thejokerswildcard · 8 months
the joker's wildcard at six flags new england
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"the joker's wildcard" opened at six flags new england in 2000. it opened as an indoor darkride but was moved outside around 2008, replacing "nightwing".
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nightwing taken from coasterpedia at https://coasterpedia.net/wiki/Nightwing_(Six_Flags_New_England;_opened_2000)
as a dark ride the joker's wildcard supposedly had flashing lights and music, however, i am unable to find video of the ride to confirm this.
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the joker's wildcard as a dark ride taken from sfne ultimate at https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/452400725068112957/
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the entrance to the joker's wildcard as a dark ride taken from parkinfo2go at http://www.parkinfo2go.com/143/707/ridedetails.html
according to sfne online on youtube, the joker's wild card was pitch black in it's early years but later the ride was run with the door somewhat open.
riders would sit facing each other in carts and the ride would spin in a circle while lifting off the ground at an angle. each cart sat four people. playing cards stuck out the sides and the ride had a centrepiece figure shaped like the joker's head. the ride had a no single rider policy.
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the joker's wildcard taken from parkz at https://www.parkz.com.au/attraction/jokers-wildcard/info
the entrance to the ride had a large sign reading "the jokers wildcard" and a picture of the joker's face. the sign is stylized without an apostrophe on joker's, however, official materials list this ride as "THE JOKER's Wildcard"
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the entrance to the joker's wildcard taken from parkz at https://www.parkz.com.au/attraction/jokers-wildcard/info
the joker head centrepiece is often missing in photos and videos of the ride. in closeups of the joker's wildcard in later years there is also paint chipping evident on the card pieces.
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the joker's wildcard missing the joker centrepiece taken from theme park review at https://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/p_185_5382_six_flags_new_england_kryptonite_kollider
in 2017 THE JOKER Free-Fly Coaster was introduced at six flags new england and the joker's wildcard was renamed to kryptonite and gained a new look.
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kryptonite taken from the six flags wiki at https://sixflags.fandom.com/wiki/Kryptonite_Kollider
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kryptonite entrance taken from theme park review at https://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/p_185_5382_six_flags_new_england_kryptonite_kollider
kryptonite was apparently renamed to the kryptonite kollider in 2018, however, i can not find anything to suggest this year specifically or any photos of a new entrance. it is extremely likely that the ride was indeed renamed to kryptonite kollider as almost every reference to it online uses this name.
the kryptonite kollider was also often seen without it's centrepiece.
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the kryptonite kollider without it's centrepiece taken from theme park central at https://www.themepark-central.de/six-flags-new-england-supergirl-2019/
in 2021 kryptonite kollider was replaced with supergirl skyflyer, a ride similar to nightwing. kryptonite kollider was retired and was not moved elsewhere in the park.
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supergirl skyflyer taken from themepark central at https://www.themepark-central.de/six-flags-new-england-supergirl-2019/
sources + extras:
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nightwing sign from amusement pics at http://www.amusementpics.com/SFNE2.htm
official promotional video for the joker's wildcard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HPNEAL_w9E
a video of the kryptonite kollider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLm2Dh_tY4c
a video of the kryptonite kollider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IxGg3jiPkw
video discussing the joker's wildcard (very helpful and informative!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1_C4Vk3hpE
many reviews of the ride available here http://www.themeparkcritic.com/Scripts/ViewRide.aspx?RideID=1110
video of the joker's wildcard (also jumpscare warning? this genuinely scared me lol) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOE1GJsMvv8
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I’m going to Indy Popcon, so I put together my outfit in advance... Thoughts?
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jalal5518 · 4 years
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خواكين فينيكس يحصد أول أوسكار في تاريخه عن دوره في فيلم "جوكر" https://ift.tt/39xHQxZ
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #776: Text Before Graduation (Persona 5)
Futuba: Ladies!!
Futuba: Gents!
Futuba: You will NOT believe what just happened today!!
Ren: I'm not gonna do the big speech after all?
Makoto: Ren.
Ryuji: Dude.
Ann: Don't even start
Haru: That's not the news Futuba is talking about at all.....
Ren: I know.
Ren: Just trying be hopeful is all.
