sublecturas · 26 days
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mismatchsocks · 2 months
sometimes i’ll be watching hannibal and think abt how often we see hannibal just in his house in a three piece suit. he’s not going anywhere or doing anything he’s simply eating or just doing small tasks but is fully in a suit. i hate him.
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under-loch-n-key · 4 months
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I've been rewatching Hannibal lately. So, I made some Hannigram art. Some of the shading is wrong because I finished this half asleep, but I love it anyway.
Anyway, enjoy this bit of Hannibal art. 💛💛💛
This piece of fanart is inspired by this poem I saw on Tumblr a while back that, to me, was Hannibal coded ngl.
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las-microfisuras · 4 months
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Girl with book, ca 1905. 
Niels Fischer, Copenhague.
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lunairka · 1 year
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Details and more versions under the cut!
Wow yeah so Hannibal has consumed my entire life. It has actually changed my brain chemistry so drastically I hardly even know who I am anymore without it. SO NATURALLY. I had to crawl out of my cave and draw something to honor the men who have plagued my waking and dreaming world for the last two months. Hope you enjoy!
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issdisgrace · 3 months
Y/n *out of nowhere*: If a 178lb person fell from a 15 floor building how many feet would they fall in a second
Hannibal: Where do these questions come from my love
Y/n: I don’t know, my brain
Hannibal: Sigh, they would fall about 15 feet per second meaning they would impact the ground in about 10 seconds.
Y/n: Cool
*Cue Y/n going back to what they were doing before their question*
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phantomcat394 · 1 year
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Hannibal mentally: well damn, A, B, or C?
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ringkledinkle · 3 months
some of my recent hannibal art !! :3
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douglasdeis · 1 month
No necesitas forzar nada, si algo se quiere se puede.
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acnologias-ass · 4 months
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My boys in stupid shirts ✨
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Hannibal lector x teen!reader - ensure you’re safe
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Hi 👋🏻 Saw you wanted to try to write for Hannibal characters and for me the easiest way to start writing for Hannibal was to write like a therapy session with Hannibal. So thought maybe you could write teen!reader or just regular reader at a therapy session with Hannibal, of course there’s no worries if you don’t write it, just thought it might help you out <3 I will probably request something with Will later as he’s my fave character but can’t come up with anything right now - @panic-in-the-multiverse 💜
TW: mentions of abusive parents
Sitting outside in the waiting room to your new therapists office, you sighed heavily, pulling your headphones back over your head.
You weren’t sure what you wanted to do, a large part of you wanted to just leave, but you had to be there, the officer sitting next to you was there to make sure of that.
But just because you had to be there didn’t mean you had to say anything, or actually take part, you simply just had to attend the session.
You watched as a bit of paper was held out in front of your face, and you sighed, turning your gaze to the man sitting next to you, pulling your headphones back down.
“What?” You snapped.
“Don’t be rude, keep your headphones down, and please try take part.”
“I don’t see why I have to, I didn’t do shit wrong.”
“Well, apparently everybody else sees differently kiddo, so please try.”
You stuck your middle finger up at him, pulling your headphones back over your head to carry on blocking out of the world.
You weren’t paying all that much attention, but you did notice when the officer next to you stood up and you turned your head to look at him in uninterest as he spoke to the man who came out of the office.
Then he turned back to you and pushed your headphones down.
“You’re up kid, I’ll wait out here to take you home but then you’re on your own to make sure you come to these sessions, got it? Twice a week.”
“Get lost Daniels.”
“Alright, but remember no wondering off because we’ll know.”
You just scowled and he grinned a little at you, holding up your bag for you to take as you stood up.
“This is Doctor Hannibal Lector, he’s going to be your new therapist, be polite, respectful, and remember to keep your temper.” Daniels warned.
You said nothing as he left, and you turned to the therapist.
“Hello (Y/N), would you like to come in?”
You set your bag down and sat down back in the chair you were waiting in.
Hannibal smiled slightly, and closing his office door, walking over to sit next to you, sitting forward slightly, clasping his hands together.
He took a moment to study you, how uninterested you were, the fact you wouldn’t even look at him, you were dressed in ripped jeans, well worn trainers, a hoodie.
But it was your face that he was drawn to, the stitches on your eyebrow, a little bit of dried blood just at the side, clearly you had ripped one or two earlier that day. What looked to be a broken nose, split lip, and from the brief glance of your knuckles he had gotten they were bruised and blooded.
