#lester levenson
i-amyou · 3 months
Stop. There is nothing to change.
"How do I become aware of x"
"I'm tired of waking up as y"
"I wanna experience z now"
Guys, seriously?
Okay, let's take it step by step. Do you see what you do when you force yourself to change something? You just establish it NOT being there.
That leads to you thinking that it's something separate you have to achieve.
That initiates another cycle of cause and effect and you mentally beating yourself, pushing yourself only to get in your own way.
You do not change x into y. You do not change this into that. It's always THAT. And when it's always THAT, then why are you trying so hard to change something? Anything?
It's always " " Experiencing " ".
It's always perfect. It's always you.
By wanting to change something, you create a separation between what is and what you perceive not being. When it's all the same. One.
Being is effortless, so just be. You don't change something. You just become what you wanna experience, you are the experience. It seriously can't get any simpler than this.
There is nothing to change. Watch it all unfold perfectly. Because it is. Because it's all you.
Give up. And just BE. (Yeah that's my favorite line)
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vesora · 10 months
there is no past
ive been avoiding making posts because all the info u need is already posted but i saw making this post in a 'dream' so might as well
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so what exactly is the past? it is an event or experience that precedes the present time.
however if you have been in the loa community for long you may have realised that the only time that exists is now. i had mentioned this briefly in a previous post but i will expand.
the past and the future are concepts made up of thought and false identification. there is essentially no proof of your past existing except from in your mind. therefore how can we be extremely sure that the past actually exists and it's not something we made up?
there is no difference between an 'imagined' past and a past you think you experienced. they both exist in the mind. it is your false identification with an illusory past that makes you believe that what you see in the '3D' is real, when in fact if you choose your 'past' to be different, the '3D' will 'change' accordingly. this is why neville introduced the topic of revision. everything in this world is malleable. the only reason you see the world as solid is because you assume it's solid. if you believed it was liquid, then it would be liquid. there are no objective facts in this world, only what YOU as the creator deems to be true.
isn't this incredibly liberating? nothing from your past holds you back, because it doesn't exist except in your mind! and guess what? YOU are in control of your mind so you can have your desired past where you experience the things you want to and which reflect on the present day.
every moment is a moment you can start afresh. every new moment is a moment you are liberated from your subconscious habits. destroy what you do not want to experience and let it be destroyed. do not come back to it, it does not exist. maybe your ego wants you to revisit it and you become trapped in the clutches of your own mind and your reality becomes a prison, but how silly is that for a God? when you wish to paint, you gather acrylics or watercolours and buy some brushes but without the action of you painting, the canvas remains empty. it remains as it was before because you did not decide to paint. you just stared at the canvas just wishing, hoping, it would change. there is no such thing as 'inspired' action or any of that law of attraction BS. what i am talking about is the act of DECIDING and ACCEPTING that YOU are the painter and the world is your canvas.
don't fall into the trap of just reading posts and understanding it intellectually, apply it. there is literally nothing holding you back, NOTHING. the human body cannot manifest but YOU can. the habits, memories, and thoughts of the mind are illusory. YOU have the power to choose what you want to experience by consciously identifying yourself as the person you wish to be and identify yourself as the life you wish to live. there is no duality, you ARE it now.
although we have said it countless times, leave the world alone. it only listens to your command. it does not exist without you being aware of it, so why not choose to be aware of something you desire? why not choose to be aware of a different past?
there is nothing to do except realise that the human body-mind is illusory. it cannot hold you back. it cannot MAKE you experience something you, as the creator, do not want to.
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be free! you are in control. there is nothing outside of you. all is happening within you. you have an abundance of joy and resources within you, access it. live a life you deserve. take life easy. have fun with the human experience. be your own anchor and be grounded in your own power as god.
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lotusmi · 5 months
A miracle is the easiest thing
From ''Lester and Me, My Unforgettable Conversations With American Master, Lester Levenson (Seretan, Stephen)'' "The irony is that as we release this want, or any desire totally, we obtain what we were wanting"
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"Could I let go of Resisting _ (whatever it is)? Would I? When?" this too "What do I resist about doing ? Or getting __ done? Could I let go of resisting it? Would I? When? Repeat on the same item until you feel great!" Many people think that taking a lot of action on a goal will result in success… how many of you have discovered that this is not always true? Ramana Maharshi said, “Action is prescribed for purification of the mind only.” In other words, (...) if you don’t release it, you get bogged down. Lester said, “I only know what I can DO!” and he set about proving to himself his powers and testing out how free he had become. Lester told me to let go of resisting what IS, and release to make it the way I choose. He did not advise anyone to control people into doing it OUR way. Expressing our misery is not releasing. Trying to control things puts us out of control. Releasing our need to control (with the Sedona Method) puts us in control. So what can we learn from this to apply to our lives? Allow what IS to BE. Don't resist it. Karl Jung said, "What you resist, persists." Let go of the need to change everything you see and experience. It might be there to teach you a valuable lesson. Let go of wanting to be right and make others wrong.