Futuba: 'Kay. We'll DEFINITELY talk about all that later. But first, some exciting news are ahead!
Morgana: Real Human Boy!.jpg
Ann: \(◎o◎)/\(◎o◎)/\(◎o◎)/
Ren: Oh my god.....
Haru: RYUJI!!
Haru: What did I say about texting out cuss words in group chat with children present!?
Ryuji: Sorry. Sorry. I was just surprised is all.
Ryuji: But seriously tho, is ALL OF THIS FOR REAL, DUDE!?
Morgana: Yes, Ryuji. It's for real.
Morgana: I'm a human now! :D
Morgana: For the day at least lol.
Ann: OMFG MONA YOU'RE SO CUTE I JUST..... CAN'T!!!!! (≧▽≦)(≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)
Makoto: I agree. You look wonderful, Mona.
Lavenza: And very handsome too.
Morgana: Thanks, Lavenza ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Lavenza: (✿^‿^)
Yusuke: Did your wish of being one has finally been answered?
Morgana: Not exactly. I asked Ludwig to make me a potion to make me human for day so I can be able to see you guys graduation tonight.
Ren: Neat. We're happy for you, kiddo.
Ryuji: Yeah. Being a human makes you feel alive now, doesn't it?
Morgana: You know it!
Morgana: This maybe a one time opportunity, but I'm still gonna enjoy every moment of it!
Futuba: We're gonna be with ya no matter what! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Morgana: Never doubted that for a second, Futuba. Thanks.
Makoto: Speaking of which, Haru, where are you guys right now?
Haru: We're just leaving out beauty salon and finding ourselves something to eat.
Lavenza: Ms. Haru wanted to receive a "Graduation Makeover" before the ceremony begins in the next couple of hours.
Ann: Cool. Shiho and I are getting ready ourselves. Looking our best and whatnot.
Makoto: Sis is helping me get ready too. Which reminds me.....
Makoto: Ren, have you been able to write down your speech yet?
Ren: I did.
Ren: Still not sure it's gonna be good tho....
Futuba: What kinda speech you gotta do, Ren-Ren?
Ren: A Graduation Speech. I was nominated to do at some point during the ceremony.....
Makoto: You'll do just fine out there, Ren-Ren. Trust us.
Ryuji: Makoto's right, man.
Ryuji: Remember that speech you did on your birthday?
Ryuji: You totally nailed that one mo problem!
Ren: Yeah. But only because you guys and everyone else in the mansion were there to see it.
Ren: Meanwhile, there's gonna be a crap ton of people in the ceremony. Sone of which I don't even know, some that might have high expectations of me, and with the exception of you guys, Shiho, Mishima, Eiko, and even Kawakami Sensei, I'm pretty sure everyone else in school still doesn't like me.
Ann: I'm sure most of the people in school has already warmed up to you as of late.
Ann: And even then, u shouldn't have to worry about them or anyone else in the audience think. Just have the same confidence u been having ever since you first came to Shiyuba and you'll be just fine.
Ren: That's almost easier said then done really....
Ren: What if I randomly mess up?
Yusuke: Then you simply keep going and never look back. It'll be less stressful that way.
Haru: You've endured so much since when we first met you. Your false accusations, the mementos, even the Smash Tournament.
Morgana: And against all odds, you were still able to pull through in the end.
Futuba: Which is all the more reason why you shouldn't back this one out.
Futuba: We believe you, bro. Always.
Lavenza: I wholeheartedly agree with everyone on this, Joker. You must gain more confidence in yourself.
Lavenza: You are the chosen one after all. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Ren: You guys really believed in me that much, do you?
Ryuji: We've always believe in you, man. And so does the boss and almost everyone in Smash Family.
Makoto: We love you so much, Ren. And we'll always be there for you no what anyone else says.
Ren: I knew I see you all as my real family for a reason......
Ren: I love all of you too.
Ren: And it might not be important to tell you all this, but... I'm already in tears lol.
Ren: The Crying Joker.jpg
Makoto: Oh honey~ I'll be sure to give you lots of love once my sister and I get to the café
Ryuji: Already on my way right now. Ain't no way I letting my bro cry us on now lol!
