#it's usually (well the 2 times i've seen) related to sex but i'd like to see women tackle this
marypickfords · 1 year
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Thanatomorphose (Éric Falardeau, 2012)
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what is your mclennon take
All righty then, feel like I haven't been asked this in two years.
(throwback to @phoneybeatlemania asking me this on anon on like day two of my having this blog <3)
I wanna preface this by saying I'm hyper-aware that multiple takes more or less fit the facts. I'm often reading up on what people who disagree with me are saying and try to consider their arguments as seriously as I can. Because of this, I don't feel entirely confident committing to one single take; more, a spectrum of scenarios I find more or less plausible.
(putting this under a read more cause I'm annoying lol)
At this point you can't really convince me John wasn't bi; the evidence is ample and IMO conclusive. Combining that with things John said after the breakup, some of his behaviours and words while the band was together makes him being attracted to Paul seem very likely to me, and I generally operate under that assumption though I do try to sometimes consider other possibilities.
Generally, I don't really buy into the idea that Paul is (meaningfully) attracted to men for two reasons: 1) he's denied it + continues to do so, and I dislike going against someone's word without good reason and 2) all the evidence I've seen for it feels very… Circumstantial. It seems more like a post-hoc explanation for a bunch of not necessarily related behaviours rather than concrete proof. (for example comparing when Paul started growing a beard to when he and Linda got together and concluding a general "return to the safety of heteronormativity" in mid-'68 based on that)
That being said, that doesn't mean I think Paul couldn't possibly be bi and I do see how the fact that he's still alive means that anecdotes like the ones we have of John confirming his consistent interest in men would not have emerged as easily and readily as they did once John died. (and conversely, Paul has outlived most Beatle-era people; I doubt much will come out from that time period at all in the near future, unless his kids decide to share things, but loyalty appears to be the currency of the McCartney Clan so…)
And also, I've seen this implied multiple times so let me reiterate: thinking Paul is not attracted to John is not equivalent to thinking Paul had an in any sense normal friendship with John. I believe that, no matter what, John was important to Paul to a probably slightly unhealthy extent and I don't discount that he's referred to John as some type of soulmate.
Now, timeline-wise, I consider myself somewhat of an outlier in that I'm highly skeptical of the idea that John was attracted to Paul from the moment they met (and, for that matter, if proof of Paul's attraction to men emerged, this skepticism would extend to him as well). But I also don't have some timeline I'm personally subscribed to because I think the evidence on this front is convoluted and somewhat contradictory. I'd say it mostly indicates to me that either a) John experienced multiple waves of infatuation which ebbed and flowed over the years or b) he was somewhat possessive of Paul before he was actually attracted to him. (or a combination of these two) Another thing I don't feel particularly confident about is at what point this attraction would have become conscious (and I err on the side of not believing an unconscious attraction could have lasted especially long)
I usually try to approach them holistically as people and when I can leave the romantic/sexual stuff unaddressed because I think a lot of aspects of their relationship can be analysed regardless of the precise nature of their dynamic. On the other hand, I do acknowledge that both these men were very sex/love-oriented and thus I can't discount it completely.
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1. Are Knives and Vash still plants or are they regular humans?
2. Do Knives' fanbase know about the polycule? Have they seen MC on stream by accident or on purpose, if at all? Do they ship the crew in any way, as fanbases usually do?
3. Do they all live in the same house? Like do Knives, Vash, Wolfwood and Legato live in the same house as the MC or do they all live on their own?
4. Any chance for a tooth-rotting fluff fic? Absolute 100% fluff? Please?
I absolutely adore your AU, I love love love how you write the crew!!! I think it was really nice how Knives was worried for Vash in the laser tag fic. I understand if you don't wanna release too much about the au, but I'm already a massive fan!! Keep going!!
Omg thanks for enjoying my reverse isekai stuff!!! I've been writing it for 13 months now, and it's word count is nearly at 60k!
I don't often share much about it, because it's such a work close to my heart. When I write for it, I'm making it completely a personal fic, and it's basically my maladaptive daydreaming in script. If I do publish anything from it, anything I share is altered and made vague to suit a general audience. In addition, it's like, 70% smut, and I don't feel 100% comfortable sharing my sex life with my partners on the internet (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
During the laser tag fic, I didn't intend on having Vash, or anyone, get triggered, but sometimes the characters write themselves. Knives and Vash have a surprisingly close relationship, and hang out quite often!
Now for your questions,
1. Yes! This is a straight pull Isekai. Vash and Knives are immortal, and have plant powers. They do their best not to think about what they'll do without mc when they pass, but at least they'll have each other on earth like they always wanted.
Also noting that this brotherhood works because they're from slightly different timelines, Knives being of the manga, and Vash from T98. They both acknowledge they're only 99% related, and it makes the grudges they would have had fallen away, and allow them to start over.
2. I have a bit about Knives' fanbase learning about MC. It's super cute, and I'll tag you when I post it! (I should probably make a reverse Isekai tag list…) MC is already an underground person if media as well, being a successful audiobook narrator.
as for the polycule, as far as the world knows, the polycule is filled with "Trigun kinnies" people who have dedicated their entire lives to being the essence of the character they adore. (Some people who figured it out, don't really say anything because why?)
The polycule itself is very messy, and the fans just kind of roll with it. They basically tag their Trigun fanart with things like #Impiricule (imperium polycule) I need to post an update picture of the polycule later. A lot has happened after the laser tag story. New characters, new adventures, etc, and I'd also like to post a generalized timeline as well.
Also, within the fanbase are the other characters from other media who kinda help keep his secret. Tamaki Suoh insists the two of them went to elementary school together in Virginia, and 29 year old All-Might and Knives were "college roommates" Different characters from various media end up on Earth all the time, apparently it's the Elric Brother's fault.
3. Yes! They do all live in the same house for at least the polycule. There are a few characters of Trigun who aren't in the polycule who live elsewhere. As for other media, they usually end up bonding over being displaced entities, and being online friends.
4. I'll pick out a fluffy bit, or make one, and I'll tag you when I post it! Thanks again for all the questions! It makes me so happy to hear you like it!!!
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ghost-proofbaby · 3 months
hiii, hope your well <333
so i got all the way to the very start of act 3, romanced astarion (or so i thought) just to have him reject me !!!!
for added context, he propositioned me at the celebration (i obviously said yes), helped him get raphael to explain his scars AND let him drink my blood. it says his approval is very high aswell. so i have no idea where i went wrong :|
hello love!! im doing pretty good <3 and oh nooo.
(spoilers for games. y'all have been warned.)
did you get a confession scene towards the end of act 2? to solidify the romance with any companion, there will always be a cut scene where the explicitly say "hey, we're doing this. we're a couple." there's specific things you have to do in order to trigger them. (and if you're doubting if you got that scene, once you have solidified the romance, you will have the dialogue options to ask for a kiss and ask what you are to that companion! every time you talk! endless astarion kisses if you so please!)
astarion has a few variations, below the cut.
1: you went to moonrise, encountered a drow named 'araj', and didn't make him drink her blood. plain and simple. most people resort to triggering the confession this way. it will be a cut scene that triggers during a long rest, and not an exclamation point. usually within 1-2 long rests, depending on if you have a backlog of camp events since you haven't been long resting much!
2 (my personal favorite and the most popular to be posted online): you completed his quest with raphael and the deal regarding his scars. this one has been trickier for others to accomplish. you can't encounter the drow first, and i usually avoid moonrise altogether to get this confession. it's the iconic "i had a nice, simple plan" confession. cut scene just like #1, where it occurs once you go to bed at camp. if this didn't trigger for you after the raphael encounter and killing yurgir (spoilers lol), then that's the same issue a lot of people have! i've only sought out this confession with exceptional approval. maybe the approval affects it? who knows. also, i have no idea if it's related, but i had friendzoned every other companion when i got this one, to avoid being in a double romance type of situation like the option below...