Lester told me that a miracle is the easiest thing in the world to do. Why? Because it is the working of natural law. All Masters are able to totally control the physical world and produce at will whatever they choose.
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4dbarbie-archive · 5 months
More books in Ada's Drive!
I'm a bit late to the update as I've been on break (still am) but Ada added some more books to her drive!
In the main drive: The Ultimate Truth by Lester Levenson 💖💕 It's a great succinct summary of his teachings and I believe it's a reprinted version of his earlier book Eternal Verities which was published in 1962.
Edit: I just looked through Lester's excerpts on the archive and Ada actually shared the same extract when she was on Tumblr! Although the last line is extra; it spoke to me which is why I wanted to include it
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And in her scientific research folder:
States of Mind: ESP and Altered States of Consciousness by Adrian Parker
Altered States of Consciousness by Charles T. Tart
CIA Gateway Experience
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4dkellysworld · 8 months
All the effort you're involved in is effort to be an ego, or to resist being an ego. Do you see what the problem is? It is your constant effort. You must become effortless. - Lester Levenson, Session 34: The Self (Your Self) - Keys to Ultimate Freedom
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crystaldust · 5 months
Highlights from “The mind”
[session 10 of “Keys to the ultimate freedom” by Lester Levenson]
♡ The mind is an instrument created by you to imagine the Oneness as chopped up and separated into many parts interrelated.
♡ The mind is simply the sum total composite of all thoughts.
♡ The mind becomes habitual.
♡ The subconscious mind is running us - making us the victims of habit.
♡ The thing that keeps us from recognizing and expressing our infinity is simply the mind, conscious and subconscious. If we are to express this infinite nature, we can do it only by getting behind this mind. When we reach the realm behind the mind we operate without thoughts, intuitively, and are in harmony with the whole universe.
♡ The direction is to still the mind. Quiet the mind and you'll see your infinity right there.
♡ Just let go of the mind completely and what's left over is your infinite beingness, all knowing, all powerful, everywhere present.
♡ Were we to direct all our energies to stilling our mind, we would soon be realized.
♡ You feel as good as your mind is quiet.
♡ Your mind is an instrument used to identify your real Self with your body and world.
♡ If you do not identify with your body or mind, neither your body not your thoughts will effect you.
♡ In this dream-illusion there's a thing called thought. And thought determines and is the cause of all matter.
♡ In your imagination you have written and projected a cinema show of acts, actors and audiences on a screen and have lost sight of the fact that it is all in your imagination, your mind. Discover this and you discover the absolute Truth.
♡ The world and universe are a mental concoction.
♡ A thought is an assumption of lack causing a wish to fulfill it.
♡ All thoughts are of non-truth.
♡ You've got to use the mind to quiet the mind. You need to use determination to still it.
♡ Without concentrated mind, progress is relatively small.
♡ A wandering, wavering mind is one that dissipates one's energy in the form of many thoughts. Hold one thought and the energy is less dissipated and more conserved.
♡ Direct this conserved energy toward the Self. 
♡ In the beginning the mind pursues the Self intermittently between long intervals. As one continues, the intervals shorten. .Toward the end, the mind is constant in the pursuit and does not wander from it.
♡ The more you eliminate mind, the more peace you feel.
♡ The mind will never discover the Self because the mind is the cover-up over the Self. It's only by letting go of the mind that the Self is seen. You get the mind quiet enough to allow your Self to be obvious to you so that you may use It to let go of the mind.
♡ Eliminating what you are not is growth.
♡ Every mind uses the very same unlimited intelligence. Everyone uses it as much as he believes he can use it to fulfill his desires. When he learns that his mental limitations are self imposed, he lets go of them. Then his intelligence (I. Q.) can be raised to the degree that he knows he has no limits.
♡ We are all in the same mind and the only thing that keeps us from reading the other one is that our attention is too centered on our own little self.
♡ All minds are influencing each other.
♡ Thoughts smother the capacity to be happy.
♡ Anything man can think can be.
♡ The ego-mind struggles for survival and tries to subvert your direction.
♡ The mind cannot give the ultimate answer because it's part of the ego, part of our limitation.
♡ When the Self, which is just behind the mind, is discovered, you see that the mind is limited and let go of it.
