#if u cant tell i like the word intrinsically
eyestrain-addict · 1 year
Not to be too sacrilegious but art of Jacob wrestling the angel/God makes me feel some typa way. Like look at Alexander Louis Leloir’s painting and tell me it doesn’t have the exact same vibes as the abduction of Persephone
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Here’s some more
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IDK maybe wrestling is just intrinsically fruity
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fjelln · 2 months
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the shoulder is so, so broken
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some things i have made since last...
not so sure abou the new guy. im unsure if the metaphor of an angel really works here... and how it fits afterwards. but at the same time im curious if i should extend this character into their own thing. the three are intrinsically tied, but baphomet is significantly independent and could maybe exist on his own. but actually i think it would be worthwhile to highlight that he cant, and neither can they be without the others, not wholly. and so i might develop him more, at least enough that naming him wont release him from my mind.
thinking about it, the angel as a metaphor works best if it is transitioned and works in the narrative as a yearned past rather than the present. im not being objective about it, though. i just prefer that
angel metaphor.. haha. can u tell im too invested in ultrakill yet. it almost makes me sick of my own creativity. how much of it is really mine? oh well. how does one get better except by doing and recognising? no point in fretting over it. still though. he is abandoned by his god! and im thinking,. havent we fucking heard this already
i realise im still so obsessed with the idea of perfect art... now in its fundamentals if not the end image. its never going to happen. why do i stifle what could be unfettered expression for such futile and unreachable things like perfection? there are worse in things in that idea than being imperfect. why cant i just do and fail and get better, why must i land from 6 stories in a full sprint. i feel like i already know the answer
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elvencantation · 3 years
yin yang master liveblog
feat. @thursdayplaid​
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omg the magic is so pretty
also why is it always Chinese dramas will have someone, if they need blood, bite their finger?
also the gold spirit is very cute i like
i love a young countenance but an older soul
i also want them to take off their hats 😂
wait he ain’t dead he’s just sitting there?
or he’s dying i guess
This movie is pretty throughout, aesthetic on point 
Sharp teeth?
We simp gold spirit
Too true, amazing combo XD 
He's dying
Please don't let me disturb your liveblogging. It brings be much joy
oh hot demon boy!
love that he’s fighting with a fan
Who will win? Uptight fighting bro vs gentle fan uncle
gentle fan uncle is an amazing title
i love how he’s just like ‘bet u wouldnt stab a precious instrument’
XD I love how playful he is during the whole fight too
it’s adorable
dude rly loves his transportation talismans
He does. If it ain't broke, don't fix it I guess. And it's a good way to redirect violence without doing harm
Demon boy has had a Rough Time
i wanna give him a hug
i don’t think he’d appreciate that but still 😂
He's just sad and misses his girl friend
why his reincarnated shufu look evil tho
Who can say~~~
I love how Boya was just repeatedly defeated by Qingming and is like: you won't fight me because you're scared.
what’s a himbo but not nice 😂
hey! they put my boys hat on crooked. rude.
Give that boy a straight hat.
He's just such an Angy Boy
he rly is 😂
ah i love the lady master she’s so pretty
She's amazing and I love her.
awww boya defended him
He's so angry, but this fan man flirts with him
ofc they all spying on each other 😂
Saved by your opponent's gay discovery
omg yes
Spying required
aw he looks nice with his hair down!
drink tea with him angy boy!
He just wants you to chill out before you deviate. Sit and look at his amazing long hair. It'll be good for you
honey bug!!!! i love her!!!!!!!
Also the ability for the fan man's actor to go from calm to worried to angry to calm again
Honey bug is good and important and I love her
thank u for the recommendation yes
i love them
The intrinsic eroticism of a man who's having his racist beliefs totally shaken by a hot guy who's hotter and smarter than him while holding a sword to his throat and looking like he wants to cry while saying cool lines.
They are such a great pair
angy boy is angy like how dare fan man make him have feelings
How very dare he make a good point about morals and ethics!
Also with that hair drinking tea in the morning
Angy boy with clenched teeth: I'm Not Yearning. I'm Just Like This When I See A Fan.
Angy boy with clenched fists: Complex Feelings? Disgusting.
Clenched fist intensifies
maybe he just wants to hang out with cute people
i get that
He's just a friendly guy
if i could summon pretty spirit friends to hang with me i so would
ok so maybe he’s not evil. but i’m still suspicious
I do get the vibe off him he's not the sort of guy who would put his spirit friends in sexual situations. But also I get the vibe he's a very lonely guy at his core and he enjoys the feeling of physical and emotional closeness.
mood ™
Let's be honest, the hat is a bit cute, but that hair though. Respect for the makeup department
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Angy boy, you're just walking to being teased now. At this point its a hand written invitation with gold leaf.
oh i love this moment with the water
it’s so intense
“you’re too obedient” 😂
The priest is in the range of gentle or teasing and hovers there. Seeing an actual intense situation is great
ah that is exactly what i love
that situation
Me too! It's great when characters hover in a range and then swing over sharply
I really makes both extremes more dynamic
Go For It Angy Boy! He'll be gentle!
XD I mean he will continue to ruffle his feathers, but for fun, not for mean
Also, I really love the depiction of a fox demon that isn't sexed up.
Qingming is a trickster, a tease, a bit of a flirt, and enjoys the pleasures of life, but he isn't the stereotypical half naked sexpot fox demon that seem to pop up everywhere
The only person he had in the world but he didn't want him to suffer and be corrupted
also I hate that my two associations with someone being turned into ash is firstly the avengers and secondly that stupid fucking scene in the last harry potter movie
god this movie is so beautiful and lovely
That set is outstandingly gorgeous
Everything is so beautiful. I want to live in this world!
Sometimes I just see a kind and lonely character trying to live their best life and just vibe with them. Also the wigs on this movie 😭 So beautiful!
Run girl! Move!
She's so smart and brave!
oh the DRAMA
The Drama is right, I love this movie!
omg the drama of his hand slackening
That slackening hand though...
why it didn’t work until then tho???
For the drama mostly XD
is she giving birth to the serpent? 🤢
She is giving birth to the serpent
hey it’s better to be possessed by the literal incarnation of evil in snake form than be dead am I right?
I mean is we're making a choice...
It is ~spirit time~!
He is back and he is Fancy!
They're looking good they're doing poses
omg the painters face painting is so pretty
I love the painter ;-; so noble
the music when he summons spirits just makes me think of like pro wrestling intro music for some reason 😂
And now from the WWE, some hot chinese spirits
oh no ice boy!
Poor ice boy, he's just getting beat up
don’t u dare touch my other demon boy
He just signed up for this adventure and now a snake is beating him up
He Do!
Boya is just having a rough time right now, he's a good good boy
and now the painter???
I almost cried about the painter and he was only there for like five minutes
Demon Boy goes yeet
oh my god the drama of the dripping blood i can’t
This movie has so much drama It did
not my demon boy 😭
wait shit spirit boya is super hot
the tattoos??? the hair?!?!!! the messy goth skirt??!
Spirit Boya is Choice, I'm looking respectfully 👀
Goth spirit aesthetic is on point
where the other guardians tho?
yes this is a very touching little last reunion but where my boya at
omg yes give him a glowing sword
the avenging angel look is 💯 on him
The sword on fire look is Really Working For Him
tell me boya’s spirit form has no influence on his actual body. no he said he trusted qingming to protect his body it’s ok
It's back and it's shiny!
ok but u still have a hole in ur torso my dude
oh ok apparently that’s not a thing anymore but i can’t be mad cause boya’s outfit 😍
I guess he used his cultivation or his demon powers or something IDK, It would have been nice to have two extra minutes of Boya being worried about him
Boya wears some excellent clothes
love a good romantic flute moment 😭🥰
I have to say Boya's like let me play you this song about promising to fall in love in the next life for fun and me time
omg i thought he was gonna kiss the arrow
I mean emotionally did he not kiss the arrow?
omg i cant
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I know right? How many censors did they have to pay off
I Chose To Believe She's fine and is now living happily on a farm or something
yeah i do love being worried for each other
but i guess they didnt have enouhg time and they already had that moment at the beginning of the movie 😂
Two people? Respecting, worrying, and caring about each other? 👍 There's never enough caring for each other!
Also, this is one of the best examples of be careful how you word your spells that I've ever seen.
The old master was like care and protect her forever and his spirit guardian was just like: 👍👌💯
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faunusrights · 4 years
On the other end of the line, Cinder let out a tight sigh. “Yeah. Okay, well—I’m in a difficult position right now. I’m balancing a lot. So, that wasn’t, you know, directed at you or whatever… I’m just trying to deliver you to Atlas. That’s all.”
“Yeah,” Glynda said. “This apology sucks.”
it’s been a WHILE but i’m STILL HERE!!!!!!!!! also i’m a little late to the draw and also unlike w/ prior chaps i did actually read this one when it came out so i’ve had my first run already. BUT that means i actually get 2 Focus so lets get this party started
so we’re now entering into the New Umbraroot Arc which Frightens me on a deep and intrinsic scale because now i have no padding to ready me for whatever the Hell is going to occur, but i do know it will be gay(er) than the current content was (is/shall be) and here’s the proof
It had only been a day, but the sound of Cinder’s voice was a relief to Glynda’s senses.
glynda that’s gay. hey. hey. glynda have u been told yr a lesbian. lesbeeb. besbion--
“Not at all.” Thank god. It was one thing to be traveling with Cinder Fall. It was entirely another to have her checking in on Glynda’s well-being.
cinder: my well-being is SHIT but thankfully there’s someone nearby doing WORSE than me, which makes me feel better at least,
“Oh.” Our sounded strange in her mouth.
my favourite thing abt any gay media and content is that it’s gay in ways that hettie(tm) nonsense can only dream of being. when a story is abt a guy and a gal all the romantic tension comes from like. looking at a tiddy or getting naked or w/e the shit. here? it’s literally found entirely in the use of the word our. such power. i love it.
I went from unknown to one of Atlas’ most wanted overnight, which is charming… And also annoying, because they refuse to stop pasting wanted posters on every street corner.
i feel like cinder is the type of bitch to send pics of them back to emerald like ‘is my face ACTUALLY that janky??? my hair is a state. you think they’ll use a selfie if i ask nicely???’
Cinder hummed, affirmative. “Which would be unnecessary, if you hadn’t reported me.”
Glynda returned, “I wouldn’t have reported you if you hadn’t been committing a crime.”
glynda you snitch. you narc. you bootlicker. does be gay do crime mean NOTHING to you,
We left a funny taste in her mouth, almost as strange as when Cinder had said our. She tried not to examine it too closely.
again. look at this shit. this is real slowburn hours. this is how u DO IT.
Her heart was beginning to feel like a pin cushion with all the needles pulled out, little holes left in their wake.
would i be showing my age if i glanced at this and wondered if it were a reference to the inciting og offal hunt inspiration fic or. it does doesnt it. okay moving on.
“Okay.” And then, in an effort to change the subject to something lighter: “I’ve never broken into a country before.”
glynda’s complete and continuous inability to actually like. do what she plans on doing is SO funny to me. she’s going to be stealthy, she says, throwing a man aside in obvious fashion. i’m going to be subtle, she says, being as conspicuous as possible. she’s a disaster and i live for it.
