#im watching community again WITH COMMENTARY !!
conanssummerchild · 16 days
"abed is not normal!"
"ooh. that was hard to hear. thankfully i didnt hear it." "no you werent there"
hes so funny i love you danny pudi
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beesmygod · 1 year
who fills the pot holes in “lore olympus”?
the thing about criticism is this: you can absolutely think “too hard” about something intended to be light fare and the delicate balancing act of art criticism is about threading various needles to avoid as many retorts as possible accusing you of opening discussions in bad faith. one of the many ways to obliterate trust in your critical audience is to become so derisively nitpicky that your attempts to draw attention to the pre-existing holes in the setting or the structure of the story will look like petty sabotage. i recognize this is the risk im taking when i get set off by the existence of sports luxury vehicles within a fictional universe created entirely to cater to a specific sexual appetite. indeed, there is no type of pedantry more obnoxious than the sexual pedant.
the work doesnt exist in a vacuum. if we’re going to be honest about the work’s intent (or, how the work’s intent explicitly reads to the audience), part of the fantasy is to be completely taken care of. i mean, who among us hasn’t dreamed of this, at least briefly. it’s one of the most fundamental of all human desires. but to be taken care of, in settings which are founded in capitalist societies (everyone groans at my shit), begs the obvious question: where is the money coming from?
author’s note so everyone knows im not insane (hahahaha): i’m not here to argue the virtues of communism over capitalism or imply that depicting capitalism favorably in your comic is a moral failing. it is not capitalism itself that i have a problem with (...in artistic depictions), it is the way that it is invoked within this comic specifically that bothers me; it demonstrates a terminal thread of thoughtlessness that threatens to unravel the entire setting, premise and moral ambiguity of what is being presented as a desirable fantasy. this element is the catalyst that sparks the degradation of the taboo into the unconscionable. 
look i’ll be up front: my primary motivation is that this comic sucks and im a hater. the anti-feminist overtones are their own kettle of fish but the runner up contender for most concerning (oooueerrrg, everyone is groaning again) element is the complete lack of class consciousness. look, i mean concerning in the sense of “why has none of this gone recognized by, like, anyone?” every time i show someone a real LO panel they react like i’m went out of my way to fuck with them in an ultra specific way. it has completely recreated the feeling of being the only person in my friend group watching riverdale, if riverdale were the crown jewel of the WB.
to strip the pretension from the phrase “class consciousness” and put it in plain text: the insertion of modern capitalism into the comic has necessitated the creation of an underclass to serve the gods (the focus of the comic). as a result, the comic has repeatedly needed to justify the abuse, exploitation and acts of dominance over the subjugated class in order for the main cast to remain sympathetic. the author is incapable of envisioning a world that does not operate on disparity, in spite of the immutable fact that the gods are the sole arbiters of seemingly infinite creation.
and i’m capable of comprehending that there are times when a work has grotesquely unlikable asshole protagonists on purpose. it could be argued that the fickle behaviors of the gods is SUPPOSED to be detestable and there are obviously times where that is the intended audience read. but this is not “succession” and the entirety of the work does not indicate that it is trying to create quiet commentary by inviting the audience to draw their own conclusions on the characters by simply presenting them with the truth of their actions and deeds. additionally, if the romantic hero also engages in that behavior and it’s unremarked on or encouraged by the author or the heroine, what is the intended audience read?
regardless, all this to say: i do not want to alter the content of the comic, but to verbalize how it reads to me as an audience member. the purpose of criticism is to demonstrate and encourage reflection and to help refine one’s own perceptions.
okay. right. the cars.
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this is minthe. i could write 100000 more words about the treatment of her by the comic and, by extension, the author. her introduction is about as subtle as a brick: she serves as the evil whore foil to persephone’s virgin perfection. her introduction as hades’ randomly abusive, hyper-sexual, and cruel younger girlfriend is contrasted with persephone’s naivete, chastity, and sweetness. shes literally smoking a cigar and wearing lingerie. somehow she is not the hero.
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like i said, there’s a lot to unpack with her but i need to stay on target. minthe is a nymph, one of many “beast races” (for lack of a better term) that populate olympus and fulfill menial tasks and jobs. for example, this guy runs a modeling agency.
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a modeling agency that include car shows. or...dealerships. its not really clear. anyway: she is introduced to hades in a flashback through his brother zeus who sexually harasses her during her shift.
lol uh. or comes as close as he can without becoming objectively villainous instead of “rakish”. as a result, what plays out is all VERY schoolyard behavior.
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he executes a 0/10 prank that still kills for some reason.
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and then it happens. “it” isn’t a singular event limited to just the example im about to give. “it” is the complete undercutting of the dramatic and logical tension within the story and “it” happens with alarming frequency as the comic introduces more and more modern elements. each additional luxury vehicle or department story or cell phone comes with the artist being forced to depict the people (or in this case, beast races) providing those services. the author cannot imagine a world where luxury is not predicted on service or a product, even or especially when the existence of the service or product does not make sense.
back to “it”...hades poofs away:
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if gods can poof and fly (as its been implied some or all of them can), what in the hell is the purpose of the luxury vehicle on olympus? the beast races are sure as shit not buying them as they are explicitly the working class in every single one of their appearances. what does it run on? who pumps the gas? who services the cars? the streets of olympus have been paved so that cars can be driven so this would suggest the city’s infrastructure was centered around the use of vehicles. does he hire someone to drive him around in it, despite the fact that he can teleport? he and persephone clearly use it to get around even though she can fly. these cars are so successful despite having an extremely limited number of buyers, they make enough money to hire booth babes all day explicitly so they can be sexually harassed by the men (of a superior magic immortal race) buying the cars.
why does an entire seemingly unnecessary industry exist within the confines of the universe?
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all of the above questions are overthinking a basic logistical problem with the setting for anyone with a moral center: in order to be served, one must have servants. the entirety of the universe in LO is constructed around not a modern re-imagining of the ancient myth, but instead a lazy and depressing hodge-podge of various products and physical items the author places great value on as status items in the real world. and, sadly, this is not as a bit within the universe. this isn’t setting up any message other than the central one of the comic: love and worth can be quantified with a dollar amount.
hades’ department store (staffed entirely by beast races who are delighted and eager to serve their master) offers a purse that two beast race women drool over, only to be informed:
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this scene has a direct and obvious purpose: through it, we establish that hades’ store caters to the ultra-ultra-rich. this is a level of rich that is unobtainable to anyone except the pantheon of gods, whose unique abilities maintain the fabric of reality and thus set the terms for the world they unilaterally control. at best, minthe, a nymph, experiences a fraction of this wealth when sugaring for hades. on the other hand, persephone is the heiress to a cereal empire (who is eating the....?.........you know what dont even get me started on that whole thing) so she is all but assured to be independently wealthy even if she was temporarily without funds during certain events of the comic.
