#la adelita
miucrew · 1 year
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Chavarri S/S ‘23
Samples inspired by Las Soldaderas of the Mexican Revolution.
Paired with an antique Mexican Sombrero from the early 1900s.
"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it"
Model: @emilyeanae
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Toda revolución necesita un héroe y una musa.
Adela Velarde Pérez fue las dos cosas.
Pero, como sucede con todos los mitos identitarios, en la historia de esta mujer que posiblemente inspiró el corrido más famoso de la revolución mexicana y dio nombre a las "adelitas", se entreteje la memoria y la leyenda.
La imagen de Adela Velarde, jovencísima, de ojos grandes, mirando intensamente a la cámara bajo su enorme sombrero, agarrando una bandera mexicana en una mano y una espada en la otra, su diminuto cuerpo cruzado por un cinturón de balas, encarna la esencia de un espíritu nacional, de una identidad mexicana valiente y revolucionaria.
Ella representa a las miles de mujeres anónimas que se unieron a la Revolución mexicana (1910-1920) a las que se conoce como "adelitas", y que consiguieron derrocar la dictadura de Porfirio Díaz.
El corrido de "La Adelita", quizás el más famoso de toda la época de la revolución, se cantaba obsesivamente en los frentes y hoy se sigue escuchando, popularizado por cantantes como Jorge Negrete o Amparo Ochoa.
Sin embargo, la historia de la "Adelita" original sigue siendo en parte un misterio.
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Según la biografía que el gobierno de México tiene sobre ella, fue nieta del destacado general juarista Rafael Velarde, que luchó contra las tropas francesas.
Siendo aún adolescente se unió a las filas de la revolución, apoyando a la Asociación Mexicana de la Cruz Blanca en labores de enfermería.
Formó parte de la División del Norte del Ejército Constitucionalista, y posteriormente se incorporó al Cuerpo de Ejército del Noreste.
El 22 de febrero de 1941, Velarde fue reconocida como "Veterana de la Revolución" por la Secretaría de Defensa Nacional mexicana y, según el Museo de la Mujer, fue nombrada miembro de la Legión de Honor Mexicana en 1962.
Al acabar la revolución trabajó en Ciudad de México como mecanógrafa en la administración de Correos. En 1965 se reencontró con un coronel que había conocido en sus años de lucha, Alfredo Villegas, con quien se casó en 1965.
Poco después, la pareja se mudó a Estados Unidos, donde vivió hasta su muerte en 1971, debido a un cáncer de ovario. Sus restos yacen en el cementerio de San Felipe, en Del Río, Texas.
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Estas es, practicamente, casi la única información contrastada que se tiene de ella.
A partir de ahí, casi todo son relatos, más o menos fabulados, inspirados por el romanticismo de su personaje.
El mito la retrata como una muchacha valiente y bella, cuyos ideales revolucionarios la convirtieron en un ejemplo para otras mujeres que se unieron al alzamiento, a las que hoy se conoce como "adelitas" y que desempeñaron un papel fundamental en las guerrillas.
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Las "adelitas" siguen desfilado en cada aniversario de la revolución mexicana.
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aperint · 5 months
Revolución mexicana
Revolución mexicana #aperturaintelectual #palabrasbajollave @tmoralesgarcia1 Thelma Morales García
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eddie-roo · 1 year
Este día de la mujer me gustaría conmemorar a las mujeres mexicanas que hicieron y están haciendo historia.
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sarajugali · 8 months
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🥳Celebremos nuestra cultura, nuestra deliciosa comida, los lugares increíbles que tenemos y todas las maravillas que este bello país nos ofrece. Disfruten mucho de esta nochecita, que la pasen súper chido y desde el otro lado de la pantalla brindo con un delicioso mezcalacho!!✨
🎇🍻Saluuuuud a todos!!🍻🎇
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cartelheir · 1 year
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tommy’s office looks way less intimidating after hours,   when the lights are dim like he was just about to leave.      in her hands shines a nice,   expensive-looking bottle of tequila;   and it would cost her quite a penny,   if she didn’t own the company that made it.      ❝    a sample of what we smuggle across the american border everyday.     it’s getting quite popular over there.    ❞      she sets the bottle over his desk,   carefully.
❝    have you ever tried it?    ❞
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marcogiovenale · 2 months
27 febbraio, bologna: "l'arte come riparazione. ricerche artistiche per intervenire sul presente"
L’ARTE COME RIPARAZIONE Ricerche artistiche per intervenire sul presente Presentazione del libro Martedì 27 febbraio 2024, ore 18 @ Librerie.coop Ambasciatori Via degli Orefici, 19, Bologna cliccare per ingrandire Continue reading 27 febbraio, bologna: “l’arte come riparazione. ricerche artistiche per intervenire sul presente”
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bellflower-goat · 8 months
I am only a girl on September 15th, November 2nd and November 20th
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zerounotvadri · 10 months
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Chihuahua es el mayor estado productor de manzanas en México. Ahí se ubica Grupo la Norteñita, la empresa que más produce estas frutas en el país.  
De niños nunca faltó en la cocina de mamá una manzana que satisficiera nuestros antojos repentinos, tampoco en nuestra lonchera ni en los días de campo en los parques cuando no había clases, pero ¿alguna vez te has preguntado de dónde venían esas frutas? 
