2ndaryprotocol · 1 year
Spike Lee’s sharp and scathing ‘School Daze’ stormed theaters this week 35 years ago. 🎓🏫🎭
“𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜.”
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ninamodaffari · 1 year
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Older commission done for @calyxofawildflower a while ago of their lovely character for their Dishonored RPG, Romana Kyme, a former member of the Oracular Order.
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two-reflections · 6 months
Me to Nick Kyme
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ladymirdan · 2 years
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This is an attempt to make a comprehensive reading list for everything Cato Sicarius.
I'm going to put the books in the (in my opinion) best order to read them. So if you want a slice of Ultramarine perfection, look no further.
Assault on black reach - This is a great Sicarius book. While he himself does not have a lot of scenes in it, the ones he got are bangers. There is soo much Ultramarine gossip going on in the background (who will you support, Agemman or Sicarius?) and it's easy to follow even for a beginner 40k-fan.And they are fighting orks. Orks are always fun. 10/10
Consequences - BL have retconned this book in newer editions but Pytheas used to be Sicarius (and I find that absolutely fucking stupid). It's not a good representation of him but it is a fascinating story when you consider that Calgar, Agemman, Sicarius and Tigurius conspired together to scapegoat their newest captain just for the lulz. 6/10
Chapters Due - Haven't read the entire book except for the Sicarius scenes, but they are really good (except for one scene where he is a complete out of character moron in front of Calgar). Can't judge the book in its entirety yet but I will get there someday.
Two Kinds of Fool - Agemman and Sicarius compare penis sizes for 34 pages. 7/10 Fun times but not special.
Damnos - This is a big story split into two books that should have been a short story/novel. It drags on for way too long, there is way too much padding that no one cares about. It is super obvious they told the author to mix in some human characters to spice it up but he really didn't want to so they suck. Annoyingly enough it also has some the best Sicarius scenes ever written mixed in there. I want to recommend it but please be aware that this is a long and very uneven book to read. 5/10
Veil of Darkness - This book is going to rub some people the wrong way. It has first-person perspective Sicarius, and he acts like an absolute douchebag the entire book. I think it slaps. This is where the “I Cato Sicarius meme” comes from. 10/10 would recommend if you love Cato’s chaotic ADHD-energy. 9/10
Blades of Damocles - A great fucking book in its own right. Another baby Sicarius story, back from when he was a sergeant. Excellent interactions between him and his fellow marines. I think this is better to read this after the Damnos books because that will really give perspective on how he hasn't really changed his behaviour, he has only gotten better by surrounding himself with people who can keep up with his tempo. But it works either way. This book also contains captain Numitor who is a real fucking treasure and it's a crime that there aren't more books about him. 9/10
Brethren - Eh, don't bother. A pointless battle story, that tells you nothing of the character 3/10
Knight of Talassar - One of the best Sicarius stories. It is only featured in the Ultramarines anthology so if you want it, make sure you haven't already bought the rest of the Sicarius stories in there. It's about a young Sicarius, he has just been made captain. It is an action heavy story with him fighting orks. He has Krieg guardsmen fighting alongside him and they complement each other perfectly. It is absolutely wonderful to see him basically say “hey guys, can we not be so reckless for a few seconds”. 10/10
Cato Sicarius: Master of the Watch - The fact that BL has the audacity to charge money for this upsets me. Completely pointless short story. Even I who get off on the mere mention of Sicarius wouldn't bother with this. Literally nothing happens. He walks around injured for a while, and then someone else fights off nids. The End. Fuck this story. 2/10
Warlords of the dark Millenium - Sicarius - This is basically a small Sicarius codex with stats and such. But it is really old and over the top. It has some really short stories and they are absolutely delightfully dumb and have Sicarius being bonkers overpowered. This is the closest to the TTS-Sicarius. If you love Sicarius it's a must-read, but note that it’s written in the style of a 14-year-old with a battle-boner. 8/10
Knights of Macragge - This is one of the absolute best Sicarius books. But I would recommend waiting to read it until you've finished everything before on the list for maximum emotional impact. I don't want to spoil too much. It also has him walking around half the book without his armour, buff tattoed arms showing and that is magical. 8/10
The Armour of Fate - This book is so fucking cute. Both Guilliman and Sicarius are awkward nerds with a top tier charisma stat that blows people away, but put together alone in the same room they cancel each other out and are just awkward together and it's great. It has a scene that is basically “Daaad you're embarrassing meee.” and I live for it. 8/10
Dark Imperium trilogy - Yes! Angry, PTSD, nihilistic Cato who has been taught manners by Guilliman so now he only fantasises about being an asshole instead of saying that shit out loud. He is great, and the books are great. 9/10
I probably missed some things but please tell me in the comments and I’ll update the list.
