#the custody battle is simply never ending
spilledmilkfkdies · 6 months
Nobody has proposed yet that Duman is Sicilian...
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alarainai · 9 months
'The world that we were busy building.'
non-magic, neighbour au. wc: 2200
James hates the man who lives in Apartment 23.
Remus likes to remind him that it's impossible to hate someone he's never met – never even seen. But James doesn't need to see him to know that his soul burns with anger just knowing that someone exists in that apartment who seems to be on a mission to make his life utterly miserable.
He wonders if he's done anything to personally offend the faceless, nameless stranger or if the mystery man is just a sadist who plans to drive James mad by pettiness and passive-aggressive actions.
It all started with a cat.
James is allergic to cats.
So when he found a Calico sitting on his balcony – a balcony three stories high, mind you – he was at a little bit of a loss on how to react. It scratched at the glass door and meowed loudly as James just frowned at its existence.
At the time, he believed the apartment next to his own was empty, and he wasn't close to any other place for it to have jumped from.
Except from the balcony above, which was completely possible.
For a moment, he ignored it and went to his upstairs neighbour to see whether or not they had a Calico cat. The denial confused him, and he returned to his apartment, ready to call Remus to collect the thing.
He came back to both his balcony and front door wide open. The cat was gone.
A note was left in its place.
Bring my cat back next time, asshole. Apt. 23.
He had knocked on the door furiously then, yelled through the wood that he didn't even realise anyone lived there – added that whoever they were didn't need to break into his apartment and 'How the hell did you even do it? Can you lockpick?'
James didn't get an answer that day.
But the war had begun.
The cat – James now knows her name is Isobel – became a frequent member of James' household. He's had to purchase a large quantity of allergy pills and a large bag of cat food.
He hasn't gotten any thanks for it, naturally. But James isn't mad about this development. He's grown quite attached to the tiny demon who causes his daily sniffles.
In retaliation for half the custody of his neighbours' cat, James has taken to loudly – and terribly - singing in the rooms that share a wall with the mystery asshole.
James knows the annoyance is working when he gets several angry knocks. It only makes James sing louder.
The revenge for James' singing is unwanted deliveries to his door. A choir, cold callers, religious groups, and even a mime once.
James responded by leaving eggs right outside his neighbour's door. He heard violent swearing and various threats, but when he looked out his door to mock, only broken shells and yolk were left in the hallway.
It seems to be a back-and-forth between them without an end in sight. James simply refuses to back down, even when he comes home from work one day to find a litter tray on his balcony from his neighbour once again breaking into his apartment.
He's half tempted to call the landlord; he gets kitty litter instead.
For a while, James wonders if this is his life now. Doomed in an eternal battle with an unknown entity.
It's a surprise then when Isobel is absent for a few days. The bigger shock comes from the knock he gets at 3 in the afternoon on a Saturday. He's not expecting a guest – although he half anticipates it being another prank from his neighbour.
If it is a prank, it's not a very good one. The man at his door is the most beautiful person he's ever seen.
He's staring at him with wide, desperate grey eyes, and his skin is lightly flushed around his cheeks. Black curls frame sharp cheekbones, freckles are scattered across his skin. His lips are slightly parted – breathless like he's been running. He's shockingly gorgeous and too good to be at his door.
It's only then that James notices Isobel in this man's arms. Realisation dawns on him.
"You're number 23," he breathes in awe.
23 ignores him, "Isobel is sick," he says. "And my car... it's – I need to take her to the vet right now."
James has half a mind to tell him to fuck off after the hell he's put him through. Another part of him just wants to ask him for his number.
But his rational side takes in his words, and his gaze drifts down to look at Isobel again. She's quiet in 23's arms, eyes closed with shallow breath.
"Shit, okay. We can take my car."
He quickly turns, grabbing his keys and wallet before leading 23 back out of the war and towards the car park. Isobel doesn't kick up a fuss while they're driving, nor when James hastily pulls into the vets his neighbour has led him to.
He parks up while 23 runs ahead, cradling Isobel to his chest.
James' heart aches. He has grown awfully fond of her.
As he walks in, he sees 23 at the reception desk. He looks frantic.
"I just told you. She has insurance!"
"I'm sorry, sir. But it says the insurance was cancelled by a Mr. Orion Black."
James watches' as 23's face falls, and he looks between the receptionist and Isobel with a lost expression. And James knows this man is a bastard; honestly, he does! But that Calico has always been well-loved, and his neighbour looks incredibly broken.
"Please... she-"
"How much?" James interrupts.
Both the receptionist and 23 turn to look at him. The receptionist wordlessly passes him the card machine. He tries not to wince at the number and scratches at Isobel's ear before entering his card and paying in full.
"Thank you, sir," the receptionist says politely, pulling the card machine back, "Please take a seat. Mister Dearborn will call you through shortly."
James nods thanks and walks over to the fairly empty waiting area, knowing 23 isn't too far behind. The plastic green chairs aren't exactly comfortable, but James doesn't complain. Instead, he looks as 23 sits beside him and cradles Isobel.
He looks uncertain. Uncomfortable.
"Thank you," 23 says softly, "You didn't need to do that."
James grins, "Eh, what are neighbours for."
Not for paying that ridiculous amount on Pet Bills, that's for sure. But James makes enough money. Besides, he's been looking after that cat for months. Might as well contribute to some health bills, too.
With the wait, he has time to look at the man from apartment 23. He can't be much younger than James is, although the dark circles under his eyes and his slightly dry skin suggest he doesn't know the meaning of good sleep and proper hydration. James thinks he might look like someone out of a Tim Burton movie at the right angle.
He shouldn't be that infatuated with it.
"I thought you'd be older."
23 frowns at him, "What?"
"With your attitude and obviously appalling taste in music," James explains with a hand wave, "I was expecting you to be a middle-aged Scrooge kind of guy. You're a surprise..."
He pauses, waiting for a name.
23 rolls his eyes, "Regulus."
"Good to finally meet you, Regulus. I'm James."
"Hi," Regulus says dryly, "And I don't have appalling taste in music. You're just a terrible singer." 
James gasps in mock indignation, "You wound me. I thought they were beautiful serenades to my beautiful rival neighbour."
"Must you sing every morning, though?"
"Yeah. I need to make sure you're sufficiently irritated."
Regulus laughs. It's a slight, restricted noise – like he's not used to laughing out loud. His skin turns a darker shade of pink, and James finds him grinning. It's actually quite annoying. How can his opinion turn so quickly just because he sees a boy with pretty eyes?
He wonders if that makes him shallow.
He decides he doesn't care.
It seems like Regulus is going to say something in response when Isobel's name is called. Regulus stands, facing James with a small frown, as though he wants to ask for more but doesn't know how to do it. James thinks that his neighbour may simply lack social etiquette.
"I'll wait here," James reassures him.
And then he's gone.
James can't help but feel worried in Regulus' absence. He knows it's tough to lose a pet, knows that they just become an extended member of the family. It's a scary position to be in – and not knowing just makes it so much worse.
It doesn't take long, however. Soon enough, Regulus is stepping out of the room again. Isobel is still asleep in his arms, but Regulus doesn't seem as scared as before.
James stands.
"Feline upper respiratory infection. Nothing too serious or dangerous," Regulus says with a slight smile. He shakes a small box, "These are just for broader symptoms."
"Alright," James lets out a sigh of relief, "We'll make sure she's medicated when it's needed, then."
Regulus blinks, "We?"
"Of course. We are her parents, after all. Or did you miss the part where she spends just as much time in my apartment as yours? Come alone, Regulus. And lady Isobel!"
James turns and heads back to the car with Regulus behind him. His neighbour shuffles into the passenger seat, arranging Isobel on his lap and making her comfortable before he puts his seatbelt on. James notices Regulus looking at him – like he's a puzzle he can't quite work out.
He's content to let him stare.
As the drive goes on, the silence seems to be getting to him.
"I've been horrible to you," Regulus murmurs, "You didn't have to help me."
James hums, "What can I say? I'm a sucker for a pretty boy in distress."
Regulus opens his mouth. Closes it. Opens it again, failing to give any sort of retort. Eventually, he gives up, and they head home to the sound of a slight purr from the Calico on Regulus' lap.
Weeks past. Pranks and despising each other is a thing of the past, thanks to Isobel.
Fever and general illness doesn't stop the cat from switching between apartments whenever she pleases. James keeps his balcony door open, the food bowl full, and the litter tray clean.
The only real change to the entire routine is the presence of Regulus in his life.
He doesn't break in anymore. He knocks and waits.
More often than not, he stays for tea.
And Regulus Black is a wonderful person. James curses himself for not hanging around just to meet him sooner.
He's a student, recently kicked out of his family home with just the clothes on his back and Isobel in his arms. The place he's staying belongs to his brother, who is having an extended holiday with his lover somewhere in Europe with no desire to return.
He's been stressed and struggling – and the feud that James thought was from hatred was actually Regulus' equivalent to human contact.
Regulus is lonely.
Regulus is funny.
Regulus might just be the man of his dreams. But maybe that's because they're raising a cat together. James can't presume how the other man feels about him.
During the second month of knowing Regulus, James makes an error.
He wakes up with a heavy weight on his chest, a dry mouth and a stuffy nose. Blinking his eyes open, he sees Isobel asleep on his chest. He realises, rather quite suddenly, that he had forgotten to take his allergy pills before going to bed.
The rest of the morning is unpleasant, feeding Isobel and himself while trying to ignore the symptoms setting in.
He's ran out of meds, his fault, of course. When his door opens and Regulus steps in, James is relieved to have company. Even if Regulus sees him with tissues to his face and watery eyes.
Regulus frowns at him. "Are you sick?"
"No," James says with a laugh, blowing his nose, "I'm just allergic to cats. I forgot to take my pills this morning."
His neighbour's face turns carefully blank.
"You're allergic to cats."
James blinks, "Didn't I mention?"
Regulus tries again, taking several steps forward, "You're allergic to cats, but you're still doing everything for Isobel?”
"Well, yeah? What do you – mmph!"
Suddenly, lips are pressed against his, and he has a warm body pressed against his own. It's not a pleasant first kiss by any means, especially with the way James simply cannot breathe due to a clogged nose, and his lips are definitely too dry to be nice.
But the enthusiasm and desperation from both of them nearly makes up for it.
Regulus pulls back and gives him a small disgusted expression, "I'll get you some allergy meds, you absolute moron."
James grins, wide and adoring, "You love me."
An eye roll, "I guess you're okay. For a shit neighbour."
Regulus leaves to get him some meds. James refills the cat bowl. Isobel purrs at his toes and looks pleased with herself.
He has a feeling they won't need to share custody of the Calico anymore.
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hd1u · 9 months
My Bowser x reader ideas:
Bowser seeking refuge in your kingdom after he escapes Princess Peach's imprisonment.
Princess Peach using you as Bowser bait cause she's sick of being kidnapped n shit (you're totally into it, tho).
