#i love this quote from bess
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dreamwritesimagines · 11 months
Garden of Secrets [31] - Chamomile
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback and support my loves, it made my whole week, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤
Thanks so much to @theskytraveler​ for helping me with the chapter!
Summary: A ballroom can be a place of reconciliation.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, mentions of trauma and violence.
Word Count: 4400
Series Masterlist
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The following days after that night were interesting.
Granted things were still quite tense between you two, but perhaps because now you knew that neither of you wanted to walk away from this no matter how terrible that fight had been, there was also an unspoken agreement of peace. 
You passed by the hallway, fixing your gloves as you went downstairs and as soon as you reached the foyer, you saw Benedict entering the house.
“Husband,” you greeted him in a half joking manner as you walked past him, ignoring the way your heart skipped a beat.
“Wife,” he joked back, making you bite down on your smile but you stopped dead on your tracks as the thought hit you, and you turned around.
“Benedict wait,” you said, making him stop at the bottom of the stairs before he turned around as well to look at you.
“We have the Coleshill ball tonight,” you said. “Don’t forget.”
“I haven’t,” he assured you. “At eight, I know. Are we going together?”
“I’ll be back before evening,” you said, shifting your weight. “So we can.”
He nodded and you cleared your throat, motioning at him.
“I mean if it’s fine with you, that is.”
“It’s fine—of course it’s fine,” he said quickly. “I just asked because you’re leaving, so…”
“To my uncle’s,” you replied and offered him a small smile. “Any luck with Lottie?”
“Not at all,” he said with a sigh. “And you?”
“I went there yesterday, she just sent a maid downstairs to tell me she was ill so she ‘couldn’t talk to me’,” you used air quotes and Benedict hummed.
“Same here,” he said. “Anthony says he saw her for a moment, she went to the drawing room to tell him she didn’t want to talk to him, and went straight back to her room.”  
“So she’s not speaking to any of us,” you clicked her tongue. “Great. I’ll talk to her during tonight’s ball, it’s fine.”
“You sound confident.”
“I try,” you murmured. “But if I get to talk to her, I’ll tell her the truth. Just so you know.”
“I doubt we have much of a choice on that, she already knows the general idea,” he commented and you shifted your weight.
“Sorry about that,” you said. “I really didn’t know she was there. I was arguing with Josie, and…”
“Not your fault,” he said, waving a hand in the air. “Don’t worry about it. And Josie?”
“She’ll come around,” you said. “By the way, if she knows then Bess knows as well. And probably Andrew.”
“Alright,” he said and cleared his throat. “I was thinking maybe I should talk to Josie.”
Your eyes widened. “What?” you asked. “Why on earth would you do that?”
“I think she’d want an explanation about this whole thing.”
“Josie isn’t the type to listen to explanations.”
“I’ll try anyway,” he said and thought for a moment. “I should probably try it with a body armor though.”
“She’s not going to stab you,” you said, and shook your head. “She’s not. She knows better.”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?”
“Both,” you muttered and took a deep breath. “Just—you know. It’ll be fine but be careful.”
“I will.”
“Also make sure there are witnesses around but it’ll be fine,” you added and he pulled his brows together.
“You are terrible at assuring people.”
“I’m working on it,” you admitted and clapped your hands together, offering him a smile. “It’ll be fine, hooray!”
He paused for a moment and blinked a couple of times, then nodded quite enthusiastically.
“Baby steps,” he said as if trying to encourage you. “We’ll get you there.”
You grimaced, making him chuckle and you both stared at each other for a moment, then you frowned, trying to snap out of it.
“Anyway, I’d better go.”
“Right,” Benedict said, shaking his head slightly. “See you when you come back.”  
“Sure thing,” you said and you walked out of the house, then approached the carriage as the coachman opened the door for you.
“Where to, ma’am?”
“My uncle’s house,” you said and got in the carriage. “Thank you.”
When you got to your uncle’s house, there was no sign of Teddy or your aunt, and you looked around, then made your way to the closed door of your uncle’s study to knock on it.
“Come in!” he called out and you opened the door to peek your head in.
“Good morning uncle.”
“Oh my Clover is here!” he smiled and got up from his seat. You walked to him to hug him with a laugh.
“Were you busy?”
“Not at all, just going over…” he motioned at his desk. “Never mind. Your aunt and Teddy are outside at the park.”
“Oh that’s alright,” you said. “I was actually hoping I could talk to you?”
“Of course, sit down, sit down!” he said and called for the maid passing by the door, then asked her for some cookies and tea. You sat down on the sofa and he came to take his place on the armchair.
“To what do I owe this wonderful surprise?”
“I need your wisdom.”
“It’s at your service,” he joked as the maid walked in, carrying a tray.
“Thank you,” you said as she placed the cookies and tea on the small coffee table, then curtsied and left the room. You took a sip of your tea and leaned back.
“Any other letters?”
“None,” he said. “As I’ve told you.”
“That’s a relief at least.”
“You have nothing to worry about,” he assured you. “Now, what do you need my wisdom for?”
You looked down at the tea cup in your hand, then raised your glances.
“You and auntie have been married for a long time,” you started. “And auntie says you two fell in love after your first dance.”
“We did,” he said with a smile. “I thought I was dreaming when I first saw her.”
You licked your lips. “And you’re…you still love each other.”
“We do.”
“So you’ve never had a fight or anything right?”
He tilted his head. “Clover, what is this about?”
You took a deep breath, then cleared your throat.
“Hypothetically speaking,” you started. “Let’s say you and auntie had a fight and hypothetically it was a big fight and hypothetically you said things.”
“A lot of hypotheticals.”
“I woke up curious,” you replied and he chuckled.
“Is everything alright between you and Benedict?”
“Sure,” you said. “So? What would you do if that happened?”
He reached out to grab a cookie, then hummed.
“To answer your first question, we did have fights, me and your aunt,” he said and you frowned.
“You have the perfect marriage.”
“Perfect marriages don’t just happen, Clover,” he said. “Especially at the start of the said marriage. Yes we were in love, we still are but it doesn’t mean we didn’t have arguments. Every couple is bound to have them sooner or later.”
“Why did you have a fight?”
“Well, marriage is a huge change in one’s life. Takes a bit of time to get used to,” he said. “The important thing is to never forget how much you love the person you’re married to, no matter what you’re fighting over.”
You pressed your lips together and he gave you a small smile.
“How bad was the fight?”
“I uh—I said things,” you admitted and paused for a moment. “Not necessarily nice things.”
“Ah,” he said. “An apology could work, perhaps?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Did you try?”
“…No,” you said after a beat and sat up straighter. “I have another question.”
“Ask away dear.”
“How did you know?” you asked. “That you were in love with auntie?”
He thought for a couple of seconds, then shrugged his shoulders.
“I suppose I realized that no one else but her made me happier,” he said. “When I imagined my future, anything else was a detail as long as she was there. She was my first thought as I woke up and last thought as I went to sleep and I couldn’t…I couldn’t imagine a scenario where I didn’t have her in my life.”
You blinked a couple of times; the idea was way too familiar to you. You swallowed thickly, then let out a huff of breath and buried your palms into your eyes.
“He loves you,” he said, making you lower your hands. “Anyone could see that. A fight won’t change things as long as you two talk about what happened.”
“That’s not my strongest suit,” you murmured and he chuckled.
“No harm in trying.”
“You make it sound so easy.”
“Perhaps because it is easy?” he asked. “If you’re wondering the key to a good marriage, it’s knowing when to listen and when to apologize.”
You slipped a little on the sofa and hummed.
“What if I try to apologize and he doesn’t want to hear it?”
“No offense Clover but out of the two of you, I’d say it’s you who doesn’t want to hear apologies and not him.”
You pouted your lips.
“That’s not…” you started to protest, then let out a noise of agreement and shrugged your shoulders. “Yeah, you might be right about that.”
