#im really just looking at the size diff here
teex · 2 years
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tk and nico at the 2020 ASG (x)
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sewercentipede · 9 months
Hello i want to try ket and probably will as soon as i get a chance, if you would like can you please give me some tips for using safely because im unfamiliar with ket entirely
yes absolutely! ur approach to this being specifically with harm reduction in mind is so wonderful i commend you
I’ve written up a super detailed guide for this very thing for another anon in the past but tumblr ATE IT I can’t find it at all😭 soo I’ll try to do the same for u—that means it’ll b VERY long so i apologize in advance.
Also to any of my mutuals or followers or whoever have experience with ketamine and want to add any advice I haven’t covered please please do so in the replies!!!
1. Acquire ketamine from as trusted a source as possible. if u can get literal (and legit) medical vials that’d be the ideal but for most ppl that’s not a realistic option. so (I assume, since I do not know ur situation) you will probably be getting it in crystal/rock form or crushed up crystal form (it should look like very sparkly pure white powder when crushed up). PLEASE buy fentanyl test trips from dancesafe.org and follow the instructions that come with them to test your ketamine. This step is IMPERATIVE as in life or death. it’ll mean youll have to turn ur ketamine to liquid with water in order to test the entire amount of ketamine for fentanyl and fent analogues. to turn it back into crystal to snort, literally just pour the liquid in a large glass pan or pie dish, and let it evaporate. If ur impatient u can use a hairdryer on it or cook it in the oven on the lowest oven setting (while it’s in the glass pan ofc) and monitor it the whole time, until it is hardened back into crystal. It shouldn’t be gooey at all but should also not be any color other than pure white.
2. Go to erowid.com and go to the ketamine vault and read everything in the basics, effects, health, and dose links .Erowids the best resource. . Here’s some pics of the dose guides, durations, and expected effects. These dosage recommendations are accurate and I highly recommend going by them when you first start. After you do ketamine a few times you’ll get the hang of it without rly needing to measure so precisely .
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Some of those negative effects aren’t even negative, but some sound scary I know but the scary ones are honestly really rare, and happen when people do like a ton of ketamine at a club and hole by accident, or mix ketamine with a bunch of drugs or otherwise take it irresponsibly. If you follow my recommendations and the recommendations on erowid, you shouldnt have anything to fear. Ketamine isn’t scary - because it’s a dissociative and the *most gentle disso ever* it detaches you from a lot of negative emotions.
3. Take ketamine on an empty stomach. Don’t eat anything for like an hour before. Eating too soon before can make you very nauseous and throw up. You may also just throw up anyway - it just happens sometimes, depending on your body’s sensitivity to that, the ketamine that you acquired, and, especially, if you’re doing too much of it too quickly. So don’t do too much too quickly lol!
4. For your first time (this is a MUST) and the first few times until you get the hang of the dosing —it’s an extremely dose dependent drug (very diff effects at diff doses) — do NOT do ketamine anywhere but in your home (or friends home). Do not do it at a club, concert, festival, party, or in public. I strongly recommend doing it lying down on a couch or bed, with mood lighting, cozy atmosphere. At low doses you might have fun trying to walk because it feels silly, but you’ll be uncoordinated so be careful. At mid and high dosages you should be laying down and not attempting to sit up or walk.
5. When snorting: ketamine is not like coke, so do not snort it like you would coke. Do not rack up huge lines and snort them in quick succession. Snort only short/small lines, ideally 1-2 of these size lines every 2-3 minutes. If your goal is to k-hole (which you should only ever do lying down), weigh out the appropriate amount of powder according to your weight using that first Erowid chart i posted. Divide that amount into little lines and snort according to the method I described, until you hole - you will 1000% know when you’re in the hole .
6. MUSIC!!!!!!!!!! Ketamine loves music. And specific types. So prepare this before you start snorting by having headphones on and your music device on an album or playlist and primed to hit play for when you’re staring to feel the ket enough. Ketamine does not like really sad music, harsh music like metal or screamo, or really fast chaotic music. prefers stuff like trip hop, cohesive albums, lower bpm electronic music, repetitive music with good bass and percussion
Some albums that I recommend on ketamine especially if ur going to k-hole
Mezzanine by Massive Attack (my personal fav)
Onism by Photay
Iteration by Com Truise
Uncle Tony’s Coloring Book by Blockhead
Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd (another fav)
Flux by Love Spirals Downward
Moon Safari by Air
Die Cut by Cut Chemist
Us Ephemeral by Vitesse X
Photay by Photay
Untrue by Burial
Selected Ambient Works 85-92 by Aphex Twin
In Decay by Com Truise
Down the Wall EP by Cubicolor
Heligoland by Massive Attack
Luxor Necropolis by Vatican Shadow
Life of Leisure by Washed Out
Parabolas by John Tejada
Tbh I don’t know what else to add— please let me know if you have anything else you want to know. Would you like me to describe the effects and how it feels at different dosages? Or what k-holing feels like? Or anything else? Just lmk
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theonetrueyeet · 28 days
spider ramble... particularly about false widows
in a Mood™ abt spiders currently, ESPECIALLY false widows. been going back over my arachnid section of the invertebrate module bc i have exams soon and its late and im frustrated abt how false widows get portrayed by the media and percieved by the british public... this is gonna be long and rambly and probably not make much sense and go off in a million and one diff directions sorry i just feel like talking abt spiders. this also came about bc of the big fuckoff house spider that was in my room last night on the top of my door frame but since it was late (like. midnight) and also out of my reach i went eh. ill deal with it in the morning. and then i woke up in the morning and no more spider to deal with! which i should be more stressed about i feel but im so exhausted from the run up to exams and other life stuff that im just like ok cool thats Around somewhere now ig. im guessing it was a female from the size but i cant be sure... anyway without further ado onto the main show.
so here in the uk we arent exactly known for our venomous animals. we have some but they're nothing really that dangerous (to us as humans at least. im not going into venom-prey specificity rn ive had ENOUGH of that recently). we have the european adder (which is also percieved as terrifying bc its a venomous snake but it poses very little risk to us as humans bc they are very shy and i have a lot to say abt adders but thats for another day), wasps, bees, some venomous fish (didnt know this until i found one rockpooling they r pretty neat), even some stinging jellyfish and siphonophores like the portuguese man o war. and then we have the spiders. all species of spider are venomous (minus the uloboridae family, aka the cribellate orb weavers which im not too sure off the top of my head if we have those in the uk... we might have one or two species?? idk but they arent venomous and i think theres another family that has some non venomous spiders BUT THE POINT IM MAKING IS PRETTY MUCH ALL SPIDERS ARE VENOMOUS). there are 650ish spp of spider in the uk and of those VERY FEW are at all medically significant. of these few are the rabbit hutch spider, the cupboard spider, and... the noble false widow. these 3 spiders are all known as false widow spiders. we also occasionally get the meditterreanean false widow, but to my knowledge these only arrive on imports and dont have a population within the uk.
belonging to the genus steatoda, false widows are usually seen as these terrifying death spiders that will kill you just for looking at them when really... they arent actually that dangerous. most cases of bites being severe are either a) a result of an allergy or b) it was actually caused by something other than the bite itself (such as a bacterial infection in the bite, or the "bite" not actually being a bite) or even c) greatly exaggerated by the tabloids (shocker)... like ok we dont have many scary animals in the uk but. we dont need to overexaggerate the ones that really arent as bad as people think! badgers probably pose more of a threat to you than a false widow does. have you seen a badger?! they look so cute but they are VICIOUS those things will FUCK YOU UP and give you TB on top of getting absolutely mauled. a false widow will, at most, just make you feel a bit ill for a couple of days. me personally i would take a falsie over the badger. false widows also only bite in defense! most of the time they bite because you didn't see them and happened to be a very big thing up in their personal space! tbh i would bite too
false widow bites are, to most people, no more harmful than a wasp sting. so its not exactly a fun time but its not exactly the limb destroying death bite that the british media loves to make it out to be. most bites are probably dry bites or have near neglible amounts of venom, so won't cause anything more than a bit of pain. when venom does get involved it gets a bit more complicated bc it depends on how ur body reacts to it. as i said before, most ppl its not much worse than a wasp sting but it can cause things like muscle spasms, sweating, and a raised temperature. it rarely gets worse than that. of course you can be allergic to it which will cause anaphylaxis which is a medical emergency, but this is an exceptional circumstance. most ppl bitten by a false widow will not experience that. the panic over false widows in the uk is a mixture of media-driven mass hysteria and arachnophobia.
anyway in conclusion shoutout brandon collier who did an amazing talk abt false widows during the bhs venom day both at the 2022 and 2023 events both of which i was lucky enough to attend. if i cant go to venom day this year you will see me on the news.
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enrapture · 1 year
So what was the last non-sexual thing that caught your hyperfixation? What’s your current interest?
This answers both lmfao.
