#lil lucifer au uriel
surprisingmarch · 2 months
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Heavenly Bound: Searching (Chapter 1)
Lucifer x F!Human Reader Rating: 16+
Fandom: Lil Lucifer AU
Story Type: Fluff / Romance / Drama / Comedy
2,545 Words
-Y/N = Your name- -L/N = Last name-
Music I listened to as I wrote: - Nothing! :)
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ (In this version of the Lil Lucifer AU, Lucifer didn't start to question his father until he was around 23... in angel years, several thousands of years in human years, meaning that none of the resistance has happened yet and all the characters are still in heaven and are now adults.) ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
You survey your heavenly surroundings and recall how exactly you got here. About ten minutes ago, you woke up and begrudgingly got out of bed to make yourself some bacon and eggs for breakfast, it was around 9:06-ish A.M. and the morning sunlight was still pouring in through your curtains. As you got out your eggs and started to put your bacon on your pan with a sizzle, you were suddenly teleported into this cloud like realm. Now you're wandering aimlessly in hopes you run into a service desk of some kind or somehow figure out how you got here. You've come to the conclusion you're not dead, you pinched yourself and checked your pulse, you are alive… So you've come the the conclusion that you were either teleported here for a weirdly specific reason or by accident. …You're assuming by accident since there was seemingly no one awaiting your arrival. After a few moments you calm down and realize just how beautiful your surroundings really are.
You look up and admire the beautiful balconies where beings seem to fly down from and onto… perhaps to sleep. Your current theory is that they act as nests since the beings that fly into them seem to be quite tired looking and the ones that fly out of them seem to be refreshed and energized. If they are nests, you think that's cute, if not… you think they should have nests. You think they would like them, after all, who doesn't like a good pillow nest? You hope they get a good night's sleep if they are nests, only god knows how much they must work to take care of everything, and considering how quickly beings are walking past you, you assume they rarely stop to rest. You look up further, past the balconies and their pretty giant archways and realize there's actually tall white marble walls towering high above you, your jaw drops. "Holy shit.." You think to yourself, how on earth did you miss that? It seems that said balconies that you thought were sleeping are actually just normal balconies that are on two buildings built on top of lines of marble pillars to the left and right of you. Perhaps the balconies are an entrance way for the angels? That would make sense.. they do have wings. You wonder if all the buildings are up high like that or if you'll be able to get into one eventually.
Many angelic looking being rush past you, but they don't even seem to notice your presence. Some are almost a normal person's height, but are furry and soft looking with long ears like a goat, those beings have many fur colors, such as tan, white, cream, brown, light brown.. and grey. Other's are big round many golden wheels encircling one another with many eyes and wings on them… And then there's one that truly frightens you, they have what you assume is a normal angel's head but with many animals heads as well, and they are absolutely MASSIVE. They're practically as big as a building… You've taken a mental note to stay out of their path so you don't get squashed… if that can even happen here.
You decide to go over an inspect a pillar for clues, you carefully weave in and out of the crowd of angels rushing forward and backwards and every which way until finally, you reach a pillar. None of the angels seem to go under here, probably because it's like under a porch to them, why would they go under there? The furniture is up there! Not to mention, it's quite dark under here. You carefully look into the darkness that's just past the pillar line, you decide to ignore it but stay weary of it, You get the uncanny feeling that something is watching you from in there… or maybe it's just the paranoia and your hate for the dark… Either way, you stay faced towards it but focus on the pillar. Many symbols are carved into the golden lining on the bottom on the pillar, but sadly you don't recognize a single one. You use a finger to trace one of the symbols, suddenly, you hear something shuffle from within the darkness and quickly dart your eyes back up at it. You see something open it's eyes, beautiful baby blue glowing irises irk you from the dark.. but whatever it is doesn't seem to have a very threatening aura. The entity's bottom eye lids scrunch upwards like it's smiling and it begins to step out from the inky abyss into the.. slightly less shadowy blackness, revealing a very tall furry angel wearing beautiful white robes with lots of golden jewelry and pretty shiny gems along his collar.. His fur is a beautiful creamy white color and he seems to have a set of medium sized goat horns, unlike the other smaller furry angels you've seen. As he walks over to you you realize that he's absolutely towering, he's at least seven foot, he must be a different species of angel or something. You examine his face, he's quite handsome, he looks perfect in every way, from his nose to his jawline. His teeth are pearly white but seem normal.. except for the incisors, which are extremely sharp looking and are longer than average, but he has a beautiful smile nonetheless. His nose is long and straight, and his eyes are a stunning baby blue, you almost don't want to look away.
"Hello!" The being's voice is velvety smooth like silk and sing-songy, but slightly deeper than the average man's. You hesitantly raise a hand and wave at him, you feel a faint flush take over your cheeks, you feel so out of place here, you have no idea what to do. "Hi.." You greet coyly. The angel smiles wider and giggles at your shyness. "My name is Lucifer, the eldest archangel, it's very nice to meet you!" Lucifer says excitedly as if he rarely gets company. He reaches over and grabs one of your hands and shakes it energetically. His enthusiasm makes you chuckle a bit, you shake his hand and notice he's got quite the grip to him.. it's probably because he's so big. His hand lingers on yours for a moment before he finally lets go.. you wouldn't have minded if he wanted to hold your hand, you could use it right now.. "My name is Y/N, L/N, nice to meet you too." You say chipperly. "Y/N L/N… what a beautiful name." Lucifer responds with a smirk. You smile and flush a bit from the compliment. "Oh.. thank you.." You say softly. "Any time! So, what are you doing in heaven, toots?" Lucifer asks as he summons a golden trident covered in jewels and leans on it, await an explanation. "Well… I woke up, started to make some bacon and eggs.. then.. Poof! I was teleported here." You explain softly. Lucifer smirks widely at you. ""Poof?"" Lucifer asks teasingly. You nod then repeat yourself. "Poof." Lucifer nods in response and looks away and examines his trident for a moment. "Tell me.." His eyes dart back to you. "Are you magical in any way or know any magical beings personally?" He asks blatantly. You slowly shake your head. "Yeah.. that's what I thought. I didn't sense any magic coming off of you." He admits before he looks back down at you. He rubs his chin in thought. "Did you happen to make a pact with anyone or anything? Or did you happen to accept any items you previously didn't have in your home that suddenly appeared?" He asks. "Well…" You say guiltily. "I hate the sound of that.." Lucifer admits. You bite your lip before continuing. "Well, I did find a ring…" Lucifer face palms. "Are you serious?" Lucifer asks distraughtly. You nod. Lucifer peeks at you through his fingers before dropping his hand back down to his side. "Okay.. let me just.." He squats down in front of you, he takes your hands and holds him on top of his, he carefully examines them before a golden glow appears from each of your fingers and strings out into a bunch of symbols. You look up to try to read his expression. His eyebrows furrow and the glow goes away. "No.. that can't be right…" He carefully lets go of your small hands and stands up, he paces a bit before he finally stops and looks at you with a small frown on his face.