3: you begin to romance someone else in tangent with him, and are given an ultimatum between that character and astarion, and choose him. i've never done this path. i do not know the specifics to triggering it. i know it's common when you romance both gale and astarion specifically, but from what i've seen, it's very sweet and cute because he gets surprised you would choose him lol (also sometimes it appears to happen in late act 1??? like i said, i've never done it. when i set my sights on my boy, it's over for everyone else. even halsin. which, if you're curious, you can have a poly relationship with halsin and astarion. you just have to talk to him about it, which halsin brings up automatically. it's only available once in act 3).
if none of these works, try long resting back to back like all hell!! it'll literally be the tik tok audio of "night time, bitch! night time, bitch!". certain scenes just won't trigger out of order. <3 #1 has been confirmed by the community as the simplest way to get the confession, definitely used as a fail safe, because it always happens immediately the first long rest after that encounter.
also, some choices will lock you out, but you would know. astarion makes a very dramatic mess of the 'breakup'. usually, it's if you made him drink the drow's blood. higher approval leads to options to talk to him about it and stop the breakup, but also some really fucking awful options (do NOT try and have sex with him after he says he doesn't want anyone to view him in terms of sex, in case that wasn't obvious).
hopefully this helps? i just recently saw this start to be an issue for people haha. also finding the drow is a bit tough, she's in a side room. i recognized her voice from videos i'd seen on tiktok so... that's how i found her. and no, you can't fireball her into oblivion. i tried. multiple times. she won't take damage while at moonrise, fuckin cunt.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
I remember your FE queer subtext analysis video (which was amazing BTW), as well as your Dimidue video (equally amazing). You've mentioned several times about your poly Blue Lions OT5 etc. My question relates to this topic a bit. I agree with you that the Golden Deer are the most straight house. It's really just Marianne/Hilda and those who happen to like Claude/Lorenz (despite Claude lacking romantic chemistry with most male characters in his support). But here is something that bothers me (1)
Fandom jumped on the concept of the Black Eagles as the LGBTQ house, and they ignore that the Blue Lions have an equal or greater amount of LGBTQ ships. In the Black Eagles, as you've mentioned in videos too, it's really only ever the same exact ships over and over again (Edelgard/Byleth, Ferdibert, DoroPetra, Linspar) maybe with some Edelthea throw in too. But with the Lions, it's so many more characters with multiple same sex ships. Fans ship Dimitri with so many male characters + M!Byleth (2)
Dimidue, Dimilix, Dimiclaude, even Dimivain! Then we have Sylvix, Ashedue, Yuri/Ashe, Annette/Mercedes. Even Dorothea/Ingrid is popular for those characters. I guess my question is: why is Black Eagles the fandom quote on quote gay house when most of the Black Eagles come across as bisexual for one single person only? Take Ferdibert for example. They're gay for each other but for nobody else. Not very bisexual tbh; more like "I'm gay 4 u only." I dislike how Blue Lions LGBTQ gets forgotten (3)
I've thought about this topic off and on. It's not something I'd want to make a video about because that seems overly petty and negative (and also because I actually ship Ferdibert), but I think I can identify a handful of overlapping factors:
Edeleth is the only house leader same-sex S rank. People really like Avatars in FE and really care about who they can sleep with, and gaming journalism tends to magnify this by writing about same-sex S ranks as if they're landmarks in gay representation in video games.
The Eagles have gender parity and the popular gay ships are evenly split between F/F and M/M, in contrast to the male-dominated Lions which have only one notable F/F pairing that still isn't that popular. In some fandom circles there's the perception, born of many years of M/M dominating fic and art in transformative fandom, that it's more progressive to have F/F ships and that anyone who ships primarily/only M/M is a gross yaoi fangirl who might be fetishizing us poor helpless gay men.
Broader fandom discourse likes to attack almost all of the Lions and their ships for perceived problematic elements. Dimidue is a white savior ship, Dimitri is a conservative upholder of the status quo, Dimitri is abusive toward his friends OR Felix is abusive toward Dimitri, Felix and Ingrid are racists, Sylvain is a misogynist, if you ship Annette and Mercedes you're a pedophile because of the age gap, Ingrid is a homophobe for acting like she does toward Dorothea, etc. The members of the other houses have never been subject to this much collective scrutiny from all these corners, and that's impacted how the Lions are viewed by some fans.
Poly dynamics don't usually play well in discourse circles, because they're messier than the tidy sets of pairings neatly set off from one another like in the Eagles but also tend to suppress the ever-popular ship wars. It's noteworthy that the most infamous M/M ship war I can think of in Three Houses fandom was that of two fanon ships with Claude as the common character. The material for ship wars is there with the Lions boys, but it's not usually acted upon because they do all pile together so well.
Related, that tidiness allows for people to write fics about just one Eagles pairing where all the others can be off in the background only showing up when they're relevant (although the fics will still be tagged with all of them). Background ships are still possible, albeit more complicated, in a polycule. I've actually seen Doropetra and Caspardt shippers complaining about this practice as there are fewer fics that focus on those pairings compared to ones where they're in the background of Edeleth and/or Ferdibert fics.
Finally, we have to remember that one of the largest and most visible ships in the entire fandom is M/F Dimileth, which cuts into the number of Lions fans who ship M/M pairings (and who generally ignore Byleth entirely, bar a minority of M/M Dimileth fans) and also affects the perception of the Lions as a het-focused house.
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dorefasolsido · 3 months
1. Did you wake up cranky?
No, I struggled to wake up but felt surprisingly fine once I did.
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
Nah. They're waaaay too young.
3. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
I don't really care, but I've always had more girl friends. I guess I just relate to them better.
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Yeah, why not.
5. Can you commit to one person?
Tbh, I definitely have some commitment issues. Not so much in a sense that I need to be with more people at once, but rather that as soon as things start looking serious (even with friends), my avoidant attachment kicks in.
6. How do you look right now?
Just as I always do when I'm sitting around the house.
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Black leggings, black socks, and a black Christmas sweater with a deer on it. Yes, I'm aware we're waaay past Christmas now.
8. How often do you listen to music?
Usually I listen to it in the car.
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
Jeans, but lately cargos are my go-to.
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2014?
Lol damn. Well, I don't think my life changed dramatically then, but it did in 2014.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
I'm not either, I guess you'd say I'm a bit asocial. But I'm not actively antisocial.
12. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
Well, nothing. I mean, what can I do? I'd just accept it and try to move on.
13. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
A little too good, I'd like to unlearn some of that.
14. Can you drive a stick shift?
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Sure, I don't think anyone enjoys when other speak badly about them.
16. Are you going out of town soon?
Probably, yes. To this big teambuilding event.
17. When was the last time you cried?
I know for sure I cried on Tuesday.
18. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
Hmm, you could kind of say so. I never really expected to consider dating a girl.
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?
I like my eye colour, but sure. Wouldn't hurt to try a different one.
20. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
Tomorrow will just be a day for seeing people I haven't seen for a while.
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
My day was actually perfectly and then I suddenly started feeling so restless at 12 AM and had no idea what to do. That happens so often, like everything's just fine and then my brain goes like "But aren't you enjoying yourself too much?" Like, leave me alone, man.
22. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
Another difficult question, so I'll say kinda. And I think that same friend liked me back at the time.
23. Are you nice to everyone?
I try to be, but tbh, I wish I wasn't really always.
24. What are you sitting on right now?
The couch in my living room.
25. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
Cheating would not be the issue at all. The issue would be if I'm able to not get spooked by feelings and run away. I used to be better about this, but I feel like I've definitely regressed in this department.
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Not really.
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
I think my cat lol.
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
Not normally, but in the past few months I did.
29. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
30. Does anyone hate you?
I don't know. I can think of one person who might, but I'm not sure even she does either.
31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Kind of, but I'm not sure I could tell everything to anyone.
32. Do you like watching scary movies?
Yess, my favourite genre.
33. Are you a jealous person?
Not normally. But I've had my moments in the past, when I was much younger.
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
I don't think I'd delete any of them. Even 2020 and 2023, both of which absolutely sucked, I'd still keep.
35. Did you have a dream last night?
I did but I completely forgot what it was about.
36. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
Again, I do think there are people who would listen and not judge, but the problem is literally just in me and my need for privacy.
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
No. I have no interest in marriage.
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
Idk, I rarely assume that. The friend I mentioned before, I'm not sure if he still feels that way and I'm also not sure how serious another friend is when he jokingly talks about us dating. But I'm always inclined to say no.
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I doubt it, it's late and most people I know are asleep.
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?
It was good, actually.
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
42. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
In some ways it is, in other ways, it's completely different. My living situation is largely the same, but I feel like I've totally changed as a person in the past few years.
43. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
I don't have such a person.
44. What’s the best part about school?
When you're done and you can go home.
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
I deleted my FB.
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
We did pass notes sometimes, and then later we transitioned to texting.
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
Often. Way, way too often.
48. Were you single over the last summer?
Of course I was.
49. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Nothing really, thank god. I'm so so tired of work.
50. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?
She's cute.
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Today's post is not on the usual "writer blog fare" side. Instead I am going to introduce you to several fun facts about various animals on our planet and then talk about worldbuilding.
1. Lampreys are a kind of "living fossil"- a not-really-so-scientific term for a creature that has lived unchanged for a very long time, so long that we have fossils of them looking the same way they do now. They don't have proper jaws, just a circular sucking mouth with teeth set into it and a tongue designed to strip flesh off of what it touches. They're finless fish, look quite a bit like eels, and have this really alien, uncanny vibe to them.
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[id: a long, slender bluish-silver lamprey sitting among rocks. It has a long snout, an eye, and then six small perforations in its side arranged at an even interval sitting behind the eye. The environment it is sitting in is very yellow and green in comparison. end id]
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[id: an image of a lamprey from below. The snout ends in a round, flat mouth which is studded with teeth in four concentric circles. The teeth are smallest near the outer edge and largest in the middle, and look like very sharp round points. In the center of this ring is another, smaller circle, where the pointed, tooth-like tongue can be seen, as well as a hole for the lamprey to actually ingest food with. Its eye is visible, as are some of the perforations on its side. This one is a more mottled gray than the first one was, and less shiny. end id]
Sea lampreys, which are the kind i've sort of not really kinda researched, are a major pest in the Great Lakes, where they regularly attack fish. They can get up to two feet in length. Despite this, they are not particularly dangerous towards humans.
