#i used to love fireworks
suspiciouslynotapastor · 11 months
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Tomorrow is gonna suck eggs
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imnotquitesurewhattodo · 11 months
That time of year where I live close enough to the sketchy part of town but it’s also a holiday. My dog and I spend the night curled up together both spiraling in anxiety.
Fun fact. One of us is vaguely calmer than the other and actually manages to sleep and it is in fact not the human.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 4 months
Man I just love dressing crazy. Star-shaped eyeliner, jacket covered in bottle caps with smiley faces, bright pink glasses, piercings in my face. I thrive in the weird looks from strangers. I love being that person little kids think is a fairy and remember for years. I love giggling at myself while I make faces in the mirror.
To me, this is what it is to be punk. To make weird, messy art. To sing your crooked voice as loud as you can. To be the most beautiful ugly. To be that creature 8 year old you wrote stories about in their school notebooks. To be the greatest you you can be.
There is nobody on this Earth who can do you like you. So why not go out and be the best you the world's ever seen?
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cosmichawk · 6 months
It's that time of year again so here are xmas harbingers edits by yours truly
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ghouljams · 11 months
So glad I’m finally getting notifications!! I go through your blog like it’s the morning paper 💕
Happy belated 4th of July!!🦅 It’s the only day out of the year I’m patriotic lol. May I ask how crazy our cowboys got for the holiday??
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It is a recent but honored Price family tradition that Soap and Goose almost burn down the barn every fourth. This is Ghost's first year seeing it actually happen.
"I assume you're both tired of having 10 fingers," Simon tells you nice and even, watching you and Soap tie cakes and mortars together.
"Haven't lost one yet," Soap responds at the same time you remind Simon,
"We've got a bucket of water nearby."
"Look we're at least a hundred extra feet from the barn this year, I've got a nice long fuse, nobody is losing any fingers." Soap nods, you nod.
"If you set the barn on fire again you're going on probation." Price gripes sitting back in his lawn chair. You give an affronted gasp and he nods solemnly, "both of you, shit mucking for the next month."
"I am your pride and joy!" You tell him.
"You're a fire hazard," you dad tells you, smoking a cigar on the edge of your safety perimeter. You don't think he fails to see the irony in that statement, but you do think he chooses to ignore it.
"I think it's a deserved punishment," Simon nods, Soap at least has the decency to glare at him for agreeing.
"We're not gonna catch the bard on fire, we've got plennae of room." Soap twists the last of the fuses together and inspects his work. "Somebody get Gaz out of the house, he's going to miss the show."
"Think that's the point," Simon mumbles as you go to drag your last guest off the porch.
"You're both insane," Gaz gripes, putting up more of a fight than you'd thought.
"Quit being a baby, nobody's ever been exploded before." You tell him, enjoying the noise Gaz makes at your joke.
"Ha ha, you're so funny," Gaz drags his feet as you tug him closer to the lawn chairs, "people die Goose, people die every year because of shit like that," he points at your explosive pyre.
"And yet you always have fun when we do this," you roll your eyes, pushing him down into the seat you'd put out for him.
"I really do," he settles into the lawn chair and takes the offered beer from your dad. You're pretty sure Gaz only puts up a fight to pretend so he can pretend he wasn't a cheering party when something unintended catches on fire.
"Alright everyone back up, I'm lighting this beauty." Soap announces, you grab Simon's hand and drag him back to the lawn chairs, sitting him down next to Gaz. His hands grab for your hips to pull you into his lap.
"Watch those hands Lieutenant," your dad barks. Simon's hands fly away from you, raised by his head like Daddy might point a gun at him to enforce the rule.
"I gotta be on stand by with the water anyway," you whisper to Simon, "but maybe I'll knock later?" He smiles behind his mask, eyes narrowing just enough to tell you what you already knew as he takes your hand in his.
"Doors always open." There's unspoken "for you" that settles between you two. Simon presses your knuckles against his mask, gentle and affectionate. He doesn't let anyone else into his private space as readily as he does you. Even Soap still knocks.
Speaking of Soap. The man of the hour strikes a hot match and lights the first fuse, jogging over to safety with the rest of you. He gives you a thumbs up.
The first mortar ignights and shoots a stream of blue into the sky. The loud bang-pop of the explosion echoing in your ribs. The flower of sparks fizzles and another shoots up behind it. Then a cake goes off and sparks fly like feathers shoot a high train that almost instantly ignights the next mortar to send more pops into the sky. Another jet of purple sparks from the cake sets off a Roman candle. The 'tump' of it shooting flares up is offset by the crackling of another fuse burning and-
"That's not supposed to happen," Soap mumbles, watching two more mortars and another Roman candle light.
The five of you watch solemnly as a flare from the Roman candle soars over your heads and onto the roof of the barn. Simon drops your hand as you watch the sparks try to catch on the tar, short bursts of flame lighting up the roof. Your dad sighs and dials the fire department as Gaz runs for the hose.