Princess Peach x reader x Bowser? I've literally got nothing else cuz I've had Bowser brainrot for a few months now, but omg..... 🫣
This is probably the one I like the most, and the one I've put the most thought into (under cut):
While Bowser is still in Princess Peach's captivity, you wander around his kingdom just cause you think it's cool and like, who's gonna stop you anywayz?
Eventually Kamek and the rest of the Koopa Troop notice you, but they don't really care because they're too busy trying to figure out how to aid Bowser in his escape, along with running the kingdom without him (I'd imagine that mostly lies on Kamek).
You figure hey, you dig this place, and you're bored as hell. Why don't you just become the new ruler for a little while? And that's what you propose to them.
They decide to entertain you, knowing that a random little human isn't gonna be able to do much harm anyway. They don't expect it to go much farther than being an inside joke, but they're surprised when they find out that they actually... Like you? And you're kind of good at this? And it's kind of nice to not have a huge fire-breathing beast with anger issues over their shoulders all the time??? Kamek is also enjoying his much needed break, so it just ends up not being a joke anymore. You're just their ruler now, and they're chill with it.
Anyway, when Bowser inevitably gets out, drama ensues, and it's kind of like a weird custody battle. Reader and him start off on a really bad foot, and they consider each other enemies at first. The only thing that stops Bowser from murking you on the spot is Kamek (lucky, lucky you!), and it is very physical. We're talking movie Bowser here so, he doesn't really care about what's best for his kingdom or what they want fr.
Anyway, a lot of the Koopa Troop really, really like you, but they are also loyal to their king, and let's be real: some of the troop could probably go without Bowser, but that simply isn't allowed. So, you guys basically have to co-parent the troop, even though you hate each other. They even pick a favorite "parent," lol.
Obviously the relationship will escalate to more of a romantic one once you guys really get to talking and interacting or whateva... and yeah.
There's still a lot for me to figure out like, where does this reader even come from? What draws them to the Koopa Kingdom? Do the Koopa Troop aid Bowser in his escape, or do they get carried away with you being their ruler and he ends up having to escape himself?
Lots for me to think about, and lots of plot holes to fill... but I wanted to know what you guys think of this. Is it something you'd be interested in reading? Does anything already seem inaccurate our OOC?
Oh and btw, if you wanna use some of these ideas in your own works, I don't care!!! Go crazy with it! I'm not necessarily new to writing fanfiction, but I've never been particularly good at it so... if I never end up writing these ideas into real stories, I really don't want them to go to waste! I'm going to try my best, but y'know... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think it'd be fun to see others takes on these prompts anyway.
I really love Bowser, and there is not enough x reader fanfiction to satisfy me. I just had to post something... I'm going crazy!!!!!!!!! Feral, even! Help me!! 😩
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aphroditeslover11 · 5 months
The Flat Next Door
Fun to write and thank you for the ask! i swear to God I feel this gif somewhere deep inside of me!
Warnings: a bit of touchy feely, mentions of divorce, not proofread and fuelled by lingering red wine and exhaustion!
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Jim was fresh out of his divorce. He had lost his kids in a custody battle after getting into a fight with their step dad, along with the majority of his savings, his new girlfriend left him as soon as he wanted to get serious and he really was completely alone in the world. Bearing all of this in mind he moved across the Irish Sea and took up a new job in Liverpool. The pay wasn’t the best but he wasn’t responsible for anyone apart from himself now and the city itself made up for it. It did mean though, that aged 42, he was having to live in an absolute dive in a block of apartments he never though he would have to see the likes of again until now. The kinds of people living here were the ones that you didn’t want to bump into on a dark night or had just decided to give up on life and slowly rot into the decaying depths of society. He was pretty sure that the apartment to his left was being used as a weed farm from the smell and the weird times that people were walking in and out. The flat to his right was a bit different though, it belonged to a girl who simply didn’t fit in among this band of junkies and lowlifes. She couldn’t have been much older than 22 and always kept herself to herself. Everyday she would come home at around the same time, make dinner, work for a bit and fall asleep with the tv on in the background. It was hard not to notice these things with how thin the walls were. Who was she though? That was something he was curious to find out.
It was three months after you had moved into your apartment that the absolute unthinkable happened. Somebody had broken into your flat, not that you should have been surprised. The door had been kicked clean off the hinges and nobody had even thought anything of it. The place missing a door though meant that it was hardly safe to stay here and fixing it was not a job that you could do yourself. This was how you had come to meet Jim, the helpful man from the apartment next door who had spotted your distress and come over with a toolbox to help you fix it. You had invited him in for coffee and the pair of you had fallen asleep on the sofa, not that it meant anything of course, you were scared so he had stayed incase the burglars had made a return visit.
After that you had started meeting up for coffee periodically. He learnt that you were a student, having ended up here after fleeing from the house you had been sharing after discovering that your boyfriend was cheating on you with one of your housemates. Though you were at very different points in your lives there was some sense of empathy between the two of you. Perhaps a friendship based on a mutual sense of abandonment wasn’t the healthiest thing in the world, but it was certainly what you were both craving around this time. 
The other thing that Jim learnt about you was that you were a very tactile person. Whenever you walked past him in the kitchen whilst making a cup of coffee you would place a hand on his shoulder, as if to move him out of your way. If you were sat together on his shitty little sofa and he made a joke you would always place a hand on his thigh or his forearm, as if to keep you grounded as you laughed.
As of late he was starting to wonder whether there was more to these touches than he had originally thought. It was moments like these, when you watching television together with him sat at one end of the sofa with your feet in his lap, that he questioned what you really wanted out of him. He was caught off guard by you moving your feet in his lap.
“You know Jim, I’ve put them there for a reason. I missed the bus and my feet are killing me and I was hoping I might get a foot massage out of you?” You chuckled.
“You poor thing, I can’t promise I’ll be much good but I can certainly try.”
“You’re an angel, I promise I’ll make it up to you in time.” What the hell is that meant to mean?
Three weeks later and he still didn’t know what that comment had meant. Rents had been put up and he, remembering the financial struggles of being a student, had starting offering to cook for you more often. He wanted to make sure that you were eating something other than pot-noodles or HP Sauce on toast.  You’d started helping him cook as well, if he was honest the evenings were when he missed his kids the most, so the little arrangement worked out well in his favour. You were coming back from one of the cupboards with a tin of tomatoes, he was expecting your hand to find his shoulder, but it didn’t stay there like it normally did, instead trailing down his back until it came to briefly rest on his ass. Caught unawares he automatically reached for your arm, holding it in a gentle grip.
“Y/n, what are you doing?”
“You remember how a while ago you gave me that massage?”
“And I said I’d make up for it in time?”
“How would you feel about cashing in on that now…” 
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darlingandmreames · 1 year
Obsessed with the idea of Kallus not having as easy as escape from the Empire and coming out the other side of it just a Little Wrong.
Maybe Pryce isn't as much of an idiot and doesn't send Kallus off the bridge, giving him the chance to escape. Maybe his cover gets blown in a situation other than the battle over Atollon. Either way, Kallus doesn't manage a quick escape. He ends up in Imperial custody, a traitor and political prisoner. Imperial prisons aren't kind places, and they're particularly brutal for people like him. Kallus always knew that on an objective level, but the lived experience is something different. Something worse.
It's months before he manages to escape. Maybe longer. It doesn't take him long to find the Rebellion once he does- he was Fulcrum, after all, and a competent ISB agent for years before that. So he makes his way there and while he may not exactly be welcomed with open arms, he is welcomed. And out of everyone, the Ghost crew welcomes him with the most open arms.
Except Kallus is...different now. Quieter, more watchful in a way that's almost unsettling. Twitchy, even. Sharp, oddly mechanical smiles that have little humour behind them. Like a predator, people start saying after a while. One that's not cornered quite yet, but that's ready to fight its way out as soon as it is. He doesn't talk about what happened and people don't ask, not even when they hear him wake up screaming in the night. They simply give him space, because space seems safer. He's a predator, after all, and no one wants to be the one who accidentally corners him. So he works alone, completing missions and helping the Rebellion in ways that people don't ask about, coming back each time just a little more different and a little more settled into something no one quite understands. By this point, they aren't sure they even want to.
He finds a home in the Rebellion eventually. More specifically, with the Ghost crew. With Zeb. Zeb seems to be the one who understands him the most- even if there's still a lot he doesn't- or at the very least is the least unsettled by how Kallus has changed. Kallus knows he'll never be able to return to the person he was or even anything close, but after a while that becomes okay. His smiles never become less sharp or less predatory but they do eventually find humour again, at least around Zeb
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kellyvela · 11 days
Do you think you would be as big of a Sophie Turner fan as you are based on her other works alone and not Sansa? I ask b/c i think many ST fans (myself included) have become biased in Sophie's favor and tbh not sure she deserves the unwavering support she gets simply b/c she played Sansa Stark.
Sophie's Vogue interview was a shock b/c the lies she told that could be easily disproven as well as being incredibly disrespectful to her kids. Throwing the pregnancy test to her husband and then contemplating abortion b/c her 20s were a time to be frivolous - what was the point in making that story public? All it does is hurt her daughter who will no doubt be bullied by her classmates once they learn how to Google. Sophie is not a planned parenthood ambassador so really the story was fruitless to make public. She should have waited until her daughter is old enough so she hears it from her mother first then if ST decides to share it fine but to do it this way seems selfish and disrespectful to her daughter. The other albeit frivolous lie she told was how she was so used to going with her ex to the LV shows yet last year she clearly went by herself and she went by herself in 2016 when she went for the first time.
Lastly, Sophie's whole having fun dating lie. Sophie lied about barely dating b/c a simple Google search (2019) shows that she said she said on the record that she dated so much that she was ready to marry. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but her actions say otherwise. Sophie soft launched Peregrine at her first public work event not even 2 months when her divorced was filed. Her brothers and dad are huge rugby fans, why did she take someone she barely started dating or is being frivolous with where he would be photographed? Celebs don't take flings to places where getty photographers are esp in the middle of a divorce/custody battle unless the guy is serious. But what shocked me was when she deleted her IG post to launch Peregrine. If her marriage was already crumbling why did she do an IG story wishing her then husband a happy birthday (in a gushy way right after their fight) then then proceeded to do an IG post where she's kissing his hand which she only deleted to post her ski post with Peregrine and his friends?
I will always love Sansa esp book Sansa. I say that b/c maybe you can provide counter points to everything I said which is why i'm doing the ask. Sansa is an amazing character that deserves love and Sophie well for as fun and cool as she appears to be, her actions show she's prob the exact opposite of Sansa.
Maybe a lot of Sophie fans love her mainly because she played Sansa Stark, but in my particular case, I started loving Sansa Stark because of Sophie Turner.
But right now, I care about Sophie Turner for more reasons than Sansa Stark. Since Game of Thrones aired the irrational and undeserved hate for Sansa Stark that surpassed the fiction to reality and became irrational, undeserved hate and bullying for the actress, made me very protective of Sophie Turner. So I decided to love her even more, and protect her, and defend her, and support her career after Game of Thrones, and wish for her happiness and wellbeing.
