Gender differences in creativity (in science education) (Essay)
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Rosalind Franklin
In Japan, there have been many cases in the past where female students taking entrance exams for medical schools were given lower test scores than male students, causing them to fail, which became a social problem. Female students have a stronger ability to persevere in simple studies than male students, and many of them are likely to be better suited to become doctors.
In science, there are some areas where female students' special ability, persistence, cannot keep up. It's the power of creativity. The discovery of the double helix was the greatest achievement in life science in the 20th century, but the woman scientist Rosalind Franklin conducted the basic research for this discovery. However, she did not agree with Watson and Crick's discovery of the astonishing molecular structure of DNA, and she died and was unable to receive the Nobel Prize. Although she was able to carry out experiments with meticulous preparation, her ability to come up with ideas was definitely lacking.
This is where I see the gender difference in creative ability in science. Another example is Madame Curie, who isolated polonium and radium. Although precise and steady experiments may be possible, the repetition of these actions is what scientific work is all about. Looking back, Einstein and Bohr once engaged in a suffocating thought experiment about quantum mechanics, but I can't imagine Marie Curie joining them.
I think that female scientists generally lack creativity. To be fair, is the female mathematician Kovalevskaya an exception?
Even though male students have the potential to be creative, they tend to skip regular studies, so they lose out to female students. However, since female students lack the ability to think creatively, if they are educated separately, the negative effects of each gender will likely be magnified, so it would be appropriate to educate them with a moderate mix of the two.
Rei Morishita
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wiltedsunflowr · 4 months
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"Will you fake-marry me, so I can continue studying math?"
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welldonekhushi · 2 months
Call of Duty OC: Katya Kovalevskaya 🌹
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An updated bio sheet of Katya! The last one felt like it was straight Wiki format style, but doesn't really explain her character properly, I also added some changes to her character as well so, here you go! <3
Name: Katya
Full name: Yekaterina Viktornovna Kovalevskaya
Codename: "Katyusha"
Alias(es): Lady of Death (by the Red Army), Mama Katya (by her soldiers), Der Russische Leutnant (by the Germans)
Age: 32 years old (Call of Duty: World at War), 58 years old (Call of Duty: Black Ops), 70 years old (Black Ops: Cold War)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Russian
Languages spoken: Russian, German (for intelligence purposes), English
Date of birth: June 15, 1916
Place of Birth: Ural Mountains, Imperial Russia
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Martial Status: Single
Occupation: Senior Lieutenant and Sniper of the Red Army (retires after the events of the first Black Ops)
Status: Active
Rank: Senior Lieutenant (1942), Lieutenant Colonel (1945)
Affiliation: Red Army, CIA (briefly)
Universe: Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Black Ops: Cold War (alternative AU)
Faceclaim: Anna Chipovskaya
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Song: "Katyusha" by Boris Alexandrov
Biography: Yekaterina, commonly known as Katya joins the Red Army for the service of the Soviet Union to avenge her parents death under the hands of German forces. While defending her country amidst the raging Second World War, she faces tremendous amounts of obstacles and barriers in her life which often try to make them as her weakness, but the woman was sworn to take her last breath in achieving one goal with her comrades — and that was liberating Berlin.
3rd Shock Army (Red Army)
Sergeant Viktor Reznov [K.I.A]
Private Dimitri Petrenko [K.I.A]
Private Chernov [K.I.A]
Commissar Markhov [fate unknown]
Major General Nikita Dragovich [K.I.A]
Colonel Lev Kravchenko [fate unknown]
CIA (Call of Duty: Black Ops)
Alex Mason
Frank Woods
Jason Hudson
Grigori Weaver
Weapon induced: Scoped Mosin-Nagant, Tokarev (TT-33), PPSh-41, Molotov Cocktail, RGD-33
Fighting style: Hand-to-hand combat, but rarely, since she's more used to being a sniper giving covering fire
Special skills: Is a very experienced sniper, that gave her the infamous name of "Lady of Death", but Katya didn't want to coin such a name for herself when she was only serving her people as a soldier of the frontlines.
Talents: Knows natural remedies, holds a lot of empathy for others, can speak fluent German even if she knows a little bit of it
Shortcomings: Due to the incident, she lost her face partially along with the half-vision of her eye throughout the accident, faces survivors guilt, is a bit mentally depressed but she's able to push those negative thoughts down
Myers-Briggs Type: ISFJ (The Defender)
Is very protective towards her comrades: Ever since she lost her parents, Katya had always been searching for a way to cope up with her loss by taking care of the people she loves and believes in the most. Even if she never married, or birthed a child, she automatically unlocked her motherly instincts by calling her comrades as her "sons and daughters", considering them as her one, found family.
Ruthless, but at times merciful: Katya has shown immense strength and courage in the battlefield as a sniper and a squad leader, haunting the Germans in their own sleep thinking Katya wouldn't kill them and make the mattress they're sleeping on as their deathbed. But also, when Katya wants to show mercy, she'll show it. She thinks there's no use to wasting her own bullets on someone who already decided to surrender to the Red Army.
