#italy - eh....
kingofthering · 11 days
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MUGELLO 2024 | Marc Marquez in his box after Q2.
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einsatzzz · 1 year
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i think it fits these two a lot wwww
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sensoryserenity · 2 months
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Scaliger Castle of Sirmione | termedisirmionehotels on Instagram
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nobeerreviews · 3 months
Seeing your pics of Italy makes me wanna read of your experiences there
And makes me wanna write alas I'm not in that mood anymore, it's quite a while actually...
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sunnixsunshine · 6 months
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Uuuuuuuuuh panel redraw?
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kqluckity · 1 year
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"era un combattente" sì sì, ha combattuto per i suoi interessi e solo i suoi interessi per 30 anni infatti
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breitzbachbea · 1 month
*leans over your blog* tell me about the gerita secrets
The plural was perhaps misleading, I realize now, because just like in your post, GerIta IS the secret!
I've recently wrote this fanfic for Ashley's birthday and I'd be very happy if you read it! (But I'm not your mom, you can do whatever you want).
It's set in my Human/Organized Crime AU - so not Gangstatalia, but the real deal.
And Ludwig and Feliciano, hell, pretty much all the HWS characters and my HWS OCs were pretty young when they were thrown into the shark tank, so you can imagine the pressure that they're under. 18 and aside from all the other stress and nightmare inducing shit, in this AU they're also under so much scrutiny. I've explained the basics of the AU in much more detail in this post, but in short, the Organized Crime Part is also influenced by the way aristocracy works, the aspect of stately diplomacy carries over from Hetalia.
Which is how you end up with two 18 year olds, whose flirting is suddenly the talk of the European town and everyone has opinions and projecting their own fears, expectations and problems onto it. Secrecy is a must - here is an excerpt from the fanfic:
“I’m not! People would just talk, no matter what happens!” Feliciano had learnt that by now, which made it much harder to hide his personal goals from everyone. It used to be so easy, mere months ago. In another life, where secrets were harmless fun, a right – not a necessity or a privilege.
The first chapter is four vignettes of various HWS Characters' and their OC friends' impression and thoughts on the relationship. I have it on good authority that it really enhances the teenage awkwardness and tender but eager love of the second chapter, but if you really only want GerIta and their sweet little secrets, then you can also just read chapter 2.
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tchaikovskym · 29 days
i think there is something deeply wrong with the way i live and i dont know what to do
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spilledmilkfkdies · 6 months
Nobody has proposed yet that Duman is Sicilian...
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lower-management · 6 months
*they struggle with a party popper but inevitably are able to blast it* happy birthday and consumerism holiday Bozs
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kingofthering · 1 year
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ITALY 2023 | Tony Arbolino in his garage before Q2.
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cicerenella · 7 months
Okay so this is not headcannons but it's something I think you might have some fun with.
What do you think would Feli and Roma do of they found themselves magically locked in a room each with the younger version (young as in, how young they were before they got separated) of the other? What kind of conversation would you think they'd have?
And then after the conversation ends, Feli and Romano find themselves with their own younger self. Sorry for the unsilly ask but I'm kinda sick so. Yeah.
hello again! this ask was very interesting to respond to, so let's jump straight into it! (Spoiler: very angsty)
it's a bit tricky tracking down exactly when the Italy Brothers last saw eachother. However, I might have reached a conclusion in affirming that the year 800 is the date when these two got "officially" separated. Basically, that year is when Northen italy was incorporated in the Holy Roman Empire (HRE), while the South was being raided and conquered by the Saracens, the Byzantine Empire and the Longobards. It did not look good for neither of them during that time, but feli proooobablyyy got it better than his bro.
Moreover, taking in account that both Roma and Feli where alive in the last years of the Roman Empire, that would make them around 300 years old. Not terribly young, but I envision them as preteens during that period, since they didn't have any autonomy over their territories for many years (not being independent is something that affects nation growth in my canon lol. although nations can grow up from other means even if under foreign influence).
If Romano ever got locked in a room with a roughly 10 year old Felice, I think he would immediately hug him and react very emotionally. I'm not gonna lie, Romano wasn't very fond of his brother even before they got separated by foreign powers. He was the golden child, the favorite, the one that (unintentionally) outshined him in every way possible and one of the roots of his inferiority complex.
So seeing this small kid, scared just like him at that time, at the mercy of this new powerful nation that is HRE and so on. if no one was in the room with them well... he would be eaten by remorse. Romano would hug him, tell him that everything would turn alright for him, and that he would not endure all the hardships that Romano otherwise had to sustain.
When Feli comes face to face with an angry and also scared 12 year old Romano, he would initially be at a loss. This kid absolutely hates the man that it is in front of him, so the initial approach would be...awkward, but only initially!
Feli would talk gentle words to his "big" brother, seeing an otherwise wounded kid rather than the mean big brother he once thought he was. Feli would then comfort little Romano, even going as far to excuse himself for not sticking with him till the end. And, after a lot of calming down little Roma (he was spewing obscenities as soon as he saw his "little" grown up bro), he would hug him. Even if the child is the kid is throwing punches at his chest, he's going to hug him anyways. Feli recognizes that he needs it.
so yeah! that's about it. in both scenarios there's a lot of feels and words that they would probably never say to eachother in today's age LMAO. I guess if they ever saw the kid versions of themselves/the opposites, the young appearance would make them instantly melt in an emotional puddle. these guys have trauma~
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jarritos-hetalia · 17 days
Random Headcanon (Chibitalia)
This started off as some silly random thing, just me saying something random, but then I started to think about it.
Ummm, Ginger! Chibitalia headcanon guys
So, basically, this Headcanon is built on the fact that when ginger people are younger they tend to have brighter hair
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You can see how Chibitalia's hair is more of a red shade
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While Italy's hair tends to draw from more brown colors while keeping a ginger undertone "Natural redheads are born with cells that produce more pheomelanin and this provides us with vibrant red hair in your youth. As aging occurs, the body starts to produce more eumelanin which leads to hair darkening. The darkening in combination with the natural fading of hair caused by age leads to redheads having a more dull color later in life" (Terra Rosas).
So, in summary, Chibitalia has Ginger hair, and Italy's hair draws from more of a ginger undertone but it is overall darker.
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mashamorevvna · 5 months
theres always a moment of vindication whenever a game is like yes there are allied city states and mercantile republics, and i go ah yes, renaissance italy, im familiar. never been wrong so far.
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miikoissant · 7 months
Tbh I'd marry them if they propose me with a tomato ring
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inkyself · 1 year
The profound sense of something not quite right that permeates the day, the uneasiness that settles over us when ora legale comes back
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