I'm not saying she's perfect and never did wrong, but I won't judge her because at the end of the day I don't know her personally, I don't know her reasons, I don't know her circumstances, she's not my best friend.
Now, about the *lies easily disproven* and being *incredibly disrespectful to her kids,* that is your opinion, and I doubt whatever I can say to you will change that opinion.
It would be easy to argue every one of your critics and accusations against Sophie, but I think it's pointless, not only because you can think whatever you want, but because you pretty much sound like one of those Sophie haters from Twitter that is really a fan of her ex.
However, I recommend you to actually read/re-read the interview and stop repeating the clickbait headlines that took lines without context and/or twisted her words.
Have a good day.
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please please please talk about your jjk fics
and any other hcs you have
please 🥺
So i did write down some of my jjk fic ideas in this post (though I've come up with more since then. I have. problems) and I do kinda want to sit on a lot of the actual details so they won't be spoiled if I ever end up writing them. that being said, I'm well aware I have nowhere near the time to write most of them and have a lot of ideas that i find delightful that will never otherwise get out there, and I like sharing them. They give me delight and I hope they give you delight as well. So below the cut are a random assortment of details from various fic ideas that may, but probably won’t, see the light of day. Avoid the cut if you want to avoid all potential spoilers from fics that may happen in the future (but again probably won’t).
Megumi and the worlds most inconvenient custody battle au:
There’s more details in the linked post above, but in short, this one involves middle school megumi making a desperate binding vow with Geto suguru to give cult life a whirl in exchange for him sparing the lives of Megumi’s classmates, because Geto had to pick his school to commit domestic terrorism in.
Anyway it’s a huge inconvenience and results in a lot of his now traumatized classmates finding out that Fushiguro Megumi, resident delinquent, was an Actual Boy Wizard all along. As well as a lot of really personal and embarrassing life tragedies (you know minor things like “I was sold in childhood" and "i dont think i'm going to make it to 20" and new smash hits like "What do you mean gojo killed my father" and "what do you MEAN my abusive bio family is obsessed with me because my technique is supposed to be gojo's equal") he was sort of planning to die with that instead came out because Geto suguru does not stop fucking monologuing apparently.
Also the last time they saw him he was being knocked unconscious and carried away by this theatre kid terrorist to ensure their collective continued survival. It’s just. Shits embarrassing. He has to call time of death on that entire situation. Wash his hands of that place. Never look back.
So he does the only rational thing in this situation and simply never goes back to his old middle school.
He ghosts them. Never speaks to anyone from that place ever again. Some days are just so horrifically embarrassing that you just have to keep walking in the opposite direction forever. They can't make him face his problems if he walks quickly enough away from them.
There are two issues with that:
Because he never came back, a lot of them think he Actually Died for them
The Yasohachi bridge incident happens and he does apparently have to go back to that place. Fuck.
They don’t tell him where the mission is until he’s already in the car and attempting to throw himself out of a moving car raises suspicions. So instead it goes:
Nobara: what the hell did you do to these idiots
Megumi, sweating: … I beat them up
Idiot A, crying a little: He SAVED our LIVES
Megumi: *sweating harder*
The issue is that the official cover story was tragic gas leak and explosion but a lot of the survivors of Geto's attack didn't buy that and know what they saw. They just know no one else will ever believe it. some of them tried to say the truth on the internet and it got waved away as gas hallucinations. now, a good deal of them also left that school forever and ever never to look back. But some of them stayed. And they? They remember Fushiguro Megumi, that one delinquent who sacrificed himself for their lives even after stating out loud that he didn’t even like any of them all that much. The principal cries and tries to hug him when he sees him. There’s one of those little memorials that you put up for students who tragically passed for him.
Yuuji's simply aghast. So when Fushiguro lets everyone think he's dead, it's okay and normal but when he, itadori yuuji--
Fushiguro maintains he was alive when they last saw him and never told anyone he died so it’s on them for making assumptions.
more random facts from this universe:
There's a Lot that Gojo never told him that was revealed in the worst way possible when Megumi was in Forcible Cult Time and megumi tries to be like "look it's fine whatever reason you did it you kept me from the zenin so like. whatever. you had political reasons or something. we don't have to pretend this is more than it is we can be honest about it" and this derails immediately because Gojo, who has spent the last month terrified that he lost megumi forever, launches into an emotional speech about how he thinks of megumi as his little boy and how megumi's grown up into a beautiful young man who he’s so so proud of and megumi is like "yeah we don't need to be that honest" but it's Too Late
All of the second years are watching this happen like :o
See even if I wrote this universe one day (unlikely) I probably would stop it after jjk0 so we’d never get to the first years, making this an extra level of “never gonna happen.” That being said, when the first years start, nobara and yuuji are like “why is gojo sensei always hugging you and ruffling your hair and checking in on you after missions” and Megumi’s just sweating because he does NOT want to admit that gojo raised him and their relationship was harpooned when his high school ex kidnapped Megumi for like a month and told him that Gojo apparently killed his fucking dad and now Gojo’s trying to “rebuild” and “be more open and parental” or whatever
The Zenin are even more fucking annoying than ever because Geto was an infuriatingly good teacher and excellent at challenging Megumi’s mindset because he was framing everything as a secret that had been kept from him rather than trying to inspire him to believe in himself so Megumi sort of leveled up a bit in cult life. Also they’re acting like Megumi was finally broken from Gojo’s deceitful hold when really this is more of a “they need family counseling” situation. So they won’t stop showing up and hounding him to take his place with the rest of the clan. This is a non issue because Megumi sort of leveled up a bit in cult life and wow. He can just tell them to fuck off and back that up with his own power now. Huh. So that’s what that feels like.
Tsumiki spends the entire fic just. feral. Losing her mind. She was not at all fucking okay with her baby brother joining a fucking cult (without her) for a month and she's SUPER not okay with a lot of the information that was revealed. When Gojo shows up on scene after megumi gets taken assistants are trying to Physically Carry her into a car and she's straight up biting people. She does not shake this energy for the duration of the fic.
Sea glass gardens:
See I talk about this a lot already and what I don't talk about is because it's probably going to actually be written one day. But if you are interested in something from this universe, here's something that will definitely never happen:
So, whenever I start getting really into one of my little universes, I always have some very self-indulgent parallel storylines that i would never actually write because they're just not the most narratively satisfying direction to take the story, but they're just fun to think about. They are crackish and live only in my head.
I have sort of a time travelish one (not to be confused with the time travel au, which is my favorite JJK story i have and will happen one day hopefully) that's basically based on the idea of sea glass gardens proceeding into canon without change and Yuuta time traveling from the disaster that is canon back to immediately after he fucks up Geto and rushing to fix everything. But the catch is that Uraume also travels back in time and the conflict is whether Yuuta can save everyone before Uraume launches one of sukuna's fingers down Yuuji/Megumi's throat. Why did they both go back in time? I dunno. This is my self-indulgent fun story. I never bothered to figure out how to make it work. i cannot emphasize enough that this fic will never ever happen.
yuuta is. vibrating.
Yuuta does the only rational thing and decides to put everyone he has ever loved into one room where he can keep everyone safe until he can fuck up that little freak of a monk and save his loved ones.
The first thing he does upon waking up in the school's wreckage is to fucking sprint to heal geto, not out of any love for geto, but because his sensei's gay love got them into this and he's not fucking risking it again. geto's going to stay alive, sit down, and shut up so no body hopping whore can take him over and ruin everything. Yuuta's very aggressive about this point. He's going 2-0 with geto and he will make it 3-0. does geto want to lose the other arm? shut the fuck up.
The really difficult thing for him is that he has to go get megumi last.
He knows for a fact that the Zenin have megumi right now. And the last time he saw megumi, Sukuna had taken him over and completely destroyed him. He is absolutely desperate to see Megumi again and keep him safe and whole. And it's torture knowing that Megumi is being actively hurt in a scenario that legitimately devastated him the first time around, that he could go straight there and just stop it, and it wouldn't have had to have happened in the same way.
He also knows that Megumi would never forgive him if he didn't save his sister or his friends first.
Megumi, in a weird sort of way, is the safest out of anyone when Yuuta time travels back. First off, he was legitimately kidnapped from where he was supposed to be, so Uraume's going to have a lot of trouble actually finding him. Secondly, he's currently in the hands of an entire clan of powerful and trained jujutsu sorcerers who are utterly obsessed with him, who have him under constant guard, and who would kill to keep him. Out of everyone, Uraume has the least chance of getting near Megumi.
Yuuji doesn't even know jujutsu sorcery is real right now. Yuuta has to go get him first.
He and Gojo split up to rush around getting everyone before uraume can get to them. Gojo gets Tsumiki and Nobara and the Kyoto crew. Yuuta gets Yuuji and his grandfather. and then fucking books it to the zenin compound.
without dropping them off first.
This has been a very weird day for Yuuji.
It honestly took less explaining than Yuuta thought it would because apparently Yuuji's grandpa has just been sitting on the fact that before yuuji was born his mom died and came back to life one million times more of a fucking freak and was very very obviously possessed and his dad was just. fine. with that. still hit that. he's learning a lot about his parents right now. Whatever. they're on the level.
It also helps that some weird little freak shows up and gets in a fucking duel with Yuuta over Yuuji. Yeah sure. let's go to wizard school for his own safety. what do you mean they need to make a stop to pick up his future best friend (and maybe boyfriend yuuta really was never clear on whether they were like together or together) from the people currently torturing him. what do you mean yuuta needs yuuji to carry him while he fucks up his bio family. what is this.
Yuuta. Has. Really had a day and a half. Completely emotionally unstable right now. exuding an Energy. killed naoya and brought him back to life as a warning shot and it wasn't even the most terrifying thing he had done that day.
Tsumiki, was frantic about trying to find her brother, suddenly has him back with the news that in the future he gets possessed and kills her, confused as to why his time traveling upperclassman hugged her for five unbroken minutes and cried a little
Megumi, so fucked up, like SO fucked up. Mostly unconscious right now but very confused when he's awake. Who are ANY of these people. why is this pink haired stranger tenderly holding his hand. where is he. Not so much on the team as the person the team is protecting. he's too unconscious to be on the team. sort of going through it right now.
Yuuji, has had a Long Day, already murderously protective of megumi, who is apparently his future bestie. he's one first meeting deep and it mostly involved manfully cradling megumi in his arms while his future senpai fucked up his blood relations. he knows this will be friendship for the ages. thinks yuuta is great and is not jealous of him in the slightest. why would he be jealous. it's weird that you asked that actually.
Yuuji's grandpa, weirdly on board with everything and firmly advocating to solve problems with violence. Actually may be the most violent one there. suggests a car bomb as a problem solving strategy at one point. he kind of scares yuuta.
Nobara, wasn't really doing anything else today, has a passion for violence and is down to hit people with hammers. also there's a lot of beautiful and violent women in this room. is hoping something lgbtq will happen to her.