"The Faunus." Cinder's voice was cold. "Don't speak to her."
this part of this fic is subtitled ‘cinder’s rank opinions time’, apparently. not that u can tell. but it is. dsfhgjsdfghjghfjdk
In the silence that followed, Glynda thought of the stunted horns jutting above Cinder's hairline at the restaurant.
Glynda murmured, "That’s a horrible thing to say."
"Don’t start." There was no concession in her words. “I mean it.”
“...I just didn’t expect that from you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
There was something in Cinder’s tone that told Glynda that nothing she said would be correct. She said nothing.
cinder’s! rank! opinions! time! honestly this section victimises me the MOST as i very famously cried over an earlier section in which cinder thought abt all the faunus she grew up with, so i know that kc and diesel were looking to hurt me directly. that said i DO find it funny that cinder, yet again, looks like a pile of shit.  she can’t do anything right. naturally inclined to be the villain completely unintentionally. what a moron.
A harsh laugh. “What do you think we are, friends?”
“Well, no—um. Not really, but—”
“Then, just—just listen to me. I’m going to get us there. I p-promise.” There was a soft sound, like disgust or the prelude to a gag. “Urgh, your soul—give me more space.”
cinder: i’m inclined to being an asshole glynda: every time yr mean 2 me i’ll make u feel worse cinder: ah no. ah shit. i have to be nice??? ah fuck. what the shit is this.
Glynda thought of Ozpin. It wasn’t a comforting thought—more like the memory of a near-accident, like sliding on ice and feeling the world shift beneath you. It was a flinch-thought, and it would have made her miserable instead of just homesick had she not shut it out so quickly.
god the writing in this fic is so especially pristine. everything feels so real and visceral and you just know Exactly how that feels. it’s brilliantly punchy and i adore the way u get have the exact sensation click into place. it’s SO good.
She wondered if it was the same moon Bacia and Vivienne had looked upon. If they had felt the same beneath its pale light. The Great War had seen two shatterings of the moon, so perhaps it had appeared different, but… Glynda couldn’t help but wish that it was something they shared, even lifetimes apart.
actually im a little nervous abt doing fingerguns because WHAT IF SMTHNG HAS CHANGED... but i think this bit is. safe. maybe. diesel. kc. am i safe,
Glynda closed her eyes and tried to feel out that instinctual power within her. Tried to know herself better. It resonated around her like a water in a tank, nearly palpable.
again this is just GREAT storytelling. i just LOVE how well kc and diesel turn abstract ideas into such physical manifestations it’s completely unreal. r y’all seein this shit???
upon checking his number, she’d discovered it had been blocked.
i love that glynda is abt as knowledgeable abt little jumps like this as the reader is. are we surprised as a reader? yes. is glynda also surprised? HELL YEAH SHE IS. SHE AIN’T GOT A FUCKIN CLUE MY DUDE.
Remembering the notes to herself not to trust Winter, Glynda opened the log hesitantly.
glynda no yr sending read receipts to yr future gf and thats a bad move on everybodys part
The indicator showed this wasn’t the first time Glynda had accessed the message. She couldn’t remember doing so. 
“Special Operative Schnee, things are…” Glynda paused, searching for something suitably vague to say. “Proceeding.
do you see what i mean abt glynda’s ineptitude. it’s slapstick levels of ridiculous and i’m living for it.
Do you suspect she’s attempting to cross the border?”
‘sure,’ glynda says. ‘you could word it like that if you wanted to.’
“Bold of her, if nothing else. She should know there will—” Glynda skimmed through the rest of the paragraph to reach the end, the corners of her mouth curling. “—can make arrangements. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”
its like in fallout 4 when someone tells u important info and when u click past it the main character just goes ‘uh huh’ ‘yeah’ ‘okay’ ‘sure’ ‘mm-hm’ as the text boxes whizz by GLYNDA PLEASE
Bubbles appeared, showing that Cinder was typing. Glynda waited.
And waited.
And waited.
The bubbles appeared and disappeared four times.
She flipped back to Cinder’s conversation and found that, after all that time, Cinder had finally settled on a reply.
It said:
i just had to pair these up for a second if only to say: dis me lol
okay let’s double back for a second just to cover this Juicy Lore:
If you’d like, I can arrange a bouquet of flowers to be left at your mothers’ memorial site. My thoughts are with you.”
For a long moment, Glynda simply stared at the screen. [...] In quick succession, she realized that it had been sixteen days since she’d met with Cinder in the restaurant and that it was soon to be the anniversary of her mothers’ deaths.
WHAT IS THIS LORE MA’AM AND MX??? **MA’X**??? firstly idk what the HELL the Black March tragedy is but im fascinated but also: did u have to do that. can ONE person in this fic not have [spoilers redacted cant say that yet no sir] problems??? no??? die. dsfhjgghjkfsddf
Glynda picked herself up from the armchair, neat and tidy, and disassembled into bed, pulling the covers up to her throat. With her Semblance, she turned off the lights. She closed her eyes.
It was quiet. Cold. The only thing she felt was the weight of her soul.
Her Scroll buzzed. Glynda answered it.
“Glynda.” It was Cinder. “I can feel that.”
okay following on from cinder’s text message, i just. love that cinder’s having such direct repercussions to her shitty shitty actions. like this is all tying together in some 👈😎👈 instances but having cinder be her usual callous self and having to literally turn around and start fucking Being Nice For Once is VERY gratifying. fuck you you lil round-faced one-braincelled baby. time to learn to have some Manners. jgdsfghsdfghfjd
She’d simply resigned to the loneliness of having no one to trust but Cinder, and then, not even having her.
... thats gay. hey lads is that gay? its gay. it feels gay.
On the other end of the line, Cinder let out a tight sigh. “Yeah. Okay, well—I’m in a difficult position right now. I’m balancing a lot. So, that wasn’t, you know, directed at you or whatever… I’m just trying to deliver you to Atlas. That’s all.”
“Yeah,” Glynda said. “This apology sucks.”
this feels like a reference to 👈👈👈😎👈👈👈 (IS IT. AM I RIGHT. IT IS ISNT IT) but also: LOOK AT CINDER GO. TRYING. BADLY. BUT TRYING. i love her she sucks so much shes such a dumbass. feel the consequences. feel them.
Glynda chided herself; Cinder Fall wasn’t capable of remorse, but she was more than capable of simple math. It seemed the worse she treated Glynda, the worse she herself would feel.
glynda: she’s doing this because it makes her feel better, not me cinder in like idk 20 chapters down the line:
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(i guess thats another 👈😎👈 moment but for GOOD REASON)
There was a shift, like Cinder was rolling over, or maybe propping herself up. Was she in bed also? It triggered the remembrance of Glynda’s own physicality, and she turned over as well, searching in the dark for the nightstand and the lamp upon it. The light clicked on. The room brightened. Glynda settled in, ready.
OOOOOH THE PARALLELS. glynda turning the lights off and sinking into darkness and the void versus perking up and sitting up and turning the lights on when talking to cinder!!!!!!! POETIC CINEMA. OOF. OOF. HOW DOES FIFTEEN POINTS OF LOVE TASTE.
“Great! Lovely. Glad to hear it.” Fangs rounded out the words like scissors. A pleasant sense of satisfaction unfurled in Glynda’s chest. “So, once upon a fucking time—”
there were two gays and they were enemies to lovers but didnt know it yet. but they will be.
THATS CHAPTER 14 BABEY!!!!!!!! i LOVED this chap and i can rly feel kc and diesel gearing up for umbraroot. its great being able to like. feel the shift of focus goin on here and im SO ready to see this arc play out. once again offal hunt is the best fic ever made. this is a fact.
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palmettoes · 6 years
hi babe so have you ever considered neil and matt sharing an apartment? maybe they're on the same team or close enough to share one, and it's absolutely amazing because these boys love and support each other so much. but then.. they're also both absolute children when left alone together and the foxes get updates of whatever the most recent thing is with one completely ridiculous picture that never gets explained (like the Sofa Incident). basically love and fun and the brothers they never got!!
(em you already Know how much i love this prompt but like ,, in case you needed a reminder i LOVE this prompt im still crying thANK U anyway this took probably too long but i highkey poured my heart into this dumb little fic i hope u love it ur such an angel ily !!!)
read it on ao3! | prompts are closed :(
Months from now, Neil will be grateful for this lifeline.It’s the offering of comfort and stability he needs long before he knows he’sallowed to want it, and Matt is holding it out to him without a second ofhesitation. Months from now, Neil will appreciate it for what it is. But fornow it feels bigger than he deserves.
“I don’t need a babysitter,” he says, placing a neatly foldedshirt on top of the growing pile beside his suitcase and turning to look atMatt. “I can look after myself.”
Matt, to his credit, doesn’t roll his eyes but Neil watchesthe corners twitch and he knows it’s a near thing.
“I know you can. I’m not asking to be your babysitter. I’masking to be your roommate.”
Neil can’t help it. The question is itching under his skin,making him shifty and uncomfortable. He doesn’t understand Matt’s motives: hespent three years living in close quarters with Neil and half of the last twopractically glued to Neil’s couch at any given opportunity. Why he is willinglysigning up for another year of it, Neil cannot fathom.
“We’re playing for the same team. It just makes sense,” Mattsays and he makes it sound like it really does. Neil frowns and purses his lipsand can’t think of any good reason to dispute it.
“You don’t share an apartment with any of your otherteammates.”
Matt does roll his eyes this time, but it’s a gesturefilled with fondness and, for reasons Neil can’t explain, the rest of hiscomplaints stick in his throat.
“None of my other teammates are my best friend.”
It’s surprisingly easy, Neil thinks, to fall into theroutine of living with Matt. The apartment is already full of Matt’sbelongings, from his two year head start, but bits and pieces of Neil slip intothe cracks—his running shoes by the door, two mugs by the coffee pot eachmorning, Andrew’s hoodie on the back of the couch. It becomes theirs intrinsicallyuntil the discomfiture ebbs away and the word home seeps through.
When Neil wakes up in his new apartment for the first time,the morning feels stretched and torpid. The absence of weight in the bed besidehim is a hollow ache in his chest, and he gets up just to avoid the immensityof it. The world is drowsy outside his window, dark and slow as it blinksitself back to life, but their apartment is already alight with the smell ofcoffee and the muffled sound of socked footsteps.
Neil finds Matt in the kitchen, one hand pouring milk into amug of coffee, the other stirring porridge on the stove. Matt looks up at hisarrival and grins, all teeth and dimples. He sets down the milk carton andhooks his fingers around the handle of the other mug, holding it out to Neil.
“Morning, princess,” he says. Neil wraps his stiff fingersaround the mug, letting the warmth seep through to his bones and wake himproperly.
“Your porridge is done,” he observes, because he can see itthickening around Matt’s spoon as he steps past. Matt yelps and flicks off thegas, transferring the pot to a cool hob and reaching for a bowl in the samemovement.
“There’s enough for two,” he says as he scrapes the gloopymixture into his bowl. Neil stands on his toes to open one of the cupboards andgrab a granola bar from the second shelf.
“I’m good, thanks.”
Neil holds the half-opened granola bar up in defence whenMatt shoots him the look he reserves for disapproval at Neil’s tendency to skipmeals. He doesn’t comment but the tilt of his mouth is displeased. Neil shrugsit off and sips his coffee.
