#ima start calling her wifey now
mydarlingdahlia · 11 months
Im tryna convince Mia (my gf) to shift with me to the Genshin universe so we can both marry Itto and have a polyamorous relationship
She says she wants Kaeya (ngl I do too) and she doesn’t wanna marry Itto w me 😞
Itto can wait I suppose because she said YES!!
I’m getting married 🧍‍♀️
Holy shit that information just hit me like a train
I have a fiancé now holyyyyyyy shit
Can’t wait to start planning the wedding!! :)
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
The Bakugou Kids - Bakugou Katsuki
(Dad)Bakugou x (Mom)f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Cursing
Summary: Bakugou and Y/N love their son with their entire beings, but sometimes, parents need a break. Especially when those parents are responsible for creating a literal demon spawn. He is kind, well behaved, and cute of course! But he does have Bakugou blood in him. With Y/N already away on a girls trip, Bakugou has to find out how he’s going to deal with his (now) many, many kids.
A/N: You passed down your duplication quirk down to Katsuo.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” You asked your husband as you stood at the doorway. “Katsumi may be a calm baby but she’s still a baby. And Katsuo’s quirk just kicked in and it is mine. I would know how difficult it can be to manage.”
“Stop worrying, Babe. It’s just a duplication quirk. And he’s only 5, how powerful can it really be?”Katsuki said, wrapping his arms around you. “Just go on your little girl’s trip with Ponytail and Racoon Eyes. I can handle the brat.”
You looked at your husband with a raised brow and smile before rolling your eyes and giving him a kiss. “Alright then. I’ll see you in a few days!”
With that, you walked out of the house and into the cab to meet your friends at the resort. Katsuki chuckled before walking back into the house to find his son napping on the couch. His spiky, blonde locks were all messed up with bed head while his E/C eyes he inherited from you remained shut. Katsuki walked over to his newborn daughter and picked her up while he took a seat next to Katsuo’s sleeping form, rubbing at his soft hair until he woke up.
“Can’t be all that bad, right Katsumi?”
The baby girl merely cooed with sparkling ruby eyes that mimicked her father’s.
Wow. Wrong. He was so wrong! It had only been 2 days since your departure but things had already gone so wrong! When you said your quirk was difficult to manage, Katsuki thought it would be difficult for Katsuo to manage. Not him!
Katsuki should’ve known his son would’ve taken the opportunity to act out while his mother was away. He had always been your little angel while Katsuki saw him as his little gremlin. With Y/N gone, Katsuo has been pushing all kinds of limits. Limits that had Katsuki beat.
Katsuo had been fortunate enough to inherit a quirk. And not just any quirk, but your quirk. Duplication. Basically, he can create copies of himself. When you were his age, you could only create 4, max. Katsuo was different though. He had Bakugou blood flowing through him. He was advanced the second he was born. So now, Katsuki was stuck looking after Katsumi, Katsuo, and Katsuo’s 16 other copies.
“Aye! Number 15, you’re gonna break that lamp! 11 and 8! Don’t wrestle in the mud! Go take a bath! NUMBER 3 GET OFF THE KITCHEN ISLAND! KATSUMI!” The adult blond screamed, looking for his infant daughter, eventually finding her sleeping in her little rocker on the living room floor. “Oh right, you don’t talk yet.”
Katsuki sighed as he slumped down next to his daughter, and leaned his back against the couch. He looked around the room and saw the 17 Katsuo’s making a ruckus around the house. All he could do was question how the hell is 3 month old daughter could possibly sleep through all this.
Katsuki almost lost all hope for humanity until a knock was heard on his front door. Knowing exactly who was there, he quickly got up from his place on the floor and ran to the entrance. “You idiots are finally here!”
Katsuki pulled in his 3 friends, the boys of the Bakusquad, and slammed the door shut. The 3 friends all stood in shock at the sight of the house. Not that it was overly messy or anything. It’s just that there were about 16 more figures in the house that aren’t usually there.
“You gotta help me!” Katsuki said, running infront of them, shaking his best friend’s shoulders. “I love my kids! I do! I love Katsuo, I swear! BUT I DIDNT SIGN UP TO BE A FATHER OF 18 FREAKING DEVILS!”
“Okay! Okay, relax man. We’re here.” Kirishima said, patting his friend’s shoulder as he wept. “How the hell are we gonna take care of 17 little Bakugous?”
“Right? We thought 1 Kacchan was a lot. Then you brought another one into the world, who apparently brought some unannounced friends.” Kaminari joked.
“They’re demons!” Katsuki exclaimed. “This has to be some fucking Karma for the shit I did. I knew I should’ve listened to my old hag better. Now shits came back to bite me in the- HEY! PUT YOUR SISTER DOWN! SHE’S NOT A FOOTBALL!”
Katsuos number 7 and 5 placed a sleeping Katsumi back in her rocker with an annoyed pout before running off to play something else.
“Welllll, there’s nothing that 3 cool uncles can’t fix!” Sero enthusiastically said. “Hey kiddos! Who’s ready to have some fun?”
All the mini blondes stopped their movements, some freezing mid-air, and looked to the slim man. They all shouted in joy at the sight of their uncles and ran to pounce on the 3 men, including their father. From the point of view of the boys in the Bakusquad, it looked like a Bakugou stampede.
“Run, run, RUN, RUN, RUUUNN!!!!” Kaminari screamed as the boys all ran for their lives to escape the herd of Katsuos. This was going to be an interesting day.
Safe to say after the day had passed, the boys of the Bakusquad were completely exhausted. Sero had half his clothes torn, Kirishima’s hair fell from it’s great spikes and even lost some red hues, Katsuki’s eye bags had never been heavier, and Kaminari was just straight knocked the fuck out. They were all thrown across the couch as Katsumi rested in Katsuki’s arms.
“What do we do?” Kirishima exclaimed.
“I don’t know.” Katsuki said, looking at his scrambling son(s). “There’s just too many.”
“And we’ve already lost a soldier.” Sero said pointing to Kaminari’s sleeping form. Katsuki and Kirishima followed his gaze and bowed their heads in respect towards the defeated Kaminari.
“Well now what? Is Bakugou just supposed to live like this for the next 3 days?” Kirishima asked.
“Hell no. If I do, there’s not gonna be anymore Katsuki. I’ll just be some body without a soul because my damn gremlins sucked it outta’ me.” Katsuki said with his head dropped down.
“Well how do we get them to calm down?” Sero questioned.
“I don’t know. They’re all mini me’s. Nobody could get me to relax.” Katsuki said in defeat, but that’s when Kirishima had a lightbulb go off for him.
“Except for Y/N!” The red head said, popping up from his seat on the couch.
“Uh, if you haven’t noticed Shitty Hair, this all started because she’s away on her trip.” Katsuki said with sarcasm as he looked at his friend as if he was an idiot.
“I know that! But Y/N wasn’t the only one to tame you, Bakugou!” Kirishima said in excitement.
“So then who else?” Katsuki asked.
“You know,” Kirishima smirked. “Denki’s favorite person. Y/N and.........”
It took Katsuki a second before his eyes popped when he finally got it. “No!”
“Yes!” Kirishima said.
“No way! We’re not going to her!” Katsuki complained.
“Who?” Sero asked.
“Nobody!” Katsuki screamed.
“Oh it’s somebody alright! Somebody who was able to tame the beast in Bakugou the second he was born!” Kirishima said.
“Who?” Sero asked. Katsuki finally sighed before he gave in, realizing this was his only hope for sanity. He grabbed his phone and made a quick call before explaining to his dark-haired friend.
“The demon of all demons...”
The door opened to reveal a tall standing brunette and an elder feminine blonde.
“...My mother.”
The boys of the Bakusquad all sat lined up on the couch as Mitsuki stood at Katsuki’s end and smacked her son’s head.
“You idiots! Y/N leaves for 2 days and all hell breaks lose?!” Mitsuki screamed at the 3 young men.
“You old hag! Quit hitting me! Ima’ grown man for crying out loud!” Katsuki screamed as he rubbed his head. Masaru simply bounced the sleeping Katsumi in his arms as he watched the scene play out.
“Well if you’re such a grown man then why can’t you manage your own kids without your wife’s help?!” Mitsuki argued, leaving Katsuki silent as he grumbled. The eldest blonde sighed before continuing. “Alright listen, I’ll watch these little devils for the next few days until Y/N comes back. I’d love to spend some time with my grandbrats. Why don’t the 3 of you go take a break and-“
“THANKS! Let’s go losers!” Katsuki said dragging his friends to the exit. Mitsuki and Masaru only laughed at their son’s behavior as they began tending to the kids.
The boys of the Bakusquad all quickly walked out of the house and headed for their cars as they all walked together.
“So, where to?” Sero asked.
“We could go head up that new resort in Tokyo!” Kaminari suggested.
“Naahhh. That’s where Y/N’s having her girl’s trip. Wifey would kill me if she saw me there instead of at home with the kids.” Katsuki said with his hands in his pockets. Kirishima raised his brow at this.
“Oh? So then, maybe we should go back and-“
“You know, on second thought,” Katsuki said with wide eyes once Kirishima made the suggestion. He took his hands out of his pockets and placed them behind his friend’s backs to keep them moving. “Maybe she won’t kill me..if I’m lucky..and wish..upon a shooting star....a million times over. Hah.....yeah. TO THE RESORT!”
As they walked, Kaminari attempted to look at the house once more, prompting Katsuki to turn his friend’s head back around. “No, no, no, don’t look back, they can smell fear.”
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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To Bail My Wife Out
Jax Teller x Reader
Lockdown at the club drove you crazy, everyone knew that. You had very little patience at the best of times and you may have busted Ima’s nose for chatting shit about your husband.
And to make things worse the guys were on a run and wouldn’t get back for another week.
“Baby go for a drive, clear your head before we have a body to hide” Gemma said kissing your head.
“But Jax is calling in like 20 and if I’m not here, well you know what he is like mom” you said rolling your eyes.
“You leave Jax to me baby” she smirked passing you your keys as you sparked your a smoke “go I don’t have the energy to dispose of a body today”
“Promise you will cover for me” You smirked inhaling the smoke.
“Yes now go you are starting to annoy me” she winked walking off blowing your a kiss.
“Don’t lie you love my crazy ass” you shouted.
“Just don’t get yourself killed” she said before closing the door behind you.
Strolling to your car unlocking it before tossing your smoke on the floor and climbing into your car. A smile formed on your face as you ran your hands over the steering wheel, disabling the immobiliser you started your beast hearing the engine erupted into life. Plugging your phone in you put your driving playlist on before backing out of your parking spot.
The prospect opened the gate and instantly putting your foot down speeding out of the lot.
The plan was just to drive until you didn’t want to kill Ima, the roads were clear so you sat in first gear until you red lined. That was your plan red line until the thrill of the speed drowned your thoughts out. And the whole time you had a grin on your face.
That was until you saw the flash of blue in your rear view mirror.
“Fuck” you mumbled glancing in the mirror again, it wasn’t Unser so you knew you were fucked. A smirk played on your face as you dropped a gear and left Hale for dust. You knew it was a bad idea but you didn’t care, this was a game to you.
After about 15 minutes you pulled up at the side of the road, turning your music off as Hale caught up with you, tapping on your window, one thing he didn’t look happy.
“Should have know it would be you Mrs Teller” he sighed.
Smirking as you revved the engine.
“Sorry can’t hear you over the exhaust” you shouted.
“Out of the car” he glared as you revved the engine again.
“I wasn’t doing anything” you said innocently as you undid your seatbelt.
“So that wasn’t you that when you saw I was on you, you sped up leaving me for dust” he said raising his eyebrow.
“Nope definitely not me officer” you shrugged killing the engine, grabbing your phone and smokes before climbing out the car. “How fast was I going anyway?”
“135” he sighed.
“Fuck no way” you smirked lighting a smoke “new personal best that”
“Fuck the formalities” Hale spat as he slapped the cuffs on “you are coming with me, and you are not getting out until your husband pays your bail”
That’s when you knew you had fucked up, there was no way you were telling Jax, not when he was out of town. Rolling your eyes at Hale as your smoke hung between your lips.
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Resting your hands through the bars of the cell you watched the door.
“Come on lemme out you pricks” you shouted “Unser I know you are there so come on I did nothing wrong, I’m bored and hungry”
The doors opened and Unser walked over to you with Gemma behind him.
“I don’t call doing 135 nothing baby” Gemma laughed passing you a smoke.
“So am I being released or what?” You mumbled as you lit the smoke.
“Yeah about that” Gemma nodded “seems you pissed Hale off”
“And I always piss Hale off” you shrugged
“Which means he has set you bail at 3 and a half grand” Gemma said.
“And you are gonna pay it right?” You said leaning against the wall as she stayed quiet “you are paying it aren’t you mom?”
“Only if you tell Jax” she smirked knowing the answer.
“Nope Jax doesn’t find out about this” you said “you know as soon as he does bye bye car, speaking of my baby best be okay”
“You car is fine and is back at T M” Gemma nodded “but unless you tell Jax I’m not bailing you out, I told you to behave”
“No you told me not to get killed and I dunno I look pretty much alive to me” you huffed.
“Don’t start” she laughed sliding 3 packets of cigarettes through the bars with a lighter “see you in a week baby”
“Bitch” you shouted, rattling the bars making her laugh.
“Hey I just want peace and quiet” she winked, blowing you a kiss before disappearing.
“Well looks like you are stuck with me Wayne” you smirked, making him gulp.
“God help me” he said walking away from the cell “Gem you sure you aren’t bailing her out?”
And then it was all quiet. You knew what she was doing, and you knew you wouldn’t get out until Jax got home. Looking around the cell sighing, this was home for the next week.