He made a few mental notes before he finally spoke first, seeing you weren’t going to initiate a conversation with him.
“Would you like to start by telling me a little bit about yourself?” He asked.
“Well, how about we start with why you’re here. Why have you been referred to me (Y/N)?”
“You have my file. You know why.” You grumbled.
“Yes, I am aware this is court mandated therapy. I would like to know why you think you were sentenced to therapy, what are your thoughts about this?”
You didn’t say anything, you just slumped down in the chair, pulling your hood up so he wasn’t able to look at you.
“You have no interest in being here.” He noted.
“I see, yet you’re staying for what reason? What happens if you walk out of those doors before our session has ended?”
You didn’t say anything, and he just sat there silently for the rest of the session with you.
Every session went the same, you would sit outside, refuse to come in or answer his questions, then the pair of you would sit outside the office while he read or made notes and you listened to your music.
It went that way for nearly two months, and Hannibal followed the same routine this time around, opening his office door and you looked up at him.
He paused, taking in your bloodied hoodie and nose.
“(Y/N), what happened?” He asked.
You got up, and he stepped aside, holding the door for you as you walked in for the first time since you began to see him.
Hannibal carefully closed the door, watched as you walked around until you stopped by the ladders and you sat down on them.
“There are more comfortable places to sit if you would prefer.”
“I’m fine.”
He hummed a little bit, sitting in a chair as he looked over at you.
You were one to keep your distance, so he wanted to respect that boundary and stayed where he was on the other side of the room.
“Are you? In the two months that we have known one another you have never stepped foot inside my office until now. Today is the only day you have come in looking as if you were in a fight just before arriving.”
You didn’t say anything.
“I have read your file numerous times, you’re known for your rather unpleasant temper, you have been arrest on multiple occasions for assault, your most previous charge is listed as aggregated assault.”
“So what?” You snapped slightly.
“There is no need to get angry, I am not here to judge you. I am simply here to assist you, find out why you are so angry all the time and what led to your anger.”
You pulled the sleeve of your hoodie down, pressing it to your nose, wiping some of the blood on it.
Hannibal got up, walking over he took the handkerchief from his pocket and held it out to you, making sure he kept his distance.
“I don’t need your help…” you grumbled.
“Well, blood can be rather hard to wash out of clothing, you may ruin your jacket if you keep that up.”
“It’s a hoodie.”
Hannibal chuckled slightly.
“Very well, you will ruin your hoodie.”
“Like I said, don’t need your help.”
Hannibal sighed, laying the handkerchief down on the floor just a few steps away from your and he clasped his hands behind his back.
“You are a deeply mistrusting person, I understand that. But perhaps if you are willing to give someone a chance you will see that some people can be trusted.”
You glanced up at him, then quickly averted your gaze, going back to looking at the floor instead, but he knew you were watching him.
You had your head lowered, but just barely high enough to look at his shoes.
“Who hurt you?” He pressed carefully.
“What makes you think I didn’t start it?”
“The lack of bruises or scrapes on your hands, your clothes are rather dirty, defensive wounds I would say. Am I correct?”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Maybe I just like it, getting into fights and all.”
“I have a reason that perhaps you don’t enjoy it.”
You looked up at Hannibal, getting up and you stuffed your hands into the pockets of your jeans.
“Maybe I do. Maybe it fun, beating the crap out of someone until their blood is all over their face, watching as they beg me to stop, to leave them alone. Maybe I like the fear in the eyes.” You taunted.
“Is that so?”
Hannibal watched as you studied him, getting a read on him, trying size him up to see if you could take him on in a fight or not.
“Do you want to hurt me (Y/N)?”
You didn’t say anything.
“Who do you really want to hurt? When you get into all these fights you claim to enjoy, who do you think off when you’re knocking them to the ground and beating them within an inch of their lives?”
“No one.”
“Anybody with that much rage thinks of somebody, targets somebody.”
You just scoffed, making your way past him to head to the door.
You left without another wait, having reached the exact time limit of the session and Hannibal walked over to his desk, opening his book.
He wrote down what you had told him, and sat reflecting on it.
Clearly you were an angry person, you were a teenager with a lot of anger and hatred, but not at the world.
It was directed at one single person, because if your anger was random he had no doubt in his mind you would’ve already tried to attack him, but you didn’t.
You simply just refused to acknowledge whatever he said, you didn’t attempt to hurt him.
Intimidate? Yes. But not hurt.
It was a few days when your next session came around, and you walked into the office once more, taking a seat in your usual spot, this time a little more slowly.
