#leftsock rambles
dekusleftsock · 1 year
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(Japanese translator uses please lmk if she says twink I need to know for scientific reasons)
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
Like the dude explains that he has reoccurring nightmares of his series getting canceled, has constant shoulder pain to the point that he wishes he “didn’t have shoulders”, keeps taking irregular breaks due to health reasons, the pacing of the chapters keeps getting weirder and shit, THE LITERALLY UNFINSHED DABI DRAWING IN 349….
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Praying someone in his life steps in and makes him take a multi month long break because dear lord. As someone who regularly runs themself into the ground working on their independent little projects, YOU HAVE TO TAKE A BREAK AT SOME POINT. Like you HAVE TO. It’s either you take the break on your own time or you’re body FORCES YOU TO. He probably keeps getting sick because he’s working so hard.
Not gonna act like I care about this man too personally, just like from one human to another that isn’t good and it’s very much being noticed.
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
Okay the worst part about what bones did? Like, regardless of romance, ships, whatever, this is just another example onto the PILE that already exists of people trying to treat mha like how every other shonen should act.
Shonen and shojo aren’t like… genres, but they are categories that generally follow a lot of the same tropes. The reason why I personally enjoy shojo more is because it lacks a lot of the fan service (usually) and imo is just better at adapting and evolving what it means to be apart of the category. Like madoka magica, which birthed the popularity of the psychological horror genre WITHIN shojo.
Shonen, however, has evolved a little bit, but not nearly as much. Generally, the same 10 tropes are used, no matter the anime/manga, (with some exceptions ofc okay, I’m not blind) and because of this expectation, it makes those like the director, I’m assuming, and the fandom, have certain expectations on what should happen in a shonen. When mha doesn’t follow that format, people either get mad about it, write it off, or, in bones’ case, completely change it.
Now I’m not saying they always alter things, or even that they are altering anything for season 6. I think it would upset everyone involved if they just randomly changed the writing.
What I am saying though is that they’re playing into the same toxic tropes shonen has been following for decades. Decades!
Boys can’t be vulnerable, and if they are, they are either a small child, it’s for a joke, or it’s for their female love interest. Usually the male “best friend” (or in bkg’s case closest person☺️) is only allowed to be vulnerable, touchy, outshine the female love interest intimately, etc when the female love interest either can’t, or they are helping the female love interest be intimate.
Because, god forbid we let boys cry! Toxic masculinity! I need to project onto this super strong male character, and that means they can’t be emotional OR gay!
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When they did this, it wasn’t just about how Izuku is defining ochako’s character, it wasn’t just about how iida and Katsuki’s moments were completely glossed over.
It was about how we continue to let toxic masculinity define our characters and their relationships.
Ochako and her moments, her story, her character is being defined by the male main character. By her “accepting her feelings” completely dismisses her hero career, her story.
“Oh but she can learn she can be a wife AND a hero!” But does she want that? Has she actually EVER wanted that??? Or has someone defined that for her?
She’s just not the focal point of this arc, not in the slightest, and yet here we are. Here we fucking are. Is toga mentioned once in this intro? Hell no. Ofc she’s not. Because that would seem too suspicious.
Anime only’s, please just read the manga. It’s prettier, more accurate to canon, a different perspective on Katsuki, Izuku, Ochako, and Toga, and won’t pull this bullshit.
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
Just wanna point out the parallels between when uraraka launches herself at deku when he unlocks blackwhip and in the newest chapter with mirio
Hmmm, why do all the uraraka parallels happen between platonic friendships/male friendships 👀
Perhaps to establish that urarakas feelings are her being a hero 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
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Unironically, these are probably the most beautiful panels of him I’ve ever scene horikoshi draw
Like, holy fucking shit. The expressions, everything
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
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Three thoughts came into my mind on this page.
One, that “we still haven’t had our chat about romance” is a thought in ochako’s head, not just a distraction. (Very interesting..) But I may just be reading the bubbles incorrectly, as I’m aware that last chapter she said this to Ochako. Could it be Toga remembering it? Another possibility too.
Two, that Toga believes this is Ochako trying to TAKE BACK her rejection in some light. To my knowledge, (and if the translators didn’t mess anything up too badly, sorry y’all I’m aware it won’t be perfect no matter what) “taking a hint” is often used in English to describe someone not backing off romantically. The hint being, “I don’t have feelings for you”. (Edit: this post translated it in its most literal form, and it said “persistent” so, I still stand by what I said. It’s sounds like someone rejecting a romantic confession)
And number three, the most important. “Can’t take a hint” is the most tongue and cheek thing I’ve seen. IT SOUNDS LIKE IN MY VERY BIASED SHIPPER MIND THAT, THE AUDIENCE, AKA US, HAVENT GOTTEN THE HINT WITH THESE TWO.