Emotional: Let it be a soldier dying, or a civilian, she'll ask forgiveness from God that she wasn't able to save an innocent despite having the duty to protect her own people. The incident that killed all of her soldiers left her deeply scarred, and believed she committed a bigger sin for being too naive and careless, and she deserved the impact on her face. It was even worse when Nikita Dragovich killed her teammates again by putting them as test subjects for the Nova 6 experiment that made her grow deranged and bloodthirsty to hunt Dragovich and his lapdog, Kravchenko in a fit of vengeance, until the CIA caught her presence.
Intelligent and observant: Katya is more aware of her surroundings ever since the incident impacted her, which caused her to be very vigilant, and grew her intelligence in the battlefield which made her useful for the Red Army as a sniper and as a squad leader in the infantry.
Katya was born around 1916 with her mother Elizaveta Kovalevskaya (neé Petrova) and father, Viktor Kovalevsky. Spending her childhood in the Ural Mountains, she learnt how to snipe at a young age from her father, who was a hunter, the reason why she took her father's skill in the field of sniping.
In 1939, she recruited herself in the Red Army as a sniper, in which her talent gave a huge role and reputation among the soldiers as a source of bravery, courage and inspiration, that gave her the name "Lady of Death". But, Katya on the other hand didn't want to coin such a name for herself when she believes she's only doing it for the protection of her own people.
But, in 1941, when Germany attacked Soviet Russia under "Operation Barbarossa", her village became a victim of the attacks, which ended up killing her family in the process. Broken and enraged, Katya wanted to avenge her parents death by going through missions and eliminating every single enemy who tried to cross the Soviet borders. Her life completely changed when one day she encountered General Heinrich Amsel, who was responsible for the death of her family along with many others, wanted to kill him by her own hands but never succeeded because he evaded before she could get to him.
Furious, the General wanted to eliminate Katya in her path, by luring her into a trap that he was staying at a hotel and could grab her an opportunity to end his life there. But little to her knowledge, it was all a set up, when he used that entire building as a decoy with the explosives attached. His soldiers locked away his teammates, including Katya but she was able to break through it. In a desperate attempt to find her comrades who were still locked inside, it was too late before the explosion could take effect, and blew her out of the building, leaving her drastically injured.
The explosion was the turning point of her life, where it emotionally scarred her and made her regret being a soldier, when she couldn't even protect her own soldiers, who basked into the flames of Amsel's planned explosion. She was taken for medical assistance, which took her a month to recover physically, and mentally. But, that didn't stop Katya from retiring, as her mind still revolved around that one goal — to eliminate General Amsel, and push all the German forces back from invading Russia.
Somewhere around 1942, she was promoted to Senior Lieutenant, and became the squad leader for the 3rd Shock Army, and participated in the Battle of Stalingrad alongside Pvt. Dimitri Petrenko and Sgt. Viktor Reznov. As the General's whereabouts were found, she led her team throughout the warzone and successfully countered Amsel, which led to his untimely death under the hands of Dimitri's sniper rifle. Katya, who held immense pride for the Private for doing something she couldn't, made him along with Reznov and Chernov as her closest comrades.
After the entire battle, in 1945, they finally achieved victory by liberating Berlin by hoisting the Soviet flag on the Reichstag, Katya was now at peace, hoping for a better future after the war's end.
But, somehow.. her life was going to go into a bigger turmoil, when she gets sent to the mission around the Arctic Circle, leading the events of the first Black Ops.
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womens-knitwear · 1 year
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rahmamustafa99 · 4 months
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Gornyy Master (1978)
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🖊 for both 👁👄👁
Since it’s New Years Eve, thought I’d share a new years headcanon for Cheung :3c
Julie “Sparks” Cheung
Cheung loves going all out for the Lunar New Year! Growing up, the Cheung family would sometimes travel to Hong Kong for the new year to celebrate with the rest of their family, handing out red envelopes, watching the lion dance and fireworks show together, helping out making dinner and walking around to see the beautiful red decorations and lanterns illuminating the night sky. The Lunar New Year celebrations with her family hold a special place in Cheung’s heart. Whenever she can’t see her family for the new year, she’d invite the 141 group to celebrate, light some fireworks, watch the CCTV New Year’s Gala, and enjoy a huge Hot Pot dinner together.
Roxanne “Bell” Castillo She won’t admit it, but Bell’s guilty pleasure is fast food. The first few days of joining Adler and the Safehouse group, Bell noticed Lazar’s Burger Town shirt and was a bit confused at first but paid no attention to it. In the mission Redlight, Greenlight, when Woods and Bell come across the Bubby (the mascot) statue in the Burger Town at the Spetsnaz training course, Woods gets man when they got Bubby, confusing Bell even more as to why he and Lazar love this place. When they returned to the safehouse, Bell noticed that someone left a bag of Burger Town food on her workspace. Knowing it was from either Woods or Lazar, she unwrapped the burger and took a bite. Bell was taken aback from this, as she immediately fell in love with the food. Her reactions prompted a smile from the two men as she scarfed the whole thing down. Believe it or not, Bell owns a Burger Town shirt.
