#injured animal tw
nottadog · 11 months
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"I know."
The deer was only getting worse. He had a few ideas, but he tried them all now. It was only getting worse. He was only delaying the inevitable at this point, making things worse. It was hard to admit there wasn't anything else he could do.
It wasn't really fair though! This was such a weird... poison. If it actually was that. Why did it take so long? Why wasn't it getting any better? Why did this have to happen?
He would take a moment to stare into the beast's pleading eyes.
Put it out of its misery.
A repetition of a distasteful thought. Maybe that's all he could do now. But was that really the better option?
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malloryhuitson · 8 months
location: the vet clinic
status: closed for @emersonhart
One of the things Mallory loved about her daughter, and what she was generally proud of, was Aspen’s ability to process and express emotions. It was hard, especially to a teenage girl, to be given the appropriate space to feel. And Mallory would support that, even if it led them to sitting in a crowded vet’s office, cradling an injured bird that Aspen found in the backyard, sobbing so hard that Mallory felt she had no choice but to bring it here, hoping the vet staff would humour the sensitive fifteen year old at the very least. When they were called up, Mallory was quick to apologise for the inconvenience. “I know you have a lot of sick animals to see to, but I couldn’t bare my daughter here being this upset, she loves animals. We know it’s not exactly conventional…” Realising she was close to rambling, she stopped herself, smiling politely, hoping that whatever advice they were given about the damned bird, it wouldn’t further break Aspen’s heart or get Mallory’s hands dirty.
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jellypawss · 1 year
I’m taking care of a newborn kitten that was abandoned by the mom and found in my friends garage injured, he won’t latch on to his bottle and I’m having a lot of struggle feeding him. I’m getting a 3ml dropper today to see if I can drip feed him kinda but I really hope this little fella makes it.
I have to wake up every 2 hours to feed this lil guy and I’m so tired but it is worth it! Send good vibes for healing and growing for this baby.
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Rest In Peace, P-22. :c
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sparky-draws · 7 months
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Moon 13 - Newleaf
I'm sorry the visual of Price picking Jewel (who, as a human, is 6' and kinda buff) up by the scruff like a kitten was too funny to me I had to do it
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firetreeclans · 6 months
Moon 6 - Leaf-bare
tw: dead animals (prey)
Talonshade doesn't understand how Plumtail got so good at hunting
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exocynraku · 2 years
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helluvamystery · 2 months
I just had to send an email to the DNR cause there's a skunk in my backyard who's either very injured or very sick, cause it's weakly wobbling around in circles and falling down. Hate doing this because if it's rabies, that's bad, and if it's not rabies, the DNR people might call me a city slicker and beat me up
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asksunheartmaybe · 9 months
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This theoretical angst for Investpaw is becoming more and more real in my brain just i have no idea where to place it in the future nor how the exact event even happened to get them so injured. So at the moment it remains non canon.
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nottadog · 11 months
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It's getting worse. The boy's been doing his best to make sure the stag is being taken care of. Water. Food. Some herbal remedies. Despite that, it's condition continues to worsen.
It's grown more used to the boys presence, but that matters little. It's obviously in pain. He's not sure if he can actually help it now, nothing he's tried is working.
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dukeofqueers · 1 year
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big thanks to sniper catboys for making me draw the most i ever have in a single year. there's still room for me to become even worse i think
exploding them with my mind
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unganseylike · 2 months
everytime i cut myself shaving i think it is a message from the universe
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zennyzach · 3 months
Just saw a video of a cat cuddling up to a rabbit and I just audibly went "nooooo..."
Jfc don't let predator animals anywhere near prey animals
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painsandconfusion · 3 months
He Sang Little Joe The Wrangler
I've loved this poem all my life, but I'm only now understanding why I loved it o much as a child. It's exquisitely written, the descriptions are incredible and vivid, and it's also whump.
Man vs Nature - the story of a cowboy who gets caught in a wildfire with his horse. It's terrifying and brilliantly done. There's such incredible descriptions of panic, some life-saving cleverness, and some absolutely stunning caretaking as he calms his horse and keeps him safe through the chaos.
tw for possible death, burning, broken bones, and and animal (horse) gets injured.
I'd let you just read it, but I've never been table to find this poem in writing, and it's also vastly more effective if you can hear his voice. The delivery is key. I'm so incredibly sorry it's not more accessible.
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eguzkilorethelynx · 6 months
Would you believe that I kinn him??
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seldomscilence16 · 7 months
Whumptober day 11:
"All the lights going dark, and my hopes destroyed"
Animal trap | captivity | "no one will find you."
Fandom: Ducktales
Prompts used: All
Soooo this combines things with Donald in it, meaning small things were changed here and there. Including the whole Webby being April and May and June being clones etc. If you don't know my military headcanons for Donald, I have a chapter explaining it in the 'Dime a Dozen au'. Brief recap is basically he and his team (including Josés older sister) were held captive on their last mission and experimented on. Donald loses feeling in like half his body, and two members on his team. Any questions, don't be afraid to ask!
Donald really needed to just, stop trying to do things. Obviously he just wasn't good at it, wasn't made for this world of doers, was cursed to never be able to complete anything. He thinks the only people that were ever able to work with his bad luck without his detriment, were the Caballeros and co. It feels like every other thing he can think of ended badly for him more often than not. And yeah, sometimes that was okay, 'cause it was saving others, but he's so tired.
He had gone on this little trip, by himself, because it was rumored to have exactly what he wanted. When you have a family like his, it was hard to get them gifts. Donald always hated that he couldn't spoil the boys like he wanted to, but he could do better now. And this time, all he needed was the mineral he could supposedly find here. To make a compass for Huey, a boomerang for Dewey, a shield for Louie-and maybe a piece for him to sell, a dagger for Webby, a new leg piece for Della, a handle for José's cane, a new piece for Panchitos guns, and new glasses frames for Uncle Scrooge.