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Pulling his bike into his spot, a smile formed on his face as he saw your car parked in it’s usual manor. Abandoned and in the way.
He wanted nothing more than to pull you into his arms and just sleep, he found it a bit odd that you weren’t out front like you normally was. Brushing it off, you probably wasn’t feeling too great still.
Walking into the clubhouse with his brother behind him Gemma pulled him into a hug.
“Mom where’s my wifey?” Jax asked as he sparked up.
“Urm she got held up” Gemma nodded trying to figure out how to tell her son that you were in a cell and she didn’t bail you out.
“The bitch is in cell where she belongs after breaking my nose” Ima shouted, making Jax raise his eyebrow at his mom.
“What she do this time?” Jax laughed as he knew you were a rebel.
“Urm speeding, like 135 and passed Hale off a week ago” Gemma said
“Wait she got arrested a week ago and you didn’t bail her out” Jax hissed “the fuck mom”
“I told her I’d pay the 3 and a half g bail if she told you she got arrested but she didn’t want to tell you so” Gemma shrugged.
Jax slammed his beer on the counter pushing his way through the crowd.
“Where you going brother?” Tig asked.
“To bail my rebel wife out” He said rolling his eyes climbing on his bike.
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“I like your pants around your feet” you sung at the top of your voice whilst running you lighter along the metal bars “And I like the dirt that's on your knees”
“Please Teller you are giving me a headache” Unser moaned as he laid on the bed in the open cell.
“Let me out and I will” you smirked, sparking a smoke and carried on singing “And I like the way you say please. While you're looking up at me”
You were too preoccupied annoying Wayne to see that Jax had walked in behind a female officer.
“Darlin’ I keep telling you, that lead foot of yours and that mouth would get you in trouble” Jax chuckled as he saw just how relaxed you were in the cell “yet you don’t listen”
Instantly you stopped singing when you heard the gravel of his voice, swinging your legs around you pushed yourself to your feet.
“Hey my gorgeous husband” you said innocently.
“Yeah sweet talking isn’t gonna work this time darlin’” he laughed leaning his arms through the bars.
“Not even if I suck your dick?” You pouted, giving him the puppy dog eyes and fluttering your lashes.
“I can’t leave you for any amount of time before you cause trouble can I?” He smirked.
“Nope” you grinned popping the p “now you gonna bail your wifey out of here or am I gonna have to keep singing?”
Instantly Unser was on his feet.
“Jax please take her she’s killing me here every day it’s a different nickelback song” Unser sighed “she’s given me a constant headache”
“Try being married to her” Jax winked making you pout.
“That’s it not gonna suck your dick now” you huffed.
“Come on Princess we both know that’s a lie” Jax smirked as Unser unlocked the cell.
Jumping into Jax’s arms, you wrapped your legs around his waist and pointed at the door.
“TO FREEDOM” you shouted.
“Please remind me why I married you?” Jax smirked as he walked out of the cells with you clinging to him like a koala bear.
“Duh because you love me” you giggled.
You wouldn’t let him put you down as he paid your bail, making him smile at how clingy you were being.
“Can I get a print out of my mugshot?” You asked “it’s going on the wall right next to Jax’s”
Ten minutes had passed and the bail had been paid, and your mug shot was safely in Jax’s kutte and you were heading out to his bike still hanging on like a baby koala.
Gently he placed you down on his bike, his hand cupping the side of your face.
“I missed you” you whispered leaning your head into his hand.
“I missed you too baby” he whispered pressing his lips against yours.
The kiss was slow and passionate, neither of you parting until your lungs were burning.
“What’s this about you breaking Ima’s nose aye” he whispered resting his forehead against yours.
“That’s a story for another day” you giggled “right now I just want my husband to take me home, and join me in the shower because I kinda stink”
“Yeah you do stink” Jax laughed lowly.
“You aren’t meant to agree asshole” you huffed.
“Come on my stinky rebel let’s go home”
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To Bail Out My Wife
Jax Teller x Reader
A/N okay so I know I’m meant to be writing smut for smuttober but I needed a break and had this idea floating around my head
Lockdown at the club drove you crazy, everyone knew that. You had very little patience at the best of times and you may have busted Ima’s nose for chatting shit about your husband.
And to make things worse the guys were on a run and wouldn’t get back for another week.
“Baby go for a drive, clear your head before we have a body to hide” Gemma said kissing your head.
“But Jax is calling in like 20 and if I’m not here, well you know what he is like mom” you said rolling your eyes.
“You leave Jax to me baby” she smirked passing you your keys as you sparked your a smoke “go I don’t have the energy to dispose of a body today”
“Promise you will cover for me” You smirked inhaling the smoke.
“Yes now go you are starting to annoy me” she winked walking off blowing your a kiss.
“Don’t lie you love my crazy ass” you shouted.
“Just don’t get yourself killed” she said before closing the door behind you.
Strolling to your car unlocking it before tossing your smoke on the floor and climbing into your car. A smile formed on your face as you ran your hands over the steering wheel, disabling the immobiliser you started your beast hearing the engine erupted into life. Plugging your phone in you put your driving playlist on before backing out of your parking spot.
The prospect opened the gate and instantly putting your foot down speeding out of the lot.
The plan was just to drive until you didn’t want to kill Ima, the roads were clear so you sat in first gear until you red lined. That was your plan red line until the thrill of the speed drowned your thoughts out. And the whole time you had a grin on your face.
That was until you saw the flash of blue in your rear view mirror.
“Fuck” you mumbled glancing in the mirror again, it wasn’t Unser so you knew you were fucked. A smirk played on your face as you dropped a gear and left Hale for dust. You knew it was a bad idea but you didn’t care, this was a game to you.
After about 15 minutes you pulled up at the side of the road, turning your music off as Hale caught up with you, tapping on your window, one thing he didn’t look happy.
“Should have know it would be you Mrs Teller” he sighed.
Smirking as you revved the engine.
“Sorry can’t hear you over the exhaust” you shouted.
“Out of the car” he glared as you revved the engine again.
“I wasn’t doing anything” you said innocently as you undid your seatbelt.
“So that wasn’t you that when you saw I was on you, you sped up leaving me for dust” he said raising his eyebrow.
“Nope definitely not me officer” you shrugged killing the engine, grabbing your phone and smokes before climbing out the car. “How fast was I going anyway?”
“135” he sighed.
“Fuck no way” you smirked lighting a smoke “new personal best that”
“Fuck the formalities” Hale spat as he slapped the cuffs on “you are coming with me, and you are not getting out until your husband pays your bail”
That’s when you knew you had fucked up, there was no way you were telling Jax, not when he was out of town. Rolling your eyes at Hale as your smoke hung between your lips.
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Resting your hands through the bars of the cell you watched the door.
“Come on lemme out you pricks” you shouted “Unser I know you are there so come on I did nothing wrong, I’m bored and hungry”
The doors opened and Unser walked over to you with Gemma behind him.
“I don’t call doing 135 nothing baby” Gemma laughed passing you a smoke.
“So am I being released or what?” You mumbled as you lit the smoke.
“Yeah about that” Gemma nodded “seems you pissed Hale off”
“And I always piss Hale off” you shrugged
“Which means he has set you bail at 3 and a half grand” Gemma said.
“And you are gonna pay it right?” You said leaning against the wall as she stayed quiet “you are paying it aren’t you mom?”
“Only if you tell Jax” she smirked knowing the answer.
“Nope Jax doesn’t find out about this” you said “you know as soon as he does bye bye car, speaking of my baby best be okay”
“You car is fine and is back at T M” Gemma nodded “but unless you tell Jax I’m not bailing you out, I told you to behave”
“No you told me not to get killed and I dunno I look pretty much alive to me” you huffed.
“Don’t start” she laughed sliding 3 packets of cigarettes through the bars with a lighter “see you in a week baby”
“Bitch” you shouted, rattling the bars making her laugh.
“Hey I just want peace and quiet” she winked, blowing you a kiss before disappearing.
“Well looks like you are stuck with me Wayne” you smirked, making him gulp.
“God help me” he said walking away from the cell “Gem you sure you aren’t bailing her out?”
And then it was all quiet. You knew what she was doing, and you knew you wouldn’t get out until Jax got home. Looking around the cell sighing, this was home for the next week.
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Pulling his bike into his spot, a smile formed on his face as he saw your car parked in it’s usual manor. Abandoned and in the way.
He wanted nothing more than to pull you into his arms and just sleep, he found it a bit odd that you weren’t out front like you normally was. Brushing it off, you probably wasn’t feeling too great still.
Walking into the clubhouse with his brother behind him Gemma pulled him into a hug.
“Mom where’s my wifey?” Jax asked as he sparked up.
“Urm she got held up” Gemma nodded trying to figure out how to tell her son that you were in a cell and she didn’t bail you out.
“The bitch is in cell where she belongs after breaking my nose” Ima shouted, making Jax raise his eyebrow at his mom.
“What she do this time?” Jax laughed as he knew you were a rebel.
“Urm speeding, like 135 and passed Hale off a week ago” Gemma said
“Wait she got arrested a week ago and you didn’t bail her out” Jax hissed “the fuck mom”
“I told her I’d pay the 3 and a half g bail if she told you she got arrested but she didn’t want to tell you so” Gemma shrugged.
Jax slammed his beer on the counter pushing his way through the crowd.
“Where you going brother?” Tig asked.
“To bail my rebel wife out” He said rolling his eyes climbing on his bike.
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“I like your pants around your feet” you sung at the top of your voice whilst running you lighter along the metal bars “And I like the dirt that's on your knees”
“Please Teller you are giving me a headache” Unser moaned as he laid on the bed in the open cell.
“Let me out and I will” you smirked, sparking a smoke and carried on singing “And I like the way you say please. While you're looking up at me”
You were too preoccupied annoying Wayne to see that Jax had walked in behind a female officer.
“Darlin’ I keep telling you, that lead foot of yours and that mouth would get you in trouble” Jax chuckled as he saw just how relaxed you were in the cell “yet you don’t listen”
Instantly you stopped singing when you heard the gravel of his voice, swinging your legs around you pushed yourself to your feet.
“Hey my gorgeous husband” you said innocently.
“Yeah sweet talking isn’t gonna work this time darlin’” he laughed leaning his arms through the bars.
“Not even if I suck your dick?” You pouted, giving him the puppy dog eyes and fluttering your lashes.
“I can’t leave you for any amount of time before you cause trouble can I?” He smirked.
“Nope” you grinned popping the p “now you gonna bail your wifey out of here or am I gonna have to keep singing?”
Instantly Unser was on his feet.
“Jax please take her she’s killing me here every day it’s a different song” Unser sighed “she’s given me a constant headache”
“Try being married to her” Jax winked making you pout.
“That’s it not gonna suck your dick now” you huffed.
“Come on Princess we both know that’s a lie” Jax smirked as Unser unlocked the cell.
Jumping into Jax’s arms, you wrapped your legs around his waist and pointed at the door.
“TO FREEDOM” you shouted.
“Please remind me why I married you?” Jax smirked as he walked out of the cells with you clinging to him like a koala bear.
“Duh because you love me” you giggled.
You wouldn’t let him put you down as he paid your bail, making him smile at how clingy you were being.
“Can I get a print out of my mugshot?” You asked “it’s going on the wall right next to Jax’s”
Ten minutes had passed and the bail had been paid, and your mug shot was safely in Jax’s kutte and you were heading out to his bike still hanging on like a baby koala.
Gently he placed you down on his bike, his hand cupping the side of your face.
“I missed you” you whispered leaning your head into his hand.
“I missed you too baby” he whispered pressing his lips against yours.
The kiss was slow and passionate, neither of you parting until your lungs were burning.
“What’s this about you breaking Ima’s nose aye” he whispered resting his forehead against yours.
“That’s a story for another day” you giggled “right now I just want my husband to take me home, and join me in the shower because I kinda stink”
“Yeah you do stink” Jax laughed lowly.
“You aren’t meant to agree asshole” you huffed.
“Come on my stinky rebel let’s go home”
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dealersofatlanta · 5 years
Part 1: Chapter 4
2013: May 3rd
Ace: age 21
“Nah, make that shit happen. I don’t care how yall do it, just get it done. Yall playing I’ll take them niggas out myself if yall punk asses can’t do it!” I yelled on the phone with my homies Dom and Tyrel. Jade looked over at me. We was sitting at the dinning room, she was writting down shit in her journal. After I saved her from Davis, I took her in, made sure she had a car. Taught her how to drive, how to shoot, defend herself just in case anything happens to me. She went from being my fraile scared Jade to a bad bitch. I taught her what do if anybody came after us, and shit. She know how to kill and take anybody down. That’s my baby. “Sorry baby, business” She nodded. “What you writting?” I asked coming over to her. I kissed on her face. She giggled. “Another song about you” She said. I smiled. “Ah shit not another one” I said rolling my eyes playfully. My text tone went off on my iphone. It was this hoe named La-La. “Business again?” She asked. I quickly nodded. “Yeah, Ima be home late” I told her. She sighed. “This the 3rd time this week, I told you I needed you to come to my open mic night tonight” She stressed to me. “I got work to do, you don’t shit. I got to make sure we straight and protect our home J, shit stop trippin bruh” I said. She got up from the table, and flicked me off. “Fuck you Ace, I don’t do shit, cause you don’t want me to work nigga!” She stomped upstairs. I went into the basement to pick out what gun I wanted to carry today. I ain’t mean to snap at her. She knew I had a bad temper. I had a way with my words, she been knowing this. I went back upstairs. Jade was rushing downstairs with her purse, and keys. “Aye yo where you going?” I asked. She had on a beanie with some booty shorts an tank top, and timbs. “Out nigga” She snapped. “Nah not in them little bitty ass shorts” I snapped. She laughed at me. “J! Im serious” I said sternly. She stuck her middle finger up at me again. “Man, fuck her” I said to myself. I grabbed my keys, and headed out to, setting the alarm before I left.
