#liked how this turned out Ngl
lalazlandd · 1 year
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Tom and Maddie Texture references
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Actor References used :
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itsallaboutbl · 26 days
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This pen looks nice.
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I imagine barnaby trying to be all cool and flirting with howyd subtly but his smoke gives him away fjsns
he thinks he's smooth smh...
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cd-randoodlez · 7 months
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He's just so fun to drawwww- just a big ol spoida fuc
Also I caved and made my own lil self indulgent buggo oc who's works essentially as a 24/7 personal errand boy/assistant and they're constantly done with Mams but quite literally can't do crap about it bc of a deal they made with him
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birdsong-warriors · 2 months
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Fun fact: my late sister used to call him Tigertail all the time as a condescending insult, so I had to sneak that in there somewhere. Also, SURPRISE THAT'S NOT REALLY A SURPRISE.
Also also: we're back to once weekly uploads every Friday. Sorry, guys!
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Part 1: Friend and Family
See up to thirty pages ahead, with timelapses, on Patreon!
Backgrounds, brushes, timelapses, and other assets for sale on my Ko-Fi!
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dzasta15 · 6 months
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my page submission for the true colors mob psycho 100 zine!
Thank you so much @anizinesinc for creating such an amazing project. It was an honor to have my art shown next to so many talented creators <3
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muldery · 8 months
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@lgbtqcreators battleship bingo — friends to lovers
i'm here at the beginning of the end, the end of infinity with you (in/sp)
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rayhantochtli · 3 months
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Cleos your zombie
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cry-ptidd · 8 months
Never be ashamed of letting the horny™ fuel your art
because of your very unwise encouragement of my tomfoolery, i will post the aluseras nelson bit
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lullaebies · 6 months
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Aegon Targaryen sits the Iron throne. He wears the conqueror's crown, wields the conqueror's sword, has the conqueror's name...
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kitzani · 9 days
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drew @megbanned's silly lil duo
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sharkl-e · 4 days
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your lin kuei team aka Mercedes-AMG Petronas for the final installment of the F1xMK1 art series 🥳🥳🥳
this certainly won’t be the last of F1xMK1 bc my brain,,,, is so insane like i cannot begin to describe how awful this brainrot is LMAO
but as always the references are under the cut :333 and to those who know, Bihan 100000% has the same notoriety as Toto Wolff (but in my AU Bihan is a race engineer not the team principal— only bc i genuinely want him to have the most contact with the brothers in terms of radio calls HEHAHA)
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freaky-flawless · 1 year
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It's black history month and I wanted to draw some black monsters, particularly ones that don't get enough love!
ID in alt!
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arsillanola · 5 months
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I love you too Tav.... Blood pleaaaaassee!
I swear this was just going to be a quick sketch and color but somehow I spent two days on this.
Also I know the last panel is technically not part of the scene but I saw this post screenshot (I'm sorry I tried to find the original but coudn't for the life of me) and I could not resist.
Closeups under the cut!
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starry-bi-sky · 10 months
Part six of "Clone Danny"
When the Waynes leave, Danny can finally relax. Even if he's once again hit with a lingering regret that worms itself into his core like a little parasite. The final night that they're there, Bruce Wayne is not downstairs waiting for him, much to Danny's faint, lingering disappointment. He kinda liked talking to him, even if he kept it brief. Probably for the best.
Damian was still there when he returned with a sprained ankle and more ectoplasm burns. Danny tries not to make his limp obvious when he enters, and his clothing smells faintly of sulfur and burnt fabric.
Damian tells him he stinks, and Danny tells him he ran into a ghost. "The Phantom took care of it." He says, gripping his mask in his pocket tightly and avoiding putting weight on his injured foot. His thermos is pressed next to it. His fingers are freezing.
"Ah yes, your vigilante." Damian replies, "The one with the bat." And Danny can see the outline of his eyes narrowing at him.
"Can we really call him a vigilante when the people he's fighting are ghosts?" Danny asks, avoiding the 'bat' comment and leaning against the back of the kitchen chair.
"Did you actually lose your bat, Fenton?" Damian's fingers tap against his arm, refusing to move on. "Despite your ridiculous behavior and attempts to avoid my father and I, I find it hard to believe that the son of two ghost hunters would be as foolish as to forget his only weapon of defense against ghosts."
Ah, so he noticed that. Danny was half tempted to mutter that the bat wasn't his only weapon of defense. He still had his beloved jawbreakers. He's quiet, wondering how to respond to implication that he might be Phantom -- he can't believe Damian picked that up in only a few short days when nobody has caught on in little over a year -- before shrugging.
"I may have given it to the Phantom instead." He says, propping his arm up to put his chin in his hand, trying to look innocent while his heart skipped an anxious beat.
It's probably not the answer Damian wants, but when his word is the only proof he has, Danny doesn't think he should be too worried about it. Even if it meant that a second person outside his friend and enemy circle knew his identity.
He excuses himself shortly after, leaning heavily against the railing to try and hop up the stairs.
(Much to his surprise, Damian follows and lets Danny put his weight on him. He complains that its because Danny will wake his father if he allows him to bumble up the stairs on one foot.)
(Danny ruffles his hair again when they reach the top, and limps towards his bedroom.)
Its three months and a handful of new injuries before Danny thinks about the Waynes again. A new ghost appeared in town who called itself Riftgate and he was capable of creating teleport portals to anywhere in the world.
He was a fucking pain in the ass to fight, costing Danny three hours of his night where he could have been sleeping and nearly his hand. Danny gets dragged through the other side before finally shoving Rift inside the thermos.
But he also ends up nearly 900 miles away in fucking Gotham of all places on the top of an empty roof. Great, juuuust great. Danny is tired, he is grumpy, and he is in a city so laden with ectoplasm that he can all but taste it on his tongue. Or maybe that was just the air quality.
He can't even see the stars here, and his mood worsens.
Well, he's too fucking tired to bother handling this right now. There's no way Sam or Tucker are able to help him considering their distance, and right now Danny just wants to sleep. Maybe after that he can figure out a way home.
So he does, sort of. He walks over to the door and doesn't bother trying to open it, even if there was a 50/50 chance of it being unlocked. (This was Gotham after all.) Instead he sweeps the ground with his foot and curls up at door and he's out like a light.
....Only to be woken up by hissed muttering close to his ear and a gloved hand pressing into the pulse of his neck. "No I don't know if they're dead but I don't think so." Says the unfamiliar voice, and Danny opens a bleary eye.
"He's breathing, but his pulse is too slow to be normal. I think he needs help." The voice, a boy, -- no, Red Robin, great -- continues, and Danny looks beside him to see who he was talking to. No one. "He's probably part of some kind of gang, his mask kind of reminds me of Hood's."
Danny just barely remembers that he's still dressed up as Phantom before he tiredly signs, "I'm not part of a fucking gang." and pushes the boy's hand off.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 (Dani interlude) Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.5 (Dan Interlude) Part 8
will make a masterpost soon
Taglist: @the-navistar-carol @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @gin2212 @youracearocroatneighbour @luckybyrdrobyn @deeplyconfusedbear @epilepticnerd @beautifulmomenttodrawblank
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quirkle2 · 4 months
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space/saturn imagery ritsu i love you
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