#i need more soft krauser x leon
weird-things-first · 1 year
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"No, we have to save it!"
"No, we need to fix your arm" fight me
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
Leon Kennedy x female reader
Requested by: @kormiato
First is booping Leon's nose. Imagine like if he sitting on the couch deep in his thoughts about past and how much he's afraid of losing reader like he lost a lot of good people like Marvin from RE2 and Luis, so he doesn't sees reader approaching maybe after bathroom, or work, or just making dinner for them and does this little boop with a smile, making him startled for a couple of seconds and making him come back to reality.
Warnings: Light angst. Spoilers for RE 2, RE 4. Fluff.
I love this so much! Sorry if its a little short.
Please enjoy.
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It wasn't fair. It was never fair. Leon had been through layers of Hell, all nine circles, and each time he rose the survivor. But each time, he lost a bit more of himself, he lost those around him.
His first day as a policeman, he lost everyone in Racoon City. The people he was going to work with. To this day, he could still see Marvin's paling face twisted with pain, the man giving him the very knife he kept with him all these years, telling him to out himself before others.
Luis. The man who offered to help him rescue Ashley and purge themselves of Las Plagas. He died protecting Leon from Krauser. Another soul lost. Another life he had to witness fade away.
It wasn't fair. Why did he have to face all these horrors? Why did he have to survive?
There were times he often thought about letting a B.O.W take that strike, to not dodge in time. But he could never give those bastards the satisfaction of it. Not now that he had [Name] to think about. The one light in his life. Almost like an angel, she came into his world and brought such hope and comfort, a gentle hand to ease the pain, to chase away the stress.
Leon couldn't imagine losing her. The mere thought enough to make his heart ache painfully. He couldn't lose her. He couldn't lose another person. She filled every little crack in his soul, every little crevice with a softness and care that he didn't even give himself. She would stand there, a towel in hand for when he came home in the rain, a hot beverage ready.
It was those moments be treasured truly. And would long for the most.
A faint tap on his nose made him jump, falling out of his thick cloud of thoughts, that he almost didn't realise where he was. Beautiful eyes gazed into his, a warm light spilling from them as that gentle smile made his heart flutter.
[Name] stood in front of him, her coat still on with shopping bags settled by the front door.
"Hello, handsome." Her voice filled his head, a comforting melody that he could listen to forever. "What's om your mind?"
Leon just sat there, his eyes looking over each part of her face, memorising them like the first time they met. Each little imperfection its own beauty. The way her eyes glowed softly in the low light, sparkling like little stars plucked from the sky.
"... nothing. Just you." Standing up from his seat, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close. He needed to hold her, to keep grounded. [Name] didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around him, her hands gently rubbing comforting circles on his back, a soothing yet simple gesture but one Leon greatly appreciated.
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killuintense · 9 months
❝ see you, leon ❞
rookie!leon x fem!reader.
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Warning: first part, second part.
summary: for Leon wasn't being enough to have you in secret, if it were up to him, he would love you in front of the whole world.
content: 4.3k words, fluff, semi-established relationship, cute and needy Leon, possessive and capricious Leon, smut, p in v, unprotected sex, fingering, mention of oral sex (m and f receiving), carefree home moments, pet names.
note: finally the last part of this fic that i loved writing so much, i was really surprised to see everyone who asked me to continue. Thank you very much for that ♡ now i hope you enjoy it and see you in other one shots or fics ♡ i love y'all :p
You could list as many things as you needed to about leon, about how attentive he was, the bad jokes he could tell, how much he would curse when something scared him or his work didn't go as he expected. You loved those little moments you spent with him where there could only be complicit glances and low touches, soft and innocent caresses that made your day less horrible. That month and a half that had passed had given you the opportunity to get to know him, to understand him and to like him more and more. Sometimes you even got scared counting the number of times you thought about him. When you walked through the center of the city and you saw a coffee shop and it reminded you of the horrible coffees that leon prepared, but you drank them anyway because, from your point of view, they were the most delicious in the world; or when you passed by a store and you saw a teddy bear and you thought of him, being someone soft, silly and a little rough, but always trying to help others like the angel he was. But most of all with you.
Things had really become a lot more intimate between you in those weeks. Not just intimate in the sexual sense of the word, but rather that intimacy that only the two of you understood, where with looks you told each other everything you wanted without needing to talk, where you laughed at the same meaningless things, where you had your own special words and moments. Like when he would tell you that thanks to him and his contributions they managed to discover one more clue in that investigation that was taking place in the police department, and you would congratulate him saying 'that's my cute pookie patootie' and he would get upset, but deep inside his heart would jump and he would feel warm. Or like when you were stressed out about final exams and he would take you for a ride in the squad car to take your mind off things, telling funny and embarrassing anecdotes from his time at the police academy.
"Seriously! Major Krauser was the worst, he told me that if I didn't manage to run 20 times all over the training field without stopping he would make me walk around the rooms naked" your face was flushed and your cheeks hot, remembering that angrily as you drove through that starry night. Your laughter, however, meant that that experience had not been in vain, now I could hear that melody coming from your lips, while your hands clenched your stomach and you denied asking me to stop.
"God, Lee, I'm really sorry but it's too much" you laughed again, wiping away those tears that the laughter had caused you, while you brought your hand to his cheek and caressed him gently. "I'm thankful that hadn't happened to you, you'd be even more traumatized" you joked, watching as he stuck his tongue out at you in mock anger and kept driving. You didn't know where he was going, but just feeling the breeze on your face, his voice and his beautiful, steady chatter made you forget about your worries, about what was overtaking you.
You had taken a special liking to each other. Leon seemed to have a little angel by his side every time he saw you, every time he referred to you with that proud smile that someone as beautiful and special as you were was paying attention to him. He noticed how all your attention went to him when he talked to you, how you analyzed the little details to help him every time you could.
Now you seemed to spend more time at the police station and had even started helping with the paperwork, almost as an excuse to keep seeing Leon and to 'spend more time with your father', even though you hardly saw him. And Leon couldn't have been more excited at the thought of seeing you going back and forth with the paperwork, handing it to him in an orderly fashion that relieved him of his work, or when you met in the break room and talked excitedly about the finished paperwork. You brought joy into his life and he felt he was lost because of you, because of your presence that filled him with an inexplicable and suffocating love. It suffocated him to know that at the university there were other guys who talked to you, that when you went out you were in danger of anything happening to you and you wouldn't come back, when you had attentions with some other cadet at the police station and you ordered their papers or offered coffee to them instead of him. It drove him crazy that others didn't know about the times you kissed or hid in each other's arms, giving out suggestive caresses without anyone noticing. He needed you to walk around with a sign on your chest that said 'property of Leon Kennedy' for them to stay away from you immediately.
And that itself was one of the things you loved most about Leon. On the outside he always seemed so helpful, kind and shy with other people, and with you he was no less, always being a gentleman who sought to court you and be helpful to you at all times. But he was not always so innocent. Especially when they were hugging, almost as gentle as ever, and he would run his hands curiously down your waist to your bottom, caressing and squeezing it. You always scolded him, but you didn't pull away, you even seemed to move closer to his touch, and even though they soon had to stop because there were people going all over the station, he took advantage of every second to hold your body in his hands by heart.
In fact, they had continued with their slightly over the top approaches. Shit, you couldn't lie but that man was addicted to eating you. Every chance he got he stroked you just enough leaving you wet and ready to have you in his mouth, making you moan his name over and over again as he held you gently and his tongue rammed into you with a desperation that drove you to orgasm. He was so needy. And you were so addicted to seeing him need you, sometimes he didn't say it, but he loved how you sought to suck him off wherever you were. You remembered that time when he shyly wanted to reproach you about the guy who kept you five minutes too long in college to talk to you, and he was sure it was to flirt with you.
"Yeah, sure, I'm sure it was to talk about homework..." he mentioned sarcastically, you could tell he was saying it almost like a tantrum, turning his gaze from you as if that little scene could get you to pay attention to him alone. He loved your attention and thirsted for it whenever he could, so he softened further when you grabbed his jacket sleeve and gently tugged, giving him a playful giggle.
"Lee..." you were getting closer and closer, and you knew it was quite dangerous considering that you were in the corner of an empty room at the university, where you had brought him to talk because of that cutting behavior he had taken out of nowhere "Don't be mad at me, baby" you felt him gasp at that nickname, looking at you with his mouth shining from licking his lips, hungry for you. You kissed in a way that you felt his hands squeeze your hips and making you almost unintentionally feel the bulge in his pants. And you always loved to spoil him, to make him feel good. You loved to feel the way his legs trembled and he controlled himself not to cum the second you put him in your mouth, like in that moment, where he pushed his cock again and again against your throat "I love to fuck ya throat, damn it's so deep" he whimpered under his breath saying how good you made him feel, that he wanted you all to himself, that your attention should be his alone. He would always cum so desperately, take your hair between his fingers and stretch deeper inside you to the point where the hangings would begin. But it felt so good that you ignored him and chased his orgasm to have your reward; his essence so hot and thick in your throat filling you mercilessly.
Then he would become the most sensitive and cute little thing, as if there was nothing left of that uncontrolled Leon, almost fainting in your arms when he calmed down and you hugged him "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." his chest would move frenetically and he would stroke your hair, soothing the tight pain his fingers had left earlier; but you loved him, you loved that every tiny touch of him remained on your skin reminding you how good he could make you feel. But you always laughed and reminded him that you had ruined his hair that morning too, choking him between your thighs as he ate you hungrily, moaning against you, so wet and weeping for his tongue. You needed each other more and more, those touches and caresses weren't enough, having each other's mouths was intoxicating but it didn't make you drunk. They needed more.