♡ Where is the world without your mind? Is there such a thing as world when you submerge the mind? The thought of the world creates it. This whole solid universe that you mentally say is a solid universe is just your thought that it is a solid universe.
♡ Anything your mind is absolutely convinced of materializes instantly.
♡ Mind can do anything with the body.
♡ Every thought is motivated by a desire for pleasure or an aversion to pain.
♡ Letting go of all attachments and aversions is letting go of all your thoughts.
♡ The only thing we are aware of is our own thoughts.
♡ What we're seeing out there is our own mind.
♡ The mind can be made quiet wherever you are. The place to do it is right where you are.
♡ As mind gets quiet, first the sense of havingness decreases until a measure of security is felt. It becomes less necessary to have in order to be. Then the sense of doership decreases until a further security is felt in that one is not the real doer, that the real doer is a higher power, that one can actually be with much less doing and it becomes less necessary to do in order to be. Finally your real Self that has always been in the background steps in and takes over and you feel that there is nothing necessary any more that you must have or do, that there is no choice but to only be!
♡ Unless we're eliminating the mind, unless we're eliminating ego, we're not progressing.
♡ The more we keep looking into the mind, the quieter we become.
♡ If I am separate then there has to be others, he, she and it. And you start dividing up the One by first becoming an individual separate from It. Thought first divides and separates you from the One Beingness, and then creates a multitude of beings and things and all the relationships. It's all your thought, that's all it is.
♡ See the source of the mind and you will find your Self.
♡ Turn the mind back upon the mind and it will reveal its secrets.
♡ Eliminate the ego. The ego thinks and causes all thought. The ego is the identifier of the Self as the body.
♡ Surrender the mind to God.
♡ The mind must be eliminated permanently by realizing that it is not real but only an apparency, an illusion that has its source in your Self.
♡ Where there is only subject and no object, there the Self is.
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ndbookstudy · 6 months
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lester levenson, the ultimate truth, pg. 16.
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lains-reality · 10 months
"Lester (levenson) would say again and again that as soon as someone wanted freedom more than they wanted to control the world, they would go free in a few months. It has nothing to do with how few went free, he said. It is simply a choice we can choose at any time."
change this world. change this ego to a 'better ego'. reprogram your mind. keep persisting. get 1 million dollars, feed the body, beauty, correcting beliefs, loving family, work on mental health, exercise, freedom (human vers).
freedom. things gogoolplex beyond what the mind could ever think of. being peace, love, happiness, joy. thoughts and body only when you want. pure effortlessness. be a cat. be as small as an atom. be in a void. no food. or eat all the 'fictional' food. infinity. all the things from the first paragraph if you like.
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Lester: Well, when I got out of bed I was identifying with the body; that’s why it pained so. But the moment I didn’t, everything was all right. I’d stand up and the body would do anything. Now, this is a test of your spiritual level. This is much higher. This is being not the body.
Q: How can the body be imperfect? You said before that your body is a reflection of your mentality. If you know that there’s only perfection, how can you have an imperfect body?
Lester: At first I identified with the body, and then after a few minutes I did not. Do you want me to come down a step or do you want me to stay where I am?
Q: All right, go ahead and stay up where you are.
Lester: A perfect body is not the highest state. A body is a limitation, even when it’s perfect. It’s a perfect body. It’s still a body, but perfect. A higher state is not being the body.
So, again, it’s a matter of level. But because we’re into a level that is high, I’ve got to stay up there. Be not the body. Be what you really are. Be infinite. Perfection is not a perfect body: perfection is absolute perfection. Although you have a tendency to bring it down to perfect things. Perfection does not relate to things. No thing is perfect. Every thing is a thing of limitation. So, the top state, the absolute, is a state of no things. It’s just beingness, or pure consciousness, pure awareness—the top state. That’s not being a thing, a body—it’s just being.
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all lester is saying is to see how limited the body is, look at all the concepts related to it and ask yourself if you truefully want to deal with it all. all those stories and concepts surrounding the body and mind - beauty, health, mental health, intelligence, death etc, do you want to deal with it? even after being told you are not it?
you're not getting rid of the body when you are free. all the attachments to the stories being severed - is freedom. at least choose to deal with the stories if you want, with your life, happiness and worth not being tied to it.
i cannot express this enough: do you want your desires or do you want to be free? do you want the truth, or do you want the desires?
if you want the desire, thats fine. be honest with yourself, it'll save you time.
