentleman, of course, but such a sweet talker. You only ever see it here, alone with him, but you can never stop thinking about it when it happens.
“If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me.” You say, stumbling straight over his compliment. He makes you so confused— you’re usually straight as a steel blade. Impossible to bend, strong willed and focused. With him… you can’t even think. “But you… you don’t have anyone to go visit? You said you aren’t taking the jet. I’m sure your wife would be missing you.”
“If I had one, I’m sure she’d of left me by now.” You honestly hadn’t been sure if he had family. You had a feeling he did… look at him. There’s no way a man that looks like this, talks the way he does isn’t dodging women left right and centre. “When have people like us got the time for date nights, aye?”
“Soap does it. Gaz. It’s not impossible.” Your glass clanks against the wooden table as you set it down, and Price’s eyes seem to light up a little. “I mean… I’m sure you could find someone if you— if you wanted to.”
“You got me there.” He fakes a little surrender, his hands rising off the table. You almost didn’t realise how close he was until he sets them down again, fingers nearly brushing against your skin. “What makes you so sure?”
“You’re…nice.” He laughs, bringing the cigar back up to his mouth. You watch him intently, smoke curling and fogging in front of his face. Ash drops onto the desk, and his giant hands swipe it away quickly.
“That all?” Your throat feels dry. He was looking at you so closely. Like he could see through you, right to how fast your heart was beating. Like he could see your thoughts in a cloud above your head, as clear and thick as the smoke in front of him.
“Fishing for compliments, Captain?”
“It’s John.” You suck in a low breath at the sound of his first name. Your eyes nearly flutter shut. “And can you blame me? Pretty girl like you, maybe I could get some ideas since you wanna marry me off so quick.”
It was subtle. So like him, smooth and easy, but it hits you like a freight train. That cross of a line in such a short, stupid little sentence, but he knows he’s made a touch down when you smile and hide your face. You were a soldier, for fucks sake— but he had you blushing and smiling like you were a kid.
“I’m just saying, Ca—John. You are nice. You deserve something like that to go home to.” The sentence wasn’t well thought out, two glasses of scotch going straight to your head, but it was true.
God, how you have thought about being that for him. Let him come back from a long mission, take the stress out of his shoulders and have him really relax. He was always so on all the time, so much pressure running the team. He was fucking good at it too, which was worse for your crush on him. You just wanted to take care of him like he took care of everything for you and the team every single time—
“I think I’ve got all I need right here.” You blink up at him, hands gripping the side of your chair. His head is tilted slightly, a smirk on his face. “I’m not goin’ anywhere, love. Like I said, I’m exactly where I wanna be.”
His voice is low. Lower than before. Maybe you’re just drunk, but his eyes seem a little darker, too.
“On base with me, eating leftovers? Sounds like a real fun t—“
“Yeah. I want to be here with you.” You don’t take a breath for a good five seconds. Just let the confession hang in the air. It’s thick, full of smoke and tension, and the burn across your face is either from embarrassment or pure need.
He wanted to be here, alone, with you. Until now it was easy to sign all these passing comments and looks off to pure coincidence. Maybe even a lack of options, being one of the only straight females on base. But with the way he was looking at you now, it was anything but.
“Are you messing with me?” Your eyes nearly shut completely, suddenly feeling the warmth of his hand on yours. His covers you completely, thumb tracing along your knuckles. They’re still blue and green from the fading bruises of the last mission, and he pays extra care not to press to hard.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” His eyes stay on your touching hands, the rough pads of his fingers drawing aimless lines on your skin. “I’m patient, but I’m only a man. Only so much time I can wait before I blow myself to bits keeping this to myself.”
“Keeping what to yourself ?” Your voice is hardly above a whisper.
“I’m your Captain.” He says like it’s a confession, and your heart is beating so fast he can probably hear it with those trained ears.
“I know that.” He makes a noise like he’s in pain, going to pull away, but you’re faster and catch his arm. “Tell me anyway.”
“It’s… you mean something to me. A lot. More than I can chalk up to just admiration. I want to take you out.” He says, his voice trained, like he’s using every ounce of bravery he’s got to get the words out. Only then does he finally look up at you, his pupils nearly overtaking his eyes. “I want to see you outside this place. I don’t wanna be looking over my shoulder every three seconds makin’ sure no one’s watching the way I’m staring at you. You’re in my head. Can’t get you out of it. I want to do this the real way. The right way.”
“But if you don’t feel the same, you’ll never have to hear it again. Trust me. I’ll learn to live with it. I— it’d just kill me if I never asked.” He runs over your sentence, then leans back, taking a few puffs of the cigar like a reflex.
“You really aren’t messing with me?” Your hands were reaching out instinctively, missing his touch, as fleeting as it was.
“No, love. Just been working up the courage.” You were grinning like an idiot at his expression. The composed face of your Captain had folded in on itself, now replaced by the man you knew was underneath— admittedly a little more nervous than you were familiar with. “Is that… do you—“
“Oh! Yes. Yeah— fuck yes. I’d really like that.” Nodding rapidly, his head hangs back and he sighs a little in relief. Adjusting his hat, he watches you smile at him, fondness dancing in his eyes.
“Guess I wasn’t the only one thinking about it?” He asks, tilting his head.
“Nah. The foods just really shitty on base. I’d do anything for a good meal.”
“Ah. Of course.” He squints, smirking as you laugh. He takes another drag of the cigar, and you watch his mouth intensely— letting your eyes linger with the safety of his confession. “Well, can’t deny a pretty face like yours, can I?”
“In that case, I haven’t eaten since this morning.” You say, the words fumbling out of your mouth before you have a chance to reign them in.
“It’s nine o’clock, Private.” He chides, the tone of his voice making you squirm in your seat. “You wanna go now?”
“You’ve been patient enough, haven’t you?” Your leg bounces with all the extra energy you suddenly have, mind wiring with thoughts of where he would take you. He stands up, and you follow him, pushing your chair back as he clears the distance around the table in two steps.
Those giant black boots, ones he still hasn’t changed out of since coming back. They were tracking dirt and mud all over the hard wood floor, and you had a feeling he’s never had anyone tell him to take his shoes off before he came inside. Probably why he wears his camouflage jacket everywhere, too. You hate to imagine the state of his real place, wherever that may be. He keeps walking towards the door, unlocking it and nodding towards you.
“Come on, then. Better move if you want anything other than pizza.” He smirks, and you really could walk out the door. You could, and make him take you out to a nice dinner. He’d be sweet, and you know you’d probably ask him a thousand questions that he would answer without skipping a beat. And you want that— you do. You’d thought about it more times than you’d admit out loud. You’d get there.
But right now, you had too much adrenaline. It was like being on a mission— heart racing, antsy to just jump in with both feet and not look back. There was something about living the life you did that made you not want to wait for anything anymore. Now, you had been so, so patient with Price, because you had to be. But now it was right there in front of you, standing at the open door.
A kick in your step sends you right up to the door, your hand slowly pushing against his grip on it. It’s squeaky and obvious what you’re doing— and his eyebrows raise higher and higher, eyes flicking down to you when the lock clicks shut.
“Not hungry?” He rasps, taking a step closer to you. His hand drops from the door, settling gently on your hip.
“I have something else in mind.” Your hands fist in his jacket and you yank him forward, feeling his hand on your neck as you finally kiss him.
He doesn’t rush, taking his time to feel your mouth against his. Once he realises you don’t want to let him go, he drags his hand up your face, along your cheekbone, thumb tracing along your skin lightly. You push yourself up on your toes, wanting to be closer.
He grabs you a little harder, and you moan into his mouth when his hand tangles in your hair. He uses it as leverage, nearly pulling you off the ground. He’s wrapped his arm around your waist, and the warmth of his body against yours has you pulling on the hair that hangs out of his hat. He’s the one to make a sound now, letting out a low groan when you fist your hands and tug.
He tastes like expensive cigars and scotch, his mouth burning it’s way into your memory. Every time you look at him from now on all you’ll be able to think of is how he tastes, and how easily he’s taken over you. He towers over you, and with one hand still around your waist, the other tucks your hair behind your ear, a hint of something softer despite the neediness of both your movements. You hate it like that, always thinking you look off balance. It’s why you have your head shoved in a hat most days, but he seems to like it. He walks you backwards, away from the door, picking you up with a strong forearm under your ass until you feel your calves hit the hard wood of his desk. He presses close, only leaving your lips for a second to kiss along your jaw. When you whine and tug on his hair, he comes back up, and you can feel him smiling through it.
When you need to take a breath, reluctantly you lean back, eyes fluttering open when you feel his forehead press to yours. His hands cup your face, enveloping you in the feeling of him everywhere. The shadow of his body blocks out all the light in the room except for him, tunnel visioning him into focus.
“You have really pretty eyes.” You say before you can think, almost like some kind of trance had overtaken you. Price laughs, his thumb tracing your bottom lip lightly.
“Is that right?” You nod once, and he leans closer, his mouth lightly pressing its way along your neck. You squirm in his touch, needing more, but he only gets further away. “You have no idea how many times I thought about walkin’ down to your room and begging you to put me out of my misery.”
“Fuck, Price.” You tug him closer by the ends of his jacket, smiling when you feel his hands fall to your waist and his head pull back. “You should of. It’s so lonely in there.”
“Don’t play games with me.” He says lowly while you bat your eyes up at him, that authoritative tone rumbling through every word. “Your tuggin’ on my last string of control with that look.”
“Good. Maybe it’ll finally snap.” He groans, kissing you lightly.
“I should do this right. Take you out. Buy you flowers and dinner.” His hands begin to wander again, getting a little more daring, opposing the words he’s trying to talk himself out of. “You deserve it.”
“You could just propose, skip the twenty steps and get a ring.” He smiles again, finally, and even if it’s controlled and Captain like, it’s a smile. “Heard you army boys like to settle down pretty fast, anyways. That what you want?”
“Fucking hell. You really are trying to marry me off.” You shrug, and something much more intense is in his eyes now. It makes you tick into a higher gear, cogs turning faster and faster. “Can I kiss you again?”
Instead of answering, you bring both hands on either side of his face and yank him to you, moulding your mouth to his. It’s desperate, one lonley hand seeking another as he puts his palm over yours, then moves you seamlessly. You mould for him, standing as he hurls you up and into his arms, keeping your legs wrapped around his waist tight even when you feel the hard wood of the table under your thighs. He reaches behind you, one hand on your lower back rolling your hips towards him, the other now revealing his half finished cigar.
You want to roll your eyes, but he’s too overwhelming to think about anything else. The way he smells— smoke and old spice filling your senses. You can’t get enough of it, your arms wrapping around his neck, fingertips tracing up his neck. For a second you hesitate, feeling the material of his hat against your knuckles, but the slightest touch of your hand in his hair makes him groan into your mouth, and you throw all caution to the wind.
He kisses you a little rougher now. Keeping you still with one strong arm around your waist, he’s slowly uncoiling, strand by strenuous strand. His other hand is still occupied with his cigar, and you can’t figure out why he’s holding onto it right now until you hear something crash and hit the floor behind you.
“Jesus, Price.” You sigh into him, only opening your eyes for a second to see he’s shoved everything on his desk to the floor— ashtray shattered in pieces under your feet. Didn’t want to waste his damn cigar, but the countless files on his desk weren’t important enough to him.
He pulls back, your lips chasing him even though your lightheaded from a lack of oxygen. You open your eyes again, your arms still wrapped right around the back of his neck, and your head drops to the giant mess on the floor. Cigar still secured in his fingertips, both of his hands cup your face, forcing you to look at him. You’ve never seen him unwound. He’s your Captain— a man of control, someone who’s always three steps ahead of the enemy. But here, breathing hard and standing between your open legs, he looks fucking wild. His eyes are half shut, and he’s smiling like a fool, the sight making you feel even warmer with him this close to you.
“You are something else.” He murmurs against your mouth, making you smile.
“And you’re a fucking tease.” You kiss him again, and he nearly whines in his own protest as he pulls back. “John.”
“I know, love. I’ll take care of you.” He steps away a little, one hand dropping to the edge of the table. “Mind holding onto this f’me?”
He brings his other one up, the end of the cigar appearing in front of you. Instead of handing it to you, his thumb drags down against your lip, your mouth opening for him on the silent command. Dark eyes watching your every move, he puts the end of the cigar in your mouth, watching you take in the familiar taste of it. Of him. It sends a buzz through your veins now, the alcohol and feeling of him overloading your body. He lets his hand slip to your jaw, smirking at the way your teeth nearly bite into the end. Then, the asshole winks at you, and you almost choke on the smoke burning through your chest.