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You left Leon's bed lazily. You wore Leon's shirt, it was loose fitting and fit you like a short dress, filling you with the warmth of his scent as you grinned like a fool as you made your way to the kitchen. Both had been resting all that Saturday, your father had left town for work and you were able to sneak away with Leon to his house for the weekend. You were sure that your father would murder Leon if he found out about it, but in his own words, he would be willing to take that chance.
You headed towards the kitchen with curiosity while observing everything, laughing under your breath; there were things placed in an almost clumsy way, like the plates tilted in an uncomfortable area of the cabinet, or the glasses too far away from your reach. It made you tender to realize that it was obvious that he lived alone. And that really had been the best morning of your life. Waking up and seeing your boy slumped on the pillow with incomparable tranquility, breathing heavily as his arms tightened around your waist and his curves melted into the softness of the sheets. The skin of his bare upper torso, his broad back and full of small freckles and moles being illuminated by the morning sun was a blessing. The bed smelled of him; that masculine yet clean scent that Leon had, that you could swear was very similar to the perfume of a rose, mingling with your sweet scent that you soon let permeate making his sleep deeper than ever.
"Up so early?" you heard his husky voice and a soft yawn, bringing you out of your thoughts with a small start as you cursed for being startled. You turned around with a frown ready to scold him but your voice caught in your throat when you saw him with that facade he had when he first woke up. His blond hair was slightly tousled to one side, and although it wasn't very long it fit the contours of his face perfectly. He had a wonderful body, he wasn't exactly a skinny boy, he had everything in place and with a volume that made you want to squeeze and bite him. His abdomen smoothly marked by the training at the police academy and the V-shape that was made into a light trail of hair that took you to travel beyond his pajama pants. You swore that if it weren't for his drowsy state, he'd see you drooling like a fool.
"God, you scared me" you laughed, and after feeling your face warm from your recent thoughts, you turned your back to him and started heating water to pour coffee for both of you. Leon laughed and walked over to you to hug your back, wrapping his arms around your waist. It was wonderful how his muscles seemed to squeeze you tight enough, sharing that characteristic warmth with you.
"I didn't know you'd look so good in my shirt in the morning" his voice was drowned out by having his mouth sink into your neck, leaving soft kisses that caused you to melt like chocolate in the sun. He had no mercy for you.
"Kennedy, hands where I can see them, it's too early" you joked turning to kiss him. You couldn't resist him and his loving touches, his hands seeking to reassure you that you were there and not somewhere else, with someone else. Your mouths joined in a synchronized but awkward dance, both wanting to own each other. However, you decided to pass him the coffee cup before the kiss went to the next level, hearing a moan from him.
"You know you can't escape my kisses forever, don't you?" he raised both eyebrows and bumped his cup with yours in a playful toast-like fashion, stealing a soft chuckle from you. You loved that even just waking up he was like that with you, as honeyed and gooey as a jar of natural honey. So cloying that it forced you to pinch his cheeks in an attempt not to explode with love.
That day you acted like a couple who hadn't touched each other for months. Endless kisses, caresses here and there, and hugs where more than once you fell asleep in the tranquility of his arms. They had watched dozens of movies and eaten popcorn and chocolates like two bears hibernating under the warmth of blankets. They joked constantly and wouldn't stop chattering in the middle of the film, throwing out sarcastic comments and complaining about 'how bad horror movies were these days'. And you couldn't blame Leon, a young man from the nineties who grew up on eighties horror and you a lover of the classics, it seemed almost like fate.
However, at one point you both seemed to start ignoring the movies and put the snacks aside. That little kiss that had started as a simple token of affection ended up turning into a hungry kiss where the lion's hands traveled all over your body with curiosity. Both were aware that they didn't want to live from each other's mouth anymore and that they needed another kind of approach, but you couldn't avoid feeling exalted by the whole situation; it was the first time that things went too far and, although a little shy, both looked at each other with complicity when the hands needed to move away all possible clothes, being an annoying obstacle in the way. At that moment, knowing that they both wanted the same thing, the embarrassment took a back seat and noises began to emerge from both of them; soft gasps and meaningless words as they ran their mouths over each other's skin, exploring every nook and cranny.
In a moment, almost without realizing it, you were completely naked. Your clothes in the corner of the bed while your hand clung to Leon's shoulders and he groaned between your legs as his tongue plunged so deep into you that you felt like you were about to faint "Mhm..." a moan of pleasure escaped the blond's lips, his nose brushing against your throbbing clit while his free hand stroked himself hard and dripping.
"Leon, Leon-" a loud moan came from your lips as he inserted two fingers at the same time as he sucked your folds and abused them with his saliva mixed with your juices, he seemed to savor you as if it were his favorite food, as if eating you was his favorite activity in the world "Put it in, please..." your hands clutched at the sheets as you curved your back, completely stimulated at the slightest touch. Leon came out from his hiding place between your thighs and without stopping his fingered thrusts looked up at you in surprise.
"Are you sure...?" you wanted to laugh at that moment, feeling tender at the pathos of the situation. He was asking you that? they were both completely naked and from your position you could see his glans as red as it was wet, covered in precum that made you want to suck him right there. But, however, if it was because you didn't want to, Leon would ignore all that and stop, because you were his priority.
"Leon!" you scolded him trying to get a moan to stay in your throat, but you exposed yourself too much and his fingers touched your favorite spot again, making you moan loudly and collapse on the bed again, biting your bottom lip "Stick your fuckin' cock in me or I'll kill you" you bellowed as he laughed, gently pulling his fingers out. You reached for him desperately, feeling that unbearable emptiness you needed to fill with him. He looked so eager, you could see him twitching in desperation wanting to enter you, wanting to bury himself mercilessly. That's exactly why the blond couldn't take much more, and soon you felt his face hide in your neck and he slipped in with a slowness that made you see stars. It was thick and wet, hot, and you squeezed it with such precision that you soon heard it whimper in your ear, while your eyes tried to stay focused and not give way to tears of pleasure.
"Fuck, fuck..." he moaned, you felt him start to move, taking your hips hard as you felt his body stiffen on top of you; knowing him you knew he was taking all his desire to ram into you madly just so you could get used to him "You're so tight, so hot, I just...." he bit his lower lip and you sought his mouth to fill it with your tongue, kissing him messily and angrily, you were completely gone in the way you felt him growing in your belly.
"You're so thick, so hard, fuck me, fuck me!" you moaned in the middle of the kiss, you stirred your hips eagerly and Leon didn't take long to take you firmly to pull out completely and then back in. You both moaned in unison at that action. You scratched his back so hard that your punishment was to feel him thrust into you, hitting your womb with brutality. And he seemed so soft, sweet and innocent, but at that moment he seemed to be too high on your pussy.
"You're mine, you pussy it's mine, fuck, tell me yes, tell me you're mine" he moaned in groans, the back of the bed banging against the wall, making a noise that you hoped the neighbors wouldn't mind so much. But at that moment all you were interested in was that he kept up that ferocious rhythm, ripping curses from your throat as he whispered incoherently about how much he loved to fuck you. "I'll fill you up for days, baby, I'll make you walk around in pain so everyone knows I fucked you good at night, don't you want that, my girl?" he growled under his breath, feeling his abdomen contract and the tip of his dick pounding you faster, messier, perfectly about to cum.
"Yes! Fuck yes, yes, harder!" you moaned in a sob as you hugged him and felt his face sink into your tits with devotion as he bit them, sucked them, and made a mess of your skin. Between the thrusts, so erratic, so strong, mixed with his fingers pressing against your swollen clitoris, your vision went dark as you felt one last thrust and the hand Leon held on your hip dug his fingers in and tore a pathetic moan from his lips, accompanied by your name. You embraced him with your choking orgasm as spurts and spurts of cum deposited inside you, he seemed to cum so much that you felt full, hot. You were so wet around him that you felt that soon his dripping seed would spurt from inside you to stain the sheets beneath you. But Leon stayed inside you warily, wanting to live there if possible; loving the sensation of having you tied to him somehow, that somehow such a primal part of him was filling you at that very moment causing you to still be moaning under him while he could barely regulate his breathing.
"I'm sorry, I cum too much... I'm sorry..." his face sunk into your chest as he barely regularized, and you soothed him with caresses in his hair, laughing softly once the tranquility of that blow that gave you the orgasm, finally appeared. "I'm going to clean you up, just let me..." he was going to pull away but you prevented it by pressing his face against your tits, making him sink there. He didn't seem to object, staying like a scolded but pleased puppy in that hot and comfortable area of your body.
"I need you with me, just… stay," you asked him in a breath. Leon gently stepped out from where he was, looking at you as he smiled and nodded like a happy child. He gave you a soft kiss and made himself more comfortable next to you, still not coming out from inside you. You could almost swear you were starting to feel him hard again, but in return he left soft caresses in your hair as he laughed at the sight of you almost falling asleep in his arms. His arms that were your safe place.
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"I love you."
You looked to your side as you stopped checking your notebook and paid attention to him. Leon was red as a tomato and staring at the ceiling, his police uniform resting against his body, just like the first day you saw him. You felt like it was yesterday, that you saw him enter naively not knowing that you would be transformed into his desire to live every day, his desire to love someone, to desire each other with someone. He was naive not knowing that the young woman he had seen in the distance would become his friend, his companion, his lover.