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salvatore-sunset · 9 months
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non-dualism, manifestation and astrology.
before you scroll, hear me out!
i know we know that astrology is an illusion and should be traded for a pearl of great price but rn i'm bored, a lil tipsy and immensely curious. i want to see what placements are a reccuring pattern in the non-dualism/manifestation community. i looked into the charts of spiritual gurus and found an interesting theory. therefore, i want to expand my findings into this community that seems active, dedicated and passionate about self-realization. please comment your big 3 + jupiter, saturn, north node placements if you know them. your big 3 is your sun, moon and rising sign in astrology. you can use this link to find it. if you're into astrology and want to look over your chart with me, feel free to dm!
so can you humour my inquisitive mind, love?
if i haven't tagged you below but you desire to be a part of my research, please don't be shy to comment on this post or send me an ask!!!
@goddessxeffect @4dbarbie-archive @charmedreincarnation @realisophie @msperfect777 @lotusmi @lains-reality @sexyandhedonistic @iamthat-iam-blog @glitterdoll888 @shineshineyy @vesora @deusexmachinawitch @heart-shaped-tears @youalreadyhavefullresults @sexydreamgirl @voidprincessblog @enzloa @23209 @diorprncess @miracledarling @littlemissprettyprincess @itsravenbitch @loadreams @starryvoid111 @arisuworld @awarenessis @zen-shu @moonbakeries @babygothprincess @starnightlover @consciousnessbaddie @mysticbewitched @sirensplayhouse @napolonio @itzalizeyyy @remcycl333 @rawhoneybliss
(sorry for tagging all of you. i could really use some exposure for my research and of course, you are all some of my favourite bloggers so i'm quite curious 'bout you!)
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leopardgirlsuki · 16 days
The 'Process'
"the whole thing is simple. We are that infinite unlimited joy we are seeking. We are that God that we are seeking. We must turn within and discover that. When we do, we know it and we hold on to it. Then we go through the process of continuing the elimination of all the concepts of limitation, all the ego-concepts, until we are fully established in that high exalted state of beingness."
Lester: At first, we work at dropping the ego until we get enough attention free so that we can seek who and what we are. Then, when we see who and what we are, we say, “This is ridiculous,” and we don’t identify with the ego-mind-body any more. Then we watch the body go through life like we now watch every other body. You watch it and you know that the body is not you. You’re really above that body, you’re not limited or bound by it. You know you are eternal, whole, perfect and free, and you let the body go its way, like a puppet.
Q: And then you use the body for whatever you like, if you want to, or if not; the show just goes on.
Lester: Yes. You let the show go on. It’s a show that you wrote called “Bodies Playing Limited.”
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i-amyou · 3 months
What would you say to someone who's new to nd\av and doesn't wanna read too much to overconsume and just literally get it to the point ?
The pointers I'd share are:-
This person you believe yourself to be, is an illusion. The mind, and the body are unreal and illusory.
Experience is only ever through Awareness, and that awareness is what you are.
There is no listener of sound, just the sound. There is no one seeing, only the sight. There is no one feeling, only the felt. And this sound, sight, and what's felt is all awareness. It's all YOU. So senses are another illusion, just like your body.
There is no past and future. Only the NOW. Because Awareness always is. It never was, and never will be.
It's always THAT(awareness) experiencing THAT(Awareness). THAT(awareness) is the experience.
Everything you see around you, is just you in different forms. Call it whatever you want, consciousness, awareness, THAT, " ".
What you are, cannot be put into words. It's inexplicable.
This is something you will only believe in and understand on surface level for as long as you keep seeking, the moment when it all becomes clear and evident is when you go within and question the nature of your reality and ponder on these pointers.
This realisation is experience based, so experience it directly, by going within. KNOW yourself.
There is nothing to do. Just be. And observe everything around you, notice THAT. Notice the presence behind it all, the awareness behind this play going on, realise it's all YOU.
I think that's all I'd like to share because these are the key pointers that helped me when I was starting a month ago.
If you wanna read some more in detail:-
The character doesn't exist.
There is no thinker of the thoughts.
Everything is an illusion.
That's just the basics but trust me, that's all you need. JUST BE and GO WITHIN. Ask yourself questions, observe and notice. Do not get too indulged with the illusion, instead be aware and present as you notice yourself just being aware of it all. Rest in that awareness.
I really hope this helps, but you still feel like it's not enough you can go through @infiniteko and @mysticsreblogs @penguinpeace (for the best reblogs of the posts).
Remember to not overconsume, and that words and labels are very limiting. Take it all as pointers, pointers which point to your true nature, to " ".
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vesora · 3 months
You don't want it - enough.
You: noooo sora of course I do thats why I've been reading about it for months
If you did, you would act upon the knowledge. You would let go and just be. Instead you treat yourself like a clown running around chasing for your glasses that are on your head.