Ann: Neither am I!
Yusuke: Nor me as well.
Haru: We are also on our way to to café too, Ren-Ren!
Haru: You better prepare yourself for the bestest group hug of your life!~
Futuba: YEAH!
Ren: Sure thing, guys lol.
Ren: By the way, Morgana, you're having a good time being a human so far?
Morgana: Oh definitely. The salon was great and the burger we ate was pretty good.
Futuba: He even get to hold hands with a certain velvet girl every time we take scroll~
Morgana: NO I HAVEN'T!!!
Futuba: You so did! Haru and I were there to witness it.
Lavenza: I can conjure on saying that what Futuba is stating is true. Mona-Chan and I have been holding hands since we left the mansion.
Lavenza: It makes me happy to see that he cares about me ever so much. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Futuba: Holding Hands!.jpg
Ren: Now that's adorable.
Makoto: I agree. It's so cute!~
Haru: I knooooow!~ I couldn't stop gushing about earlier!~
Ann: I just told Shiho about and we're already gushing about it RIGHT. NOOOOOOW!!!~ (≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)
Ryuji: Oh I am SO gonna tease you about this, cat! >:)
Yusuke: Maybe I should create a reincarnation of this in my paintings....
Morgana: I only hold her just to make sure that neither of us get close to the road. THAT'S. ALL.
Morgana: Nothing more! Nothing less.
Haru: It's okay, sweetie. We believe you.
Haru: Isn't that right, you guys?
Ren: Yeah.
Ryuji: Whatevs.
Makoto: Of course.
Yusuke: If you say so.
Ann: Whatever you say~
Futuba: I still ship it.
Lavenza: What does "Ship it" means, Mona-Chan?
Morgana facepalms himself as he continues texting.
Morgana: I tell you about it, later, Lavenza.......
Kazooie Joins the Chat......
Kazooie: Hey. I don't wanna alarm u guys or anything, but we saw some blue haired kid earlier ago in the mansion that sounds EXACTLY like Mona!
Morgana: That's because that blue haired kid was me, Kazooie.
Morgana: I'm a human now!
Futuba: Human Morgana!.jpg
Kazooie: Huh.
Kazooie: Well, I'll be damned......
Kazooie: Not bad. I'm happy for ya, squirt.
Morgana: Thanks!
Kazooie: Also I've just seen the messages you posted just now and I agree.
Kazooie: You and the white haired girl look cute together.
Futuba: RIGHT!?
Morgana: KNOCK IT OFFFFF!!!!
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downthetubes · 4 years
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Tripwire Magazine Returns!
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Tripwire Magazine Returns!
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Tripwire, the long-running genre magazine covering comics, film and more is heading back to comic shop shelves and elsewhere – with your support.
Launched in 1992, Tripwirewas published as a print magazine until 2013, enjoying a run of some 55 issues in print, including summer annual and two anniversary books. Featuring interviews with every major comics and genre writer, producer, artist and…
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yourcoffeeguru · 7 years
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techmanianl · 5 years
Nieuwe Joker trailer jaagt je de stuipen op het lijf
Nieuwe Joker trailer jaagt je de stuipen op het lijf
Eén van de films waar ik dit najaar enorm naar uitkijk is Joker. In de nieuwe film zien we het achtergrondverhaal van het iconische figuur uit Gotham. We leren Joker dus eens van een hele andere kant kennen.
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Joaquin Phoenix speelt Arthur Fleck, een man die problemen heeft om zijn weg te vinden in een ontwricht Gotham. Overdag is de beste man te boeken als clown, ‘s avonds probeert…
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laetitiatrilleau · 4 years
Consultation d'une heure et demie
Consultation d’une heure et demie
Pour vous faciliter la vie, vous pouvez régler votre consultation de une heure trente pub votre’ consultation de couple par ce biais. Il vous permet d’accéder à de nombreux moyens de paiement.