"I know... I know it's silly to say it now, to say it like this but it's not easy to see you just exist and feel like my chest is going to explode, you know? I need to tell you... I love you so much that I can't stand my shame to know that someone like you noticed someone like me" he confessed. There was nothing about that awkward, awkward young man with the words and, though you didn't know it, it had been the most spontaneous sentence he had said in years. He didn't think it, he just felt it and said it. Like a love impulse, which encouraged him to improve day by day. You were his love.
"I guess I was never good at hiding that I love you..." you laughed, turning your whole body towards him as your hand gently caressed his cheek. It was a habit between the two of you, you held his face in the softness of your hands and he closed his eyes; he forgot everything for a few seconds. And yet now you could see a look of love so deep that almost for a moment you felt that tears would threaten to escape. "I love you more than you can imagine, Leon" the sincerity in that whisper, where only you and he understood each other was enough. He kissed your hand and placed his own against it, caressing it, making sure that under no circumstances would you pull away.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend...?" his gaze was on yours and although he tried to look calm and confident, a glint of fear was visible in that sea of blue his eyes formed. And you felt that you had an angel in your care, an angel that was watching over you but at the same time he was looking for you to take care of him, to accept to take care of his little hurt and abandoned heart. Leon was alone in life. He had only you, and you caressed his soul at every moment, with every word, taking care of him from bad dreams and bad thoughts, being his confidant every day.
"You know I'd be a fool to refuse" you laughed, leaving a soft little Eskimo kiss as you bit your lower lip, seriously holding back the urge to cry. It was the first time you felt the need to cry for love; for a healthy, mutual love, for a love that gave as well as received and was reciprocal in every way. "I want to be yours for life" you murmured, your lips glued to hers "because I love you more than my heart can bear."
"Thank you..." you felt his voice break softly, and you held him, held his face with love just as you held him every day with your love "Thank you for making me the happiest man in this world" he planted a kiss on your lips. As sincere and soft as the breeze coming through the window, with the sun going down in the sunset orange sky with purple sparkles. A sky that witnessed a love corresponding and belonging to each other, two lovers in love with a heart to give.
Because if Leon had you, and you had him, you would never need to say goodbye to him again. Because if you had him, in your heart you would always welcome his love, like the first time you saw him.
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Saw your post about how hard it is to characterize Ada and I just had some thoughts:
For Ada especially. When going back to OGRE2’s writing there were literally unsubtle exposition that Capcom throws right into the players face with how Ada views herself and her wants as character “I know I’m not capable of caring about anyone, but I don’t want to lose you” to “I really wanted to escape with you Leon, escape from everything”. So I feel like Ada does want to leave the Spy life, but can’t. Hopefully Capcom remembers this and decides to expand on this in a future game.
And with Resident Evil I feel a big part of the game is the concept of scenarios. Obviously there is the “official” canon, but I feel different scenarios are still in the realm of what the characters would do. In OG Leon A/Claire B, in the scenario where she saw a Claire fighting the tyrant she would absolutely help despite not knowing her, so this popular belief she’s the type to only help Leon or anyone for her own gain is false.
The epilogue card of her you get after beating OGRE3 where she cries after what she went through in Raccoon city, who’s to say that not the type of feeling/reaction she still had when they basically still kept Leon’s epilogue. Maybe she still does after every difficult jobs she takes on. “I’m just a Woman who fell in love with you” and “A woman looks at herself in the mirror” Capcom emphasizes a lot of the difference between Ada the woman vs Ada the spy. Even at the end of Separate Ways when her helicopter flies away, she takes off her playful mask she uses with Leon, closes her eyes to let out huge sigh and stares off into the sun with such a melancholic expression. I feel like Ada’s vulnerability has always been on display for people who paid attention.
When she talks about Luis in Separate Ways, “His history betrays an enthusiasm I once shared.” Makes u think about a young version of herself who had an enthusiastic outlook on life, but clearly something she experienced destroyed that. I’m sure she saw a lot of that in Leon when she first met him too, I’d like to think after their experience together it he brought back some of her positive outlook on life.
And I know it’s popular that Ada is super but when she says to Krauser, “I don’t like it when men play rough” I think she totally means it, if anyone is gonna be soft with her it’s gonna be Leon 😂
Even her in Umbrella Chronicles “it is important to remain calm and collected even in the most extreme situations” is why she’s so good at her job. It’s funny bc when I watch playthroughs of RE2R so many people are always like “how is she so calm?!” when she first shows up. She likely does have an initial panicking but can turn it off immediately to focus. Staying calm is such a big part of her section too, once Mr. X arrives, all of a sudden people panic and can’t think straight enough to remember her hacking tool they used less than a minute ago lol
Sorry for all the random thoughts I had to get out, even though this is what I feel I still love seeing other peoples interpretation of Ada, so when you ever do Ada’s POV I’ll be interested to see!
this was long so it took me a while to get to lol
one of the characterizations i don't see often talked about is the fact that it's likely she was forced into a life of crime from a young age and needed it to live. most people who are normal would see this as a form of abuse/trafficking/or just taking advantage of her. i see it as interesting if she choose to use that, to her advantage and using those same organizations that tried to use her. it makes more sense and gives her a sense of agency on why she double crosses people. she does it to whoever she sees is "the lesser of two evils."
and when she comes across people like leon who are genuinely good people, especially in re2 (albeit a bit naive, since leon still was appealing to authority example: chief irons, and how he still works for the government (corrupt) for many years)
I feel like Ada’s vulnerability has always been on display for people who paid attention.
this is literally why i think that people who do not pay attention to ada completely misunderstand her as a character. she's not an easy character to read, and it's so easy to just label her as some dumbed down "spy lady with no feelings" type of stereotype. like genuinely i think ada antis just lack critical thinking skills and media literacy because i've seen the worst takes about ada. and they're always rooted in
they didn't actually pay attention to the story
they didn't even play ada's campaigns
they didn't try to view ada's story from an unbiased perspective
they still think carla is ada in re6
or they're being outwardly misogynistic
or they're being racist
or both or all of the above
if people can't see in re4r that ada has several moments of vulnerability, then i just have no faith in people lol
the characterization of ada in separate ways is so needed for remake separate ways, i just need to see more of what she's like behind the facade of "ada wong, the mercenary." we've always seen glimpses of it because we actually pay attention lmao. but yes we need more
i think to think that she's so detached from her personal self sometimes she even scares herself. she definitely does when she cares for others and cares about leon. she's an incredibly multi-faceted but also flawed character, and we love that. give us women that make mistakes and then have to live with it. have her develop and change. have her self reflect on her choices.
but yeah tysm for this!
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honeyandbloodpoetry · 10 months
Bug Like An Angel
A short Leon S Kennedy X Chris Redfield one-shot. Leon is falling into a deep depression after his run in Spain, and finds himself lonely at a bar trying to numb the pain. Something better comes along.
Leon stared down at the empty glass, his vision swimming. His head ached, his limbs were heavy and yet...
"Another round!" He called to the barkeep. He was sweating underneath his jacket, skin sticky from something more than just the heat.
Whiskey on the rocks. It burnt going down, and made him even hotter once it was inside. Leon gripped the glass as if it were a lifeboat. As if it were all he had.
Images of Krauser, Luis, Mike, Martin--so many people he lost--began to flash through his head. Even the people that were alive felt unreachable. Ada, with her soft curves and easy smile and ice-cold deception, Sherry's watery blue eyes and determination through the worst of circumstances, Claire's attitude and leather and sense of justice, the way Ashley always seemed to make him smile. They felt so far away. Untouchable. He was alone.
The drink was all he had indeed.
There's a bug like an angel,
Stuck to the bottom
Of my glass, with a little bit left.
As I got older
I learned I'm a drinker,
Sometimes a drink feels like family....
"Hey there, buddy." A strong voice said, slipping in next to Leon. The DSO agent didn't even look up. The voice stalled for a moment, and Leon couldn't help but feel the large presence. Everything in the room seemed to gravitate toward the man next to him.
Or maybe he was just really, really fucking drunk.
A gentle hand on his arm. It felt like a hundred pound weight. Like it was going to crush him. Leon slowly looked up and met eyes with the guy bothering him. The gears in his head slowly turned, and then there was the flash of recognition that made him dizzy. Chris Redfield. He met him after the whole shindig in Spain, when he gave the Kennedy Report. Claire's brother. Him and a few guys from the BSAA had taken him out for drinks. It was a good night...nothing like this, drowning in whiskey and gin all by himself.
"Haven't seen you in awhile." Chris said, voice upbeat but his eyes gleaming with concern. "Just happened to stop in here with some of my men and noticed you. Think you could use some company?"
Leon still felt sore from Spain. It had been months. The pain wasn't going away. It made him stiff and bitter. Only drinking seemed to make it abate, if only for a few hours. "No." He slurred, Chris' edges blurring. "I'm fine."
Chris grimaced. "You don't look fine, Kennedy." He suddenly disappeared, and Leon stared blankly down at his empty glass. It should have been full again by now, no? He was loud enough... Did someone cut him off? Irritation spiked.
A few moments later, Chris returned with a plastic cup. He held it out to Leon. The DSO agent stared down at the cup and pointed with one finger, the word loose. "Liquor?"
"No, it's water. You need to sober up, Leon." He pushed the cup closer, a little bit sloshing over the rim. "I got lemon in it and everything, man."
"I'll pass." Leon shuddered when Chris used his first name. It was involuntary, echoing the way Krauser said his name when he killed him and...
