#i just wanted to write somethign cute and this is what happened
oksullen · 2 years
cw - gn!reader, cheesy awkward flirting, early "I LOVE YOU" in the relationship, awkward Goshiki bc its just canon atp a/n - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOML <3 ONE OF MANY synopsis - in which you meet your best friend for lunch on his birthday and you both confess your feelings
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you were on your way to the small diner down town to meet your best friend for lunch. you felt happy and honored he chose you to go with on his birthday nonetheless.
you had a small gift in hand. you got him a card and some small things that reminded you of him. of course, the card was written with love, words of affirmation and praise sprinkled in the writing. you know how much he enjoyed being praised and of course you meant it all. not only was he a great friend, but you couldn't stop thinking of how he'd make a better boyfriend. you entered the diner, looking around for Goshiki. you couldn't seem to find him, about to get a table in advance for you both but you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders. you looked back and saw him, immediately greeting him with a smile and a 'happy birthday'
he smiled too, a faint pink shade creeping up on his face. he thanked you as he led you to a table and waited for you to sit down before he did. you handed him his gift, waiting for him to open it. he smiled again, more blush creeping it up on his face.
you failed to notice how your hand brushed up against his when you handed him the gift, but he definitely noticed it.
"th-thank you y/n!" he said a little loudly. he got embarrassed, mostly because he thought he was being to obvious.
though it wasn't obvious for you to notice, mainly because you were embarrassed too. your crush for him spiraled out of control and only grew stronger the more you hung out with him.
you told him it was no problem as you sat waiting for him to open it. you hoped he liked it. he peered at it, about to open the bag but the waiter had came over and ruined the moment.
of course it was their job so you couldn't be that upset. you both ordered drinks to start. you glanced at the menu quickly as it seemed Goshiki already knew what he wanted.
you told the worker your order and as soon as they left you looked back to your friend in front of you. he instantly went back to the gift, his curiosity killing him. you laughed a little at his eagerness.
he read the card first, his face becoming super red the more words he read. he hid his face behind the card and you were unable to notice. though your face was also the same shade- if not more. you were unsure if he liked it or not.
he slammed the card down, you could now see his flustered face. "THANK YOU Y/N!" he said again, this time even louder.
you were a bit startled and he seemed to notice. he apologized immediately. "it's- it's okay Tsutomu." you said, reassuring him. "do- do you like the card?" you asked- though you were sure you already knew the answer.
he nodded, seeming even more and more embarrassed. his heart was beating faster ever second. he was to flustered to even look at you now. he went back to the gift, wanting to change his mind onto something else. though when he opened it and saw some of his favorite things and even a cute plushie he seemed to go back to that flushed state. he looked at you and you were unsure what to make of his expression.
you opened your mouth to speak but he did too at the same time. "can I tell you somethign?" you asked. "CAN I TELL YOU SOMETHING?" he asked.
you laughed at how you both said it at the same time. he joined in not long after. you both said yes and laughed at how it happened again. "at this point lets just say it at the same time." you joked, not expecting him to nod.
you held your breath, nervous as hell. you nodded back. what was there to really lose? "I LIKE YOU." you both say.
it takes a minute for both of you to really register what the other had said. neither of you were sure if you just heard yourself or if it was really true.
"really?" he asked.
you nodded, smiling and he smiled back. you were about to speak but lunch had been served. you looked down at the plate in front of you then to the waiter as they left. you both broke into laughter. it was crazy how it went out and how you both seemed to be thinking the same thing.
"does this mean.." he started.
you smiled again, laughing at how cute he was.
"yeah." you said, knowing exactly what he wanted.
you were glad that had been settled, and it couldn't have happened in a better way. you started to eat your lunch, not realizing Goshiki was still looking at you. he was flustered, and he couldn't seem to calm his heart down.
"I LOVE YOU Y/N" he said, proud of what he said.
you sat up straight, caught off guard but you couldn't be upset. not because of him. not on his birthday, not ever.
"I love you too Tsutomu. happy birthday." you said, leaning over and placing a kiss on his head.
it was the best birthday he had ever had, and it was the best gift he could have ever asked for.
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kingmystrie · 9 months
I keep thinking abt horrible stuff and putting it in the work I want to make at this rate I will never make a story that can be shown to a general audience as much as I want to make a fluffy happy story.
Even when I go "okay this is the nice happy story" and "this is the dark depressing story" the latter just corrupts the former, and said latter story doesnt really get any of the cute fluffy stuff from said former story.
I need another person when writing stuff to be there to give the story depth that isn't rooted in suffering just to have a functioning story because then it becomes a plane with a broken wing careening into an orphanage at mach 7 levels of awful.
Idr what the term is for stories where bad stuff happens and it serves next to no narrative purpose but thats how most of my stories go. Like its not EXCLUSIVELY bad stuff happening in them, but the bad stuff happens for no other reason than me going "hahaha thats so fucked up thats sooo bad, I want to feel terrible to day, I wanna write somethign that will make me want to throw up hahaha."
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cannibalruikasa · 10 months
Is fhere an actual reason why both of them are cannibal? Like, are they just like that or is there something wrong with their DNA, or something like that? I'm genuinely curious about it because writing about such topic is, not gonna lie, pretty much interesting. Also writing about any kind of mental problems is generally hard, so I appreciate your work for being able to write about a sensitive (and by most people disgusting) topic. I have to say your artstyle is cute too! Totally a fan of it already.
Also, don't they get worms from eating raw meat? Isn't it pretty dangerous, especially human meat? Or is it the casual "fanfic logic" that prevents it from happening and maybe not even real so? Or,, is it because they're not the same as non-cannibal humans? Maybe eating raw human flesh wouldn't effect Rui, it would help him, but for an example; if Minori ate it, it could effect her the opposite? I really don't know, but yeah!!!
Keep up the good work (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
i would like to lie to you and say there is a reason and i cant tell you because spoilers but to be honest...... theres no reason i just wanted to write cannibalism and i wanted to write tsukasa suffering bcus of it... and i dont want to spoil the story but im goign to spoil the story now and say there IS no reason for the cannibalism.. it kinda just is... and tsukasa has to deal with that ig
its purely self indulgent as a cannibalism fan all i think while writing is "what would i like to read if i wasnt writing it" and i wouldnt care too much about worldbuildign.. so i hope you dont too amen... but also it wouldnt make any sense if i tried to rationalise it... it would just become knock off tokyo ghoul (if it isnt already idk i havent read tokyo ghoul)
but tbh,, even if i havent thought about it... the implications are kinda alread ythere yknow.. since cannibalism is a "required action" it wouldnt make much sense to get the associated diseases.. it would be a bit counterproductive i think... ur right though maybe it would be different for minori
and also just.. i dont wanna deal w them getting like mad cow disease or some shit.. just pretend its ok..... i really wanted to focus on the psychological effects on it (if it isnt obvious lol) bcus its something im actually pretty passionate about... not cannibalism but the moral and psychological effects of killing and eating someone..
im a big politics fan and i HATE more than anything when someone says they "would kill osmeone if it was legal" or would "like to try eating someone" because NO YOU WOULDNT !!!!! im an athiest, im an anarchist, i think killing people isnt just wrong but somethign that people, by default, dont WANT to do. by evolution, we are not supposed to want to kill someone and if u say u do u r LYING to seem edgy
i also, coincidentally, love reading about cannibalism... so i combined the two w this fic (/≧▽≦)/
sorry for disappointing you w my answers.... but thank you for enjoying my writing and art,.. i hope i can keep making things you enjoy o(〃^▽^〃)o
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knitting-gay-nerd · 3 years
This Winter's Sky
Turn Week 2021 | Day 7: What you would have wanted to see/Favorite AU
What I would have most wanted to see is more of people just being happy, because even in grim wartime, life finds a way. So, I’ve bent my sword of angst into a plowshare of fluff, and I present you with another snippet. This one doesn't contain spoilers but will really make much more sense if you've read the rest of All Done Up in Blue & Gold (here on AO3).