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back to the purse: hades and persephone arrive at his own department store so that she can have a restorative shopping montage. she learns a heart-warming lesson about how its okay to be rich in what i think is one of the most gratuitous and absolute dog-brained moments of the entire fucking comic, thus far, including the part where persephone gets big and accidentally steps on (real, human, ancient greek) people and has to go on the lam. her accidental manslaughters evidently require a tribunal and a trial of her peers, which is odd when contrasted with the justice meted out on the beast races indiscriminately and unilaterally by individual gods who act as judge, jury, and executioner.
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granted these are not the nice gods (i can think of an event with demeter, persephone’s confusingly controlling mother, specifically, as seen above), but there’s an echo of this behavior when hades bullies two beast race women into divulging information about persephone. in one example, a woman purchases a hair comb from a pawn shop, ignorant that it was a gift from hades and persephone is the one who pawned it for emergency funds. when hades shakes her down and demands where she stole the comb from, she directs him to the pawn shop and he just...takes it. to give it to persephone again. whether or not she was made whole or is even okay with this is completely inconsequential to the author but left me, the reader, in a total lurch. the complete disregard for addressing this within the narrative is less shocking when taken into total account with everything else ive been talking about.
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the sequence in which hades takes her on a shopping spree to both improve her mood and express his love was too grotesque for me on every conceivable level. it is not just the shockingly antiquated “women b shoppin!” stereotype presented as a healing process, but the open and shameless conflation of money and love, net worth and self-worth. what possible message could come from this except to reinforce that within the fictional universe of LO, it is the place of the lesser to fawn over what persephone is ultimately entitled to. it is her birthright as the protagonist/self insert and as a literal goddess who determines the creation of food...and nymphs. the underclass. the gods are responsible for the creation of their servants.
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the industries exist because they are 1:1 representations of or conductive to what the author considers to be a desirable luxurious fantasy. i do not think there is a more complex reason than that, as that is the reason why the entire comic exists: as a personal love letter to the author’s tastes and desires. and frankly, that’s the point of comics. ALL comic artists should succumb to this desire. what continues to vex and haunt me however is the complete lack of reflection occurring despite the author putting these elements together and presenting them for an audience who then lapped it up without questioning what, specifically, was appealing about this and why. it is by sheer accident that these elements combine together to paint an unflattering picture of a culture that has created artificial disparity for no apparent reason than personal gratification.
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my question, is this:
who fills the pot holes on the roads built exclusively so that the gods can drive their luxury cars? why do they do it? to get hades some pussy????
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n0phis · 1 year
5 (im gonna send u a few for the ask game)
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5. estimate how much art you post online vs. keep to yourself
honestly theres only 1-2 things a month that don’t at least get posted in the server! i don’t tend to draw for myself. most wips aren’t posted to my socials necessarily, but i still send them to friends and in the wips channel of my discord lol
7. a medium of art you don’t work in, but appreciate
all of them tbh, but particularly normal traditional drawing! i have textural issues that make drawing on paper really uncomfortable, but a nice pencil sketch always looks gorgeous and i miss being able to do it. music making, pottery, sewing and carving are others that i can think of off the top of my head that i wouldn’t do myself but love watching!
11. do you listen to anything while drawing? if so, what?
lonngggg youtube videos that don’t require much attention! i can 100% follow a described narrative and can usually focus better when drawing, but a sorry boys video would obviously require my full attention. vods are kinda in between. i tend to gravitate to interesting, niche video essays most of the time though! nuclear reactors, plane crashes, chemical tier lists and jacob geller stuff generally, but a good commentary essay or dissection of old internet dramas or communities can never go wrong.
21. art styles nothing like your own, but that you like anyways.
i love disney style furries, and most more cartoony or exaggerated warrior cat style artworks! i try to go more of a lineart-heavy, detailed and slightly more realistic style for my own work (though my fanart tends to be more bright and happy than i intend) but i can still appreciate the nostalgia and appeal in cartoony or aesthetic cat designs, or zootopia critters.
24. do your references include stock images?
uhhh whenever i use references i tend to just google body part/animal/expression, stare at it for a bit, and then work from memory back on my canvas. i guess that’s mostly stock images?
30. what piece of yours do you think is underrated?
bold of you to assume i remember my works. but i think an old cranboo piece i did! love it a lot. enderwalk (ill attach it here) i need to paint more again LMFAO
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Hi jammies how is rocky horror show problematic /gen i Would like to watch it but im curious also
I am glad to convert you to weird gay musicals but uh yeah Rocky horror is. A Lot. it’s from the 70s and a lot hasn’t aged very well.
uh the most obvious is the queer stereotyping literally everywhere. which hits upon a lot of negative things too. most obviously with transmisogyny- dr frank n furter isn’t trans (I mean outside of literally coming from a planet called transsexual) but he Is literally a man dressed in woman’s clothes who murders people and tricks 2 ppl into sex (more on that later) which is very much a transmysognistic Thing. there’s also like. the whole slutty bisexual thing and probably a lot more but I think it’s also important to mention the stereotyping is very intentional, and not done maliciously. it’s satirical, and deliberately playing up the demonisation of queer people to absurd levels. like it’s meant to show how ridiculous it is. you’re not meant to take it seriously, it’s ridiculous on purpose, but i do understand why it’s a major dealbreaker to a lot of people.
there’s a lot of very rocky (pun intended) consent stuff in the film too which is definitely intentional on some level but it also like has aged a whole lot worse than it was probably meant to. again there's a scene where two characters are initially tricked into sex by someone disguising themselves as their partner, and after they find out there’s a lot of coercion mostly played for laughs (tho the two do eventually consent). and that bit is definitely a lot more uncomfortable than it probably was initially. so like that’s understandably again something that could make a lot of people uncomfortable.
there's a few nazi references that Probably did not need to be there. like the character who’s implied to be an ex-nazi scientist being like the one person at the end who isn’t happily bisexual is definitely intentional commentary but there is some stuff in the costuming that like. i do not get why.
there’s also some outdated terms like transvestite and transsexual but it’s fucking stupid to get mad at a movie from the 1970s for using terms that were acceptable at the time.
in general like the movie was incredibly progressive for its time and honestly like in some regards is now with its casual gender bending and queerness and open sexuality both male and female. it’s very intentionally silly and very much satirical in a lot of ways, which means it’s intentionally problematic in a lot of them to show how dumb it is (like with the queer stereotypes). but it’s uh. definitely a movie from the 70s with the shit that’d imply. there might be more this is literally off the top of my head. it’s definitely not ill intentioned, and the community is incredibly open and accepting, but it definitely does need to be approached with the knowledge you’re watching a half century year old movie. (it’s definitely aged a lot better than a lot of movies from the time!)
like it is 100% my favourite movie and its influence really can’t be understated. like this thing was a PHENOMENA. and it is also an incredibly funny movie. it’s important to recognise its flaws and i do absolutely have no judgement if they ruin it for you, but it's had a lot of positive impact. it’s why whether it’s Problematic or Not is a constant argument lol. (the answer is Yeah but it’s from the 70s and it was and still is an incredibly queer positive space that helped and helps a lot of people so like it’s a little silly to throw the Entire thing out.)
also the new movie version (new it’s from like 2016) somehow manages to accidentally make it worse by having frank as (and played by) a trans woman which like. yeah trans women playing frank in shadowcasts (basically an amateur production ppl do while the films going on in some theatres it’s cool) and renditions of the stage play isn’t uncommon bc like. it’s frank n furter everyone wants to play him he’s the absolute best character he’s so iconic. but also like. goddddd it makes the whole stereotype thing way worseeee.