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boardgametoday · 8 months
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Black Library and Warhammer Heroes Series 4
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Black Library and Warhammer Heroes Series 4 #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #killteam
It’s an intriguing light week for next week’s Games Workshop pre-orders with multiple releases from Black Library being the highlight. Creed: Ashes of Cadia picks up decades since the Fall of Cadia. Ursula Creed heads to the shattered remains of the Cadian homeworld, a broken hellscape of deadly secrets. The book by Jude Reid will be available as a regular hardback, eBook, and audiobook formats…
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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Nine of Swords. Art by Camille Louise, from 78 Tarot Magical.
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
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I LOVE Nick Kyme's Salamanders so much!
He writes Primarchs and astartes with so much passion and empathy.
And it always cracks me up when the friendly green guys insist on being "totally fine, no emotions right here!", when simultaneously either seething with rage or bawling their eyes out.
The passage that inspired that pic:
‘You saw his body?’ ‘I was given the news,’ Thiel admitted. ‘I have no reason to doubt its veracity. He is dead, brother.’ Thiel approached, about to put a conciliatory hand on the Salamander’s shoulder, but Numeon recoiled. ‘Do not try to console me, sergeant,’ he said coldly. ‘Do not mistake my Promethean creed for grief. I believe Vulkan is alive. Every time I see his sigil and feel the warmth of its captured forge heat in my hands, I know this to be true.’ ‘Cousin, please.’ Numeon held up his hand in a gesture for silence. ‘We Salamanders are taught to be masters of our emotions. As such, we are not given to sudden bouts of apoplexy, but you risk the failure of that resolve if you try to convince me of my father’s death.’
Kyme, Nick. Deathfire (The Horus Heresy Book 32) (S.53-54). Black Library. Kindle-Version.
Background: History in 3D - check that site out. It's mindblowing.
Because Rome 100 AD in my mind looks a lot like Macragge. And at that time a lot of the Salamanders were there to do the "dwarves around Snow White's casket"-thing.
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tvserie-film · 8 months
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Title: Emperor's Deliverance (2011) Author: Nick Kyme Vote: 7.5/10
Small episode of a much larger military campaign which, however, does not concern heated fighting but the treatment that the Malevolent Marines give to ordinary people. It goes without saying that they are insensitive bastards and yet we see a glimmer of decency, very small, and yet it is there.
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voicelesshatred · 2 years
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.:OOC「 So I kinda ducked into a neat little RP via Second Life and... may have solidified a Nice Guy™ persona for Caim by accident.
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azazel-dreams · 2 years
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The Legacy of Deeds by Nick Kyme (Sherlock Holmes)
Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ahzek · 23 days
What the hell is going on with The Iron Kingdom by Nick Kyme?
I know that 40k novels often struggle with consistency, but the sheer illogical happenings in this book are driving me crazy, so I decided to write some of this down before my head explodes.
Spoilers below this point. Also a lot of ranting.
1) How in hell did the most undiplomatic idiot get command of the battle group sent on a diplomatic mission??
- they want resupply from this world
- they want to establish a supply hub
- and all they bring in return is the dead heir to the local monarchy
- to a Knight world, which are notorious for their focus on their own sovereignty.
How the fuck do you get the idea "You know what? This is gonna go swimmingly, I'll just send some ships ahead so they can start collecting resources a few days early."
Getting there took 5 *years*, why would you care about a few days and antagonise the local governess before even establishing communications?
2) Who made this unstable, impulsive despot queen of this world??