It was cold and dark, and the never-ceasing snow fell around us. Our lanterns created a halo of light, and the lights in the windows of the house seemed farther away than they were. We were completely and utterly alone. The snow wasn’t a storm, like it was that night we first met, but when the wind rose, sending the flakes cascading to the side, our cloaks went along with it, ridding us of our most effective way to maintain warmth.
I clutched at my cloak, pulling it back to position and shivering.
“Are you warm enough? Should we go inside? I can walk you over to your house to warm up—“
“Stop it, Ben, I’m fine. Though it might be warmer for us to stand closer together.”
He looked at me, his eyebrow raised and head tilted slightly. A slow smile spread across his face. “Well, then, come here.” Ben wrapped his arm around me, his cloak then around both of us. “More romantic than usual, aren’t you?” he whispered into my ear.
“I can be romantic when I want to.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes. I’ve had practice.”
“Alright then, show me.”
“With pleasure, sir. Your hair… is nice,” I said, no comedic inflection in my tone.
He burst into laughter, and I pretended offense. “What? Your hair is nice!”
“That’s your idea of something romantic?”
“Fine. Let me try again.” I took a deep breath. “Your eyes bewitch me, enchant me, enrapture me. When they fix on me I cannot move, cannot speak, because you are all I know. They shine like the moon, glitter like the stars and burn with the fire of a thousand suns.”
“Well—“ he breathed heavily, looking surprised.
“Flustered, are you, Benny Boy?” I breathed.
He chuckled, gathering himself. “Not at all.”
“Then it’s your turn.”
“Of course, my lady.” He stopped and thought for a moment. “Your skin is softer than eiderdown and more perfect, despite any blemishes, than a fresh coat of snow. When I look into your eyes, your beautiful, clear eyes, more alive than the surface of the ocean as the sun glints off it, I long to take you away from all this, to a place where it can be you and me, just us together, for all time and always.”
“Why, Major Tallmadge, you know your way with the ladies.” I placed my hand over my heart, feigning surprise.
“I never claimed otherwise.”
“Sometimes I wish we could go and leave all of this behind.” I looked off into the darkness. “But we can’t. Not yet.”
“Not yet.” He joined me in my gaze.
“One day we’ll be on our own, with our own family, but for now we’ll have to make do with mine.”
“And we will.”
We looked back at each other, and when our eyes met a tingling started in my heart and spread throughout my entire body. It was a new feeling, so, slightly afraid of it, I swiftly changed the subject.
“I could beat you in a snowball fight.”
He raised his eyebrows at me, cocking his head to the side. “You’re sure about that?”
We broke apart.
“Absolutely. Ask Tempe. She will assure you of my prowess.”
“I disagree. You don’t grow up alongside four brothers without learning your best strategy in a snowball fight.”
“Girls are more ruthless, and I fought with two of my three sisters. We’d build forts in the clearing, divide ourselves into teams, and James, Phebe, Tempe, and I would go at it for hours. Tempe and I were not initially much of an asset, seeing as James and Phebe were sixteen and eleven years older than us, but we learned quickly.”
“William, Samuel, Isaac, and John were no less brutal.”
“You were an older brother! You got to change the rules whenever they stopped suiting you!”
“You’re older than Tempe!”
“But I am sixteen years younger than James!”
“Didn’t your mother tell him to be gentle with you and Tempe?”
“Of course she did, but he still had every advantage over us.”
“If you’ve overcome such adversity, why don’t you prove your expertise?”
“With pleasure.” I placed my lantern to the side, kneeling in the snow to pack five good, solid snowballs. Ben did the same, and then we stood. “There is simply no time to build a structure up to the standards of my youth, so we shall go without.”
He smiled at me. “As you wish.”
“Well, then, shall we begin?” I grinned wickedly, holding my snowballs in my arms, one in my right hand, ready to throw.
He mirrored my position. “Ye—“
Before he could even finish that one word, the snowball flew from my hand, exploding on his shoulder.
“Come on!” he shouted as I danced along the edge of the light.
He lobbed one of his projectiles in my general direction, and I easily dodged it. I retaliated with another throw that passed dangerously close to his face. He chased me into the dark, but I could still see him where he stood. He threw another snowball, and another. One hit my skirts, the other my arm. I responded in kind, throwing the remaining three prepared snowballs in quick succession, hitting him twice. As I ran to the side, escaping him momentarily, I scooped up snow in my hands and packed it into a ball. I threw it as well, missing him entirely. Our battle continued in this vein for a good while longer, ending with both of us panting in the circle of light cast by our abandoned lanterns, covered in a fine layer of snow from both the snowballs and the snowfall. He extended his hand to me.
I took it and shook it. “Truce. But I was the clear victor.”
“It is evident that I won.”
“Mmhm.” I raised my eyebrows. “Some day, I’ll bring you to the clearing and we can do this properly.”
“It would be my pleasure.”
We smiled at each other.
“I should get back.” I gestured towards home. “Mother’s waiting up with a candle.”
“I’ll walk with you.”
We picked up our lanterns and walked together, in step, along a path through the snow that lay on the ground.
“It’s a miracle we didn’t trip over anything in the dark,” I commented.
“Aye, very fortunate. That would have been an embarrassing injury to explain.”
We chuckled, and continued in companionable silence. Quiet was never awkward while we were together. The silence was never empty, never a void that desperately needed filling, but always full of comradeship and contentment with the other’s company.
As we reached the house, he said to me, “Well, until we meet again, ma chére.”
“Au revoir et bonne soirée, mon chaton.”
He grinned, then bowed slightly to me and walked away, his lantern casting a circle of light before him as I went inside, but one thought on my mind:
I love him.
And one day, I will tell him just how much I do.