Vous pouvez payer avec d’autres moyens de paiements que paypal en cliquant sur « ajouter à mon panier » et en vous rendant sur votre panier pour choisir le moyen de paiement qui vous convient le mieux Si…
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pertamax7 · 4 years
Helm HJC RPHA11 Pro Joker DC Comics Gotham City, Ikonik ! Harga Rp.10 Jutaan Saja
Helm HJC RPHA11 Pro Joker DC Comics Gotham City, Ikonik ! Harga Rp.10 Jutaan Saja
., salam pertamax7.com, Helm HJC RPHA11 Pro Joker DC Comics Gotham City, Ikonik ! Harga Rp.10 Jutaan Saja
HJC RPHA11 Pro Joker DC Comics Gotham City
Salam helmet lovers.
Joker adalah salah satu DC Comic Super-Villains paling terkenal sepanjang masa dengan senyumnya yang menyeramkan, rambut hijau elektrik, dan tawa menghantui yang bisa didengar dari jarak jauh.
Sebagai musuh utama Batman, GothamCi…
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thejokerswildcard · 8 months
obsessed with the reddit post i briefly saw but didn't read that included a picture of the joker from killing time and was titled something along the lines of "the joker is morally grey now????" bestie he shows up for less than like 3 pages in that comic and the only thing he does is kidnap batman and maybe torture him.
ugh i'm trying to find a picture to share with the class but all that shows up is batman killing joker in [comic i won't be disclosing because of spoiler reasons] (sus comic). like that didn't even happen why are people freaking out. like i wish he'd put that freakshow bitch in the grave but no way is he going to in any way that matters. sorry i love the joker i just also want him dead.
anyways. joker in killing time. he's very pretty. he's actually my icon and my header rn.
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my morally grey fav who literally shows up for five seconds to talk about sewing zippers to someones lips and to reminisce about kidnapping batman...???
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corporativoarcanos · 4 years
¿QUÉ? #NIGHTWING ABANDONA A #BATMAN PARA UNIRSE AL #JOKER #CorporativoArcanos #Noticias #ElMundoDeShiro
¿QUÉ? #NIGHTWING ABANDONA A #BATMAN PARA UNIRSE AL #JOKER #CorporativoArcanos #Noticias #ElMundoDeShiro
A lo largo de los años, hemos visto que los aliados de Batman han ido creciendo sustancialmente. A pesar de que el Caballero de la Noche prefiere trabajar por sí solo, hay situaciones que le serían imposible de resolver sin un compañero. Nightwing ha sido uno de los aliados más prominentes en su cruzada contra el crimen, pero un desafortunado incidente provocó que el joven Grayson cambiara de…
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Jokey Boy 🌹❤️
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fakazavibes · 4 years
Dax – Joker
Dax Joker Mp3 Download
Dax Joker: Dax  comes with Mp3 Download Fakaza of this new song tilted Joker.
Stream, Listen and Download.
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themoviestore · 4 years
Stream Joker [2019]. High Speed Direct Download Links Available.
Joker is a 2019 American psychological thriller film directed and produced by Todd Phillips, who co-wrote the screenplay with Scott Silver. The film, based on DC Comics characters, stars Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker and provides a possible origin story for the character.
Plot :
In 1981, party clown and aspiring stand-up comedian Arthur Fleck lives with his mother, Penny, in Gotham City.…
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Mortal Kombat 11 Characters Wallpapers 02 0f 31 - The Joker
Mortal Kombat 11 Characters Wallpapers 02 0f 31 – The Joker
Allpicts.in – Feel free to customize your laptop background with this picture of The Joker. A Full HD wallpaper with a picture of one of the characters of the Mortal Kombat 11 video game. Originally, The Jokeris a Human supervillain known for his appearance in DC Universe. The Joker was one of the many DC characters chosen to appear in The Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe video game. Furthermore,…
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eldizque · 5 years
Disfraces del Joker se agotan a la hora de haber sido lanzados
Disfraces del Joker se agotan a la hora de haber sido lanzados
Tiendas de disfraces, tiendas departamentales, sitios de comercio virtual e incluso puestos de tianguis, anunciaron que todos los disfraces del Joker se habían agotado completamente apenas una hora después de de que habían salido a la venta. Incluso hubo fuertes pleitos entre los posibles compradores para poder llevárselos.
Uno de nuestros reporteros fue al lugar de los hechos para poder…
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