He had a whole plan, was even hoping he'd find excess for a couple extra gifts for one, but of course, why would anything go his way? 
He feels numb, flat on his back staring up at the sky, one leg is bleeding profusely where iron has punctured skin, something he should definitely take care of, but he can't seem to get the gumstion to rise. He wonders what creatures out here would warrant such a trap, and why it was on a path instead of off it, or he wonders until a shadow falls over him and a face comes into view. 
How many times will he almost die before he does? Especially for being a part of his family, or for the friends he has, he should have kept his emo stage and stayed indoors. 
"Hello Mr. Duck." 
John D. Rockerduck had disappeared after the whole FOWL thing went down, along with several other nemesis' of Scrooge. So why wouldn't Donald find him on his first trip alone? He would have preferred Glomgold, he did not typically use traps such as these- though Donald supposed the hired muscle might of- but as it was, he's got a leg clamped in a foothold trap, an old arm injury acting up, and zero quacks to give. 
"Finally I can hit McDuck where it hurts!" 
"Oh? Is your money bin bigger than his?" Donald knows that he's almost never understood, but he'd burst if he kept all his comments to himself.
"Had to be the noisey one though, no matter. Jeeves!" The lumbering half dead butler muscle comes into view, bending down and slinging Donald under his arm with ease. "It's gonna be over for you, and with Scrooge at his weakest, I will finally show the world who's better!" 
Laughable really. But Rockerduck can think what he wants, Donald can at least envision his face when he realizes he's failed once again at Scrooge's hands, even if he doesnt get to actually see it. 
Panch and Zé had worried about him going alone, worried about his mindset and all that. He can see why now, laying limp in an enemy's arm, leg useless, feeling less than spectacular. He should be angry, fighting, screaming nonsensical barbs… wow, it's a rare state to find him feeling meh without the anger. 
"Say hello to your new home!"
Before he can even look up and make a snip about free real estate, he's airborne with an undignified squawk. He sees smooth dirt on all sides for several long moments before he lands with a thump- only years of falling that keeps him from braining himself, though his body would still bite back with a 'hurts like heck'. 
"If you try and get out, I'd keep an eye out for the night beast the locals are all chatting about. Oh and don't worry, no one will find you. Bye Bye!" Donald can hardly make out his silhouette above him, hole so deep the light barely creeps all the way down.
With both his legs, it probably wouldn't be too hard, Donald has gotten out of worse, but with his leg as it is itd take awhile, and he would rather not take his chances if there is a night beast. One could argue it's not laziness if he's avoiding a larger problem. 
Ah, is that where Louie's brain goes? 
Well, if he dies here, his family will surely kill him again for dying so soon after his last almost death with the whole FOWL thing. Maybe Duckworth would let him stay with him? 
Deciding to be semi productive in the meantime, Donald grasps at the two springs on the trap and pushes down as hard as he's able, moving his leg diagonally and hissing as it pulls free. Casually ripping his sleeve off he binds his leg as best he can, grateful it didn't get to the bone breaking part. This is certainly not nearly as bad as his time in the Navy. 
He leans back against the compact dirt wall, cool and damp as the heat of the day fades. But with the fading heat goes the sunlight, and his hole is slowly filling with shadows. He and the moon may not be on the best of terms, but he wouldn't mind its light right about now. 
He jinxed himself, he should know better by now really. Shaking his head, curling closer to himself to keep warm, All the lights going dark, and his hopes destroyed once again. He'd just wanted to make his family some gifts. It was just supposed to be a nice easy trip. 
How long would he wait this time? Would they look for him? Was the effort of getting out even worth it? He scratches absently at the wall, only to catch on something solid. Curiosity piqued and reaching through the bars of his mind, he put more effort into his scratching, revealing exactly what he'd come here for. 
What irony, to be thrown in a hole where his objective was waiting. His laugh is on the edge of hysterics, as he finds his time occupied with digging. Filling a makeshift bag- his undershirt sacrificed for the duty- full of the material, he uses the gouges as hand and foot holds. 'Look at me being productive and stuff, ha!' 
Just as he reaches the ledge, thinking just maybe he could brush all this off and pretend it didn't happen, a growl echoes around him. He groans, dragging his leg over the ledge like the dead weight it is, and lays there for a moment. He ponders staying there vs running- or well hobbling- and ultimately his hard earned loot wins out. He rolls, momentums himself into a standing position, balancing on one foot. He glares at the nature around him and the dumb moon that still evades his vision and leaves his surroundings annoyingly shadowy. 
Before he can get his first embarrassing hop going, the growling is right behind him, echoed by a scottish accented response. He turns an unimpressed head to find Scrooge and Della on a bear of all things.
"That's a bear." Donald states it, hoping to remind them of their mortality- however vague it may be. 
"Bah, I speak bear lad, dinnae worry about it." 
"Uh, but maybe worry about your leg, or we'll be twinning from head to toe!" Dellas' flashlight aims right at him and he shields his eyes with a glare.
"Rockerduck is on his way to the mansion." 
"Oh good, Webby's been wanting to test the new defenses. Get on lad, we'll get ye home." 
"I was rescuing myself." Donald says, making his way around the bear cautiously, weird hop not even causing the animal to flinch. 
"We should have been here sooner, we'll do better, no more rescue worthy scenarios!" Della heaves him up, and Donald can see her worry up close. 
A strange thing, what ten years and several life or death scenarios can do to a relationship. Did they care before? Maybe.
He looks at them as they make their way towards the awaiting plane. 
Are they working on it now? 
Yeah… maybe they are.
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