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Anualmente los manzanos necesitan un periodo de frío que naturalmente reciben en invierno, a ese lapso se le llama dormancia. 
En México el mayor productor de manzanas es Grupo La Norteñita, que se ubica en Chihuahua, el mayor estado productor de este fruto en el país. 
En primavera los árboles necesitan ser polinizados, por eso los productores literalmente rentan miles de colmenas para que las abejitas “trabajen” en los campos durante esa época.
¿Alguna vez has contado las semillas cuando comes una manzana? Cada una representa el trabajo de una abeja polinizadora, es decir, si tiene cinco semillas, significa que ¡cinco abejas contribuyeron a su crecimiento!
Para contrarrestar los efectos de las heladas los productores acostumbran cubrir todo el huerto con mallas, así evitan que el granizo dañe los frutos. Si es necesario se utilizan abanicos para mezclar las capas de aire frío y cálido para evitar que la fruta se congele.
A medida que se acerca la época de cosecha se realizan mediciones en la fruta para determinar su madurez: se verifica su presión, el nivel de azúcar y otros parámetros para asegurar que se corten en el momento preciso. ¡Es como si fueran al doctor! 
En La Norteñita la cosecha es totalmente artesanal, en sus campos trabajan miles de manos expertas, muchas de ellas rarámuris.     
Las bolsas donde los recolectores colocan la fruta después de cortarla se llaman cotenses. En ellas cargan las manzanas para transportarlas del árbol hasta una especie de cajón gigante con una capacidad de 400 kilos. Cada día llenan decenas de ellos.
Cuando las manzanas llegan a la zona de empaque, toman un “baño de manzana”: los frutos pasan por debajo de una cortina de agua fría enriquecida con nutrientes que sirve para disminuir su temperatura y evitar que sigan madurando.  
Cuando las manzanas se refrigeran deben vigilarse día y noche sus niveles de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono para asegurar su “juventud”. 
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María Elena Aguirre, Subdirectora Comercial de Grupo La Norteñita, cuenta que en todo este proceso las máquinas son de gran ayuda, “pero el toque final lo tienen siempre las personas”, pues son ellas quienes logran que al final de todo el proceso varias líneas de transporte puedan llevar cada semana a todo el país más de 80 cargas, cada una con 23 o 24 toneladas de manzanas.  Aún después de conseguir todo esto, siempre tienes algo por descubrir porque, como ha dicho un productor muy famoso, “es muy fácil cultivar manzanas: sólo necesitas 100 lecciones”, pero sólo puedes aprender una por año, porque al final la naturaleza es siempre quien tiene la última palabra.
¡Cada manzana cuenta una historia!
# # #
Acerca de Grupo La Norteñita
Grupo La Norteñita es el gigante agroalimentario de México, hasta 4 de cada 10 manzanas que llegan a nuestros hogares provienen de sus campos. Gracias a su espíritu pionero y disruptivo en innovación tecnológica, es líder en producción, conservación, industrialización, empaque y comercialización de manzanas. Nació hace más de 50 años del sueño de Salvador Corral Piñón y hoy es cuna de las mejores manzanas. Delisana, su marca paraguas, envuelve a las marcas Chavalinas, Mansanísima y Corsal, así como a los productos Chavalinas Dip, Deli Chips y Jugo Mansanísima; La Adelita se distribuye bajo el sello La Norteñita. El brazo social de La Norteñita es la Fundación Camichalo, que implementa acciones para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus colaboradores y grupos vulnerables. Su responsabilidad social y ambiental le han valido importantes reconocimientos y certificaciones. Sus productos se pueden encontrar en tiendas de autoservicio, mercados y tiendas locales. Para más información por favor visita www.grupolanortenita.com/ y  www.delisana.com.mx
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pluralmx-blog · 2 years
Ciudadanos del Ejido Las Adelitas reiteraron su apoyo al Licenciado Adán Augusto López, Secretario de Gobernación
#Noticias La vocación de servicio de  Adán Augusto López Hernández, lo que lo lleva a ser un excelente servidor público, que ama a su país, siendo esta una de las fortalezas del actual Secretario de Gobernación
San Luis Río Colorado Sonora 21 de septiembre de 2022.-En el salón social del “Ejido las Adelitas”, ubicado en la población del mismo nombre, de la zona rural del municipio de San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora,  se llevó a cabo una reunión con un grupo de personas para  continuar con la agenda de actividades de la agrupación denominada  “A GUSTO CON ADÁN”, quienes a convocatoria de Carlos Ariel…
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"La Adelita" ♡ Leo Valdez x Fem!Reader
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status: finished
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summary: You and Leo have this type of friendship-rivalry relationship. You don't actually hate each other, but you are constantly joking that you do.
And you also start to receive these messy, almost geometrical letters in spanglish.