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iamparadoxic99 · 5 years
hey i want to know more abt ur ocs! if u dont mind it wld be cool if u could like. tell a little abt them
oh fuck, where do i begin. how about i start with the various random one i just have as a concept and nothing really more. like i got this living ragdoll that just sorta exists to make people happy and enjoys wearing various dresses cause dresses are fucking cute.than i’ve got this vague feral slime that like fuck society and all i just want to consume. and various other i’m forgetting at the mo
then i’ve got this one completly unique and original character that i’ve tried to write something of a story for, but never really posted any sort of finale version. And they’re Jinx teach, a nb writer that had dropped out of college due to agoraphobia that was caused by the high stress envoment of college. And when they woke up on their 21st birthday, june 13th, 2018. meaning they were born on a friday the 13th in june, 1997. Anyways, they wake up and remember their past life as this a Great Evil that once tried to destroy the world. but they’re not motivated to do that anymore cause they like the world they’re living in, even tho it’s just their small apartment they really refuse to go outside of, due to the above mentioned agoraphobia. but yeah they’re like 5′1, got grey eyes, messy mid back at least brown hear. and enjoy wearing large slightly oversized sweater
and i’ve got two other competetly orginal characters, that are dating, whom i have a series of various short stories writen about. One is Melody, an ace succubus, whom more of a huggubus, , and her girlfriend, Sapphire. whom i just realized in the latest piece of writting i’ve realsed for them is half vampire, half something or other. might be dullahan, might be somethign else i don’t know.anyways, there is just system in the world where succubi, whom live in a netherworld sorta of place, make deals with individuals that reside in the mortal plane, as well as some that don’t, to do things for them. usually these things are those that bring the individuals some of pleasure, in exchage for something the succubus believe to be of equal value to what they did. and usually it’s some sort of sex thing, which is reason in this world for why succubi are known as sex demons, but it doesn’t always have to be a sex thing. And that’s what Melody is all about, a succubus only does those non-sexual jobs and such. Which is how she met Sapphire, whom she basically worked as a cosplay model for, so Sapphire could make sure that the cosplays that she was making were good and nothing was off with them. And eventually the two of them started dating and living together. and they’re so in love with each other and i try and do a good job of making everyhing all cute and and some shade of wholesome. yeah, i’ve got some drawing as references to them on here.
let me move onto like my danganronpa oc, i’ve got this main one i’ve got fleash out but never done anything with. The Ultimate seamstress, she basically make all her own clothes and such. her name is Naomi Maki. And basically she started making clothes basically out of a sort of jealousy, cause she has i’m not sure if it was a twin sister or an younger sister that kept having growth spurts causing their parents to spend more money and attention on her sister than her. So in a childish, but also sad, way thought that hey, if i make some new clothes for her out of her old clothes, than our parents don’t have to buy her new clothes and they can start paying attention to me again. it was of course terrible, but her sister was basically enamored with her so she loved it. and that basically what set her down the path of being the ultimate seamstress. of course her talent isn’t limited to just sewing clothe together, she can knit, crochet, and do embroidery. She usually wears a sweatshirt dress. but underneath it is a tank top and short. She wears glasses as well.
and now my homestuck ones. all fantrolls. And i’ve basically got all the ones i’ve got fleashed out a bit, enough to even talk about, in a fansession i’m currently writing, so you can find out mroe about all of them by reading that. and i’ve also talked about them quite a bit already on here so i can go in a bit less detail about them all.so first is talbot, he is my tired son with a poor concept of self care due to her horendious sleeping habbits he’s an olive knight of void and has a crow lususi have caecam, she is my more free daughter, a teal witch of rage, with a bat lusus. she’s blind, but gets by with text to speach and echolocation. she’s really hard to descrine cause i actually don’t know what she’s about really either, she’s just really fleashed out and i get in this mind space for her.i’ve got algaea, my jade maid of blood. she’s somehow a functional disaster of a gay. she does martial arts cause she originated from a dnd 5e homestuck homebrew., so i just kept that in as a part of her whole character. she has also picked up several different hobbies and such cause she has overheard cute girls how pretty they think girls who do those sort of thing are.also somehow i’ve ended up shipping all three of them together paleways, in a threeways moirialship.
now i’ve also got athoos and paagal two halves of the same troll, but really, they’re not just halves, they’re two full trolls that just happen to inhabit the same body and used to be the same troll, but shhh… i haven’t really revieled that in the fansession yet, i’m getting to that. ones a bronze female heir of heart and the other is a nb page of mind.
i have ocyete whom i created recently for my fansession, is a nb purple seer of time, otaku whom just enjoys liing life slowly. and just always have a good idea of what is going on and what will happened.avsati, indigo prince of space who is all about the details of stuff. and can get a bit too wrapped up in it all. and yeah he can be a bit much, he he usually means wellfinally althaf, a curelean rouge of life that loves excerising and such. and while is he is a bit of a hot head and such. he never stays angry or mad long when he loese his temper, and always sincerely appologizes for his rude behavior
and that’s really all of my big major ocs that i can think of right now. and i spent like an hour on this wow
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youxidol · 7 years
waking up next to your best friend after a drunk one night stand can’t be good… right?
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★would get really nervous when he sees you next to him  
★his top two priorities were that you use protection  
★and that you were okay  
★when you finally woke up and offered him a sleepy smile he’d melt  
★’you look comfy’
★’i am’
★’you’re okay?’
★’yeah. are you?’
★’i feel much better now i know you’re not going to scream at me and run away’
★you’d lay in silence for a while
★until he rolls over to face you
★’what now?’
★’we go get breakfast and then you ask me on a date?’
★’you wanna go on a date with me?’
★’since when?’
★’a while’
★’it took us having drunk sex to admut you have a crush on me?’
★’not at all’ 
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★when he wakes up to see you getting dressed he’ll get really offended 
★'you were about to leave’
★’well yeah?’ 
★’that’s rude’ 
★’it’s what happens after sleeping with somebody when you’re drunk’
★’get back in bed’
★’because i wanna cuddle more with you’
★’that’s not how it goes in movies’
★’don’t make me drag you, Y/N’
★he’d wrap himself around you 
★and probably go back to sleep with you
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★joshua would stare at you while he waited for you to wake up
★when you finally id he’d offer your a shy smile  
★’you okay?’ 
★’shouldn’t i be he one asking that question?’
★he’d wrap you in his arms and bury his face in your neck 
★’i’m perfect’ 
★he’d press his lips over the skin of your neck
★and collarbones
★’i’m going to go run the bath. wanna join?’
★’do you have that strawberry soap?’
★’that’s my favourite’
★you’d share a bath together
★then go get something to eat
★if you wanted to start a relationship or never speak of the night again he’d be happy either way
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★would be really shy around you
★you’d be cooking breakfast for the two of you
★and you’d notice him staring at you from behind the door and laugh 
★’you want some eggs?’ 
★he’d just stare at you in this trance
★’earth to jun’ 
★waving in his face finally gets him out
★’do you want some eggs for breakfast?’
★’oh, yeah. eggs are good’
★he’d go back to staring at you when you sat down to eat
★’are you okay?’
★’you look beautiful’
★your blush would trigger his
★’can we do it again one day?’
★’i think that would be good’
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★he’d wake up before you 
★and watch you for a few moments
★when he realised it’s the afternoon he’d get up to run the bath for you 
★he’d gently shake you awake 
★’the bath is waiting for you’ 
★‘you’re the best’
★’i know’
★he’d walk with you and held you into the water
★when he turns to leave you grab his arm
★making him blush
★’stay with me’
★’i was going to make breakfast’
★he’d sit next to the tub and watch you 
★heart eyes for days
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★is really quiet 
★won’t say anything until he sees you get up off the bed
★’do you want to get breakfast with me?’ 