"It seems one of my siblings has taken a liking to you.. the ring was left by an angel, by accepting the ring you accepted an agreement.. It seems you accepted a marriage proposal, they most likely used that to get you up here for some reason. I'm not sure if it was for work reasons or because they simply enjoyed you and your antics.. or perhaps fell in love with you.. it is not unheard of… But it seems that's what happened… I didn't even know you could keep mortals up here but it says in the agreement that you shall stay with them for the rest of eternity.. you know.. like a normal proposal. So it seems someone has found a loophole in the system and are keeping you here. Because of the fact you are in an agreement, I cannot help you return home." Lucifer rants. Silence echos for a few moments until you finally pipe up. "WHAT!?" You yell out. Lucifer nods. "Yeah, I know." He says distraughtly, it seems this entire situation has flipped his world upside down. "That's not fair! I didn't even know! Doesn't that mean anything, that it wasn't voluntary!?" You ask desperately. Lucifer shakes his head. "I'm afraid not dear, that's the rules. The agreement you agreed to is quite specific and detailed.. Which leads me to believe it may be Uriel who did it… Though, he hates most people and I don't see him as the proposing type, more of the "I'll die alone in an old shack in the woods with many books type" but.. You never know." Lucifer admits. You both stare at each other. "What!?" You yell out once more. "Look, I'll take care of you until this is all sorted out, I'll make sure you're fed and give you a place to stay… unless your so called "partner" comes to claim you, and depending on who it is and what their intentions are I may still shelter and protect you myself.. But I'll go to the top with this one, I'll inform Michael and have him search and ask everyone. The only thing is.. finding him can be tricky. He's usually on earth battling demons.. but when he is up here he's usually being a recluse." Lucifer says softly. He squats down and grabs your face and squishes your cheeks. "I'll take care of this… okay?" Lucifer asks soothingly. You nod softly, tears weld in your eyes. "Shhh…" Lucifer picks you up and stands back up, he carefully rocks you side to side comfortingly while holding you like a baby. "I've got ya.." Lucifer reassures. You nod and hide your face in the crook of his neck, his fur is so soft and soothing., and he's so warm. Lucifer chuckles at you. "It's okay little one, it's not that big of a deal.. I'm sure it can be worked out in a day or two, tops." Lucifer says.
You raise back up and look at him sadly, he smiles up at you, his eyes soften like honey. He rubs his cheek on yours before he puts you down and wipes your tears from your cheeks. You inhale deeply, and exhale. "This is fine… this… is fine." You reassure yourself mentally. "Come along now, let's go look for Michael and Uriel, you can't miss them, they look about like me but Michael's usually covered in blood and Uriel usually has his nose in a book or scroll." Lucifer says as he waits for you to follow him, you follow him and he carefully takes your hand, keeping a firm grip in case you were to get pushed. You both weave in and out of beings in the opposite direction you were originally going. You accidentally trip over your won feet and bump into someone beside you. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" You swiftly apologize. A tall furry angel like Lucifer scowls down at you. "Oh hey Uriel!" Lucifer quickly greet the mysterious figure. "Lucifer. What's with the mortal? Father will be displeased if you do anything rash to bother any mortals on earth. Put it back." Uriel's voice is coarse and deep like thunder, it makes you flush slightly. He seems very.. melancholy for an angel. "Actually, I was looking for you for that very reason, take a look at her pacts, an angel has trapped her here by marrying her and it seems I cannot return her unless the pact is broken by either you or it's original maker." Lucifer explains with a smile. "What!? No angel has ever married a mortal? Sex, yes. Marry? That's a whole different level of blasphemy!" Uriel yells in surprise. "…I'm guessing that this pact isn't yours then..?" Lucifer asks hesitantly. Uriel bends down and grabs your hands, the same golden strings come off and the symbols appear again. "Absolutely not! Why on earth would you think it's me!?" Uriel asks, slightly annoyed. "It's just so.. detailed. I assumed you were the only guy capable of such a complicated pact." Lucifer confesses. Uriel carefully examines each symbol and concern fills his face. "No.. I've never seen one so complex before, nor have I ever seen one like this ever." Uriel slowly lets go of your hands, stands, and continues. "It seems who ever made this pact truly wanted her to stay.. forever. They most likely fell in love with her." Uriel confesses quite emotionlessly. You look up at Lucifer, he blinks a few time in awe before he quickly snaps out of it and looks down at you and picks you up so you don't fall over and get trampled, you have a feeling he probably meant to do that earlier, but Uriel distracted him.
Uriel rubs in between his brows then down his face, Then he sighs deeply. He lets his arm fall to his side as he glaces at all the scrolls he's holding with one arm. He makes a swift turn in the opposite direction and begins to walk. "These can wait, come along Lucifer and.. what is your name?" Uriel asks, he pauses and looks at you with a brow raised. "Oh! "Y/N, Y/N L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you, Uriel." You quickly say as you hold your hand out as a greeting. Uriel looks at your hand then at you before he hesitantly shakes it. "The pleasure is all mine." Uriel says politely before letting go and flying off. "Hold on tight, Y/N." Lucifer commands as his wings start to stretch out. You wrap your arms around his neck tightly and with that, he starts to fly after Uriel, whom seems to be heading to his library which you can barely see in the distance… you think.
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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rainingstarz55 · 1 year
Sorry for the delay, but here it is 😁 All the lil-lucifer-au characters in human form. I wanted to keep the hair as their natural colour, so yeah, they would stand out a little. Still, hope you like them. I admit I was lazy on the clothes area, only because I wanted to focus on their faces. 😅
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Uriel holding a baby is something i didnt know i needed
I have been absolutely OBSESSED with @brightgoats au lillucifer for years and back in quarantine i wrote a short story about Uriel trying to take care of my characters nephew. The bab is a little older in this piece but I'm absolutely in love w how this came out
Expect so much more lilluci stuff😭
Lillucifer belongs to Bright goat: @lilluciferau
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ducissa-animi · 2 years
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Uriel 🔥
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mysketches15-blog · 1 year
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Here with our angel Uriel (from the lilluciferau) and Dave (my oc) with his powerful, fiery soul.
One of my ocs who can control fire (and hell fire maybe) and well, it’s not a demon.
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amantoli · 2 years
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sayuricorner · 1 year
Lil’s Lucifer/Forsaken AU one-shot: The Lucky Mortal part 1
Warning : English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing ! 😅
Warning 2: One-shot wrote with the help of an AI.
Hey everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D
And to celebrate this new year, here’s the first part of a Lil’ Lucifer AU one-shot that I wrote with the help of a AI and which take place in @camodielsart ‘s Forsaken AU! ^^
Hope you’ll all gonna like it! ^^
Lil’ Lucifer/casino cups AU belong to @brightgoat  and @camodielsart
Forsaken AU belong to @camodielsart
Cuphead belong to Studio MDHR
The OC in this one-shot belong to me.
It was a late night at "The Tuneful Nightingale", one of the most popular bars in Inkwell Isle.
A peaceful and joyful ambiance was in the establishment, an ambiance encouraged by the soft music of the band on stage as the customers were happily wandering at their occupations.
It was the kind of atmosphere that Aya Luckystar liked with this bar.
A perfect atmosphere for a poker night, a poker night she will win without a doubt.
After all, she wasn’t known as “Fortuna” for nothing. 
"Ahh...so nice..." Aya licked her lips with a smile after taking another sip from her glass of white wine.
She stared at the other players around the game table, all of them focused on their deck, not paying any attention to her expression.