2.3k-ish words
warnings: reader uses she/her pronouns and fem terms. There are references to Mexican Adelitas, but you don't know much about them in this fic (there are explanations). Leo wants to be conventionally romantic. Spanglish w/translations. There is an original character who is Reader's half-sibling. Slightly ooc.
tags: friendly rivals to lovers, you both act dumb (there is one of you who actually is though), Mexican Leo, reader isn't very informed on Mexican history, Leo is going crazy.
a/n: i'm a history nerd
I. Behind A Facade.
Who in the Hades wanted Leo to swordfight with you? He was just alright by watching how you defeated every single one of your contrincants.
— Come on, dude. You have to grab a sword again after some time — Percy commented, bumping the son of Hephaestus as a, supposedly, encouraging action.
Jason was there too, just visiting Camp Half-Blood for a few days:—. You really like her, don't you?
Leo watched as you pointed your sword to a knocked out opponent. He did wish (luckily just a little) that you would shove him to the ground and-
— Helloooooo? Bro, you zoned out — the Camp Jupiter member shook Leo slightly.
— He's down bad.
— You were the same with Annabeth. Let the guy alone — Percy rolled his eyes in response, Jason turned once again to Leo —. You are going to thank me.
And the blond pushed him inside the circle just when you were asking who would want to face you. Leo changed his head-on-the-clouds demeanor and you looked at him.
— Didn't know you were so brave, Valdez — you teased, grabbing an armor to hand to him.
— And one wouldn't expect for you to point swords at people's necks so often. But here we are — he playfully grinned. Jason and Percy looked at each other in a mutual 'awe' expression.
You gave him the armor. Leo grabbed a sword.
— I won't have mercy on you — you teased.
— You never do — he responded.
The tension could be cut with a knife.
— And that's on our hate for each other — you shrugged. Neither of you truly believed in those words —. Now, should we start the match?
— I'm giving you time to run away — his grin was still visible, it never left his face.
— You feel smart for going on a few quests, Valdez. You sure you grabbed that sword recently?
— We'll see.
The combat began. At first, it was just pointing your swords at each other. Then Leo decided to make the first move, he tried to attack but you quickly made both of your swords clash.
Leo was a really strong guy, it was hard at first to maintain the sword clashing his, but then you found the way and threw his sword in the air when he least expected it.
You pointed your sword at his neck. He tripped and watched you, from the ground, making your victory evident after a few seconds. You didn't move your weapon though. It was adorable to see Leo nervous, or well- at least you thought he was, since he was perfectly fine but didn't move nonetheless.
The boy's pupils were probably as dilated as they could as you made him the loser infront of the whole camp.
Jason and Percy laughed a little loud. Their noise was kind of muted as the other campers talked, did victory sounds, or some other stuff.
... TiMESKiP ...
Leo was a romantic guy. He flirted, he gave gifts, he let people he liked talk about their interests and he didn't look unpleased.
It was different with you though.
Both of you developed some kind of friendly rivalry, making fun of each other in a slightly insulting way but taking care of each other-
Taking care of each other.
Leo remembered the time he didn't want to the infirmary after he ended up with a kind of big cut on his left hand.
He didn't forget how you decided to patch him up after he told you he wasn't going to the infirmary after last time, blah, blah, blah, excuses. He just wanted to feel your hands.
Leo remembered the Adelitas. They were strong, they owned weapons, they healed, they gave company to the soldiers.
He did feel like you were his Adelita.
Gods, he was way too enchanted by you. And he couldn't take it anymore. He had to leave it somewhere and let it rot.
It was still the morning, close to lunch break. Leo decided he would talk about it with Annabeth, somehow she seemed far more reasonable than fishboy and Jason together. Maybe because her godly parent was the Goddess of Wisdom.
— Writing helps me on those ocassions.
Yeah. Well. Annabeth saw it her way. Leo physically couldn't grab a damn pen without shaking.
— Did you show Percy your writings?
— Just a few. I had to read them outloud, but you know, he's just a Seaweed Brain. I don't think your crush would take that much time reading.
Maybe if Leo's handwriting wasn't shit. Just maybe.
He looked doubtful at Annabeth's advice, not because it wasn't useful, Leo just couldn't grab a pen for shit.
— Everything okay? — the daughter of Athena asked him as she noticed his silence.
— It would be cool to write her stuff, but I can't write.
— You can. You just don't want to.
Annabeth was good at reading people, Leo could tell.
— There are other ways though. I'm just saying what I do.
Leo thanked Annabeth and started his way from the Athena cabin to Bunker 9.
— Hey Valdez — you greeted him and he stopped walking —. You good? I think you got a little scared during the match. I wanted to know if everything's alright — you were being kind with him. But bold of you to assume he was scared, Leo would go back in time just to have the defeat again.
— Y-yeah, I'm fine — it came off an octave higher than expected. You looked confused.
— You sure? I'm sorry for-
— DON'T APOLOGIZE! It's fine — Leo screamed, a little accent popping up on the apologize part.
There was a brief silence. Gods. Leo couldn't be so tense and you, so dense.
— I'll bring you lunch. I suppose you are busy with a project or something — you slightly smiled at him —. See you around.
You left Leo and couldn't help but think if you crossed the line at some point.
You definitely didn't. He was just desperate to show that he didn't see you both as rivals, and that he mayyyyybe wanted something else than a friendship.
... TiMESKiP ...
You entered the bunker with a lunch in your hands, assuming only a certain boy was there. You were right.