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yourwolfmuzzle · 11 months
I have at least 5 unpublish posts about r/wby and me be fucking “why you hate your own characters” or “why you still in this vol1 mentality about your writing” or “WHY HEADCANONING SHIT WHEN YOU CAN DO CANON?????” but im just stop on every post in the middle because...bitch i can relate some problems or start to talk about my stuff, especially on “why you hate your own characters”.
Like...how you can write some character and be just “oh i hate this motherfucker\they deserve this\this asshole is dead now, that it.” and thats all? Its fine to hear stuff like this from viewers and its nothing new to hear shit like “if you like this character - you \insert word there\!”, but you the writers and you dont have any other emotions about your own antagonists? (unless its female antagonist, but i cant confirm this because i cant watch commentaries, only read from someone or notes, but from what i can tell at least about them they can say something positive or stuff that they honestly like about this character).
I can understand they scare about writing some scenes and make this look interesting because you can like this one specific scene but have fear that your viewers will have different opinion about this. But its been almost a decade, writers long time ago already told us that they dont want to see opinion that “sound too mean”, so i cant be like “community bully writers into be scared to write this series” (and to be honest its sound pretty fucking strange). Like i will not believe that they read rwde tag or critics subreddit or some social media\tag that is not have at least 90% fans positive posts because they dont want to see too much hard criticism about they story. Again, i kinda can understand that from some perspective (nobody like hearing some hard stuff about your art work), but...it doesn't feel like they get out of their comfort zone at least once in a while. If there was some trying to do this, we would have seen and heard it more in the series. But when they have some good moments - its accidental. A whole vol7 fell like accidentally sometime good writing after vol8 because what a continuation we got in vol8. Penny arc, Ironwood arc, Qrow\Ironwood, this whole r/wby/Ironwood conflict in general, Salem attacking Atlas, how Staff or Creation working and other stuff (not only characters arcs or conflicts, even character relationships got hurt in one way and another.) And even vol9 kinda hurt vol7 and EVEN vol8 and i wish i can say “oh its just because they have to cut two episodes and working on movie and a little bit on game, this is why some arcs got scratch or rush ending” but we still got half of the season that hardly matter for a whole volume. Penny dont matter at the end of the volume, Jaune story dont matter, Ironwood\Fall of Atlas conflict dont matter because “we want to believe we did at least a little bit good”, Ruby arc have to have rush and hard progress because we really want to show you Red Prince birthday. racoon joke and give conflict with Jaune, that will reset at the very end of the season, and tell you that ascension is not death. Oh and also - tree is the main creators and Two Gods is just Tree-childrens. And we will tell this at the very end of this season (good for you not brining there Oscar\Ozpin or Salem).
They scared of writing some scenes not because its they first season\this new season got crush by other decisions like crossover movie and they scared to cut new seasons\they REALLY that much scared by critics or some really scare tags on tumblr. If this was the point i fell i wont not say that good moments in some volumes was “accidentally good”.
We all scared to get bad comment about your work, but sometime you have to get this “bad comment”, otherwise you will not grow as a artist. I not gonna lie and say that sometime i jealous to see sometime GIGANICAL posts or videos about some aspects of this series with every details and even without harsh comments (like dude if you dont like when some critics call you bad names - there is posts\videos from people, who wholeheartedly LOVE your series with everything but still can be “there is this moment that can be better”.) Its like...”oh someone spend some time to analyze and then write\tell\even show what moment they wish to see better or what can be better?”. I dont know how to tell you but for me - this is extremely cool stuff. For me personally that mean someone saw my stuff, potential, and spend some time to think and tell me what was wrong, what was right and now maybe do this better. This shit help a lot even when its not about your art, but about someone art that have the same errors like you have or never thing that there was error (especially when you dont have people who can tell you what you doing wrong or tell more that “i like it”, and you just sit there in the box.)
I personally dont think that...MKEK is really bad and not redeemable writers. They have they moments, otherwise we wouldn't be sitting here. A lot of us got there because cool fight and colors aesthetics but somehow managed to still sit there. But stuff like this REALLY hurt show and make less fun to watch every season. 
Can i be wrong? Oh absolutely...
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hauntedwoman · 1 year
titanic watch notes (4/14/23)
when jack saves rose from the back of the ship and the colonel asks cal to give a reward to jack and he offers money rose asks him "is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?" that means she knows that he loves her yet she still shoves him or any pathway to effective communication aside. this also insinuates that their relationship probably used to be better than what we see in the movie
it's said that nathan (cal's father) was the claimant for the insurance claim that was placed on the necklace after the ship went down but it was filed under terms of "absolute secrecy" So that could mean a few things 1) simple damage control 2) he sees cal as incompetent and he feels the need to cover up such a huge financial loss at the hands of cal's impulsivity (this could hint at their relationship being strained)
why doesnt cal end up keeping the drawing ????? considering how badly he wants to possess rose why wouldn't he have held onto a drawing of her naked body ?? maybe he didnt because of the intent behind the drawing and it wouldve been too painful to look at but it is still very much A Question
and on that note why does cal tell rose that he framed jack???? if he wanted her to get onto a lifeboat and go back to her life in first class and still marry him and everything why would he jeopardize all of that for a snarky one-liner ???? ("you know it's a pity i didn't keep that drawing it'll be worth a lot more by morning") im just gonna chalk it up to james cameron being bad at making characters with actual dimension
continuing on that: there are so many stupid cartoonish one-liners that cal has throughout the film just to very much communicate to the audience that he is The Bad Guy. one example of this that annoys me is the whole "something picasso" bit like oh god forbid someone who's morally ambiguous have any appreciation for art or culture (rose being into these things somehow makes her morally superior ???) another one i really hate is the whole "i suppose i might start minding what she reads from now on" at the lunch scene when rose makes that dick joke abt freud
also lol when she makes that joke that insinuates she knows what d*ck is (subtext into cal and rose's relationship ???)
when brock is talking to old rose about to hoto he regurgitates the same thing that cal told her he gave her the diamond (worn by louis the sixteenth, very rare, etc, etc.)