Hannibal frowned, but carried on his session.
And he began to pick up on every time you came into the sessions either hurt, or fresh out of a fight.
And the timeframe between these seemed to get smaller and smaller, up until the point today.
Hannibal opened his door and you looked worse than ever as you pushed past him, dripping some blood on to the floor, limping into the middle of the room.
You took a few shoe breaths and he closed the door, making his way over to you.
“(Y/N), can you hear me?”
You slowly turned to him, nodding your head, stumbling a couple of steps.
“Tell me what happened? Who did this to you?”
You shook your head, slowly sitting down on the floor so you wouldn’t have to get blood on any of his furniture.
“Stay here, I will call the police, and for an ambulance.”
Hannibal turned at your outburst, and you looked at him, rage with slight fear mixed in your eyes.
“Don’t you dare, don’t… don’t call anyone…” you warned.
Hannibal set his phone back down and he walked over, kneeling down in front of you, resting an arm on his leg.
“Tell me what happened.”
You took a small breath, leaning back on one of your hands.
“I fucked up… real bad doctor Lector… like.. like real bad…”
“I need you to tell me what happened.” He pressed carefully.
You sighed a little bit.
“He got drunk again, got pissed, I talked back. He swung for me so I fought back, hit him with a chair. She got pissed at me, pushed me down a few stairs.”
“Who is the ‘he’ you keep referring to?”
“My dad.”
Hannibal nodded his head.
“I assume the ‘she’ would then be your mother?”
“Bingo, right on the money doc. I can see why you’re a therapist.”
Hannibal noticed how you deflected the serious topic with unserious remarks or a slightly snappy tone towards him.
“I see, you are aware that I have to call the police, and I strongly recommend you allow me to take you to the hospital. A fall down the stairs is not something to take so lightly.”
“You call police and I’m gone.”
You stayed quiet, shifting a little with pain and he sighed.
“You have strong issues with authority, but unfortunately I have to call them, I have a duty of care to ensure your well-being. Which means if I suspect that someone or yourself will cause you harm I have to report it. I can request to be with you every step of the way if that makes you comfortable.”
You pushed yourself up with a grunt of pain, stumbling a few steps backwards and Hannibal quickly stood up, placing his hand on your back to keep you stable.
You moved away quickly, and made your way to the door.
“At least allow me to take you to the hospital.” Hannibal said.
He turned around to get his keys from his desk and when he turned around you were gone.
He sighed, picking up his phone in order to call for your parole officer.
He had had the number his his phone since the first session, but he had never had to call the officer about you.
Not until now.
He quickly relayed on the fact that you had come into his officer severely injured.
You hadn’t made it far when Daniels picked you up, despite the fact you tried running you couldn’t exactly outrun a police officer in your injured state and you were taken to the hospital.
The ran some tests, stitched up your cuts, and placed you in a room while you awaited the results of your tests.
“So, want to tell me what happened?” Daniels asked.
“Go fuck yourself.” You growled.
“Hey, I want to help kid. But I can’t if I don’t know what happened to you.”
“You know what happened you prick, you all know what happened but you won’t do fuck all about it!”
“Calm down right now.”
“Or what?!”
You ripped the IV out of your arm, and you stood up, nearly falling to the side but you didn’t falter.
Daniels stood up as well.
“You can’t do shit.”
“Look, doctor lector is on his way, and they’re taking your parents in for questioning right now but you need to stay here.”
“Like fuck do I have to stay here. You can’t hold me for shit.”
You barged past him, throwing down the tray as he tried to follow you.
It would stall him for a few minutes while nurses and doctors quickly tried to gathering everything up so nobody would get hurt.
You left the hospital, making your way to your usual hideout spot when you didn’t want to go home.
It wasn’t the best, an old and abandoned construction site, but it was full of more than enough hiding places, and you went to your favourite one.
Sitting in the concrete pipe, you rested your back on a blanket you had in there, closing your eyes as you breathed through the discomfort.
Your phone was ringing endlessly, and you turned it off, getting bored of hearing the sound.
Though the silence was helpful when it came to hearing the creaking of the large metal gate being opened and closed.
“(Y/N), I know you’re here, come out so we can talk!” Hannibal called.
You stayed quiet.
You knew he would eventually and it only took a few minutes for him to appear at the entrance to your hiding spot.
He offered you a gentle smile.
“You need to go back to the hospital.”
