#kalli rambles
kittykallikat · 6 months
Wriothesley character story and quest spoilers//
I'm having emotions over the wolf man
The fact that Wriosthesley started making his gauntlets at such a young age and out in the streets is making my heart ache. He had to use trial and error as well as picking up any skill or information that he could to improve on every iteration. I can't help imagine this poor baby spent many lonely nights working on them with feverish intent to stop his parents and save current and future children from their clutches.
And he most likely used them to kill his parents too when he returned back to that hell. Imagine the constitution and resolve he needed to end their lives with his own two mechanical fists.
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kittykalliarts · 4 months
oh my god thank you!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖 hngnghgnghgngn
im so happy that a lot of people liked it!!!!! it was my first time making an animatic and i used an unorthodox method to put it together so i was worried that it looked too scuffed X'D
but it brings me joy to see everyone gushing over the blorbos so in love ;;;;w;;;;;
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priceseyes · 13 days
alright, so I'm in the midst of making a fallout au for my COD!OC athena 'birdie' kallis alongside her partner, captain john price. therefore, I thought it would be cool to summarize this whole au a bit for y'all:
*NOTE: there's an age gap between the two with athena/birdie at age 23 and price at age 42. soooo, about 19 years age difference.
As usual, before getting into the references, I’d to give a bit of lore on these two and their relationship: 
The year is 2287, local vault dwellers John Price and Athena ‘Birdie’ Kallis have just recently gotten married to one another after a few years of being with each other. The two first met when Price had saved Birdie from being attacked by a deathclaw as she was trying to fight it off herself, from that point on the two have been living under vault 111 and have been happily married for a month now. 
However, everything goes sideways when an atomic bomb drops close by and they are taken away from one another, with Birdie being taken in to be experimented on within a cryogenic chamber. After waking up without her husband by her side, Birdie makes a plan to find her way back to her John within the world that’s turned itself into a wasteland, she also manages to find herself a dog, cal!
Meanwhile, Price wishes to do the same, wanting to get back to his beloved wife and so, he enlists the help of a local vault nearby, vault 141, in order to help get his birdie back.
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pvnkesttt · 2 months
Hi, hello! So, I'm making this post to give context on the whole poly!katipō pairing that recently created and that is the poly pairing of joel miller/athena kallis/javier peña. this whole pair belongs to a side au that's not apart of the main katipō au where it's just joel and athena however, I thought this whole pair was fun and decided to create this little poly!katipō au for these three.
(side note, this is gonna seem a bit messy and everywhere just because i'm making this pretty quickly lol)
One thing I'd like to get out of the way first is the age gap within this relationship. So, Athena is a couple years out of college in this AU, still taking on being a wildlife biologist while also balancing the life being The Katipō which means she's around 25/26 in this AU. As for Joel and Javier? Joel is around is late 40s, early 50s, I'd say he's 47/48 and Javier being 37.
Now for some context on this whole relationship:
Athena is already with Joel before meeting Javier and Joel also knows that his partner is The Katipō. Javier works as a police detective, curious as to who’s under the mask and has a bit of a reputation. Athena saves Javier one night from an attack but as The Katipō. Athena and Joel bump into Javier one day, finding out that he’s a downstairs neighbor of theirs, Athena and Joel both know of this detective and his reputation but they get off well with the guy and as time passes, both Joel and Athena seem to get along well with Javier, well mostly Athena. Joel is a bit of grump with Javier and keeps an eye on him whenever Athena is around. Cut to when Javier winds up finding out about the real identity of The Katipō being Athena one night and things remain complicated for a while as he also finds out that Joel knew his partner was the spiderling as well. 
Things escalate even further because Javier eventually realizes that Athena has done no wrong, she’s just a young woman, a few years out of college who’s trying to do what’s right for the city of Seattle by helping others and saving citizens. Eventually, Javier finds himself spending more time with Athena and even Joel and becomes smitten with the woman who already has someone who loves her. Athena, though, finds herself having the same connection with Javier that she already does with Joel and also becomes smitten with Javier the same way she is with Joel. Once she realizes this, she talks it out with Joel as she and him have always promised to be honest with each other about anything. To Athena’s surprise, Joel doesn’t mind the smitten feelings Athena have for Javier and if she wants him in both her and Joel’s life, he’ll agree to it as long as Javier is respectful and caring towards her the same way Joel is with her as well. 