It wasn't like it was going to be of any use, it didn't matter what her face reflected, the winner was already known and they knew it.
The only thing that matters is how much cash she will take home tonight.
Inkwell Isle has many casinos and gambling establishments where "Fortuna" was a frequent visitor, so she knew almost every card games and knew how to win at said card games.
And all that thanks to a bit of "luck".
Luck? Yes, luck. Luck to make money. If you have enough of it, then making cash becomes so easy. 
Not even a casino's security can stop you.
But a lot of people don't understand why some people are sometimes lucky when others are less, or why some people are just unlucky.
But in Aya's case? Luck was her biggest and most powerful weapon! Whatever she does, Lady Luck is in a good mood and Aya always succeeds.
She was just outrageously lucky and not just with her actions but also with her looks with her shiny golden hair, her eyes as blue as the sea, her perfectly hourglass shaped body and porcelain skin.
A bunch of physical traits which were very present among her family members, as well as the habit to always succeed in whatever they decide to do.
You could guess that the Luckystar family were known to be "blessed with luck".
Well, that's why they were called the “Luckystars”.
So...what did Aya want to do tonight?
Well, she wanted to play a little bit more, no big deal. She will win anyway.
As she was focusing on her cards, wondering what she will do with her win of tonight, something get her attention, at the bar counter, "luckily" right beside her table game.
Two male toons were at the counter, which wasn't surprising since a good majority of Inkwell Isle's population was anthropomorphic animals and objects.
But something about those two men seemed... off... 
They were both sheeps, lambs specifically, one had a cream colored fur with amber eyes and was wearing a dark red suit, while the other one, the tallest of the two, had a fluffier fur colored with a lighter shade than his companion’s, his eyes were brown and was wearing a brown suit.
The two were just sitting at the counter in silence and, from Aya's observation, she could tell that the two male lambs seemed to be tired and depressed.
"What's wrong with those two?" Aya mentally asked herself rhetorically as the bartender arrived at her table and asked the players if they wanted anything else.
"No thanks," Aya politely said while looking at the two sheeps and still keeping an eye on her cards.
Now she thinks about it, she didn't think she saw those two lambs before, the town was small so remembering someone's face was easy.
Maybe they were from another Isle?
There are several isles around Inkwell Isle, after all.
"What do we got here?" Aya thought as she turned her gaze away from the lambs and focused on the cards.
The other players finally decided to play and Aya mentally smirked at the cards they threw on the table.
Just like she predicted, this round was going to be child's play!
During the poker game, the young woman kept an eye on the male lambs, she couldn't really hear their conversation as they were whispering to each other, however, "luckily", she managed to catch their names.
Apparently, their names were "Uriel" for the one with amber eyes and "Gabriel" for the tallest one.
"Interesting" Aya thought and then she looked back at her cards, trying to find a good hand.
Two lambs with angel names, they must be from a religious family to had such "convenient names".
"I wonder if they had siblings with also angel names like “Michael” or “Raphael”?" Aya playfully wondered as she continued to play.
Despite the fact that she was playing against three other players, she didn't care too much about them and focused only on her own cards.
The game was about to come to an end and the players were one by one deciding if they were gonna raise or fold.
It was about to be Aya's turn when a commotion coming from the bar counter brought her attention.
The two lambs she noticed earlier were having a bad altercation with two oaf looking men, one of the lambs, Uriel, was on the floor holding his nose, probably from a punch given by one of the two men in front of them
"Enough!" The other lamb, Gabriel, shouted, "Leave me and my brother alone!"
"He deserved it!" The man who punched Uriel replied.
"You were the one who started it!" Gabriel shouted back.
"Well, maybe your bro over there wouldn't have been hit if you two didn't act like pompous, snobbish bastards!" The second oaf looking man sneered at the tall lamb.
"Why you..."
Aya looked at the argument with a frown on her face, she know those two men, they were regulars of "The Tuneful Nightingale", they were two annoying thugs who had the bad habits to come at the bar to drown themself in alcohol and cause problems for the other customers.
And tonight they decided to mess with those two lambs.
"Welp! Better intervene before things get really ugly!" Aya decided as she stood up from the table.
"-I'll raise!" The young woman declared as she throwed her deck on the table, the other players stared, stunned, at the cards.
Four aces, a Quads!
"Four of a kind! The winner of this game is Miss Fortuna!" The croupier, M. Victor, announced as the other players groaned in frustration.
Another victory for Fortuna!
"Well, ladies and gentlemen! This was a good game, now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed elsewhere!" Aya said, a little smirk on her face."Oh M. Victor? Could you please do the usual and send the money to my bank please?" 
"Of course Miss Fortuna! It will be done right away!" The croupier nodded.
"Good, thank you! Have a good night!" She thanked him and walked towards the counter right to the two arguing groups.
"Oh my! What a surprise!" The young  woman exclaimed, acting happily surprised, getting the attention of both groups."Gabriel! Uriel! You? there? I can't believe it! It's been so long!"
The two lambs stared at her confused.
"What?... Who?... How do you know?..." Gabriel asked, confused.
"Who am I? Oh, you silly! It's me Aya! Aya Luckystar! It's so nice to see you again, Gabriel! It's been ages!" The young woman greeted the taller lamb by hugging him.
Gabriel just stared at her confused, Aya then turned toward Uriel and feigned a shocked gasp at the other lamb's state.
"Oh my god! Uriel what happened to your nose? Are you alright?" She asked, acting concerned before extending her hand."Here! Let me help you!"
She took his hand and helped a very confused Uriel to stand up.
"I... am... Fine... Uh... Thanks?" The other lamb said, confused.
"Wait! Hold up a moment! You know those two bozos, Fortuna?" One of the thugs asked.
"BOZOS?!" Both male lambs exclaimed outraged.
"Why yes I know them!" Aya quickly interjected."Gabriel and Uriel are two old friends of my parents!"
"They don't look like they recognize you though!" The other thug pointed, sceptical.
"Ah! That's because the last time we saw each other was years ago! I was way younger back then so it’s not surprising they had difficulties to recognize me!” The young woman giggled while giving discret winks to Gabriel and Uriel.
The two lambs were still looking at her confused, wondering what this woman they never met once in their lives, despite her claims, was doing.
When they saw her giving them secret winks, their eyes got a bit wide as they finally understood the situation.
She was putting on an act to fool the two thugs!
"-Yes, of course! Little Aya! I remember now! How could I forget?" Gabriel exclaimed, acting, a bit nervous, as if he happily suddenly remembered knowing the young woman."You really grew up since the last time we saw you!"
"-Uh, yeah! It's really great to see you again! How are your parents doing by the way?" Uriel asked, putting on the same act as Gabriel.
"Fine, fine! They are doing good and I'm living here at Inkwell Isle 2, working as a history researcher and... and..." She said, faking a cough before continuing," Oh excuse me I got a bit carried away! We just have SO much to talk about! How about you come with me? My car is parked in front of the bar, we can go to my home where we could catch up. What do you think?"
The two lambs looked at each other before looking back at Aya's face.
"...Sure..." Uriel said, a bit hesitant. "Let's go."
"Great!" She happily answered before turning toward the two thugs."Of course, you don't have any objections we take our leave, right?" She asked the two men innocently as she fluttered her eyelashes at them.