“There’s a good girl. Stay nice and still, yeah?” He presses a quick kiss on your cheek, watching as you nod slowly. Mesmerised. It’s taken about five minutes and a few well chosen words for one of his best soldiers to become a puddle in front of him. You knew it was a little embarrassing how quickly you lost your nerve with him, but he didn’t have to look so smug about it.
Just as you think you’ve recovered, he drops his hands, still staring at you as he expertly undoes your military pants. He doesn’t even have to look down, just watches how your eyes close, head falling back as he yanks them down your legs and his fingers hook into the fabric of your underwear.
You almost forget the cigar completely, moaning around the end of it as you feel him draw closer. The rough pads of his fingertips, hardened from years on the force, are gentle and soothing against the sensitive skin, and he plays with the seams sitting around where you are clearly edging him towards.
He’s not watching you anymore. No, now his eyes are occupied with the sight in front of him, just below your face. How your back is arched towards him, enticing him to move a little faster. Your legs spreading across his table, knuckles white as they grip the edge in anticipation. Then, there’s your fucking underwear. Price spits out a few curse words, then rips them away, tucking them into the pocket of his own pants.
“You wear that just to drive me insane?” His hands splay on your thighs, rising higher and higher. You hum around the cigar that’s growing heavier in your mouth. “That what you wear all the time? Pink and lace shit under all that gear?”
“Just hopin’ you’d take it off and find out.” You mumble, only half coherent with your mouth full. The comment seems to undo something in him, and his restraint frays as you finally, finally feel two of his fingers dragging slow, steady circles on your clit.
You crumble forward, hips shifting to seek out something a little faster, but his free hand holds you down. He kisses along your neck, down to his collarbone while setting you alight with his soft moving hands. As he dips just below there, in a place he knows will be hidden in your uniform, he spends time there. He listens to the little noises you make, how you say his name like it’s the only word you know. He fucking knows he has you right there— and he hasn’t even taken off his shirt.
“You are so gorgeous, baby. You know that?” His mouth is so hot and his fucking hands— they were playing you like a violin. Plucking all the right strings, a melody of pleasure played out of your mouth, interrupting his ramble. “Never gonna be able to keep my hands off you. Not when I know how sweet you sound.”
“Hmph.” You groan around the butt of the cigar, and he grins a little mockingly, cooing as he takes the cigar from your nearly open mouth.
“There you go, did real good for me. Need to hear you louder though, princess.”
“Please, Price.” Your hips buck, and his fingers dip lower, teasing.
“You ask me, it’s yours.” He whispers, then bends down to press one long, bruising kiss to your lips, one you take greedily.
“I need you.” He kisses you, humming low into your mouth, then you feel one of his strong fingers curl inside of you. “Ohh— fuck.”
“You’re alright darlin’. That’s it.” He whispers in your ear, and your mind focuses only on the sweet adoring touches of his free and and his mouth and the coil tightening low in your stomach.
Everything is only him— the roughness of his hands subsided by the gentle graze of their touch, exploring all the parts of you he’s telling you he’s dreamed about. His other hand, finding the places that make you scream the loudest, never letting up as your eyes roll backwards into your skull. His mouth— god, that fucking mouth. The way he’s talking to you, telling you all the ways he’s imagined you spread out for him, how long he wants to take with you, how hard he is for you, only you.
Your hands reach towards him, sliding down his toned chest, along the lines of his jacket until you blindly caught on the waistband of his jeans. You could feel yourself slipping into that blissful heat low in your stomach, but you wanted him to fall with you. As much as he was talking, you were just as desperate to get your hands on him, even if you couldn’t articulate words right now.
“You don’t ha—fucking hell.” He growls, kissing you harshly as your hands slip into his pants and palm him through his boxers. “I’m not gonna last. You’re fucking me up real good, princess.”
“J-Just let me make you feel good, too.” You blink your eyes open, pleasure skittering up your spine. He pumps his fingers inside of you faster, skilled in a way your brain can’t compare to anything else. The rough skin of his palm drags across your clit with every move, sending your hips into a roll in search of more— greedily chasing whatever he’d give you.
When you finally feel him, hot and heavy in your hand under his boxers, you can feel he wasn’t lying. He’s a fucking mess— a choked moan shocking through him as your thumb gently swipes across his tip. When you pull away he looks up from where his head dropped on your shoulder, eyes only half open to watch you spit in your hand, and then return to wrap your fingers around him, pumping him slowly.
“Ohh, fuck. That’s good. Fuck, that’s so good.” He praises, hot breath kissing your neck and collarbone. You could tell he liked to talk, but it wasn’t even the words he was saying that was sending you spiralling helplessly anymore. It was the noises.
Desperate, nearly whining as you tighten your grip, matching the pace of his two, strong fingers curling inside you. You felt boneless— foreheads pressed together as you watched each other fall apart from just the others hands. You weren’t much better, high pitched, girlish sounds that had nothing of the trained solider in them. Just a girl, spread out on her Captains desk, exactly where she wants to be.
“So tight, baby. Can’t wait to feel you on my cock.” You hum, closing your eyes and imagining it. If he felt this thick in your hands, you couldn’t imagine how he’d feel in— “Gonna take you out to a nice dinner and then bring you home, fuck you in a real bed. Fuck… you think about this too?”
“A-all the— fuck, right there— all the time.” You manage, vision beginning to blur. “I’m so close, Price. Please.”
“Give it to me. Wanna feel how wet you get after you cum for me.” He groans. He switches so fast— low, heavy voice interrupted by slightly higher moans and a gasp. He’s so hard to keep up with, it melts your brain down to only the simplest of instructions. “Cum for me.”
You lose conscious control of your hand, only knowing to keep holding him like that as his hips buck, fucking into your palm. Pleasure takes over— zapping and skittering through your body, making your legs shake. His breathing gets faster, stuttered little gasps coming from him as he guides you through your orgasm, hand slowing to a soothing rhythm.
There was none of that softness for himself, though. No— he was nothing but hard and fast, using your hip as leverage to drag his length along the wet hold of your hand. The table creaks under his strength, and you wrap your free hard around his neck again to hold on tight, needing to see him through it.
“So. Fucking. Pretty.” He growls, and then covers your hand in warmth as he cums to the sight of you. His jaw is hanging open and you take the opportunity, kissing him desperately. He responds even with the pleasure clouding his thoughts, all tongue and teeth and feral sounds as his hips slowly still in your hand.
Both of you are reluctant to let go of each other, but you seemingly find yourselves at the same time as you both flinch at the touch of the other. You take your hand back first, sliding up along the lower contours of his abs. You’ve been obsessed with that part of him for so long, it’s nearly surreal to have it under your hand.
“You… Jesus Christ.” He breathes deep, his head falling to the crook of your neck. He kisses you affectionately, taking slow inhales like the taste of your skin will bring the oxygen back to his lungs. “That’s not what I thought this meeting was going to go like.”
“Funny.” You say softly, still searching for your voice. “It’s exactly what I had planned.”
He sits up at that, and you catch the look of him believing you— just for a second before he shakes his head, smirking.
“Alright, smart ass.” You laugh, tugging him to stand closer between your spread legs. “You okay?”
“Never better.” He kisses you softly again.
“You gonna let me take you out? Do this the proper way?” His hands hold your hips, thumbs rubbing circles into the skin. “Cause I meant it when I said I’m not keeping my hands off you now. I’m a man of my word.”
“Pizza is fine with me.” You smile, and he picks you up off the desk, but not before sneaking one lazy kiss while you’re up in his arms.
Pizza would be fine every night, you think as you quickly pull your pants back on and follow him out the door, still seeing the light pink fabric of your underwear sticking out his back pocket.
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randombush3 · 2 months
too sweet
alexia putellas x reader
it's based on the hozier song and i just got bored during my break
icl this might not make sense x
You aren’t sure how you ended up here. 
There was a path, there was a brick lane painted yellow and filled with singing and dancing, and, what? Did you spiral off it? Were you the hurricane, were you the destroyer? 
Maybe you are The Destroyed. 
It’s too late to think about it. 
Not because you are past repair, but because it really is late – later than usual. 
The door has been locked twice, meaning Alexia has given in and gone to bed. “Fuck,” you swear as your keys clatter to the floor, typical for you to be the one to break the peaceful silence. A rustle comes from the bedroom; a sigh, a muffled sob. “Ale?”
And it’s instinctive, the way you run to her. Once upon a time, that was all you ever did, back when you played, back when the path was good and smooth and clear.
Alexia doesn’t want to see you. She hates the smell of whiskey, she hates the gruffness of your voice. There comes a point where a person can no longer bear it. No matter how much love she wraps around you, weaving the thinning strings together to form a rope and begging you to let her pull you up from this, there comes a point where Alexia, perhaps blinded too much by her love, is destroying herself just so that you don’t go down alone. 
She’s tired. 
When you arrive at the bedroom door, she has turned over, the duvet slightly too cold and the bed slightly too empty. “Ale, are you awake?” you ask, drunken foolishness clouding your sense as the lump under the covers does not respond, does not feel she can. “Baby?” 
The bed doesn’t look inviting, and you feel unwelcome. 
You roll your shoulders back. 
“Alexia, don’t pretend.” 
The silence is haunting and you try to escape it as soon as possible, letting out a viscous laugh, directing it towards her back. The noise slashes welts in her skin, your tongue a whip, you her mistress and she, your slave. Alexia closes her eyes.
An alarm rings through the apartment. The sun is not quite up, so it would be dark if you hadn’t been staring at the soft glow of the lamp beside the TV for the past hour. 
The screen isn’t on. 
You don’t quite feel escaping this life just yet. 
“Bon dia.” Soft feet pad into the kitchen, face washed, training kit pulled on. Her nose wrinkles as the bitterness of coffee hurtles towards her, and she doesn’t make an effort to conceal her frown at the empty bottle of whiskey on the floor beside you. “Are you planning to get some rest?” 
“Are you making coffee?”
“I read a study that says it negatively affects performance.” 
“Are you making me a coffee?” you amend with a smirk, sitting up and staring her down. Through the redness of your eyes shines what first attracted her to you, the devilish spark, the clearly set out intention of doing something stupid. 
She watches you haul yourself up, staggering towards her. Your hands are cold and clammy, but their grip on her waist feels just as good as it always does. She leans back into you. 
“The sun’s not up yet but Alexia Putellas is ready to train,” you murmur into her ear, kissing the skin of her neck as though to soothe where the dig must have sliced her. “No journalist tracks your morning routine, baby. You could’ve stayed in bed a bit longer, let yourself wake up later. Don’t you ever wanna?” 
Her body relaxes, choosing to hear your voice but not what you are saying. She lets herself fall into the pit you rot in; your most frequent visitor. “I am drunk on life,” she replies with a forgiving smile. 
You step back, Alexia stumbling with you, having been leaning on your body. 
“I’m not drunk.” It is far from a new lie. “Have fun at training,” you grit out. She sees the back of you as you lurch towards the bedroom door. Her tears try to fall, but she wipes her face with her knuckles and collects herself before she heads out into the real world. Her home feels like a dungeon, but one that is not meant for her. 
The girls undergo the usual ritual of asking after you. Your retirement was forced, but they all saw it coming. 
You were not sculpted from the same heroic marble, withstanding heat and terror. Nothing about you fit into training regimes and early mornings, sweetened energy drinks on promotion, discipline and determination. You got by on talent, rough and raw, and listening to your beloved prison warden on occasion. 
If Alexia is the Greek hero, you were, perhaps, the weapon she used. Deadly, yes. Sought-after. But, if dropped, clattering towards the ground lifelessly. 
She crouches down to pick you up, but your metal burns so hot that she is not sure she can touch you. 
When Alexia comes home, you are asleep. She opens the windows, self-consciously airing out the stench of alcohol before a few of her teammates come over for dinner, and she cleans the stickiness from the worktops. She lights a candle. She wishes it were an altar, a conduit to her saviour, and she prays, for a moment, that this will end soon. 
When she opens her eyes, she realises the only saviour she has been thinking of has been you. 
She crawls into the bed beside you. 
You stir at the feeling of fingers combing through your hair. 
Alexia is as bright as the morning sun, blazing above Barcelona. She is untouchable. 
The distance that has grown between you has grown because she is the zenith and you are the nadir. It is just too far to overcome. 
You are real. You suffer, you cry, you poison yourself and enjoy it. You like how you live, you like how free you are. 
Alexia’s gentle rousing – but rousing, nonetheless – sends you tumbling past your limit. 
This is not how she wants you to be, but you cannot be something you are not. 
“You’re too sweet for me.” 
She hears the rejection, but she shakes her head. 
“No, no,” she whispers desperately, pleading for it to not mean what it does, begging you to swallow it back inside. “No, I’m not. Remember?” 