2. Horseshoe crabs are also "living fossils." They've been around and virtually unchanged for millions of years. They're not true crabs, and are more closely related to chelicerata species, like spiders and scorpions (and many more). There are a lot of cool features of horseshoe crabs, but one of their most extremely cool, to me, is their blood.
I'm not going to post any images of what I consider to be animal cruelty, so you'll have to take me at my word here, but this is a bottle of horseshoe crab blood. If you're sensitive to images of animal cruelty, I don't recommend looking for proof, but if you aren't, there are plenty of images of the blood coming out of the creature for you to verify this with.
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E[id: a bottle of slightly frothy, opaque blue liquid. It is sitting in a row with several other bottles of the same material. end id]
I am a sucker for blue blood, I just think it's neat, so that's all I'd need as an excuse to slam some horseshoe-crab-inspired nonsense in my exceptionally gory and fucked up wips, and if you've been reading along with WiB you may have noticed that blue blood does come into play at some point! But that's not all that's neat about horseshoe crab blood. Unfortunately for the horseshoe crabs, but fortunately for us, their blood is literally the only source of an important compound used for detecting the presence of dangerous bacteria in certain pharmaceutical drugs. (Fortunately, there are replacements that will hopefully become more popular in coming years.)
Now that we've gone over all that, onto the worldbuilding!
I worldbuild by Rule of Cool. Let's just get that out of the way. Every so often people will ask me how my worlds get so expansive (not WiB, WiB i made up on the fly by cribbing from fanfic and like... BBC Merlin. Assume very little of this holds true for WiB) and the answer is largely that I take every interest I have ever had in anything and smash it all together and throw it at my wip to see what sticks. and then I just... like... reasonably attempt to figure out what the natural conclusions will be.
So: we have lampreys. We have blue-blooded ancient sea creatures with spectacularly important and valueable blood. We are writing this into a story that takes place on land, somehow.
- The first option, and the one I'm going to talk about most because I did it, is just to rule-of-cool it into a character. (Or a place, or an item, or whatever, but largely I do rule-of-cool on living creatures and think harder about the world around them.) If you've been keeping up with WiB, you may have noticed that (spoilers) Zero Point is some kind of fucked up magician with a lamprey mouth in their hand who shapeshifts and bleeds blue. This is where I got those inspirations from (along with, like, some other stuff. I promise there are no lamprey assassins, but- continuing in the trend of stealing from sea creatures- the bobbin worm is a spectacularly beautiful, spectacularly deadly creature if you're within its weight range. which is like, goldfish size, but. And cuttlefish are known to disguise themselves as other animals, and can change sexes if the male:female ratio where they are isn't ideal.)
So you can take the elements you like, and just kind of slam them together haphazardly, which is what I did with Zero Point. The trick to this kind of worldbuilding is just to avoid looking too closely at it. The magical assassin has a fucked up mouth in their hand? Yeah, okay, that seems kind of fucked up and creepy. What do they do at all times? They hide it under a glove. So the protags Just Straight Up Never Ask. And voila; it never gets explained, and it never has to.
Same with the blue blood. It shows up, it functions as a plot device because only Zero Point has blue blood; it is never explained or even delved into with much detail. And if it were, it would fall apart instantly, because the justification is literally just "i thought it was neat. No, no one else is like that. I don't even know why they are. i just felt like it"
- The second option is to consider the effects of the things that you're working with, and then work off of that.
Let's take Zero Point again. Strip them of their context (weird assassin with magical powers) and just like, consider the fact that this is a creature with blood that regularly retails for over $10,000 USD, is intelligent as fuck, shapeshifts, has a mouth in their hand that may or may not be their actual mouth, and can exist on land so long as they have suitable access to water. What does that mean for our setting? Surely they're not the only person like that; so you have a whole species of people who are sort of but not really amphibious, shapeshift, and maybe have magical powers, who knows. They can't shapeshift their fucked up lamprey mouths, maybe. That seems like a reasonable limit. So their blood is highly valuable- what does that mean for their relations with other people, or their culture? What kind of foods do they eat? How do they create a sense of culture as shapeshifters; is there even a way that they represent themselves in art? How do they interact with the world? Do they have a "true form" or not? Every one of these questions will spawn new questions. If you answer all of them you'll lose your mind, but if you answer at least ten you'll spawn a much more background-heavy world that can help to shape your story much more effectively than trying to just craft a narrative will. Sometimes it works very well for a story. Sometimes it gets you lost in the weeds.
- The third option is to reference something else, and build off that. Again, let's use Zero Point as the example.
In the original story that the WiB ensemble is from, Closerverse, which may have some mentions on this blog but honestly I have no idea, there is a city that I've done quite a bit of worldbuilding on. This city is called Hudson, and one of the major important features of it is that it is partially underground. (This is a reference to the DFZ of Rachel Aaron's Heartstrikers series). Hudson is intentionally run to be the worst, most unpleasant city in the world, and one of its features are its wildly intelligent, dangerous forms of aquatic life. The lowest level of this city is partially submerged, and all of these creatures plague the people who live down there.
Closerverse was also set during a period of early industrialization, and Hudson heavily referenced US history, especially 1900s-1920s labor history. Tenements, pollution, zero protections for workers, et cetera. Hudson is a nasty, miserable place, and everyone who lives there can feel the jaws closing in on them.
Anyway, in Closerverse you got these fucked up massive eel-like creatures (lampreys, but with extra features) that due to some rather significant meddling wound up growing legs and then got really massive and started eating people. They have blue blood, glow in the dark, and make fairly decent eating as long as they aren't eating you. And they're intelligent. Given the whole "mutual eating each other" thing, the eels and the people of Hudson have some pretty major animosity going on.
Most of Zero Point's stuff is really just me referencing the Hudson Eels, because I fucking love those. They're some of my favorite worldbuilding elements ever. But given that no one else in WiB has ever seen a Hudson Eel, let alone seen their blood get dry on things, or whatever, everything about Zero Point is wildly out of context. And that almost makes it better, because the whole deal with them is that they're mysterious and weird, and having them be a mysterious and weird reference to something no one but I know about most likely is like, fun and neat.
There are, of course, other modes of worldbuilding as well, but I typically aim to stick to the first two as much as possible. The cooler you make something, the more possible questions it raises; the more questions something raises, the deeper your world gets.
Although, a word of advice: sometimes animals just do things. Sometimes bodies just have features. Who would invent fingernails? But having them is mighty convenient, isn't it? For that matter, who would come up with a deeply logical and reasoned explanation for eyebrows- but not having those would be very strange, to us. You can get away with doing a lot by just having that be how it is, and not having the characters comment on it.
Also, the more "shaped" a thing should be, the more you'll want to take the second approach. For house design, something intentionally built, you'll want to know why it was built, and what purpose is this and that room, and why is it painted such and such colors. But if you're talking about adding a second moon, like... fuck dude, who needs to know why there's a second moon? Maybe if you have sailors you have to know what it'll do to your oceans, but that's the kind of thing you can kind of just say exists and move on. You'll figure it out; it gets pretty intuitive.
Anyway, happy worldbuilding!
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papergirllife · 4 years
Cheers To Us
A Mark Lee Oneshot
Part 1
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" Stop looking like you're in the verge of death. "
" But I am, I'm getting bored to death. "
We didn't used to need to do this. My mom and I used to spend Christmas watching old movies in the living room, drinking away mugs of hot cocoa.
That is until she got married, my mom was exhilarated to be married, it's not that the bloke she chose isn't a good one.
It's the family Christmas gatherings that suck. They really don't lack formality when it comes to it, and a pinch of drama here and there.
" You should really stop being this anti social and get to know our family. "
" Your family, mom. I'm just here because you threatened to cut off fifty percent of our WiFi. "
" Hi Charlotte! "
There she goes, leaving me to fend for myself in this sparkly hell hole for some aunt of someone.
After she left her seat, someone plopped down the sofa.
" Hi I'm Mark. Nice to meet you. "
The boy in front of you has fluffy black hair and glittery eyes, dressed in an oversized sweater and sweat pants.
" Y/N, and I have no idea how you're supposed to be related to me, so enlighten me. "
" Supposed? Well if you like to put it that way. Your mom married my uncle, so you're supposedly my cousin. "
" Right. Since you're around my age, I'm just going to be curt. I'm a bore and I don't like fake socialising with people that I will probably only see once a year. So it would be better if you found someone better to talk to. "
" But I don't feel like talking to people that I would only see once a year either. That's why I'm here. "
" How are you so sure that you would be seeing me more than once a year? "
" Because your step dad and my dad are quite close, and we live nearby your place too. "
" Gossip much? "
" Your mom was really keen on getting to know me is all. "
" Of course she is. " You said with a roll of your eyes.