I head over to the WestSide of Atlanta to see La-La. I had been knowing La-La for a minute. We was fucking around when I first got out of jail. She cool, and we fuck from time to time. She keep an eye out for me on the streets. She like my side bitch, but Jade always will come before her. I knocked on her door. “I ain’t think you would come, with wifey at home and shit” She said to me. I rolled my eyes. “I come over to fuck and to hear whats been going on that’s it keep My shawty out of this” I said. She nodded and started unbuckling my pants.
Afterwards, I laid in the bed smoking a blunt with La-La. “So whats been going on?” I asked her. “Rico, been running his mouth about killing off everybody in the Ace of Spades gang. He trying to take Omari spot anf Jackalls on the eastside” She said. I laughed. “They aint bout to do shit” I said. I passed her the blunt. “Thats all I know for now” She said. I nodded. “Thanks, you a real one” I kissed her. She smiled. “You want something to eat?” She asked. I nodded. “Yeah what you bout to cook? Noodles?” I asked. She smiled. “Shut up, you love me food” She said. I nodded. “True” I said. I went to get in the shower.
Jade: age 20
I sat watching my friend Mia reciting a poem by Mya Angelou. I was nervous, my leg was shaking. “Give it up for Mia Abrams” I stood up and clapped for her. She excitedly got off the stage. “Now give it up for an aspiring singer Jade Marie, singing a cover JoJo- Keep On Keepin On”. I drank some water from my water bottle, and walked up to the stage. I was nervous as hell. I closed my eyes as the song started.
https://youtu.be/EaYCAZuSpPM (Its also on playlist)
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
Poor kids pouring cold water in their cereal
Second hand clothes
Surviving is pivotal
Praying to God at night
That things'll get better soon
I remember when I was in your position
Tried to tell people my story
But no one would really listen
I know times are hard right now
Happiness is hard to find right now
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
Lookin out the window to a rose grows in concrete
Dreamin' of the day when you'll be standing on your own feet
Hard to find the good in such a scene so bad (so so sad)
Seein other kids with their Tims on
Fresh with Air Ones, wish I had one
Longin' for a day when you get your chance to shine
Don't worry, there'll come a tiiiiiiime
Young girl sittin' on the steps of her duplex (mmmm)
Why did God choose to make my life so complex
Breathing to the beat of a slow, sad drum
Trouble is her only source of fun
I can almost guarantee you
It'll get better soooooon
After the song ended everyone started clapping. I opened my eyes smiling. “That was amazing Jade Marie everybody” I waved and quickly walked off stage. “See and you were nervous for nothing” Mia said. I laughed. “ I know”. She looked around. “Where’s your man?” She asked. I put on a smile. “He had to work” I told her. She nodded. “Hey my name is Marcus Gardener, I’m a producer in Atlanta, your performance was really good, you have a innocent star quality to you I would like to work with you... is that okay?” He asked. I nodded. “Yes! Yes I mean sure no problem, I will give you my number” I told him. He smiled and nodded. “Girl he was fine” Mia said. I rolled my eyes. “Yes but Im taken” She sucked her teeth in. “Shit then hook me up!” She said. We headed out and went to waffle house, then I headed home. Ace wasn’t home when I got home. It was 1:15 am. I sighed when I walked in. He was notorious for sometimes being gone being in the streets all night. I went upstairs and got settled in, before I could get in I called him to see where he was at. He answered the phone. “Ace where you at?” I asked. He didn’t answer I just heard moaning on the other end. “Ace!?” I yelled. I quickly hung up the phone. I was trying to keep my shit together. I took a shower and got out and I started crying. I couldn’t believe that someone I fully trusted had did this to me. I hesistated calling on if I should call Mia but I called someone else. “Hello?” I heard Omari say. “Hey O, um can I stay over there for awhile?” I asked. “Ace okay? It’s 2am suh you good?” He said. I started crying. “Can I please, I caught Ace cheating and I have no where to go” I cried. He sighed. “Aight I got you” He said. I packed some of my shit and quickly left the house. Omari had 3 houses. He luckly was at the one 15minutes from Ace crib. I pulled into his gates and drove up the drive way. I got out my G- Wagon. Omari was waiting for me at the door. “Hey J” He said hugging me. His girlfriend Naomi was sitting on the staircase. “Hey JJ” She said I softly smiled. They let me stay in the guest house. “Ima get the nigga Ace straight believe that aight. Here’s some xanax man hopefully you can sleep” He said before walking out.
When I woke up the next morning. I got up , and seen I had alot of messages from Ace.
I got up and washed my face before walking into the other house. I seen Ace car outside. I opened the back door into the house. “Man! I fucked up I know!” I heard Ace yelling. Naomi was sitting on the bar stool looking at me. “Well I was hoping you wasn’t going to walk into this” She said. “She been through alot! Why would you get with her to put her through more shit, you always fucking up Ace!” I heard Omari yell. “Oh yeah thats me Ace the fuck up! Man fuck that shit im out!” Ace yelled. “You always walk away Ace, come fix this shit” Omari yelled. Ace walked into the kitchen and looked at me. “J, come out with me real quick” He said. I looked away from him. “Im good Ace” I said to him. “J baby please” He stressed. I got up and went to the guest house door he followed me. “J, I was just fucking her thats it. I don’t love her, like I love you” He stressed. I looked at him and I walked back into the house and closed the door. He banged on the door for a minute. “Ima stay out here all day, all week all month J. I can’t live without you” He said outside the door. Jade don’t open that door I thought to myself. I put my hand on the handle, then took it off. He kept knocking on the door. I took another pill to knock me out. I took pride in listening to him bang and plead outside, I fell asleep listening to Trey Songs “Smartphones”. I woke up to hearing glass break. I got up quickly and seen Ace at the door with his hand bleeding. “Are you crazy!?” I yelled. He had blood leaking from his hand. “Don’t leave me! I need you!” He stressed. His face was red, I can tell he been crying. “Im soo sorry. I’ma come to your music shit, ima take you all over the world. Give me one more chance J baby” He said. I grabbed the first aid kit under the kitchen sink. I washed his hand off and wrapped it up, after putting peroxide on it. He grabbed my face and kissed me, I couldn’t resist him so I kissed him back. I pulled him back. “Ace, if you do this again. I will never forgive you” I said to him. He nodded. “I ain’t fucking up again”.
2months later: July 30th 2013
Omari: age 27
Naomi and I were doing a wedding registry in Neiman Marcus. We had been together for 2 years and I was certain she was it. After the 1st year, I introduced her to my lifestyle. I was scared she would run but she slowly accepted it. She begged me to quit, but then asked me to show her my world. Ace, X and I agreed the women in our lives needed to be protected. I had Naomi trained with Mackel, and X taught her the business, I showed her around. She learned pretty face, after that I wanted to make her my Queen fast. I know it was wrong for me to steal my homies girl but Teej was in jail, and they wasn’t even that serious. “Ooh baby, this is nice. Im adding this” She said. I nodded. “Whatever you want” I spoiled her like no other. I had her leave her job, finish school paying off her tuition. I got her 2 cars. She wanted a Range Rover, and A Merceedes. We was getting married soon, only 3 weeks away.
3 weeks later: August 13th 2013
Naomi: age 24
“You sure?” I asked Doctor O’hara. “Yeah, two heart beats” She said. I looked at the monitor again. “Thats not my heart beat and the baby’s?” I asked. She laughed, and shook her head. “No that’s definitely two babies in there” She said to me. I sighed. Omari is going to fucking flip his shit. “Can I get those to go?” I asked. She nodded. “Sure”. I had been knowing I was pregnant for a while, but wanted to keep it lowkey because of the wedding. I grabbed my evenlope from the doctors and left the building and got into my car. I took out the evenlope and looked at my ultrasound pictures. “Twins?, man what the fuck?” I said out loud. I put the pictures away, I started my car and drove to the venue. I was getting married in 24hours. “Naomi where have you been? We been looking all over for you!” My bestfriends Teddy and Keisha said. The grabbed me and brought me inside. I seen they had through me a mini party. “We bought to get fucked up!” Teddy screamed. My mom was throwing back shots with my aunt Kiki. “Come on drink Mimi!” Teddy yelled. I shook my head. “I dont want to be hungover at my wedding” I lied. Teddy sighed. “Take one shot” He said. I shook my head. He grabbed me into the bathroom in the hotel room of Chataue Elan. “Bitch are you knocked up?” He said. I sighed, and started crying. “Yesss, and Im having twins” I cried. Teddy was in shock. “Bitch what?” He said. I nodded. “I went to the doctors today, Im 13 weeks pregnant, and its 2 babies Teddy, 2 fucking kids at the same time, like what the fuck!” I cried. He snatched my shot out my hand and chugged it. “Honey, Congradulations I guess babies are a blessing. God ain’t giving you nothing you can’t handle” He said to me. I nodded slowly. Teddy didn’t understand. Im marrying Atlantas top organized drug dealer, who has hits on him at the moment then on top of that! Im pregnant with two babies! Twin babies. Like God I see what your doing, Im very blessed but now I’m overwhelmed. I groaned. “I need to see O” I stressed. Teddy shook his head. “He is having his bachelor party wait till tomorrow” He said. I nodded, he brought me back out to the party. “Ima fix you some food” He said. Keish came up to me. “You good?” I nodded. I didn’t want everyone knowing when my baby daddy/husband didn’t even know yet. Teddy passed me a plate of Rotel, and Fried Fish. I inhaled the fish and my stomach turned. I quickly put the plate down and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I heard a knock at the door and seen Jade. I opened the door for her. “You okay Naomi?” She asked. I started crying again. She got a towel and wet it, passing it to me while rubbing my back. “Is it like them wedding jitters or whatever?” She asked. I shook my head. “Im um Im having a baby” I said. She smiled widely. “Oh my gosh congrats girl” She said. I shook my head. “Im not happy about it” I told her. She shrugged. “Why not?” She asked. “Getting married is one thing but im marrying into the game, now you want me to put my babies at risk too?” I said. Her eyes widened. “Twins?” She asked. I nodded. “Well I been knowing Ace since I was 13, and I been around the game so much I got used to the ins and the outs, and you knew O was down when you fell for him, you knew the risk, the one thing you should know is them niggas aint going to ever let shit happen to us or the people they love, yall got this you good” She told me. I wiped my face. “You right” I said. Teddy busted into the bathroom with my mom. Teddy looked at me and sighed. “This is killing my high, I mean my buzz” He said. He walked out the bathroom. “Mimi you good?” She asked. I nodded.
After I threw up, I went to sleep in Jade’s room, since Ace was going to be with O all night. I didn’t want to ruin the mini bachelorette they through me so I just left them to party while I got some sleep. I woke up to my alarm, letting me know it was time to get dressed. My nerves were shot. I been throwing all morning, and crying. “Mimi fucking chill!” Keisha yelled annoyed. “Man fuck this” I got up with my hair pincurled and my make up done. I had on a robe and slippers. I left my make up stylist room and went down to Omaris floor. I heard Rich As Fuck by Lil Wayne blasting. I banged on the door. “Yooo wazzam sis” Ace said. His breath smelled like henny. “Um its bad luck Naomi” X said. I waved him off. “I need to talk to you” I said to O. He looked at me crazy and nodded. He grabbed my hand, and lead me to the balcony. “You look beautiful, but I aint supposed to see you right now, whats up baby, you bout to dip on a nigga?” He asked. I shook my head. “Uhhh I been scared to tell you this but I wanted to say something before the wedding” I said fiddling with my fingers. “What? Baby just say that shit” He said. “Im pregnant” I said. He stepped back a little. “Since when?” He asked. I rolled my eyes. “Since 13 weeks ago nigga! Im pregnant okay, 13 weeks to be exact” I said. He wiped his hand across his face. “Aight okay thats cool, its all good baby” He simply said. I shook my head, and handed him a picture. “Whats this the baby?” He asked analyzing the picture. “Babies and yes” I simply said. He looked at me then the picture, “Babies?” He asked. I nodded and put up the number 2. “Twins” I said. He quickly walked back in and snatched the henny bottle from Ace and started downing the liquor. “Twins!” He yelled. I sighed and nodded. “O please dont make a scene” I calmly stated. He walked back over to me. “So look, we going to figure this out just please get ready so I can marry your beautiful ass, my fucking baby mama” He said to me kissing me. I smiled at him. I nodded and left to go back up to my suite to get dressed. “OMG nigga! We thought you ran, you got 30minutes come on!” Keisha panicked.
X age 18:
“So you want this type of wedding one day or nah?” I asked Heiress. She smiled at me as we danced. “Something quiet, intimate” She simply said. “I can deal with that” I said smiling. She looked at me. “Are you insinuating that you want to marry me Xander Domonic Knight?” She asked. “Ehhhh maybe” I said. She laughed at me. “I love a man that knows what he wants” She simply said. We were dancing to “Must be nice” by Lyfe Jennings. “Okay man, let me go ahead and give this toast” Ace said clickling on Wine Glass. “First off I want to thank my baby J, for being there for me regardless, and to my big bruh, you my nigga man Im happy you found a bitch to hold you down” Ace said. Naomi awkwardly smiled, O shook his head and laughed. The older people shook they head at his speech. “Uh thanks bruh” O said. I tapped on my glass I grabbed off a table. “Uh thanks for that speech Ace., uh Naomi thank you for being down with O, and being a real one by his side, he’s a great dude. An amazing big brother and we love yall and wish yall nothing but love”. O and Naomi lifted their glasses. “Thank yall” Naomi said. O stood up. “I want to thank all yall coming to celebrate our union, I also want to let everyone know that Naomi and I will be welcoming our first kids, twins come 2014” He said. Everyone looked shocked but started clapping including me and Heiress. “Wow” I said. “Congrats nigga!” Ace yelled. He was drunk as fuck. “Congrats yall” We all said. The DJ went back to playing music.