She means her ACL, she means the venomous arguments and the early days where you’d watch her carefully as she inhaled your second-hand smoke. She means now, where she lets you live the way you do because she understands how life works and she gets it, she does, and she really only just wants you to be happy. 
You blink slowly. “Ale.” 
“No, I’m… I’m just still playing! I have to take my career seriously, but, but, the off-season! You know how I am in the off-season?” 
“Baby, you don’t give yourself an off-season.” 
“I can!” she vows. “I can, and we’ll go on holiday with the girls, and we’ll wake up dark as lakes and you can make me smell like a fucking bonfire, if you’d like.” 
“Please,” she asks. 
You wish you could go along with the farce. In all honesty, you’re a bit surprised that is has lasted up to now. 
You cannot do this anymore. Maybe one day, when she is done playing and training and conforming to the intense regimes the club upholds them to, you will come back to her. Maybe one day, she will have sat in the barrel long enough to have soured, bitter, now, and much more palatable. 
But you are certain about the present, about the woman lying beside you with tears running down her cheeks. You decide that if you were to taste the liquid, what is supposed to be salty would be sweet, and, with that, you have convinced yourself. 
“Alexia, baby, you’re too sweet for me.” 
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sturnwh0re · 22 days
*- Just a TikTok. -*
*- C. S. -*
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CONTAINS: Oral fem!Recieving, p in v, dirty talk, pet names, under the influence, rough, sloppy, overstimulation, degrading, praising, flirting, suggestive behavior, Chris!dom, reader!sub
description: Chris was left home alone & bored out of his mind. He decided to invite you over— things got messy real fast..
< YOU > : pink
< CHRIS > : Orange
Chris was left home alone sitting on his couch, he had been in a bad mood when his brothers asked if they wanted to go run errands with them, so out of pettiness he declined hoping to show his frustrations. Once he had no other distraction to keep his occupied he decided to text you.
* texting *
“hey y/n, I’m bored as fuck. Can you come over or something ?”
“I thought you and your brothers were gonna go run errands?”
“nah. I was mad at them so I just stayed home. Kinda regretting it though.”
“ykw, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes. Also, just out a curiousity, y’all got any alcohol over there?”
“alcohol? Yeah, prolly. Why ?”
* read *
Now you had just read Chris’ message almost leaving his on edge on why you would want alcohol. You had went out to your car and started it up to start getting to Chris’ house knowing he wouldn’t leave you alone if you didn’t leave immediately— well— maybe it was also because you were eager to see him.
You had seen Chris’ house in sight and pulled into his driveway. He must’ve heard it because before you even left the car he walked outside and peeked his head through the open front door.
You got out of your car and slammed the door shut while locking it. You walked up to the porch that also had Chris waiting there.
“Hey Chris!” I said happily but I tried to hide away those emotions so he wouldn’t see how eager I was to get here and see him.
“Sup, come inside.” Chris had said almost nonchalantly acting as if his ass didn’t literally invite you over. He waited for you to go inside then followed behind you, smuggishly chuckling at the dump truck you had following your behind.
you hadn’t noticed his stare yet, so you had just normal walked into the living room and jumped onto the couch. “Why are you looking at me like that you weirdo?” I said genuinely curious why I was getting such odd behavior right after the nonchalant responses.
“you have a fat ass, I bet you already know that though.” Chris said smirking while looking down at me sitting. He was almost pushing his hips into my face before he sat down next to me.
“your so weird.” I said giggling and shaking my head as if I was disappointed in him. He was a funny guy but his flirting was so unhinged and extremely bold. his mouth would just let stuff slip out that traveled through his head.
“oh— I almost forgot, you got that alcohol?” I said nudging my shoulder against Chris. He looked over all confused still curious on why I even wanted alcohol.
“You wanna drink right now?— and, you never even answered my text. Why do you even want it?” He said as if he was almost offended that I didn’t respond back to his text. It’s not like he ever answered any of mine either. He sat there squinting waiting for a response
“I dont know, just thought we could drink, make some tiktoks, and just have some fun.” I said shrugging my shoulders. It was true— I did just wanna have some fun and not just rot on his couch.
Chris’ eye brow raised and a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Oh really? What kind of fun mama?” He said in his flirty tone. That fucking tone of his was like a magic spell. I couldn’t let it get to me before the alcohol did.
“Let’s pour a couple of drinks and find out— and stop with that name, Topher.” I chuckled. Chris hated the nickname ‘Topher’. If he wanted to used those nicknames on me, i could use some on him. I left the couch and started to walk to the kitchen.
“Fuck off with that nickname.” Chris said shaking his head and getting off the couch to follow me to the kitchen. He bit his cheek hoping to not to hear ‘Topher’ from anybody else or even from me again.
I let out a small chuckle and leaned on the counter “Where do you keep your alcoholic stuff?” I said not wanting to scavenge through every cabinet and drawer out of respect for the property.
Without words, Chris walked over to the fridge and grabbed us both a drink. He popped the tab on them both with just his pointer fingers. He was such a show off. “Here you go mama. These are strong so don’t drink all of it at once.”
He handed over the drink to me and we had started sipping and talking. Before I knew it I was already done with half of it and feeling it all kick in. “Wanna make a TikTok?” I said trying to avoid feeling all the side effects of the alcohol.
“Sure.” Chris responded quickly as he set his drink down on the counter and grabbed my wrist and brang me to the living room to film a TikTok. He grabbed his phone and chose a sound and then started the timer.
He ran back next to me and he had started to clap to the beat. I bent over on him as a tease and just for some spice in the TikTok and before I got back up, he grabbed my hips and grinded into me.
“fuuckk.” Chris grunted, almost forgetting we were making a TikTok video. I didn’t know whether I should regret this or enjoy this— but I feel like I was definitely enjoying this.
“your such a slut.” I chuckled it off and attempted to get up for a 2nd time but now he grabbed my neck and bent over too, his chest rubbing on my back as he grinded into me.
“don’t play these fucking games with me. You know I need you and your teasing me.” He growled into my ear, followed with a grunt. He kept grinding into my ass and his grip on my neck tightened so slightly.
“Chris— fuck.. are we really doing this?” I said mumbling almost hesitant. I knew I wanted this. And I knew if I drank enough alcohol this was going to happen.
“fuck yes.” Chris said as he stood me up fully and spun me around, his hand still on my neck as he pulled me in for a sloppy kiss. Our tongues were clashing together and saliva had dropped to my chin, as well as his.
Chris had walked me into the couch and we were still sloppily kissing before he broke the kiss and released my neck as he breathe heavily into the air that heated up to the tension. “take it off.”
“W—what..?” I said confused not understanding what he meant at first.
“don’t make me do it for you. Take your clothes off.” He growled as he towered over me, watching me sit helplessly on the couch. We both needed this and wanted it badly. If anything— I craved it.
I started to take my shorts off then my shirt. I was left in my bra and panties. As vulnerable as I was I felt comfortable being like this around Chris.
“good fucking girl.” He said running his hands up and down my stomach. “Now help me out baby.” He said pushing his hips towards me almost begging silently for me to undress him.
I quickly bounced around on the couch and started to undo his baggy jeans. He was left in his boxers that he had let me slip his cock out. Fuck. His cock was hard and ready. Like it’s been waiting.
It had a slight tilt to it and a vein that popped out from the base to his tip. “You’re so big..” I almost whimpered out. It had to have been atleast 6-7 inches.
“Do you think it’s gonna fit in that tight little cunt of yours?” He said menacingly. He ripped off my panties before kneeling between my legs as I was rested on the couch. He spread open my folds and groaned.
“fuck. You’re so wet.” He said as he slowly used his thumb to rub circles on my clit. I had jolted up quickly due to the sudden pleasure but Chris put his hand on my neck again and leaned me back down against the couch.
Before another word he buried his face between my legs. I tried to jolt up again but Chris’ hold on my neck kept me back. His tongue was doing circles on my clit and sucking on it harshly.
“F-fuck.. nghh.!” I moaned out, holding his wrist that connected to the hand that was holding my neck. Gosh. His tongue was so smooth and warm it felt like heaven. My eyes rolled back and closed as more noises escaped my mouth.
“You taste so sweet mama.” He mumbled as he licked all over my clit. All of the sudden I felt 2 fingers plemish into my tight cunt. His tongue was still working on my clit as we was just making eye contact the whole time wanting to see me unfold.
“I— gosh— shit..” I moaned out. I felt his fingers hit my G-spot that he never failed to miss. I felt his fingers and his tongue increase speed and if this kept going I’d cum all over his tongue & fingers in no time.
“your clenching around me.. cum for me mama. cmon..” he mumbled as he was still nipping and sucking on my clit. I felt the knot in my stomach get tighter and tighter before it snapped and I had came all over him, leaving a loud moan behind.
“NGHHH..!” I moaned out as I arched my back off of the couch. Chris kissed my clit a couple more times making my legs twitch, before he pulled his fingers out. He popped his two fingers into his mouth and sucked them dry.
“you’re a good fucking girl” he said picking me up off of the couch and wrapping my legs around his waist. The head of his cock was pushing against my entrance as we started to walk down the hallway into Chris’ room.
He closed the bedroom door behind him and placed me on the bed flat down on my back. “You’re so beautiful.” Chris said kissing my stomach and running his hands up and down my waist.
I was eager to be fucked by him. I needed him inside of me as soon as possible. “Please Chris.. I need you so badly..” I mumbled out impatiently. My back was arching against the bed as I was whining. I needed him. I craved him.
Chris’ Hand Fell onto my neck again and he kissed the side of my neck. “Tell me how much you want me mama.” Chris said whispering into my ear and still holding my neck. He nipped at my earlobe waiting for me to beg for him.
“please Chris.. I need you right now please don’t—“ before I could finish my sentence I felt Chris’ cock slam into me and bruise my cervix. “F-fuck…” I moaned out.
Chris still had a grip on my neck as he was thrusting in and out of my wet shaft. “your so wet.. shit..” Chris groaned out as his head fell back. The slight tilt to his cock hit my G-spot repeatedly with no mercy. I felt chris’ thrusts speed up harshly as his groans became louder and more frequent.
“Just like that.. dirty fucking slut.. nghh..” Chris groaned catching his breath. He leaned down onto me, still thrusting in and out of my tight cunt. He left sloppy kisses on my neck, leaving it covered in his saliva.
My eyes shut and mouth opened, unleashing another train of noises and moans. All of the sudden I felt Chris’ free hand start to rub my clit that added another factor to the overstimulation. “FUCK..FU-FUCKK!!” I squealed out.
My legs were shaking so Chris threw them over his shoulder. He leaned over me and kept thrusting in and out of me while rubbing my sensitive clit. “Cum for me ma. Cmon.. almost there..” Chris grunted out as he started to fuck my bruised cunt at a punishing pace.
No words from me were able to be spoken. I was getting pounded from my air and my own words. felt him flip me onto my stomach and continued to pound into my cunt from behind. My legs were still shaking but he ignored that and kept fucking me.
“come on… nghh..” Chris said throwing his head back as he harshly slapped my ass, leaving his handprint behind. I had started to clench around him as I started to whimper and moan into the mattress below me.
Wet slaps continued to fill the room. My own wetness was dripping on the floor as his cock was covered in my own fluids. “I’m— cumming..!” I moaned out before clenching around him one more time and coating his cock with my cum.
“fucckkkk..” Chris grunted before pulling out of me and stroking his cock wildly. He unleashed white ropes of his cum on my back. “You— you did so good mama.” Chris said kissing the back of my sweaty neck.
“M—mhm..” I sighed. I was finally able to catch my breath and Chris flipped me over again to lay on my back. I felt him kneel between my legs again.
“let me clean you up mama.” He said grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him. He had slowly started to lick my folds and even dip his tongue inside of me a few times. He licked around my clit and sucked on my messy pussy.
“M-mmhh..” I moaned letting my head fall back. I felt Chris open my legs wider as he continued to lick all over my pussy and coat it with his saliva. He sucked on my clit and licked down to my entrance to dip his tongue in a few times. He kissed my clit once more before standing back up.
Chris chuckles at seeing how tired and pleasured I was. He gave me a sweet kiss transferring the taste of my cunt up to my own mouth. “Let’s actually get you cleaned up, princess.” Chris had chuckled again before picking me up bridal style into the bathroom.
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gaymurdersalad · 5 months
Hey Jack! I think Dave is.. looking for you. You should probably check on him-
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>Looking for me?
>The bastard practically wanted me dead on Monday when I refused his little kid-killing scheme. Straight up left the restaurant and didn’t show his face again, he was so mad.
>Why in the hell would he suddenly be looking for me?
>Even if he was, I wouldn’t know the first place to fucking—
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>Mmmmyyy body lies overrr the ocean, my boooody lies over the seaaaaa—
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>I’mmm no gooood at astraaaaal projectionnnn, so brrriiiing back my bodddyyyyy to meeeee!