The two thugs looked at her, uncertain, on one hand they wanted to object and "settled scores" with the two lambs but on the other hand this was Fortuna! THE lucky gambler! She was a very well known and respected customer at "The Tuneful Nightingale" and her reputation brought to the bar more customers who come, whenever she came, to see if her abilities as an unbeatable gambler was living up to her reputation which meant more juicy profits for the bar's owner.
By so, if anyone tried to mess with Fortuna, it was obvious whose side the bar's owner would take.
"Oh, sure! Absolutely, no problem! Go ahead!" The first thug answered, a bit reluctantly.
"Yeah, what he said!" The second thug agreed, also reluctantly.
"Thank you so much!" Aya said with a happy smile and grabbed both Gabriel's and Uriel's arms."Well then, let's go!"
The three begin to walk toward the bar's exit, leaving the two irritated thugs behind.
"Just stay silent and keep walking with me until we are in my car!" Aya discreetly whispered to the two lambs."Better not give those two idiots any occasion to be suspicious!"
Uriel and Gabriel nodded at her and kept walking with her in silence toward the exit.
After they walked out of the bar, Aya stopped and turned toward them."Alright! Right here!" She said, opening the door of her car, a black Delage D8-120. "Hop on!"
Without saying a word, the two male lambs got in the car, Aya was about to get in the conductor seat when M. Victor came out from the bar and walked toward her.
"Miss Fortuna? It was to tell you that the transfer of the money to the bank was done! The bank employees also wanted me to tell you that the "usual procedure" with a part of the money will be done!" The croupier announced to Aya.
"Great! Thank you for telling me!" The young woman thanked and smiled at him.
"With pleasure Miss! I am sure the town's hospital and orphanage are going to appreciate your donations very much!"
From inside the car, Gabriel's and Uriel's, who listened to the exchange, eyes went wide in confusion.
Donations? Hospital? Orphanage?
"As I think so! Good night M. Victor! Give my greetings to your wife by the way!" Aya told M. Victor.
"I will! Goodnight to you too Miss Fortuna!" The croupier nodded at her in salutation before walking back in the bar.
Smiling satisfied, the young woman entered her car and sat down on the conductor seat.
She then turned toward the two lambs.
"Alright! Let's get this show on the road!" She said with a bright smile and started driving the car toward the main street of Inkwell Isle 2.
For a while, the ride was going in silence, none of the two lambs daring to say a word while Aya was focused on the road.
But then, after some minutes of silence, Gabriel finally spoke up.
"Hum... Thank you for having helped us earlier! You weren't forced to do it, especially since we are strangers to each other but, still, thank you!" He said, hesitantly.
"No problem! I'll always be happy to help someone in need!" Aya answered with a cheerful voice.
"Right! Well, anyways..." Gabriel continued, clearing his throat. "We were wondering, uh..."
"What was that you were talking about with this croupier earlier?" Uriel asked the young woman with a direct tone."About making donations to a hospital and an orphanage with gambling money?"
"Uriel!" Gabriel warned his brother through gritted teeth, not wanting to be rude toward someone who helped them.
But, luckily for them, Aya didn't seem to be bothered at all.
"Hmm? Oh yeah! Donations! I was talking about a donation to the town's hospital and to an orphanage!" She answered, casually.
"With gambling money?"
"How did you manage to do that?" Gabriel asked, baffled."Even if you're a regular of this place, you aren't that wealthy are you?"
"Well..." Aya answered, thinking for a moment.
Both lambs stared at her in apprehension, waiting for an answer.
"Let's just say I am just very lucky!" She finally told them.
Gabriel and Uriel stared at her stunned.
" "Just very lucky"? " Gabriel asked, not believing what he was hearing.
"Just very lucky!" Aya confirmed with a smile.
"I don't understand... What do you mean by 'lucky'? How can you be lucky enough to donate so much money to charity?" Uriel asked, puzzled.
"Oh, it's easy!" Aya playfully said as the car drove out from the city and drove on a road through mountains.
She adjusted her hair to be more comfortable while driving and Gabriel could've sworn he saw for a few seconds a sort of stylized clubs shaped birthmark on the back of her neck before it was hidden by the seat back.
"You see, for generations my family has always been extremely lucky! We are lucky in our looks, we are lucky to succeed in any projects we make, anything we do or experience in life is blessed by luck! You can say it’s our innate gift!" The woman cryptically explained.
"You mean..." Uriel began, but was interrupted by Aya.
"Exactly! As you can imagine, being so lucky, my family has accumulated quite a lot of wealth over the centuries! Not only that, but we are also very generous people and we like helping others in need!"
"Alright, but why gambling though?" Uriel pressed." Why taking risks by trying to accumulate what is "dirty money" for donating? Wouldn't it have been easier to just donate a part of your salary? You said it yourself: you and your family are lucky in every way so I guess you had yourself a very well paid job, so why?
Aya thought for a moment before answering.
"Because it's fun! And because it makes me feel good!"
"Hm..." Uriel said, confused.
"I'll explain!" Aya said, with a light laugh." To be honest there's a few reasons why I'm using my luck to win at gambling, firstly, like you pointed out, many gambling establishments manage their business regarding money in a shady way and use shady methods when someone own them money and most people go there with the hope to win "easy money" for their personal gains, so this made me wondering: since thanks to my luck I always win, why not using this advantage to win a lot and turn this "dirty money" into "useful money" by giving a big part of my wins to those who truly need it?"
"That's very noble of you!" Gabriel said, impressed.
"Why thank you! My other reason behind my actions is because it's fun! For some time now, I have been feeling bored of my life and I thought that maybe this is something I can try to spice things up a bit and gambling turned out to be the thing that spiced things up! Not because of the adrenaline of the uncertainty about winning or losing, of course, since my luck makes me never lose, but because of the excitement to create and find strategies to use to win and also about how much I can bet until the game ends! It’s a “win-win” situation for everyone: I use my luck in a way which is very beneficial for those who are in need, the gambling establishments gain more customers because of my reputation and I get the excitement I searched for!”
"That's... a very interesting logic!" Gabriel said with hesitation."I'm not sure if I agree, but still it's interesting ."
"Hehe! Thank you!" Aya said, smiling.
"But aren’t you at least a bit concerned about the risks of being carried away because of this luck?" Uriel asked seriously."I mean, with a luck like this one there's always risks that it'll go to your head!"
"Oh, don't worry! I know how to control myself!" The woman assured him."Besides, I have been raised to always stay humble regarding my luck and to always make sure this luck is also beneficial for those around me! We Luckystars had a mindset regarding karma and it's that pushing your luck too much and letting hubris blind you and disregard your peers always make karma come collect it's debt!" She ended up on a cryptic note.
Gabriel and Uriel looked at her puzzled at this declaration but decided to not comment.
After some minutes, the car arrived at Inkwell Isle 3 and stopped in front of a little house hidden among few trees and mountains.
"Here we are! If I'm not wrong this is where you two live right?" Aya asked as they got out of the car.
"Yes! This is our place inde-..." Uriel begins to say before stopping on his tracks and looking at her confused and suspicious."Wait a minute! How did you guess on what Isle we live and where our house is? We never told you!"