" She's nice. Way better than Aunt Karen. "
" The one with rine stones on her glasses? "
" That's the one. "
" She judged my whole being when she saw me, and all I did was yawn. "
" When she saw me she said ' Mark Lee, your hair is messy as usual, and underdressed . ' "
" What a bitch. Did you say anything back to her? "
" I told her that the other relatives complimented my good looks, and that her glasses are the ones that are messed up. "
" Oof. "
"She gave me the worst stink eye I've ever seen. "
After dinner, the both of us went to the backyard as the people inside were starting to get on our nerves.
" It's always the same questions. ' Why don't you have a girlfriend yet Mark? ' ' How's school, Mark ? ' "
" Don't they always. "
" Hey, you wanna go clubbing later? Since we live close by, I can pick you up. "
" Sure. I'd love to sneak out the house with you. My mom can't even get angry at me since she made me attend this. "
" Sounds rendezvous. "
" It's nothing compared to my other adventures. "
" Y/N?! It's time to head home. "
" Coming mom! "
" See you later. "
" Can't wait. "
" You look different. " Mark said as you open the door of his car.
" Good different or bad different? "
" Neither. You look nice in both styles. "
" Thanks. "
" My friend and his cousins will be there afterwards, is that alright? "
" Why not? The more the merrier. "
" Y/N, meet Johnny and his cousins, Wendy and Yeri. "
" Hi, nice to meet you guys. " I said as we shook hands.
" It's nice to finally have another girl in the clique. Your other guy friends just suck, it's either they want to get into our pants or talk about beer kegs. "
" They aren't that bad, sis. "
" I don't care, Y/N is an upgrade from that loud guy you introduced to us. "
" Lucas? He is really loud, can't defend him there. "
" Come on guys, let's get a table and do some shots for starters as we have a new warrior amongst us. "
Johnny, I realized, is pretty extra.
" You better not get the cheap ones that taste like shit. " Yeri said as we sat down.
" Yes, ma'am. That was 2 years ago. "
" So Y/N, are you single? "
" Yeah. "
" Wendy, you should save the questions for truth or dare. "
" Oh my jesus. Not that again, Yeri. "
" Yes, again. "
" Okay, same rules johfam. If you don't answer a truth, one shot. If you don't do a dare, two shots. " Johnny announced as he came back with two trays of shots and an empty beer bottle.
The first question asked was about Yeri's wildest rendezvous.
" So you're saying that you and a guy you picked up at Disney had sex during one of the shows you watched? " Mark asked with wonder .
" Yeah, cuz it was kinda boring that one, and we sat far behind, so no one was at our row. "
After a few slight mundane questions it was the first dare of the night when Wendy dared Johnny to seduce a man.
Johnny was so good at it that he had to apologize and leave at one point, faking he had an emergency at home.
As the game went by, funny memories were made and many shots downed.
" Y/N. Truth or dare? "
" Dare. "
" I dare you to give Mark a lap dance. "
" Good one sis. " Yeri high fived Wendy.
" Easy. "
As I sauntered my hips to Mark's seat, his eyes had a hint of panic and curiousity.
I gave myself a mental pat on the back for wearing shorts instead of a dress.
I dropped my body in a near sitting position in front of Mark's slightly spreaded legs.
My clothed crotch and his were nearly touching. I wrapped my hands around his neck and started rotating my hips while going upwards.
My eyes traced his body from his crotch till his face to see that he had his bottom lip in his teeth, it made me wanted to take a bite at it as well.
I made a turn and faced my back to him, I dropped the upper half of my body down to my toes and slowly dragged my hands up my thighs, my fingers slightly pulling at the holes of my fishnets.
As a finish up act, I lowered my butt slightly to twerk a few times, then pushed it up just right under his nose.
After my little act was done, Mark sat frozen at his seat, his boner hard against his washed jeans.
" Mark, she's your cousin. "
" It's only through marriage Johnny, shut up. "
" Does that make you feel better when you guys get laid? "
Mark just hid his face in his hands, too embarrassed to answer Johnny's snarky remarks.
" Lay off him for a while Johnny. Look at how he's already suffering just from the show. " Wendy said.
" Fine, now if you'll excuse me ladies and gentleman. I'm going to look for a one night stand candidate. "
" Ugh men. Come on Y/N, Wendy, let's go dance on the dance floor. "
" You guys go first. I still want to catch my breath from my action back there. "
" Sure. "
I sneaked a peek at Mark, he was looking down, hands clasped together.
" Mark? You okay? Too many shots? "
He gave a light chuckle, red was dusted against his cheeks as he looked up to you.
" No I just um, I didn't want you to see this. "
His eyes shot down towards his crotch. He quickly grabbed a pillow that was laid on the sofa to cover up his boner.
I got up and stood in front of him.
" Why not? "
I took Mark's hand and dragged him to the dance floor before he could answer me.
" Wait, no Y/N, we don't have to do this. "
" Relax. We're just going to dance. " For now, You thought.
Mark was barely able to function on the dance floor, he kept being flustered by the way my hips move.
His moves stilled whenever I gave him a sultry look of my eyes. After I moved my way towards him, I placed his hands on my waist, and wrapped mine around his neck.
It felt nice, just to have his body swaying next to mine. I shifted my eyes to his, I just noticed how big and bright they look .
Then I dropped my gaze to his lips. Those oh so kissable lips were so tempting.
I quickly moved my eyes back up, not wanting to make Mark too uncomfortable.
As I looked up, I saw Mark staring at my lips as well.
" Mark, my eyes are up here. "
" Sorry, I was just-- Actually, can I kiss you? "
" Sure. "
The kiss was feather light at first, the both of us still shy.
It started escalating deeper as Mark pulled me closer. A hand went lower and placed on my butt, the other went up to my cheek, holding my face in place.
He bit my lower lip, distracting me as we fought for dominance. His tongue sliding into my mouth, exploring an uncharted territory.
My head started to get dizzy from the lack of oxygen, Mark must've felt the similar feeling as we both began to pull away.
A trail of saliva connecting the both of our lips formed.
" Sorry. That's a bit messy. "
He wiped our drool off my chin, a slight grin playing on his lips.
" Why don't we get a drink? "
Mark nodded at your request, and took your hand tightly in his, leading you to the bar.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
100 Roseanne Prompts
I usually try to stick to quotes that can work for everyone but some of these were too good to skip. Break at 15 like always. Request a show
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1 “Hey, all our lives suck.” — Roseanne
2 “Here's why you can't trust your kids 'cause they're stupid. That's why we don't give 'em cars or booze.” — Roseanne
3 “Etsy is like a yard sale except online because nobody can afford a yard anymore.” — Darlene
4 “All of your relatives died from alcoholism. The ones that didn't drink were killed by the ones who did.” — Roseanne
5 “Did all of your children's deliveries go according to your birth plan?” “Um, they found their way out, if that's what you mean.” — Andrea & Roseanne
6 “You gotta pick your fights in life.” — Roseanne
7 “Okay, he doesn't have to wear pants, but he's gotta wear underwear.” — Dan
8 “It is not my fault that I just happen to be a charismatic person who's always right about everything.” — Roseanne
9 “Why are you picking on me? What, did I take the last doughnut, or something?” — Darlene
10 [Person B is embarrassed after walking in on Person C nursing her baby] “Oh, now, NAME. It's not like you've never seen breasts before.” “NAME’s my friend. As far as I'm concerned, she has no breasts... It works for me, okay?” — Roseanne & Dan
11 “The car has heated seats? Thank God, I thought I was going through the change.” — Roseanne
12 [stoned and laying the bathtub] “Is this the sink? Am I shrinking?” — Jackie
13 “In this house, I'm in charge and father knows squat.” — Roseanne
14 “What's up? I smell fear. I love that smell! But what's up?” — Roseanne
15 “Do you have anything sharp I can stick in my eye?” — Dan
16 “You are really, really gettin' on my nerves today, man! I mean more than usual!” — Dan
17 “Well, you think you can stop me from seeing NAME, huh?” “I think I can stop you from seeing tomorrow.” — Mark & Dan
18 “You were always trying to push us apart. You were always putting me down!” — Mark Healey
19 “My marriage is not based on me listening!” — Roseanne
20 “Why don't you just kiss my butt?” “Well, haul it on over here, Jumbo!” — Becky & Darlene
21 “You are just evil!” — Jackie
22 “Oh good, go for the guilt. You better take a looong, hard look at yourself, NAME, 'cause if you are this obsessed with my life, there is obviously something missing from yours.” “Just figure that out?” — Jackie & Roseanne
23 “I thought you were just gonna go over there and scare him/her?” “Well, it started out that way.” — Roseanne & Dan
24 “Being your own boss isn't that great of a deal. Last week I sexually harassed myself.” — Dan
25 “Hell, even I don't hate her that much.” — Dan
26 “Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous.” “Just don't shoot any milk out of you nose, and you'll be fine.” — Becky & Roseanne
27 “Please, NAME, I don't want you to help me, I just want you to leave me alone ... Please.” — Darlene
28 “Don’t toy with me, NAME.” — Roseanne
29 “We, have had a fight, and we're not speaking to each other.” “Oh, well, what was the fight about? Maybe I can take a side.” — Roseanne & Jackie