I saw literal radio silence when chapter 375 came out. Now, I’m aware that togachako is a bit of a rare pair. Not only is it a sapphic ship, but it’s also with a more “problematic” dynamic, and with a character that was introduced later on into the series. Wayyyy after ochako was introduced as Izuku’s love interest.
Most bkdk shippers either outright ignore ochako, hate her, or ship her with Tsu. I only judge one option out of the three, as it’s usually born out of misogyny. (Purposefully or not, I’ve seen people love male characters with the same “annoying” traits ochako has. Tbh, most people hate her bc she’s a girl and she’s feminine. That’s it)
Anyway yeah, and the only people who really care about her character development are one: Ochako stans (love y’all <3) two: togachako shippers (me) and three: izu//ocha shippers. (Censored so that I don’t tread on their territory as I’m about to be a little…. Eh to them and their interpretations)
Now, izu//ocha shippers to me are pretty neutral. There’s the dudebros who I think everyone hates, and then there’s the normal batch of people. A mix of people who enjoy the series very casually, or people who just generally like them.
Because of this fact, however, they are, like me, also biased. Meaning if I presented my thoughts on togachako to an izu//ocha shipper, I will and have been called a little bit of a conspiracy theorist about it. That I’m in denial, yada yada. All that junk. And if I’m wrong? Then shit, guess it’s me getting kicked in my ass all over again for trusting a shonen writer. I have fandom to help me cope. I’ll live.
Now, because of this bias, it leaves the interpretations of chapters 289, 342, 348, and even 375 all deemed as “izu//ocha chapters”, because what else could it be leading up to other than that?
And that’s why I HOPE and I PRAY that Horikoshi pulls the rug out from under your feet. I hope and pray every day that’s what happens. If only to confirm in my mind that my eye for detail isn’t sketchy or rough around the edges. Or that my conclusions aren’t just delusions. I don’t like to be wrong, thank you very much.
The other thing I wanted to delve a little into. Toga’s mind is a labyrinth that I don’t think even us as the audience has quite cracked yet.
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I like to think I understand people. Not in the casual social way, god no. Social cues are not my thing. But reading people? Getting to the bottom of their issues and wrenching them from their depths and into the open for someone to see? THATS what I’m good at. Understanding a person and how they work. Because, let me tell you, there is a reason for each and every thing a person does. Every little detail, from the way they stand to how they choose their words. How someone reacts defensively and offensively are the biggest giveaways to who a person actually is.
Toga Himiko’s walls are miles thick. They appear sheen, like she wears her emotions on her sleeve, but that’s just not TRUE. Before she broke, it was forced neutrality to the wrongdoings in her life. Possibly even any form of happiness wasn’t deemed respectable to wear. The mask was on at all times, no matter what, but now? Now it’s a smile. The mask is still there, it still exists. It’s just in a different form, something made to protect HER rather than EVERYONE else. It’s interesting.
Another notable thing about Toga, she’s cried once, in the entire manga. She has cried once.
And it wasn’t even for Twice’s death.
If toga were to cry at Twice’s death, if toga were to express any other vulnerability other than anger at his death, then she would be left with two things: the mask, shattered; the one that mattered. And two, she would have to accept that everyone was right about her. That she was a tragedy.
And not only was she a tragedy, but she had to accept that death affected her. That the love she “experienced” for people like Izuku or Sato, wasn’t love. Because she loved twice, yet never wanted to BECOME him.
And I can hear it now, “doesn’t she want to be ochako too?” No, actually. She wants to be like her.
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And, if you ship bkdk, you probably follow some other analysis creators on here. People who have talked about Izuku wanting to become LIKE Katsuki, not become him.
And that begs the question, does ochako want to become deku? Or become like him?
I think it’s both.
The thing is, Ochako ofc can’t physically become him, but at every turn of trying to be like him, it hasn’t really let her evolve. It’s held her back, actually, like at the sports festival. Ntm, this requires some level of natural imitation, something Ochako clearly lacks in her relationship to Izuku.
But she does not lack with Toga.
Idk if I showed it here before, and if I didn’t, I apologize for not explaining completely at least. Essentially, Ochako naturally imitates how Toga looks in both her hairdo and some choice facial expressions. Toga naturally imitates through posing techniques mid air and behavior parallels. I don’t feel like grabbing the panels, sorry!!