Coleshill Ball was an absolute blast. Lord Easton had apparently decided to attend along with Lucy and Henry, and he was instantly surrounded by many people trying to talk to him. He had only had a couple of seconds to greet you and Benedict before his many admirers started talking over each other, eager to have a conversation with him. The orchestra was very talented as well, so everyone seemed to be having fun, dancing and socializing.
Everyone except you, Benedict and Anthony. The three of you found yourselves huddled in the corner of the room while Lottie adamantly ignored you, busy with her conversation with Lord Finney after their dance. Lord Finney hadn’t stopped eyeing Lottie with a small smirk you didn’t like since the end of their dance, and you could swear if you tried to pass by Anthony’s eyesight, you would have dropped dead from a thousand invisible daggers he was glaring at Lord Finney whereas Benedict looked nearly impatient, biting inside his cheek.
“Can I stab him?” you asked to no one in particular and both Benedict and Anthony answered at the same time.
You looked up at Benedict. “The head of the family said yes.”
“Now you want to listen to someone?” he asked you. “Not to mention him of all people? You don’t even like him.”
“I’m standing right here Ben.”
“She doesn’t like you Anthony,” Benedict deadpanned without so much as sparing him a glance and you made a face.
“I have no idea what you speak of,” you mused. “I’ve been nothing but nice to Anthony.”
Anthony leaned forward to look at you around Benedict’s arm, a look of disbelief etched in his features. “This is you being nice?”
“You’re standing here alive and well, so yes.”
Benedict suppressed a laugh, and you took a deep breath, pursing your lips.
“You know what, that’s enough,” you said. “The next dance will not start for a half an hour, I’ll go there and talk to her.”
“And Finney?”
“I’ll threaten him,” you said and Benedict nodded.
“Want me to come with you?”
“I can intimidate people by myself Benedict, have some faith,” you told him and walked away from them to approach Lottie and Lord Finney.
“Lottie,” you said as you reached them. “Good evening.”
She stole a look at you, pouting. “Good evening to you too Mrs. Bridgerton.”
“…Fair enough,” you muttered and nodded in Finney’s direction. “Leave us.”
“Mrs. Bridgerton—”
You turned to him, your eyes narrowing into a cold glare as your voice lowered into a growl.
“I said leave.”
A look of intimidation crossed his eyes and he swallowed thickly, then took a step back and bowed his head before walking away from you both.
“That wasn’t very nice,” Lottie said and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I’m not interested in being nice,” you commented and gave her a small smile. “Can we talk Lottie? Please?”
Her brows furrowed for a moment, that pout still apparent on her lips.
“Five minutes is all I ask,” you said. “I’d like to explain myself if you’d let me.”
She thought for a moment, then heaved a sigh.
“Great,” you said, a smile lighting up your face, “Let’s go outside.”
She followed you out of the ballroom and you both stepped outside to the garden. Thankfully there weren’t people around which was no wonder considering how fun the ball was inside, so you approached the nearest bench and sat down, Lottie taking her spot next to you.
“So?” she asked. “If you’re going to tell me any more lies—”
“I’m not,” you cut her off and shook your head. “I’m not going to lie to you, and I’m sorry that I did. I really am.”
That seemed to take her by surprise and she frowned slightly.
“And I know you heard my and Josie’s argument but I don’t think of you gullible or anything, it was just something I said because I was frustrated with Josie and the whole thing. I hope you know that.”
She nodded and thought for a moment.
“Tell me everything,” she said. “From the very beginning.”
So you did. If anything, it was such a relief that you felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders, and when you were finished a silence fell upon you both before Lottie let out a breath.
“Yeah,” you said. “Exactly. You know what the ton thinks of me, they say Benedict married me because I trapped him or lured him away from you, or I planned it—”
“That’s not true.”
“And if they thought a scandal happened, you know what they would say about me,” you said. “So we told no one. The only reason we told Anthony was because he—he needed to know, considering everything. As I said, even my family doesn’t know.”
“Did you not trust me?”
“That’s not the reason,” you shook your head. “Lottie, you were so happy for us. I just couldn’t…I couldn’t bring myself to disappoint you and I’m sure Benedict feels the same.”
“You could never disappoint me,” she said. “I was just—I was sad.”
“I know.”
She nibbled on her lip and took a deep breath.
“Well,” she said. “At least it’s a relief that it wasn’t all a lie.”
“Benedict and you have a love marriage.”
You raised your brows. “Uh, Lottie—”
“You two got married because you were caught kissing.”
“That’s lust Lottie, not love,” you said in a haste and she rolled her eyes at you.
“You honestly can’t see how he looks at you?” she asked. “Or how you look at him?”
Your heart skipped a beat and you sat up straighter. “Well because we had to pretend to be in love—”
“No one is that good of a pretender,” she said. “Not even you. And I’ve known Benedict for a long time, so I’d be able to tell if he were in fact pretending. It’s alright if you can’t see it yet, but I will be here to say I told you so when you finally realize that it is in fact a love marriage.”
You tried to swallow the nervous lump in your throat and averted your glances.
“Benedict and I are…” you trailed off. “We’re bound.”
“By marriage?”
“By fate.”
“By your hearts as well,” she pointed out and smiled at you, then pulled you into a hug. You hugged her back, and heaved a sigh when she pulled back.
“I’d better go, otherwise my next dance partner will assume I’m avoiding him,” she sighed and stood up. “Are you coming?”
“I think I’ll get some fresh air, it helps me think,” you said. “But I could also intimidate your next dance partner if you’d like.”
“I don’t wish to be rude,” she told you with a giggle and you saw Anthony stepping out of the house, making you tilt your head. Lottie turned around as he made his way to you.
“Charlotte, can we—?”
“No because I’m still angry at you,” Lottie said. “And I’m angry at Benny too, make sure to tell him that please.”
You pressed your lips together to contain your laughter at Anthony’s puzzled expression, but before he could say anything, Lottie stuck her nose in the air and walked past him to go back into the house. Anthony threw his head back and heaved a sigh while you leaned back, resting your elbows on the back of the bench.
“She forgave you?” he asked and you nodded.
“And she refuses to talk to me.”
“I have a more charming personality than you do.”
“Not really,” he said. “I mean just because your marriage is turbulent, doesn’t mean you should go around making others’ the same as well.”
You pulled your brows together in confusion. “You’re not married, in case it has escaped your notice.”
“I could’ve been,” he pointed out, “if I could get some spare time from the string of scandals you all throw at me. First you and Benedict, then Daphne and Simon, and now Colin wants to marry Miss Marina.”
“Wait really?” you asked. “It feels like yesterday he was getting all nervous to even talk to her. They grow up so fast.”
“Colin is older than you, Y/N.”
“That’s irrelevant,” you said and he came to sit beside you.
“So yeah, if everyone could stop for a moment to let me at least court Charlotte without getting in the way, it would be much appreciated.”
You smiled slightly and shrugged your shoulders.
“Patience is a virtue they say,” you said. “Perhaps waiting patiently will teach you a valuable lesson in the meantime.”
He scoffed. “Have you ever waited patiently for anything?”
“I’ve been waiting patiently for this conversation to end ever since you opened your mouth,” you retorted and rolled your eyes. “But if anything, she wants to marry you too.”
He turned to you, hope shining in his eyes. “She said that?”
“She mentioned it, yes,” you said. “So until she decides to forgive you, send her flowers, proclaim your undying love on a bent knee, whatever it is that in love people do.”
He nodded slowly, then cleared his throat.
“Speaking of that,” he said. “Is everything okay between Benedict and you?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” you said and stole a glance at him. “What did he tell you?”
“He mentioned that you two had an argument but judging by the tortured look on his face for the last weeks up until a couple of days ago, I’d say it’s something more than a simple argument.”