The rim of the cup was pressed to his lips. "Wha--"
Chris tilted the cup, letting water flow into Leon's mouth when he spoke. He blubbered on it for just a moment, then swallowed without even thinking. The lemon was refreshing. He began gulping it down, the coolness a welcome contrast to the heat from the whiskey.
Chris was silent, just tilting the cup and letting Leon have his fill. He had dealt with men in places like Leon was in before. Broken. Hurting. Just seeking respite. Hell, he'd been there himself. Probably would be one day again, counting on his line of work.
A little bit of clarity came back into Leon's eyes and Chris smiled. "Attaboy," He said warmly to the younger man. "You'll be alright. I got some sliders on the way too." He pulled the cup from his lips, lingering for a moment on the way the little drops of water that clung to Leon's stubble shimmered in the low light.
"Why do you give a shit?" Leon asked bluntly. "Nobody...nobody except Hunnigan has... Checked... After everything... Raccoon City..."
Chris frowned. Poor guy. He really was drunk off his ass. He heard a lot about Leon from his sister, and it was a whole lot different from what he was seeing.
"Because I know what it's like." Chris reached a hand out and placed it on Leon's shoulder. The smaller man startled, then eased back down. "A neverending nightmare, right? If we have to live through this shit, we might as well look out for each other."
A tray of sliders was slid onto their table by a waitress, dripping gooey cheese and still steaming. Chris smiled at the way Leon's eyes laser-focused onto the food. He did look like he had lost some weight in the months since the Kennedy Report.
"Nobody else will, yeah? So eat up."
Leon reached across the table and grabbed a slider, stuffing the entire thing into his mouth at once, most of it falling back to the table. He was clumsy, almost silly in his movements, but once the food hit his stomach he could feel himself sobering up, at least a little.
"Thanks." Leon said. "I don't have much to say but..." His eyebrows rose as Chris effortlessly engulfed a slider all at once. "How the hell does your mouth open that wide?"
"Practice." Chris grinned, speaking through a mouthful of meat and cheese.
Leon blushed despite himself. Fuck. Still off my game... I didn't expect to see anyone here tonight... And yet, he couldn't deny that he was feeling better. More steady. It hit him how alone he'd been since being released from the hospital after his mission and delivering the Kennedy Report.
"Yeah?" Leon said, grinning. "I bet I can fit two."
Chris actually guffawed in disbelief. "Yeah, okay. You couldn't even get one down without spilling it all over the place."
"I wasn't trying." Leon countered.
"If you can do two, I can do three." Chris learned at him, shit eating grin plastered across his face.
"What are you, bro, a snake?"
"Ugh, don't talk to me about snakes... Now why don't we make it a bet?"
Leon and Chris stood outside the bar roughly an hour later, the former much more light on his feet. The stickness and heaviness seemed to be gone, the slur in his words disappeared. Chris was pleased, and despite coming over to help the guy out, he had actually had a good time.
"So you really killed this fucking B.O.W. with only eggs?" Chris laughed in disbelief.
"They wouldn't let me put it in the report because they thought it was bullshit!" Leon exclaimed. "But yeah, the bastard was severely allergic to eggs, even after he mutated. The worst part was just trying to nail the aim."
"Taking down a giant man-eating monster with eggs. Holy shit. That's Agent Kennedy for you." Chris couldn't stifle a laugh. "I have to ask though...why did you have so many eggs?"
Leon blushed. It was cute. "I was on the field for a long time and got hungry. So I just picked them up in the village as I went."
Chris cocked an eyebrow.
"I didn't waste time! I had them raw." Leon said hurriedly, almost embarrassed. The blush deepened. Ah. So he cared what I thought of him.
"Not weird to me." Chris shrugged. "I pop a couple eggs into my smoothies every now and then. They help." He flexed one of his biceps, keenly aware of how tight his simple black t-shirt was. He was also keenly aware of Leon's eyes darting away before sliding up his arm and across his chest, then back up to his face.
Chris was tempted to hit the younger man with my eyes are up here but decided against it. He seemed skittish and stiff after his run against Saddler, and Chris didn't want to jinx this.
In fact, he wanted to see Leon more often. Just to check up on him and discuss missions of course.
Leon felt Chris' hand glide over the small of his back. It sent a warmth up his spine, but it was a heat worlds different from drunkenness. Maybe just as addictive though.
Still not completely sober, Leon leaned into the touch as Chris walked with him to his apartment. Chris didn't move his hand, and for a few moments, Leon felt content for the first time in a long time.
"Steady there?" Chris asked, and Leon could swear he heard the cockiness in his voice.
"Yeah. Still a little woozy." Leon played it cool as they approached the gate to his building. "This is it. Nothing special." He stalled, thinking of inviting Chris in with him. He hadn't been with a man since Jack, but...
No. Not again. He wouldn't get close to someone just for them to...to...
"Are you free next Friday?" Chris asked, dopey smile on his face. "My partner Jill will be on a mission of her own, my men and I've got nothing to do... We were thinking of maybe playing some sports together. I used to do football back in school."
"I can tell." Leon said, immediately regretting it. "Ah...sure. I could use something to pump my blood."
"I thought so." Chris flashed a thumbs up. "I'll come get you. Afternoon, okay?"
"Okay..." Leon felt confused. And flustered.
"It's a promise. Don't break it!" Chris waved as he turned away. "See you then!"
Leon watched him walk away. "See you..."
Maybe things could get better again.
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ghostsbeetle · 1 year
Introduction post
Hey guys, I’m Nick, or you can call me Beetle.
I’m 19 years old, male, and gay.
I’m a mediocre writer (at best) and am trying to write more, as I have recently found my skills to be a bit lacking in terms of things like interactions.
So send me requests (when the ask box is open).
Here are some fandoms I’ll write for:
Resident Evil (mainly)
Red Dead Redemption
Dead By Daylight
Inside Job
Silent Hill
I have more but that’s all I feel like adding rn lol
Characters I particularly like writing about are:
RE: Albert Wesker, Leon Kennedy, Carlos Oliveira, Rebecca Chambers, Jill Valentine, Nemesis/Tyrant/Mr. X, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, Karl Heisenberg, Donna Beneviento, Jack Krauser
RDR: Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Lenny Summers, Sean Macguire, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Josiah Trelawny, Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, Kieran Duffy, Hosea Matthews
Slashers: Michael Myers, Ghostface, Harry Warden, Jason Voorhes, Leatherface, Patrick Bateman
Fallout: John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Craig Boone, Robert Joseph MacCready, Sturges, Arcade Gannon, Paladin Danse, Deacon, Butch Deloria, Courier Six
Inside Job: Brett Hand, Andre Lee, Reagan Ridley, Gigi, Ron Staetdler
Silent Hill: James Sunderland, Pyramid Head
Of course, I’ll write just about any character from those franchises within my limits.
I do request that submissions for one shots/fanfics are particularly detailed; for example,  if you say Leon Kennedy, do tell if you mean re2, re4, re6, Infinite Darkness, or Vendetta, the setting, a specific type (plagas!, umbrella!, soft!), gender neutral, fem, male, and the premise. Head-canon asks don’t need to be AS detailed as I’ll use a general summary of that character’s personality to write for it, but I would appreciate a small description.
I will write anything from fluff, to angst, to smut. I'll also do my best to write characters that I'm not familiar with. I WILL NOT write fetish content, proships, non-consensual stuff, real people, abuse, or beastiality. Basically don’t be a weirdo.
That’s about all. I’m in the process of writing two one shots right now so if you can, do leave a request! It would give me much motivation. Love you all <3
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admirxation · 3 months
unfaithful | leon kennedy oneshot
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pairing: boyfriends dad!leon s. kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
summary: the reader cheats on their partner with their partners dad, leon.
disclaimer: this fic will deal with sensitive topics like cheating. this is a piece of fiction and i do not condone everything i write, cheating is a horrible thing to do and you should always communicate with your partner and shouldn’t hurt them. this is just fictional where real people cannot get hurt, cheating irl has its consequences and reflection of you as a person.
cw: slight mention of an age gap (both parties of age//18+), cheating (mentioned partner is gn), oral (f receiving), nipple pinching & sucking, neck kissing & biting, fingering, begging, p in v, edging, praising, unprotected sex and creampie.
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this was the most voted wip that people wanted posted so i have delivered, im thinking of either working on my krauser wip or a gortash x durge (bg3 oneshot) alongside the perpetual chase. please engage if you like this and check my pinned post for any info on me or writing status, mwah mwah mwah xoxo
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Another night in your partner’s room, lying on the soft covers as you watched their face as they drifted into a dream world, unaware of all surroundings — unaware of your unfaithfulness. You were thankful for how much of a heavy sleeper they were, watching as their messy hair framed their face, the occasional strand neatly dangling in the middle of their forehead; you could tell they were content, the perfect opportunity to fulfil a long-concealed secret. This was routine now; you would wait for your partner to fall asleep first, guaranteed if you could sneak a bit of caffeine before bed without them knowing, but more times than not, the adrenaline of knowing you were going to be with Leon helped you wait for them to fall asleep.