You tell me you act on it but it might last for a second or two and then you're back to chasing. How to be, how to be. This is not temporary. This is a radical change of everything "you" thought "you" knew.
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Have discipline. You cannot let habit limit the Self. Discipline, discipline and discipline until the Self shines through because you are always you, is there a time where you are not you?
You just think that the you I'm referring to is the person, but then you I'm referring to is your very being. Have you ever not just been? Removing all labels, are you not? You know all this, you do but the addiction of chasing is just so strong. You don't want to give up on the body-mind yet, you're attached but you tell me you are not.
Even if illusory objects make "you" happy, material possessions can provide only a temporary happiness. A glimpse. Your happiness relies on a world of falsities; you are creating a world, identifying with it then working to change it, then gathering data from the world You created. Stuck in a loop.
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If you wanted it, you'd give every-thing up and be "reborn" , completely free from thought. Just BE. Not for an hour or 2 hours but constantly. This means giving up hatred, regret, guilt, blame, need-based love and attachments of all kind essentially because they're all illusory. It can feel scary and it can feel sad but it is not how You feel because You are no-thing. It is just an emotion arising that you think is yours.
Resistance might be felt but go against it! Have will and determination! It might seem easier to be in a life where it's what "you" always knew but it's not even real! There is no time, you are just thinking you have lived a life when you haven't because every experience is FRESH!
SO PLEASE just continue going back to who you are; " ". No labels, no attachments, no expectations; just " ". Don't let an illusory object You created control You.
Get to a place where if a seeming someone says "the name you think you are", you KNOW it is not YOU. You know You are Dimitris, Maria, Irene all at once because these are just thoughts, you're free.
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lotusmi · 5 months
Freedom Technique: Path to Awareness and Love with Autobiography by Lester Levenson (Spilny, Yuri)'s book Hi. Wanted to share this with you
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''WANT is a paradox. To obtain something, it is important to WANT it. However, WANT means lack of what you want. The more you WANT something, the more you affirm the lack of it. It is better not to WANT but to allow whatever you need to come to you. Otherwise WANT will sabotage you, becoming a block, a barrier. (...) And you know that WANT harbors fear and other negativity. It is better to substitute WANT with ALLOWING. Created by Lester, the process of Releasing, consists of five steps: 1.  Become aware of the emotion and lovingly accept it. 2.  Feel the emotion somewhere in the body.  Anger for example is often felt in the pit of the stomach or in the chest.  Find that spot and feel your anger there. It won’t take too long before you notice that the more you concentrate on your anger, the weaker it becomes.  This happens, because instead of “feeding” it with your energy, you are withdrawing the energy by calmly witnessing your emotion. 3.  Identify the emotion as Wanting Approval (WA) or Wanting Control (WC). 4.  Relax into the emotion. 5.  Release the emotion.  As you keep your attention on it, let it go by asking - Could I let it go?         Yes! - Would I let it go?        Yes! - When?                         Now! Inhale, while asking the last question.  Then open an imaginary window in the spot where you feel the emotion, and with exhalation, let the energy flow freely out of that window, while saying “Now!” Imagine bluish, almost transparent energy flowing out. A feeling or emotion is nothing but energy; it is neither “bad” nor “good.”  We give it different names in order to relate it to different mental states.  The energy flows out… It is gone!  Still, ask yourself: And More? …  Answer: Yes!  And let more of it to flow out… And More? …   Yes!  And let even more of it out… And even More? … Yes!  Let more of it out… And even More? … Yes!  Let more of it out… And even More? … Yea!  Let more of it out… Try to feel the feeling again.  Imagine situation that made you feel angry.  It would help you to locate more anger within you. Keep repeating the process until you find yourself out of AGFLAP and in CAP (Courageousness Acceptance and Peace).  It is important to continue releasing until you are at peace.  It may take time, but time thus spent is ten times worth the effort. You will find that nothing is more rewarding than your state of peace. There should be no thinking or analyzing.  You must say “yes” regardless of how you feel about it.
Lester underlined that releasing will be more effective when we are in the state of either Courageousness, Acceptance or Peace. The entire process of releasing must be always done lovingly. Therefore, before starting the releasing bring yourself into one of the states of CAP with loving attitude. It is easily done when you imagine the end result of a particular releasing: wonderful relationship, money in your account, new house, whatever you are releasing on. Remember to start with accepting and loving yourself unconditionally.
The state of loving peace is the only appropriate state to be in.  If you’re not peaceful, find out what is it within you that deprives you of peace and let it go. When we have no Resistance, no Fear and no Wants, when we don’t wish to change anything but accept everything the way it is, we are free.