when jack saves rose from jumping she grabs his hand that doesnt have her engagement ring on it
cal gives rose the diamond the same night she tries to kill herself. he knows what she was really doing at the back of the ship, or at least some semblance of it
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still totally hung up on the whole "john calvert is actually cal" theory lol of all of the names that james cameron could have chosen for her new surname it Had to be That ???
cal and rose both act the same way under any sort of scrutiny (defensive and they automatically move to insulting the other person)
why is it scandalous that madeline astor (who is rose's age) is pregnant but not scandalous that another man is clearly traveling with his mistress (spoiler alert: it's misogyny)
the presence of god and christianity throughout the film ("god himself could not sink this ship", the church service on the morning of the day the titanic hits the iceberg - which is only available to upper class passengers ??? - the priest praying and speaking psalms as the ship is sinking) i think that the larger cultural commentary here is that during this age (early 1900s to 1910s) there is so much innovation and invention happening that humanity begins to feel that they are on par with god (esp the wealthy)
jack and rose have s*x right before the ship hits the iceberg, big juxtaposition between life and death there
still cant get over how rose put her name on the survivors list as rose DAWSON…. theres no way cal didnt know she was alive they saw eachother again after the sinking even if it was him seeing her on a poster for a movie/play or her reading headlines about him or maybe one day they seek each other out but regardless yea theres no way they didnt have contact again
also on that note old rose is an extremely unreliable narrator bc when she talks about cal killing himself she says at the end "or so i read" so there's a level of ambiguity there, there's also some hesitation of her to admit that she kept up with him all of those years bc then it would have completely discredited everything she had said about jack being her one real love etc etc
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pint-o-beans · 3 months
hiiii~ im back!
what made you start your blog?
do you have any reoccurring dreams?
has a movie ever made you cry?
what is your dream job?
what kind of meals do you eat/make?
i hope i helped you with your boredom!
hello again!
so I made this blog in 2013, freshman year of college, I was interested in a better trans community than I'd interacted with in the past, comic fandom, and social justice, which I wasn't really getting elsewhere on the Internet. plus, I'd been on reddit s lot before and I needed a space less deeply upsetting. so here I am!
my dreams generally fall into one of 3 categories: a day of work I can't keep up with; I'm back with my family and I'm overwhelmed; and tornadoes. do thematically they recur constantly, but the details are always changing
oh god yeah, I don't watch a lot of movies but I am a big cryer when I do. last movie I remember crying on was a rewatch of Violent Night
my dream job is... like on some level what I'd love to do is like 2 or 3 days a week work a real well orchestrated dinner rush, and then spend the rest of the time being the research side of one of those like research/color commentary podcasts like Behind the Bastards or Knowledge Fight. realistically, just about anything with reasonable pay and low hours
meals! admittedly I've hardly had time to cook for myself lately. when I do cooking for utility I tend to do stuff like bibimbap and stir fries and stuff I can throw whatever in, and when I experiment my interests lie more towards American, I've been working on a blistered shishito recipe lately
thank you again! kept me entertained for a good long while
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ilostcustody21 · 10 months
just rewatched kal ho naa ho instead of working on my assignment due in 4 days
horrid early 2000s transitions and cringe script that yells "how you do fellow young ones" aside i think its better to watch it as a character study and perhaps social commentary instead of how it is at face value. maybe doing that would probably give too much of credit to the writers because they definitely aimed for it to be like a "typical bollywood movie" that falls into many pitfalls (homophobia as a running gag, depressed nerdy girl removes glasses and that makes her prettier and confident)
so like the societyschmiety main stuff i've noticed that were definitely intentionally put in there with much consideration
a lot of idolisation of the "perfect wife/ mother" in which her motivations may almost appear saintly - despite how horrid or incompetent the husband is or unappreciated she is by her family. see jenny and how she chose to adopt her husband's child that him and his mistress were about to abandon/put up for adoption just for the former to kill himself from "guilt" lol -> even after which both she keeps crying to herself repeating over and over again that "he was a good man" which is oxymoronic in nature
how traditional indian values are increasingly valued and maybe even more regressive (compared to the mainland) when it comes to being indian diaspora. also coupled with the fact that many indian immigrants in the states are of upper caste and upper-middle class origin to begin with which is why so many people unironically believe in the model minority myth
homosocialism that could also be coupled with misogyny - funnily enough the chemistry between the two MLs were better than the chemistry between 1stML and FL and the film also goes into making jokes about how one of the 2ndML's employees think theyre both gay. the FL here does have a choice when it comes to accepting the 2ndML's proposal but also it feels like she has no autonomy because she's doing things they way theyre supposed to be i.e. upholding the status quo plus the 1stML had to force 2ndML to marry FL even after the news of his terminal illness because he wants to leave both of his best friends with love even when hes not there (the final nail on the coffin being that if he doesnt love her at least stay with her as part of his dying wish). Men really do value other men than they do their own lovers
im trying to reach where theres barely anything to reach to but it would have been decent if the movie discussed family dynamics and how it affected the FL mental health wise because of isolation being an immigrant with a small conservative community coupled with the fact that her family is also extremely dysfunctional, though that part gets skimmed over a lot or flat out ignored because its way too prevalent amongst desi families lol
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cagedchoices · 11 months
name:  mel 
pronouns:  they/them/theirs
preference of communication:  mainly tumblr IMs these days, but i have discord and wire and occasionally i will drop my info on tumblr, give it out privately if asked, or add if someone else is looking to add. it can take me a while to work up the courage to message someone in the first place and i'm really... not good at the usual social cues of "hey how are you/good how are you?/what have you been up to?" but i'm usually game to chat about other stuff
most active muse:  Caleb. i've had a lot of other muses but he's been the one i've been most consistently able to write in the slightly over 3 years since i first started writing him.
experience/how many years:  i had a couple false starts trying to set up rp blogs for Samwise Gamgee from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Wirt from Over the Garden Wall back in 2014 and 2015? but i just never really managed to get off the ground and start writing in-character for them because i was super heavily intimidated by the rpc and too nervous to approach anyone. finally in january 2017 i stumbled across a parody of Portal 2 on youtube called the Unauthorized Musical and discovered that there were already a handful of muns on tumblr who had picked up characters specifically based on that production and regularly hosted rabbit streams where they'd watch the video again together and welcomed anyone who wanted to join to do so. i noticed nobody was really writing any antagonistic characters against them so i wound up setting up a blog for GLaDOS and following everybody i met during the stream and that was essentially how i became hooked on tumblr rp. i've been kicking around on and off for about 7 years now.
