#i have such a trigger finger
startistdoodles · 1 year
In the midst of all the bot accounts I accidentally sniped a human person today because their icon wasn't loading, their blog was blank, they had no prior engagements with my blog, and their name sounded bot-like but then their icon finally loaded and it was a Kirby fanart and now I feel so bad, I'm running out there to get them out of the midst of the battlefield
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molinaesque · 14 days
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"What are you?" "Oh, I'm you, sweetie. You just... give it a little time."
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musicalfevr · 1 year
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alternate timeline
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cosmo-abyss · 6 months
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“I’m not allowed to cry, but it hurts too much to stop”
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fivveweeks · 1 year
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there are many disadvantages to being an artist
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swedenis-h · 2 years
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identityquest · 12 days
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i gave sunny a gun
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dailykugisaki · 2 days
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Day 216 | id in alt
Chronic idgafer meets another one of their kind and immediately start becoming hazardous.
(Read from right to left💥)
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nochilforthechuck · 3 months
The only thing i would say about the dunmeshi anime is how they changed the way the nails are drawn,,,,, chilchuck went from delicate little cunty manicured hands to big square nails and im annoyed by it
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messydiabolical · 3 months
I've seen there's posts going round saying you need to delete all your art from tumblr, right now! This very second! Because it's gonna get scraped for AI!!! And I totally get anyone who does delete their stuff to avoid that, or at least deletes the old stuff and reuploads with glaze or nightshade But I dunno, I've reached the point where I feel like all these companies (the AI creators, and the social media sites etc.) are so blasé about your data, so out of any fucks about privacy and personal ownership and only care about £$ line go up, that it's probably all been scraped a thousand times already?! Tumblr's move will certainly make this even easier and more likely, but, whenever I post anything online anymore I am under the full belief that this is gonna get taken and used by anyone who wants to already 🤷‍♂️ Perhaps that is a negative mindset, but I dunno guys, it feels like the damage is largely already done and deleting all my art at this point will only serve to make my life less fun. On a more positive note, the kind of people that are running AI are ridiculous tech bros, the exact types that ran nft's and various other hair brained schemes straight into the ground, so there's hope there too. If AI was being developed seriously as an actual tool for artists to use it's one thing, and I think there could be legitimately interesting uses there. but the current state of affairs with the rampant theft and fuck you get mine attitude ignoring any copyright laws in their path, it could easily all crash and burn a couple of lawsuits later. Or people will just get bored and move on. In the mean time yes, it is doing real damage to artists, not arguing that. Just saying as negative as my attitude to this situation is, I also have hope that it may not be the all out artistic apocalyptic event some predict. But as it stands now, I feel like everything online is 'free real estate' to these people, no matter what checkboxes you ticked or watermarks you added, or new policies dickhead CEO's add to their social media sites. To be clear: It shouldn't be this way, it fucking sucks, and by all means delete your stuff if you feel it necessary. I don't plan to at the moment. I do have glaze set up for future posts. Anyway just my thoughts on the matter at the moment. Anyone else feel this way? Or, if you are deleting your stuff now, what are you going to do going forward? New websites/come back and repost with glaze/other?
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oh. and by the way. the racism that both Louis and Claudia face?? it's not like. a Subtle story detail. it's quite possibly one of the most overt throughlines of the story, actually. to be pretty Blatantly racist while simultaneously claiming to enjoy a show that from Day One has been examining anti-blackness and the forms that it can take is like. a little bit astounding. the cognitive dissonance is phenomenal; it would almost be impressive if it wasn't so gross. my god. "reverse racism." tsk. please. maybe we should all try growing a fucking brain as we venture further into the new year. hmm?? maybe we should try that.
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minthara · 6 months
my entire dash:
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Me and my husband. Salad fingers.
He is my love and i see him everyday because he is me. We are.
Here is some random art
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Unfinished are some. Also there is yosano. So fan-art kind of. The rest I made.
Under the cut is vent art. Tw for everything.
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The one with blonde hair is truly derealization. How it feels looking at people and everyone. My head. Its like i need to find my face and wants my fingers taps it, again to reassure that it is mine and then tear it off or bang it against a wall until i can see the world and ignore the blood stained on my fingers and the blood that rests on the wall waiting to be acknowledged. Stop this spinning, hardening and headaches.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 month
best part of skyrim is when some random npc will threaten to tell on you to their higher authority or whatever. not that it ever actually affects anything in-game, but man. you didn’t have to say that. now i don’t have any choice but to cut your head off.
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bluupxels · 11 months
trying to find the source of discourse you see others vagueing about might as well be finding a needle in a haystack. need a simblr tea youtuber so i can know everything always bc im nosy and love drama
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texasbama · 7 months
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