The band Waterparks, started in the middle of last year very slight with 1-2 songs that hit for me at the time and reminded me of how I was feeling during that period but then evolved as soon as dec - January where it really blossomed started out as curiosity and I have since run down the rabbit hole. *awsten knight’s* ^aka the singer of Waterparks I’ve been collecting his own clothing brand they drop a piece every week and they’re limited to 300 each drop they get sold in literal mere seconds I WISH I WAS JOKING. Its a bloodbath but thanks to this one account on Twitter I follow I’m able to get some pieces ahead of the drop because she guesses passwords which is her thing which helps a shit ton. But sometimes you HAVE to fight for your life if you want that piece. Thank god for PayPal pay immediately lmao but sometimes even that is too slow. People are quick as fuck. But it’s fun. and I’ve managed to get a few not all of this season’s drop. But still little wins! I’m so excited to receive this one tee I bought over the weekend it’s going to be here on the 20th! I’ll have to show it off as soon as it comes! You’ll have to remind me. I’ve got so many *3* good investment because they’re kinda limited as well. vinyls of the same damn album (intellectual property) because awsten said to lmfao and they’re diff colors. I also have a bitten CD by the band for one of the singles off the album and I have another cd of intellectual property with 2 bonus songs on it. recently not too long ago collected the “greatest hits vinyl it glows in the dark* and “fandom” I’m hoping to collect “entertainment” on vinyl but they’re all so expensive on eBay a little bit but I want a unique color so bad and they’re so hard to find kinda and then get the cluster CD. I need to get a CD player now that I think about it... Collecting merch as of recent this girl from texas managed to get me a t shirt and some booty shorts I’m so excited about wearing because I wasn’t able to get them when I went for the show. It was packed as fuck (I also met them a few weeks ago DIDNT go as planned like at all but still was a good time) :,) but I also have grown a major crush on the singer but that’s aside from the fact lol.
Other than that I’ve also been tryna get certain clothing items I think are so sick that awsten wears that I think would look better on me so that’s what I’ve gotten recently is some nike air trainer 1 sp’s c: and I fucking love them. I got some that fit but now I’m tryna sell like two pairs I impulse bought that I thought would fit me that don’t 😭 curse men’s sizes for not fitting women’s feet like the size chart claims. But it’s all good. That’s all as of recent. Besides finding new music (I’m adding to my Spotify playlists that I absolutely hate making but enjoy it in a way) and trying to clear my head - taking a step back and thinking things through and figuring out what I want and what’s best for me personally without anyone else’s judgment clouding my decisions. Im wanting better relationships for myself. Setting healthy boundaries and realizing my worth is all. Not being easily accessible anymore. :)
I hope this answered fuck I’m so sorry for tangenting. (Also trying not to apologize for myself or my emotions / feelings as they’re valid even though I just did lol)
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chloeangelic · 10 months
Hey there! I’m not sure if this is a weird way of asking this, but I was wondering if you are BIPOC? I’m black and I absolutely adore your writing, always feels very inclusive in the way you describe your main characters :) Whether it’s conscious or not, I really appreciate it!!!!
Hey!! <3 Not a weird way of asking at all. I'm so glad to hear you say this cause I am white as hell and I really do my best to make my characters as inclusive as possible! I have a picrew of myself included in something I have coming up, and now I feel like my cartoon appearance is gonna be a jumpscare for my followers HAHA but maybe thats a good thing??
Back to the topic tho, cause it's something i've thought a lot about as someone who writes reader insert fics - I'll put all my thoughts under the cut to save peoples dashes
It seems like blushing and describing the ways joel touches the readers hair, or how its styled, is where a lot of people get nailed on characters seeming white coded specifically, so
I've made a conscious effort to use language that can apply to all hair types - even if they all do have medium-long hair to get the dramatic effect of Joel's actions - like hair being swept/brushed aside, tucked behind her ear, clipped up w/ pieces left out. he might "play" with the MCs hair but he doesnt typically "run his fingers through" it like she does with his, cause i know that's annoying or even impossible when you have wavy or curly hair. I generally talk about hair pieces (which could mean anything, could be lock of straight hair, a wave, a curl, a braid, a loc, or anything) or her entire hair length, instead of "strands". I always think to myself like okay, does this make sense for different hair types? and if i can picture it in my head then i green light it, haha. i have a fic coming up where the MCs hair is styled as "the little pieces in the front of your hair, twisted and clipped back while the rest fell over your shoulders" and i think that can apply to all long hair as well
i never describe the MC as blushing in terms of how it looks (blushing pink/red), i more so describe her being flustered or feeling a blush/flush creeping up cause there's a very physiological aspect to that. As for someone looking flushed, it's my nice and dainty way of saying they look SWEATY hahaha
eye color wise, i do compare the MCs eyes to crystals and stones from joel's POV, and that's because there are crystals/stones/gemstones of all diff colors, so it's just the sort of sparkle in her eyes when she looks at joel that i'm referring to
In terms of other types of inclusivity, i think the one thing people get nailed on is their MCs seeming small/skinny/petite, like skinny little reader who's 5 ft tall. my readers are p much always described as being curvy (i sometimes tag "reader has hella tits and ass" haha), and i think that can mean a wide range of body types. I'm 5'8 and curvy+muscular irl so my MCs are, in my head, on the taller and thicker side, whatever that means to the reader. I pretty much always mention something like ass jiggle, ass/thigh recoil, joel grabbing or squeezing ass/hips/flesh etc, all of which i think imply that the MC is thick to any degree.
another thing is that many of my fics have a size kink aspect to them, and the emphasis here is not on the MC being small but rather on Joel being VERY big, broad and strong. many many of my smut scenes include the MC being on top and joel moving/tossing/flipping her around, and thats him being strong and physically overwhelming. i also describe his hands are big, his shoulders being broad etc to emphasize that HE is big, not that the MC is small. i am not small, dainty or petite in any way irl so i dont think im even capable of writing MCs like that haha
this was a lot of text, sorry - if you have any questions feel free to lmk but this is basically my whole thought process!
thank you so much for reading <3 <3 <3
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eliavahazaleia · 6 months
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Eliavah ~ Seraphic Jacket @ Kustom 9 Dec. 2022
Click here to get a link inworld to purchase
Click here for a link to my other Socials!
I really enjoyed creating this jacket, and now I've updated it to diff body sizes + unisex ^^ sorry for the delay, I will be updating my Equal 10 set as well for those wondering (equal 10 top is pictured in this) Im really happy with the graphics version I wanted to go with a playful decorative look. «────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────» 💜Seraphic Jacket: 🌸 Fitted for Maitreya + Petite + Flat, Legacy Female + Perky, Ebody Reborn + Juicy Rolls + Mounds, Kupra, Belleza Jake, Legacy Male + Athletic. 🌸 This doesn't use boob sliders and is very loose, so addons not listed may work as well (such as legacy flat, ebody teacups + flat, i just tested on listed sizes only) :) 🌸 WARNING: This is an off-shoulder items, which tends to clip in armpits area, you also may experience clipping on bigger boobs. 🌸 36 colors (6 color packs) 🌸 Only fatpack contains HUD to change arm color separately (not pictured) 🌸 HUD in each color pack, & fatpack for: inside padding, & pockets; 36 colors cuffs; 30 colors
💜 Materials enabled as always!! & It's modify so you can change the tinting, and play around with the materials to your liking.
💜 Please make sure to demo! In the demo there's also notecards with more information.
Enjoy popotos ~
After the event is over, the item will be available at Eliavah inworld «────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────» Credits:
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Ocean with Bangs Pack 6
Gingerbread mouth: Insomnia Angel
Heart septum: Evermore
Choker: Eliavah ~ Holly Choker
Blouse: Eliavah ~ Hitsuji Camisole (@Equal 10 from December 10th 2022 to Jan 5th 2023) after event is over will be at mainstore.
