#like ew lol
solarsaurus-sex · 6 months
do u think i should ask my friend if he'd be down 2 let me pop my pegging cherry on him. just so i can see what its like.
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witchblade · 1 year
abi's first Death is so icky like it's so gross
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renegadewoman · 2 years
Is it so wrong that me? A bad bitch.
Does not want to pay my way into a party??
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cupcakeslushie · 4 months
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I just like putting him in outfits. I also can’t put Donnie in a hood without thinking of Galois from @thedawningofthehour
I blame mostly @tangledinink and @teaableu for making me obsessed with limited color pallets. I love the “muted” look they can give (most of y’all know, my colors can sometimes be eyebleeding, so it’s nice to be forced to just do tiny pops of color)
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asteraws · 1 year
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mesagoza marketplace! 🍅
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dizzybizz · 1 year
someone needs to take him away from me, i have been thinking about him sleeping like a horse the entire day.
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y'all just keep feeding me ideas huh,, @slam-monarchy, @horrocious, @prideofyunmeng
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pftones3482 · 2 years
Listen, I hear y'all and your Touch Averse Autistic Donnie headcanons. But may I take a moment to present you with the option of: Physical Comfort Autistic Donnie, who is very comfortable touching his family and friends and with them touching him? And who uses physical touch as a way to show love without words?
Bc once you start looking for it, he is CONSTANTLY in physical contact with someone, and it's almost always in an affectionate way
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itsnicsalad · 1 year
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valentine <3
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shiftythrifting · 5 months
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What difference does it make
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stinkcoke · 5 months
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merry christmas even tho christmas ends in like 1 hour eehehe have some au stuff from whiteboard
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cringeworms · 7 months
I'm writing an analysis of gender performativity in The Silence of the Lambs for my gender and sexuality class and in the course of my research I have encountered so many bad takes!! I can't not say anything so I've come to Tumblr to rant.
The most common criticism I see is that the ending of "Hannibal" discredits, undoes, or diminishes Clarice's feminism, autonomy, or power, or that it ruins the message of SOTL. That indicates a complete misunderstanding of Clarice and the point of the books! The point of "Hannibal" is to show that it does not matter how amazing, powerful, or how much of a feminist you are: if you are a woman in a career, especially a federal career, the system is designed to put you down and keep you quiet. I think there is nothing more she could have done and nothing she could have done differently to prevent her disgrace. When the system is set up to put men in power and keep them in power, your talent and integrity do not matter if they decide they don't want/need you anymore. There is nothing she can do to prevent the label of "female officer" from haunting her credibility. Even Crawford, who respects her and fights for her, sees her with the caveat of "woman." The one man who does not consider her gender any sort of detriment or a reason to treat her differently is Hannibal Lecter. They have genuine mutual respect. When she chose to be with him, she chose respect, love, and comfort over a life of fighting to be recognized, respected, or listened to. Just as much as it is respectable for women to fight for their right to be recognized in their careers, we must also recognize that that fight should not need to exist in the first place. So, why should there be any shame about choosing not to fight that fight anymore? She spent years in an uphill battle, and she probably never would have escaped it (to no fault of her own!). The ending of "Hannibal" is Clarice raising a middle finger to the system, the FBI, misogyny, and the patriarchy by recognizing that she deserves unconditional love and respect and that the system she fought so hard for was, in fact, completely undeserving of her talent or presence. Her decision is powerful and empowered!
"She was brainwashed!" she literally wasn't. Hannibal tried that (I believe because he was so unfamiliar with the idea of love or family that he didn't know how to understand Clarice outside of the lens of Mischa) but he was unsuccessful. If she was able to resist his efforts of brainwashing while in an altered state she certainly had the strength of mind to make her own decisions. Her decision was not impulsive. Also, I think it serves as a testament to her influence and power over him. She gained control of the situation and he didn't resist that. Ultimately, Clarice chose to spend the rest of her life with the one man who ever truly saw her as more than just a woman, who admired her intellect, and who respected her enough to challenge her. That is not weak, submissive, or misogynistic. Quite the opposite. She chose to leave behind the life she put years of effort into building (because she knew it would be fruitless) in favor of being finally honored and appreciated. That takes courage! She knew her worth, and she knew the FBI didn't deserve her.
Also, anyone who paid any attention to the books saw the romantic tension throughout the story. It didn't come out of nowhere. She really just needed an opportunity or an excuse to be with him, and she was finally presented with it.
I think reading the ending to "Hannibal" as anything other than empowering is a mischaracterization of both Clarice and Hannibal and shows a lack of understanding of the message of the books. I think it reflects a shallow understanding of not only the books, but of how feminism operates IRL (especially during the 80s/90s).
I also must give the disclaimer that I do not think these books are epitomes of feminism or representation. The transmisogyny, racism, queerphobia, etc., are obviously inexcusable. Just because I interpret their message as a story of caution about how misogyny operates, and how it is respectable to choose a path that does not work within that system, does not mean I agree with everything presented in them or any of their harmful rhetorics or stereotypes. I have a STRONG love/hate relationship with these stories and I don't ever mean to undersell the "hate" part of that lol.
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enemywasp · 1 month
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harbingersecho · 9 days
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neath dark waters
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baconcolacan · 4 months
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This is all you're getting out of me btw BUT HEY HEY HEYYYY!!!! MONSTER TOM YAY!! Hellhounds dont all look the same, so this design is for Tom's form only. Originally, in this form he has six eyes, but now all are blind except for the one that perceives heat signatures. He also has a stinger that injects a necrosis/rot inducing toxin. Skeletal study and link to AK's monster form [+ its lore] below
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AK monster form and lore
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phantom-phoenixx · 2 years
Lazarus Pits were foul.
There was no nicer way to put it.
They were supposed to be cracks inbetween the 2 realms where ectoplasm, truly dead and rotten ectoplasm, sank to the bottom of the Ghost Zone and seeped through into the living realm to become apart of the earth, the water, the air. To gather energy and be renewed in order to seep back into the zone to contribute to the everlasting exchange of energies between the 2 realms.
That's what they were supposed to be. Until they were stopped up.
The dead ectoplasm never stopped leaking through, but it never returned back to the zone. It got stuck, held in place with old magics whispered in lost tongues that forced it to stay. To stagnate. To ooze over souls that were supposed to pass over and draw them back into their earthly bodies.
The Pits were a literal crime against nature and those who bathed in it came out with the stench of rotting magic clinging to them like a thick sludge as a marker to the dead and those blessed with the sight that there was something very wrong with the person.
Which is why when Phantom met the Red Hood for the first time, he instantly recoiled with his nose scrunched up in disgust and said 'Oh god ew, what the fuck.'
This happened in front of everyone.
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drunkonduty · 28 days
I was just fucking around with the app
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