★he’d become shy when you turn to face him 
★’i was just gonna grab a snack bar on the way to work’
★ ‘you’re working today?’
★‘call in sick’
★’so i can treat you well today’
★you’d head outto eat
★and spend the day in a park talking things out
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★jihoon would have you wrapped up in the tightest hug known to man
★so you’d just have to lay there and wait for him to wake up 
★when he does his cheeks will be red  
★and he’ll be really giggly 
★’why’re you laughing?’
★’i’m nervous’
★’because you’re glowing and i’m probably a mess’
★’you look good’
★’you look better’
★kisses for hours
★probably leads to another round
★will probably write a song about this whole thing
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★he’d flip out to wake up and not see you laid next to him 
★the worse would through his mind 
★so he got his phone to call you 
★and sees your text telling him you had somethign to do 
★he’d send one back telling you to not make dinner for yourself
★when you’re relaxing later on in the evening he’d show up on your door
★with flowers
★and your favourite food
★’special delivery’
★’you’re too cute’
★you’d share a meal together
★then watch a film
★and sleep in eachother’s arms
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★he’d be another one that just stares at you until you wake up 
★when you do he’ll smile and press his lips to yours 
★’good morning,” 
★’last night was fun...’
★when you gave him a smile in reply he pulled you close to him
★’i hope we can have many more nights like that’ 
★’you want that?’
★’me too’
★’i’ll have to up my breakfast skills’
★he’d laugh and rub his hands over your your back
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★blushy baby 
★seeing you sleep against him just fills him with warmth
★he’ll pay with your hair until you wake up 
★he’d hesitate to say something just in case you were mad 
★but when he saw your sleepy smile
★he’d melt
★and cuddle you as close as possible
★’you’re very clingy’
���’i have a right to be. don’t like it?’
★’i like it’
★nuzzles into your hair and stays there
★until your tummies demanding food makes you get up to eat
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★he’d be in awe 
★he got to spend a night with you  
★and now you’re still curled into him 
★and you’re glowing 
★making you even more beautiful
★he’ll hold you to him while you woke up
★then move in case you wanted to be on your own
★’don’t go, you’re comfy’
★he’d move back to you, returning his arms around you
★’i hope i was good enough for you last night’
★’i think you were...’
★’it’s blurry for me’
★’i remember you kissing me... it was nice...’
★’you’re nice to kiss’
★’maybe you should kiss me more’
★’an offer i can’t pass up’
★he’d wink before pressing his lips all over your skin 
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★heart eyes @ you  
★softest squish alive
★'good morning prince/princess’
★he’d move the blanket to make sure you were covered 
★he would give a shit about your morning breath and just go all in
★tangles his fingers in your hair
★so many compliments
★’you look so beautiful right now’
★’your skin looks so good’ 
★’i want to spend today kissing you’
★l a z y s e x a h e a d   
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★takes him a while to realise what’s going on 
★he sleepily rolled over to get comfy and go back to sleep 
★but he saw you sleeping next to him and ??? 
★he saw you naked and moved the blanket over you 
★’you’re awake’
★’have been for a while’
★’are you okay?’
★’i don’t know’
★’i’m sorry’
★’it’s not your fault i can’t remember’ 
★’you want to remember?’
★’how often do i get to have sex with my crush?’
★’i’m your crush?’
★’very often if you want’
★he’d pull you so your back was pressed to his chest
★’let’s explore together’
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squky · 7 years
Mystic Messenger Another Story ー Day 4 Phone Call Choices
Note: Due to the HG cost of outgoing calls to Ray and V, and of loading your game, I am only going to go through one call tree for Ray+V and incoming calls per playthrough of the day. My choices will be marked with a  ✔ incase the conversation choices branches when you make your answer decisions.  
Jumin, Incoming call, Day 4, after 12:16 I always sleep late ~  ✔ Apology accepted since it's you...  ✔ I use a scientific mattress.  ✔ I sleep on the floor. Nice, sturdy floor.  ✔ Jade mat. Looks like that's how you're programmed.  ✔ You're such a regular person.  ✔ Maybe you'll remember after you get some rest. You'd like to see V, perhaps?  ✔ That's sometimes happens. It's not something rare.  ✔
707, Outgoing call, Day 4, after 12:16am Huff ~ Huff ~ ...Seven? Beep ~ beep ~ beep ~ Seven, I'm scared. Ghost stories! I love them! Same here! Kyaaaaaa!! And then...? What? Come on, say it! But I don't think that's somethign easy to mistake for ... Or maybe that thign was already in the seat right next to you... Don't you think you were mistaken? What? I don't want to hear it! Kya! Dust Kya! I'm scared! What...? That's so lame. Seven, can't you stay with me for the night?
Yoosung, Outgoing call, after 12:16am, Day 4 Yoosung? I wanna break into your base... That's what I call addiction to game. I wish you would focus on me like that. Try orchestrating me... I'm sure you'll do great when you get used it it. I thought you were going to take a break...? Run, warrior! Run out there! Fight! Win! Crush'em!! Go fight the forces of evil, Price Yoosung!
Ray, Outgoing call, after 12:16am, Day 4 What are you doing at this hour?  ✔ I mostly think about my menu tomorrow. Mostly I think about myself. Mostly I think about you.  ✔ Of course.  ✔ I'm not sure. I perfer the AIs. Yes, I can fel how you feel more than enough. Easier said than done. Ok, then let's start with the stripping first.  ✔
V, outgoing call, Day 4, after 12:16am Are you hitting on me right now?  ✔ I like talking to you, too. You're so sweet and inncocent, V! Maybe the one for him was someone else. What does it mean?  ✔ I think you're going too far with that... It's beautiful.  ✔ Now let me see your love.  ✔  (y’all, don’t answer with the one. It sucks) I'm sure she already knows. Could you please stop talking about another woman?
Zen, Incoming call, after 2:34am, Day 4 Couldn't you care a little more about the cat?  ✔ I think Seven is a naughty kid.  ✔ Someday you will find a role made just for you.  ✔ Don't you think your expectations are too high?  ✔ 
I'm sure you'll get a chance soon.  ✔  Why don't you write scripts yourself?  ✔          1.What about the story on the RFA members?  ✔         2. Not really.
Would you like help with that?  ✔  I'd like to be your lady on the stage, Zen.  ✔ 
Jumin, Outgoing call, after 2:34am, Day 4
Jumin, why are you staying up late at this hour? Hehe, were you waiting for me? I can't imagine what kind of pain you were during an interview... No wonder it's tricky. It's a final interview. If I make it to the recruitment, can I marry you? I think I will someday reach my goals if I work hard without giving up. I think luck is important. I don't know. I don't have a goal. I don't know. Swing by your place, maybe? My day starts now. I'm going to bed now.
Jaehee, Outgoing call, after 8:15am, Day 4
Who's Chairman Han? Jaehee, It's me... [your MC's name here]... I'd like to know what an assistant does! You're so professional! You rock! What is their preferences are completely different? How about a snack bar on the road? That's no fun. I wanna be like you! Whoa... That must be such a toll...