But back to Himiko, I think that she desperately wants close connection, is extremely insecure about herself, and actively hides behind smiles. Not only that, but she’s been trying to imitate shigaraki this entire time by having his “I don’t care about love and I wanna destroy the world” attitude and disdain. Showing she’s trying to find the most powerful people in her mind right now to hide from herself, her own sadness. She wants to hide from her rejection, and views the rejection itself as her. She knows that people see something especially unnerving and wrong about her, yet doesn’t completely understand why. So this rejection sensitivity is not only heightened by her trauma, but also Twice’s death.
With him gone, she now becomes unnervingly aware that she does not like death the way she thought she did. She also can’t escape the reality that no one has ever truly cared about Toga Himiko as a person.
And in her mind, following Jin’s death, no one ever will.
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One last note, these two panels felt like parallels to me. Might be a stretch.
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
Bkdk’s never talk about this but it’s on my mind like 90% of the time
Why did they actually fall out???? Why did they stop being friends? I feel like we all were just like “oh he started bullying deku” but I don’t think he one day just decided to bully him bc of some dumb reason. It’s important because it’s not been told. And you’d think this would be something KINDA IMPORTANT right?????
We’ve assumed it’s because he’s quirkless, but they could’ve still been friends before deku decided to defend a kid. There are clips of bkdk being possibly older than that scene? We just don’t know the timeline of the clips we’ve seen.
It could’ve been the lake scene, sure, but that’s never explicitly said. Just that the scene was why Katsuki thought Izuku looked down on him.
ISBSOJDODKDJSH WHAT IF IZUKU DOESNT EVEN KNOW?? At the very least IZUKU has to find out right?
God I hope we find out soon.
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
Y’all ever think about how toga’s confession might parallel Katsuki’s confession to Izuku
Especially since toga has literally the same color scheme as him (red eyes, blonde hair)
Also how Ochako just… didn’t get that Toga was confessing her love to her and totally dismissed it. Mmmmmmm, sounding a little like this imo
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Just, not getting it
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Mmmmm homos.
Also now that I’m reading these chapters together (dvk2 and togachako fight) they seem to parallel a lot more than I first thought. Almost like they two pairs are saying one of the two sides to their stories
Like, okay, THIS is an underlying feeling that Ochako is experiencing
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But so is this
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And toga is experiencing this
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But she also experiences this
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Anyway they’re all terrible at communicating. I wanna show a few parallels for bkdk’s that shows that ochako at the very least cares about toga, possibly even loves her. But that’ll be in another post (especially since it’s in the context of chapter 375)
Anyway have a good day they’re all homos love them for that <3
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
You mentioned in an earlier post that Izuku never takes the time to process his own emotions and his reactions to situations. What do you think would change if he did? Like, how would an Izuku who is learning to process his emotions differ from the old Izuku? We've talked before about how Izuku isolates himself emotionally from other people, but I was wondering about what parts of Izuku do you think he doesn't want to see? For instance, we've said he doesn't like his negative emotions and he's often ashamed of himself for having them. We've said that compared to other characters he feels strangely mysterious. I've seen some posts before saying that Izuku's opinions on society are hard to understand because he often doesn't express them. Both before and after getting his quirk he's faced some very harsh treatment from society, yet his opinion on said society remains...strangely hard to decipher. Personally, I get the sense that he's often so worried on reaching his goals and keeping people safe that he simply doesn't let himself come to conclusions about things. Nor do I think he would let himself express it if he deemed those emotions selfish in nature. The narrative surrounding Izuku has always been strangely hard to discern, but it's given me the sense that we're supposed to view Izuku's brand of selflessness and lack of selfishness as a flaw, not a value. It started with critiquing the consequences his selflessness brought about, and lately it seems (to me at least) to have grown into criticizing the way he never takes himself into account. Before now, the story hasn't felt like it's pushed Izuku to have an opinion on the political issues that are going on, simply to prevent things from falling apart. The more he thinks about Shigaraki though and is confronted about his flaws, the more it feels like the narrative is pushing him to decide what he believes (instead of simply reacting). I hope this made sense, it was hard getting my exact thoughts out since not many people mention Izuku's lack of opinions. Sorry if it didn't.
Thank you for the questions! I try to get these out about a day or two after people send an ask but uh, irl stuff happened recently and it’s been a bit rough in general.
I think how much Izuku will change solely depends on how much horikoshi does or doesn’t know about emotional intelligence. Since uraraka and Katsuki have both changed a lot when their emotional intelligence improved, I’m gonna say he at the very least knows enough to have done therapy at some point in his life.