"Well since the bar was on Inkwell Isle 2, that it was pretty late and you two apparently came by foot, I guessed you were probably living on Inkwell Isle 3 since it's the nearest Isle from where "The Tuneful Nightingale" was!" The young woman simply explained in a happy voice."As for how I found your house, well, it was "pure luck"!" She giggled a little.
"Oh..." Gabriel said, not knowing what to think about her answer." Well, anyway, thank you for having given us a ride back home and thank you again for having helped us back at the bar! It was nice to met you Miss...?" He asked as he extended his hand toward her.
"Aya! Aya Luckystar!" She answered with a bright smile as she took Gabriel's hand to shake it and after that shaked Uriel's too."It was also a pleasure to meet you M. Gabriel and M. Uriel!"
She was talking to them with a kind  voice and happy smile and despite the darkness of the night, a halo of light seemed to radiate from her and illuminate her face.
"So bright..." The two lambs thought in confusion.
"Well, I should take my leave now! I hope we will see each other again in the future!" Aya happily said as she got back in her car.
"We hope too! Goodnight and have a safe drive!" Gabriel said calmly.
"Thank you! Goodnight to you too!"
Uriel and Gabriel looked as Aya was driving and the car left in the night, reflecting on how weird this night and unexpected meeting with this woman had been.
Then, once she was far enough, Uriel spoke up.
"Hm..." He began. "I wonder if... She really is lucky... or if... She just says so to sound smart..."
"I... Don't think she was bluffing!" Gabriel replied."I mean, the fact she was able to hear our names at the bar by luck and was also able to find our hideout by luck are proofs enough!"
"Well thankfully, she didn't find out that we are archangels "by luck"!" Uriel sighed as he and Gabriel made their wings appeared.
Gabriel couldn't help but agree with his brother's statement, even if the Almighty forsaken them and Heaven was destroyed, the remaining archangels couldn't just walk around in the mortal realm with their wings visible and reveal their existence to mortals.
What if by finding out about their existence, the mortals also find out about Heaven's destruction and about God having abandoned this world? This would more than certainly cause a massive panic and would end up in disasters after disasters.
That's why Gabriel's group made sure to keep their angelical identity a secret from mortals no matter what, so that the surprisingly very lucky mortal woman didn't find out that they were angels was a blessing in disguise.
"However, there was something strange about her..." Gabriel reflected."Remember this strange bright aura we saw coming from her a few minutes ago? It felt... Familiar? Something I didn't felt for a VERY long time! In fact ever since..."
Both archangels reflected in silence for a few minutes before something in their mind made them connect the dots, their eyes becoming wide.
"LUCIFER'S BLESSING!!!" They yelled in realization as they looked at each other.
Long, long times ago, back when the angel of Light was still in Heaven, God summoned the angels to give them an important task.
"My children! The time for you to do your first task as angels had come! Go down in the mortal realm and give a blessing to a mortal who you will judge worthy of it!"
The young angels were all surprised by this sudden order. It was a rather big task to perform. But they knew it was God's wish and they obeyed.
"We will do the honour of accomplish this task father!"
The young angels then left Heaven for the mortal realm, each of them searching for a mortal to give a blessing.
Among them, Lucifer, the angel of Light, searched to find a mortal to bless. Unfortunately, his searching was not very successful, most of the mortals he found not being worthy to receive a blessing in his eyes. Lucifer became frustrated and disappointed. He began to ask God why he give him this task that seemed so unimportant.
But God was wise and understood. Lucifer's anger and disappointment was because this task was not easy and told his son to keep searching and be patient and that he will end up finding a mortal who he will saw as worthy to receive his blessing.
Lucifer did obey and continued to search for a worthy mortal but without success. After some time, Lucifer got tired from his frustrating search and thought that God would soon notice his failure. But God didn't.
The angel of Light was near a river, still searching for a worthy mortal to bless, when he found a mortal near the river.
The mortal was a young boy, all dirty and wearing rags.The boy looked like he hadn't eat for a long time and seemed to search for gold in the river. Glancing at the boy's basket, Lucifer noticed it was empty.
This get the young angel's interest and decided to get the child's attention.
"Are you in search for gold child?" Lucifer asked the boy in a curious tone.
The boy turned to Lucifer, with fear in his eyes, he kneeled down before the angel, not daring to look at him in the eyes.
"Oh great angel of the Lord! Please excuse this lowly one for being in front of you in a such miserable state!" The boy declared, intimidated."I am indeed searching for gold, my village is plagued by famine and poverty and I was hoping to find gold to help them!"
At this declaration, Lucifer's interest grown bigger. Could this mortal be the one he was searching?
Lucifer had to know. So, he kneeled down to the child and asked him more questions.
"To help your village you say? You do not attend to keep everything to yourself should you find gold do you?"
Shocked by the questions, the child lifted his head to look at the angel with wide eyes.
"No! I would never! Why improve my life when everyone around me would still live miserably? If I would be lucky enough to live well then my village should be able to live well as well!" He exclaimed with determination before remembering who was in front of him and lowered his eyes.
"But why do you search for gold to help your village then?" Lucifer asked once again, curious on what the mortal would answer.
"Because we can only survive a few months in such times and if we do not find any gold, then my village will starve! I don’t want this to happen, something must be done and I want to help"
"And until now you haven't been lucky enough to find any gold, am I right child?"
"Y-yes! Until now I had not even found a single piece of gol!" The boy whispered and lowered his head a little more.
"And yet you have not given up right?"
"I can't give up! My village need this gold and even if I'm unlucky I will keeping on searching precious resources to help them!"
Lucifer looked at the young boy, finally he found a mortal worthy to get his blessing!
"Unlucky you said?" The young angel commented in reflection."Tell me child, what is your name?"
"I am called Asher oh! Angel of the Lord!" The child answered in respect.
"No family name?"
"No, I am an orphan and grew up alone!"
"Well, Asher, you are a truly brave soul my child! Brave and selfless!" Lucifer praised before getting closer to the boy to look into his eyes.
"And brave and selfless souls like you deserve to be rewarded!"
Lucifer then put two fingers on the confused boy's forehead and a few seconds later, the child found himself wrapped in a bright light.
Once the light faded away, they boy was now changed.
His hair, previously ash blond and dirty, were now smooth and shiny golden locks as if they were made of light. His eyes went from gray to magnificent blue eyes which were like two sapphires. His skin once covered by dirt and scars was now flawless and fair as porcelain. And on his forehead was now a mark looking like a stylized clubs.
From a dirty poor child, Asher now looked like a little prince in rags.
The young boy, shocked and confused by those changes, stared at the angel of Light, not being able to say a word.
Lucifer smiled at the child before announcing formally.
"Young Asher! For your strong desire and determination to help your village despite the odds, I, Lucifer, angel of Light, judged you worthy to receive my blessing! And by so, I bless you with an endless luck! From an unlucky orphan, you are now the luckiest mortal in this world! Every act of yours, every decision you take, everything about you, no matter what, is and will be blessed by luck! From now on, thanks to this blessing, you will never know unluck ever again!"
The boy's eyes went wide.
"And as for now, you should be known as "Asher Luckystar"! May this blessing permit you to accomplish your wish to get your village out of poverty and misery!"
The boy raised his head and looked at the angel in amazement.
"Thank you so much my angel! I will try my best to fulfill this blessing!" He said and bowed at the angel respectfully.