Pants: Vincue / Kaylie Set
Christmas Lights around waist: Decoy Bella Jeans and String Lights «────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────» Spiderweb tattoo: rotten . tangled love
Various baked on mesh cosmetics are by many many different stores, or some are personal made ones. If you want to know a specific one please feel free to reach out but Im wearing alot ^^;
Most of my makeup comes from Goreglam Rotten Core&Gore Muu: Loki CryBB Utopia Skins
& many more ♥ «────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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hyunverse · 1 year
hello my sweet loveeee i hope ur day has been good :)) i just woke up and i’m about to go grocery shopping and i’m hoping they have my favorite pastry 🙏🏼 what’d you get up to today ? :)) anime names for cats are always so fitting yk ?? like it just works with cats so i completely respect that. i will be sure to give them kisses for u when i get home hehe. and yea dude the rats here are NASTY. people’s dogs can also do some reallyyyyyy questionable things 😭😭
YEP THE BACK LINE UR SO RIGHT i love that dorito shape on men 👌🏼. i feel like out of all the kpop idols in 4th gen, sunghoon, chan, hyunjin, and mingi have like the broadest shoulders i’ve seen so far like i literally think you could lay across them and just be fine (which like yes sign me up pls). YES VICTORRR so dead and sweet and gorg he is prime dead example 🙏🏼 i also wish i had long fingers. i’m always shocked at seeing the size diff of jeongins hand to his phone 😩 talk about sexy. god i just love hands i could talk about them for days it’s like embarrassing atp
sushi all day every day !! i will pick sushi over anything always 🤭 nachos are def up there too tho i love a nice loaded nacho. also thank you for your input thats so good to know. i will definitely be trying it out then :))) i love thai food so much as well so that’s good to know too ^_^ thank u love. SAME my heart beats so fast and i get the shakes 😭. it also oddly makes me break out rly bad ?? but it’s like painful acne too ?? idek. asian dolce latte sounds soooo good rn. i bet our starbucks menus are so different (tbh anything but americas seems better for all food chains). the christmas specials are always so good too, i love when they actually come up w new stuff here
SOOOOO SMOOCHABLE even for todays concert he just looked so so good. i was so mesmerized by felix and jeongin from the clips i’ve seen. something about the tight black jeans just does it for me every timeeeee 😩 MINHOS THIGHS don’t get me started again 🤭🤭. they all looked so good and i love the new dark blue outfits, it’s so sexy 😩
- 🐈‍⬛
sweet love is so cute i’m melting. hello angel baby <3 my day has been super good ^__^ i just watched an anime film called suzume, almost teared up im ngl ☹️ i have a tendeancy to cry during films 😔 it’s the sensitive heart in me 🤝 aaaa i lovelovelove grocery shopping sm <3 the cereal section makes me happy eventhough i don’t typically buy them </3 i hope they have your fav pastry, babe! whats ur fave? i love bagels, or any pastry that has meat in it, really. what do the dogs do there, help 😭 i think malaysian dogs are pretty normal 😟
DORITO SHAPE I CACKLEEEED. U DIDNT JUST CALL THEM DORITO SHAPED 😭 chan’s back mmmm. esp that one performance, i think wolfgang where he took off his shirt ISBDKWJS MAKES ME FERAL ‼️ also maybe its just me but sharp collarbones... delish.
victor is the man them e-boys wish they were but arent. they could never be victor. he is far too beautiful. unreachable visual 💯 talking abt animated characters... how are we feeling about howl pendragon? so sexy 😋 JEONGIN’S HANDS ARE SO BIG LIKEEEE?? /:+"!+ THE SIGHT OF THEM MAKES ME MALFUNCTION?? SIR PUT THAT HAND IN MINE RN ‼️ HIS PHONE BE LOOKING LIKE AN ERASER IN HIS HAND BCS HOW BIG HIS HAND IS. HRJFHEHF R GRTRR
coffee is so good it’s unfair that its bad for us 😭 why r bad things always so good. smh. i think our starbies menus are deffo different, actually, a lot of our fast food menus are different me thinks. esp with the fact that malaysia is a dominantly muslim country, so a lot of chain restaurants have to be halal (muslim friendly) — therefore they don’t serve food that contain pork or alcohol. i think that's the main reason why malaysian menus are super different compared to america’s!! i know there are certain recipes available there which aren’t here </3 also!! ik most americans typically customize their starbucks — compared to that, malaysians usually opt for whatever that’s on the menu. i rarely customize my order tbh ^__^ and whats up with American mcdonalds constantly having a broken ice cream machine? istg i go for a mcdonald's ice cream run every week and its never broken 😭 oh and u mentioning thai food is making me crave for pandan leaves chicken </3
concert vids are always so good. THE HYUNE DANCING VIDS CONTAMINATING MY TIKTOK FYP RN IS CRAZY. CRAZY I TELL U!! someone said that hyunjin flirts through his dancing and oh god. . . it’s so true. now i can’t get the thought outta my head. FELIX BEEN ACTING UP A LIL TOO MUCH LATELY BABE... WHATS UP WITH THE CONSTANT SHIRT LIFTING 🤨 HES IN HIS S WORD ERA ISTG ‼️dark looks fit them sm 😋 they look so 😋 nomnom able 😋 minho’s thighs in them leather jeans doe. . . think abt it...
it’s like 4am rn i shud sleep. have a good day my baby, kisskisskiss <3
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daintydreamsy · 2 years
it couldn't have been later than midnight, the moon was in full and the sky was clear. but despite the lack of clouds up above and the bright stars shining so true, Luca could not have cared less.
to him, the brightest star that could shine was the man sitting opposite of him at his desk.
and, to Norton, the feeling was easily reciprocatable. although, he rarely took the time to look up at that glowing sky, he could tell just how bright they shined in his lover's eyes.
to Norton, Luca was soft. like the way the stars shined. so soft that he wondered if Luca would crumble if Norton were to touch him? his hands, scarred with the cuts of an old and faded dream.
ever since the accident, Norton had seldom look at the night sky, it reminded him too much of the nights he used to spend unable to view such a beautiful sight.
but tonight was different, he was more than happy to go stargazing with Luca. the latter had talked about some sort of constellation he had never seen before, and how desperate he was to go out and find it with Norton. honestly, Norton couldn't care less about the stars, but the way Luca looked at him with a pleading stare, made him immediately offer to go.
as the two sat on the rather finely decorated hill, Luca couldn't conceal his excitement. leading on his lover to make him think that they were just going stargazing, but the ring in his pocket told another story.
yes, the truth was, Luca had been wanting to propose to Norton for months on end. they had been together for only god knows how long, and every agonizing moment was spent stressing over Norton's ring size (which Luca often forgot), and trying to work hard enough to buy the perfect ring for him.
Norton watched as Luca began setting up his telescope, although it was a smaller size, Luca was shaking so much that he couldn't get it to stay right. his nerves were getting the best of him.
"Lu, let me help," Norton said, standing up from the blanket they were sitting on. as he turned to the telescope, with Luca to his back, he began to adjust the knobs on it. a thought flickered to his mind, why were his hands shaking so bad?
when it came to inventions, Luca was always good about keeping his hands still, what made this time diff-?
"uh, Norton?" Luca's voice cut off the thought that had generated in Norton's mind.
and, cut off any thought the sight did! Luca was on one knee, face flushed bright red, holding a beautiful diamond ring. just from looking at the ring, Norton could tell that it was of high quality, the band around the ring was also well-crafted.
but what did that matter? was Luca really-
"... look, I don't really know what Im doing, so work with me here but, I love you, and I want to that for forever. so, if that's okay with you...
Will you marry me, Norton Campbell?"
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
hii! so great to see the creepypasta fandom alive still!! i'd like to req a romantic nsfw matchup! :) i hope this is enough info
-firstly, i'm 22, she/her and bisexual but preference for men. around 5'2-5'3 and pretty pale. kinda sick looking ngl (thx anemia) and currently my hair is dyed like a silvery blonde kind of color? was more lavender ish before. my hairs pretty long (and annoying, gets tangled easily bec heat dmg), maybe bottom of rib length w sidepart/curtain bangs, and big gray eyes. i'm pretty into wearing a full face of makeup too! so eyeliner, lipstick, falsies, the whole thing. body wise, dcup committee, hip dips n thick thighs (i have a thigh tattoo as well, its a cat:))
-style wise i fluctuate constantly, but mostly i wear sweaters and neutral colors constantly. my style does tend to lean towards dark academia the most i think but i do have a softspot for more grunge inspired fashion and also pastels. you'd most likely either see me in a longsleeve and skirt or a sweater and jeans tbh
-personality type wise, i'm an intx 6w5 ! my astro stuff is aries sun, taurus moon, leo rising and gemini venus !! i was in college for library science major w classics (history) minor but dropped it and now i'm working on getting a certification for floral design.
i'm extremely opinionated and outspoken when its something i need to be vocal about, but i am first and foremost an introvert. i get extremely anxious in social situations, but sadly also have a slight temper. this leads to a bit of a confrontational attitude because letting bad situations sit just upsets me more LOL. but i do like to joke around with those close to me and i tend to ramble a lot about my special interests/new things i've learned about quite often if allowed. i can be blunt and very sarcastic usually, and to people who don't know me it comes off a bit rude? idk ALSO i am always tired, no matter how much i sleep.
-relationship wise, i am a bit clingy but not physically. i do love physical affection (preferably more so in private) but my love language is definitely quality time. even if it's just sitting together and doing a task like reading/writing or watching something. being around them makes me happy. i am pretty big on communicating thought so if theres an issue or insecurity, i will bring it up. i'm a bit of the jealous type, and vocal about boundaries in my relationship, and mutual respect is very important to me.
LIKES: i love slasher films go figure, but i'm also the biggest sucker for rom coms and historical movies (like jane austen type, not war ofc.) my music taste is anywhere from rock 2 indie n pop. (my favorite artists though are mitski, hozier, twst, and the nbhd.) baking is one of my favorite activities, and i also love comfy games (animal crossing, minecraft etc.) fall is my favorite season + i'm addicted to iced coffee and the white monster (only flavor i've ever had but extremely caffeine dependent) i love reading and writing n also photography. the sound of rain and the look of snow falling make me really happy. my comfort drink is either earlgrey tea with milk and sugar (maybe honey too) or a big cup of hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream.