You knew Leon — your partner’s father — was waiting, so you slowly moved to enter the room of routinely secrets. You couldn’t stop thinking about him whenever you went over, having to wait every night for some fun. Leon was the one who started all of this; he was the one who watched you intently every time you came over; these looks that started the deceit. You continued to watch your partner as you tiptoed out of your bed and moved to the door where you always left a smidge open so the latch never made a sound, praying the floorboards wouldn’t creek and releasing slow and deep breaths when slipping away. While walking outside the room, you always had an excuse prepared, just in case they had awoken; it ranged from getting a glass of water, going to the bathroom, or even getting a snack. There was a part of your conscience that kicked in and made your heart feel heavy for a moment, but like every single time, excitement and adrenaline overrode your morality and helped you continue your route to Leon.
You and your partner had only been dating for a few months — meeting each other at college — but there was something off with them. The first night you laid together and shared each other’s bodies, you were expecting to feel excited, elated, and lovestruck, but you felt unfilled, even empty, after it was done. You thought this was just a one-time thing where you needed to get used to each other, but it kept happening; no matter how many new things you introduced, you only felt religion when you shared an intimate moment and tried to avoid it — but you never dared to express how you were truly feeling. You thought maybe it was a sign of your body rejecting them, telling you that you weren’t supposed to be together, but you tried to silence and push rationality away into an unconscious that would only intrude on an absent thought or dream. You knew you were a bad person; you never tried to twist this into you being the good guy, but you also had a selfish desire not to push them away, afterall they stopped your loneliness for a while. It was selfish, deceitful, every word in the book to describe this, but being with them was the ticket to a distraction for you and the route to Leon’s bedroom.
You felt the carpet against your feet as you made slow and calculated steps that inched closer and closer to Leon’s door, which was already opened a crack — the perfect signal of invitation. As you pressed your hand on the wooden door, you remembered when you first met your partner’s family. They were friendly and welcoming, and you were happy to be accepted in the family, but Leon was not just giving you the friendly and welcoming looks; no, his stares were a look of longing and lust as he stared at your frame, visually objectifying and seeing you as a vision of temptation. When you first met him, you admitted to yourself in a thought or two that he was a very attractive older man who presented himself well and even had that alluring mystery and darkness that made everyone want to get to know him, to break away that tough exterior front. The night you met him, you felt a tingling within your stomach that continued every time you shared a night. Still, that night, you two were in the kitchen, starting a suggestive conversation that turned to intimate touches on your thighs, then your waist, him whispering every compliment and dirty thought into your ear — and it only continued from there.
You quickly moved to close the door behind you and quietly locking it, releasing a heavy breath inside you as you sneaked around. Eventually, you turned to look at Leon; he was sitting in only his boxers, like he always would, looking at you up and down with the same playful and expecting smirk that would wait for your arranged nights together.
“Thought we agreed at 3 am?” he showed you his phone, showing the time was 3:15, playfully teasing you about your poor time management.
“They were taking forever to sleep,” you said, moving onto the bed beside him. Leon then pressed his hand on your thigh, starting an early tingle of excitement within you, “You know that I do come to your room… Eventually. When have I ever backed out?”
You both kept a whispered hush in your tone of voice, secrecy adding to the thrill that would conquer the guilt that momentarily manifested inside of you, but never Leon, from the seems of it. Leon continued to graze his fingers on the soft plush of your inner thigh, moving his fingers further upwards to your tingling and expecting core before tucking the tips of his fingers under the band of your underwear, using his free hand to place them on your cheek, his thumb grazing on your cheek to admire your beauty before he leaned in for a sweet kiss. A kiss that grew in passion, movement, and speed as he moved from your soft lips and made his way to your neck to place tender kisses, closing your eyes as you released your deep breaths and felt Leon’s soft lips and warm breath on your delicate skin.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked as you were a little hesitant in your movements, “Are you not feeling up to it tonight,” he said in a deep, silky voice.
“Nothing… Just a moment of guilt,” you confessed.
“I think you should be over this guilt… Face it… You’re mine now, you won’t be going back to them… Now, be a good girl,” he placed his hands on the hem of your shirt, waiting for your answer before taking it off.
“True,” Leon smirked at your acceptance, removing your shirt and throwing it to the floor, now met with your perfect frame and naked upper body for him to admire.
He gently pushed you onto the bed, your back feeling the cold soft covers, then a sensation of warmth from Leon as he climbed on top of you, his knee tucking underneath your left knee and moving to separate your legs as he placed himself neatly in the middle, leaning in to continue kissing your neck. You released laboured breaths and soft moans as he nestled his soft lips on the skin of your neck, occasionally biting you, sending a thrill coursing through your body and grabbing onto him a little harder from the sudden but frequent surprise. Moving lower and placing sweet and small kisses as he moved to your exposed breasts, using his tongue to swirl around your erect nipple, his hand giving attention to the other as he squeezed the bud as he licked and sucked the other.
“Fuck,” you released in a hushed whisper, arching your back the harder he would have fun with your body, that previous guilt melting away as you closed your eyes and let Leon take you into a sea of concupiscent sensations, “mmmhh,” you continued to share your thrill through the exchange of noise.
“Such a beautiful girl,” he said in that deep, rich tone that growled possession over you, the voice that made you forget every moral and every memory of your partner. You were Leon’s for tonight and every other time he desired you.
He moved his hand down from your breast, sliding it down your torso, making his way to your already pulsating core that was getting wet just waiting for Leon, his fingers now at your clothed pussy, him smirking with already being able to feel the damp patch, rubbing circles before removing the clothed barrier, dragging your damp pants down your legs and carelessly dropping it on his bedroom floor. You gasped at the contact of his flesh on your centre, causing you to instinctively grind onto his fingers; he looked at you with that lustrous darkness in his eyes as he gently slid his index finger along your folds, teasing you with only the tips of his fingers, asking for entrance then shying away; he continued this and played with your expectations, getting harder the more you held your breath ready for his entrance.
“P-please, Leon… Please,” you begged.
He smirked once more before gently sliding his large fingers inside your wet pussy, your walls of warmth surrounding them and causing his cock to twitch inside his pants as he saw you squirm under his control and the feeling of your heat; he moved them in and out, keeping a steady rhythm before picking up the pace, making you release laboured and deeper breaths. He watched your pussy, hungrily as you closed your eyes and bit your lip, clutching to your bed covers as he roughly manipulated your senses.
“Such a beautiful girl,” he said under his breath, making you blush and feel warm as he complimented you and made you feel like your body belonged under Leon’s.
He watched you intently as he continued to ram his fingers inside you, watching your chest rise and collapse under your breathing patterns, waiting for when you were going to release yourself; just as you were about to release, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, seeing a blurred vision — but then it all stopped. Disappointed, you opened your eyes and looked at Leon, hungry for more. You were disappointed when you were so close; it felt cruel not to allow you that sweet release.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart… I won’t leave you like that,” he cooed as he lowered himself to have his face align with your wet pussy; he felt his hard cock press against the bed.
He teased you with small licks along your slit, causing a shiver to run down your spin, biting your lip as you waited for more; Leon then pressed his lips on your puffy clit, sucking the sensitive bud that made your squirm under his manipulation, your unfaithfulness was something your forget about with the waves and tides of pleasure and sensation. His fingers went back inside to feel your walls as he continued to suck and pump his fingers, you clenching onto the covers again. But he stopped again just as you were grinding your hips into his mouth.
He loved to toy with you.
You saw that smirk he had as he raised himself and took his pants off, revealing his hard and throbbing erection that was begging to be inside of you; you blushed and felt a wave of warmness slide within your body before he pressed his tip along your slit, teasing you more and more with pressing only the head inside you, then moving out. In and out, he continued, and a jolt of arousal spiked within Leon as he saw your expecting face and your disappointment every time.
“How much do you want me?”
“S-so much, p-please… I want you so bad,” you whimpered.
“Come on, sweetheart; you can beg a little better than that… Start again,” he continued to slightly move his hips as he teased you with the tip of his large cock.
“J-j-just fuck me… Please, I’m all yours; just do it already,” you continued to beg, feeling agitated and wanting to feel what you had come over for; you liked and hated how much control he had over your desires.
Leon loved how much control he had over you; you were his; you were only your partners in social titles, but your body was connected with Leon, and he hoped you would remain connected through your need and desire to be consumed by your appetite for him and his body. Just when he had felt like you begged him enough, proved you wanted, no, yearned for him, he forcefully rammed his length inside of you, causing you to release a high-pitched yelp and the causation of your eyes squeezing shut as you tried to grow accustomed to his length.
“Shhh, shh, shh, not a sound out of that pretty little mouth of yours… We don’t want them to know,” he cooed to you as he placed his rough, calloused hands on your waist and thrusted himself inside your cunt.
“Mmmh,” you continued, moaning and trying to keep your level of noise to a minimum, not wanting the night to be interrupted by the secret being known.
You felt the tip of Leon’s cock kiss your cervix, feeling like it was getting bruised with his handling of you and the length that he pumped inside and out. Immoral unfaithfulness felt so good; it was wrong, and this shouldn’t happen, but it all slipped away when Leon had his way with you. Lost in your sensations when giving your body to him freely and letting your walls clasp around his member, an intimate embrace that begged for Leon never to stop and never to leave you wanting more.
The room was full of the sound of your sweet moans, Leon’s deep and laboured breaths as he pumped himself deeper and deeper into your sweet pussy.
“Fuck, you’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you?” he continued to praise you, watching as your tits bounced with every thrust he pounded into you; he saw you as a vision of beauty and temptation he needed to indulge himself into every time he was in your presence.