Gojo, offended by the continued implications that he cannot handle this solo, also wants to just put his kids in a single room for a while where they can be safe and where no one can possess either of them ever.
Shoko and nanami, constantly reminding him that he cannot handle this solo and to sit down and shut up before they lose megumi to sukuna, because Megumi is physically incapable of protecting himself right now.
Geto, only here because Yuuta has threatened to cut off his fucking head and burn the body if he moves a single fucking inch because yuuta is not dealing with his whore ass getting possessed again. he does word it exactly like that too. geto doesn't know how to feel about being called a whore by this deranged sixteen year old with a sword. he doesn't push back though because there's more than one way to solve this problem and yuuta's an inch from picking the permanent one. also here because apparently his daughters are killed by sukuna and he doesn't want that to happen. constantly bullied by every child in the room.
The Zenin, weirdly, who witnessed Yuuta v. Uraume round two when Yuuta came to save Megumi from them and absolutely refuse to lose the ten shadows to fucking Ryomen Sukuna of all people. Their most treasured technique cannot be tainted by Sukuna's putrid legacy. It would be what Kamo Noritoshi did to the Kamo clan all over again but worse because Sukuna's worse than Noritoshi ever was. They'd never recover as a clan. Anyone seeking to implant sukuna's consciousness in the ten shadow's body must die.
Maki (and the rest of the second years), ride or die, thinks they should use the Zenin as canon fodder. Yuuta agrees with this plan.
The Kyoto crew, does not know why they're here, mostly forced to stay in a different room so they'll be safe but like. not really part of the planning process. sorry. yuuta doesn't know or like them all that well. thanks.
From that point on it's mostly Yuuta & Co going after Kenjaku and Uraume and the rest of the special grade curses like Wile E. Coyote going after roadrunner. At one point he hires the creepy jujutsu sorcerer assassin to bring back Toji Fushiguro to help implement one of his plans. Neither Gojo nor Geto are okay with this idea. Yuuta vetoes them both. Yes he has veto power now okay Gojo and Geto's irredeemable homosexuality for each other left him with dealing with this fucking mess. He's going to kill absolutely everyone in this room and then himself if His Boy is not safe within a week.
Instagram Influencer AU:
Explained in more detail at the linked post above but the concept is that nobara is trying to launch her instagram influencer career and keeps accidentally making everyone else instagram famous except for herself.
Megumi and Maki are a family duo because they're both ridiculously attractive people of indeterminate familial relationship who Nobara posts videos of sword fighting. Megumi wants her to stop doing this. She will not.
When Megumi's not appearing with Maki on Nobara, she's posting candids of him with Yuuji. The entire internet thinks they're dating. He wants her to stop doing this. She will not.
Nanami did not want any of this to happen to him specifically.
Nobara posted a video of Nanami explaining how he thinks that baker should be the highest paid position in society and how work is shit and how he hates capitalist grind culture and the internet became simply obsessed with him. bread companies keep trying to sponsor him which is the only good thing that came from this.
Gojo did want this to happen to him specifically and very purposefully strolled into Nobara's live and flashed his eyes at the camera. Now he won't stop threatening the higher ups with leaving jujutsu sorcery forever to sign with one of the many modeling agencies begging him to join their brand. Yaga wants her to stop doing this. she will not.
Yuuji is an enthusiastic participant who is having a great time. Half of his old school is in the comment section asking what the fuck happened to him because he straight up disappeared one day and now he appears to be a fitness influencer on the internet?? He does not answer them. It fuels quite a bit of internet drama.
Inumaki finds this all hilarious and wants this to happen to him to. She refuses to aid him. This was supposed to happen to her. He aggressively photobombs at every opportunity and she finds exceedingly creative ways to crop him out.
Panda also finds this hilarious and keeps begging Nobara to post glamor shots of him that he and inumaki took on a flip phone camera and she cannot put in strong enough words why she will never ever do that
Nanami/Gojo Fake Fiancees no curses au:
Again, explained in more detail in the linked post above. No curses au where Nanami is Yuuji's adoptive dad and Gojo is Megumi and Tsumiki's adoptive dad and Gojo needs a fake fiancee because his ex just joined the same school district with his twin daughters and Nanami's trying to get through a custody battle with Yuuji's terrible older brother, Sukuna, who just crawled out of whatever abyss he's been in the last decade to challenge his custody.
Nanami was Yuuji and his grandpa's next door neighbor who was completely burned out as a salaryman and whose life revolved around work until a very tiny Yuuji knocked on his door and asked him to help him cut up some fruit because he wasn't allowed to use the knives by himself but his grandpa was sick and needed the fruit to get better. He loved Yuuji like his own from that day forward. Yuuji and his grandpa became his family and he was genuinely devastated when Yuuji's grandpa died. He took in Yuuji without a thought and never looked back.
Gojo was coming off of a bad breakup with his committed boyfriend, Geto, following them falling apart when Gojo's little sister Riko died tragically in front of Geto. Gojo then decided it was his slut era and had the terrible decision to include Toji in that era.
Apparently fucking jacked but amoral men as a purely sexual thing does lead to finding out that he has Entire Children he's left living alone when he gets the phone notification that the power company finally shut off their electricity because toji forgot to turn on autopay. is this a panic attack? this feels like a panic attack.
Toji honestly doesn't know what happened in that relationship because he couldn't have even knocked gojo up but he still somehow saddled gojo with his kids. unmitigated success.
Gojo just sort of freaks out, goes over to Toji's kid's house, takes them home with him so they have a place with electricity, and just... never can bring himself to let them go again. the next time he saw toji, he handed him the papers to transfer guardianship and told him that they'd never need anything from him so please, don't call. He just sort of dove into single fatherhood from then on out and never looked back.
Sukuna's attorney for the custody battle is Mahito.
The jujutsu kaisen world is a manga that Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara are cocreating (with the main trio as some obvious self inserts), with Megumi doing the writing, Yuuji doing the drawing, and Nobara doing the coloring and layout design. Yuuji is very convinced that it will one day make them all famous.
Gojo finds out the most powerful character is based off of him and cries for like three days
Nanami: You mean the most annoying
Gojo, still crying to him on the phone: you can't take this from me
Megumi still has his divine dogs just as actual dogs. they're a pair of "puppies" he found and took in before Gojo adopted him who he loves dearly and refuses to be parted with.
They're not puppies. they're wolves. those are fucking wolves. where did five year old megumi get fucking wolves. what the fuck. gojo is terrified of them.
I have others but this is already kinda long so we're gonna cut this off here
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Izuku is the son of Inko and Tamamo no Mae but AFO and AM are convinced he's their son with Inko.
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C'mon Anon, you should've known Barid would beat you to this.
Inko spots all of the red flags that Tama is waving but she's s sucker for a pretty blonde. Tama is pretty chill after her time in the rock, and now that human have moved away from seducable monarchs. She is no less mischievous however.
Inko had a fling with both All Might and All For One not long before she met Tama. Like I said, she's a sucker for a pretty face with light hair.
So one of Tama's fun pranks on Inko is getting her pregnant. Despite how I worded this, Inko consented to this. Thus, Izuku is born. Like Tama, he's a kitsune. Tama teaches him to hide his foxy features and how to use his magic in general.
Izuku grows up pretending to be Quirkless while secretly being a little shit who causes problems on purpose. Not major problems, he sticks to little pranks.
AFO assumes that Midoriya is Quirkless because he's a First Generation and thus his child is more likely to be Quirkless.All Might assumes that Midoriya inherited his Quirklessness from him. Kamino is the world's ugliest custody battle. Tama thinks this is way too funny to intervene until after All Might visits about the dorms, at which point she reveals herself as Izuku's other parent to All Might's shock.
+1. Midoriya was not bullied for being Quirkless because anyone who tried got a visit from Tama that ended with them rethinking their life.
+2. All For One never finds out that Izuku isn't his. If faced with proof he would simply deny it.
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blametheeditor · 3 months
Terms Of Agreement | Chapter 2
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Run Down: The monster under your bed, the one in the closet, and your sleep paralysis demon fight for custody.
Content Warnings: Mentions of a funeral. Mentions of sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and sleep deprivation. Mentions of death, murder, and accidental deaths. Mentions of treating others as lesser than, addressing someone as 'it'.
As promised, the Fritz has been tortured
The first thing Fritz did when it seemed like no one was coming to grab him was attempt to block entry points. 
In hindsight, he should’ve realized that beings that were creatures only told in stories wouldn’t be deterred by anything a regular teenager could do, but he couldn’t do nothing. So that meant pushing his dresser in front of his closet door so no one can simply walk out of it without him knowing. Removed his mattress from his bedframe so there wasn’t a dark space underneath capable of hiding unspeakable horrors.
It wasn’t much. And there wasn’t anything he could do to hinder Vincent, but it made him feel much better. Especially when none of the giants appeared at his door to demand he explain himself. Punish him.
Only then did he realize the front door wasn’t the only way to leave, stared at his window as afternoon light illuminated his room before rushing toward it. Felt his heart thump against his chest in relief at the tree only a few feet away not towering above him. Wanted to sob as soon as it became clear the window will not open no matter what he does. The latch claims it’s unlocked, but the sill acts as if it’s been cemented. 
That was when Fritz decided to not block the door outside of his bedroom. Because as much as he was genuinely terrified of the twisted monstrosity his childhood home has become, as much as he didn’t want three giants who want him dead to be able to grab him, he’d be completely cornered. It might even be seen as a challenge that ends with the door being broken, so he only locked the flimsy knob. 
He then sat down on his mattress after shoving it into the corner directly across from his door. Wrapped himself up tightly in his blanket. Trembled as he watched and waited. 
Nothing happened. 
His terror almost became unbearable when the sun finally began to set. After not hearing a single voice or footstep. Realized his mom’s friend never came over. Felt his stomach growl from hunger and his eyes droop from exhaustion. 
Staying alert and awake once the sun disappeared was a loosing battle. As much as he feared sleep and what the night would bring, there was no stopping it when his eyes closed for just a second too long, effortlessly pulled him into unconsciousness. Yet when Fritz woke up with a start, daylight greeted him. Not darkness as a figure loomed over him. No form of paralysis that kept him from jumping to his feet in disbelief. There hadn’t been a single nightmare or taunting voice. 
...it was too real not to have been.
Fritz looks around his room with confusion and suspicion. Maybe he should be a bit more relived, but he can’t think of why they would just...leave him alone. For almost 24 hours. After the three promised he was going to be looking over his shoulder every second until he decides how he dies. 
It's almost too good to be true. Meaning he slowly walks to his door to open it, genuinely expecting one of the three waiting for him. Instead, he’s greeted with an empty hallway. One that’s his size. 
Fritz lunges out of his room before the house can grow to a monstrous size. Nearly crashes into the wall because it doesn’t change. Stares at the open door that seems to be taunting him. Both as proof for what had been stated it was what controlled the reality around him, and as a dare to try to escape to see what would happen. 