(halfway through + i feel like this is TOO MUCH WRITING ALR IM SORRY)
-i dislike the ocean/lakes etc,, i'm just not fond of being in them but they're nice 2 look at. i hate bugs too LOL
AAA hope i have enough of the regular stuff but heres nsfw:
-very much a sub. i've tried to dom before and it's not for me. rough stuff is definitely up my alley!! i'm v into being choked. i love size diff to an extent (height wise) but considering my height its not that hard to be pretty much taller. breeding 4 sure. degrading is really nice but also love praise. possesive!!partners!!own my heart. i just rlly like to put my partners in a position of power also w titles bec i like having smth to call them ( uncomfortable w mommy title to a fem partner though, but daddy is open for male p ) and uHHHH yeah i think thats it. maybe marks too?? also rlly like nice hands LMFAO
thank you sososo much if you decide to answer mine whenever you're able to get around to it <3
Your matchup is… Eyeless Jack!
Read more because of NSFW :}
In general:
Everything about you seemed to match up with EJ but it’s always the kinks that solidify it lmfao. SO, let’s elaborate on why.
What he likes about you:
Physically speaking, EJ adores your eyes and your hair. They’re both so captivating and beautiful to him and he can just get lost looking at you. Your height is alo really cute to him because the dude is fucking tall, probably like 7 ft lmfao. He appreciates the aesthetics of makeup even though he doesn’t understand much about it, so your full face of makeup also lowkey fascinates him. I’ll get,,,, I’ll get into the other stuff about your body in the NSFW section. EJ just adores your sense of style as well, even when it changes around. Grunge and pastels are weak spots for him ngl. He loves your personality as well and wants to know all about floral design. He likes that you’re opinionated as well. EJ is really big on spending time together as well and he’s also pretty physically affectionate in private. I can also see EJ being into communication, because he’s just y’know, trying his best and wants you to see his best as well. All of your likes match up so well with him!! I would be here all day listing them, but just know that you and EJ match up so well in terms of your likes.
General cute things:
ALRIGHT SO, going off your likes, i don’t think EJ actually really likess war movies? He’s secretly a softie to Jane Austen stuff ngl. He likes your music choice and will y’know, listen to it with you. Is he into baking? Not really but he will absolutely eat whatever tf you make. Sometimes EJ has a bit of a sweet tooth. He’ll also cuddle with you on the couch as you play your comfy games, he’s not too big on games himself though. Just wants to spend time with you, y’know? EJ loves fall too and will go on leafy walks with you and enjoy the scents of nature. He’s such a sucker for fall too. Pumpkins, spooky stuff, all of that atmospheric stuff makes him lose his mind. He likes hot coffee but will get you iced coffees and monster. He will read with you! Just those quiet little dates y’know?? He will also teach you calligraphy, because I really do think EJ has beautiful penmanship. He will make your comfort drink for you on snowy days, and cuddle with you when the rain is falling. Just WHOLESOME stuff.
You two as a couple & NSFW:
EJ is a BIG protector. Like, huge. I have no other way of saying that. Like, the man is a bit possessive, he’s actually a lot possessive, but he’s a protector through and through. He will give you his hoodies and sweaters for you to wear if you’re ever cold! He also likes you being bathed in his scent so like,,,,,,, He understands that you’re a bit of the jealous type but lowkey so is he. So please talk with him about that. It seems like you prioritize that stuff though so like it works lmfao. He will do whatever he can to calm you down and keep you steady in social situations that might make you uncomfortable. Just wants to keep you safe. He’s also a tad confrontational? But, he’s really respectful about it. He loves to listen to you ramble and he loves to hear you talk about things you are passionate about. EJ doesn’t mind you being blunt and sarcastic either tbh. He’s exactly like that as well.
So here’s what did it. It’s literally always the kinks that do it. He adores your body. Your breasts are a favorite, your hips are a favorite, your thighs are a favorite, literally everything about you is a favorite. He likes your thigh tattoo and will trace it with his clawed fingers. Lucky for you, you cannot pay EJ to sub, he’s 1000% a dom! He will choke you with his big, clawed hands, and is very, very rough in general. He will cover you in bites and claw marks, love bites dripping down your thighs and neck. He will mark you!! EJ is 7ft tall so like, you got the size difference thing down really good here. He’s also big into breeding too lmfao like I hate bringing up the knotted dick thing again but it’s making a comeback here, he will push that thing in and just CUM. Won’t stop unless he’s filled you to your absolute brim, towering over you, growling and hissing as he ruts into you still connected. You can call him whatever, daddy, master, it’ll all make him hot and bothered. He’s good at praise and degrading, honestly degrading over praise though. EJ also has really nice hands. Overall, it’s the kinks that do it time and time again.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug, thank you so much for sending in this ask! The creepypasta fandom is still very much alive, I just like to think a lot of us grew up alongside it. You gave me a wonderful amount of info! Sometimes, people send me like a sentence and I have no idea wtf to do. The more detailed, the better, and you really came through! Furthermore, you sound really, really pretty omg? Like, I adore makeup and just don’t wear it for myself besides eyeliner (RIP my monolids) and mascara but people who wear full faces have ALL MY LOVE. It’s so beautiful. Also your tattoo sounds super cute as well! Everything about you is cute as all hell, and that’s coming from both me and EJ. EJ absolutely adores everything about you and will just LOVE YOU endlessly, and in more ways than one. ;) As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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pocmuzings · 3 years
hi g! i am an admin of an rp and i really strive to make it as inclusive as possible so muns of all fcs feel welcome. i'm curious to know, when you are looking for an rp what do you look for in terms of admins making it inclusive? this isn't meant to be pointed at all, i am just genuinely looking to improve!
i feel like i answer this a fair bit , and honestly my answers don’t change too much ? there’s a plethora of things u can do , and by no means  are these definitive . these are things ive noticed make me feel more included , or Safe to join a rp . speaking as a woc , and somebody in the Cursed tz . .
if ur an admin ..  u should absolutely be playing a diverse character . please for the love of god . u should be the example of what the rp is about and what u wanna see . if ur char is just a cis whitey . . that just doesnt cut it for me ! thats not what i wanna see in 2021 !
when asked for most wanted fcs . . really name some ‘ unpopular ‘ fcs . aka faceclaims of colour . faceclaims that are gender diverse , body diverse , religiously diverse , different able bodied , etc , etc , etc !!! put these fcs in the forefront ! push for them ! strive to see them !
if somebody joins ur rp as a ‘ non popular fc ‘ aka . . a fc that isnt a whitey , or like . .zendaya . pls put in extra effort to plot and rp with them ! pls pls pls. because i guaranteed for the most part , especially in an established rp , they will be ignored otherwise ! if ur rp is super inclusive ooc , then this most likely wont happen , but also . . most rps arent super inclusive ooc lets be 100 here . 
either write skeletons for chars that are DIFFERENT and ‘ challenging ‘ to some , or ENCOURAGE these characters to be written . write more smooth talking business men who are indian ! write characters who are hard of hearing ! write characters who wear hijabis ! who are ethnic but have great relationships with their parents ! write characters who are in wheelchairs , or are sexy and confident in their plus sized bodies . write characters who are black women who are soft , but still strong . write gentle black men . write a  trans man , write a nonbinary god , etc , etc . defeat the stereotypes ! turn them on their head ! there are guides ! there is so much out there ! we can create the world we wanna live in , so why fill it with boring white cis , hetero normative ppl ???
know what ur gonna do with ur characters , plot wise . if ur rp has a plot , thats fantastic ! but . . u probably have to carry that momentum . ppl join ur rp bc they probably LIKE the plot and wanna explore the plot . so how r they characters gonna be involved ? whats their part in it all ? how will it help them develop ? what plot drops / tasks / events can u host that will make ppl do more with their chars and be more active ? 
don’t have an ooc chat . just don’t . please . they’re so cliquey , they literally always are . those who like ooc chats are usually the ppl who r cliquey , im being honest fjknfjn . there is no point in having an ooc chat , really either . ppl can add each other on discord at any time , for free , if they want .
have clear boundaries . what can and CANNOT be rped . what fcs can and CANNOT be used . have a very very clear line . no lazy ‘ no taboo plots ‘ or ‘ no big plots without talking to admins ‘ ‘ no triggering topics ‘ ‘ no deceased fcs ‘ . no . u need to get in the nitty gritty . u need to ensure ur harbouring and keeping a safe space for those entering ur rp
be friendly , as an admin . be firm . but also , be very very open and candid and honest . if something goes wrong ? its so fine , and honestly v human , to post abt it ! if there’s drama ? its rlly good to address it and talk abt it amongst ur rpers . listen to ur rpers , if theres a problem . create open communication . maintain it . show that u care and want to help , when u can help , whilst also maintaining ur own sanity !
advertise ur rp for different timezones ! if ur entire ooc list is just rpers in the united states . . look .  nothing wrong with it , but firstly , make sure everyone in the rp doesnt think america is the whole world ( the rpc  / america rlly thinks its the whole fucking world sometimes ) . this means , dont make fun of ppl for spelling things differently ( honestly im  just australian and this guy once made fun of me for spelling it as ‘ offence ‘ not ‘ offense ‘ . like . . ok im not american . the whole world isnt america kjfnjf ) . this doesn’t mean u need to be online at bizarre hours or ruining ur sleeping pattern , but try and get an admin thats in a diff timezone to help cover things ! or just make sure ur rlly advertising ur rp at allll times of a day . including when us ppl are usually asleep ! try and encourage other muns in other timezones to apply ! and when they do apply , pls try ur best to include them and make sure theyre not left out of everything !
theres probably a lot more but this is what first comes to mind for me , personally . this are usually my ‘ green signs ‘ ( go go go ! ) for a rp ! when i see this stuff on a main , or by an admin . . i feel very Warm n fuzzy . 