Let us start with letting go of whatever we are feeling right now and move into Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace. We begin with Courageousness. It’s a wonderful place, where we are willing to do whatever it takes, no matter what: a place of absolute willingness to do anything. We are adventurous, alive, powerful, self-sufficient and secure. We have a vast vision. We have been here before in this wonderful place and can access it from our past memory, when we were in trouble. We are here right now. On the scale of action, Lester says, ‘Courageousness is a willingness to go into action without fear, to give, to correct, to change whatever needs it, the willingness to let go, to move on.’ It is a very distinct state. Notice how you are immediately becoming more aware, as you move into this state. And from here, let’s move into Acceptance. Just a shift, a different way of a being expressing itself: Acceptance. Get the feeling: everything is OK just the way it is. On the scale of action, Lester says, ‘No need to change anything. No judgment of good or bad. It just is… It is beautiful just as it is, and it’s OK just the way it is. It is wonderful out there… I am enjoying everything just as it is. So take a look, wherever you are, sitting, driving, whatever it is that you’re doing. Can you allow it to be beautiful just as it is? Can you allow yourself to enjoy your surroundings, which includes your body, just as it is? Can you love your body just as it is? The room you are in, just as it is? The city you are in, just as it is? And will it be OK with you to make the decision, and it is just a decision, to feel about wherever you are in life, being just beautiful? Well, the mind may check on this and that, and yet, it is all Awareness, Beingness, and it is always beautiful. Other words Lester used to describe this: fullness, gentle, glowing, gracious, harmonious. And again, notice where you are right now. What it feels like. Be aware. Contrast it to the state of Courageousness… There is a cool air about this state of Acceptance. When you notice the differences between the two states it will allow you to access this state of Awareness more freely. From this place of Acceptance, where everything is OK the way it is, allow yourself to move to a state of Peace. On a scale of action, Lester describes it as I am, I am whole, complete, totally into my Self. Everyone and everything is part of my Self. It’s all perfect. Whatever you’re now feeling, whatever you’re experiencing… can you let it go and let it be even more perfect? Would it be OK with you, if you dissolve the boundaries, whatever they are: boundary of your body, your house, your car, your property, boundary of your country... Can you dissolve these boundaries, and allow everything to be seen as your Self, your own Beingness, Awareness.  Immediately, everything becomes quiet, even more serene, more still. Would it be OK with you if you live in peace every day, all day? Would it be OK with you, if everyone you’ve met will be radiantly peaceful beings, a part of you, of your own Self? If everyone is seen in total serenity, total peace, the world is automatically becoming peaceful and serene. Other words to describe this: stillness, kindness, tranquility, unlimited, whole.
And check to see if our friend the mind has been active lately, trying to figure things out. Can you let go of trying to figure it out? Mind always has a list of favorite things it is trying to figure out. Could you let that process go and allow yourself just be and rest in Awareness? Let us ask the mind if it knows the solution of whatever you’re trying to figure out. Of course it doesn’t. It is one of the most pointless exercises in our lives, to keep asking the mind for an answer, when it doesn’t have an answer. And when we do this, it comes back at us with a judgment. It says, ‘beat yourself up! Is there something wrong with you? There we go again: asking me about something I don’t know!’ Is that helping us to get the solution? What it does… it keeps us on the surface of our mind: all that asking, beating ourselves up. So now we have a decision to make. Are we going to keep being negative, beating ourselves up, standing on the surface of our mind? Or, do we want to let that go and move into productivity, quietness and deepness? Of course, we want to be quieter and deeper.
From this state of wholeness look at your life and see if there is any part that you’re resisting. Anything in your life that frustrates you, irritates you that you try to exclude from your wholeness? See if there is any question, any sensation about that. And just instantly let that energy go. Let it go some more…, and more… And will it be OK with you, if you reclaim that part of your life in terms of yourself? We are responsible for our pictures: everything that we picture is part of ourselves. Would it be OK with you if you make a decision? Irrevocable decision that says I am going for freedom, no matter what. Why not?
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iamthat-iam · 10 months
True freedom is realizing your true Self.
Freedom from the labels, freedom from societal expectations of what you're supposed to be and do, freedom from all physical and mental limitations, freedom from desire, freedom from "past trauma"
How wonderful is it to realize you were never any of that in the first place?