“Excited to meet the team later?” Matt asks as he runs hotwater into the empty pot to soak. Neil waits until the gurgle of the tap shutsoff to reply.
“Not really. I don’t care what they’re like. It’s how theyplay that matters.”
Matt turns to lean against the kitchen bench, bowl in hand,and rolls his eyes fondly—something of a recurring action around Neil.
“Now you sound like Kevin.”
“Kevin sounds like me,” Neil corrects, just to be contrary.
Matt grins around a mouthful of porridge. “You’re both asbad as each other. Come on, you can have first shower. I want to show you thebest route to the supermarket before we’re due at the stadium.”
The team, as it turns out, arefar more excited to meet Neil than he is to meet them. There are three new teammembers, including him; one other first year pro and a transfer from Denver,but Neil inadvertently steals most of the attention. It’s some mixture of hismemorable face gracing television far more than any college student has a rightto, and Matt singing his praises over the past two years, that gives him adegree of interest the Cannons gravitate towards. All Neil really wants to dois talk to the Denver recruit about a certain goalkeeper on his old team, butMatt squeezes his shoulder lightly and it is as much a warning as it is acomfort. Play nice.
Neil smiles and lets KatiLaskey—starting striker—hook her elbow around his neck and rub her other handlightly through his hair. If he closed his eyes, her weight against his bodywould almost feel like Dan. The thought is both reassuring and saddening, likea weight constricting his chest not quite enough to leave him breathless, butspiking discomfort through his ribcage all the same. He finds he cannot makeeye contact with any of his new teammates.
“They’re not Foxes,” he says,when Matt prompts him for an opinion as they ease into traffic on their wayhome. Matt hums assent because it’s true, they are not and never will be theshape of puzzle pieces cut from the same jigsaw. They are Cannons, equal partschaos and content, and they have dug a Neil-sized hole in their line-up, but itis a manufactured kind of welcoming, a family born of necessity rather thandesire.
“They’re good people,” Matt saysand Neil cannot find fault to disagree.
“They’re good as teammates,” hesays instead. Matt flicks him a look under the guise of checking his blind spotbefore signalling the turn-off. They turn down the side street connected totheir apartment complex and Neil traces the vaguely familiar shapes outside thewindow with his finger.
It is still warm yet, the airhumid and muggy with the weight of summer. He can see heat hanging heavy overthe pavement and pooling in pockets between the clouds. He hates days likethese, but this one feels less like a burden and more like a blanket, swathinghim in the absence of body heat. Not ideal, but somehow enough all the same.
“They’re good as teammates, but Ialready have all the family I need.”
When Matt looks at him this time,it is with blatant intent and his smile is blinding.
mattyb: someone come collect neil he’s making me sad
gaynolds: what did he tell you this time??
mattyb: a story about his mom
gaynolds: fuck those are the worst
wildz: u all g josten?
jos10: I’m fine.
gaynolds: :/
mattyb: he let me pat his head
wildz: 4 his comfort or urs ???
mattyb: honestly mine but i like to think it’shelping him too
jos10: It’s nice. Thank you.
nickyminaj: omg neil :( u cant be sad when im too faraway to hug u
jos10: I’m not sad.
jos10: Matt is.
mattyb: I AM
nickyminaj: mattie no :(
nickyminaj: coming to hug u both rn
wildz: me 2
gaynolds: me three
wildz: group hug @ the b/j apt.
nickyminaj: the WHAT
wildz: boyd/josten but im just rlzing how bad thtsounds
mattyb: H
nickyminaj: uh
wildz: r u dyin ???
mattyb: might have to take a raincheck on the grouphug
mattyb: OH HOLY FUCK
wildz: ?????
gaynolds: omg
mattyb: NEIL JUST
mattyb: CHRIST
nickyminaj: what did he do now lmfao
gaynolds: b/j apartment is my favourite soap
nickyminaj: ^^^
wildz: r they actually ded ????
gaynolds: matt??
nickyminaj: 50 bucks says neil started a fire tryingto make dinner
gaynolds: you’re on
gaynolds: josten knows how to cook
nickyminaj: lmaooo
nickyminaj: u didn’t see him try to use the sandwichpress at the columbia house
nickyminaj: andrew banished him from the kitchen
gaynolds: fuck
wildz: can confirm, neil knos how 2 cook but nt how 2use tech
kevinday: What’s happening?
mattyb: [image attached]
kevinday: What the fuck.
gaynolds: what the fuck
nickyminaj: WHAT THE FUCK
wildz: wht hppnd???
nickyminaj: UR COUCH IM CRYING
kevinday: How did that happen?
gaynolds: is neil BLEEDING
nickyminaj: holy fuck yeah his face
wildz: shit
kevinday: Is that a bird?
gaynolds: IS THAT A BIRD
nickyminaj: oh my god
wildz: matt wtf is goin on?
jos10: We’re fine. Matt had to sit down because hewas laughing too much.
wildz: neil ????
nickyminaj: EXPLAIN
jos10: I have to go. It’s fine.
gaynolds: josten you’re bleeding out of your face andthere is a pigeon on your head
kevinday: Neil
nickyminaj: oh my god
nickyminaj: we’re pretending this is normal oh my god
aaminyard: what is going on?
aaminyard: oh that couch is in shreds lol
nickyminaj: AARON PLS
wildz: called matt but it went str8 2 vmail
gaynolds: the bird probably fucking murdered them
aaminyard: finally
nickyminaj: aaron pls
wildz: aaron pls
gaynolds: aaron pls
aminyard: aaron no
(The bird is collected by an ABC volunteer.
They buy a new couch.)
Integrating himself into an already functioning team is botheasier and harder than knitting together the torn edges of the Foxes. TheCannons are professionals—polite because they are paid to be and serious whereexy is concerned—but they are friends off the court as well. Three months intotheir season, Neil has grown used to one or another of their teammates crashingon the couch in his and Matt’s apartment, or showing up unannounced withtakeout on their days off. Kati takes him out for coffee twice a week at asugar-free café two blocks from his apartment (which Neil delights in tellingAndrew about) and fills him in on the details of her personal life. (Her longdistance girlfriend just moved over from Missouri. They’re adopting cats.) Inreturn, Neil shows her the latest picture Andrew has texted him (the curl ofsmoke against a city skyline, or the glint of a blade under sunlight, or theopen freeway above the Maserati dashboard). Neil is never very sure, but hethinks this makes them friends.
Somewhere along the way, the team become less likecolleagues and more like something personal, something that spreads like warmbutter inside Neil’s chest. He knows parts of their lives that go deeper thannecessity for survival, while they learn where he likes to go to eat and what hiscollege major was. He lets them scavenge through his life for the titbits thatshould not matter yet somehow do, but saves the intimate details to sharebetween Matt and Kati. It’s not that he and Andrew are a secret, but Neil isprivate by nature and the Cannons, for all their friendship, are still notfamily.
They seem content to take what they’re given and pry nofurther, so Neil isn’t concerned when their captain, Breanna Ramírez, asks himto spare a minute after practice. He detours past Matt on his way off the courtto let him know he’ll make his own way home. Matt swings an arm around Neil’sshoulders and leans down to knock their heads together.
“Nice work today, honey,” he says and lets go, waving asNeil heads to the locker room.
Breanna takes him to a patisserie ten minutes from thestadium where, she tells him, they sell petits fours that her husbandthinks are to-die-for. Neil texts a picture of the display cabinet followed bya question mark to Andrew while he waits for Breanna to order. They get theircoffees to-go and Breanna’s husband’s petits fours in a small paper bag,and walk the short distance to a nearby park.
They talk about the season, about the flaws in the startingline-up, and about the kids Breanna and her husband are currently fostering.Neil wants to tell her he and Matt almost adopted an injured bird that they letfly into their apartment, but decides she might not take it in her stride aseasily as the Foxes.
Instead he says, “Maybe I’ll stop by the patisserie again onthe way home. Matt loves pain au chocolat.”
Breanna looks at him, looks away, sighs, looks at him again.
“Josten.” She fiddles with the lid of her coffee cup. “Neil.I didn’t want to say anything, but I feel, I don’t know, morally obligated.”
Neil’s pulse jumps in his wrist and he blinks at Breanna,confused and apprehensive.
“Morally obligated to what?”
“Look, you and Boyd are both lovely and I know it isn’treally my business, but the team has been talking and— Well, I’m not trying topreach to you, but sometimes his fiancée comes to visit and I just want to beclear that none of us are comfortable covering for you. If it comes to that.”
She’s doing everything to avoid his gaze now and Neil hasnever seen her so unsure of herself. He frowns, turning her words over in hishead but no matter which way he pushes and pulls he can’t make sense of them.
“What does Dan have to do with this?”
“You know, because of your… thing with Boyd.”
“My—” Neil stares at her as the pieces click into place,forming a complete picture, albeit one that makes Neil’s head ache. “You thinkI’m having an affair with Matt?”
“You’re not?” Breanna finally makes eye contact, head tiltedand eyebrows knit. Neil almost laughs but something about the set of her jawstops him.
“What makes you think we’re having an affair?”
“You’re very affectionate,” she says, shrugging. “We’venoticed things.”
“He’s my best friend.” Neil’s tongue feels numb in his mouth.His words come slowly, as though his brain is still catching up to theconversation. “We’re just like that.”
“You’re close.”
“Yeah. He’s my best friend,” Neil says again, like she mighthave missed it the first time. Breanna bites her lip and glances down at whereher fingers have twisted in the paper bag.
“There’s really nothing going on there, is there?” she asksin a small voice, and Neil’s patience slips a little.
“He wouldn’t do that to Dan. I wouldn’t do that toDan.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Didn’t mean to what? Imply that we’re both cheatingassholes? Yes, you did, otherwise you wouldn’t have said anything.”
He knows his temper is sparking, knows he should put a lidon it, but his mouth is running faster than he can catch it. He doesn’tunderstand how she can’t see that they’re the two least likely people to beunfaithful to their partners, or why she thinks it’s any of her concern anyway.
“But you can see how it seemed like that, right? I mean, hecalls you pet names all the time. You buy him pastries for no reason. Lastweek, he kissed you at practice.”
“On the forehead,” Neil feels the need to remind her. “Becausewe’re friends. Do you need a rundown of every interaction we’ve ever had toprove that? How about a timeline of the development of our friendship?”
“This really isn’t any of my business,” Breanna says andNeil’s mouth twists in scorn.
“You’re right, it isn’t. I should go. I still want to get tothe patisserie before it closes.” He stands up, forcibly releasing the tensionin his fists, and tells himself to walk away. “See you at practice tomorrow.”
“Neil, I’m sorry,” she starts to say but he waves her off.He only makes it three steps before he decides he’s not finished. He pivots onthe spot, clenches his fists, and inhales sharply.
“For the record, I have a boyfriend and we’re very happy,”he says and watches Breanna’s face go slack, her mouth opening on words thatdon’t come out. It takes her three tries to find them.
“You never said.”
“It was never any of your business.”
She bows her head little, then looks up to meet his eyes,her cheek dimpled where it’s caught between her teeth. Neil shrugs.
“Just so you know. He’s the only one I’m interested in.”
Breanna nods and looks like she wants to say something else,but she doesn’t protest when Neil turns again to walk away. He has a funnyfeeling the patisserie doesn’t open late and he really doesn’t want to missthem.