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bitchiha · 4 years
A/N: So I wrote this instead of doing any of my psych assignments which is fine by me. Im a little bit rusty with one shots bc the last one I did was a Harry Potter angst with Draco and that was on a diff blog a few months back. Any who, enjoy and thank you for requesting!!
Request:  I would like to order a Gaara x Reader where Gaara and Reader are dating, but she is a Leaf Shinobi, and she she is always very talkative and smiling, but one day she is serious and quiet, and he is worried, but finds out that she is only concerned with something kind of silly, and then he is relieved and realizes that he really loves her.
✎ Worry (Gaara oneshot)
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You didn’t get to see your boyfriend all that often, being that you were a Leaf ninja, constantly on missions and he was a Kazekage, constantly protecting his village. However, whenever you did reunite it was always memorable. In fact, Gaara would be lying if he didn't count down the days to your arrival. 
He always looked forward to seeing you. He would stand at the gate of his village, waiting for your body to slowly become visible through the winds of the blowing sand. He loved the face you would make when you finally discerned his shape in the distance: your eyes would brighten and a smile would spread rapidly across your face. Even if the journey was long, seeing him waiting there always gave you a burst of energy. You would then squint your eyes to shield them from the sand and run the rest of the distance towards him. 
However, when Gaara spotted your figure in the distance today, you seemed a little tense. In fact, when you spotted him you didn't make that signature facial expression he loved so much or even start running towards him.
Something was off.
He watched you carefully as you got closer and frowned. He lacked a lot of emotional experience with others, but there was no denying that you looked worried.
Seeing you like that made him panic a little bit. Again, Gaara has never been very good with emotions - if anything he relied on you to be the one to help him navigate peoples feelings. So seeing you in such a worried state made him really, well... worried. He didn’t know what to do.
Once you finally arrived face to face at the gate you greeted him with a small smile and he guided you into the village. He gave you a little perplexed look in return before weeding the two of you out of the way of villagers and back towards his apartment.
I should say something, he thought to himself almost awkwardly, but he just didn’t know what. 
Normally you would have started a conversation with him and he would have listened carefully, not saying much himself as he preferred hearing your voice as opposed to his own. However, you didn't seem in the mood to do that today, meaning it was his turn to pick up the slack. 
“Erm- Temari and Kankuro will be happy to see you. Kankuro has been working on a new puppet and he has been dying to show everyone in the village how good it is.” 
You laughed at that, which made his heart warm a bit, but he couldn't help but sense a possible hint of distractedness in your tone. You were gnawing at your nails too - he picked up that it was your nervous habit -  which made him fall back into silence again. 
What am I supposed to say? What do people do in these situations? 
Gaara lead you up to his apartment, knowing that you were tired and usually fell asleep upon arriving at the village.
Typically after you woke up from a nap you two would eat dinner together and then you would really start to catch up on things. You would talk about eventful things that happened on your missions and he would talk about Kank and Temari or some of his own eventful occurrences as the Kazekage in return.
Your naps usually lasted pretty long after your 3 day journey. That would give Gaara just enough time to drop by Temari’s and see if she could assist him with how to deal with this whole situation. She was always the one he fell back on for relationship advice. Deeming Kankuro useless in this field, as he talked more to puppets than to actual human beings.
He opens the door for you upon arriving and remains at the enterance, when you realize he isn’t coming side with you, you turned to look at him. You stared at each other from your respective points in the apartment: him at the door and you just outside his bedroom. 
“Gaara?.. Aren't you coming inside?” 
“...No, I need to, uhm, finish some paperwork. In the meantime you should really take a nap. I’ll be back by the time you wake up.” He said awkardly as he closed the door.
With that, he left you to sleep as he paid his sister a visit, asking her for some needed advice.
Temari was surprised at the visit, it was always very rare for Gaara to ask her for this kind of advice anyway, let alone for him to have a worried look on his face too.
When she lets him inside, he recalls the events that have transpired so far, sitting across from eachother at Temaris dinner table. There was a guide book on Shogi sitting atop the table, which Gaara knew she was reading just to impress a certain Leaf ninja. Anyway, when she caught him staring at it she batted it away embarrassedly and cleared her throat, her face growing hot. There was a moment of silence in the room as she thought about what Gaara had told her. 
“Hm... Well, did you ask her whats wrong?”
“...No.” He realized that would have been an important piece of information to ask.
Temari shook her head, but then proceeded to give him a simple rundown of what to do. 
Step one: ask whats wrong
Step two: ask how you can make her feel better 
It seemed so simple when Temari said it, honestly he felt a little embarrassed that he couldn't manage to think of it on his own. He wasnt going to waste anymore time now that he knew what to do though.
As he was leaving Temaris apartment she smiled at him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that...”
“Oh, its nothing...” she giggled. “Well actually Gaara, you know, going out of your way like this is something people normally do when they care about someone.” Then she closed the door with a cheeky grin, leaving Gaara to blush at the face of a wooden door. 
On his way back to the apartment he thought about what Temari said, going out of your way like this is something people normally do when they care about someone... Of course in his head he always knew he really cared about y/n, but having someone else notice it too really made him stop and think. 
He remembered when he fought Naruto back when the sound village attacked the Leaf. Naruto had opened Gaaras eyes to a lot of important things. He had shown him that you needed to have people important in your life. People that you would fight for and even die for... And for the first time, Gaara realized that y/n ticked all those boxes.
As he arrived back at his apartment, he opened the door quietly, not wanting to wake you up. He could hear your gentle snores as he made his way to your bedroom, holding a medium sized box in his hands.
After leaving Temari’s he had wandered the village a bit, thinking over a few things and clearing his mind, he had passed by your favourite dessert place in his village and figured that it would be a good gesture if he got you something. Afterall, Temari was always so happy when got sweets from anyone.
He opened the bedroom door carefully only to see you curled up on his bed sleeping. It made his heart feel all funny when he seen you sleeping. You looked so calm and fragile. He couldn't really admire it for all that long though because His presence must have alerted you. He watched your eyes open groggily as you sat up.
“Gaara? Is that you?” you asked, letting out a yawn. 
“Yes. I uhm... I got you something.” he placed the white box on the bed next to you. 
 You opened the lid curiously, to reveal your favourite dessert staring back at you. It made you smile widely, as if nothing was wrong in the first place, but in a few seconds the worry crawled back onto your face. This time though, Gaara didn't get discouraged. 
“Something has been bothering you since you got here, y/n. I want to help you, but I can't if you don't tell me whats wrong.”
It was strange seeing him so forward with feelings, but you liked it. In fact it made you feel relieved that you could tell him about your predicament.
“I guess you're right... Well, you see I guess its kind of... A bit silly but I got you a gift a while back. It was so pretty... You see, it was this necklace I found in a village I was passing through for a mission, it was this red gem wrapped around a sort of turquoise wire and it made me think of you instantly. So, I bought it and I was so excited to give it to you I kept taking it out of my backpack to look at it on my way here. Then when I woke up this morning and checked out of the Inn I stayed in, I went to look at it one more time before I arrived and it was gone!” you sighed, falling back onto the pillows. 
“It would have looked perfect on you, Gaara. I just wanted to give you something special for you to remember me by for when Im not visiting. I don't know I guess its kind of a stupid thing to be upset about, but I just can't help it.” You covered your face with your hands. 
There was a dip in the bed and you felt Gaara lay down beside you, causing you to peek at him through your fingers.
He was relieved to say the least, in fact he may have even been smiling a little bit. This was all she was worried about? It wasn’t about anything that he had done, it was just about a necklace!
“Thats all that was worrying you?” He asked as he looked at you with an almost soft expression, he gently removed your hands from your face. 
“You know, y/n, I’m sure the necklace would have been nice, but all that really matters to me is that you're here now and we can spend some time together.” 
He thought about what you said: I just wanted to give you something special for you to remember me by for when Im not visiting. 
“And you don't need to give me anything to remind me of you while you're away because I think about you all the time when you're not here with me.” He blushed a little bit after he said it, but refused to get all shy about it. 
When you heard that, a big smile appeared on your face, the same one that he always saw when you ran towards him at the villages gates. It was a huge relief to see you like this again, it felt as though there was a crack of sunshine in the middle of a storm of dark clouds. He could see the worry and frustration in your face slipping away slowly. 
It made him feel happy, to be able to make you feel better again. He really did care about you.
“Come on then, eat your dessert and then we’ll go see Kankuro. Like I said earlier, he wants to show you his new puppet.” 