You bit on your nail, keeping your gaze on the house.
“I’m not very pleasant when I’m angry,” you said and he raised his brows.
“If it makes you feel any better, you’re not very pleasant when you’re not angry either,” he stated and you turned your head to make a face at him.
“I would say I’m more pleasant than you but let’s be honest, it’s not like you’re setting a high standard there” you told him, making his lips twitch in amusement.
“Fair enough,” he said. “But just so you know; whatever it is that is bothering you, whatever happened between you and Benedict, if my help is needed in any way it’s at your service.”
You blinked a couple of times, furrowing your brows.
“Because you’re family.”
A tentative smile curled your lips and your eyes darted over his face to get a hint of insincerity, but it wasn’t there.
“Thank you,” you mumbled after a pause and he shook his head.
“Don’t mention it,” he said and you saw Benedict stepping outside. Anthony turned to look at him, then stood up.
“I’ll try my chances to talk to Charlotte,” he said and walked away from you, passing by Benedict to get in the house. Benedict put his hands in his pockets and approached you.
“Hello there.”
“Hello,” you said and stuck your nose in the air in an exaggerated smug manner. “Lottie forgave me.”
He tilted his head. “Really?”
“Yes but she’s still angry at you and Anthony,” you said and he hummed.
“That explains why she glared at me when she got back in the ballroom just now.”
You grinned. “I’ll put in a good word for you.”
“I appreciate that,” he said with a chuckle and motioned at the bench. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all,” you said and he sat beside you, making you bite down on your lip, stealing a look at him.
“I’m…” you paused for a moment, your heart climbing up to your throat in nervousness, making you take a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.”
A look of surprise crossed his face and you sat up straighter, turning to see him better.
“I don’t…I don’t really pay attention to the words I say when I’m angry, which is no excuse but—I’m working on it,” you said, nodding as if trying to encourage yourself. “And I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean any of that.”
A soft light appeared in his eyes and he nodded.
“Your apology is heard and accepted,” he quoted you, making you frown in doubt.
“That easily?”
“Mm hm,” he said. “That easily.”
“I would’ve made me suffer more.”
“Good thing we’re complete opposites then,” he said and you bit back a smile.
“Good thing for me at the very least,” you commented as the beginning notes of the orchestra’s dance tune reached your ears. Benedict stole a look at you.
“Do you want to dance?”
“I don’t feel like going back inside,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “Too crowded.”
“Who said we needed to go back inside?” he asked as he stood up to offer his hand. A scoff of laughter escaped from your mouth, and your eyes went from his hand up to his face to see whether he was jesting or not. That playful lopsided grin curled his lips as you placed your hand in his, and he pulled you up to your feet.
“You’re not serious.”
“Oh I absolutely am,” he said as he entwined his fingers with yours and you let him twirl you before he pulled you closer, a giggle climbing up your throat despite you trying to repress it.
You two were standing much closer than this dance -or any dance- required, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. You rested a hand on his broad chest, feeling the thrumming of his heart underneath your fingertips and he sneaked an arm around your waist, burying his nose into your hair while you two swayed slowly with the tune.
“I missed this,” Benedict murmured into your hair and you closed your eyes for a moment, inhaling his pleasant scent as discreetly as you could, all your senses full of him.
“Holding you,” he said softly and you smiled, opening your eyes but not pulling back.
“It’s peaceful,” you whispered and he hummed, caressing the back of your hand with his thumb, the simple gesture making your stomach do a happy flip.
“It is.”
“I missed it too,” you admitted, your voice quiet. “It’s been—”
“Hey lovebirds!” Henry’s voice cut through you and you pulled back, both you and Benedict turning to look at him. Lucy elbowed Henry.
“I told you not to interrupt!”
“They can continue that later on,” Henry said as you felt your cheeks burn, shifting your weight before you managed to smile at them.
“We have a party to catch, come on,” Henry held up an envelope. “Apparently Jane felt like throwing a celebration for the sake of it all of a sudden, Thomas just sent word. You’re both invited as well.”
“Everyone is already there,” Lucy added and Henry grinned.
“Gordon is coming as well—we’ll go get the carriage,” he said and they both walked away from you. Benedict heaved a sigh.
“I don’t think—” you paused for a moment. “I think I’ll skip this one but you should go.”
“Oh no, I don’t have to be there,” he said in a haste and you smiled slightly.
“Benedict,” you said. “Go have fun, it’s been a while. I would’ve come with if it were any other time, but I think I should try to make things better between Lottie and Anthony—don’t tell him I said that.”
He pulled his brows together. “Sorry, you’ll try to make things better between them?”
“Who are you and what did you do to my wife?”
Your heart skipped a beat at that but you bit back a smile, then heaved a sigh.
“What can I say? I’m very compassionate.”
He shot you a playful look before pointing at the house with his thumb. “Was there something in the lemonade?”
“I feel responsible,” you said. “And I don’t know, he’s—he’s family, so I should just at least try to patch things between them. Put in a good word and such.”
That made him smile before he cleared his throat.
“I don’t have to go, it’s just some party,” he insisted. “I’ll help you.”
“Lottie isn’t talking to you either, I doubt you’d be much of a help,” you reminded him and let out a laugh. “Go. I swear this is not me setting you up for…for a fight in the morning. I’ll make things better between those two and then go home. I doubt I’ll be able to talk to you when we go into that ballroom anyway, no reason for you to come with.”
He thought for a moment. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely,” you said. “Go have fun. I’ll come with you to the other one, I promise.”
He looked at you as if trying to read your mind and took a deep breath.
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll be home early, okay? Definitely before you go to sleep.”
“Alright,” you said. “Well I have a very stubborn friend to convince, so if you’ll excuse me...”
He smiled softly, then held your hand to place a kiss on the back of it, making your heartbeat faster.
“I’ll see you in a couple of hours then.”
“Deal,” you said, your cheeks still burning. “Have fun, give everyone my regards.”
“Good luck with those two,” he said, nodding in the direction of the house before walking away from you and you heaved a sigh, then licked your lips.
“Alright,” you muttered, painfully aware of the smile on your face as you made your way to the house. “This should be interesting.”
Chapter 32
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booklove22 · 11 months
Me: “UGH we’re gonna move into OTHER LOVE INTEREST territory this week. I hate this so much. This is the literal worst. I’m going to be sick.
Also Me: “Ace’s ire though...” 
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Like, this boy has forever had to hide his jealousy and even when he was doing that he was NOT DOING IT WELL. Like my boy straight up called Gil a d*ck to his face and then used Shakespeare quotes to insult Park. And this is when he was TRYING TO HIDE his jealousy!
And now Mr. “love is wanting you to be with someone who can love you in all the ways you deserve to be loved” is going to be like “JK NOT THAT ONE THO”??? I mean, I hate it but I also love it.
And you just KNOW when Nancy calls him on his anger, he’s going to stubbornly couch this as having more of a problem with Tristan being the son of the people who tried to kill Ryan and Bess but...c’mon Ace. We know that’s not ALL.
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minimorgana · 9 months
Rambling about Ace Hardy:
To me, Ace saying "I believe in being true to yourself, even at the risk of being misunderstood" is one of his most character defining lines in the series. It's cool to think about this quote after finishing the series and knowing everything we do about Ace.
Even though at the point of him saying this we haven't seen the full extent of the conflict with his dad, in retrospect, we can understand that Ace is likely thinking about his dad in some sense when saying this. Yes, he is saying this to Laura and in response about leaving Horseshoe Bay, but it extends to so many aspects of his life and character.
Ace is well aware that his dad doesn't understand or respect where he currently is in life, but he doesn't try to change himself to make his dad understand him. No matter how much he wants his dad's approval, he doesn't compromise who he is. He knows that will only lead to him living a life that isn't really his. What his dad sees as laziness is Ace having not found his purpose and not wanting to force himself into a box before knowing if he will fit.
