#lenora’s fandom stuff
runninguplenorahills · 7 months
I’m procrastinating working on my pedagogy assignment which is supposed to be 2000 to 2500 characters (including spaces) long so instead I wrote a reblog talking about stranger things funko pops and what they mean that’s 5300 characters (including spaces) long….
Make it make sense
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douglysium · 4 months
Is FGO's Andromeda Black?
I already talked about this on Twitter So I figured I would mention this here and it was originally a sort of response to people criticizing for someone assuming Andromeda was some sort of gyaru.
I appreciate that people are aware of Andromeda’s Aethiopian / African origins in FGO but tbh I think there’s something to be said about how FGO design usually approaches drawing black people / features. Sure I think Andromeda is black but if you where to grab a random non-fate fan before putting FGO’s Andromeda, Amakusa, Emiya Alter, and Suzuka Gozen (Summer) in front of them with no context and asked them “Which of these characters is black?” or "Which of these character an African figure?" I hesitate to say that they would be able to tell you consistently.
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I’m not saying no character can ever be racially ambiguous or everything can fit cleanly into little boxes at all times but as tempting as it is to say someone not realizing Andromeda is black is merely the ignorance of an audience member I can’t help but think that Fate also primes such expectations with how they often approach black characters in general. I think parts of the internet do bend over backward trying to deny a character being black when it makes sense but I also ask when is the last time Fate has idk drawn really curly hair or dreads? Like seriously think about it.
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(Lenora maybe isn't the best example because I think she plays into some stereotypes but the point here is to look at the hair texture)
So, I think as good as the conversation about Africa in Greek mythology is to have and how easy it is to blame it on the audience (which is not completely unjustified) I think we also have to question how Fate itself primes the audience or may handle things in such a way as to increase the chance of miscommunication. And this is not to say that it’s always Fate’s fault or that black people can never have straight hair and / or lightskin black people or what have you, but i find Myself having to debate whether a character is black or not in fate way more often than I have to debate if a character is black in other media. I think the weaknesses that Fate has with these kinds of designs is something I don’t see with Magic the Gathering or Pokemon or even Digimon. Outside of specific characters I don’t see people arguing Marvin Jackson from Digital-Police is a gyaru or Lenora isn’t black.
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Like if you look at Sid Story’s Mansa Musa design for example I don’t think there’s really anyway for someone to misinterpret that she’s not black without looking like they are purposefully trying to troll others for engagement.
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(Shout outs to illust_ringo (https://twitter.com/illust_ringo))
Like yeah, there is a lot of racism in some parts of the Fate fandom but Fate itself did also make a bunch of Detroit jokes with Emiya alter and clearly realized they made some sort of mistake with design since they’ve been walking back on some subtle stuff so I can only give FGO itself so much grace in that context. I love Fate but I think if we want to have a productive conversation we need to acknowledge the racism within Fate itself and how that can attract certain people or set up certain expectations (even with the censorship of characters like Emiya Alter).
I guess what I’m also trying to say is for some people if you give an inch they’ll take a mile. If you give even a little bit of a possibility that a character isn’t black, even if they’re supposed to be, some people are going to take it and I think that there’s some stuff Fate could be doing more often (even if not all the time) to help prevent misconceptions from occurring and prevent me from pulling out an essay or history lesson on why a character is or should be black almost every-time they release and African servant.
While I ended up talking about some of the ways I think Fate could do better I don’t think it’s always 100% their fault. Like I said if you give an inch some people will take a mile (and some people don’t want to ever count Egypt as part of Africa for some reason) but I also think there’s stuff they could be doing to help curb this. I also don’t think it helps that Fate barely touches any black figures around / outside of Egypt but that’s for another time (where’s Yasuke?! Im on my hands and knees begging).
Anyway, those are my thoughts because quite frankly one could go on all day with almost infinite ifs, ands, or buts and numerous exceptions and when the responsibility is more on the designer or more on the audience or how there are always exceptions, considering racially ambiguous people and designs, etc but this is from Twitter and my brain hurts so I'll spare you an entire chapter book's worth of thoughts. I figured this was also fitting to go over during Black History Month.
Extra Thoughts
There are a couple of other points I would like to mention though. Some people have argued Andromeda is a win because they didn't depict her as white and I'm not sure I completely agree? Yes, it is a major win that they didn't do that thing where they only look at how white Europeans from the medieval century depicted her and used pale skin as a symbol of beauty but there are some fan translations of her profile and it says this " A tomboy princess who prides herself on her swimming ability. Ethiopia (Aethiopia) is said to mean "land of the sunburnt people"[1], however, it does not necessarily correspond to the nation of Ethiopia which exists today."
So yes, Aethiopia does not correspond perfectly to Ethopia but it still refers to parts of Africa and Africans. Quite frankly, this part of the profile reads like a summer servant and while it might be easy to say "Fate gave her dark skin so it's a win" I also worry that what happened is that they interpreted "land of the sunburnt people" as a tan and took the depictions of white Andromeda and interpreted it as a sort of tan. Which is a doubt I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I didn't have and I can't stress this enough. I so desperately want to believe that they are saying Andromeda is at least black but like I said I think we have to be honest that Fate's depiction of black and African people adds a lot of room for doubt. I think her skin is naturally tan at least and while she does indeed have dark hair in some of her ascensions it ends up turning blonde. You could maybe argue this confirms that she actually isn't a gyaru since most stereotypical gyarus have blonde hair but even with that in mind I think the way Fate handles Andromeda and just black designs in general can often fall a bit flat or unclear and sometimes I think fans are doing a lot of heavy lifting with good faith readings (including me).
