#the jokers wildcard
thejokerswildcard · 8 months
the joker's wildcard at six flags new england
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"the joker's wildcard" opened at six flags new england in 2000. it opened as an indoor darkride but was moved outside around 2008, replacing "nightwing".
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nightwing taken from coasterpedia at https://coasterpedia.net/wiki/Nightwing_(Six_Flags_New_England;_opened_2000)
as a dark ride the joker's wildcard supposedly had flashing lights and music, however, i am unable to find video of the ride to confirm this.
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the joker's wildcard as a dark ride taken from sfne ultimate at https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/452400725068112957/
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the entrance to the joker's wildcard as a dark ride taken from parkinfo2go at http://www.parkinfo2go.com/143/707/ridedetails.html
according to sfne online on youtube, the joker's wild card was pitch black in it's early years but later the ride was run with the door somewhat open.
riders would sit facing each other in carts and the ride would spin in a circle while lifting off the ground at an angle. each cart sat four people. playing cards stuck out the sides and the ride had a centrepiece figure shaped like the joker's head. the ride had a no single rider policy.
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the joker's wildcard taken from parkz at https://www.parkz.com.au/attraction/jokers-wildcard/info
the entrance to the ride had a large sign reading "the jokers wildcard" and a picture of the joker's face. the sign is stylized without an apostrophe on joker's, however, official materials list this ride as "THE JOKER's Wildcard"
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the entrance to the joker's wildcard taken from parkz at https://www.parkz.com.au/attraction/jokers-wildcard/info
the joker head centrepiece is often missing in photos and videos of the ride. in closeups of the joker's wildcard in later years there is also paint chipping evident on the card pieces.
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the joker's wildcard missing the joker centrepiece taken from theme park review at https://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/p_185_5382_six_flags_new_england_kryptonite_kollider
in 2017 THE JOKER Free-Fly Coaster was introduced at six flags new england and the joker's wildcard was renamed to kryptonite and gained a new look.
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kryptonite taken from the six flags wiki at https://sixflags.fandom.com/wiki/Kryptonite_Kollider
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kryptonite entrance taken from theme park review at https://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/p_185_5382_six_flags_new_england_kryptonite_kollider
kryptonite was apparently renamed to the kryptonite kollider in 2018, however, i can not find anything to suggest this year specifically or any photos of a new entrance. it is extremely likely that the ride was indeed renamed to kryptonite kollider as almost every reference to it online uses this name.
the kryptonite kollider was also often seen without it's centrepiece.
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the kryptonite kollider without it's centrepiece taken from theme park central at https://www.themepark-central.de/six-flags-new-england-supergirl-2019/
in 2021 kryptonite kollider was replaced with supergirl skyflyer, a ride similar to nightwing. kryptonite kollider was retired and was not moved elsewhere in the park.
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supergirl skyflyer taken from themepark central at https://www.themepark-central.de/six-flags-new-england-supergirl-2019/
sources + extras:
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nightwing sign from amusement pics at http://www.amusementpics.com/SFNE2.htm
official promotional video for the joker's wildcard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HPNEAL_w9E
a video of the kryptonite kollider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLm2Dh_tY4c
a video of the kryptonite kollider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IxGg3jiPkw
video discussing the joker's wildcard (very helpful and informative!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1_C4Vk3hpE
many reviews of the ride available here http://www.themeparkcritic.com/Scripts/ViewRide.aspx?RideID=1110
video of the joker's wildcard (also jumpscare warning? this genuinely scared me lol) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOE1GJsMvv8
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starfirexuchiha · 2 years
Confirmation that Akechi has the Wildcard ability
Back in 2017, there was a P5 magazine called Persona 5 Maniacus.
That magazine confirmed that Goro is a Wildcard.
I’ll show you where it said that.