Ace values being true to himself, and he values this trait in the people he surrounds himself with. This is at the heart of the conflict between him and Nancy in season 2, and I think it might give some perspective to why he struggled to find a solid group of friends before the Drew Crew.
We all know that high school is a difficult time for self-identity and finding yourself, and this has been affirmed through Nancy's character and her high school friends. So I think Ace struggled to make meaningful friendships with people who weren't necessarily being true to themselves (speaking from experience, this is something I struggled with in high school, and it was aggravated by questioning my own sense of self and hiding parts of my identity).
But for the most part, once the layers of secrecy at the beginning of season 1 are removed, I think Ace realizes that this group of people try their hardest to be true to themselves, despite some slip ups.
Nancy could easily leave the mystery solving to the police and stay out of trouble, but she values truth and justice, and she knows it is her responsibility to find those things. Bess values family, whether it is biological or found, and she strives to do right by the people she loves, even if it costs her. George has been known as the town screw up but for the most part, she ignores the labels others put on her and works hard to build a life for herself and her sisters. She knows she is more than their labels for her. Nick is driven by his desire to help and protect people. We see him stay true to himself most clearly when he tells his mom he's staying in Horseshoe Bay, that he has a purpose in this town and he's been planted there for a reason.
That was a long winded way of saying that Ace has finally found people who try their hardest to push away the opinions of other people and stay true to themselves.
For a moment, I was thinking about this quote in line with him telling Nancy he isn't lacking anymore after getting his apartment and starting to work at the morgue. Because if this is the code he lives by, then why would he do these things just for someone else's approval? But then I realized that he isn't. He's had an interest in medical and forensic examination since season 1 when helping examine Lucy's bones. And I think he's been ready to move out of his parents house for a while. He just needed a push to do those things and his insecurities tell him that he has to prove to Nancy that he is good enough for her. But the things he chose to do are still true to who he is.
So yeah, I really just love this quote and think it sums up who Ace is and we can see it reflected in everything he does throughout the series, even up to the very end.
P.S. Another good example of him living by this code is when he visits Mr. D and tries to understand why he made the choice he did. Part of him knows that if Nancy ever found out, she wouldn't be happy about him befriending her dad while she is very mad at him. But he does it anyways, even at the risk of being misunderstood. Because to him, he's doing what is right.
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oswidower · 11 days
Top ten Oz moments
Omg it's been so long since watching! Let's see if my memory can conjure up my top 10 Oz moments. None of these are in order by the way because I can't do that. Also forgive me, I forget the episode numbers and titles for most of them:
• At the end of season 1 when he finds LJ crying and says "Come on love you're alright, I'm a bad egg too," and then he shows her how to peel an egg.
• Dancing with the pickles near the end of season 3🥒
• Playing the piano and singing at Wilfords dinner
• in season 2 fixing those pipes as he's getting soaked in water 👀. Janitor Oz was very nice on the eyes.
• Back in season 1 when the train was about to derail, him & Bess held hands thinking it would be their final moments.
• One of my favourite quotes from him to Bess was in season 2 when he said: "I'd rather sit back and see where the chips fall."
• The wedding ceremony + first dance.
• When Roche tells him to put on his big boy pants while they await the tailies and then he just dips out of fear, "balls to this man, I'll look after myself.
• Wilford coming to talk to him before the wedding ceremony. What in the ball grabbing was that? I mean, I don't want to say he deserved to get his ding dong grabbed harshly buuuut he kinda did. Karma from season one, sorry bud, what goes around, comes around. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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its-just-raven · 1 year
Incorrect Restart Heart Quotes:
Warning! Some of these might be inconsistent lmao but I tried my hardest😁! Also this is a 18+ game so even though none of this is explicitly nsfw, minors BEGONE
MC: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! ... And this knife I found.
MC: So apparently the 'bad vibes' I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress
MC: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
MC: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
MC: Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...
MC: Well, well, well... if it isn’t my old friend: the dawning realization that I fucked up bad.
MC: You wanna see how hardcore I am?
MC: *punches wall*
MC: Take me to the hospital.
Ezra: People are always asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person. 
Ezra: And I'm just like, 'Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!'
MC: Can we watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl?
Ezra: Yeah sure.
MC: -And make out during the scary parts.
Ezra: Th-
Ezra: The scary parts.
Ezra: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Blaire: If you can’t beat them, dress better than them
Blaire: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven’t decided yet' is typically a good response.
Blaire: 'Person of interest' is almost too flattering. 
Person A: Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, 'A man has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest,' I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'
MC: Okay, truth or dare?
Blaire: Truth
MC: How many hours have you slept this week?
Blaire: ...Dare
MC: Go to bed.
Blaire: I don’t like this game.
Sammy: So apparently the 'bad vibes' I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress
MC: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut...
Sammy: You would eat yourself?
MC: I wouldn’t even question it.
Ezra: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Sammy: I think you mean cards.
Ezra, pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.
(I could see this going either way tbh)
MC: I actually have a black belt.
Steph: In what, karate?
MC: No, from Gucci.
Chris: You know how I roll. 
Chris: And I’m not talking about that time I fell into a pile of dung at the foot of a hill.
MC: Three words. Say them and I'm yours.
Chris: Three words.
MC: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially 
Chris, desperately, as MC bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE 
MC: Oh! B positive. 
Bess, going over MCs's resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative.
MC: Yes
Bess: Okay... may I know what you create?
MC, without missing a beat: Problems.
Bess: What is your biggest weakness?
MC: I can be uncooperative.
Bess: Okay, can you give me an example?
MC: No.
Kenneth: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Sarah: You saved me. I owe you my life.
Kenneth: No thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
Kenneth: Is something burning?
Sarah: Just my love for you.
Kenneth: Sarah, the toaster is on fire.
Kenneth, trying to make MC jealous: Sarah and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- 
Sarah: Sentences. 
Kenneth: Don't interrupt me.
Bonus! Eliana
Eliana: Goodnight moon.
Eliana: Goodnight tree.
Eliana: Goodnight ghosts that only I can see.
Ezra: ???
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gemma-collins-ily · 2 years
hi so you know this post? i was looking at all the things you were originally gonna do with it and i saw the hogsmeade with harry so i was just wondering if you could write that also with gof harry :) it’s really such a pain in the ass trying to find fics of him cuz he’s so criminally underrated </3
Going to Hogsmeade with Harry
a/n - I kinda forgot the gof part sorry bestie I really wrote this over a WHILE and didn't look at your request for a hot sec there's literally no mention of it being gof Harry😭✋
Warnings: drinks??? (butterbeer not alcohol) not sure what else???
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sorry but the bestie takes forever to even ASK
doesn't matter if you are together, he's speaking to Ron at literal midnight
"Yeah, I know they'd probably say yes but would they really? 'Cause I did that really annoying thing last week and I don't know if they're holding a grudge!"
and at some point he even managed to get Ron doubtful of if you'd want to go
and they both have a mini crisis because Ron's just a little too invested in your love life after Harry has spoken about it for weeks
"Mate, to be honest, you're making me doubt them - which is odd because I've never really done that before, they obviously like you." "But do they lOVE ME enough to go with me?!?"
why's he acting like this is a proposal???