“Hello?” he can’t help calling out. When no one responds, he takes a careful step down the hallway and toward freedom. Freezes at what sounded like someone else in the house. “Vincent? Are you here?” 
The sleep paralysis demon gives no indication he’s even inside the house. 
“I-It wasn’t a hallucination,” Fritz mumbles as he walks back into his room, turning around to see the hallway still hasn’t changed. “It was too real to be one.” 
The teenager is left to stare at nothing, feeling paranoid. Fearful it somehow had been a hallucination despite the fact he wholeheartedly believes it was real. It had to be real. 
...he’s going to be late for the funeral. 
Fritz grabs his phone at the realization what today was supposed to be focused on. Checking the date, time, glancing at the hallway that still remains untouched by supernatural forces. Peeks his head out to once again confirm the front door is open. 
I shouldn’t push it.
He shouldn’t. He should grab the clothes set aside for the funeral and run out the door as fast as possible before he’s trapped inside. He should get out while he can. 
The moment he reaches for his button up and slacks is when a text buzzes on his phone, Jeremy’s name appearing to state he’ll be over in about an hour so they can walk to the service together. 
What did Vincent say? A normal human doing normal human things? 
F- don’t come inside, just text when you get here!
With that he decides to take a chance and jump into the shower. Is he an idiot? Yes. But he wasn’t going to go to his own mother’s funeral looking like he didn’t care. Not to mention how irresponsible it’d be to go after not eating for over an entire day. Literal monsters might have taken over his home, but today is for his mom, and she’s going to get the respect she deserves. 
J- Here!
Fritz is out the door the second his phone buzzes, looking presentable and fed, even if he could only manage to eat half a bowl of cereal. All that mattered is he was out and didn’t get trapped at the last second. Unable to help flinging himself at Jeremy for a much needed hug. One his best friend doesn’t hesitate to return. Not knowing it was to help the redhead establish this is real. 
“Are y-you okay?” the taller asks. 
“I’m okay,” Fritz begins as he pulls away. Wipes away his tears before grabbing Jeremy’s hand to lead him down the street. Feels his shoulders growing lighter and lighter the farther away he gets despite what’s waiting for him at the cemetery. “It was...it was a rough night.” 
His hand is gently squeezed to offer support. They don’t say anything else, though. Not on the entire walk to the cemetery. Not when he says goodbye to his mom one last time. Not until they’re excused and told there was nothing else left to do, but he knew where her grave was and could visit at any time. 
“W-W-Would you like to come o-over?” Jeremy asks as they start the journey back to Fritz’s house.
His first thought is to say yes. Because despite the Fitzgerald family having incredibly strict household rules and repeatedly making it clear how little they thought of the friends their son invites, Fritz would take that over literal giants openly discussing his death. 
He didn’t know if that would be breaking some kind of rule, however. The three said he was allowed to spend time with friends, but he doesn’t know the details and what would be ‘allowed’ or not. And to top it off, the minute he’s inside Jeremy’s house, the Fitgerald’s would have to physically remove him to make him leave. Not when he’d fight tooth and nail to stay with those who are simply hostile rather than deadly. 
“Maybe some other time.” 
Jeremy gently squeezes his hand. “Don’t hesitate to t-text or call, o-o-okay?” 
Fritz nods in agreement as they stop in front of his house. He can’t help but stare at it for a few moments with genuine trepidation. Terrified of what’s waiting for him. “Thank you, Jeremy.” 
“Always,” his best friend smiles. “Want me to-?” 
“No!” Fritz almost screams, jumping away from Jeremy as if a hand was going to emerge through the open door and grab him, uncaring if there would be an extra passenger. Feels like he was stabbed through the heart at the look of hurt on his friend’s face. “I-I didn’t mean it like that, I’m so sorry-” 
Jeremy suddenly pulls him into a tight hug. “It’s okay. P-P-Please let me know if you n-need anything.” 
Fritz clings to the taller, wanting nothing more than to never let go. “I will.” 
“I’ll s-see you at school.” 
Just like that, he’s left to climb up the porch steps alone. Stands on the doormat as he stares down the hallway, pleading it stays exactly where it is until he’s able to get to his room. 
Doesn’t get a full foot inside before the front door slams shut. 
Fritz screams as the impact not only sounds like thunder as it makes the very ground shake, but he’s suddenly sent tumbling head over heels as the wind created knocks him off his feet. 
“Welcome home.” 
The rumbling voice proves this morning had been nothing but a false sense of security. It only gets worse when he finally orients himself, sitting up to freeze at the sight of a shoe the size of a bus pointed directly at him. 
Yesterday had been terrifying. But this? Being on the ground rather than on a counter or in a hand? Knowing they want to do nothing more than kill him? 
“Fritz!” someone shouts from somewhere behind him. The demand for his attention is the only reason he remembers to breathe, though his limbs are shaking too much to try and turn to see who it is. “You’re finally back! I don’t know if you ate while you were out, but food will be ready shortly.” 
It takes a moment to recognize it’s Vincent’s voice. A few more to register what was said. Becomes genuinely confused why his sleep paralysis demon was making him food. 
“You heard him,” booms directly overhead. “I suggest you start making your way toward the kitchen.” 
Fritz’s eyes slowly trail upwards. Has to tilt his head backwards until he’s forced to lean back until he’s nearly lying down. Feels a sense of vertigo when he finally recognizes the giant as David, the monster staring down at him like one would a bug that invaded their home. 
He fully expects to be crushed under a shoe right then and there. But the longer they stare at each other, and with the giant not even shifting in place, Fritz finds himself finally able to turn his head toward the kitchen. Stares at the sight of Vincent doing something out of sight as James watches with mild interest. 
With a glance toward the shoes in the hopes that will be the closest they ever get to him, Fritz carefully stands up before numbly walking toward the kitchen. Confused. Exhausted. Wanting to go to his room even as his stomach gnaws on itself painfully. 
He wasn’t going to risk testing David, however. Not when a shoe steps much too close for comfort once Fritz gained enough distance. The impact not only caused an earthquake that made him stumble, but it made an imposing wall between him and the hallway to the only place he felt any semblance of safety in. Meaning he doesn’t dare try to deviate from the path currently demanded he follow. 
“Remind me,” Vincent begins, pure white eyes locking onto the redhead steadily making his way closer. “Why don’t you eat cauliflower?” 
Fritz hesitates, not expecting that kind of question. Especially worded in a way that made it seem almost conversational. “I-I’m allergic to them.” 
“Right, allergies. And what about carrots?” 
“I just don’t like them.” 
The sleep paralysis demon smiles in thank you, leaving the teenager bewildered on why such information was needed. Wanting to ask, but almost immediately distracted by David taking another step. Something that almost seems as a warning he shouldn’t be questioning them or their motives. 
James then tilts his head. “What are allergies?” 
“Just another thing to add to the long list of what can kill humans,” Vincent waves. 
Suddenly Fritz is turned to, unable to help freezing up completely under the scrutiny. “Is there anyway to get rid of it?” 
“U-Um, not really,” he begins. Terrified something he can’t control will be used against him in some way. What if it’s deemed that his reaction is might be painful, but it’s not fatal, and therefore a viable option for punishment. “I’m not a doctor, but I’ve, I’ve always been allergic. And-d-d it hasn’t gone away, my throat closes up if I’m near it when it’s being cooked.” 
“Relax, Fritz, we can’t physically harm you, including intentionally making allergies flare up.” 
Part of him wants to trust Vincent’s words. A much larger part is telling him he should lie about eating at the funeral and make sure he never has so much as a single bite from food made by those who want him dead. Make an excuse for today and then bargain having his home the proper size so he can make his own meals later. 
He can’t find the words to ask to be excused to go to his room, however. Only flinch as David silently demands he continue further into the kitchen, a shoe stepping directly behind him. So he continues despite getting closer to the counter Vincent has been actively walking around with a clear focus on everything but the ground. 
That is, until he reaches the counter that has the sink, prompting the demon to give his familiar wide smile as he gives his full attention to Fritz. “You have yet to not surprise me.” 
That sounds like a compliment.
A compliment, but for what? Fritz doesn’t know what he’s done to earn such a sentence. And with all of their previous interactions, it’s hard to see it as anything but a way to make him doubt himself. Make him even more confused on what this ‘custody battle’ arrangement means for him. One minute he’s threatened and taunted, promised he won’t have a single restful night. The next, the door is open so he can go to his mom’s funeral without any obstacles after being left completely alone for a full day. 
“C-Can I ask a few questions?” 
That only makes Vincent’s smile grow wider. “Of course! Let’s get you off the floor first.” 
Fritz feels his heart drop as his sleep paralysis demon walks toward him, all too aware he could be killed on pure accident. He can’t run, though, not with David standing directly behind him. Though even if he could, the earthquakes make him fall onto his back, unable to do anything except curl into a fearful ball as a hand reaches for him. 
He feels warmth and something nudging his side before he’s sent tumbling with a yell. Covers his head in fear as a dark chuckle confirms he’s been grabbed, gasping when vertigo makes his stomach flip. Yet it all disappears within seconds as he’s spilled onto the counter. Glad he’s wearing more layers as the cold ceramic tiles attempt to steal what little body heat he has. 
“So,” Vincent smirks. “What would you like to ask?” 
“This morning. Wh-Why did you, why weren’t you here?” 
David snorts as he heavily leans against the counter opposite of where Fritz was deposited, the teenager flinching at the sound seeming like a building colliding with something. “You wanted to wake up to Vincent greeting you?” 
“No! I mean, I was just expecting it,” Fritz defends. “I-I just didn’t know what happened. You said you’d torture me every night, but you didn’t, and the door was just open with all of you gone. And now you’re making me food!” 
“Sounds like you’re a little ungrateful,” James murmurs. Making it seem like this morning had been a favor. One that won’t be repeated because Fritz seems upset. 
Which he is! Of course he is! He’s trapped in his own home with three giants who have done nothing but play mind games with him. He’d like to think he’s allowed to be upset. Even if that means possibly yelling at literal demons and monsters. Especially if the rest of his life, no matter how short it might be, will be filled with nothing but terror, then he has a right to voice his opinions. 
Except, now he doesn’t feel as confident as before. Not with James comment and clear distain. Not with David looking indifferent and uninterested. Vincent’s not even paying attention anymore as he stands over the stove. 
Fritz can’t help curling into himself, looking down at tiles that shouldn’t seem so alien to him. “I’m s-sorry.” 
“Naw, don’t loose steam now,” Vincent pouts. “I thought you were going to let James have it!” 
That earns the sleep paralysis demon a look of despair, prompting him to turn off the burner. And then a bowl Fritz’s size is offered, one that’s taken purely out of shock, not knowing what else to do. 
“This morning will actually be a routine on the weekdays,” Vincent begins. Leaning over to set his arms on counter with enough space to not seem like he’s looming. “Today is the exception with everything considered, but it’s our compromise so you get to school on time, with the door open and none of us around to distract you. Once you get home, and on every other weekend, the door will be closed with at least one of us around.” 