Once Javier comes to confess the same thing to Joel about Athena, Joel reassures Javier that he doesn’t mind and eventually, they all become poly with Javier and Joel having respect for one another while also loving the same woman at the same time. Sure, this does interfere with Javier’s job for a moment but he manages because he gets to finally be in a healthy relationship and wouldn’t trade it for the world, plus, the woman he’s with is a hero! 
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mordsfesch · 6 months
Brainrot moment:
Tatort München sollte dringend damit anfangen Kali als eigenständigen Ermittler zu etablieren. Mir kann keiner sagen, dass Udo und Miro das Ganze noch mehr als fünf Jahre machen. Und die große Frage ist doch, wie sie/der BR den Run beenden wollen. Der Tod beider wäre zu groß und dramatisch, wenn einer stirbt wären die Schauspieler dann doch vermutlich ziemlich pissed. Und wenn beide in Rente gehen, können Cameos bei Specials und Jubiläen möglich sein, was für alle eigentlich die beste Möglichkeit ist.
Und ich vermute doch mal stark, dass Kalli dann (übergangsweise alleine?) München übernimmt, wenn Ferdinand das mitmacht. Die machen doch keinen extra neuen Tatort auf und neue Bosse für Kalli fände ich auch geschmacklos. Die brauchen dringend mal wieder junges Blut, keine ü50 Schauspieler (no offense Udo und Miro, I want you to be my dads).
Dann sollten sie aber auch dringend Kalli mehr als standalone Charakter und als Sympathieträger aufbauen, sonst wird das schwer. Dazu kann ja schon mal gehören, dass er Fälle stärker übernimmt, alleine in Showdowns ist, stärker zur Lösung der Fälle beiträgt, Täter alleine festsetzt, generell mehr Screentime...Im Moment ist er noch sehr in der Assistentenrolle.
Nun ja, hoffentlich kriegen sie die Transition gut hin. Da werden wohl aber auch die drei Schauspieler eine große Rolle spielen. Wenns schief geht und total verhunzt wird, sterben Ivo und Franz beide total sinnlos und Kalli verlässt den Polizeidienst aus Trauer. Dann könnte der BR ein komplett neues Team einfügen. Aber da gehen die Fans auf die Barrikaden.
Re: Ausstieg Udo und Miro. Die aktuelle Planung scheint ja zu sein, die 100 oder zumindest 99 Folgen vollzumachen. Aktuell sind sie bei Folge 94, iirc. Es ist also noch ein bisschen hin bis zu ihrem Ausstieg, aber er zeichnet sich natürlich bereits am Horizont ab. Laut den beiden, soll es kein allzu großes Drama am Ende geben, weil es nicht zu ihnen und den Charakteren passt. Dem stimme ich absolut zu (außerdem will ich die beiden nicht leiden sehen). Auf der anderen Seite sagte einer der beiden auch, dass sie “nicht so einfach in Rente gehen werden”. Ganz ohne Drama wird es wohl also doch nicht gehen, was ja wieder zum Tatort passt. Wir werden uns wohl überraschen lassen müssen. (Wobei ich von Cameos absolut entzückt wäre und da auch eine kleine Headcanon zu habe). 
Ich glaube ja, es liegt gerade daran, dass eben nicht klar ist, wie genau es dann weiter gehen soll, dass Kalli als Charakter noch nicht so stark ausgebaut wurde. Wobei ich nicht sagen würde, dass da gar nix passiert ist. Gerade in den letzten Fällen hatte ich den Eindruck, dass sich da was verändert. Früher war Kalli oft nur vom Präsidium aus bei den Fällen dabei, jetzt ist er bei Dienstreisen auch mit von der Partie (siehe „Königinnen“ vs. „Wunder gibt es immer wieder“). In „Game Over“ wurde er bei einem Einsatz verletzt, was mich zwar nicht gefreut hat (poor little kalli), aber ja doch eine Art Ritterschlag im deutschen Krimi, gerade dem Tatort ist. Die Veränderung ist schleichend, aber vorhanden. 
Mal abwarten, was da sonst noch kommt. Dass da was kommen muss, damit Kalli als Charakter in der Lage dazu ist, in Franz und Ivos Fußstapfen zu treten, da gebe ich dir absolut recht. Ich persönlich fänd es super, wenn er bleibt und eine Kollegin an die Seite bekäme. Aber das ginge natürlich nur, wenn Ferdinand sich dazu entscheidet, das ganze wirklich weiterzumachen. Er meinte zwar in Interviews, er könne sich das durchaus vorstellen, aber wer weiß, welche anderen Möglichkeiten sich ihm bieten, wenn es dann so weit ist. Im Tatort mitzuspielen ist zwar eine tolle Sache, aber ich glaube, gerade junge Schauspieler:innen laufen da Gefahr für das deutsche Fernsehen schnell „verbraucht“ zu sein, weil die Zuschauer:innen eben nur noch an ihren Sonntagabend-Krimi denken, wenn sie deren Gesichter sehen.
