#i know its hard out there folks
moss-selfship · 11 months
Take a deep breath
Hey i know life is rough especially right now, i get it. It feels like its all to much and feels like its going to crush you under its weight. The stress, the sadness, the fear and anger. It builds up, i get that, i understand. Take a few moments to step back and breath, Know your FOs are there for you. They care about you and don't want to see you struggling. take some step backs with them, Maybe get off social media for awhile and spend some time with them. Maybe you can go on a walk together? Maybe you all can watch a movie together? maybe you can simply sit together in bed and just lay together in the dark. Don't let the stresses of life tear you apart, let it bounce off you like arrows bounce off armor. Let your FOs be that armor, holding firm and protecting you. Feel free to take a breath, relax and focus on the love and compassion your FOs have for you, Drown the world and all its woes out. Focus on them On their faces, let them be your safe port in the storm of life. just breathe in and breathe out, focus on them, let the worries melt away. Even if only for a little while, i promise its what they want for you
Everyone can reblog this, doesnt matter who. everyone is struggling right now, we need to show kindness to each other and everyone no matter who.
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glitterghost · 9 months
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like there is a particular kind of sadness (or loneliness, if you will) that ace/aro folk feel.
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 8 months
Listen, I've done higher ed and let me tell you, academia is full of nothing but constant criticism and challenges - and not all in good faith
I mean, you have to defend a thesis during your PhD and youre not defending because everyone only has compliments for you - and given Simon's subject of study? I bet his thesis defense was rough
So to me, I find it perfectly in character that Simon finally starts turning his life around when he gets the first bit of constructive criticism. (actual good faith criticism thats not "you were better before")
I feel like a lot of Simon's Ooo life (again 12 years!!! thats half of some of your lives to put in perspective) - all that time was because no one could give Simon the guidance he desperately needed. Finn with his "vault" never faces his grief. And Marceline who could've - Simon never talks to.
Remember when Marcy got a wake up call about how dumb she's acting when Glass Boy started singing about his princess - And Marcy realizes (no spoonfeeding necessary!) that she sounds so immature for pulling that on PB
Simon needed something like that. He's the kind of guy who would see a criticism in good faith and apply it where sensible. I don't think it's out of character for him to use that as a way to move forward - because for once people are telling him how!
here's a hard lesson I learned recently: pointing out where you did something wrong is not automatically you being blamed for that wrong thing happening - i think the key difference is when people blame you, they want you to feel bad - its a punishment, but when theyre pointing it out to help you, then they want you to feel better
and theres really no avoiding making mistakes - sometimes its the only way someone can learn
It's been more than a decade for Simon, we are past "I'm sorry for your loss", we are past giving him space, this man needed an intervention and you know what! interventions are rough! sometimes the greatest kindness that can be done is not letting people be comfortae in their own sorrow! which means helping them will be uncomfortable!! maybe even for all parties involved
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smokeys-house · 4 months
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gophergal · 11 days
the solution to the "are you normal about X people who turn out to be Y" debate is stop fucking assuming things about people
You wanna know what pronouns to use for an individual? Ask them.
As a general rule, don't make jokes about the identity you perceive of someone. Know your audience
How is that hard? Why do we all think ourselves such experts on the lives of other people??????
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
I love that my Apayauq posts are getting traction again! It's always great to see so many of you appreciating transgender people being unapologetically trans in sports.
That being said: Apayauq is on a break from competitive mushing due to the expenses of the sport. I've said this many times, mushing even recreationally is very expensive. You don't make money doing this sport (Apayauq credits her family's polar bear tour business for helping with costs for 2022).
Aside from the average musher's financial struggles, indigenous arctic mushers face inequalities in the very sport that they originated. Lots of this has to do with income and opportunity inequalities that make financing a dog team even more difficult than average. A true shame considering that mushing is a cultural activity. While there are many Alaskan Native organizations fighting for other aspects of equality for their populace, not many focus specifically on dogsledding. Consider supporting the Frank Attla Youth Dog Sled Program (teaching dog care to native children) or if you choose to take a tour in an area where dog sledding is relevant please consider booking that tour with an indigenous musher.
Additionally due to inequalities in medical care it is often more difficult for indigenous transgender people to get the gender affirming care that they need AND transgender Alaskan Natives have been shown to have a startling level of discrimination against them. Consider supporting LGBTQ+ organizations in Alaska such as Choosing our Roots (helps families host LGBTQ+ youth in need), Identity Alaska (youth programs but also has programs about coming out as an elder), and Alaskans Together.