The thing with analyzing vs processing emotions is that it’s a very new age idea. I’ve seen therapists online explain that they didn’t actually know what processing emotions meant and they just told it to clients and it worked for some people and not for others. But it is something pretty integral to how people get past old wounds and trauma. Tbh with you, a diary is one of the best ways to actually do that, same with venting to someone. You are sitting in your own emotions and just.. going. Some people solely do it through therapy by talking about surface issues which slowly unravel the bigger ones.
Most people already process emotions one way or another but Izuku just keeps going all the time, always. Never takes a step back to look at everything. Never uses critical thinking for anything that is not inherently selfless. If he were to not take the step back to really look at it all, he would run himself into the ground and kill himself.
So, how would new Izuku change from old Izuku? Healthy reactions to emotions is really the big one. Also healthy and thoughtful reactions to anyone he cares about almost dying; like Katsuki. He has to accept who he loves and really analyze why he feels something, so he can be happier and healthier.
Healthy is really up to perception. It’s a healthy balance between Izuku’s personality and how a happier Izuku looks. Not only would he not set his value on how close he can get to suicide in order to save someone, it would also stop those extreme reactions.
Think of ofa as Izuku’s emotions. At the beginning it is all or nothing, much like his middle school years. Then it’s some or everything, like in high school. Ofa is a manifestation of his emotional intelligence in the actual manga, but it’s also an overall metaphor for how he grows up. The more control and closer Izuku gets to emotional maturity, the more control Izuku gets over ofa. We’re in the final stretch, he’s reigned in on most of his emotions, except those having to do with Katsuki. That’s because his emotions having to do with Katsuki are what he fears the most. Along with how Katsuki has become his weakness; therefore Katsuki is in danger constantly because of how much Izuku cares about him.
When Izuku started using shoot style and his legs for his main fighting style, he realized his own internal distaste of all might due to how he wants to be his own hero. When he was rescued during his vigilante arc, he realized his fear of being vulnerable. When his mother apologizes for not telling him the things he needs to hear, he understands the hidden distasteful emotions he has of his mom.
He’s been emotionally maturing at a snails pace, but that’s because of his trauma and toxic masculinity.
I also believe (and this may just be me projecting lol) that he has some kind of internalized homophobia. Homophobia/transphobia was established when big sis mag was misgendered and toga/twice got defensive of her. “Don’t that make that mistake again”
We all know Izuku’s quote during deku vs kacchan part 2 when he calls his feelings “gross”. I think it fits really well into internalized homophobia, especially because of just how relatable it is. It’s also (again) tongue and cheek with the homophobic fans. Making Izuku call his feelings gross shows EVEN MORE how much Izuku was made to make fun of dudebros who watch the show.
I just don’t see the point in establishing that transphobia/homophobia exists if it won’t be relevant to our two secretly queer characters. (Izuku and ochako) But, I’ve said this before, projection and bias is apart of any analysis, and that includes my own. Don’t take my words by law, rather as guides for what YOU take away. Stories have purpose in showing a message, yes, but in some aspects, projecting onto storytelling can make it equally as fulfilling to us.
Back to Izuku tho. Izuku has never truly processed a feeling to do with “kacchan” ever. Throughout the entire show it has either been met with thinly veiled envy, anger, and this silly little emotion that he doesn’t know what it is yet. Love to us, quite obviously, but not to him. He just doesn’t know. He understands who Katsuki is on every level, just not what he means to Izuku. Or maybe he does. That’s the amazing thing about horikoshi keeping Izuku’s thoughts under wraps; right now, we get to make our own interpretations.
However, if you want to know more about Izuku and his relations to Katsuki, this post (along with dekacchannn’s other posts) and the entirety of angy-grrr’s queer hypothesis are great places to find those things. I saw you sent an ask to angy-grrr recently, so I’m sure you’ve probably read some already, but their post of shojo vs shonen is one of my favs.
Rambling again. Anyway, what parts do I think Izuku doesn’t wanna see? His anger, romantic feelings, and, most of all, his deep rooted distaste of certain people around him who have hurt him. (purposefully or not) Now, this isn’t to say anyone around him is necessarily a bad person, but part of maturity is being able to say “you hurt me and I want to heal from that” regardless of how much that guilt will hurt that person. People make mistakes, we’re all human, and that’s made a point in mha frequently. I’m of the opinion that endeavor is learning to be a good father and husband, and he is not owed forgiveness but it is good if one of the people who he hurt chooses to forgive.