"I am sure you will! But listen to me carefully, you have been granted eternal luck for you and your possible future descendants but the gift of luck is not just given, you will have to work hard to stay deserving of this blessing! Should you, or any possible future descendant of your, end up abusing of this luck and use it selfishly instead of sharing it by helping others in addition of improving your life, you will receive hard karmic retributions, am I understood child?" Lucifer warned Asher, seriously.
"Of course! I will always share my blessing with those around me, I promise! I will do everything in my power to improve my life and my village’s! And if I ever get a family, I'll make sure they, and all future family members who would come after, always do the same!"
Lucifer smiled.
"Very good young Asher! Now go and begin to use this new blessing! May it give you and your peers a bright future!"
Nodding, the young boy stood up and bowed deeply to the angel of Light as if he were thanking the sky or thanking God for his blessings. After the boy left, Lucifer returned to Heaven, satisfied to have accomplished his task.
As for the boy now known as Asher Luckystar, as soon as the angel left, the young boy got back in his search for gold and, thanks to his new blessed luck, found what he was searching for while searching in a cave he found by luck.
But inside of this cave, he didn't just found gold, he also found silver, copper, bronze and many kind of gems.
Without wasting anymore time, the child quickly run back to his village to warn everyone about his finding, when the boy bring the villagers to the cave, all of them celebrated in joy.
The cave Asher found was a real ledge of precious metals and gems, there was enough for the village to survive and continue to live for a very long time.
And this thanks to Asher and his holy luck.
Years after Asher became blessed, the village was now thriving with money and trades, the boy began to participate in his village's trades and, thanks to his luck, earned a good living. 
And even though Asher had become an extremely rich child and his life improved highly, he was generous and always shared his blessing with his village.
As time passed, Asher grown up into a successful young man who, thanks to his trade business and luck, made his village prosperous. 
He marked his town's history, everyone in the town knew the name of Asher Luckystar and his blessed luck which he used to help others.
Even after his passing, his legacy lived through his descendants who inherited his luck and got very good and successful lives as well while staying humble and sharing their luck with others just like Asher had done during his lifetime.
This blessing keep on passing in the Luckystar family for generations, even after Lucifer's rebellion against God, even though Lucifer was punished, exiled from Heaven with his followers and sent to a lower realm, his blessing luck still remained in Earth and continued to grant its good fortune to the Luckystars as long as they continued to be good and share their good luck with other people.
"This tale is not just part of our town's history, it's also an important part of our family's history and legacy!" Aya's grandmother told one day to a, back then, very young Aya as she finished telling the tale of their family.
Like most of the members of the Luckystar family, Aya's grandmother was an very beautiful woman who was lucky to aging well, looking younger than her actual age and being very healthy.
As the Luckystar family's matriarch, Aya's grandmother took their family's legacy and their blessed luck very seriously and like her parents and her grandparents before her, she taught to her children, grandchildren and other younger members of the family the importance of the Luckystar's legacy.
Aya, as usual, listened very intently and attentively to her grandmother who, as usual, talked more than necessary.
"And this blessing keeps on living today and will keep living through future generations of Luckystars as long as our family stay worthy of it! A very few of us in our family's history ignored the importance of our legacy and abused of their luck in very selfish and because of that they paid the price deeply"
The little girl's head nodded in agreement at her grandmother's statement.
"But our family has learned from past mistakes!" Her grandmother went on "And we try our best to be worthy of this blessed luck which is meant to be a blessing for others and not just for ourselves! Do you understand sweety?"
"Yes Grandmother!" The young girl said, with big eyes filled with wisdom, a rare sight to see from a little child.
"I will always make sure to remember and respect our family's legacy and blessing, I promise!"
Aya hummed happily as she stepped out of her car, she was wearing a black flapper dress with black, high heels shoes, a pearl necklace, a pair of long black gloves and a white feather boa.
Her hair were stylized in a marcel wave hairstyle, her face had a light eye make up and her red ruby lips were smiling as she was standing in front of the Devil's casino.
It was early evening and for her next "gambling night" decided to go to Inkwell Isle 3 at the casino of none other than the Devil, king of Hell, former angel of Light Lucifer and former angel behind her family's blessing.
Going to this casino was risky, she know that, the owner was the being who give to her family their blessed luck so whatever which could happened there was uncertain and potentially dangerous.
But the temptation, she couldn't resist it!
After all, what better place to use her luck than a casino owned by the devil himself?
Aya had to admit that she felt very excited! For her, gambling was fun, exciting and this casino was going to be the best place to go gamble and get  a ton of money.
After all, she know a good bunch of small business in financial difficulties who would be more than to recieve some investments as help.
And to her luck, tonight the casino organized a special dance night so not only she will had a nice gambling night, winning a big ton of money to donate to small business in need and she will had fun dancing.
Once again: a win-win situation.
Aya smiled as she walked toward the casino, meanwhile, inside the casino, the Devil himself was in his office, working on some documents he had to give King Dice once he was done when he felt something... Weird...
An unknown energy was nearby, an energy which, for strange reasons, was familiar(?) to him.
Lucifer looked up from his desk, frowning at the source of the energy, it was coming straight toward his casino, and Lucifer was sure it was coming from...
"Hm?" Lucifer said and raised an eyebrow, for some reason he knew who it was, he knew this feeling,  from a very long time ago, but it couldn't be.
It was literally centuries ago! It couldn't be HIM! HE, more than probably, passed away for ages, so who could be...?
Lucifer reflected in silence for a moment before a grin appeared on his face.
Wondering the identity of the one behind this energy doesn't right now, because whoever this energy belongs to is coming right into his casino, he is gonna find out very soon.
He will see what to do next once he get the bottom of this.
Now all he has to do is wait and see.
*To be Continued*
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bored-person28 · 6 months
Lil Lucifer au headcanons!
-Raziel hates the color purple, I will not elaborate. -the only Michael had ever slept caused him to have a dream about life pre-Lucifer’s fall, he has not attempted to sleep since. -Zadkiel once choked on a marble and Raguel had to give him the Heimlich Maneuver. -Lailah is in charge of watching any of the freshly made angels to help get them comfortable with their surroundings. -Ariel once snuck a cat into heaven by hiding underneath her robes until she found a room to hid it in. -Haniel can’t seem to remember what she was like before her “talk” with Raziel, she doesn’t even remember what said “talk” entailed. -The first time Phanuel saw Haniel after the Raziel session he thought she was a different angel, it took Barachiel addressing her for him to realize who she was. -Michael has gone through periods of time where he won’t talk to anyone, said periods have lasted on average 7-8 months. -One time while Ariel and Lucifer were fighting as kids she grabbed him by the horns and just sorta…dangled him above the ground. -During the war, no one heard from Rapheal for a while and Gabriel had a panic attack because he thought that Raph had been killed. -When Lucifer got aggressive as a kid, Micheal would hug him from behind until he calmed down enough to talk. -Samuel and Raziel got in trouble once as kids because they were caught trying to sneak into incomplete areas of the universe, (This is one of the only good memories Raziel has of Samuel). -The first time Gabriel saw Lucifer fully as the Devil, He declared that “That thing is not, and never will be my brother”, (Devil still thinks about sometimes, it hurts more than it should). -Uriel was the type of kid who didn’t know how to talk to other kids, so he spent a lot of time reading, causing him to have trouble when he had to speak to mortals. -Micheal would never admit this but he has all of the clothing that Devil wore as a kid tucked into a box he keeps hidden in his room, (Raziel found it once, but now Micheal changed the hiding spot). -A lot of the Archangels who knew Lucifer as a kid wonder what would have happened if they had intervened sooner, and if not talking Lucifer all that seriously about the rebellion at first caused him to become more aggressive with it. -Zadkiel once drank Jophiel’s paint, and ended up puking into a bucket for twenty minutes straight. -Gabe once saw Devil on a date with King dice, was confused and horrified when they kissed.