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augustsjanes · 1 year
as much as i love the warm seasons... ceiling fans = dust allergies my beloathed
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titleknown · 11 months
...Rambling about the subject of degrowth, god, I worry it feels silly and stupid that part of my concern can be summed up metonymically as "I just hope action figures and digital art can continue to exist as artforms in a better world" and "I hope we can actually make new technologies without it being an ecohazard"
Because it's not just that full-blown "return to pre-industrial-revolution" idea I'm afraid of, it's the whole "nice" equivalent I see pushed by a lot of people in the degrowth crowd and; increasingly; mainstream environmental circles.
Like, a lot of the core idea really is "A sustainable; equitable world means severe material chokepoints on what you can do, create, and enjoy," I see it brought out as a consistent drumbeat underneath it all, with my much hated Giorgios Kallis merely saying the quiet part out loud.
Like... these people have never had a nice thing to say about the hobbies and artforms that I find fufilling, those hobbies are the ones they always dismiss as a Global North Luxury, they always only cite analog low-tech stuff like painting or folk art or biking, which are nice if those are your favorite things but...
...They act as if these things are totally fungible and interchangable, and that it's just a reshuffling of priorities and not; again; a cutting down of options via utilitarian chokepoint, like the kind we endure under capitalism just with different value judgements.
Like, one of the big promises of leftism in my eyes is its idea that we don't have to choose between human freedom and a just world and a thriving ecosystem.
And it terrifies me to the bone to see people; especially people in the ecological sciences saying "No, you have to choose," in a way I have nowhere near the skills to disprove, a spectre that haunts me...
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lucielbi666 · 2 years
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Mr.Gaiman, guess you know lol. Pls DO NOT INTERACT
"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams"
- John Barrymore
During those tortuous hours that Morpheus followed the woman like he was her shadow, he learned a few things about her: She had a job as a nurse and lived in the corridors of that hospital almost without any rest, because of this first fact her sleep was not in conformity
This second fact worried Morpheus because he knew how important it was for mortals to fall asleep. Other facts that Endless had realized is that Kalliope had a heart too kind and good for that cruel world, her dedication to the others almost softened the hard shell of his being
And her name, God her name, Morpheus repeated it a few times in his mind, and the only image that appeared was of the woman in front of him. Yes, it was the same name as one of his former lovers and he knew very well how those stories ended but it was a wretched coincidence that the name was only one letter apart
Dream stood on the other side of a hospital bed, watching the woman place her hand on a child's forehead and utter words in the same ancient language he had heard in their first meeting
The palpable power flowed through the room and sang a seductive melody to Morpheus, making him minimally overwhelmed by the sensation
Kalliope smiled as she saw the child's fever decrease, got out of bed, and headed for the corridors again, with the man in dark robes following in her footsteps. The woman tried to ignore the shivers that went through her body whenever the man came close or the phantom sensation of his eyes watching her
"Kalliope! We've got things under control here," Sherryl, a red-haired, brown-eyed co-worker appeared through one of the doors in the hallway
"Oh, I'm glad Sherryl. I was in the children's ward, they are still sleeping but have fever or other symptoms" Kalliope promptly reported, still nervous feeling Morpheus' gaze behind her head
"I hate to see those little angels like that," the redhead wailed
"I don't like it either, but unfortunately until the cause is found, we have to get used to it." Kalliope tried not to show her sadness
Sherryl nodded, letting her shoulders slump in sadness, then went back into the room from where she was standing. Kalli only turned to find Morpheus standing there as always, a mute statue following her
"You've really been following me around all day, well I guess my life is that interesting to you" She tried to joke a little to lighten the mood, but even that didn't take a smile off the Endless's face
"...Well, I'm on my lunch break. If you want to watch a mortal eat, this is your chance" Although there was no reaction to her jokes, Kalliope continued to make them
Morpheus rolled his eyes minimally but followed the woman down the path like a dog in need of attention. Endless was mesmerized for a brief moment when the woman unleashed the black expanse of her curls in front of him, her locks soft and what if Dream got close, he could smell the lavender again