You should never let the guilt of someone else stop you from healing. It’s your trauma. You get to choose how much or how little someone knows, yes, but some things require you to talk about the mistake with the person. Izuku is selfless, ofc, so he would rather deal with it all completely on his own if he has to deal with it at all, but he’s afraid of what he may dislike about someone. He’d feel so guilty if he was still holding onto any feelings.
Do I think he’s holding onto old wounds? No, surprisingly. Like I said before, after certain events he realized why he felt the way he did and also what caused those aggressive reactions. In fact, he even talks about how he feels about allmight in 348.
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This is old news to him. He’s reciting something he’s known for a while, seeing as he’s literally thinking of battle strategies while he talks to her. This line about shutting down izu//ocha for good, (as he’s directly saying he does not experience love the way that uraraka does) about how he won’t say Katsuki, (to not shut down bkdk) and also to show a glimpse into Izuku’s feelings of allmight.
Does this mean I think he has fully processed or analyzed an emotion in his life? NOPE! Does this mean I think he’s almost there? Absolutely.
As for political opinions I think it’s a similar situation as his love of Katsuki because he feels like he’d somehow be betraying allmight or being on the villains side. Propaganda uses our abilities with pattern recognition and societal expectation to fit in by telling you that “this is the norm. There is something wrong with you if you do not believe in x”, and hero society uses propaganda frequently to shame people into shape. Keep them in line. Anyone who does not fit into this formula is useless/villainous and we should shame them until they either break and become what they “truly are” (a villain) or make them fit this standard.
My hero uses the war propaganda old comics in the US but in a way that actually shows you how this perception is warped. You yourself have talked about how mha manages to actually be more optimistic and peaceful than shows like SU even though it dabbles in darker themes. (Child abuse, poverty, ableism)
If you’ve watched any tv show/movie ever, there will always be propaganda in it one way or another. Studio ghibli movies tend to show a more anti war and hopeful message than the classic Disney movies.
Anyway, this is all to say, that Izuku is prone to propaganda. He feels like if he has an opinion at all that he is villainous. It’s why uraraka didn’t really have an opinion either until recently. It’s the fear that if you call out anything wrong with heroes, that you will be labeled as someone you aren’t. The shame of just saying ANYTHING is wrong is THERE. If hawks talks about how the hero commission basically made him a child soldier, then he is apart of the league. And yeah, I may not have explained this in the best way either, but I honestly believe most of why Izuku is so apolitical seems to have to do with shame. Idk, maybe I’m wrong, not SUPER confident in this, but yeah. Partly propaganda/cultural norms, partly the fear of being isolated, and partly not actually taking time to process his feelings ever.
Anyway, hope this made sense. I talk too much about a lot of topics as per usual, but ig that’s what y’all are here for anyway lol
I’m not rereading this bc like I said a lot of irl stuff happening so I hope I answered this in a way that made sense
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
So, I've seen a lot of people getting mad at Bones for seemingly erasing bkdk moments and replacing them with Izu//ocha. As someone who began as an anime only and migrated over to the manga, I never really saw this though? I got bkdk vibes pretty fast, even when I was just watching the anime. Besides that, a lot of people forget that Bones has added shipping material for every ship, not just specific ones. They added the Kabedon (wall pound), and they also animate plenty of added little winks to the audience. I think a lot of them slip by the western audience though because I think they're more Japanese specific. I only found out because I was hungry for bkdk content and looked up the eastern side of the fandom and cultural meanings in Japan XD. Another person explained what Bones might actually be doing. Usually studios add shipping moments for multiple groups in the interest of making money, since animation is expensive. Due to this, they might be doing more filler for ships that don't have a whole lot of canon content, while moving ships that do get canon attention along through use of the plot. Idk, I just don't understand the arguments others have made. Bkdk is incredibly popular in Japan, Japan's culture on bullying means they don't (usually) have the same issues that we do with Katsuki himself, and they've added shipping moments for KiriBaku and bkdk, which means they're open to the idea. I think it's less discrimination and more about what makes sense monetarily. Business is really difficult to run, especially in the entertainment industry. Finally, for all people have complained about the distance, I noticed that in season 5 they started moving bkdk closer to each other in general. I also feel like the adding distance thing could come down to a lot of factors. They had a lot of moments of bkdk sitting next to each other or (in one case) outright leaning on each other, only to randomly be back to distance again. It could make a nice visual metaphor for how Bakugo has gotten closer to Deku, but is still internally rebelling against it. Idk, I feel like that could a lot of ways. All depends on how you view it.