This is not me saying Andromeda is white this is me saying that Fate pretty consistently falls short with these designs which feeds into a room for doubt. Like I said, I just want Fate to be more willing to include some black features more often so I'm not constantly having to pull up a small dissertation on why a character is black. It would be nice if there were just a few more of their black characters that I could point to and have no doubts about and not need to debate anyone.
Also, Fate just has a SERIOUS whitewashing problem and a weird relationship with blonde hair quite frankly. It feels like sometimes it's an obsession. Like when they made it so blonde hair was a sign of divinity for most of the Babylonian gods. Something that has a lot of Eurocentric baggage with the history of associating often white / "aryan" traits with purity, beauty, goodness, divinity, etc.. Not to mention, that in my opinion, Fate seems like it is basically going out of its way to avoid black historical figures most of the time unless they have do Egypt. Yes, I know about Strange / Fake and Nzambi but they barely touched most of Africa and even outside of Egypt they haven't really even mentioned characters like Yasuke outside of some fan-submitted design in one of their gag mangas. Combine this with designs like Emiya Alter and the controversy around that and I can't help but be left wanting a bit more of a bare minimum somewhere even if there aren't a lot of black servants.
Greeks and Pigment
Since someone is inevitably going to bring this up. Yes the Greeks do technically depict Andromeda with light skin even way back when but I just happened to take an art history class so I know a bit about this.
Greeks did this weird thing where they sometimes depicted women with light skin and men with dark skin so if you really wanted to commit to that argument then someone like Perseus for example would have to be black or at least dark-skinned. To me it can hold about as much wait as arguing a man has blue skin and a girl has pink skin because people associate those colors with boys and girls.
For reference, here’s a pot depicting Perseus and Andromeda from 575-550 BCE on an amphora from Italy. If someone did want to argue Andromeda was white than they would need to argue Pereus is black or something which is to say Greek art and skin tones can be weird.
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Andromeda wasn’t the only Greek mythological figure from Ethiopia (such as Memnon during the Trojan War) and the Greeks had settlements in African areas like Egypt and traded with Africans. Additionally, the myth of Helios explains why dark skin tones exist (so different skin tones are literally incorporated into their myths) so I think based on context even with art like this we can assume the Greek culture generally probably knew about black people. Also, Andromeda's profile clearly alludes to the idea that the designers and writers probably know Andromeda is from Africa too.
Idk, I try not to come off as a debbie downer or seem like the only enjoyment I get from Fate is when I bash it but I feel like some people are getting really caught up in praising the design or the individuals who are probably misreading Andromeda's race or ethnicity and not seeing the bigger picture itself. Something that limits the productivity of the conversation. I also think that where possible we should maybe push for more clearly black designs to prevent things like this from happening. I know that's usually not going to happen because FGO is a Japanese game for a mostly Japanese audience but you never know who's paying attention or who you might inspire. I also think that some of us maybe shouldn't be settling for scraps or half gestures as often.
Andromeda does do well with not just depicting her as Perseus white but at the same time I think everyone also just has REALLY low standards (including me) so even that little bit was a surprise. Which is depressing when you think about it. This isn't me saying you can't like Andromeda or that every character needs to have their race plastered on their forehead but it's very clear that Fate's design philosophy has some major pitfalls and weaknesses (especially with depicting black people) and I think it could be taking some simple steps to resolve them. It feels like every time FGO releases a black character the same cycle happens in the community and I'm not really sure it's going anywhere because people end up debating about what is basically a symptom showing up within the fanbase without addressing the actual source and elephant in the room itself, FGO and maybe even Fate in general.
There are also even people in Japan who at least kind of care enough to try to depict black people in a less ambiguous fashion that isn't racist or a stereotype (like Jinkei who has literally worked on FGO: https://x.com/jinkei_bunny/status/1759352092467364240?s=20).
Anyway, happy Black History Month. I urge you that while criticism is good and healthy positive reinforcement is also great and just as important. There's no point in ever only paying attention to the negative but never fostering the positive.
In the spirit of positivity and being the change you want to see in the world here are my Yasuke and Shaka Zulu fanservant designs
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Demon Saber: Yasuke Full Profile- https://douglysium.tumblr.com/post/735141544541208576/mori-ranmaru-wikipedia
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Grand Lancer Candidate: Shaka Zulu Full Profile- https://douglysium.tumblr.com/post/721643569180557312/douglysium-douglysium-douglysium-grand
Steel Berserker: John Henry Unfinished Profile- https://www.tumblr.com/douglysium/735103259781578752/steel-berserker-john-henry-wip?source=share
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Things I would never have remembered about Mike and Will if it wasn't for this fandom:
- They've been friends for a decade (since they were 5)
- Mike IS good at school, he's just been slipping since the Upside Down stuff started because it's hard for a kid to heal from trauma and study for tests at the same time
- Will probably doesn't know that Mike jumped off a cliff
- When they needed a replacement in DnD, Mike subconsciously was looking for someone like Will
- Will technically had a nicer life in Lenora than in Hawkins, but he missed Mike too much to properly enjoy it
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Alright we've finally reached the basement and backyard! This one might be extra long because there's a lot to cover
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(image credits to/designs made using the app HomeByMe from Dassault Systèmes SE)
I don't think you can tell from the picture but there's a retaining wall across the front due to the hill that butts up against the front of the house, as mentioned in the last installment. There wasn't a front yard in the last part bc I imagine they're kind of right on the road (sort of like the og full house) and the driveway wraps around one side and down from the road in front to the garage in the back (I had already added a lot of extra space and stuff to this level and the app was starting to get a little glitchy so I decided against expanding the area further lol)
So anyway, the basement is where a lot of the various practical function type rooms are; we've got the laundry room in the front, the kitchen and the dining room on the right, etc.