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
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ooh!! ive rebloged the pic of his house before, but i didnt know people were making guesses off of it!
i didnt look through long and i only found the comment (Paladinspector) about Nagoya~Kyoto outskirts, but thank you for sharing!!
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heres the reddit link if anyone wants to see the specific post
i definitely agree with ALL these guesses! at the end of the vanilla game, the thieves drive joker home past the open seas. i cant say i know enough about roads in japan (ive only been on trains there), but Tokyo is right by the water and who knows when or where exactly the thieves were when they were by the water. They couldve of been straight out of the city, halfway to hometown, or right around the corner! (also trains go like everywhere in japan so the ending of p5r works too)
Nagoya is close to water, though i doubt joker lived in the city proper, so outskirts work! it really depends how close you want him to ocean/mountains! Outskirts of Kyoto would fit his kansai dialect for sure, and as the post said above, it would fit for random Shido visits! >:(
i like the idea of just about anywhere on Izu Peninsula too! those towns are far enough away from tokyo that i feel it fits, and the area is heavily forested and not city-fied. kanagawa is also a good fit, but most of it feels too close to tokyo (i find it even angstier if joker has to travel further to get to tokyo). if i say about as low as Yugawara in Kanagawa, i feel that will fit for me.
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mountainous, plenty of buildings like the house in the drawing, and close to water! though Yugawara is almost in Shizuoka that this point...i probably underestimate a lot of distances because im american and ive always been taught that the US is just fuckin huge, but i have always been on the search for a hometown that hits all my checkboxes and is also like farther than a hour away from Setagaya(the part of tokyo where Yongenjaya/Sangenjaya is). i use to have to drive an hour(not really the traffic, just distance-wise) to get home from school so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
i was also thinking of a little elementary/middle school joker going on a daytrip to kyoto or any big city near his old home and his little amazement at the city. i live in the countryside so im always amazed at the sprawl and function of citylife.
ALSO cuz i cant be stopped: a lot of people comment on the concept art of the house by saying his family is rich, but honestly that house looks like an average sized home for families in japan. youd be hard pressed to get a two-story with large porches like joker’s in the middle of tokyo, but i have personal pictures of many two-stories homes in the chiba prefecture
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this isnt the full-city proper, but we were real close to the big bridges that take you into the city. houses looked like this in the countryside too, so the most different thing about these houses in my picture is probably the small-ass porches. these are only big enough to hang the laundry and maybe take a smoke.
joker’s home seems more new (new homes get rebuilt all the time in japan apparently) and the porches are larger than most, likely to compensate for the fact that it wont have any space for a garden or a little yard plot (like in the picture above).
ooh i wanna add my thoughts about the area u can see in the “joker walks the streets and finds shido assaulting a women” but i think i should make a diff post 4 that..
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kewltie · 5 years
bc i keep forgetting!!! i been meaning to link the inspiration for nocturne (the age diff abo prohero!katsuki & hs!izuku ‘verse in which they live together and it break all the rules). i have been following this fanartist for a while and though i dont understand the language to get the gist of many of these pieces but they really tickle my fancy (size kink/height diff, may-december romance w/ epic slow burn, the pull and push of their relationship, abo, domesticity, etc) and i started to slowly built a world around these images.  
X this is what really started for me. i wasn’t sure exactly what i wanted at first but the first image in my head was izuku going into heat and katsuki resisting it w/ every fiber of his being THAT HE LOCKS HIMSELF IN HIS ROOM TO NOT TOUCH IZUKU, calls in reinforcement, and even handcuffed himself to the bedpost so he doesn’t lay a single hand on izuku. idk about everyone else but fuck im so into scenarios like aphrodisiac, heat compulsion, mating calls or w/e circumstances that drive other people to fuck each other brain out but one half hold fast to his control even though every cell in his body is telling him to give in. SELF CONTROL IS SO V V V HOT. 
X  and X these are one of my fav pieces ever!!!!! I AM A  HUGE SUCKER FOR DOMESTICITY. katsuki is an obsessive driven workaholic before and after izuku comes into his life but now he actually looking forward to going to his house and izuku, though terrible at houseworks and cooking shit, always welcome him home with a smile and that’s... something he feels lik he has been missing. somehow izuku made his house into a home and he doesn’t even realize it. ALSO IM INTO KISSING. A LOT OF KISSING. CHASTE KISSING MOSTLY THAT LEAD NO WHERE BUT ARE AFFECTIONATE AND GOOD. also, the height and size diff kills me everytime sobs. 
X this is me mostly screaming how much i love the draw older!katsuki. cocky, prideful, and knows he’s the absolute shit. he who hated omegas for reasons, to everyone shock took omega!izuku into his home anyway and IT’S A V V V BAD IDEA. the draw to izuku is so incredibly strong but katsuki’s iron clad control when it comes omegas is slowly broken down by this boy. katsuki is not rule by his alpha instinct and he’s famous for breaking down the stereotype of alpha aggression/obsessive/knott head for omega (which is hilarious bc he’s aggressive for the sake of his personality not bc of his genes or bc of his nose for another omega) but izuku drives him up the wall and the first one he wants to bite, to mark, to claim and is throwing his world upside down but he’s FIGHTING IT EVERY INCH BC NOBODY NOT SOME WEAK ASS OMEGA BITCH IS LEADING HIM AROUND.... lol except when he is ;P. 
X idk wtf is going on here but i like to think as izuku succumbing to his preheat symptons and getting more emotional than usual and katsuki is at work rn. it’s lonely and painful and izuku hurts all over for him but kirishima found him and he contacts katsuki right away. even though katsuki is far away from him, just hearing katsuki’s voice calms the fire that threaten to consumed izuku. A;SJDF;ALJSDF pls talk to me more about preheat and symptoms and how it’s an ordeal. i love stories that go long indepth process of heat/preheat and how they have to manage it. 
X i have nothing to say but again UNF THE HEIGHT/SIZE DIFF HERE. like, izuku and katsuki appear to fit all the stereotype of omega and alpha. a skittish nervous shy frail omega X an aggressive knotthead alpha and ppl worries about izuku getting bullied by katsuki and scared that katsuki is going to ruin izuku but IT’S THE OTHER WAY AROUND. it is katsuki that feels like his head is getting messed around and that izuku got chain around his neck. all the power falls on izuku’s bc he’s the one falling all over himself trying not fuck this up with izuku. 
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literalite · 6 years
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so! this is my first tut and im not the most articulate person so bear with me. this is a tutorial on how i do my snow edits (examples here and here). You don’t need any actions or a drawing tablet i did it with a mouse. warning, this tut is pretty long and detailed with LOTS of pictures rbtghjkd
so first u start with a cas screenshot, with a white background. i use reshade in cas because it 1. helps a whole bunch with just like colours and stuff and 2. also smooths out the edges since i have edge smoothing turned off. i used beyond the veil by @fuchsiateasims (this is also what i use for my gameplay posts it very pretty)
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next u crop the screenshot to a nice size, i usually do 5:7 or 4:5 which are photoshop presets. duplicate ur image. click on ur copied layer. then, use oil paint on these settings
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click ok. erase some of the weird blurry bits of ur sim or where u want to preserve detail. it smooths out skin and alpha hair. see the diff?
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using the sharpen brush go lightly over some of the features u want to bring out. i usually do the eyes, lips, and some of the hair strands if im feeling fancy.
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ok! bc the picture is feeling a lil bit bland i use a curve layer to deepen the shadows and brighten the colours. u gotta mess around with it a bit before it looks nice and it really depends on the image. my curve layer looked like this lmfao
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then using photoshop’s default blurry-around-the-edges brush on white and the layer itself on soft light, go around the sim. if it’s a bit strong get the eraser on about 50% opacity and rub those bits out. that gives it a bit of a 3D look like the sim is fading into the background or some shit. p subtle
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um ok so next! u get ur soft white brush from literally just then and paint on a new layer over cheekbones, middle of forehead, tip of nose, chin, cupid’s bow. that layer goes on overlay mode! this is ur highlight!! i put my layer opacity at 61% bc thats what looked good to me
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uh ack i hate my gifs but thats what it looks like
next, on a different layer, use the same brush in black and with the layer in overlay again, go where... the shadows go? i went with along the jaw and nose and crap. u can see the difference when i did the glow and shadows below
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i’m going to skip the eyes and lips bit because thats another tutorial all on it’s own 
NEXT! we add the snow! so i use this dirt brush which i... couldn’t find where i got it but it was one of these im prettty sure. u just make it white and click, and then ur image is covered in white specks.
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in filters, gaussian blur that bitch, but only lightly so it still retains it’s shape.
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then using motion blur, angle where you think the snow would be falling from using these settings
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then erase some of the stuff that’s around the face so u can actually see your sim.
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make a new layer, and using the gradient tool from white to black drag it in the direction where the snow is falling so it’s lighter upwards. make this layer soft light and make the opacity to your liking. rub out the bit with ur sims face if ur worried about white washing which i was.