Zen, Outgoing call, after 8:15am, Day 4 Good morning to you too, Zen~ How did you do last night, O Zen the Gorgeous? Um... You didn't just get your Internet, did you? I don't  use them a lot, either. I'll show the entire world who my man is. I don't really show it. What about you, Zen? Special delivery you you ~ ! I wanna see those sex fibers composing your back. I'd hate to hang up... Good luck!
Ray, Outgoing call, after 8:15am, Day 4   (This phonecall was blah-ish) Good morning ~ I feel good hearing you so early..  ✔ Attention... I need attention. What are you doing now, Ray?  ✔ Do you have a cheat? So far so good. Hey, could you give me a tip on this?  ✔ You sound so confident.  ✔ Thanks for the tip. I'm going to do whatever I want. I'll keep that in mind. Let's go somewhere with me after I'm done wit this game.  ✔
Jaehee, Incoming call, after 10:22am, Day 4 Why would you ask me that? You mean he's not at his work right now?  ✔ Why won't he pick up? You should do the same to him. It must be tough for you, Jaehee.  ✔ That's what work is like. Think about Zen and fins peace. I'll be your bamboo forest.  ✔          1. Jaehee, you gotta do better than that!  ✔          2. So Jumin likes stripes! 
Jumin, Outgoing call, after 10:22am, Day 4 You can look forward to it. Not at all. I'm not sure. I'll do the best I can. Party is all you think about, Jumin. I want to be reborn as V in my next life. Maybe V is working really really hard. Jumin, you're very fond of V. I'll replace V and stay with you. You're a good friend, Jumin. You can leave V with a cutie - me!
Yoosung, outgoing call, after 10:22am, Day 4 Yep. How do you feel? I'd more than like to stalk you. Are you off to class? You said you're off to class. Yoosung... Your memories are failing you already...? Why don't you take a gap year and play nonstop? You souldn't play too much. I think you need a lesson, Yoosung.
Jaehee, outgoing call, after 12:00pm, Day 4 Wow - it's Jaehee! Working hard today as well? A girl only cries three times in her life. I cry every day. You scolded her because she cleaned your desk? Why didn't you cry together? She shouldn't have done that. You have so much work to do, Jaehee. Bad Mr. Han!
V, outgoing call, after 12:00pm, Day 4 How are you doing, V? Are you having your meals?  ✔ Well... Sort of. I'm doing great!  ✔ No. Yes, a lot.  ✔ I like Mr. Han! I like Zen! I like Jaehee and Yoosung! I like God7! You are my favorite!  ✔ 1. I was saying that I like you as a person. Don't get me wrong.  ✔ 2. A goal is meant to be achieved. I'll take care of this. Let's get married first, V. I feel so safe thanks to you.  ✔
Yoosung, Incoming call, after 2:41pm, Day 4 Didn't you just say you're off to class?  ✔ Then you should just skip! That's a good professor. Don't you think he's neglecting his students too much?  ✔ Jaehee. Seven. V.  ✔ Zen. Jumin.
V, Incoming call, after 5:36pm, Day 4 Yes, of course.  ✔ No, I'm busy. V! I love you! V! You're stupid!  ✔ Yes, I can! Yes, I can year you!!!  ✔ I'm not deaf ~ Please take care of him.  ✔ You can keep talking to me, can't you? You should take this opportunity to get a new phone. Intelligence team...?  ✔ No, not really.
707, Outgoing call, after 5:36pm, Day 4 Seven? Please don't cry. Let's talk things out slowly. Seven...? What are you talking about?
707, Incoming call, after 6:42pm, Day 4 Not yet ~  ✔ I did. What about you. Why do you sound like that? Ice cream is for kids. I like soft ice cream. The one you get on a cone. I like to chew on my popsicle.  ✔ Nobody asked you to tell me that. Who did you share it with? Next time, share it with me!  ✔
Jumin, outgoing call, after 6:42pm, Day 4 Yo, it's me. Jumin, what are you up to? Yes, of course. No. I guess you gotta make strit preparations with the interview. Oh... Are you gonna show them what you're made of? That's so cool. What did you talk about?
V, Outgoing call, after 6:42pm, Day 4 V, what are you doing? Have a nice chat with me, if it's okay with you.  ✔ I'm about to plan what midnight snack I'll have tonight.  ✔ I'm talking to you. V, what is love to you? V, what is a sexy guy to you?*   ✔ V, what am I to you? V, what is friendship to you? V, what kid of person are you? Do you have some kind of fetish with questions?  ✔ I'll ask you later when I have a question ~
* (I was laughing SO FREKIN HARD when I picked this answer!!)
Ray, Outgoing call, after 6:42pm, Day 4 I merely wanted to make a call. Nothing more...! You don't need to tell me.  ✔ These AIs have lots of problems. They're more fun than I thought.  ✔ I need something better than this. I'll look forward to it.  ✔ So what is this something that might be completely different?
707, Outgoing call, after 8:10pm, Day 4 (THIS IS MY FAVORITE PHONECALL OF THE ROUTE!!)(Spoil at your own risk) But it's not my birthday. Seven, are you okay...? I'd like to have you as my birthday gift. What does methal health have to do with a delicacy...? You can't leave me out when you're eating. Mint!  Chocolate. Wasabi desune. A sexy flavor.* Strawberry or vanilla.**
A human brain needs sugar! You should learn other ways to use ice cream.          1. You can ask your girlfriend later on.***          2. I can't say anymore. For the sake of underage players. I'll keep that in mind if I'm on a diet. (2nd best answer)
* (I fucking LOST IT when i read this answer!! As well as lost it through Seven answering my answer) ** (He sounds so ENTHUSIASTIC when answering this answer. Oh god, my heart...~) ***   (fucking LOST IT AGAIN while reading this answer. I literally had to stop and BREATHE for a minute before I could start typing these choices out.)
Jaehee, Outgoing call, after 8:10pm, Day 4 Jaehee! I need your help!         1.Hehe, just kidding!         2.I'm so hungry... No, I'm just calling. Are you interested in V? Jumin is the real leader. I'd like you to please not poke your nose. Yes, I will.
Ray, Incoming call, after 9:53pm, Day 4 And what are we doing? I was playing.  ✔ I miss you, too.  ✔ You're listening to an automated speaker, Please leave your message after the beep. Beep. What is it?  ✔ I don't care about the taste. Anything's good as long as it's food. I'm good with bitter stuff! I can drink coffe without sugar! Sweet is the best. Best are the desserts!  ✔ But Ray, is your headache better?  ✔ Thanks for the call.
Zen, outgoing call, after 9:53pm, Day 4 I seek your teachings, o master! Aww, I wonder what made you excited again...! I did hear that you were a genius actor. You're happy you got a compliment from a kid? He's so cute! Can you call me cute, too? I'm always rooting for you.
Yoosung, outgoing call after 9:53pm, Day 4 When are you going to bed? Yoosung, you're playing games, right? It's fine as long as your don't play too hard. No player in the world can match me at games. Nah. I don't like the fanatics ~ Do you like it that much? What are your, some believer in LOLOL-ism? Give it a try. What about your studies...?