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The Japanese line that I pointed at here. Upon closer inspection it says:
In English, this translates to: 
He has received the same Wildcard ability as the Protagonist (Joker)
That line is just part of a sentence. The whole sentence is:
主人公と同じワイルドの能力を授かった、もう1人の 『選ばれし者』。
In English, this translates to: 
He is the other “Chosen One” who has received the same Wildcard ability as the Protagonist (Joker).
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So yeah. Goro is officially confirmed to be a Wildcard user.
He probably couldn’t use that ability to its full potential, because of his lack of bonds, and that Yaldaboath (Fake Igor) doesn’t let him access the Velvet Room as part of his unjust game.
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nejishadow · 23 days
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I felt the sudden compulsion to draw Joker and then immediately the rest of the entries had other characters sneak in whoops
They're my Persona Protags and I'll ship them because it's funny if I want!
This was for: "Kiss on the Hand"
Also used different refs for these than the other entries, tried out diff colors for Yuki. Akira's are from the last piece I had him in I mostly like having these two together because of Dancing, they bring me joy
Also pose was from some CSP models, I didn't feel like adjusting it for the height, so ignore that Joker would be way taller if he stood up, whoops! Maybe they're on some steps
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slenderofthejoker · 3 months
I got dinner.
♣️ @slenderofclubs ♣️
F#$% ya! winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Time for corpse of some F@%$er to be stewed!
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embraceyourdestiny · 1 year
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Mishima and Akechi are the only people to have a gay handshake with joker, the “Mishima could’ve been a wildcard” / Shuake Shuyuu Akeshima parallels continue
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adastra121 · 6 months
Leander: ...So. Leander: When you said you're "magic in bed," this isn't exactly what I was exp— Alon: *holds up Jack of Hearts with a wink* Is this your card? Leander: *softly* Holy shit...
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thedaythatwas · 10 months
kinda rude of you to ask a p5 fan to stick with one name for the protagonist. like yes he is joker and yes he is ren and yes he is akira and what of it? I love him regardless you’re not getting consistency from me <3
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
with all the (deserved) joker hate, I don't know if it'd be better if he just died, did not pass go, stayed dead or got to experience Second Death: electric boogaloo via Means Unknown to the Living. ig it really depends on the will of a clown.
also can't wait for Dick to get his revenge once he's feeling a bit better- maybe a shovel talk?? (idk how effective it'd be to the ghost king, but a man can try) or some teasing for how unsubtle Danny's crush is
Man, even I'm not sure if the clown will live. It's going to be a surprise to me, too. The best part? I'm not sure who would kill him.
Danny, in a fit of protective and clown-hate fueled mindless rage?
Jason, finally given a chance to kill his worst nightmare?
To be honest, leaving Joker in the shadow realm would be far worse than death since it makes you live your worst nightmare. The Joker would exist in a world where no one knows him. No one cares about him. Where he's ignored. Mediocre. It's far worse than death for him.
To top it off, his real body will remain on life support. Slowly, people will forget about him as he fades from existence. Gotham will care far more about he existing Rogues who are actively causing harm. They don't have time to spend thinking about a Rogue who has been in a coma for years. Even Batman will give up eventually, forced to focus on the current catastrophe of the week.
And Dick. Ah I love this boy he has so much comedy potential. Once he realizes he finally gets to give his first ever shovel talk he's going to be ecstatic. Even better, he doesn't know Danny is the Ghost King. Can you imagine when it's later revealed and Dick realizes he threatened the King of The Dead?!
A treat for sending an ask
"So." Dick fiddled with his escrima stick, flipping and spinning it in a display of nervousness Jason only knew he was comfortable showing because they were alone.
"You and Danny, how long have you two been together?" Dick asked, tilting his head slightly so Jason could see the smirk on his face and the light of mischief in his eyes.