“The team think we’re having an affair,” he tells Mattlater, perched on the kitchen workbench to the left of the stove. Matt iscooking pasta sauce in a large pot, which means he’s making enough to freezethe leftovers because he knows Neil will happily go hungry if it means hedoesn’t have to cook on days when he can’t find the energy.
“Our team?” Matt asks incredulously. Neil nods,absentmindedly popping the seal on a half-empty jar of olives.
“Ramírez told me it’s been team gossip for weeks.”
Matt laughs, reaching around Neil to lift another pot downfrom the shelf above his head. He puts it on one of the empty hobs and returnsto stirring his sauce, so Neil leans over to flick the switch on the kettle. Hesettles back into his earlier position and searches Matt’s face, but all hefinds are traces of amusement. It calms him a little, his temper over Breanna’saccusations dissipating.
“Fifty bucks says Pav started it,” Matt says, grinning.Aleksei Pavlov is one of their starting backliners and notorious for hisoutlandish but widely believed rumours. He and Matt have a friendly rivalrythat involves playful nicknames and good-natured trash talking at every turn.
“I don’t bet,” Neil reminds Matt unnecessarily. The kettlepings as the water reaches boiling point and he lifts it over to pour into theempty pot on the stovetop. “Allison would have a field day with this though.”
“Oh God, let’s not tell her. If she finds out, Dan findsout, and I’ll be trying to live it down until I’m old and grey,” Matt laughs.Neil hands him a pair of scissors to cut open the bag of pasta in his hand, andreplaces the now empty kettle on its outlet.
“She wouldn’t be mad?”
“Hardly. She’d think it was hilarious.” Matt pours pastainto the pot and flicks the gas on, before giving Neil a curious look. “WouldAndrew be mad?”
Neil hums, returning to pressing the lid of the olive jarand letting it pop back into place. He doesn’t know what Andrew wouldthink—they’ve never had cause to discuss it before—but he can count on one handthe amount of times Andrew has shown interest in things that don’t directlyconcern him.
“I don’t think he’d care.”
“What, he hears his boyfriend is off gallivanting with hishot roommate halfway across the country and he doesn’t even want to check up?”
“He knows we’re not. Andrew doesn’t care for rumours,” Neilsays, shrugging. Thinking of Andrew’s signature apathy dispels the remainder ofhis anger and he finds that he doesn’t care for the rumour either. Andrew’svoice in his head asks why he cares what other people think and Neil can’t finda reason.
“That’s true enough,” Matt agrees. He twists off the heatunder the sauce and gestures at Neil. “Pass me those olives, would you, mylove?”
Neil snorts, releases the seal on the jar, and hands itover. “This is why people think we’re having an affair.”
“Maybe we are.”
Matt’s tongue dips out to lick the corner of his smile andNeil rolls his eyes.
“If I was going to cheat, I think I could at least do betterthan you.”
Neil earns himself an olive pitted straight at his foreheadfor that one. He catches its rebound in his hand and pops it into his mouth,rubbing the stain off his skin and kicking half-heartedly in Matt’s direction.Matt takes an exaggerated step out of the way and returns to slicing olives andsprinkling them into the sauce.
“Do you really want to be insulting me when the fate of yourdinner rests in my hands?” Matt asks. Neil leans over to steal another olive.
“I’ll tell Kevin you’re intentionally depriving me of abalanced diet.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I have him on speed dial,” Neil says, slipping his phoneout of his pocket and holding it up for emphasis. He pushes off the counterwith his hands, landing softly on the linoleum floor and using the momentum toslide on socked feet to the other side of the kitchen. He bends to take twobowls from the cupboard and leans over to the cutlery drawer as he hears Mattchecking on the pasta behind him.
“Hey, sweetheart?”
Neil turns to find Matt beckoning to him, a strand ofspaghetti dangling from his fingers. He steps over and holds out his hand whenprompted by Matt’s grabby motions. Matt loops the spaghetti around his ringfinger, twisting and squeezing the ends until they mush together, effectivelytying the pasta to Neil’s finger.
“Give the team something to talk about, hey,” he says,exaggerating the wink that accompanies it. Neil turns his hand around and holdsup his middle finger in response. Matt laughs and the sound is white horsesbreaking over Neil’s head. He lets himself be pulled under.
mattyb: [image attached]
mattyb: he said yes!
wildz: what
gaynolds: what
renesbian: what
nickyminaj: what
aminyard: what.
nickyminaj: omg
Andrew calls him two hours later while Matt is making hotchocolate and Neil is flicking through sports channels with the TV on mute.
“I let you do one thing on your own and you get engaged toBoyd,” he says by way of hello. Neil smiles, tipping his head against the backof the couch and tapping the remote against his thigh.
“Jealous, are we?”
Andrew huffs, just barely but Neil catches it. He bites downon a laugh and lets his eyes slip closed.
“I thought you at least had better taste than that.”
“I chose you, didn’t I?” Neil says. Warm honey oozes downhis spine and he melts into the cracks between the couch cushions, the wholeworld slipping away and zeroing in on the static crackling down the phone line.Andrew’s voice is sturdy and smooth, garbled by the distance but stillunmistakeably his. Neil relaxes into it.
“Is that an affirmation of your good taste or further proofof your idiocy?”
Neil hums around a grin but doesn’t reply. He knows Andrewknows what he means, even though neither of them will acknowledge it. Theylapse into steady silence, soft breaths and fleeting movements between them.Neil can hear the buzz of traffic from Andrew’s end and assumes he’s on thebalcony of his high-rise apartment, overlooking the bustling street. Neilremembers the city lights and cool breeze from his last visit, the smell ofsmoke and petrol mixing in the air, the way the railing felt digging into hisback when Andrew kissed him up against it. He lets out a half-sigh, abortedbefore Andrew can make anything of it, and swallows the whiskey-flavouredmemory.
“My team knows about you,” he says, just to have somethingto say. It’s a lot like that with Andrew now—they no longer deal in weightedtruths and bleeding secrets. Neil finds that he doesn’t mind half as much as hethought he would, back when he used to worry they would run out of things tosay one day. Sometimes they have conversations without substance; after all,Andrew has always been good at making something out of nothing.
“I would hope so. They’ve played me twice,” Andrew says onan exhale. With his eyes pressed shut and his lips parted on a breath, Neil canalmost taste the smoke leaking from Andrew’s mouth.
“Funny,” he deadpans. Neither of them laugh. “I mean aboutus.”
He half expects Andrew to be difficult for the sake of it,but Andrew has long since stopped denying they are two parts of the same whole.He fiddles with his cigarette instead; Neil can hear his fingers tap away theash.
“Is that a problem?” he asks and Neil hears the part hedoesn’t say, the I don’t mind if you don’t, the this was never secretto anyone who was looking.
Neil breathes. Andrew smokes. The silence fills spacesbetween them.
Neil cracks an eye open when Matt taps him on the shoulder,holding out a steaming mug. From the smell, it’s a fruity blend from the packof herbal teas Kati had given him as thanks for helping out with hergirlfriend’s move. The mug is hot beneath his fingers so he balances it on hisknee while he resituates his grip to the handle, and raises it to his lips.
Andrew? Matt mouths as he settles onto the other sideof the couch, his own mug of hot chocolate warming his palms. Neil nods,nestling the phone between his ear and his shoulder so he can tap the ringfinger of his opposite hand, an explanation of Andrew’s call. Matt grins aroundthe lip of his mug before taking a sip.
“Tell him if he likes it then he should have put a ring onit.”
Neil frowns, glances down at his hand, and then back up atMatt. He mouths what in return but Matt just flaps his hand at thephone.
“Matt says,” Neil looks at him again and Matt gives him athumbs up, “if you like it then you should have put a ring on it?”
There’s a shuffling sound as Andrew shifts around, thesqueak of a screen door sliding open and closed, before the city noises cut offand the silence takes on a new shape.
“Tell Boyd if he likes his tongue he should keep it in hismouth.”
Neil relays the threat and Matt laughs aloud, his hotchocolate sloshing dangerously close to the rim of his mug. Neil watches him inshock—it’s the first time he can remember seeing Matt find genuine humour inanything one of Andrew’s lot have said.
“Did you just make a joke?” he asks Andrew. He’s not surewhich he’s more caught off guard by: that Andrew made a joke or that Matt foundit funny.
“It wasn’t a joke. It was a warning.”
A cupboard door clips shut from Andrew’s end and Neil hearsthe chink of crockery. He makes eye contact with Matt, who raises his eyebrowsand sips his hot chocolate, before shrugging off his surprise.
“I have to make dinner,” Andrew says. It isn’t a dismissalbut Neil can tell by his voice Andrew doesn’t feel like talking.
“Okay,” he agrees, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
Andrew grunts, which is an affirmation in its own way, andhangs up without saying goodbye. Neil drops his phone between his thighs forsafekeeping and takes another drink of his tea. Matt nudges Neil’s shin withhis toe, nodding at the TV.
“You watching that?”
There’s a replay of an Exy match from the previous week, butNeil’s already seen it and it isn’t Andrew or Kevin’s team. He hands Matt theremote in lieu of a response and lets his eyes drift shut on the snippets ofsoaps flashing by as Matt switches channels.
gaynolds: it’s been 8 days since our last b/jnonsense
nickyminaj: is that a record?
gaynolds: i think so
wildz: wild
wildz: get it haha
jos10: What’s b/j nonsense?
gaynolds: it’s you honey
aaminyard: aka every time you message this chateveryone has a stroke
nickyminaj: lmfao tru
jos10: Why?
wildz: u n matt r disasters
wildz: always gttin up 2 crzy shit
nickyminaj: u send the most concerning messages andnever elaborate
jos10: No, we don’t?
gaynolds: NO WE DON’T HE SAYS
nickyminaj: remember when matt and neil’s couch gotripped to shreds by a bird
nickyminaj: and they never explained how
gaynolds: remember when matt and neil got married
renesbian: remember when Neil texted the group chat‘cowabunga’ followed by three hashtags
renesbian: then ten seconds later said he rememberedMatt was visiting Dan and not to worry
wildz: rmbr wen m drank 3L of mntn dew at once
wildz: & n sent a pic of him passed out w ac.board cutout of dolly parton
wildz: y do they hav a c.board cutout of dolly parton
jos10: We can’t recycle her without concerning theneighbours.
renesbian: I think the question is why do you haveher in the first place
jos10: Oh.
jos10: We got her from Dollar Tree.
gaynolds: dollar tree sells cardboard cutouts ofdolly parton ???
jos10: I don’t think she was for sale.
nickyminaj: u STOLE dolly parton from dollar tree
aaminyard: you sound surprised
nickyminaj: i mean yeah
nickyminaj: aren’t u ??
aaminyard: no
gaynolds: no
wildz: no
renesbian: no
nickyminaj: good point
jos10: [image attached]
jos10: She lives in the shower.
gaynolds: that is quite literally the most terrifyingcombination of information/image i’ve ever seen
wildz: 1 time i stayed @ b/j apt & she slept inth bed w me n matt
aaminyard: what the fuck
gaynolds: why did we ever let those two live together
nickyminaj: yeah this has gone too far
wildz: m can move in w me if andrew will take n ??
aminyard: deal.
jos10: Who gets Dolly?
aminyard: never mind I don’t want him.