In the meantime I highly suggest supporting Apayauq's other hobbies such as her photography, and polar bear tour business. You can also keep an eye out for her upcoming documentary about Iditarod 2022 in partnership with Zeppelin Zeerip.
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yellowocaballero · 11 months
As a fellow it/its user i am firmly shaking hands with knives. Also this might just be my own bias knowing how rare it is for people to actually use those pronouns for me, but brad and luida referring to knives as such is a subtle but such a meaningful gesture. Like yeah knives is perhaps a little asshole but they still love it.
Oh hey hello! I was worried - I didn't want to be like, "Knives uses it/its because it is inhuman and also a freak, hope that helps". Knives uses it/its because what else do you want him to use - they/them? What are they, a hive of sentient bugs?
I almost did she/hers because plants are referred to as she/hers, Knives is a plant, what's the problem. But plants are referred to as it/its too and I figured that would demonstrate my point a bit better.
It's also kinda part of the bait-and-switch of the first section. Brad is so harsh, and the way he talks about Knives to Wolfwood is pretty dehumanizing, and he is handcuffed to a bed, and him using the 'its' pronouns just make the vibes super weird. Just uncomfortable vibes. But when you actually understand the family a bit better, you see that Brad and Luida talk about Knives this way because they know him better than anybody else does, and they accept him unconditionally and with the full knowledge of who he is and what he's done.
Brad and Luida are from the future, where neopronouns are completely unremarkable. There's nothing weird about it. But everybody else is from the 1800s, and I did want to stay grounded in that, at least to a certain extent. I thought about it as...many prejudices have been forgotten, because the original settlers didn't have them in the first place. But I think what Gunsmoke rejects is non-conformity. Even if what you're conforming to is fucking bizarre. I think stuff like Knives' favorite pronouns would be too different for him to want to use them day to day.
(I am sorry that I didn't use them in the narration, or even when talking about him - spellcheck, uh, hated me enough already. You say "Knives opened its mouth" and spellcheck starts frothing at the mouth at the implications of that sentence. And I knew from experience that it would have ended up ridiculous where the pronouns jumped absolutely everywhere. I'd have wanted to practice with shorter stories first. As it stands in the story, Knives uses he/him day to day and it's not uncomfortable for him, so that's how his narration goes.)
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turtletoria · 1 year
im a little embarrassed to post this bc i dont think its a big deal at all but its been weighing on me (ಥ﹏ಥ)
are there any other former fans of like,, shitty media like dream smp or soemthing like that that just feels stupid? like just dumb for falling so head over heels over a media so mean-spirited, and for lack of a better word, Bad. like i kind of feel like knocking my head into a wall for not realising sooner and saving myself the embarrassment of dragging myself out of a very toxic space and also the embarrassment of having contributed to it with any attention at all :-( like i guess better late than never but i still feel very bad!!! it feels like ive done a wrong i can never undo... and i feel very stupid and my pride is hurt. like i shouldve listened to my gut that this stuff sucked ass (bc genuinely when i was still keeping up with mcyt i always got upset WHILE WATCHING and i would rant to my siblings and friends abt it) but i DIDNT and it weighs on me. like how did i get so obsessed? i hope ive learned better now, but again, i feel like ive done a super horrible wrong when in reality i think that its not a big deal. or maybe it IS a big deal. i dont know, but i am very tired abt feeling so bad abt something in the past. its like staying awake bc u remember smth embarrassing u did at school
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flamboyant-king · 8 months
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You know me. I like barely ever show any NOT SAFE FOR WORK drawings on here. So instead, I'm sharing drawings of my face AS I was drawing each NOT SAFE FOR WORK thing.
And the subject is right there, smack dab in the middle. Being tormented by the sins of the egg. (I drew him really cute but I can't share the rest.)
ALSO, I'd like to state that it's not corngraphic except like two maybe, it's more so like violent. We are all just having fun beating this guy up. Like, step right up and stomp on his face type shih. I never ever ever draw violent stuff, unless it's lewling related, so this is like cathartic.
This uhh feeling will fade after Halloween hopefully and we'll go back to our regularly scheduled wholesomeness and cammypus.