— Hey, Valdez — you said, approaching him.
— HI — the high octave made a comeback. Leo turned the paper he was scribbling on so you couldn't see what he was writing.
There were papers everywhere, you didn't judge at all but it seemed like the Hephaestus child was stressed. You couldn't even tease him, you would feel bad for it afterwards.
— Come on, take a break. I brought you food — you smiled, handing him his personal favorite lunch. You weren't going to tell him you had to ask Jason, and that he looked at you with an "I know what's going on" look when you did —. So, what are you working on?
— Just some... em... ideas — Leo's American English was slowly fading.
— Well, leave it for now. You have to eat.
Leo avoided your eyes. He really wanted to keep trying to write so he could finally give his letter to you, but
1. He couldn't do it with you watching him (it would ruin the anonymous thing).
2. You wanted him to rest, even if you didn't know what he was exactly doing.
You let Leo eat. Then decided to talk with a smirk on your face.
— You are acting strange, Leo Valdez.
He would be lying if he said he didn't like his first name coming out of your mouth. It felt nice, specially since you often only called him Valdez.
Leo sighed:—. Just tons of work.
It wasn't common for Leo to stay so calm. He often did it when his social battery ran out. Was it one of those cases?
— Well, tell me if you need help with it — you managed to give a small smile —. I will leave in a bit, I have to do stuff... but I wanted you to know I don't really hate you, and that I'm always gonna be here... in the camp, obviously — you chuckled nervously. You were supposed to say "I'm always gonna be here for you", you insulted yourself mentally.
— Are you getting comfortable with me? — Leo finally looked at you with a playful grin.
— You say as if you are not the one following me around, Valdez.
— You never pushed me away.
The short silence was comfortable, but it got cut soon afterwards when you saw the clock on the wall; 2:24 pm, it was time for you to go teach some campers about swordfighting.
— I'm gonna be late for the lesson, sorry — you started going to the door and looked at Leo one last time —. See you at dinner?
Before he could respond, you went off. It wasn't a good impression to leave campers waiting if you were their teacher.
... TiMESKiP ...
You might have missed dinner. Yeah, you did.
In your defense, there was this camper who asked for a few matches to practice with swords. As soon as you finished setting everything back in place, you silently almost ran to your cabin so the harpies wouldn't catch you.
You saw a letter on your bed when you arrived. You inspected it closefully and read your name on the envelope— well, if it didn't say your name you wouldn't know what it was. The handwriting was shaky and almost geometrical in some parts, perhaps what you could expect on a paper written by a second-grader.
You pulled out the paper that was inside. Luckily, it was a better handwriting. It looked like the envelope was the last thing they wrote.
After a few minutes trying to understand the first two sentences, you gave up and went to the last ones, which were actually in English. It took you some time for your eyes to put every letter in place.
"Si quisieras ser mi novia,
Si quisieras ser mi mujer,
I would buy you a silk dress
just to take you dance at my place"
The next day you asked one of your half siblings about the meaning of the sentences in Spanish (you guessed it was just by mere luck). She took quite a while trying to read, since both of you have your brain written in Ancient Greek.
— "Si quisieras ser mi novia" means "if you wanted to be my girlfriend", and "si quisieras ser mi mujer" is like... "if you wanted to be my wife", mujer in that context is wife — Victoria responded and was hit with a sudden realization —. Wait, I think I know this song.
— It's a song?
— It's a classic Mexican song. I only listened to remixes, but I guess it is that one. The song is called "La Adelita"
— What does it mean?
— Not to be a gringo-hating latina, but I'm Uruguayan. México is far away from there; other subcontinent, even. — she interrupted herself —. Anyways, I'm not an expert, I never learned Mexican history very deeply. But the Adelitas are the women who fought for and healed soldiers in the Mexican Revolution. The one who gave you this must be crazy for you, I mean- every soldier in the revolution fell for the Adelitas. And that is a classical love song. And the writer changed the song lyrics to talk about you — she pointed out.
Victoria began singing the bit of the original song.
— "Si Adelita quisiera ser mi novia, si Adelita fuera mi mujer, le compraría un vestido de seda para llevarla a bailar al cuartel" — she sang rapidly in an Uruguayan accent, just so you could get the melody —. It's such a mariachi song. There are far better versions. Gods, you have to listen to a heavy metal version, it's soooo good.
— Why do you even know this? — you gave her a confused expression.
— Meh. Us, latinos learn about our kind. You'd be surprised by how many history every country has — she shrugged —. You have to tell me who this person is! They are such a romantic, if we ignore the handwriting a bit... but I mean, we both are dyslexic and somehow understood them‐ are you sure they are a demigod?
You knew it was Leo Valdez, but you really wanted to keep receiving these letters.
— They must be, yeah. I don't think one of the gods would enter to my cabin to leave a letter — you shrugged. It was true, gods tended to be much more direct. Leo was being shy with you even after all the teasing and light, hidden flirting.
— If you get to know who they are, tell me and I'll let you borrow some of my cds! — Victoria said happily, her ADHD kicking in and beginning to move her hands fastly as she talked —. I have a whole Cuarteto de Nos collection, my partner stole it for me — she mentioned proudly. She was really happy to date a daughter of Hermes.
