#kuu (they/them)
propertyofkylar · 6 months
i dont think you've discussed kylar using just the tip to it's fullest potential... he'd be whining and begging, tears streaming down his face while he barely moves at all... IMAGINE IT!!!
hehehe m!kylar x gn!pc
“Don’t move.”
Kylar let out a feral-sounding whine, but nonetheless heeded your words.
“P-please, my love,” he whimpered, his fingers strengthening their clutch on your hips. It would probably hurt, if you weren’t enjoying the situation so much. “Why?”
You pretended to think about it for a few seconds, delighting in the way tears were welling up in Kylar’s eyes as you made him wait. “Mm. I dunno, actually. It’s just fun.”
He tried to glare at you, but tears started spilling at that moment and the impact was lost. “You’re—you’re mean,” his fingernails were nearly piercing the flesh on your hips and you couldn’t have felt more gleeful at that moment.
“Please, my love,” Kylar was begging now. If his cock wasn’t (barely) inside you, you imagined he might literally be prostrating himself in front of you. “Let me move. Let me love you. I—I need to feel inside of you, completely, so, so badly.”
Truth be told, you wanted that, too. But the joy of making Kylar suffer was almost as good as being fucked by him. And if your theory was right, it would end up being even better because of it. “Ah ah,” you smirked. “You can only move when I decide to let you.”
You could tell Kylar was desperate, the way his teeth were gritted and sweat dripped down his forehead, intermingling with his tears. “And when will that be?”
“I haven’t decided.”
Kylar practically howled at that, his face flushed beet red.
“Oh, fine,” you said with a huff, trying to act like it wasn’t affecting you as well. “Go on, then.”
The words had barely finished leaving your mouth before Kylar’s hips slammed against yours, leaving you breathless.
“So mean,” Kylar muttered under his breath as he repeatedly jackhammered into you. You were unable to form a response. “So, so mean.”
“Ky—” you managed to squeak out before you were cut off by your own, loud moan. His eyes flashed before he slipped a hand between your legs and began to stroke you. Clearly, your meanness hadn't damaged his dedication.
“F-fuck, I...” you yourself whimpered as your climax hit. A manic grin grew on Kylar's face as he felt your walls clench around him.
He didn't stop his rubbing nor his thrusting as you rode out your orgasm, his free hand still digging into your skin. The pain and pleasure mixed, and you could tell by the look on Kylar's face that it was exactly what he had wanted.
“So-hah-good!” Kylar panted as his hips slammed so hard into you that you felt yourself move several inches. “I love you!” He cried out as he thrust as deeply as possible, gripping your hips for leverage as he came inside of you. He didn't move, just stared at you possessively for a moment, his entire body slick with sweat. Then, with a huff, he dropped his full body weight on top of you, burying his head in the crook of your neck with a sniffle.
“You're so mean,” he whined for what felt like the millionth time. You giggled in response.
“You did a good job,” you told him, running your fingers through his hair. He pulled back to give you a pleased smile, humming happily. A twitch inside you reminded you that Kylar still hadn't pulled out.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, eyeing him. “Seriously? Again? Already?”
He pressed feather-light kisses to your neck, eliciting a soft moan from you. Then, he flashed you a devious smile.
“My turn to be mean.”
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aaami · 3 months
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And some more doodles, I’m starting to feel more confident
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i just KNOW that if you're extra sweet and obedient (no running away!!) to cult leader kylar he'd spoil you... fancy gothic gowns and only the finest silky fabrics on your skin, your bath water is always scented with pretty flowers like jasmine and honeysuckle, and he never lets anyone else touch you.
i feel like when he's busy with his duties as leader, he'd issue a group of specially appointed handmaidens (high ranking cult members who would do anything for him, including worshipping you) to take care of you when he isn't present and get you all pretty for him when he comes home. but the moment one of them touches you too sensually for his liking (this can be ANYTHING!! LIKE!! AN UNASSUMING BRUSH AGAINST YOUR THIGH AS THEY WALK PAST YOU) and kylar's already seething with rage - summoning an inhuman abomination that vaguely resembles himself, rendering the assailant into a thick red paste on the hallway floor.
cradles you so, so possessively after. you can feel him shaking with rage as he cards his fingers through your freshly-washed hair. doesn't take any of his anger out on you because he believes you're a gift, something that he should cherish and never subject to that ugly side of himself. if you ask him about anything like 'going home' you'll be met with a sickly sweet smile that doesn't reach his eyes. reminds you that this is your home now! don't fret over your origins or silly things like that, kylar doesn't mind! just focus on your newly-wed husband, okay? (also considering the possibilities of a wedding night ritual... involving CL kylar covered in a lot of blood and a petrified pc...)