6 months later: January 14th 2014
Over the pass 2 years, Heiress and I had graduated highschool, she went to Georgia State for nursing, and I went to Georgia Tech to major in business, then after that I was going to Cordon Bleu to be a chef, O had moved out to a house in Kennesaw with Naomi since they was starting a family, so I had the whole Mansion to myself. Heiress had wanted a college life before she decided to move in with me, plus her mom wasn’t feeling it. I had got a call from Omari while I was in school. He had left me like 4 missed calls. I pulled up at the spot, where we supplied our shit and did our deals. “What’s going on? I was in the middle of a test when you called” I told O. He had his gun out, along with K.C and was shushing me. He passed me a gun and a bullet proof vest. “Niggas in here robbing us”. He whispered. I heard a silent engine roaring. I looked and seen it was Ace in his Ashton Martin. His door lifted up and he got out the car clocking his gun with his vest already on. “Man the fuck yall out here standing for, niggas messing with our money” Ace walked pass us. K.C shook his head “Shit bout to be messy forreal now”. Ace walked in and I was behind him. We seen niggas in all black stuffing shit in they bags. Ace aint hesitate and started shooting. O was fighting a nigga, K.C and I went upstairs. The men started shooting at us. I shoot back. We had a big shoot out. Finally all the niggas was dead in the spot except one who O had held for questioning. “We need to get this shit out before police show up and set up another spot” I simply said. O nodded. Ace was sitting on the counter eating chips with blood splatter on his face. I shook my head. Homie was crazy. K.C laughed. “You always eating after a shoot out, weird ass” He said. Ace shrugged. “Shit had me hungry” He said. “Who sent you, Ima ask you one more time before I paint these walls with whats left of you?!” O yelled with a machete in his hand. “Jackall” He simply said. “Who is that?” I asked. “The king of East Atlanta” He simply said. “How you find our shit?” O asked. “Jackall said he has connections” O nodded. “We got a snitch in our crew?” He asked him. The nigga shrugged. “I know nothing else just what was told, I swear” He said. “Aight” O said. Before O could untie him, shots rang off killing the nigga. O looked over at Ace. “Nigga, Damn” O said. Ace simply looked at us. “My shawty cooking tonight, I got to be home before she start bitchin, and he was just going to run his mouth anyways. Cops 15 minutes away lets pack shit and head out” Ace said. K.C started laughing. “He’s such a Gemini” He said. I started laughing too, cause he wasn’t lying. We grabbed most of our shit, cleared the place out of any identity, and got the hell on to reload our shit into another safe house to reload. I headed out home, to get cleaned up.
When I got to my crib. I seen Heiress car in the drive way. I had gave her a key to my crib eventhough we don’t live together. I walked inside the house. “Heiri” I called out. “Im in here” She said from my dinning room. I walked in and seen her sitting there with my guns on the table. I sighed. “Why do you have 4 guns?” She asked. I actually had a gun in each room, bathroom and 5 in the kitchen. I shrugged. “Protection, my dad gave them to me” I lied. She slowly nodded. “But there not even normal guns X, what is this like an Ak-47? what about this a pistol? I dont know what you call these other two, are these even registered X. What if the police find these, and theres bodies on these you will go to jail!” She panicked. “Heiress, baby chill man please I been having these it’s okay” I said to her. She folded her arms. “You sure?” She asked. I nodded. “Baby its all good, Just protection” I stated. She slowly nodded her head. “I came over to surprise you by cleaning your big ass house and cooking dinner, Im sorry I got nosey” She told me. I grabbed her and kissed her forehead. “Mi casa su casa” I said to her. She smiled. “You already being a wife to yo man, I love it! I love you!” I said to her. She smirked. I took the guns off the table and took them down to the basement. The basement had a key pad entry. If it didn’t Heiress would have found the drugs that I had in the basement. My trap phone buzzed. “Wazzam?” I answered. “We got more problems X, that Jackall nigga hijacked our stash while we was shooting the niggas in the spot earlier today” K.C said. I sighed. “Shit! We got to put out a hit now, but we wait on O, what he say?” I asked. “Naomi went into early labor, O is busy. I just got to call Ace” He stated. I nodded. “Ace would handle that shit quick” I said. K.C laughed. “Aight, Ima get Ace” He hung up the phone. I heard knocking on the basement door. I ran up the steps. “What’s up?” I asked closing the door behind me. “When are you going to show me what’s down there?” Heiress said. I shrugged. “One day” I simply said. She pouted. “When is that?” She asked. I sighed. “What you cooking?” I asked her. She rolled her eyes. “Whats down there X just tell me!” She said. “My dads business stuff, that’s it” I said. She shrugged, “Well let me look?” She said. Someone knocked on the door. I quickly went to the door to see who it was. It was Ace. “What up bruh bruh?” Ace said dapping me up. He looked at Heiress. “What up Heiress?” He said. She put on a smile coming over to hug Ace. “Hey Ace” She said greeting him. “Lets talk” Ace said. Heiress went back to kitchen. We walked down stairs to the basement. “Whats up?” I asked. “My gang ready to roll, problem is my nigga said he seen TiTi hanging over at the eastside spot where Jackall hide out is” He told me. I looked up at him. “Tiana?” I asked he nodded. “Aint want to shoot up the whole spot killing your blood” He said. I nodded. “Ima handle Tiana” Ace nodded. “I got to get back to the east side and secure my shit on my turf” He simply said. We went back upstairs. “You leaving?” Heiress asked. I nodded. “Tiana shit again” I told her. She rolled her eyes. “Tiana is such a problem but okay go be a big brother, I will see you later” She said kissing me. Ace made a funny face. “Yuck” He said. “You don’t kiss you shawty?” I asked. He smirked. “We do alot but I don’t like seeing yall kiss, but I got to dip and go with Jade to check on MiMi yall coming?” He asked. I nodded remembering O was at the hospital with his wife. “Yeah Ima see yall there” He nodded and got in his car. I drove to Decatur to visit Tiana. She wasn’t answring her phone.
Character Pics:
La-La (Alexis Sky) age 19:
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Heiress: age 18
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 10:
3 days later: Day 12 in Miami
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 It had been 3 days since I talked to Samar. He had been texting me, asking to see me and then cussing me out. I did need to go by his place today to get my tickets for us to get in VIP for The City Girls foam party, Santana, Saweetie, Mulatto, Trina and Flo Milli and like some other people were all going to be there. We only had 4 days left in Miami before we had to go back to our regular lives in Atlanta, and 3 days before Lit and Wild. I was trying to go big. “What do we wear to a foam party?” Ariana asked. I sighed annoyed cause regardless of what we told her to wear she was going to wear whatever the fuck she wanted anyways. “Ari, you wear a swimsuit” I said to her. She nodded and ran back to her room. I was flat ironing my hair dancing to Brent Faiyaz “Trust” playing through the house speakers. I had an aqua blue one-piece swimsuit, and some purple and aqua blue, and pink platform sandals. Melody came into my room and laid on my bed. “I’m almost finish, I just got to put on my lip gloss and then we out, is Zion and Ari ready?” I asked knowing they take the longest to get ready. She shrugged “I didn’t check I just came in here because I was ready”. Zion then came in my room heading over to the mirror wear I was at to look at herself. “Damn bitch you ain’t check before you left your room?” I said. She playfully pushed me. “I did but I wanted to look at myself again” She said. Ariana then came in the room. I turned off my flat iron. “Alright yall we got to go before parking get crazy” I said to them. 
We got in the car and I headed over to get the VIP bands for us at Samar’s house. Mel, Zion and Ari waited in the car while I went to go knock on his door. I knew he was here because his Lambo he rented was in the driveway. The door flung open, and he looked me up down slowly and smirked at me, I rolled my eyes try to pretend like he was looking good, I knew he would be at the foam party too cause he was the DJ for the intercessions. “What?” I snapped, he laughed a little, “I ain’t seen you in 3 days and you come to my door with this little attitude, like you don’t miss me” He said. I was pressed for time and he was making me mad, I mean he was not making me mad, but I wanted him to think that I was mad. “Samar you going to give me the VIP bands or not?” I asked. He nodded “Come on in” He said. I came and closed the door. He went upstairs, I then seen this bitch Diamond transcend downstairs. “Tye, Tye” She sang annoying me cause only close friends and family call me that. I forced a smile. “Hey girl” I said. She had a black 2-piece swimsuit set with some Square black heels. “Ooh Tye I love your fit; you always be dressing girl” She smiled excitedly. It is hard to hate a bitch that’s stans you, so much. “I like your swimsuit” I said. She smiled so fucking brightly. “Well I had to look good, I was going to get red because you know Sami loves red” She said, I rolled my eyes when she was not looking. “Sami! Baby come on” She said. Samar came downstairs counting the wrist bands. He looked up between Diamond and me. “Here you go” He said handing the bands to me. I put them into my mini backpack and zipped my bag. “Sami tell you the good news yet?” Diamond said before I started heading out. I nervously shook my head. “Samar and I are back together; he’s going to move with me to L.A. after Lit and Wild” She said. I forced a smile, “Wow really? I’m so glad to know that after you cheated with Brent and the abortion that yall managed to work everything out, see Samar and you thought you wouldn’t be ever to what did you tell me, oh yeah forgive this hoe ass bitch, but look at you. I love to see that your happy bud, finally he’s been really missing you” I said smiling big as hell. Diamond face had dropped, and she looked at Samar who was mugging the fuck out me. “Really Tye?” He said angry. I shrugged “Did I say something wrong?” I asked before I turned away to leave. “Yo Tye” Samar called out at me. I just closed his door and went to my car. He came running out and got in my face “Tye, the fuck is wrong with you kid? You really had to say that? You cannot be happy for me. I got yo ass the VIP bands and shit and you come to my spot tripping” He snapped. I smushed him out my face. “Boy, get the fuck out my face. No, I’m not happy for you and yo bitch fuck you and her”. I said to him. “Remember after everything we supposed to be best friends no matter what Tye” He said looking at me, then looking at the girls who was just watching everything. I shrugged my shoulders “I will never support you hurting me to be with that bitch, you didn’t think about our friendship when you went and got back with Diamond after I told you I was in love with you, so as of now fuck you Samar” I started the car and he backed up out of his drive way and then drove off. “You good?” Mel asked. I had to remember my makeup was beat before I started bawling. “Let me drive” Mel told me. I pulled over into a shopping plaza, she got out as I climbed into the passenger seat. “If you want to cry Tye just do it” She said waiting to pull off. “I’m good Mel” I snapped. She put her hands up. “Sorry just checking” I rolled my eyes. I went in my purse to light my blunt, I had pre- rolled. I was going to get fucked up at this party fasho. Melody started driving and I was just looking out the window, irritated because Samar really expected me to be happy for him? Hell, the fuck no. I felt like he chose her over me, and that fucked me up. We pulled into the party that was at a huge ass Arena. “Passes?” Security asked, as we got to the VIP parking. We had to show our wrist bands to get free parking.”Yall clear” Security said. We pulled in and parked. Ariana grabbed the Tequila out the back and we started pouring up.  “Ayyye it’s about to be Lit!” Zion sang as she twerked in her bikini. “Aight ladies here yall go! This band gets us backstage free drinks and food and we get our own room, it’s like a section with our own foam machine” I said to them repeating what Samar had told me. “Oooh classy” Ari said. Mel and I got out the car, I reached in the back to give everybody shot cups so we can be semi lit when we get in there. I lit up my blunt again after I took my shot and passed the blunt to Ariana. “Ooh shit none of us ate like that today” Ari said nervous. “I want to be able to enjoy myself and not be fucked up fucked up” Zion said. I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s a City Girl party, we need to be lit as hell” We took at least four shots. “Shit nasty as fuck” Melody said downing her water. “Aight lets bounce” Zion said.  Melody locked the car door and we headed to the VIP line. The VIP line was super-fast, they had guide show us to our section. We got on the elevator and went to the third floor. Samar got us Diamond Elite VIP. We got off the elevator and the guide brought us to our own Sky Box. It was all glass and you needed to scan your band to get in. She put in a code and foam started coming out of these machines. We had our own bar, and a refrigerator, and our room was glow in the dark. We had an open balcony so we can see the stage like right there. “Okay ladies so your bands can also get you backstage and chill with the celebs and all access to liquor and free food. “Wrist on glitter, waist on thinner. Ima show you how to bag a eight figure nigga” Saweetie was on stage performing “Tap In”. Even though I was mad at him he really did hook us the fuck up. “If you ladies need anything, my name is Dawn, just press number 9 and I will be able to serve you” Dawn said before leaving. “Ayye Tap Tap Tap in” Ariana rapped. “I don’t know about yall but I’m heading down to that bar to get unlimited drinks” I told them. “Girl me too the fuck” Mel said. We all left our room to head to the bar downstairs to get drinks and bring them back up, I grabbed the tray they left in the room so I can bring back more than one. It was packed downstairs, and the regular bars were long as fuck. 