Ron has no clue but just goes along with it slightly
after a minute to pause, Ron gets the fantastic idea of going to see Hermione for help
kind of 'forgets' to tell Harry because Harry may have asked he didn't tell anyone
but Ron had kept the secret for WEEKS okay, cut him some slack
"So, if, uh, theoretically, someone with dark-ish hair and a holy scar on his forehead wanted to ask someone that he really likes to go to Hogsmeade, how would he... go about that?"
she shakes her head because girl WHAT are these boys doing
also, Ron is totally indiscreet and basically just told her over breakfast before Harry was there
and bess frenn was not quite using an indoor voice
he used a very shouty stage whisper
and now Ginny knows
and Ginny may or may not have told Neville in transfiguration
and Neville may or may not have told Cho in the greenhouse
and Cho may, okay, she definitely told Luna
who was kind of forgetful in the fact that you weren't meant to know
so, she mentions it whilst on a walk with you
"Harry wanted to take you to Hogsmeade, although now I'm not so sure. I heard about it on Monday so maybe it was a sudden impulse since he hasn't asked. What do you think?" "Well... I think I'll wait it out until he says something for now. Thanks, Luna."
okay so now she's done half his job for him
should be easy from then on, right?
and you really give him every opportunity
I mean EVERY
bestie is fumbling and you're stood there like ummm is he going to ask me out???
then one day you basically give up the pretence that you have no clue what's going on and straight up talk about it like you are already going together
"So, I'm thinking that when we go on Saturday, we should obviously go to Madam Puddifoot's because apparently she knows everyone's tea strength and milk to sugar ratio and whatever so that's really cool, and then-" "Huh? Did I ask last night because I don't really remember and I was really tired so I mean... I'm sure I would have woken right up if you had said yes though, so I'm not sure how I can't remember asking!" "Harry, you didn't. Until now, kind of, I guess. So, yes, Harry, I'll go with you to Hogsmeade and now we need to sort out where we're going. Talk later, yeah?"
he's astounded
Ron hears about it in Potions through a note/several ones that have literally quoted what you said word for word
Hermione hears in Transfiguration from Harry and Ron, with the latter instantly telling her as soon as he walks up to her
now Ron and Hermione are basically Harry's therapists till Saturday
Neville is sat next to them whilst Harry's going off on a rant and has wide eyes whilst Ron and Hermione are like 'yup, this is nothing new, getting a bit bland'.
so, when Saturday comes and you wait in the Great Hall, Hermione literally runs up to you
"Take him away from us, like, now. I can't listen to any more from him and he keeps asking if his scarf is askew? Since when does he care?"
so you're off
he apologises for making you go through the tunnel to Hogsmeade and you tell him multiple times it's no problem
besides, it gives you privacy to hold hands and have him swing them whilst they're clasped together
bestie he hit your hand on the wall by accident and five minutes were spent with him asking if you were okay and examining your hand
when you finally get out of the tunnels and whatever you naturally gravitate to Madam Puddifoot's because Harry wants you to be happy with where you're going and you already mentioned it so it's the first stop
aww adorable
you and Harry swap drinks at a point even though they're meant to be tailored to you specifically not the person you're on a date with
but you swap to see what the other person likes even if you both end up pursing your lips at how sweet or not sweet the other person's is
you swap back and laugh together as you talk about practically anything
if you're a bookish person then you definitely stop by a book shop and Harry frowns as he sees an old book by Gilderoy Lockhart until you steer him away
he reads the blurb of every book you pick up because he wants to know what you like and you try to recommend books to each other
if you end up with a kinda big stack of books propped up by one arm while you look for others, he'll take half the pile no matter how many he already has
then oopsie daisy he accidentally pays for a few of them
"Harry, I could have paid myself! When do you want the money back by?" "You don't need to pay me back, Merlin knows I have enough money anyway, and you don't owe me anything, promise. If you're that worried you can pay me back whenever you want, I don't mind."
okay that earns him a hug with the bags of books looped around your arms
if you jostle a bag and he sees it has left a stripe on your arm from the handles or anything, he's taking the bag
asking first, of course
you go to the Three Broomsticks and drink butterbeer together or another drink and then try not to laugh at the froth that appears above each other's lips
"I see only one solution." "What's that?" "Obviously gotta get it off somehow." Then, he runs his thumb over your lip before saying, "Nope, don't think I got it off. Only one thing for it." Next, he's kissing you, something you eagerly return.
then a teacher walks in and since basically everyone knows Harry, basically everyone knows he's not supposed to be in Hogsmeade
you duck immediately
Harry's quizzical before he spots the teacher and drops to be under the table
he bumps his hand on the way
you facepalm before kissing his knuckles, claiming the classic 'a kiss will make it better'
he blushed before a look of disappointment crosses his face
"What is it?" you hiss from below the table, "Does it hurt more now that I did that, sorry." "No, no, it's great, never felt better! Just realised I could have done that in the tunnels. Missed opportunity." "It's never too late," you grin and raise an eyebrow, "I actually think it still stings, maybe you should return the favour, make it better." "I think I should, too." And he does, as you giggle together under the table in the Three Broomsticks on a Saturday, muffling laughs in each other's shoulders and hoping the teacher doesn't hear you.
it becomes a thing you do whenever you have free time on Saturdays and Harry isn't defeating someone or anything
after a while, Harry becomes less nervous for each date
but don't worry, they're all just as special as the first
that scene where there's snow in Hogsmeade?
yeah, you go together in winter too
you have snowball fights against Ron and Hermione
it's half so that they'll maybe actually get together finally and half because you and Harry really want to be on a team with each other
you make little bases which are just mini hills of snow you hide behind while you make snowballs to chuck
if you forget gloves, don't even worry, he's got a spare pair
there are some moments where Ron rolls his eyes at the displays of affection you two have
for example, once Harry didn't have spare gloves so he just made snowballs and guided you to put your hands on top of his and make them with him
cuties alert 🚨🚨🚨
another time is when you are scrambling across the snow to try to invade your opposition's base to pelt them with snowballs, you fall to the ground and Harry, who had been distracting them, rushes out to check on you
woah, sacrificing himself to the snowballs for you, that's true love
he leans over you as you flat on your back before you laugh and put your hands on his cheeks
he ignores the chill from your gloves sourced by making snowballs and grins down at you
just as he's about to kiss you, Ron hits the two of you with a snowball in the literal tiny gap between your lips
Hermione thwacks him (gently) and then the moment is sort of, but not really, over
so she joins Ron in chucking snowballs at you until they run out and literally just start gathering fistfuls of snow
Harry pushes over so that you're both on your sides facing each other but his back is to Romoine (I can't keep writing both their names again I'm sorry-) as he gets attacked with snowballs and is basically your shield
and he just chuckles every time he's hit before acting like he's wounded, asking you to kiss it better-
then, he signals for you to run as he grabs the invisibility cloak from his pocket and hands it to you
you know what he means and get up carefully, darting behind a little snow mound whilst Romoine are grabbing more snow armfuls
you sneak around in the cloak to your previous base and carry as many snowballs as you can manage in your arms until you stand behind the two
they couldn't see you weren't there since all they can see is Harry shuffling around and as silly as it sounds, it's a major tactic
you pat a snowball into the base of Ron's neck as he jumps and looks at Hermione
then, when he looks away, Hermione gets one there too
Hermione looks at Ron before practically tackling him, a new pyramid of snowballs set up by you and they don't stop to think about how they got there
you run back to Harry as he smiles
"Every person for themselves?" "Godric, no. Let's just wait to see how long they fight, it's funny."
when they realise it was you, Harry states 'all is fair in love and war' smugly before you two end up running, you trying to unfurl the cloak from where it lies over your arm and toss it over the both of you
like it would help cover the footprints in the snow but whatever
you run back to Hogwarts and sit in front of the fire together later, Harry and you sharing a blanket
if McGonagall sees you huddled together and wonders why you would have gone into the snow if Harry didn't have parental permission to Hogsmeade even when she already knows the answer, she says nothing
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we-pay-for-everything · 11 months
Finished rewatching Nancy Drew season 1!