Just as he was lost in his admiration for you, you rolled your eyes to the back of your head, squeezing your eyes shut as you bit your soft bottom lip, gripping your hands on his arms as he continued to fuck you senseless, finally being able to release that built up arousal from him constantly teasing you. He could tell by how your body tensed up and how your face seemed like it drifted off into another world; he took this as an invitation to release a pool of warmth inside you, leaving you both to gasp for air as you finished and left to process how good it was to share each other’s company.
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ashiemochi · 2 years
HELLO MY LOVE SJSBSJ may i pwease request a Leon Kennedy x Female! Reader fluffy imagine where the reader and leon are roommates and leon comforts reader after a bad nightmare with lots of cuddles and soft forehead/lip smooching jdbsisbsjsbei OKAY BYE EUEBEIEBEJEBD
✠ Red or Blue ↳ You're not a bad person.
➶pairing: Leon s Kennedy x (FEM) Reader ➶genre: angst, fluff, mentions of blood/gore (other than zombies..) hurt/comfort. ➶prompt: "it's okay, I've got you." ➶Content includes: strong language (reader has a way with words), sickening fluff, leon being a sweetie, PTSD sort of nightmares, alcohol, death, descriptions of corpses. This is ID! Leon!! So it contains RE:ID SPOILERS. ➶WC: 3.9k idk, you count.
A/N: I started working on this on the eleventh of January and only got to finish it now- commissions were a pain in the ASS BUT, guess who finally finished work and can write more now?🤤 anyway, some hurt/comfort for all of our needy, lonely selves. Hope you enjoy <3 I didn't proofread so if you see any grammatical error, keep it to yourself. it's between you and god now-
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Fuck this DSO bag of dicks.
Shitty sons of shitty cock-sucking missions.
Fucking fuck on a stick.
Mother of-
"- Fuck."
Leon's eyes darted up from his laptop at the sounds of your angry mutters entering the apartment followed by the shuffling of heavy boots. The door was slammed shut roughly to the point he honestly thought the walls around him trembled at the gesture. That's when he closed his eyes for a moment and he sighed.
It must've been a bad mission... Again.
Your body was aching all over, certain spots were practically throbbing in pain. A hiss escaped through your teeth and you stilled, dropping the duffle bag, halfway bent into reaching to take off your boots. That colourful bruise on your lower back reminded you of the history of how you got it.
It wasn't much of a history, but it nearly got you to shit bricks at the sight of a streetlight pole falling down towards a helpless child and the first instinct you got was to push the kid away. Too bad your back didn't go unharmed.
Instead, you dragged yourself deeper into the apartment, heading straight to the kitchen as you were passing the living room where your roommate sat. You stood in your place and his piercing blue eyes bore at you as he brought his glass of whiskey up to his lips.
"Bad day?" Was all Leon had asked.
Furrowing your brows at him, you replied, exasperatedly, "Really? What gave it away?"
He let his eyes trail up to the patches of bandages on your cheek, a busted bottom lip and scattered ones all over your arms and hands. Your eyes were exhausted but something lingered in the back and he instantly knew what it was.
He returned his blues to yours with a slight playful but mostly serious look, "You look like you've seen better days."
Your demeanour faltered a split second, your shoulders visibly slumping. That man can read you like a book it was almost annoying. Your mission did not go well. None of it did.
"How did it go?"
Unbelievably bad, I'm in dire need of food and comfort... And you.
The words failed to form, leaving more than a lump in your throat which further irritated you. A scowl settled on your face as you sarcastically mimicked him in a bad accent while you made your way into the kitchen.
"HoW dId iT gO?"
It wasn't new to Leon to witness your snarky side. After all, you both were roommates way before the Los Illuminados mission. It was during the days where Krauser was actually on your good side.
Leon had met you after one of the higher-ups recommended you to him and Krauser for the Javier Operation. Krauser thought you were going to hinder them because beginners were never his forte and he admittedly found rookies a liability. As for Leon, he didn't mind as long as you could handle yourself in tough times.
Still, he couldn't help but watch in awe as you took down every enemy in swift movements and even managed to give him a hand in fighting the mutated Javier.
It wasn't until the government chose both of you to save the President's daughter did he get the chance to know you more. Did you even see how the entire mission went?
You'd actually laugh at his witty one-liners and he never knew if it was sarcastic or a genuine one. But he didn't care as long as that happy sound was emitting from you. And he'll never forget the moment he fell unconscious due to the plaga hatching in his bloodstream only to wake up with his head on your thighs while you were sitting on the ground, back against the wall and arms crossed against your chest with one hand loosely holding onto your gun.
You were asleep. And it was then did he realize that his feelings towards you were more than professional co-workers with the occasional banter and coffee cups.
To see you acting bitchy wasn't new. It was your way of coping with guilt. He knew if he waits, you'll most likely come around and tell him everything, but something told him that this was more than just a bad mission.
Something went terribly wrong.
As you were pouring yourself a glass of whiskey, your mind trailed away to your mission. The same one you've led. Your squad had your back just like you did to them. The objective was simple; sneak into the facility, cease any information or specimens pertaining to the virus, and save the innocent people who were being experimented on.
Mindlessly downing your whole glass in one go, you found yourself pouring yet another, the honey-coloured alcohol still lingering in the back of your throat. Your tired dull eyes bore at the marble counter, recalling the orders you were forced to make. The screams of the unfortunate rang in your ears. The terrified bloodied kid crying to you, wanting his mom as your gaze landed on the corpse of his mother and the gun in your hand.
The one who sadly went through the testing procedures.
"Shit..." You hissed lowly, feeling your head beginning to pound at the sleep deprivation and the overthinking. You reached up to gently press your palm on the side of your temple, hoping the aching and the bandaged cut would calm down a bit.
Leon stood at the entrance of the kitchen, arms crossed against his chest at your tired form. It hurt him to see you this way. You used to be so full of life despite your line of work but as the years progressed, he could see it sucking the optimism out of you. It was draining you.
You caught him from your peripheral vision as you stared down at your glass. You could feel his stare at you, scanning you.
Studying you. For a second there you almost snapped at him to cut it out, but he got to cut the silence first.
"Red or blue?"
Internally, you screamed. You eyed at Leon, nearly glaring but he kept his stare. He knew you knew. The question was simple and it helped both of you a lot post-operation. Leon too had the habit of just dipping out to his room after rough missions to get his thoughts together before he opens up to you. It saved both of you a lot of communication trouble.
Red meant 'don't want to be bothered. The mission went apeshit. Need sleep for the next 3-5 business days.'
Blue meant 'Mission could've gone better and I need a lending ear. Can we talk about it over pizza?'
Leon came up with it after the whole ordeal with Jason spreading fear. You had tried to save Shen Mei in that underground facility but was too far away and had to witness mutated Jason snap her neck in half. After that incident, you were holding your feelings in and that's when Leon decided to use the colour rule.
Usually, you'd pick blue and on some days, yellow would be your choice. Yellow was basically in the middle, not too bad, not too good. It mostly meant you were okay and was already halfway into moving on. You rarely ever picked red.
"Yellow." You lied straight through your teeth but Leon wasn't convinced. Especially after you downed the glass.
Leon's brows furrowed, "Y/N." He said in a warning tone though it was more concerned. It was a simple colour rule. You both promised each other you won't be lying. Just be honest and it's smooth sailing from there.
"What the fuck do you want, Kennedy?" You snapped, finally looking at him, "I'm not in the mood for your stupid little games, alright? Leave me alone."
Leon blinked at your outburst, closing his mouth as his eyes narrowed at you in slight annoyance and sympathy, "Red or blue."
"Did you not fucking hear m-"
"I heard you loud and clear," Leon interrupted you as he straightened up, letting his arms fall to his side, "But you didn't answer the question. Red or blue."
You scoffed at his stubborn stance, brain buzzing at the alcohol in your system. One thing to mention, you were lightweight. You knew you were lightweight, easily knocking you out whilst hindering back the constant overthinking mode.
"You're being ridiculou-"
"Wrong. Red or blue."
"I'm not in the mo-"
"Nope. Red or blue."
You could tell he was growing frustrated just as you were. Your knuckles turned white on the counter, trying to calm your shaky breathing down. Closing your eyes for a moment, you reopened them to look at him. Not only was guilt burning into your bones, but also hundreds of 'what-ifs' that made you more than mad with everything and everyone that breathes.
"Fuck. Off." Your voice shook as you hissed and he picked up on the hoarse tone behind it. Another indication that the mission had you screaming orders.
Yet he didn't budge.
"Red or blu-"
"Oh my fucking god! RED! OKAY?! FUCKING RED!" You shouted, glaring harshly at him and his eyes widened just a little, lips parting when he saw your tough demeanour falter.
Your eyes were tearing up.
You rarely ever cried too.
Leon could see you were more upset than you were mad - no, livid. You refused to blink and let the tears escape so you scoffed at him in despair and made your way to him.
"There's your god damn answer. Good. Night." You hissed at him through glistening eyes then went past him, shoulder roughly shoving past him and he didn't fail to notice the faint hitched breath and the flinch that emitted from you as you disappeared into the hallway.
"Y/N-" Leon barely managed to call out after you but the echoing of your door slamming shut silenced him and he sighed. With a deep frown on his lips, his eyes trailed to the bottle of whiskey that you left behind.
Why couldn't you see that he cared about you? He wasn't a stranger to failing a mission, everyone who had the shit luck of being in the government's eye went through it. Hell, he too would lose a co-worker or a civilian if the operation was getting out of hand. It wasn't that he wasn't a good agent, he was the best one out there.