When Neil wakes up in his and Matt’s apartment on what Mattdubs their ‘roommate-iversary’, the morning feels like a wave, hugging the bayit crashes into and guiding Neil’s breaths through the ebb and flow. A yearstretches across the floorboards, worn smooth under their tread, and laps atthe walls, where they’ve taken to sticking photographs and reminders andsmiley-face messages from one to the other. The world is quiet around him, butfor the buzz of the radio and the familiar pattern of footfalls againstlinoleum floor.
Neil finds Matt in the kitchen, two mugs on the worktop anda pancake flipping through the air towards the pan in his outstretched hand.
“Morning, princess,” Matt says, holding up one of the mugswithout turning. Neil loops his fingers through the handle and around theceramic curve, bringing it to his lips to blow the billow of steam away fromthe rim.
“Morning, sunshine,” he says, leaning against the corner ofthe fridge. The way Matt freezes is almost comedic, like each muscle isolatingand tensing one by one. When he looks up, his gigawatt smile is alreadyplastered over his face, bright enough to dissolve the dreary heaviness of themorning, and Neil’s returning grin bites into his cheeks before he can hold itback. Matt returns to his breakfast with crinkles by his eyes. Neil blowslightly on his coffee and takes a sip.
mattyb has changed their name to sunshine.
jos10 has changed their name to princess.
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1/ti/fi anon, thanks for ur reply. to clarify on 1+6, by smoothing things i mean making an active effort to resolve matters by saying sthing that is opposite of what i think is true, which i wont do. but i am fine not saying anything so as not to create or exacerbate a conflict. to illustrate, recently a friend vented at me+my isfj friend about someone she was mad at. from her words it was obvious she was misunderstanding the other person. i didnt point it out right then bc she would feel worse.
2/but tho i knew she wanted to have someone be mad with her/validate her feelings, i couldnt bring myself to dogpile on the other person when he’d done nothing wrong (which she realized few days later). so i said something neutral/noncommital like “im sorry ur having a hard day” technically true and i took care of her chores instead to help but withheld the entirety of my opinion. like i wont actively contradict if the situation calls, but i disengage/deflect instead of saying what isnt right.
3/my isfj friend joined her in anger tho she later told me she had no strong feelings but the other person was a stranger so he didnt matter, her priority was supporting her friend. i dont think shes wrong, and this was a very minor matter in the grand scheme. but even if im never going to meet this person it feels unfair to him and i cant help but wonder, if my friend had felt validated enough to take the argument with him further it would have caused needless strife.
4/re: se, i did consider it, worrying about potential bias in my typing. i test as INxP, but i know its bc i answer “yes” to qs on whether other peoples feelings matter and ofc u cant be a thinker unless ur a misanthropic edgelord. i ruled out judging; while im organised at work, i struggle with decisions and detest planning in advance. my first q was whether the N typing was right. i like adventure sports tho my lifestyle is sedentary. i love tinkering with things to see how they work #TOOLS.
5/but ur old post that resonated was how often im frustrated with the real world for not living upto the conceptual world in my head. my awareness of the physical world is poor for high se (i get lost easily). i crave novelty, but im among the “travels the world but only eats chicken tenders” people. im not sure i understand ur first statement, could u explain it a bit more? to clarify on my end, i know there are things people wont indicate, but i consider that not my business, even if im aware.
6/as they have a reason for not telling me. so i operate based on what they have said, rather than what i know. because of this, i give a lot of weight to words, both my own and others. i agree no one has intrinsic understanding of other people’s minds, incl. high fe. if anything, i find high fe can be bad at this on an interpersonal level as they impose generalizations on people whose needs differ but are bizarrely confident they can “read” people even with said person tells them otherwise.7/re: #8, by social world, i was referring moreso to rules of social convention/appropriateness, which fe users have a knack for (or perhaps define?). they comment on innocuous behaviour (not overt rudeness, things like not greeting every person as they walk into the office) as violating a norm i never picked on and it makes me second guess myself since i never thought of those things. surely everyone has some self doubt, but the frequency of this happening to me made it notable to mention.
Okay, going through this:
1-2: that clarification is helpful. That can just be decent maturity in most types (though as you mentioned FJs tend to side with the friend) - few people are going to full-on throw someone under the bus just to make someone else happy, so the smoothing over, especially if the person who’s upset is someone you like, is often just a neutral statement or “that sounds frustrating.” The just giving in is something I at least use for people I don’t actually respect much and for situations where I don’t think a strong stance will help. Kind of a “don’t get in a mud fight with a pig, you’ll both get dirty and the pig will like it” situation. If it’s a friend who’s actually upset, even if I think they’re wrong, I think most people who aren’t assholes will try to remain neutral or focus on comforting the friend but not arguing until a later time. So…doesn’t really indicate anything other than you’re reasonably mature as a person and probably not an FJ.
I do think Se makes a lot of sense. I don’t know what old post it was but if it was pretty old, disregard it. We’re all capable of idealism - I’m confident that I’m a sensor and I get frustrated with the world sometimes. (I also have garbage spatial intelligence, though weirdly a good sense of direction). I think a current issue now that “intuition is psychic” is no longer as much of a thing is that people think they need to be absolutely flawless in their sensory understanding to be a sensor when it’s really a preference for the concrete. Also, the picky eating is not exclusive to Ne users - that’s one of the many statements that’s true about a lot of Ne users but isn’t really evidence for Ne on its own. My ISTP sister is one of the pickiest eaters I know, my ISFP sister is pretty adventurous. Food especially is weird and influenced by a lot of other things. But getting back to Se, the thought process of “they didn’t tell me, they must have a reason, let’s take them at their word” is more sensor. It’s not that sensors aren’t capable of realizing they might not have the whole picture; it’s that they aren’t going to look for the deeper meaning if there’s not a really good reason, whereas intuitives might look for the deeper meaning even if there isn’t one at all.
You are right about Fe (I find that high Fe users, and especially NFJs, are the worst offenders in imposing a generalized view of how people should be responding) but I think we’re sold that you’re not a high Fe user. The description of not feeling like you know how to interact with people does seem more like that of a thinker. While it’s tough to be positive on Ti/Fi at times, I’d seriously look at ISTP. You sound more like ISTPs I’ve met (than either INTPs or ISFPs), which I get isn’t super helpful but it’s what I’ve got. I’d also look at enneagram 9, which might be influencing the desire to just stay neutral and not instigate disagreement (and is pretty common in both ISTPs and ISFPs but I find more so in ISTPs. ISFPs have somewhat less chill in my experience.)
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identitycris1s · 3 years
im back
hi just thought id pop in with a status update! maybe i’ll break this down into categories. feel like im doing an email update (ew!) but this rly is probs the best way to structure this post...
work / school (?)
work has been....aite. idk what to say. idk if i have unrealistic expectations of what work is supposed to be, but the idealist in me thinks its wrong to not even try and find something that seems meaningful / is deeply fulfilling. i think im mature enough to get that work isnt supposed to be fun / exciting every single day but bro this daily grind / sense of dread / utter disinterest / feeling of futility / frustration / disenchantment surely isnt the correct state of affairs.....at least let me try and find something that is a better fit, thats more stimulating, that feels more NATURAL to me? i just dont think im cut out to be a lawyer. sure i sometimes like arguing and making my point and i like that everyone i work with is smart and interesting and generally kind and reasonable and i like the prestige of the job and feeling like ppl respect me and i like the decent pay and the humane hours but.....i feel unmotivated to be a good lawyer. i think i find it difficult / disingenuous to always 100% get behind my client and advocate for their best interests. i tend to see things from a zoomed out perspective, like WHY are we fighting, WHY cant we just settle, WHY are the claimants pursuing this absolutely crap and unmeritorious claim and WHY do we have to defend it when its stupid and bound to fail (cos access2justice i guess but still, WHY), WHY cant we just hash things out in a meeting instead of sending emails here and there and wasting time, WHY do we have to answer stupid questions, WHY WHY WHY
and i think public policy is sort of an answer to that....i think theres more questioning of why we do things and why a policy will or will not work, in a macro sense - what is good for society at large. whereas in law (at least in litigation) its how can we just move this case forward and help the client, which is often not the most productive thing to do in a macro sense - very much a zero sum game. i get that shitty / unmeritorious claims still need to be defended against and someone has to do it and I GET IT but i just dont think i want to be that person defending these claims...or bringing them for that matter.....ultimately i cant fully / sincerely separate the overarching sense of futility from the duty to do a good job.
sigh. well at least ive kind of figured out this isnt for me. which is scary cos being a lawyer in this firm is pretty much a career for life - truly an iron rice bowl, i could probably make partner in maybe 4 or 5 years and live a comfortable upper middle class life...but i cant bring myself to do that. i cant bring myself to not give myself a shot at doing something i actually find interesting, stimulating and that i care about deeply. call me crazy! we’ll see where this brings me in 5 years’ time....:) 
anyway most ppl at work (at least in my team) know that im most likely gonna leave soon. i rly only told 2 ppl (my boss cos he had to sign off on my testimonial and G cos she was quitting anyway)...but somehow ppl found out one way or another. i dont rly mind and ppl have been taking it pretty well and have been kind and encouraging (i guess why would they not take it well, im hardly indispensable) but i get a bit antsy thinking - what if i dont get in...then what? do i just put my head down and continue here (BUT IM SO SAD) or do i just quit without any prospects and try to find a policy-ish job??
idk. will have faith that God will put me where I need to be. he is in control of it all and I BELIEVE THIS !!! I am just a bit scared that his plan is different from what i  think i want....but this is just my human instinct and i know in my head that there is no reason to be scared cos his plan is always the better one. head knowledge just needs to translate to heart understanding and real trust / faith.
ermmm relationships...???
i started using...cmb...idk why i find this so cringey. i guess about a year ago i couldnt imagine doing this and i kept thinking EW what if ppl i know see me and they think im a desperate saddo who cant find a bf irl and has to resort to an app EW shes so lame and ugly and gross. and i realised that is so stupid no one actually thinks that way and its very backward and dumb and insecure of me to be thinking that. and anyway as i get older i rly dont quite give a shit what ppl think of me (at least i tell myself that....)
i suppose i was also inspired by csm who has been quite actively using apps and meeting ppl and taking real..strides..(LOL) in her dating life. i used to tell myself hey God will provide u with a mans if he wants u to be with a mans. but also God can use an app to do that...and if i dont step out in faith that he will do something and i dont take any action at all, how is God gonna work?? should i sit at home and expect a man to fall into my lap??
for some ppl it has been way easier, e.g. my parents meeting in uni and falling i love. i always wanted that - the organic relationship, the meet-cute, the friends to lovers thing. (i guess i tried that last one before and it didnt work...) but i think theres no point in romanticising relationships anymore. thats a very modern thing to do and its not necessarily a good thing? like who’s to say a relationship that had organic beginnings is intrinsically better than one that started from an app?