There's the garage, please ignore the car that's in there as there weren't a lot of options and I know that one little minivan (I think it was a minivan?) is definitely not going to cut it for a household of this size but they didn't have any actual vans and I didn't have space to include multiple cars, so just use your imagination and picture that there are two more cars parked outside along the driveway or smthn (I'm thinking Steve has his car but he mostly lets Nancy or Jonathan drive it since his vision is starting to get worse, Eddie has his van, and Argyle still has the surfer boy pizza van bc he got to keep his old job but got transferred to a new location. Don't question the logistics of that it's not important)
You're probably wondering what the hell a "dog room?" is. I couldn't think of a better name for it, but basically I decided they should have a dog and that they adopt a stray they find, and this is the room where they keep the dog stuff. He's got a bed and a crate and his bowls in there, and it's also where they keep his food and all the other dog-related supplies. There's a door giving direct access to the yard from this room, and a hook by the door to hold a leash. All that said, the dog doesn't end up actually being in this room all that much besides when he eats, since everyone takes turns letting him sleep in their rooms and he's pretty much glued to his humans' sides when they're home
Beside the dog room is the aforementioned laundry room. I haven't decided for sure yet whether each person is responsible for their own laundry or if there's a designated laundry-doer (as well as other assigned chore roles) so we'll have to come back to that later
Next is the kitchen, and I'm following the lead of what seems to be majority consensus in fandom that Steve is a good cook, so he's usually the one making family meals in here. Also, El frequently sneaks down into the basement for late night eggos, and Will- who had become familiar with this habit of hers during their time in Lenora- sometimes accompanies her (trust that this au will have some strong willel sibling vibes bc its one of my favorite underexplored tropes in canon)
The kitchen is connected to the dining room; they're not actually separate rooms there's just a sort of mostly-for-aesthetic-purposes divider between them. The dining room is where they sit when everyone shares a meal or when they have company over for dinner, otherwise people just sort of take their food wherever they want if they're eating alone. They eat dinner together most nights
There's a door from the dining room out onto a patio, which is fitting since the patio is pretty much just a smaller, outdoor dining room (that's a picnic table in the middle). They grill sometimes but also just go out there to eat like, pb&js and chips in the warm sunlight and fresh air. It's also a place to sit and dry off or hang out after a swim, and the lower end has a pool shed where they store stuff like floats and nets and salt bags
Past the pool shed is the actual pool, which is an emotionally weighted part of the setting for several characters. El doesn't like the pool very much and mostly avoids it at first, but eventually she grows to love swimming (this au is also going to involve a lot of reclamation of things formerly tied to trauma). Steve on the other hand has very mixed feelings about the pool which he mostly tries to ignore. Mike tends to get weirdly clingy when Will wants to swim and always insists on going with him
Next to the back door is the external stairs to the deck on the first floor, and right inside the door is another mud room (don't ask me why they need two I didn't know what else to put in the space ok? Besides maybe it's just a matter of preference, some people prefer coming in through the basement and some prefer coming in through the first floor). Further in is the living room, which is sort of a more formal/intimate gathering space in some ways compared to the den upstairs; the den is for friends and neighbors, the living room is for family, if that makes sense? Or just for more "serious" company or family meetings
Back out into the yard, there's the gardening/tool shed, where Argyle likes to build birdhouses and the original party likes to tinker with old electronics, and where they keep the supplies for the greenhouse right next to it. They started growing their own fruits and vegetables out of necessity at first, back when everyone was nervous to leave the house, but now its use is mostly split between what Steve grows for use in the kitchen and Eddie & Argyle's home-grown weed
I think that's just about everything. The next installments will most likely be about roommate pairings and more in-depth bedroom designs
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babblish · 1 year
A Year in Writing; 2022 — A Retrospective
This year was an extremely productive year, and although my overall word count was lower than the previous. I really buckled down in an attempt to improve myself as a writer and I think I have achieved that. I also participated in my very first fandom events and it was one of my 2022 highlights, it was a lot of fun and everyone brought a lot of great stuff to the table (we even got a proper tag on Ao3, thanks wranglers!) but also very very exhausting.
Unfortunately I was going great up until this last quarter where a whole lot of personal stuff happened, a lot of just extremely bad and stressful. So I haven't really done any truly solid writing since September, but I'm recovering and looking forward to facing the New Year with new vigour and slightly different goals in mind.