“Your parents are currently in custody, you’re safe. Nobody here is going to hurt you, nobody there will hurt you either.”
You scoffed.
“You really believe that? Give it a day or two, they’ll be back out.”
“Yet you always go back, why?”
“Because I have to, court order. Every. Single. Time.”
Hannibal sighed, and he offered you a reassuring smile.
“Come with me, I assure you that no more harm will come to you.”
You didn’t believe him, you simply just left the other end of the pipe you were sat in and Hannibal got up to follow you.
“You have internal bleeding, if you do not go back to the hospital you’ll die within hours.”
“Great, makes life easier for everybody. Gives me a way out.”
“Do you wish to die?”
You paused, giving the man a chance to walk over to you and stand in front of you.
“Do you wish to die (Y/N)?”
“So, allow me to take you back to the hospital then. We will let the surgeons fix whatever inside you is bleeding, then when you wake up I will be right there waiting.”
“Yeah, and they’ll be there too.”
“You have my word, you parents will not be allowed in the room.”
You scoffed.
“Yeah, I’ll take my chances bleeding internally.”
“What if I can prove to you that they won’t be allowed in the same room as you?”
This seemed to gain your interested, and he gestured to the front of the construction sight.
“Do you see that man over there?”
You nodded.
“His name is Jack Crawford, he works for the FBI. He has read over your case file, he along with another agent will be outside your room the entire time you are there in recovery while we sort a safer place for you.”
Hannibal held his hand out to you.
“Do you trust me, even just a little bit?”
You looked at him, and you slowly nodded your head.
Hannibal smiled, walking over and he reached out, wrapping his arm around you, letting you hold his other arm to steady yourself while you both walked.
“They will never hurt you again (Y/N).”
Hannibal helped you into his car and got into the drivers seat, adjusting the mirror, wiping the little bit of blood that was on it so you wouldn’t see it
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mismatchsocks · 3 months
is he gay, european, a serial killer, or all of the above
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ebonyslasher · 4 months
Can you do more yandere slashers part 2 please.
Hopefully, I'm getting better at writing yandere characters! There are some possible triggering themes ahead so read with caution.
Roses are red, violets are blue
Yandere!Slashers Pt. 2!
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A strained sob bounced against the dingy walls that you were held captive in. Your existence, normally happy and calm, turned desperate and miserable. You looked around with teary eyes, taking in your unfortunate new home. The air was littered with specks of dust, paint torn from the walls, and all the windows crudely covered and broken. It was a scene taken from a horror movie that you desperately did not want to be in. The tears silently flow down your face before the raggedy door flings open.
A shadowy, foreboding figure stood tall at the door frame. You recognized that figure, it was the one who kidnapped you to this horrid place.
“Please ... .please let me go…,” you whimpered out, your sobbing revitalizing before this monster. He stepped forward and you shrunk back. He stops. The next movement he made your heart stop. Michael flings a body beside you. The patch of light coming from the mostly covered window showed the gouged out eyes of your crush. They lay lifeless and their once beautiful face was now covered with blood. 
The image of a dead body, especially of someone you knew, caused you to hyperventilate. Feeling an extreme urge to flee, you stand up and attempt to run towards the door. Michael grabs your arm painfully and throws you down.
“Let me go, let me go! You monster!” you screamed. You attempt to stand again when Michael kicks at your legs. He quickly places his dirty boot on your right leg, right on the tibia. Stomping down, Michael relishes in your painful cry after the sickening snap of your bone. You could not run from him and he could not be happier.
Michael knew everyone who lived in Haddonfield. Most by their identifiable features and home addresses.
Michael stalked all his victims, but only for a short time as their existence would not last long.
However, if he becomes obsessed, not only will he stalk them every single day. He will keep them alive for an undecided amount of time.
As you place your existence in Haddonfield, Michael becomes hooked. 
He paid attention to your needs, placing toiletries that you ran out of/low on in various places in your house. It escalates into leisure items that you spoke about with your friends. Things that he knew that you knew you did not purchase
Making himself known, he begins to appear and reappear in different places, from a distance. Toying with you.
Anyone who will get in the way will be removed, permanently. Especially any love interest.
He is not above harming you to make you submit, stay, and be quiet. He knew what was best for you.
Injuries looked especially good on you anyway
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“Kitten ... .how disappointing,” Asa remarks, seeing the piss-poor excuse of a Valentine's Day present on his bed. It was made haphazardly, the paper mache butterfly looked tattered with paint, some sort of adhesive, and drenched paper.