best experience: there's so many to choose from, but i think i'd have to say my best experience was when i started writing Caleb. i was just fresh off watching Westworld season 3, i was actually feeling more compelled at the time to try and write either Dolores, Maeve, Clementine or Teddy but i felt like i wouldn't do any of 'em justice. i ended up making a sideblog to my old multimuse after deciding i would try writing Caleb, and that's where i almost immediately connected with melody/aworldofyou/copiesofme and was enthusiastically introduced to a bunch of other muns residing in the tiny but mighty westworld rpc. 🥰
rp pet peeves: one is pretty much the same as Sandra said; making a new main blog in the spur of the moment. exhausting all energy on curating a distinct aesthetic for icons/banners/promos/custom themes/etc, and then completely losing interest in a week or 2 without ever getting to write that character. and then more often than not the process gets repeated down the line until that person either becomes overwhelmed from having too many blogs to manage or too many memes to answer or too many starters to write.
i also don't particularly love memes that promote making rp into a popularity contest or seeking an almost constant stream of validation from other people. things like "send a _ and i'll rate your blog on a scale of 1 to 10/using a scale template" i try to stay far away from. arguably every notification you get on tumblr is an instant dopamine hit just like all social media is but. idk there was just something about those blog rating/character rating memes that made them feel more addictive to send and receive than like, taking the time to give someone your honest opinion on how you feel about them as a person or on their writing and characters and such.
another similar thing is reblog chains to the effect of 'reblog this if you actually like following me/seeing me on the dash.' i really don't like these. there's a level of self-deprecation and guilt-tripping involved and when people already feel awfully low and vulnerable to negative self image this just makes it worse. especially when people post with side commentary like 'oh nobody will reblog this from me lol.' and i don't think they're always necessarily aware that this is manipulative behavior, but...it is. even just the way the source post is typically phrased, it preys on insecurity and it makes me sad when i do see mutuals reblogging posts written like this because then i'm like. just sitting there thinking "i'm not a spambot so...if i didn't like following you or seeing you on my dash i would not be following you??"
other forms of reblog chains like 'reblog to give the person you're reblogging from a hug' or 'reblog this and say something nice about the person you reblogged from' are far better in my opinion because they don't inherently contain that same level of insecurity. they put the focus on lifting up and supporting the person you're reblogging from instead of centering on yourself.
plots or memes: i like both but i am very much a memes person because i feel like i'm not very good at plotting.
long or short replies: i don't really have a preference! but lately my thing generally seems to be letting the length creep up so my replies just get longer and longer over time. i never expect anyone to match me, but like. the one thing that would crush my soul is me posting like. 5-7 paragraphs and getting back a one sentence or one word response 😭
are you like your muses: i have a few things in common with caleb, one of them being that we're both neurodivergent and just trying to exist in a society where it is typically seen as undesirable to be classed as such. i stumbled across a venn diagram a while back comparing and contrasting common traits associated with ptsd and autism and it has given me a lot to take into consideration in the way that i portray caleb
tagged by: @k4ndall
tagging: @gunslingcr @paddyfuck @weirdwonderful @killjoysanonymous @prettydead & you (not labeled)
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crispycostumes · 2 years
i have officially thought too much about this so here is a list of any time mint is mentioned in conjunction with gansey in trb (the post that started this whole thing: link)
Also with commentary on why i think im right about gansey’s mint leaves being a coping mechanism for anxiety and shit. my Mint Theory™ (it’s like the olive theory except not at all but i needed a catchy name)
the first time we encounter the fact of gansey smelling like mint is in the first chapter in the graveyard with blue
“Blue couldn’t stop staring at his mussed hair, the suggestion of staring eyes, the raven on his sweater. His shoulders were soaked, she saw, and the rest of his clothing rain spattered, from a storm that hadn’t happened yet. This close, she could smell something minty that she wasn’t sure was unique to him or unique to spirits.”
the second time is in chapter four when declan comes over with his girlfriend
“Adam stopped just beside Gansey. The area around him smelled strongly of mint from the leaf he chewed absently.”
(it’s reasonable to believe he would be anxious about this (this being declan among other things), and the air around him smells strongly of mint which means he’s probably chewed his way through more than one)
the third, fourth, and fifth times are both in chapter 15 when the boys come in for their reading at fox way
"Sorry that I’m late," said the boy in front, with the square shoulders. The scent of mint rolled in with him, just as it had in the churchyard. "Will it be a problem?" 
“Oh no. Not him. All this time she’d been wondering how Gansey might die and it turned out she was going to strangle him. At Nino’s, the blare of the music had drowned out the finer points of his voice and the odor of garlic had overwhelmed the scent of mint.”
“She stopped in front of Gansey. This close, she again caught the scent of mint, and that made Blue’s heart trip unsteadily.”
the sixth and seventh times are in chapter 21. first during their helicopter ride while he’s arguing with helen about the plate she was going to give their mother
“Helen was still silent, so Gansey began to think about Blue. Something about her was discomfiting him, though he couldn’t put his finger on it. Taking a mint leaf from his pocket, Gansey put it into his mouth and watched the familiar Henrietta roads snake below them. From the air, the curves looked less perilous than they felt in the Camaro. What was it about Blue? Adam was not suspicious of her, and he was suspicious of everyone. But then again, he was clearly infatuated. That, too, was unfamiliar ground for Gansey.”
(he’s in a situation he’s not used to and not comfortable with, he’s feeling anxious. so what does he do? he takes a mint leaf and chews it.)
and secondly when blue steps into the nightmare tree and has her vision of kissing gansey
“The boy in the Aglionby sweater leaned his forehead against Blue’s. She felt the pressure of his skin against hers, and suddenly she could smell mint.”
the eighth time is in chapter 28 when blue and gansey go to the church together but before they find noah (‘s bones)
““Oh, they do,” Gansey said, and she thought she detected a bit of an edge to his voice. Not anger, really, but irony. He put a mint leaf in his mouth and climbed out of the car.” 
(he’s alone with blue. she detects an edge in his voice. to note is that his response was to her talking badly about the pig and implying he should swap it out for a “classic” that actually works. the pig being something that gansey identifies with so fucking strongly that to him it is everything he wants who he is to be. it obviously makes him uncomfortable to have her say this) (not liking the camaro can so easily be perceived as not liking him and we all know how much he wants people and blue in particular to like him)
the ninth through twelfth (and last) times are in chapter 31 when adam is alone in the big room of monmouth and trying to communicate with recently revealed ghost noah and then declan shows up (might not be as relevant since gansey isn’t the one interacting with the mint but it feels worth mentioning nonetheless)
“Adam smelled the mint plant on Gansey’s desk, but he also smelled Noah — that combination of his deodorant and soap and sweat.”
“Adam jumped at a crash directly beside the desk. It took him a moment to realize that Gansey’s mint plant had been swept to the floor. A single triangle of the clay pot had fractured, and lay beside a dusting of soil.”
“With a sigh, Adam climbed to his feet, replacing the mint plant before going to open the door. Declan stood on the threshold in neither his Aglionby uniform nor his internship suit, and he seemed like a different person in his jeans, even if they were impeccably dark and expensive. He looked younger than Adam normally thought of him.”
and lastly
“Adam opened the envelope and slowly read the letter inside. With a sigh, he returned to the desk and picked up the phone that sat beside the now-broken mint pot. He dialed from memory.”