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ndjournal · 8 months
i think i just had an epiphany whilst lying in bed haha ! so all of our thoughts are actually our ego’s thoughts, so are we supposed to detach so much so that we no longer get any thoughts because we simply don’t identify with being the ego anymore & thoughts dont come because the circumstances no longer matter to us !? WAITTT A SEC 🤯
Yep that's the goal! Self doesn't think, all thoughts are limitations
Q: When you quiet your mind and no thought comes in, then what happens? Is it a blank? Lester: No, it's not a blank; you have no mind to go blank! You're in the realm of All-Knowingness; you don't have to think any more; you just know everything and everything falls into line perfectly, every moment. You operate on a feelingness, called intuition
Then once you're permanently established as Self, it's fine if you start having thoughts again
Lester: What is required is that we re-establish that state of the Self again and again until it becomes permanent. Each time we do it, we scorch more of the mind, until finally we have scorched the entire mind. Then we are permanently established in the Self. Then you sit back and the mind is out there and the body is out there and you are not the mind, you are not the body. As long as you know you are not the mind and the body, both of them can go on to their heart's content, and you know that they cannot touch you. Q:  I’m afraid I’d lose my mind. Lester: You actually do lose your mind, and then you reestablish it so that you can communicate. It’s far more difficult to reestablish the mind than it was originally to let go of it because the mind itself was such a clamping down of you, you don’t want to come back to it.  But you will; you’ll start thinking again. The only difference in the before and after picture is that now your thinking is unfree, determined by subconscious, compulsive thoughts; in the after picture there are no more subconscious, compulsive thoughts. Every thought is totally free and without any conditioning by your tendencies and predispositions. That leads me to another great one: Rid yourself of all your tendencies and predispositions, and you will go all the way.
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4dkellysworld · 7 months
Why clear the subconscious to realise Self
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I hope this helps people who are struggling with trauma/deeply rooted wounds and are looking for a way to reconcile this with their goal of self-realisation 💕
The prime obstacle we meet in seeking this unlimited being is the subconscious mind. It is full of thoughts of limitations which propel us every day and they do so automatically. We have made these habits of subconscious thoughts so strong that even when we recognize the direction we would like to go in, the subconscious thoughts keep directing us for quite some time (sometimes lifetimes) until we finally succeed in overcoming them. We overcome them with thoughts of what we really want to do in life, and in that way we become master over the mind, controlling and eliminating the thoughts until only the thoughts we want determine our behavior. Then we’re in a position where we can do something about the mind. We can start to transcend the mind, rising above it and dropping it. In short we let it go! And when we do we find ourselves this pure, infinite, limitless, totally free Being that we naturally are. Then happiness is complete. from Session 9: Mastering Mind and Matter of Keys to the Ultimate Freedom - Lester Levenson
The following excerpt illustrates Lester Levenson's own journey to self-realisation: he actually cleared a chunk of his own subconscious thoughts first before going onto self-inquiry. This would have allowed for a much quieter mind than if he just dived into self-inquiry without it.
I began correcting all my thoughts and feelings in that direction from that of wanting to be loved, to that of loving. And in that process, I discovered another major thing that kind of shocked me. I saw that I wanted to change this entire world, and that was the cause of my ulcers — or one of the major causes. In realizing how much I wanted to change things in this world, I saw how it made me a slave of this world, I made the decision to reverse that. And in the process of following out these two directions — actually unloading all the sub-conscious concepts and pressures in those directions — I discovered I was getting happier, freer, lighter, and feeling better in general. As I saw this direction was good, I made the decision that if a slice of pie tasted this good, I wanted the whole pie. And I decided not to let go of this direction until I got that entire pie of happiness, and with it the answer to “What am I?  What is this life, and what is my relationship to it?” This decision allowed me, as I claim, to get the answer to life itself in a matter of only three months. I believe if I can do it, anyone can do it if they have that much “want to”. In that three month period, all the ailments I had in my physical body corrected. All my miseries dropped away. And I ended up in a place in which I was happy all the time, without sorrow. Not that the world stopped pushing against me —it continued — but I was at a place where I could resolve things almost immediately. Having cleared out the negative fears, all the negative “I can not’s,” I would focus right on the answer to every problem, and get it very quickly. And so, my whole life turned around from being depressed and sick, to being happy all the time, and being in perfect health all the time. from About the Author of another version of Keys to the Ultimate Freedom, also probably in his autobiography No Attachments, No Aversions
I'm not sure why some of the digital versions of Lester's Keys to The Ultimate Freedom didn't include this final session 37 because it's in a scanned copy of a 1993 version (1 year before he died). He had spoken on the importance of clearing subconscious thoughts first to quiet the mind but this was watered down in the 109 page digital version and even overlooked in Session 1 where he says it's "not necessary to dig up this unconscious mind, in fact it's much better to try to quiet the mind." (the wording was changed in other versions to highlight clearing subconscious thoughts first). Depending on the individual ego's own history of trauma, limiting/negative beliefs, tendencies, habits etc (aka samskaras in Hindu philosophy), they may or may not be able to easily quiet their mind to see their Self (the main goal) if they keep getting bombarded with thoughts they can't control despite their best efforts to disidentify/drop/ignore/meditate/control it.