Asa had shown you how to do the technique weeks ago, disguising the activity as a fun bonding moment. He made an off-handed comment that a paper mache insect would be a great gift for Valentine’s Day. Of course, his smart little kitty caught the hint. But, it was obvious that you did not practice enough. 
You sat upon the bed, head down in embarrassment at the state of your gift. “Asa, I tried! I really did! You know I’m not that good at-” You started to explain. Asa put his hand up and you stopped talking immediately.
“You had ample time to practice, y/n. But, you did not. Therefore, you will be punished. Get on all fours on top of your disaster,” Asa instructed coldly. You did so, feeling humiliated at the action. You desperately wanted to make this up to him while also feeling apprehension at the punishment. 
Asa starts to hit your back and ass with his hands. You endure, but the force of his hits ends up making you fall on top of your gift. The burn of his hits combined with the uncomfortable feeling of wet paper and glue slathering your stomach. It made you cry out, strengthening the boner Asa had. 
Anyone who’s moving, living, or even traveling through the town gets observed by Asa. When you arrive, you capture his interest in ways he never thought possible. 
He searched your name, address (and floor plan if available), and knew all your family members. He breaks in to look at everything you have.
 He had notes dedicated to what you like to eat, what size of clothes you wear, etc. 
Once he captures you, he doesn’t make you a part of his collection. Instead, you'll be his personal pet. A little kitty he can enjoy. 
Life was starting to get a little boring. Your existence changed his life. He just needed to train you so you would not be useless to him.
His training includes the way you react (in the way that he likes), enduring physical punishment and sexual sensory overloads, how to care for him correctly, etc. 
Any spouse, family, or friends that were living with you are now part of his collection. They would be a distraction to your duties.
If you perform extremely poorly, he will drag you across the floor to see any loved ones in the collection. Digging his fingers into your eyelids to force you to look at their display.
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“Dr. Lecter?,” You asked as you knocked lightly on his office door. You let yourself into his practice, as was normal for your appointments. 
“Y/N, please come in,” he said smoothly so as to not betray his excitement at your arrival.
You plop down on the sofa across from him and your weekly sessions begin. You’d had them for a month now. It was last week when you noticed that you were getting weirdly attached and attracted to Dr. Hannibal. It wasn’t right with the power dynamics in your current relationship. Also, all the blaring issues he knew about your life. This did not dissuade your budding feelings, with the unintentional help of Hannibal. He did not know that your conflicted romantic feelings were about him. It was like he always knew the right thing to say. He spurred your mind to think outside the box or his perspective. Everything he said, he seemed to always be right about. 
“.....I feel a romantic connection to this person, but I know I shouldn’t,” You say.
“And why not?” He questioned
“Our relationship right now…it would be inappropriate to say the least.”
Hannibal leaned forward, his face schooled in its perfect neutral expression. Internally, he was fighting a smirk to bless his sharp features. “And what is love without risk?”
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t know, y/n. I am merely throwing out a different perspective. You like this person right? What makes it inappropriate?”
“His…status and title do. The power dynamics would be unequal,” you say, trying to be as vague as possible.
“It will always be unequal. You possess powers that he would not have. And vice versa. Titles mean nothing. You see, I am your psychiatrist. I know who you are, I can see the power that you have. A relationship between you and me would be risky, in the eyes of others. But, only our eyes matter in the end.”
“A relationship between us two…?”
“Just as an example, Y/n. To help you see the big picture.”
You were his patient. He fell in love, becoming obsessed with you. You looked like the perfect partner, one to parade around at the envy of others. 
He would make sure to format your mind to see how perfect you two would be. That he would be the only one for you. 
Hannibal being Hannibal does this covertly, planting seeds into your head every session. He even stops taking payment for your appointments, to ensure you would still come.
The medication he would prescribe you was a level of biochemical control over your emotions. He knew the side effects and how the medication would affect your mood after you took them. 
He acts like the perfect gentleman. He has perused your home, making sure to have items that you need or want coincidentally at appointments. 
Anyone who is a threat to you or the budding relationship will be removed.
You will see them for the last time, served as a decadent meal. He will feed them to you, without your knowledge
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“Taylor Layknn’s party is in two days, I’ve taken the liberty of picking out your look for you,” Patrick says dismissively. He thrust the outfit into your arms as he checked his phone. You stood flabbergasted at his gall.
“Patrick, I already had an outfit planned out,” you explain. You look over the outfit, trying to imagine how it would look on you.