It is also worth mentioning that gansey keeps his mint plant by his desk, the place where he undoubtedly spends the most time while at monmouth
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pjmparadise · 1 year
thank you for the tag @luaspersona ꒰ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ꒱
15 THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY <3 (in no particular order)
1. fashion !! i love fashion!! i like watching videos of outfit pairings, runway shows, or just look through tumblr or pinterest for outfit inspiration. i like watching fashion hauls <3
2. watching new films. i love film and i have such a good time watching movies by myself. im such a letterboxd gal i will always log in my movies and organize my lists by color or by ranking and it's just so fun to log my films and look back on the commentary later on. i will rewatch anything and later search up movie scripts :p
3. collecting bts photocards!! im a jimin collector so i have a full collection of his album pcs (of my choosing, i don't collect every single one only the ones i really like) and im currently in my dvd collection era so that's really fun!! im not active in trading or buying like i was a few months back but it's still fun and im a part of that community <33
4. reading !! i love to read. i've always enjoyed reading and it's what pushed me into the writing world. i have a tremendous amount of love for literature as a whole. i try to set little goals for myself so i can read the way i used to and it brings me solace to read something new that is able to capture feelings i can't bring myself to write.
5. writing of course!! since i was very young i enjoyed writing. i used to write fanfics when i was in middle school and i used to publish on wattpad and other little sites and eventually as my interest in the fandom i wrote for died out, i stopped writing as often. but still, i enjoy writing little poems occasionally and most recently upon returning to the fanfic world due to bangtan, i found myself wanting to write again. it's definitely been a challenge again but it's a great outlet and it allows me to channel my creativity.
6. hanging out with my family & partner. i am very lucky to have an army sibling i can talk to and relate with about bts. we're both fanfic readers and she's my supportive reader and brainstorm friend. i have a lovely partner that is also supportive in the things i like. so anytime im with them is a happy time.
7. drinking hot cocoa or coffee on cold days. i love a hot drink but i enjoy it even more on cold days as it allows me to romanticize my life a little lol
8. walking outside during the fall. i like going to parks and reading under a tree or just laying in the grass looking up at the sky. i can do it alone or with company, it makes me happy either way!
9. listening to music on my CD player !! my partner bought me a CD player when i told them about proof dropping and how some of the songs were not on streaming services so now i have something to play all of my bangtan albums on and listening with my headphones just feels so different. it's definitely nostalgic.
10. smoking weeeeeed. i smoke often and it brings me peace and comfort and helps a lot with my anxiety so i tend to smoke and mellow out but also i enjoy the high it's fun it's a good time (most times than not)
11. playing with my cats! im a cat person and we have a lot of cats here at home and they're so playful and sweet and i like spending time with them and carrying them, letting them nap on me or just rubbing their little heads while they purr on me. they bring me comfort and will always cheer me up when i need it the most <33
12. driving to a good playlist. i don't really like driving but if i'm listening to a nice playlist and it's grey outside or rainy or if it's the morning time and the sun is coming up and the grass is dewy and everything looks golden, then the drive is dreamy and i enjoy my solitude with the music and the scenic drive.
13. bangtan!!!! of course of course they make me happy. they are so sweet and wholesome and bring me so much joy. i don't know what life felt like before them but i know i don't ever want to live that way again. even as they go their own ways, knowing them has been such a great impact. the discovery of this group has brought meaning to my life as im sure others can relate and their music is so healing, so comforting and so sincere. bangtan forever <33 :")
14. sleeping :p i love sleeping even if my sleep schedule is currently in shambles.... when i sleep i sleeeeep
15. chatting with new friends!! hanging out with my friends! i don't have a lot of friends irl but the few i do, i love seeing them and just doing little mundane things with them like going to run errands or baking cookies in the evening. i like being around the people i love. i also love making new friends through similar interests because i loveeee to talk about the things i fixate on lol
anyway!!! thanks for reading this if you did!! 💘🫂
tagging some of you but don't feel obligated to participate!
tagging: @aamalaaa @btsgotjams27 @here2bbtstrash @bngtnbrat
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truth-bound · 1 year
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I posted 7,642 times in 2022
That's 595 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (1%)
7,584 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 868 of my posts in 2022
#saiki k - 14 posts
#tdlosk - 12 posts
#saiki - 11 posts
#splatoon - 7 posts
#saiki kusuo no sai nan - 5 posts
#idk - 5 posts
#splatoon 3 - 5 posts
#<- prev tag - 4 posts
#homestuck - 4 posts
#but - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#kaido being trans ftm is good too but transmen get bad representation in general and kaido just hits that wimpy pathetic soft boy a bit too
My Top Posts in 2022:
if i was kusuke which thank god im not but if i was i would make a far better limiter than he did. like god its so impractical. easily removed by accident? easily broken. not reinforced. no DIALS. no BACK UPS OR FAIL-SAFES
kusuo is like a nuclear bomb, you gotta make sure you know exactly how to keep it (saiki) from accidentally disarming itself (broken limiters)
kusuke just seems like he would fuck around just to find out.
but if i were to make it the biggest thing i would add is a dial. specifically one that can control the intensity of the limiters. usually kusuo has an all or nothing when it comes to his powers. if he could control the output of it it might actually give him a way to learn how to control himself better with less and less intensity set on the limiters.
he could baby step his way from learning to throw a ball when his limiter is to the max, then again and again at every level the limiter has.
also i agree w some people saying it should be near his ears. maybe a patch just behind his ear or a weird earring or a device that looks kind of like a hearing aid or a weird tech thing that covers one of his ears
172 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
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My thoughts on kaidou as a pokemon trainer
202 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Id like to imagine that through Saiki's habit of playing cheap and uncommon games hes actually got a small collection of hidden gems and I want to imagine if he wanted to use the internet for once he could actually run a blog that he can type out his thoughts on games that nobody knows. He is a pretty fair but strict reviewer and comments on everything from the fluidity of the gameplay to the menu layouts and even the stylization of the graphics.
It backfires when someone actually finds his blog, even if its anonymous, and the word spreads about this guy who knows the best of the unheard games and has a knack to be extremely detailed in reviews.
He becomes a little bit of a niche internet celebrity and people spam his blog or email with suggestions of their own favorite hidden gems to review and some even ask for his opinion on more popular games. His blog becomes a reputable review source where indie developers want his attention to get their game out there.
Suddenly developers reach out to him offering to give him a free early copy to review their games and eventually he starts recording no or little commentary gameplay footage and he gets more and more requests.
He gets sponsored after a while. He makes a modest bit just from his blog and his videos and he wants to be annoyed at the attention but he enjoys the anonymity and people genuinely listening to his opinion.
Anyway i just want to think that kaidou or someone someday brings up saikis blog like oh yeah ive been reading this guy he does great reviews on indie games and saiki just smiles.