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>Oh, holy fuck, I’vvvve nevvvver felt ssssooooooo… Un-Coporeal. Wuwuuuuugghh, what issss… Within it me is outside o’ me… And whaasss inside of mmmmeeeee is SOOOOOOOO much LSD.
>Hooooow’d I even ennnndup here? What the hell did you get yourself int’, you big clown? I’m not surrrre, I just woke up out hereeee, again… What would Henry think? Who cares! He hates mmmmeeee!! He pushed me aside he did, he did! How’d he do that, then? He says “Get ouuuuutta here, you purple menace you, and leave me the hell alone for as long as your pitiful life stays clinging to this wretched Earth!” Why’d he say such a thing? I duunnoooooo! Was it something you did? You’re always getting yourself into trouble, you. Please leaaaave me alone, leave me to rot here, you… Yew… Schtewpid bastard, you caaaan’t stop bothering me, both you AND him…
>I’ve never done nothing to warrant this! I’m yer friend, Davey! Yer nothin’ but some bassard keepin’ me angry, you rotten fuck you, I wish you’d both fuck off hand ‘n hand and go… Go stuff yourselves in a waterlogged springlock suit, fuck you!
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>A VISSSSITOR. Who— Who arrives?!
>… Dave?
>Sportsy! Old Jack! Whateerrr yoooouuu doin’ here?! You smell different. Yer wearin’ that coat!
>… Jesus Christ, dude. I’ve never seen you this bad.
>Aannnnnd I’ve never seen yew so good lookin’, handsome.
>Alright… Let’s… Let’s get you up, it’s freezing out here, man.
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>Ohhhh, yer sooooo warm, Sportsy… I juuuusssss wanna crawl inside yer skinnn and wear ya as a jacket… Heh! Jack-et!
>… Thank… You…? I’m going to ignore you for a bit, is that alright dude?
>Yew can do whateeeeeever yew want, cowboy, I juss love ya soooo much…
>We’re gonna go back to my place, okay buddy? Get you under some covers and make sure you don’t accidentally… Hurt yourself. Let you sit the rest of this out someplace comfortable.
>Yer… Yer takin’ care of me, baby?
>Only ‘cause I know you won’t remember it.
>Yer… Yer sucha nice boy, sucha sweet sweet tangerine, you…
>Y’know, I wus… I’ve been… feeling preeeety rancid lately, Sportsy. Henry… Kicked me to the curb again, said I don’t wantcha here, and I wus… wanted… spend time with ya, Sportsy, like old times, I wanted t’… I missed… yew. ‘Nd yer dumb stupid clementine face, that schtewpid beard— If… If Henry don’t want me, then I know… I wus always thinking, I thought— Sportsy’s there! There’ll alllllways be Sportsy! B— Because there ain’t Sportsy, it’s just me, and just me makes me wanna die. I don’t wanna die. I don’t wanna die when yer holdin’ me.
>I’m… It’s pretty fuckin’ radical… that yew still care. Still the… same rotten orange I knew and loved.
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>… I…
>I still care. It’s okay.
>It is?
>It’s okay.
>… Let’s… Get you home. Try and relax, we’re only a block away from my car. You can sleep when we’re on the road.
>Gnnaaaaarly… Road trip with Old Sport!
>Yeah, man, sure. Gnarly.
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rottnteen · 9 months
yay! can you please write a mgg or spencer reid (nsfw) drabble based kind of that moodboard you made <3 it can be anything like punishing reader or teasing and reader just saying they can’t take it anymore :0? reader just being a needy mess not rlly able to speak. would honestly prefer spence/ mgg just being a soft dom but still stern on the rules? eeek i’m kinda nervous about submitting this but.. it’s rotting in my brain! 🎀
OFC! I LOVE REQUESTS! :D I also don’t write for real life people, only fictional characters (just so you know for the future <3) Don’t be nervous to send requests pls pls pls. I ENCOURAGE requests. pls send more :( This was meant to be a drabble but goodness gracious. I got carried away.
tw: MDNI, girly reader, afab!reader, needy clingy reader, soft!dom!spencer, teasing, punishment, smut, unprotected pnv, hand kink (obvi), degradation, praise, dom and sub relationship, girlfriend and boyfriend, kissing (oooo), pain, spanking, bondage (kinda), mention of a safe word, underlying tones of possessive!spencer, decryphilia
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You hadn’t listened to his rules. He said you were being a “brat”, a word you hated. You had been sitting in his lap as he worked on some documents. That’s it!
At first, it was innocent.
But you saw the way his hands glided over the paper as he read, the veins popping ever so slightly. You hoped that the way your thighs clenched were going unnoticed by him when he flexed his fingers around his ballpoint pen as he wrote.
You held a stuffed animal he had given you, a bunny you’ve named Bun, in your own lap. Trying to distract yourself. Eventually, you started squirming. Your distraction not working.
Spencer was a patient man. He loved you and cared for you. But he also liked to stick to the rules. And distracting him from his work is one of those rules. He had quickly stilled your hips with one hand, the other trying to write. “Don’t.” His voice was soft but affirming. Not helping your arousal but deepening it. You’d let out a small whine at his words and he quickly tsked. “Listen.” He had said in that same voice.
That’s how you got here. On the bed naked (except for your thigh high socks) and spread open whilst he was fully clothed, sporting a large hard on. Your hands are tied to the bed post with his work ties. His fingers teased lightly on your inner thighs and you whine again, he slaps your thigh in disapproval. “S-spence…”
He shakes his head no, getting up and grabbing your bunny from the floor. “You think she is happy with the way your acting?” He asks, propping it up on the dresser. You let out a choked sob, moving your arms but to no avail. You cant get out of your position. “You know our safe word.” He tuts, “Now Bun is going to have to watch the way you get punished. I was hoping you’d be a good girl. Stay seated and wait till I was done.” He shakes his head. He comes back to you, his fingers teasing the lips of your cunt. Just as you think he’s going to open you up, he doesn’t.
He slaps your pussy, causing your back to arch and you to moan out in pain and pleasure. “Slut” He mutters and does it again, getting the same reaction out of you. Small pleas that are incoherent leave your mouth. Spencer’s fingers brush in between your thighs and he smiles. Grinning like the devil. He kisses your thighs and then trails them up your stomach up to the valley in between your breasts.
He chuckles and starts to leave love bites on your collarbone, neck and chest. “Mine” He whispers in your ear before kissing your earlobe and working his way over to your other to do the same thing. He crawls down from the top of your body back down to your lower half.
“I cant.” You whisper.
His grin grows, “Cant what?”
“I need more.” Your lip trembles as his breath ghosts over your heat. “I need you to fuck me.” Tears start at the corner of your eyes as he sucks little hickeys onto your hip bones.
“You gotta apologize. You broke my rules like a bad bad girl, bunny” He scolds
You sniffle, “M’sorry for breaking the rules like a bad girl,” You hiccup, “I’ll be a good girl. I pr-promise!”
He smiles at your crying; the tears falling down your pretty face. You bat your wet eyelashes and your cheeks turn rosy from the act. He comes up to your face and kisses your tears, bringing a finger to part your lips and you let out a moan at the small stimulation.
The sound is embarrassing. It’s wet. And sticky. And loud. Spencer loves it. He brings the finger to his lips and moans, a meek squeak coming from yours. He then undoes his belt. The sound causing your thighs to clench together. He takes his clothes off, stroking his cock as he comes to the edge of the bed and parts your legs. He puts your calves on his shoulders and lines himself up with your hole.
He slides in with no resistance, your tight cunt sucking him up immediately. His hand comes down to your thigh as the other holds one of your legs on his shoulders, “Was made for me.” He mumbles to himself. He looks down at you in bliss. Your mouth is open and your eyes are rolled back, your panting and you hold the ties with all your might. “Are you just a dumb bunny when a cock is in her?” He teases lightly, now thrusting in and out you while kissing your ankle to show love and affection. “Fuck”
You babble as he thrusts in you. Small uh’s or little moans of his name. He also hears you say he has the best dick, and that he can take whatever he needs. Soon your clenching hard and he brings one finger down to mess with your clit. “Cum.” He orders you.
Just like that, to his will, your body lets go. Arching for him and giving yourself to him as he cums into your body, a warm flood you welcome.
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crush-like-that · 1 year
byler ficlet, i suppose
in relation to this post
"You know, my mom told me that, one day, I'd fall in love." Mike startles out of his thoughts, blinking a few times before he looks at Will. The two of them are strewn across Mike's bed, all lazy and half asleep from the heat. Not unbearable heat, but the comfortable kind, the kind that feels like a pile of blankets fresh from the dryer. The light that pours in from the window is no help, either, all golden and honey like. Up until Will had spoken, Mike wasn't sure if he was entirely awake. He realizes that he's been quiet too long, staring too long, and he opens his mouth to reply. Will beats him to it. "I thought she was crazy, said I'd never do that." Will looks... sad. It's a hard emotion for Mike to understand, it's difficult to find one word for it. It feels like the loss of hope. The acceptance of reality. Something Mike can't really begin to understand, and he hates it. Mike knows everything about Will, he can pick up on the slightest of changes. He's spent so much of his life just watching. Reading Will is practically second nature. So when Mike can't understand him, it's unnerving. He hesitates again, looking for the proper words. "Did you? Fall in love, I mean." Mike doesn't know if that's the right question to ask. Maybe he's pushing a boundary, maybe Will is going to scoff and leave Mike here to rot in his own room. Will smiles. Mike knows he hasn't made a mistake, hasn't fucked up his friendship again. But it's not a happy smile and that's obvious enough. Again comes the look of loss. Loss, loss, loss. Loss of what? What could have left Will looking like this? "I did," Will says, and his voice sounds incredibly small. "I was already in love when I said it, but I just... I don't deserve it, I think."
Just a few words, and Mike is on high alert. He sits up straighter, leaning in just so he's closer to Will. Will knows how serious Mike is, he has to. "You do. You deserve love." Mike can't begin to explain why the idea of Will being unworthy of love feels so wrong. His mind is racing and, not for the first time, he lets the thoughts tumble out of his mouth. "You're great, Will. More than great. You're my best friend, okay? Like- no that's not right. I mean, you are my best friend! But I just mean that you are the best friend. You understand everything so well, you know what to say and when to say it, when to wait and when to push. You're smart in so many ways and you're kind of a nerd. You tease your siblings and your friends, but no one can ever be mad cause it's funny. You're sweet, Will, too sweet for your own good. Everyone loves you! I'm positive that you're going to meet someone who loves you just the way you deserve." Mike pauses before nodding and folding his hands in his lap. That's... right. It's all true and he hopes it gets his point across.
The room falls quiet again, air thick with some sort of tension. Mike's eyes stay on Will, the same as always. Watching, staring, waiting for the slightest change. So he notices the slight pink that creeps its way up Will's cheeks. He notices it and he knows he's not wrong because it certainly wasn't there a few minutes ago. "You really mean that?" The question catches Mike off guard and again, it feels wrong that Will is doubting. Mike would never lie to Will, certainly not things like this.
"Every word." There's a sort of certainty to his voice, a deep rooted confidence that he hasn't expressed in years. Mike has always thought highly of Will, but who wouldn't. Who wouldn't love Will? Will is... well Will is Will. There's no one else like him. He's kind and caring and quick with sarcastic comments. He has great manners and tends to be a bit shy in front of new people. He's soft and subtle, the same way the light is from the window. Mike doesn't think he'd connected that before. Will reminds him of early Saturday mornings, waking up when the sun hasn't yet completely risen, so the light comes in heavy waves. Heavy, heavy, heavy, the warmth and comfort is nearly enough to lull him back to sleep. But to sleep would mean to miss the beauty of it, all golden and bright with oranges and occasional pinks. It's subtle, such a contrast from the blaring sun at noon. Mike by no means knows anything about art, but that early morning golden light? It's a masterpiece of nature, there's no denying it. And Will is like that in every sense. Soft smiles with teeth that just barely poke out, bubbling laughter, moles that create the most perfect constellations, strong jaw and strong build that is in no way sharp. All warm, soft, subtle, and beautiful. Mike can't let himself think about it too long, lest he discover something new about himself.