#i looked in a mirror 20 feet away as reference because im like NYAHAHA WHAT EVILS HAVE I COMMITED#and i see my own smug face in the mirror like 'yes this will get me hunted down'#sketches#i do comedy slapstick violence but ya know doing more darker jokes and adult humor feels nice like im not censoring myself#i mean i still am by not showing you guys a lot of the bloody or even H O RN Y stuff but ya cant expose everything#like for those of yall who have followed me for years id say were all legal here for more than my usual 13+ content#i just want ro be appealing to a broader audience IN CASE i ever did make it somewhere but haha its been what#8 years since i started this blog. any credit i had died off with teeny taku fhjdjsksajsk#ive got no image to uphold. i have nothing im trying to promote anymore. i do but ive lost the plot ya know#im just having fun and im glad you guys are just ...letting me? like i looked at my old stuff#with the cookies the pokemans the fehs the ocs. and yall just let me go freaking wild and thought#yeah ill give that a like. bless yalls hearts. bless ya souls. ive got thousands of posts on here and yall just let me run wild#and thank you for that. ya never pit pressure on me. kts me outting pressure on myself.#i do wish there were folks that did look forward to some actual tangible content instead of me shitposting with no cohesiveness#but thats just hard with adhd. and try as i might with medications and alarms and deadlines and what have you. its just. difficult#like even the tags here are derailing. but i hope that alongside me just having fun doing my thing. i hope i can get on course#where there is a clear line to follow in my life but i dont lose sight of it as i trail off#but for now. im just drawing experimenting and straight up goofing around. have fun you guys#i may not show you everything but just know im having fun too.
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coelacat · 2 months
the three ways to make me INSTANTLY dislike you:
unironically call an animal (or any living thing rly) "useless" because if it exists there is inherently use for it. thats how evolution works dumbass
"art is dead"/"theres no good art anymore"/i dislike modern art"/"i could paint/write/sculpt that"/any variation of some bullshit about how any sort of art is lesser than another
"i think anyone who believes in religion is stupid and should be embarrassed" and im especially deadass about this one. it puts you in such a bad mindset its not even funny. you can hate bigots all you want and the way bigotry may intersect with religion is always an interesting study but. genuinely. if you hate religion AS A WHOLE for just. like. being a reflection of a population. i think you seriously need to get your head checked.
#i think the religion one is probably the most controversial but it really shouldnt be#the universe is scary#it can be so scary to think about how everything is just a dice roll. youre only here because of random chance.#no shit people dont wanna think about that#its grim!#its much more comforting to have a higher power who put you here with a purpose than to just be some ape that became bipedal#and evolved a big brain from there#and now we're doing taxes n shit#like!! i get why some people would be freaked out about that and would hate thinking about it#not to mention religion has a giant history and its always been more than just believing in higher powers#religion can be a large group of peoples history#i really love looking into and learning about judaism for this reason#religion is so interwoven with history and tradition and folk tales have been a driving force of human socialization for forever#another thing is that i think a lot of people forget that religious people are. p. people. even if its a religion you hate for good reason#im not gonna defend mormonism. lol. but people tend to forget that the mormon church wants you to be an asshole to mormons#thats kinda how the whole thing operates? creating a fear of the unknown and outsiders?#same as any cult#sorry for all of this i just saw a really awful post#idk. is it that hard to just be nice to people and not assume everyone around you is an idiot#because thats gonna make you hate people and then make you lonely#id know because ive been there#if dnis worked i think these three things would be the only things on it#theyre the people i dont wanna engage with the most. mostly because theyre annoying
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volivolition · 12 days
[guy with chronic pain voice] i should draw pain threshold
#chemi chats#pain thresh save me. save me pain thresh.#its truly like. sure i'll find pleasure in the pain what fucking else are you supposed to do with a life full of constant bodily agony.#the alternative is suffering. the alternative is wallowing in feeling bad and sad all the time and im fucking sick of feeling this way!#so sure! i like the pain actually! whatever!! hurt me more!! bring it on! i'll feel every pain ever whatever! can't get worse than this!#if you completely own it. if you're in pain and you /want/ to be in pain does that lessen the suffering?? does that make it easier to cope?#just some thoughts about him hkjgh i worry for that guy sometimes. chronic pain havers are really going through it.#pain thresh who are your friends in the group? you and endurance are buds probably. empathy maybe? emotional pain </3#oh composure too maybe. buddy you need more friends. its hard to talk to people when you have chronic pain though. like when will you get#tired of me constantly saying ''im in pain''? because even while im holding back the full enormity of my pain i still say it a lot.#its hard to concentrate on other things and good fucking god it hurts; goddamnit you said it out loud again. you need to find friends who#are willing to be patient with you even when you ''complain'' a lot about the same thing all the time. usually other people with pain hgfij#on a secondary adhd note i should absolutely go through bdg's unraveled videos and pick out quotes that fit the skills lmao#pain thresh's is ''hey you know the crash test dummy that we throw against the wall violently? it would be cool IF IT COULD FEEL PAIN''#ency is one of the fun facts from the ''i read every halo novel'' probably hkjh and i could pull something from the sports one for phys?#hkjh anyway thats it folks hkjgh hugs and blowing kisses for everyone
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southern--downpour · 8 months
for some reason my brain has very strong opinions on the music tastes of marble hornets characters & bc of this i cannot listen to almost any playlist for em cause theyre all Wrong
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cozymochi · 3 months
Im sorry I meant the future designs! But all your art is so good too!