“Yes I know, but I saw this while shopping and thought about you immediately. I knew it would be flattering on you. It goes with what I’m wearing. We’ll look great together.” Patrick looks straight into your eyes, watching your reaction.
You felt annoyed, a little offended, but flattered that he thought of you. “That’s sweet, but I don’t think that’s exactly my style.” You began to hand the outfit back to him. He thrusts the outfit back against your chest.
“It is your style and you don’t even know it. Here, look at how the color compliments your skin. How it’ll hug your figure in the right places. You know, most of these bitches don’t even know how to dress. You’ll be the talk of the night if you just listen to me.”
He tries to shelter your interactions from others, feeding you lies and pretending like he is giving you inside information to gain your trust
He purposefully talks bad and compassionate about others to uplift himself in your presence, disguising it as competition.
He is always extra with his appearance but was even more so when he knew you were going to be there.
He even wears the cologne that you love. He sends you flowers, your favorite ones, to show how much attention he paid to you
Once he has you wrapped around his finger, He tells you what to say and how to act. He needs you to be the perfect partner that even Paul Allen would be jealous of. 
The desperate yuppie that he is needs you to look and act a certain way to fit in with the 'in-group'.
He buys you clothing and expects you to wear it for him. He will send you makeup tutorial videos that he likes.
Patrick will also send photos and videos of people with what he thinks is the ultimate body type. He will do whatever to shape and mold you into his perfect partner.
Patrick has a doll that looks like you in his office drawer. He dresses up in what he would want you to wear. He has another at home where he acts out fantasies of your eventual marriage. 
He constantly questions where you are or slyly questions others. He gets mad if he isn’t invited anywhere, especially to his favorite place.
If he could, he dreams of hiring you as his personal assistant (if that was your profession). He has thought many times about firing his current assistant just to have you perched there, sitting pretty.  
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 3 months
I Fucked Your Wife (Hannibal Lecter)
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Description: Will's Wife and Hannibal do the unspeakable while he's in prison.
Warnings: Smut, Cheating
Word Count: 2,574k
I made a Will version of this if you're interested:
She loved Will, she really did. She’s loved him since they were kids. She couldn’t imagine life without him. They’ve been through everything together, the worst and the best. They were what people considered Soulmates. When Will started having these bad dreams and woke up in a pile of sweat she was there beside him to comfort him. She always told him that his job was too much at times but he never listened. The man needed a break but could never get one. When Hannibal came along all these things started getting worse. It was like Hannibal was making Will’s dreams and visions worse. He was a physiatrist but Y/N felt like he didn’t do much helping. She saw the way Hannibal talked to him and it sickened her. This was no good man. She never missed the way Hannibal’s eyes would travel down her body like he wanted to eat her, or the way he talked to her with seduction in his voice.
When she’d bring it up to Will he shrugged it off and told her that Hannibal also spoke to him like that and even looked at him like that. She felt that Will didn’t care. When he was arrested she couldn’t believe it. She grew up with this man, hell she even married him, there was no way he killed all those people. She thought it was Hannibal. But she seemed to be alone in this. With Will being behind bars she had nobody. She needed support but didn’t know where to go for it. The knock on the door startled her as the dogs began barking. She got up and opened the door to see the man she hated more than anything else. “I came to check up on you. I figured you needed it.” He said holding a bottle of wine. She shook her head. “I don’t need anything from you.” She told him and went to close the door but his foot stopped it. “This is a gift.” He said, giving her the wine. “If you ever need to talk please come and see me Y/N. I know this can’t be easy for you and nobody deserves to go through these things alone.” She thought about what he said. He was right. Nobody deserved to go through this alone.
As she drank the wine that he gave her she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe it would be best to talk to him. After all Will did but then look where that got him. She felt like Hannibal influenced Will and nobody wanted to believe that. It made her feel stupid when they found no evidence against him. All the evidence was on Will and that thought alone made her sick. It was then she decided that she would talk to Hannibal. 
They sat in his office in pure silence. She arrived 10 minutes ago and no words were spoken. She didn’t know what to say. She truly thought the man before her killed all these people but nothing backed it up. He looked at the woman and observed her and how she sat. She sat with one leg over the other and played with her fingernails. She looked up at him from time to time. “Well, is there anything you would like to talk about? I take it that’s why you came here.” He said. She shook her head and stopped playing with her nails. For the first time she looked up at him. “I don’t know why I'm here, Hannibal.” She said. “I mean I truly believe that you’re the one killing all these people but yet all the evidence is on my husband.” She tells him. “So you think I'm the Chesapeake Ripper?” He asked her. “I-I think you manipulated my husband and all his dark thoughts are because of you. If he did kill someone you helped him.” He stares at her as she tells him how she felt.