700 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
re-watching danny phantom and i got the weirdest urge to make memes
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See the full post
981 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
To the new players on Splatoon 3!
For any battle type:
Always remember to booyah back! this means at the start of the round when a player on your team presses booyah, say booyah too! it lets old players know youre communicative and pay attention to your teammates. Its friendly. Its polite. Its honestly gonna make the whole game more enjoyable if you can use the little bit of communication there is.
theres no in game chat function so booyah and this way are the best way to let your team know what's up! booyah when your teammate did something cool! its a morale booster
plan your specials around your teammates. is your special better for support or slaying? check to see if there is already a cooler up if u have it, cus the effects do not stack. and in salmon run specials can be what saves the whole team!!
check your map! not only does it show the current ink coverage, it also shows enemy players if they have taken damage even without being marked. you can jump back to spawn if things seem dangerous and you can jump to teammates. keep in mind that teammates might not be in a safe position for you to land in. anyone can see where you will land and can try to jump kill you. knowing the map itself for good jump points and seeing if the teammate is in a well inked area helps.
Ink spawn. Always. Dont think it applies to X mode? It does. Even in anarchy battles (which splat 2 players might still call ranked out of habit) you should ink spawn. Why? multiple reasons! It keeps your base safer than not. helps maneuverability in getting back in. It helps build your special, which can be incredibly useful for a push. generally speaking, an inked base is a happy base. EDIT: I dont mean ink spawn immediately for anarchy battle, the first push is critical! Use the spawn for free specials to push when you're behind! And dont be thorough in anarchy battle either, prioritize the objective over turf inked unless you have a very good reason otherwise. the movement is also more for a path back to spawn than anything. having escape routes is important.
For turf war:
Inking ground takes priority over killing. Yes if they are dead they cant ink but the respawn time is pretty fast, about 5 to 7 seconds. Also, inking builds special. it is the only way you build special. kills do not build your special. Inked ground both gives a tiny amount of damage to the enemy when they step on it, AND gives you more coverage, AND gives you quicker escape options, AND is the deciding factor of winning the game.
Walls do not count towards points. Only ground. Inking walls isnt useless though, but don't think that inking them all will help you win, its more for maneuverability.
Last second bombs can decide a match. If you have a sub to throw and there is roughly one or two seconds left on the clock, throw it no hesitation. after the match time is over, it will still pause for a second to allow all subs and specials that were out at the last second to explode.
Hide in ink. This should be self explanatory. You aren't as visible if you are submerged in ink and you are faster in ink than walking. if you hide while an enemy player is nearby, and they dont think to check whatever puddle youre in, you could get a sneak attack. another point to focus on inking!
For salmon run:
Learn to squid party! its just jumping and changing in and out of squid to inkling (or octopus to octoling) form very fast so u kinda look like a blob. it might be frowned upon to squid party in other modes but this is totally fine and encouraged!
Pay attention to your teammates positions. Dead teammates cannot help more than sit there and hold a single egg. throw a bomb or shoot at them to revive them. they take priority over eggs in most cases.
Use this way liberally. This way points towards where youre looking. Use it to say hey theres a boss here.
LISTEN TO TEAMMATES. if someone says help or this way go to them. its worth it. they know what theyre doing. usually.
Losing on wave 3 doesnt lower pay grade. It sucks to lose but wave 3 sucks slightly less to lose on.
thats all for now! have fun and i hope you enjoy my favorite game series of all time ever. woomy!
1,255 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hey, I was wondering if you don't mind a matchup with TMR, MCU, Arcane, OBX and shadowhunters if you don't mind.
my pronouns are she/her im pansexual.
im British, my house is Gryffindor my star sign is cancer and my MBTI is INFP-T. im white I have some freckles on my face and moles are on the side of my neck two on my face and one going down on my neck in a line I have a mix of blue, green and hazel eyes, I have long blonde hair I have a normal body I work out when I can I have more of a tomboy style I stay away from the girly girl stuff I ware mostly rings necklaces and watches.
im mostly quiet but once im comfortable I've been told im loyal funny and sarcastic mostly saying jokes when I really shouldn't or have perfect timing with them I come across as confident but im really not im calm and collected most of the time I don't really get angry often or easily I have a bit of a resting bitch face im very protective of family and friends im a really good listener im like the therapist but I don't really get it back.
I love art drawing mostly music is always on I love reading and nature animals I love sports mostly I do archery and skateboarding I love cooking and baking its very therapeutic cooking and dancing to music in the kitchen whether it is just me or with my mum or siblings.
that's all I believe thank you <3 <3 <3
Hi! Thanks for your request, and sorry for the wait 😅
For TMR, I match you with...
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Most of this is purely vibe-based lmao
You two are a menace to be around because whenever you make a joke when you probably shouldn't, he just burst into laughter
Will randomly start dancing with you, even if there's no music
You tried to teach him archery exactly once. Somehow, he ended up with a bruise in the middle of his forehead, and that was the end of that.
Now, for Arcane, I match you with...
Caitlyn Kiramman
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Loves the food you make and is not above begging you to make her favourite
Doing target practice together!! Her with her shotgun, you with your bow, and just seeing who hits the most bullseyes (that's not how you spell that is it 😂)
Literally the most balanced couple around, since you're both good at listening and communicating your issues
She will gladly put on music just to have an excuse to dance with you
For Shadowhunters, I match you with...
Clary Fairchild
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(That smile is everything omg)
Clary can be a bit of a hothead at times, so having a partner who's calm and steady definitely helps with that
Drawing dates!! Just sitting together in the Institute's library, or either one of your rooms, and just sketching together and vibing to music, sometimes talking, but mostly just being together
On the topic of drawing, she asks you to model for her all the time
You two keep a very sarcastic commentary running during every Clave meeting you're forced to attend
Now, for OBX, I ship you with...
JJ Maybank
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Let's be real: he does not understand how he ended up with someone like you. In his eyes, you're way out of his league.
He's not complaining though.
Again with the voice of reason thing: you're the only one who can talk him out of a bad idea.
So much impromptu dancing!! It doesn't matter when or where you are, he'll just grab your hand and twirl you around and it's really cute!
Finally, for the MCU, I match you with...
Natasha Romanoff
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You try to teach her archery. For all that she's a good shot with a gun, she is not with a bow.