Nancy's a bit harsh with Ryan in the beginning when she learns he's her dad. Firstly, she's Nancy so she doesn't like people trying to get close to her and Ryan isn't giving her any space at all. Secondly, she's ashamed of being related to him. She has no problem being Lucy's daughter, because she's the sad girl who was bullied to her death, but Ryan? Yikes, obviously. Ryan's obviously delusional thinking a daughter would've saved his life and made him a better person, or someone who can stand up to his daddy. He wouldn't have been happy to learn Lucy's was pregnant and who knows what he would've done? Run away? To his credit, Nancy is the reason he becomes a better person later. But he also doesn't know being a father means you shouldn't be petty with your daughter, which he is after he saves her from Everett at his cabin (he's like "oh you can't be my daughter...unless you need my help").
George is a mixed bag for me. She irritates me very often but I also have a lot of affection for her. Her confrontation with Ryan wasn't great though. The writing just didn't feel natural. I think she literally quotes Kelly Clarkson's "Because of You" lyrics at one point or two. She told Nick that Ryan taught her she was the girl you hid not the one you took to dinner? Is this the 50s. I get the idea of George realizing she was taken advantage of and confronting her abuser but the dialogue was not great (and a bit ironic given Nancy's affairs with older detectives...). I get George's reservations with Nick. I'm scared of intimacy as well. But I feel a bit for Nick. I think him and George made a good team, but Nick kind of needs someone more in tune with their emotions? He wants the kind of closeness that he didn't feel he had with either Nancy or George. I don't love his new partner though. So far we know nothing of interest about them - according to Bess, they're "exquisite" and have this awkward/cool vibe going for them, and look like someone who is famous on IG, which is not a vibe I care about, but nothing substancial yet.
Ace and Nancy get a lot of scenes together, alone (eg. when they visit Owen's apartment or Lucy's mom). Because George and Nick end up pairing up, Ace and Nancy naturally spend more time together, I think. And I think she likes that he rarely tries to stop her from doing anything, and he doesn't ask a lot of questions or tries to get close to her. He just helps her while giving her a lot of space, which is how Nancy naturally begins to rely on him and open up to him. For example, he tells her that life's been kicking her butt lately and that he's there if she needs help, but he doesn't ask if she's okay or if she wants to talk about it - which is why she's so grateful for his words. Compared to Nick, she's more comfortable that way. Owen also tried to help her too much sometimes, but he was more detached than Nick. I think Ace is kinda perfect for Nancy because he's useful to her. She gets very into her cases and the only way not to lose touch with her is to tag along and help her. If you hold her back, she'll push you away. But Ace is super helpful because he's a computer genius and he's used to her work methods. I think George, and to a lesser extent Bess, are like Ace in that way. I noticed Nancy's gotten pretty close to George.
Ace is unusually angry with her about their Aglaeca curse. They agreed to do the ritual with Nancy. She tried to talk them out of it. Their anger is natural but she's not to blame. If she was reckless, so were they.
Did Nancy really care that much about Owen and/or was his death particularly traumatizing because everything was going wrong that week and he died because of her?
Also, I feel for Bess. She wants so much to be a Marvin and her aunt is an intimidating and dangerous woman that she knows she can't cross, so she ends up putting her relationship with Lisbeth on the line while also losing herself in the process. At the same time, I want to tell her to grow a backbone and not pander to a bunch of assholes.
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stillhavetodothat · 2 years
Replaying Nancy Drew without cheating - Part Four: The Final Scene
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Is The Final Scene the MOST brilliant game in the entire Nancy Drew series??
Hear me out. It has literally everything you could ever want out of a Nancy Drew game. Danger. Mystery. A ticking clock. A lack of pointless chores. An intriguing backstory. An amazing soundtrack. An extremely sassy Nancy. A caked up Nicholas Falcone.
I think the ONLY thing that is missing from this game, honestly, is length. I think it is well-known in the community that this game is too short, especially on replay, but I recently learned that this was the first game that HerInteractive put out on a 2-a-year schedule, so the development was rushed. After TRT, the company almost could not afford to continue making games, so they had to switch strategies. Technically, FIN saved the franchise. In that context, the only disappointment is that they didn’t have more time to work on this absolute MASTERPIECE.
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I also think my love for this game has grown after reading the book that it’s based on. Queen Simone Mueller was adapted from a boring male Simon Mueller, the talented Louisa Falcone was adapted froma boring male Louis Falcone. The Harry Houdini storyline was completely new in the game. Brady Armstrong having a vested interest in the theater demolition was also new in the game and made him a much more interesting and sinister character. I know that this book was written in the 80s, but Bess’s one-dimensionality (obsessed with food and boys) annoys me; much happier to see Vietnamese-American college student as the kidnapee instead.
Not cheating in this game was super easy for me. It’s another game I’ve played a dozen times, so even if I didn’t remember the exact sequence of events, I quickly was able to move the game along. I finished in under 3 hours, and that is with being consistently distracted by the NFL game my fiance had on in the background. Having three distinct days makes this game very sequential and hard to get stuck.
Some random thoughts I had during this replay:
1. Someone put this soundtrack on vinyl, PLEASE. I would literally murder someone to play this in the background while reading a book and smoking a joint on my couch.
2. Even as a child, I loved Nicholas Falcone. There is just something about a man with a passion. Nothing used to turn me on (still does turn me on) than Nicholas’s intellectual negging of a dim-witted Brady Charmstrong during the press conference. This was also the first time I really took the time to listen to the entire press conference from the ticket booth...pure gold.
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3. Speaking of the ticket booth, taking to Sargeant Ramsay on the phone is absolutely hilarious. Who is this voice actor? Someone find him and give him more gigs. And Eustacia Andropov? An incredible character and a treat of a phone call as well. WHO WROTE THIS SCRIPT?? I think this is probably the funniest game there is.
4. Let’s just go ahead and go through some of the best quotes of the game.  “I may have to cut this short, Hal. Someone just climbed out of my wardrobe.” (entirely unphased) “I think your phone’s about to ring.” “Take a breath and pinch yourself, because it’s reeeally happening: Brady Armstrong, in the flesh. Star of Vanishing Destiny? Go ahead, faint. I’ll catch you.” “Why don’t you tell that little grey troll that I think he did it just to keep himself from dying of boredom in this old dump. THAT’s my comment.” “Fight the power.” (a classic) "Mr. Charmstrong, do you find that your fans respond to you more in your chicken suit or curly wig?" “Maybe you’d better think about being ‘in on the law’ and ‘down with the truth’ Nicholas.” “More? I’m 96 over here. I don’t exactly have time to burn.” “You tell that Sherman Trout Eustacia said, ‘You’re not dead yet, Shermie, so get up and make yourself useful.’” “Armstrong: Uh, do we still like him or what?”
5. Joseph always scared the hell out of me. Even to this day. He is creepy and he IS a little grey troll. Why is he constantly trying to get me to leave the theater and go to bed in the middle of the day? Why is he lying about his brother Jake? Why is he always popping up in the most chilling way possible? I hate him. I suspected him from the very beginning.
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6. When Nancy says that Maya never goes ANYWHERE without her press pass...ma’am you are an undergrad student at Washington University. Please calm down.
7. Not sure if anyone remembers, but back in the day on the HerInteractive message boards people used to put all the games they had finished in their signature for all their posts. Some would just put a list of all the games, but others would get creative (including me, although it wasn’t creativity on my part as much as it was copying other people). Their signature would say things like “I have Stayed Tuned for Danger,” or “I have discovered The Secret of the Scarlet Hand.” FIN’s was “I have seen The Final Scene” and I still to this day say this whenever I talk about this game with anyone. Throwback.
8. I never would have figured out the gum on wand bit if not for the message boards back in the day, and my memory of it now.
9. This is a game that is more about the mystery and less about the puzzles. I loved this one, even though this is probably the hardest part of the entire game (besides the gum on wand thing).