You didn't know the artist your half-sibling mentioned. But you were deep in thought to even care.
Leo thought you were his Adelita, patching him up, battling with him (well, you very much battled against him instead, but you didn't count that) and he was deeply in love with you. Hell, he was nervous because he had these feelings for you. Feelings that were so big that he gave you a bit of a story of where he considered home.
Now you had to learn some things about the Mexican Revolution.
☆ comment to be tagged in the next chapter
a/n 2: there are many versions to La Adelita, I only focus on the lyrics.
Lo siento mucho si hay algún méxicano leyendo esto, pero aprendí de las Adelitas por una banda argentina que hizo una versión heavy metal.
Ty for reading ♡
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saccharinescorpion · 6 months
there's a lot i could say about the successful romance novel series by a white English lady about the "heir" to the KKK romancing a white-passing "cartel princess" named Adelita, but for whatever reason the main thing it keeps making me think of is the fact that recently a cartoon helmed by a Mexican-American woman was annouced and it was immediately denounced as being unspeakably offensive and one of the reasons given for this was the repeated assertion that having the charactes live in a place called "Terremoto Heights" ("Earthquake Heights") was like having an American show (the show is an American show) (it is set in LA) being called "9/11 Heights" because earthquakes happen in Mexico sometimes
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desolatus · 2 months
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A woman in Las Adelitas de Aztlán, a women’s organization that supported the Chicano movement, in Lincoln Heights, 1969. George Rodriguez
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broiderie · 3 months
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 26
Well don't kill me. Here's part 26. It's a bit of lead up.
Personal note - I'm now on some serious heart medication due to reoccurring heart issues, so I'm a little foggy. Things may be a bit slower than they used to be even though I hoped to stick to my previous posting of about a chapter a week. That's not working out very well. It's taking me longer to get my ideas on paper and then even longer to get them typed. Please be patient with me.
Warnings: cursing (maybe), show level casual illegal activity, Angel being a menace.
Also - don't steal my shit. This is the only place this is posted.
Taza, Hank, Megan and Rex quickly joined the rest of the club inside. “Morning, Poquito, Hank, Taza. You look like you’re going somewhere important,” Bishop greeted them as he claimed a morning hug from Megan. “What’s the plan today?”
Hank smiled ruefully. “Ask la princessa. She’s the one that’s insistent about it.”
Megan, who had moved on to giving Marcus his morning greeting, shot him a look over her good shoulder.
“Really now, Bebita? What’s he mean?” Marcus asked, looking down at her as he hugged her close. 
Megan sighed. “We’re going to see the doctor in Santa Madre for an x-ray. I want this sling off so I can have my life back.”
Creeper frowned from the bar stool where he was perched. “Didn’t the rez doctor say no?”
Megan grimaced. “He said not quite, but that was with the plaster cast. The soft cast and the immobilizing sling mean it’s been resting more than it had been. Some progress has to have been made.”
Bishop nodded and sat down at one of the tables with a cup of coffee. “How’s the pain?”
“Honestly - so much better. I haven’t had so much as an aspirin and it just feels achey and stiff,” she assured him.
“How achey?” Bishop asked again.
“More than a post workout ache but less than a set dislocated shoulder ache. I honestly think I’d be fine without the sling for the most part. I can always put it back on if it hurts.” She shrugged her good shoulder.
There was a collective wince from the elders at her description.
“What the hell, Shorty. How’d you know what a dislocated shoulder feels like, huh?” Angel asked, giving her a skeptical look.
“Angel - I rode in rodeos. Not a rider I know who hasn’t dislocated at least one shoulder once. In my event - that was the price of a mistake,” she smiled. “And a small price to pay rather than a broken leg or back.”
“Shit, Ma. And you did that shit for fun?” Coco added, puffing on his cigarette. 
“Well, the money was nice too.”
“Holy shit. No wonder you didn’t freak out about the pain.” Coco ashed the cigarette in his hand. “Y’all need someone to ride along?”
“Nah. Thanks, Coco. We’re good, I think. Just a quick run for an x-ray,” Hank assured him as he settled into a chair across the table from Taza.
“Besides- like Creep said - the rez doc didn’t think she was healed enough yet. Good possibility it’s still too early but la princessa is impatient,” Taza said with a grin in Megan’s direction. SHe stuck her tongue out at him.
“Well, we have Angel and EZ doing the Adelita meet today. They’re going South anyway. Might as well go along with you so they don’t have to walk from the desert,” Bishop said. He turned to look at EZ where he was polishing glasses. “Prospect, you better do your memory shit. Poquito could only arrange for the two of you. We’ll hold Templo tonight so everyone gets read in at once.”
EZ nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
“And don’t fuck it up,” Hank added.
Taza agreed. “You two fuck up  this gun deal… Neither of you can afford it. The club can’t afford it.”
Both brothers nodded solemnly. 
It wasn’t even an hour laters that they met at the dress warehouse hatch. By now they had this to a science. EZ carried Rex. The ladder was difficult for Megan on handed, so Hank went first so he could catch her if she slipped. Taza stayed at the top guiding her down as far as he could maintain his balance. 