The Heart of Janus, Published:
January 8 - Under the Wave Launched (M) February 14 - Honey and Lemon Launched (E) April 9 - Under the Wave Returned from Hiatus May 28 - Honey and Lemon Returned from Hiatus June 18 - Searching for the C Launched (T) June 25 - Searching for the C Completed (T) July 23 - Birkenstocks and Ballet Flats Launched (M) July 30 - Birkenstocks and Ballet Flats Completed September 3 - Honey and Lemon Returned from Hiatus October 29 - Under the Wave Returned from Hiatus October 31 - The Honorary Janeth Completed (T)
Ordershipping Week 2022, Published:
October 23 - Observatory Musings: B-side Completed (M) October 24 - More Plant than God Completed (M) October 25 - As a Treat Completed (M) October 26 - Ghosts in Earthen Hues Completed (M) October 27 - Wretched Heart Completed (M) October 28 - Listen to Me Completed (M) October 29 - Observatory Musings: A-side Completed (M)
The Heart of Janus, Wips:
Unnamed Camelot Fic
Under the Sun — Part Two: The Daughters of Magic
Under the Sun — Part Three: The Pursuit of Stone
Arcadian Witch (aka Witch!Lenora Fic)
The Homework Squad (Multiple PoV; Coach Lawrence, Uhl, Janeth, Strickler)
Dungeons and Dragons, Published:
April 13-August 20 - Web of Starlight Returned from Hiatus with 8 more chapters
Dungeons and Dragons, Wips:
Web of Starlight
Doctor Beauregard Aubin Marceau Thibault-Babineaux
Overall Word Count: 154355
Highest Word Count in a Day: 2496 (June 10)
Average Word Count on a Writing Day: 800
Priority Project: 138161 (Heart of Janus)
Other Projects: 16194 (Web of Starlight & a Secret Third Thing)
What I Learnt as a Writer in 2022:
Sometimes to improve as a writer you really do need to establish what you suck at and then force yourself to write it until it's fun for you.
Publishing and curating fandom events is every bit as exhausting, perhaps even more exhausting, than blasting out 6500 words in a fortnight so you can have something to publish.
Not being able to write due to medical/RL commitment reasons for a period longer than a month makes coping with aforementioned things really fucking hard.
Be the change fandom presence you want to see in the world.
Writing Goals for 2023:
Finish Under the Wave (I'm onto the final arc) and move onto Untitled Camelot Fic.
👀 Experiment with Ao3 Features, including Anonymous Collective (to be dumped into poor unsuspecting fandom.)
Write Even More Spicy (Explicit) Content.
Push Myself out of my Comfort Zone More.
Schedule time to read and art also.
Enjoy life
[2020 Retrospective] [2021 Retrospective]
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imthecleric · 1 year
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I do not think we as a fandom talk enough about the adult influences on Will’s likes or dislikes. Some things for Will are steadfast this is what I like I will not change it, like art. However there are two times where I see a person of influence in Will’s life dictate what he likes or dislikes.
The first is when Jonathan tells him he shouldn’t like baseball because their dad likes it. Will’s response is I don’t know, and sometimes we have fun. Meaning Will does find enjoyment out of the sport. He finds enough enjoyment that even after this conversation he has baseballs in his room, and a baseball bat in the place he goes to for safety and comfort, Castle Byers. But it is never brought up again because Jonathan said he shouldn’t like it, so theoretically he doesn’t. We all know that on my blog he does. And honestly if he could make it to Spring he would absolutely play on a team which would be wild and honestly I think really cool in terms of character arc stuff.
The other time that is really notable for me is when he is asked his favorite candy. He does not have an answer. Again he says I don’t know. He then looks to his mom who mouths “Reece's Pieces” and that becomes his answer, and just like with not liking baseball he clings to it regardless of if he likes them or not. We know this because that is what he is eating in the hospital scene in season 3.
The pitch of the show said he liked bright colors yet in all of season 1 and 2 we really don’t see that save for the puffer vest. We only see it in season 3 after he destroys Castle Byers. And we see it in full force in season 4 to where the boy is matching his shirts with his belts, which is honestly so nice for me who matches my no show socks to my shirts.
After he destroys Castle Byers, which we know is very significant for him, it also comes after a very significant fight between him and Mike. We know the destruction has many meanings, and one I believe is that he stops allowing people to choose for him. The destruction happens right after he is told that dungeons and dragons is more or less a kids game and he needs to grow up.  While he may not play in Lenora he literally makes a painting of the Party, because he at the time of the destruction finally decided he gets to decide what is good for him. Now this is both good and bad because put that power in his hands and he sacrifices his feelings so his best friend can have happiness with his sister, but no one told him he had to do that, it was his decision and that’s what’s important.
He is taking his agency back. He wears brights colors, he still likes DnD, and Nintendo and wants to do that all the time, his music tastes have evolved from just what Jonathan recommends to musicals and other bands that Jonathan may not like as much.
While I have never viewed destroying Castle Byers as destroying his own childhood, because he is still a child when he does it, I do view it as him destroying why he needed it which was a place free from the judgement for liking things that don’t quite fit the mold that people view him as, and him going “fuck it” this is for me now. I do view it as other things but in terms of this specific headcanon and portion of what these specific things boil down to that is part of how I view it.