Apparently, Mike has been staring too long, because Will fidgets with his hands and clears his throat nervously. Before Mike can fully process what he’s doing, he simply continues talking. “On top of all that, you look really nice. Objectively, I mean.” Will’s eyes go wide and suddenly he’s staring back at Mike but Mike can’t stop now so he just averts his gaze and keeps going. He gestures with his hands as he talks, desperately hoping that he doesn’t look too embarrassed. “I mean, you’ve got- shit. You’ve got a nice jaw structure. And you’re–” with one hand, he points to Will and, with the other, moves his hand across his own chest “-- broad, and I think girls like that. Your eyes are really pretty, too, they’re-” Mike pauses for a second, leaning in just a bit closer and squinting as he studies Will’s eyes. “Wow, actually I take back what I was going to say. There’s so many different colors going on there. It’s like a kaleidoscope, but with more natural colors. Does that make sense? And you’ve got a really addictive laugh, like once you hear it you’ll do anything to hear it again. And you just-” Mike lets the sentence fall flat as he finally looks back to Will, who looks about as red as Mike feels. He isn’t sure why he said any of it, but he did, and it’s out there now. There’s no taking it back. Mike doesn’t think he’d want to take it back, though, even if he could. Will’s cheeks are rosy and his kaleidoscope eyes won’t stop shifting, newly colored flecks appearing constantly. "You're just you, Will." His voice comes out too soft, too gentle, to honest. Too obvious. But Will has to know he's serious. "I don't know how anyone couldn't love you."
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Next Time Baby Girl - Tommy Miller x reader
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Summary: part two of the Instant Attraction series
Words: 2.3k
Warning: slight PTSD
Notes: @princessmk21 and @wandasbitch22 requested part 2 
Tommy wouldn’t let us sleep in the same bed despite how much we both wanted to because he was being a good younger brother and kept his word with Joel. The spare room in his house almost made me cry as it was a breath of the past, barely touched or changed except the chest of drawers and bed frame. I’m guessing the originals had rotted as most things wood had over the last ten years. The bed was like heaven and I was asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow after a shower with actual hot water. 
Getting dressed into the clothes left on the chair I sleepily make my way downstairs to find Joel and Ellie already here, they’re sat at Tommy’s table while the latter fries up a breakfast. Ellie’s beaming at me when she sees me so I can pull her into a side hug before going to the other side of the table to sit next to Joel, slumping against his shoulder as I try to stay awake. 
“Tired?” Joel asks, amusement in his gruff voice and I just let out a sound in response, “Coffee?”
“Coffee?!” I sit up, eyes flying open and searching for the rare elite that is coffee. There’s a whole pot of it in the middle of the table and I grab the biggest mug available from the three set next to it, pouring it almost to the brim and taking a huge swig of it. I may have burnt my throat but it’s so worth it because it tastes divine and oh how I have missed coffee. I’ve sold an embarrassingly lot of things just for a bag of coffee before I got taken in by Bill and Frank.
“That good?” Tommy’s voice breaks my coffee daze, causing my face to flush bright red and let out a small sound out of embarrassment. 
“She tried to sell a really fucking good gun for coffee.” Joel elbows me lightly, his honey eyes bright and for once he looks relaxed and happy. The last time he was this at home was when he and Tess met Bill, Frank and I. The pair were so happy about the fact they got to take hot showers and get clean clothes in exchange for helping us keep the house safe from the infected on the other side of town. 
A plate of bacon, eggs and pancakes are placed in front of me, Joel and Ellie getting the same before Tommy sits in the open seat next to Ellie with his own plate. My companions act as if on autopilot, both reaching over to take an egg each from me in return for a slice of bacon from Joel and half a pancake from Ellie as I really don’t like eggs. Tommy just seems to watch it all happen, a small smile on his face and his feet tangling with mine under the table as we dig in. I groan in bliss because Tommy definitely knows how to cook, the pancakes are fluffy and the bacon crispy and I polish it all off in a few bites and then move back to my coffee, downing that like I’m dehydrated. 
“You’re going to make yourself sick, slow down.” Joel reprimands me and I roll my eyes, pointing at the way Ellie is eating just as fast, “That’s how Ellie always eats.”
‘Rude,” Ellie speaks through a mouthful of egg, “So what are we doing today?”
“Maria wants to talk to Joel about putting him on patrols-“
“Y/N’s the one to be put on patrols,” Joel cuts Tommy off and I know exactly what he’s going to say next, “She’s the Ghost.” 
“The Ghost?” There’s obvious shock in Tommy’s voice as well as something else I’m trying not to think about, the feeling of his lips on mine last night flashing through my mind, “Like the Ghost.” 
“Umm yeah,” I rub the back of my neck, hating the fact Joel brought up that part of my history as my childhood was spent being trained by my army brother to shoot and fight. I became one of the best there was and when Elliott got infected I went on to become the Ghost, a stupid myth kids made up when shopping malls and buildings suddenly became vacant of infected. I was fifteen and went on a revenge rampage, killing any infected I found and it wasn’t my proudest three and half years as it lead to me almost killing Bill when I stumbled upon the town of Lincoln. Frank seemed to see my hatred and grief and with some persuading plus puppy dog eyes they took me in and I lived as their daughter for a year and half, meeting Joel and Tess. A week or two after my 20th I went to check in on another nearby town and a week later I came back to find Joel and Ellie there with two letters: one from Bill addressed to Joel and one from Frank addressed to me. 
There’s an ache in my chest upon thinking about Bill and Frank and how they sent me out town so I wouldn’t have to see them die. It has me shoving my chair back and quickly walking out the back door, hand clutching my aching chest over my heart as if I could squeeze it back together. I run down the steps and bend over, throwing up everything I just ate, jumping at the hands that gather up my hair and keep it out of the way. The heaves turn into sobs and I just collapse sideways into whoever followed me: Tommy. That intoxicating mix of vanilla and hay can only mean it’s Tommy. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart,” He’s rubbing gentle circles on my back while pressing a kiss to the side of my head, “We don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to.” I just turn my body, pressing my face into his shirt and wrapping my arms around his waist and just trying to regulate my breathing with his heartbeat. My hands tremble against his back so I just focus on everything Tommy until my tears have dried and he’s gripping my shoulders and pulling away a little. One of his hands moves to cup my face, thumb rubbing against my cheek, gaze soft, “I’d kiss you right now baby girl, but you’ve just thrown up.”
It draws a shaky laugh from me and I swallow the pain of the memories before speaking, “I don’t mind Maria knowing who I am, I just don’t want anyone to look at me differently. I was fifteen and hellbent on revenge.” 
“We’ll talk to Maria tomorrow okay? Joel and Ellie can go today, I’ll show you around town instead. Does that sound good?” His smile is so safe and warm and I’m nodding before he’s leading me back inside by the hand. Ellie immediately hugs me again, like last night, and I hug her back, loving her even more than ever. For someone who hates showing emotions she always know when to show them or when someone needs support other than just words. 
“Sorry,” Joel pulls me into a hug after Ellie lets me go, “I didn’t mean to bring them up.” 
“It’s okay,” I rub the back of my neck, trying to not meet his gaze, “I’ll have to talk about them eventually.” 
“Come on Ellie, let’s go find Maria.” Joel turns to the teen after giving my shoulder a squeeze which I reciprocate. 
Arms snake around my waist and open mouthed kisses are peppered against my collarbone after the door shuts and I lean into them, letting my eyes slide shut. I don’t know how Tommy has such an affect on me in such a short about of time, especially when his lips are on my skin. It makes me feel intoxicated and like I couldn’t live without him. 
“Go brush your teeth and get your shoes on baby girl.” He mumbles against my neck and I just nod, neither of us moving away from each other like we’re stuck together, “Fuck, baby girl. Go.” He’s wrapping himself from me and nudging me towards the stairs despite my whine of protest. 
It doesn’t take me long to brush my teeth and pull on my boots, taking the stairs back downstairs two at a time to come crashing straight into Tommy’s open arms. His fingers catch my chin and draw me up into a kiss that has me melting into him, relishing in the soft press of chapped lips against mine and opening my mouth when his tongue runs along my bottom lip. The feel of his tongue testing the waters and brushing against mine has me groaning and pressing my body closer to the taller man, wanting to take everything he has to offer, but all too quickly he’s pulling away. 
“We should head out of I’m not going to be able to stop.” He murmurs and I agree but surge forwards to steal another kiss or two that has him chuckling before he really does untangle himself from me. 
I watch as Tommy grabs two jackets: the blue denim one with the fleece collar and an older worn looking one. He hands the blue on to me and I don’t hesitate to pull it on, pulling the collar to my nose and breathing in everything Tommy. It has the younger Miller laughing sweetly, pressing a kiss to my forehead and grabbing my hand to lead me out into Jackson. 
I step closer to Tommy when we enter the main high street as eyes turn our way because this is Tommy and he’s holding my hand and he practically runs Jackson with Maria. I barely hear him as he points out every shop and building, watching the kids having a snowball fight in the hand build play area. They’re laughing and screaming, pelting each other with snowballs as if there isn’t an apocalypse outside the gates of Jackson and it gives me hope that maybe we can rebuild the world to a form of what it once was. Jackson already has electricity and hot water which is more than most QZs and settlements. 
“Come on,” I’m being guided towards a building called the ‘Tipsy Bison’ and really old country southern swing doors. The interior is very much an old barn dance type of bar with fairy lights strung up all around and a dance floor with booths all around the edges, a bar on one side and today the dance floor area is also covered in tables. Maybe they only use the dance floor for events- “What drink do you want?” 
“Ummm…. I’m not sure.” I send him a smile, suddenly feeling anxious as like when outside people are staring and whispering but Tommy doesn’t once let me go. He goes as far as wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side instead as he orders our drinks. I don’t pay much attention, knowing I’ll probably like whatever he orders. 
“You okay baby girl?” 
“People are staring.” I mumble, inching closer, letting out a squeak of surprise when he wraps both arms around my shoulders instead. I’m instinctively wrapping mine around his waist and laying my head on his chest, letting my eyes slide shut as I focus on the sound of his heartbeat. A hand scratches my scalp comfortingly and suddenly it’s like the feeling of all the eyes and the sounds of all the whispering fades to nothing except the sound of his heartbeat and the feel of him surrounding him. 
It all ends too soon as Tommy’s name gets called. He’s grabbing two drinks, which he passes to me before grabbing a box that smells fucking amazing from here. I follow him to a booth near the back, away from everyone and he waits for me to slide in first before following me. He immediately places a firm hand on my thigh while the other flips open the box to reveal pizza. It’s a pizza. I haven’t seen one of these since the outbreak, a good fifteen years ago and it has me groaning in bliss at the first bite. 
“Fucking amazing Tommy,” I tell him around another bite and he’s laughing that hearty laugh before kissing my temple and taking a slice for himself. It’s how we spend the next half an hour, me moaning about how fucking amazing the pizza is and him just watching and shaking his head with a fond smile. I should be embarrassed but I’m too overwhelmed by something so simple as pizza to be. 
He’s suddenly turning my face to look at him once the pizzas gone and I’ve had some of my drink. Not sure what it was but it tasted fruity and I definitely like it. Tommy guessed right. Damn impressive really if you-
Lips are on mine and I’m gasping, giving him the opportunity to delve his tongue into mine and I whine, hand going up to grip his hair and the other resting on his knee. His moustache scratches against my top lip and I should feel differently about it but honestly my mind just goes to wondering what it would feel like elsewhere. Would it scratch? Would it leave beard burn? Would it add to pleasure or not? 
My hand cautiously slides up the inside of his leg, wanting to feel if he’s as turned on as I am but his hand shoots out to grip my wrist and he mumbling against my lips, “Not on the first date baby girl. That would be a one night stand,” His lips move to my jawline, “And I want to have you screaming my name every night.” 
“Maybe next time baby girl.” 
Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five
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annagehtdichnenkeksan · 4 months
𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓, 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓, 𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑬𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒚
part 3 (sorry, English is not my main Language)
With a trembling heart Visenya walk up and down in her bedchamber. The king landed this afternoon on Driftmark. She don't even dare to look out of the window, which gives her good view on Vhagar who sleeps peacefully on the sandy ground. A brother of hers, Lucerys, whom she has never met was killed by this beast. The face of the young woman twists into a grimace. What an atrocious death. He was only fourteen, four years younger than Visenya is now. Jacaerys was sixteen when he found his death. With a shudder she realizes that she is older than her big brothers have ever became. How long will the king stay. Baela hammered it in her head that Visenya is ill and needs to stay in her room, so the 'one-eyed cunt' has to fuck off.
Impatiently Aemond drums his fingers on the table. Rhaena and Baela remain silent at him. Does the stupid brat have to be sick again? Maybe it would be more relaxed if there sits someone at the table who wasn't involved in this bloody war. "It is late" Baela's firm words cut through the silence. "You should rest, if you want to leave tomorrow morning, my king" Aemond smirked at the forced out words at the end. She hates it when she has to call him that. And he loves it that she hates it. "Of course dear cousin" his deceptively flattering words, make her roll her eyes. "But only after I wished my beloved niece a speedy recovery" with that words the faces of his cousins become pale. The king narrows his eyes suspiciously. What kind of intrigue are these old, degenerate crows up to again? Baela is the first to regain her words. "She is ill" "I am aware of that. That's why I want to wish her a speedy recovery" his firm words leave no place for excuses. Baela looks at her sister for help, but she looks equally desperate. While the sisters guide the king to the chambers of their younger sister, both sending prayers to both the Seven and the Valyrian gods, that the girl just lay in her bed and pretend to be ill so they don't have to come up with a new story of her miraculous recovery.