OKAY COOL COOL sorry i have a dumb monkey brain. BUT IF that’s the case then my answer still is I drew one Jamil and one Najma 😩 otherwise i didn’t make any for the other characters cuz……..
actually i don’t have a reason, i just didn’t lol i probably shouldn’t try scrambling to come up with a reason when one doesn’t exist.
BUT WILL I EVER MAKE MoRe??? Hard to say. tbh i had my motivation to do so dashed after too many backhanded “compliments” and the disproportionate feedback after I tried to play around with it more
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so let’s say it’s just murky right now
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
HI HAZE I hope ur having a better day today!! ;w; i love you! /pl
hey nick! days just starting while im answering this. truthfully things still kinda feel like a dream - yesterday at least felt like it, but trying very hard to manage between responsibilities and trying to reconnect with myself/doing things i like
though today there are some stuff i need to get done bc i dont think ill have time to focus on them this weekend. so just gotta push a little harder 👍🏼
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constantvariations · 1 year
Finally here after several hours of a dnd session zero, so this whiplash is going to be interesting
Post Ep: not as infuriating as the last episode but still missteps at pretty much every turn. At the very least we can say there’s been character “progression”
God Ruby’s voice is so damn bad I thought it was a literal child calling for a cat. Why does she sound more mature at 15 than 17?
Did we really need a close up of the cat piecing itself back together? We already know it can do wacky things with its ugly gradient body, so why the emphasis here? I doubt it’s foreshadowing for a permanent bisection
“Nothing we’ve tried has gotten us any further.” Ruby. Darling. Babe. You’ve tried walking to the tree. Nothing else. It’s not the cat’s fault you can’t think of something else besides Scooby Doo hijinks with the looping sections
What the hell is Yang now? She hasn’t been fun or quippy since Beacon but now (and that one spot in V8) she’s suddenly Joss Whedon with a dash of Hulk rage? And I can’t recall Weiss ever having these kinds of facial expressions. Judgmental commentary, sure, but this feels like she’s 3 seconds away from saying something into the camera like this is the Office
“Just because [the cat] doesn’t want to go back to the tree doesn’t mean we can’t lure them there.” That’s... a curious choice of words. Why “lure?” You lure someone into a trap or an ambush, not ask someone to be a guide. Why wouldn’t Blake use the obvious direction of “we can make a deal with the cat because they’re curious and want information we have.” You can’t really call someone a hero when their instinct is deception of a potential ally who’s already saved their asses for no real reason
Are they going to be losing the cat the whole damn episode? Is that going to be the running gag? I fucking hope not. Ruby’s voice is absolutely obnoxious this episode
She’s talking to the cat like he’s a literal toddler. And it’s acting like a toddler with an ipad. Someone put me down like Old Yeller please
Which of these idiots thought lampshading was a good idea? Like, congrats! You recognize the flaws in the story you wrote! How are you going to fix them 10 years too late? You can’t wink, wink, nudge your way out of shitty writing that you so desperately defended and clung to despite all the people giving actual constructive criticism
Why are all of them so tired of the questions? Surely, each of them have something they’d be ecstatic to talk about at length? Ruby with the progression of weapon development, Weiss with her plans to improve the SDC, Blake with other stories she’s read or how the White Fang came and fell, Yang with stories about Ruby when she was younger. There’s so many possibilities when you have a genuinely curious audience, yet they went the lazy route of “har, har, no one cares about anything” again
Was that bridge made of legos?
Okay, this is the second time the roles of acres have been mentioned. Exactly what does that mean? Do these roles serve a central purpose? The tree seems to be at the center of Wonderland, so are the acres serving the tree in some way? Is harmony throughout the different factions pivotal in keeping Wonderland in wonder instead of despair? What could this possibly mean for any themes or character arcs? It doesn’t seem like the areas thus far have resonated with any of the team, and they left behind Penny’s halo sword, the only thing that’s been even somewhat emotionally compelling, so I’m struggling to understand why Wonderland is set up like this
Love how literally nobody asks the obvious question of “are you okay?” All we get is Yang’s “Rubes?” (has she ever called Ruby that before? I can’t recall) and Blake’s logical deflection and Weiss whining yet again. You’d think for a season that cut away from the bloated cast to focus on the main characters they would, I don’t know, focus on the main character
This is the least Little has talked the entire season. Please keep the cat around more so this shithead will shut the fuck up. Also, Little deadass pointed to where the cat went and y’all don’t immediately follow? Are you trying to get lost?