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beepboop358 · 2 years
wait- did that "leaker" really say Finn and the set hated Noah? cause if she did bro that's good enough reason not to trust this person's "leaks" at all (excluiding the Lenora Hills thing and whatever, that ain't even a leak) cause that is quite the lie, like we can't know how they all really feel about each other cause that's personal but no way Finn (or anyone on set) ever said that, beside the fact that I really don't think he hates Noah - from the way he treats him he looks genuinely affectionate - but still he would not say that publicly are you kidding, so goes with the rest of the set, not to mention that I feel like Noah's genuinely nice, like Daniel Radcliffe kind of genuine, hell he once got cancelled for trying to be respectful, and his energy's so good and free it looks like it affects everyone else, so I really don't think "the set hates Noah" with the amount of appreciation I've seen them give him and him give them. In fact didn't Noah once say one of the closest people he was to on set was Finn? Anyway if this person said that Finn and Noah joked around and got along really well before saying Finn hated him I think that pretty much speaks for itself. Not just about this but about all of this person's super specific "leaks"
I hate how people need to rub off their hate on Will (which is bad enough on its own) on Noah, who's literally an actor (a really good one) that is actually a human living in real life and has actual feelings and is a teenager?? I hate how some people can't tell the difference between an actor and the character they're playing. Say whatever you want about fictional characters but god leave the actors alone (unless they like, turn out to be a really bad person in real life, which I'm sorry Noah did not, and the things he got cancelled for are things every single teenager has done at least once because we make mistakes, specially when we're that young, i've made much stupider mistakes than the ones i've seen him get cancelled for)
I'm sorry I just ranted about people projecting their hate for a character (for whatever reason) onto the actor that plays it, looking for the first tiny detail they can use to cancel them.
Anyway I hope you're having a good day, I love your blog <3
Hi anon!
Yep, this alex person said a bunch of other really mean stuff about Will like that they hoped he died and how annoying Will was, etc and I just learned they said some awful stuff about real people in the fandom too. They are just a flat out bully and a liar.
I totally 100% agree with everything you said here about them projecting their hate onto a character and the actor. And honestly i appreciate this rant, i feel the same way! It was nice to have a reminder there are sane people in the fandom LOL because sometimes it just feels so crazy what people say. It’s ridiculous to see them hate on Will solely because they prefer Mike & El to byler, but to see them hate on Noah just because he plays Will, when none of those accusations about him being hated by Finn or the cast have any merit is just ridiculous and so freaking mean. And like you said, he is a teenager! he doesn’t deserve to be hated on for the character he plays,and Will has never done anything bad to anyone ever!!
also thank you for the sweet comment! ♥️ Hope you’re doing good and thanks for the ask!
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changlingfamilies · 3 years
Chapters: 23/? Fandom: Trollhunters - Daniel Kraus & Guillermo del Toro, 3Below, Wizards - Fandom, Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mary Wang/ Seamus Johnson, Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Toby Domzalski/Darci Scott, Otto Scaarbach/Lenora Janeth, Eli Pepperjack & Krel Tarron, Eli Pepperjack/Krel Tarron, Draal/Nomura (Tales of Arcadia), Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Aaarrrgghh/Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Steve Palchuk/Aja Tarron, Bagdwella/Bular (Tales of Arcadia) Series: Part 3 of Changling Families Summary:
Deleted and extended scenes from Changling Families and It's sequels. Some are stuff I thought of later that I thought would make good additions and some I just couldn't work into the main story.
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socks-not-shoes · 5 years
A little bit about me...
Dunno if anyone cares but here ya go!
My name is Nora but I also go by Leo since both are shortened versions of my full name- Lenora. I don’t leave the house often because I’m very shy and I’ve always been bad with loud situations due to my hypersensitivity (my ears and nose are much more sensitive than the average person’s). Honestly, most of the time all I want is for the world to just be quiet. I’m considered intelligent but I do some dumbass things (aka joining this fandom) I also love fighting, and I mean I LOVE fighting. It gave me a sense of confidence when I was younger because I was often looked down on for my size and I was bullied a lot, even by my own sister who wanted to be popular. I can recognize fighting styles and who’s a good match for who pretty well, even with weapons I can give a pretty detailed analysis on a match.
I lack the ability to ask for things or receive gifts, although I’ve made good progress on that which I’m proud of! Have I mentioned how much I love fighting?
I also enjoy coming up with powers such as stands and nen abilities. My dad and friends used to come to me when I was young and ask for me to come up with abilities for them or a character they made. I’ve also been told I’m a good storyteller. I really like to fight. I can be loud and silly but I can also be calm and comforting depending on what the people around me need.
Please say detailed stuff like this in your requests because it helps me! Sorry if I bored you though! 😅 remember that I like fighting, kids!
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makomaragi · 5 years
Listen, here’s the deal!! I know I’m going to be posting some of these out of order. I have fics for the other prompts that I am working on but aren’t totally happy with yet, so I’m just going with prompts that I have finished/the day is past/whatever. Wish I hadn’t gotten a late start on this but whatever here it is I’m doin it!!! Also I super feel the need to say I haven’t written any fics for almost a year so I am quite rusty but trying hard to remember how I do this
Title: Lost
Pairing: Professor Aurea Juniper/Fennel (Scientificshipping)
Rating: G
Fandom: Pokemon
More often than not, Fennel awoke alone in bed.
She never horribly minded, such was the nature of their schedules, really. Aurea was late to bed and early to rise, always had been and probably always would be. Fennel herself preferred to go to bed early and sleep in. Their schedules only ever seemed to be in sync when they were on vacation or at a conference together, but never at home.
But this time was different.
There was a note on her bed side table, and multiple unread texts on her phone.
She sat up urgently, grabbing her glasses and beginning to read the note first.
Had to go ASAP – huge fossil find in Johto. Will call you when I get there. Love you.
It must have been something huge if she left in the middle of the night without warning to get to. The professor knew better than to try to rouse Fennel from her sleep in the dead of night by this point, taking the apathetic route and dealing with it later.