...that makes sense. “Wh-What about last night?” 
“I neglected to give you a schedule. We didn’t want to overload you, especially with how shaken up you were. In hindsight, not the best choice, but it worked out in the end!” 
Fritz stares up at the demon beaming down at him. Glances at the bowl in his hands containing soup. Not missing the fact there’s carrots in it. “And the food?” 
“You’re a human teenager who might not know how to properly take care of yourself, so I’ll be making sure you don’t die on us from malnutrition. Or from complications with food allergies.” 
It’s clear preferences such as carrots are still fair game. But that helped him understand why those who want him dead are acting ‘nice’. It’s just insurance he doesn’t die before he chooses who gets his soul. 
Fritz opens his mouth to ask about the other rules, specifically what could get him punished and what that entails, but the soup that has been keeping his hands warm keeps stealing his attention. It smells like something his mom would’ve made. Which he should be suspicious why Vincent could make such a thing considering the demon would have to find the recipe, want to follow it, and that brings up the concept of the catastrophic being knowing how to. 
Hunger wins over. And the second he tastes it and confirms this is his mom’s recipe, he’s unable to stop himself from eating spoonful after spoonful. 
“Are humans really this much work?” David grumbles. 
“You could always forfeit, David. James and I don’t mind one less competitor.” 
“Oh please. If I leave you with James you’d drop out purely from how much he’d annoy you.” 
“Says the monster who constantly complains this is just a waste of time.” 
“Says the monster who didn’t know what allergies are.” 
Fritz’s grip on the bowl tightens as he gathers his courage. “Wh-What happens if I don’t come home?” 
The three go silent. Not a hint of being upset their argument was interrupted, but they all look slightly confused. Maybe just surprised. “Mind giving us a little more detail?” 
“Not forever!” he quickly amends as a shiver travels down his spine at the clear warning. “I meant for a, a single night! If I was at a friend’s.” 
“Ah,” Vincent murmurs with a sneer. “Our nights are still ours, Fritz. No matter where you are.” 
That’s enough to get the point across. That if he spends the night at Jeremy’s, his best friend would be in danger. Or anyone for that matter depending on where he was. Which makes him feel even more confined, but at least he knows. 
“Um, th-thank you.” 
“Mind if I take it in payment for helping me train these two on how not to kill you preemptively?” 
Fritz doesn’t know if this is better than sitting in his room and not knowing what’s waiting for him. 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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fumblingmusings · 1 year
I haven't actually followed the strips in ages and only see bits in pieces pop up now and then, but does Matthew call Arthur an older brother? I remember Matthew was the one taking care of Arthur when he fell apart after Alfred left but then there are times where they don't seem very close at all? Alfred and Matthew in fanon are usually portrayed as having a very close friendship while canon has the more typical 'no one else knows how to piss me off like you do' sibling relationship.
Ooooh yeah let's get our sources out for this one lads. Except not the April Fools'/Halloween Specials I'm too tirrrreeeed and I genuinely don't think there's anything in them regardless. Please excuse odd image formatting - go follow the links to read the strips in their full context!
The very early strips from like 2011 England and Canada did not have much of a relationship at all, but then we got a few Canada focused strips in like 2015 ish which kind of shed some light on what their dynamic is.
I can only find three references to Arthur being a father - and that's in the strip's title, not actually anything anyone says. Otherwise it's kind of implied with the toy bear metaphor but even then...
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Hetalia World Stars Chapter 193; Hetalia World Stars Chapter 204
The other is - of course - from Cleaning Out the Storage. Thanks Alfred for that one. It still isn't the F word but whatever...
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Cleaning out the Storage
In the strips set in the modern day, Canada just calls England England (or jackass in his head in one of the older strips... which is fair). Canada has never called England big brother, instead consistently calling Arthur Mr England.
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Hetalia World Stars Chapter 196; Fly Canada Fly (Also 'I'll leave the caring of his heart to you' WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH T_T)
It's the same for Oz, who hasn't even said England's name yet, but it's harder to say what he thinks of his relationship to England him since A) he's far more informal in his manner of speaking and B) has far fewer appearances.
However, they still are family I think even in modern day? I can only do logic by association here really. Canada and England explicitly call each other family when Mattie is a baby as well as some of the 19th century strips too. England getting custody has him say: 'from now on I'll be your family' and Canada gets very excited at the thought of a family.
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Hetalia World Stars Chapter 192
Matt and Alfred are called brothers (more than even) far more consistently.
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Fly Canada Fly; Hetalia World Stars Chapter 199; Hetalia World Stars Chapter 178;
When Canada is introduced to Australia, England says that he wanted to introduce the newest member of their family to him. He's defined as a 'sort of' younger brother.
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Hetalia World Stars Chapter 201 (I like how Arthur tells Oz off - not because he's wrong but because it's rude... poor Canada...)
Zee is the blessed exception! He calls both England and Canada big brother fairly consistently.
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Hetalia World Stars Chapter 269; Hetalia World Stars Chapter 414; Hetalia World Stars Chapter 227;
Mattie has, as far as I can recall, never had the B word come from his mouth regarding to Arthur. He does however refer to him as family.
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Hetalia World Stars Chapter 181
So you have Matthew who apparently fine with calling Arthur the equivalent of Sir, Zee who merrily calls both Big Brother, and Arthur who doesn't correct the boys either way (extrapolate what you will from that insecurities all around methinks). And yet Arthur and Matthew don't refer to each other as siblings in return. Arthur doesn't call anyone his brothers aside from Wales, NI and Scot.
And Alfred. Which ended badly so... that kind of tracks actually. Like literally Arthur rejects anything too informal because it like... triggers him??? Or something. Trauma flashbacks right here.
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The Battle for America
So one sided familial relationships all around??? I think the more likely answer is Matthew and Arthur are simply less open with those terms than say Alfred was or Zee is; I assume the translation from Japanese is much a term of endearment as it is an actual declaration of relation.
So, in some ways Matthew and Arthur's relationship is not the same situation as whatever Alfred and Arthur have going on, as there's no explicit on page declaration of 'I'm not your little brother' like we got from Alfred or 'It's not like that at all' from Arthur (that strip in Africa where that soldier says he can't believe they're related and they both say no they aren't [in their own ways]), so until then... Schrödinger Sibling.
I quite like that they don't really put a name to it. It just is. They're family, sure, but beyond that... shrug. And that thing (cough cough colonialism) can't really be boiled down to one term. Everyone's relations are in such flux and beyond just one word to define it.
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sebeth · 1 year
Rhaegar Targaryen: My Most Hated Targaryen
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 I’ve been ranking the Targaryens as I’ve been re-reading The World Of Ice And Fire, Fire & Blood, and Rise of the Dragons. 
This is not based on good guy or bad guy attributes – it’s simply on how I feel about the character.
In my opinion, the worst Targaryen is...
Rhaegar Targaryen: Easily tops my most hated list. Made a half-assed attempt to remove his insane father from power only to be distracted by a 14/15 year-old girl. One who is betrothed to the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. Proceeds to abandon his wife and young children in the hands of his crazy father. Abducts/runs off with Lyanna, hiding away while the realm goes to war. Has to be dragged back to lead forces in the war he caused. Loses the deciding battle in the war causing Tywin Lannister to side with the rebels, ensuring the horrible murders of Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon.  He leaves his new love in an isolated tower in the middle of nowhere with three kingsguard, a wet nurse, and maybe/hopefully a maester. Another sound decision that results in the death of Lyanna and 8 other individuals because he didn’t bother to clarify that Lyanna’s kin should have visitation rights and/or allow Lyanna to have the authority to decide on who she can meet. Not to mention the tens of thousands who died because of his stupidity.
While we don’t know the full story behind Rhaegar & Lyanna, I don’t feel there is an interpretation that can spin Rhaegar into the “hero” role. He spent his entire life as an emo-boy obsessed with “the prince that was promised” prophecy – first it was himself, then it was Aegon, who was “the song of ice and fire, and then he needed Lyanna because the “dragon must have three heads”.  But then his incompetence caused two “heads of the dragon” to be killed. Seriously, what was Rhaegar’s plan? He doesn’t seem to have one and was improvising as he went along with no clear end goal in sight.
Lets run through the common defenses of Rhaegar’s actions:
1)      Rhaegar didn’t abduct Lyanna – she ran away with him willingly. Still doesn’t excuse Rhaegar’s actions (or Lyanna, if she was willing). He’s married and she’s betrothed. This is a huge “no” in their society.
2)      They sent messages to Lord Rickard but they were intercepted/lost. Then Rhaegar should have sent an in-person messenger. This is a situation that required clear communication. He clearly didn’t tell his father either. And even if Rickard received the message, it doesn’t change the situation. Rickard still had his daughter taken by a married man, a daughter who is betrothed to another Lord Paramount of Westeros. Even if the message stated that Rhaegar was taking Lyanna as a second wife, it still wouldn’t reassure Rickard – he’ll now have problems with the Stormlands and Dorne. Westeros isn’t fond of polygamy – the Stark reputation would take a hit.
3)      Elia knew of Rhaegar’s actions and she approved, you know, cause she’s Dornish. No, she did not. It’s stated “all smiles died” at the crowning of Lyanna – that includes Elia. It’s one thing to have a piece on the side, its quite another to take up with another woman for the sole purpose of breeding another heir – one that threatens your children’s inheritance. Lyanna’s child would be a threat – Rhaegar was all but setting up the Dance of the Dragons Version 2.  Even if the children were besties, the power players around them would certainly manipulate them to their advantage. Lastly, Elia would never approver of her marriage being annulled (show cannon) – that would be a great shame to her – and she certainly never consented to her and her children remaining in the custody of her insane father-in-law.
4)      Rhaegar couldn’t foresee the consequences of his actions. Again, no. Rhaegar had previously made a half-assed attempt to remove his father from the throne because he knew Aerys was insane. Brandon Stark had to be held back at Harrenhal from fighting Rhaegar – that didn’t clue him in that Brandon would have a rash response to Lyanna’s disappearance. And the Bratheons rebelled against Rhaegar’s great-grandfather over a broken bethrothal – he didn’t think history would repeat itself?
5)      Rhaegar was a great guy – all the characters think so. But does that make him a good person? Or did the characters fall for a charismatic surface without truly knowing the man. Lets be honest, compared to Aerys, it’s not hard to look like the great Targaryen option.
6)      “The Prince That Was Promised” prophecy – Rhaegar was one of a dozen Targaryens obsessed with prophecy, dragon dreams, and a mysterious threat. And every single one messed it up by arranging the prophecy to fit their own goals. I believe Daenerys is the “prince that was promised” and Lightbringer will be her dragons. Jon’s Targaryen blood may have him ride a dragon in the books but his true effort in the war against the Others will be uniting the North, the Free Folk, Stannis’s forces, etc – nothing that relies on him having Targaryen blood. I guess you could say Rhaegar’s actions led to Daenery’s expulsion from Westeros leading to her exile in Essos and obtaining the dragon eggs along with the means to hatch them. Of course, his actions also led to the downfall of the dynasty and near-extinction of his house. Win some, lose some?