Visenya took her meal in her rooms. What a boring evening. But at least the ugly one-eye will piss off tomorrow. A knock at her door makes her to tense up. Who is this at this late hour? "Visenya, are you awake" Rhaena's voice is trembling and thin. "Well it seems she is asleep already, we should leave her alone" babbles Baela. Yawning, she runs to the door. "I'm awake, what do yo..." Her words got stuck in her throat, when she opens the door and a tall, slender man with an eyepatch and a bitter gaze stand behind her sisters.
A young woman opened the door. Her white hair was tied together in a loose braid that falls over her chest. She was tall grown and has a female curvy build. She doesn't really look like either of her parents. Thanks to the gods. Her gentle facial features paired with her noble expression makes him enthralled. But he truly was carried away when he look directly into her eyes. Those mismatching, clear eyes with their long lashes captured him, and he makes no attempt to escape.
Two years. He let her rot two years in this pathetic place when she already could be his wife, his queen and even the mother of his children. No it wasn't his fault. His scheming cousins always come up with some stupid excuses. Here his bride stands, healthy and robust. With a murderous expression, he fixes them with his gaze "You wanted to hide her from me"
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I don't know where else to put this so I'm putting it here because no one here knows me IRL. So I was raised in an abusive home. Neglect was part of that abuse and part of that neglect was dental care. I didn't go to the dentist; there wasn't a bedtime routine beyond getting the hell out of sight and staying that way. You weren't called for dinner, and if you didn't show up, you didn't eat and it was your fault. So I had a real thing for snacks, usually the cheap sugary crap, wherever and whenever I could get it. A bag of Cheetos could be lunch. I could have popcorn for dinner if I didn't get to the table in time. It was super easy to scrounge change from around the house and hit up a convenience store. Sometimes, my mom would give me money to go get her a coffee, and I'd get a bagel. Anyway, a bunch of my childhood teeth rotted out. Parent's didn't care because I would just get my adult teeth in most of their places. But by the time I was 12, I had this horrible toothache. My parents are divorced. I told my mom about my toothache, and she told me I had to ask my dad for insurance paperwork. I only saw my dad every other two weeks, for the weekend, so two weeks later, I'd go ask my dad. Nope, your mom has the paperwork. Essentially, they were using me to try to make one another look bad. Meanwhile, the toothache got worse. I was in so much pain I was in tears all the time.
I can't remember how many times they sent me back and forth, only that my step mom started getting involved and getting really upset. I think my children's lawyer appointed by the courts got involved. Honestly, I can't really remember after the pain and crying and begging for someone to do something. Finally, mom was court ordered to take me to the dentist. They filled in a lot of my teeth. One of them they could just barely save. I didn't have much of a concept of what was happening at the time, only that I was in pain.
When I looked in my mouth for the first time and saw all the silver-black fillings I sobbed. I asked my mom, how could you let this happen? Why didn't you just take me to the dentist? She said, "I told you to brush your teeth." After that I had extreme dental anxiety. I mean, again, not that we fucking went. The next time I went to the dentist, I was in college having my impacted wisdom teeth taken out. My sister worked as a dental hygienist and I got the work for free because her boss loved her. The dentist told me I would lose my teeth if I didn't start taking care of them. It was the first time in my life I was starting to have control.
So I started flossing. I started putting money aside to go to the dentist, even if it meant not eating. I'd be the one college kid in the shroom trip excusing themselves to brush their teeth at 4AM.
I'm 30 now but the trauma is not gone.
This year I realized I had pain when biting down. I went for a check-up. Apparently, these fillings expand and contract and over time, because they were so big, caused a fracture on one of my teeth. I needed a root canal. At first, I was horrified. I'm self employed, don't have insurance, and just had a fucking root canal a couple years ago.
The financial aspect had me asking, how long am I going to suffer from their abuse? How long is the trauma going to take from me?
I booked my surgery. I paid out of my credit card. I cried as I was sitting in the seat before they put the needle in and could barely make myself talk when the nurse pinned it on the head, asking if I had anxiety, then gave me a shoulder hug that I honestly really appreciated. I calmed myself down and we did the surgery.
When I opened my mouth after paying the 1.2k just for the root canal (Which may not actually help, the fracture was quite deep and if the pain continues they may suggest just pulling it) I looked and saw that white composite filling, right next to my other new white composite filling.
Two of my old fillings are now white. I have two white teeth. And I hate to say it, but I did cry again. I cried because I was happy.
It feels like I'm rebuilding what they tore down. I'm taking back what they took away. I'm the adult now and I can take myself to the dentist and I can make sure I eat and I can look in my mouth and see that I am doing all of the things that they were supposed to. I wasn't my fault; because if I had have been in control, and been the adult, this wouldn't have happened. I know, because I won't let it happen to myself now - no matter how dire the straits, the circumstances. I needed the surgery, I got it. And now I have my tooth back. Literally, this dentist changed my whole tooth. It looks so normal.
Yes I will struggle to pay it off - but I will pay it off. Yes it hurts that something so simple has made my life so difficult and painful and expensive when it didn't have to be. And it hurts that to this day, I can't bring up my teeth without my parents simply blaming the other, blaming me, and putting it to bed.
It hurts that I will always have bad anxiety when it comes to dental work.
But the feeling of taking back my life is indescribable. I feel like I'm taking 12 year old me by the hand, rolling my eyes, and saying, "Come on, kid. These people are fucking nuts. Call them once at Christmas, and let's go have a good time while we can."
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borathae · 2 months
chapter 1
“Thank you good sir” i havent seen this in a serious manner in a long time, and laughed cuz it sounded like 1890s memes 😭 im sorry
pulls the door open with ease. NO WAY I PUSHED AN PULL DOOR BYE U DIDNT HAVE TO ATTACK SOME OF US LIKE THAT 😭 violence i will be meditating
“I’ve been a student here for quite some time actually” this sits at the same table as "how long have you been 17? a while"
oh it was jooniebug WHY IS OUR PRESIDENT A DICK 😭😭
“At least I don’t look like a stoner from the seventies” JIN STOP, HOBI U LOOK AMAZING
funky what is funky why is funky when is funky where is funky how is funky who is funky
what is she studying to have history and human anatomy together?/srs. ooh literature with different stuff for minor
boi i havent heard the word coolio in a decade, the last time probably while reading ff in 2014
oh my god its the bad boy. is it yoongi? YES I WAS RIGHT
4 HOUR LECTURE ON ONE TOPIC?? BOI I WOULD HAVE DIED AND RESURRECTED IN THAT TIME. i have 2 hour lectures with 5 minute after an hour and its amazing
"No reason really”, *plays why u always lying meme
Hoseok agrees with a quirk of his perfectly styled eyebrow. YES HIS EYEBORWS ARE HOT AS FUCK
ofc kook is a sports major
rest of the Alpha dirt”, damn hoseok really got beef with them
status from royal blood? eww hoseok is slay for that *me acting like i wasnt being a thot while reading yoongi, tae, kook drabbles/oneshots
“Dear lord, give me strength”, jin and joon with bangtan
JIMIN WTF U WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIL FLUFF BEAN *bitch stop u knew how they were in the beninging(yes i misspelled for the meme) YES KICKING IN THE SHIN SUPREMACY
what is a hacky sack? i found out its a game? but what is he exactly studying lol?
also its the way she is making friends and talking to people LIKE SHE SPOKE WORDS YALL could never be me, sure i would have asked someone to help me to my classes but i wouldnt be talking after that, would have said im busy even though im not
if you would excuse me, but you’re quite weird, BYE IM LEAVING THE EARTH THIS IS THE 2ND TIME IM EMBARRASSED you can find me in 134340 business days, where i will be rotting under my blankie bye
“Perfect, now that everyone is welcomed accordingly. an example of when theater theaters in the most theater form
It leaves you wondering what he meant with that. u know what he meant by that, this is where you do the whole twilight thing
“I feel I just witnessed a man high on three different drugs theatre kids in a nutshell (apparently people on tumblr are either gay, english major or a theatre kid, and i sent the meme to my friends, guess what they said................... "looks like you fit all three category" our schools dont have it, but im apparently a theatre kid to them 😭)
How is he walking that quietly you walk with your entire feet, part by part, like in those "special" shoes ads, that helps in reducing sound. slow yet quick
“well, that is indeed a predicament.” oof so elegant, classy, AND RUDE (there 2seok, happy?)
your voice actually comes out squeaky. girl mine would have came quiet yet squeaky way before 😭
let’s get the 1860 one.” IS SHE THAT SPECIAL?? WHATS GOING ON AAAH
Seokjin actually answers him with a quiet “yeah!” OFC HE WOULD DO THAT
If you died here tonight EXACTLY U GONNA DIE BYE GIRL, YOU WILL (NOT) BE MISSED jk jk lol
ig kook is scared of girls *eww that was cringe bye Maybe he just needed to take a really urgent shit OH MY GOD PLS😭😭 this is going to stay in my mind forever, everytime i see him running im gonna think of this no doubt
“exactly, that is the reason. He is really shy.” aww such a shy lil bean OK BUT IK THATS NOT THE REASON *inserts suspicious hobi eyes
you must have the crispiest oxygen sounds like an indian water ad, that said "more of oxygen " Arrey yaar h2o water has not turned into h2o2 toxic hydrogen peroxide 😭
i love ur descriptions, they are very picturable and i love the vibes. it is soo good, i could smell the place? the seats, library, just the university smell, restaurant. it was great. i dont think my words do any justice lol
I think this is like a universal human experience to push a few pull doors lmaooa
questions over question mhmhmmhm
oh it was jooniebug WHY IS OUR PRESIDENT A DICK 😭😭
what is she studying to have history and human anatomy together?/srs. ooh literature with different stuff for minor
honestly? i gotta be honest with you, don't think too deeply about the logistics of her studies. i chose her courses for the sake of plot and nothing else LMAOAO
boi i havent heard the word coolio in a decade, the last time probably while reading ff in 2014
coolio still slaps like 10/10 word (also you see how I made them using "outdated" words wink wink almost as if they were from a different time wink wink)
oh my god its the bad boy. is it yoongi? YES I WAS RIGHT
Hoseok agrees with a quirk of his perfectly styled eyebrow. YES HIS EYEBORWS ARE HOT AS FUCK
ofc kook is a sports major
djjfja thinking back, it makes no sense for him to also study JFJDAFJ (you'll understand it later fasdjfj)
JIMIN WTF U WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIL FLUFF BEAN *bitch stop u knew how they were in the beninging(yes i misspelled for the meme) YES KICKING IN THE SHIN SUPREMACY
HAHHHAHAH he may have tricked you fadjfjas
what is a hacky sack? i found out its a game? but what is he exactly studying lol?
yes it's a game fakdsfka in theory he studies dance PLEASE don't think too much about the logistic I literally just went with vibes
also its the way she is making friends and talking to people LIKE SHE SPOKE WORDS YALL could never be me, sure i would have asked someone to help me to my classes but i wouldnt be talking after that, would have said im busy even though im not
i get both sides like i would want to make friends but would be too scared that they would hate me FADJFJ if people like 2seok talked to me though? helloooooo :)
if you would excuse me, but you’re quite weird, BYE IM LEAVING THE EARTH THIS IS THE 2ND TIME IM EMBARRASSED you can find me in 134340 business days, where i will be rotting under my blankie bye
hahahahhaha this part is actually so embarassing bHAHAHHAHAHAH
“I feel I just witnessed a man high on three different drugs theatre kids in a nutshell (apparently people on tumblr are either gay, english major or a theatre kid, and i sent the meme to my friends, guess what they said................... "looks like you fit all three category" our schools dont have it, but im apparently a theatre kid to them 😭)
i don't get the hate on theater kids, all I see is people who don't fit into the "societal norm" and are therefore labelled as weird losers. we don't have stuff like "theater kid" or "sports kid" in Austria either becuse school is solely there to study not to offer clubs but I still never understood the weird hatered some clubs get in America jfdjfa
ig kook is scared of girls *eww that was cringe bye Maybe he just needed to take a really urgent shit OH MY GOD PLS😭😭 this is going to stay in my mind forever, everytime i see him running im gonna think of this no doubt
as for now it seems like he is ooooh 👀
“exactly, that is the reason. He is really shy.” aww such a shy lil bean OK BUT IK THATS NOT THE REASON *inserts suspicious hobi eyes
i love ur descriptions, they are very picturable and i love the vibes. it is soo good, i could smell the place? the seats, library, just the university smell, restaurant. it was great. i dont think my words do any justice lol
OMGG THANK YOU!! gosh this is actually such a big compliment :( I'm so happy to know that I managed to really make you exprience the place gaaah thank you for this review heheh 💜💜
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aemondapologistfrfr · 6 hours
Dethrone - Chapter 2
Tumblr media
Warnings: swearing, daemon being a shitty father fr, drinking but casually ig
Authors Note: we meet the family, we have some wine, we get some answers, we still don’t trust daemon, next chapter is a time jump and much needed
Word Count: just under 3k
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When we land at Dragonstone we’re greeted by who I assume is his wife and six children. There is a girl with long, beautiful white hair. Three boys with brown almost black hair. Then there are two babies with bright white heads of hair. They look like a true family and have large smiles plastered on their faces. They tumble over each other as they race towards me and Vaelys.