Well, there was nothing she could do about it now. The string of texts from her wife were all in the same breath – Getting on plane now. Flight will be about 6 hours. Will call you later.
Six hours from when, though? The timestamp of the sent text was 3 in the morning, but that wouldn’t take in to account what time zone she was flying in to. Backwards, forwards, what? A quick search on her phone showed that Johto was about 8 hours ahead of them.
There was a passing thought in that anyone else would be concerned that their spouse disappeared in the middle of the night and boarded a plane to another region. But, Fennel wasn’t. A bit annoyed, surely, but not much more than that.
She went on with her day. Leaving in such a rush meant that most of her usual research team stayed behind, but from what she gathered, they planned on joining the professor soon and were waiting to hear from her. Fennel spent her time at the lab scouring science articles, and indeed find what Aurea had gone off to do. Something about fossils found at the ruins of Pokemon that they didn’t think had existed in a certain time from. Nosey as Aurea was, she probably had a hint that they were excavating there, and soon as the slightest clue came about, she was off to be one of the first to research there. The time posted on the article suggested that they weren’t certain about much, and that Aurea had left before the article was even published.
A text had come through at some point while she was reading – Just got to Johto. I’ll call you when I get settled. Have a good day. Miss you.
Fennel shrugged at this, and went on with her own lab work.
It was around 4 or 5 that her phone finally rang, a video call, even. Perhaps the professor had timed it as such that Fennel would be finishing up at work and heading home soon, she always had an internal knack for figuring out the time zones quickly.
“Aurea! Hi,” Fennel was eager to finally speak with her personally instead of relying on displaced texts and news articles to figure out what she was doing.
“Hey,” the professor sounded groggy yet excited, smiling as brightly as ever. “Look at this, isn’t it cool?” She flipped her phone around and scanned over what looked to be a lot of torn up ground, with various things wrapped in tarps, and scientists at work under the lights they had set up to continue under the night sky.
“So, what happened? Why’d you leave so quickly?”
“Lenora e-mailed me last night. She had been there for a few days and found some Girafarig fossils. We had thought that they hadn’t evolved until a few thousand years ago, but this stuff tells us otherwise. There’s all kinds of ruins here from some ancient civilization. Papa is here somewhere, this is more of his thing, he’s going to help us make sense of it all.”
“So...you had to get there first, and make sure you get credit for finding stuff, right?”
“Sort of. She asked me to come and help them identify and excavate the Pokemon fossils before too many research teams show up. I mean, it’s fair game,”
The dream scientist couldn’t help but laugh at this. “Well, I miss you. I didn’t even get to say good bye to you.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“When are you coming home?” Maybe it was premature to ask, but she was well within her rights to wonder.
“I...I don’t know,” the brunette’s face fell at this. “I might be here for a while, Fen.”
Fennel could feel the sinking sensation in her stomach, looking away slightly, but forced a smile. ‘A while’ could mean a lot of things, especially to Professor Juniper. Three days? Three weeks? Three months? “Well, honey, I hope you find lots of cool rocks then.”
“Listen, it’s pretty late here and I have a lot of work ahead of me. We can talk more tomorrow, okay?” she could sense the other woman’s disappointment, but her statement was true. She had been awake for nearly twenty four hours at that point, but she was going to keep at it as long as the adrenaline was working in her favor.
“I love you. Stay safe, okay?”
“Love you, too. Remember to feed the pokemon. Take care.”
The dream scientist finally released a pressed sigh. For half a second, she felt tears welling up in her eyes but fought them off without much effort. Her wife was doing what she loved and that was the important thing. Discoveries like this didn’t happen every day, and this was the trip of a lifetime for her, as last minute as it was.
So it was. She’d get herself some dinner, go home, and read a book or watch TV. Maybe call her mom or sister. Maybe plan a trip of her own to go see her parents so she wouldn’t feel so alone. It wouldn’t be all bad. She always felt a bit lost when the other researcher wasn’t around, but she had become better at finding things to do on her own.
It would be fine, it always was.
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
…y’know what I’m desperate for. I would love to interact with a Lenora Janeth or Coach Lawrence roleplayer who accepts my headcanons and stuff like that. Am I the only one musing as one of the teacher in the Tales of Arcadia series/fandom?
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runninguplenorahills · 5 months
Oh god, I wrote the dumbest fanfiction when I was 12😭
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thislovelylady · 6 years
My url for the meme!
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why: Um duh, Phoenix, but all of Starry’s muses are so much fun and written so well and just – augh. But Phoenix bc I have a bias towards one of my fave charas of all time.
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: all of our threads, fuck it, i’m shameless
My thoughts on their unique characterization/intepretation of their muse(s): I love how you’ve developed where canon leaves it vague. I love his Mexican heritage, your headcanons regarding how he looks when using the magatama, his feelings re: Dahlia & Iris, his family, just – everything you’ve poured into him really makes him feel real. I wish he was real gdi
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: Your dialogue, internal and external, is so fucking en pointe with all your muses. I just hear them in every word.