It all depended on his inclination to help people which is why he wanted to be a cop. About ninety percent of the time, his squad would literally have to pull him away from a burning building as it would be seconds away from collapsing. Leon would be forced to watch in helplessness as it crumbled to the floor, the wailing and screams for help inside dying, leaving behind the lingering sounds of the aftermath.
Leon wanted you to understand that. Last thing he wants is for you to begin blaming yourself or drowning in your own self-pity. It was one hole that would only get worse as time passes by.
Running his fingers through the side of his hair before settling on the back of his neck, Leon set his eyes on his open laptop and files. Before agents are sent home, they are required to write the report during the flight home. It is then reviewed and submitted to the DSO's files for everyone to read and learn new information regarding the virus.
You had self-destructive tendencies when it comes to bad missions. Hell, after Shen Mei's demise, you kept yourself locked up in your room for a whole week. He'd put a plate of food and a bottle of water next to your door. You never took the offer.
Until one night, Leon followed the same routine, setting dinner, a bottle of water and a chocolate bar. Before he went down the hall, your door began squeaking open. He stood in the distance as he watched your door slide open just enough for your hand to drag the tray of food inside.
But something told him this mission was probably your last straw.
2:36 AM, Same night.
Screaming and screeching filled your ears. Nothing was clear and you didn't know whether it was the smoke or the fact your night vision goggles was cracked. Your lungs were filled with ash and black smoke, every muscle in your body throbbed in pain as you pushed yourself up onto your knees.
By removing the goggles, your scared eyes were set on the rescue chopper that was blown to bits. Your squad were in the same shape and form as you were, all groaning in pain and one was against the tree with a piece of metal in his thigh.
Someone had set them up.
"No... No, no, no, no..." You muttered as you dragged yourself to the motionless kid that you had saved. You didn't care enough to pay attention to the empty suitcase that held the sample of the virus. Carefully, you turned the child onto his back and bit back a gag.
Half of his face was burnt and his eye was melted into its socket.
"No..." You whined, tears stinging your eyes in frustration but then a shout came from behind you.
"Captain Y/L/N, get back!"
It was one of your co-workers and you looked up to see rotten bodies beginning to emerge from the demolition. Everyone that your team had rescued and wanted to see the dawn of day was now groaning for live flesh.
The kid in your hands snarled and nearly took a bite out of your neck if it weren't for your fast reflexes, gasping sharply as you pushed him away. Instantly, you crawled back, watching in horror as the once innocent child who just wanted his mother began making his way towards you with pale dead eyes.
As some sort of a habit, you took out your pistol from your holster and aimed but your finger trembled on the trigger.
"Open fire!" Your righthand man ordered, his mind focused on saving you. His captain.
Rapid gunfire began taking down the rabid zombies and that snapped you to pull the trigger with a-
You woke up screaming.
The door slammed open as Leon rushed in with his gun drawn, eyes scanning the place hastily before setting them on you. Your body was writhing in your sheets, shouts coming from you. Leon instantly was by your side, placing the gun on the nightstand.
"Hey, y/n! Wake up!" Leon shook your shoulders but then your arms went swinging, almost punching him in the face, "Fuck, y/n! Snap out of it!"
Leon had you sitting up to prevent you from further harming yourself before he gripped your wrists, "Come on, it's just a nightmare! Wake up!"
Putting his weight on your lower body to stop you from kicking him off, he moved your wrist to join the other in his big hand then pressed his hand flat against your mouth to muffle your screams, knowing the neighbours would probably assume the worse.
"y/n, open your eyes!" Leon shouted and you finally did, finding yourself immobilized.
Your whole body trembled as your tearful eyes were snapping around, nightmare lingering in the corner of them but Leon's gentle voice brought you to him.
"Hey, look at me." He whispered calmly, staring at you through his gentle blues as he slowly removed his hand from your face, "You're safe."
Your whole body broke down, sobbing heavily. Leon released your wrists and brought you closer to him, embracing you. Your sobs racked your body, sending you wheezing and hiccuping as your hands clung onto the back of his shirt, begging for comfort.
"It's okay." His words warmed up your neck, one hand cupping the back of your head and the other on your back, keeping you close. His body emitted such comforting warmth that reminded you of home and reality. "I've got you."
Reminded you of him.
Your throat burned from your screaming and the orders you had to make as you tried to speak.
"It - it, went bad." You started shakily, still in his hold, "We've... Our mission was to rescue the people... But the chopper went... It went down and-"
Your voice choked up as you pulled away from the hug, tears running down your cheeks as new ones began blurring up your vision and Leon's hand went down to your jawline, thumb silently wiping away an escaping tear as his eyes urged you.
'I'm here.'
"... There was a - a kid and... They turned. They all just fucking... Turned."
The final word came out of your mouth like poison, something so salty yet so bitter. Leon's eyes went gentler when you avoided his azures in... Guilt?
"I - I shot a little kid, Leon..." You stammered, voice becoming weaker, "He trusted me and I failed him."
"Hey, you better listen to me," Leon ordered gently, cupping your cheek to keep your eyes on his stern loving ones, "What happened back there was not your fault. Sometimes missions go wrong and you'd be forced to make decisions you wouldn't normally choose to make."
"But that does not make you a bad person, you hear me?" Leon's tone was both convincing and understanding, tugging at your heartstrings on the spot, indirectly reminding you of your rosy feelings towards him.
With glistening eyes, you whimpered as you nodded quietly and he smiled faintly, thumb mindlessly caressing your cheek.
"Atta girl," Leon praised softly before bringing you close to press a tender lingering kiss on your forehead, further jogging your mind about your long-living crush but you were utterly vulnerable in front of him.
He didn't want to take advantage of that.
"Do you want me to fix something up for you? You didn't eat anything before you stormed off." Leon offered and a small huff left through your lips but it wasn't snarky.
It was kind.
"I - uh - I just want to sleep, to be honest..." You admitted, subconsciously wanting to be alone and deal with your feelings on your own again.
Leon nodded though a bit reluctant as he started getting off of the bed, "Now, I'm against going to sleep on an empty stomach so how about I make us some hot cocoa?"
"... With the marshmallows?"
Leon chuckled, finding the small question and you a tad bit too adorable and he gave you a cheeky smile, "Anything for you, sweetheart. Two hot cocoa with extra marshmallows comin' right up."
You stifled a giggle as he left and you were once again left to your own thoughts. Letting out a shaky breath, you ran your fingers through your hair then blinked at the sight of Leon's signature handgun on your nightstand.
You never thought he'd ever come in guns blazing just to keep you safe. But then again, it wasn't until now did you realize how much he cared for you. Sure, during the missions he helped you a lot just like you helped him but coming through a domestic type of way, he was there for you.
The memories of opening your door around midnight and always finding a tray of food never left your mind. Feeling heat rush to your wet tear-streaked cheeks, you leaned back against the headboard and brought your blankets up to your chin to replace the warmth that he had.
That Leon gave you.
"Did somebody order hot cocoa with marshmallows and a bowl of cherries?"
You perked up at your crush's voice when Leon came in holding onto a tray with two mugs of the hot drink and a small bowl of cherries. Your heart lept up to your throat as he set the tray down on the nightstand.
"Here you go," Leon carefully gave you the mug then placed the bowl on the mattress next to you, "We're out of sleeping pills so cherries will do just the trick."
Your heart was still racing, especially when your cold fingers brushed gently against his warm ones when you took your drink.
"Thank you..." You spoke softly as if afraid your voice would break the gentle tension in the room and he shook his head as he took a sip from his mug.
"No need for that, sweetheart," Leon said and popped a cherry into his mouth, "I know how bad missions can go, but what's important is that we've got to keep moving forward... No matter how hard it is, we have to continue living."
A faint smile reached your lips at his words. He mostly sounded like he was trying to convince you and him at the same time. You picked up on the subtle shivers that shook his body and moved your comforter aside.
"Come in, I can see you shivering."
"Wouldn't mind if I do," Leon gave you a small grin and with a roll of his eyes, he scooted closer to get under the duvets, "As long as you don't give me a black eye that is."
You giggled as you threw the duvet over him to share your warmth, "I'll make sure to be aware of my actions."
"Oh, please do." He sarcastically begged and brought the bowl of cherries in between you do.
Both of you were practically touching shoulders, enjoying the comfortable silence that hung in the air. Tilting your head up at him as his eyes were focused on the paintings and posters you had hung up, you couldn't help but admire him.
Other than he was undeniably hot, he was also kind and gentle, always wanting the best for everyone. Yeah, his decisions are sometimes government based but having known just how scary and powerful the government really is, he prefers to do whatever it takes to keep his close ones safe.
Even if it meant lying to them.
It's much better than getting them killed.
Around ten minutes in of finding comfort in one another and nearly finishing the bowl of cherries, your eyes began getting droopy and your head rested on his shoulder. Leon blinked and peered down at you, finding you were half asleep. He could tell you were still trying to stay awake, finger nervously tracing the rim of your empty mug.
"Hey, you're okay. Try and catch some sleep, alright?" Leon whispered lowly and your half-lidded eyes looked up at him. You looked so needy and alone despite him being there. Your hand shyly grasped his arm.
"Will you stay with me... Just for the night, I promise..." You asked and he knew you were afraid of going back to sleep, knowing your thoughts would be free to roam.
"Of course, sweetheart. Come on, let's get you comfortable." Leon said, taking the mugs and bowl to set them on the tray before getting you both to lie down.
You instantly found your spot beneath his chin and right on the pillow above his upper arm and Leon brought the comforter up for both of you. His other arm wrapped around you to bring you close, shielded from the world and real-life nightmares alike.
