#jhin x nami
onerichanchan · 7 months
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jhinami sketch :Зс
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a-very-witchy-leaf · 1 year
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jhinnami · 1 year
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I hope y'all had a good Valentine's day; here a little drawing to celebrate (+icons ready to use ^^)
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elieri00 · 2 years
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miemeoww · 11 months
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Nami x Jhinn commission DO NOT REPOST OR USE, PLEASE!!!
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odekoyma · 1 year
Uhh guess its time for me to make a detailed explanation on why i like shipping Vayne and Eve? I mean, i just find it funny. I dont really think you can make a ship between 2 characters that hate eachother cheesier than that. I mean i have many MANY crackships and i dont think im the adequate dude to explain yall why Jhin and Yuumi could actually work in a romantic relationship😅
Anyways, trying to pick some nice crackships that include ur dream team chars... Sett and Qiyana was visually pleasing, Aphelios and Nami too, (too bad shes in a threesome with 2 other fish people) tbh Soraka doesnt really have any other good ships other than Settraka, and then theres KAYN.... That champ deserves a FUCKING medal for having SO.MANY.FUCKING.CRACKSHIPS.
Tbh, i dont think i really fully like any of Kayn's ships. Sona is cute but it suffers bcs there really isnt that much of a logical way for these 2 to actually meet up irl, Sona was fleeing Demacia and is now probs in Lux's new mage city after the Mageseeker game, Kayn is soloing an army of mini Master yis. There needs to be some deus ex machina for Ionia's mini Master yi tribe and Lux's new Demacian mage city to somehow be related to eachother. Irelia doesnt have the same charm as Eve x Vayne (probs bcs Kayn and Irelia havent met EVER), Akali just wants seggs, Jinx is in the whole other side of the world, Kindred cant even feel emotions, Lux is into homeless hairy men, Zed and Shen do a better yaoi, Jhin is crazy beyond repair (Same for Rhaast).... aCTUALLY There is a Kayn ship i like but i get the feeling ill get shamed or insulted by it sooo....
Zoe's best crackshipo? Eh, Neeko is cute and does nice fanarts but thats the extent of it. Cute fanarts of cute disney themed characters. we do not talk about viktor. (WHY VIKTOR THO, is this some grand Zoe in arcane season 2 revelation?¡) Aatrox does funny comedy but Kayle gets jelly so no, we do not talk about annie. oVeRALL Zoe doesnt really have any good crackshippings in general... Right?😂
Bro, If I start talking about my crackships that will be a double of your text lol. Crackshipping is fun, I love this (mostly), not only in League but in many others fandoms I follow. Ha-ha. I feel ya here. Don't be ashamed.
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angaxe · 5 months
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Jhin x Nami✨
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kindredjoy · 12 days
Biografi Champion
Daftar di bawah ini disusun berdasarkan abjad. Konten bisa bertambah seiring waktu.
Aatrox | Ahri | Akali | Akshan | Alistar | Amumu | Anivia | Annie | Aphelios | Ashe | Aurelion Sol | Azir
Bard | Bel'Veth | Blitzcrank | Brand | Braum | Briar
Caitlyn | Camille | Cassiopeia | Cho'Gath | Corki
Darius | Diana | Dr. Mundo | Draven
Ekko | Elise | Evelynn | Ezreal
Fiddlesticks | Fiora | Fizz
Galio | Gangplank | Garen | Gnar | Gragas | Graves | Gwen
Hecarim | Heimerdinger | Hwei
Illaoi | Irelia | Ivern
Janna | Jarvan IV | Jax | Jayce | Jhin | Jinx
K'Sante | Kai'sa | Kalista | Karma | Karthus | Kassadin | Katarina | Kayle | Kayn | Kennen | Kha'Zix | Kindred | Kled | Kog'Maw
Leblanc | Lee Sin | Leona | Lillia | Lissandra | Lucian | Lulu | Lux
Malphite | Malzahar | Maokai | Master Yi | Milio | Miss Fortune | Mordekaiser | Morgana
Naafiri | Nami | Nasus | Nautilus | Neeko | Nidalee | Nilah | Nocturne | Nunu & Willump
Olaf | Orianna | Ornn
Pantheon | Poppy | Pyke
Qiyana | Quinn
Rakan | Rammus | Rek'Sai | Rell | Renata Glasc | Renekton | Rengar | Riven | Rumble | Ryze
Samira | Sejuani | Senna | Seraphine | Sett | Shaco | Shen | Shyvana | Singed | Sion | Sivir | Skarner | Smolder | Sona | Soraka | Swain | Sylas | Syndra
Tahm Kench | Taliyah | Talon | Taric | Teemo | Thresh | Tristana | Trundle | Tryndamere | Twisted Fate | Twitch
Udyr | Urgot
Varus | Vayne | Veigar | Vel'Koz | Vex | Vi | Viego | Viktor | Vladimir | Volibear
Warwick | Wukong
Xayah | Xerath | Xin Zhao
Yasuo | Yone | Yorick | Yuumi
Zac | Zed | Zeri | Ziggs | Zilean | Zoe | Zyra
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thesleepygrimoire · 1 year
Content Concept Page For My Twitch Streams [12-03-22]
Primarily planned to take place from 7:30-9:30pm/pst with an average of ~2 hours per stream.
Themes/Topics will most likely revolve around topics I naturally enjoy and have a passion for. As a variety-entertainer; my subjects may be inconsistent as the next stream topic may be completely different, with topics that need continuing occurring on a later stream- With that being said:
~☆GAMES [aka Sleepy Noobs @ "X Title"]☆~
•League of Legends (PC) :Bronze 1 SoloQ
Mainly Support and ADC/ traditional marksmen~☆
Supports: Adaptable & team dependent-
Defaulted/ Commonly Drafted Picks: Soraka, Sona, Janna, Nami, Thresh, and Senna
Can use most supports
Adc/ Marksmen: Utility & Hyper-carry playstyles
Defaulted/ Commonly Drafted Picks: Ashe, Sivir, Jhin, Caitlyn, Vayne, Lucian, and (sometimes) Samira
•Epic Seven (Mobile)
Primarily "Just Chatting" and Casual Tips
I personally don't feel like my tips are anything different so I'll leave that to other creators-
Roster Update
I don't have a sizable amount of good gear to spread amongst my units (yet) so I'm bound to do a "Roster Update" discussing current units and their builds.
•Various Fighting Games (Steam)
Dead or Alive
Soul Calibur
Granblue Fantasy Versus
Guilty Gear
To take place as "Casual Play" type streams.
~☆Other Content☆~
•Tier List on Various Topics
Ie: Plant-Themed, TV-Show Themed, Game-Themed, Scary, ETC.
•Plant-Based Content
Ie: Plant Spotlight/Tips, Repot w/ Me, New Addition/Haul-Based, Growth Updates, etc.
See Corresponding posts:
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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Jhin x Nami by XENON
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ositamei04 · 3 years
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a-very-witchy-leaf · 2 years
Just one taste is all it takes u.u) 🦈
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jhinnami · 2 years
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Canon interaction, i know it
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elieri00 · 2 years
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sAW the new skins and couldn’t resist my inner shipper, 
this is just a sketch after a long time without post 
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khadanami · 3 years
A wallpaper of mine, which I made with Jhami recently. Bear with me for the excessive layers and details. I opted to stick to the aesthetic atmosphere how I edited before. ✨
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