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: We have so many fucking AUs with Phoenix and Lenora I think this is moot. I can just ping you if I have an idea. But hmm…  I honestly just want more AA muses to pop back into existence. Especially a Maya. We need a Maya.  Also I feel like Gomez needs a brother. And your Joker needs a Batman. I just want to see everything ;o; i’ll read your stuff forever
Someone else I love seeing them interact with: I love reading Gomez & @dramatvrgy‘s threads tbh. I’m glad you’re single ship with her! It just fits. :D
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: I can gush about you for probably long enough to make you uncomfortable and question our friendship so i’ll stop here 
If We Know Each Other
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: Your fucking salt is legendary. Also you share the best new fandoms/obsessions like derren brown and gordon ramsay
What I Think Are Their Strengths: You are so open-minded when it comes to different interpretations and AUs and it’s so exciting; we are never going to stop thinking of new things for the same ship and that’s such a relief to me
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: Anytime we watch something together tbh. Especially the end of Hell’s Kitchen ! That was so fun to watch the whole thing with you.
Why Others Should RP With Them: She’s just great. Starry is great. And she’s on at least once a day, she has a great draft system, she’s just great.
How Others Should Approach Them: Have something in mind and/or be willing to put just as much effort and thought into an idea. Or at least communicate clearly in ooc.
Anything else I want to say about them: we talk like every day and i’m so excited and i swear to god we are going to meet in person one day some how. some way.
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them: check The List. or just scroll up on Skype lmao.A muse I want to introduce to them: i don’t have any new ones now…for now..A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: OK BUT IF YOU EVER EVER WANT TO RP ARI AGAIN PLEASE, PLEASE LET HIM AND CELENE WORK TOGETHER IDC IF THEYRE DRINKING BUDDIES OR FUCK BUDDIES BUT –A thread with them I’m excited about: literally all of themAnything else I want to say: youre not allowed to ever outgrow rpingm. my soul will shatter into a thousand pieces like voldemort’s horcruxes 
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geniusorinsanity · 7 years
hey shelly can u recommend some blogs (specifically Jewish but if there are others u think are quality that's good too)
hi hello! umm let me see. i reblog most of my jewish stuff from my bff @debz0rz, so maybe she has some suggestions for good jewish blogs? @jewishomgcp is also great for general jewish stuff in addition to fandom jewish stuff. 
some quality folks whose blogs i adore: @reservoircat (tbh lenora was one of the first people i ever followed when i got on tumblr and literally bless her for never changing her name/brand i love her and her life and her cats she’s great), @xerem is fab for like, social justice and qpoc solidarity and amazing stuff in general (also they’re my kid and i love them*) (*not my actual kid), @omgcphee is legit amazing re: race and fandom/racism and fandom and how those things interact and phee is just fantastic in general, @angeryginger is just hilarious and i love her. @adulting and @unfuckyourhabitat are my go-to “how to not fuck up 100% of the time” blogs.
if you’re a fandom person: 
some check please blogs i love: @hoenursey, @chillwhiskey, @onethousandroaches (beware of shitposts. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID, BROOKE.) (jk she’s lovely.), @sinbindos
some marvel blogs i love (that avoid the general marvel drama thank gd): @isjustprogress (andi’s tags are the best thing and she writes amazing fic and i’m love her), @enigma731, and @spectralarchers (gifsets for DAYS)
hope that’s helpful? 
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babblish · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
Thanks for the tag! @eurazba
I should really try and get involved with more of these now that I am doing better headspace wise and can think about returning to fic writing again.
Fandoms: Tales of Arcadia... uh... does Dungeons and Dragons count if I’m writing backstory for my characters? I’m going to say yes because I don’t own the mechanics and general worldbuilding such as races and stuff.
Where you post: AO3 sometimes here if it’s an ask prompt.
Most popular multi-chapter fic: Probably Under the Sun - Part One; The White Rabbit
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Whispers Within, aka Uhl fic. It was the first project I ever completed and it has a soft spot in my heart.
Fic you were nervous to post: Definitely Uhl fic, it was the first ever fic I ever wrote and I was struggling with a lot of internalised elitism at the time. When I started writing it I had no intentions of showing it to anyone but then it got out of hand and my ex convinced me.
How you choose your titles: I sort of wait until I’ve written enough that I know where I’m going and then pick out a phrase that has symbolic meaning for the overall plot or theme. Under the Sun is explicitly stolen from the lyrics of a disturbingly Janus Order appropriate song.
Do you outline: Meticulously.
Complete: Only one multichapter fic so far, but I have a couple one shots and teasers that are Complete.
In progress: So many, so very many. I have at least eight projects going rn of varying lengths. The White Rabbit is the Big One for me right now, but I am working on some other stuff such as Web’s backstory (dnd) as well.
Coming soon/not yet started: Witch!Lenora fic haunts me, also... the Homework Squad (prequel to Whispers Within with multiple PoVs)
Also on the Dungeons and Dragons side, keep an eye out for the backstory for my non-verbal arcane linguist wizard Dr. Beauregard Aubin Marceau Thibault-Babineaux, that one is nearly ready to share, just need to finish a couple more scenes. He is my favourite character to play so far, he just... he is a mountain of love.
Do you accept prompts: Not... really. If I want them I will ask for them. Otherwise I am drowning in my own projects enough as it is.
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: Once the motivation returns to me I can’t wait to share Under the Sun: Daughters of Magic. It will be significantly different in tone and more of a dark social comedy than the The White Rabbit which is literally a tragedy.
I tag: @dreamcrow @feather-dancer @creativenicocorner and anyone else reading this whose usernames I can’t remember.