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strawberriestyles · 7 years
A night to never forget
(it’s the first thing I worte so i’m soryr if I’m making you read somethign terrible. thank you for taking the time)
I was very nervous, I never thought I would make it this far in the competition. Let alone that I would get to sing with one of my Idols. Yet nothing turned out as amazing as I expected it to be. Rehearsal had started twenty minutes ago, and let me tell you. It is quite hard to sing a duet when your duet partner isn’t here.
You heard me right, Harry Styles hasn’t shown up, no one can reach him and I’m slowly starting to loose myself. Has this ever happened before? Will I have to perform on my own tonight? He out of all people should understand how important this was for somebody like me.
People rushing around, nobody really paying attention to one another. I decided to sit myself down on one of the so not comfortable plastic chairs they had placed down on the stage. We each got an hour rehearsal on the stage, we had already used up twenty minutes without actually doing anything.
At last I saw the famous chopped off curls walk into the venue with two people beside him, he seemed absent, not really listening to what they were saying. No I didn’t know him personally but I was pretty good at reading people.
Once he finally made it on the stage I stood up and smiled walking over to greet him, he gave me nothing more than a side eye which made me feel very unwanted. I couldn’t believe this was the Harry Styles I had dreamed about meeting, dreamed about touching, breathing in his scent (he smelled amazing just in case you wanted to know).
“My name’s y/n, I’m very honoured that you want to sing with me, I can’t express how thankful I am for this opportunity…” he cut me, he rudely cut me off as I spoke to him “yea yea you’re a big fan bla bla, let’s just get to singing yea? I’m sure we can sing this song two time through and that should be enough” he told me. I nodded slightly taking back and looked around as the music started. We did exactly what he wanted, sung it two time through, we sounded ok together but I personally think that if we had sung it a bit more we could have perfected it.
Harry left immediately after the second go through had ended, going to the room they had assigned to him. He knew the way he acted was shitty and not who he was but today had started off terribly and he couldn’t get his mind of off it. A morning interview had gotten way to personal, he hated the fact that people kept trying to invade his privacy and it had just gotten all too much this morning and he had lashed out.
Looking at himself in the mirror he didn’t recognize himself, he looked mean, a scowl set on his face, his hair not perfect like it normally is. He knew what he needed, Harry took out his phone and called his mother, she would be able to calm him down, make him realize that one bad moment didn’t define him.
That’s exactly what Anne did, She also made him realize how much of a child he had been in rehearsal, this girl was a fan and he had just put her in her spot and ignored her further. After his talk with his mother he walked out of the room down the endless hallways with endless names on doors. What was her name again? She had told him right? He scratched his mind trying to remember her name with no success. That’s until he saw the name y/n on a card left to a white door.
A knock was heard, it wasn’t loud and I had almost missed it. I wasn’t used to people knocking on my door, the hallways were usually pretty quiet a few hours before the recording of the show started. Opening the door I was surprised to see the man that had ignored me just an hour earlier, yet he looked different. A hand went up scratching the back of his neck as he looked at me, giving me a half smile “uhm… hi, I just.. I felt like I needed to apologize for earlier. I was being a real arse during that rehearsal while this is such an important thing for you.. Could I… come in?” smiling softly I opened the door more letting him walk into the small room I had called mine for the past few weeks. Harry walking inside before turning on his heels looking straight at me “We still have an hour or two right? Those mics and big stages are going to do you no good. To sound perfect we need to harmonize together, acapella” he turned his half smile into a big goofy one, he was making it up to me I think. I didn’t mind. Again I nodded before Harry took my hand and dragged me to the couch.
I didn’t make it that night, was voted out. I can’t say I minded though. I got to sing with the man I adored and during our private session he thought me a lot about my voice. He also promised me to take me out for coffee if I didn’t win so when I laid down in bed that evening and heard my phone beep seeing his name appear on the screen… I must say a little squeal escaped my mouth “coffee tomorrow at two? I’ll pick you up xx H”
Awwwww this was cute!! MeAn Harry. :(( Keep on writing, love!! Xx
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photonconductor · 7 years
i dont have an ao3 but shout out to my homeboys
once upon there was a gay on th e moon bc of a really lovng alternate au idea where elc turened BAD and klaus had a 1000 year nap and it'd take too long to fucking explain this so just roll with it ok. this gay--its elcrest btw hes also a Bad Boy now; he rly likes hot topic and thinks those t shirts with sarcastic sayings are actually rly funny but we all know they aren't--was feleing emo bc he couldn't see his bf xen o bc he betrayed him. so he stayed in his room whining abt how fgay he was until eve showed up
"hey whats wrong elc mother is here for u" even tho shes like 5000 years old and looks like shes 2 and also a rock (but im not rockist guys i promise). elc looked at her with his optics shining in the pale argentate light. good thing hes the seme here bc otherwise he'd start crying. in reality he rly wanted to fucking bone xeno bc obviously they had a lot of gay sex b4 they tried to kkill his mom once nad staring at rocks all day kinda sucks.
a;so burnign alive but hes kind of over that phase.
"im sad my bf left me for 1000 years can i pls go back to earth my raging hard on can't be satisfied bc rocks. my dicks not a jack hammer even tho im jacking it all the time (thats what guys do right bitch i dont know)" eve was so offended she put her hands on her giant rock self thats not just herself. its rly fucking complicated shut up u came here for the gay sex not instructibles on how physical forms manifest.
"we dont say ROCKS in this household young man!!!!"
"BUT MOOOMMMMM sorry i forgot to turn off my seme voice lemme adjust my mic it happens when my dick is hard" elcrest coughed twice "ok sounds good, BUT MOM I RLY NEED TO NUT. YOU KNOW NUT I'M SAYING... ITS ALL OR NUTTING BUT MOSTLY NUTTING IN XENO'S SWEET HOT BUNS"
"stop talking abt nuts u disgusting boy fine, god, if u leave me alone u gaylord"
and then eve punched him so hard in the dick that elcrest landed on earth in a giatn crater. how hes still alive is bc he still had some continues left like in mario even though this is a srpg game. once elc recovered he struck a pose and laughed evilly while twirling his mustache.
"finally...... I have RETURNED for xeno's hot man breasts! the world cannot stop me now!!" he cackly cackkled and quickly ripped off the fake mustache he put on just for this one scene. then elc went on a quest to find where klaus was and bc the author is too lazy to write any tansitional scenes.
elc found him chilling in his bed reading a book that was called Sweets and You: Do sweets make u inherantly Gay? elcrest made the PFFT noise. ofc they make u gay, fuckiing idiot book. he could write better than that author. in fact, elcrest was gonna do that when he got home bc obviously if this trash is published any shit elc wrote would be good.
NO! he had to focus! but he couldnt stop staring at xenos man boobs and felt his dick get hard again. elc got a nose bleed too bc thats what happens in anime right. i played persona 4 i know what im about
"damn u xeno." elc said thru his nosebleed and klaus looked up bc the author cant fucking rmemeber who is klaus and who is xeno and was surprised i remmebred his name but could not remember remember the 5th of novemember
"XENO IT IS I" since h e was caught red handed he just kickflipped through the window anyway. he did a sick flip then stood in the middle of klauses room. klaus made a gay gaspp
"alto! what are u doing hre!?" klaus said, bc in this AU that was his codename. elc wanted to be currently doing that but eve said no. fuck his mom. except please dont bc i know you sick fucks are thinking abt it.