The tunnel itself wasn’t too bad. The terrain was a bit rough, but nothing Megan couldn’t handle with the help of the lights and either Taza or Hank’s guiding hand on her good arm. 
THe hatch on the other end, however, was the bane of her existence. The ladder was built for much taller men so the rungs were further apart and roughly built. They weren’t evenly spaced either. When they reached it Megan sighed. She had slipped every time at this end.
“What’s wrong, Princessa?” EZ asked. “Need a break?” He handed her a bottle of water from the backpack he was carrying. 
Megan shot him a rueful smile and sipped it. “More like an elevator. I hate this ladder.”
Taza grimaced. “We’ll get a new one soon, Chica. Just gotta deal until then.”
Angel eyed the ladder. “Bet me and the boyscout could get you up it easier.”
Hank frowned a bit and tugged Megan to rest against his chest a moment. “What do you mean, Angel?”
“We got Creep up it pretty easy when he needed the doc. Megan’s a lot smaller.” Angel shrugged. “Same way we used to get shit into the attic for Pops.”
EZ broke into a wide grin. “You might be right.”
Taza shrugged a bit as he glanced at Megan. “What do you say, Chica? Want to let them try it?”
Megan eyed the hated ladder, before turning to eye the brothers. “Promise not to drop me?”
Angel gave a sardonic laugh. “And risk getting shot? We won’t drop you, Shorty.”
“Alright then. How’re we doing this?” she asked.
Angel grinned. “Taza, you and EZ go first. Once you’re up, EZ lays on the floor to lift la princessa with Taza to anchor him. Megan gets on my shoulder an’ EZ pulls her out. Simple. Reyes Brothers Elevator.”
Hank chuckled and shook his head, amazed at the simplicity of it. “I’ll help steady you, mi amore. This way you don’t risk falling like yesterday.” The day before, Megan had been lucky Hank was behind her for the ladder. He’d had to catch her twice.
Just like Angel outlined, Taza and EZ went first with EZ carrying Rex. Taza paid the toll while the prospect laid down and hung his top half through the hatch. Taza anchored his legs as Hank helped Angel get Megan onto his shoulders and steadied her as he stood. Then EZ locked his arm and pulled Megan up until Taza could help her out of the hatch. In the end, EZ was breathing a little heavy, but the near disaster of the day before had been averted. Angel and Hank then climbed up to join them. 
“Thanks Angel and EZ. That was much easier on my end,” Megan said, smiling at the brothers. 
Angel gave a slightly cocky grin. “Anything for la princessa de los Mayas, right Prospect?”
EZ laughed a little and straightened his kutte. “Right.”
Once they reached the town, Angel and EZ dropped them off at the storefront where the doctor kept an office upstairs and headed out to the coordinates Luisa had sent to the burner phone in Angel’s pocket. 
“Alright, Chica. Let’s go get this x-ray and find out how you’re doing. After, we can go find something to do until Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum get back,” Taza said with a grin.
Hank led the way up the narrow stairs and paused at the top to smile back at Megan. “You ready, mi amore?”
Megan smiled a little nervously. “You’ll stay with me?”
“Of course, Princessa.” He chuckled a little. “We’d have to anyway - Doc doesn’t speak English.”
Inside, Taza spoke with a man quietly in Spanish as Megan leaned into Hank’s side. The conversation wasn’t very long before the man smiled at Megan and waved her forward. 
Megan turned to look at Taza. 
“He just wants to take the sling off and feel for the break before he x-rays you, Chica,” Taza assured her. 
Hank guided her forward and worked the sling straps on her back to release them. Once the sling was off, he sat her on the narrow wooden table while holding her good hand.
The doctor approached with his hands held calmingly out in front of him. He gently pressed along her collarbone. He looked at Hank and asked something. 
“Mi reina, he wants to know if it hurts when he touches it,” Hank translated. 
“No. It’s a little achey, but that’s just the stiffness I think,” Megan said. 
The doctor nodded as Taza translated what was said. He gestured for Hank to step away from Megan and rolled a camera looking machine in front of her before holding a metal panel behind her shoulder. Megan fought the urge to giggle as she realized that the x-ray machine was a portable vet tool. 
The doctor took the shots that he needed before indicating that he’d be back in a moment. 
As soon as he was out of the room, Megan lost the battle with her giggles. Both men grinned at her. 
“What’s so funny, Chica?” Taza asked, amused at her reaction to this doctor. He had expected nerves or even some defiance like he’d seen the other times doctors had looked at her. 
“Papa, he’s not a doctor, is he? He’s a vet,” Megan bit her lip to stifle her laugh.
Hank burst out laughing while Taza stared at her for a moment before joining in. 
“How’d you know, Princessa?” Hank asked as he moved to support her still splinted arm through her laughing fit.
“The x-ray machine gave it away. And he wasn’t exactly concerned that he couldn’t talk to me directly. Plus - he came at me like I was going to cow kick him if he surprised me.”
Taza laughed again. “You’re right. He’s a farm vet. We didn’t want to scare you with him not being a ‘real’ doctor, so we just didn’t say anything.”
Megan smiled mischievously. “Well - for future reference - I’d much rather the vet than the hospital any day.”