“Whoa is she yours?” “Whats her name?” “What’s your name?” “Are you staying with us?”
I’m bombarded with questions as the four older kids come to surround me. I’m not even sure who my father even told them I am. Did he even tell them I’m his child? I sigh out in relief when I see their mother walking over. 
“Let’s give Viktorya and Vaelys some space. They only just landed and don’t know us yet.” she says calmly reining her kids in. 
I just stand there by my dragon unsure of what to say. I still don’t know what my father told them. If I say something wrong what will happen to me? I’m afraid if I say the wrong thing I’ll be locked up again and they’ll truly let me rot to be forgotten.
“Go on by your father. I’d like to speak with Viktorya.” she says sweetly sweeping her children towards Daemon. 
She turns back towards me and smiles. I have no idea what the fuck is about to happen. Does she hate me? Does she hate that I’m Daemons first child? If anything I can just jump on Vaelys and leave. She starts to walk over to me and I tense up. She engulfs me in a hug.
“I’m Rheanrya. Welcome home, Viktorya.” She says squeezing me even tighter. 
“It’s lovely to meet you Princess.” I smile politely hugging her back. 
“Welcome to Dragonstone. It’s a shame you were kept in the dark. We’re meant to burn bright.” she says looking to the sky as a dragon flies over head. “Come, let’s get you inside and settled.” she says grabbing my hand to lead me back to the front of the castle. 
“But Vaelys?” I ask turning my head. 
“The keepers will come and take her. She’s a beautiful dragon with a powerful name. And rider.” she says smiling warmly at me. 
Once she escorts me into the castle she takes me straight to my chambers. I’m scared I’m going to be hidden away again. So I just gave up one prison for another. I start to get upset until she opens the doors to my chambers. It’s exquisite and leaves me speechless. 
Although the room is completely made of stone it feels warm and like home strangely enough. There’s a large canopy bed near the windows and balcony. Across from the bed is a beautiful vanity carved out of stone with small gems and crystals intricately placed. I have a large wardrobe with two changing screens angled in front of it. I have a sitting area with two chairs and a sofa. Through the connecting door I see my bathing chambers. There is a hug stone bath tub in the middle of the room with floor to ceiling windows. I get so lost in thought of this being my room I forgot I wasn’t alone. I turn to Rheanrya and she’s watching me contently and smiling. 
“I hope these accommodations are to your liking Princess.” she says sweetly. 
“Very much. This is so beautiful. Thank you.” I say sincerely walking over to her as she grabs my hands. 
“I want you to know that we are happy you’re here. You have six new siblings who will adore you. You have me and your father now. You have a family. You are loved.” she says pulling me into a hug as I start to tear up.
“So everyone knows I’m my fathers daughter? They don’t hate me? I feel like an outsider.” I let out some of my haunting thoughts. 
“Shh shh shh,” she soothes. “No one here or anywhere in the seven kingdoms could hate you. You’re Viktorya from the house Targaryen. You’re a dragon rider. Power and fire runs through our veins. You are loved.” she coos rubbing my back. 
“Thank you Rheanrya, truly.” I say finally pulling away. 
“Now let’s get you introduced to everyone. They’ve been dying to meet you.” she reassures. 
She waits outside my chambers and allows me to change. I slip into a fresh gown and tame my hair from the flight. My mind is still reeling from the change in scenery and a completely different life. I leave my trunks and bags open and sprawled everywhere and will deal with them later as I settle into my chambers. I quickly exit my chambers to meet Rhaenrya.
“I know this is going to be hard for you for a while. I know how your father is and I promise he’s trying his best. Us three will sit down after dinner and finally have time to talk and answer all of your questions.” she says sweetly as we arrive at the dining hall. 
She’s so kind and gentle and everything I wasn’t expecting. Her words truly calmed me and somehow made me feel like I belong here. I’m still on edge and have so many questions. I’m getting anxious for our talk later, but I need answers. 
“I’d like to formally introduce you all to Viktorya. She is Daemons first daughter. She’s here to live with us and be a part of our family. I expect you all to be welcoming and nice.” she says with a firm yet soft voice. 
“Hello, I’m Jaceryes. You’re more than welcome to call me Jace.” Jace stands up and smiles. 
“I’m Luke, well Lucerys, but I’m so excited you’re here! We’ve been waiting to meet you ever since Mother told us about you!” Luke says practically bouncing in his seat. 
“And I’m Rheana. I’m glad you joined our family and we’re happy to have you.” she says giving me a warm smile. 
“And our youngests here,” Rheanrya starts. 
“This is Joffrey.” she says gesturing to the smallest of the boys with dark brown hair. 
“And this is Viserys and Aegon.” she finally says showing the silver haired babies. 
“We all welcome you home, daughter. It’s been a long time, but we’re happy you’re here.” my father says surprising me causing me to raise my eyebrows.
“Thank you. I’m grateful to all of you for taking me in and being so welcoming and warm.” I say smiling softly.
Dinner with a family is something I’ve never experienced. I always had to eat in my chamber alone or with Kaenna. The hall is filled with laughs and love. I took a moment to just sit and bask in this feeling. I felt so warm and full. This is what I’ve been waiting for. A family to call my own. I wish I could stop the voice in the back of my head telling me this is all a joke and that something terribly wrong was going to happen. 
The servants start to clear the table and I feel a knot in my stomach. I know I’m going to get the answers I’ve been seeking, but they might not be the answers I want to hear. The children slowly trickle out of the hall leaving me with my father and Rheanrya. Panic starts to set in, but I remain calm and collected. 
“So, how are we starting this off?” I ask looking at them across the table folding my hands before me.
“With wine.” my father says calling one of the servants over to fill our cups. 
So we’re starting this conversation off with wine. I guess I’m not the only person who isn’t that excited for this conversation. I thank the servant once she fills my cup and walks away.
“We’re not so different you and I.” I say to my father, grabbing my glass and draining it to reduce some of my nerves.
“Just leave some bottles on the table and leave us.” my father says to the servants. 
“Well, now that we’re truly alone with plenty of wine, where would you like to begin Viktorya?” Rheanrya says grabbing her cup and taking a sip. 
“Father, why don’t you start off by explaining why you abandoned me as a baby.” I say with piercing eyes. The words leave my mouth before I have time to process what I would like to say in a more collected manner.
“I didn’t abandon you.” He says blandly rolling his eyes.
“Oh, my mistake. I forgot you raised me and I wasn’t held hostage in Runestone for my entire life until a couple of hours ago.” I say my voice dripping with sarcasm. 
My feelings have betrayed me already. I wanted to be calm and show strength, but I’m hurt and confused. I know I have to practice patience and listen, but it’s hard. The man who sits in front of me is my father, but I have no idea who he really is.
“You weren’t held hostage. You’re so fucking dramatic.” Daemon says chuckling and shaking his head. 
“Daemon,” Rheanrya scolds grabbing his hand.
“Yes, I’m sorry. There are many reasons you don’t understand of why I had to leave you in the Vale.” He says more softly. 
“Is that not why we are here now? To clear everything up.” I raise my eyebrow and sip my wine.
“Let’s start from the beginning. Daemon, explain. Viktorya, keep questions limited until the end.” Rheanrya interjects firmly trying to help us both relax and soothe our tempers.
My father and I seem to have the same amount of patience and temper. I’m thankful that Rheanrya is here to keep us both calm and in check. We all take a moment to gather our thoughts before my father starts.
“I want to start off with saying, I’ve always had love for you. I felt that it would be safer for you to be hidden away. When you were born my brother had recently married a cunt,” he’s cut off by Rheanrya.
“Daemon, enough. Let it be for right now.” she says slapping his hand. 
“So as I was saying, my bother married a cunt.   I knew this was going to start a war and cause tensions to rise. I didn’t want you caught in the middle of that as a baby. My brother and I have never had the best relationship and I knew that he would try to mend that by betrothing you to one of her heathen sons, that she was bound to give birth to.” he starts to explain looking to Rheanrya to make sure he hasn’t said anything more out of line.
“But why not just say no. Why just leave me there alone?” I interject. 
“I wouldn’t have been successful in declining his offer. That man also has quite the obsession with dragon dreamers as well and I wouldn’t have been able to keep you from him.” What the fuck is a dragon dreamer? “Again, I didn’t leave you alone, you had Maester Dawsin and Kaenna, no?” he asks.
“What is a dragon dreamer?” I ask confused. “All I wanted was a family. Yes, I had Maester Dawsin and Kaenna, but I wanted a family of my own.” I say trying to steady my voice not to give away how upset I am.
I can tell by the way Rheanrya is looking at me that I’m doing a shitty job of hiding my emotions. She gives me a warm smile and reaches across to squeeze my hand. I don’t know if my father is just coming up with phrases to distract me. I’ve read lore on our family of course but dragon dreamers are rarely mentioned. 
“The dreams you have about the future. You’re basically prophesying. I kept in contact with Maester Dawsin regularly. I knew about your progress. Who do you think was the one who sent a dragon trainer to Runestone for you?” he asks raising an eyebrow. 
I wish someone would’ve told me sooner what my dreams truly meant. I’m grateful I kept my ascension to myself. Along with Maester Dawsins death I’ve had a couple other dreams come to light that I never put much thought into. I hope we can keep that secret to us three. I still can’t get over the fact that he was able to write letters to a Maester but not his own daughter. 
“Am I to be grateful?” I laugh out. “You couldn’t write to me yourself? You couldn’t visit me?” I spit out feeling my anger rise. 
“If I came and visited you, I could no longer keep you safe, people would question why I was visiting Runestone. I would’ve had to take you back with me. The life I would’ve given you then, wouldn’t have been the one you deserved. I know that you didn’t deserve to hidden away for all these years, but please know I did for you, daughter.” my father says almost sincerely. 
“I understand, but at the same time I don’t. Why did I have to stay there until Maester Dawsin passed?” I ask trying to connect any dots, but I feel as though I have a piece of paper in front of me scattered with dots that can’t connect.
“He was there to protect and raise you, as was Kaenna. They grew extremely fond of you and you were your mothers living memory. They knew as well as I, that I was not fit to raise a child. I wanted you to be surrounded by people with quality traits. I’m afraid I’m not the best father figure.” he says the last part in a whisper. 
“You’re trying. That counts.” Rheanrya comforts him.
This comfort she offers him angers me to no end. Is he trying? He’s been dismissive and uncaring of my feelings. I don’t care if he was a shitty person years ago he’s still a shitty person now.  I guess I should at least try to see if he’s willing to be a father but I won’t hold my breath. 
“I am trying, Viktorya. I know it might not seem like it, but I am.” the look in his eyes reminds me of the way Kaenna looks at me and it confuses me.
“We’ll both have to try.” I say huffing out a large breath as I accept a stalemate. “I have just one more question.” I ask biting the inside of my cheek. 
“Which is?” my father looks at me curiously.
“Did you kill my mother?” I ask staring him directly in the eyes to see if I can detect anything. 
“Where did you hear such a thing?” he says taken aback as Rhaenrya shoots her eyes to him. I’m quick to pick up on the fact that he didn’t deny it.
“I’ve heard whispers my whole life. It’s hard to think you didn’t when the whole castle is in agreement you took her life, the only thing they can’t agree on is the how.” I lean back and take a sip of wine. 
“I did no such thing.” my father says too quickly and defensively. 
“Mm,” I hum quickly. “I appreciate your transparency. I appreciate you for giving me the answers I deserved and needed.” I say as I slightly smile assessing him.
“It’s been a long day for you. Why don’t you go get some rest? We can go riding tomorrow? How does that sound?” Rheanrya offers with a warm smile. 