The VIP section bars were in a lounge like area, it was different food places and everything you could see all the VIP sections from where we were, it was foam pouring out everywhere. It was like a big ass fucking bubble bath, the whole arena was similar to a Hotel and a club with a big stage being in the lobby,  and everyone around the stage and then the surrounding areas at the top and bottom were different levels of VIP. The bars already had shots prepared and bottle with room numbers on them. “Can't stop won't stop get guap, Ten white toes in them Tory flip flops. Manicures and pedicures I'm always tip top. When they say I'm not hot all these lies need to stop, 'Cause I'm icy, wifey haters wanna fight me, Never been the one get RIP up on a white tee, Keep my hands clean got some hitta's moving shiesty” Saweetie was performing “ICY” now on stage. We were dancing in line waiting to get our drinks and food. “Hey Tye, can we talk?” I heard from the side of me. I rolled my eyes when I seen it was Diamond. What the fuck did the hoe want? “I’m in line right now” I told her. She nodded, “Well can I come up to your section and we maybe chat, I just want to make sure we are cool” She said loudly over the music. “Girl we are at a party we can do that later” I told her. She nodded still just standing there. “Can I come up and get lit with yall” She said smiling at me. What the hell was wrong with this girl? “Um, if you want” I said. She nodded and just stood there. “Hey yall probably don’t remember me. I seen yall before. I am also the DJ for Mulatto” Diamond said. Melody smiled awkwardly. “No, I don’t and that’s nice” She said still dancing. “Yeah I think maybe at a Christmas party but still not familiar” Ariana said. Zion nodded in agreement. Diamond just awkwardly stood there “Well Samar wanted to see you in his booth” She said. I nodded. “Aight, can yall get me some Henny and get a bottle too. I’ll be back” I told the girls. I followed Diamond through the VIP lounge then through the crowd near the stage and then backstage. I showed security my band. Samar was chilling with London on the track, DJ Peanut, and some other niggas. London on the track looked at us as Samar was talking and smiled at Diamond. “Aye what up Di, you are performing tonight?” He asked hugging her. She smiled and nodded. “Yeah I’m Mullato’s new DJ” She said. He nodded smiling. 
He smiled at me, Samar turned and seen me. “Oh, yall this my best friend Tye” He said. “Hey what’s up” They said. “Hey” I said. Samar got up and come over to me. “Don’t trip but follow me” He said. I sighed. “What Samar?” I asked. He smiled and just looked at me. He grabbed my hand and led me over to JT from the City Girls. “Hey” Samar said to her. She looked at him and smiled. “You got me the stylist you were telling me about?” She asked. He nodded. “JT this is Tye, Tye this is JT” I tried my hardest not to cheese but I stanned this bitch. “Heyy” I said. “So this nigga says you can style your ass off, we haven’t really got like a consistent one yet, but we have a shoot coming up soon, so let me see what you can do” She said. I pulled out my phone and nervously showed her some styles I had sewed together and some shoots I had did my self with my friends and other people. “Damn that fit right there something tough, I like that. Can you recreate that?” She asked. I nodded and smiled. “I sure the fuck can” I said. She smiled at me, “Okay girl, what’s your IG? “She asked. We exchanged information and she brought me over to Caresha. She was getting her hair done. “Hoe were the fuck was you at?” She said to JT. JT rolled her eyes. “I was busy Resh, This is Tye she going to do our shoot, she got some bomb ass looks” She told her. Caresha held out her hand. I handed her my phone. “Oooh bitch this shit cute as fuck, I want this” She said sliding through my phone. I was nervous cause I had some nudes in there and Caresha from City Girls was going through my phone. “You got nudes in here?” She asked smirking. I started laughing. “I knew it cause you looking nervous in the mirror, I’m bout to see” She said laughing. JT started laughing. “I’m sorry she aggy as fuck” She said. “I like nudes bitch, I’m nosey” Caresha said. She got to my nude and I almost died. “Okay nipples! Pussy popping” She said popping her tongue. “Okay bitch you bad” JT said looking. Caresha handed me phone back. “I like you; I can’t trust a hoe with no nudes” She said. These bitches were my type of bitches. We talked for a minute and then I headed back to my girls. As I am walking through the crowd somebody grabbed my hand. I turned around to see who it was, and it was Julian. I had not seen him since I went to his place and he just ate me out. I smiled at his fine ass. “Long time no see Mami, how you been?” He asked over the loud music. He had on swim trunks, a durag with some jays on. I see Samar peeking from backstage, “I know, I been good come with me to my section” I yelled to him. He grabbed my hand and I led him up to my section. I knew he was going to be mad but oh well eventhough he got me gig of a lifetime we was still beefin. “Yall remember Julian?” I said to them when I got in the room. They all smirked. “Hey Julian” Zion sang giggling. Saweetie was done performing and Samar was now DJing during the intermission. “Can you roll with me? All over me, can you take control of me? I just want to love you baby. Always thinking of you baby” Samar was playing “Rock Wit U” by Ashanti. I was by the balcony overlooking the stage grinding on Julian. “Umm all right now” Ariana said. This nigga was dry fucking me, hands tight as hell on my hips and I was giving into him because he was grinding his ass of to the beat.  Yeah, I was going home with this man tonight.  
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 I was setting up my equipment for the next intermission. I just hooked up Tye up with JT and she still went off with another nigga. I mean I aint expect her to not too move on but not so damn fast, plus I wasn’t honestly sure about Diamond and I but she got connections and Im used to Us. “Hey Samar” I turned to see Saucy Santana. I sighed this nigga here. “What’s up?” I said. “You looking really daddish” He said. I slowly nodded. “You up next?” I asked. He came up mear my booth. “Mmhm, well it was nice as always as usual to see your fine ass” He said before strutting off and giggling. Diamond was laughing at the encounter. “Yo that’s not funny, he be trying me” She laughed hard. “I know, its so funny” She said. I sucked my teeth. She calm down laughing and went to sit on the chair. “What’s up with you and Tye” She asked. I didn’t budge I just kept setting up. “Nothing she just feel some type of way cause you hurt me you know we like fam” I said. She nodded. “Well Ima try to talk to her to see if she will like me again” She told me. I slightly laughed. Tye would beat her ass before she ever be cool with her. “Yeah cool” I said. She rolled her eyes and went to go back stage. After I set up, I made it mu mission to go see Tye. Tye always knew how to get back at me, especially now. I went back stage and saw Diamond all in the nigga DJ Rolla face just laughing and flirting.He was rubbing her thigh. She always flirting. “What’s up?” I said. He smied at me. “Just chilling with D fine ass” He said. Diamond got up quickly, “I got to go check on my set” She said. Dj Rolla just kept looking at me. I shook my head and walked off. Santana was on stage performing. “Walk em like a dog sis walk em like a dog”. I decided to go up and talk to Tye. I got my wrist band and went through the crowd and then into the lobby scanning my band. I got on the elevator and head up. I got to the room and scanned myself in. Tye was sitting in this nigga lap. “Yo what the fuck?” I asked Tye. “Aye this yo gay homie?” The nigga said. “Gay?!” I said about to fight this nigga. Tye pushed me back. “Outside” She said. I scannes my band and swung open the door. “Why this nigga say I was gay Tye?” I asked her. She shrugged. “Maybe you look like it, I don’t know” She started laughing. I pushed her. She then pushed the fuck out of me. “Nigga what the fuck?” She said. “Why you with him?” I asked. She rolled her eyes. “Why you with her? Going to L.A. and shit?” She asked crossing her arms. I sighed I had no right to be mad to ba honest. “I’m sorry about Diamond but it is what is” I said. She nodded. “It is, you do what you want and so do I. We still best friends remember” She then scanned her band and went back into the room.
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We was living it up in VIP, I was drunk not to drunk but I definitely was feeling my liquor. I was twerking on the counter in our room and on the balcony over the stage, everywhere. “What’s up Miami!!!!” I heard. “Bitch its Meg!” Tye yelled. Tye had been making out and chilling with Julian. “Where my bitches with the WAP at?” She yelled over the mic. We started screaming. All the girls were screaming. “I need me some Wet Ass Pussy Bitches up here right now” I started screaming. “Meeeee!” I yelled. The spotlight panned over to our section and I was going crazy. “Come on up here sis!” Meg said. I got so excited. “Damn calm down Z” Mel said laughing. “Bitch, I’ so excited!” I hurried out of the room and went into the elevator, and I almost bust my as from the foam. I felt like I was there in at least 5 minutes. Security helped me and like 3 other girls on stage and Cardi B. came out. “I need all my wet ass pussy bitches on this stage to show us what the fuck yall working with!”  She yelled. “WAP” started playing. “Certified freak seven days a week wet ass pussy make that pull out game weak! Yeah yeah yeah you fucking with some wet ass pussy!” Cardi rapped. I was twerking like I was getting paid for it.  Meg came over to me and started rapping her part when it came up. “Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of me quick jump out before you let it get inside of me, I tell em where to put it never where its about to be” Meg rapped. I started getting so hyped cause she was smacking my ass. I was breathing hard as hell. I started doing the routine with the dancers. “Aye she is fucking it up” Cardi yelled. After the song was over, they hugged me and Meg started rapping her song “B.I.T.C.H”.
As I was going towards the elevator in the VIP lounge this nigga and his friend came up to me. “I see you doing yo dance little mama, you fine as fuck what’s your name?” He asked. I smiled at him. He was sexy I felt like I seen him before. “Zion and do I know you?” I asked. He nodded. “Probably, I’m a rapper. I got that song with Lil Baby. My name is B Hunnid” He said. I nodded. “Oh yeah that song “Freak Nice” yeah that shit is hard” I told him. He smiled. “So, you want to come up to my section?” He asked. I nodded. I texted the girls in our group chat to let them know which room I was headed to and who with. When I get into his section, it was hell of niggas in there and maybe 2 females just twerking and one of them sitting in their lap. “Here” He handed me some Dusse’. I chugged some of it. He led me over to the couch and had me sit in his lap. “You live here little mama?” He asked me. I shook my head slowly grinding to Meg performing “Big Ole Freak”. “Aye Doogie make my little mama here something nice you know the one all the girls love” He told him. I started to feel slightly uncomfortable, but I was too drunk to question if anything seemed off. “Here you go little lady” His friend Doogie handed me some drink. “It’s red bull and Hennessey” He told me. I started sipping on the drink, while he was whispering in my ear telling me all the shit, he wanted to do to me. I was drunk as fuck and I started to feel kind of crazy. We started making out on the couch, and I was straddling his lap. We were wet and stuff from all the foam that was in the party, and he had a lot of foam in his VIP room. He was gripping my ass. I felt like I was on Xanax or something. I could not feel my body, but I was horny. “You want to come with me back to my hotel?” He asked. I shook my head. I wanted to go lay down. It was a knock at the door, and I seen Tye. “Hey, I’m Zion’s friend Tye” She said. “Tyyyyyeeee”I said sluggishly. “You good?” She asked. I felt like I was saying yes but my body was saying no. “Yeah she just chilling with me, I’m going to take her home” He said to her. Tye looked at me, and I smiled. “Yeah I’m I’m okkkkk” I said. She nodded “I’m drunk too, and Julian taking me home” She said. I nodded and she left out. I felt B Hunnid going in my pants playing with my clit. I was in and out. I could not think properly.
“Yall we about to head out” I heard. “Can she get up?” I heard somebody say. “Little mama?” He said to me. “Hmm?” I said. He pulled me up and my feet were moving slow as hell. I knew at this moment I was not drunk and maybe he had given me something, but I couldn’t even do much. I tried to move out of his grasp, but he kept bringing me closer. “We about to have fun tonight?” I heard. I looked around the dark room my vision blurry as hell. “Tye” I said lowly. I had seen us leave the room and then go to the elevator. I started to feel like I could not walk, or talk. I was so sleepy. I heard the music from the stage, then I seen darkness. I felt my eyes open again but it was hard too. I felt somebody pick me up and then a door close and I was out again. Then I felt somebody shake me “Aye little mama?” I heard. My eyes slightly opened I could see I was on like a bus. I was fighting to stay awake, maybe 15 minutes had gone by I was out. 
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I was tired as fuck, but I knew I was about to get $1500 for the night. I got hired on by this catering company to bartend The City Girls foam party. I was in the VIP section Bartending for VIP. “Yo Ky look at that fine ass girl on stage twerking with Meg thee stallion?” My homie Juan said. I looked on the screen that was showing the stage. I kept looking cause she started to look familiar, that is when I realized it was Zion. “Yeah I know her” I said to him. He looked at me smiling. “Hook me up?” He asked. I mugged the hell out of him. “Nah man that’s the girl I was telling you about” I told him. “Ohhh shit, that’s the girl you believed fucked Maurice, boy you are tripping” He said to me. I looked at him irritated. “Sorry” He went over to help another VIP member. I kept looking at her, “Hey can I have just a water?” A lady said. I nodded and turned to get a water out the fridge. I turned back to scan her band. “Ok you good to go” I told her. She nodded. “Thank you”. I nodded and smiled. I then seen Zion walking back near the elevator when a nigga with chains approached her. I can see she was blushing, I tried my best not to look at what was going on. “Hey” A pretty girl said to me. She had on one piece with her hair in a bun, I smiled at her.“I hope I don’t seem thirsty, but I been noticing you since I got here, and I just wanted to say you are fine as fuck” She said to me. I smiled at her compliment. “Thanks baby” I said to her she started blushing wide as hell. “How can I help you?” I asked. I looked to see Zion get on the elevator. She turned to see me looking. “Oh that’s B. Hunnid” She said. “You know the nigga that got that song with lil baby?” She asked. I nodded in realization. “Yeah, got to stay away from that nigga I heard he be drugging and raping females” She said to me. I started to get worried, but I hope Zion was not going to fall for that shit, but why does it matter to me anyways. “So, can I get your number?” I asked her to change the subject obviously that is what she wanted, and the line was getting long as hell again. She nodded quickly and pulled out her phone.