Now, okay, here’s my take on this
It’s not necessarily bones as a company rather the audience they have to conform to. And they most definitely leave in a lot of bkdk scenes, yes, but that’s quite literally because they can’t go around it, not only for plot but also that like, unless you were completely clueless most people KNEW Katsuki was going to get a redemption or atonement arc of some kind. We just weren’t expecting horikoshi to make it so… romantic. And intimate.
Bones isn’t necessarily homophobic, the amount of kiri//baku scenes in the movies and in the show is undeniable. Ntm the fact that Rody and deku had a whole romantic song montage in their movie. But there’s a REASON why kiri//baku is seen as the “most straight gay ship” and that’s simply because every other boy in the show (excluding Katsuki) has a “main woman” if you will. Kaminari has jirou, kirishima has Mina (I know I’m contradicting but I’ll explain later), Izuku has ochako, etc etc.
My point is that the reason that Katsuki is never the one getting comments like “bakugou is straight” like they say “deku is straight” is because he is the most queer mother fucker you’ve ever seen. He doesn’t HAVE a love interest (see in Katsuki meta👀) like every other boy does. Some people say it’s camie but, let’s be honest here, in every scene she’s in she doesn’t even pass the bechtel test. The friend group is fun and awesome, and she teases him a lot, but, in reality, she just doesn’t have enough scenes or screen time to be a full character and develop out of a rare pair.
And bones is aware of this, just as the fandom is. Katsuki simply doesn’t have a woman to establish him as straight AND ALSO has a lot of queer coding by fitting the “gay delinquent” trope. Kirishima also fits a lot of the Japanese ideas of the “gay delinquent”. This, was entirely purposeful.
In a way bones, like many mha fans, fell for a lot of the bait hori threw and then even exaggerated it. There’s this scene in the anime where ochako is changed to questioning why she likes Izuku and then says how she’s going to “lock away these feelings”, but in the manga she says “what the hell am I doing? He’s trying his best to be a hero, I also need to try my best.” This is paraphrasing ofc, I’d need to rewatch the scene and grab the panel but I don’t currently have access to my mha books. (Which is currently my only way of getting the official translations for older chapters lol)
In some cases, it’s a stretch I won’t lie. But, while bones isn’t exactly HOMOPHOBIC, it doesn’t change how bones tries to appeal to, ultimately, a bigger audience. Shonen needs a girl and boy ending and because mha is a shonen then it will have a girl and boy ending.
Another aspect is that homophobic fans just straight up hate Katsuki. Not only because they’re usually bullied white boys that fell down the alt right pipeline, but also because Katsuki gets in the way of any of their straight ships. He’s competition for not only ochako but also Mina. And they don’t like that, but since they can’t be outwardly homophobic they just say that he’s abusive or completely un redeemable. (Which is also weird bc these people tend to also like endeavor ?????? I don’t get it. Like, I like endeavor too but what)
There’s no getting around Katsuki being a VERY queer coded character. Not only with Izuku but also with kirishima. Bones doesn’t want to take away from izu//ocha so they put their eggs into one basket; aka kiri//baku.
Anywho, there’s a reason why so many anti bkdk shippers are anime only’s and that’s both because bkdk is “cringe” in mainstream media (thanks alt right pipeline) and also because a lot of the subtext and magic was lost. Ultimately, anime is just an adaptation. The only thing that REALLY matters IS the manga. So, in the case of bkdk being canon, there’s going to be an influx of anime only’s that say that this wasn’t implied, rushed, he was forced, etc etc etc and they will ultimately just have to cope and cry and wine about it in their own pity party.
Yada yada, I kinda rambled, but yeah. I do think bones censors and then pushes a certain narrative. I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing either since, well, like I said before, anime is an adaptation of the manga. It’s not going to be accurate a LOT and that’s just a fact we kind of have to accept. I watch the anime to get the scenes I love animated now. I started out as an anime only (who started shipping them after dvk2) and I’ve re read most of the manga at this point. A lot is different and I’d honestly recommend to anyone who has the time and patience to read the entire manga. It truly is a different experience. Bkdk was more implied in the manga and izu//ocha was even more boring too. The only reason I even like izu//ocha is because of the first two seasons of mha, and then ofc fandom content. Otherwise, I’ve stopped caring for it mostly. They’re boring and have been boring for a long time. The only reason they WERENT is because of bones.
Again, anime adaptations are just that, adaptations. I don’t think it’s really a bad thing.