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
Sofia Kovalevskaya is NOT RUSSIAN, she's Belaruthian, from the Belaruthian-Lithuanian-Hungarian noble clan.
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vacuously-true · 10 months
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sovietpostcards · 1 year
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“Chuchelo-Myauchelo” (≈The Ugly Meower), Soviet cartoon directed by Inessa Kovalevskaya (1982)
This song immediately started playing in my head.
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redgitanako · 10 days
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Anne Jaclard (Korvin-Krukovskaya), whose family mansion I've visited today :) When young she used to be sitting in the "tower" of the house with a book of romance and chivalry, waiting for her prince.
(she also refused to marry Dostoyevsky, and later found her prince in a french revolutionary! what a life)
The exposition was actually dedicated to her younger sister Sofya Kovalevskaya, the first renown female mathematician, who also had a very interesting life. As a kid she had a pet pike and a mole cricket, one of the most terrifying bugs I know 💀
(those women have more interesting facts in their biography than those I've listed but this was what I remember most vividly somehow)
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welldonekhushi · 27 days
Behind the OC Name!
Tagged by @islandtarochips and @alypink, dhanyawaad beheno! ◉⁠‿⁠◉
Choosing my two female CoD OC's this time!
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The first name "Samantha" was provided by me specially to give her a proper identity. Before that, she was only going to be called through her respective codename, but I thought of making it look more unique by finally giving her a full name!
The codename "Scarlet" is mainly attached to her past. Her mother had often lovingly nicknamed her as "Scarlet", along with her friends, and Johnny himself. So, keeping that codename makes her feel beloved since it holds a lot of deep memories within her.
"Wright" basically means the one who makes or builds things, especially from wood. They're craftsmen, artisans, and skilled workers!
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"Katya" means "something pure, perfect", it can also be depicted as "Yekaterina", "Katyusha", or "Katen'ka"
"Viktornovna" is derived from her father's name, Viktor. In females, the patronymic name in the end becomes -ovna, or -evna. For males, it's -vich, or -ov.
"Kovalevskaya" is derived from "Kovalevsky", which is an old Slavic word "kowal" which means "a blacksmith".
Tagging: @kaitaiga @revnah1406 @sleepyconfusedpotato @caelums-fate @liamthemailman @applbottmjeens @alexa-mwll @cyberghostdraws or anyone who wants to take part in it!
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•⭐️Women in Math(s)⭐️•
🌿Classical age🌿
🍄18th Century🍄
Maria Agnesi
Émilie du Châtelet's
Wang Zhenyi
🌻19th Century🌻
Sophie Germain
Sarah Woodhead
Sofia Kovalevskaya
Charlotte Angas Scott
Winifred Edgerton Merrill
Sofia Kovalevskaya
Philippa Fawcett
Cornelia Fabri
🪐20th Century🪐
Louise Petrén-Overton
Mildred Sanderson
Emmy Noether
Anna Pell-Wheeler
Cecilia Kreiger
Mary Cartwright
Euphemia Haynes
Helen Walker
Gertrude Mary Cox
Gladys West
Lucy Joan Slater
Mina Rees
Grace Alele-Williams
Elizabeth McHarg
Mary L. Boas
Mary Ellen Rudin
Jean Taylor
Joan Birman
Julia Robinson
Stella Cunliffe
Marjorie Rice
Dorothy Lewis Bernstein
Joséphine Guidy Wandja
Cathleen Morawetz
Doris Schattschneider
Louise Doris Adams
Rebecca Walo Omana
Eileen Poiani
Cheryl Praeger
Gloria Gilmer
Leah Edelstein-Keshet
Ina Kersten
Joan Birman
Katherine Heinrich
Tatyana afanasyeva
loana Dumitriu
Beatrice Aichson
💫21st Century💫
Melanie Wood
Susan Howson
Melanie Wood
Alison Miller
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
Stefanie Petermichl
Olga Gil Medrano
Ingrid Daubechies
Daina Taimina
Maryam Mirzakhani
Claire Voisin
Nouzha El Yacoubi
Karen Uhlenbeck
Marissa Kawehi Loving
Maryna Viazovska
Ingrid Daubechies
Karen Aardal
Hanan Mohamed Abdelrahman
Amandine Aftalion
Ilka Agricola
Nkechi Agwu
Dorit Aharonov
Noreen sher Akbar
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womens-knitwear · 2 years
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rahmamustafa99 · 4 months
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Kartinki s vystavki (1984)
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my-russia · 5 months
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Memorial Museum-Estate of Sofia Kovalevskaya, Polibino, Pskov Oblast
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Your Bell+🖊️
Bell has a couple of long scars that go from her left shoulder all the way to her right hip. She got the scars from a hunting accident during her teenage years.
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