“That sounds lovely, thank you.” I smile warmly to Rhaenrya. 
They both walk me to my chambers. My mind is racing with all of this new information. I finally have my answers, but I still don’t have peace of mind. I’m just waiting for the catch. Rheanrya gives me a hug and kisses the top of my head. 
“Welcome home again, I’ll see you in the morning.” she says to me as she brushes Daemons arm walking away. 
I look to my father waiting for him to say something. We stand there kind of awkwardly waiting for one of us to break the silence. It feels like hours have past when it’s only been minutes. 
“I’m glad you’re here with us. This is your family now. Anything you should want, you shall have. I promise this.” he says pulling me in for an awkward hug. 
“There is one thing..” I say into his chest.
“Tell me and it’s yours.” he pulls back looking down at me. 
“Can I please have Kaenna come here?” I look up to him. 
“Consider it done. Now go get some sleep.” he says opening my doors for me.
He shuts the doors softly behind me and now I’m finally alone. I walk over to my wardrobe and it seems as someone has already unpacked for me. I pull out my night dress and lay it on the bed. I slowly peel off my dress and hang it over one of the chairs. Once I’m changed I walk over to the balcony to take in some of the fresh air and enjoy the breeze.
I’m one step closer to acquiring the seven kingdoms. I’ve made it to Dragonstone but I’ve seen no man who looks to be my King. I will have to visit the library soon to look up more lore on dragon dreamers so I can learn the extent of my gift. 
The air here is so crisp. I take a few deep breaths and look around at my new home. It’s breathtaking. I walk back in and crawl into bed. My mind finally quiets and I’m able to drift off to sleep.
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levmada · 1 year
more tlou au<3 with levi as joel + gabi as ellie. (the scene where ellie is kidnapped) | previous one
//graphic blood/torture, death | 1.0k
Levi is cold. His breaths, forced steady, leave him in thin clouds. His lungs are cold and his hands, even through his leather gloves, icy. Snow sprinkles his hair and lashes. His heart is cold.
“What do you want?”
His icy glare doesn’t twitch. One fist bunched up in Asshole #1’s shirt forces him down to Levi’s height. He lands a final punch, knocking the guy’s bald head against the flimsy wooden wall, and to his twisted satisfaction, he feels bones crunch, and the full weight of his body sag with gravity. He drops his shirt, and lets him fall.
That’s what he gets. That’s what they’re all going to get.
Asshole #2 wiggles in the rotted chair that Levi tied him to with thick pieces of rope, opposite Levi and this one. He can see him snarling out of the corner of his good eye, but Levi turns his head, and a new sense of terror etched into the bastard’s face.
It’s pathetic. The harshest sense of Levi’s initial rage fades, but his conviction stays.
“Hey! Why’re you doin’ this? Can’t just torture somebody for no—”
Levi tunes him out as he examines his gloves. Already bloody. Disgusting.
The bookshelf Levi shoved against the door and the long-since boarded up windows just about ensures no escape if Asshole #1 wakes up before Levi’s finished. He’s out of rope.
But he isn’t the type to make gambles. His hard boot stomps down on one of this bastard’s ankles, again feeling bones crunch. The man shouts but doesn’t stir.
Then Levi breaks the other. The cry is weaker this time. Asshole #1 is out, and he’s in agony, but he won’t die.
“Alright,” Levi sighs. He needs to get this over with. He’s wasting precious minutes.
He may be out of time already… But he can’t think about that.
Gabi is strong, more than strong even on her own. But she can’t face up against a thousand evil men.
He ambles over to the second guy, pulls up a chair of his own, and sits, face stony. “The girl. Where is she?”
The guy is narrow-faced, cheeks sunken-in, so much so his face looks more like a skull with tight skin wrapped around it.
“I—What girl? I ain’t heard of no girl!”
He hates to make an pathetic bastard squirm, but he has no choice, and so with an impatient sigh he plunges his knife into flesh. For a second the very air is pained wailing.
“Lie to me one more time,” Levi growls. “Or tell me where, and I’ll make this be easy on both of us.”
The cords in Asshole #2’s neck stand out as his teary light eyes lock on the knife in his leg. His expression twists. “F-Fuck. The girl. Brown hair? Loudmouth?”
Levi lets none of what he’s feeling show on his face. “Do you have a whole bunch of ‘em you keep for safekeeping or something? Don’t waste my time.”
Levi slowly twists the knife as he asks, “She alive?”
“She has to be. Sh-She’s Theo’s newest pet!”
Black anger floods into him, joining a twist of dread. He wants to be sick… He’ll be concerned about just how much that information makes him want to burn the world down later.
He blubbers. “I can’t I can’t—he’ll kill me.”
“Not if I kill you first.”
Sobs wrack his chest violently now. Tear tracks sticking to his cheeks and snot oozing down his flapping lips. “Please… Stop…”
“Shit. You’re getting distracted. Let me help you with that.” Levi roughly scoops up his face, and twists the knife plunged deep inside in the direction of his knee. The man’s back bows off the chair with another wretched scream.
“Look. Right here. You still got plenty of blood left to bleed, so talk, or I’ll pop your fucking knee off.”
“Aghh!—In the town! The town! In the resort!”
Like that’s helpful in any way. Levi never should’ve gotten shot. Then they wouldn’t be here. He was so fucking careless. Too slow. Too…
Levi pulls a wrinkled map out from his fur coat, and drags the dagger out of the man’s leg like picking up a pen. The flood of deep red is immediate.
He flips the bloody blade backwards and thrusts the handle past the man’s yellow teeth. It wobbles precariously, but it stays in place.
Levi shoves the map in his face. “Point to it. And it better match the spot your friend over there points to.”
“Mmph!” More whimpering. His head bobs, eyes frantically scanning the map.
Quickly he settles on a spot, probing it with the knifepoint, and then drops it.
“There, there! I did it.”
For one long moment, Levi watches him.
“I’m tellin’ the truth, goddammit! Ask him! Go on!”
From across the room, Levi hears a low moan. Asshole #1 has been nodding in and out of consciousness for a while, which is going to make this move much faster.
It’s one thing to kill Infected—it’s setting those people free of their torment—but men just like himself?—It sickens him. All these years later, it’s never gotten easier.
But he’s gotten used to it. And if he lets these guys live, they’ll either die a slow painful death tied up in this shack, or go running back home to tell their friends that he’s on his way. He can’t risk anything for Gabi.
Levi tugs his pistol from his waistband, cocks it, and shoots Asshole #2 in the head at point-blank range. He dies instantly.
Watching the blood ooze from his hanging forehead, Levi for a moment lets his eyes fall half-lidded, and look as tired as he feels.
Then he shuts it away. Pushes it down deep. He turns and ambles over to the other, who’s screaming, “What the fuck!! Fuck you! He did what you wanted! I’m not tellin’ you shit!”
Levi blinks. “That’s fine. I believe him.”
“You’re craz—”
The gunshot explodes in a burst of sound. After, all is silent.
“Maybe I am,” he hears himself mumble.
He tracks the red spot the man pointed to with his finger from his current location, and abandons the shack with a renewed sense of urgency. He’s going to get Gabi back in one piece. No matter the cost.
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lohstandfound · 1 year
Royal Pains brain rot got me writing a thing.
"you're better off without them"
Rich and Brooke observe another Jake and Chloe break up, once again trying to urge them that they're better off apart- despite knowing that it won't work. No matter how much it hurts.
“You’re better off without her.”
Rich sits across from Jake.
Jake’s tears have long since dried and they sit in silence, the only sound is Jake’s ragged breathing. It’s always bad when they break up, but Rich is always there to piece him together.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
Jake sniffs and shakes his head. “No.”
That’s always the answer. But Rich always knows what’s running through Jake’s head, anyway.
It’s routine, by now.
They break up. Jake calls Rich. Rich is by his side almost immediately. Jake is crying (and he hates that he still cries over her but goddammit it still hurts every single time). Rich sits with him.
Rich sighs.
“You can’t keep doing this, dude.”
Jake doesn’t respond. He doesn’t look at Rich.
Jake knows that Rich is right, but he doesn’t want to let her go.
It’s intoxicating.
And he knows its not good for him but he can’t stop. Her claws are dug too deep into his shoulders, he can’t imagine them not.
He can’t remember what it’s like to not be in her grasp.
Rich didn’t expect Jake to respond.
“You’re better off without her,” he tries quietly.
“I’m not.”
Rich frowns.
“I’m not. I need her. I need her, god, Rich. I need her.”
Rich is silent for a moment.
“I don’t- I don’t know what to do without her. I can’t just let her go.”
“She hurts you. You go back to her and she hurts you all over again. And it breaks you every time.”
“It doesn’t.”
Rich knows that Jake doesn’t want to hear this. He’s tried this conversation before.
“Jakob, you’re not good for her. She’s not good for you-”
“Who are you to decide what’s good for me and what isn’t?” Jake snaps.
Rich doesn’t flinch.
He doesn’t shy away from the glare that’s turned on him.
“Your friend.”
The word pains him.
“I care about you too much to watch you destroy yourself like this.”
Jake turns away from him.
Rich knows that this is the end of the conversation for now. But god, he wants to talk more.
He wants to plead with Jake to let her go.
He wants Jake to see how much he’s destroyed himself over her.
He wants Jake to see the damage they’ve done to each other.
He wants Jake to see that he’s right there in front of him.
He wants Jake to see what they could be.
But Rich knows he won’t. So, he’ll continue to piece Jake back together as carefully as he can.
“Do you want me to stay?”
There is no hesitation in Jake’s nod.
Rich hesitates, his hand moves forward to take Jake’s.
But he doesn’t.
If Jake noticed the small action, he doesn’t say anything.
“I’ll stay.”
“You’re better off without him.”
Brooke sits cross-legged on Chloe’s bed, watching as she paces around the room.
She’s on edge. She can see the tears building up in Chloe’s eyes but she doesn’t know if she’s going to scream or yell or cry.
She’s been through this before.
And she knows Chloe.
She knows to treat this situation like she’s walking on eggshells.
“Chlo?” She speaks softly.
Brooke knows that it’ll snap Chloe out of her head. Brooke knows that Chloe’s attention will zone in on her. Brooke knows that she’s going to be the recipient of every horrible thing she has to say about him. And Brooke knows she will sit here and take it.
Chloe will take it out on her, and she will let it roll off her shoulders because it’s better than Chloe taking it out on anyone else.
And it’s better than Chloe running back to him.
As predicted, Chloe’s venomous glare turns to her.
“I hate him. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him so fucking much. He can fucking rot in hell for all I care. Why should I care? He’s nothing but a fucking prick.”
Brooke nods idly.
Starting with yelling.
Brooke listens as Chloe spouts off every insult she’s ever used for him.
And she agrees, because she doesn’t want to make it worse by saying she’s wrong about him.
Chloe screamed and she yelled and half the things she said weren’t true.
And she could never truly hate him.
She was wrapped around his finger and she liked it that way.
He was always there to make her feel good,
Feel wanted.
His rough lips on her neck and his careful touch,
She could never get enough of it.
When she was the centre of his attention, it was intoxicating.
She felt wanted, needed, complete.
It wasn’t healthy, god it wasn’t good.
But she just couldn’t help herself.
She couldn’t remember a time where Jake wasn’t all hers.
Brooke watches as the tears well up in Chloe’s eyes.
The crying step will come soon.
Chloe collapsed on the bed next to Brooke.
Brooke carefully wrapped Chloe up in her arms as she cried.
Brooke wouldn’t say anything as Chloe cried.
She wouldn’t comment on the tears.
Instead, she just held Chloe as her heart ached, listening to Chloe curse him out again and again.
Brooke knew the words she said could switch Chloe right back to screaming at her.
But they were words that Chloe needed to hear.
“You’re better off without him, Chlo. You don’t need him. You don’t need his attention to make you feel better. You’re more than enough without him.”
“You just- You don’t understand, Brooke. I need him! I need him, but god I hate his fucking guts.”
“Chloe, you destroy him and yourself and everyone around you when you’re with him.”
And Brooke knew what it was like to destroy yourself for someone else.
“We’re supposed to be together, Brooke! He’s mine, I’m his. That’s how it’s supposed to go. That’s how the story always goes. We’re good for each other!”
But Brooke’s words were true, and Chloe knew it.
Chloe wasn’t ready to admit that.
Of course, Brooke knew that.
But she would keep waiting for the day Chloe realised that she didn’t need him.
She would keep waiting for the day that Chloe would open her eyes and see what was right in front of her.
Maybe Chloe rejecting her would hurt less than watching Chloe try to hold herself together after every single breakup.
Until then,
Brooke would hold Chloe as she cried, listen to Chloe as she screamed, and watched as they would get back together and destroy themselves all over again.
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