30 “He/She wanted to do something; I didn't feel like it.” “Yeah, well, so what are you going to do?” “Nothing.” “That's what you did last weekend!” “Yeah, well I'm not finished.” — Darlene & Roseanne
31 “No, NAME always was the bad influence.” — Roseanne
32 “Talking - it's like yelling, only not as loud.” — Roseanne
33 “Yeah, but you know what they say, NAME. They say, ah, when you really love something you should, you know, make it go away or get rid of it, or whatever.” — Roseanne
34 “You're acting like a crazed psychopath.” [snorts] “Well the voices in my head disagree.” — Dan & Roseanne
35 [on getting married] “I always thought it was the smartest thing I ever did. You obviously don't agree.” “No, I do agree with you, it was the smartest thing you ever did, but we're talking about me now!” — Dan & Roseanne
36 [Person A and Person B bury the hatchet] “So, I guess we've finally approached the end of Bitch-Fest YEAR.” “Oh what a time we had!” — Roseanne & Darlene
37 “You can't tell NAME what to do. She's a big girl!” [snarls] “Compared to who?” — David & Roseanne
38 “What kind of list is he/she making? Not that it's any of my business.” “A hit list.” — Beverly & Dan
39 [feeling for pulse] “I think he’s/she's dead.” [steps back] “Check again.” “I know how to count to zero.” — Roseanne & Dan
40 “What was the second thing you noticed about me?” — Roseanne
41 “Aw, get off the sympathy wagon, NAME; there were plenty of guys/girls standing in line for you to treat 'em like dirt. I was just the lucky one.” — Dan
42 “You are rotten rotten kids, and I can't even believe I'm related to you two!” — Jackie Harris
43 “You'll just do something stupid that you're going to regret later.” — Roseanne
44 “I'm your husband/wife. That's my right.” — Dan
45 [finds present] “You're not going to open it, are you? It's two days away.” “Yea! Well I need time to practice pretending like I like it.” [pulls something ugly from the box] “Oh man, I should'a opened it a week ago.” — Jackie & Roseanne
46 “Oh, this is going to be soooo great!” — Darlene
47 “What's the catch?” “No catch, can't we do something nice?” “I don't know, you never have.” — Roseanne & Becky
48 “Oh my God. You're kidding me!” — Roseanne
49 “Save your breath, NAME, you're not gonna talk me into dropping this lawsuit.” “Well, maybe I can talk you into begging for your life.” — Fred & Roseanne
50 “I'm way more powerful than any law!” — Roseanne
51 “Well NAME, I guess you're just not the man/woman I thought you were ... and I wasn't too happy with that one!” — Roseanne
52 “We should've known, NAME, men stick together no matter how butt headed their argument is.” — Becky
53 [about Person b and person c’s sex life] “You're kidding? You guys have a night?” “Yes, we have a night. It's not only Wednesday, but it's always Wednesday.” You have a time too?” “Yeah. Twenty minutes, or until he gets a cramp.” “Well, you should make him wait half-an-hour after he eats.” — Jackie & Roseanne
54 “Oh, c'mon. Just because you guys aren't having "Wednesday", doesn't mean he’s/she's out ... "Wednesday-ing" somebody else.” — Jackie
55 “What's the matter with you, boy/girl? Can't keep your pants on?” — Dan
56 “Damn women! Who the hell do they think they are!” “We are sugar and spice, and everything nice. So bite me!” — Dan & Roseanne
57 “Have you met NAME?” — Roseanne
58 “Gee, I'd love to NAME, but I'd rather stay home and drill some screws into my toes.” — Darlene
59 “Remember one thing, NAME, I'm your worst nightmare!” — Jackie
60 “You always say how you want better things for us.” “Ah, yea, but I was talking about me and your Dad. You kids already got it too good.” — Becky & Roseanne
61 “You are a controlling bitch!” — Dan
62 “Boy I'll tell you, I wish I had never m - -“ “What? Say it.” “Nothin'.” “Well that makes two of us.“ — Dan & Roseanne
63 “Ooohhh, we all know what this is about, don't we? You're just jealous because I've made something of myself.” “Yeah, an ass ... And where do you get that hoity-toity accent anyway? You're from PLACE!” — Ronnie & Roseanne
64 “I can't believe that I wasted TIME hating you for something as stupid as a wedding, when there's a very good reason to hate you. You're a bitch!” [gasps] “I'm a bitch? Hah! I bow to the queen of all bitches.” — Roseanne & Ronnie
65 “Look me in the eye and tell me it was an accident. And remember ... I can tell when you're lying.” “It was an accident ... could you tell?” — Roseanne & DJ
66 “I could go for something to eat.” “Yeah? Well, then go.” [motions toward the door] — Arnie & Roseanne
67 “You're going to flunk marriage if you can't pass the oral ... oh my God ...” “We know too much, we know too much.” — Dan & Fred
68 “NAME, where'd you get those jelly beans?” “From the bin at store.” “NAME, I told you, you gotta finish eating them while you're in the store, 'else it's stealing!” — Roseanne & DJ
69 “I never thought I would say this ... I'm too depressed to drink.” — Dan
70 “Let's just cut the crap, okay. You're talking to NAME’s mother here, the mother of all mothers and she is majorly mad.” — Roseanne
71 “NAME, NAME, NAME. I have raised two of the best damn liars in the free world. Don't embarrass yourself.” — Roseanne
72 “This is for the pain.” “Owwww. Make it a double.” — Nurse & Jackie
73 “I hate to see you laying here in pain like this.” “Well actually, ever since he/she gave me that shot, I'm feelin' kinda neat.” — Gary & Jackie
74 “I want someone who will love me and support me no matter what. Just like NAME does for you.” “Are you insane! You know how many years I had to put into NAME? You think he/she came out of a box like that!” — Jackie & Roseanne
75 “What do you think your punishment oughta be?” “What do you mean?” “NAME told me everything.” “That little rat.” “But I told him/her I wasn't going to do anything until I get your side of the story.” “Well first we, wait a minute, uh, uh --“ “You're getting good.” — Roseanne & Becky
76 “I worked it out with NAME, he’s/she's gonna stay here and babysit and I'm gonna go out.” “Why would he/she do that?” “I have dirt on him/her. “ “What kind of dirt?” “Now if I told you, I'd have to stay home.” [person a leaves] — Darlene & Roseanne
77 [Person A is acting like a hunchback] “I brought the baggage master, where do you wish me to put it?” “Just put it anywhere Igor.” “Maybe later you and me.” “We'll see.” You're so kind.” [ kisses hand] — Dan & Roseanne
78 [about child’s behavior] “NAME you did stuff like that when you were NAME’s age right?” “No, the boy's odd.” — Roseanne & Dan
79 [offering to the family] “Hey, I got one more pancake.” “I want French toast!” “Well, you better move to Europe.” — Roseanne & DJ
80 [Person A, angry, grabs keys and leaves the house] “Oh God. This is really bad.” “Yeah, I know.” “Oh no. I mean, this is really bad. I'm parked behind him/her.” — Jackie & Dan
81 “Yeah, I do. And we're not going to put him/her through that again, are we?” — Dan
82 [comes in through the front door] “NAME, you all ready to go?” [whining] “I don't wa-haant to-o-o-o! I feel like a used piece of gum that somebody stuck under the table, just waiting for the excitement of drying up and hitting the floor.” — Jackie & Roseanne
83 “You HAVE to take this job ... you're the only one that applied!” — Marsha
84 [grabs the syrup bottle and comes up behind PERSON B] “Remember me, NAME?” [look of terror] “Not Mrs. Butterworth ... please not Mrs. Butterworth.” “Remember how your brother/sister NAME told you how I came to life at night in the cupboard? Remember how I would chase you around even though I have no legs? Well I'm back and I just want one more sticky kiss!” [PERSON B screams] — Roseanne & Jackie
85 “I hope I see you later, I mean, a lot later.” — Roseanne
86 [after the birth] “I didn't call you any horrible names back there, did I?” “No more than usual.” — Roseanne & Dan
87 [about kid dressed as a lawyer] “That's the scariest costume all night.” — Roseanne
88 [going through the candy bowl] “This is all sugar in here.” “Not true, there're chemicals too.” — David & Roseanne
89 “You should be giving children the stuff their bodies need.” [gets fruit from the kitchen] “What the hell is that?” “Wait a minute, honey, I've seen this before, it's food that doesn't come in a wrapper.” “That's unsanitary.” — David, Roseanne & Dan
90 “Did you see the Great Pumpkin last night?” “No, NAME wore pajamas.” — Jackie & Roseanne
91 [discussing Person C] “She's rude and selfish.” “I know, but, inside she's just a ... scared little girl.” Yeah, and I know what's scaring her, the raging bitch on the outside.” — Dan & Roseanne
92 “I'll be back later to give you your present.” “Why can't I just open it now?” “I haven't bought it yet.” — Jackie & Roseanne
93 “And don't you ever feed my dog!” “If I get drunk enough, I'll fight your dog!” — Roseanne
94 “I really don't think it's wise for anyone in this family to be giving away livers.” — Beverly
95 “Say 'I'm not taking any crap from anyone'.” “I am ...” “Stop! It's not 'I am', it's 'I'm'.” “I'm not taking any... do I have to say the C word?” “Yes you do, NAME, because that's the most important word.” “I'm not taking any crap from anyone.” “That was good but are you serving tea, NAME? Get mad and say it.” [louder] “I'm not taking any crap from anyone!” “Good, now personalize it, make it your own.” [louder] “I'm not taking any damn crap from anyone!” — Roseanne & Doris
96 “Hey, where's my 'My other mug is a shot glass' mug?” — Roseanne
97 “Why are you gettin' so mad at me?” “Because you are making me defend NAME.” — Becky & Roseanne
98 “I am not sexist. I'm much too frightened of women to be sexist.” — David
99 “Get me a beer.” “Get it yourself, slob!” — Mark & Darlene
100 “I can't believe you're jealous over this.” “Why not? It's very typical of me.”
