#learn egnlish
peu-usage · 3 years
A form used to show possession and similar ideas.
My, your, his, her etc are possessive pronouns (they stand for the speaker's, the hearer's, that person etc.).
Mine, yours, his, hers, etc. are also possessive pronouns, for the same reason. My, your etc are used before nouns, so they are not only pronouns, but also determiners.
➡️ this family is yours and mine.
➡️ this is our family.
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nihilist28 · 3 years
SAT English prep courses
SAT English Preparation Course
Are you stuck with the SAT English Test in the 600-700 range? Will you like to get a perfect SAT English test - 800? With our SAT English Preparation Courses, begin your SAT English Preparation.
One of the hardest and most competitive parts of the SAT is SAT English. SAT prep questions English is important in the SAT English Reading portion, scoring a perfect SAT score is not simple and takes a lot of effort. But you can easily get your dream SAT score through good strategies and hard work.
SAT English Preparation Course
We believe, with effortless and stress-free planning, in getting the best out of students. Our English Preparation SAT Course provides.
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With the course of SAT English Training, you get reading, language, and writing, essay materials. The following SAT English Preparation Courses are currently offered:
SAT English preparation course details
SAT English experts from across the globe are included in our SAT English Preparation course. Not only does this help make the course best in the classroom, but it also helps students clear up any questions they may have. In our SAT English Training Course, we also take regular doubt clearing and practice sessions.
SAT English Reading
The sat reading portion is the reading understanding test. This section will test how effectively data from a wide variety of sources can be interpreted, synthesized, and used. It also contains tables, maps, and graphs, apart from passages.
Consistent practice and time management will greatly increase the chances of scoring a good SAT score with full-length tests and good quality content.
SAT English Writing
Your knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and language usage is checked by the SAT Writing section. You will comfortably ace your SAT exam with a standardized approach and with a handful of grammar rules. Subject-verb agreement, pronoun use, parallelism, and modifiers are some of the principles that you need to be useful.
Among the two SAT tests, the SAT General Test is more common. The SAT is preferably used for admissions by UG Schools. This test tests student' written, verbal, and mathematical abilities.
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You will learn a few important things by taking SAT English Preparation Coaching / Courses, which will help to get a perfect score in SAT, Our SAT English Preparation Courses can assist you to -
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Know wherein the passage to search for an answer.
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Testprepkart’s SAT English Preparation Courses/Coachings are structured to take into account the above pointers and also to get the student's best. Our SAT tutors help you to better understand the concepts, which in turn helps in your training for SAT English.
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SAT English Preparation Courses come with full SAT English Study Materials for students to concentrate directly on what is needed to ensure perfection - 800. SAT English Courses, along with standard SAT English Prep lessons, come with official SAT English Papers and comprehensive solutions for students to learn.
The online test series SAT Egnlish:
The online prep test series of SAT Englis is no. of tests taken at regular intervals along with the progress of the English course. The pattern would be 3-hour MCQs just as SAT tests are taken. During the entire test sequence, you will be checked with over 6500 issues.
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English preparations are as important as the Math preparation for SAT general Exam. Testprepkart’s SAT English preparation courses are worth their cost and they come with lots of other benefits too. Take your call and if you have any doubt, they also provide free live demo sessions too.
Thank you,
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nerd-on-duty · 7 years
Just something that occurred to me, I just wanna make more people on here aware of non native english speakers maybe sometimes fumbling with polite/politically correct terminology because there can be stark contrasts in between phrases that literally mean the same thing but can be polite in one language and super racist/offensive in another and when your first language isn’t english understanding english discourse can be difficult and you might not know how to educate yourself in it.
(Also, just a heads up, I’m white (and german). So if I use any offensive language in here (like the n-word) without making clear that I don’t condone its use (by white people/the privileged majority, obviously words can also be reclaimed by groups) or censoring it please do let me know. I hope that sentence made sense.) Anyway, here we go.
‘Race’ is often used neutrally/with a slight negative connotation in english. Yes, some people do not like it (for very legitimate reasons, of course,) but most people will be okay if you use it so long as the context is right. ‘Rasse’ literally means race in german, but you better not use that because literal sameness doesn’t mean figurative sameness or identical meaning and that’s pretty much 1930s Nazi terminology (or neo-Nazi/‘alt-right’ bullshit). Since humans aren’t divided into biological races, scientifically speaking we’re all homo sapiens (sapiens) (source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/busting-myths-about-human-nature/201204/race-is-real-not-in-the-way-many-people-think), that term is considered a faux-pas at best and usually super ignorant.
‘Person of Color’ is a very popular choice of words in english, with many commonly used variations for different genders (such as Women of Color, ...). In german color means ‘Farbe,’ but you do not call someone a ‘farbige Person’ or a ‘Farbige(n)’ because that’s like using the term ‘colored’ (outside of South Africa, where ‘Coloured’ holds a more neutral connotation -source: http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2014/11/07/362273449/why-we-have-so-many-terms-for-people-of-color).