Kalliope took her lunch from a brown bag, sitting down on one of the chairs and pulling one close to him. Morpheus raised one of his eyebrows in a mute question
"Sit down, I imagine you are as uncomfortable as I am standing for so long." The woman spoke in a gentle, apprehensive tone
Morpheus wanted to retort, to say that he didn't need this, but he just obeyed the woman's request. His black robes were unnaturally different from the white and beige environment of the rest room, and Endless was mentally grateful to be dressed and not naked as in his glass prison
"You are not an angel, nor even a demon. Your aura is older and far more powerful..." Kalliope rambled as she ate, her eyes still shyly not staring at Morpheus
The being in question made a micro-expression of disgust at being compared to a demon, which Kalliope did not notice
"None of my family's grimoires have any record of something like you. I can tell that you are..." Kalli finally raised her gaze to Morpheus "Fascinating, have a magnetism"
Morpheus was definitely incredulous and surprised by the woman, the gleam in her eyes was of curiosity and perhaps something more. All the humans he met wanted something from him, favors or something, but not her, Kalliope just wanted to know WHO or WHAT he was
For a moment, Dream thought about using the woman to free himself from his imprisonment but something inside him did not approve of this idea and he just continued watching the woman silently
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drowninginredink · 3 months
[KICKING OPEN YOUR DOOR] 🍌 favorite funny quote from a wip - mer tommybowefuneralattendee
Oh, oh, okay, well, there's a whole section in this one that is just jokes I should go to hell for. Which, I think I'll go for the one that a) Kalli liked when I showed her that section and b) that gives the least of the game away. Even though anyone who has been reading my rambles lately must know what's going on by now.
Even when Tommy tried to make jokes of his own, somehow it always ended up dark again. Tommy teased him, saying “I can't believe you got to be full cast before me." Spencer answered, “It was my Make-A-Wish gift.”
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kittykallikat · 5 months
Scylla and Remus being the tragic previous incarnation of Neuvillette and Wriothesley is doing something to my brain
I might get some things wrong while im hc and speculating, so take it with a pinch of salt and correct me for innacurracies ajajsjdk
But Scylla working with Remus; one kingdom being in the depths of the sea and the other in overworld is such a neat parallel to the Fortress of Meropide and the Court of Fontaine. Though now, the dragon and the wolf has switched places. Scylla entrusts Remus with the goblet of Primodial Sea which is essentially the dragon sovereign of water's blood (heart of you wanna go there). Though later Remus betrayed that trust by hunting Scylla's subjects as well trying to replace all of the Sea with golden ichor.
Wriothesley's fortress guards one entrance to the primodial sea. While its not a goblet, I can't help but be a lil delulu how Neuvillette entrusts Wriothesley to watch over the gate that guards what is essentially his heart and blood.
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kittykalliarts · 5 months
You seem like you had a Yugioh phase
XD this made my hour
unfortunately anon, i did not have a yugioh phase. I wasn't able to watch the anime and stuff.
Although, I am curious why you would think that XDDD I'd love to know how my vibes are giving yugioh kansdkansd
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priceseyes · 2 months
y'all, I want to start a detective AU on here soon between price and birdie (athena) and also have it take place in a cyberpunk-like setting because your girl is thinking thoughts.....👀👀👀
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book: The Day You Knocked pairing: Joshua “Josh” McKnight & Ella Aldridge
“I think that’s my last round for the night,” Josh says, standing from the bean bag on the floor next to my chair. 
“Seriously? Just one more game, dude,” Kallie tries to convince, tossing his controller back to him. 
“Seriously Kal, I have a lot to do tomorrow,” He explains, standing and leaning against the wall, glancing down at me. “I’ll see you in class tomorrow?”
“Oh, definitely. I wouldn’t miss a Toussaint lecture,” I assure, smiling slightly and earning one in return. 
“I’ll see you all around,” He assures, pushing off towards the door, being followed by everyones goodbyes as they echo behind them, door closing. 
“Ella,” Liz speaks up, gaining my attention from the book in my lap. “Weren’t you going to give that back before he left?”
“Give what back?”
The look on her face reads Are you serious? but her lips say, “His sweatshirt. That you’re wearing. Right now.”
“Oh! I totally forgot!” I answer, glancing down at my chest as I unfold myself from my seat. “I’m going to go try to catch him.”