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scuderiamint · 1 year
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Wildcards 🃏
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texeoghea · 10 months
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messy guardian au sillies. does this count as ryugoro. i dont think so
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goldlightsaber · 2 years
everyone is living in a period drama except for daemon, who is apparently in pirates of the caribbean where he gets to be swashbuckling and smirk from the sidelines amused as hell
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dreamdragoness · 8 months
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As promised, here is Royalty AU Stacy Flannigan in her true attire as the Crown Princess of the Joker Kingdom. I've also given this AU story a name: "Wildcard." On the continent where the Four Kingdoms of Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, and Spades reside, there is a secret fifth kingdom: the Jokers. Also known as the Wildcard Kingdom, the Joker Kingdom is an independent nation that in the ancient past acted as a mediator and bridge between the other four kingdoms. They believe in bringing smiles to people's faces and that happiness doesn't belong to one nation. It is also the birthplace of the Arts, with the common attire of the Jokers is of a jester/harlequin design. The Jokers love performing and are masters of their craft. The most prominent trait of the Jokers is their shadows. Upon birth, a Joker's shadow comes to life as they are infused with part of the child's soul. The shadows not only help with performances, but show the more prominent parts of the child's personality. For example, Stacy's shadow shows her more playful side when Stacy herself is trying to be serious. The shadows are both the Joker and their own person and are often the very first friend a Joker child has. The shadows are also capable of picking up stuff by manipulating the object's shadow, making it look like a ghost is holding the item. They can also get into places their Joker is unable to reach such as through a door by going underneath it. They can even separate from their Joker for a short time. However, the maximum time limit for a Joker and their shadow to be separated is approximately 72 hours. If the shadow is gone for a couple of hours, the Joker's health will begin to deteriorate. If the shadow doesn't return by three days time, the Joker and the shadow both die. It is a slow, agonizing death. Combat for the Jokers is a mixture of performance, melee, and magic. Their acrobatics makes them hard to hit and enables to get them the advantage. Because Joker magic is on a deeper level than normal magic, they can cast various spells in offensive magic, defensive magic, and support magic. The catch is the Joker has to do some sort of full-body performance such as singing and dancing like they are in a musical. That is because Combat magic must flow through the body in order to be used and just regular exercise isn't enough. Their shadows also join in the fight if the Joker is strong enough. They are able to peel themselves off the surface and increases in size and are able to dish out physical attacks, but are still attached to their Joker.
The rulers of the Joker Kingdom is the Flannigan Family. They had been the ruling family of the Jokers ever since the kingdom's founding and are considered the "Jacks of All Trades" of the Jokers. The biggest reason is that the ruler of the Jokers is bestowed the Cards of Fate. The Cards of Fate is a magical tarot deck said to have been blessed by the gods on the first Flannigan, giving them the duty to lead a mediating nation. The ruler consults the Cards of Fate regarding the future, but it takes a huge toll with each prediction. They are also the Flannigan Family's greatest weapon as the Cards amplifies their magic and enables them to cast unique spells. Not to mention they can be used like shuriken or kunai. The one who wields the Cards of Fate is recognized as the ruler of the Jokers. The title the Joker ruler receives upon their coronation depends on their preferred gender pronouns. Men are given the title "The King of Fools." Women are referred as "Harliqueen." Non-binary rulers are given a choice between Sovereign or Monarch. (Their title is still being debated on by the Joker Kingdom.)
One century, the current rulers of the Four Kingdoms wanted to conquer each other and if they can get the Jokers on their side, victory was guarantied. The Jokers, however, were mostly pacifists and when the ruler of the time refused, the Four Kingdoms began to kidnap people from the outer edges of the Joker Kingdom. Because all four sides kept grabbing people and forcing them to fight, the Joker monarch of the time used the most devastating spell in the Cards of Fate's repertoire: The Card of Madness. The Card of Madness unleashes a wave of magic that attacks whomever the caster is fighting. In this case, the Four Kingdoms. The card's power induces hallucinations of people's worst fears and warps them into something terrifying. Think of it as the town of Silent Hill if it were a magical card. The card's magic lasts 24 hours, but the psychological damage can be so great to the point where those afflicted start seeing their friends as their fears and begin killing each other, or they take the easy way out and commit suicide. Those who endure were scarred for life. The Joker Monarch was able to use the card enough that it spared the children of the kingdoms. Wanting to protect their people, the Monarch of the Jokers created a barrier of enchanted fog. If someone who isn't a Joker goes in, they'll end up at one of the other kingdoms. Almost as if the very land never existed. Many seek out the Joker Kingdom to this day, wanting to see if the lost kingdom is real or not. Artists of all sorts such as actors, comedians, and even painters long to to on a pilgrimage to the Joker Kingdom if it ever proven real again.