Okay. Not gonna lie. The caterpillar’s design is dope as shit. The triple eyes in that gorgeous green. The pointy mouth that moves like a skeleton’s jaw. The two-toned wings. The antennae and little spikes. The collar and vest. That ~voice~ Fucking A+ The only thing I’m side-eyeing is the accessories. Hopefully I’m wrong - I’ll be the first to admit I’m not well versed in Indigenous cultures - but the coloring is very reminiscent of turquoise which was an incredibly significant mineral to Southwestern Native American tribes, most commonly associated with Navajo, and Caterpillar’s jewelry designs reflect this as well. My quick google search for this specific design mostly ends up being “hippie aesthetic” which does take inspiration from Indigenous aesthetics, so I can’t really say for certain which one crwby looked at for the design. Given the Medicine Man trope and the herbal smoking in the OP, I’m not holding out much hope
“Growgurt” sounds so damn gross please never say it again
They are really hammering this “who/what are you” thing directly into your eardrums aint they? I’m not entirely sure how this answer affects a recipe, but go off I guess Also, note how Caterpillar gets just the bit exasperated and Yang’s immediately in a fighting stance. The others are afraid, for some cocksmith of a reason - all homeboy did was grumble, what y’all scared of? Did y’all suddenly develop RSD? - but this bitch at half a foot is ready to throw down
Caterpillar is speaking philosophy 101 and these idiots are acting like he’s speaking ancient greek. I hope he poisons the lot of them
“This is how a king winds up a prince.” Does that imply that the prince was genuinely the king that played Alyx but he’s somehow reverted back to a toddler? That raises way too many questions I have no care to even ponder
This far in and we have no idea who or what Caterpillar was to Alyx. Not even a whispered expo-dump, which would be stupid easy given that most of them are tiny. Yet Blake, upon seeing the smoking, is like “we gotta dip” which so par for the course in every episode thus far. This better not be crwby’s attempt at an anti-drug message or I swear I’m gonna toss a fridge into space
Oh christ on toast the Beacon outfits don’t deserve this slander
“You could just be human or just a cat.” Once again, weird phrasing. Like, yeah, it’s clarified that it’s about trying to bring peace between humans and faunus, but why wouldn’t you phrase it in a way that sticks closer to that sentiment rather than acting like she has the Yamato and can carve out what she doesn’t like? What would it even mean to Blake to “just be a cat?” Would that mean living in Menagerie forever with no worries about humans? Would she turn into an actual cat? She just has fucking cat ears man, this is so overblown
Wow, these “I know who I am” speeches suck ass. They’re so vague and InSpIrAtIoNaL I’m wondering if this is supposed to be a mature cartoon or a reading of those posters they put up in school halls of cats in trees with the quote “hang in there!”
“I’m the granddaughter of a hero” bitch who? Who is this mysterious hero? If someone doesn’t know or watch the Remnant expo-dump series, they don’t know who you’re talking about Weiss! You can’t bring up something in the main story if the context is shoved in a spinoff! Also, “daughter of a villain.” Babe, your father was a clown at best and a business major at worst. Villain is not a title he deserves “I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it.” Uhhhhh exactly where in this redefinition is compensation for the lives stolen by your family company? Have you thought of that, Miss Heiress? When your name has that big of an impact, I don’t think you get to be the sole decider. Also, you have siblings who might want a say in it too
Still pissed that the whole “Missing Summer” arc was shoved onto Ruby, who was what? 2? 3 years old when she left? Ruby talks to her gravestone, sure, but as for memories or stories, she hasn’t had a single one. This entire thing falls flat because there was 0 buildup
“You’re supposed to be helping others find their way, but you’ve lost your own.” WHAT WHAT WHAT THE FUCK. Jesus on a toaster strudel can you not villainize every single person who slightly questions uwu precious Ruby? He literally helped the other 3 cement themselves, why doesn’t that count? Sure, it was against their will and all, but these girls clearly need some goddamn help if they can’t answer a basic question like “what is a huntress?”
There are so many questions about those last 20 seconds that I don’t even know what to do with them. Let’s just sum it up with “what the fuck”
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hershelchocolate · 9 months
I am actually going to start biting people over this Unity thing
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