 We exchanged numbers and she went to the side to talk to me. I didn’t mind cause she was pretty plus I was bored and tired it was almost 9 pm and I was going to be here till 2 am. Juan and my crew had got the line down for now, Flo Milli was performing so the crowd was occupied until intermission. “So how cold does it get in Michigan?” I asked her. Her name was Briella, and she was here on vacation with her sisters, she was 21 and from Michigan, she seemed okay. “Really cold, like everybody talk about wanting it to snow where they live but no the fuck you don’t” She said. We talked for like 20 more minutes before her sisters came to get her. I was about to take my break when I see the rapper B. Hunnid his whole entourage, some girls and Zion who looked completely out of it coming out of the elevator. They were looking suspicious as fuck. “Aye Juan, I’m going to be right back” I said to him. I quickly left the bar and followed them niggas out. I ran out to the parking lot and seen them getting into a party bus. I checked my pocket for my keys and hurried to my car which was behind the building. “Shit” I said to myself trying to hurry up. I pulled off, speeding through the parking lot. For a minute I had lost them, but I see them hit the corner. I sped up until I got behind them. “Please God” I prayed. I sighed in relief when the pull over at a 7/11 gas station. I pulled up to the side and opened my glove compartment, I grabbed my gun and put in my pocket. I got out the car and walked over to they bus. “Oh, what’s up, you a fan nigga?” One of his entourage said pumping gas. I shook my head. “Nah but you got my girl on your bus and I want her off now” I said. The nigga tapped the window. “Nigga I think you got the wrong guys” He said. I shook my head and pulled up my shirt showing him my gun. “Nah I got the right guys; I want her off that bus now!” I yelled. A couple of other niggas got off the bus. “What’s good?” B. Hunnid asked. “You got my girl. I know what yall about get her off that bus now” I snapped. B. Hunnid smirked at me. “She does have some wet ass pussy” He said looking his lips smiling. I pulled out my gun out. They all backed up. “Shit” His homie said. “Now I’m not going to say it again, I want my girl off that bus!” I said pissed. “Man back the fuck up” I said going towards the door. They moved out the way and let me go in. The girls started screaming. I see Zion laid out breast out, sleep. I put my gun away and pulled her bathing suit top up and gently picked her up.  “You lucky we left our shit in the trunk because you should have pulled that trigger home boy, pulling a gun on me” He said. I brought Zion over to my car and put her in the back seat. I see them going to into the trunk to grab they strap when a police officer pulled up beside them and turned on their sirens. I quickly but calmly got in my car and pulled off.
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“Aye Aye Aye Aye” We yelled in excitement as Tye and Ari was twerking “Say little bitch you can’t fuck with me if you wanted to these expensive, these is red bottoms these is bloody shoes” Samar was DJing playing Cardi B. “Bodak Yellow”. Ariana was drinking straight out the bottle doing what we normally do getting lit. “Now she said she gone what to who? Let’s find out and see Cardi B, you know where I’m at you know where I be? You in the club just to party, I’m in the three I get paid fee” I yelled at the top of my lungs holding up the bottle of Don Julio. My phone buzzed and it was Malachi.
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I had not had a chance to tell what was up. I needed to tonight because he keeps sending me flowers and little gifts that I saved in a box to give back to him. Isaac told me I needed to handle this shit. Maybe it was not a good idea, I was drunk but oh well. “Anybody check on Z?” Ariana asked. I shook my head. “Tye said she was fine” I said. Ari nodded. “Where you are going?” I rolled my eyes. “Malachi wants to meet up, apparently he got us this section, he is doing too much” I said. “Where you are going?” Tye then asked. “Malachi’s section to tell him to leave me the fuck alone” I said. She nodded. “I’m going downstairs with Juilian and his friends” She said. I nodded. I grabbed me a water bottle. I walked down reading the room numbers, he was on the same floor but the floor we were on went all the way around. “301, 302, 303, 304 305!” I said as I was coming up on the section. I knocked on the door. The door opened revealing Malachi. It was alot noise in his room. I looked at him, he looked like he was geeked and he was sweaty. “Mel, whats good?” He said hugging me. He was wet and sticky, I was disgusted. I walked and seen Saweetie, some girl another girl, and some guys and Quavo from Migos. I was embarrassed cause I was drunk, and I started cheesing. “Hey yall this Mel, my boo” He said.
 He said. The wheels in my head hit the brakes hard cause his what? I thought. “Hey girl” Saweetie said she was eating some wings sitting in Quavos lap. “What’s up?” He said. “Hi” The girl next to her said. “This my aunt Whitney” Saweetie said. I waived. “Hey everybody” My drunk ass said. I turned to Malachi. “Can we talk now?” I asked. I was then taking out of my thoughts when I heard them announce Flo Milli to the stage and she started performing “Weak”. “Flo Milli shit bitch” Whitney said. I started dancing obviously forgetting my surroundings. I was twerking and rapping along with her “So don’t be calling after 3, I do what these bitches want that’s why they running back to me, run that cash up, run the cash up!” All us of women yelled. Saweetie was twerking with her chicken wing drunk just like my ass. She had trash music, but she seemed to be fun. She turned to me and started talking “So I’m doing a music video for my song Back to The Streets, you think you can come to L.A next week and be in it.
 I need some fine ass video girls” She said. My drunk ass was nodding happy as hell. “Hell yess” I said. She smiled at me and laughed “Okay cool, what’s your email. I’m have my team send over all the information for you”. She pulled out her phone. “[email protected]” I told her. “Girl! I like your email” She said. I smiled shaking my head “Me too sis”. Malachi came back in and I took the opportunity to tell him what was up since I had all this liquor courage and soon Isaac would be here, and I did not want no problems tonight. “Hey can we talk?” I asked him. He nodded smirking. “It was nice meeting you Beautiful” Saweetie said. “You funny as hell” Her aunt said. “Yall too” I said waiving bye. Malachi was touching all over me when we walked out of, they room. I can tell he had drunk some more or was on something else. “What’s up, but first I got you this bracelet” He said pulling out this pandora box out his shorts. I sighed as we started walking back to my VIP room. “Malachi, You got to stop all of this, Thank you for the section and the gifts but I have to send everything back or you can come get them” I told him trying to be nice.
 He was fine as hell, but I wasn’t into him like that anymore, and I wanted to be with Isaac. “Listen, Melody baby. One thing about me is I always get what I want, and I want you and I’m going to get you” He said backing me into a wall. He was making me nervous and uncomfortable. “Malachi can you please back up” I said. “Why?” He leaned in trying to kiss me. I pushed him back and started walking off. “Boy you are tripping!” I yelled to him. I heard him run towards me, he snatched my arm back hard. “I told you what it was Melody, you gone go out with me and grind on me, not fuck me and accept all my gifts and then turn me down? Nah baby I aint going out like that” He yanked me towards him and pushed me into the wall and cornered me near the door to my section. He had me pinned up. “Why you are playing games with me Mel?”. I was trying to move him out the way. “Get the fuck off of me” I said trying to get this nigga away from me. He had lost his damn mind. “Malachi, I’m not going to say it again, get off of me”. I tried to push him and smack him. He grabbed my face hard as fuck and tried to kiss me
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“I keeps it real nothing like you actors do, joints I flick, bomb raps I kick” I rapped along to Wiz Khalifa “Good Dank”. Trey and Freddie and I were waiting for the plug to show up. I was geeked off a perc and some Apple Crown Royal. We were on our way to that City Girl party to meet up with Mel and them. Tye best friend Samar who I was cool with hooked us up with some VIP. We were like 2 hours late waiting on this man Hakeem. “This nigga tweaking, I’m ready to see my girl she got the as out for me, not you but for meeeee” I sang doing a little dance in the back seat. A car pulled up, and it was Hakeem. “Motherfucker yo ass took an hour what the fuck was you doing, I might not want this shit no more” Trey said. Hakeem sucked his teeth “Trey man come on; my baby mama was tripping on me. Here bro” He said. Trey shook his head. “I need 30% off” Hakeem got annoyed. “Man fine” They did the exchange and we headed out. Freddie turned on Wiz Khalifa “Slim Skit”. “Yooo Ariana gone be there her fine ass” Trey said getting excited. “Nah how about Tye, broooooo I need some of that, I been trying to get at her she said I couldn’t handle her psssh baby please. I can now” Freddie said rolling the weed. “Mel say she got a thing for Samar. “I told them”.
 Freddie made a face. “I’m going to change her mindddd” He sang. He then turned back around “Nah if I can’t get Tye Im def. trying for Zion. See what she is hitting on”. He lit the blunt and started smoking. He then passed to me, and it took a hit then passed to Trey. “Roll one up, Babeee roll one for meeee” I sang, I grabbed the bottle and took a shot. I then passed to Freddie. After 15 minutes we finally got to the place. Samar met us outside and security let us park in VIP. “What’s up Samar” I said. He did a head nod. “What’s good kid”. He gave us our bands. “I got to hurry up and do my thing, yall enjoy” He said. We showed our bands and were told the room number the girls were in. We stopped to get something to drink in VIP lounge, it was foam all on the floor shit was like a big ass bubble bath. “What the fuck! This lit as hell, this shit for like rich motherfuckers for real. I feel classy then a mug” Trey said. I texted Mel to let her know I was here.
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But she was not texting me back. “They got some drank up there?” Freddie asked. I shrugged my shoulders “She aint answering my text, I’m head up there really quick and I will let yall know while yall in line” I said. I got on the elevator and headed up to level 3. I was feeling good as fuck, from the liquor, the weed and the perc. I was going to tear her ass up tonight “Yesssssirski” I said out loud. The elevator opened and I see F300, and I was looking for F333. “Knock if you buck” By Crime Mob was playing. Damn this was going to be a long walk, but I walk fast. I looked and seen I had 10 more to go. I heard what sounded like Melody yelling. “Get the fuck off of me”. I sped up and seen this nigga in my girl face “Malachi, I’m not going to say it again, get off of me”. She said. He had her pinned to wall cupping the fuck out of her face. “Bruh what the fuck, get the fuck off my girl nigga” I hit the fuck out this nigga head. He turned around and I noticed it was ole dude. “Motherfucker” He said charging at me. “Isaac!” Mel yelled. I knew any minute she jumps in to help me, but I was too focused to worry about her. This nigga and I were punching heavy hits at each other.
 I wanted to kill this nigga I was so mad. I had him at first, but he started hitting me in the face, “Get the fuck off him!” I heard. Melody crazy ass had jumped in and started hitting him, He then pushed her hard as fuck, pissing me off e even more. When he turned around from about to charge at her, he turned back to me and My first connected with his face twice, he started stumbling and I got the advantage. I got on top of him and was going ham. I felt some arms picking me up and people yelling and saying, “World Star”. I was getting dragged into the elevator by security. “Man get the fuck off me!” I snapped. They then brought me outside. “You are banned from the premises sir; we don’t condone fighting” They said. I looked at my wrist and I had blood on it. “Isaac!” Melody ran out with Freddie, Trey and Ariana. “Bro what the fuck happened?” Trey asked. “This nigga was all in Melody face, had her pinned up on some real crazy shit!” I yelled. Then I turned to her “Man why you weren’t answering your phone! What the fuck was you doing with that nigga Melody!” I kept yelling at her. “Okay see you not about to get in her face” Ariana snapped getting between us. I moved her arm out my way. “Nigga who the fuck!” She snapped getting crazy with me.
 “You all in my fucking face bruh back the fuck up!” I yelled at her. Trey held Ariana back as she was about to hit me. “I’ll beat your ass nigga, the fuck! Let me go Trey!” She yelled. “It wasn’t even like thag Isaac, I was telling him to leave me alone he keeps trying to pursue me” Melody said crying. “I don’t give a fuck about you crying bruh, i told you to stop seeing that nigga!” I said yelling. “Nigga she was trying to tell him to leave her alone! She not lying!” Ariana yelled. “Dumb ass” She said. “Bruh what?” I said pissed. Melody tried to come towards me, and I shoved her ass back. “Yo Izzy! Don’t put yout hands on her like that” Freddie snapped pushing me back. I got in his face and then backed up. I was heated. “Man fuck all this, fuck all yall” I said walking off. “Yeah nigga go calm the fuck down” Freddie said. I grabbed the blunt from my pocket and started playing some gospel off my phone and started praying and smoking to calm down. I started feeling bad for pushing and yelling at Mel and wanting to fight Ariana and Freddie. I started walking back. Melody was sitting the curb by herself crying. I sighed and came towards her and pulled her up. “Come here” I said. I hugged her. “I’m sorry for pushing you and shit. I love you man” I told her. I kissed her. “Um what the fuck happened? the police apparently are on the way” Tye said coming over to us. “Man, I don’t want to talk about, you drove here?” I asked. She nodded. “You got a way back?” I asked. She nodded. “Keys?” I asked. She went in her little book bag and tossed me the keys. “Mel come on” I said grabbing her hand to leave. “Yall be safe” Tye yelled. I nodded. I wanted away from this shit before the police came.