anyway i havent had much luck haha i think its hard to find genuine GCBs (or maybe theyre just not attracted to me....) although recently ive been talking to this one guy B for a week or two and its been...ok i guess. hes rly nice and seemed cool at first - we talked about travelling and hamilton and the office, which was a good start. he is thoughtful and kind and doesnt seem to be put off by my very slow replies (he replies so fast......its stressful a bit) and he does the whole good morning text thing (which i frankly find a bit bizarre, we barely know each other..?? and ive never even met him irl.. but its sweet i guess :))
but DUDE his english seems to be not great - at least thats the impression i get from texting him. which is an issue for me. i dont want it to be BUT IT IS...first red flag was when he said some weird thing about not wanting to wear a mask at work (not a literal mask - like he didnt know if he could be his ‘true self’) and the wording was very strange. then he said “the weekends are almost here” ?? the weekend is not a plural though? then he used the wrong tense a few times and his apostrophe usage was wrong (”Gods’ love” - bro there is one God). he also uses way too many commas which irks me.
i mean i get that text is supposed to be an informal medium - come on look at this post, there r hardly any capital letters and plenty of short forms and hardly any apostrophes but u see its CONSISTENT and its obviously cos of laziness / convenience - but i think his problem is a bit different...u can sort of tell if someone doesnt have a 100% strong grasp of english. those r basic grammar mistakes man...i get that i sound petty and stupid and this isnt a huge deal but i feel like im settling by even talking to him cos this is not something i wld normally tolerate but hey maybe im getting desperate with age :(:(:( urgh 
on the other hand maybe i just need to be more generous with ppl and l have an irrationally high standard for english cos i am a lawyer and my friends all speak well / text well?? maybe im just being too nitpicky?? honestly hes very nice  and communicative and straightforward and seems mature and very God-fearing and idk why hes still talking to me cos ive been a bit cold and slow to respond. hes very patient which i dont rly deserve.....i myself have a million flaws that are probably way worse and egregious (ahem PRIDE...ahem ego....ie the source of this dilemma in the first place...) so maybe i should just close one eye abt the bad grammar.
i also realised how fked up i am - confirmed my suspicion that i am naturally attracted to emotionally unavailable ppl / ppl that just seem distant / out of reach (thats my avoidant attachment style right there). i think there was one day he didnt text me at all and omg...i couldnt stop thinking what i did wrong...like did i piss him off by being too cold for too long...did he get scared off cos i said i wanted to do a masters (idk this seemed like an irrational leap but i was being irrational)..then i started being nicer to him and replied more promptly hahaha turns out he was just rly bz at work that day. omg this pattern is real i think i did this with xj also - was eager to speak when he was in japan but after meeting irll i was just over it... (i am drawn to distance like a moth to a flame and i am repelled by availability like....a fire by a fire extinguisher (??)). yucks i rly hate myself sometimes but yknow what at least im self aware and im trying to fix this...kind of.. gonna hash this avoidant thing out with my therapist at the next sesh.
on the topic of xj i got a bit nostalgic and wondered why we stopped speaking (surprise surprise it was my fault, didnt reply then felt it had been left to long to pick it up again...) went back to look at our texts and aw we rly got along so well, i do miss him as a friend and im sorry about how poorly i treated him especially in dec 2018 / jan 2019 sigh.....i was a real bitch....
anyway im just gonna see how things go with B... if he asks me out i prob will go... just to give it a shot. update if / when that happens!
EDIT - he asked me out lol we shall see how it goes. 
0 notes
franeridart · 7 years
i miss your haikyuu art so much it was the best - dont get me wrong i fucking adore your bnha art but like,,,,, haikyuu,,,,,,,
Well pal, aren’t you lucky, you might have been missing from my blog in the past two weeks but if you scroll down just three posts you might notice I’ve been drawing haikyuu again (x x x)
Anon said:People don’t remember baccano anymore? :o
I assumed so since it’s been ten years since it aired and the fandom has always been small and quiet anyway, but it looks like I assumed wrong!!!! That made me so happy, honestly? Baccano’s my fav anime ever, it’s always super nice to see it appreciated!
Anon said:Omg thanks for the baccano au I love it.
Anon said: BACCANO!! I love you so much right now!!!
Anon said: YOU DID A BACCANO CROSSOVER!! IVE NEVER SEEN ONE DUDE MAJOR PROPS TO YOU!!!! I literally love that series, it was one of my first ones so seeing it mixed with one of my current favourites is surreal!!
Anon said: DID YOU JUT DO A BACCANO AU OMG ITA BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE WATCHED THAT IT WAS MY FAVE 😭😭😭😭😭 i cried so much during it all the time it was so badass
This is exactly what I was talking about!!! So HAPPY all of you love that anime as much as I do! And thank you SO MUCH for liking the crossover!!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Fran, just out of curiosity, what colors do you associate with Bakugou/Kirishima/the rest of the squad?
The ones I use to write their dialogues! Orange for Bakugou, red for Kirishima, gold for Sero, yellow for Kaminari and pink for Ashido! :D
Anon said: tumblr has been a butt and not notified me of your post but i saw your nishinoya and i died i love the way you draw him and boiiiiii bokuto and kuroo be looking smokin and your kiribaku (is that right??? im a failure i cant remember!!!:( ) is amazing SO MUCH FLUFF i die of happiness. keep up the lovely work 💕👌👌👌
Anon said:I love your art its so amazing.
Thank youuu ;u;
Anon said:I was just wondering if I could use one of your drawings of Kuroo as a phone background (just for personal use! It’s fine if you don’t want me too! I’m a huge fan and I hope you’re having a nice day~)
Sure! As long as it’s just for personal use I don’t mind at all!!
Anon said:Oh wow, thanks for the tutorial! I think it will be really helpful!
I’m glad to hear that!!!! :D
Anon said: what is the jock / nerd thing?
At this point it’s mostly a meme, I’d say haha
Anon said:ASDFGHJKL *-* Your art is to beautiful for the world
That’s!!!! Too kind of you oh man (〃´ノω`〃)
Anon said:Your kiri is so pretty.
THANK YOU!! Every Kiri is super pretty tho, it’s the intrinsic Kirishima-ness of the Kiris that makes them beautiful whatever style they’re drawn in! :O
OH MAN THANK YOU I love that disaster of a trickster so much I’m glad I could make him come out okay ;O;
Anon said:so i left tumblr a while ago?? but i check back every so often bc ur pretty much my favorite tumblr artist ever
Aw man thank you so so so much this means the world to me! ;u; sometimes it’s hard for me to see any improvement in my own art so knowing that you can see it helps a lot!
Anon said:your art is literally my favourite thing in the entire world i love it all! i hope you’re having a good day and taking care of yourself! x
GOSH THANK U I hope you’re having the best day too, anon!!!!
Anon said:Asahi is so pretty when you draw him, I love it; my gentle son, in your amazing art style.
I’M!!!!!! Glad you liked him!!!!!!! That boy is 100% out of my comfort zone so knowing he came out okay is super nice!!!!! :D 
Anon said:The way I drew the bakusquad in that one set of images … They’re like … On the cover of Vogue or something. It’s aesthetically good to my eyes man. Also you kinda got me into tetsukami?? I don’t understand it at all but now im into it BC of ur fanart and bc of other fanart but Imma blame u and im grateful to have another ship to hyperfixate over. Anyway I love youu and your art man, i wish u many good days
Oh man I love you too anon this ask made me so happy???? And I’m especially happy I could get you into tetsukami! It doesn’t make much sense as a ship, does it? But they’d be fun interacting and their quirks work well together, so I have fun thinking about them! I hope they’ll interact in the classes 1a and 1b will have to share in the future! :D
Anon said:Oh I love your Noya’s, so glad you drew my boy again!:)
Thank you for liking him!!!!!! He’s hard to draw but I love him and he makes me happy!!! What a boy!!!
Anon said:Have you seen little noya in the newest chapter
I HAVE little boyo already had his blond hair how cute is that! The newest chapter made me really warm inside I really loved the whole speech Noya made ;u; my inspiring little lightning bolt !!
Anon said:I really really love your bnha art! But put some highlights on the kirabakus one, you probably have the quirk to melt my heart with them ;w;
That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever read!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Who do you think would propose? Bakugo or Kirishima???
I actually answered a similar question a while ago! But I can’t find it so I guess to sum it up I mostly think at some point it’d just become something both of them have talked about throught the years enough times that by then it’ll just be something they are gonna do, sooner or later, and when it’ll happen it’ll be more like “we have a stable income and a house and a dog and a cat and are p much already married we should really do this already” - in a scenario like that either of the two works, for me haha
Anon said:the best thing was that I just a moment before u posted I felt bad and pissed ad sad, but then all that disappeared ;V;
I’m!!!!! So happy to know I could help you like that!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Can I just say, I’ve been following your art a long time (I’ve always loved it!) and I’ve really noticed a lot of growth and improvement in your style? The thing that always impresses me most is how you are able to take simplified facial features and make them SO expressive. You convey emotions so well and I love it so much. Thanks for always giving us art to smile about! Hope you are having a lovely day!
THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY G OD!!!! I’m!!!!! crying!!!! probably!!!!!!! FrICK!!!! ;A;
Anon said:KINONOYA!!!!!!
INDEED!!!!! What a good relationship they have!!!!!
Anon said:You draw Sero so good oml he’s too pretty
Anon said:THAT SERO YOU DREW!!! *clutches heart* n i c e !!!!
;O; I’m glad you like him?????? gods!!!!
Anon said:I love the way you draw Kaminari, he looks beautiful in your art style! ^^
SOB you guys are all so nice to me I’m gonna cry for real here ;U; thank you!!!
Anon said:Whenever I’m sad I look at your art and everything feels better.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy I can help you with your mood!!!!!!!
Anon said:When you Kiri with his hair down, I’m always like “that’s it, that’s the cutest Kiri ever” and then you draw him with it spiked and I’m like “no wait, there it is, the cutest Kiri.” And now you go and give me both Kiri’s in that adorable pair of sketches and how is that even fair because how am I supposed to handle that? I can’t even decide anymore. All your kiris are the cutest Kiri.
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! All Kiris are the cutest Kiris tho, aren’t they? What an inherently cute boy he is!!!
Anon said:i showed my friend your art and since we both find it super good, we both decided to try to draw more regularly because we want get better and get a smooth(? idk how to say it in english lmao) style like yours so thank you for the motivation/inspiration!!
:O !!!!!! I hope you and your friend will have fun while at it, anon!!!!! :D
Anon said:I love your bakushima
Anon said:drawing ppl from above is so cool though!! i really like these kinda pics ✨ (esp bo and tetsu, so /cool/!!) dont give up, fran❤
Please don’t enable me anon, if you give me the green light I’m gonna keep on drawing that sorta angle forever hahahaha (thank u so much for the compliment, tho!!!!)
Anon said: ahhh i love your recent kiribaku drawings! they are so cool!!
That was about the red and teal ones, right? Thank you so much!!!! Working with colors like that isn’t something I do often, so I’m really really happy that you guys ended up liking them!!!
Anon said: Row! Row! Fight the power!!
I don’t know what brought this on but HECK YES
Anon said:Man I love all your art, fanart and OCs alike! And your BNHA is such an inspiration and one of the reasons I started writing fic. Have a great day!
OH BOY that’s such a nice thing to know!! I hope you’re having lotsa fun writing fics, anon!! And I also hope you’re having a great day, too!!!
Anon said:OK, i’m sorry for sounding this emotional, but OMG your art makes me cry. it’s just… so beautiful… *there i go again* *crying*
*hands u tissue* thank you so much but please don’t cry!!!!