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shallowseeker · 6 months
You know what's crazy ( ⊙_◎) ? Literally everybody and their momma said to Dean that Cas is in love with him, But at the same time we kinda have just as much saying Cas doesn't have feelings for him. Most iconically Naomi (which honestly slay for her),Pamela kind of , and just as much blaming dean for cas's "downfall", Ishm, Uriel, Hael. Demons knowing abt it.
Would love to know abt your theories on how they know that Cas was specifically in love than deep friendship
Hello! I hope you don't mind me adding your second part to this:
Pt2 I got kind of more to say but sent too quickly, anyways! Like angels can understand emotion especially the ones more in control, angels have felt before, Lucifer and anna and other fallen angels so it's not like it's a new concept and that cas was unique in that matter but yea curious on why you think the angels knew cas was specifically in love
This is a lovely ask, and I struggled to do it justice all week and I...just can't. So my answer will run the gamut of all the vibes. I hope you don't mind! :D
Biggest giveaway?
Cas's default is -> he's a big dick
The theorem: As Cas is to Sam (read: mean), Cas is to most everyone else.
Support: Cas was by Ishim's definition, "the angel's angel," he exemplified everything warrior-angels should be. In the words of Naomi: "swift, brutal, no hesitation."
Tumblr media
Behavior: Sam is Cas's friend, but Cas is also kind of a dick to Sam. He gets annoyed with Sam, even pretty late in the series, especially when Dean's not around (when Dean went to AU world, Cas was abrupt with Sam, rolling his eyes and making lil digs, especially when they're interacting with Gabriel). And well, the crux of my argument is that think that's actually his default with all angels/people.
Dude was stationed with Uriel. At one time, they were the biggest assholes in the garrison, okay?
This default serves to highlight the ones he's gentle with:
The list of the people Cas "babies" is vanishingly small (Dean, Meg, Samandriel, Claire, Hannah, Charlie maybe, Jack, Mary, and eventually Rowena, only occasionally Sam). He's much meaner with his actual friends, and almost all of his close friends are a little mean.
That's my fun answer, anyway. :-D
My serious answer is, however, a little contrarian...I hope you don't mind, but I wanted a little variety today. I'm not gonna support all this with text like I usually do, but it's one of the things I'm going to focus on in my next rewatch. Maybe!
TLDR for below; I don't think a lot of people really knew. We confuse misrepresentative-innuendo and conceptualized-loyalty for “romantic” understanding at our own risk.
I don't think everyone and their mother actually knows that Cas is in romantic love with Dean
Or at least...not in the capacity that certain phrases are emphasized in fanon.
That's not to say I don't think some characters suspect. I do.
But I think some of the soldier-angels shriek moreso over shifting loyalties and perceptions of corruption. They perceive the shifting of Cas's loyalty to the human family as corruption and abandonment.
In fact, I think Cas bedding down with his human family could be a sore spot for the angels in particular; it's like God abandoning them for humans all over again. I'm not so sure they view that abandonment as romantic...only that Dean is the root of the problem.
TLDR; I think most recognize it as devotion, but I don't think it's well-parsed, especially for the soldier-angels. I think their assumptions run the gambit, from fealty to devotion to fanatical, and I can easily, easily see them viewing Cas's allegiance to Jack with the same kind of unhinged grief.
In the world of SPN, I think much of the romantic and sexual needling comes down to warring power dynamics and simple verbal sparring/one-upmanship
Characters will do anything to get the upper hand and feel in control in a dicey situation, and those barbs often come in the form of misrepresenting, diminishing, and disrespecting other characters' relationships, whether those are relationships with their parents, siblings, friends, comrades, or other loved ones.
In SPN, we get numerous equal-opportunity jokes about sexual attractions, incest, love, affection, weakness, etc etc etc.
TLDR; I think the one-off innuendos are often not a real commentary on the truth of any relationship but simply...disrespect.
Some examples to consider:
Balthazar - Often held up as proof that Bal thinks Castiel is "in love with Dean," I don't think Bal's line "The one in the dirty trenchcoat who's in love with you" means much at all. I actually think Balthazar's one of the least cognizant of parsing the complexities and differences between romantic/filial/friendly/etc emotion. (He's also a gloriously morally gray dude, our first meeting with him is him taking possession of a child's soul, after all.)
I mean, sure we got Balthazar saying Cas "is in love with you (Dean)", but we also got him calling Cas Sam's boyfriend. Either my man Balthy does not parse the complexities of relationships, or he's just...simply being disrespectful and diminishing Cas's relationships to his human fam in any way he can. It's about the one-upmanship in the conversing.
I don't see a of of compelling evidence that even angels like Balthazar parse Castiel's emotions on anything more than a superficial level.
Hael - "When Castiel first laid a hand on you, he was lost!" I tend to file this one under assumptions of fealty and mission-oriented devotion. Yes, they fear Dean has a corrupting effect. But you could argue the same about Jack. That when Cas laid a hand on Kelly's stomach, he was lost—became a terrible weapon laid at the feet of the child instead of Heaven.
So, I'm not sure that the desperate bleating of warrior-angels can be conceptualized as romantic. I think it's far more likely to be mission-oriented. They want Cas to have devotion to The Authoritarian Company/War Machine and they perceive Cas's "new" human-oriented locus of morality as Needy Little New Family.
It's the same way authoritarian governments seek to sunder "blue-collar" soldiers from their families, purposely stationing them away from their hometowns so their loyalty is divided and dehumanization of the enemy gets easier, too.
A war machine like Heaven wages an overwhelming, all-encompassing war. The British Men of Letters and Hell are big war systems, too. American hunting is a medium war, their guerilla tactics and case-by-case approach a smaller scale, still. A family is an even littler one. (Kelly Kline's name, in fact, means "little war.")
Crowley - In season 10, we get Crowley needling Cas about burning through his grace to "save his boyfriend," but he also jokingly calls Sam "Dean's wife."
At core, it's disrespectful teasing, seeking to misrepresent, to get a reaction, to have power in the conversation. That's kind of Crowley's MO. Just because Crowley says something sexual doesn't mean we make the assumption that it's true. People that are verbally sparring, and especially men that are in a tense power dynamic, talk like this all the damn time, especially when we're mixing social classes. It can get real crass and real mean...real fast.
It doesn't mean it's meaningless in the context of being revelatory. Crowley and Rowena both desperately want to be included in any social group they can worm their way into, and quite badly, so there's often real emotion hidden within their barbs.
My point is you have to consider the source and speech patterns of that character before taking that ball and runnin' it downfield.
Innuendo, innuendo...