An hour or so later they were walking down the narrow steps to the street level again with Megan’s sling tucked into a bag. The doctor had given the go ahead to remove the sling as long as she wasn’t using her arm too much and there wasn’t a lot of pain. He’s also provided Hank with a refill of the ibuprofen - just in case.
Once on the street, they decided to head to a small restaurant down the street to wait for the Reyes brothers and have lunch. 
Taza ordered for them at the counter while Hank and Megan found a table in a spot where they could see the door. Megan kept rolling her right shoulder until Hank gently rubbed his hand down her spine and across her shoulders. “Are you alright, mi reina?” he asked her as he did it. 
Megan gave a soft groan of relief as Hank rubbed. Hank chuckled at the noise as she answered. “I’m fine. Just stiff.” She paused, arching her back into his rubbing hand. “That feels so good.”
Hank laughed again and scooted his chair back from the table. “Come ‘ere, Princessa. Let me help.” He tugged her to sit in his lap facing him and leaned her forward against his chest so he could gently rub the knots from her back that the sling caused. 
Megan melted against him as the firm pressure released her muscles even through her kutte and holster. 
Hank grinned as Taza came to the table with two trays of food and drinks. His smile assured Taza that nothing was seriously wrong. 
Taza placed the trays on the table and took his seat across from her. “Everything alright?” he asked quietly. 
Megan nodded from where her face was buried in between Hank’s neck and shoulder but made  no move to get up. She let out another quiet moan that only Hank could hear as he hit a particularly nice spot. 
Hank chuckled again and tried not to think about it too much. He liked that noise. He met Taza’s eyes. “Yeah. She’s just stiff and her back muscles are in knots from the sling. 
Taza laughed a little. “So that’s why she’s practically purring.” 
Hank grinned. He tilted his chin to kiss Megan’s hair. “Your papa brought lunch. You ready to eat?” he asked her. 
Megan whined a little, but nodded before lifting her head. Hank helped her to settle back into her chair with a laugh. “A hot shower when we get home will help, mi amore.”f
As they ate, they made plans for the rest of the day. They had Templo when they got back to discuss the deal with the L.O. but after that no plans had been made. 
“Well, your tíos and I need to meet after Templo to do some book work, so I’ll be tied up for the night. What are your plans, Chica?” Taza asked as he discreetly added more rice to Megan’s plate while she was distracted. 
“Don’t know. I need to let Riz know to put me back on the schedule since the sling is off, but I also know that he’s already got this week’s schedule posted. I looked this morning,” Megan said as she ate the taco she'd fixed from the communal plates Taza had ordered them. “Will you be in meetings too, Hank?”
Hank sipped his soda and shook his head. “Nah. All my book stuff is done for the next two weeks.” He leaned back in his chair and slid his arm along the back of Megan’s. “Now that your sling’s off - would you want to do something tonight?”
Megan’s eyes sparkled. “Like a date?”
Hank laughed. “Yes. Like an actual date, mi princessa. Nothing too fancy, but a date.”
Megan bounced a little in her chair. “Yes!”
Taza grinned at her enthusiasm. “There we go. I’ll be home late too, so don’t wait up for me.”
“Would you keep Rex for the night?” Hank asked, petting the big dog’s ears under the table. “I thought we might take the bike.”
Megan lit up further “Really?”
“If your papa doesn’t mind.”
Megan turned to him with her big, brown eyes pleading.
“Yes. I’ll keep the pooch - if you promise to stay with Hank, Chica. I like you having him as an extra line of defense when you’re out, so you have to promise not to do anything stupid,” Taza stipulated. 
“I promise, Papa.”
“Alright then. You two will have date night while the pooch and I work late.”
Hank’s burner beeped from his kutte pocket. He pulled it out and checked it without removing his arm from Megan’s chair. “Angel and the Prospect are back in town.”
“Perfect timing. Let’s go home.”
They met the brothers back where they’d split up. Angel quickly abandoned the driver's seat to Taza and Megan got shotgun with Hank behind her. 
At the hatch, this time Taza went first followed by Megan. It was much easier without the sling. She managed to slip once, but caught herself. Once they were at the bottom, EZ frowned at the ladder. “That thing really does need fixed. La Princessa shouldn’t have to struggle with it every time. Especially since she’s going to be dealing with this trip a lot as the armorer,” he said.
“Glad you volunteer, Prospect,” Hank agreed. “You can start on it tomorrow.”
Megan giggled a little as she caught her breath in the close confines of the tunnel but petting Rex.
“You good, Shorty? Didn’t bust nothin’ when you slipped, did ya?” Angel asked.
Megan stuck her tongue out at him. “I’m fine. Just missed a rung.”
“Alright. Just checkin’. No harm in that,” Angel grinned a bit. “Hey Boyscout - maybe you need to use that big brain of yours to figure out a lift, huh? That way la princessa doesn’t break a nail.”
Megan smacked Angel in the chest with the back of her good hand and laughed. “You suck, Angel.”
“That’s why the women love me.”
Megan wrinkled her nose. “Eeewwww. TMI.”
Angel cracked up. “You asked for it.”
Taza shook his head with an exasperated chuckle and shoved Angel forward along the tunnel. “Get going before you scar my daughter for life.”