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Your Fitness
I keep reading articles on how fitness can be determined by 3 things. The length of your stride, the amount of water you drink and watch what you eat. I'd like to call bullshit to this group of articles as a whole, because I've been doing a longitudinal study of ME and well other friends through social media, and none of their advice has helped determine how fit you are.
I'm not a twink by any means. I'm a bear. I'm considered a power bear because I lift heavy, I'm furry, and I have a belly. Please don't confuse me with being a whale. The difference between being a bear and a whale is the amount of extra weight hanging over your belt, and whether or not your stomach muscles can be seen. (See pics of me to confirm!)
But, mind you, I started out as a skinny farm boy that beefed up, and then in 2014 suffered an athletic hernia that has resulted in a dramatic reduction to my fitness. So, let's take a look at what I consider to be fitness and where I stand, in comparison to 2014.
What is Fitness
Fitness can be measured many ways, but the way I define it is .. The ability to do an activity for as long and as hard as you can .. This could be jogging playing soccer, surf boarding, boxing, grappling, or other activities. To work that hard doesn't rely on the length of your stride or how much water / gaitoraide you drink, or what you eat so much as it does with many other factors.
Your body is made up of slow twitch and quick twitch muscles that need oxygen and energy in order to perform at an optimal efficiency. How efficient that system is determines how fit you are. Can you body move oxygen from your lungs and lipids from your fat cells through your blood stream to your muscles and brain in order to have it converted into energy by the mitochondria? A process known as cellular respiration.
Some people's muscles require so much energy that they have two mitochondria per cell.
Now that we have a basic understanding of what needs to happen in the body for muscles to work over long periods of time, let's start narrowing in on a few things in this system that define how fit they are to carry out this process.
Heart Rate and Oxygen Levels
There is of course the heart. The 3 measures that determine how healthy the heart is without any further invasive testing are .. Heart rate and Blood Pressure. I said 3 .. Blood pressure has to measurements. A 4th indicator that is related to the lungs is your Oxygen level. To determine how the heart is doing, you need to measure these 4 on a regular basis as multiple points.
Upon waking
At rest / just sitting
While working out - at 2 points
Before bed
The change of these numbers of yrs of recording will determine which way your health is moving. The numbers can also be taking in regards to others in your age, sex, race, weight group to determine other significant factors. But, if you are recording these numbers alone, then determine which type of change is occurring .. no change, going down or going up.
There are 2 points to check your Pulse Ox Levels during a work out. The first is when you're working at your max. The second is when you're resting. You can monitor how fast the transition occurs as well. We will come back to this when I discuss recovery. But, for now, note that your heart has a max rate that it can pump at, and your diaphragm is made of muscle that will tire out based on use.
You'll notice that I post 2 to 3 pics of my tredmill workouts. They are my resting heart rate before I start working out, my resting heart rate when I've warmed up .. 3 - 6 mins and up to 100 breaths .. , followed by a pic of my max heart rate usually between 164 and 174, followed by a pic of my resting heart rate after the workout during a cool down of 100 breaths. The other thing I record is how many times I've attempted to jog or sprint on the tredmill .. which can be between 3 to 6 attempts. If the resting cool down heart rate doesn't drop below 125 then I call it quits on the tredmill due to level of effort my heart is working at to try and keep me jogging at a set speed.
Which loops me back to my initial point .. Do what you can for as long as you can ..
Activity Length - Stamina
How long can you do, what you do? Heart stress tests come in 2 forms .. Get on a tredmill and speed up your heart to it's max output, then do an ultrasound, or use a chemical to speed the heart up and do the ultrasound. I prefer the former, as there is less chance of heart failure and I can control the test and terminate it should things not feel right as I'm reaching my max cardiac output.
But Max Activity Length means how long can your muscles do what you are doing? I've played volley and wally ball for 3 hours at a time. But, I also take breaks between games to let my body recover. I could also roller blade up to 12 miles before my body would say enough.
Now, there is another Max Length to consider, esp for ADHDrs. It's the Max Length you can mentally withstand doing something that has no mental stimuli. This indicator will skew the results of the other Max Activity Length because you are not motivated to continue the activity, and your brains executive function will eventually give out. It's not the muscles giving out, it's the neurons that control the muscles giving out.
As an indicator, I used to be able to job 5 miles in high school. 3 miles pre 2014. And, now 1.5 miles 2022. But let's look at 2014's number again, as there is a gap in jogging. While I jogged in high school, that was roughly 35 yrs prior. So in 2012, I began biking 14 miles a day for work. That lead to me jumping back on the tredmil to find that I could not job for more than 50 breaths at a time. I worked to 100 breaths, 150 breaths, 200 breaths, 300 breaths, then 400 breaths, then jumped to 800 and 1200 breaths, with my max at 1600 breaths. Let's examine those numbers in context to fitness.
First, let's note that my legs were not trained to jog in 2012 when I started jogging again. They were trained for quick short reps of sprinting and jumping. They were trained for long bike rides .. 14 to 20 miles. But even then, I could rest while biking. To jog, esp on a tredmill is a constant, non-stop activity. There is no resting point. So, to be able to jog for longer and longer distances over time meant that my legs were just getting used to the new activity.
Now let's look at today, where I'm jogging in the range of 600 breaths at a time. That is 1/2 of my former average of 1200 breaths. Another indicator of my decline is the speed at which I'm jogging. I'm went from 7 mph at my top down to 5.7 mph. And, then there is my warm up speed which at one point dropped from 3.5 mph to 3 mph. Which raises the question, what changed?
First, I was the athletic hernia. I had to stop all activity in order for that to heal. That took years. My body's quick twitch and long twitch muscles changed as well. I probably lost the 2nd mitochondria. My lungs ability to exchange O2 dropped significantly. I gained 30 lbs. I had covid, and other issues respiratory issues due to construction dust.
Consider the impact of all that for a moment. I'm jogging 1 mph slower, breathing with 1/2 of my previous lunch capacity, carrying 30 more lbs of weight, and my muscles become exhausted faster as the needed sugars and O2 can't get to them fast enough. This can be restored, but at a much slower pace than has happened in 2012 to 2014.
Mobility, Flexibility, Stability, Balance
The next part focused on the secondary muscles that support the primary muscles. These muscles become involved in stabilizing the load or movement as you shift your weight. For example take weight lifters, they load 100s of lbs on their back and squat with it. Or do a Clean and Jerk to throw the weight over their head and stand upright with it. This requires the coordination of all the muscles in the body, as well as all of them working correctly to support the movement and load.
I read a book on running that said, "Running is a single leg activity!" I had to stop and think about that for a moment. And, technically it is true. If you watch a runner, like a horse, there are 4 distinct moments that the feet move through. 1st a foot is flat on the ground and moved to the back, at the moment it lifts off the ground the heal of the 2nd foot is preparing to hit the ground. For a split second, you are suspended in air. As the 1st foot / leg curl into the body, it travels to the front suspended in the air. Then, it extends, and the cycle repeats.
During the time that one foot is suspended in the air, your other foot is balancing your whole body. Every major and secondary muscle is working to keep you balanced. And should anything go wrong, you are suddenly grasping for the handle bars or guide rails to avoid becoming a splatter point on the treadmill.
So, to test and strengthen these points, we do balance excersizes. Or, we do cross training excersizes. For example, you will find weight lifters playing soccer. Why, you ask? Because, weight lifting doesn't involve movement, and soccer does. Thus, the secondary muscles are engaged to help strengthen them and train them on how they are supposed to work. This is why many foot ball players take ballet.
Flexibility is the ability of the muscle and joint to move in the direction its supposed to. As you get older and tendons become drier, (a medical term used to describe the lack of blood flow through the tendons which causes them to become less supple), your joints begin to tighten and refuse to move in the full range. I for example, can't put a bar over / behind my head due to how tight my shoulders are.
Another issue with mobility that many older adults start seeing is knee and hip issues. As described above with my shoulders, the hips at times have major pain issues from multiple points pulling very hard. I relieve this by doing pause squats and active stretching.
While water intake is needed during a good hard workout, swetting is also very important. And, if you don't swet, you're not producing enough water in the cellular respiration process.