Aerys, Lyanna, and Brandon all have responsibility for the war but the blame starts with Rhaegar – an idiot with delusions of grandeur, blind to the consequences of his actions.
 Up next, we continue from the worst to the best with another Targaryen whose delusions of grandeur led to the deaths of thousands.
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gospelofme · 9 months
Part 3: How it Ended
Jesse found himself wanting a jet pack. He had watched Death Watch fly around on them. They looked fun. He took aim and hit the fuel cell on one, it and it’s wearer exploded. Well, fun until you get shot in the fuel tank.
Commander Rex had entrusted Jesse with his own team of men. The ARC Trooper was determined to prove to the Commander that he was worthy of the honor. He knew Rex wouldn’t have given him his own team if he didn’t trust him. But Jesse didn’t want to disappoint him. Ever.
The fight ended with Ahsoka capturing Maul after an impressive lightsaber battle on the metal support beams miles above the city. Jesse had watched the blue and red lightsaber blades slash and stab at each other. Both combatants were incredibly impressive. He had to respect Maul’s skills as a fighter, being able to hold off Ahsoka. And it was equally impressive of Ahsoka to meet Maul head on. But eventually Maul was in custody and they were headed back up to the Venator-class Star Destroyer, Tribunal.
Word had spread that General Kenobi had engaged and destroyed General Grievous. Jesse knew the Jedi would be proud, even if such a reaction would never be displayed. Grievous had long since been a thorn in General Kenobi’s side. Another announcement followed, that this war would soon be ending. Jesse felt a wave of different emotions: excitement, anxiousness, fear. The battles resulting from the war had caused absolute decimation of many towns, cities, and villages. It will take years, decades maybe, for these areas to recover. Millions had been made homeless or refugees. At least soon they’ll be able to start to rebuild.
But what about him? What will happen to him? To his brothers? The Jedi will simply be able to go back to their lives before this, whatever that was. Jesse and the other clones didn’t exist before the war. It was the reason for their very creation. They had no lives to return to. That’s where the fear and anxiety crept in. He had a simple question on his mind. Now what?
There was a sharp pain in his right temple, quick, fleeting. An order was suddenly delivered. Commander Rex’s stern voice suddenly filled his helmet,
“Under this directive, any and all Jedi leadership must be executed for treason against the Republic. Any soldier that does not comply with the order will also be executed for treason.”
Jesse couldn’t help the feeling of betrayal and hurt that bloomed inside him. How? How could they do this to them? They had been loyal! Unquestioningly so! Even if it went against any personal feelings they had developed. The Jedi were traitors?! Why would peacekeeping….Jesse stopped mid thought. The Jedi had always said they were “peacekeepers”. He had heard the phrase uttered by Anakin, Obiwan, and Ahsoka many times. But they were the ones leading them into battle. To kill. Hypocrites. Jesse’s hurt morphed into anger. He had to defend the Republic and enforce the ending of a war a bunch of religious zealots wanted to continue.
Now Tano was loose in the ship, Commander Rex having given a good effort to eliminate her. She had escaped into the ducts. She could be anywhere. Jesse soon got word that Commander Rex had been cut off from the soldiers he had been with. He kept up with the chatter on his comms, filtering through everything quickly. Maul has escaped, his Commander was missing, and a traitorous Jedi was crawling through the ship’s inner workings. Jesse was next in command after Commander Rex. He took charge for now.
“Target number one’s escaped the medical bay. We’re in pursuit.” Came an update
“What is the status of CT-7567?” He asked, concerned for his Commander.
“Commander Rex is still missing in action, sir.”
“Did he aid in Tano’s escape?” Jesse had to ask. He knew the two were close friends.
“Unknown at present.” Was the answer.
A few moments later came another update.
“Control failed to report in. We think they’ll make their move to escape via the main hanger.”
Jesse didn’t fail to notice the use of “they” and “their” instead of “her”. Was his brother implying Commander Rex could be a willing participant in Tano’s escape? Perhaps he was talking about Tano and Maul. It’d make more sense for them to be in cahoots, since Commander Rex had issued the alert in the first place.
“Affirmative. I want squads marshaled at position 2-5 and 2-7. Wait for my signal before proceeding.” Jesse responded, turning on his heel and jogging down the corridor.
“Copy that Lieutenant.”
Soon he had nearly every trooper on the Tribunal in the hanger. That was the only way off this ship since the Commander had ordered all escape pods to be jettisoned.
“Hold your position, men. If they try to leave, they’ll have to go through us.” Jesse ordered. He paced up and down the front of the squads. Pacing was secretly a nervous habit of his.
Jesse kept tuned into the chaos on the comms, from troopers who were trying to find Tano and their missing Commander, to the ones fighting Maul. Jesse was certain that monster was set loose on them by Tano, which worn down any question about her guilt.
“Sir, we think Maul might be headed your way. Be aware.” Came a warning from a trooper. The door in front of them opens, Jesse braces for Maul but sees Tano walking with her hands behind her head, Commander Rex following behind her with a blaster aimed at the back of her head.
“Hold your fire.” Their Commander ordered.
“Hang on, we have Tano and the Commander. Send all remaining troops to my position.” Jesse barked. As the pair walked closer, Jesse’s men prepared to fire.
“I said hold your fire Jesse. I have the situation under control.” Commander Rex repeated. For some reason, the exclusion of his rank by Commander Rex irritated the ARC Trooper.
“You have your order, sir. Now execute it or I will.” Jesse replied sternly. Not an order, an ultimatum.
“The order was to execute the Jedi for treason against the Republic.” The Commander stated. Jesse’s blank stare was hidden by his helmet. Of course he knew what the order was. He wasn’t stupid.
“The problem is, Ahsoka Tano isn’t a Jedi. Hasn’t been for some time.” Commander Rex continued. Jesse lowered his blasters, taking this into consideration. Rex wasn’t wrong…but
“Sir, you said so yourself that we’re under special order from Darth Sidious to eliminate Ahsoka Tano and any other clone who disobeys Order 66.” Jesse reminded his Commander. Surely Rex wouldn’t have forgotten that. His helmet’s sensitive microphone picked up something muttered by Tano. It sounded like ‘just keep him talking a little bit longer.’ Commander Rex than barreled on.
“Jesse, Jesse, listen to me. We’ve known each other for a long time. If we don’t get this right, we’ll be the ones committing treason, not her.” Commander Rex spoke as if he feared Jesse had heard what Tano had whispered.
Jesse’s heart dropped. There were two options here. One, Commander Rex was under a Jedi mind trick by Tano and being forced to comply with her demands. Or, the man he idolized since he was a cadet…was a willing participant and a traitor as well.
Jesse raised his blasters once more.
“Commander Rex, you’re in violation of Order 66. I accuse you of treason against the Grand Army of the Republic.” Jesse couldn’t believe he was saying these words to the man he had once worshiped.
“You’ll be demoted in rank from Commander and subject to execution, along with the traitor Ahsoka Tano.” Jesse decreed.
“Company. Ready, aim-“
Suddenly the floor dropped behind him, sending a large portion of his men falling to the lower level of the hanger. Jesse immediately opened fire on Tano, who shoved him backwards with the Force. Jesse felt the floor disappear from under him and he landed on the floor of the lower hanger with his men.
“Move it, move it! Get these lifts activated! Get us up there!” Jesse commanded, hearing the commencing fight between his men and the two traitors.
“Our panel’s locked out!” Came the reply, Jesse looking up and scanning the area he could see. Then he spotted them. Droids who had aligned themselves with Tano and CT-7567. No doubt the same ones his men had reported seeing when Commander Rex was first intercepted.
“Fire on those droids!”
As the fight carried on above them, Jesse ground his teeth. Each moment he spent stuck down here was another moment Tano and CT-7567 were able to keep breathing. All of the hurt that Jesse had felt at Tano’s and Rex’s betrayal dissolved into rage. Perhaps if Maul was headed this way, he’d deal with them for him. However, there would be no such luck when Jesse got word that Maul had escaped in a stolen shuttle.
Jesse was just about scream another command about the lifts, when Rex and Tano suddenly plummeted down to their level. His men had overwhelmed them and forced the Jedi to cut through the floor. Finally!
“Blast them!” Jesse ordered, but it wasn’t meant to be. The lift suddenly shot Jesse and his men back up to the main level. He was about to angrily round on the clone responsible, but stopped when he spotted those kriffing droids. Jesse didn’t have to give the order again, as his men finally dispatched the malfunctioning machines into scrap metal.
Jesse felt like a repeating record when he ordered his men to once again get him to Tano and the former Commander. Just then, the ship gave a horrendous shutter. Jesse turned to look out the hanger doors and saw a the surface of a moon fast approaching. In all the chaos, he had completely forgotten about the fact the Maul had fatally crippled the Star Destroyer. Jesse watched as pieces of the ship broke away, chunks floating out into space only to be snatched up by the ravenous moon.
There were no escape pods, any shuttles that might be of use in a desperate escape attempt were out of reach. The one thing that gave him solace was the fact that Tano and CT-7567 were likely going to be killed in the crash or from the chunks of debris from the destroyer.
As the moon’s surface got closer, Jesse being able to make out land formations, he took a deep breath.
Soon the nightmares were going to stop.
Soon he’d be free.
Part 1
Part 2
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lya-dustin · 1 year
Someone will remember us
Chapter 86
Cw: mentions of violence, death , the usual
Taglist: @stargaryenx @mercedesdecorazon @aemondx @darylandbethfanforever9
Gif by @ashley-jones
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“The Citadel names the clash that followed the Battle of the Kingsroad. The men who fought it named it the Muddy Mess. By any name, the last battle of the Dance of the Dragons would prove to be a one-sided affair.”
---The Dying of the Dragons: The Short, Sad Reign of Aegon II
While Vermithor would never replace Vhagar in his heart, Aemond had to admit the Bronze Fury flew like a dream.
Despite the rain, both dragon and rider managed to cut through Baratheon's ranks like butter.
Well, what was left of it anyway.
The Archers led by Black Aly decimated the horses and killed half the riders, those who managed to arrive near the shield wall were killed by Bloody Ben’s men.
Those who managed to escape the ensuing rout were met by a dragon hungry for violence.
“Mercy, King Aemond!” Baratheon’s remaining men cry when he dismounts after.
Baratheon is not dead yet, despite his injuries the bastard is alive enough to be brought forth to Aemond and Aemma who had come like a silver goddess on her silver mount to put the fear of the gods in those who surrender.
They fall to their knees for them, more for her because they remember Aemma as the merciful princess who shares Baratheon’s blood.
“Yield, my lord.” She asks gesturing for the Maesters to treat the injured.
The man refused to be treated, but the Maesters do so anyways going as far as removing his dented armor.
But he won’t yield, not when he knows he’s too far deep to get away with it. Had he not sided with Aegon to give Cass a crown, perhaps he could simply yield with minor repercussions.