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10. The ending is SO intense. Because I know exactly what to do, it is less so, but the whole thing still gives me goosebumps. That timer in the corner quickly ticking down? Hiding in the closet when the police do their final sweep? Joseph being an absolute psychopath? The focus knob breaking off? The KEYS? MAYA BEHIND GLASS?? TRYING TO BREAK THE GLASS WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER? JOSEPH BEING A PSYCHOPATH AGAIN?? (I can let it slide that defeating the culprit involves flashing them with a cheap prize from an ancient game in a decaying basement. It’s still so good).
11. Also, I have a print of this in my house right now because of this game. I don’t even know the artist, but I love it.
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So thankful to rediscover my love for this game. Can it top Treasure in a Royal Tower and Dexter’s sexy, raspy voice? Maybe not. But it is up there.
Next stop: DC!
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spuddlespud · 2 years
Characters Out of Context
➥ Include one character quote — of your choosing ⁠— from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like).
➥ Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it.
➥ Have fun, no pressure! Tagging
Thanks for the tag @facelessempresswritingempresswriting
I love the assumption that I put my writing into chapters. Roughly drafted sections maybe, but nothing as defined as a chapter. I'm gonna do the Old Inn Door bc that's the one I have the most raw prose for. Bess' father: "Bess, you don't understand. I'm not just such a measured person because that's who I am, but who I had to be. It's hard work being like us."
Bess: "I just hope you're right. I'm just going to get some fresh air."
Mabel: "You'd look more dashing in your highway costume"
(as yet unnamed) Highway Robber: "Oh my dear. Have you not learnt by now? Never trust the word of a scoundrel."
Bill, who isn't much of a character: "You see, I find the best way to deal with landlords is, you just keep a really big pitchfork by the door and then when you hear a knock..." I'm gonna tag @azriel-alexander-holmes @winterandwords @little-mouse-gardens @liltaz-asatreat @late-to-the-fandom, no pressure, or feel free to jump in if you haven't been tagged
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windowsandfeelings · 8 months
🦜, 🦤, & 🐦?
🦜 a pretty quote
I just like this bit:
Just in case, she grips her heavy flashlight tight as she pulls the door open, but there’s nothing supernatural waiting on the other side. “Ace,” she says, letting her arm go slack at her side. He looks handsome (but not very Ace-like) in a fitted black suit, and she feels a familiar flicker in her chest, something with wings just starting to stir.  “Nancy,” he says, his eyes locked on hers, then he swallows—she can see where his Adam’s apple bobs in his throat—and looks away. “Bess sent me.”
🦤 a quote you had to delete :(
ok I haven't actually deleted this yet, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be removed from Casualties chapter 4 (because I wrote this part before I wrote the beginning of the scene and now the scene has gone in a completely different direction):
“What do you want from me, Rory?” he asks, stepping towards her on the sidewalk. “You’re the one who pushed for this in the first place, when I told you I wasn’t ready for anything. And then you just bailed!” “I didn’t bail!” “You did! You got scared, just like you always do, and you ran. Just like you always do.” “That is” —she swallows hard— “a gross mischaracterization.” He rolls his eyes at her. “Please.” “I’m sorry if you can’t see why I’d feel the need to protect myself.” She spits the words through clenched teeth. “But I learned my lesson in high school not to let myself get too attached to Jess Mariano.” He reels backwards like she’s slapped him.
🐦 a romantic quote
I don't have anything good in my wips 'cause I haven't gotten that far with any of them, but honestly the entire study scene in chapter 9 of Met You at the Right Time is like...my favorite romantic writing I've ever done, probably?:
“Yeah, well…I wouldn’t want to be alone in that.” “Alone in what?” Another cliche, to say her heart is in her throat, but it is, truly. She might choke on it. “Alone in loving you.” His other hand cups the back of her head, his thumb resting just below her ear. The skin beneath it burns. “Always.” “Oh,” she says. It’s the only word she knows right now. He smiles. Big and warm. She thinks she’s smiling back. She hopes she is. “If I kiss you right now, are you going to remember it tomorrow?” he asks. She shrugs. “No clue.” She takes one last step towards him, tilts her face up to his. “Do it anyway?” It’s a searing kiss. She can feel it in all her nerve endings, in her fingernails, in the cells of her hair, and in the fillings in her teeth. It’s the sort of kiss that makes it all, everything, even the pain and grief, feel worth it, because all of it means she’s alive, right now in this moment, in Jess’s arms.
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Please help me assign some of my favorite movie quotes to a Snowpiercer character!
Quote: "I could never stay mad at you (insert love interest's name), that's the problem."
a) Which Snowpiercer character says this?
b) What is the context/who are they talking to?
& secret c) If you can name the movie this comes from you may have a gold star! :)
A. Alex (lemme explain)
B. I can totally see her saying this to Melanie (NOT SHIPPING THEM) after she solves something she screwed up badly again. For example I can see her saying this in a deleted scene in season 3. Now for a romantic relationship I see Bess saying this to Audrey in 3rd class when Audrey is finding herself again. (Bess @ Audrey). In conclusion everyone makes some pretty shitty mistakes in their life.
C. Oh you know me, it'd be impossible for me to not get this one(⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠) Top Gun Maverick baby!
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Thanks for the ask, makes my day better.
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batangtamad · 2 years
Nancy Drew Season 1
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Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Production: CBS Television Studios
Episodes: 18
Favorite Character: Ace
Favorite Quote: Nancy: I know what it feels like now. To have a secret that you don't want anybody to know, because if they find out it'll change anything. Carson: I was afraid I was going to lose you. Nancy: Keeping the secret changes everything, too.
Favorite Episodes: Episode 14
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Plot Synopsis: Nancy Drew is a brilliant teenaged detective whose sense of self had come from solving mysteries in her hometown of Horseshoe Bay, Maine – until her mother's untimely death derails Nancy's college plans.
I like the concept. This is not your typical Nancy Drew who solves normal crimes, as this also involves supernaturals. It also focuses on Nancy Drew finding her real identity. I like that this series included the famous first case that Nancy solved, which is the hidden staircase.
I got hooked at the very first episode, how Nancy and the other characters got involved with each other. I also like how each character was introduced which made the story interesting. I ship Nancy and Ace. Their chemistry is really great, especially in episode 14. Ace is someone that Nancy can really rely on, despite Ace being the cop's mutt. To be honest, it's kind of obvious that Nancy and Nick's relationship will not last. They lack communication, big time. Nancy is the main reason for the break up, since she doesn't like to share nor to ask for help. But she wants Nick to open up to her, which is unfair.
I also like Ace and Bess' friendship. They can tell each other anything. They are very supportive of each other and know that they can rely on each other.
With regards to Nancy finding out the truth about her real identity, I don't really understand her actions. Personally, I understand that she would feel betrayed and confused. But, I don't understand why she has to rebel. It's not like she was mistreated. Carson, and Kate love and raise her good. Also, she knew they had a legit reason to keep it a secret. They knew that the Hudson family was not safe and even tried to kill Lucy. It just felt like Nancy was being selfish for only thinking about herself. Of course, she has the right to feel betrayed, but she should at least have a one-on-one talk with Carson, rather than her disrespecting, and ignoring him. Because of this, I started disliking her.
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Final Blog
Secrets We Kept Three Women of Trinidad - Kyrstal A. Sital
The Bread the Devil Knead- Lisa Allen- Agostini
When We Were Birds- Ayanna L. Banwo
Archipelago - Monique Roffey
From the books I have read throughout the school year I learned that mainly up north in Trinidad has a lot of mountains. Up north in Trinidad is considered to be more rural and is supposed to have more mountains. All the stories I read this year were a mix of rural and suburban . I remember especially in the book “Secrets We Kept Three Women of Trinindad”  by Krystal A Sital the main character Ayra was always talking about running through Shiva’s farm. The story  “Secrets We Kept Three Women of Trinindad” by Krystal A Sital was considered to be more rural. “The Bread The Devil Knead '' the story took place in the city, the capital of Trinindad, Port of Spain. 