To use swet as a determination of how fit you are, you need to look at your activity load over a period of time. As you become less and less able to achieve the max load you used to, you will find it harder and harder to swet. Or, if you do swet, you won't swet as much.
For me, I've noticed that as my mobility declined as I gained weight and my O2 exchange rate decreased, I was not swetting as much as I used to. I call this, "Achieving Billy Goat Status" as the swet mark on my shirt looks like a Billy Goat.
A study showed that people who started swetting immediately when they worked out, indicated that their body was anticipating the heavy load and cooling requirements needed. While those that didn't swet were not reaching these maxes as easily or as often to trigger the swetting.
I have noticed that as my O2 exchange rate returns to pre 2014 levels, my ability to swet out my shirts has improved. Don't ask me what I smell like, as I think that was affected by the covid. But, I'm glad that I'm swetting more.
Fat vs Muscle Mass
Many scales today provide a BMI or Body Mass Index based on passing a electrical signal through your feet to see how the echo changes based on muscle, fat, bone and water content. And, here you thought it was just a simple galvanic skin response to an electrical pulse.
Many people are told that their weight is causing their phsycial issues, including me. You need to loose weight to stop snoring, or reduce your foot pain, or hip injury, or other ... Sure, I'll get right on that. But a more important factor is how much muscle you have to your body fat. As muscle will chew up body fat, the wider these 2 ratios are, but better your fitness level actually is, unless you drop below 18% body fat. Athletes can go lower, but even then, it's just for an event. Lower than 5% and you're risking serious damage.
So, when I say a wide gap, at my best in 2014, I was below 25% body fat, and above 45% muscle. I was jogging 3 to 4 miles every other day, rowing 1000 pulls at in 32 mins reaching 6400 meter, I was cycling 20 miles easily. I was grappling 3x a week. And, lifting upwards of 400 lbs in squats.
Oh, and from all this activity, my body weight was 205 lbs.
So what I consider fitness is the ability to do something that elevates your heart rate in intervals of work and rest for as long as you can. And, how well you can do it. The more you swet, the better off you are. It's not about your stride length, or what you eat. (Partially, what you eat! But even a teenager eats garbage and then does some amazing things physically! I think they call that carb loading???)
Fitness is the level of fat to muscle mass. Fitness is the number of mitochondria you have in your muscle cells. Fitness is being able to get out of bed and walk to the gym for an activity that will improve your mobility. (That was me yesterday on the stairmaster trying to get my hips to move.)
Fitness is a measure of where you are now, compared to where you were a year ago.
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cezulian · 7 years
Ok, so I've got a question for you: I've been reading a lot of fics lately where it's Henry paired with what people usually refer to as a 'badass', and often times it's put that she challenges him(which is fine if that's what the writer wants), but I think if we're focusing on in character, that's the opposite of his type. He's been abused, emasculated, and treated like shit, I'd think it'd be more likely he'd go for someone subservient who would cater to his ego and manhood. (Part 1)
"(Part 2) now I'm not dissing the writers at all(still great fics, and they were doing what people requested), I was just wondering what you thought? I've read the book and seen the movies(old and remake), you just seem into much more in-depth thinking and was wondering if I was on the right track with my thinking"Yeah I pretty much feel the same as you on that. I don't read fanfics about It and a lot of the ones I see are Very Sexual and therefore avoided (I mean sexual content for story purposes? Fine. Sexual content for the sake of jackin it? They're teens so no thanks) or they're that "(character)xReader" stuff which I personally can't stand so I can't really offer up any critique based on experience.But I have seen some of the stuff you mentioned in headcanons and I mean, it takes all of the energy in my body summoned to my third eye over the course of a month to be able to imagine Henry having a girlfriend, because to me it just kind of defeats the purpose of his storyline being based around loneliness (even though I know yall are just entertaining fun stuff but I'm a grim and no fun person so I can't relate but I'm glad you're having a good time and creativity is power) and plus that would mean he would have to form some kind of emotional connection with someone outside of his gang who he has a serious emotional and psychological codependence on that really makes his character who he is. Its like that scene in the "Silent Hill" movie where all of the cult members come out of the fog and I remember watching it for the first time and it losing its otherwise consistent tone for me at that point because the Silent Hill series is all about a forced state or isolation and dissecting who you are when you're alone and the self is removed, and populating the town just killed those vibes, yknow? Also Henry's always been a big g*d damn homosexual in my mind so I have to remove that for a moment too.But honestly I couldn't have said what you said better myself. I feel like his constant emasculation and background of abuse wouldn't make him seek out a relationship with someone who challenges him but ALSO loves and supports him. That would require a self-awareness and security that he does not have. And why would a girl like that go for him? Because she can see a different side of him or whatever? That never goes well, especially for someone like Henry who I don't believe would be looking for that. He wants, on some level he's not aware of, for his detrimental behavior to be fed into. He wants acceptance, not pity and not to be changed, at least that's what I think. I'm not saying its impossible for him to have some of his behavior and ideals curbed, I'm saying that I don't believe that an aggression and resentment stemming from years of abusive conditioning by a parental figure who he continues to seek approval from despite continuing to be beaten by him can be helped by some gal who thinks he's just misunderstood. And I'm some gal who thinks he's just misunderstood!Yknow, as fuckin grade A garbage as it was that Greta and Henry were dating in an original draft of the script because Greta is too cool for him all around, I daresay that it kind of almost makes sense otherwise if only because they're both so full of antagonism and also don't get along? And those are the types of people that get married and hate each other till they die? Like the way its written is that they're dating because they're kids with libidos who hate everyone and just kind of went "sure whatever" and I get that part of it. That vapid, teenage nothing-relationship that doesn't go anywhere and is based more on a shrug, convenience, and the mutual desire to have socially-approved heterosexual sex with no eye contact so that you can tell all your friends about it and not be "uncool" for not having sex more than an actual connection and understanding? I mean it makes sense on Henry's end that he would be attracted to that. A partnership like that is detached, just kind of going through the motions and when you look at everything Henry is with his whole image and behavior and how he treats people he's really based in the concept of going through the motions without thinking about it, so it fits. But god am I glad they weren't dating in the final draft, thank christ. Can you imagine a world in which a girl in that town would wanna lay a hand on that boy? I can't. He smells like farm and deodorant and cries and stomps his little boots around when someone calls his wristcuff a "bracelet". Not interested.I don't want any of this to seem like I'm putting down fic writers, though, because yall are just some folks being creative and having fun and I encourage that. I'm certainly not asking you to adopt my headcanons or personal opinions either but I think its important to explore the source material and other ideas in the process of coming up with your own, ya feel?
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Real feel: mother fucking wear your gloves!!
So 36 cars all sweept in most with red Xs
19 cars altogether got pulled over
2 cars got arrested I saw one being towed away. Almost 3 did but he self soothed himself and calmed down.
My dad (uncle) came and every car left in the parking lot took off in flight.
Denise the clone also came. She can't jump stsrt a car so she expected me to wait for her then wait for a tow truck and my dad knew we were gonna get in a fight cause ita too dam cold for that and she's on her rape cycle and I refuse to get in a car with her. Because it's annoying and I don't want her feeling satisfied she can breathe the same air as me.
It's 5 minutes, 10 at most to jump. 45 minutes to wait for a man and its like 20 minutes to the store.
And i learned how to jump start without lighting the cables on fire, now. Lucas says "oh please! That's the best way!" But not really. It doesn't actually work...
I have no circulation... So I was ice cold in like 10 minutes. So it would had warmed me, tho.
But yeah dad pulls in and suddenly everyone acts like they're escaping jail.
.... I know i should just went in and stared at that super hottt clone hottie that was super super hot and stocking water... But that IS kinda creepy even if he is Just a clone... I was all driving by in my Wal-Mart wheelchair cart and I was all whoa... Is he..? Wait i gotta see l.. Because he squatted down with his hot warm balls beneath him and so I was all lets stop right here in the middle of life and discuss what's on our shopping list until he comes up from behind the pallet...
"Oh my God. Now i see why I was so in love with you William" while my heart literally leaps from my chest bounces back and goes out of rhythem while pounding through 2 shirts.
So then we laughed at my reaction for half hour
Dam he was rugged and hot...
One time I picked up William early for work and I seen him and he ducked behind some concrete shelving used to block off the street from traffic...
And oh my God...
I was walking and I seen him and I was all "oh does he loo--" and he looked at me, i swear and ducked and so i was all "well I'm gonna go see. I don't think William will mind.. Its not like i totally think hes sexy but he might be... I'll just go see... Is it William..?"
Because he was waaaay sexier at work than home... Like there it's all comfy and fun and sexy but this was outside and he looked all sparkly and God like like yum
Now he claims he saw me and saw "a woman on the prowl way too sexy to be at the job site for any work related reason" so to be safe from a kidnapping situation he decided to hide
And hide he did
I leaned over to peek and he kept hiding and hiding and asked some guys at the truck "is she gone?"
One asked "why are you hiding from your wife?"
"Man! I got one at home! Well i am engaged. Man is she crazy? Does she look it?! Fuck man! Im gonna be so busted! I need to get home! I can't get kidnapped! Fuck this!"