They made their way back to the Northern hatch where they all climbed out into the dress warehouse with EZ helping to lift Rex through the door. They were all a little dusty, but none the worse for wear.
Back at the clubhouse, Megan proudly walked in without her sling to find Bishop and Marcus relaxing at a table with a few beers.
“Well look at you, Poquito. Doctor freed you?” Bishop asked, standing to claim a hug.
Megan stepped into his embrace with a smile. “Still gotta wear the soft cast and be easy with it, but he cleared me to lose the sling.”
“Good. That’ll make dance lessons easier,” Marcus said as he got his own hug,
“Among other things,” Megan agreed. 
“Is everyone here?” Hank asked.
“Waiting on Riz. He went to help Vickie with something,” Bishop said, taking his seat back.
Taza and Hank joined them as Angel split off to the bar where Coco and Gilly were waiting. EZ went to fetch drinks automatically as Hank pulled Megan onto his knee. 
“He needs to hurry up. La Princessa and her caballero have a date tonight,” Taza said, accepting the beer from EZ.
Marcus grinned. “Finally going to take Poquito somewhere, Tranq?”
Hank grinned. “That’s the plan if nothing fucking it up this time.”
Bishop looked over his shoulder at where Angel was sipping on his own beer. “We’ll be fine for one night, brother. Take Poquito out tonight. If shit hits the fan - it can wait until tomorrow for you.” He grinned. “Now, that being said - you have planning to do. So get to it. Poquito - did the doctor say when the soft cast can come off?”
Hank chuckled and pressed a kiss to the place where Megan’s neck met her shoulder before sliding out from in under her. He watched as Megan settled into his seat and got distracted by her tío’s question before slipping out to the front porch. 
Megan smiled at Bishop. “Tío, why’re you asking me? You know very well the doctor doesn’t speak English.”
Bishop laughed and nodded. “You’re right. You’re right. So what did your papa tell you he said?”
“Still another three weeks or so - as long as I don’t do anything stupid. I kind of think Papa added that part on though,” Megan teased.
Taza laughed. “I paraphrased. That’s all Chica.”
They chatted amicably for a bit before Angel came over to ask to speak to Bishop and Taza alone for a minute in Templo. That left Megan with Marcus.
“Have you heard anything from Tía Diana and Tessa?” Megan asked. “I haven’t heard much since they left.”
Marcus sat forward at the table to smile at her. He leaned his forearms there and smiled. “Yeah. I heard from them at about lunch time. They’re probably still on the road though. Tessa doesn’t have much patience for car rides, so Diana will stop often to let her stretch.” He fiddled with his beer bottle a bit. “I talked to your tía about the move. She agrees that it’s probably best for everyone if I pause my patch for a bit.”
Megan reached across the table to squeeze his fingers. “And you? What do you think?”
He squeezed back before meeting her eyes. “I think she’s right. It makes the most sense, Bebita.”
“Then why the hesitation?” she asked quietly.
“I don’t know who I am without this kutte, Poquito. I’ve been wearing it so long it’s practically my skin at this point.” He sighed. “I’m struggling with letting go.”
“I understand. It’s like leaving rodeo was for me.” She fiddled with his signet ring, “But Tío, you aren’t leaving for good. It’s just like recon.”
He chuckled. “You’re right. We’ll make the call at the Templo after this one. I want to be sure the gun deal is solid first. Besides - this way nothing is on Hank’s mind tonight except you. Finally getting a real date night, huh? You gonna let him show out?”
Megan laughed and sat back. “You mean I could stop him?”
“Good point.”
Bishop and Taza returned with very serious faces. Megan sat up straight in alarm. “Papa? Everything alright?”
“Sí, Chica. Angel just had some information for us.” He pressed a reassuring kiss to the top of her head before resuming his seat. “Your tío is going to take care of it before Templo.”
Bishop nodded and gathered Gilly and Creeper before riding out. 
“Anything I need to know, Hermano?” Marcus asked.
Taza shook his head. “Nah. Charter issue.”
Marcus nodded. 
When Bishop and the others returned, Bishop’s face was like a thundercloud and Riz was with them. Hank followed them in from the front porch too. Bishop didn’t even have to say anything. He just grabbed the whiskey bottle and a glass and headed for Templo. Everyone followed.
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apokrify · 1 year
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Hilda Jensen
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cartelheir · 1 year
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@proofwhisky​​   :   “The guy I know was a cold-blooded bastard.” for pat! THE USUAL SUSPECTS,   accepting!
❝    HE IS.    ❞      it’s not her intention to defend benjamín nor to confirm the accusation,   but she doesn’t feel fazed,   much less  surprised,   by his reputation of ruthlessness.     it’s simply a  reality  to her.      ❝    how else do you think one goes through a revolution  and  a great war?    ❞
her father’s warnings to  tread lightly  when dealing with potential partnerships   ━━   or rivals,   depending on how you look at it   ━━   so far away from home almost go ignored as her eyes study the man across from her with intrigue and curiosity.     she doesn’t hesitate to lean forward and rest her elbow on his expensive-looking desk,   her head coming to rest on top of her hand in a casual,   unconcerned manner.
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❝    is it an issue that i associate with him?    ❞      she asks.      ❝    does he  scare  you,   thomas?    ❞
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