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
Horikoshi I’m literally begging you atp to just make it canon already I wanna celebrate so bad
I already have my “WE FUCKING WIN BITCHES” draft on tumblr written out and ready
Just waiting atp
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
The difference between opinion and projection is solely if you can see the appeal of a character and still dislike them bc of their personality and completely just saying they’re a bad person/character.
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
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500 posts!
Omg I did it, and the 500th post was a togachako post about Toga wanting to be saved!!! Yay!!
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
was rereading your Izuku meta post, and was reminded of something. Repressing emotion is often like a ship taking on water. Once you let a little bit of repressed emotion escape, the rest of your emotions start to slowly escape, faster and faster as time goes on. This may just be my bias, but this seems to be happening to Izuku. He let a little bit of repressed anger seep through, and increasingly he's struggled to rein his emotions back in. I can't help but feel like we're heading for a moment where his emotions finally come loose in their entirety. I couldn't help but wonder how that would change his character though. For bakugo, once they had that fight his personality began to change. When Katsuki saved Izuku in 285, it paralleled the start of the series where Izuku saved Katsuki. Katsuki pushed Izuku away, only facing him again after the fight. Izuku is currently pushing Katsuki away due to his sacrifice, trying to deal with his problems alone. But it's not working. So, I have to wonder: Katsuki changed slowly after being confronted about his behavior. How do you think Izuku's behavior might change? He's been like this the entire series, and with each season the story has gotten more vocal about calling out his bullshit.
Good question! (Also sorry I took so long, I had hw and school lol)
I think if we’re gonna answer how Izuku’s behavior might change, we have to think about how allmights behavior already changed.
So, when allmight lost one of the most fundamental parts of his identity (his quirk) what did he do? Well he did everything in his power to feel useful again.
But, this mindset changed when two things happened: allmight talked to aizawa about yknow, feeling useless, and then again when he talked to stain.
Stain and aizawa were the key reasons in how allmight managed to help himself. There’s this message that the story is constantly trying to push, and that’s if you want to save someone, they have to want to be saved. The same thing goes for mental health; in order for someone to get better, they have to WANT to get better. Oftentimes when people don’t get help, they usually resort to “romanticizing your sadness”. The feeling that, to be happy isn’t normal, and that you should stay sad forever because it’s what you’re used to. The change itself is the fear.
But just like every other human emotion, it changes moment to moment. You are never truly sad forever just like you are never HAPPY forever. It’s just how life works. When you ask the question, “would you be happy forever” most people would say no. Now there’s nothing wrong with this opinion, I have it too, but the REASON we have this opinion is because to feel happy you have to feel sadness. That’s just how our emotions work. A drug that makes you happy constantly exists, and it’s called literally any addiction ever. It’s unhealthy for us BECAUSE of the trade off between intelligence and blissful ignorance. That’s not me being edgy, that’s just a fact. Intelligence in animals generally makes you a less happy animal.
Why am I talking about this? Well, for Izuku to be happy, for him to not have all of this repressed anger, he has to release it. But he’s SCARED of that outcome, scared of both what that anger will look like and also what comes after.
His repressed emotions aren’t just anger, it’s love, sadness, depression, and even happiness and fulfillment on the other side, but he’s scared of what being healthy will be like.
And I feel like addressing WHY I think he’s scared is super important too. It’s partly due to his conscious act of repressing everything he feels, and also partly due to simple parallels.
Allmight and Katsuki have frequently repressed emotions and have gotten through and dealt with it. For allmight it was an expectation he had for himself and also from the world that he has to be perfect. (And btw, Izuku sets the bar higher than allmight, as he thinks that he should be the idolized version of allmight in his head, instead of the real allmight or even just, yknow, his best) In a way Izuku is kind of following his predecessors damaging way of repressed emotions, even if allmight has worked past that.
For Katsuki, it was about feeling anger over every other emotion in order to not feel vulnerability. Katsuki was also AFRAID of what vulnerability looked like, just as all might was afraid of what honesty looked like for his idolized version.
Izuku experiences both of these. An idolized version of what he should be, making him repress emotions and push the people that cause him his outbursts, (allmight) and also resort to repressed anger when in a situation of vulnerability. (Katsuki)
If Izuku changes these things, he doesn’t know who he will be anymore. Just as all might didn’t know who he was without his idolization, and Katsuki without his immediate anger.
As for his conscious repressing of emotions, that’s the bullying, his worrying mom, and allmight’s fault. He doesn’t want to upset anyone, and I also feel like if he acknowledges how Katsuki hurt him mentally, he thinks it will only end up hurting Katsuki. Let the guilt itself eat him alive; so Izuku stays silent and doesn’t talk to a single soul about how the isolation felt.