"I HAVE COME TO BRING YOU BACK TO THE GAY SIDE, XENO WE HAVE COOKIES. bc i really miss that bammin slammin bootilicious sex we used 2 have and you are in fact bammin slammin bootilicious. also have u heard the word and gospel of our savior mother" elc said gayly
"dude no please stop preaching in my house im a changed man now" xeno pirouetted out of bed
"cmon man im ur seme u cant refuse we made like a yaoi blood oath u cant go back on ur word" elc pushed him back on thebed bc he'd have his ass yet anyway so no real use getting up. bc what is consent anyway hes Bad
"o shit really huh" klaus paused in thougt and bad elc laughed evilly. his plan was working!! all he had 2 do was the final touches! i mean besides touching xenos dick or whatever we're not yet. sorry u have to suffer for ten more paragraphs for sweat boy on boy. elc then turned around an produced a kitty keyboard from the recesses of his coat tails. xeno made the :O face and elc sat down bc playing while standing rly fuckin g sucks
"i wrote this for u on the moon so you'll be hypnotized by my sick beats" then he pulled the mic out of the keyboard and made a sick beatbox noise. No i dont know what the fuck it sounds like just google it. klaus blushued and made another gay gasp and elc made the >:3 face
then be started to play the piano keyboard. he was playing cruel angel thesis, their theme song that they had decided at 1am while xeno was drunk af.  it was their theme song despite none of them speaking fucking japanese but they just felt it in their SOULS. it was rly gay. elc was going so fucking hARD that his hard on was getting 40 hard ons. and thats four tens the hard ons. and its rad.
except the ebst part was it was all in meows so it spoke 2 klaus' furry soul.
klaus nyaed softly in surprise and suddenly all his memories of being xneo were restored!!! he gave into the desire that he craved in his soul and opened his big man arms bc for some reaon everyone thinks dudes are thirsty af. dont ask me why
"elc1!1 pls take me!! but be gentle my ass hasnt been ravaged in 1000 years (sick reference to hilda and altos magical wedding night by sorunort like, comment, subscribe for more sick referneces like this one)" xeno mewled like afucking furry and elc nodded once. xeno walked up to elc an touched his man boob sensually even tho xeno is like 60 feet taller than elc just imagine it ok
elc now has sunglasses just bc i think its a funny image
"xeno...... lets do it" elc said softly
"o h elc senpai......." xeno meowed
"and i'll keep my sunglasses on bc i hate the sun #moonlifeforever" and xeno gayzed into his emotion shields sensuallyier. then elc kissed him passionately and their tongues battled for dominance but we all know klaus is a fucking bottom bitch as stated in hilda and altos magical wedding night by sorunort paragraph 17 and 18 bc it was a dialogue.
then elc ripped off his clothes bc hes fucking JACKED and jACKED OFF and xeno gay gasped forlike the third time in this fic. elc was fuckign shredded. legends told of his abs but this time it was real. almost like the fact that shaved ice flavors dont actually exists the syrup is just food coloring.  his dong dangled in the breeze and xeno was turned tf on so he took off his clothes too bc hes not a god damn animal god whats wrong with u elc.
except elc didnt take off the sunglasses like he promised so those were still on dont worry readers i got you covered.
"get on ur knees dude and give me a wet willy but like on my dick" elc demanded
"wtf no"
"dude u cant say no its a smutfic"
"ok yeah i guess i kinda do like sucking dick or somethign"
"PREPARE TO EAT YOUR LAST DICK, XENO" elc cackcled and then xeno succed his dick like no tomorrow. elc practically creamed right there bc he couldnt get his rocks off on the moon for 1000 years (hahaha no im not gonna stop makign rock jokes). also xeno has no gagreflex bc he succed dick like a thousand times. once that was over elc just punched his dick in xenos hot cross buns and xeno meowed again
"why are u still a furry after 1000 years" elc asked but continued to Ravage The Promised Ass
"do u nyat like it erucu-kun???" xeno purred and elc shook his head
"no ur still banging its ok"
NUT THEN (i wanted to write but but i typoed and decided to keep it its funnier this way) xenos ass started 2 glow with a new holy light
"WHAT tHE FUCK" elc yelled
"my ass was actually the only way we could turn u good again! the more u fuck me the gooder u are!" and elc gasped gayily! no! his plan was working against him! he could alredy feel the goodness (haha get it bc fucking is hot i guess) turning him good! he had 2 pull out but found he couldnt. xeno was just too bammin slammin bootlicious
"HOW DARE YOU TRICK, I, ELCREST THE CONDICKTOR" he roared and xeno was tuned on again bc roaring is prolly a furry thign im not a furry im sorry
"it was for ur own good elc bc i love you!" xeno dokied so hard there were shoujo sparkles and even elc got shoujo sparkles. his azure optics glew like stella glow and u could almost see constellations in them. except there were sunglasses so u couldnt actually see it but the reader can. xneo was right. he was his tru  love..... not the Mother..... his mom was lame anyway all she did was talk to rocks
"xeno.............." elc said wiwstfully before bangin xeno harder. their bangin was so intense everyone could hear it in the kngihts barraks. it was so loud that even ana in her coma woke up for like a second to be like The Gays are At It Again. soon enough the banging was sucessful. elc glew in a beautiful magical girl ligtht and he was become good again. xeno shed a single tear but licked it away
"im cured! xeno ur ass did it! plus that was hot" elc smiled and im pretty sure xeno cried bc look at that man. hes so beautiful. please take the $2 from my purse. they embraced in a gay way. it was cute and xeno did a thumbs up and ana's face appeared at 20% opacity in the bg and she was also winking
"elc i am so glad u are back and i love u" then they made out. for a rly long time too bc theyre so fucking GAY good lord how could stella glow keep this under wraps. then they decidd they had to punch eve in the rock bc she was a dickw hile elc was being emo and stuff. BUT FIRST, xeno got porked lke 80 more times b4 then bc 1000 years does a lot do u.