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Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Beast voice: FOREVERMOOOORE.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - They lost touch for a while and then grew closer again. It was slow at first, though, but then Lenora being arrested for murder sped it up and they both realized their feelings around that time. It was at just the right time.
How was their first kiss? - So sweet and showed just how much they cared about each other. It was also a way for Phoenix to show Lenora just how deep his feeling were for her as he had been unsure how to properly express it at first.
Who proposed? - Phoenix. He did it in a intimate setting where she wouldn’t be the center of attention. He knew she wouldn’t like that (and tbh he doesn’t like the idea of public proposals either)
Who is the best man/men? - Larry, Edgeworth, Apollo, and Gumshoe if he wants to be.
Who is the bridesmaid(s)? - Trucy, Rin, Maya, Athena, and maybe Ema??
Who did the most planning? - They planned together. A wedding is between two people, so two people should be involved in planning. Phoenix wanted to as well. He liked to look at the different designs options for the venue.
Who stressed the most? - Probably Lenora, but it wouldn’t be over anything big/serious. And Phoenix found it really cute and would just smooch her worries away.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. (At first it would be maybe a 4 because they get married when he’s still disbarred, but later they renew their vows and make it a fancier wedding, which is when it’s a 7)
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Ex-girlfriends/boyfriends, Lenora’s dad, Kristoph (as he would still be free the time the wedding takes place).
Who is on top? - Phoenix mostly.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Lenora mostly, but Phoenix is more than happy to go along with it.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - It depends. Sometimes they can go for a while and really take their time with foreplay, but they aren’t against quickies during work breaks.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - They mostly do, but it’s not like they keep tabs lmao. Like they don’t feel that it’s healthy to worry about it. Sometimes they like just getting the other off (especially if it’s oral). They both please each other and they’re very satisfied, so that’s all that counts.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Three! (Colton and Aaron are twins who are born first and then Isabella comes along)
How many children will they adopt? - One! Trucy! Their baby girl. (Although sometimes they will want to adopt others that they come across during cases).
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Phoenix would get stuck on how to change them because he has ZERO experience with babies, but neither parent would be suck having to deal with them all the time. It’s a shared duty.
Who is the stricter parent? - Probably Lenora, but Phoenix will gradually learn how to be more strict. Again, it just comes down to experience. Lenora looked after her little sister a lot and so she has developed more skills in that area at first. Phoenix also has to realize that his kids won’t stop loving him if he gets strict.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Lenora, but she’ll tell Phoenix when he gets home from work and he’ll back her up in her decision.
Who is the more loved parent? - They’re both loved!! Although Izzy always looks for her dad’s approval and she’s so similar to him that it’s actually kinda scary.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Lenora and she will fight with the teachers if she thinks they’re not doing their job right (because if the legal system is so screwed up, then what does the education system look like?) Phoenix would arrive halfway through to a heated discussion and cheer Lenora on.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Phoenix BAWLED. And that made Lenora cry more. It’s the reason she brought so many packs of tissues!
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Phoenix because he would defend them. Lenora would want to work on the case, but would be working in another lab by this point. She would feel comfortable knowing that Phoenix was in charge of the case, though.
Who does the most cooking? - Lenora because she’s better at it. Phoenix is learning, though!
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Lenora probably because she knows all about healthy alternatives. Phoenix will eat anything, really. 
Who does the grocery shopping? - They both try to do it together, but sometime one does it alone with Trucy when the other is working.
How often do they bake desserts? - Not too much, but maybe every month or so. More for Trucy’s benefit.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Both. More salad is included in dinner, but the meat isn’t taken away.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - If it’s cooking, then Lenora. Phoenix would try to, but he would also feel bad because his food probably wouldn’t be the best. He’s more likely to get them dinner reservations.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Phoenix because he likes to treat his girl.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Phoenix, but that’s a bit of a stretch. He’s not that incompetent (despite what the fandom thinks).
Who cleans the room? - They like to be in charge of their own clothes and keep it tidy (even though Phoenix has caught Lenora folding his clothes for him) and they both change the sheets (sometimes even doing it together and then ending up rolling around on the bed, tickling each other).
Who is really against chores? - Phoenix, but he’s an adult and he knows they have to get done? lmao! 
Who cleans up after the pets? - Both
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Phoenix, but only if he JUST swept the floor and put the brush away and then sees one tiny bit that was missed. Just kicks it. In annoyance.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Probably Lenora?? Because she’s a good hostess and Phoenix would just pose on the couch and greet guests (lbr it’s probably only Larry) with a “WELCOME TO MY CASTLE, PEASANT.”
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Phoenix and he’s going to keep it!! And then give it to Trucy because she’s a good kid.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Lenora because she has her long hair and more products to use. Phoenix will only take longer if he starts singing like he’s in a full-length concert. Then he’ll remember that he’s wasting water and LEAP out.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Lenora because Smoochums is more her pet than he is Phoenix’s. And Phoenix doesn’t know what to do if another dog approaches.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Every holiday! It would be weird if they didn’t!
What are their goals for the relationship? - To love each other deeply and to always tell the truth. To offer safety and comfort and to help each other through their past troubles. To recognize and accept their flaws, but love them anyway. To allow each other to remain independent and free in their careers.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Phoenix because he sometimes works late nights at the Borscht. He also spends some nights staying out late to investigate. 
Who plays the most pranks? - Phoenix, but he’s taught Lenora the ways of trolling and now they both play pranks on the others at the office (especially Apollo).
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