Another example is Zachariah's "erotically codependent line" with regard to his brothers. This barb has the sole purpose of invoking a class stereotype to make Adam lose hope and respect for his "lower class" bros. It's literally the classist "hurp-durp-Alabammer-cousin-fuckers" trope.
I personally tend to take innuendo primarily for what it is: incessant, pathetic barking.
In general, I take the demons' words with a grain of salt. They're always coming from the weak position and always hurling as much innuendo as they can to undermine and disrespect any relationship.
Even the demon Cas sits with in season 14 who says, "How'd you lose Dean? I thought you were joined at the everything," is just a crass attempt to have power when conversing. He could just as easily have made this comment about Jack or Mary or Claire and landed the same with respect to have a tonal upper hand.
Strategically, they don't have to assume Cas is in love to recognize the weakness of caring. They can say anything ugly about any person he appears to care about.
And very generally speaking, innuendo is typically lobbed from a weak/insecure position. The saying goes:
"The louder the bark, the weaker the bite."
Take for example, my man Crowley and my homegirl Rowena--almost always coming at a situation from the weak position. Crowley lobs barbs, innuendo, and faux-affection left and right. (So do other "scrappy" characters, like Dean, Rowena, Bela, every demon, Balthazar, etc)
Generally, we see this speech pattern emerge from Hell-oriented characters, which makes perfect sense, as Hell is the bottom "rung" of society, and Hell-oriented characters and witches often have the weakest social currency. These characters've got the biggest chips on their shoulders!
Mary vs Dean's speech patterns
Despite their similar natures, this is a big, very fascinating personality diff between Mary and Dean Winchester. Mary prefers to attack from the stoic strong position (more like Cas, Sam, etc), and she rarely mouths off. Dean is more drippingly sexual and "mouthy" because he's used to being IN the weak position. (Mary had a stabler homelife, we can suppose, at least when it comes to this.)
"You're the bottom in the relationship!" Crowley barks at Cas in season 6. Meanwhie, Cas isn't even threatened, thinking to himself quietly in TMWWBK, "I was stronger and smarter than him." Not threatened in the slightest. It bites Crowley in the ass eventually too, "You like to bend 'em over quick, don't you?" he laments at the beginning of season 7.
Likewise, Cas too gets more verbal when he's coming from the weak position with other angels. Take for example Michael in season 15, "In the worlds of a friend, you had a whole oak tree shoved up your ass." Cas rarely engages in this kind of false bravado, preferring to keep his aces up his sleeve. But with Michael, he is definitely coming from a strategical weak position with a goal in mind: goading Michael to act.
Goaders and Goad-ees
There are exceptions to the rule, like when you get sadists such as Alistair, Lucifer into the mix. I think more often than not, the goaders and the goad-ees reveal structural weak-strong dynamics.
I'd even argue that Lucifer's volatility keeps him in an emotionally vulnerable position in perpetuity. He's almost always trying to get reactions from those around him because he "needs love, he had a jakced childhood." We see this with Cas, and the effectiveness of his gray-rocking with Lucy. In season 12, getting a reaction from Cas becomes a stand-in for getting a reaction from Chuck.
So, that's my opinion.
I think most of the screeching and barbs are mostly power dynamics in action, not proof of knowledge per se and certainly not proof of understanding the nature of how deep Cas's feelings go
Are there exceptions? Sure.
A few of them, like Anna and Samandriel and Hannah, seem aware of Castiel's "too much heart" but I'm not super convinced that they conceptualized this as being about Dean in particular so much as about being who Cas is as a person with respect to his past rebellions.
Uriel knew something was up, I think, but it's hard to tell if his needling was more disrespectful like Balthazar's or not.
Naomi knew something was different for sure. Interestingly, she seemed aware of both Dean's and Cas's feelings, which makes sense as her work is in intel.
On that note, I think it’s interesting that the ones who truly conceptualize Cas's feelings tend to also recognize Dean's. Very few truly "knowledgeable" characters see one side in a vacuum.
I'm not sure that Ishim contextualized love outside of obsession, but he was jealous and seemed particularly jealous that Dean appeared to return the feelings, "That's what I thought." implies that.
I think of all the characters, Lucifer knew. He's got one of the higest cognitive empathies in the show. He knows it so well, he doesn't even need to resort to innuendo to tease them about it. (See the simple, effective: "CAS!") Same with AU Michael. Like Naomi, they seem to know and acknowledge both sets of feelings.
Close family and friends
Beyond the scope of this, but I think a lot of the fam n' friends knew what was up to some degree, but that didn't typically come out in the form of disrespect or teasing once they knew about it for real, especially characters like Bobby, Mary, etc. Eventually Rowena, Crowley, Ketch etc probably could tell something was up.
Now, are soldier-to-soldier relationships life-of-death kinda intense? Yes. Because of this, I think some neurodivergent characters that are more "cerebral" when it come to emotions (*cough* Sam) could be a little slow on the uptake. :-)
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emicat1159 · 2 years
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Angelune, day 6
Did this very last-minute and it'll haveta do
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surprisingmarch · 23 days
(𝗟𝗜𝗟 𝗟𝗨𝗖𝗜𝗙𝗘𝗥 𝗔𝗨) 𝗨𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗹 𝘅 𝗚𝗡! 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 (𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼: 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺)
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He raises a brow at you as he takes the bouquet with one hand and examines each and every bloom. "Is something the matter, my little mortal?" Uriel asks cautiously before he looks up at you and examines you face to try and figure it out for himself. "What? No, no.. I just wanted to pick you some flowers because I love you and I wanted to show you how much I love you by hand picking them and making my own bouquet." You explain calmly, a smile stretches across Uriel's face. "I see.." He says softly as he removes his glasses, he looks back up at you. "Why thank you, my sweet darling. I promise to make it up to you later." Uriel says gratefully before he gets up to fetch a vase for his beautiful blossoms.
After a few days he does end up drying a few of them to commemorate the moment and to capture the memory. He has them hung in a picture frame in his library next to his desk, so he can see them forever and ever. And just by looking over his shoulder, he can remind himself that everything is going to be okay, because he has you.
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rainingstarz55 · 2 years
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Looks like Uriel will have to carry out the burden of explaining everything to Cassidy. Won’t end well 😔 Also gave her a new outfit since her old one probably got so worn out after months of travelling.
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theepsizet · 2 years
When asked "What do rainbows mean to you?"
Lilith: Gay rights.
Devil: There's money.
Raphael: The sign of God's promise to never destroy the whole Earth with a flood.
Uriel: It is an optical phenomenon that separates sunlight into its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on raindrops.
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tftl-au · 2 years
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Gabriel::I must be crazy if I want to do this, Uriel.
Uriel: you have to
Gabriel: Yes, but! She's my baby, I can't leave her with a human maid. What if something happens to her?
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Uriel: Listen to me well, Gabe. Miriel will be fine, besides, I already paid for her care. SO DON'T FUCK AROUND
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Gabriel: all right .uhg, I don't want to leave my princess, that's all.
Uriel: You see? I have the reason..
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zoliber250 · 2 years
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Angelune 6th day: Uriel
True fans know from what I took it uwu✨
I love that one >:3
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amantoli · 2 years
🧡 Baltasar x Uriel ♥️ mini cómics
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