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and that’s pretty much it. tag if u use it lmaoo
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chaosbcrne · 6 years
TAGGED BY: @blue-pincushion​ thank youuu TAGGING: @brokenweapon​, @hcrwish​, @bouncepads​, @heartfelt-silver​, @last-fxstbump​
—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? ...he’s on the shorter side, though I guess not that far off average for mobians/hedgehogs. definitely short compared to humans though, and tiny for a Black Arms. he appears a bit taller than he actually is, though, because his shoes give him two inches. he’s 3′4″ with them on, 3′2″ without
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ?
yea. i mean i feel like he’s been enduring a bit more teasing than usual lately because of it, but it’s not something that bugs him past that. he spent several years on the ARK where everything was built for humans so he got very used to dealing with his smaller size, climbing on counters and shelves to reach stuff, looking up at people, things like that. his size definitely doesn’t feel like a problem in human environments, let alone mobians’
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR FUR    LIKE ?
very versatile, much like his incessant quilling his fur is constantly adapting to change, mostly in temperature, growing longer when it’s cold, thicker when it’s rainy, shedding when it’s warm and so on. it always has a decent enough layer though, you can never see skin beneath his black fur unless it’s been ripped/burnt/cut off, so I guess in that sense its default state is considerably more furnished than that of the average hedgehog
his thicker white fur follows the same kind of behavior, it grows wider in winter to cover most of his upper body and throat and essentially serves as a natural scarf so he can breathe okay even when he’s dashing against sub-zero winds, and it sheds back down to a small patch that barely covers his chest in summer to reduce risks of overheating
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ?
not... really ? I’d say he settles for a quick but thorough daily shower, he’s not one for grooming much past that because he already sheds like crazy and that would speed up the process even more ? if anything, he might pat down his white fur a bit because it really fluffs up when it air-dries
he didn’t for a long time, but I think learning his color scheme was due to Black Arms genes may have changed that a little; he doesn’t like the idea of being seen as one of them, that’s why he avoids taking his gloves off around others or show off his teeth much or doesn’t like eating in public, i could go on for a while but basically he didn’t mind his black and red colors and his threatening complex until he learned he got that from man-eating aliens,
over the years i think he’s come to terms with it for the most part because black is real useful on stealth missions and for getting that extra warmth on sunny days and claws can come in real handy sometimes when you’re missing certain tools, but, yeah i think there’s probably still a bit of lingering self-consciousness there
hmm I think he has a slight preference for outdoors just because it’s less confined and ever-changing, but he wouldn’t spit on indoors either you know sometimes you just need some place to take a break and where there’s a limited possibility of things that could happen
▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ? both. both are addictive when you spent your early life where you could experience neither of those, in fact i’d say those exact two things are responsible for shadow growing/shedding fur out of season because he’s the kind to just stand in the rain when it’s cold or in the sun when it’s hot just because the feeling of rain through his quills or sunshine in his fur will always be like a bit of a novelty to him ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?   hhh f...f.....beach probably. both are fine but i feel like the beach is one of those cliche things maria especially wanted to experience and talked about all the time so he just have a slightly better preconceived idea of it ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?   im just gonna link you to the lucky charm post that should give you a clear idea ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ? flowers hands down. they’re colorful and pretty and smell good and are natural. maria would have loved them and also earlier this year rouge decorated the whole observatory in the ARK with them to surprise shadow and it was Good ok ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?   personality. yeah people can be nice to look at but if that’s all they got going for them they’re not worth much ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?   alone. i don’t think i have much explaining to do here lmao he’s just not a people person. small groups can be okay and so are a good few people, like, he can deal with a crowd or otherwise large number of people in one place but he’s definitely not gonna enjoy it as much as just being alone ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?   I think Gerald’s (and therefore his) idea of an ideal world was a place where they’re one and the same ? a world where people are free to do what makes them happy, to not be limited in any way shape or form but where such a freedom would lead to people being selfless and generous enough to not throw it all into chaos ? but given that’s not really something remotely feasible at this point order is probably the best options in his books given what he’s seen some people do once some of their restraints were removed ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ? 
painful truths. unless it concerns him revealing stuff about himself that he just doesn’t want people to know about, he’s always gonna be blunt with people and he expects the same courtesy in return. shadow’s sick of all the lies and insincerity a lot of people go to for no good reason and he’d rather you just tell him the truth head-on
▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?   chaos energy is where it’s at. i don’t know what it counts as, i’m assuming it’s something between the two ? gerald, tails, eggman and probably a whole lot of other people managed to harness it to create life or power machinery and such, so it can be useful in terms of science, but it’s also something so unstable and unquantifiable and tricky to control or even understand, and being able to do so is considered a power instead of knowledge - which makes it sound more like magic. either way, that’s what shadow believes in and relies on - not that i expect that to be a surprise to anyone, considering ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?   he strives for peace but i don’t think he’d know what to do with himself if that was ever achieved tbh ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?  
either. shadow’s not operating on a regular day/night cycle so the two are basically interchangeable to him, for better or worse. i wrote more about this over here
▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ?
again, the two aren’t really different to him
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD  ?
hmm warmth probably. he’s definitely built to tolerate cold more than warmth but the general concept of warmth is just associated with more pleasant feelings in general
im gonna say like the bbff, points at team dark
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?  
it really depends on the mood he’s in honestly. i’ve explained before(x) that shadow is actually quite fond of reading, but if he’s too restless for one reason or another some kind of game will be better for his nerves. or just, you know, if team dark is stuck on standby at HQ and they’re waiting around to be called in
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? - letting people provoke him very easily - always talking down on people at first - pushing people away 24/7 - not having an established eating or sleeping schedule he can keep track of - crossing his arms all the damn time
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? 
oh boy
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?  
- the countless hours spent in the observatory with maria - early team dark times when he had good enough days to just focus on his goal and not worry about everything else, probably mostly around grand metropolis/casino park hours, when they were starting to be a proper team but things hadn’t gotten too serious/difficult yet - when a certain hedgehog came back to life and immediately turned to him and silver for additional help. i’ll go into this more some other time but let’s just say that meant a great deal to him - that crush 40 concert rouge took him and omega to - quite a few simple moments spent with his team that wouldn’t have looked like much to many others but that he remembers clearly feeling fulfilled and happy right then and there - a certain night when things felt Bad and a certain hedgehog showed up and made them feel good again - spraining zero’s wrist
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ?
if we’re talking physically, yes. if we’re talking emotionally,
not as much as he makes it look like honestly. death is something very permanent that has been the cause of possibly the biggest trauma he’s experienced in his life - he does not take that lightly and does not inflict it when he sees an alternative. episode shadow in forces can go suck a lemon
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ?
that’s happened once and that’s a drabble in the works so yall are just gonna have to be patient for this one
hhh it’s. difficult. but it’s definitely something team dark has earned at this point. literally all three of them have explicitly proven that they would give up their lives for either of the others so it’s safe to say there’s absolute trust between them now
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ?
oh boy it’s bad lmao
shadow is very unfamiliar with the concept of romantic love as a whole so he has no idea how he’s supposed to behave with the subject of his affection. remember that picture where he’s holding sonic’s hand and staring at it and presumably has been doing so for like ten minutes ? yeah
social norms aside what would come naturally to him is a very, very intense protectiveness - that’s his primary response when it comes to anyone he’s attached to and romantic ties would be no different. he would be very defensive of them verbally but also protective-bordering-on-possessive physically
he also pays very close attention, i’ve already said it countless times but he’s an amazing listener and whoever he’s smitten with would likely be someone he could watch and listen to intently for very long periods of time. he’ll never be the most talkative but don’t let that fool you into thinking he won’t enjoy engaging conversations with the person he’s interested in
aside from that i tend to think that shadow would be a very unintentional sap because, again, he’s not familiar with whatever’s considered normal in a relationship. so he’ll be the kind to let the other know he’s thinking of them in various ways or just show up and surprise them with something they might want, all completely shamelessly and like it’s no big deal because if it pleases them why should he hold back ? (of course that’s all in a hypothetical situation where it’s solely between him and his significant other-- if there’s other people involved he’s gonna be a lot more subtle/shy about it if he dares doing anything out of the ordinary at all)
his affection is hard to earn but once you have it he’ll be loyal to you for life honestly
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sundrenched-smilez · 7 years
odd numbers for the lesbian asks! (if it's too many just do every 4th one maybe?)