Similarly, as a transgender person I do not appreciate being called ‘a transsexual’ in english, since it is rude to be nominalized like that - english sees ‘*adjective* person’ as the more polite form since it stresses the ‘person’ part (as far as I am aware the same thing goes for ‘blacks’ vs. ‘black people’, ‘asians’ vs. ‘asian people’, ...). In german nouns (can) hold a different grammatical role and are often considered less impolite than they are in egnlish, and sometimes not impolite at all. ‘Transsexuelle’ is considered outdated in the german queer community (where the term queer is not really controversial either) and while many people will prefer ‘transgender’ it’s more of a social faux-pas to use ‘Transsexuelle’, though it can even be a neutral/medical term in the right circumstance, and it definitely is nowhere near as not as rude as ‘transsexuals’ would be in english, unless someone were to sneer it derisively.
Obviously my experiences with these differences are only mine and I am sure that many other german speakers might disagree - if so please do message me! - but I’m mainly trying to highlight the point that sometimes, someone might just not know the language very well and try and apply their native language’s rules to the non native languages they speak or are learning. Often these specific terms are pretty new too, and not taught in language schools - e.g. german schools don’t really teach you ‘they’ as a gender-neutral singular pronoun, it’s almost always he/she and there’s not really much of a setting where you’d naturally think to look it up on your own without outside input. That outside input often comes from the internet though, so it’s important that we all... you know, employ our good manners. In my experience I’d only really stumble on concise terminology like AAVE (African American Vernacular English) by accident, because well, saying someone ‘sounds black’ as a white person is going to get you criticized for very good reason.
TL,DR: while a term may be considered rude in one language other languages might not consider it offensive, and when people (especially non native speakers) use wrong/outdated terminology, please be aware just how many people online don’t have english as their first language and are always still learning, even if their english may look (near) perfect. Instead aim to educate and have polite conversations. Have a good day! =)
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mycandylovefanatics · 7 years
Hi. I just wanted to tell you that i love your blog. I am sorry that this is short . Sorry if my english is bad i am from Germany and most of the egnlish i learned is from fanfictions and Anime Subs. But youre writing is just AMAZING and i love all your Headcanons( Is that how you write it?)
Your english is fine, don’t worry! That’s pretty cool if you’ve mainly learned from reading things, I wish I could do that :( But thank you so so much!!
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musikbokz · 4 years
Kuulostaa Hyvältä a1 7
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joalfox · 5 years
Date: 2019-01-12 20:40:55
In these video Tutorial we will learn how to do the basic Dabke Dances Including the one Steps and two Steps dabka, Presenting in the Egnlish language. For Dabke course, visit:
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disasterready-blog · 5 years
Galu Lolo: Sauni nei ma tapena auā lou saogalemu! (Tsunamis: Be Prepared and Stay Safe! - Samoan)
http://www.beready4disasters.com/?p=779191 Date: 2016-10-26 14:53:09Tihs Draws video From NOAA-13 Explanation how to prepare for and respond to a Tsunamis. If you live, work, or Play on the coast, be prepared and Stay safe! Learned MOREnet about Tsunamis and Tsunamis safety: http://www.weather.gov/Tsunamisafety Click here for Egnlish version: https://youtu.be/x0GX_kc7JZo •• Haga aquí para la versión en español: https://youtu.be/7U4rJ2bdSuc
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dogtrainworld-blog · 6 years
Potty Training, Nipping and Chewing Tips for Puppy Bear
Date: 2018-09-30 01:39:39
For this Santa Puppy Training session, we Schoolteacher 15 week old Egnlish Bulldawg Bear to Stops nipping, learn to Leave it, basic and Some ...
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flaxthings-blog · 6 years
cunt motherfucker learn egnlish and choke on your ugly gurls gross pussy
non hablo espanol? my dude, I figured the only response you would have was to point out the mistake I made in the post, still remained anon so still a bitch, and gross girls pussy says the guy infested with STDs
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peu-usage · 3 years
moving a part of a clause to the beginning in order to give it special emphasis.
➡ Jack I like, but his wife I cant stand.
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peu-usage · 3 years
Something added to the end of a word. E.g. -s, -ing, -ed, -er and -est.
➡️ she works
➡️ she is working
➡️ she worked
➡️ she has been working faster
➡️ she had fastest working
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peu-usage · 3 years
Two or more words that function together as a group.
➡️ the silly old woman.
➡️ dead tired.
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peu-usage · 3 years
a noun like car, dog, idea, which can have a plural form, and can be used with the indefinite article a/an.
➡️ It's just a car.
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peu-usage · 3 years
the form of a verb used to give orders, make suggestions, etc.
➡️ bring me a pen.
➡️ have a good holiday.
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peu-usage · 3 years
The form of a verb ending in -ing, used like a noun (for example, as the subject or object of a sentence).
➡️ I hate getting up early.
➡ Smoking is bad for you.
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peu-usage · 3 years
pretty, hard or hot are gradable adjectives: things can be more or less pretty, hard or hot. Adverbs of degree (like rather, very) Can be used with gradable words.
Perfect or dead are not gradable words because we do not usually say that something is more or less perfect or very dead.
➡️ the weather is very hot.
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