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xfand0mfr34kx · 5 months
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just some Fire Kraken and Rattle Shake to ease the soul
first drawing was rendered by @sl33pyst4r5
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ambivartence · 11 months
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My top songs (of the first half) of 2023 ✦ Boys Planet edition ✦
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tagged by @lunetual @jikyu @leewonseo @lee-minhoe ty 💕
I've listened to over 300 new releases from over 100 different kpop artists this year so picking my top songs felt like an mnet-level survival show 😭 the irony that i never watched Boys Planet AND one of the songs is literally a Peak Time song is not lost on me ! 🙃 but i wanted to pick a trendy format so here we are 😈 anyways i included albums instead of songs that didn't make the cut since there's too many honorable mention songs that i have had on repeat this year 😭 but most of them are in these 22 albums (oo-li is on here twice and istj isn't out yet !)
if u like my gif template, here's the link ! pls credit me ty <3
tagging (no obligation ofc and if you've already posted will u tag/send me so i can see 🥺): @bahngentertainment @chrisbangs @coupsnim @dakbees @dive-in-the-blue @hannahbahng @hyunfelix @ingblr-s @jinniebit @kyubins @losergirlz @quokki @shorelinnes @starcatching @userjiung @userwoodz @wabisaba @woodziecup @yohanblr + anyone else who wants to share just say that i tagged u <3
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musubiki · 2 months
hello! quick question, i know this is very soon after you posted the comic of young lime trying to bully mochi, and i’m sorry if a question like this has been asked before, but when mochi sees the candy bits and is able to recognize what spells they could be used in and the effects they have, is that from studying magic a lot or is it like a natural identification ability/instinct that she has? thank you!! i hope you have a good day :)
oh thats a great question actually!!!! it comes from studying!!!!
as a kid she was already trying to be a very diligent witch-to-be!! she would spend a lot of time with her mom while she was making spells, so between reading a lot of spellbooks + hanging out when her mom was making potions + wanting to be like her mom, shes good at spotting things that could be used in spells even from an early age!!
(that being said, as a kid she still messed up a lot on the right ingredients. shed bring home random items and be like "I got us spell ingredients!!" and tiramisu would be like "Oh!! Thanks sweetie!!" and didnt have the heart to tell her that whatever she brought home was some useless piece of grass or something jkldj)
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Mini-event tomorrow as well lol? But early. Guy Fawkes Night the 5th Novemeber! But the event is 3rd!
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Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
#qsmp#qsmp twitter#i have an hour but I know if I open Pac or Fit's streams I'll miss stuff I have tonight#maybe it's so Phil doesn't need to stream seven days this week and can explain#given its a very UK thing#and tubbo's laptop is dying#and wilbur is never online#or maybe its because whatever is happening saturday prevents them using sunday#who knows!#them summarising this will be so funny lol#'some catholics tried to murder the government over a religious dispute#and now we burn an effigy of their ringleader and set off gunpowerder fireworks#in memory of the fact they failed to blow anyone up'#like... that's the summary lol#and for once this one was actually celebrated where I grew up!#I'm not sure I can post the whole poem either#an early version I was taught talks about hanging people (Pac would love that)#but even the less expilcate ones are a bit murdery#so just take the bit people remember lol#its been celebrated since at least 1607 when it happened in 1605#but um early versions were super anti-Catholic#which is bad#and it was protestant church thing with bonus sermons for a /while/#as well as blowing things up in controlled conditions#stopped being celebrated after the civil war came back again with the monarchy and more party#it was a national holiday for a while (not any more)#and people would sometimes burn other unpopular figures as effigies#and in the Victorian period the newly instated Catholic bishops#which um got them into trouble#now its mostly cool fireworks and warm bonfires and doesn't have the religious or rioting bits often
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bunnihearted · 5 months
also i just hate new year's eve bc all i can think abt is that today millions of animals in the world will die and be traumatized bc of fireworks. i despise fireworks sooooo much
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racingliners · 10 months
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@f1blrcreatorsfest week 2: space
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tea-time-terrier · 11 months
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So incredibly proud of this little dog! I had family over for the weekend and she was a polite and truly endearing creature <3
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blastlight · 9 months
Minecraft hot take: Elytras are amazing. Fireworks, on the other hand, need to be nerfed.
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echo-s-land · 3 months
That moment where you remember a random place from your childhood you'll probably never go back to
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timothylawrence · 22 days
all my core gaming traits were born in 2005 when i simultaneously played halo combat evolved and the sims 1
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soleminisanction · 1 year
To go with the last reblog, it occurred to me that people might not know, Bonnie King wasn't just created to be Cissie's mom. She's actually a super deep cut from the Silver Age.
So, for additional reference, here's the one-and-only appearance of the original Miss Arrowette, from the back-up feature of World's Finest Comics #113, circa November 1960. (Brace yourself for 60's era sexism and the weirdness that was Silver Age Green Arrow & Speedy):
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