I also believe this is the missing piece and answer to dealing with trauma in a practical and appropriate way on the path to self-realisation. Any good therapy also ultimately concludes with releasing & letting go so it no longer affects the person anymore; this is the true essence of healing. I've personally found a lot of benefit and peace from clearing subconscious thoughts on my own journey and Lester did this too and benefited a lot - he didn't jump straight to self-inquiry (Ramana Maharshi considered self-inquiry to be a practice for 'ripe souls' and recommended other methods for aspirants first depending on their state of mind (to clear and quiet their mind in preparation for self-inquiry)).
So we are all going through the same trip of trying to discover what is this all about, where is my happiness, and when we stop chasing after it out there and we turn inward, we discover that all these hard negative, terrible feelings are only a feeling. And that it is possible to get rid of these feelings by releasing them. All these feelings are subconscious programs — every bit of them put in as pro survival — it's not only fear, but survival. All our feelings have been programmed in to automatically keep us surviving. They keep looking out there, trying to survive, keeping our minds active subconsciously 24 hours a day, so never do we stop to think and discover what we are. So what is it that is keeping us from being in the most delectable state that there is? Simply the accumulated programs called feelings, all these negative feelings have us constantly struggling to survive, having us constantly looking away from this tremendous thing that we are, and all we need to do is quiet that mind and become self-obvious to ourselves of this tremendous being that we are. How do we do it? I say it’s simple. The Release Technique*. It happens to be the fastest, the most effective way there is to achieve this high state of being. When we are in total control of our universe, where every moment is a wonderful, wonderful moment, it is impossible to be unhappy. And I say that is our natural state when these negative feelings are released. So I urge you to learn this technique. It’s a tool, and in one week's time, there will be a big change in you for the better, and from there on, you wiil continue to get better and better, lighter and lighter, happier and happier. from Session 37: Release your Loving Nature - Keys to the Ultimate Freedom *The appendix describing this technique refers to a whole book called The Sedona Method (written by one of Lester's students) and it was too damn long & boring for me to read lol. (If you're interested in the book, you can download it from my Google Drive) The basic instructions is to bring subconscious thoughts to the conscious so they can be dropped: Feel all the thoughts/emotions (if any) and imagine them leaving your being, acknowledge them then consciously choose to release & let them go now so they no longer have a hold on you.
So clearing a chunk of subconscious thoughts first (not aiming for perfection, just clearing the major roadblocks - in particular the ones that keep causing intrusive/compulsive thoughts no matter how much you ignore them) will help a lot in quieting the mind and then you can more easily do the other practices such as meditate/do self-inquiry/self-surrender with a quiet mind to see & know the Infinite Being you are.
Remember that there is no "one size fits all" approach to self-realisation because everyone has different history, traumas, mental/emotional/spiritual maturity, temperament etc (this is a reminder to let your Self be your main guide & guru and do what's appropriate for your own journey, you don't have to follow any guidance/practices/teachings that don't resonate with you even if others are saying something is this way or that way). Even Ramana Maharshi acknowledged this:
When asked once by Swami Yogananda, a Swami with a large following in America, what spiritual instruction should be given to the people for their uplift, Ramana Maharshi replied: “It depends on the temperament and spiritual maturity of the individual. There can be no mass instruction.”
Obligatory disclaimer that this post does not constitute as medical advice as I am not a therapist, this is based on my own understanding of non-duality as well as my personal ego experiences both on this journey and prior to. If there are major traumas that you feel you need to release first in order to quiet the mind, I would actually recommend finding a competent and trustworthy professional to help you unless you already have experience going through therapy and know how to dig into your own subconscious and release things on your own properly (going to therapy in the past gave me the understanding and experience to do this on my own now). I emphasize on the *properly* part because if you attempt to bring up major traumas from the subconscious without knowing how to properly deal with them, it could actually cause more harm to the psyche so be careful on this please.
So I actually do think therapy and trauma healing has a place on this path to self-realisation and this is where my beliefs deviate from 4dbarbie a bit (I still agree with leaving the mind alone but again, clearing the major subconscious traumas/wounds/blockages first has been immensely beneficial and effective in quieting the mind to make it easier to let go of/disidentify from ego and abide as Self). Everything that I share on this blog are intended to be pointers, suggestions and helpful tips for people on the same journey. If you resonate with it, feel free to explore it further and if it doesn't, you can disregard it :)
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