“I’d sooner dance in hell than wear your chains.” The man said with a curse before taking his own dagger and plunging it into his stomach.
Seven days later, his second son, Olyvar Baratheon, is born.
Had the man had more sense, he would have lived to meet him.
A shame so many had to die for this.
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“They say he claimed Vermithor. They call him Jaehaerys Reborn.”
Every word and raven that comes after the Battle of the Kingsroad makes Corlys laugh like a madman.
Aegon would go against his own brother, the person he had believed would put him over his own wife.
By New Year’s Day, the rightful queen will sit on the Iron Throne and all this will end.
Word had come saying the last of his allies had changed their allegiance.
Lady Lannister would give her fealty in exchange for calling off Dalton Greyjoy, Lady Tyrell had her men take the remaining Hightowers into custody, Ser Tyland Lannister, Ser Marston Waters and Ser Julian Wormwood had all been captured by loyalists before they even left the bay.
Corlys did not need to bend the knee.
“Rhaenys, my love, just let me live long enough to see Laenor’s girl take what was meant to be yours.” Corlys prays to the only one being he ever had absolute faith in, his late wife.
It would not be long now, Corlys can feel the coldness of the Stranger in his bones. Either he will lose his head or whatever illness has taken root inside him will have him be burned with his ship.
He only asks that his remaining grandchildren get to be at peace when they have him join their parents and grandmother in the afterlife.
It is not much, but the Gods have never been generous anyways.
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Aemma knows that by this time tomorrow, it will be finally over.
It had stopped raining by the time they reached Hayford.
They are given the Lord’s rooms because Hayford’s only remaining family are a maiden aunt, a babe sharing a nursery with his three-year-old sister, Lyra, the heiress of Hayford.
“Tomorrow, I will fuck you so hard you will limp on your way to the throne.” Aemond gives a hoarse laugh. “Gods, I miss our bed.”
“I would rather sleep on the floor than sleep in Aegon’s bed.” Aemma said and added, “Remind me to have his shit burned when we get there.”
It’s over tomorrow with the dawn they fly into the city and finish it.
Tomorrow they will arrest Aegon or kill him.
Aemma doesn’t know why that is enough to have her roll out of the bed and spill this evening’s supper into the chamber pot.
“Another dream, love?” Aemond asks, brow creased with worry as he helped her back to bed.
“I think I may be with child again.” she answered shaking her head. “I wager it’s a girl.”
And sure enough, the Maester can confirm her pregnancy with a sample of her urine and some wine.
Man fancied himself a pisse prophet, claims to know how to read piss and congratulated them on another son.
Seven moons later the good maester will apologize for his mistake when Princess Aenya, or Aennie for short, is born.
Aenya who will bring Dorne into the Realms with the only blood being that of her maidenhead by marrying Prince Morgan Nymeros Martell, son of Aliandra Nymeros Martell.
But that is still too long in the future and these dreams Aemma has are quickly forgotten the next morning.
“Do you think he will surrender?” she asks Aemond who tightened the chains on her saddle with enough wiggle room for her to jump should she have to.
“There is only one way to find out.” His hands shakes and had he not been wearing gauntlets, she would have taken them in hers and kissed them in assurance.
When they fly into Kingslanding, there are no cheers like before.
There are frightened screams drowning out those who cheer for them.
They cry for mercy thinking she will burn them to the ground.
But they did not attack them, so that was a good omen.
They land in the courtyard, where Jaehaerys and Alysanne once did with these same dragons.
Larys Strong comes to them, bows as best as he can and reveals a dead Aegon whose face had turned purple from poison.
“And so, it ends.” Aemond whispers, trying not to look at his brother’s corpse with pity.
He has her grandfather who is not too bad from his stint in the black cells with a circlet once worn by Queen Rhaenys, then her good daughter, Queen Alyssa, and would have been worn by her daughter, Jocelyn Baratheon, when Prince Aemon ascended the Iron Throne.
A Valyrian steel circlet with seven rubies that matched Aegon the Conqueror’s Crown and had been returned by Princess Deria of Dorne on the orders of her father.
A simpler thing than that of Alysanne and Aemma Arryn and Alicent Hightower.
And a different legacy as well.
“The King is dead, Long Live the Queen.”
With those words, the Dance of the Dragons ends.
Next up: the epilogue
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myadmiringmind · 1 year
Daphne Greengrass
Daphne Greengrass Masterlist
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FC: Bendetta Porcaroli
Home Life: Her parents weren’t there. They just simply were not there. Neither Daphne or Astoria ever got love or praise from their parents. Only expectations and impatience. Daphne and Astoria were raised by the servants. But even though the kinder servants tried to fill in the space of love their parents never gave them it was never the same. When Daphne went away to Hogwarts she quickly learned just how different she was from a lot of the other students. She had never experienced the parental love. But she was more horrified to realize that neither did Astoria. Daphne tried her best to give Astoria the love she needed. But Daphne was so closed off from her emotions. But she tried.
Astoria Greengrass; little sister
Job: Court Scribe
She loves Astoria more than anyone or anything
But she has a hard time showing her feelings
But Astoria knows Daphne loves her
Pansy Parkinson was her best friend and crush for a long time.
Then, over a course of time, she realized how how twisted and unfair their viewpoints were
So she curled back up into herself
Daphne didn’t really have many friends at Hogwarts
She was in Dumbledore’s Army
She had a Ravenclaw friend who knew Daphnes viewpoints so she invited her to join
Daphne really enjoyed the D.A.
She got a lot of weird looks from people because she was a Slytherin but she ended making a lot of friends
She liked the thrill of sneaking around
She loathed Umbridge
She wanted to pursue a career in potions but she lacked the patience
Daphne fought for Hogwarts in the Battle
Her father died in the Battle
Once Daphne graduated she gained full custody of Astoria
Her mother was convicted of helping Death Eaters
She ended up becoming a Court Scribe
She liked making sure people who did wrong were being punished accordingly
Daphnes really good at intimidating people
(Court Scribe is a real job in the Wizarding World, you can look it up)
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icemftmm · 1 year
An old video, but I have only recently cared to comment as a reaction to somebody asking in the comments if it did seem illegal to raid someone's home without warrants and without the homeowner being present. My comment:
The raid was also performed during Manson's honeymoon abroad. But the US authorities have failed the US citizen Marilyn Manson in more than one way.
A federal agent played coy when informed that actress Evan Rachel Wood and her intimate friend Ilma Gore had forged her signature and used her name on a fake FBI letter, which main purpose was to help recruit a number of women to file false accusations against Marilyn Manson. Note that despite the fact that she was first to attack Marilyn Manson with unproven accusations, Rachel Wood never bothered to file any charges officially. Even after the statute of limitations in California was lifted. She simply organized a group of people to do the dirty work for her.
Rachel Wood also used the fake FBI letter in order to obtain full custody of her son and take him away from the father. An atempt which after a 2-year long legal battle recently ended tragically for her since she completely lost the custody rights over the child herself.
In any way, upon one of Manson's lawyers informing aforementioned FBI agent of the fake letter, no reaction followed by her or the bureau despite the obvious impersonation of a federal agent comitted by the actress and her friend Ilma Gore which is a crime usually punished by prison time if proven.
Manson also received a series of subjective unfavorable judge rulings in his own civil case against the actress and her fellow forger in which he is trying to do the job of the FBI and get a sentence for the two insolent cons. The lawsuit was finally gutted and reduced to almost nothing after the judge refused Manson the right to limited discovery concerning the fake FBI letter and the deposition of Wood herself to be taken, as well as refusing to accept as evidence the sworn declaration of one of the main Manson's accusers who admitted to have placed false accusations after having been systmatically manipulated by Wood. The judge also ruled that the fake FBI letter is to be considered protected speech under the first amendment and not taken in consideration for the lawsuit. The reason: it was already submitted by Wood in the child custody court as evidence, so it was priviledged. The judge intentionally did not consider the fact that the other court had disregarded the letter after noticing it was fake.
The video said that Manson could not have Esme Bianco's case dismissed, but it did not mention the reason why although it is in direct relation to the raid mentioned in the title. Well, here it is: Bianco was outside statute of limitations for sex crime charges, so her lawyer played another card. He placed on her behalf charges for human trafficking! And in order to prove that there is base for such charges, the actress went to testify in front of the sheriff's department. Hence the raid. Police officers didn't even find drugs for personal use during the raid, nor any trace of criminal activity of any sosrts. So they took all the electronic devises they managed to find in the house in order to search for any piece of information on them which could point to any criminal activity whatsoever. Two years later, no results from this investigation. It has obviously been raised by Bianco in order to justify the charges she filed. Her lawsuit persisted enough so that Manson's insurance company would offer a small amount to the actress in order to settle her claims. She took the money and no word from her was heard ever again.
Strictly following the bidding of actress Rachel Wood however, the district attorney of LA still hasn't cleared Manson's name and closed the investigation.
So yes, a lot of "illegal" is going on when it comes to the Marilyn Manson situation.Показване на по-малко
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
I'm still accepting drabbles and scenarios and asks right now, but-
I had a dream where I became friends with Laura from X-Men Evolution!
In the dream, something bad had happened to the world, mutants were in hiding and had a hidden/protected community against the thing that took over the world, and Reader was simply trying to survive. And one day, they accidentally stumble into the safe haven of the mutants (which I think Reader was a mutant? I'm not sure) and they're so... in awe. This place is clean, and protected, and has books and food and warm, clean clothes. They find a memorial room, for the mutants (the kids and teens) who didn't make it or were never found and brought to the safe haven. Reader is careful and respectful, leaving the room and keeping their head down and being quiet...
And then they meet/see the mutant leaders of this hidden group (Storm and Wolverine are part of it), and Reader is just sitting off to the side as these older people decide their fate... But who sits down next to them, but Laura? Who understands Reader is scared, gruff on the outside to protect themself, and weary from the life they lived (she sees herself in Reader, basically). And here she is, smaller than Reader and explains things to them, who each person is, the rules of the haven, and being overall patient with Reader. As Reader sticks by her, they grow attached to her, finding themself being a little softer, letting her drag them to places, and even getting them to see her dad. Something happens, a group of the enemy storms part of the safe haven, and Reader does everything they can to find Laura, hoping that she's okay and that they can help fight what's going on... In the end, Reader is exiled, and they're sent back into the cruel world they escaped from... But Laura walks with then to the edge of their territory, and says she'll try to change the council's minds (and knock some sense into her dad). Reader leaves, and more or less does everything they can to take down the enemy that had attacked the safe haven/mutant community...
(It was a cute/exciting dream. Reader looked at Laura and was reminded of a kitten, a small, fierce kitten. And Laura was attached to them as a kinda older sibling/friend. I'm not sure how old she or the Reader was in the dream, besides not being younger than older teens)
(And I have had a dream where for some reason, my parent and I adopted Laura from X-Men Evolution) (And yes, I'm aware that Logan would probably have a custody battle) (But he wasn't in the dream for some reason)
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