And my eyes got real wide and the guy at the truck just shrugged cause i was all what do i do?!?!
So i kinda jumped and leaned over real far over the cement shelving. "Well HI!!"
I was gonna ask him if he thought i was a psycho bitch then to my face but i slid on the plastic and unfortunately I was wearing a shorter dress than usual.
So he stood up "ma'am I'm just checking the paperwork ill be right back" and ducked again.
"Baby! Uh hi! Baby I don't want to yell but I think i just showed everyone my thong!!"
"What?! Okay i have to finish the uhh paperwork. Man my wife ain't even here shes at home finishing up supper or something"
"Uhm baby! There's a lot of men here which one do you want me to go home with?!"
"Uh any!! Just not me!!"
Mind you everyone is looking at me and him and listening. This is outta control and m6 husband does not say that shit to me, i tried being solid now it was fight time. So i leaned over the other end of the cement wall he loved more than me and lowered my voice "hey psst yeah. Psst William man that crazy bitch is gone now. Jump in the truck and we will take you home!!"
"Really?!?!" He lowered the clipboard he hid behind. "Oh... No.., see.., no i got a ride already!"
"Yeah with me you dumb goon"
"No in here see!" And he jumped in the back of the truck. "I finished the paperwork. Alright let's go!"
So i started to walk over and he jumped way far back in the truck
"Can you please help me? Are you the one i called?" I asked the guy laughing painfully through the whole ordeal.
He looked me up and down real hard "you sure you dont want me to take yoh home?!"
"Am i even at the right construction site?!?!"
"Yes you are. Here hand him this piece of paper." Then he yelled over "HEY WILL she called a little before lunch and left a note and asked if it was alright if she came up and surprised you and i said yeah.. I didn't know you would go a little crazy..."
"She ain't my wife!! Shes too sexy!"
"No fuck you bi-atch!!! Wait... Honey? Is that you? I recognize your fingernail because you smashed it the other day"
"Oh it's alright. Just come down" i pleaded.
"With the hammer..." He began walking towards me "let me see it" he looked at it. "Miiiiike if you ever do that again I'm beating the shit out of you." And he sat at the end of the tail gate "well i already got a ride home, with him."
"Okay fine"
"Wait let me see what you have in your hand. These are our keys!! These are mine you're not having them and not allowed in my house Like that... Dressed like a... A... Skank!!"
"Well what do you want me to do? Stay here and get gang raped?!"
"Jesus Christ okay babe prove to me you're my wife"
"Okay fine but don't tell me your sorry" i went around the truck and took off my panties wadded them up and stuffed them in his hand "they're your favorite"
"Yeah but everyone knows that!"
"Who do you tell? Who the fuck do you tell about your favorite panties?!" Like im beyond mad. And I am yelling.
"Yeah well where did you get that dress?! Whose money did you use to buy it??! Hmm?"
"Ive had enough of me" i tried to get MY csr keys back and he wouldn't let me take them "being mother fucking nice to you" he was stronger than me So i tried to armpit trick
"Fuck you being mean to me! Come here!"
"You'll tear my dress! No! My shoe!"
"I think she's really upset at me. I think I've upset her" I bent to fix my shoe and my dress didn't cover ... Anything... Back there. "Hey quit it will you?!"
"Just give me back the key to my car and keep every thing else. Fuck it. Im tired of you anyway. I cook i clean and i come to surprise you and this is what i get and I REFUSE TO CRY HERE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE SO GIVE ME BACK MY SHIT!!!" and i threw the paperwork in his face and busted his nose.
"I,understand you're my baby but did you need to hit me in the face and make my nose bleed?" He said calmly snd slowly
"Youre not bleeding, oh yeah you are. Use the panties"
So this bastard stands up in the back of the truck with my panties to his face and says "Hey Everyone, I'd Like You To Meet My Wife!"
"We've seen a whole lot of her already"
I turn around and there's not 5 or 6 guys anymore. There's 30.
"Oh shit" and I pull my dress down. "Can we just leave?! Please?!?"
"Yeah!! Lets go!!"
So he picked me up and rushes to the car with me and a bunch of dudes come around the corner and i tell him to put me down cause I can feel his hand on my bare ass.
So hes all "goddang it why did you dress so sultry?!"
"For my husband!!! who is apparently a God dang Ass Hole!!!!!!! when hes at work!!"
"Oh honey i didn't mean anything by---"
"Come on let's go!!!" As we rush around the corner there's like 50 construction workers staring hard. "I am never doing this again!!"
"Hurry and please open the door!!" He reached across and unlocked it
I covered my face with my hands "oh my god oh no you're insane!"
"What? What are you saying to me?!"
"Don't you know you have PTSD? Male trauma? Because I Didnt!!"
"Well yeah I was kidnapped when i was like five!!"
"But you didn't even know me!?!"
"You never wear makeup and not dresses that short!"
"I do all the time!! I walk around partially naked all the time!!!" I looked at traffic "its just the lipstick here let me wipe it off"
"Thats better you could did that at the construction site!"
"Well i just put it back on in the car and I didn't know that's why you were freaking out and going insane on me!!"
"Put it back on?! Why the Hell?!
"I ate a biscuit"
"Why did you put it on in the first place?"
"Have you seen in my caboodle? I have a ton of it! When you get home, look!!"
"Okay alright i will"
"Where are we going? I thought we would go to Tulsa"
"Not now! I gotta go home to make sure you are --- you!!! Now come on!!
"You're the one driving"
"Its my car!!"
"No! Its mine and my dad's see the registration?!?!"
"That's it I'm gonna pull over. Let me see the mole that's on your thigh"
"Its not a mole! Its a freckle!"
"Fine let me see it And you drive!!"
"Okay Okay fine I'll let you see it"
He looks "ok you're you then!"
"Who else would i be?!?"
"A clone!"
"From the freezer?!? Come on! Not me! Let me drice then!"
"You're losing your cool and you never do!"
"Omg Jesus Christ are you kidding me?!?"
"Uhm no"
"I need to start smoking pot. We need to get our own place and we do then this happens."
"Smoking pot?! Uhm no! I do not think so! Here you drive then!! You're a nervous wreck. You need control"
"No i need sex but my husband is INSANE!! I try a nice surprise to be unspoiled and then this happens!"
"Who calls you spoiled?!"
"YOU DO!!"
"Jesus Christ! Do you want a hotel?!"
"What?! No we got dishes at home. They will get me unstressed"
"I'm getting in the back seat PULL OVER!!"
"Now I'm talking! You think i want you to come all this way to go home?"
As soon as the back Windows fogged a truck of his co-workers drove by honking.
When we finished he said
"We are going home because you NEVER do that to Me!!"
"It was a surprise!! And no im not driving! Im staying in the back seat!"
"You NEVER do that to Me either!!!"
"Well it's a surprise!!!"
I wanna cry he upset me so much so I'm,all screaming from my throat and it sounds all shrill and out of control and hes like trying to calm me down and I don't want to be upset and feeling like life is out of control but he really showed me shit i hadn't seen and I was scared to be at home because what was next? I used a different sauce because I was pregnant and so he throws me out into the street? Barefoot and all because i look different? So i just cried myself to sleep in the back seat of my own car because I didn't know what else to do and it was the only thing i could accomplish that day,
I heard the car door open and close...
He didn't go around the other side to open and get me out... It was dark and cold already.
"There's no one upstairs. Now what do you want to do?" He sat in the car
"I'll just go to my parents. I'll come get my clothes later"
So he yanked open the car door, jumped out, threw the seat forward, yanked me out of the car, threw me over his shoulder, put his hand over my bare ass and carried me up 3 flights of stairs.
Put me in the single comfy chair we had and made dinner.
He sat on a pillow on the floor next to me and fed me.
"What are we going to do if i get pregnant and my body starts to change?"
"Ill just take pictures. I'll use my Polaroid"
I had found out I wss pregnant that morning... Feeling sick like crazy... I took a test in the gas station bathroom. Wrapped it in my purse and went and bought a new dress and shoes and went home, took a bath did my hair and thought I had the whole day still so i should go surprise him at work and go out in Tulsa and make it special... Not days later after the whole town had to come over and seperate us from fighting cause I'm kinda crazy pregnant... And after 2 weeks of couple's therapy and he says "oh baby you're sick a lot i think you may be pregnant. You think?"
"Oh yeah i am. Check my purse."
He did take me out to Tulsa... And I was a bit sad... Because we had been through a lot since that day.. And i wanted telling him to be really special... Turned out he was.
I had taken Polaroid of myself that morning before i got dressed and one from the side and then one after. And wrote "oh!" "Baby!!" "Surprise!" And the date.
Cause I learned how to set the timer and take one of myself
So he went and got them abd said "okay im sorry i shouldn't yelled at you for taking naked Polaroids of your self. Now I see why you would take them. Okay?"
"I guess."
He got up like he was fuming mad and circled me like a vulture i Put my arms up and he circled me 2x more then stopped in front of me and I put my hands on his neck
"Are we going to bed? Ill cook dinner after"
"Mmhmmm I'll help!"
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