But you love exercising together! Dates often consist of trying out new sports
Sneaks into the kitchen whenever you're cooking just to steal a bite
When you catch her, she makes it up to you by grabbing your hand and starting to dance with you
And there we go! I hope you enjoyed it, and have a lovely day/night :)
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jayflrt · 2 years
HELLO MY NAME IS NANA i opened this ask box to write a LIVE COMMENTARY of me reading strawberry lemonade! here goes nothing
omg SEX DRIVE OF BONOBOS i freaking CACKLED like why is his reference SO SPECIFIC
sunghoon collecting praying mantises is so freaking random and hilarious WHAT
not heeseung just CALMLY OFFERING A SOLUTION wow king
"he was looking like you like you were crazy for refusing" EXACTLY LIKE HOW DOES ONE REFUSE A JAY PARK
"staring at his lips because you were a whore" I DID NOT READ THIS TO GET CALLED OUT
"You sound like a Euphoria character" I DON'T EVEN WATCH EUPHORIA WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY
"you're the star actress here" BYE ACT FOOL ACT FOOL
the louder, bolder is gonna be an inside joke BET
"for real this time" JAY SHUT UP
ughh this was so good? i love the backstory and the build up it kinda reminds me of Easy A where Olive helped a guy by pretending to have sex with him lmao the obnoxious yelling and moaning was theater-quality.
ANYWAY your writing is incredible and as part of the en- writer community (yeah i just made that up) I decided to leave asks for writers after I read their fic to know that they are appreciated. Looking forward to more of your work! by the way I also post my writing on my blog and there are mainly for Heeseung and Jay. stop by sometime!
(cont.) Hiiiii! I was wondering if you got my really long ask filled with reactions to strawberry lemonade??? If you did not I will riot at tumblr because I took time writing it but if you did but haven't answered that's ok! And if you did answer I didn't get a notif TUMBLR EXPLAIN
omg it’s so nice to meet you nana !! 🥰💖 i remember your comment!!! i’m not sure if you’re new to my blog but welcome anyways and LIKE THIS MADE ME SO HAPPY THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO DO THIS 🥹 ALSO OMG IM SORRY I DID GET THE ASK I JUST TOOK A WHILE TO GET TO IT BC MY ASK BOX PILED UP 🤧 i am very very glad that tumblr did Not eat it otherwise i would be sending an unfriendly message to them >;((
HAHAH LOWKEY THE NATURE DOCUMENTARY PART WAS SELF INSPIRED(??) my friend even pointed it out when she read the fic and was like “isn’t this u” LMAODJFJ and pls i don’t know what possessed me to make sunghoon a praying mantis collector but i think what’s worse is that he never made an appearance in the fic so he couldn’t even defend or redeem himself <3 justice 4 sunghoon 🤧 HAHHA HEESEUNG WAS JUST TIRED HE WANTED THEM TO STFU but he ended up being wingman of the year !! 🤩 NOO THE WHORE LINE I AM ESCORTING MYSELF TO HELL FOR THAT also the euphoria joke ,, i literally stole that from my own smau 😭 but the smau isn’t out yet ….. so when it’s out i’m gonna be technically stealing it from myself Again 🤨
omg I LITERALLY WATCHED EASY A A FEW MONTHS AGO I DIDNT EVEN MAKE THE CONNECTION but omg you’re so right i remember that scene 😭😭 it was so funny HHAHA even tho the guy was actually putting in effort 😤 jay was giving NOTHING
but thank you so much love that means the world !! 🥰💗 and that’s amazing that you’re doing that! leaving authors feedback or commentary is something that’s so so special and lets them know that they’re making an impact with their stories ♡ thank you for sending such a sweet message and i hope you’re having a wonderful day/night 🌷🌷
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5-pp-man · 4 months
when i was younger (and i mean like. TOO young. im talking from the age of 6 to 12 years old here) the main thing i watched besides kiddie cartoons were adult (animated) sitcoms.
i used to seriously sit down to watch scrubs and community with the occasional married with children or 30 rock. Wait hold on sorry. workaholics had 7 seasons? 7? to me this show felt like it had one season and then disappeared, though that's probably just because i slowly stopped watching tv as it started airing. I just looked it up, and i think the reason why i watched so many of those shows is because comedy central took over the channel after nickelodeon at 8 every night.
this was the case from 2007-2010, which were my prime years of television watching. the years after that, comedy central moved to another channel and started broadcasting longer. that part explains why i remember them being separate on channels, and that teennick would air after nickelodeon instead. Because, well, that did happen, just later.
Now, I was never much of a nickelodeon kid. Sure, I watched it, but it was usually my last resort. My favourite channel was jetix, but after that was changed to disneyxd (right at the end of 2009) i pretty much jumped ship. My other 2 go-to's were nicktoons (nickelodeons cooler older brother) and cartoon network. If there was nothing that interested me on those two I would go to nickelodeon.
im saying this because i wanna get into sitcoms again. i'm currently going through iasip, but i wanna watch stuff like malcolm in the middle (never rlly caught that on tv) and i wanna actually watch scrubs and community. seinfeld is also high on my list of things i need to actually watch through. one concern i have though, is that i lack the context of the time. i feel like ill miss out on a lot of the nuances and jokes, because these shows very much poke fun at or address issues that were going on at the time. granted, I've always had this cultural divide because I'm not usamerican, and all of these shows are. often when they brought up specific usamerican happenings i just wouldn't get it, but i feel like nowadays its easier for me to look these things up if i ever get confused. the problem comes at identifying what exactly the reference is, and how to look for context. I feel like the dvd boxsets with the commentary and behind the scenes stuff would really help in this case, but shit's expensive man.
all in all, watching usamerican shows or cartoons is no different to me than when i watch anime or dramas, really. i may understand english better than i do japanese, but both countries are just as foreign to me.
0 notes
pixeltoadie · 6 months
new simblr
ahh... shit... here we go again.
hi! sul-sul whatever lol! i had a simblr once upon a time but i got burnt out and it crashed to the ground hard. i wanna be a part of the sims community again and maybe share some of my gameplay for sure. it actually makes me play the sims more when others are watching my game with me, it makes me excited and i liked when i had commentary that helped me direct my stories in ways i wouldnt have otherwise. feel free to follow me! i will be in chronic semi-construction until i find a theme that pisses me off to mess with that i finally just leave it!!!!! (no seriously, i am so picky about how my account looks that i dont know how to stop, love me anyways pls)
uhhhh what you can expect from me at the moment??
sims for sure
posting abt my legacy im abt to start specifically for this page
im going to open a cc blog in a minute to reblog all my cc finds
i try to use very minimal cc, i have defaults, and hairs then tuning/lighting/gameplay mods and reshade, but other than things like that the only things you can SEE are defaults and hair or very essential clothes i cannot live without
sims dumps maybe? i love making sims, never play with them
frogs. frogs. i will love all the frogs, i love frogs so much. in fact i am actually about to change my username ... many thoughts to come
horrible grammar / punctuation, listen i dont have grammarly downloaded rn and i dropped out of highschool... i did this to myself.
sims edits and higher quality posts once i can get my feelers back out there, im still feeling the burn out from my past blog but i want yall involved so bad!!!
love from me bc im chronically online and will like and comment on ur posts as much as i humanly can..
thank u for listening to my rambles. hope you follow me! but even if you dont i hope you have the bestest day.
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