One thing that I have learned from these stories is that abuse was normalized back then, especially in foriegn countries like Trinidad. In three out four of the books I read the main topic seemed to be the abuse women faced from family and or loved ones. The three books that showed abuse being a main topic were “The Bread the Devil Knead '' by  Lisa Allen- Agostini, “Secrets We Kept Three Women of Trinidad ''  by Kyrstal A. Sital, and “When We Were Birds” by Ayanna L. Banwo. In  “The Bread the Devil Knead '’ Ayra, one of the main characters, was abused her whole life and she thought the man she married would be her escape but he soon started to beat her too. In “Secrets We Kept Three Women of Trinindad” Krystal learned that her grandfather isn’t as perfect as she thought and learned his history of his abuse once he was sick. Lastly, “When We Were Birds” with Yejide it wasn’t physical abuse it was more verbal from her mother.
One thing I learned about the food is that curry is really big in their food. I remember a quote from the first book I read that said, "Trinis hah de bess curry, ..." in the book “Secrets We Kept Three Women of Trinindad” by Krystal A Sital. I have also learned that they have pride with their food. There is always a competition on who makes the best curry in the Caribbean. Something else I learned about the culture was how important and fun it is to be a part of Carnival. Carnival is a festival they have in Trinidad that is similar to the one in Brazil. It is celebrated in Febuary. Lastly, I learned that they speak a certain way. They speak Trinindadian Patois. Trinindadian  Patois is Trinidadian English Creole which is spoken all through Trinindad. Their accents may be similar to Jamaicans and Guyanese accents but their slang is completely different. 
One thing that I learned from each book was growth in different ways. In the book “Secrets We Kept Three Women of Trinindad” by Krystal A Sital I saw the women in Krytal’s life finally be able to use their voice and speak up about the abuse that her grandfather put them through. In the story “The Bread the Devil Knead '' by  Lisa Allen- Agostini the main character Alethea finally had the courage to run from her abuser and that takes growth and maturity. Lastly, in the book “When We Were Birds” by Ayanna L. Banwo Yejide was able to get over her mother’s death and find love.
Something I learned about myself while reading was that I relate to some of the experiences the characters went through. For example I relate with Krystal finding out her grandfather isn’t so perfect. My grandfather passed when I was in third grade because he was an alcoholic , he hid it so perfectly never even knew he drank. I relate with Alethea not necessarily because I have been through abuse but because I finally built up courage to leave a toxic friend . Lastly, I relate with Yejide. After a few deaths in my family I felt lost but I was able to find self love and that is the best type of love. I grew and I am strong just like these characters.
Word count: 676
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yevlptyltd · 6 months
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bgw57 · 10 months
All Their Stuff
It didn't start with me - saving and hanging on to things. In fact I'd say I was at least a third generation pack rat on both sides of my family. And for this I am very grateful. I mean, it's fun having this stuff. And I think you can see by the volume and variety of it that a sort of family tradition developed, a way of looking at objects and especially documents of our daily lives, wherein collecting and saving them was just the normal thing to do. Ticket stubs, newspaper clippings, aka scrapbook items. Photos of course everyone saves, that is until the generation that doesn't comes along and donates them by the album full to their local thrift store. I volunteer at one, and have adopted a couple of those families, saving them from the dumpster. And we save documents, right? Tax returns, insurance documents, wills, deeds. And salt and pepper shakers.
These are some of the oldest things I have:
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My father's mother's baby photo. Besse Grace Moore was born in 1883. There are not a lot of snapshots from the 19th century, which is when all my grandparents were born, although some of my grandmother's studio portraits were pretty candid seeming and casual.
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Here she is in 1893, looking very calm and collected at 10. The hat. The ribbon everywhere. The Moores lived in and around Panora, and Guthrie Center, Iowa. I like this next one, which shows more personality that usual for photos of the time, or is that a misconception? Perhaps this is a holdover from the early days of photography - long exposures due to slower film, or plates.
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Ah ha! It's from her I inherited my droopy left upper eye lid.
If I had to guess, I'd say the genetic aspect of my struggles with depression was something she and I shared. There's a sadness or loneliness in her expression here that she also hints at in her correspondence (yes, I have a lot of the letters she wrote to my parents). She's often on the verge of throwing a pity party. Ruth, her daughter-in-law, my mom, used to poke fun of Grandma's sadsack-ery, quoting a line supposedly common to her letters, "Thought surely I would hear from you today." I just now realized - I have those letters. I can find out, was my mom just doing Besse schtick?
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I would love to hear the conversation around these outfits. Who's idea was it? Was it a local fashion? Did they make them themselves or have them made? I never knew my grandmother to be a seamstress but she died when I was 11, in 1968, so she may have given it up long before. Although again, in her letters and diaries I don't remember her talking about sewing, but there's much I have yet to read. She does go on and on about the gardening, canning, washing, ironing and all the other daily chores of an Iowa farm wife in the first half of the 20th century. Chores and the weather in fact are two of her favorite subjects.
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Speaking of farms and farming - though now an old goat, I was once and briefly a goat hill. The buffalo plaid jacket became a thing thanks to the Grumpy Old Men movies. Ugh. As if Minnesota and Minnesotans needed anything more to be cute and smug about - they've now co-opted my grandfather's hunting jacket. That would be Grant Williams, husband to Besse above. I don't remember him as he died when I was just 2.5 but I love having his jacket, complete with a game pocket where you can put your dead animals. Don't worry, the pocket's interior is (or rather was) rubberized so the blood and guts rinse right off. I wish I could find a date and manufacturer but the labels are long gone. When I was a kid, at our house on E-as-in-easy-avenue, this jacket hung by the kitchen door. Someone had painted while wearing it and it was the coat your threw on in cold weather to take out the garbage, or better yet, burn the trash! Outside the picket fence, between it and the alley, was the 50 gallon drum with the to top cut out. It sat on cinder blocks and taking out the trash was definitely not a chore for this young pyromaniac.
One hot dry summer afternoon before I was old enough and Ruth did this chore, a burning phone bill or cast off mailing from RCA Record Club was sent aloft by the hot air above the burning barrel and, landing on a pine shrub, set it ablaze. Luckily, Mrs. A. of the perfect lawn next door, who often surveilled the Williams backyard from her kitchen window as she did the dishes, rushed to Ruth's aid brandishing one of her several garden hoses. That was a summer, for sure.
Compare this to the dark of an Iowa January evening - dark even before dinner, which is saying something when dinner is at 5:30 during Walter Cronkite. Ruth is watching me from our kitchen window. I'm 13 and lighting a fire so I guess it made sense. The barrel by this time is rusted and the bottom is mostly hole. Sometimes you have to tend the fire a bit, it's snowed and that doesn't help. I have a special stick to stir the flames. This trash load includes the contents of the bathroom wastebasket.
Now, I'm not athletic. I'm the last kid picked for every gym class team ever formed. But as I stand there in the snow in Grandpa's hunting jacket, watching the trash burn, I discover a flaming Kotex pad, now ball of fire and fallen through the hole at the bottom, makes the perfect puck to my suddenly hockey stick. It's almost meditative, batting the burning pad around, all sparkled over with red embers and flame on the snowy ground.
When come in for dinner, flushed with cold and pride at doing my chore, I don't know what to say to Mom when, embarrassed and cross, she attempts to scold me for doing something she's too prudish to describe. "That burning paper you were playing with," is as close as she can get. The quickest way out of this unpleasant moment is to deny everything and go wash my hands for supper.
To stretch this cooling off moment just a little further, I weigh myself. 110 pounds. Standing on that very same scale today, dressed, I weigh 159, including the hemp Adidas. Jim and Ruth bought the scale with King Korn stamps, and there is probably a partially filled book of those somewhere in all my stuff, too.
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next time on All My Stuff - The Other Williamses
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