He definitely WILL have an outburst at some point, and that’s the scary part. The fact that mid battle, Katsuki is gonna be the only one able to break his spell. Make him accept his love of Katsuki, and possibly make him realize his love too.
Love is an amazingly complicated emotion, especially since it’s not actually an emotion. I’ll probably talk about how love works at some point, (and how some of you kids who follow this account need to learn what love actually IS) just because of how interesting and complicated it is. Human love is so weird and I ADORE talking about it.
EDIT: my dumbass forgot to say how he actually might change which was the entire point of the question dindosndidbdj sorry
I think he’s gonna change in the way that he will outwardly show his emotions. One, ofc, accepting his love of Katsuki and loving Katsuki (or uraraka ig if horikoshi wants to be a bad writer hsudbfkd) two, being angry in a context outside of an emotional situation or battle, and three, god he’ll finally be his own person.
Like the imitation of Katsuki and allmight is cute, yes, but just as URARAKA imitating Izuku was unhealthy and she became her own hero, he will do the same. Outside of Katsuki the person, dynamite the hero, or allmight the sensei, Izuku will be himself. His own hero, his own person; he will be, Deku the human hero. The hero not afraid to show their flaws, just like uravity, the hero for other heroes and the face of 1A, just like Dynamite, the hero not afraid to be himself.
They will ALL represent different things for the public. But win to save and save to win? That’s their thing.
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dekusleftsock · 7 months
Idk what happened but we working on 3 metas at once💪💪💪💪
One of them is technically an ask but… I will still call it a meta bc it probably takes like an hour less of time.
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
As long as we're talking about mental health and the capacity for empathy, allow me to talk about animals. animals generally aren't nearly as kind as humans believe. Animals can have mental disorders too, they can also strangely be racist towards members of their own species. For instance, clear coated dolphins will often bully/attack spotted dolphins. I used to know a dog who only liked dogs of her own breed and would attack other dog breeds. Sometimes cats will only sit with cats who are their same coloring, refusing to cooperate with cats of other coloring. The general key with animals seems to be that the smarter they are, the more capacity they have for altruism and sadism. Many of the smartest animals are also simultaneously the most altruistic and sadistic. Elephants, dolphins and chimps are great examples of this. Dolphins will save other animals even though they don't get anything from it. They are also one of the only animals that have been known to torture members of their own species. Chimps are one of the only creatures that will freely let themselves go hungry to save someone they love, they are also one of the only creatures that are cunning enough to plan a murder of another chimp ahead of time. In other words, they'll lead that chimp away from the group to kill the other quietly where no one will interfere. Also, did you know animals can display traits of psychopathy? I genuinely didn't know that until recently. Other weird animal behaviors, lemurs and dolphins love getting high and will usually put time aside specifically for finding the materials to get themselves high. What I've learned from studying animals is that they are actually quite similar to humans, far more than most people like to think. In general when studying psychology, I've found that nurture is often a far stronger aspect than nature. Animals who are raised in captivity will often behave like humans or other species around them do. For instance, a parrot raised around dogs began acting like the dogs did.
This was entirely unnecessary, but I did warn you before that I have a million different topics sitting in my head at any given day XD.
Super interesting!
I actually have a parrot of my own, and with my research and special interest when I was younger on parrots (behdbdj shhh) they can self harm, become depressed, have ptsd, and so many other psychological disorders.
The thing with humans is that we like to disconnect ourselves from animals. When people colonized the Americas, they stopped a lot of indigenous people from foraging. This not only hurt these communities, but also they’re environment.
The reason for this is that we as people, are APART of the environment. We are predators much like any other species; when we murder and take away the predators in an environment (like foxes, wolves, etc) then it’s our responsibility to pick up the slack when we take away those animals.
My mom grows food in the city. She’s had an ongoing battle with squirrels over them destroying the food taht she’s been growing. Animal activists just don’t understand that, apart of being IN an environment is not just protecting the species that exist there. It’s also keeping the populations down that we create.
Squirrels in the city don’t have natural predators. Cats don’t hunt squirrels because they’re too fast. This creates a place where squirrels continue to breed, and even though they are native to North America and my area, they instead act like an invasive species.
No wonder we’re more connected to them than we think; we’re all from the same place as them. We are apart of the environment, that just means we have to fix the mistakes we’ve made and stop playing god when we aren’t.
Ntm the idea that humans should just, leave earth when people talk about climate change. That’s not possible. We know that. It’s literally just a way to be pessimistic about climate change when we need to take action and fix our mistakes.
It won’t just go away.
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