the end remember to like, comment, subscribe for more fics like this one, seeya
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frop · 7 years
do all of them you mother fucker
not Once but Twice u have done this to m 
Star Platinum – Your thoughts on the stars? i always did like then when i was younger but now they just make me think of jojo so now i especially like them 
Magician’s Red – Do you know any magic tricks? no but im gonna say what u said and i can bend my fingers waay way farther than most people
Hermit Purple – Show a photo of yourself! I HAVENT taken a selfie in forever i’ll do one later 
Silver Chariot (Requiem) – How much sleep do you need on average? i would love a good 10+ but i only get that much on saturday now boo but on average its like 6-7 
The Fool – Tell us a joke! Is your refrigerator running? Because i’m gonna suck your dick
The World -  A place you want to visit? canada like you would not believe 
Crazy Diamond – What do you treasure the most? hmmmmmmm my friendships with my friends 
The Hand – Do you like your hands? nnnot particularly bc i spent a good portion of my life and still do sometimes where i bit my nails til they bleed so they dont look as nice as i’d like them to be when they grow out 
Echoes – Your favourite sound? The world’s time stop sound, but not jotaro’s version, dio’s specifically
Heaven’s Door – Share a secret! my parents’ divorce has made me scared for the future of my own relationships to the point where i can see myself not ever wanting to be in a relationship ever again bc it would be easier than my partner getting tired of me or hating me. on top of the fact that i’m almost exactly like my father and my mom’s ex fiance in every single emotional department which is what caused their divorce/breakup respectively in the first place and that leads me to believe that in the long run i am Romantically  Unlovable 
Killer Queen – How would you like to die? preferably quick and painless 
Bad Company – What kind of character trades do you dislike? any character that is like ‘waahh wah no one understands me bc i enjoy [’highly advanced’ niche series/book/etc] and they all read [popular series/book/etc] like whatever the fuck his name was in aku no hana, it got so obnoxious i had to drop it lmao 
Red Hot Chili Pepper – Can you handle spicy food? cat’s out of the bag guys im actually a Fake Mexican bc i only like mild stuff and hot chips 
The Lock – Anything you feel guilty about right now? ya but thats for another day 
Love Deluxe – Are you secretly in love with someone right now? its absolutely no secret that i am in love with jonathan joestar 
Pearl Jam – Your signature dish? i can make some mean ass rice apparently 
Achtung Baby – Do you want kids? nnnope no thanks never ever i have my cat and thats enough for me 
Harvest – Do you pick up coins in from the street? no bc u dont know where thats been and money is super dirty already 
Cinderella – Which part of your body do you like the most? dang, i guess my thighs? but lately i’ve been a lot easier on myself abt my stomach and how soft it is 
Atom Heart Father – How is your relationship with your father? pretty good bc we’re really alike in temperament too but sometimes it gets pretty awkward bc he can never see me as anything but his little baby daughter who Never Grows Up
Enigma – What is puzzling you currently? when is davidpro gonna drop the part 5 teaser 
Earth Wind and Fire – What’s the best classical element? i personally have always liked fire 
Stray Cat – Cats or dogs? i love both but man im more suited for cats 
Gold Experience – A precious experience you have not shared with your followers? oh man over this summer my dad his gf and me and my sis when on a trip to her dad’s place in this really small town that was like 3 hours away from our city and it was so nice and quiet and peaceful and i felt so clean and happy there, we were only there for a couple days but ever since i’ve really been wanting to go back
Sticky Fingers – Zippers or buttons? zippers are so much faster but they get caught sometimes so Really, pros and cons of each 
Moody Blues – A song that makes you sad? OOO man i was gonna say epitaph bc Of Course but as i was writing this down melancholy man by moody blues came up on this playlist and now im thinkin abt abba and crying 
Sex Pistols – Have you ever shot a gun or riffle? no im tiny and a weenie and i would probably die from the recoil
Aerosmith – Are you afraid of flights? ive never been on one but i am scared of heights so i cant imagine thats any better 
Purple Haze – What makes you really angry? it used to be not being listened to but now i just let it happen bc Why bother but now its more whenever my mom makes a big deal out of simple mistakes of waiters/waitresses or when shes being obviously racist 
Spice Girl – Your favourite spice? idk what its called but theres this one i like to put on fruit before i eat it to make it Spicy 
King Crimson – Is it possible to predict the future? man idk my mom says yea but who knows 
Black Sabbath – How easily do you trust people? like stupidly easy 
Man in the Mirror – Do you like looking into the mirror? nope lol im ugl. ALSO bc i have a bigger than average fear of reflective stuff in general bc what if i see somethign behind me u kno,,,, 
Beach Boy – Have you ever been fishing? nope! the one time my dad went that i knew abt i was in mexico 
The Grateful Dead – What do you want to be remembered for? honestly, anything else that being the ‘way too nice one’ or the doormat 
White Album – Your favourite CD? aaaaa i dont have one i dont really listen to albums 
Talking Head – Are you a good liar? i guess ? i can keep a pretty straight face but its harder to lie to someone i actually know really well bc they can probably tell what my tics are 
Baby Face – Your thought on babies? theyre cute but i would greatly prefer to never have any 
Metallica – Do you like listening to metal? yea
Green Day – Ideal way to spend a day off? sleep, Sleep, stream with friends and lay in bed
Oasis – Best place for a holiday? hhhhh anyplace that relaxes u tbh 
Stone Free – Are you a indoor or outdoor person? i n d o o r i dont like bugs 
Kiss – Who would you like to kiss or get a kiss from? jonathan joest
Burning Down the House – Ever destroyed something and then regretted it? nah, once again im a weenie and im too worried abt consequences to ever do smth like that
Foo Fighters – Your favourite drink? god damn i fucking love raspberry iced tea 
Diverdown – Your thoughts on diving? the ocean fills me with the fear of god. no thanks 
C-Moon – What would you do for your friend’s sake? put myself in bodly harm 
MadeinHeaven – What do you believe happens after you died? nothing tbh you just end up in a grave or urn or wherever u wanted to be put 
Weather Report – Your favourite weather? man i looove love stormy weather 
Whitesnake – Your thoughts on snakes/reptiles? i love them theyre all gorgeous and beautiful
Tusk – Tea or coffee? coffee
Ball Breaker – Your favourite ball game? to play? its basket ball but to watch baseball 
Oh! Lonesome Me – Do you feel lonely right now? no not right now but im sure it’ll happen soon 
Scary Monsters – Your favourite dinosaur? i love velociraptors and also triceratops !!
Cream Starter – Do you usually wear make up? nope and if i do its only ever lipstick
Catch the Rainbow – Your favourite colour in the rainbow? blue and green!! 
Ticket to Ride – What was the last ticket you bought for? i didnt buy it but the last one i had was for the rogue one like. 2 weeks ago
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap – Do you believe in the multiverse? i dont think abt it too often but sure
In a Silent Way – Do you enjoy complete silence? yes!! besides some music, i cant concentrate otherwise 
Soft & Wet – Shower or bath? shower bc its easier but i havent taken a bath in forever 
Paisley Park – How good are you with reading maps/directions? Terrible God Awful
Nut King Call – How good are you at assembling/constructing things like Ikea furniture? hmm it depends if i have the manual for it and if i have time to really think on it and im not in a rush or anything
Paper Moon King – Can you do any origami? nope 
King Nothing – Your favourite smell? i really like the smell of cinnamon 
BornThisWay – A strange habit you have? i crack my fingers all the damn time and i like to take off the little plastic circle off of soda bottles and chew on it 
Les Feulies – Your favourite plant? oh damn hmm i like lavenders 
Fun Fun Fun – Something you really enjoy doing? man. i could watch jojo a million times over and i’d never get bored of it 
California King Bed – What size is your bed? currently i sleep in a queen size bc my mom and sis and i share a bed bc we only had one room in our old apartment but now that we moved im sure i’ll be kicked off into a twin soon enough 
JESUS christ ok its almost midnight i hope ur happy you mother fuckre 
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