A soft breath escaped through your parted lips, relishing in his natural body heat and the Dior cologne that always lingered on his clothes.
"... Leon?"
"... Do you... Do you really think I'm not a bad person?"
"No," You felt this chest rumble every time he spoke and he brought you closer to his embrace, "Not at all. You're a good person, y/n. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."
There's the colour rule; Red, Blue, and Yellow.
But how about Pink?
How about 'I love you's? Was it too early? Too late?
Leon heard you sniffle and planted a kiss on top of your head as a reminder that he was still here with you, "Just close your eyes, sweetheart. I'll still be here when you open them again."
And he kept his promise.
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evilblackcat13 · 6 years
Nurcing Leon’s Wounds
Leon is no stranger to getting severly injured. But what would each injury mean to his body realisticly. Before i get annoying by repeating myself, in most cases of injury, it would have been too dangerous and too lethal to even survive any of it. With that out of the way, Let’s begin!
1998: Shot in the chest.
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In one of the most infamous sacrifice Leon has done, He takes a bullet to his chest to protect Ada. So what would this injury translate in reality? First of all let’s look at his uniform.
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However, unlike what would most people think, a “bulletproof jacket” isn’t exactly bullet proof but more “bullet resistant”. According to the National Institute of Justice’s Ranking of armors, his RPD unifrom should be a level 2 soft amour bullet proof vest. If we assume it’s an 2A level, it should normally be able to stop 9mm ammo heighting at max 124grams for 1225fps. It also includes a shot of a .40 Smith and Wesson bullet at 180grams going at 1155fps.
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Looking closer at Annette’s gun, it seems to be a desert eagle.
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So, that would mean that Annette’s weapon could be a .50 Action Express ammo magnum. So if it’s truly the case, the ammo should be able to pierce Leon’s armour.
If we compare Leon’s chest to an anatomy dummy :
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That would mean the bullet fractured his shoulder blade and could have pierced his lungs. At worst, even ribs can be fractured. Plus, an injury like that is prone to hemorrhage and infection.  At the moment of the injury, he’d have chest pain, problem breathing and it be reduced as well.
However , if we apply Ada’s bandaging to a real life situation, that wound would have not worked in the slithest! In an emergency, it is a prirority to bandage the wound to aid breathing since blood and mucus can be inhaled. So, the bandages needs to be closer to the body and be sterile.
Leon should have been dead.  ( Good Job , Ada. )
2004: Falling into Wooden Forein bodies
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This one instance could have given serious damage to Leon. First of all, the fall would have hurt like hell. Second, that throw was enough to break the closet. There is no doubt that there could have been splinters entering anywhere on his body. I can’t imagine how hard must have it been for Luis to not only be knocked onto the closet by that blow AND be crushed by 78.2 kg or 172.4 lbs (Leon’s weight) on top of that.
2004 : Cut To The Face
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Here’s is the BIGGEST mistake Leon as done at that moment: wipping off the blood off his face.
Keep in mind that Leon as contracted loads of stuff that could have contaminated to wound such as anything in the village, las plagas , mud, contaminated water, shattered glass, ect. Not to mention that LEON HIMSELF commented on how vile and dirty the place was :
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Seriously, there is too many things that could have infected that cut with this one swipe.
Not only did he never washed to wound properly (like with ointment cream or rubbing alcohol) but it never accured to to him to even bandage it up! According to specialists "New cells have to migrate to the appropriate areas to help with healing. Keeping your scrape covered and moist facilitates this process. Exposing wounds to air does not."
Sure he could have gotten worst injuries from any of the weapons held by a Ganado since, unlike Krauser’s knife, most weapon could have rust. Ence there’s more chance is chance of an infection. But there is an equal chance of infection if the cut was deep.
Here’s what could happen to his wound if it is infected :
The Redness could persist
The Pain wouldn’t subside
The Pus could turn green or get smelly
The wound could get swollen
Leon would feel sick afterwards
2013: Walking on Metro Railways
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It should come as no surprise but it is extremely dangerous to walk on a metro’s railway. Doesn’t help that some metros around the world, like the Montreal’s Metro, pretty much showcases that the rails are 750 volts.
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Around 10 and 1000 volts would generate around 15-20 amps which means extreme pain and contraction of muscules. Namely he wouldn’t be able to let go of the rails.  At 100 to 10000 volts, the amps would be between 100 and 300. Which means ventricula fibrilation ( disturbance to the cardiac rhythym) that could cause his heart to stop, burns, permanent damages or death could happen.
There could be a chance that he could have evaded it because of his dress shoes.
Looking closer at the shoes, they appear to be some Oxford shoes. The likely materials of those shoes is leather and rubber which are poor conductors of elecetricity.
However, keep in mind that, before he reached to metro rails, he walked in the sewers. Unfortunately, it turns out that dirty water could be a good conductor of electricity. Also, running around would cause him to sweat. Since sweat is relatively salty, salty water is also a good conductor of electricity.
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Leon would have died even before reaching the Tall Oaks Catherdral.
2013: The Bus Crash
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There is many factors , minor or major, that could have injured him! For example, glass, metal and rock chards could have been lodged or scrape him.
The fall itself could have been enough to cause many factures and even concussions.
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With this brightened image of the bus, we could have a good idea of how tall was the cliff. First of all, i need to find which bus it is. Thank god there is not much of models for school buses. From looking at multiple references, IC Bus  of the BE-Series. We can estimate that the bus is 102 inches wide (2591 mm),and overall weight to be around 10000-36000 lbs (4536-16329 kg).
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According to this screen shot, the bus would fit around 7 times. So that would mean that the hill is around 59′5″ or around 18.14 meters tall.
Now that we have the approximate height of the cliff, now we can move on the the impact of the 18 wheeler.
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According to my research, i can estimate that the max speed of this truck is 120mhp and it’s minimum weight is 80000 lbs :
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So to calculate the force of impact , i need to do 2( mass (36287.39 kg) times velocity ( 53.6448 m/s) ) divided by time of impact ( 0.5 seconds). The impact should be at 3893259.56 newtons of force.
Now to look at the fall! I’ve timed the fall to be 5 seconds ( and 3-4 seconds is slow-mo -ed ). To calculate the velocity of the fall, i need to calculate the distance divided by the time. Which means 18.14 meters divided by 5 equals a velosity of 3.628 m/s. For the kinetic energy, i need to calculate 0.5 x m 3.6282. To make it fair, let’s say it is the average weight of a school bus ( 23000 lbs or 10432.5 kg ). That would mean the fall was of 68658,29 joules of force.
That would mean Leon’s bones would likely shatter if not fracturing his skull. Sorry to say this but i don’t think i’d survive that!
Now to cover the bus exploding!
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Unfortunately, the bus crashing and exploding is just an hollywood myth and has been debunked. Or should i say... BUSTED! I remember clearly from my favorite show of all time , Mythbusters , they tested the myth and the car only crashed and nothing more as shown bellow :
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The way they made it explode was with their favorite explosive : C4.
However, let’s assest was would it mean to be so close to an explosion like this one even if it would NEVER HAPPEN. To be safe from an explosion like this one, you’d have to be around 3,750 feets away or 1,143 km. But Leon is too close to the explosion. He’d fall around the 1m  to 2.7m from the blast of the following chart :
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He’d be super dead if a car exploding was a thing. Nevertheless, in a realistic setting, the bus would have NEVER exploded in the first place. You would think people would have pointed that out in quality control and especialy with school busses of all things.
2013 : Flashbang
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Sure it looks like nothing but let me asure you that there IS some damage related to a simple flashbang grenade.
Although described as a non-lethal weapon, there is some major downside to those on the recieving end. Namely, 170 decibels at detonation. That is louder than firecrackers at 140 to 150 dB. This would lead to pain and ear injuries. At worst , it could lead to a permanent hearing loss. Not to mention fragmentation of the grenade itself and probably dangerous smoke inhalation is part of the dangers of a stun grenade.
2013: Shot by Derek C. Simmons
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First of all, let’s estimate what is the projectile thrown by Simmons. From the shape of it, it seems to be ribs. Here’s the overall range of lenght of any human ribs :
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Let’s say Simmon’s ribs are as fast as an M16A1 rifle. The M16A1 fires around 800 round per minute. That would mean around 13.333 rounds per second. I’ve timed the shots to last 2 seconds. So at least 26 ribs as been fired towards Leon. I’m looking frame by frame how many hit him and it seems to have only missed Leon 5 times. So he could have been hit 19 times.
The biggest projectiles would be equivalent of anti aircraft / anti-tank artilery rail gun such as the 8.8 cm Flak 18-36. The smaller projectiles would be equivalent to an anti-aircraft/multi-purpose autocannon such as the Bofors 40 mm gun. Such projectiles could cause pronctures and rips to vital organs and internal bleeding, factures of bones and skul and massive hemorrhaging. That would mean Leon could have died by either the shards hitting his skull, punctered any vital organs or the ribs hitting so hard that it could have severed any celebral nerves.
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There is no doubt that Leon took one hell of a beatting that in most situation could have killed him. And i’ve only touched the games and there’s probably some i’ve missed but for now that’s what i’ve been able to muster up into this digital forensic morge. I’ll probably touch on the films as well. NOT THE LIVE ACTION ONES! THE REAL GCI ONES ( so Degeneration, Damnation and Vendetta). But for now, i feel like i ranted for too long and here’s what i’ve been able to come up with.
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