(also. I SCREECHED WHEN YOU POSTED THIS BECAUSE IVE HAD AN ASK IN MY INBOX THAT HAS BEEN MARINATING FOR AT LEAST TWO MONTHS ABOUT CULT LEADER KYLAR ANDA NDSJSJSJS ...I've been too intimidated to answer it. i will tag you and ur original post when i answer it eventually BSHDNSKS -kuu)
but wow yeah, the marriage ritual with kylar's body being covered in blood, and he's dipping his fingers in the bowl of what you fervently hope is red paint, slowly dragging them over your body and creating what seem to be markings for a ceremony. Once he's satisfied with painting every nook and cranny of your body, the lights will go dim and his eyes will glow, with his pupils changing shape.
He'll embrace you and you'll spend what feels like an eternity in this room, eventually coming out to see that a week has passed. Kylar will not stop grinning, overjoyed at the fact that you are now bound to him forever, and won't be able to escape him even in death.
The group of handmaidens that tend to you weren't allowed to speak to you before this, but now that you're officially Kylar's, they're so excited to gossip with you! But their new familiarity with you does not mean they'll help you in any way, so be careful. They just love seeing their leader so happy, it would be a shame if anything got in the way of that. In a way, they are your number one shippers lmao
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meykothecatt · 1 month
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Meyko... this is the 7th week in a row you've redesigned HJ5!!
Anyways, here are the previous versions~
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s0urk · 11 months
Ayano, Kumi, and Midori baking cookies at Midori's when they were in grade school:
Ayano: Look, this one's a heart. That's how I feel about you. *points at Midori*
Midori: *crying and sobbing with happiness*
Ayano: This one looks like Michigan. That's how I feel about you. *pointing At Kumi*
Kumi: What does that mean??
(Kumi and Ayano could be switched and the outcome would be exactly the same.)
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akkivee · 1 year
As a IchiKuuNemu shipper, I've always wanted to know how the dynamic would work between Kuuko and Nemu, bc hell yeah everyone deserves double the love
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i’m very glad you found a good dynamic for them without my input 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 here’s my input anyway like a year later 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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chipsncookies · 1 year
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I love every time Xie Yingluo and Di Kong interact, they bounce each other so well
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hamptercatapult · 1 year
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i figure i should post it here too lol @kuueater played thru dantes inferno and beat satan AND his meat. absolutely slaughtered his unholy hog. DEMOLISHED this guys DEMONIC DICK.
went through the fire AND the flames for the videogame wife. respect
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soulsxng · 8 months
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ngl, Aspis saw the video games and matching thing and was like ‘lemme do it!’ Unfortunately, he’ll fall short sexually since he’s demi but he’s also more than willing to give it the good old college try.
Video games were mentioned, and so Kujata is just nudging Bahamut forward so she can take the lead on this one. He does very much think that Aspis is cute though, and is would be happy to get to know him better.
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Amu, on the other hand, lifts the portable console in her hands, eyes bright. “I just started this game the other day, it’s soooo good! It’s a little hard, but the fights are really satisfying once you figure them out, and the music is so pretty!”
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cosmobrain00 · 6 months
smthing abt characters n clumsy affection. u agree
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aaami · 3 months
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Oh wow
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kyaruun · 10 months
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bite sized pt 2: they're a family now
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meykothecatt · 3 months
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More KKH characters's redesigns!! If you want to know a little more about each one, you can check my Instagram, there I uploaded some random important data about them~
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s0urk · 11 months
Oh my
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Going thru my ibis gallery is just finding things I never finished
If ya couldn't tell its supposed to be Kumi, Midori and Ayano in middleschool, their hairstyles are a tad different cause yaknow those change over time lol
Perhaps I'll try and redraw this on csp but actually fucking finish it lol
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I made a Kumi Demura chatbot but it's unlisted and very experimental, ask me for link to fine-tune this mf.
-Mod Ghost
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not-so-terrible · 1 year
The Fabrications Make Me Sad in general, but only just noticed how Zetsu-y they actually are, not only of the clones in general, but with the original Jōzetsu from the Akatsuki
Given Kuu’s, they’ve probably all got the widely spaced, squared Zetsu teeth under the bandages. All of them but Kirara have Zetsu’s eyeshape, but Kirara’s pink and blue nail polish she collected actually matches Zetsu’s, who has pink fingernails and blue toes
And as people supposed to be disposable weapons with no individuality or will, their uniforms all being just a slightly different shade of purple makes me sad
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