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So far, the night was going well, until Isaac got into that fight, but I mean we still was having a good time. Anthony still was blowing up my phone, calling me. I unblocked him. “Hey ladies yall want an edible?” Julian asked us. He was up in our section with his friends and some girls. The girls were playing with foam, having a foam fight. One girl kept staring at me crazy. She looked familiar but I do not where I knew this little girl plus it was dark in our section. I grabbed two of the brownies and started eating them. I was starving we barely ate. “Damn you gone be fucked up Ri” Tye said. I started drinking again with Trey and Freddie. Freddie was flirting with the girl who was eyeing me, and Trey was all up in my face, which was fine because I was drunk again. “You know I been wanting you?” Trey said. I was sitting in his lap just cooling it. “Niggga since when?” I said. He started laughing. “Since I don’t know stop blowing my game girl” I sucked my teeth at him. “Boy”. “Yall give it up for JT and Yung Miami, The City Girls” The Dj yelled. Tye and I got up along with the other girls. “What that pussy talk ladies!?” JT yelled. All of us screamed. The song pussy talk started, and everybody started screaming the lyrics. We was twerking again, and falling over cause we had been drinking since 8pm, and it was now 11pm. 
“Boy, this pussy talk English, Spanish and French, Boy, this pussy talk Euros, dollars and yens, Boy, this pussy talk Bentleys, Rovers and Benz, Boy, this pussy fly private to islands, to M's, Boy, this pussy talk Birkin, Gucci, Chanel ,Boy, this pussy talk Louis, Pucci, YSL Boy, this pussy makes movies, wetter than a whale, Boy, this pussy be choosing, draft, NFL”. The foam had us slipping and sliding trying to dance around, “Damn this alot of foam now” Tye said stressed. “I’m starting to get sticky as hell”. I went to go grab me a water because I was about to be on my ass. “Hey are you Ariana?” The girl who kepy staring. “I’m Nina, Anthony ex” She said. I started to get mad all over again. “Okay and? You can have him” I snapped. She shook her head and grabbed my hand. I snatched my hand from her. “Look, Anthony wanted me to talk to you, Anthony really cares for you me and him are beyond done! I do not want him; He do not want me. He wants you. You think you can give him another chance?” She asked. I sighed; I was feeling the edibles. I nodded. “Yeah” I said trying to sit down. She smiled softly “Okay cool so now you can cut things off with home boy” She said. I rolled my eyes “Aint nothing going on” I told her. “So, you think I can talk to him?” She asked. I shrugged my shoulders “I don’t care”. “Tye” I said. She was all over Julian. “I’m about to head out after this performance, you need me to drop you off?” Tye asked. I shook my head staring off at the lights moving to the beat. “Nah, Trey and them going to take me home” I said. She nodded and went back over with Julian. “If you fuck with me, I’ll take your man, you know I will hoe” City Girls performed “I’ll take yo man” as I stood stuck over thinking about Trey and Freddie maybe trying to gang rape me, or if this was a set up, but I still stood there.The Nina bitch came back over to me. “You good mamita?” She asked. I slowly nodded “No” I said. She then pulled out her phone and started calling somebody I laid down on the couch in our section and closed my eyes. I could hear the City Girls and smell the bubbles strongly from the foam. I felt nauseous as fuck, and I was hungry. I just laid there until I fell asleep.
Supporting Characters:
Diamond: (Mary Steph)
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Julian: (Malik Bomaniallah)
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Trey: (Odell Beckham Jr)
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Freddie: (Malachaie)
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 Nina: (Taina)
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allenethomas · 4 years
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AT, I’m levitating to the party
Plotting on a Tesla but I’ll prolly cop the rari
I’m with the fam we holding cyphers in the quarry
the daddy to yo style we ain’t gotta go on Maury
you can catch us planting trees while we on tour
these hoes steady calling ima have to hit ignore
they hit me when they paid and they call you when they bored
tell her step her racks up, I’m more than she can afford.
they tryna peep the lore, learn the story on the man
cross the globe I hit Japan, it was more than what we planned
speak the words o my mouth and yet they still don’t understand
tried to front like you my fam, ima need about a band to talk
all my haters stroke my penis till they wrist lock
I be in my bag, you niggas be on TikTok
Now I’m going hard it ain’t a joke, y’all think I’m Chris rock
Weatherman don’t make it rain he make it thunderstorm
funky like underarm sweat
You can peep the form
bob and weave cause when you feel the hit you’ll need a punching guard
me and the fam eat, don’t need to wait for lunch to start
shoot for the sky, when I land I’ll be amongst the stars glowing
I ain’t gotta pull your card I see you showing
my wifey coochie so wet that I gotta row in it
shitting on you niggas, my fault bro I was holding it
Im meditating with my lovers eating vegan chicken
the blind lead the blind so of course the oops can’t see the vision
my grandmother gave me game until her teeth was missing
told me do yo thing, you can’t stop till you complete the mission
Back in the days I used to front like I ain’t need to listen
Had to learn the hard way, I’m in tune to what the gods say
swear they ya people, till you see its all cosplay
left em all in awes, frontin on me was the cause, fuck niggas without the pause,
We all up in the sauce, gracefully with the loss, w/ my vocals in the cross fade
Divine Being. Still king. Rocking earth tones
And royalty what I receive yet it’s a cursed throne.
I’m pullin up off that water like a dolphin
My niggas on that Cheech, ladies on Sarah McLaughlin
left confusion in the dust, killed it dead off in the coffin
flexing on my exes cause all of the love was toxic
bob and weave like I’m boxing
got them trees, I’m talking noxious
ask me how I keep it green
when I just believe the process
my team is on the offense.
I’m out the pasta going deep inside the sauces
leaking out the faucets
had to early start spring cleaning out my closests
To find what really separates employees from the bosses
started curving these hoes because I could
I’m tryna get a bag I don’t think they understood,
they’ll treat you like a meal, free smoke and some wood...
divine being hit the scene like directors cut
eating good, lookin clean feelin fresh as fuck
jumping off the balance beam the way selector stunt
just got to stage 33 you still on level one.
these scrubs run and make memes when that pressure comes
Im in the village with them 10s and them 20s for you
Sht, you run off on my plug and he coming for you
they just love you for the perks ain’t no one fuckin loyal
niggas eyeing me when you should watch yo self
tryna get at me make sure you GOT yo self
fam like AT its like you not yo self
I feel like I’m the greatest, how I top myself?
the most electrifying man, sht I shock myself
ball so hard, sometimes I block myself
Killed it, call 12. I am not Wyclef
hit it from the logo, yeah my shot like Steph
Weatherman, I’m the captain till we capsize
Pull up and these hoes getting wet I leave em baptized
cheese come and rats rise. I’m supposed to feel you niggas when you get on here and rap lies?
my sht boomin, and your trap tries
Getting brunch wit my lovers, smoke a J and get a check today
can’t fuck with the make up they forgot to hit the setting spray
All Fenty for my ladies no Mary Kay
on my nuts now, we been dope y’all was very late
Pull up to the function lookin like we carry weight
Valet parkin Lincoln Towncars with the canary paint
Found a message in a bottle with a ransom note
everybody needy like I got the cure for cancer folk
Divine Being, encoded speech comes out the mandible
Pretty bitches say “he dress funny but he handsome tho”
saving for the desktop with the water cooling
riding with the fam we got enough swag to start a movement
Pockets on Snorlax, the raps is on Cinnabar
thefamilyo been on point like a scimitar
Navigating battlefields of love like Pat Benatar
she say Divine hit it so good give him eleven stars
out of Five
Divine, we keep the party live
Pushing limits then I draw the line at her women parts
evil taking aim at my brain like, pigeon farts
I copped a pen while all my niggas made kitchen arts
Whippin yams, flipping yams, sht is math
niggas saw me fall and laughed, them losses was a draft
they couldn’t feel me then but now they feel the wrath
I feel like I’m Moses these snakes wanna build with the staff
I wrote this out in Lakewood
Where we hustle hard like Ace Hood
smoke so loud the shake good
they can’t do what the gang could.
remember we would kick it reading manga, now we slang bud
all my haters looking basic but I can’t judge
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jerrellgolden-blog · 5 years
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Quick Testimony: Sooooooooo yesterday wifey and I realized I booked the wrong flight🤦🏽‍♂️ So after not being able to find my birth certificate, and not being able to cop a rental in time before they closed; I realized wifey and I was under attack by Satan. He was trying his hardest for wifey and I to give in to the many obstacles and say that we weren’t gonna go on this cruise. INSTEAD, we prayed, I called Applebee’s and picked up a shift, cancelled our flight reservation and got a refund of $5, we decided we would have to make the 11 hour drive to Orlando to catch the cruise, and I read James chapter 1 over and over while listening to some worship music. After my mood was readjusted I went into work feeling determined to get this money and get back home at a decent time so I could get some shut eye and hit the road. Of course Satan don’t give up that easy.....He knew that my mood was good and mindset was eased, so he started stirring up my coworkers around me. Arguments, tears, cussing, stressing, all the while I’m watching the time get later and later. I peeped his tactics and kept repeating “Ima stay in my own lil bubble”.....lol. It sounded weird but took my mind off all the craziness around me. At the crib wifey was tying up all loose ends. Via text we agreed that we would have to get on the road no later than 2am. I didn’t get out of Applebee’s until a little after 12am but there goes my wife......Stepping up in a major way and holding down the driving so I could get some rest. ❤️❤️❤️ Now it’s her turn to rest while I get us the rest of the way to Orlando, Florida. This Gospel HipHop Cruise is going touched a bunch of lives.....everybody has been under attack. That just lets me know that #GreaterIsComing Keep us lifted!!! If you’d like to donate and help us out please feel free... Cash App $JerrellGolden PayPal.me/JerrellGolden (at Walterboro, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsS5PT3gAsm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7frz3e4ozfu0
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lunnonbridges · 4 years
saw Rachels tumblr post wrapping up her 2019 so ima do the same thing lol ty for the inspiration rachel <3
2019 was wild had some amazing highs and some devastating lows but i mean that happens every year lol.
school: completed my favorite clinical ever in the ED wow i could go on forever about it because i enjoyed it so much and i learned so much and wow ED nursing is amazing and so crucial i can’t wait to work in the ED again in a few years (hopefully) overall i enjoyed school surprisingly i love nursing and i can’t wait to finally use my BSN, RN in action in a few months. i!! am!! a!! college!! graduate!!! passed NCLEX too thank god (no real lows in the school department actually)
work: got to put my RN license in action working as a flu nurse haha i thought it was gonna be more intense but it was actually pretty chill just giving shots lol im not afraid of giving shots at all now because i did it literally for a job lol. got hired to be an oncology nurse at swedish which was nice :) the not nice thing was having my license delayed though which means now i am not working as a nurse T_T but i mean at least i still have the job--just got delayed but nothing to beat myself up over it. glad i found a full time babysitting job to fill the void in the meantime though :) winston is a very cute baby and i love him a lot and i am excited to see him again ahah hes such a darling and pay is enough for me to pay rent and some but rip savings haha
family: feels kinda the same? i’ve always been decently close with my immediate family i guess but going to the wedding and seeing everyone for the first time in a while was weird--i am def the most liberal and like out there out of the entire family i would say like what i believe in and what i hold important etc but i mean thats also not a bad thing--they focus too much on religion and like conservative ways in my opinion and i am too scared to talk about that stuff with extended family lol bc they are so stuck in their ways and i dont want more lectures lol i dont go to church in seattle but i go to church when i am home lol all convos at home become church related somehow and i hate it honestly...i don’t want religion shoved down my throat anymore please!!!!!! it is so suffocating
fitness/body image: started gyming a lot this past summer and continued it until december loll bc i got busy with life but i gained a lot of muscle mass and started feeling good about how i looked for the first time ever really (so sad i know) gained some weight too but that’s ok bc muscle mass. hopefully i can go back to the gym in january so i can work on getting slim thiccc lol i’m such a twig. i am not worrying too much about weight anymore because it is just a number! but i do relapse sometimes and worry too much over how i look--it is a work in progress
friendship: for the most part good or actually honestly all good because the only friend i feel like i kinda lost is Jason? but i mean hes off doing his own thing with his own friends and SO so its ok. if he’s happy im happy for him! maintained friendships with everyone i was close with before and even caught up with some old friends like alice, esther, rowena and i even met up with priyanka once although she never hits me up anymore lol i tried ok she is a busy person. got pretty close with like albert and will especially the past few months and everyone else really through talking to them about my struggles and issues and i know they all care about me truly <3 i love my friends and i am very grateful for the bunch of them. still close to michael and michelle! and i became close to michelle kang thanks to rachel <3 hehe i love rachel she keeps it real for me and is there for me regardless i love living with her and being with her and she just gets me ya know? ily lots rachel wifey <3
relationships: wow where do i even begin....life was going well with jason and then it just went downhill and i am writing this post as single as i can possibly be HAHA we broke up in sept after 3 years but no hard feelings right? hes with someone else and i am content/over him for sure---i was losing feelings which is one reason why i called it off lol but ya he taught me alot but at the same time a lot of people don’t think he was the best for me lol...they all tell me i could do better/glad i am not with him so interesting to hear this now tbh we had some issues and they couldn’t be resolved properly...hope he isn’t mad at me or anything idk....i can say confidently that i am over him 10000000% and i won’t look back. downloaded dating apps in seattle lol and i got wrecked for 2019 HAHA met a really nice guy and hit it off well and i was really liking him but ya tldr did couple-y things and were even exclusive just to have it called off bc there was no attraction and surprisingly i’m not mad at all even now! it hurt the first few days but im over it now. thank you next! (if youre reading this please know this is true and i do want to be friends and this time apart with me being in the bay has helped a lot--took my mind off of a lot of things lol i just want whats best for you!) i know hes looked at my tumblr before lol thats how close we were imo since only a select handful know of this page... he was the first guy i was amazed at for his maturity and levelheadedness actually so kudos to him! not many guys are like him so hopefully the next is just as mature lol i am talking to some guys super casually tho but ya i gotta just focus on myself and friends/fam instead of boys lmao...i am extremely afraid of being vulnerable and opening up and even truly liking someone again because they always leave and i always get hurt and broken lol hopefully i learned my lesson this time haha boys are scary and i have 0 expectations anymore ha ha ha! im open to dating not too sure about being tied down though idk if the right boy comes along so be it!  i dont want to come off as like dependent and insecure and always needing a boy with me for validation--i dont want to jump from 1 boy to another boy so fast bc my heart needs time to heal and recover lol i am baby heh 
this is a very long post so ima write my 2020 goals on a different post aha overall 2019 sucked kinda but also didn't suck lol hopefully 2020 is better haha
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sleepy90 · 7 years
Double edge cheating scandal
I was in my mid 30s I’ve been married for about 5 years not sure why but lately my wife been acting funny. She been complaining alot even though I’ve been doing all I can but it just seem like I can’t keep here happy like I use to back in the day. Didn’t know what was wrong. Was she losing interest in me.. was the sex horrible.. I had no idea what to so I called my boy Orlando up.