You’re the second person that tells me they’re really similar to one of my ocs!!!! I wonder what that means? :O but it’s a fun thing to know, anyway!!! :D I hope you don’t mind Luca being so similar to you, anon haha
Anon said: What do you think would happen if eraserhead erased fatgum’s quirk?
He’d probably just lose his ability to absorb hits and then re-use their power? :? but if he’s fat he’s gonna stay fat and if he’s slim he’s gonna stay slim, I think :O
Anon said:Oh my god you know kekkai sensen I’m actually crying I love kekkai sensen but no one I know likes it/knows about it and aaaaaaa I love your art and you drew something from kekkai sensen and thats amazing!!!!
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED IT and I know right? Kkss has such a small fandom! Which to me is super weird considering how much following Trigun used to have? :O it’s definitely one of the best anime I’ve seen in recent times, tho!!!
Anon said:FRAAAANNNNNNNN!!!! I’m soo excited!! I might be getting a tote from your shop for Christmas! My friend asked what I wanted, so I looked at your store, and chose a tote with Mina, and Hagakure (?) And he told me to send him the link!
Anon said: Your art is so good! I especially love your black and white stuff! Its really punchy! Also all your Kiribaku content makes my heart melt!!!!!!
*gross sobbing* thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:would it be okay…if i drew luca (giving credit to you tho obv) i just love him so much GOD
YES!!!!!! Please do link me to it if you do draw him, I wanna see!!!!! :D
Anon said:Hey! I really liked your OCs and i was especially intrigued by Max and Leo!! Do you mind telling us more about their relationship? They look so sweet!!! Love ya and keep being awesome!
Thank you so much for liking my kids!!!! ;O; and sadly I can’t tell you too much about them cause their story is a bit still up in the air as far as details go, but in general they used to be best friends back when they were kids, then the accident that gave Leo his scars happened and for reason they lost track of each other for a long while - they met again recently, tho! Leo’s been in love with Max since they were babies and being able to talk to him and interact with him again makes him incredibly happy/mushy/soft but also absurdly and unreasonably overprotective since he’s really, really scared of losing him again - Max… because of plot-related reasons hasn’t realized that Leo is the kid he used to know back when he was super young, so his falling in love with him happens as the story progresses. He finds the overprotectiveness silly and unecessary, but he doesn’t exactly mind it? He has a feeling it helps Leo more than it helps him, so he lets him do his thing. All in all, maybe Max takes more care of Leo than Leo of Max. Welp, their story is kind of a mess haha
Anon said:Have you ever thought about doing nsfw? Or at least something kinda hot?
This is actually answered in my faq! But yeah, no, I don’t do nsfw, sorry! Something kinda hot… maybe in the future? But I gotta be in a very specific mood that doesn’t come around too often, so I dunno if and when that’s gonna be!
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
idk if lenins polcy of bruning churches was good but you have to have soem kind of athiest government
(6-20-20) You both like politics.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: ideology?
You: moderate left
You: you?
Stranger: far left
Stranger: uk
You: ahh kay
You: why do you like omegle?
Stranger: er dunno just fun to chat without consequences i guess
You: mhm that's fair
You: I like to hear about what other ppl think
Stranger: yh and argueing
You: haha I don't really argue that much
Stranger: some people arnt worth ur time
You: mhm maybe
You: where are you from?
Stranger: uk^^
You: I'm from the us
Stranger: noice
You: and I'm totally ignorant of british politics lol
Stranger: i know a little bit about america
You: how does your government work?
Stranger: cos its the centre of the world
You: sorry if this is a really dull question
Stranger: its fine ill asnwer w my limited understanding
You: I just ran into someone who was praising the monarchy
Stranger: pfft
Stranger: haha
Stranger: so basically above everyone we have a queen who approves certain stuff and has the ability to interjec tin products but msotly doesn then you have the unlected house of lords which is aristocrats recommended by other rich ppl and below that the ppl elected
Stranger: we have a prime minister so he doesnt have the same powers as president
Stranger: but hes more powerful than other pm's
You: mhm
You: the house of lords...
Stranger: yep
You: is the aristocracy still a big thing in the uk?
Stranger: its just like the senate in the usa except not elected and idk probaably
You: how does someone get recommended to the house of lords?
Stranger: be rich adn good at something or know someone whos rich
You: ahh I think it's weird that it's so closely tied to wealth
Stranger: not really the uk ruling class make it prtty obvious to us peasnts that its a ruling class fake democracy
Stranger: unlike the usa where everybody is supposed classless
You: right
You: I guess that's a fair statement
Stranger: but yeah fuck the queen
Stranger: how was the guy defedning monarchy?
You: oh he sounded kind of weird
You: like how god and the monarchy is essential for uk's stability and being
Stranger: pfft
You: he didn't really explain much
Stranger: both are irelevant nowadays
You: just pointed out that france and us are chaotic, according to him because there is no monarchy
Stranger: oh yeah thats totally
Stranger: why
You: yeah lol
Stranger: if only they had a monarchy then there owuld be no class and racial conflict
You: so how far left are you?
Stranger: very far
You: anarchist?
Stranger: nope left communist
Stranger: basically anti stalinist communist
You: what does your ideal government look like?
Stranger: well until you have a relatively stateless socialism you have a dictatorship of the proleterait
Stranger: and that has an armed population as the army and has direct democracy and a representive democracy who are payed wages simualr to that of a workmans
Stranger: in brief
You: mhm and membership has a criteria that you must be working class?
Stranger: membership of the democratic process yep
Stranger: a worker
You: mhm
Stranger: not necearily poor
You: what is the exact definition of working class btw?
Stranger: sombody who doesnt own and live off capitlist property
Stranger: or is a cpatilsit in other respects
Stranger: like an investor
Stranger: businessmen landlords and bankers
You: hmm I feel like it's hard for me to draw parallels
You: I know a pharmacist friend
You: who rents his place
You: for extra cash
Stranger: well when we have the revolution i doubt he'll be locked up or anything but youknow
Stranger: hes just a small landlord i guess
Stranger: supplemetning work income
You: so would people just discouraged from doing that kind of stuff?
Stranger: well hosuing will be nationalised as an early step
Stranger: so you wont have to
You: mhm
Stranger: making rent equal to bills
You: my parents also have investments
You: for like retirement
You: and just in general
Stranger: sure
You: was curious what would happen to those
Stranger: well i mean by investor sombody who is rich and does it for a job
You: ah kay
Stranger: the socialsit pension ting will be good anyhow
You: mhm
You: do you think that's it necessary for the world to follow this model? Or do you think that it can still work with just a communist state on it's own?
Stranger: nah for a lot of reasons you cant have it in one or a few states surrounded by cpaitlsit ones
Stranger: for one a DOTP surrounded by cpatilist states is forced to act like one to compete
Stranger: and therefore exploit other countries and its own labourers to the max
You: right, I was curious about that actually
Stranger: that was trotsky's argument
You: mhm
Stranger: he said u cant have 'socialsism in one country' because you have to first have international DOTP
You: dotp stands for?
Stranger: or you just become a state cpaitlist state like stalin
You: dictatorship of the prol.?
Stranger: dictatorship of the proletariat
Stranger: yep
You: mhm, that makes a lot of sense
Stranger: yep
Stranger: DOTP being when workers hold the state but not the economy
Stranger: the economy is still in private hands
You: right
You: I think I mix up all the varieties of socialism and communism
Stranger: yh DOTP isnt so much a variety but a transition
Stranger: from cpaitlism to socialism/com
You: mhm
You: I feel like I think about human nature cynically
Stranger: oh go on
You: as in, I'm skeptical of being satisfied with equality
You: *ppl being
Stranger: well tehy certainly arnt satified by inequality so how bad can it really get?
You: mhm true
Stranger: we dont mean absolute equality
Stranger: just equality of opporutunity to realise ur best self
You: idk if this is school bias or anything, but when we learn about communism, it's often framed that the party just ends up with all the wealth
You: or power
Stranger: theres a reason that idea of so called communism is taught rlly
Stranger: mainly cos of porpaganda but theres some truth
Stranger: under lenin the state was definitely a semi deictatorship of a few workers parties
Stranger: but with a democratic mechanism and worker councils to elect them
You: hm
You: *mhm
Stranger: with the intention of educating a largely illitarate peasant russia into a democratic socialsit society
Stranger: but after the vicotry of stalin after lenins death, whatever redistribution of power was dropped and centrlasing power in the party and in stalin was the priority
You: right
Stranger: so there is a history to it
You: I feel like I was thought that there was a component of ideological purity -- like, if you expressed greater loyalty to the party, you could get more stuff
You: like better food tickets or cars or stuff
You: *taught
Stranger: sure teh soviet union during and after stalin was definitely a class society
You: mhm, how do you avoid class from rearising?
Stranger: you dont centralise power in bureacracy
Stranger: and make it mroe acoutnable
Stranger: you arm the popualtion
Stranger: make durable directly democratic mechanisms
Stranger: accountability at all level
You: so you're saying like enshrining freedom of speech / freedom of arms in the system?
Stranger: im not a freedom of speech absolutist but sure
Stranger: its very important
You: wasn't China kinda of freedom of speech until tianmensquare, were they?
Stranger: ha no
Stranger: you got tortured if you spoke out
You: ah kay
Stranger: same as soviet union really
Stranger: mao wasnt masively different
You: I'm just thinking of the blm protests in the US
Stranger: yh
You: when ppl feel like change isn't happening
You: then they can get violent
Stranger: yep
You: was just curious how your government would handle that
Stranger: well the governmetn and the people are intrinsically merged
Stranger: but it depends like waht the situation would be
You: mhm I mean technically there's universal suffrage in the US but not everyone votes
Stranger: yep
Stranger: electoral college too
You: and I think minority parties can sometimes be the loudest and most opinionated
Stranger: yh
You: so even with a proletariat government I think there might still be disagreement
Stranger: yh
Stranger: for sure
Stranger: and debate
Stranger: whats ur point
You: mhm idk
Stranger: aight sitl idk the answers
You: yeah it's interesting
Stranger: what are u taught abotu socialism in schools
You: mhm, I guess just the things I said?
You: I think we studied east germany and the ussr
Stranger: ah k
Stranger: yep
You: what life was like
You: to live there
Stranger: sure and if you trying and feed everyone this is waht happens type shite
Stranger: you cant be nice with the economy
You: mhm I don't think my teachers tried to make extremely biased conclusions or anything
You: but the curriculum itself could be biased I think
Stranger: k yeah same
Stranger: yeah fr
Stranger: we dont learn at all about the british empire
You: yup
Stranger: like not once
Stranger: or really any british history beyond knights and castles
You: actually in world history class my teacher commented that I was beginning to sound "anti-american" lol
Stranger: haha good
Stranger: anti american what a word
Stranger: being anti imperialist and anti racist is being anti british too
You: lol
Stranger: tells u what they think about britishness
Stranger: its not culture but power
Stranger: which is a load of bs
You: mhm
Stranger: what did you say to teacher
You: idk I'm not very nationalist
You: I didn't say anything, I'm not really the kind of person to argue
Stranger: neither but i like uk just not enough to block refugees to preserve it
Stranger: like some wacko patriots are
You: mhm
Stranger: they act like the uks not been 15% non white since like 1940
You: mhm
You: what do you think of their opinion that a country should have a right to control their own culture/ethnicities?
