ur-dad-satan · 2 months
I know I'm not working on the Levi smut right now and it's not done, but I forgot that Levi's birthday was soon (Today) so as a little way to celebrate. have a smut title reveal and sneak peak!!
Let's Get Down to Business (Sub!LevixM!MC)
(Includes kissing, touching, kinda fluffy, good amount of talking, mentions of erections)
“I- I want an apology…” Levi said. MC loved when he spoke his mind and felt he deserved a reward.
“I’m sorry, Love. May I kiss you to show that I meant it?” MC asked, still looking at the demon. His face shot up, eyes wide and skin red in embarrassment. It took him a moment to realize how close he was to MC’s face already. His mind went blank, and his eyes fell to MC’s lips; they were so close to his, but he knew he couldn’t make a move. He was frozen in place. MC on the other hand waited patiently for his brain to stop lagging like a 30-year-old computer.
“I- Y- yeah okay.” Levi spoke. MC let a small smile spread across his face and his eyes lidded.
“I need a yes or no love.” MC said and cupped his face with one hand. Levi’s blush spread to his ears and he averted his eyes before speaking.
“Yes. Y-you can kiss me.” Levi said in a low voice. His tone was almost as embarrassed as his tinted cheeks. MC leaned in for a sweet kiss. Levi almost instinctively threw his arms around MC’s neck, and accidentally let out a small moan when MC's hand moved from his cheek to his chin out of light bliss. The human let out a small laugh and broke the kiss.
“Are you okay?” He asked knowingly. It took a moment for Levi to realize what happened, but when he did, his calm face reverted back to one of embarrassment. He cringed and tried to hide his face but MC's hand stopped him, and he repeated the question. “Are you okay, Levi?”
“N-no! I ruined the moment by making a weird noise! You probably don't want to kiss me anymore! I’m sorry.” Levi ranted in a rush. MC just looked at him with a sympathetic look before smiling gently and kissing him on the tip of his nose.
“Honey, you making a noise won’t make me want to stop kissing you. It was cute and it makes me want to kiss you more, honestly.” MC said and squeezed his thigh close to his hip. The gesture caused butterflies to stir in Levi’s lower stomach and he squirmed a bit. He looked so cute with his face burning and MC wanted him. He wanted Levi so bad, he was almost willing to risk it all.
“R-really?” Levi asked genuinely. MC helped Levi turn so he was sitting on his lap facing the human. His knees were on either side of MC’s thighs and MC pulled him close. He mumbled out a ‘yeah’ and began kissing Levi’s neck. The purple haired demon’s mouth fell open in a silent moan. MC’s hands found their way to Levi’s lower back for support over top of his cosplay. Levi’s skin burned under MC’s lips and his breath shuttered with every kiss. The human felt Levi scoot his hips away from MC and his skin seemed to burn even worse.
“Levi,” MC started between wet kisses. He pulled back and looked at Levi’s red face. “Will you do something for me, Love?” Levi nodded, his eyes fluttering open. “Let’s get comfy?” MC suggested. Levi was in an almost trance like state as his mind was practically blank. “Would you like me to help you, baby?” Levi’s stomach flipped and his conscious thinking seemed to come back as just the thought of MC doing something so intimate made his cheeks burn and his eyes widened. Despite this, he still nodded his head before speaking.
“Yes, MC.” The human stood him up and helped him strip down to just his pants he had on under the cosplay and his t-shirt. Then MC did the same for himself. Once done, he made Levi sit so both of his legs were on either side of one of his. He knew it would be… helpful very soon. MC’s hands went back to their place on Levi’s lower back as he pulled the demon closer. He put his face mere centimeters away from Levi’s; their hot breaths fanning over each other’s lips. Levi’s eyes were low and stuck on MC’s lips while MC’s raked over his pretty face.
“You wanna kiss me so bad, don’t you, baby?” MC asked in a low voice. He gripped Levi’s waist just a bit harder to see how he would react; his eyes seemed to darken as he wordlessly nodded his head. “Go on, then.” MC commanded. It’s like he was waiting for permission, because as soon as the words left the human’s mouth, Levi’s lips all but crashed into MC’s with a small moan. MC pulled him impossibly closer and felt his cocks twitch against his thigh.
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levixmine · 6 months
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nuclevi · 2 years
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i found this picture of me and levi on pinterest!! haha crazy isn’t it
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ur-dad-satan · 3 months
I'm almost done with the Belphie smut so I need to know which one y'all want next. Forehead kisses children!!
Yeah they're both sub brother and M!MC but trust, they're very different
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