moongirl-26 · 9 months
Quizá no sea la mejor en lo que hago y en la manera en que lo hago pero cada día me esfuerzo, me lleno de valentía y de coraje para seguir haciéndolo. Quizá me siga equivocando y fallando pero intento ser lo que mejor logro ser y trato de hacer lo mejor para quienes me necesitan. Pero esta guerra a qué diario lucho muchos días me gana y siento morir , pero con pocas o inexistentes fuerzas me levanto para seguir dando esta lucha interna y externa que debo librar.
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El brillo del alma
Reflejado en tu bondad
El amor que entregas por la vida
En tu sonrisa se hace notar
Tú ternura encantada
En tus ojos se logra proyectar
Repartiendo luz entre tanta oscuridad
Y a pesar que la tristeza cual estrella fugaz
En ocasiones por tu rostro suele pasear
La pasión con la que vives día a día
Hace que no pierda la fe en la humanidad
Resaltando tú sutil belleza
Y destácandote ante cualquier maleza.
Seamos seres que dejan huella en los senderos de la existencia.
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A lo largo de los años he aprendido a reprimir las emociones y no contarle a nadie los problemas.
¿Qué si eso destruye?
Aún intentado, no sé como expresar lo que siento; exploto facílmente por cosas que no deberia. Las cosas importantes no lastiman, pero las pequeñas sí. Siempre han dicho que estoy loca y que es mi culpa, nunca intentan comprenderme.
Aún así intento mejorar, pero por más que intento... sigo...
Sin lugar a donde ir...
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zombiecrisrpy · 2 years
Acho mano esto cansa de verdad. No se que estoy haciendo con mi vida ahora mismo. Cuando era adolecente pense que mis 32 años iban hacer bien diferentes. Talvez un poco mas completa mi vida con mas organizacion pero definitivamente mucho mas feliz.
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"Algunos días son más duros y lo único que puedes hacer es respirar hondo. Pero no pasa nada, lo estás haciendo lo mejor posible."
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keline11 · 1 month
Do you ever just cry?
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"Good night pa, thank you for today. Thanks to you I am who I am."
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caostalgia · 1 year
Muchos cargan con una multitud de problemas intentando vivir con ellos, algunos están tan rotos que solo sonríen para no quebrantarse más, otros se esconden detras de una pantalla asimilando ser felices cuando en su habitación conviven con la soledad...
| Sea & Sun
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benedich · 5 months
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"¿ya intentaste el recorrido con las balsas? quiero pero no estoy seguro de que mi cuerpo me permita remar por mucho tiempo, aún hay movimientos que me molesta hacer" comenta una vez se posiciona junto a primer vástago que se encontró.
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crazysaru99 · 8 months
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"Didn't you know how to read?"
Monkey King can read... but Doesn't understand modern chinese.
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lowthebridge · 1 month
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El otro día mi primo me contó el chiste de:
- Oye, tío, tienes los ojos rojos, ¿estás bien? (hey, dude, your eyes are red, are you okey?)
- ¿¡Qué porro ni que porro?! (what joint you talking about?!)
Y me hizo mucha gracia.
In this case, L: hey, your eyes are yellow, are you okey? K: What galra are you talking about?!
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nats-uvi · 20 days
Does any of you have any ribbun song recommendations? I'm sick of my playlist,,,I need to update it :,>
Si son en español aun mejor-
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racky000 · 5 months
Do do doo doo dup dup do do ♪~
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sambuchito · 10 months
“What that mouth do? 🥴” lie leave me alone
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Quackity opened his eyes.
The room was still dark, whether because he blocked the door and the inexistence of windows made it like it or because the sun didn't rise yet was impossible to say. He touched his cheek. It was wet from tears. Probably because of a bad dream. Or not. He couldn't recall. Memory has been a weird thing these days. It was tiring. He took a deep breath, letting the air come and go even so his chest almost hurt from how heavy it was. He cleaned the tears. Took another deep breath. Adjusted himself on the mattress A quiet sound made him freeze. It was young, bothered, not a whine and not a giggle, a signal of existence and so familiar yet strange that made his eyes immediately run to look down.
Oh. That is why his chest was so heavy.
(He could life with this weight.) At some point in the night the little one rolled on the beds until colliding with the adult, small fists and arms immediately clinging in Quackity's sweater as if nothing more could ever matter. As if Quackity was always there, ready to have Pepito in his arms. As if the egg would be cold, sad, alone if another Pa vanished in the air. What would've Pepito do if Quackity's body wasn't there to prevent the young one (his kid) to fall from the bed? Would Pepito cry? Try to keep sleeping? Go outside to look for him only to find his dea-
A sigh filled the room, Quackity looked down again. Pepito's chest (alive) went up and down and a tiny smile formed in his lips, nuzzling Quackity's sweater and squeezing himself close.
The adult sighed (also alive) and brought a hand to the kid's head, letting it rest on the egg's head, dodging the horns and playing with the fluffy hair. If he stretched his hand enough, it could cover his entire head.
(Tan chiquito.)
And if he could he could push the kid away. He could go outside. He could scream and shout and destroy everything, anything.
But Quackity was tired. And it was still cold outside. And there was a weight on his chest. And Pepito would fall from the bed if he went to leave. He grabbed the blanket and messily pulled it to cover them, barely getting his limbs working enough to loosely wrap his huevito in a hug. It was weak and more of a hold than an actually hug, but the other kept sleeping unbothered and content anyway. (Mananã vas a quedar in tu cama y voy a colocar barras para que no te caiga entonces no vas a necesitar de mí ahí, si?) Pepito didn't answer. Quackity didn't know how to craft that. And so, nothing about it really mattered. Not today, when it was so cold outside and the kid in his hold was warm. Quackity closed his eyes. Tomorrow... tomorrow was another day.
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minglana · 8 months
o millor mes de l'anyo ha arribau
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amalia-red-22 · 3 months
First attempt at designing an archangel without wings // Primer intento en dibujar a un arcángel con las alas arrancadas
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