She was too smart for her own good. “So you think I'm a monster?” He asked. She nodded. “Will didn’t act like this until you came along. You may have everyone else fooled but not me.” It was laughable to him the way she talked. He could kill her right now and she knew that but yet had no fear. “I don’t believe Will did those killings.” He told her. “If he did he wasn’t aware of it anyways.” “You’re telling me that so I stop degrading you.” She says, shaking her head. “Y/N I don’t care what you think about me. That’s not why you came. You came because you know I’m right about not having to suffer alone.” “I don’t know why I'm here.” She tells him. “Do you love Will?” He asked her. “Yes.” She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Do you truly believe he is innocent?” “He’s my husband he wouldn’t do that-” “That wasn’t the question. Do you think your husband is innocent?” She looked down at her lap. “I don’t know.” She whispered but he heard her. “Evidence suggests that he did. But I know him and he isn’t like that.” She says tears are forming in her eyes. “You may not know your husband like you think you do Y/N.” She looks at him with a glare. “He is my patient after all.” He states. “But you can’t tell me anything you guys have talked about.” She states like that comment was pointless. “No I can’t but you need to accept that you may be wrong about him.” She looked down again. He stands up and walks over to her. “I know it’s hard but I am here for you truly.” He said rubbing her shoulder.
She looked up at him with tears streaming down her face. For the first time ever she sees how handsome he is. He didn’t have a dark look in his eyes but pity. Maybe she was wrong about him and maybe she needed to accept that her husband killed those people. “Denial is very common in these cases.” She doesn’t say anything to him as she stands up. They’ve never been this close before. He tucked her hair behind her ear as she stared up at him unsure of everything. She clears her throat and excuses herself. He watches her leave his office and has the feeling it wouldn’t be the last time he’d see her. 
She tossed and turned trying to sleep. She hadn’t been able to sleep much since Will was arrested. She kept replaying everything Hannibal said to her as she tried to stop imagining him. He put some sort of spell on her and it was affecting her. After 20 minutes of non stop tossing and turning she shot up. She couldn’t stand it anymore and got out of bed. She looked for her shoes and put them on. She grabbed the car keys and left the house. She got in the car and left the house and drove to Hannibal’s.
She couldn’t believe she was doing this but had no choice. She was hoping the man was still up not thinking of how late it was. As she pulled up to his house she sat in the car for a moment and really thought. Was this about to happen? Did she really think that this would help her? She got out of the car and walked up to his house. She let out the heavy breath she was holding and knocked on his door. He opened it a minute later and saw Y/N looking very stressed at his door. She looked up at him and sighed. “I couldn’t sleep.” She tells him and he steps aside to let her in. 
He pours 2 glasses of wine and hands her one. She drinks it fast and sits in down. “Are you okay?” He asked her. She shook her head. “No I’m not. You-You were right.” She tells him. He looks at her and nods. “About Will?” He asked. “Everything. I mean I truly don’t know him if he killed those people. I guess I am in denial. And maybe I was wrong about you.” She says looking at him. He sets down the wine glass and walks closer to her. She steps closer to him and he cups her face. “You’re so beautiful.” He says and she sighs.
This wasn’t right. She loved Will but in this very moment she didn’t wanna think about him. He leaned down slowly and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. He lifted her body on the table as the kiss became heavier. Her hands laced through his hair pulling slightly as his lips left hers. He began kissing her neck, soft sucking and biting. She let out a shaking breath as he sucked on her sweet spot. Her hands traveled down to his shirt and pulled on it. He pulled away from her neck and took off the shirt. Her eyes widened at the sight. He had the perfect body. He was built and big. He saw the awe in her eyes as she stared at him. He lifted her head with his finger and kissed her again. This time her hands traveled all over his torso. He pulled away from the kiss to help her take her shirt off. She wasn’t wearing a bra given the time it was. He cupped her breasts and she threw her head back at the foreign feeling of his hands.