1. Femme or butch? 
for type, im vry easily wooed by butches tbh
as for myself, im genderfluid + heavily lean towards butch-ish for one gender + have been gettin more comf w that term for myself. the 3 genders i switch between, ive described as sharp, dainty and tired, for reason of not really being comf w gender labels aside from nonbinary. sharp/tired r kinda butchish, moreso sharp. like leather jackets, ripped jeans, dress pants/shirts, defs flannels (which r a given for any mood im in tbh) while tired is like mb softer, more focused on flannels + loose tank tops/shirts, shorts + certain skirts, comfy clothes, and the like   
ive found that i’m leaning more towards butch lately too, like i’ve been a lot more comfortable with pants and a nice top than i have w dresses or most skirts + im wondering if i was just hanging on to femininity for sake of society, so those r things 2 think abt. i still feel comf in them sometimes, but it’s getting much less often. gender’s weird, i still cant cling to one bc of how pressuring that is so genderfluidity is still smth for me + it shifting to different percentages is okay (im thinking out loud @ this point, but its helping so i hope its interesting to read)
3. Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
both, but primarily flannels/plaid buttion-ups
5. Describe your aesthetic
aaahh theres a lot of diff aesthetics i could go into, but i have a tag if ur interested in a visual representation? basically, cosy homes, forests, wooden steps and bridges, cats, girls/nbs, water, plants, and old video game stuff, and clouds/skies. i’m sure there’s more in there, but for a good rule of thumb !! as for like dressing aesthetic, i like to look rly gay + attractive and a lil showy? like my shorts r Short and i love crop tops + a lot of my shirts show my bra thru them, + i like showing it when i can, like sports bra + a tank top is a fav look of mine bc i can make it look like my bra is a trim on the shirt + it’s cute. i’ve been wearing dresses less often, but occasionally, i like to rock one. id love a pair of combat boots but i have like size 11/12 feet + most stores dont carry that size + im hesitant to buy some online. 
7. Favorite pair of shoes?
its rly hard to find any, i have like walmart converse knockoffs atm + theyre a beige/grey color im not that huge on, it kinda reminds me of sandalwood but depressed
9. Any haircut goals for the future? 
there was the undercut!! and i have that down now c: next step is to dye it blue and mb some purple. i wanna bleach it if i’m gonna dye it, but im hesitant to do that bc of how damaging it is, but since my hair’s been cut a cpl time almost all the color is out now, so i think itll b ok if i take good care of it. 
11. Describe the worst date you’ve been on
i went to a cafe w someone (i think they were nb but i cant remember, it was like 2 yrs ago about ) and they were impossible to talk to bc they just kept saying “im awkward sorry” @ everything and like any conversations i tried to maintain were all one-shot responses, and like that was a lil frustrating. like i dont hold it against them or anything, more in a sense of i was rly tryin 2 carry it and just couldnt 
13. If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!
whooh i wish i was taken, i need affection + to b cute w someone 
15. Describe your dream wedding
hmmmm i havent thought much about it !! i know when i was younger i wanted to wear a black wedding dress but now im thinkin mb a suit that switches to dress @ the bottom?? that could b cool. I’d be happy w anything tbh, if im getting married, i’d just b happy to be w my wife/spouse. mb somewhere in a forest or on a boat would b cool, defs lots of good food and colorful flowers. I’d like a lot of color, most weddings ive been to are just b/w and bland for my taste (they’ve also all been straight tho so theres that.) it’s kind of wild to think that i might b married someday, but it’d b rly nice. i just haven’t thought much abt the planning of one. it’d b rly gay tho, probs give out tiny gay flags at each seat, and the cake could b lesbian flag colors. im rly drawing a blank on this, but i know id want all my friends around the country + world to be there. 
17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
i definitely want to live in a port town at some point !! idk where i’d like to settle down, ideally somewhere that doesnt get much hotter than 90 degrees + has lots of parks + is big enough for some events, like pride stuff, little festivals, a farmer’s market, and places to do things, such as a movie theater, bowling alley, mb an aquarium, if not one in a nearby town. hiking trails r also good. 
19. Favorite lesbian novel/story?
on a sunbeam!!! its a huge inspiration for me, and i love it so much. it always puts me in such a good mindset when i read it, and the artist is my age, so it makes me feel like I can also accomplish great things if i rly put my heart into it!! which is such a good feeling, and it has great representation + characters that i love, and its rly gay, and in space and theres ships shaped like fish + its gorgeous : D i could go on for hrs abt it + how important it is to me. theres an nb character too, and like the aspect of found families is one that rly hits home and it helped me get thru a rough time of my life + better accept myself as queer/gay. 
21. Favorite lesbian musician?
adult mom (tho i think they’re bi but still gay), or hayley kiyoko
23. Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
i think so, but i can’t place when, it’s been a bit. 
25. Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
talking abt being gay w other girls/nbs is lovely and cathartic, i never got to growing up bc i lived in a homophobic town + i was like dealing heavily with internalized homophobia and body/gender dysphoria so i was ace for a bit. talking more abt like sexual attraction + aesthetic attraction is new to me, and that’s been a process to get to, but it’s nice that I can now do so w/o being belittled or barraged by insult. i also just love the thought of being w someone, and daydreaming abt when that happens is really nice. also,, girls + nbs r a blessing and brighten my day and im so glad im attracted 2 them 
27. Turn ons?
absolutely communication, that’s a need. i had a bad experience w someone bc she wasn’t communicative at all, and failed to tell me that we weren’t dating despite us going on several dates + kissing??? like i wont go too into it, but hatchi matchi it was a mess. so yeah, communication, affection, and like reassurance that they actually want to be with me, and that my presence is wanted and enjoyed. I got a lot of “i dont care”s for answers last sort-of relationship, and that was rly discouraging. another turn on is for them to initiate talking and things, like holding hands or planning to hang out + such. consent is another big one. 
29. Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
i usually tend to ask them out, but im still dealing w internalized junk, so its difficult. i also havent any situations in which they liked me back, which is frustrating. like i got lead on earlier summer for abt a month until i asked what we were doing + didnt rly get an answer, and it was this whole mess. i generally try to make the first move tho, bc i know firsthand how difficult it is, but that being said, it’s still hard for me to know for sure if theyre interested + i dont wanna make things uncomf w them, so i’ll wait until i think there might b attraction. that being said, once that’s all out of the way, i like to consider myself a good flirt when im trying. 
31. Talk about your interests or hobbies!
i have lots of interests!! im obsessed w steven universe, its my fav show (and if u ever have time, we should totally watch it together sometime, i rly think you’d love it, it’s super gay + heartwarming.) i really love playing music and learning new songs, which im rly great at memorizing. talking to friends + gettin 2 know them better is always nice and fun. i like to draw new things + see the different ways ppl draw, so seeing art on here is always fun for me. i’m also rly into polygon videos (it’s a youtube channel, not like videos abt polygon haha) and this podcast called the adventure zone. season one just ended, so i might start listening to another one called friends at the table. i rly wanna start a podcast w someone, but can never find anyone to start it with. idk what I’d talk abt but if i could find a partner for it, i think it’d be a lot of fun. mb smth abt games or books/queer representation in media. doing a dnd podcast would also b rly fun, but a lot of work + editing so mb later down the road !! im blanking on other interests atm, but animations and cartoons r lovely and i aim to make something in that field one day, if not just a comic.
my hobbies r mostlyyyy drawing, dnd things now every thursday, hanging w my friends, playing video games, sometimes writing (i rly wanna start a comic, and im tryin to get my butt into gear on it), goin to parks, listening to music, and goin 2 events w roe + cesar, two of my friends. sometimes ill play music!! i need to get more than the keyboard i’m lending, but i love performing. ill also watch leg birds on youtube, theyre a lesbian couple that plays gams + theyre rly sweet. 
33. Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
its easy for me to love friends, doesnt usu take me more than a few months of knowing them if were talking a lot. as for falling in love, that takes me a lot longer. ive never rly been in love w someone. i thought i was once, but rly it was just my first gay experience w someone and i wanted it to be perfect so i projected a lot of things + made it better than it seemed to myself for the duration of it, which wasn’t healthy, so i wanna avoid doing that again, + take things slower next time. or at least for what they are. 
35. Ever fallen for a straight girl?
a few times, they were just crushes tho, so it wasnt too too bad
37. Favorite comfort food?
hot cocoa or tea. as for food food, i dont think i have one. mb french toast or cinnamon rolls. 
39. Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?
i used to be a vegetarian!! for like a yr, but it was difficult for me to eat and feel full, and i was pretty underweight, so i stopped. 
41. Early-riser or night-owl?
both, i tend to stay up, but getting up early can be nice if i dont have to do anything. like just gently waking + making some tea and a nice breakfast + sittin around for a bit. 
43. What is your Myers-Briggs type?
45. At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
i think like 16-17? it took me a bit to get words for identity, like lesbian/nonbinary and the like, but i always knew, like id call myself an individual as opposed to gendered terms that i was referred to, and always felt rly yucky w deadname + the wrong pronouns
47. Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
ive got one crush atm !! and another person who seems nice, but i wanna hang out w before like thinking abt a crush (im poly, which perhaps goes w/o saying, but i always like to state it when talking abt these things, jic )
49. Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future
i’d like a partner or two, to get some bongos- i got to play some a couple weeks ago, and it was the most fun i’ve had playing anything!! having smth with an instant response that i could make up rhythms with was really rewarding and so much fun. i know i want a cat at some point, to go on cute dates + cuddle and kiss a lot w someone, to visit my friends in other places, dye my hair, get a better job, to travel a bit, make a comic, go to college for animation and storyboarding, mb go to camp at some point, and I’d like to make some more friends here, i’m already making some, which i’m super happy about, but it’s always nice meeting new ppl 
thank u for asking!! this was relaxing + fun, and a lot of the topics were cathartic to talk about, and i needed it. so thanks for listening too kinda
also im queen of commas, i’ve discovered while typing this
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