Stranger: erm
Stranger: well thats tough
Stranger: i think the ideal of direct dmeocracy and a reactioanry population is contradictory
Stranger: and therefore maybe u need more centralised leadership there
You: I think I heard a scenario of belgium or something wanting to block the construction of mosques in like a historical district or something
You: to preserve their national culture/history
Stranger: yep idk
You: yeah idk either
Stranger: but like how would direct democrayc work in somalia
Stranger: or saudi arabia
Stranger: thats a tough question
Stranger: would men use it to repress women
You: mhm yup
You: or well, there are several states that have a democracy
Stranger: its like india was basically a dicatroship for its first 20 years
You: and they voted to impose state religion
You: state religious laws
You: that kind of thing
Stranger: basically cos it would be a bloodbath
Stranger: of relgion and caste
Stranger: so the governmetn had to go against the people to do whats the long term good
You: I think it's sometimes hard to have foresight about what the "long term good" is though
You: like everybody things they are doing things for long term good
You: *thinks
Stranger: well in indias caste removing caste racism and relgious bigotry was a big thing
Stranger: and many people died due to it
You: mhm
You: I think it's really hard for me to know what is "right"
Stranger: and i think general equality is a good thing impose against a population
Stranger: if they dont want it
Stranger: thats the only way change has ever come
You: mhm although I think indoctrination is always possible
Stranger: eh
You: I mean, this is kind of a hot take, but Western values are indoctrinated
Stranger: yeahthey are
You: similarly speaking you could indoctrinate capitalistic values or communist values
Stranger: some are right some are wrong
Stranger: not succesfully
You: and I think the ppl who grow up with whatever they are indoctrinated with are generally happy
You: and support the views they grow up with
Stranger: yeah true
You: although I think it's sad for whoever gets left out of the system
Stranger: like anti deisicimination laws are passed despite a population
Stranger: for a long term good
You: mhm
You: yeah idk governments are hard haha
Stranger: haha yes
Stranger: thats why were still talking about it
You: mhm
You: I don't really know what to think about ppl who support religious states
You: like indonesia has that problem
Stranger: theyre idiots
You: like they want their state to become religious
Stranger: ik snd prolly will
You: but if I imagine myself in their shoes
You: I think they just want to be closer to their religion
You: which is like a personal value
You: like I'm secular, so things like freedom and equality mean a lot to me
Stranger: truw
You: but I can also imagine a different world were idk god and faith matter a lot to me
You: we have pretty significant freedom of religion battles in the us
Stranger: same]
Stranger: if i didnt grow up in suhc an athiest school and get bullied for it id be hardcore jesus
You: oh your family is religious?
Stranger: yep
You: mhm I was reading about the us lgbt anti-discrimination ruling earlier
Stranger: yeah
You: the religious schools here are worried about being affected
You: like they don't want to hire gay teachers
Stranger: good
You: bc they're a religious school
Stranger: get w the program schools
Stranger: idk if lenins polcy of bruning churches was good but you have to have soem kind of athiest government
You: mhm I think anti-discrimination is good, but I feel like I can understand their resistance of feeling like they can't teach their religion the way they want
Stranger: sure yeah
You: idk most things I don't know what to think lol
Stranger: but think about if they dont get agy teachers
Stranger: anti discimination laws dont work
You: hm?
Stranger: cos u can jsut say u didnt disciminate and taht it
You: ohh no it still matters
You: like imagine you are a religious school
You: and a pastor applies and says they are a gay priest
You: and you don't want to hire them
You: they can sue bc discrimination
Stranger: maybe but its a relgious school why u even applying
You: mhm some ppl kind of want to change christianity I think
You: like there are pastors who are much more sympathetic to lgbt
Stranger: eh still
Stranger: lictus and that
Stranger: levictus
You: yeah idk
You: most of the churches in my area are pro-lgbt
Stranger: pretty sure my preist is closeted
You: aww
Stranger: hes very camp
You: camp ?
Stranger: and went to cambridge
Stranger: femenine
You: ahh
Stranger: yep
You: yeah religion is an odd place in politics for me
You: like it's often at the root of weird stuff
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: are u relgious
You: that runs counter to like modern science common sense
You: no
You: well, I'm like 20% spiritual I guess
You: but I'm not religious
Stranger: yep
Stranger: never got the difference
You: between spiritual and religious?
Stranger: yep
You: oh, for me, religious is like adhering to a religion, or denomination, or religious practice
You: spiritual is like vaguely believe in something
You: *belieiving
You: without doing anything about it
You have disconnected.
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[A6I3] ==>
ROSE: Iss, ROZE: Prehhhhtay strizzong I G-to-tha-izzeush? ROZE: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. Whizzay. Gizzuesh? I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. ROZE and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: *Guessss. R-TO-THA-IZZOSE fo gettin yo pimp on: Eheh. 
DAVE: prettizzle strizzong DAVE and my money on my mind: roze yizzou jizzay bootlegge' S-to-tha-izzome fuck'n rubb'n alcohol 
ROZE cuz its a pimp thang: Pshf. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. .. ROZE: Overaeact much? Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. ROZE: I'm yizzay completally 'n command of mah faculities like a tru playa'. 
DAVE: faculity isnt a word check mate DAVE: dis kizzay strikes me as a S-to-tha-izzort of misappropriation of alchizzle DAVE fo' sheezy: like fuck'n wit tha mystical technology of creation ta whip up some moonshine jizzay S-to-tha-izzeems DIZZAY: i dizzle dawg DAVE: tell me you at least alchemize' a bathtub first to stiznir dis shizzit 'n DIZZLE straight from long beach nigga: at least thizzay would be hilarious  
ROZE: Iii, ROZE: Omg, yoe rizzle, I mesze' a golden opportutiny fo` a puticizzle humoroush approach ta dis endeavor... :( 
DAVE yaba daba dizzle: n where tha FIZZLE be mah applejuice roze DAVE: gotta siznay DAVE: yizzay reallizzle let me dizzown on tha aj front 
ROZE: I try!! ROZE: I try steppin' it... ROZE thats off tha hook yo: Is was HARD, Dizzay. RIZZY: (Sluuurp.) 
DAVE: bullshit it was hard DAVE: whizzay so hizzay 'bout applejuice its like DAVE: tha mizzay basic goddamn jiznuice DIZZLE: lizzay the square one of jizzuice 
ROZE, know what im sayin? Yizzy, tha tha PIZZOINT! ROZE: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. Applizzles be stalartingly difficulf ta reprodizzle in tha mutha fuckin club. ROZE: We takes fo` granned our ability to takes idealize' intsances ofeven quie comlicated objizzles n conshure them from tha void. ROZE: But compalexity implies a heavilly recombizzle nature. Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this.. So.. so mizzle th'n be synesthize' from a series of mizzay killa ideas! ROZE: Ta thoze ennitizzles capable of, of conceshualizzle n absractizzle, an apple is as cloze' ta bein a noshushnally irredushible object as it gets so sit back relax new jacks get smacked.... ROZE: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. Ahem. *Notionally, ROZE: **Irr, ed, ducible yaba daba dizzle. ROZE puttin tha smack down: Tizzay me, hizzy shiznot, whizzat ideas wizzle yiznou combide ta mizzake n apple cuz Im tha Double O G? 
DAVE: uh 
ROZE: Exaaallizzle/. ROZE and my money on my mind: Thusis wizzy applizzles be sush indizzle symbols, when it comes ta thefield of ideas n they reducshunizzle!!!!! reductionishtic essence from tha perispective of humans 'n paticular. ROZE so i can get mah pimp on: Biznoth friznom a stantpoint of cultrulal n mytholurgical singificence,, n frizzom a pratical one a S-W-to-tha-izzell, if you happen ta fine yoself acshizzle try'n ta Engineeea one. You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. ROZE: Why d-ya ho-slappin', HIZZY!!! Why d-ya thizzink Adizzle mizzay Eve were punished fo` bit'n 'n ta one?? ROZE: Thizney attizzle ta pentetrate an indivisible unit, uf fundamenetal knowledge. Ta consume tha interior of a thought whish cantot be reduced any furtha. ROZE to increase tha peace: Dis knowleshe wizzay for BIDDEN..! Hizzy. Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. So humizzle was foreva bandished ta live 'n sizzin, n, hass strive eva sinze ta redeem isself fizzy tha hubrinse of this innallectual fizzle. ROZE: Hahaha! Tru niggaz do niggaz. , Foily dogg. ROZE cuz Im tha Double O G: *FOLLY. :) ROZE: Or what 'bout, tha T-to-tha-izzale of Isaac Newdon unda tha tree?? He was BIZZLE on tha heezee by an apple. ROZE: Chill as I take you on a trip. Not rizzle apple thizzle... an atomic idea. An emlemental unizzle of inspripation itself, id clizzle him rizzay on then noggin if you gots a paper stack. ROZE: N dis indivisizzle notion bustin' wit hish awareness, much like.. . a high spee' partical fired ta create a nuculear chain reacatizzle, jarrizzle from tha vizzle a more profizzle unnizzle, HIC, 'n of the intrinsic nature of nothiness. Thatis,. Gravivitatizzle, ya feel me? ROZE: Im crazy, you can't phase me. Of C-to-tha-izzourse thizzay stories be acutually bullshit. They didn't happen 'n realaitizzle. Bizzut thef act thizzle thizzle bullshizzle makes them mizzore inshrest'n. ROZE: Mizzen have crizzle manizzle stizzles that be bullshit out of sizzy rizzle friznom tha abyss of coinsciousness witou necesharily know'n whath e fuck they were do'n or say'n, as thizzay flounered around fo` some T-R-to-tha-izzuth. ROZE: Bust 'n spite of themseleves they wiznould fo` howefa briefly cross thriznough a rizzy of light regarless. Becuss of the sbymbizzle. D-to-tha-izzave and my money on my mind.. Tha symbols hizzle dizzall tha killa.  
DIZNAVE now pass the glock: well shit DAVE puttin tha smack down: looks like i wandered into a rizzle wizzy uncharted sizzle of ghetto tonight DAVE: its called tha drunk roze district DAVE: n i be scizzle out of mah clockin' mizzle 
ROZE: Fo` a gizzy whos supposedly, an I quote, "so coo'," ROSE: You relly be almost comically up T-to-tha-izzight mah nizzle. ROZE: Here, why dizzon't you have S-to-tha-izzome... Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. 
DIZZLE: no cuz I'm fresh out the pen! 
ROZE: Whizzle a pizzy. ROZE cuz its a pimp thang: *P-R-U-to-tha-izzude. ROZE: Hic so bow down to the bow wow! 
DAVE: i tizzold yizzle i dizzont wizzy anizzle of yo' experimental fuck'n spacewizard booze DAVE: id pimp nizzay go blizzay DAVE: thizzay terezi will have ta T-to-tha-izzeach me ta lick shit ta see DAVE: be thizzle whizzay yizzay want do you want me cruisin' everyth'n 'n S-to-tha-izzight DAVE: lizzy oh hey mayor SLIZZAY oh fizzy youre not tha mayor youre mah gizzle killa 
ROZE sho nuff: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! , niggaz, better recognize;D
> [A6I3] ==>
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