He pulled away to pull down his pants and boxers leaving him bare before her. She was too caught in staring at him and that startled her when he pushed her back on the table. She was now laying face up. He untied her Pj bottoms and pulled them back leaving her in nothing. She didn’t wear panties to bed either. He looked down at the sight of her bare pussy dripping all over his counter. “Hannibal please.” She begged as she bucked her hips looking for some sort of relief. He started playing with her clit with his thumb. She gasped out feeling his thick thumb mess with her. Her hips moving up. With each movement of her hips she moaned a beautiful loud moan that made him harder than he was before. Her eyes closed as she enjoyed the pleasure. Her juices dripped and gushed out as he sped up his movement. “Hannibal.” She breathed out.
She reached down to grab his arm and keep it in place as she humped his hand. Her beautiful sounds got louder and her breathing turned to panting. She was close. He watched as she fucked herself and whined as her climax was right there. But he wanted her to cum all over cock. He pulled his hand away and she sighed and opened her eyes. He smirked and pulled her closer to him where they lined up. “The first time I make you cum will be on my cock, the second time will be on my face.” He tells her. He lines himself up with her entrance and pushes in. She gasps as he stretches her out. He was so much bigger than Will. She was so wet and tight. She felt perfect. His hips slowly moved in and out of her. She was moaning hard and he wasn’t even really fucking her yet. His hands placed on her hips and hers moving everywhere. “Hannibal faster.” She whined. He started slamming into her making her scream his name. Her noises didn’t stop and he let out a groan.
He watched as her body moved as he pounded into her hard. Her eyes closed and her hair spread around her like a halo. She felt herself get closer and closer as the pleasure became intense. She was screaming his name over and over as he fucked her so good. She cliched around him and he let out a “fuck.” his climax being close to. “Hannibal I wanna ride you. “ She gets out between moans and screams. The man stops his movements and switches places with her. He helps her onto the table and on him. She sinks down on him and whines. “Fuck you’re so big and deep.” She cries.
Her hips started thrusting and he had a death grip on her hips. She didn’t care as she felt too good. The sight of her bouncing on top of him was a sight he wouldn’t ever forget. For once in his life he was jealous that Will got to see this all the time. Her panting had little whines with them as she felt her climax building back up. He saw this and gripped her throat. “Are you gonna cum for me?” He asked her. She nodded and let out a screeching yes. “Cum for me.” He groaned.
She let out the loudest moan she was able to as she came. Her hips stuttered and he came as well with a groan. He watched as she rode her high. Her hips don’t stop moving as she moans softly now enjoying her orgasm.
His hand rubbed her cheek as she let out a little whimper and collapsed on him. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her. His hands rubbing her back as she calmed down from the best orgasm she’s ever had. “I told you that you’d be cumming on my face.” He said and she sat up. He pulled her hips to hover over his face. He pulled her down to where she was sitting on his face. He smelled her juices and his as they leaked out of her. His tongue lapped up her juices as she let out a moan at the feeling. His hands moved her hips over his face as he ate her pussy. She grabbed his hair and cried his name. Actual tears of pleasure streamed down her face. She’s never felt this good before and the noises she made told him that. He watched her as she humped his face and played with her boobs. Her breathing started to pick up again and she gasped as she felt her second orgasm approach her. “Ohhhh Hannibal.” She moaned loudly as she came all over his face. She was sobbing as she rode out her high. He lapped it up and she pulled away from the sensitivity “Holy shit.” She said and laughed.
She looked around and rubbed her face. “You really know how to please a woman.” She tells him and laughs. He smirks at that. “You’re a very noisy little thing.” He tells her. Her face becomes red with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry-” “Don’t apologize beautiful. It was hot. You’ve never came like that before, have you?” He asked her. She didn’t answer but the look on her face gave it away. Hannibal truly was the best fuck she’s ever had. 
Will’s face was red as he listened to the audio Hannibal played for him. His wife was making the nastiest most pornographic sounds ever. He listened with a straight face but the part that set his plan to kill Hannibal in stone was the aftermath. “You really know how to please a woman.” “It was hot. You’ve never came like that before. Have you?” The silence was loud to him and he wouldn’t stop at nothing to put Hannibal in the ground.       
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lunairka · 1 year
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“To Claim”
Details and more under the cut!
My sanity went out the window two months ago when I decided to look up the “funky gay cannibal show” so there’s no point in even pretending I’m anywhere normal about them. There’s. No. Escape.
Anyway! This was really fun to make, and I was very amused by how no matter what I try to do, Hannibal always ends up looking sinister, it’s alright, I love a creepy bitch (I am one)
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thedansome · 2 months
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It's hard having an evil reputation when the local unicorn can see into your soul. The big reason why Dahlia isn't a fan of unicorns.
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