Hey homie I need some advice, if my wife is losing interest in me what can I do to spice it up? Orlando is a good friend we've been friends all our life his dad was my dad and my mom his mom. We were more than friend basically brothers.
Orlando was older than me though and been through so much he got married at a young age roughly around 20 years old.
Well joe why don’t you ask her?
I want to ask her but it always turn into an argument and I’m so strong headed I gotta say what’s on my mind and then once I speak my mind she get quiet and stop talking to me for a whole week. This marriage is becoming a nightmare.
He said Bro what have I been telling you since we were young.... you cannot please a women! You can only please yourself.
Dude that doesn’t make sense! I don’t understand. I said.
Well let me put it to you like this! If you go out trying to give a child everything what they want when you take them to the store you’ll be broke right.
Yea I guess, I said in a confusing way as to where is he goin with this…orlando always had wired ways of explaining things and it never make sense at first but after giving it some thought it sinks in.
Same thing with the wife you’ll be unhappy trying to please a women you can only please them by giving them the basics and making sure you’ll happy in the end too. there has to be a compromise from both parties not just one. I know you want to speak your mind but communication is key and pride come before destruction. look Im no preacher but uh you better shut up or uh it’s going to be a long drive to the court house.
Yea you right I love her I think I’ll bring home some flowers and sit her down and just let her vent it all out to me. Your analogy are wired but I guess I get I’ll hit you up later let you know how it go.
Aight peace homie he said.
I went to a flower store after work and to walmart to get her favorite chocolate candy And came home waiting patiently for my wife to get off I usually get off a 6 she get off at 7. An hour doesn’t seem long but this particular day it every min felt like 15 mins. I tried everything to pass time tv walking cleaning and after all that only 45 mins past.
So I close my eyes and laid there the remaining time. When I open up my eyes it was 715 I decided to call my wife to see where she was at.
Hey beautiful are you on your way home. I got something for you? It’s a surprise
Hey I’ll be there in 5 mins I’m getting some gas. What you get me?
Now you know I can’t tell you that.
Ok I’ll see you in a few let me hurry up.
Ok love you bye. She never says i love you back and that was one of the things that worried me she alwsys said it in the beginning now its seem like a one way love I rush around the house making sure everything was spit clean and top notch.
She walked in the door. I nervously walk up to her gave her a kiss and gave her the flowers.
Aww baby thanks…
No problem I need to show you that I still love you and how blessed and lucky I am to have you. Also I want to do something to night if you can give 15 mins of your time.
And what might that be. She said looking at me.like what I’m up too.
I pulled up the chair and told her to sit down got out my notepad and told her I want you to tell me any and everything about how you feel I feel like I’m failing as your husband and I don’t like this feeling so before I go another let’s work it out.
Joe. I’ve been with you this long what is me tell you gonna change anything.
Because I know. I can be a difficult person to deal with. Ummm she said. Hand me that note pad. I will write everything that’s wrong and post in on the bedroom.door and you can look at it when ever you’ll fucking up.
She took about 15 mins to come up with a short list of things I need to do.
1. Communications your communication sucks you always cut me off when I’m speaking when are you going to listen. 2. Quality time. You don’t have a work.life balance you work to damn much. 3. You to cheap when we go out.whats the point of working if to cheap to enjoy it. 4. Your sex is starting to get weak. It’s boring and you only last 15 mins and I never get to him anymore.
Here You go!
She handed me the paper and boy was I amaze I mean don’t get me wrong I figure the first three but the last one had me confuse. I thought I laid the pipe down well.
I didn’t say nothing I decide to tackle that problem first starting friday.
It’s been a slow week anyway so I decided to come home early to surprise wifey with her favorite meal from her favorite restaurant olive garden.
But when I walked in the door I heard a man voice. And my wife. Voice.
They were in the back fucking. Apparently he was hitting it so good they didn’t hear me come in I stood there shock like what should I do.
The OG in me was like oh hell no someone is about to get shot by my new ruger sr9c. But then I said to myself I need to do something different something bold something that my wife will never expect. I knew exactly what to do. I bought my ruger in with me just in case.
Walked in….
Oh shit the look on their face was priceless
I pull the gun up don’t you move… I swear to god I’ll shoot your dick off.
Baby I’m so sorry I didn’t think you’ll be home so early!
Shut up! I don’t wanna hear that shit. You caught.
The man look scared out his ass his dick went so soft it looked like a pussy. On the insides i was cracking up. Look man I didn’t know please don’t shoot me. Shut up! I said and as fuck that I’m dealing with this shit. This is what we gonna do you gonna keep fucking her and I’m gonna watch and you better so it good or ima pop a cap in your ass…
Both of them looked at me like I was fucking crazy. Maybe I was but I knew killing them isn’t worth it and I know sometimes.you have to be insane.
I grab my chair and told them to keep going Put my gun in my lap as I sat there naked. Watching.
He nervously started eating my wife pussy in a circular motion occasionally fingering her and teasing her. My dick suddenly got hard.
I thought to myself what does this guy got that I don’t have, at the same time I had to stay focus and think about my next move so I wanna shoot this guy or do I want to do something extreme and crazy and join in. Fuck it. I went in to the kitchen his my baby and took about 3 shots of pure moonshine. I went back in as they kept going nervously wondering what I’m doing. I didn’t tell you to stop boy! Keep going dammit. Boy the look on his face was priceless eating that pussy like a bitch. So jane do you like the way he eat your pussy? She Stare at me scared not knowing if I was going to kill his and her or what my next move is. Nowadays people were getting killed left and right for things like this. I can’t hear you… don’t be quiet now remember the paper… I pointed to the wall.. You said communicate.. now answer me! She studer with her words and they were very sluggish. Yyyeeesss! She said I didn’t get mad what’s the point apparently something must be catching her attention from this guy. I got undressed and pulled my dick out and shoved it down her mouth aggressively How bout now You like sucking my dick and ate st the same time. She glazed at me just wanting to be submissive at this point. I pounded her mouth with my dick pulling her hair and slapping her in a aggressive but sexual manner. You like this shit don’t you jane! Yes daddy… I’m so sorry I choked her i didn’t ask for your apology I asked if you like this shit?! Yes daddy! Now I’m not an abuser but my wife is a little wild maybe this is what she meant by excitement. I told the boy to stop eating her pussy, she’s bout to get this dick. I told her to suck his dick while I fuck her. I slid my dick in. MY GOD! It was so wet who would have thought that a pussy can get his wet. I had her in the doggy style position just so I can smack her ass while she suck his dick. I was smacking that ass so hard. This not my idea of releasing my anger but it sure was helping for the time being.. I grab her hair tilt her head back and told him to starting fucking my wife mouth. He looked at me hesitant. And speechless. I said..looked you either fuck her or I’ll shoot you, you in my house motherfucker now do as I say!. Have you been drinking? my wife asked me. I didn’t tell you to speak! I smacked her ass. I promised my wife I’ll ease off the moonshine for a while because it makes me a little out of character sometimes and amplified my emotions that I was currently in.fuck that shit. I didn’t give a fuck right now. I pound that pussy while she was sucking his dick. I don’t like the way your pussy feel you need to get wetter. She looked at me in amazement. Speechless cause she had his dick and my dick at the same time and never expected this shit. Truth was that pussy was so wet I didn’t want to stop.but i had to cause I don’t want to nut prematurely. So I stop told him to stop as well. Now i want you to suck both of us off. He stood next to me scared like a little bitch. He was still halfway hard. Bitch ass boy! I thought to myself.. look if you don’t get hard and start fucking like a man ima shoot your dick off.. I don’t feel comfortable no more man.he said Let me get this straight you feel comfortable walking in my house fucking my wife while I’m gone but now I’m here it’s a different story. Maybe my ruger can ease your “uncomfortableness” Nooooo that’s not necessary I’ll fuck your eife please don’t kill me. He close his eyes. My wife looked at me. I looked back and told her if you say anything I’ll smack you so hard your pussy will start dripping.. She just started sucking our going back and forth. I glaze at the light. The way she was sucking my dick it felt like I was in heaven talking to Joseph or Adam or someone. I knew it wasn’t earth. I told her to spit on it. She spat on my dick. Not suck his like that and jack mines. She was really enjoying this I look at her pussy she started creaming and dripping cum all over the bed i wanted that shit. But then I said no that’s to easy. I gotta be insane but different You want some dick jane!? Yes daddy she replied. Who you want to fuck you,? I asked I want you… Good! I want you to fuck my wife boy and you better fuck her good too.the moment you get soft I will shoot you. Whatever you say just don’t kill me. He barely had his eyes on me and barely open.I guess the sight of me intimidated him. He laid my wife down spreader her legs put one leg on his shoulder and slowly put it in, i stood there watching, Plotting my next move. She grab his arm as he begin to pound my wife pussy. Ahhh shit hmmmm. Damn It’s so good. If i stood here and watch i was going to go insane so I reach Into the drawer and grab the anal plug that we never used My wife wanted to do anal at one time I wasn’t really trying to do that shit, pussy just feel so good. I reach over trying not to intervene to much.i slowly plug her butt. he was hitting it so good. As I put it in all I could hear Was oh shit oh shit..yes yes yea. As I put it half way in she squirted all over my face and his dick. It didnt faze me, maybe because of the alcohol. I kept going in and out with the plug. Oh my god oh my god don’t stop! I love this shit keep going put it in my ass and fuck my pussy harder. My wife yelled. Damn I don’t remember this side of my wife. I didn’t know who i was with anymore. I kept going as fast as I could she squirted again and again. You want to taste his dick while I fuck you next. What ever you want daddy I wanna please you. We switch position I turned her side ways it was my favorite position I can choke her smack that ass grab that hair and play with the clit. I put my dick in and immediately started pounding the pussy I took my left hand and started playing with her clit it was so sensitive my right hand was grab her hair. I told her to suck his dick til he cum. You wanna cum on my wife don’t you boy. Dude you’ll crazy I form wanna do that. He replied to bad you don’t have a choice I want you to play with her nipples and then I want you to nut on them. He grab my wife tits hand shaking like he was a diabetic. He started squeezing one nipple and rubbing the other taking his index and middle finger and put it in his mouth and slowly rubbing and squeezing her nipple. I could feel my wife cumming after he did that. All her juices were coming out on top of my dick. I told him I want him to cum. it was time to put an end to this i could feel the moonshine disappearing and i can’t guarantee his safety if i can’t feel this alcohol. He looked at me like i was crazy i told him relax close your eyes cause if you don’t do it Ima shoot you I never threaten someone so much but hell the man is in my house and I’m a criminal defense attorney so I know how to get away with murder. of course I’m not going to murder him but he don’t know that. I chose my wife while she suck his dick smacking her ass and playing with her clit. She begin to get wetter and wetter trying to push me back with her hand. I grab her and pin them down on her back. Holding it with my right arm and smack her ass. you better not stop me! I said. I rub on her clit as I slowed down a little wanting to make sure I feel that pussy. I’m bout to cum oh shit the man said. my wife lifted up her chest as he busted a nut all over her tits. Keep sucking his dick i told her. She lick the rest of the nut out his dick swallowing it like it’s no tomorrow. Kept going as I sped up. I could feel her pussy tighten up on my dick that’s how I knew it was good it begin to feel like the first time we fuck. I haven’t felt it like this since our first time. I kept going i felt the g spot I tap it with my dick her pussy push me put as she squirted on me I jumped back in i begin to lose feeling in my leg as was about to cum. I look at her are you ready jane. Yes nut inside me baby let it all out. I could feel my muscle tight up throughout my body as I kept going as fast as my body would let me She moan so loud . Oh shit yes uh yah uh. She said. Her thighs tighten up as I gave It a few more pounding in her pussy as the walls grip my dick I slowly came inside my wife I was cumming so hard. i could see she had her mouth wide open and she was squeezing the boy dick so hard he had to back up. I kept going cause it turns me on when I nut inside and see her cum and my cum coming out slowly at the same time as I pull out. I went fast as I could because I knew my dick would eventually go soft.. She was still moaning not evening realizing it’s over. I pulled out as slow as I could my dick was white cover it my cum and hers. While we were finishing up the boy done snuck and put his cloths back on. I didn’t even notice Hey I didn’t tell you can leave boy where you going. Look man I gotta get home to my ol lady.. it wasn’t suppose to happen like this. Oh shit you married! you lying cheating motherfucker! You got five seconds to get out my house or ima shoot your ass. 1, 2, 5. I chase his ass out the door if I ever see you again it won’t be pretty. I yelled out the front door. That motherfucker ran so fast it made usane bolt look like a turtle. I went back to my wife told her dinner is on the table. We’ll discuss this later I’m going to sleep. Baby I’m sorry. She looked at me
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