Imperial tithe collectors trample a few fields and antagonise the locals? - doesn't do anything.
Fleet master establishes communication? - Just exchange half a dozen sentences, just hinting at all the problems, but not really talking anything through.
Find that your dead daughters skin has just *slightly stretched* after being dead for over 5 years despite statis field? - Immediately lose it and give orders to assassinate an ambassadorial delegation of several dozen imperials (itself pretty much a declaration of war) including a General, a Silent Sister and a damn Custodes??? A literal companion of the emperor, mythical being and all that?
(And her brother, who fought along these people for years, is just ok with this besides some slight protests?)
3) Speaking of the Custodes, why does such an interesting character established in a previous book (part of the diplomatic corps of Custodes, but not really that good at it, but working on it) who fits this situation perfectly, get nothing more that one scene where he is reading a bit and another where he just dies instantly to some Knights?
Where is the awe-inspriring influence of these legendary warriors on normal humans?
Where is his diplomatic skill and authority, why does he just let the undiplomaitic idiots fuck everything up?
What did Andy do to Nick, that he just slaughters his characters such as Vychellan just like that?
4) What kind of idiot selected this Kingsward, protector of the queen?
He finally finds the renegade he has been hunting for *years* by walking into a trap and turning it around, defeats him and then just... leaves? Because he got word of the war the Queen started?
He's right there, just finish this guy, you need at least an hour to get back to the Palace anyway, what does it matter? But no, gotta let him live, to he can get back later and cause problems, I guess. At least give him a miraculous escape, not "enemy turned around at the last moment, because he's an idiot."
5) Then we have some usual inconsistencies turned up the maximum with the primarchs equerry Messinius not just being completely aware of the situation just days into the conflict, but *actually there*?? During a time of exceptionally difficult warp travel??? How the hell do you justify that? Did he secretly sell his soul to the dark gods, or something?
There's more with the Iron Veil being unrealistic and the strength of the Kamidarian atomic weapons not making sense, but maybe that's just the physicist in me being pedantic (and fairly common in 40k, so whatever).
But sentences like "The Imperiums ressources are not inexhaustible" just hurt when reading because, yes, for a single world like yours they pretty much are and you should know that...
That's it, ranting over (for now).
Haven't finished the boom yet and seriously thinking about not finishing it at all, which would be a first for me.
Really enjoyed the Dawn of Fore series so far (although Wolftime was a bit weary), but this book has me pulling out hair..
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quirkycatsfatstacks · 2 months
WOTN: Sepulturum by Nick Kyme (Black Library)
A Dark and Twisted Tale in Sepulturum Sepulturum is one of the more recent additions to Warhammer Horror, part of the Black Library collection. It’s a chilling tale involving monsters, men, and other elements that make this game and universe so enticing. Morgravia Sanctus has headed to Blackgheist hoping to piece together her missing memories. Ideally, before whoever is hunting her finally…
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two-reflections · 4 months
I keep trying to think up excuses to make Tu'shan and Dante kiss. Then I remember The Burden of Angels is canon.
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ladymirdan · 7 months
I'm listening to audiobooks while I paint and spoiler for Knights of Macragge:
Im at the scene where Prabian dies, last time it fucked me up for like 3 weeks. Not sure of this is a good idea a second time...
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boardgametoday · 1 year
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Arks of Omen: Vashtorr arrives with Wrath of the Soul Forge King and more!
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Arks of Omen: Vashtorr arrives with Wrath of the Soul Forge King and more! #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #warhammercommunity #horusheresy #lotr #middleearth
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dzelonis · 7 months
Shadows of Treachery - Horus Heresy #22
Links uz grāmatas Goodreads lapu Manas pārdomas Ierindota The Horus Heresy sērijā ar kārtas numuru #22, Shadows of Treachery interesantā veidā iekļauj sevī stāstus, kuri norisinās vēl pavisam īsi pēc fakta, kad Horus atklāj visiem, kam rūp, savu nodevību. Kā arī krājumu noslēdzošā novele krietni labāk tematiski iederētos iepriekšējā krājumā šajā sērijā Primarchs, ka gandrīz ir vēlēšanās aplūkot…
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