But the Jokers don't want to stay hidden forever and considered the barrier a prison even though they can pass through it freely. But with the chance of the descendants of the Four Corrupted Rulers being like their ancestors high, the Monarch implemented a system that happens with the coronation of a new monarch of one of the other kingdoms. A Joker is chosen by the Cards of Fate to secretly evaluate their chosen kingdom's ruler and see what kind of ruler they will turn out to be. If all Four Kingdoms have good rulers on their thrones at once, then the Jokers can come out of hiding. If not, then they remain hidden. However, Jokers can live in the other kingdoms, but they must never reveal their Joker heritage to anyone. Not even to their loved ones. Crown Princess Anastasia "Stacy" Flannigan was unexpectantly chosen as the Joker to the Kingdom of Hearts. The reason it was unexpected was because never had a Flannigan, a member of the royal family, been chosen to give the year-long secret evaluation. Since the Cards of Fate stated that Stacy was the chosen one for the Hearts Kingdom, she bids her father, the current King of Fools, and her friends good-bye and enters the Hearts' castle as a maid, unaware of the adventure she was going to endure.
The are two influences for the Joker Kingdom. The games "Undertale" and especially "Okage: Shadow King." The latter game was what inspired me to create the shadow thing for the Jokers. Probably expect the local wildlife to be just as zany-looking.
Royalty AU: @neonross
Wildcard AU and Stacy Flannigan: Me
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burning-quesadilla · 2 years
Joker: I didn't drink that much last night. Wildcard: You were flirting with Bruce. Joker: So what? He's my boyfriend. Wildcard: You asked if he was single. Wildcard: And then you cried when he said he wasn't.
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I love that Minato and joker are like does a little troll and laughs while the world burns while Yu is like Deathly Serious and would Never do a joke until you least except it and you can always tell he’s being fucking ridiculous it’s so funny lmaooo
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jaydee3779 · 2 years
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Old Art from 2019. Joker from Persona 5 (2017)
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pupmuseboxmoved · 9 months
Tag dump 1/?
{ Silver One Winged Angel - Sephiroth } { Spiky Chocobo Swordsman - Cloud Strife } { The Fluffy Pup - Zack Fair } { Red Fox Birb - Genesis Rhapsodos } { Silver Angel of Spellcasting - Kuja } { Cheerful Wings - Togekiss/Hibiki } { Dual Blade Swordsman - Gallade/Shinobu } { Collector of Fabrics and Disguise Master - Mimikyu/Tabb } { Fiery Lion - Keith Kogane } { Artful Fox Painter - Yusuke Kitagawa } { Gentle Hearted and Adventurous Trainer - Ethan } { Quiet and Lone Trainer - Silver } { Mysterious and Quiet Trainer - Red } { Hot Blooded Clan Leader - Adaman } { Rebellious Trickster and Wildcard - Akira Kurusu/Joker } { Artful Fox Painter - Yusuke Kitagawa } { Feathered Agent of Death - Ryoji Mochizuki } { Quiet Wildcard User - Makoto Yuki } { Unwavering Kind Heart of a Master - Ritsuka Fujimaru } { Radiant Sun King and Pharaoh - Ozymandias } { Golden King of Heroes - Gilgamesh } { Wise Sage of a King - Caster Gil } { Young King of Heroes - Proto Gil } { Child King of Heroes - Kid Gil } { Master of Strings - Orpheus }
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