“You do that,” Kallie jests, shooing me from the room, me exiting with just socks on my feet, sweatshirt still on. Padding along, I can hear the elevator ding at the end of the hall, signaling it is just arriving. I jog a bit now, rounding the corner to an empty hall but a still open elevator, stepping into the open door to stop its closing. 
“Ella?” Josh’s low tone draws my eyes, an amused smile on his face as I notice him glance down to the reindeer on my socks. 
“Uh, you forgot your sweatshirt,” I tell, gesturing to the crew neck that’s still on my body.
“I didn’t forget it, I was just going to get it back another time,” He assures, running a hand through his hair. “You looked comfortable.”
“Oh, yeah, I was,” I admit, tugging the overly large sleeves over my hands. “But Liz reminded me I had it so I wanted to return it. I know it’s your only sweatshirt.”
“It’s not my only sweatshirt?” He denies, furrowing his brows. 
“Well how would I know when it’s the only thing you wear?”
“I- am not even going to argue with you on how wrong you are,” He denies, shaking his head. “So...?”
“Oh! Yes,” I exclaim, remembering why I am holding up the elevator.
“You should probably just step in here and ride upstairs, eventually someone will realize the elevator isn’t responding and will call maintenance,” He advices, tugging on the sleeve of the sweatshirt I’m fiddling with enough to pull me in. 
Why must my brain fly out the window every time it’s just us?
Instead of answering, I pull the sweatshirt over my head, leaving me only in my my cropped t-shirt and pajama pants. 
“Someone’s ready for Christmas,” He jest, eyeing the snowflakes on my pajama pants.”
“I- shut up, and take your sweatshirt,” I instruct, tossing it for him to catch, something he does easily. He just chuckles, shaking his head again. “Thank you for letting me borrow it.”
“It’s no problem, it looks better on you anyways.”
Was that flirting? He can’t be flirting with me. He has a girlfriend.
“What?” I ask.
“I said you looked better in it,” He admits once more, obviously not seeing the issue. 
He’s been like this for months. At first I didn’t notice it. 
That’s a lie. I absolutely did.
The intense, admittedly hot jealousy when he thought CJ was crushing on me. 
Walking me to my lab with our hands touching every time we moved. 
Everyone else pointing out things, like when Kallie told me that all he talks to her about at band is me, not his girlfriend, but me.
“Josh, can I ask you something?” He nods, and I take this as my go ahead. “What is going on here? You flirt with me, and you make me feel all fluttery which isn’t an experience I like because there is no scientific reasoning for it and -”
“And I don’t have a girlfriend,” He interrupts my rambling, taking the wind from my lungs. “Abigail and I broke up last week when we were home for Thanksgiving.”
“You, you what? I’m so sorry,” I apologize, knowing it must hurt. Nearly three years together and suddenly it’s all over. 
“You have nothing to be sorry- well maybe a small thing to be sorry for,” He explains.
“What does that mean?” I question, the elevator door dinging, signaling our arrival at the fifth floor. I step out of door, entering the hall that connects to his room. 
“It means,” He begins, following me out, “That your only reason to be sorry is the fact that you’re the reason we broke up.”
“I’m the what?” I question, stepping back quickly. This can not be happening. This is just a very vivid dream entirely fueled by my obsession with friends to lovers books. 
“You,” He begins, taking that step back towards me, “Ella Aldridge,” He begins again, this time taking my hands that were clicking away at my side. “Are the reason we broke up. I told her I was interested in someone else-” Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, “so I couldn’t be with her anymore.”
“Josh, you... you broke up with your girlfriend for me?” 
“Of course I did. I’ve been into you since biology last year, but then we lost touch and suddenly this year I’m half drunk and dropping Kallie off at your suite and there you are.”
“And there I was,” I agree, remembering the day well. “And there I was. Just on the other side of the door the day you knocked.”
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pvnkesttt · 3 months
new pair just dropped: joel miller x spidey!thena x javier peña poly au
(yes! this is a thing and yes I'm having thoughts about them!)
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allbeendonebefore · 2 years
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@kalli-pygos tagged me to make a moodboard... am i doing it right?
the mood is: iridescent mid century modern classical gay yearning in space but also hot tea.
I think bread should be in there but it’s dangerous to look up food on pinterest, i’d never leave.
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loidtwilightforger · 4 years
Thinking about the people who stuff build a bears for orders placed through their website. Do they do the heart ceremony still? Is it one lone person stuffing these bears in a wearhouse??? Does a machine do it???
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